Where Milan
Where Milan
Milan December 2014 6 RAFFAELLO TOWARDS EXPO 2015 24 the guide 28 SIGHTSEEING Several not-to-be missed monuments and attractions 30 shopping Giòsa Milano, a real atelier for exclusive creations in crocodile 66 FOOD & WINE GIFTS 12 Peck, the temple of gastronomy, is one of the best destinations for gift ideas 70 dining New delights at Asola, a starred restaurant on the top floor of The Brian&Barry Building 78 entertainment New world premieres at the Leonardo3 exhibition in piazza della Scala Contents 6 HOT DATES This month’s hottest events, from concerts and ballets to art exhibitions. 10 HOT VENUES cover IMAGE BY la rinascente The city’s most iconic venues devoted to entertainment, music, art and business. 12-16 GIFT GUIDES STAY IN TOUCH Download past and present issues from www.wheremilan.com Follow us on twitter @WhereMilan Like us on facebook.com/ WhereMilan and leave your suggestions posting your images of Milan on www.facebook.com/ wheremilanguestbook 83 museums 24 TOWARDS EXPO 2015 There are 5 months to go to the beginning of Expo 2015 and Milan is making an exhibition of itself… 32 LUXURY TOP BRANDS The best fashion designers in Milan for your high-end shopping. 58 MILAN STYLE JOURNEY Designer souvenirs from the fashion capital… great gift ideas for the festive season! Handmade items and monthly tips on elegance… for him! 20 NEW OPENINGS Key looks for the season, from fashion and footwear to jewellery and accessories. Don’t miss what’s new in the city: enter an innovative world of boutiques targeted at food and fashion for him and for her. 60-63 BRERA DISTRICT & The new "space area" at Milan’s Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia is now open to the public 88 OUT OF TOWN Lugano and its surroundings are set to surprise you with a rich Christmas events calendar 91 ESSENTIALS Getting around Milan and city tours VERCELLI-BELFIORE » map page 94 A map of Milan. OUTLET & FACTORY STORES. See page 64 w w w. w heretravel er. com 1 WELCOME Milano, city of the stars In the run-up to Expo 2015, as Milan gets ready to welcome in a year that will see it elevated to the status of caput mundi, the city is testing the waters by hosting names and events that will make people stand up and stare. Over the past few months, what with podium awards, ribbon cuttings and summit meetings, a number of VIPs, celebrities and world-famed critics have been spotted in the city. Your tr avel ing companion since 1936® where Milan ® m a g a z i n e www.wheremilan.com WHERE MILAN PROJECT IS ENDORSED BY Where Italia srl Via Ezio Biondi, 1. 20154 Milano. T: 02 349951 - Fax 02 33107015 info@wheremilan.com www.wheremilan.com publisher and editor-in-chief Andrea Jarach (andrea.jarach@wheremilan.com) editorial (PROEDI COMUNICAZIONE srl) PUTIN-POROSHENKO Top security measures and protocols were the order of the day at the Europe-Asia Summit held in Milan and attended by as many as 53 heads of state. The summit, hosted by Italy, also included a high-stakes meeting between Russian president Putin and Ukraine leader Poroshenko. The Japanese archistar flew to Milan to personally inaugurate the first Milanese skyscraper carrying his signature. The magnificent ‘tower’ is undergoing completion in the new Citylife urban area. Standing 202 metres tall, it is slated to be the highest building in Italy. VALE, MARC AND JORGE The winners of MotoGp were spotted strolling through the city. Valentino Rossi (who continues to hold a number one spot in the hearts of his Italian fans), Marc Marquez and Jorge Lorenzo were all guests at EICMA, the international motorcycle exhibition, now in its 100th edition at the Milan fairgrounds. MILANO LOVES YOU Member MANAGING DIRECTOR Daniele Misrachi EDITORial coordination Alessandra Finzi (redazione@wheremilan.com) magazine EDITORial staff Carey Bernitz, Elena Binda, Stefania Vida (lifestyle&fashion editor) WEB EDITORIAL STAFF Anna Aiello, Alessia Genovese (online.redazione@wheremilan.com) ART DIRECTION Elisabetta ARATA ISOZAKY Recommended by DESIGNER Joy Giudici Lacanlale CONTRIBUTORS & consultants Adriano Caramenti (photographer), Floriana di Maio, Fabio Lancini, Giacomo Magistrelli, Diana Orlando, Elena Peverata, Simone Pinter, Federica Raggio, Daria Rosi, Fabio Sbranchella iconography AGF Creative (www.agf-foto.it) CARTOGRAPHY Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). City Map: © Where Italia srl. - 2014. Original Map by Urban File - www.urbanfile.org MARKETING & ADVERTISING Isa Faleschini, Marta Mailhac, Philippe Nicita, Rachele Renna ADMINISTRATION Katia Greto PRODUCTION & CIRCULATION, SALES SUPPORT COORDINATOR Paola Grilli HOTEL pr SERVICES Maria Granata (maria.granata@wheremilan.com) CUSTOMER SERVICES Cristina Garbini, Maria Grazia Rubino REG. trib. milano no. 453, 19 july 2010 where italia srl, iscritto al roc no. 20182 del 14 settembre 2010 SUZY MENKES The doyenne of famous journalism and the muchfeared Editor of Vogue international was sighted in Milan off-season, i.e. at a time when no fashion shows were on. This time, Suzy Menkes was the guest at a private dinner held at the Ambrosiana, possibly to check-out whether the city is suitably attired for the top-level engagements awaiting it… direttore responsabile: Andrea Jarach Printed by Arti Grafiche Mazzucchelli Spa Via CA’ Bertoncina, 37/41 – 24068 Seriate (BERGAMO) ITALY Where® is also published in Rome by Tourist Media srl and in Naples by IES Comunicazione srl EXCLUSIVE GIFT FROM TOP HOTELS Where Milan è distribuito nei migliori hotel di Milano, con 16.000 camere (VEDI pagina 96). Where Milan is available in Milan's most exclusive hotels, for the guests of the 16,000 rooms available (See p.age 96). MORRIS visitor publications MVP EXECUTIVE Where® milan AND milano loves you SUPPORT padiglione italia Chairman & CEO William S. Morris President William S. Morris IV III MANAGING DIRECTOR EUROPE Chris Manning Where® Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited Published in association with www.padiglioneitaliaexpo2015.com MVP Morris Visitor Publications 2 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 Where® magazine and the where® logo are registered trademarks of Morris Visitor Publications. MILANO VIA MONTENAPOLEONE 21 +39.02.36769580 NEW YORK 71 7 MADISON AVENUE +1.212.644.4499 EAST HAMPTON 23 MAIN STREET +1.631.604.5050 DEVIKROELL.COM Where NOW | CALENDAR WEDNESDAY 17 SUNDAY 7 The inimitabile magic of the “Prima” ▲ On the evening of Sant’Ambrogio, Milan and Teatro alla Scala both experience a one-of-a-kind “Première”. The inaugural performance of the opera season is a deeply-felt cultural, institutional and society event serving as a great opportunity to see VIPs from the world of culture, politics, fashion and showbiz strut their stuff in Piazza della Scala. This year, the season opens with “Fidelio” by Ludwig van Beethoven, conducted by maestro Daniel Bareinboim. www.teatroallascala.org From Friday 5-8 Oh Bej! OH Bej! ◄ When the stalls at “Oh Bej! Oh Bej!” light up, it’s Christmas time in Milan. The old Lombard name is translated as “Oh belli! Oh belli!” (roughly Oh so nice! Oh so nice!) and, today, marks the largest multi-ethnic Christmas extravaganza in the city whose stalls sell all kinds of handcrafted items and various mouth watering festive treats. This traditional Christmas market pays homage to Sant’Ambrogio, patron saint of Milan (7 December) and is a must-visit for Christmas gifts, drawing a crowd of eager shoppers to piazza Castello and its surrounding areas (Map E4). Sunday 21 Milano from the top ► Dressed in the colours and logo of Expo Milano 2015, Palazzo Lombardia, headquarters of the governing body of the Regione, will open its doors to the public every Sunday from 10am to 6pm. After admiring the ‘Art Columns’ at the entrance of Nucleo NP, you can ascend to the belvedere on the 39th floor from where you can enjoy a breathtaking view over the city and the area designed to house the Universal Exposition. Free entry, no booking required. Piazza Città di Lombardia corner of via Restelli, M2 Gioia (Map G1). 6 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 An aperitivo in the company of four beautiful ladies ► On the occasion of “Aperitivi in Museo”, at Museo Poldi Pezzoli visitors will have a chance to enjoy a guided tour of “Le dame dei Pollaiolo. Una bottega fiorentina del Rinascimento”. The exhibition, scheduled to run until 16 February, is a unique opportunity to see the four magnificent Portraits of a Young Woman together with other works by the Pollaiolo brothers, i.e. Antonio and Piero. It is also a great opportunity to visit the rich collections housed in the picture gallery of this luxurious former palazzo, located just steps from Teatro alla Scala. www.museopoldipezzoli.it DECEMBER HOT DATES Whether it’s discovering the events celebrating music or visiting an exhibition at Palazzo Reale, Where® brings you this month’s unmissable dates. Where now | CALENDAR Search the full Calendar at www.wheremilan.com SUNDAY 28 Culinary science ▲ You probably think you couldn’t eat another thing after overindulging at Christmas, but you’re wrong, you don’t know what you’re missing. Save this Sunday to visit “FOOD | La scienza dai semi al piatto”: the large interactive exhibition that explores the world of food based on a scientific though playful approach. Here gourmands and cooking novices can deepen their knowledge and discover scientific ‘tricks’ to be used at home. The exhibition is hosted in the rooms of the Museo di Storia Naturale in corso Venezia. Until 28 June 2015. www.mostrafood.it FROM Wednesday 3 Meeting beauty: Raphael in Milan ◄ As is customary each year at Christmas, the City of Milan organizes a viewing of a masterpiece. From 3 December 2014 to 11 January 2015, Palazzo Marino, the 16th century seat of the Municipality in piazza della Scala, will host Raphael’s “Madonna col Bambino e san Giovannino” (Madonna Esterházy) in the Sala Alessi. This magnificent work by the Renaissance genius is on loan from the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts (Szépművészeti Múzeum). Free entry and guided tours available daily. #raffaelloEsterházy www.comune.milano.it/raffaello FROM Wednesday 10 Christmas with Disney at the Arcimboldi ► To celebrate its 20th anniversary on stage, Disney’s "Beauty and the Beast" will debut in Milan for its first ever international tour. Be swept into the romantic fairy tale of Belle and the Beast, the prince trapped by a spell in the body of fearsome creature. Direct from Broadway, a stellar cast and multi-award winning artists will stage a lavish performance that is both fun and moving. Simply magical! At Teatro degli Arcimboldi from 10 to 21 December. www.teatroarcimboldi.it 8 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 DECEMBER charity concert at the Auditorium 1 MUSIC: starring singer/songwriter Cristiano De André. this evening Machete Crew brings rap 2 RAP: event ‘Machete Mixtape 3 Tour’ to Alcatraz. piano recital by Daniel Barenboim 3 CONCERT: for the Schubert Cycle at Teatro alla Scala. Elton John performs this evening at 4 MUSIC: Forum di Assago on the only Italy date of his tour. FAIR: “Oh Bej! Oh Bej! Christmas 5 CHRISTMAS market near Castello Sforzesco (runs for 4 days). last day to visit ‘Jeunesse. Omaggio ad Anselmo 6 ART: Bucci’ (Lissone, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea). the new La Scala season kicks off with 7 OPERA: Beethoven’s “Fidelio” conducted by Barenboim. last chance to make ethnic purchases at 8 FAIR: “AF/L’artigiano in fiera” at Fieramilano. VINCI CODEX: last days to admire Leonardo’s 9 DA sheets on “The treatise on painting” until 14. Disney’s magical Broadway 10 MUSICAL: .production “Beauty and the Beast’, Arcimboldi. two days left to enjoy the 11 MARKET: Christmas Market at Museo d’Arte e Scienza. the Brocantage Antiques Fair kicks 12 ANTIQUES: off today at Parco Esposizioni Novegro. discover the art of restoration at 5 museums. 13 ART: www.associazionegiovanniseccosuardo.it “Aperitivo in concerto” at Teatro 14 MUSIC: Manzoni featuring Cesar Camargo Mariano. Belgian rapper “Formidable” aka . 15 MUSIC: Stromae returns to Milan (Forum di Assago). VINCI CODEX: starting from today, 16 DA Leonardo’s sheets “Water and hydrodynamics”. last days to see “Tre Italiani a Parigi” 17 ART: (Galleria Bottegantica, via Manzoni 45). Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” 18 BALLET: starring Roberto Bolle premieres at La Scala. “Tribute to Renata Tebaldi” at the 19 MUSIC: Auditorium, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky. starting from tomorrow, Naviglio 20 MARKET: Grande is set to host the Antiques Market. CONCERT: at Teatro alla Scala 21 CHRISTMAS Missa solemnis in D major by Beethoven. be inspired by Haendel’s ‘Messiah’ at the 22 MUSIC: Auditorium in largo Mahler. traditional Tuesday flea market 23 MARKET: in viale Papiniano. CHOIR: “Gospel Xmas” by The 24 CHRISTMAS Choir of Harlem at Teatro Nuovo. religious holiday in Italy, almost 25 CHRISTMAS: everything will be closed, museums included. last weekend to see “Dirty 26 MUSICAL: Dancing” at Teatro Nazionale. browse the stalls at the popular 27 MARKET: via Fauché flea market. last day to enjoy “AFRICA Big 28 ARCHITECTURE: Change Big Chance” at the Triennale. head to Blue Note to hear “Angels in 29 GOSPEL: Harlem”. www.bluenotemilano.com JOYFUL: Beethoven’s Ninth 30 JOYFUL Symphony at the Auditorium di Milano. this evening Milan will be animated 31 byFESTIVITY: a slew of events to welcome in the New Year. MILAN Via Manzoni, 23 Since 1914, the taste of elegance. www.marinellanapoli.it NAPLES MILAN T O K YO LUGANO LO N D O N H O N G KO N G [ this month in milan] Hot Venues FAIRS EXHIBITIONS FIERAMILANO www.fieramilano.it › 29 November- 8 December AF / L’ARTIGIANO IN FIERA International Crafts Selling Exhibition www.artigianoinfiera.it AT FieraMilano PALAZZO REALE › Until 18 January 2015 SEGANTINI. LA MOSTRA › Until 1 February 2015 CHAGALL. UNA RETROSPETTIVA 1908-1985 › Until 22 February 2015 FORM AND DESIDERE The Cal - Collezione Pirelli › Until 8 March 2015 VAN GOGH. L’UOMO E LA TERRA Giacometti PARCO ESPOSIZIONI NOVEGRO › 12-14 December BROCANTAGE - Top Antiques 222nd Antiques Fair. CHRISTMAS FAIRs › December Mercatino di Natale Piazza Duomo. M1-M3 Duomo. › 5-8 December “Oh Bej! Oh Bej!” (Saint Ambrose Traditional Fair) Piazza Castello. M1 Cairoli, M2-M2 Cadorna, M2 Lanza. › 12-14 December CREATIVITà ARTIGIANA National Show of Italian Arts and Crafts Palazzo Giureconsulti Piazza Mercanti, 2 M1-M3 Duomo, M1 Cordusio. › 14-16 December Green Christmas Fonderia Napoleonica Eugenia, via Thaon di Revel, 21. M3-M5 Zara. www.fonderianapoleonica.it/greenchristmas › Until 6 January Banco di Garabombo Via Giotto corner of via Pagano. M1 Pagano. › Until 11 January Il Villaggio delle Meraviglie Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli. M1 Porta Venezia, M1 Palestro, M3 Turati, M3 Repubblica. www.villaggiodellemeraviglie.com WORLD’s PREMIER OPERA AND BALLET HOUSE OFFERS A RICH PROGRAM. www.teatroallascala.org • 3 Daniel Barenboim - Schubert Cycle/1. CONCERT. Piano Daniel Barenboim. Music by Franz Schubert. • 6, 28 (4pm) (until 17 May) Gioachino Rossini, CINDERELLA FOR CHILDREN BALLET. GREAT OPERAS FOR CHILDREN. Music by Gioachino Rossini. TRIENNALE DI MILANO › Until 28 December AFRICA Big Change Big Chanche › Until 22 February 2015 VII Triennale Design Museum IL DESIGN ITALIANO OLTRE LE CRISI • 7 SEASON OPENING NIGHT. Ludwig van Beethoven, FIDELIO. OPERA. Conductor Daniel Barenboim. Music by Ludwig van Beethoven. MUSEO DEL NOVECENTO › Until 15 March 2015 YVES KLEIN - LUCIO FONTANA • 10, 13, 16, 20, 23 Ludwig van Beethoven, FIDELIO. OPERA. Conductor Daniel Barenboim. Music by Ludwig van Beethoven. • 12 Daniel Barenboim - Schubert Cycle/2. CONCERT. Piano Daniel Barenboim. Music by Franz Schubert. MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI www.museopoldipezzoli.it › Until 16 February 2015 LE DAME DEI POLLAIOLO • 15 Daniel Barenboim - Schubert Cycle/3. CONCERT. Piano Daniel Barenboim. Music by Franz Schubert. MUSEO NAZIONALE DELLA SCIENZA E DELLA TECNOLOGIA LEONARDO la Victoire Samotrache DA VINCI www.museoscienza.org › Until April 2015 EXPOnendo: Prima, dopo, sotto, sopra Expo Milano 2015 GAM – Galleria d’Arte Moderna www.gam-milano.com › Until 1 February 2015 ALBERTO GIACOMETTI • 18 (Première), 19, 28 (8pm), 30, 31 (until 18 January) Tchaikovsky- Nacho Duato, THE NUTCRACKER. BALLET. Conductor Vladimir Fedoseyev. Étoile Roberto Bolle (18, 19 December). Music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. • 21 CHRISTMAS CONCERT Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro alla Scala. CONCERT. Conductor Philippe Jordan. Chorus Master Bruno Casoni. Music by Ludwig van Beethoven. • 22 Daniel Barenboim - Schubert Cycle/4. CONCERT. Piano Daniel Barenboim. Music by Franz Schubert. Exhibition with worldwidE prEmiErEs and multimEdia stations in italian and English Leonardo3 Il Mondo dI leonardo Milan • Piazza della Scala at the entrance of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Audio guide in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish Produced by Award of Excellence With patronage of Official radio Exhibition Space Ticketing www.ticketone.it 10 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 opEning hours Daily 10 am – 11 pm inFo: 02 www.leonardo3.net WHERE NOW | SHOPPING GIFT ◄ ROLEX The quintessence of Rolex elegance is expressed in the Cellini collection. Featuring a light, simple, timeless dial, Cellini Time captures the present as if nothing else were important while the Cellini Date model adds another function to the indication of hours, namely a date display (see page 37, Rolex official retailers in Milan). www.rolex.com GUIDE In Milan, in keeping with the Christian tradition of Christmas, December is the gift-giving month par excellence. However, whatever your culture or faith, Christmas in Milan is a fantastic, lively though often crowd-heavy experience. Should you decide to participate in the collective gift-giving ritual, you will literally be spoilt for choice. Boutiques and department stores across the city dress up for the season and this is a great time to experience its fabulous array of offerings, including proposals for Him or for Her, furnishing ideas and typical Christmas specialities. Make sure to indulge and enjoy! ▲ E. Marinella For well-dressed men, Christmas is not Christmas if there isn’t a Marinella tie under the tree. This master of handcrafted ties has dressed stars and heads of state across the globe. A red tie, better still if decorated with dots or micro-patterns, is the perfect choice for a festive event. www.marinellanapoli.it 12 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 ► FURLA Furla’s FW 14/15 collection takes you on a trip through Italy, celebrating its verve and vitality. Even its use of colour, red, first and foremost, conveys Italy’s passion for partying. At its stores, in addition to bags, you can also find a special Christmas Gift Collection featuring accessories and gift ideas. www.furla.com FOR HIM ◄ VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Whimsical and refined, the Perlée Collection interpreted in yellow, white or pink gold, with, occasionally, a smattering of diamonds, is an ode to elegance. (Also) perfect for younger fashionistas. www.vancleefarpels.com ▲ BURBERRY Inspired by Burberry’s iconic trench coat, the scent captures the essence of a London garden after the rain. Ladies can make the fragrance their own by personalizing the bottle with their initials: your Burberry. www.burberry.com ► THE BRIDGE This stunning leather satchel stems from a collaboration with Pininfarina, an historic brand of Italian design: painstaking attention to details, premium quality and a dynamic, timeless aesthetic. An elegant, totally virile accessory. www.thebridge.it FOR HER ► ARMANI This splendid analog watch embodies all the class of Armani. Featuring a steel case and a braided leather wraparound strap/bracelet, it comes in an ultra-elegant sunray effect prune colour. Though boasting a minimalist dial, its logo will not go unnoticed. www.armani.it/emporioarmani ► JUST CAVALLI The free spirit of the brand is reflected in this original jewellery collection (also) for him. Classic decorative elements from the world of Cavalli adorn necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets skillfully fused with gold, crystals and refined leatherwork. Produced and distributed under license by Morellato. justcavalli.robertocavalli.com ◄ TIMBERLAND The lace-up boot with a rubber tread for maximum traction is a real icon. For the FW14 season, the brand introduces a cold weather classic, the Earthkeepers® Heritage Rugged LTD ½ Lined Bomber, featuring a fleece-lined collar and shearling made from 30% recycled PET. www.timberland.com ▲ SERGIO ROSSI It’s called “Glam” and is defined as a Glam-Rock décolleté with a romantic soul’: in fabric, with a stiletto heel and an almond-shaped toe, its gold finishes and glitter details make this shoe the perfect party piece. www.sergiorossi.com A62361 GLAM Brocade fabric pump with bronze laminated calfskin details and crystal buckle 19 ◄ MARIA GRAZIA SEVERI Nothing expresses rétro elegance better than a pair of leather gloves! These butter-soft, red kid beauties will dazzle your attire for a perfect festive look. Remember, according to Italian etiquette, women, unlike men, are permitted to wear them indoors! www.severimgs.it w w w. w h e re t r ave l e r. co m 13 d SINCE 1979 IN THE HEART OF MILAN WHERE NOW | SHOPPING GIFT ◄ SWAROVSKI As is customary each year, to mark the festive season, Swarovski once again brings us its collection of sparkling, highly sought-after limited edition decorations. The iconic Swarovski snowflake, made from luminous Clear Crystal, is designed by Verena Castelein. Only available until the end of 2014. www.swarovski.com GUIDE ◄ VENINI The definitive producer of its genre, Venini, a producer of truly beautiful Italian glass lighting, has remained at the forefront of Italian design thanks to a combination of expert craftsmanship and cutting-edge details (at the side, a piece dating back to 1948). The brainchild behind its 2014 collection is Philippe Nigro, designer of the year. www.venini.com ► ETRO Three intense fragrances emanating from three eye-cathing hand-painted glasses. In keeping with the brand’s promise, Etro’s winter candles are beautiful, exotic and designed to embrace the senses. The Christmas Edition includes the Orange de Noël, Golden Tree and Safran Rose versions. The perfect way to illuminate your home. www.etro.com HOMEWARE TOP DESIGNER BRANDS WITH DISCOUNTS UP TO 70% OFF ▼ BRUNELLO CUCINELLI Warm, soft and undeniably chic: the cushion and throw adorned with a musical note, made from pure cashmere with mink details, are a part of Bruno Cucinelli’s FW 2014 Lifestyle collection. boutique. brunellocucinelli.com Fay Etro Gucci Missoni Iceberg Prada Dior Ralph Lauren Balmain Paris Chloè Celine Armani Moschino Patrizia Pepe Tombolini Balenciaga Ballantyne Dsquared Dolce&Gabbana Miu Miu Givenchy Incotex Saint Laurent Jacob Cohen Moncler OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. MONDAY TO SUNDAY 10AM - 7PM ▲ CHRISTOFLE Can an external hard drive become an objet d’art? Believe it or not, Christofle and LaCie have teamed up to create Sphere, an external hard drive boasting a storage of 1 TB (1000 GB) which guarantees ultra rapid data transfer. It is plated in silver and polished to a shine. Available on request. www.christofle.com 14 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 VIA RAMAZZINI, 11 (CORSO BUENOS AIRES DISTRICT) TELEPHONE: 02 29534502 METRO1 PORTA VENEZIA Save an extra 20% off take a picture of this page and show it at the cashier PROMOTIONAL CODE: VST-20 WHERE NOW | SHOPPING GIFT GUIDE ► NEUHAUS Winter spells chocolate. Neuhaus (of Belgian origin but available at several of Milan’s best-known addresses) is the king of pralines. Packaged in adorable designer gift boxes, they make the perfect Christmas gift. www.neuhaus-cioccolato.it TO TASTE ◄ LA RINASCENTE When the festive season rolls around, all seven floors of Milan’s most prestigious department store become one large, shiny, Christmas wonderland: a magical atmosphere, limited edition products, exclusive novelties and unlimited inspiration, for fantastic gift ideas. A truly unique experience! www.rinascente.it ▲ VANILLA BAKERY Traditional British and American sweet treats with a touch of Italian flavour: at Vanilla Bakery, you can find cakes and brownies, doughnuts and muffins prepared with only the finest ingredients. Their beautifully gift-wrapped cookies are the perfect gift for any festive occasion. www.vanilla-bakery.com ▲ ARMANI DOLCI A delightfully sweet, prestigious blend of two of Italy’s finest symbols. On the one hand, Panettone, a Christmas treat par excellence, invented in Milan, more or less around the time of Leonardo. On the other, the iconic Armani logo, an ambassador of Made in Italy excellence. www.armanidolci.com 16 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 ▼ T'A Milano Quality, an innovative, wholly Italian take and design: the new generation of the historic Alemagna dynasty produces ultra-fine chocolate packaged in innovative, eye-catching gift boxes. The shop also doubles as a bistrot. www.tamilano.com SILVER MOMENTS Corso Venezia, 6 - Milano Tel. 02781948 La Rinascente Piazza Duomo - Milano Via Bocca di Leone, 72 - Roma Tel. 0669040904 [ CIT Y TOURS ] CitySightseeing Milano THE MOST EXCLUSIVE GLASSES ARE NOW AVAILABLE ALSO IN OUR NEW FLAGSHIP STORE. Departure point: Foro Bonaparte, in front of Zani Viaggi travel agency (M1 Cairoli). Hop On-Hop Off – you can join the tour at any stop. 7 days a week, all year round. 48 hours: ticket valid for 3 lines. 8 language commentary 3 language Kid’s commentary (on lines A and B). Individual disposable earphones. 3 lines and over 40 stops. One of the most famous attractions in the world, the Cenacolo by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the symbols of Milan. The large 15th century mural painting in which Christ announces that he will be betrayed by one of his apostles is among the most famous masterpieces of Renaissance art in Italy. Make sure not to miss the opportunity of discovering this symbol of the city at the complex of Santa Maria delle Grazie with Zani Viaggi’s Grand Tour Milano. Accompanied by an expert guide, the Grand Tour Milano takes visitors in discovery of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, the Duomo, the Castello Sforzesco, the Teatro alla Scala (Milan’s famed opera house with its museum) and the Last Supper, ensuring that they make the most of their day thanks to ‘skip the line’ entrance. The tour leaves daily (excluding Mondays), year-round, morning and afternoon, with departures at 9.30am and 2.30pm. The Last Supper is also included in “The Milan Pass”, the ultimate sightseeing package that has been especially tailor-made for visitors offering the best of museums, attractions, city sightseeings, transportation, shops and restaurants across the city. >> Visit the complex of Santa Maria delle Grazie featuring the Last Supper with CitySightseeing Milano, Line A-Stop 3. 