Fall 2014 - American Hebrew Academy


Fall 2014 - American Hebrew Academy
Volume 3
Number 1
‫דרך לעתיד‬
Fall 2014
Meet the Lerners
Page 6
Derekh L’Atid
Pathway to the Future
Table of
Message from Ellen Green ......................................................................................................................... 3
The Eagles Emporium is now online ............................................................................................... 3
Mapping the Derekh L’Atid while living in the present ...................................................... 3-4
Academy’s sterling silver charm ....................................................................................................... 4
Alison Lerner: “American Hebrew Academy is a gift to our family” .............................. 6-8
Many thanks to our volunteers ........................................................................................................... 8
Donors often overlook benefits of giving appreciated stock ................................................ 9
Ann Bussel: “I lived the history that all of you only learn about.” ......................... 10-11
Thank you to our donors ............................................................................................................... 12-15
Academy Brick Campaign ............................................................................................................... 16-17
We Want You! .......................................................................................................................................... 18-19
Support the Academy ............................................................................................................................. 20
‫דרך לעת’ד‬
Derekh L’Atid
Pathway to the Future
Volume 3, Number 1
Fall 2014
Assistant Director of Institutional
Advancement, Parent and Alumni
Ellen Green
Director of Communications
Hillary Zaken
Media Services Specialist
Phil Cathcart
336.217.7000, ext 5014
Contact Information:
Derekh L’Atid
Office of Institutional Advancement
American Hebrew Academy
4334 Hobbs Road
Greensboro, North Carolina 27410
Phone: 336.217.7100
Fax: 336.217.7011
Photographs courtesy of:
Andrew Bowen,
Andrew Bowen Photography
American Hebrew Academy
Chico Sabbah, z”l
Board of Trustees
Leeor Sabbah, Chair
New York, New York
Glenn Drew, Executive Director
Greensboro, North Carolina
Marsha A. Cohen
Washington, DC
Joel Fleishman
Durham, North Carolina
Douglas Greene
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Larry Heyman
New York, New York
Bonnie Lipton
Chicago, Illinois
Jehuda Reinharz, Ph.D.
Waltham, Massachusetts
Scott Shay
New York, New York
Michael Steinhardt
New York, New York
Abe D. Tawil, MBA, MA, MD, JD
New York, New York
Joseph Weilgus
New York, New York
Academic Advisory Board
Joel Fleishman, Co-Chair
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina
Lee Shulman, Co-Chair
Stanford University
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Stanford, California
Sharon Feiman-Nemser
Brandeis University
Waltham, Massachusetts
Rabbi Daniel Gordis, Ph.D.
Shalem Foundation
Jerusalem, Israel
Christoph Guttentag
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina
Ira M. Miller
Ramaz School
New York, New York
Samuel S. Wineburg, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Stanford, California
On Front Cover:
Alison, Mark, Carly and
Sean (‘16) Lerner
American Hebrew Academy
Message from Ellen Green,
Assistant Director of Institutional
Advancement, Parent and Alumni Relations
Shana Tova U’Metuka! It’s an exhilarating time of the year.
The sound of the shofar awakens all and fills us with the
desire for Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah – repentance,
prayer, and charity. These same principles inspire us to
instill our children with Jewish value and to support the
American Hebrew Academy.
The generosity of many enables us to provide the gift of
an Academy education to those who could not otherwise
afford it. Valuing our students as individuals, developing
their unique potential, and preparing them to change the
world can only be fulfilled with the help of our parents,
friends and alumnae. On behalf of the Academy, I wish to
express my sincerest appreciation to everyone for your
invaluable support.
Ellen Green, Assistant Director of
Institutional Advancement,
Parent and Alumni Relations
In this edition of Pathway to the Future, Derekh L’Atid, we wish to thank and recognize tour
Academy donors and volunteers and share the many ways in which you may participate
throughout the year with your charitable gifts to the Academy.
May this New Year bring each of us much happiness and good health and lots of new reasons to
celebrate life.
The official American Hebrew Academy Eagles Emporium
is now available online!!
