S ll S ll l d h t l d h t t i bilit f t i bilit f Small
Small S Smallll-scale l and d shortshort h t-term t variability i bilit off ocean surface winds: Applications to objective bj ti analyses l and d ocean modeling d li Alexey Kaplan Lamont-Doherty Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University In collaboration with: D Gombos (MIT), D.Gombos (MIT) J.C.H. Chiang (U of CA, Berkeley), D.Witter (KSU), M.A. Cane, D. Chen, Y.Kushnir, R.Seager (LDEO), H.-P.Huang (ASU) Importance of highhigh-quality continuous ti wind i d products: d t 1. Major influence of wind f forcing i on the h patterns off decadal--bidecadal sea level decadal trends Global vs Regional Sea Level Rise Aviso Importance of highhigh-quality continuous wind products: 2. Ocean model responses to errors in winds Zonal wind Variability Inside 4degx4deg x1mon bins (NSCAT) RMS SSH [Npac-DUACS], [Npac DUACS], Curchitser et al. 2005 SSH response to perturbations from AMIP fluxes (GMAO Poseydon ocean model, Borovikov et al al. 2005) RMS SSH [Npac-DUACS], C rchitser et al Curchitser al. 2005 Importance of highhigh-quality continuous ti wind i d products: d t 3. Learning relationships to constrain t i reconstructions t ti off wind fields in pre pre--satellite era Number of observations in ICOADS http://icoads.noaa.gov/ htt //i d / Reduced R d dS Space Optimal Analysis K Kriging, i i Traditional OI EOFs of zonal wind anomaly Independent ENSO Indices H How persistent i t t are climate variables near Equator? Persistence: Anomaly autocorrelations with 1 month lag Persistence: Anomaly autocorrelations with 1 month lag Verification from the satellite data Persistence in AMIP experiments: zonal wind anomaly J h Chiang John Chi ett all [2001] approach h to surface wind modeling: g Linearized dynamical core of a GCM [Seager and Zebiak, 1995] is set up to take both sea surface temperature and elevated atmospheric heating as forcing for the atmospheric dynamics. Elevated heating is parameterized via precipitation. precipitation Persistence of the actual forcing SST and Precip correlations GFDL model (CM2 1) (CM2.1) Observations Ob ti (NCEP OI and CMAP)) Simulation skill Consistency of persistence pattern in ERS (colors) and simulation (contours) What is a good wind product f from a ttropical i l ocean modeler’s modeler s point of view? Why equatorial persistence is so important? RMS of sea level response to the wind noise in a single location Conclusions and Outlook • Univariate statistical analyses of historical • • • • climate data sets are useful but additional constraints are needed. needed Within ~10 degree of Equator there is a persistence of surface wind and pressure p p anomalies. It is driven by the persistence in SST and precipitation (via elevated heating) heating). It can be used in historical analyses of instrumental data by either fitting AR model to th wind the i d or pressure data d t or by b including i l di temperature and precipitation in the analysis. Wind analyses suitable for driving ocean models must be persistent near Equator.
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