18 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 Prices: Adults € 25 - Children 5-15 € 10 Free under 5. CitySightseeing Milano is the best way to visit the city: the hallmark red double-decker buses are a big favourite with all those interested in seeing the city from a different perspective. Looking to visit Milan’s top attractions? With The Milan Pass for just €69 you get free transport and free entry to a host of museums plus discounts on guided tours to several attractions including: Duomo + Rooftop terraces by lift and Museum, La Scala Museum and Theater, Brera Picture Gallery, The Last Supper, Triennale Design Museum, Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, Art and Science Museum, Leonardo 3 “The World of Leonardo” interactive museum, San Siro Stadium Tour and Museum, Monumental Cemetery, Gallerie d’Italia Museum… and lots more besides! For more info: www.themilanpass.com Foro Bonaparte, 76 (M1 Cairoli – M2 Lanza) Tel. +39.02.867.131. Map F4 www.milano.city-sightseeing.it This page is kindly sponsored by Zani Viaggi The best way to visit the Last Supper Tickets onboard, in hotels and at authorized agencies or on the web. ® ® MM SANCORDUSIO BABILA | Piazza San Babila, 3 – Milano | Tel. 02 76000100 | www.salmoiraghievigano.it MM | Piazza Cordusio | Milano www.salmoiraghievigano.it TAX FREE [ W H AT ' S NE W IN T H E CIT Y ] New Openings Stefania Vida lifestyle&fashion editor G-Star Raw Official opening of G-Star Raw’s Milan-based store in via Dante, corner of via Meravigli. The inauguration served as the perfect opportunity to present the brand’s new sustainable collection ‘Raw For The Oceans’ (curated by Pharrell Williams in collaboration with Bionic Yarn, Vortex Project and Parley for the Oceans) created by the recycling of plastic waste from the oceans. The store also carries the G-Star winter line, focusing on dark denim. The garments include a wide range of finishes ranging from classic raw denim to semi-opaque and sophisticated shiny versions. www.g-star.com Via Dante corner of via Meravigli 2 M1 Cordusio. Map E4 Omega Located in via Montenapoleone, on the corner of via Verri, the new Omega boutique has just opened its doors to the public. Spread out over two floors, its chic, contemporary décor is in perfect keeping with the innate spirit of this brand of Haute Horlogerie. The space was inaugurated by none other than special guest, Eugene Cernan, captain of the Apollo 17 Mission and brand ambassador of Omega. The inauguration also served as a unique opportunity to present the new store and the brand’s partnership with Milan’s Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia. www.omegawatches.com Vai Montenapoleone, 9. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Christian Louboutin A new cult address for men in the know: Christian Louboutin has opened his first Milanese flagship store in Porta Nuova district, a space devoted to men’s accessories. The footwear showcased in-store includes more casual lines like the Alfibully in black leather featuring handsome metal eyelets or the loafers decorated either with leather tassels – Daddy Flat – or available in suede burgundy calfskin decorated with mythological characters from ancient Greece such as, for example, Triton. www.christianlouboutin.com Via V. Capelli, 3 M2-M5 Garibaldi F.S. Map F2 Libreria Rizzoli Galleria Following renovations lasting for 4 months, the Rizzoli Galleria bookshop, located in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, has reopened to the public. Spread out over three floors, this prime location, decorated with wooden furniture and design pieces, stocks as many as 40,000 books (Italian and international). A meeting place designed to host events featuring big-names on the Italian literary and cultural scene. Boasting a warm, welcoming ambience and a sleek, contemporary design, it offers dedicated corners, themed areas manned by real librarians (not assistants) and digital instruments like, for example, videowalls designed to help customers find their way around the various areas of the bookstore, thereby further enhancing their reading experience. www.rizzoli.eu Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 20 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 [ W H AT ' S NE W IN T H E CIT Y ] New Openings Maison Martin Margiela The first shop exclusively dedicated to the world of men and women’s accessories has opened in the Porta Nuova district. A minimalist space featuring an unusual aesthetic, where narrow metal shelves showcase the brand’s 2014/2015 Fall/Winter collection. The store carries footwear, bags, jewellery, leather accessories, fragrances, eyewear and even design objects and publications signed by the French brand, now helmed by eclectic creative director John Galliano. www.maisonmartinmargiela.com Via V. Capelli, 5 M2-M5 Garibaldi F.S. Map F2 Lumas The Lumas space, the Italian section of the network of galleries offering limited editions of works by international artists and photographers at affordable prices has just opened at number 3, via Turati. Following hot on the heels of Berlin, London, Paris and New York, Milan now has its own Lumas space offering museum editions at prices that won’t hurt your bank balance. The exhibition extends over 200 sq.m. and its concept has been studied to give visitors the feeling that they are in a collector’s home rather than in an art gallery. www.lumas.com Via Turati, 3 M3 Turati. Map F3 Mad'Son Lolaandgrace The innovative fashion-focused jewellery and accessories brand developed by industry juggernaut Swarovski Group has opened a new store in the centre of Milan, at number 7, via Dante. Trendy jewellery boasting a strong mix and match concept, suitable for all times of the day. Pieces vary from more casual to more daring while offering all the meticulous craftsmanship of Swarovski crystals at affordable prices. www.lolaandgrace.com Via Dante, 7 M1 Cordusio. Map E4 Just moments away from Milan’s Stazione Centrale, Mad’Son, a brand new urban restaurant, with a separate entrance, has just opened at the 4-star Best Western Madison Hotel. Its topnotch Italian cuisine featuring high-quality, locally sourced ingredients and its strategic position make it an ideal spot to satisfy the culinary demands of visitors to the city. With its cosmopolitan atmosphere, large glass-fronted windows, plays of light and transparencies, Mad’son is the kind of restaurant that draws locals, corporate travelers and those staying at the hotel alike back to the venue evening after evening. Its offer of brunch, lunch, aperitivi or dinner, enhanced by live music or the notes emanating from its piano bar, make Mad’Son a unique spot for a stylish, unforgettable culinary experience. www.madisonhotelmilano.com. Via Copernico, 14. M2-M3 Centrale F.S. Map G1 AND MORE... Assaggino Quality fast food A bistrot of taste Via Moscova/corner of c.so di Porta Nuova. M2 Moscova. Map F3 Creed Auteur fragrances www.creedfragrances.co.uk Via Madonnina, 17 M2 Lanza. Map F3 Falconeri Made in Italy cashmere it.falconeri.com Largo Settimio Severo 2 (Corso Vercelli). Map C4 Hugo Boss Men’s clothing www.hugoboss.com Piazza Gae Aulenti M2-M5 Garibaldi F.S. Map F2 Marc Cain Women’s designer fashion www.marc-cain.com Via Borgospesso, 21 M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Tità Bijoux Made in Italy lace jewels www.titabijoux.com Via Madonnina, 13. M2 Lanza. Map F3 » For the full list of new openings in Milan, see www.wheremilan.com w w w. w h e re t r ave l e r. co m 23 [ TOP IN TO W N ] Towards Expo 2015 A city of art Milano, a place to BE Six icons and ten keywords Giovanni Segantini at Palazzo Reale A monographic exhibition in collaboration with the Segantini Museum in St. Moritz. Until 18 January 2015. Marc Chagall at Palazzo Reale The largest retrospective of the artist ever mounted in Italy with 220 works from several of the world’s most important museums. Until 1 February 2015. Alberto Giacometti at GAM | Galleria d’Arte Moderna Lucio Fontana and Yves Klein at Museo del Novecento From 8 October, a collection of 30 masterpieces by painter and sculptor Giacometti focusing on the experience of figure and space. Until 1 February 2015. From 22 October, an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by two major 20th century artists who built their artistic careers between Italy and France. Until 15 March 2015. Vincent van Gogh at Palazzo Reale After a sixty-year hiatus, Milan will once again dedicate an exhibition to the revered Dutch master. Until 8 March 2015. 24 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 Leonardo da Vinci at Palazzo Reale The largest exhibition on Leonardo ever mounted in Italy (from 15 April 2015). Extraordinary masterpieces including sketches, paintings and manuscripts. "Expo in città" More than 200 initiatives, 7000 events scheduled, 500 public and private locations and 250 participating stores. These are the first figures (slated to increase) for “Expo in città”, the program promoted and coordinated by the city’s institutions to increase Expo’s target basin by involving not only the pavilion area but also the city’s urban space as a whole. Presented in November, the agreement between the authorities and business owners foresees an additional increase in hospitality standards, with the guarantee of multi-lingual services, longer shopping hours and the circulation of informative material in shops. www.expoincitta.com; fb.com/expoincitta; TW @expoincitta; #ExpoInCittà. The "Expo in città" programme follows two main roads: six icons that are part of the artistic heritage of Milan will make up the narrative frame, while ten keywords will organise the offer into areas of interest in a thematic index that is also a resource map. The six icons are proof of Milan’s enormous richness in works of art. Six works which, crossing through the history of Italian art, will accompany the months of Expo from May to October 2015. Six masterpieces associated with six words (BEginning, BEloved, BElong, BEside, BEyond and BElieve) that express their symbolic meaning and generate the phrase Milan, a place to BE. Performance, Art, Media, Creativity&Style, Leonardo, Kids, Science, Well Being, Città Mondo and Feed the Planet, are instead the ten keywords that cross the programme for language, content and reference public. «Expo in città is a global project that gives life to a city, a city that is open and inclusive by tradition. Proposals and projects are arriving every day. The stage of our widespread Expo is taking shape. Milan will be the stage on which thousands and thousands of events will take place. Expo plus Expo in città: Milan doubles and will be the place to be in 2015.» Giuliano Pisapia, Mayor of Milan Milan confirms its status as a city of art and culture with the initiative “Milano, a place to BE” scheduled to be held from May to October 2015: a cultural program represented by six masterpieces which will serve as symbolic images of our city. May 2015 BEginning > “The Fourth Estate” by Pellizza da Volpedo (Museo del Novecento), one of the works that most indelibly marked the industrial changes at the beginning of the 20th century, will kick-off the events. July 2015 BElong > Raphael’s “Marriage of the Virgin” (Pinacoteca di Brera) will serve as an emblem of belonging to the city as a place where people can share and socialize. September 2015 BEyond > With his “Spatial Concept” (Museo del Novecento), Lucio Fontana has transcended the definitions of painting, sculpture and poetry: in the same way that Milan, with EXPO 2015, is projected towards the future. June 2015 BEloved > The theme of love will be represented by Francesco Hayez’s “The Kiss” (Pinacoteca di Brera). August 2015 BEside > The solidarity expressed by Milan and its volunteer associations will be represented by Michelangelo’s “Pietà Rondanini” (Castello Sforzesco). October 2015 BElieve > As a gran finale, the city has chosen Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper”, possibly the best-known work of art in the world. w w w. w h e re t r ave l e r. co m 25 [ D i s c o v e r E X PO 2 0 1 5 ] Padiglione Italia Exploring clusters Clusters are one of the new attractions of Expo Milano 2015: for the first time pavilion communities are not grouped by geographical area but rather by a common theme and the food group to which they belong. Each country found in one of the clusters has an individual display space in which to develop its own personal interpretation of the theme of Expo Milano 2015. Pavilion preview The national pavilions of Expo 2015 are all "self-built" by their participants, skilfully interpreting the themes of food safety and sustainable development. » For the national pavilion overview, visit www.wheremilan.com ISRAEL Rice: Abundance and Security A landscape that echoes the images of neverending rice fields, evoking the colors and scents of a rural setting, greets each visitor. Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar. Bio-Mediterraneum The image of the sea is conveyed by its flooring in myriad hues of blue, recalling all the colors of the sea that embraces the countries hosted in the Cluster. Montenegro, Algeria, Serbia, Lebanon, Egypt, Croatia, San Marino, Tunisia, Greece, Libya, Malta, Albania. From food to design, Italy displays its best from May 1 to October 31 » Purchase your ticket online now at www.expo2015.org and stay tuned on www.wheremilan.com to prepare your Gran Tour to Italy! Where® milan AND milano loves you SUPPORT padiglione italia 26 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 Cocoa: the Food of Gods The cocoa tree is grown in the tropical and subtropical plantations which serve as a source of inspiration for this Cluster. Cameroon, Ghana, Gabon. Coffee: the Engine of Ideas Inspiring this Cluster are the vast coffee plantations set in the shade of the tropical forests of Africa and Central America. Kenya, Burundi, Yemen, Guatemala, El Salvador, Uganda, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Rwanda. Fruits and Legumes As a cultivated forest, the space accommodates small and large varieties of fruit trees, creating a natural atmosphere. Gambia, Guinea, Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. USA Spices: The World of Spices A voyage along the spice route, featuring scents and colors evoking distant lands and seas, is the inspiration for this Cluster. Afghanistan, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu. Cereals and Tubers The colors and scents reminiscent of cereal and tuber crops are the conceptual basis for this pavilion. Bolivia, Haiti, Mozambique, Togo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe. Islands, Sea and Food Here, the atmosphere is created by the sounds of rushing water, the crunch of gravel and the knocking of wood, to evoke these lands' sense of harmony. Guinea Bissau. Arid Zones On entering the Cluster, visitors find themselves immersed in a desert sandstorm-like atmosphere, created by canes hanging from the ceiling. Mauritania, Senegal, Palestine, Eritrea. CHINA UNITED KINGDOM ANGOLA w w w. w h e re t r ave l e r. co m 27 SIGHTSEEING FOR MORE LISTINGS VISIT wWW.WHEREMILAN.com H E O W M Ambrosiana, Picture Gallery and Library R E T R R A V E L E .C CODEX ATLANTICUS The Ambrosiana picture gallery contains several exquisite works of art from the 15th through 17th centuries and includes “The musician”, attributed to Leonardo, Raphael’s cartoon for the “School of Athens” fresco and Caravaggio’s “Basket of fruit”. The Ambrosiana library will be exhibiting Leonardo’s entire Codex Atlanticus until 2015, 44 or 45 pages at a time for three months at a stretch. www.ambrosiana.it. Piazza Pio XI, 2. M1-M3 Duomo, M1 Cordusio. Map F5 Cimitero Monumentale A real outdoor museum catering, on the one hand, to the whims of the elite of Milan’s society and, on the other, to works of art by famous sculptors of various eras. Among the notables buried here are Alessandro Manzoni and Arturo Toscanini. Open Tues-Sun from 8am-6pm. (“Monumental Cemetery” guided tour organized by Zani Viaggi www.zaniviaggi.it). www.monumentale.net. Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale. T: 02 88465600. M2-M5 Garibaldi FS. Map E1 Duomo La Scala Opera House Considered one of the most important and famous theatres in the world, known as the ‘Temple of Opera’ , La Scala has hosted the most revered names in the world of music and theatre. By Elena Peverata A ccording to José Carreras, “at La Scala you have a real sense of theatre”. You have a sense of its history, its prestige and its talent. La Scala is hallowed ground to lovers of music and, in particular, opera. All of the world’s most famous singers and musicians have graced the Milanese stage: from Rossini to Verdi (the house composer for decades), to Puccini; from Toscanini to Abbado, to Bareinboim; from starred singers (Maria Callas, Renata Tebaldi, Mirella Freni, Giuseppe Di Stefano, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Nicolai Ghiaurov), to prominent directors (Luchino Visconti, Franco Zeffirelli and Luca Ronconi) right up to celebrated choreographers and ballet dancers (George Balanchine, Rudolf Nureyev, Carla Fracci, Luciana Savignano and Roberto Bolle). Founded at the behest of Empress Maria Teresa of Austria and designed by architect Giuseppe Piermarini, Teatro alla Scala was inaugurated in 1778 with an opera by Antonio Salieri, "L’Europa riconosciuta". From that time onwards, though renovated and refurbished several times, 28 W H E R E M I L A N I decembe r 2014 including 2001 when it closed for extensive renovations, re-opening in December 2004, it has retained all of its allure and magic intact. Its elegant Neo-classical façade, its stuccoes and mirrors in the foyer, its magnificent auditorium swathed in gold and red, the glitter of its huge crystal chandelier and the impressive dimensions and complexity of its stage settings: all these elements contribute to making an evening at La Scala an unforgettable experience. Home to the Choir, the Corps de ballet, the Orchestra and the eponymous Academy and Museum, the musical event of the year at Teatro alla Scala is on 7 December (a holiday dedicated to the city’s patron saint) marking the opening of the opera season, attended by the cream of Milanese and international society. This year, the new season will kick off with “Fidelio”, by Ludwig van Beethoven, conducted by Daniel Bareinboim. >> www.teatroallascala.org Piazza della Scala. T:+39 02 72003744. M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 The Museo Teatrale Lying adjacent to La Scala, the former Ricordi Casino hosts the Museo Teatrale alla Scala (also accessible from the foyer). Founded in 1913, among other things, it gathers a rich collection of musical instruments, documents, memorabilia related to the opera and the theatre, as well as a gallery of portraits and busts dedicated to several of the great artists who performed here from Giuseppe Verdi to Arturo Toscanini. Unless a rehearsal or show is in progress, visitors can admire the auditorium from a box and actually watch the set-moving machinery in action. Open daily 9am-12.30am/1.30pm5.30pm. www.teatroallascala.org. Largo Ghiringhelli 1 (Piazza della Scala). T: +39 02 02 88792473/7473. Among one of the most important Gothic buildings in the world, the church, constructed on and off over a period of 450 years (begun 1386) is the symbol of Milan. Built in the shape of a Latin cross, the cathedral is divided by soaring pillars into five naves, the largest of which measures 45 metres in height and has 135 spires. The cathedral is open daily 7am-7pm. The recently renovated Grande Museo del Duomo (see listing at the MUSEUMS section) houses hundreds of works of art dating from the 15th century to the present day. MAJESTIC TERRACES To experience the Duomo at its most majestic you must ascend to the roof (either by elevator or by steps) where you will be surrounded by an outburst of pinnacles and the famed golden “Madonnina”. www.duomomilano.it. Piazza Duomo. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 FREE WITH Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II with its elegant, fourstorey arcade, housing over 55 luxury cafés and famous designer shops, is covered by a glass barrel vault and a beautiful glass cupola and measures 196 metres in length. Tradition has it that placing your right heel on the bull, depicted in the mosaic on the floor, and then spinning around inside it, will bring good luck. Piazza Duomo-Piazza della Scala. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Palazzo della Permanente Montenapoleone District Milan is known as one the shopping VIAofDELL’ ARTE capitals of the world and via Montenapoleone,Aquario together with Civico La Triennale the Golden Quad is entirely given over to luxury shopping. Here the most important fashion designers METRI offer their creations.900 Don't missLINEARI the "Fashion History Tour" by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it). PINACOTECA DI BRERA M3 Montenapoleone, M1 San Babila. Map F4-G4 PALAZZO CITTERIO Palazzo Dugnani P PAC AC Teatro Strehler Palazzo Moriggia Litta and the city, it boasts small artisan Palazzo workshops painter’s studios reminiscent of those found on the left bank in Paris. CANAL CRUISE Don't Santa Maria delle Grazie miss "I Navigli di Leonardo" canal cruiseMuseo by Archeologico Milano CitySightseeing (www.zaniviaggi.it). Alzaia Naviglio Grande, 4. M2 Porta Genova FS. Map E6 FREE WITH Teatro alla Scala A few steps from the Duomo, the Teatro alla Scala designed by Piermarini - was inaugurated in 1778 with an opera by Antonio Salieri. Most of Italy’s greatest operatic artists and many of the finest singers from around the world have appeared at La Scala during the past 200 years. Lying adjacent to the theatre, ) and the Museo Teatrale (FREE WITH the Scala Shop are not to be missed destinations for ballet and opera lovers. www.teatroallascala.org. Piazza della Scala. T: 02 72003744. M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 San Siro Stadium TEMPLE OF FOOTBALL The Giuseppe Meazza Stadium (San Siro) is the largest in Italy and the third in Europe. All seats are covered in this three-tiered structure which has a capacity of 79,471 and is the home stadium of two of the three most successful Italian Football League clubs: A.C. Milan and F.C.Internazionale (Inter). The San Siro Stadium has a Gift Shop and a Museum displaying all kinds of historic items from both Milan’s and Inter’s past. www.sansiro.net. Piazzale Angelo Moratti. T: 02 4042432. M1 Lotto. Off Map FREE WITH ENJOY MILAN WITH THE NEW “ALL INCLUSIVE” CITY PASS The new card that offers the best of museums, attractions, city sightseeing, transportation and restaurants in Milan. www.themilanpass.com - Infoline: +39 02 867131 Palazzo Citterio Museo Poldi Pezzoli Palazzo Morando Museo di Storia Conte Gallerie d’Italia Piccolo Teatro Chiesa di Sa Palazzo Marino Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Palazzo della Ragione Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Sant’Ambrogio Three glass towers and a piazzaChiesa elevated six metres above the street, near the Garibaldi Railway Station and the ultra-trendy Corso Como: the scenic piazza Museo Nazionale della Scienza Gae Aulenti is an innovative business hub hosting new boutiques. Via Melchiorre Gioia-Corso Como and surrounding area. M2-M5 Garibaldi FS. Map F2 Museo Civico di Pinacoteca di Brera Castello Sforzesco TEATRO DELLA SCALA D’ITALIA Navigli District GALLERIE PALAZZO MARINO Teatro della Scala GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE The Navigli are a widespread network of canals DUOMO whose history is linked to the of Leonardo PALAZZO REALEgenius Teatro Dal Verme 900 da Vinci. One of theMUSEO mostDEL vibrant districts in Porta Nuova District GAM Duomo Museo 900 Palazzo Reale Biblioteca Sormani Milan's Street of Art Following the opening of “Cantiere del ‘900”, the new section of the Gallerie d'Italia-Piazza Scala, Milan has been enriched by a new art circuit featuring the city’s three main museum hubs: the Pinacoteca di Brera, the Gallerie d'Italia-Piazza Scala and the civic complex consisting of Palazzo Reale and the Museo del Novecento. An itinerary extending over 900 metres, that can be crossed on foot in just 15 minutes, from via Brera to piazzetta Reale, cutting through piazza Scala and the Galleria, which hosts an extraordinary part of our country’s art history. The Milan Pass (€69) includes: • a nominative pass • a book of vouchers for admission and discounts for a total value of over 300€ • a detailed guide • a map of the city • an events calendar Where to purchase The Milan Pass: • on the www.themilanpass.com website • at the Milan Visitor Center • from leading international tour operators • at hotels and participating facilities • on board CitySightseeing buses w w w. w heretravel er. com 29 SHOPPING FOR MORE LISTINGS VISIT wWW.WHEREMILAN.com Guidelines Accessories The This directory, grouped by category, is a list of establishments recommended by the editors of Where Magazine and includes regular advertisers. INDEX TO ABBREVIATIONS T: Telephone number M1, M2…: Underground lines MAP LOCATIONS Note that references in bold at the end of each listing (A1, B5 etc) refer to the coordinates on the street maps on pages 94-95. SHOPPING Visitors should note that VAT is 22% and it is generally included in the price of goods. Shopping hours are generally from 9.30am to 7.30pm; less centrally located shops still take the traditional lunch break. Most shops are closed on Sundays (except those located in central Milan) and on Monday mornings. Make sure to always check ahead. >> Tax-Free Shopping By law, non-EU residents are entitled to reclaim the VAT paid on items purchased and exported from the EU: before finalizing a purchase, they should ask the shop assistant whether they are eligible for a tax refund. UNION PAY Italy Hotline 800 873 045 UnionPay is the national bankcard association in China, responsible for operating the unified inter-bank clearing and settlement system in China and developing the international acceptance network for UnionPay cards. More than 2000 shops already accept this card in Milan allowing hundred of thousands of affluent Chinese customers to shop with their fovourite cards. DINING Exclusive creations in crocodile Since the very beginning, crocodile has represented a true icon of luxury. In Milan, a cult destination for these precious skins is Giòsa Milano - La Bottega del Coccodrillo, a real workshop of contemporary, artisanal luxury. By Stefania Vida M ade in Milan, Giòsa Milano epitomizes the craftsmanship of true Italian luxury. Specializing for generations in the working of crocodile skins, the company manufactures precious pieces which though crafted according to the classic canons of precious skins are nevertheless developed with an innovative, contemporary twist. The history of Giòsa Milano dates back to 1950s and reflects the company’s passion and commitment to tradition, a perfect example of Made in Italy artisan luxury. Nestling in the heart of the picturesque Brera district, its workshop fashions a vast 30 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 range of bespoke creations designed to suit individual tastes, real made-to-measure items ranging from clothing for men and women to accessories such as bags, briefcases, wallets, belts, watch cases, desktops and just about anything that can be created using only the finest crocodile skin, including more unusual, contemporary items like Iphone or Ipad covers. >> www.giosamilano.com Via Ciovasso, 6 T: 02 86997441 M2 Lanza. Map F4 Reservations for most restaurants are strongly advised. In Italy, service is included in the price meaning that although tipping is not compulsory, it is obviously appreciated as a sign of satisfaction. Some menus include the word “coperto”, a small surcharge corresponding to the cost of the service and bread. Although no dress code exists in Italy, semiformal clothing is usually considered de rigeur at restaurants. All restaurants and bars are non-smoking unless a separate smokers’ area is specifically offered. Set meals: prices are per person. € = 30 € or less / €€ = 31-50€ / €€€ = 51-100€ / €€€€ = 101-150€ / €€€€€ = 150€ and above. ENTERTAINMENT Several venues offering food are included in the Entertainment section. These are considered as meeting places rather than gourmet addresses. Most major theatre productions are listed there, together with a list of other entertainment. Since programme times are subject to change (often on a daily basis) it is impossible to list all of them. We therefore suggest that you doublecheck details regarding specific programme times. Major events can be found in the “Where Now” section. Agent Provocateur Irreverent lingerie brand, Agent Provocateur has chosen via Verri for its Italian debut. The seductive elegance, typical of the boutique, tempts customers into a playfully evocative area, dominated by the brand’s signature colours – black and pink. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm; Sun 11am-7pm. www.agentprovocateur.com. Via Pietro Verri, 1. T: 02 76024043. M1 San Babila. Map F4 Angela Caputi Giuggiù The brand is renowned throughout the world. Sophisticated, original creations made from unusual materials such as plastic and resin, combined to create unique objects both in terms of colour and shape. Her creations have been used as accessories by famous television and film producers. The accessory as a focal point, capable of creating a look or dressing up any type of garment. A magical blend of contemporary and classical taste. A dream well worth the wearing. Open Tues-Sat 10am1pm/2.30pm-7.30pm. www.angelacaputi.com. Via Madonnina, 11. T: 02 86461080. M2 Lanza. Map F4 Borsalino Historic Italian company synonymous with “hats” the world over. Each piece is an unrepeatable masterpiece, created with an artisan touch, the result of in-depth research that harmonizes fabrics, materials and colours. Open Mon-Tues 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm; Wed-Sun 10am-7pm. www.borsalino.it. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 92. T: 02 89015436. M1-M3 Duomo. Map G4 Furla Contemporary luxury and a discreet, elegant style. A wide assortment of exclusively “Madein-Italy” items: bags, footwear, belts, luggage, costume jewellery and jewellery. A perfect example of time-honoured Italian artisan tradition. The chain has other stores in Milan. Open Mon-Sun 10am-7.30pm. www.furla.com. Piazza Duomo, 31. T: 02 89096794. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Glassing The new flagship store, whose concept is the brainchild of designer Taco Langius, is located downtown in Piazza XXV Aprile, in Milan’s newly revamped fashion hub. In addition to sunglasses, customers can also find a fab range of prescription frames. An added plus is having your eyes tested by the store’s in-house optician. Open Tues-Sun 12noon-8pm. www.glassing.it. Piazza XXV Aprile, 7. T: 02 87242432. M2-M5 Garibaldi. Map F2 Henry Beguelin A “Made-in-Italy” brand of leather accessories, established on the Island of Elba at the beginning of the 1980s, has opened a new Milanese store in via Montenapoleone 9. In addition to various leather goods collections, the first floor houses a sort of museum showcasing the bags that have made the brand an icon of style. Open Tues-Sun 10am-7pm; Mon 3.30pm-7pm. www.henrybeguelin.it. Via Montenapoleone, 9. T: 02 76023820. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Discover The Style Outlets Located just 30 minutes from Milan, Vicolungo The Style Outlets is the nearest outlet to the Lombardy county seat. Don’t miss the chance to browse the outlet’s 150 boutiques and more than 300 prestigious brands of clothing for men, women and children, accessories, homeware and cosmetics with year-round discounts of from 30% al 70% on the retail price. Hiking enthusiasts and winter sports aficionados can choose from among several top, sporty&high performance brands including Timberland, The North Face, Napapijri, Colmar, Dolomite and Salomon. Take a break from your retail therapy by visiting one of the outlet cafés and restaurants serving typical Italian cuisine. From 22 November to 18 January 2015, Vicolungo The Style Outlets will host the fourth edition of “RILUCE - esercizi di arte luminosa”, the open-air exhibition showcasing one-of-a-kind luminous installations. This year, the exhibition will be celebrating 150 years of Alice in Wonderland with “SOTTOSOPRA – Lo strampalato mondo di Alice”. Furthermore, thanks to the shuttle bus that connects Vicolungo The Style Outlets to the centre of Milan, shopping becomes even simpler. The service runs daily. For information and bookings visit www.zaniviaggi.it or call (+39) 02.867131. Lastly, the Tourist Card entitles holders to claim additional discounts of 10% on outlet prices and take advantage of the tax free service. For more information visit: http://vicolungo.thestyleoutlets.it/ w w w. w heretravel er. com 31 [ F AS H ION D ESIGNERS ] Luxury Top Brands Milan is known as one of the shopping capitals of the world. Although high-end purchases can be made in any part of the city, several urban areas are also entirely given over to the business of luxury shopping. First and foremost, the Quadrilatero della Moda, set amidst four of Milan’s most expensive and prestigious shopping streets, namely via Montenapoleone, via Manzoni, via della Spiga and corso Venezia. It is here that the most important fashion designers offer their luxurious creations. Where tip Discover the "Fashion History Tour" by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it/livemilano). Beyond the Quad itself, shoppers can visit other districts including the Duomo-corso Vittorio Emanuele II-Galleria-via Dante area, Brera and via Solferino, with corso Garibaldi, corso Buenos Aires and the VercelliBelfiore-Marghera districts. (see Map on pages 94-95) ALBERTA FERRETTI PHILOSOPHY— www.albertaferretti.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Montanapoleone, 18. T: 02 76003095. M3 Montenapoleone, M1 San Babila. Map G4 ASPESI—www.aspesi.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 13. T: 02 76022478. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 BALENCIAGA—www.balenciaga.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Santo Spirito, 19. T: 02 760841. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 BLUMARINE—www.blumarine.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via della Spiga, 42. T: 02 795081. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 BORSALINO—www.borsalino.com Open Mon-Sun 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm; Sat 10am7pm. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 92 (and via Sant'Andrea, 5). T: 02 89015436. M1 Duomo. Map F4 BOTTEGA VENETA—www.bottegaveneta.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm; Sun 11am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 5 (and via Sant'Andrea, 15). T: 02 76024495. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 BRUNELLO CUCINELLI—www.brunellocucinelli. com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via della Spiga, 30 (Clothing). T: 02 76015982. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G3 • Via della Spiga, 5 (Accessories). T: 02 76014448. M1 San Babila. Map G4 CAR SHOE—www.carshoe.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 11am2pm/3pm-7pm. Via della Spiga, 1. T: 02 76024027. M1 San Babila. Map G4 CHANEL—www.chanel.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Sant’Andrea, 10/A. T: 02 77886999. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 CHURCH’S—www.church-footwear.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10am1pm/2pm-7pm. Via Sant’Andrea, 11. T: 02 76318794. M1 San Babila. Map G4 • Open MonSat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10am-2pm, 3pm-7pm. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 84. T: 02 72094454. M1-M3 Duomo. Map G4 DIOR—www.dior.com. Open Mon-Sun 10am7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 12 (Women). FERRAGAMO presents Fiamma, a contemporary, sophisticated bag featuring well-defined lines, enriched by a luxe lock closure on the front flap. 32 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 HERMÈS presents an elegant women’s sandal in black suede kid with a gold ankle buckle, for a highly sophisticated allure. T: 02 76317801. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 DOLCE&GABBANA—www.dolcegabbana.it Men: open Mon-Sun 10.30am-7.30pm. Corso Venezia, 15. T: 02 76028485. M1 San Babila. Map G4 • Women: open Mon-Sun 10.30am7.30pm. Via della Spiga, 26. T: 02 76001155. M1 San Babila. Map G4 • Accessories: via della Spiga, 2. T: 02 795747. M1 San Babila. Map G4 EMILIO PUCCI—www.emiliopucci.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 14. T: 02 76318356. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA—www.zegna.com Open Mon-Sun 11am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 27/E. T: 02 76006437. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 ETRO—www.etro.com. Open Mon-Sun 10am7.30pm. Via Montenapoleone, 5. T: 02 76005049. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 FENDI—www.fendi.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am7.30pm; Sun 1am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 3. T: 02 76021617. M1 San Babila. Map G4 FRATELLI ROSSETTI—www.fratellirossetti.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10am-2pm, 3pm-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 1. T: 02 76021650. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 GIORGIO ARMANI—www.giorgioarmani.com Open Mon-Sun 10.30am-7.30pm. Via Montenapoleone, 2 (and in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II). T: 02 76003234. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • One stop shop for Armani Lifestyle, from food to home accessories. Via A. Manzoni. Map F4 GUCCI—www.gucci.com. Open Mon-Fri 10.30am-7.30pm; Sat-Sun 10am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 5/7. T: 02 771271. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. T: 02 8597991. M1, M3 Duomo. Map G4 • Via Brera 21, corner of via Fiori Chiari. T: 02 7202921. M2 Lanza Brera. Map F3 HermÈs—www.hermes.com. Open Mon-Sat 10.15am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 12. T: 02 76003495. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 hogan—www.hoganworld.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Via Montenapoleone, 23. T: 02 76011174. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 JIMMY CHOO—www.jimmychoo.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Sant’Andrea, 1/A. T: 02 45481770. M1 San Babila. Map G4 KENZO—www.kenzo.com. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm; Sun 11am-7pm. Via A. Manzoni, 25. T: 02 72080735. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 KRIZIA—www.krizia.it. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. Via della Spiga, 23. T: 02 76008429. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G3 LORO PIANA—www.loropiana.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm; Sun 11am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 27. T: 02 7772901. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 LOUIS VUITTON— www.louisvuitton.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 11.30am-7.30pm. Via Montenapoleone, 2. T: 02 7771711. M1 San Babila. Map G4 • Open Mon-Sat 10am7.30pm; Sun 10.30am-7.30pm. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. T: 02 72147011. M1-M3 Duomo. Map G4 MISSONI—www. missoni.it. Open MonSat 10am-7pm. Via Sant’Andrea corner of via Bagutta. T: 02 76003555. M1 San Babila. Map G4 MIU MIU— www.miumiu.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am7.30pm; Sun 11am9pm. Via Sant’Andrea, 21 - T: 02 76001799. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Via Sant’Andrea, 21 (Woman Accessories). T: 02 76001799. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Open Mon-Sat 9.30am-10pm; Sun 10am-10pm c/o La Rinascente, Piazza Duomo. T: 02 55028800. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 MOSCHINO—www.moschino.it Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Via Sant’Andrea, 12. T: 02 76000832. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Open Mon-Sat 10am -7.30pm. Via della Spiga, 30. T: 02 76004320. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G3 PRADA—www. prada.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 11am-7pm. Corso Venezia, 3. T: 02 76001426. M1 San Babila. Map G4 • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 63/65. T: 02 876979. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 • Via Montenapoleone, 8 (Woman). T: 02 7771771 / Via Montenapoleone, 6 (Man). T: 02 76020273. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Via della Spiga, 18 corner of via Sant'Andrea, 23 (Woman Accessories). T: 02 780465. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 RALPH LAUREN—www.ralphlauren.com Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm; Sun 2pm-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 4. T: 02 7788721. M1 San Babila. Map G4 ROBERTO CAVALLI— www.robertocavalli.com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via della Spiga, 42 (and via Montenapoleone,6). T: 02 7630771. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 SAINT LAURENT—www.ysl.com. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm; Sun 11am- 7pm. Via Gesù, 4. T: 02 76000573. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 SALVATORE FERRAGAMO—www.ferragamo. com. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 11am7pm. (Woman) Via Montenapoleone, 3. T: 02 76000054. M1 San Babila. Map G4 • (Man) Via Montenapoleone, 20/4. T: 02 76006660. M1 San Babila. Map F4 TOD’S—www.tods.com. Open Mon-Sat 10am7.30pm; Sun 1pm-7pm. Via della Spiga, 22. T: 02 76002423. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (Sun 10.30am-7pm). T: 02 877997. M1M3 Duomo. Map F4 TOM FORD—www.tomford.com. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-7.30pm. Via P. Verri, 3. T: 02 36529600. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Trussardi—www.trussardi.it. Concept Store: Open Mon-Sat 10am-8.30pm. Piazza della Scala, 5. T: 02 80688242. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 • Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Sant’Andrea, 5. T: 02 781878. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 VERSACE turns up the heat this winter by injecting warm, brightly-coloured shades into all types of garments, for an ultra-elegant, feminine look. VALENTINO—www.valentino. com Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm; Sun 10.30am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 20. T: 02 76006182. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 For the 2015 winter season, Fratelli Rossetti has reengineered its classic men’s Oxford in suede leather with a contrasting sole. VERSACE—www.versace.com. Open Mon-Sun 10am-7pm. Via Montenapoleone, 11. T: 02 76008528. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. T: 02 89011479. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 ZILLI—www.zilli.fr. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Gesù, 5. T: 02 49541950. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Sizing Women clothes EuroUS UK 342 6 364 8 386 10 408 12 44969 4210 14 4412 16 Women shoes EuroUS UK 365 3 376 4 387 5 398 6 419 7 4210 8 ------------------Men clothes (chest) EuroUS UK 4434 34 4636 36 4838 38 5040 40 5242 42 5444 44 Men shoes EuroUS UK 418 7 429 8 4310 9 4511 10 4612 11 4713 12 w w w. w heretravel er. com 33 es ù V. G a ari n Ve ne zia i Co rso er v Ve ne a V. zia M Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2014. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers a r zia or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the cannot accept responsibility for errors V. or omissions le V. Cerva Ub and produced publishers. This map is originally designed by CM Cartographics. ert oV V. Ron isc chetti on ti d iM odr one Sp to an V. S Co rso iri to or go sp es so V. B V. M l es san dr oM an zo ni V. A V. dei Giard ini zo ni an dr oM V. A les san . Palazzo Serbelloni ni V. Maffei a V. S V. A naparte V. 3 rt za Mo V. a Eu rop rso Co V. Respighi V. C rza glia ce ran V. F on o V. Fe sta de lP erd V. Sant’ A ia 6 Sfo H ompass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2003. Revised 2008. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. A unique fashion outlet in the heart of Milan Since 1978, the best Italian designer labels for men and women. Clothing, accessories and shoes at prices discounted up to 60%. Just a few minutes from Linate Airport, Central station and the city center. www.salvagentemilano.it Via Fratelli Bronzetti, 16 T: 02 76110328 Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm 34 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 5 V. Du rin Sig no ra ga ar V. L ntonio sco V. Mazzini V. Mazzini in o V. Sa n Corso Ital ara conceived with the child F in mind. Fashioned in G workshops in Japan, the clothing is made from fine fabrics and imbued with practical, functional, and unique touches. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.mikihouse.co.jp. Via Montenapoleone, 8 entrance from via Sant’Andrea. T: 02 76011448. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 V. Daverio E D high-class objects whose every detail can be customized. Its hallmark features are unique, exclusive made-to-measure products exuding a sense of low-key luxury. Open Mon-Sat 10am7pm. www.serapian.com. Via della Spiga, 42. T: 02 76024451. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G3 4 n V. Ma la o ntan a V. P uri a V. M V. Guastal to V. To r et gh La V. ni V. San Bergami le Rea ne ’Unio ll V. de alla P V. tta pe Lu V. i iatt V. P Children’s Clothing & Toys V. Freg u V. S tto he cc V. rta ta M a ri o V. Palazz da pa S V. i fic re O V. i V. Pattari ar or Bo rm V. G o ra ni A V. ell a V. Brisa V. Ho ep li he rita an ta M V. S. Pellico arg V. Rovello V. Porl ezz a i su lM uro V. S an G iov ann V. L. I llica greta puccio C B eyewear and eye care. The venue also boasts an in-store ophthalmic centre to guarantee that customers make informed purchases. Open Mon-Fri 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-9pm; Sun 11am8pm. www.salmoiraghievigano.it. Piazza San Babila, 3. T: 02 76000100. M1 San Babila. Map G4 atorio V. Conserv rte ll’O a tro Pie ello gn a ond eg ffaele a V. San R V. Foscolo o aol ci V. S.M. Se V. Morigi p V. Ca Orologeria Luigi Verga ● o ta ut . V. S leri rio P an V. S V. C ampe e nt Da V. C V. M. Orologeria Luigi Verga V. Borromei V. B. Luini A Casa Manzoni ian am nD Teatro alla Scala ag llo ve Ro V. letto V. Bro P.tta M. Bossi si s V. F o B ei i S. Tomaso B V. Palazzo FontanaSilvestri Palazzo i Prefettura Stazione r r Belgioioso Ve Cadorna (Palazzo lod Teatro San Cairoli . V. d P r Isimbardi) a . Casa degli P.za mm Babila o uonaparte V s Teatro dei Leonardo a m o Belgioioso a Teatro T Omenoni t n Filodrammatici ici Corso Matte S. Babila V. Sa Dal Verme otti P.za Corso Monforte V. G. P.za S. Corso Monforte L.go P.za della Meda Puccin an azio S Babila i Mattioli Scala Palazzo V. alm Pal. Marino D Carmagnola Municipio S. Fedele S. Carlo Teatro Teatro o al Corso Nuovo Galleria Galleria P.za Grassi V. San V. Porrone Galleria S. Babila S. Babila Vittorio S. Fedele ro Prospe V. del Toro Emanuele II A agni tro Litta Galleria V. L.go A. Masc Ra Odeon P.za S.S. V. P. Longobardi V. Meravigli Toscanini d Pietro e Lino Galleria V. Borgogna o Magenta Galleria V. T. Grossi Passarella V. P.za del II Meravigli S. e acolo Vinciano l Borsa Liberty e P.za Skorpion Club MA large selection of some of the most nu Palazzo aria della Grazie .P Cordusio V. M ma oE erc or Negri Galleria Durini Museo tori an Pal. dei desirable watch brandsV.available on the ta t i V Galleria del Corso S. Vito Strasburgo ti Giureconsulti P.za degli rcheologico so Poste sione Cordusio Cor market,Vincluding Rolex, Patek Philippe, Affari V. Pas Centrali Palazzo della Duomo Galleria .S Ascensore Ragione . Passaggio Pattari Cartier, IWC, M Jaeger-LeCoultre, P.zaTudor. P.za Centrale .F P.za ulc Verga alsoEdison Mercanti Orologeria Luigi prides itself Duomo Beccaria P.za del or Passaggio V. Chiossetto i V n Duomo on its after-sales service and boasts an .M V. C a Duomo Duomo P.za V. Vigna Vigili avall o o Fontana g Urbani otti ne P.za on-premises UNI EN ISO 9001: EDITION S. Maria Hu ta Pio XI Podone V. Museo P.za repair L.go dei 2008 certified workshop.Biblioteca Museo L.go P.za del Novecento Palazzo Borromeo Bersaglieri oni del Duomo Palazzo Augusto V. Ambrosiana Reale V. Filippo Corrid Borromeo Bo Arcivescovile llo V. Dogana Palazzo V. Verziere re www.luigiverga.it a O F F I C I A L R E TA I L E R eO V. C Reale rsol V. dell Pinacoteca esar S. Pietro S. Gottardo L.go L. J. nt’ O S. Bernardino e Ba V. Sa Via G. Mazzini P.za S. M. Ambrosiana in Corte Borges V. Giardino alle Ossa ttist in Gessate V. Beltrade i (piazza Duomo) Ra S. Sebastiano P.za S. Maria V. San Bernardino str T: 02 8056521 presso P.za Diaz ell Corso di Porta Vittoria S. Stefano S. Satiro i Galleria P.za Basilica di Biblioteca Comunale Torino o Mentana i Santo Stefano Galleria Centrale (Palazzo b ga Mazzini Maggiore no za Sormani-Andreani) an Galleria on d C G Teatro . . dell’Unione P V V. Palazzo Lirico V. di LEGEND P.za S. Antonio Giustizia Missori Abate S. Alessandro V. Albricci Salmoiraghi & Viganò Serapian dia V. Zebe Information Theatre V. Zaccaria V. Andreani The new flagship store in piazza San Babila,Palazzo A story of passion, creative genius and V. Place of Interest Trivulzio Missori name in high-class Chiara the jewel-in-theArcade crown of Italy’s largest chain of craftsmanship, an exclusive Giardino Co a vall Sinagoga e sc locations: rso opticians, not only carries the latest collections leather goods. Serapian boasts two Palace Monument della Guastalla Miki House elaTorre d V o Università n i P where, . since of designer prescription glasses and sunglasses an .atelier in via Jommelli, 1945 all ie V F Velasca or Superb quality degli and Studi unique style V Pedestrian Area Railway Station a ta V. San Barnab but also the exclusive Salmoiraghi & Viganò Teatro of its collections are produced, and a boutique di Milano Ro are the hallmarks of this Japanese house of Olmetto S. S. Barnaba (Ca’ Granda) Palazzo Museum lines. A cult destination Metro L.go V. San Barnaba S. Maria and a services Palazzo centre in via della Spiga. The latter moffers a special a na e Paolo children’s fashion and style. Every collection is Annoni F. Richini della Pace Archintoin of excellence, it offers 360 degree solutions “made to order” service for those in search of L.go Maria Callas 2 llo Serbe Museo di Storia Contemporanea Museo Civico di Milano tti sche Foro Buo Palazzo Castiglioni V. Bo ato o ne or Celestino a pig S V. r nd ’A t an Museo Poldi V. M Pezzoli ea Aires Palestro Palazzo del Senato o n Prim V. Sa S. Pietro aS ne eo ito Museo Bagatti Valsecchi str o V. M en ba i Verd Bo ri ega V. And Teatro ll de V. ab . V. G S. Giuseppe Teatro di Verdura Biblioteca di Via Del Senatoarina Galleria Manzoni Manzoni V. M on te na V. po Bi l gl i tà e di Pie lite P.le cnic Morandi o S. Francesco QUADRILATERO di Paola D’ORO Montenapoleone d’Arte Moderna Po S V. G lli. v asso L.go Cairoli Ex Monte di Pietà t V. Mon Palazzo Borromeo d’Adda F V. ra ne lo V. Me V. del Lauro V. C Fondazione Matalon - Museo Galleria d’Arte Orto Botanico rso V. dell’O usani Castello ine Carm V. C io etero nte V V. Po Duomo district P.za S. Erasmo Astronomico di Brera re V. B V. Ma don nin a llo l V. de P.za del Carmine LuxuryV. Q. shopping Sella P.za Castello BRERA S. Maria del Carmine Collezionista d’Arte Castello Sforzesco Museo del P.tta Risorgimento Palazzo di Brera Cusani Osservatorio ro rpofo S. Ca hio Archi di Porta Nuova o ov nu go or te as V. SHOPPING Museo del ri i Chia r V. Fio rcato V. Me aC P.z useo Arte Antica Pinacoteca astello Sforzesco Fondazione A. Mazzotta Pinacoteca di Brera B V. ivoli L.go A. V. T Teatro Greppi delle Erbe Brera Teatro Strehler t V. ere B o di 6593RA 7 SHOPPING SHOPPING Cimitero Monumentale es ù V. G a Ve ne zia Co rso to iri Sp to an V. S ari n les san dr oM an zo ni or go sp es so V. B V. M Palazzo Serbelloni Museo Civico di Milano rt za Mo V. a Co rso Ve ne zi odr one iM i V. C er v a V. Ma rzia V. le Ub ert oV isc on ti d V. Du rin Sig no ra glia V. Freg u ran ce sco Sfo r za ell a V. F ntonio V. Fe sta de lP erd ia on o ga ar V. L V. Sant’ A o in V. Mazzini rta ta M a V. Sa n Corso Ital V. Daverio o ntan E F ara la a V. P uri D G H and a Tourist Info Point. Tax-Free Shopping Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2003. Revised 2008. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. Official Retailers in Milan service is available and payment is ◗ Pisa Orologeria - Rolex Boutique accepted by major credit cards: Union Pay, ◗ Orologeria Luigi Verga ◗ Rocca 1794 Via Montenapoleone, 24 Via Mazzini corner of via Dogana, 3 Piazza Duomo, 25 Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, T: 02 76317726 T: 02 8056521 T: 02 8057447 Visa Electron, and more. Shuttle bus ◗ Luigi Verga Orologi ◗ Ronchi ◗ Gobbi 1842 service by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it). Corso Vercelli, 7 Via Gonzaga, 5 Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 15 T: 02 76020536 T: 02 43995176 4 5 6 n V. Ma a V. M V. Guastal to V. To r et gh La V. ni ne ’Unio ll V. de le Rea V. San Bergami o V. Palazz ri V. Mazzini i fic da pa S V. alla P V. tta pe Lu V. i C V. Ron chetti a rop Eu rso Co tto he cc V. re O V. i V. Pattari ar or Bo rm iatt V. P B V. Cerva pli oe V. S V. H an ta M V. S. Pellico arg V. Rovello he rita ro Mu ni van Gio an V. S V. Brisa e A V. V. Morigi cio ppuc V. Ca ● Ronchi 3 atorio Ort greta V. G o ra ni all’ o ello gn a ond eg ffaele a V. San R V. S.M. Se V. Foscolo ● Gobbi 1842 ● Rocca 1794 ● Orologeria Luigi Verga V. Conserv tro Pie aol nP ci V. Porl ezz a sul llica o ian am ta ut . V. S a V. S leri te an V. C D V. rio Luigi Verga ● Orologi V. Borromei V. B. Luini A Casa Manzoni ag Teatro alla Scala B V. llo ve Ro V. letto V. Bro P.tta M. Bossi si s V. F o B ei i S. Tomaso nD Palazzo FontanaSilvestri Palazzo i Prefettura Stazione r r Belgioioso Ve Cadorna (Palazzo d l Teatro San o Cairoli . . V dra P Fo r o B Isimbardi) Casa degli P.za Babila uonaparte V. Teatro dei mm Leonardo maso o Belgioioso a Teatro T Omenoni t n Filodrammatici ici Corso Matte S. Babila V. Sa Dal Verme otti P.za Corso Monforte V. G. P.za S. Corso Monforte L.go n io P.za della Meda Puccin Sa maz Babila i Mattioli . Scala 4 Palazzo V al Pal. Marino D Carmagnola Municipio S. Fedele S. Carlo Teatro Teatro Palazzo al Corso Nuovo Galleria Galleria P.za n Grassi Sa V. ne Litta Porro V. Galleria S. Babila S. Babila Vittorio S. Fedele ro pe Pros V. del Toro Emanuele II A Galleria agni Teatro Litta V L.go A. . R Odeon Masc P.za S.S. V. P. ad Longobardi V. Meravigli Toscanini Pietro e Lino Cors Galleria V. Borgogna o Magenta Galleria V. T. Grossi Passarella V. P.za del II Meravigli S. e Cenacolo Vinciano l Borsa Liberty e P.za Skorpion Club M nu Palazzo S. Maria della Grazie .P Cordusio V. M ma oE erc or Galleria Durini V. Negri Museo tori an Pal. dei ta t i V Galleria del Corso S. Vito Strasburgo ti Giureconsulti P.za degli Archeologico so Poste sione Cordusio Cor Affari V. V. Pas Centrali Palazzo della Duomo Galleria S. Ascensore 5 Ragione Passaggio Pattari M P.za P.za Centrale .F P.za Edison ulc Mercanti Duomo Beccaria P.za del or Passaggio V. Chiossetto in V Duomo .M V. C a Duomo Duomo P.za V. Vigna Vigili avall o on Fontana g Urbani otti P.za et S. Maria Hu a Pio XI Podone V. P.za L.go dei Museo L.go P.za Biblioteca Borromeo Palazzo Bersaglieri oni del Duomo Palazzo Augusto V. Ambrosiana Reale V. Filippo Corrid Borromeo Bo Arcivescovile llo V. Dogana Palazzo V. Verziere At FoxTown Factory Stores Mendrisio re a O e V. C Reale rsol V. dell Pinacoteca esar S. Pietro S. Gottardo L.go L. J. nt’ O S. Bernardino just 50 km north of Milan and only 20 km e Ba V. Sa P.za S. M. Ambrosiana in Corte Borges V. Giardino alle Ossa ttist in Gessate V. Beltrade i south of Lugano (Switzerland) 6 - 160 stores Ra S. Sebastiano P.za S. Maria V. San Bernardino str presso P.za Diaz ell Corso di Porta Vittoria offer the most prestigious brands at prices S. Stefano S. Satiro i Galleria P.za Basilica di Biblioteca Comunale Torino discounted from 30% to 70% all year o Mentana i Santo Stefano Galleria Centrale (Palazzo b ga Mazzini Maggiore no za Sormani-Andreani) round. Amongst the famous labels carried an Galleria on d C G Teatro . . . dell’Unione P V V . Palazzo are: Armani, Bally, Blumarine, Burberry, Lirico V di LEGEND P.za S. Antonio Giustizia Dior, Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Missori V. Albricci Abate S. Alessandro dia ia V. Zebe Theatre V. Zaccar Polo Ralph Lauren, Prada, SalvatoreInformation V. Andreani Palazzo V. C Ferragamo, Valentino, YSL and some 240 Place of Interest Arcade h Trivulzio Missori i a 7 rava Giardino Co a lle Sinagoga sc rso other brands. FoxTown is open daily, Palace Monument della Guastalla elaTorre d V o Università n i . Velasca ie P V F 11am-7pm (except 1 Jan, 1 Aug, Easter and . o degli Studi V Pedestrian Area Railway Station rta a Teatro V. San Barnab di Milano R Christmas & Boxing day). Furthermore Olmetto S. S. Barnaba (Ca’ Granda) Palazzo oma Museum Metro L.go V. San Barnaba S. Maria Palazzo na e Paolo Annoni F. Richini della Pace Archinto there are a Casino, 7 bars and restaurants L.go Maria Callas Paradise of Luxury and Elegance 36 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2014. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information Copyright Compass in this guide, Maps Ltd. the (UK). publishers © 2012. cannot All rights accept reserved. responsibility Whilst every for errors care has or omissions been takenortothe check consequences the accuracythereof. of the information No part of this in this map guide, and the guide publishers may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the V. Respighi publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. Man in zo an oM dr les V. A V. D . V. De March i ini V. dei Giard ni . V. A Museo di Storia Contemporanea ni V. Maffei a V. S san V. Ma don nin a naparte V. 2 llo Serbe tti sche o ne or Corso Buenos Aires tro Palazzo Castiglioni V. Bo ato a pig V. n Sa ea r nd t’A Museo Poldi V. M Pezzoli Celestino aS ne eo ito Museo Bagatti Valsecchi ale s Palestro Palazzo del Senato o n Prim V. Sa S. Pietro en ba ri ega V. And i Verd Bo ● Pisa Orologeria Rolex Boutique V. M on te na V. po Bi l gl i V. P Galleria d’Arte Moderna V. M ll de V. ab . V. G V. del Lauro S. Francesco QUADRILATERO di Paola D’ORO Montenapoleone tà e di Pie S. Giuseppe Teatro Galleria Manzoni Manzoni Museo di Storia Naturale 1 PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea Teatro di Verdura Biblioteca di Via Del Senatoarina S V. G lli. Ex Monte di Pietà t V. Mon Palazzo Borromeo d’Adda F V. ne lo V. Me vasso Foro Buo vo uo on P.za S. Erasmo Giardini Pubblici P.za V. Palestro Cavour V. Centro de l V Svizzero ec ch io Po lite P.le cnic Morandi o Archi di Porta Nuova V. A Marco V. San g or ra V. C io i Cusan L.go Cairoli ciata B V. Orto Botanico rso V. dell’O ero Fondazione Matalon - Museo Galleria d’Arte ine Carm Centrale nnun Astronomico di Brera re V. B l V. de et nte V V. Po P.za C astello V. dell ’A Pinacoteca di Brera BRERA S. Maria del Carmine P.za del Carmine V. V. Fat ebene fratell i Museo del P.tta Risorgimento Palazzo di Brera Cusani Osservatorio oforo Carp V. S. 3 uri i Osc r V. Fio V. Brera rcato V. Me P.za Castello ri i Chia r V. Fio Questura V. Cerna ia ldi Gariba taccio H ThisStazione map is kindly sponsored by the Rolex Official Retailers in Milan S. Marco P.za S. Marco n V. Po G F E V. F. Turati ri valie ro V. CaS. Sepolc del Corso V. Q. Sella ampe Likes to define its style as “ basic, with a twist”. The cult brand, created in 1990 by fashion veteran Alberto Castello Sforzesco C V. M. Aspesi MILANO Giambattista Valli Giambattista Valli has recently opened his first Italian boutique in via Sant'Andrea. The space will stock the entire prêt-à-porter womenswear line, alongside a range of accessories including bags, shoes, jewelery and furs. The boutique will also offer an exclusive service allowing customers to order bespoke items in a number of rare, exotic skins. Open Mon-Sat 9am-7pm. www.giambattistavalli. com. Via Sant’Andrea, 12. T: 02 76311790. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 ano V. Legn Contemporary menswear stocking a wide selection of international brands - Blauer, Blundstone Shoes, B.D. baggies, Ganesh, Hartford - at this store created as an offshoot of Host. Animal House is gradually becoming a new destination address for men in the know. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm. Via A.Saffi, 7. T: 02 4694900. M1 Conciliazione, M1-M2 Cadorna. Map D4 2 D Basilica di San Simpliciano Herno’s famed quilted jackets and outerwear are Acquario available at its flagship store in via della Civico Spiga.(2006) Its uber-sophisticated men’s, women’s and children’s CENTRO o collections are housed within a truly evocative di V. L. ti 1 Ga setting, embellished by a series of screens that run Viscon e l P.le V. Teatro MILAN Marengo throughout the store, for a truly interactive, highStudio tech experience. Open Tues-Sat 10am-7pm, POPOU T M A P Teatro Mon 3pm-7pm. www.herno.it. Via della Spiga, 1. . etta V er .le dio Strehler ivoli B T: 02 94432789. M1 San Babila. MapVG4 Ga L.go A. V. T Teatro Greppi delle Erbe Just Cavalli Fondazione A. Mazzotta The Just Cavalli flagship store is dedicated Museo to a d’Arte Antica young, hip crowd in search of new worlds. Here e Pinacoteca the style-savvy will find men and2 women’s Castellopret-aSforzesco Museo del porter collections, accessories, eyewear, costume Collezionista d’Arte llo Animal House This flagship store, located in via Montenapoleone since 1946, showcases men and women casual clothes which blend tradition and research to render each garment with a sense of elegance and sophistication. The company’s passion for top quality, elegant design and its devotion to individual customer requirements makes it a symbol of pure, high-class “Made in Italy” fashion. English, French, German and Spanish spoken. Fedeli has recently opened a new boutique in Seoul (South Corea). Open Mon-Sat 10pm-7pm. www.fedelicashmere.com. Via Montenapoleone, 8. T: 02 76023392. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 C Luxury shopping B te as Clothing Men & Women Fedeli A Herno aC P.z A welcoming, sought-after boutique dedicated to clothing collections and accessories for miniature trendsetters. SophiePetit offers a variety of pint-sized clothing and accessories for newborns all manufactured in Italy. In addition to ordering “custom-made” garments or purchasing gift items, the store also boasts a women’s department to satisfy all the requirements of fashion-forward moms-to-be or nursing mothers. Other services available include courses, meetings, a space where mothers can either nurse or change their babies, courtesy prams and lots more besides. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-1.30pm/2.30pm7pm. www.sophiepetit.com. Via G. Rasori, 4. T: 02 45481732. M1 Pagano, M1 Conciliazione. Map C4 Aspesi, features quirky, tailored lines, elegant details and natural materials. His current collections are still based on the original “no-frills” philosophy and will appeal to all those who like their outerwear without flashy labels. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.aspesi. it. Via Montenapoleone, 13. T: 02 76022478. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 V. L. I SophiePetit T: 02 877449 w w w. w heretravel er. com 37 6593RA 7 SHOPPING SHOPPING latest trends. Its coats, jackets and suits, designed to be paired with small easy chic pieces, are an absolute must. Seductive, easy-to-wear garments for elegant, dynamic women. www.marella.com. Corso Vittorio Emanuele corner of Piazza Liberty. T: 02 76012747. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 • Corso XXII Marzo, 4. T: 02 5463754. Map H4 Massimo Sforza E-MARK See page 54. VIGANò ALTA MODA See page 39. jewellery, watches and lingerie. Its interior space has been skilfully designed to highlight different themes and is inspired by urban, metropolitan lofts. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm, Sun 11am-7pm. www.robertocavalli.com. Corso Matteotti, 18. T: 02 76280740. M1 San Babila. Map G4 K-Way A fashion outlet in Milan Established in 1978, Il Salvagente is among Milan’s best-known and longest established outlets: a comprehensive offering of high-end fashion in the city of fashion. Clothing, accessories and shoes, for him and for her, at up to 60% off. This landmark Milanese outlet is located just a few minutes from the airport of Linate and the Central station and is easily accessible from the centre of the city. Enjoy all the perks of city shopping but with far more palatable price tags! Open Mon 3pm7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. Via Fratelli Bronzetti, 16. T: 02 76110328. www.salvagentemilano.it >> For Where readers Readers of Where, presenting a copy of the magazine in-store, will be entitled to a 10% discount on all purchases for the whole month of December. 38 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 The brand has its first stand-alone store in the centre of Milan in via Ugo Foscolo, near the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. The boutique carries clothing and accessories for men, women and children. An innovative, high-tech space whose offer is designed to guide customers in their choice of garments. Its window features high-tech plasma screens to inform customers about prices and special offers while, once inside, customers can use the digital Factotums on-hand to view prices, discounts, sizes and availability. www.k-way.com. Via Ugo Foscolo, 8. T: 02 86996389. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Larusmiani Concept Boutique A Concept Boutique extending over 700 sq.m. on three floors, it oozes simplicity and understated luxury, reflecting the subtlety of its sumptuous apparel. The perfect place to build your wardrobe with exclusive pieces. Larusmiani takes luxury retail to a new level. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10.30am-1.30pm/2.30pm-7pm. www.larusmiani.it. Via Montenapoleone, 7. T: 02 76006957. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Manzoni 24 A stylish location in the heart of the city where customers can discover all the elegance of its uber-luxe fur collections. Sophisticated creations for those who appreciate modern style and traditional Italian craftsmanship. Its specialized staff is on-hand to suggest the look best suited to each and every customer’s individual requirements. Open 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm. www.condorpelli.it. Via Manzoni, 24. T: 02 76001395. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Domus Prima is the name of the first Milanese flagship store of designer label Massimo Sforza. A sought-after address in the heart of via Montenapoleone where you can find all the style and elegance of the brand’s refined menswear collections, distinguished by figureflattering, couture apparel, ultra-light knitwear and artistic intarsia, precious fabrics and skins including cashmere and crocodile and beautifully handcrafted footwear and accessories. www.massimosforza.com. Via Montenapoleone, 23. T: 02 76015653. Map F4 Max Mara An Italian fashion house known for its readyto-wear clothing. Established in 1951, since its inception, Max Mara has always offered clean-cut, beautifully tailored lines. Although it has numerous sales points scattered throughout Milan, Italy and the rest of the world, it is not a chain store but rather a real designer label. Open Mon-Sat 10am7.30pm; Sun 10.30am-7.30pm. www.maxmara.com. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. T: 02 76008849. M1-M3 Duomo, M1 San Babila. Map G4 Miroglio Piazza della Scala A few steps from the Teatro alla Scala and the Gallerie d'Italia, Miroglio has just opened a new, fashion-forward concept store: 13 window displays extending over a surface area of 600 square metres in the heart of Milan. The new space hosts the “best of” Caractère and Elena Mirò’s collections, alongside other prestigious brands of the iconic Group, an expression of pure Italian taste. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7.30pm. www.mirogliopiazzadellascala. com. Via Verdi, 2 corner of via Manzoni. T: 02 97389718. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Mortarotti Since 1885, Mortarotti has been a cult destination of Milanese style. Initially established as a footwear boutique, over time, it enlarged its offer to also include women’s clothing Marella Marella offers a full, diversified range of designs boasting a refreshingly contemporary spirit, in keeping with the Impeccably tailored lines by MANZONI24, in which even the noble furs are adapted to suit young contemporary style. collections. Its via Manzoni boutique carries the creations of the best Italian fashion brands, for a contemporary, elegant style, perfect for all occasions. The boutique also offers its clientele a tailoring and home delivery service. In addition to its via Manzoni boutique, Mortarotti also has stores in via Belfiore 6, corso Magenta 29 and via Francesco Sforza 1. Via Manzoni 14/16. Open 10am-7.30pm and Sun 11am-7pm (only via Manzoni). T: 02 76003839. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 International Bookshops Milan offers a vast selection of international and foreign-language print media. The newsstands in the centre sell international newspapers and magazines, while leading bookstores always offer a section dedicated to international books. Likewise, several specialized booksellers also stock an array of niche publications. Insider tips from Where Milan Nadine The new Nadine boutique can be found in one of Milan’s most sophisticated shopping streets. This well known Italian brand, which prides itself on it wholly “Made-in- Italy” products, has several boutiques in Milan in corso Vittorio Emanuele II 34, corso Buenos Aires 38, Via Dante 16, via Torino 67, via Marghera 18 and corso Vercelli 8. Boutique corso Vercelli: open Mon 1pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 3pm-7.30pm. www.nadinefashiongroup.it. T: 02 43510306. Corso Vercelli, 8. M1 Conciliazione. Map C4 Pinko The young, trendy brand has opened a new boutique in via Montenapoleone, a wonderland featuring the colourful Pinko universe. An unusual play of lights characterizes the different rooms of the boutique, including the “special room”: a dark, silk-carpeted space overlooking a small internal garden. www.pinko.it. Via Montenapoleone, 26. T: 02 76014184. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Red Valentino An evocative space housing clothing and accessories collections. The store is a succession of three room featuring white capitonné walls and large crystal chandeliers. Decorated like a surreal old house and boasting a warm, elegant, intimate atmosphere, no detail has been left to chance including tromp l’oeil sketches on the walls and tall white cabinets displaying the designer’s latest collections. www.redvalentino.com. Corso Venezia, 6. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Viganò Alta Moda Since 1933, a reference destination in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele for those wishing to purchase exclusive articles: handcrafted coral jewellery and cameos, hats, gloves, shawls, umbrellas and fans in pure Italian style. Its courteous multilingual staff (English, French and Spanish) are always on-hand to offer their clientele expert advice. Open Tues-Sat 10.30am-1pm/2pm-7pm; Mon and Sun 11am-1pm/2pm-7pm. www.vigano1919.it. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 14. T: 02 86462229. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Department Stores & Shopping Centers Brian&Barry Building (The) A 12-floor “vertical dream”, starting from the basement and spiralling upwards to the 9th floor, hosting the ASOLA | Cucina Sartoriale restaurant helmed by chef Andrea Torretta, and the 10th floor featuring a terrace/lounge space. The megastore will host a series of different high-end products and services including clothing, food, cosmetics, design objects, jewellery and watches. Open daily 10am10pm. www.thebrianebarrybuilding.it. Via Durini, 28. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Abook Piccolo A wide selection of publications on architecture, art, design, photography and theatre. Via Rovello, 2. T: 02 72333504. M2 Lanza. Map E3 American Bookstore A reference point for Englishspeaking readers. Ancient books and prints department. www.americanbookstore.it. Via M. Camperio, 16. T: 02 878920. M1 Cairoli. Map E4 L’Archivolto Libreria Specialized in architecture, urban design and Milan history. www.archivolto.com. Via Marsala, 3. T: 02 6590842. M2 Moscova. Map F2 TRONY Books, CDs, DVDs, videogames, cell phones, MP3, IT, TV, Hi-Fi, cameras and camcorders, a ticket service, photo printing, bar and Internet Point. www.troni.it. Via della Palla, 2 corner of via Torino. T: 02 84259030. M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Missori. Map F5 Il Libro - Libreria Internazionale Specialized in educational publications and foreign language literature. www.il-libro.it. Via F. Ozanam 11. T: 02 2049022. M1 Lima. Off Map La Feltrinelli Express It offers books, CDs, DVDs, multimedia items, stationery and the largest selection of paperbacks in the city in original language versions. www.lafeltrinelli.it. Stazione Centrale. T: 199 151 173. M1-M3 Centrale. Map H1 La Feltrinelli Libri e Musica Books, CDs, DVDs, sheet music, magazines, videogames, new technologies, graphics, stationery and gadgets, talks and live music, bar, ticket office. www.lafeltrinelli.it. Piazza Piemonte, 2. T: 199 151 173. M1 Wagner. Map B4 Libreria degli Atellani Large catalogue of classics and contemporary fiction, non-fiction texts and art books. International magazines, specializing in fashion and interior design. www.atellani.it. Corso Magenta, 65. T: 02 4816150. M1 Conciliazione. Map D4 Libreria dell’Automobile Publications on cars and motorbikes in Italian and other foreign languages. www. libreriadellautomobile.it. Corso Venezia, 45. T: 02 76006624. M1 Palestro. Map G4 Libreria del Mare Italian and foreign publications (above all, British, American and French) dedicated to navigation in all types of waters, water sports, marine biology, naval history and tourist guides. www. libreriadelmare.it. Via Broletto, 28. T: 02 86464426. M1 Cairoli, M1 Cordusio. Map F4 Libreria Ulrico Hoepli One of Italy’s largest bookstores, it offers over 500,000 titles (30% in foreign language versions). Subscriptions to Italian and foreign periodicals and access to international databases for bibliographical and book research. www. hoepli.it. Via U. Hoepli, 5. T: 02 864871. M1-M3 Duomo, M1 San Babila. Map F4 Libreria Rizzoli Galleria It stocks as many as 40,000 books and dedicated corners with International books and a few magazines. www.rizzoli. eu. Gallerie Vittorio Emanuele II. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Melting Pot An excellent choice of books in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, German and Russian, almost all in paperback versions. www. libreriameltingpot.it. Via Vettabbia, 3. T: 02 58310713. M3 Missori. Map E7 Mondadori Multicenter A chain of megastores scattered throughout the city, offering a wide assortment of books, CDs, DVDs, videogames, phones, electronics, IT, café, foreign newsstand and Internet Point. www.inmondadori.it. Several locations in the city (piazza Duomo, corso Vittorio Emanuele II, via Marghera, via Berchet). Piazza del Duomo, 1. T: 02 45441113. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 Triennale Bookstore Specialized in architecture, design, modern and contemporary art. www.triennale.it. Viale Alemagna, 6. T: 02 72018128. M1-M2 Cadorna FN. Map D3 w w w. w heretravel er. com 39 DECEMBER 2 0 14 SHOPPING Excelsior Milano Seven floors of exclusive brands, in the heart of Milan, ranging from fashion to beauty; from food to design. Among these, worthy of particular note is Eat’s Store, a food market conceived for a discerning clientele which offers a restaurant divided into three areas: elegant “take-aways”, “fast” bistrot fare and, finally, “slow” tasting experiences. The ground floor, overlooking Galleria del Corso, offers a Design Bar, a Beauty space and Tiffany’s shop-in-shop… plus Valextra, Ladurée and a flower corner. Luxury designer brands showcased include Marc Jacobs, Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin and Givenchy. Open daily 10am-9pm. www.excelsiormilano.com. Galleria del Corso, 4. T: 02 76307301. M1-M3 Duomo. Map G4 la Rinascente DODO's charm amulets are special gems. MUST SEE A fabulous department store A concentration of luck and the perfect gift overlooking the Duomo, a to ourselves or to those who we love. real part of Milan’s history. 10 storeys with a refined and contemporary ambience San Raffaele, 2. T: 02 where shoppers can find an exclusive selection 8852471). Open seven of fashion for men, women and kids, accessories, days a week: from beauty, lingerie, home interiors, food and design. Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm; la Rinascente Food & Restaurants on the 7th Fri-Sat 9.30am-10pm; floor features a Food Market brimming with rare delicacies, all origin controlled. It also offers visitors Sun 10am-9pm. www.rinascente.it. a choice of as many as nine bars and restaurants Piazza Duomo, 10. T: designed to cover the entire spectrum of taste 02 88521. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 (open 7 days a week until midnight; dedicated entrances also on via Santa Radegonda, 1 and via ® YOUR TAX FREE SHOPPING MAGAZINE Premier Shopping FASHION OUTLETS Vestistock An historic multi-brand outlet, established in 1979 in the centre of Milan (corso Buenos Aires district) and recently revamped, it offers customers the possibility of purchasing big-name brands at affordable prices. Vestistock carries a vast assortment of classic-chic clothing and accessories for him and for her carrying the signatures of revered fashion lables of the likes of Gucci, Missoni, Prada, Dir, Ralph Lauren, Etro, Armani, Moschino as well as lots of other top brands, at as much as 70% off. The perfect venue for” bargain” hunters. Open daily 10am-7.30pm. Facebook Vestistock Milano. Via Ramazzini, 11 (Corso Buenos Aires district). T: 02 29534502. M1 Porta Venezia. Map H3 Jewellery & Watches Argenteria Dabbene A magical shopping experience at Fidenza Village Fidenza Village invites you to Step into the Story this season and enter a world of fairy tales. Discover an enchanting experience, with festive gifts from the most prestigious brands and a unique opportunity to support Oxfam Italy – part of a large international coalition created to overcome poverty and injustice, and to help women, both in Italy and throughout the world. With the help of American fashion illustrator Katie Rodgers, Fidenza Village has created visually stunning giant storybooks, which – along with mystical forest animals – add to the magical atmosphere. Guests are invited to step into the larger-than-life storybooks and take a photo – because Fidenza Village believes that behind the purchase of every gift there is a personal story to tell. Along with exciting events, guests can discover savings of up to 70% on the recommended retail price in more than 100 boutiques of luxury fashion for men, women and children, as well as accessories, gastronomic specialities and designer homewares. From 7 November, the joy of giving will be linked with a charitable gesture. By adding €2 to each purchase made in the boutiques, guests will receive a beautiful snowflake as a symbol of their generosity to hang on their festive tree, decorate gifts or hang from their bag. In addition, Fidenza Village is encouraging its guests to share their festive gift-giving stories with friends on social networks using #FidenzaVillage. For each each use of this hashtag Fidenza Village will donate an additional euro to help raise funds for Oxfam Italy. The donations raised during the festive season at Fidenza Village will help Oxfam Italy with its projects currently underway in the rural areas of northern Sri Lanka, a country affected by 30 years of civil war. In particular, it will be used to support a community of 400 farmers in the district of Vavuniya, helping around 1,500 people and their families. Visit FidenzaVillage.com for more information. 