Shop until you drop at the new Eagles
Emporium official online store! Here
you may purchase all sorts of Academy
branded products to suit many styles
and tastes. Please visit: https://www2.
americanhebrewacademy.org/eestore/ or click on the Eagles Emporium logo to enter.
Also available from the Eagles Emporium is Beach Mind, music and songs by the students of
the American Hebrew Academy. This CD showcases the many talents of our students and will
bring you hours of listening enjoyment. Purchase your copy of Beach Mind today by clicking
on the Eagle above. Beach Mind may be purchased as a CD or an MP3 download for $20.
Mapping the Derekh L’Atid
while living in the present
It is not easy to have a clear vision, and even more difficult to fulfill it.
The American Hebrew Academy is unique. Our school is not only the tangible
product of a vision, but an incubator for 21st century Jewish thought, and a true
transformational leader in international Jewish college preparatory education. We
are a vibrant community that offers so many possibilities for students to mold and
actualize their own dreams here on campus.
One man, Chico Sabbah, had the creativity
and persistence to build this school. He laid
the stones, and he built the path.
Not everything is so straightforward.
My path, my derekh, has been a winding one.
Some kids dream of becoming a teacher at
age 10, and their entire lives are focused on
fulfilling that dream. As a child, I dreamed
of two things: to make aliyah, and to act as a
catalyst for change in the world.
The first dream, I accomplished. I moved to
Israel in 1998 and lived there until 2012,
when I moved back to the United States to
be closer to family. In Israel, I worked as a
journalist, a field I had neither studied, nor
even dreamed of working in.
Hillary Zaken, Director of Communications
The year was 2001. I was a student of
ancient history, working on my Master’s
thesis on the wars of the biblical hero Joshua
to conquer Canaan, the land of Israel, when I
was thrust into the arena of modern war.
The Second Intifada was raging, suicide bombers were targeting Israeli civilians,
and the world was looking at Israel through a magnifying glass. I couldn’t sit on
the sidelines when I knew I was able to make a contribution, and I knew that press
coverage of the unfolding violence was shaping the world’s perception of the conflict.
So I started to work with the English language media, and made it my personal career
goal to become a true story teller, to share raw and unbiased tales of real life, and to
inspire readers to ask and answer hard questions about life in Israel.
I was truly fulfilled in that role, because I was helping the newspaper readers in North
America understand the everyday lives of the people living in Israel, Jews, Muslins and
Christians. I was – I hoped – making change in my own way.
Now that I am back in the United States, I hope to focus entirely on my second goal –
to make a difference and make change - this time in the lives of Jewish teenagers from
around the globe. My path has led me to the Academy, a school built on dreams.
American Hebrew Academy
At the American Hebrew Academy, thanks to your generosity, we offer rich, life-changing
experiences. When we challenge the status quo, we think of what we want to build in its
place; we create and articulate our vision for the future so we can ensure that it takes hold.
Opportunities at the Academy are limitless. We are not just educating Jewish youth to be the
leaders of the future, we are creating a community in which intellectual and spiritual growth
happens on its own terms. The experiences students have here are as important as the roles
they will hold when they graduate.
Our future as a people is in our own hands. Today, the best investment is in a holistic
education that challenges students to ask tough questions and create their own vision of the
It is your commitment to enabling students to receive a rich and innovative Jewish education
that will pave the pathway to our vision of the future, the Derekh L’Atid, at the American
Hebrew Academy.
Introducing the Academy’s sterling silver
A-H-A Magen David charm
Designed with love by Leeor Sabbah, Board of Trustees Chair
This beautiful Star of David charm, which everyone can wear with pride,
is ½” in diameter and crafted from the letters
Each letter is raised and highly polished, and sits on a background of matte silver.
This is a great gift idea for:
• Graduation
• Making Honor Roll
• Completing a successful academic year at the Academy
• Being fabulous in a school play
• Showing the ultimate symbol of Academy school spirit
• For any and all occasions!