40 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 UNIQUE An institution in Milan since 1939, Dabbene epitomizes luxury and exclusivity in the production of only the finest silverware. Since the very beginning it has offered a rich catalogue of unique objects, including homeware and tableware, entirely crafted in-house. Dabbene offers beautifully crafted design objects, a perfect fusion of tradition and contemporary taste. Since its inception, the brand has stood out on account of its matchless creativity which sees the combination of this noble metal with other highly sought-after materials including jade, malachite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, fossils, shells, coral and marble. At its spacious boutique in the heart of Milan, Dabbene also stocks a number of highly covetable, prestious brands including Baccarat, Lalique, Puiforcat, Ginori, Wedgwood, Robbe & Berking, Carlo Moretti, Ricci and many others besides. Open Tues-Sat 9.30 am-7pm. www.argenteriadabbene. com. Largo C. Treves, 2 corner of via Balzan. T: 02 6554406. M2 Lanza. Map F3 Breguet This historic brand, synonymous with excellence and technological innovation, shares its exclusive Milanese venue with lovers of the creations of high-class horologerie, by presenting an extensive collection of unique timepieces and jewellery. A scenographic staircase with marble walls leads to the second floor where, in addition to its display cases, visitors are invited to discover everything that they’ve ever wanted to know about Breguet’s workshops at the store’s virtual room which offers the screening of interactive, thematic films. Open Mon-Sun10am-7pm. www.breguet. com. Via Montenapoleone, 19. T: 02 76007756. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 LIVE YOUR Sweet EXPERIENCE IN MILAN Premier tax free A unique tax-free shopping experience montenapoleone card One-of-a-kind initiative with top luxury brands These pages are kindly offered by Premier Tax Free Advertorial WHO’S WHO | Premier Tax Free Premier Tax Free Italy Via Montenapoleone, 21 20121 Milano T: +39 02 62694032 Open Mon-Fri 10.30am-7pm; Sat 1pm-7pm marketing@it.premiertaxfree.com www.premiertaxfree.com Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest a Unique Tax-Free Shopping Experience The staff of Premier Tax Free Italy at the Lounge in via Montenapoleone 21 To be eligible for a VAT refund you need to spend a minimum of €154.94 in a single store. Our headquarters are located in Milan where our expert multilingual staff are on hand to offer you a number of luxury services. Since our inception we have been helping travellers to get more from their stay and shopping experience in Milan whilst helping our partners to capitalize on the shopper phenomenon. Find our maps at the very best hotels and locations in Milan and Venice to ensure a hassle-free shopping experience and, while you’re about it, make sure to download our iShoptaxfree app on your smartphone which quite literally brings the world of Tax Free shopping into your hands and guides you right to the nearest and coolest boutiques in the area. To make the most of your tax free shopping trip and to discover more about our services, head to our VIP Lounge in via Montenapoleone 21 where you can take out time and relax while we process your refund. Ask our Russian, Chinese and English mother-tongue staff about our VIP services. Premier Tax Free Refund locations in Milan: )Via Montenapoleone, 21 )Malpensa Airport Terminal 1 (check in Area 1 and Extra Schengen Area, Gate B) )Linate Airport (departures area, after passport control) Worldwide Tax Free shopping: ) Over 25 years’ experience in the Tax Free business. ) More than 150.000 retailers working with us in 29 Countries. ) 500 refund points in 30 Countries. )ATA Linate Airport )Mezzanine floor Stazione Centrale Premier Shopping | December 2014 ) De Wan ) E. Marinella )Eres )Gallucci )Giada ) Gianvito Rossi )Gucci ) Kurt Geiger )Larusmiani )Lindarico ) Massimo Sforza ) Michael Kors )Galleria del Corso, 1 ) Mikhailov Gallery ) Miki House )Missoni ) Narò Furs ) Neil Barret )Omega )Pederzani ) Pinco Pallino ) Ralph Lauren )Sabbadini ) Saint Laurent ) Sergio Rossi Nestling in the heart of Milan, in via Gesù 17, Mikhail Sasonko from St. Petersburg has opened his first showroom in Italy: the Mikhailov Gallery Italy. Vladimir Mikhailov is an artist and stonecutter who creates images and symbols for Russian churches and their patriarchs, using an ancient technique that originated in Pskov and Novgorod in the 12th and 13th centuries. )Piazza Duomo, 17 His works of fine sculpture, typical of the Northern School, are deeply spiritual, a feature that is evident in all of his artifacts including crosses, icons, rings, chains, easter eggs, spoons, fantasy objects and exclusive limited edition. BOUTIQUES AFFILIATED WITH PREMIER TAX FREE IN THE QUADRILATERO ) Agent Provocateur ) Alexander McQueen )Balenciaga )Barrett )Blauer ) Borgospesso 11 ) Bottega Veneta )Byblos )Chanel )Chimento ) Christian Dior ) Devi Kroell Iconic jewelLEry AT THE Mikhailov Gallery ITALY )Sicis ) Stella McCartney ) Tom Ford )Valentino )Valextra )Venini ) Walter Shoes Design ) Zadig & Voltaire )Zilli Several models belonging to the collections on sale at the Mikhailov Gallery Italy in via Gesù. Crafted with enamels and precious stones, the refined "Images of Russian Ballet" collection, from jewellery house Sasonko St. Petersburg, features delicately intertwined pieces that mimic the graceful pirouetting of dancers on stage. Today, the artist Tatyana Khromoseyeva combines the workmanship of high-class jewellery with the shapes of classical ballet. The jewels on the right (Vladimir Mikhailov collection) are a prime example of the iconic line inspired by sacred symbols, where the wonders of Russian culture transpire in jewels that are also objects of art, masterpieces of goldsmithery created with unparalleled craftsmanship in keeping with ancient techniques. Rossella Bezzecchi, director at Mikhailov Gallery Italy with Mario Boselli, president of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, during the opening of the new showroom in Milan Mikhailov Gallery Italy www.vmikhailov.com Via Gesù, 17. T: 02 76390703 Mobile: 366 3981223 M3 Montenapoelone Via F. Turati Montenapoleone Card. SHOPPING WITHOUT STOPPING efrat elli V.d e 事後免税 rdini Via dei Gia str o VALENTINO Tote bag with braided handles Via Montenapoleone, 20 T: 02 76006182 www.valentino.com ia ez Bo Vi a 退税 A62780 EMPEROR Iridescent ruby ayers bootie with black calfskin details to Sp iri Возврат нало га nt o 事後免税 退税 事後免税 by PREMIER Возврат нало га © Your Premier Refund+ 退税 事後免税 Your Premier Refund+ Возврат нало га Sa 事後免税 Your Premier Refund+ 事後免税 Your Premier Refund+ Vi a Your Premier Refund+ 退税 Your Premier Refund+ Montenapoleone Card. Once you shop you can't stop Valentino GUCCI Leather lace-up shoe Via Montenapoleone, 5/7 T: 02 77127 www.gucci.com PEDERZANI Currant necklace with rubies and diamonds Via Montenapoleone, 1 T: 02 76001728 www.gioielleriapederzani.com SERGIO ROSSI Emperor model: Iridescent ruby ayers bootie with black calfskin details Via Montenapoleone, 27 T: 02 76006140 www.sergiorossi.com Vi aG es ù o Prim oV en so es A. Via ne GIADA Dress in printed silk Via Montenapoleone, 15 T: 02 91798888 www.giada.com BOTTEGA VENETA Orange Intrecciato nappa ayers messenger bag Via Montenapoleone, 5 T: 02 76024495 www.bottegaveneta.com Вы Премьер Воз Your Premier Refund+ Возврат нало га eo © V. Pa le a ig rg o Ma sp Sp Sergio Rossi ol Your Premier Refund+ by PREMIER Co rs i nz on lla ap Your Premier Refund+ to na de n V. Sa 退税 on te n 事後免税 退税 Se Via BOUTIQUES AFFILIATED WITH MONTENAPOLEONE CARD M © Your Premier Refund+ 退税 Via o ov nu Open Mon-Fri 10.30am-7pm; Sat 1pm-7pm Vi a PREMIER Возврат нало га 1234 1234 1234 1234 Get your MonteNapoleone Card at our VIP lounge located in the heart of the Quadrilatero della Moda and join an elite of tax free shoppers! Premier Tax Free Italy Via Montenapoleone, 21 20121 Milano T: +39 02 62694032 退税 事後免税 Texte xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Card is valid for 2 years and you can io spend it when you like during this time! Po the benefits at participating shops. liEnjoy tec It’snicall o about less stress and more cash. ciata 事後免税 Your Premier Refund+ by Возврат нало га lV ec ch ’Annu n 退税 事後免税 Your Premier Refund+ P Via F ateb en Вы Премьер Воз Возврат нало га Возврат нало га remier Tax Free and the Associazione della Via MonteNapoleone have teamed up to offer shoppers a one-of-a-kind initiative stro V. Pale with a selection of top luxury brands participating in the MonteNapoleone Card project. Those choosing the card have an added plus: a 15% bonus on top of their refund for an even more enjoyable Tax Free shopping experience. Piazza Cavour Via de ll Your Premier Refund+ 退税 Your Premier Refund+ 1234 1234 1234 1234 Texte xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B Via How to obtain the Montenapoleone Card by PREMIER ia ez oV en ta Pederzani A61870 JUNO Iridescent ruby ayers clutch a ig Sp ut ag Bottega Veneta Ralph Lauren Corso Matte otti 10 MIKI HOUSE Fall/Winter Collection 2014-2015 Via Montenapoleone, 8 (entrance from via Sant'Andrea) T: 02 76011448 www.mikihouse.co.jp RALPH LAUREN Big pony jacquard scarf Via Montenapoleone, 4 T: 02 7788721 www.ralphlauren.com larusmiani Menswear Fall/Winter 2014-2015 Via Montenapoleone, 7 T: 02 76006957 www.larusmiani.it rto ll’O oa etr . Pi S Via 1) Make a purchase in any Italian store affiliated with Premier Tax Free 2) When paying at the cash desk, ask for a Premier Tax Free invoice 3) Go to the Premier Tax Free Lounge in via Montenapoleone 21 4) Present your tax free invoice, passport and credit card 5) Pick up your Montenapoleone Card loaded with the refund amount plus a 15% bonus which can be spent at stores participating in the Montenapoleone Card initiative lla B Via ri ne leo atteott i o ietr S. P to Via all’Or Corso M r Ve P. o ap a Vi Miki House n te on Gucci S M Via Larusmiani a Vi n t’A an de © Via ron e Giada ea dr Co rs igli V. M o Premier Shopping | December 2014 Pr e m i e r Ta x Fr e e i ell av hi V. CavRaeggime Savo lleria nto ia Canova V. A. Niev o olito V. Ip p Ca ni rta e .B Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2014. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics. cc V.le S. Boezio V.le Cassiodoro V.le d. Comemérico e on pi V.le Eginardo igi Melzi D’Eril V. F. P.za . A P.za dei Sempione V Volontari Arco della Corpus Domini Pace ac V. Berengario io mini Medici V . Lu SHOPPING .M III eo m V. P.za Giovanni XXIII X ne aM re d An c os M V. na se as en P.za G. Amendola c ces ran F V. P.za VI Febbraio c Vin V. Vercelli-Belfiore-Marghera 3 1 d 12 In 22 23 dell’ 2 Palazzo e 11 V.l dello 3 P.le Sport Italia 4 10 9 Under Construction (2007 – 2014) 5 8 7 6 V. A. Spinola L.go V. Senofonte Africa N V. bo o m nc Pio Bia el te on M V. San Siro Milano u err oF Se .D Luxury shopping ia tr us ro i an lb S V. P.le Arduino 21 19 Fiera o av A F. V. u G V. 13 rs o Co o lm ie gl lL de .le 2 Mo Na III ale V. T e V. G io suè V. d e a ro cc io lon io ar V. A V. C V. O Card Tog n i Zen i tan ive Ol V. D. C V. B . ello li eg V. d oni V. G. B D E. V. V. Giorgio Washington V. G. del Maino a gn rde vio V. S a izza Gio nE pe ep ius V. G bio use a V. S i ndr V. S. Mic hele del Carso V.le di P orta Verc ellina imaro sa ni Pan olo V. Alessa ba l V. E a V. P u Ariosto ro . V. B co ac .S ezzi to B on o llav icin . Pa V. G V. Lodov ico e ch as L V. rgis E V.le us V. della Robbia on i Ca pp a agn M n ce zo o i rd ti pa on eo M zo L G. V. en n Vi V. r Lo V. n sa us Gi da V. ni ffi tto io a G V. z viz Ra V. P ier m Ale E. V. e er ev .R G V. sso Ta V. Buonarroti ti tti i lo ar V. Michelangelo e V.l on se os i zin an ch P V. a os eR ian C V. u ar O F F I C I A L R E TA I L E R R V. t on M V. èB os M V. F F. V. Luigi Verga Orologi L V. M V.le Ezio P.le Giulio V.le Belisario Cesare zo Torre Branca lp o G o in Amendola .M V V. ilto ich Fiera Sacra en n o L.go V n m Famiglia a Trienn o Alpini D izi T . Palazz V o i a dell’Ar i rc ell a c iv at r Ve et ni e e i o r P . r o r n i P V V. bu mb ga Casa P.za gg G. m io Pa Ta ette rre ar V. na Verdi Buonarroti . o o n P i M S C lo ar V. Buonarroti A. V. M XX Co V. V. i V. V. P.za S. Pietro 4 V. Tommaseo van io in Sala nz Pagano Ro ffi a S Malpens Sa G. . . le lo Expres A V . P.za a V f P.za P.za Bocca f V. V. Ra Wagner a so ri R V. Conciliazione GiovineCenacolo era B P.za V. h Wagner Italia e PORTA Conciliazione lfio Vinciano arg De Angeli re MAGENTA V. M P.za S. Maria C or so A large selection of some of the most De Angeli Vercelli della Grazie L.g P.le F. Teatro Piemonte Mo V. n d’Anc Corso Magenta desirable watch brands available on the fer L.go ● Baracca Nazionale rat Palazzo Settimo o market, including Rolex, Audemars Piguet, delle Museo Teatrale Severo Luigi Verga Orologi V. Stelline Hublot, Tudor, Panerai and Pomellato 67. Po alla Scala V. Giuseppe Frua lib V. S P.za Sicilia io Luigi Verga Orologi also prides itself on an Vitt ore its after-sales service and boasts an hi acc r 5 on-premises UNI EN ISO 9001: EDITION G ei S. Vittore nd V. d 2008 certified repair workshop. . Ba al Corpo .M V a g r e o t V V. S. Ambrogi V. www.luigiverga.it abo Carceri Gi Museo Nazionale . C P.za an Corso Vercelli, 7 V. S Po S. Vittore V. P. Cavalcabò della Scienza Ba V. i M1 Conciliazione tti e della Tecnica ipar P.le P.za sta Aquileia V.l V. L e T: 02 43995176 Irnerio eP Am Vic De ap o i P.za z d i n a z g a ian V. Roncaglia V. V. E Vesuvio i o Ar bol m ibe ro t Tripoli a S p rt P.za p V. LEGEND o F S. Agostino S. Agostino o . Vincen nzo e .S c 6 V n i Buccellati . C V. S. Calog Information Market V.l V. V es V eC V.l Heir to a tradition that dates back to the 18th ar Parco eP o on eS rais century and a favourite with the royal families ap iZ Solari es Church alpa V i Place of Interest n . u to of Europe, Buccellati offers stunning designs ian gn P.za V a o featuring a “tulle, lace or honeycomb” effect. Bazzi Teatro ri P.le Viewpoint Libero Also known for its silver and extraordinary animal ola Cantore Museum ea S r d collections. Open Mon-Sat 10.30am-1pm/2pmn V. A of Brera, well-known Florentine In P.za the heart 7pm. www.buccellati.com. Via Montenapoleone, Train Station V.l Rosario eG V.l F4 23. T: 02 76002153. M3 Montenapoleone. Map Theatre designer Angela Caputi presents her new a e n o CONCHETTA v G a exclusive collection for the 2014 Fall/Winter Metro Station or Da P.ta V. S Bulgari izi r ra Stazionefor each Genova FS season, the perfect eaccessory a Among the most noteworthy names in the world h Shopping g o V V . Pta. Génova 7 the very Cycle Path together with Cartier and Tiffany, since V. Angela and every outfit. Caputi Giuggiù’sVigevano Vic. S. Maria Lavandai a are the perfect beginning, Bulgari has been a reference point for innovative, elegantrjewels ton al Naviglio Post Office luxury jewellery. It also carries watches, fragrances, . To de V Swimming Pool addition to the wish list of every woman: Gran o i accessories and small table items. Its most famous l g i in Mercatone those who appreciate simplicity will aia NavGrandeorta Tic collection is the “Bzero1”, originally crafted in gold dell'Antiquariato lz viglio a di P A Police Parking a a ad N Rip and subsequently embellished with diamonds and Strfeaturing ona simply love the “Square” line, V. Tort NAV precious stones. Open Mon 11am-7pm; Tues-Sat o ed ont V. M V. C Co ors lomo C bo . V. Tortona lia V. Ventimig o ran ia Lor e V. C oisé V. M eo Co evid rnia lifo a V. C Giuggiù latest creations za V. Val en ne gno rgo e V. B hal d ten V. S geometric shapes and decorations while B C D A 10am-7pm. www.bulgari.com. Via Montenapoleone, more exuberant types will be seduced 2. T: 02 777001. M1 San Babila. Map G4Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2003. Revised 2008. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept respon Cartier In addition to its jewellery, Cartier is also famous as a luxury maker of watches, second only in the world to Rolex. Renowned for its design and technology, Cartier’s steel watches are embellished with details in gold, platinum and diamonds. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.cartier.it. Via Montenapoleone, 16/A corner of Via Gesù. T: 02 3030421. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Chopard The Swiss brand, famed throughout the world for its refined timepieces and jewellery collections, by the appeal of the “Fume” line, whose transparencies and shades of grey meld harmoniously with deep carmine. Each piece is assembled by hand in full respect of tradition and the true concept of Made-inItaly craftsmanship. www.angelacaputi.com Via Madonnina, 11 - Brera district. T: 02 86461080 M2 Lanza. Map F4 w w w. w heretravel er. com 47 SHOPPING has opened the doors of its recently refurbished boutique in via della Spiga. The ground floor houses the Chopard Uomo collection, with one space, in particular, dedicated to the LUC, 1000 Miglia and Manifacture collections. In fact, the new Milanese Chopard boutique is the only one in the world to boast a Men’s Room of this kind. The first floor is home to the accessories room, a room dedicated to its Women’s collections and a VIP room featuring the Maison’s most exclusive pieces of high-class jewellery and haute horologerie. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.chopard.com. Via della Spiga, 14. T: 02 76394950. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 interpreted with the innovative spirit. Line purity, a refined, elegant classic as well as contemporary spirit, are the distinctive values of the Damiani jewelry reproposed in a flagship store designed by Antonio Citterio. A well-lighted space displays all the Maison’s jewelry collections, which are admired throughout the world for their jewelry to be realized by master goldsmiths in full accordance with the best Italian tradition. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.damiani.it. Via Montenapoleone, 10. T: 02 76028088. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Damiani Situated just a stone’s throw from the Duomo, Atelier daniela de marchi - ddm is an evocative location where jewellery collections are designed and handcrafted: exclusive collections that accompany those wearing them on a day-to-day basis. Located on the ground floor of an historic building, the atelier serves as a perfect backdrop to the designer’s creations: jewels rendered unique by the patented “Dropage” technique in silver, bronze, brass and semi-precious stones covered in different colored enamels. The Atelier is an iconic destination for the savvy radical chic Milanese élite. Tues–Sat 10am-7pm. www.danielademarchi.it. Via dei Piatti, 9. T: 02 86995040 M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Missori. Map E5 Master craftsmen since 1924, Damiani has a long goldsmithing tradition which it has always Daniela De Marchi-Ddm Dior Damiani's iconic design Founded in 1924, Damiani is an Italian family-run company with a flagship store located on the corner of via Sant’Andrea. The luxury jeweler offers collection of exquisitely handcrafted pieces that symbolize the timeless appeal of unmistakable Italian style. The Belle Epoque collection is inspired by the graphic design of cine film and, like the cinema, brings dreams and great feelings to life: rings, cufflinks and charming cross-shaped pendants in white gold with baguette-cut stones. Four versions - full pavé of diamonds, diamonds and sapphires, diamonds and rubies, and diamonds and emeralds. Belle Époque is a work of fine jewellery through the beautiful but difficult setting of the gems with a classic yet Deco taste. -Damiani, via Montenapoleone 10. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 www.damiani.com -Rocca 1794, piazza Duomo 25. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4. -Rocca 1794, Lugano, via Pessina 6. www.rocca1794.com 48 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 Following a complete makeover by Peter Marino, the women’s boutique of the historic Paris maison in via Montenapoleone 12 hosts clothing, accessory, jewellery and high-class timepiece collections all set within an exclusive, sophisticated ambience, in perfect keeping with the brand’s creations. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.dior.com. Via Montenapoleone, 12. T: 02 76317801. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Dodo The gold Dodo jewellery line, created in 1995, by Pomellato, is by now a classic either for gift or collection purposes. It sells an array of animal charm pieces, each of which has a particular meaning. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am7pm. www.dodo.it. Corso Matteotti, 9. T: 02 49524750. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Faraone Having undergone a complete makeover, this historic maison of highclass jewellery interprets Italy’s famous tradition of goldsmithery according to an innovative, sophisticated and exclusive vision. A real jeweller’s showroom, a “neverseenbefore” and contemporary concept of high-class jewellery that though boasting a new style and soul nevertheless retains its timehonoured heritage and personality. Faraone offers two exclusive lines, a pret-a-porter line "I Composable" and a haute couture line "One of a Kind", both featuring an infinite number of combinations, shapes and colours. Open Mon-Fri 10am-7pm. www.faraonegioielli.it. Via Montenapoleone, 9. T: 02 76319153. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Gioielleria Pennisi Located in the Quadrilatero della Moda since 1971, Gioielleria Pennisi is an exclusive backdrop like its sophisticated collections of High-Class Jewellery, a unique meeting point for collectors and aficionados of the art of goldsmithery and vintage jewellery which, together with a rich collection of objects de vertu, Art Déco and Retrò jewellery, constitute the hallmark feature of the collections signed by Pennisi. Everything began with the passion of its founder, Giovanni Pennisi, a diamond dealer with a vocation for collecting antique art. Now his passion is carried on his son Guido, his daughter, Marina and Guido’s wife, Paola. The family were later joined by the third generation, Emanuele Ferreccio Pennisi and Gabriele Pennisi. Open Mon 3.30pm7pm; Tues-Sat 9.30am-12.45am/3.30pm-7pm. www.gioielleriapennisi.it. Via Manzoni, 29. T: 02 862232.M1 San Babila. Map G4 Gobbi 1842 Founded in 1842, Gobbi is a reference point for refined jewellery and precious timepieces, such as >> Don’t miss a visit to the Ecliss flagship store with its new concept de charme “Come Back Home for Christmas”. Ripa di Porta Ticinese, 73 (Map D7). www.ecliss.it [ LA RINASCENTE ] Fabulous Christmas 1. 2. 10. 9. 8. 7. Imagine an enchanted atmosphere that envelops you and takes you far away to a land where fashion is exciting, accessories luxurious, beauty is that of movie stars, designer décor is amazing, and gourmet foods tempt both the eyes and the palate. Imagine limited edition items, new products exclusively for la Rinascente and endless fabulous gift ideas. This is Christmas at la Rinascente where everything has been thoughtfully prepared to make the most eagerly anticipated holiday of the year perfect for you. Together with a gamut of services to bring out the best in shopping: Gift Cards to make those special wishes come true, Gift Boxes in which to pack up stylish gifts for gourmets; all with the addition of longer opening hours, free gift wrapping and home delivery within city limits for purchases over 500€. Come to la Rinascente and find out how you can make your dreams come true. 1. Cult fragrances to give you that extra sparkle on those festive evenings: Exclusive Limited Edition Christmas Set with 5 Cologne Intense by Jo Malone. 2. Indulge that special someone or even yourself with this Moët&Chandon “So Bubbly Bath”. 3. A touch of Christmas glam with the red suede signature blade pump by Casadei. 4. “Rock your Christmas” is the motto of this bow tie in gold and ceramic by Cor Sine Labe Doli. 5. The Bourgie Table Lamp Copper by Kartell combines ultra-classic, Baroque shapes with polycarbonate for timeless irony. 6. Don’t miss a “techno glam” gift such as this Lomo’Instant Sanremo camera set by Lomography. 7. A Dior jacquard dress for kids pays homage to Monsieur Dior’s taste for grand balls: its corolla shape gives it exceptional movement. 8. A gift idea to surprise him! A stylish mix between a brogue and a derby with brushed leather upper and multicolor marble-effect sole. Signed by Paul Smith. 9. Carmine, ruby, scarlet, amaranth and purple glass baubles… the colour red comes to life in all its different marvelous hues. 10. Live the New Year with fashion in mind: coated shoulder bag by Pinko. 3. 4. 5. www.rinascente.it. Milano, piazza Duomo. Open daily. T: 02 88521. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 50 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 2 340000 000043 6. ADVERTORIAL SHOPPING Patek Philippe, Rolex and Tudor. You will get the same fine assistance that the Gobbi family has been providing its clients for the last six generations. The upper-floor laboratory provides quick, top quality, watch repair and maintenance service. Open Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.gobbi1842.it. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 15. T: 02 76020536. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Jaeger-LeCoultre Boutique Ideally located in the heart of Milan’s “Golden PASSION SHOPPING Fashion Triangle”, Jaeger-LeCoultre opened its first Italian boutique in keeping with the spirit of invention and creativity which has set this reference brand of Haute Horlogerie apart in the field of watchmaking since 1833. Featuring an elegant, low-key interior, this exclusive space harmoniously blends the best of design and contemporary materials with an Art Déco style, a period in which the Swiss watchmakers created the legendary Reverso. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.jaeger-lecoultre.com. Via Montenapoleone, 1. T: 02 76281376. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Luigi Verga A large selection of some of the most desirable watch brands available on the market, including Rolex, Patek Philippe, Cartier, IWC, JaegerLeCoultre, Tudor. Luigi Verga also prides itself on its after-sales service and boasts an on-premises UNI EN ISO 9001: EDITION 2008 certified repair workshop. Open Tues-Sat 10am-1.30pm/3pm-7pm. www.luigiverga.it. Orologeria Luigi Verga: Via G. Mazzini corner of via Dogana, 3. T: 02 8056521. M1M3 Duomo. Map F5 • Luigi Verga Orologi: Corso Vercelli, 7. T: 02 43995176. M1 Conciliazione. Map C4 Martino & Mazzolini A quaint artisanal “bottega” where jewellery is created using the ancient “lost wax” technique. The material chosen to fashion its various creations is mainly bronze. The idea is to create eye-catching, fun jewellery that can be worn on a daily basis by those choosing them. All the jewellery (rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants and earrings) are strictly hand-crafted in the store’s open-plan laboratoriy and are designed to satisfy individual tastes and requirements. www.martinoemazzolini.it. Via G. Rasori, 8. T: 02 39400445. M1 Pagano. Map C4 Made-in-Italy luxury furs Set within the heart of Milan, the new Pellicce Canali Showroom serves as an exclusive showcase for its luxe fur collections and the Florence Mode brand, of which Canali is the exclusive licensee for Milan. Drop into Canali’s sleek store in Milan’s renowned fashion Quad to admire and try on their full-on collection of luxury pieces, distinguished by new materials and cutting-edge working techniques. In particular, the showroom carries an array of mink, lynx and sable for women but also a number of elegant fur garments for men. Its highly specialized staff is on-hand to help you choose from among the different types of fur displayed, all distinguished by painstaking attention to detail, superior-quality raw materials, impeccable tailoring and sartorial working techniques. Showroom: Via Alberico Albricci, 9. T: 02 877843. www.pelliccecanali.it 52 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 Mimì An exquisite, young jewellery brand designed by the Broggian family, has its first monobrand boutique in via Gesù 3. A space distinguished by its elegant, cosmopolitan allure, displaying the brand’s brightly coloured, uber-feminine collections in niches carved out in the wall. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.mimi.co. Via Gesù, 3. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Pisa Orologeria A watch lover’s paradise for over 70 years. Prestigious timepieces with particular attention to the latest innovations. Assistance centre and specialized workshop. Unique gift packaging with delivery guaranteed to any part of the world. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www. pisaorologeria.com. Via P. Verri corner of via Montenapoleone, 9. T: 02 762081. M1 San Babila, M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Pisa Orologeria-Rolex Boutique The Pisa family has always been a forerunner in the world watch sector and now hosts the Rolex Boutique. The collaboration between the Pisa family and the Rolex brand goes back over 70 years. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.pisaorologeria. com. Via Montenapoleone, 24. T: 02 76317726. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 of luxury Swiss watches. A selection among the most prestigious brands: Damiani, Rolex, Breguet, Ulysse Nardin, Omega, Cartier, Panerai, Piaget, Vacheron Constantin, Breitling, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Tudor, Gagà. Rocca garantees outstanding levels of competence and expert skillfull consultancy. Open Mon-Sun 10am-7pm. www.rocca1794.com. Piazza Duomo, 25. T: 02 8057447. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Founded in 1881 and now run by the fourth generation, it is considered one of the oldest venues in the city. Since its inception, the shop has been a reference point for style and elegance in writing paper, business cards, printed documents, desk items and photo albums in beautifully handcrafted leather according to time-honoured Italian tradition. The basement floor houses a vast assortment of prints and antique maps. Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Ronchi Opened in 1929, it has become a prestigious reference point for all watch lovers, always combining the passion for the high level watchmaking with the love for the refined jewellery, the continuous research of the fashion trend as well as the classic. Among the most prestigious brands: Rolex, Tudor, JaegerLeCoultre and Franck Muller. Open Open TuesSat 9.30am-1pm/3pm-7pm. www.ronchigioielli. com. Via Gonzaga, 5. T: 02 877449. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 Sicis Jewels Milanese luxury mosaic maison Sicis recently opened its first Italian Sicis jewellery boutique in via della Spiga devoted entirely to its luxe jewellery and watch collections. Heavily armored cases inlaid with precious gold and platinum mosaics serve as the perfect backdrop to highlight the superb craftsmanship of the mosaic masters’ artistry of nano- and micro-mosaics. Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.sicisjewels.com. Via della Spiga, 9. T: 02 798780. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Tiffany & Co. www.fpettinaroli.it • www.pettinarolimapsandprints.com www.facebook.com/PettinaroliMilano - Piazza San Fedele, 2 (entrance from via T. Marino) - T: 02 86464642-1875 CHRISTOFLE Located in the heart of Milan, Christofle is a modern luxury design brand in its own right, offering collections in tableware, home decor, accessories, jewelry and a selection of Lalique crystals, that you can find at its exclusive boutique in corso Venezia. However, its cutlery, in the steel versions, Christofle Silver or Sterling Silver, also available with gold-plating, take pride of place. Its products can be customized with engravings to suit individual requirements and the brand offers both a home delivery and a worldwide delivery service. The brand's collections are also available at la Rinascente (6th floor). Corso Venezia, 6 - T: 02 781948 www.christofle.com - pavillon.milano@christofle.com This world-renowned jeweller has four flagship stores in Milan, Florence, Bologna and Rome. Located in the heart of Milan’s fashion district, it carries an exclusive selection of classically simple jewellery and gift items in perfect keeping with the tradition of its famous New York counterpart founded in 1837. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.tiffany.com. Via della Spiga, 19/a. T: 02 76022321. M3 Montenapoleone, M1 San Babila. ARGENTERIA DABBENE An institution in Milan since 1939, Dabbene epitomizes luxury and exclusivity in the production of only the finest silverware. Since its inception, the brand has stood out on account of its matchless creativity which sees the combination of this noble metal with other highly sought-after materials including jade, malachite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, fossils, shells, coral and marble. At its spacious boutique in the heart of Milan, Dabbene also stocks a number of highly covetable, prestious brands including Baccarat, Lalique, Puiforcat, Ginori, Wedgwood, Robbe & Berking, Carlo Moretti, Ricci and many others besides. Map G4 ToyWatch The brand interprets a new concept of luxury with its brightly coloured watches. Unique collections that are distinguished by their wholly “Madein-Italy” style and design but also the search for innovative materials, often including a fusion of polycarbonate, plasteramic, steel or velvet combined with Swarovski elements that embellish their faces and straps. www.toy-watch.it. Via Montenapoleone, 25/3. T: 02 76005996. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Van Cleef & Arpels Respect for the past, a taste for beauty, a passion for travel and a search for harmony are the underlying values Rocca 1794 Master jewellers and watchmakers since the 18th century, Rocca rates among the first importers PETTINAROLI ARGENTERIA DABBENE, a perfect fusion of tradition and contemporary taste. Largo C. Treves, 2 corner of via Balzan - T: 02 6554406 www.argenteriadabbene.com JAEGER-LECOULTRE Located in the heart of Milan’s Quadrilatero, in Via Montenapoleone, the Jaeger-leCoultre boutique is a benchmark for Haute Horologerie. Featuring an elegant, low- key interior, this exclusive space harmoniously blends the best of design and contemporary materials with an Art Déco style, a period in which the Swiss watchmakers created the legendary Reverso. A must-visit space featuring all the timeless elegance of the creations of this Swiss watch manufacturer which also recently opened new, exclusive boutiques in Venice, Rome, and Madrid. Map G4 www.xxxxxx.org Viale xxxxx, 6 www.jaeger-lecoultre.com T: 02 xxxxx Via Montenapoleone, 1- T: 02 76281376 More info: www.wheremilan.com More info: www.wheremilan.com w w w. w heretravel er. com 53 SHOPPING that the Maison has continued to uphold since its creation in 1906. Values which though never losing sight of contemporary styles nevertheless continue to encourage an ongoing dialogue between those who create the jewellery and those who wear them. A timeless recognizable style defined by elegance, femininity and creative audacity are the hallmark features found in all the collections of this historic brand. For a century Van Cleef & Arpels have been fusing inspiration and technical prowess into creations embodying expertise, ingenuity and talent. Open Tues-Sat 10am-7pm, Mon 3pm-7pm. www.vancleef-arpels.com. Via P. Verri, 10. T: 02 7767951. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Leather & Luggage Francesco Biasia Italian leather accessories brand Francesco Biasia has opened its first monobrand store in the heart of Milan. The new boutique takes customers on a journey in discovery of the brand’s universe: its concept, reminiscent of an artisan’s workshop, features a meld of natural materials such as wood, iron and gres. The designer uses the simplicity of natural materials to tell the story of Italian craftsmanship whose stylish elements reflect his meticulous workmanship to create glamorous bags suited to a discerning, sophisticated international clientele. Open Mon-Sat 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm. www.biasia.it. T: 02 76341418. Corso Venezia, 8. M1 Porta Venezia. Map G4 SHOPPING Giòsa Milano ALFONSO GARLANDO presents UNIQUE An Tecla, its latest model for men, atelier combined in two versions. with a showroom in the Brera district, where the particular way to work the crocodile leather is, before being a business, a family history Serapian for about 40 years. The atelier merges the A story of passion, creative genius and traditional working techniques of how to handle craftsmanship, an exclusive name in high-class the most precious leathers with the modern leather goods. Serapian boasts two locations: an and innovative way to transform them. Today atelier in via Jommelli, where, since 1945 all of its Giòsa Milano has become a reality bringing collections are produced, and a boutique in via the finest craftsmanship and producing unique della Spiga. The latter offers a special “made to pieces intended to satisfy each costumer’s order” service for those in search of high-class necessity, from the choice of colors to the objects whose every detail can be customized. Its most sophisticated finish. Open Mon-Fri 9amhallmark features are unique, exclusive made1pm/2pm-7pm: Sat and Sun by appointment. to-measure products exuding a sense of low-key www.giosamilano.com. Via Ciovasso, 6. T: 02 luxury. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.serapian. 86997441. M1 Cairoli, M2 Lanza. Map F4 com. Via della Spiga, 42. T: 02 76024451. M3 Pellux-Rimowa Store Montenapoleone. Map G3 Situated just a short distance from the Duomo, Pellux is the epitome of luxury travel luggage selling briefcases, suitcases, bags of all shapes and colours and handcrafted lines made from the Christofle most precious skins. It is the first Italian flagship Since 1830, Christofle has mastered the art store of Rimowa, leading producer of aluminum of working with silver, rendering this unique and polycarbonate suitcases. Open Mon-Sat material sublime and special. A modern luxury 10am-7.30pm; Sun 10am-7pm. www.pellux.it design brand in its own right, with collections in - www.rimowastoremilano.it. Piazza San Fedele, 2 tableware, home decor, accessories, jewelry and (entrance from via Agnello). T: 02 864104. M1-M3 a selection of Lalique crystals, that you can find Duomo. Map F4 at its exclusive boutique in the heart of Milan. Its products can be customized with engravings to suit individual requirements and the brand offers both a home delivery and worldwide delivery service. The brand's collections are available also at la Rinascente (6th floor). Open Mon-Sat 10 am- 7pm. www.christofle.com - pavillon.milano@ christofle.com. Boutique Corso Venezia, 6. T: 02 781948. M1 San Babila. Map G4 UNIQUE Established in 1914, the Marinella brand is known throughout the world for its stylish, hand-made neckties, worn by heads of state, industrial magnates and celebrities. In addition to the legendary shop - still located in Naples - and its sophisticated Milan boutique in via Manzoni (showroom in via Santa Maria alla Porta, 5), E. Marinella ties are also sold at its single-brand store in Tokyo, London and Lugano (via della Posta, 2 corner of via Canova. T: +41 919222924). Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am7pm. www.marinellanapoli.it. Via Manzoni, 23. T: 02 89010842. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 E-Mark Exclusive single-brand store, Solo Inter, located in the heart of Milan, is devoted to one of the most successful Italian Football clubs of the A League, namely F.C. Internazionale. To an avid ‘Nerazzuri’ fan, Inter’s only official single-brand store in the city is truly shopping heaven. Get behind the team with the store’s range of 100% official Inter products and novelty souvenirs, including fun objects for pets or children. You can get everything here, from the widest possible selection of gifts and training gear to books, magazines, photos, sports clothing and accessories (all ages and sizes), jewellery, watches, kitchen and homeware items – you name it, Inter stock it! The availability of personalized items, including customized Inter-shirts, makes this store a one-stop-shop for truly unique gifts. Open daily 10am-8pm. http://store.inter.it - Via G. Berchet, 1. T: 02 80582044. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 54 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 Outliving On stepping into the “nonostantemarras” space, customers will find themselves surrounded by seemingly different and contrasting “objets retrouvés”. The brainchild of innovative Italian designer Antonio Marras, this multi-functional space features a library, a cafè, a boutique and a bookstore where visitors can chat, gossip, look for ideas and inspiration, devise projects and encounter artists and writers while enjoying the inebriating aromas of coffee and tea. Open MonSat 10am-7pm. www.antoniomarras.it. Via Cola di Rienzo, 8. T: 02 89075002. Map C6 Situated just a few steps from the Duomo, Outliving has become a destination store for “quality Swiss” products. A magical world with two souls: one dedicated to those who are passionate about cooking, either for pleasure or as a profession, and another, more intrepid one for those who love the great outdoors. The store carries a variety of products: knives, kitchenware and homeware, multi-purpose items for travellers, binoculars, torches, compasses, barometric stations, whistles, thermoses and flasks. Open Tues-Sat 10am-7pm. www.outliving.it. Via Agnello, 8. T: 0280583246. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Scala Shop (La) A destination store for the lovers of ballet and opera, this fabulously equipped shop offers a wide choice of books, CDs, DVDs, gift items, merchandise, photos and posters. It has a corner dedicated to dance equipment and shoes by Freddy, the official sponsors of the La Scala Ballet corps. Purchases can also be made online. Open Mon-Sun 10.30am7.30pm and on evenings during performances. www.lascalashop.it. Largo A. Ghiringhelli. T: 02 45483257. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Passion Shopping E. Marinella A must go-to for football fans Nonostantemarras This highly original shop-cum-workshop owned by Enrique Konisman restores and sells model trains and collectors’ toys. A paradise for model train aficionados where you can find a vast assortment of models (scale 1. 0 , H0 , N and Z) and accessories. The venue also has a repairs workshop which restores your models to working order, giving new life to model trains, machines and toys of all brands and periods using only original materials. Restoration activities are also extended to include clocks and watches of all brands and sizes. Open Mon-Fri 9.30am1.00pm/3.30pm-7.30pm. Saturday morning by appointment only. Special opening every Saturday in December. www.emarkmilano.it. Via G. Fiamma, 17 (entrance from via Archimede). T: 02 70006430. Vanitas Gallery UNIQUE A highly sought-after space for real trend-seekers in search of inspiration in the world of fashion&furniture. A global concept store featuring mobile settings, inter-leading spaces that are regularly updated in a magical sequence of Giòsa, unique crocodile accessories The Giòsa Milano brand, headed by Giorgio Santamaria, boasts a unique philosophy based on the finest handcrafted traditions dating back to the 1950s. “Giòsa Milano, La Bottega del Coccodrillo” is a boutique with adjoining laboratory where pieces are created to fulfil the dreams of its clientele: exclusive, highly original creations made from the finest skins. A unique line of products ranging from bags to briefcases but also wallets, clothing, belts, watch cases, desk tops and countless other items crafted in only the finest leathers and skins including crocodile, ostrich and lizard. In this photo, shiny black crocodile handbag (latest model) and red imitation chiffon jacket. www.giosamilano.com. Via Ciovasso, 6. T: 02 86997441. M1 Cairoli, M2 Lanza. Map F4 unique pieces and original editions. A refined meld of antique and contemporary works by renowned European and American 20th century designers (Giò Ponti, Prouvè, Ruhlmann). The exclusive location annexed to the gallery is a real workshop of style dedicated to women’s clothing and accessories including jewellery, fragrances and the latest Parisian trends in day and evening wear. Open Mon-Fri 10am-1pm/2.30pm-7pm. milano@vanitasvanitatum. it. www.vanitasgallery.it. Via Vincenzo Monti, 41. T: 02 4987342. M1-M2 Cadorna. Map D3 Vintage Watches Milano One of the most accredited watch stores selling period and modern timepieces, for the past thirty years Vintage Watches Milano has been a cult destination for either the purchase or sale of prestigious, new, second-hand or vintage watches. Boasting a warm, elegant atmosphere, in the heart of Milan’s shopping and design district, it showcases examples of some of the most desirable watch brands in the world at decidedly competitive prices: Rolex, Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Costantin, Cartier, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Longines, IWC, Universal Genève and lots of others besides. In addition to offering a free evaluation service, the sales point also has a fast-fix repair shop to guarantee that your prized possessions run like clockwork. Open Mon 2.30pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am1.30pm/2.30pm-7.30pm. www.vwmilano.com. Corso Garibaldi, 112, corner of via Marsala. T: 02 36753661. Map F2 The Sable Boutique Бутик соболя SHOWROOM: Via Albricci, 9 - 20122 MILANO Tel. +39 02 877843 - Mob. +39 346 2143010 www.pelliccecanali.it Map H4 w w w. w heretravel er. com 55 SHOPPING SHOPPING beautiful people and fashionistas the world over. Open daily 10am-7pm. www. stuartweitzman.com. Via Sant'Andrea, 10/A. T: 02 76003316. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Vergelio A historic brand offering some of the finest quality footwear for men and women. Collections that are always abreast of the latest fashion trends without ever foregoing quality. A Made-in-Italy “must”. The chain has many other shops scattered around the city. Open Mon 3pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am7.30pm. www.vergelio.it. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 10. T: 02 76003087. M1 San Babila. Map F4 For football lovers For all football enthusiasts, but not only, we suggest several “must-visit” locations to satisfy your passion for sport. Vibram VIBRAM OUTLIVING See this page. See page 55. SHOES Alfonso Garlando Tailor-made, Italian-style shoes are the protagonists at this charming boutique in the Brera district, which offers made-to-measure shoes for ladies and brides available in hundreds of different styles and a wide array of materials. Open Mon 12.30am-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 11am1.30pm/2.30pm-7pm. www.alfonsogarlando.it. Via Madonnina, 1. T: 02 874665. M2 Lanza. Map F4 Ballin Right on time with Dodo To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the jewellery brand has launched a new collection of watches. This time Dodo invites us to suspend time and grasp the beauty of the moment assisted by vibrant, graphic illustrations: the customary tick tock is transformed into the almost imperceptible fluttering of the wings of blue butterflies, the chirping of small birds or the darting of fish. Its steel case, in the Songbird, Butterfly and Two fish version, boasts the well-balanced proportions of high-end models whose severity is softened by a rose gold-coloured bezel and ceramic faces depicting beautifully stylized birds, butterflies or fish. More minimalist, full colour versions are also available: a whimsical, chic look, heightened by coloured straps paired to suit individual tastes. The beautiful photos of the press campaign, shot by renowned photographer Guido Mocafico, is inspired by the Flemish style of art. Corso Matteotti, 9. T: 02 49524750. M1-M3 Duomo. www.dodo.it. Map G4 56 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 The signature brand of “Made-in-Italy” excellence and leader in the artisan production of luxury footwear has recently opened a new single-brand store in Milan. Extending over a surface area of 200 sq.m. in Milan’s Quadrilatero della Moda, the store makes a statement with its minimalist lines and elegant decor. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.ballin-shoes.it. Via Santo Spirito, 5. T: 02 76020183. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Fratelli Rossetti Renowned throughout the world for their comfort and fit. These beautifully handcrafted shoes are a perfect mix of luxury and tradition, with an added touch of originality. Beautiful and stylish to boot. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm; Sun 10am-2pm/3pm-7pm. www.fratellirossetti.com. Via Montenapoleone, 1. T: 02 76021650. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Sergio Rossi Sergio Rossi awakens the femme fatale in every woman. Beautifully crafted, comfortable, eyecatching footwear designed for women in search of an iconic symbol of style. Each pair of shoes is checked for quality at least 120 times. Sergio Rossi also stocks handbags. Open Mon-Sat 10am-7pm. www.sergiorossi.com. Via Montenapoleone, 27. T: 02 76006140. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Stuart Weitzman A brand specializing in comfortable, high-fashion women’s footwear, Stuart Weitzman offers trendy styles, uber-luxe pumps with staggeringly high stiletto heels and evening sandals featuring the brand’s unique, unmistakable style. More than 600 creations for all seasons combing both classic and exotic materials – from cork to printed snakeskin, from goretex to gelatinous materials -, worn by From the well-known Italian company that produces rubber soles for sports footwear and, in particular, hiking boots, amongst other things, this shop offers the highly original “Vibram FiveFingers” product that adapts perfectly to the shape of any foot. Open Mon 3.30pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10.30am1.30pm/3pm-7.30pm. www.vibramfivefingers.com. Via R. Sanzio, 6. T: 02 36528461. M1 Wagner. Map B4 Inter (F.C. INTERNAZIONALE) A new singlebrand store, Solo Inter, is dedicated to one of the most successful Italian Football League clubs, i.e. F.C. Internazionale (Inter). A real “Nerazzurri” passion shop where fans can buy all sorts of official merchandise including books, magazines and photos but also clothing, sports accessories, jewellery, watches and kitchen and homeware items. Open daily 10.30am-8pm. Solo Inter. Via G. Berchet, 1. Duomo district. M1-M3 Duomo. T: 02 80582044. Map F4 www.inter.it Stationery & PRINTS Fabriano Boutique The boutique sells superlative quality luxury stationer’s items, combining the high quality of Fabriano paper with materials, such as leather and linen, to make even the most simple of everyday items special. Products include diaries, bags, wallets, notepads, photo albums, cards and an array of different articles produced using only the most exclusive Italian raw materials. Open Mon 1.30pm-7.30pm; Tues-Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun 2.30pm-7.30pm. www.fabrianoboutique.com. Via Ponte Vetero, 17. T: 02 76318754. M1 Cairoli. Map F4 Pettinaroli Established in 1881 as a print shop and this year celebrating its 130th anniversary, it subsequently branched out into traditional stationery. On offer, highly unique gifts, personalized planners, business cards printed on the finest of papers and antique prints. Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat 10am7pm. www.fpettinaroli.it. Piazza San Fedele, 2 (entrance from via T. Marino). T: 02 86464642-1875. M1-Duomo. Map F4 Tailoring Dormeuil For more than 170 years Dormeuil has been one of the most important reference points for luxury fabrics “Made-in-England” for made-to-measure garments. Its exclusive Milanese flagshipstore in via Bigli, is the ideal place to rediscover the supreme quality of Dormeuil products with a cornucopia of compositions, patterns and colour variations, manufactured using only the finest fibres and where customers can draw on the expertise of its team of professional staff. Open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. www. dormeuil.com. Via Bigli, 19. T: 02 86450456. Map B7 Ferdinando Caraceni The ultimate in elegant, luxury bespoke garments. British fabrics, cashmere from Scotland and Irish linens are used to interpret a sartorial tradition of unparalleled excellence. Famous throughout the world for dressing politicians, professionals, celebrities and members of the international jet set. Open Mon-Fri 9am-12.30am/3pm-6pm. www.caracenisartoria.com. Via San Marco, 22. T: 02 6554284. M2 Moscova. Map F3 XXIV Maggio, you can find all the official merchandise of the “most prominent club in the world”. Special price discounts for official AC Milan card holders. Open daily 10am-8pm. Milan Store Piazza San Fedele. Duomo district. M1-M3 Duomo. T: 02 45486224. Map F4 Milan Store Piazza XXIV Maggio. Navigli district. T: 02 89422711. Map E6 www.acmilan.com A.C. Milan The new official sales point of the Milan Store is located at the club’s new headquarters of Casa Milan (Portello district). Directly accessible from either the museum or the square, this “Experience Store” carries all the best Milan merchandise including the team’s official jerseys and technical gear. A brand new addition is the bookshop, selling books dedicated to the Club, its history, its stars and the various team shirts worn throughout its long history. Open Mon-Wed / Fri-Sun 10am8pm; Thursday 10am-10pm. Milan Store. Piazza Aldo Rossi, 8. Portello district. M1 Lotto. T: 02 62285613. Off Map casamilanstore.acmilan.com JUVENTUS The Juventus Store is an ideal venue for “Bianconeri” enthusiasts: two floors featuring the entire range of Nike clothing, accessories, gadgets, gift ideas, plus an exclusive area where Juve fans can have their team shirts customized. Open Mon-Sun 10am-8pm. Juventus Store. Corso Europa, 20. Duomo district. M1 San Babila. T: 02 92869364. Map G4 www.juventus.com Gazzetta Store The “Gazzetta dello Sport” magazine, the historic, pink paged Italian sports newspaper, has a twin-level flagship store where you can purchase sweat shirts, T-shirts, track suits and gadgets. Open Tues-Sun 10am-7.30pm, Mon 2pm-7.30pm. Gazzetta Store. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II (Galleria San Carlo). Duomo district. M1 San Babila. T: 02 76280654. Map G4 www.gazzettastoremilano.it San Siro, Temple of Football Named after the famous Milanese footballer Giuseppe Meazza, the San Siro Stadium is the largest stadium in Italy and the third in Europe. All seats are covered in this threetiered structure which has a capacity of 79,471 and is the home stadium of two of the three most successful Italian Football League clubs: A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale (Inter). The stadium also has a Gift Shop (T: 02 4046430) and a Museum (T: 02 4042432) displaying all kinds of historic items from both Milan’s and Inter’s past: old jerseys, photos, boots, tickets and a fabulous trophy case. However, even better than the museum is the guided stadium tour which gives you a chance to sit in VIP seats and visit each of the home teams’ locker rooms. In summer it also hosts important concerts. San Siro Stadium. Piazzale A. Moratti. M1 Lotto. Off Map. www.sansiro.net Casa Milan Located in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II (Galleria San Carlo), the new Milan Megastore is an innovative store offering the “Rossoneri” supporters everything they could wish for: match and training kits, football equipment, leisure wear and accessories, home equipment, gadgets and other gifts. Open daily 10am-8pm. Milan Megastore. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II (Galleria San Carlo ), Duomo district. M1 San Babila. T: 02 49580176. Map G4 At the Milan Stores, located in piazza San Fedele, just behind the Duomo, and in Piazza w w w. w heretravel er. com 57 MENSWEAR | TAILORING ADVERTORIAL FOR HIM! ENJOY MILAN EXPERIENCE Handmade items and monthly tips on elegance E. MARINELLA Neapolitan sartorial brand E.Marinella doubles its presence in the Milanese capital with a new sales point in the highly central via Manzoni. Discover its full collection of handcrafted ties, the epitome of Italian elegance, alongside a range of accessories from small leather goods to luggage, fragrances, watches and eyewear but also outerwear, shirts and knitwear, all details of style for an elegant, sophisticated wardrobe. The brand now also caters to women with a stylish selection of bags and scarves. Conversely, its via Santa Maria alla Porta venue will continue to remain a sartorial atelier. Map G4 www.marinellanapoli.it Via Manzoni, 23. T: 02 89010842. M3 Montenapoleone. CALZOLERIA RIVOLTA The story of this brand is one of wholly Italian elegance. Headquartered in the Quadrilatero della Moda, the store has an elegant display of classic Rivolta models, featuring high quality Goodyear, Blake and Norwegian structural components and prime leathers of the highest grades. Specialty accessories are also available. The boutique offers its male clientele supreme quality handmade shoes, created using an innovative digital process: a digital scanner for the accurate sizing of the lasts. Map G4 www.rivoltamilano.com Via della Spiga, 17 – T: 02 798751. M3 Montenapoleone. DORMEUIL Milan Style Journey For more than 170 years Dormeuil has been one of the most important reference points for luxury “Made-in-England” fabrics for tailor-made garments. The exclusive Milanese showroom/store located in Milan's highly central via Bigli is the ideal place to rediscover the supreme quality of Dormeuil products featuring a cornucopia of compositions, patterns and colour variations, manufactured using only the finest fibres. Additionally, its highly qualified staff is on-hand to offer customers expert advice. Map B7 Every month a useful suggestion from StyleInMi™, the only service offering you a style journey into the heart of Milan conceived by Fabio Sbranchella and especially created for men in discovery of pure Milanese style. ‘Geniali’ is one of my favourite Milanese boutiques. Located just a stone’s throw from Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper and the Cadorna train station, in via Vincenzo Monti, this is where I go as soon as I can to discuss fashion with Mario and Luigi. On entering the venue, one is instantly seduced by its confident, edgy style, a truly, innovative, oneof-a-kind venue. Founded in 1987, ‘Geniali’ represents a stylistic reference point for all those in search of men’s clothing and accessories, for a typically dash of Milanese dandyism. Since its inception, this boutique has 58 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 been the go-to destination for established Milanese businessmen and sophisticated connoisseurs of Italian style. From classic clothing, over the years it has evolved to offer a sought-after, highly contemporary style for elegant, sophisticated yet fashion-forward men. At its Milan store you can find everything necessary for a total sartorial look, designed to satisfy even the most demanding clientele. Known for his commitment to Italian tailoring traditions and boasting thirty years of experience in the business, Mario also offers those who wish to stand out from the crowds a top-level made-tomeasure service featuring only the finest Italian fabrics. www.dormeuil.com Via Bigli, 19 - T: 02 86450456. M3 Montenapoleone. BRIONI FOR WHERE READERS Readers of ‘Where Milan’ interested in visiting this boutique with StyleInMi™ will not only be entitled to a discount on our style journey but will also receive a surprise from its owners. Just contact the StyleInMi™ staff at style@styleinmi.com making sure to mention ‘Where Milan’. In the famed and fabled Quadrilatero della Moda, Brioni’s atelier in Milan is the Italian brand’s largest in the world to-date, boasting a space for luxury menswear of more than one thousand square metres and a team of expert tailors specializing in the crafting of bespoke items. The three floors of this sleek boutique display the brand’s collections of casual, formal and classic attire, plus accessories, footwear and an upmarket sartorial atelier. Furthermore, an innovative digital service allows customers to put together their favourite looks for the creation of a personalized virtual wardrobe. Map G4 www.xxxxxx.org Viale xxxxx, 6 www.brioni.com T: 02 xxxxx Via Gesù, - T: 02 76390086. M3 Montenapoleone More info: 2/4 www.wheremilan.com More info: www.wheremilan.com w w w. w heretravel er. com 59 LIA NO AG N I VIA VI FA R NE RA DE VIA SO TI LLA Piola O C PA VIA INI VIA MILANIV VIA ZENOIA DONATELLO PIAZZALE PIOLA VIA SANSOVINO VIA BONARDI VIA INI ENJOY MILAN EXPERIENCE RI G IA C VIA VA LL ISN E S RE AI OS EN O CO S RA SE GIU MA RE AI O IN TA D RS MA A B. PIAZZA LIMA VIA TT AL SE BU LO EL RC LU IG I VI A A VI IO NI RG SE A A VI VI A NC TE A VI O NU OR TI IN NI DDM - Daniela LORAN SA L A IS IE SS De Marchi V IA P PIAZZALEVIA P BACONE ARACEL MO I IN I BR CH TT EM T M LE PE AC TI NI PI V. A VI ZI VIA ANDR EA APPIAN I A E R IN O MA RC O ZO IL A Z V IA M SOLF O VI FA B V IA EL M VI A VE SP UC CI A LE S VIA VIGA NÒ RE RO SA VIA GA SPA CO R S O I LD IBA AR OG C.S SA ZI FIL V IA NI DO BOR IO A OI GI E RR IO CH CO M O VIA MA S NE T BON V IA CO R V IA G NAL IA U S TA VO VIA FA R A O RI AD QU A VI V IA FA R IN I LTA TA V O DI PO R IO N I VI A PI D E VI N A M O N TE M ER CA TE VIALE M O N T E L LO BAST A IA PIAZZA Art, shopping and entertainmentL E C A S A REPUBBLICA T T ON VIA PINTURICCHIO VIA BALES TIERI EG SP VIA V GR Lima A DI VI N H VI I Lambrate F.S. PIAZZA ENRICO BOT TINI VIA AMP IG CHI LIO VIA CORTI VIA BUS BA SS ANGELA CAPUTI GIUGGIù INI PIAZZA LEONARDO POLITECNICO DA VINCI FU VIA PERONI SA IC LA TT VIA VIA GROSSICH O OV IO C PA VIA BARDELLI A UV ERIO I SC ESID VI BO AN OV NT LIN PIAZZA PIETRO GOBET TI VIA D Repubblica D LFI STE CA VIA EL DR DR LA PP LIPPI AN SA CA AL A VIA VAR ESE V O LT O ESS INO AR A VIA PIAZZA SAN GIOACHINO VIA PIAZZA VIALE MON I MA TE GR AP PA XXV APRILE EI RC LIL O VIA BAST GA V I A LE IO N I CA MO V I A PO DI PO RT LO NT R TA VI ES NUO E DO A IO VA S A AR M VI I NICA ON ROCCHI R AV I A NG VIA B I LE APR A MA IA N VIA I VIA C VIV NE IN ADVERTORIAL VIA GIUSEPPE PONZIO VIA IO CC VIA DELLA SILA AZ PI ZZE VIA IMPERATORE ER A VIA LOM ON ACO ORE IS VI AN LLA V IA VA VIA POGGI AR PA G VIA AMPERE SC A VI A VA LL AZ ZE BENVENUTO GAROFALO OR TR VI VIA PECCHIO JOMMELLI TO F A E I ANT CAD MER Loreto VIA BAZZINI C R IS VI ES T R V IA EL LA Welcome to Brera . D E LIB OL CATALANI A PE RG LOMBARDIA VI A PE VIALE AMVIA IN TO VI A VIA CANZIO BOCCHERINI LE VI LORETO A VIA LUOSI IA VI Y ] IN T H E CIT A LE D O VIALE STRI N LULLI PORTA NUOVA VI PIAZZA LUIGI DI SAVOIA DUCA D’AOSTA ZE IA ZO N PIAZZA CAIAZZO VIA FRESCOBALDI V IA GRAT TACIELO PIRELLI PIAZZA A SI Milan Turism Point VIA I AL VIA PO NT IDA AULENTI Centrale F.S. I ELLI V IA P IR V ADD A [ STROLLING Garibaldi F.S. V I V IA A TO C L E S Q U S IO E V IL D I LE V IA C C R IS P R OM EO AN VIA ELL VIA URB VIA O GIANNON E V IA L E O LULLI ER DA N VIALE ABRUZZI NC SP BO R LV AR IA N I V IA TO RR RO IO VIA U PIAZZA ST GAE VI A E L A PIAZZA AZ D’ O IO VI RICORDI ASPROMONTE M L EG Gioia VIA MONTEVERDI MA RES VI A ON E GI ORVGI G U E IA R C IN O E DA STI SI C O DE A E TA N V IA G FONDAZIONE CATELLA STAZIONE GARIBALDI ZO R PORTA VIALE PA SUB VOLTA IO ANT O A G IU ERI IAN R SA CE PIAZZALE BAIAMONTI RAM IA A. DI PI VIA QUADRIO CE VIA B TI NICCO LIN I AN AV VIA VIA VIA G. B. OR AREA EX ENEL VI RR ALE AR STU IG RZ IU O S VIA TAZZOLI EPP E FE ACCHINI A LD BA A. D’AOST A VIA VIA CADO RE O NG O EN EZ IA N AV VIA RE FR VIA VIA OC CH I VIA I IA I OL TR VIA AN TT E AL I VI IUL VIA VI FR ZI UM TIR VIA I VIA O BR CH OS AB VIA I PA P RL VIA AM AC CH BU IUL CA I SIN MO FFE I RO A AN OL ES PR MA VIA VIA AR VA S BO T TA E OL VIA BU IGE AD I DO VIA O NER VIA VIA VERTOIBA SCIESA O ER RIT A EN LE MO NT HE RG MA INA REG LE VIA NTE A DA R MO LE CAL VIA VIA LE E MIL IO VIA A VIA D. ENRICO M.G.SAVARE RESPIGHI UGLIA VIA FREG V COVIA RIO V ST IA V RO AL NA VI CO VIA SS A VIA A ISS ER NE PA VIA LA GI B. G. VIA VIA AN I JA N VIA OS EN NZ BU CO VIA RS O CC LE A VI ZI A .V V A VIA VI ZA OR SF CO ES ORIANI VIA ANELLI SPA O LA A VI A VE RS CO E RON MOD . DI VA I A LE C E R U IO R VA R INI DU O VIA C.S BEC NC RO IME CAL SAN VIA VIALE BIAN CA D I SAV OIA SAN FRAN CE D’ASSISI SCO O VIA A EZI VEN SO CO R PA RO EU IA R CA VI LE NT AS IO VIA DA LU VIE DO DA VIC NA O EN ONTG VIA R VIA GONZALES VIA P IE TRO MA RIN A VI A V IA S A N T ’A N T O N IO U N F. D .P VI ST IVER ERD A A TA S I T O N FR L E A’ O A IO OB NN CA VIA S. LUCIA AR DI VIA MELEGN ANO CO RS O IT AL IA TEUL IÉ VIA BORGAZZI VIA BAINSIZZA MBOL OGNA A VI ZZ A VI IN AN EM IEL AN LE D VIA O SS PE OS BO RG NI ZO A VI HO VIA EP LI A AG NZ GO A VI A VI NA LE DA AD M CO RSO ITA LIA TA B LLA ET AR ZA A VI RA TI TO TT RO MA VIA MARC OR TU VIA I CH AR DE M ARCO VIA M G I A R DINI DEI IA AN M D MAVIA RG SAN HE TA RIT A NO RI TO TT O OL ME IA VIA WIT TGE VE T RO CE V I A CAL ATA F IM I VIA BANFI SA NT AC VIA GIA LA VIA C GNO SC HI CO RS O NAIA VIA CER T I NI A VI TA MA R TA SAN VIA NE RIN O V IA GR VIA EG PA OR PA IO XIV VIA VIA PIO IV CELESTIN O IV VIA CO RS O SA N GO T TA RD O SCHI V IA B R IO D I PO RTA VI A BA TTAG LI A VIA ARCO AN M EI VI A DST RI CH IO IN ZZA VIA PORL E VI A ES E A CO RS O DI PO RTA TIC IN ZE VECCCCA HIA AG MO RIGI VIA BRISA VIA S. G. SU LM UR O RICA SOL I EN AR A VI LI SARDI EL Since 1971, Alfonso Garlando has been creating his footwear in the name of elegance and the high quality of artisanal, strictly “Made-in-Italy” products. Today, this tradition continues in the heart of Brera with unique, handcrafted items: hundreds of styles produced using premium quality fabrics and skins, for ceremonies, evenings and elegant events but also for comfortable, everyday wear. Customers can also find a collection of ton sur ton bags, belts and clutches, that can be customized according to individual tastes and requirements. www.alfonsogarlando.it Via Madonnina, 1 - T: 02 874665 ddm daniela de marchi via Pontaccio, 2 T: 02 86995040 www.danielademarchi.it DIEGO DALLA PALMA via Madonnina, 15. T: 02 876818 www.diegodallapalma.com gucci via Brera, 21 T: 02 7202921 www.gucci.com 1 EST A5 ALE I NZ IC ALFONSO GARLANDO LINATE GE VIA VARSAVIA RR AN P Z IA O VIA SAN ORAZIO O CC CI A N U O VA SAN VA N IO V IA LO DI IBAL CORSO LO EL ST CA ZA VI A SI I ES IN I IPL N SC R TE ZO DI BUONAPA S VIA AN NIC OLA FO R O N PARCO FORLANINI N TA VIA VISMARA RO VIA GRASSELLI O OD VI A C G VIA CARDINALE MEZZOFANTI SASSI VIA MASPERO LO N VIALE CO VIA S BOS A VIA PALADINI VIA VIA SCHEIWILLER VIA ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO VIA NEGROLI RO I . C VIA ILLIRICO NA CADOLIN S. G AC N IA BA VIA BIRAGO G L’O VIALE PUGLIE VIA VIA ANA A B IA BEN CAL SUG IV. VAL PR VIA VIA V IA VI VIA ADA M O LE VIA CONTARINI AL VIA LOMELLINA OD ESC I CC L Z A IA LF NA A V IA A S V IG L IO PAV E C A N IO SE SFORZ A FLLI GIAMBERTI ASELLI NC VIALE MOLISE VIA CERVIGNANO VIA LAURA CICERI VISCONTI RU VA TO VIA VIA TALLONE FR A VIALE CAMPANIA COMPAGNONI ST ANTO R C VIA MA R VIA VIA LEONI VIA V V RS www.angelacaputi.com Via Madonnina, 11 - T: 02 86461080 VIA ARNÒ VIA SANGALLO SALDINI VIA VIA PI VIA M ESI VIA LIVENZA O A VIA VIA GOZZI VIA PIETRO DA CORTONA ROMAGNA GALLINA VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO VIA RENI VIALE VIA CICOGNARA A AG N DIA VIA CREMA AR AGU ALT VIA VIA ARC VI TI VIA VI ONE URTAT IO BB GU TI TELB VIT TADINI CAS ORZA ET VIA VANVITELLI BIANCHI ACE VIA P VIA C VIA VIA BOCCONI VIA AMON V IA R IP PATELLANI CHIN VIA MOS RSA The precious collections designed by Angela Caputi are a meld of fashion and art. Angela Caputi first established her exclusive workshop in Florence, in 1975, where she personally designs all her collections under the “Angela Caputi Giuggiù” brand name. Renowned throughout the world, her bijoux, made entirely by hand using synthetic resins, are an authentic expression of “Made-in-Italy” elegance. Sophisticated, original creations combined to create unique objects both in terms of colour and shape. A magical blend of contemporary and classical taste. Giòsa MILANO VIALE UMBRIA ORA A VIA MOROSINI VIA PODG VIA MANAR VIA DAVERIO EI INI D R O VIALEG L OL EI INI PE D R SS EG VIA LL CA PE VIA E N T IN A TA V IG DI POR I CO L ILLA VIA BAL A ALL IA V PONZIO AR DE’ VIALE PICENO VIA FRATELLI BRONZETTI VIA GOFFREDO MAMELI CELLINI VIA FIAMMA IO VIA PIETRO CALVI RVATOR SSET TO VIA DONIZE TTI SE CON CHIO A VIALE PREMUD VIA RONCHET TI MARIA VIALE BIANCA VIA VIA O MENDA CO R S O I PIN ON VIA VIG VIA VI A PI ET RO CU ST O D I CORSO M ANU VIA CARLO DE ANGELI VIA GOLGI LZ VIA G. PIOLTI AN RE VIA MICCA COM VIA DELLA SENATO VIA O VIA SPADOLINI VIA ATA ER MAC VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO BA VIA CERADINI VIALE DEI MILLE MENOTTI VIALE KRAMER VIA CASTEL MORRONE VIA VIALE CARLO POERIO VIA VERROCCHIO ZO VIA CARLO PISACANE MEL MI I A VIA SAN VI INI GR LLE I PE DE PIAVE VIVAIO NI DA LO VI CO RA SIN I I A O V I TA N N PA ASTALLA VIA DELLA GU LL I I RI ZI VIA VIALE ROZZI VIA VIA BA RBELLO S. E A TT ON V I AA M I N RG RE DE E PA N Z UN VI GU TROTO PIE’O R ALL BE E ST A IN VI CCH RA ME VIA DELL A CHIUSA DEL NAVIGLIO ELLA VETR A AD ZZ CA VIA COL DEL ROSSO BA LE SAN NTE AL RA BA VIA LUPET TA VIA A DEI VIAAT TI PI E . VALL AI LL RE BA PIAZZA S. PIETRO IN GESSATE RE LE O DEL VIA VIA SANTA TECLA ME RI RE A V IA R A CO PE EXCELSIOR MILANO VIA SAN C LE VIA PALAZZ O VIA GIARDINO NE VI L P E TR VIA MAZZINI CO MUSEO 900 A PO VIA LO PAT TAR I PAO A VIA MARCONI I AR VI NA SAN E ND FI A R VI DA A SP V IA VA V IAE L L P P CA VIA TE VIA GO LA ENT C AS DE RE RI A TA VI NE O M V IA L FA PIAZZA DEL DUOMO VIA SE A ON LI NE E R IN O A A VI OR M VIA S. RAFFAELE VIA FOSCOLO VIA SILVIO PELLICO A AR .M VIA S VIA INO C SON VIA DO N GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE II VIA DOGANA I I GL DE LDI V IA IM B O C AR VIA EL I VI ETA SEGR VIA MENGONI CI M. VIA S. EL D O A LL VI BO A VIANER G BA VIA SAN SISTO VIA CO N VIA RO RD O I VIA M I O VIA CIRC PU C C O H CC OS MO VE ICI ERI MEI P V IA C A NE S. M B IG G. ER T TO A MP D CL ROLE VIA A CA BO R R O ONE VI A AS D O ELL LE E M IA A VIA B VI E ELLO N T VIA O PR VIA OT S. AS O O VIATTIN GU BA VIALE L. MA JNO VO VI V I A R OV I VIA LUINI VIA NIR VIA . VA LO I SAN RO VIA BAS DEI VIACHET TI BOS UO RA RO A M VI RA LT BE ITO BO A VI SI VIA S FIL I BO OD DE RA VIA MM AT IC SPE VIA S. PRO VIA NEGRI VICO VI ON F. VIA BBA GA BRE E TE SSO TE V VIA SSINO CIOVA PON CIOVA VIA NE MELO TO I G NA SP SE LLA A DE VI A RG IN E RM PIAZZA L CA DEL VI A DE CARMINE VIA VIA POZZONE LLE VIA BO VIA NINA B O NA P AR T E O LF O TORI E SIR VIA ME N DO N TO ERCA LO LI R IV OORO F EL D OR VIA F O MA ST V IA CA VIA M ZA LA N OF OR RP VI A CA O VIAL IN O AZ A RC VIA TURATI ER V IA SO LF PI VI A RI A TO SAN O V IALI C IA N S IM P A CA VIA VA LIE VIA BRONZINO U AT ST GAR RELLE VIALE ABRUZZI VIA O VIA LEGNAN TESS VIA FATEBENE SO VIALE ROMAGNA V IA Moscova LARGO RTA LA FOPPA VIA DI PO TENAGLIA VIA S PIAZZA BIANCAMANO VIA AGGI CAVIA M BARTOLOMEO EUSTACHI NI VI VIA PASCAL A VI by the purely Art DècoCIN VIA VELA PL I E VI IN VIA G.start your sightseeing To theV I ArightU N I I style atmosphere of ElVI NÖ A L tour Von VIA GUERRINI PARINI I I A S O O A P E AL I A Tombon de San Marc VIA V IA RIC C A of coffee Z IA B A V I T for a cup foot, we suggest stopping or RED AZ LVE DELL EN ST B S T TO ZI LE E I A M AL VIA GIOVANNI CELORIA PIAZZALE ROG IO RIO VIA VI A O D G S at Princi, not just an ordinary bakery, but the trendier atmosphere N C I VIA DIACONO O VA I LAVATER I D VE I VIA CAZZANIGA CH I P NE C VIA San a meeting point where, amidstO RtheTOheady of Fashion Café in via IO VI MA A I TA ST R E options are LARGO OP Porta Venezia OL VIA VIA L. S. VE scents of “brioches” and “cappuccino”, you Marco; other VIA GI TREVESBAVIA PA VIA SC MANTEGAZZA V IA PA L NE LZ AN H ERMO NA NI PA AY VI AL E M O Z GIARDINI Argenteria V I I NT EB EL LOwill have a chance to begin your day on EZ A heady Hwine sessions in the informal ● VI I IA Ftasting RISI PIAZZA A NN PLI IG OT TO AN Dabbene PIAZZA NI VA VIA LP FI a high note. A reference point for antiqueOBERDAN ambience of either N’Ombra deVIAVin or NOVEMBRE O IO TE INDRO MA GO ITO G MANGIAGALLI VIA VENEZIAN VIA S AT G A I TO IO V VIETAR0 RO IA PP VA PI EL O lovers, Brera boasts a large number of Moscatelli. V A I DLC R R N IE N AL PO Turati LARGO I O N MONTANELLI I C AVT O S E A D SAN antiquePIAZZA shops. As an aside, those interested BOTTICELLI VIA RIO VIA STRAMBIO VIA VANZETTI PIAZZA PIAZZA PIAZZA GA BOR VIA V IA F E GH MARENGO MARIA A. ASCOLI AT E B VIA PA DE JANEIRO PIAZZA ET T AL VIA E Nin DI SAVOIA CAVOUR bargains or bric à brac should definitely L O VI E S. MARCO V E I F Lanza IA IO R R A G. GI V DE VIA CARUSO AT E L ST VIA INAMA D E L L’A IO DA BRESCIA F IO VIA MORETTO US IAL ACC B. TT TO L I Pto V IAS C U R I VIA BIX RO TIN E N N Umake ONT ●R I Rossoprezioso PalestroHongVIAKong V OLLvisit RE Brera AR N C IAT time O IA P IAN TIE BIXIO Crossover ITEECC the Mercatino di SALVIA BE C H IA LS OLI V A PO O TIV IO R I BRERA CN HIO VIN DE LO V VIA V IA F FORLANINI C. VIA IA ICO antiquariato e brocantage, held on theI PIAZZA ART GALLERY A A. Angela Caputi GA NZ DUSEV IO VIA VI IA PIS VIA Sunday of each month. third L AGiuggiù ● TA ON LI VIA AMADEO VIA ANGELICO VIA MODENA PIAZZA VIA FERRAVILLA VIA BELLOTTI INA SI CINI Montenapoleone NotI far from ITO the elegant MAR artisan footwear BRIO O APPUC IR VIA VIA Alfonso Garlando ● CASTELLO NOVELLI V VIA C SP SELLA O The Giosa Milano brand, headed by Giorgio Santamaria, O SFORZESCO VIA PRIM sold bySAIliprandi or the evocative location VI PIAZZA NT SAN A ● Giòsa Milano IETÀ GUARDI V VIA SID SÚ NI V I VIA a unique philosophy based on the finest handcrafted IA VIA I NO boasts HongSACKong CI A CH CA GE IP A where jewellery collections are designed IN ILA O SS V D RO VIA M CARLO GOLDONI ● E I T R A GOLDONI CARLO A NA VIA LI NT EG I M OZA R traditions dating back to the 1950s. The “Giòsa Milano, RE VI DA LE RSO VIA MO Cairoli Crossover G. ND ddm-daniela de marchi, TT A DELL’O VI and handcrafted, A ’A O del Coccodrillo” is a boutique with adjoining A VI SANI NT La Bottega VI VIA CU PIAZZALE SA VIA DEL LAU VIA PIAZZA A I VILLA NECCHI visitors willVfind the first Italian monobrand RO VIA laboratory for unique accessories in genuine crocodile. CADORNA CAMPIGLIO PIAZZALE LARGO VIALE ARGONNE Dateo DATEO PIAZZA PIAZZA RI store of SUSA CAIROLI ERfashion guru Marc Jacobs, whose TRICOLORE Exclusive, highly original creations made from the finest skins. V RISORGIMENTO PIAZZA E VIA T IA R O V F adjacent café is the perfect spot for PU I M OaN “trendy” I A uniqueLLline of products ranging from bags to briefcases SCALA CC PIAZZA CO R S O IO INI VIA CASE ROTTE MEDA CORSO MAT TEOTTI UL AZ PO rna F.N. GI LM VIA REINA but Falso aperitivo. The array of San boutiques continues RA wallets, clothings, belts, watch cases, desk tops and PIAZZA VIA MELLONI MELLONI VIA DA Babila VIA I S. SAN N A PIAZZA VI SCAG VIA FEDELEV countless other items crafted in only the finest leathers and with the new Gucci boutique, the first SAN BABILA I ORNO T R O MA COR T TOC Urban VIA SA A AG VIA PIE PIAZZA VIA BORGO GNA SO MA PIAZZA NT MERAVIGLI GENTA VIA SO skins including crocodile, ostrich and lizard. IA E I I flagship store, the Diego NE European DEL CORDUSIO VIA V L Center A men's GROSSI V VIA E VIA ARCHIMEDE VIA SISMONDI VI R I IA PIAZZA LIBERTY U LL IN N LL E D A LN A B CO O EI AFFARI PO S. VIA LIN ME . EM IONE R T M. dalla Palma Make Up Studio, tailor-made, SE RC OV VIA PASS AN A Cordusio NE C.S VIA ANSPERTO EDE TI ’AG RCHIM ORANI FU VIA VIA DELLA TTO A NT Italian-style shoes by Alfonso Garlando, and IA www.giosamilano.com V LC S. POSTA CHE VIA Duomo OR M VI V IA NA OC VIA ZANELLA VIG . B VIA MARCONA VIA MARCONA VIA I N VIA the Kusmi TeaV new tea house, carrying a Via Ciovasso, 6 - T: 02 86997441 A RIA NA IDONI O LE RR C LARGO IA CA PIAZZA R CO A PINACOTECA A V VAL PPO BERSAGLIERI VIA M wideFONTANA selection of blends of blacktea, OGIO TA AMBROSIANA LOT VIA FILI green LA AN O T S I S PALAZZO TA R V VIA LIT Brera isSAsynonymous with the artistic heartREALE of VERZIERE LARGO VIA NT ’O V BAT tea andVIAinfusions. OtherIApoints IA AUGUSTO TIST of interest VIA Conversely, the more fashion-oriented will I PIAZZA the city. In fact, as streets NIVERSITÀ A SA you stroll along thePIAZZA PIAZZA PIAZZA include historic luxury jewellers Manfredi, DIAZ AT TOLICA N CORSO PORTA VIT TORIA 5 find MARZO VIALE CORSICA M just whatCORSO they’re XXII looking for in nearby EMILIA CORSO XXII MARZO RG GIORNATE S. STEFANO VIALE FORLANINI AU you of this ancient district, cannot help but be A A PIAZZA V antique and modern creations in silver at IA FO RIL ogio PIO V L MENTANA IO corso Como, featuring Milan’s renowned N T A A the Argenteria Dabbene, the enchanted by its almost surreal atmosphere NA I PIAZZA VIA CH VVIA VIA VIA 10 Corso Como, a cafè, restaurant, concept IAR E V ALBR NZO R IN O VIA BEZZECCA workshops or quaint MISSORI AVA Oartisans’ ANDREANI E TOR IA D D I C small BES ICCI NE I LANZONboasting accessories by Angela LLoriginal VIA GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI V IA T VIA GIOVANNA CENA E CH EL I VIA ZEBEDIA AN store, bookshop and exhibitionLARGO AT space. M GIARDINI I O IN NOV V stores selling MARINAI A VIA IA canvases and paints. AD NO GUASTALLA Missori Caputi Giuggiù, clothing and RNABA FIE C EL I IA D’ITALIA T V PIAZZA Choosing the right restaurant for dinner BA O LA Porta Vittoria VIA S T AU G SAN ROTONDA EN R S VELASCA M VIA SA AM footwear for fashion-conscious RR UST IC DELLA O NV P CO might Vpose quite some Here Odiscussion. IS BESANA ITO A ANF LA IA VIA MONTE ORTIGARA VIA Additionally, Brera is home to the impressive ELPIAZZA D I B kids by the new Gusella store P O IA A SPA VIA MORA GA ERCULEA OSPEDALE GI S I savour VIA MONTE ORTIGARA PO where you Scan N ZO RU AG RTA VIAare some venues VIA Arti, where Accademia di Belle visitors can RN MAGGIORE VIA R T in corso Garibaldi 50 and PIAZZA C CO O F V O UMANITARIA OG CORSO ITALIA A authentic Italian cuisine: Maxelâ, forARCOIA VIA POLICLINICO SAN I D VA AZ CLU NS admire LORENZO Milan’s famous painting collection Runique N leather accessories byVIA FANT O ZA COLONNE OM NE N VIA SOmeat lovers, La Briciola, Il Consolare, ATI RO ROMANE VIA VI A at the Pinacoteca (the Brera Picture Gallery), PIAZZA A Giòsa Milano in via Ciovasso. N IA F PARCO O VIA CRO S. EUFEMIA A and the CA A AS PIAZZALE CE FISSO ARENAthe historic Biblioteca BE Giallo for real “VIP-watching”, Crocetta VIA RMOR Nazionale Braidense NT MP Conversely, for design RG MO MARTINI ROMANA SA L A MA Piedmontese flavours of Alla LINO IO Cucina VIA A ’O IA IA DELL V V N M (Braidense National Library) , the Museo GG E ARM SIM aficionados, we suggest a visit VIA VE TE ES O V I A delle Langhe, RE I IO VIA LOMBROSO the Tuscan ones ON I of VIA STRIGELLI N LE O ED PARCO (The Astronomical Museum), the Astronomico C O flagship store, to the Calligaris ’ORbut not VIA COSIMO DELLE VIA MERCALLI Osteria Brunello and, last L R SE AZ VIA BASILICHE research DEL FAinstitute oldest scientific in the city and NIG NTE after which youSwill have a ORTI O CO restaurants O V of least,I Othe characteristic VIA SANT’ VIA DI ME DE IA F VIA SA(Botanical the Giardino Gardens). EUSTORGIOBotanico chance to lose yourself amidst N LUCA GL ILIP V IA LIC All’Isola, PIAZZALE P SCA I O PLa P VI VIA old Milan including Rigolo, I L ER OR O RG INO DAS QUADRONN A OLE AN O the thousands of furnishing PIAZZA LIBIA I T V I A LUS A LO SANT’ Libera, Bebel’s La Vecchia Lira. VIand M AC BA EUSTORGIO VIA BURIGOZ R VIA CADIBONA VIA DEGLI ETRUSCHI ideas offered by Cargo&HiO R O ZO IRE Carminio where DObe missed, the UC Gucci B VIA M Not to SA M ARGENTERIA Orto Botanico N MARTINO NE A PIAZZA VIA MUSEUM VIA VIA MONT E VELINO IA S E AN PIAZZA VVI Tech; dulcis in