Cost: $108.00
Don’t Delay, Order Yours Today from Ellen Green:
egreen@aha-net.org or call 336.217.7056
Alison Lerner:
“American Hebrew Academy
is a gift to our family”
For Alison and Mark Lerner, a boarding high school was never part of the educational
plan for their son Sean (Class of 2016). It was their visit to the American Hebrew
Academy that changed everything.
Alison and Mark reside in Charlotte with their family and are very involved in the
local Jewish community – each has held Board positions at most of Charlotte’s Jewish
agencies, and Alison is currently chairing the Charlotte Jewish Federation’s Annual
Campaign. But they had never imagined sending their child to a Jewish high school, let
alone an international Jewish college prep boarding school.
Alison explained: “Boarding school
was never part of our plan. Our
children attended the Charlotte
Jewish Day School through 5th
grade, and then went on to a
secular private school. They have
enjoyed Camp Ramah Darom in
the summers and we assumed
that life would continue in that
direction. We had heard of the
American Hebrew Academy, but
never considered it as an option for
our kids.”
Sean and Alison at the “We Stand For Israel” rally in Charlotte
Sean was successful and involved
at his middle school. But his
encounter with the American
Hebrew Academy at Camp Ramah
brought change for the family.
Sean signed himself up for the
Academy’s Prospective Student
Weekend of his 8th grade year,
applied for the AHA Honor Society,
and began trying to convince his
parents what a great option this
would be for him for high school.
Still, the Lerners assumed that this
was just a whim.
“As we drove onto the AHA campus for Prospective Student Weekend that November,
my eyes welled up with tears. As we pulled onto the beautiful campus, I knew
in my heart that Sean wanted this for all the right reasons, and that it was our
responsibility as Jewish parents to give it to him. Of course he would be able to have
American Hebrew Academy
Jewish experiences living at home, but living in this Jewish community, learning in this
unique environment, creating deep connections with his peers and teachers could not be
replicated at home.” Alison shared.
The Lerners credit the American Hebrew Academy with helping their son grow into a
confident and motivated student, educated not only in general studies, but in Jewish values
as well: “He is the kind, self-assured, independent young man that parents dream about
their son becoming. I am so grateful,” said Mark.
Alison and Mark are also educating their children by example. They believe that giving to
the Jewish organizations that enrich their lives is an investment in the valuable work that
they are doing for the greater community.
Sean ‘16, Alison, Mark and Carly Lerner
“This is why we give to the American
Hebrew Academy’s Annual Fund,”
Alison said. “When you make an
investment in something, you can take
pride in its success. Sean’s experience
at AHA adds richness to our lives that
we could not have found anywhere
else. And it is our responsibility to
make sure that this opportunity is
there for every family who seeks it.
The Academy is a gift to the Jewish
community, and its graduates will be
the pride of our community in years
to come. We are proud to be a part of
“As I am writing this, Sean is with
his classmates on their junior class
trimester in Israel. I’ve spoken and
texted with him often, and they are
having an amazing time. The students
are truly “walking the Bible.” Sean
loves history, and this trip is the
epitome of “experiential learning.”
The bonding that is going on with his
classmates, their teachers, Madrichim,
and with the land of Israel, is like
nothing he would have experienced in
high school at home, and once again, I
am so very grateful for the American
Hebrew Academy.”
Mark and Alison Lerner
To our volunteers!
Mrs. Miller’s Life Skills Class from Grimsley High School
Kelly Drew
David Weiner
Stacey Papier
“Volunteers do not
necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart.”
American Hebrew Academy
Donors Often Overlook Benefits
of Giving Appreciated Stock
Excerpts from the Chronical of Philanthropy by Holly Hall
With the stock market at historic highs, donors who
may be reluctant to make a cash donation often forget
that gifting appreciated stock is an excellent way to
minimize taxes on capital gains while benefitting their
favorite charitable organization.
Many people may not understand the advantages of giving appreciated stock versus cash. They
can take an immediate tax deduction for the full market value of the stock and also avoid the
capital-gains tax they would owe by cashing in the securities. At the National Philanthropic
Trust, for example, “we have seen an uptick in gifts of appreciated securities,” says President
Eileen Heisman. “The market goes up and a day or two later, people want to capture the higher
value of their gift.”
At the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, gifts of appreciated stock, both publicly and privately held,
accounted for 57 percent of donated assets in the first half of this year, up from 43 percent
during the same period in 2013. And for the first time since the Great Recession, donated
securities at Fidelity accounted for a higher percentage of contributions than in the first half
of 2008, right before the economic crisis, when they stood at 54 percent of gifts. At the Jewish
Federation and Endowment Fund, in San Francisco, stock gifts for the fiscal year ending June 30
are up by more than 12 percent over the previous year.
Given the stock market’s growth since 2012 and a resulting rise in household wealth, charitable
giving probably reached or surpassed pre-recession levels in 2013—or it will this year. Experts
had predicted that charitable giving by individuals would not reach pre-recession levels until
Donors should be
routinely asking
themselves if they have
appreciated stock to
donate. For example,
a billionaire who had
liquidated highly
appreciated stock to
give several million
dollars to build a new
medical facility was
chagrined to learn that
he would have been
better off if he’d simply
donated the securities
rather than paying
capital gains taxes on
the appreciated stock
Ann Bussel:
“I lived the history that all of
you only learn about.”
When Ann Bussel was twelve years old, she and her brother would go out on the
weekends to see a project her father was working on, a project which would change
the course of history.
Ms Bussel’s father, Shepard Broad, a Jewish immigrant from Belarus who rose to
become a highly successful banker, lawyer, real estate developer and philanthropist,
had undertaken to refit three boats for Aliyah Bet. He would send those ships to
Europe to rescue Holocaust survivors from the Displaced Persons (DP) camps to bring
them to Israel, then British Mandate Palestine.
“At an early age I was exposed to the creation of the State of Israel first hand,” said Ms.
Bussel, “Every weekend my brother and I went to see the progress they were making
rehabilitating those boats. They sailed out of Miami disguised as banana boats, and
once they were on the open sea, they turned towards Europe to rescue the survivors in
the DP camps. So I was an eyewitness to history.”
Not only did Shepard Broad coordinate
efforts in Miami to break the British
blockade of Palestine by rescuing Holocaust
survivors, he was part of the group of 17
American Jewish leaders who purchased
weapons to outfit the fledgling Israeli
Defense Forces. Liaisons from the Haganah
were regular visitors to her house, and
she recalls meeting Teddy Kolleck, Reuven
Dafni, and even David Ben Gurion during
her youth.
It was Ms. Bussel’s experience growing
up in a family that was instrumental in
the creation of the State of Israel, and her
lifelong friendship with American Hebrew
Academy Board of Trustees founding
member Joel Fleishman, that brought her to
the Academy.
Ann Bussel
Although she has only visited the campus
once, on the occasion of Mr. Fleishman’s
80th birthday celebration, Ms. Bussel was
struck by its beauty: “My first impression
of the American Hebrew Academy was the
magnificence of the grounds,” she explained,
but it was the mission and vision of the
school that really caught her attention.
American Hebrew Academy
“The concept of a non-denominational boarding school
that places such a great emphasis on Jewish values
appeals to me greatly,” said Ms. Bussel, “And hopefully as
the years go by, the school will continue to work for the
betterment of the Jewish community. Bringing Jewish
young people from all over the world to get to know
American Jewish youth, and conversely for American
Jewish youth to be exposed to their contemporaries
from all over the world, is so very important. It is that
concept that turns me on.”
Because of her belief in the importance of education
about Jewish values, and in honor of her friend Joel
Fleishman, Ms. Bussel, as the Vice President of The
Shepard Broad Foundation, granted a scholarship to
benefit American Hebrew Academy students. The
Foundation, established in 1956, supports causes mainly
in South Florida and in Israel. The generous Shepard
Broad Foundation scholarship is earmarked for students
from the Miami area, across Florida and throughout the
Southeastern United States, who value the unique Jewish
boarding school experience offered by the Academy.
Shepard Broad, z”l
It is Ms. Bussel’s belief that: “If more people in the world, Jews and non- Jews alike, practice
Jewish values, the world will be a better place,” which is why she sees the American
Hebrew Academy as having a “great role in American Jewish life.”
Miami, Florida, where Ms. Bussel grew up, was not known for being open to Jews. In fact,
she recalls signs saying “Jews are Dogs” in local hotels, and felt the sting of anti-Semitism
herself. It was the establishment of the State of Israel that brought a change, she recalls.
“Finally we had a place to go, a place to call our own,” she explained, “The establishment of
the state of Israel changed history. It is our paid up life insurance.”
However, Ms. Bussel clarified: “Even now we need to stand united as Jews. You don’t have
to have the same beliefs or observance, but you have to be able to live together, to respect
one another. Exactly how we go about being Jewish doesn’t matter, but we need to stand
again, together, in the face of anti-Semitism and against the persecution of Jews in the US
and the rest of the world.”
“If you are a boarding student at a Jewish non-denominational school like the American
Hebrew Academy, and you learn about Jewish young people from other cultures and from
other places, you develop a greater appreciation as you go out in the world, of what other
Jews are experiencing. This is one of the most important things a young person can learn…
We don’t want a chasm between the secular and orthodox Jews in America.”
‫תודה רבה‬
todah rabah
It is with heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude we
acknowledge each of our Academy supporters who
have generously made charitable gifts thus far this
fiscal year (July 1 - September 30, 2014). We thank
you for sharing in our vision to educate the best
and brightest future Jewish leaders of the world.
(We apologize in advance for any omissions we might have made.)
Founders Society
Academy Supporters
M’yasdim - ‫מייסדים‬
Tomkhim - ‫תומכים‬
$50,000 and above
$1,000 - $4,999
Drs. Esther and Bernard Klionsky
Allen E. Alevy
Theresa and Dr. Matthew Farber
Susan and Scott Shay
Academy Visionaries
Holmim - ‫חולמים‬
$10,000 - $49,999
The Frances and Benjamin Benenson
Foundation Inc.
Andrea and Andrew Bowen
Academy Leaders
Man’higim - ‫מנהיגים‬
$5,000 - $9,999
Greensboro Jewish Federation
Anna and Joel Goldberg
Kelly and Glenn Drew
Rosemery & David Gray
Jeffrey Brendt Gray
Alexandra and Marc Greenberg
Helen and Harold Lindenthal
Bea and Dr. David Mandel
Robert Russell Memorial Foundation
Leeor Sabbah
Zmira Sabbah
Jacke W. and Lottie K. Samet Israel
Experience Scholarship
Judith and Lee Snitzer
Barbara Diamonstein and Carl
Dr. Abe Tawil
Jared Weinstein
American Hebrew Academy
Academy Friends
Haverim - ‫חברים‬
$18 - $999
Maurice Alley
Patsy and Perry Allred
Josh Andrainous
Jodi A. Applebaum
Lyn and Shlomo Ayal
Drs. Ellen and Peter Bamberger
Nancy Bard and Don Baer
Elizabeth Bailey and Richard Smith
Gisela and Dr. Ricardo Baler
Shelley and Jon Ballin
Nina Barcessat and Fabio Vasconcellos
Rita and Hayim Baron
Heather and Paul Benson
Hinda Berkelhammer
Perla Breziner and Raul Serebrenik
Betty Ann and Ken Caldwell
Beatriz Chernys
Kilmeny and Dr. Michael Chernys
Pauline and John Cobrda
Sylvia and Harry Cohen
Fenna and Christopher Corry
Louise Crown
Nancy and Dr. Scott Culclasure
Tommy Davis
Rogelio Dela Cruz
Lynn and Robert Delaney
Joanna and David Delman
Myrna and Cantor Steven Dress
Dr. Karen Dresser
Joyce Drew
Ileana and Melvin Fachler
Adinah Miller and David Feder
Peggy and Jon Feder
Alice and Dr. Marc Flitter
Pnina Fogel
Janice and Micah Frankel
Kim and Donald Freedman
Victor Freiman
Kim and John Furlough
Eileen and William Gellerman
Dinah Kleiman and Eleazar Goldberg
Mary Block Levine and Alan Goldstein
Michelle and Barry Goodman
Aliza Gotlib
Drs. Jane and Gary Grandon
Ellen Green
Leslie and Larry Grossman
Gruber Shannin Family Donor Advised
Cliff Hill
Muriel Hoff
Ruth and Joshua Hoffman
Drs. Brenda and John Holbert
Andrea and Rabbi Larry Moldo
Lisa and Nehemia Ichilov
Patrick Muscatello
George Holder
Richard Isaacs
Robin and Dr. Baruch Jacobs
Michelle and Stanley Jacobson
Ann Johnson
Alysia and Greg Joost
Abby Karp
Mila and Igor Kilimnik
Jolyn Kimmel
Reid Klarsfeld
Rhoda and Dr. Jay Klarsfeld
Alison and Mark Lerner
Eric Lerner
David Levine
Debra and Steven LeWinter
Vicki and Art Lewis
Jane and Dr. Kenneth Liss
Eve and Alan Marcus
Rhea-Beth Markowitz
Anita and Martin Masterson
Darrell McDonald
Arlene and Timothy McKane
Edna Mhashilkar
Nikki Michaelson
Moises Michan
Gina and Dr. Joshua Moss
Joan and Dr. Jeffrey Muss
Alice and Charles Newell
Samra Nissan
Dr. Dara Nix-Stevenson
Danny Nurafshan
Vivian Olkin and Sim Sitkin
Stacey and Phillip Papier
Kathryn and Patrick McMillan
Kathryn Pinyan
Debbie and David Pleasants
Hindy and Rabbi Yosef Plotkin
David Press
Rabbi Miriam and Jeffrey Spitzer
Elizabeth Ramsey
Karen Rebibo and Rami Kadoch
Shulamit and Dr. Jehuda Reinharz
Karen and Lane Ridenhour
Drs. Lori and Barry Ripps
Rachel Ripps
Dana Robinson
Sheree Rosenkrantz
Rachel and Neil Rosenthal
Danielle and Eric Ross
American Hebrew Academy
Linda and Jerry Shapiro
Tanger Family Foundation
Phyllis Shavitz
Tina Tatum
Nancy and Robert Sharff
Andrew Shaw
Elaine Tinnin
Gladys Siegel
Drs. Sherryl and David Tomboulian
Dassi and Alan Sklan
Brenda and James Watkins
Dayna Slotkis
Sharon and Howard Weinberg
Renee Smith
David Weiner
Lois Snitzer
Clayton Westervelt
Michal and Dr. Shay Soker
Jennifer Whitaker and Tom Christopher
Rebecca and Mark Spielman
Irvin Williamson
William A. Stern Foundation
Joseph and Gina Yelin
Orna Tal
To all of our donors, a heartfelt thank you. Your
generosity enables the American Hebrew Academy to
continuously lead the way in providing a unique learning
environment where our students are able to pursue their
passions, challenge themselves and each other and apply
their knowledge, skills and values to make a difference in
the world. Together, we are creating the next generation
of gifted, talented and spirited Jewish leaders.
United States
‫דרך לעתיד‬
Derekh L’Atid
Pathway To The Future
American Hebrew Academy’s Brick Campaign
Be a part of American Hebrew Academy history
Through the Academy’s Pathway to the Future brick campaign, you
will be part of a permanent legacy for future generations to see.
You can write a message to be engraved on a commemorative brick,
which will pave the walkway entrance to the campus’s Gardens of
Israel and enhance the beauty of this already amazing space.
The bricks will reflect a network of friendships and relationships as
well as personal and family milestones. This is an opportunity to
recognize or memorialize a friend or loved one; honor a teacher,
child or parent; celebrate a special achievement; and create a lasting
memory of your time on campus or congratulate a recent graduate.
The possibilities are endless.
Thank you in advance for being part of our legacy and creating a
Pathway to the Future with your participation.
Leave your
at the American Hebrew Academy
American Hebrew Academy
Bricks are available in three sizes: 4” x 8”, 8” x 8” and 12” x 12”, and come in
two colors, Brown and Impressions. They are engraved using state of the art laser
technology and will last longer than a lifetime.
Become a donor on our Pathway to the Future
by purchasing your
brick today.
4” x 8” Concrete Brick
in Impressions
1-3 Lines of text*
8” x 8” Concrete Brick
in Impressions
1-6 Lines of text*
12” x 12” Concrete Brick
in Impressions
1-8 Lines of text*
*Each Line can contain up to 20 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
The Zighelboim Family was so excited about the new Brick
Campaign; they wasted no time in ordering the first two bricks.
Stephanie Zighelboim enthusiastically states, “This project is
fantastic because it gives our family the opportunity to honor
the American Hebrew Academy in a very permanent and tangible
way. How fun it will be to witness Academy families and friends
transforming the gravel circles in Chico’s Gardens of Israel into a
patchwork of loving messages, dedications and inscriptions.”
courtesy of
Andrew Bowen,
Andrew Bowen
For more information or to order your bricks, please click on the link below:
You can support the Academy so easily and in so
many ways:
•Cash donations
•Pledges of stocks or bonds
•In-kind donations of supplies, equipment
and/or services
•Matching employer corporate gifts
•Name the Academy as a beneficiary in your will
•Name the Academy as a beneficiary under your
life insurance policy
•Support the many Academy fundraising projects
throughout the year such as our:
To Support
the American
a) Rosh Hashanah Appeal This year raised $8,612.00 - Thank you!
Send cards to family & friends around the world or purchase a Shana Tova greeting in
our special Rosh Hashanah edition of HaGesher which is chock full of mouth-watering
holiday recipes.
b) Year-end Campaign
Making a charitable gift before year’s end provides a tax deduction in the current year.
c) Family Weekend Strikes for Scholarships Bowling Event
Become a Family Sponsor or a Corporate Sponsor of this fun and popular event.
d) Mish’loah Manot
Purim is a time for rejoicing & giving gifts. Fulfill a Purim mitzvah by purchasing
yummy, kosher gift bags for those special family members and friends in your life,
shipped throughout the U.S.
e) Pathway to the Future Brick Campaign
Commemorate, celebrate, memorialize, honor and support this permanent legacy by
paying tribute to family & friends. Let’s pave the walkway of the Gardens of Israel.
f) Academy Class Trips
In order to provide special class trips during the Academic year to students, we have
grown to depend on the generosity of others to help defray some of the costs for those
students whose families need some assistance.
g) Tribute Cards
With a minimum contribution to the Academy of $18, a tribute card can be sent
to honor, commemorate and recognize life’s most important events with a unique
message of care and compassion and…
American Hebrew Academy
When you shop at Amazon Smile, Amazon donates to
the charitable organization of your choice. You will
need to select a charitable organization, (American
Hebrew Academy, of course) to receive donations from
eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon
Smile will remember your selection, and then every
eligible purchase you make will result in a donation to
the Academy. Visit https://smile.amazon.com/
Your log in and password remain the same as your
Amazon.com account.
Andrew Bowen, a well-known Greensboro
event and portrait photographer, and
very proud father of Academy student
Mychaella ’17, provides stunning
photographic images of our students
on the athletic fields, in theatrical
performances, at the Prom, and privately
for a portrait sitting. All photos are for
purchase and Andrew donates 10% of
his sales to the Academy. Please support
Andrew and the Academy by visiting:
The best way
to find amazing
deals on pre-loved
clothes and the
easiest way to raise
money for the
Academy. 1. Clean A
Closet – Step right
over here (http://
to have a Schoola
bag sent to you.
Fill it with gently used outgrown children’s clothing
and drop it in the mail. They’ve got postage covered
for you. 2. Amazing Savings – Find adorable pre-loved
clothes from around the country at the Schoola site at
dramatically-discounted prices. 3. Our School Wins –
as 40% of proceeds from each sale from the Schoola
American Hebrew Academy store are donated back
to us. After registering on the Schoola site, in the
search bar, type in American Hebrew Academy and it
will show you all clothing that has been donated by
Academy supporters. Happy shopping!!
For any member of our Academy family residing
in the states of Florida, Georgia, Maryland,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
and Virginia, Harris Teeter’s Together in
Education program will benefit the American
Hebrew Academy. When customers purchase
select Harris Teeter Brand products using
their VIC card, Harris Teeter will contribute a
percentage of those purchase dollars back to
the American Hebrew Academy. The school may
use the money as they see fit. The campaign
runs annually from August through May. It is
very easy to designate the American Hebrew
Academy as your school of choice. Simply click
HERE (http://www.harristeeter.com/default.
aspx?pageId=32) to link the Academy to your
VIC card. Our school code is 5756. Please
support the academy by registering your VIC
card today!
It’s a patent-protected, Yahoo!powered search engine that
you use exactly as you would
any other search engine. The
difference is, each time you do
a search, you are raising money
for your favorite non-profit or school. The more you search, the more you
earn for your cause and combined with millions of others in the Goodsearch
movement, your searches can make a real impact. Put simply: you search,
they give! http://www.goodsearch.com
are now one company!
5% Back To Schools Program
Every time schools, teachers, students, parents, and school supporters
give the American Hebrew Academy Back to Schools Program ID number
when buying school and office supplies at Office Depot & Office Max, we
will receive credits equal to 5% of the qualifying purchases to use for free
supplies. The American Hebrew Academy’s Back to Schools Program ID
number is: 70120137. A school must have a minimum of $10 in credits for
a merchandise certificate to be issued. (This program is year-round)
donate today!
The American Hebrew Academy thanks you for your generous support
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I am a: ○ Current Student
○ Alumni Student
○ Current Parent ○ Current Grandparent ○ Faculty/Staff
○ Alumni Parent ○ Alumni Grandparent ○ Friend
Address__________________________________________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________ Phone (
) ________________________________________
I am delighted to give a gift to the American Hebrew Academy in the amount of:
○ $54
○ $180
○ $360
○ $540
○ $720
○ $900
○ $1800
○ Other ___________
○ Check enclosed made payable to the American Hebrew Academy OR ○ Bill my credit card
○ Visa
○ MasterCard
○ Discover
○ American Express
*Please apply my gift to:
○ Academy General Fund (unrestricted)
○ Maimonides Scholarship for Academic Excellence
○ Chico Sabbah Merit Scholarship for Visionary Leaders
○ Chico Sabbah Synagogue Building Fund
○ General Scholarship Fund
○ Gordon Zacks Scholarship for Student Leadership
○ Joel Fleishman Academy Campus Campaign
○ Greensboro Scholarship Fund
EXP Date:
○ Eagles Sports & Fitness Fund
○ Bernard and Gloria Robinson Mathematics Fund
○ Stanley Shavitz Merit Scholarship Fund for Jewish Studies
○ Sherwyn Drew Israel Experience Fund for Faculty & Staff
○ Lois & Mort Snitzer Greensboro Scholarship Fund
○ Campus Tree Planting Fund
○ Theatre Fund
○ Zmira Sabbah Alexander Muss High School in Israel Fund
Your own named scholarship fund can be created with a gift of $50,000 or more. Call us today!
* For descriptions of merit and need based scholarship funds, please visit our website and click on the admissions tab
My gift is in honor/memory of ______________________________________________________
Please send acknowledgement to: Address ___________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________
To make your donation Online CLICK HERE or visit: http://americanhebrewacademy.org/giving
For further information, or to discuss additional giving options, please contact:
Ellen Green - 336.217.7056 or egreen@americanhebrewacademy.org
Return to: American Hebrew Academy, 4334 Hobbs Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 – Attn: Ellen Green
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
American Hebrew Academy
An International Jewish College Prep Boarding School