fundo, in the VIA R CRIVEL S LI E INSUBRIA D E A R VI DABBENE T: 02 02 50314680 VIA the menu changes daily. Finally, make sureNN XXIV MAGGIO ALE GIAN GALEAZZO MA A VANIA LIA I A V VIALE O I real sense of the word, don’t forget to sample I S NOto visit RistoranteIG Accademia di V IA BEATRI PORTA TICINESE largo Treves, 2 www.brera.unimi.it 13 Giugno, a triumph of CE D’E O VIALE COL DI DI VIA I N I STE E VIALE VI LA D’ESTE A FILIP ICE NA PETT H M BEATR F I PortaGuido URATORI VIALE the specialities of maître chocolatier BR A R CArti Belle TIT SE corner of via Balzan VIA UN A’ TUR Sicilian cuisine, and theI adjacent Fattoria O VIA LE ELBrera, O BLI via 28. T: 02 869551 SHOPPING Gobino in corso Garibaldi. Romana MUR IA D T: 02 6554406 L GN V I V di Brera, a unique pret-à-manger renowned Y VIAL E BLIG NY ATO IO VIALE SABOTINO www.accademiadibrera.milano.it RI www.argenteriadabbene.com VIA MONT LI E CIMONE INI C 10 Corso Como BEL for its stylish ambience and its delightfully LM O O A R A BOCCONI S A Pinacoteca C RS SALAS COsuggestions VIATasting VIA VIA Gallery, bookshop, store, Calligaris fresh fare and for a different O O C VIA CINI T: 02 722631 .ROC LA and Between visiting shop café restaurant VIA S another, you VIGNO ALE VIA one L V I A CARON via Tivoli taste the new VIA www.brera.beniculturali.it TONIOLO IO V E N ENZA O D V IA N O V IA G C SRAFFA corso Como, 10 PIAZZA might be surprised to suddenly discover that T IA LI ERT T: 02 91988333 G EN TI CO IA P I restaurant V Biblioteca Nazionale U IO L GIUL L T: 02 29013581 ANO ZA ROM LIAN LEZ VIAthe BELlunch. LE Try typical ParmaCHtimeVIAfor www.milano.calligaris.it VIA BAit’s Braidense VI Hong Kong TT O A VIA SARFAT TI www.10corsocomocafe.it A PA based charcuterie specialities at Parma & Co, ITO T: 02 86460907 V L BIA PARCO C EB PIAZZALE Crossover TR I L VIA IA CC H Cargo&Hi-Tech E aASunday SOAV TA VIAalso DI SA VIA PAVI A where you can enjoy brunch V IA TA B A LODI www.braidense.it O Alain Mikli SHOP NN RAVIZZA in via piazza XXV Aprile VIA PIAZZA IO or the famed sandwiches sold by Panino O Museo Astronomico corso Como, 9 ISO NZ A T: 02 6241101 TRENTO VI AL E Ciovasso TT Porta Romana T: 02 50314680 HE T: 02 29060349 Lodi TIBB TO SCA NA TORRE DI VIA LE Giusto. www.cargomilano.it NC offers the PORTA ROMANA O C www.brera.unimi.it www.alainmikli.com The afternoon is likely to pass by in a flash VIA LONG ANES I A sought-after VI V until you suddenly realize that it’s aperitivo IA PIAZZA flavours of the Santa Maria del Carmine NE TORRI BIBBIENA NA BREMBO FUKSAStime: you are definitely likely to be seduced VIAOrient. RV PIAZZALE VIA SUL MO Hong Kong Crossover I E INI BOLOGNA Z D S N L E E A NTO LOR CO IAME 2014 I BEAR E M I L A N IR EdDecember A ION TAGL VIA VIA60 LE WTH VIA IGL C H VI AP NO T AS Marc Jacobs piazza del Carmine, 6 T: 02 72004080 www.marcjacobs.it Dining HONG KONG CROSSOVER via Ciovasso, 5 T: 02 89010313 www.hkcrossover.it Mercatino antiquariato e brocantage via Brera, via Fiori Chiari, via Madonnina, via Formentini. T: 02 794593 Il CONSOLARE via Ciovasso, 4 T: 02 8053581 www.ristoranteconsolare.com ROSSOPREZIOSO via Fiori Chiari, 16 T: 02 654841 www.rossoprezioso.com La BriciolA via Solferino, 25 T: 02 6551012 www.labriciola.com w w w. w heretravel er. com 61 M J VIA AN G. B. VIA OS I EN ET AN TO TA D VI CO VIA NZ LLA VIA RS O CC SPA O VI BU A AR ZZ A. D’AOST A A ER ISS LD BA VIA VIA LE A VI A ZI NE A PA VIA LA GI O NU TT LA A VI IN AN EM IEL VIA LE D AN RIN G I A R DINI T I NI RO MA A ZA VI VI RA TI TU VIA I CH AR VIA M A VIA MARC OR A VIA ANDR EA APPIA N U O VA ARCO CO RS O VIA CER DE M NAIA ARCO AN M VIA S I VI A DE ST RI CH IO VE MA CO VIA SS A O RS CO EZI A VEN A VIA O SS PE OS VI A ZO BO RG NI DEI IA AN M D VI RICA SOLI AN SAVO IA REGGCAVAL IMEN LERIA TO O CORSO IN CO RSO O UR ZZA LO EL ST CA A ZZ A R IO S V IC O VI BA ZZA ONI A PI O S VIA AN NIC OLA LM TO IPPO IN VIC LA D I PO RTA SO V IA SAN VA N IO VIA VI A BA TTAG LI A C.S IB A L GAR V IA V IA LO B DI VIA VI A DE CAGNO VIA BALES TIERI NO CA ANTO N A VI TO VIA NO LI LITO NI O CO IE VO M ER IO VIALE VIALE CASSIODORO VIA R IO VIA POMPEO PLUTARCO VIA SOFOCLE A PA L LU D O R TE SSO BUONAPA V IA VIA LOMELLINA OD ESC P VIA NEGROLI NC VIA SCARPA FR A VIA CARDINALE MEZZOFANTI VIA FO R O G VIA CARUSO VIA PALADINI VIA ILLIRICO VIA BIRAGO SI FLLI GIAMBERTI VIA ASELLI BRIO VIA TALLONE VIA VIA INAMA DA BRESCIA VIA PIETRO DA CORTONA VIA GOZZI MARIA VIALE BIANCA VIA O VIA VIA AN NI Neuhaus MaÎtre Chocolatier VIA MORETTO ROMAGNA NI TO GALLINA PO VI CICOGNARA AP IO VIA G. PIOLTI MI A TT E O VIC OL RA SIN I GU SAN ON VIA CHER UBI AR VIA CONTARINI VIA VERONESE LS VIA RC DE VIA GA VIA CERADINI PIE LO . AA VIA VANZETTI VIA STRAMBIO VIA PO VIA SANGALLO TIE SALDINI B. BOTTICELLI VIA RENI VIA G. MANGIAGALLI VIA VENEZIAN VIA VIA ARNÒ VIA VIALE DEI MILLE MENOTTI DA BA LE VIA PIAZZA ASCOLI GI V US IAL TIN E IAN O VIA LARGO RIO DE JANEIRO VIA IO VIA I LI VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO VIA BIX Z PA N PIAZZA MARIA A. DI SAVOIA VIA VIALE KRAMER VIVAIO NI S. A PO VI NA O VIATTIN GU BA PIAVE ROZZI VIA VIA BA RBELLO VIA TE LI NE CL RA MM AT IC IO I AZ LM DA S. DUSEV VI IA TA LI VIA SE A ON B IG I RO RD MO VE A VIA FIL OD M IA ITO G. BO A SI VIA VIALE VO VI DE VIA ROLE VI CA M A E ELLO N T V IA TI VIA B VIA S I BO DEI VIACHET TI BOS UO RA RO VIA POZZONE I PIAZZA VIALE L. MA JNO ON F. VIA BBA GA VIA NO SSI CIOVA BRE ETE ER VI NI A V I A R OV I DI ZO OB TO ZZ TO OT BE GI SE A M VI RA LT EN A GI AR OP BE R TE HI SSO TE V CC NE MELO PIS VIA ON I TO I G NA SP SE LLA A DE VI VIA RG CIOVA PON SA IN E RM PIAZZA L CA DEL VI A DE CARMINE VIA VIA O LF O IA VIA DO N NI NA LA ND V MA RP VIA CA AR CO VI A B O NA P A A LE NC A VI O VI BA I EB SI VI RA FI Cadorna F.N. NZ TO ERCA LO LA LI R IV OORO F BUONARROTI VIA GOLGI PONZIO VIA VEGEZIO VIA PASCAL VIA GIOVANNI CELORIA VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO ST OP O SC PA NI P N LIN A IO OV GI VIA VIALE VIA BIXIO VIA TI Palestro AY E VIA VANVITELLI VIA M SA VIA LV IN MA VIA H ET VIA TINTORETTO PIAZZA LEONARDO POLITECNICO DA VINCI VIA DIACONO AR BERENGARIO VIAL I VIA GUERRINI LZ BR IN CIN VIA EN VIA FU BA I O RIC VIA VIALE ROMAGNA IO E NÖ A VI A VIA VELA VI VIALE LLA CH IOC VIA CASTEL MORRONE BO RO TO VIALE CARLO POERIO ST BOR VIA GH ET RI VIA LE DE VIA PINTURICCHIO VIA PA RA VIA VERROCCHIO PIAZZA ZO V IA FAT E PIAZZA BENE V IA D F R AT CAVOUR IOS. MARCO F IO R I E L L’A ACC E L L I PDEL V IAS C U R I NNUN ONT OL VE RI O IA P C IATA I IA V L H ITE CC RI C IVO T IO BRERA CN HIO F EN VIA O RM V IA VIA F ICO ART GALLERY O A OF OR VIA CARLO PISACANE Turati ST IA P LV IN ENJOY MILAN EXPERIENCE MEL I D EL O LI ERP O LC R C AVA TO SE SA N SS A TE BE LLO A Porta Venezia VIA PIAZZA TE MARENGO EL N AG A VI NT LE ON PO A VI A ER TE A A UF Conciliazione O VIA GO ITO VI C. FORLANINI The famed BelgianVIAchocolate atelier boasts one of its most illustrious brands in Milan: Neuhaus Maître Chocolatier is a AMADEO VIA VIA FERRAVILLA ANGELICO VIA A MODENA VIA PIAZZA BELLOTTI VIA IN I R IN in discovery of via Montenapoleone ITO MA PPUCC true paradise for lovers of high quality, gourmet chocolate, IR VIA CASTELLO NOVELLI V VIA CA SP SELLA O O SFORZESCO VIA belfiore's boutiques PRIM PIAZZA NT SAN interpreted here in its all of its most delectable forms, from À SA Ú GUARDI V T VIA S S V A E A IA I I VI NO ID IA V CA LA GE IP A INI OL On reaching piazza Wagner, you V VIA CARLO MI GOLDONI A GOLDONI pralines toNALbars with dried fruit, right up to its more unusual CARLO A VIA RT ROSS NTE D E G R I A I Z E MO A O I M VIA R V D RSO D Cairoli ET G. N A DELL’O VI ’A Martino & can make aSAsmall diversion in IA A NI VIA letters or giftTO cards. NT VI VIA CU PIAZZALE SA VIA DEL LAU V A VILLA NECCHI RO VIA VI DATEO this small haven of taste you can find loads of original discovery of via Belfiore, even less touristy and, Mazzolini CAMPIGLIO PIAZZALE At VIALE LARGO ARGONNE I Dateo PIAZZA PIAZZA SUSA RR CAIROLI gift ideas made from only the finest ingredients… for real TRICOLORE VE therefore, even more suggestive. A RISORGIMENTO PIAZZAAnd yet, even VIA R TE VI PU I M O N FO SCALA LI connoisseurs C C here, several PIAZZA C O R SO L of the most prestigious brands ROTTE MEDA CORSO MAT TEO IN OL only! VIA CASE IU E. EM TR AT R V IA VIA OL TE Lanza Brera ST M AL PE A TT CA . E ME AL RI VI CU VI A VI VI CH A VI VI AR Wagner AS VI A Pagano SO M A PA IO RE IO ZA S TA A E BE AZ RE A C AR AL PI VE LE VIA A OL EZ RE VI O VI AL A VI VI I N GA ILT ON D GA FI SA N O V IA IC IA N SI M PL M AN GIARDINI INDRO MONTANELLI TO E SIR I E A IN O LL AL VI VI AL E M ON NO VIA BRONZINO VIA I IA VI VIA AL A E VIA LA CA RE BA VIT ZZ DI ST BR S T TO OG AL I PIAZZALE IO RIO AD D V E R T O R I A L GI NI I V LAVATER EN DI PO ET VIA VI RT O A ST A RE OP VE GI PA VIA NE NA NI ZI V A I IA FRISI PIAZZA H OT TO PIAZZA PIG AL NOVEMBRE OBERDAN IA MA GI V VIETR0 OV PI AN NA PARINI CA VIA VA LIE R UL VIAL E AV A NI ON RO ZZ Buonarroti NA LARGO TREVESBALZAN LERM O VA VI RI O AL VIA C E AS T U AT I VI NI A SIA PA FALO O IC HI VI ZI EM SI I I AV O V IA PA ER VI A SO LF EN AC VI A NO IER NI E E IO RI R AD BU M B EG M AL PIAZZA E I VI A E T N R T IN T BUONARROTI STAZIONE JAC A A RR LO SE I VI TRENORD MVIA & CO N Martino (Malpensa Express) CO 0 O I A A 2 A .D A V I VIA DEL PIAZZA Mazzolini A NZ Milan PIAZZA VI VI FF BURCHIELLO RO A A WAGNER VIA G. D’AREZZOGIU SA Turism CADORNA SA VI VI SS A A I ● A Point I ●RISophiePetit PIAZZA V NO VIA RASO BE V PIAZZA DELLA . CONCILIAZIONE R LF VIA BOCC ACCIO VIRGILIO A IO A I R E RE V CENACOLO I RGHVIA CUNEO FF VINCIANO MA CO RS O VE PIAZZA VIA SACRESTIA SA RC EL LI DEL A PIEMONTEM I BRAMANTE V PIAZZA LARGO O V I O PIAZZALE COR ● I Salmoiraghi & Viganò NF A E ANGELI S.MARIA I PR SO M R E E U RR CORSO DELLE MAGENTA ANCONA AGENTA VIA M BARACCA MA A AS I GG A M O S CO VIA G. PIAZZA REPUBBLICA VIA TURATI M M A LARGO 5° ALPINI TI GR ET A G PA A VI NT SS N PA CR VI O RO I NI M A A A N CH A TT VI ZIO I GR I NC A ZO NO V VI IA V EN DE Z TI EX ON LE IA II VIA FATEBENE SO RELLE TO DO VIA L. S. MANTEGAZZA DELL VI O ST CA VIA VIALE ABRUZZI A VI ARCO DELLA PACE VIA CAZZANIGA LA BARTOLOMEO EUSTACHI VI VOLONTARI V IA U AT ST O VIA LEGNAN BE SA VIA I VIA SANGIORGIO I PIAZZA IA SEMPIONE V IA RIN PIAZZA VRMA DEI PIE VIA CC AR [ STROLLING IN T H E CIT Y ] A VI AR Moscova I I A L VIA ALFIERI I UI AR GI PIAZZA C A CES NO BIANCAMANO LARGO A ER NI VIA MAGGI RTA LA FOPPA VI IL VIA DI PO CA TENAGLIA I A I Z LVE AN LE E RT VI A ID ’ VIA CIRILLO A PU ER LZ ND A R VI HIE SC PE A GH N DI F. M E TA OL VIA VA O V O VI ZI AS M A NC PI A DAVIA PISU. A VI VI BEL I S VI VIA SA AN M O A OS BI A VI I AR VI SE NA Vercelli-Belfiore district VIA PRAGA RI I AT VIA ESCHILO PIAZZA GIULIO CESAREVIALE ER A I EV A VI T ON EM AL PR ENDOLA VIALE EZIO VIA ROTONDI SENOFONTE EU PIAZ Z A AM VI HI VIA CO E C NI VI M NO A A VI LAS L VI O VI AN ED CIVITALI LARGO AFRICA NE A BI O Amendola O RESIDENZE HADID LIN VIACRA N PA E VIA A. SPINOLA PIAZZA 6 FEBBRAIO A VI VI NT AN RESIDENZE LIBESKIND FE VIA E I PIAZZA ARDUINO VIA PRATI N AN TRE TORRI CITY LIFE VIA CADO RE RE IUL FR VIA VIA OL TR OC CH I VIA I VIA A PA VIA SS IRIA AV EZ ZA NA MA RT IN VI EN GO O EN EZ IA N AV VI LA AL I IUL FR V ST IA V RO AL NA TT E AN ZI UM AB TIR VIA I PA P O OS BR CH I IA AR VIA E OL BU VIA GONZALES VIA O IM SS MA A OS PO VIA VI A VIA I RL VIA AM AC CH VIA BU IGE I DO CA I SIN MO FFE I RO A PR VIA VIA VA S BO T TA AD VIA MP E IN HE A VI VIA VIA VIA AN OL ES O NER VIA VIA VERTOIBA SCIESA O ER RIT A EN HE NT RG MO LE MA INA REG LE VIA NTE A DA R MO VIA LE IO C AL LE E MIL VIA VIA VI I VI VIA D. ENRICO RESPIGHI M.G.SAVARE .V UGLIA VIA FREG COVIA RIO ORIANI V VIA ANELLI MA E . DI V I VALERA C E A U IO R VI VIA RO IME CAL VIA OIA I SAV CA D BIAN VIALE VIA S. LUCIA VA MOD R INI DU OR SF ES NC VI IO NT AS LE SAN FRAN CE D’ASSISI SCO AR DI NO RON PA RO EU O C.S VIA BEC CO CA A VIA DA LU VIE DO DA VIC NA O ZA IO OB NN IA A V IA S A N T ’A N T O N IO U N F. D .P VI ST IVER ERD A A TA S I T O N FR L E A’ O A A AG NZ R CA HO VIA EP LI MAVIA RG SAN HE TA RIT A GO A VI VI NA LE DA AD M SAN VIA VOLVIN IO VIA ISIM BAR DI VIA MELEGNA CO RS O IT AL IA EN VIA R VIA P IE TR MBOL OGNA ONTG O TEU LI VIA BAINSIZZA É R AR I VIA VIA LAMPEDUSA BR IO SC HI VI A VI A M ED A VIA VIVA RINI VIA MOMIGLIANO VI A M ON TE GA NI VIA LIUTPRANDO NO TO A VI TT O OL ME IA TA B ET VIA BORGAZZI V IA B VIA GIA CO RS O SA N GO T TA RD O R IO SC H I LI EL IC RR TO A VI A IO S F O RZ ASCAN D IN A L E RI R TA TA MA ZEC VECC CA HIA SAN O V IA RIN NE GRE VIA GO PA RIOPA XIV VIA WIT TGE BANFI CE V I A CAL ATA F IM I VIA V RO NT AC VI VIA SA A ZO N RO A VI VIA SEG ANT INI VIA SPEZ IA CO RSO ITA LIA SU G. AG M O RI G I IV AR I N A VI A L Z A IA LF NA A V IA A S V IG L IO PAV E C A N IO SE SFORZ A O IPP VIA FIL VIA PORL E S. ES E A EN O CC CI VI AL A ES SI SI M O N ET TA PA VIA CIO LI CO RS O DI PO RTA TIC IN VI A VIA VIA VIA SAN VIA LC DE VIA ORAZIO RO AR O IN ST GO ’A NT VI A G. C ARD UC VIA AU VIA LESMI SO NI O CC IO A VI MA VIA RZ IO SA ZA AZ PI O VIALE ROMOLO O MAN C U CC VIA RUSS OLI VIA CASSALA BO AL VIA PIO IV CELESTIN O CI VIA TERR AGG IO NI TO G ON OL POMPILIO VIA LC O CA A VI MO V DE IA ST IN VIA A I GL DE A OLO RSE VIA O DEI VI IO VA G G VIA CARLO VI A PE S TA LO Z Z I VIA BRISA VIA DO RA VIA DE VIA IV ET AN I VIA DI DS. G. IO VIA ZE NALE VIA BAN DEL VIA M. D. ROCCA LO A RESIN VIA SO CARA SOR NI MA V IA S . M IC H ELE D EL CA V IA L E RSO DI PO R TA V ERCEL L IN A ARO VIA G. DE DRI ALESAN I BON VIA I IMAN EI GR VIA D V IA VIA G. WAS HIN GTO N NA EG RD CA SA VIA G. D CAST E RO VIA D . CIM VIA DELLE STELLINE SA OL SARDI VIA AMB ROGI O BIND A VI A V VIA R. GES SI I O S IN VIA AGILUFO LA FER IG VIALE OMER O O AR IG V IA B O R D IG H ER A R O S S A N AV IG L IO PAV E S E V IA C A R N PA O IO V IA D E LLA CH IE S A I DE RR GIL VE VIR VIA VIA VIA MO NCU CCO A VI E ION I LL MI RO SAR VO DA VIA V VIA CUSI VIA MARTINI CO TI ’A D OD BES ES VIA CIV SAN ET VIA VOLTRI AR CAS T TI VIA V IA GN IS O OFFE GLIA CO V VIA T AV I VIA C GNO VIALE LUCANIA IV E S BO ET VIA VARSAVIA VIA ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO VIA SERLIO CO O RC NA A AC BOS O OD VI A C VIA SCHEIWILLER . BEN ANA A B IA VIA GAR GAN O EI IA VIA LU SITAN SSU VIA VISMARA I ND DI CI PL VIA VIA GRASSELLI CADOLIN S. G SUG IV. VAL PR CAL ORO BIA .D IO ELL’A MARTINO & MAZZOLINI VIALE PUGLIE VIA VIA VIA VIA V IA VIA TI G.B LL VIA D SASSI I CC VA MON VIA A E VI MP A T’ I VIA MASPERO RU ANTO VIA ADA MEL LO R I PA VIA N FE L I C E CARLO BAZZI VIA MAR ELL I VIA VIA LEONI VIA SA GA IBAR VIA ST VIA M VIA LIVENZA O VE VIA ADAMI VIA S RO PI VIA CREMA ESI DIA ARC DE IN IA VENOS TA VIA BENEVENTO IA TA BO ER I VIA G. BAT TIS NT PE B IT R DE ER AN D NT AN SA SA VIA AIC AR DO A A LO VIA PEZZOT TI VI VI VIA V IA VIA SC TARANTO VIA NA VIALE MOLISE VIA CERVIGNANO A VIA LAURA CICERI VISCONTI VI NE AGN AR AGU ALT VIA VIA TI TELB VIT TADINI CAS ILLA VIA BAL SOPHIEPETIT G L’O VIALE CAMPANIA COMPAGNONI BIANCHI URTATO IO BB GU VIA V IA BOCCONI LLI I A VIA ATA ER MAC RA VIALE UMBRIA VIA MOROSINI ACE VIA P VIA CHIN I GA MA I FU OL PA TT VIA MOS SE FU VIA VIA AMON V IA R IP CO L VIA PATELLANI VIA LE I VI A PI ET RO CU ST OD I SA CORSO M ANU ICO CA TT GA RES A VIA REINA AL MELLONI DE’ VIALE PICENO VIA FRATELLI BRONZETTI VIA GOFFREDO MAMELI CELLINI VIA FIAMMA VIA PIETRO CALVI VIA A VIALE PREMUD RA ORA VIA C EI INI INI GR LLE I PE DE VIA PODG VIA MICCA I O S COR A D R O VIA EG LL EI I OL PE D RIN SS EG VIA LL CA PE VIA E N T IN A TA V IG DI POR PIN I ZI RI UN VIA DONIZE TTI IO VIA DAVERIO PIAZZA UMANITARIA MENDA CO R S O VIA ON N E PA N Z N ’A NDRIA SA SARTIRANA VI BU E LO L AG CA VIA V IA B IE L L A DA VIA SAVOIA COM VIA DELLA RE VIG D ES NO ON VIL MA TA M A E VIA CASSONI LLA SENATO VIA E AL RA VIA GN VIA I VIA PONT RI VIA MARCH ET TI AGRIPPA VIA MANA I A VIA SAN VI AL CE VI GO VIA COL DEL ROSSO SSET TO I PIAZZA ERCULEA STA VIA DELLA GUA V IAA M IN RG LL A O V I TA N N PA I BA AI LL RE VIA BE E ST NI DE IA VIA Salmoiraghi & Viganò PIAZZA S. PIETRO IN GESSATE TE AL RA RE A A I VI CCH RA VIA LUPET TA ME N G AG CHIO RE LE O DEL VIA VIA SANTA TECLA M EN RI VIA SAN C LE VI V IA R A CO PE VIA RVATOR A AR BA G LI D E LD I V IA IM B O C AR E RE VIA MAZZINI V IAE L L PP VIA GIARDINO CA ON VIA PALAZZ O VIA MARCONI I LC EXCELSIOR MILANO SE CON ND E FI FA MUSEO 900 VIA GO LA ENT C AS RE A R VI DA A SP L P E TR V IA PIAZZA DEL DUOMO TTI RONCHET TI RE DE R IN VIA LO PAT TAR I PAO NT A SAN SA VIA S. RAFFAELE VIA FOSCOLO O RI V I A VA VIA DELL A CHIUSA DO N R CO VIA SILVIO PELLICO A A A VI OR M AR E . VALL VIA VIA D EL A GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE II VIA DOGANA I VIA A DEI VIA T TI PIA .M VIA S VI IA EO V NO BER L VIA A NT VIA SALERNO VIA NEERA VIA MENGONI CI VI ETA SEGR VI A AS D O ELL LE E A VI TROTO PIE’O R ALL ICI M. VIA S. A TA VI NE O M EL D O A LL VI BO S. M IA O PVR VIA OT S. AS O SAN O VIA BAS PIAZZA SAN FEDELEV VIA ER A T TO D A VIANER G BA VID VIA HA I SA A. D I RU DN I 62 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember I2014 E R IO NTE ISÈ YA RKI S TO GO A VIA MP MO O MO RO TO L V IA VI A OS LLE . VA LO VICO ELLA VETR A AD ZZ VIA AIN NIA SAL OR VIA LIF VIALERI GHIS A DEL NAVIGLIO CA INO RO LE T TA U VI VIA NO CI SON C A ON C VIA NZ VIA A L L E GR A ND INI CAT STE NTE ME VIA VIA V IA LLI VIA SAN SISTO IA MO I UGNATE SPER VIA S. PRO O LLA VIA DE TT POSTA HE CC BO VIA MEI O VIA TULLIO VIA VIA NEGRI VIA M B OSSO U C C I O VIA CIRCO PP VIA CA I VIA H CC UNIVERSITÀ CAT TOLICA G BO R R O A MELVI LERIO ONE DI VIA LUINI MARVIA RA NE Z EBI IA VIA VIA S TO VIA BR VIA NIR PANZVIA ACCH I VIA DE EUS LOR MO ZZO TRE A VIAD’ADD TO L TA URA RA VIA VEP MIS VIA GRU TI I VIO G. SAN A VIA LO MEL ON IN A GIO VI A VIA E TN VIAHIA ISC VIA VIA DEL FUSARO VIA POMPONIO O HIN LUC INO VIAEL MA D VIA VIALIANI DIG FF IZZ LO A ESI VIA PROCOPIO PAO ELB RCH PISA PAN VIA O CC SA MA ZI VIA FRÀ BARTOLOMEO DA VIA A VIA V OR IA C VIA VI VIA SETTIMO IO NEL RU VIA MELLONI F San Babila I make an appearance, in quick succession. PIAZZA VIA SCAGN SAN BABILA IA R O MA ORNO www.neuhaus-cioccolato.it IA PIE T T TOC Urban AG V PIAZZA VIA BORGO GNA O PIAZZA LI S I VIG I RA For a luxe pit-stop, at number 18, you’ll find IA V NE DEL CORDUSIO VIA ME VIA I Center VIA VIA GROSSI ELE VIA ARCHIMEDE VI PIAZZA LIBERTY OT TA TO LL GRAZIE VIA NU VI DE LN BELLIN O ViaVIA SanSISMONDI Vittore, 6 – T: 02 72000096 AFFARI POA S. of I M Nespresso points VIA LINCO one the most iconic in .S O V. E MA ER IONE VIA FRU R T M. NCO VI SE CA AP VIA PASS ARE A Cordusio NE TO E C PER M A N ANS D G VIA E TI VIA ’A OL HIM M2 Sant’Ambrogio I V C T I N N A R R O F the city. Now that you’re feeling a little more A O I VIA N T IBI UL A S PIAZZA VIA G. D VIA SA CAN Duomo O E GR CO . M VIA VIA VI ASS VIA VIA ZANELLA RI . you can return to the heart of Italian I VIA MARCONA HI SICILIA VIA MARCONA VIA VIGNA energized, NA VIA QUARNERO RIA SAN VIA ACC ONI O ATI ID R LE T RR L CONA LARGO PIAZZA PIAZZA C G CO A PINACOTECA L U V L E EI BERSAGLIERI AVAL LIPPO IA MAR FI V A FONTANA SANT’AMBROGIO TA O D D AMBROSIANA V L A L S craftsmanship: in a singular “duel” two different VI A L OT A N N IT T G TI V VIA TRIESTE VIA PIR ANDE SOL VIA SA PALAZZO VIA BVA VIA LITTA OR IA B T ’OR V VER VIA VERZIERE LARGO VIA REALE E SAN AT T VIA IA IA shoe shops stand one next AUGUSTO to the SANT’ VIAartisanal ISTI PIAZZA Neuhaus IA GI ● I V PIAZZA F AMBROGIO PIAZZA A S PIAZZA E A PIAZZA VIA AN MUSEO DELLA VOLTERRA CL DIAZ N G CORSO PORTA VIT TORIA 5 GIORNATE CORSO XXII MARZO PO VIALE CORSICA other, both M boasting a storied past and the VIA EMILIA CORSO XXII MARZO SAN SCIENZA E DELLA S. STEFANO BA VIALE FORLANINI AU VIABOTO AR ARIO CARCERE PIAZZA VIA TECNOLOGIA RIL T V S. Ambrogio ERR L VIA CAVALCABÒ CA F The largest chain of Italian opticians has refurbished its stylish F MENTANA T IO ONT P SAN VIT TORE IO VIA guarantee of Italian artisanal I S I A A R TA NA I PIAZZ A IPA PIAZZALE L VIA PIAZZA VIA historic store in Corso Vercelli, one of Milan’s most famed luxury CH VVIA VI VIA IRNER IO VIA VIA IA ED VI It’s upALBto you to TA IN O excellence. AQUILEIA VI LANZO CO VIA BEZZECCA MISSORI VI RICCI RAVAL ANDREANI BES A VET IA ZA NE I LANZONE TOR A DE I C I V IA T O R LARGO LE VIA GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI CA VIA CENA VIA GIOVANNA A VIA’ITAL VIA CECCHI CH L VIA ZEBEDIA VIA DIGIONE shopping streets, by Venlarging the range of its trendiest brands AN AT D M GIARDINI E. IO AZ IN NOV choose between one of the V Maybe you’ve just seen Leonardo’s Last Corso Vercelli, MARINAI A I O I I A N D A D GUASTALLA A A D RIO FIE CMissori E I adding two new areas specializing in contact lenses and Porta Vittoria EGA D’ITALIA VIA PIAZZA VIA COSTANZA BARNABAand O R VELASCA A M ELLA VIA S T A N NT SA shopping bagVin U ROTONDA E VIA I A hand AZZALE two, either Calzature Belfiore, Supper and are in need ofPIAZZA a relaxing walk VIA GU SA AM SO RR IC DELLA S T Olens and eyeware divisions. NV P CO sun lenses to its existing contact IS BESANA A VESUVIO ITO A VIA ANF RIPOLI A VIA RONCAGLIA LL DI VIA MONTE ORTIGARA If you access corso Vercelli starting from VIA handcrafted shoes since 1950, to ward off the possibleOonset of Stendhal’s BE PIA OSS VI I SPAof skilled technicians S. Agostino VIA MORA GA PI OSPEDALE B L O SA VIA P U A O Furthermore, its staff is on hand to offer Z I M ORTIGARA VIA MONTE I N R E ABaracca, RTA OR VINC LV VIA RI ET IA Calzature Cardinale, TRO IA N V S E piazzale at building number 1 IO MAGGIORE A V L V or a small S L syndrome. Maybe you’ve got just one B CO VIA A TA F E V VIA IA A GARIAN PIAZZALE O ITALIA I CORSO V V IA E R C A LO C E R O VA A POLICLINICO RCOwell with your free services including finding glasses that work SAN IA C GA TI T NS PA L E immediately LU ZZ LORENZO family-run N V find VIA PARCO VIA FAN you will S A N a OMontblanc A O AGOSTINI a musical at Teatro business since 1977. OnR Othe hour seeing COLONNE ON AR FAVRET TO beforeDE I VIA Seye IUR E exams M P I V IA I A S O ROMANE face shape, and the first application ofATcontact PI O VIA EN VI P PA AN TAG SOLARI AIS PIAZZA C O ES G N A R E F A boutique, home to high quality R V IA A F contrary, at number 8, you’ll find Avirex, Nazionale or maybe your hotel happens to PARCO R O IA L ST C SO VIA CRO I S. EUFEMIA A LP A C O A R A A A O U A PIAZZALE Z C lenses, chosen while you wait. O O V I N E A S N V T Z FIS ARENA R M B N O Crocetta S IA VIA R A N M A N A E I A E I L A A I R V M C V RG MO MARTINI ROMANA PIO S or simply for beautifully fashioned LA SO O timepieces the legendary brand for “pilots” be located in the neighbourhood. Or, maybe VI D LINO VIA VIN ZU AM ’O IA VIA IA CVO DELL V V N A G I E S VIA VE TER ES GI RMI IM O VIA O www.salmoiraghievigano.it G N PIAZZALE IA VIA LOMBROSO E N and writing instruments. O GELLI those who favourAthis type of look. ON you simply wishV to take aI Estroll I N N Z through VIA STRI FE CANTORE L O E PARCO CO E D’O Awill find RR I R areas. In all VIA COSIMO DELLE VIA MERCALLI PIAZZA Corso Vercelli, 7 T: 02 48005290 At number 3, you L RS BO D AR one of Milan’s lessLtouristy of R IO PIAZZA A V B M E A DEL BASILICHE DEL FANTE B SO IA NIG ZIO I O BO I R TI ROSARIO NI RA OL V CO O V Montblanc BACK BOLIVAR CO TER VIA VIA C Idistrict, SANT’ VIA O DI M1 VConciliazione, M1 Pagano IA these cases,Vthe AZadig&Voltaire, AVAthe IN CORSO ME VIA I A Vercelli-Belfiore DE IA F VIA SAN LU VERCELLI IA RB SO EUSTORGIO GL ILIP V IA LIC ON CA LAR BA R PIAZZALE P SCA I O PIN V P A L V O VIA O I A I L A V E O O RG O DAS S C QUADRONN IA French clothing brand R I O midway between the Conciliazione E AND VIA RASORI S ARthat, . and OLE AN R T O G A PIAZZA LIBIA I TA G RA Porta OR V IA E G LU E L S H SANT’ O A VIA M I G in 2008, chose to open MB A O I V O NT its By retracing your footsteps, you’ll find yourself EUSTORGIO VIA R VIA CADIBONA Wagner metro stops, is a perfect itinerary: V VIA DEGLI ETRUSCHI BURIGOZZO AR V CIR PIAZZA Genova F.S. R O O A C D U VIA N VIA SAN O I M EN MB Z O A MA PIAZZA I V S RT T VI V INO A VIA MONTE VELINO NAPOLI A VI Gstore E IA S first Italian monobrand right here on back I N R E N I VIA in corso Vercelli, where you can browse one of Milan’s best-kept secrets – though PIAZZA A A EV VIA R CRIVEL A O LI A NO ER V INSUBRIA D T EN A VIA MUSEO ILI V IAE L L A XXIV MAGGIOVIALE GIAN GALEAZZO NIO ILIA MA A VANIA V I A corso RC Vercelli. While in the area, should you VIA the other side. Starting SIC VIALE from the other end, I FO not by chance home to severalDELLE of the SIG NO VIA BEATRI PORTA TICINESE CE D’E VIALE COL DI DI VIA A CULTURE E I INO STE E VIALE D VI LAN D’ESTE N A FILIPP CE A M ETTI BEATRI N UR VIALE BR FA Porta R A ATORI decide to pick up a new pair O – this area, though TIT you’ll find Coin, the Vupmarket department RCH world’s best brands I A real artisan “bottega” featuring an open-plan workshop ESE UN A’ G R AIof IAL TU Nuber-glam I . L O TO N V NO O C S AV E IV I E I R R O A I L D T P ZA Romana BLI MUR IA LIV R T O during the VGIAIOsunglasses, TA at number Vercelli, store stocking a good collection of most of BLIGN GN Vwhere V I GP O5Rcorso Simonetta Mazzolini and Benedetto Martino design their and frequented A L L mainly residential Y VIALE A N IA I T V Y E A VIALE SABOTINO O ORI AIA A DI VI VIAhandcrafted MONTE CIMONEjewellery – a meld of time-honoured techniques and LLI INI C Salmoiraghi awaits you. what you have seen until now. Further on, at O day, is capable of surprising those visiting it, A L Z ReI PViganò LM O One of MB OR ABE BOCCONI SA CAR VIA SALAS C AG VIA VIA TORTONA 37 S contemporary design. Rings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces and the best-known opticians in Italy, M it boasts as number 14, you’ll find yet another classic of O O thanks, for example to an extremely wide, VIA CINI OCC VI A VIGNOLA VIA S.R LE VIA VIA V I A CARON earrings featuring either refined or quirky shapes, fashioned to V E N A i.e. Geox, which A LO many as 500 sales points scattered across the VIMade-in-Italy, A doubles up just Z TONIOLO IO cosmopolitan offer of restaurants. One of G N N E A E IA PIAZZA SRAFFA DI TER LI N O V ND PIAC VO G EN TI CO VIA on, GOLA suit individual styles and personalities. Their signature material is TUL country. Just aT Ilittle further at number G R A tram a little further on down the road at number VIA BELLEZZA VIA ROMANO GIULIO VIA the most Pcharacteristic andLstrategic L O S TO I L E L A I H A ET L VIA BAC IA NO VI TI Hogan V I G trams run to bronze, ideal for small, richly coloured sculptures. SARFAT A TA 7, your new 8, with its upmarket VIA cousins Fay, O routesV in the city (from G E sunglasses are likely to protect N Ahere PA AIA VIA LL PARCO CIT BBIA AR PIAZZALE C H IAlways at number 8, there’s A C AD VIA TRE A AVE B VIA BOR SIdisplays A L Z and its congress centre, the SO you Vfrom of T and Tod’s. also VIA TA I A the glittering window S Fieramilano City VIA PAVI A V IA AN IO LODI RAVIZZA NI VIA PIAZZA O Luigi Verga Orologi, historic, high-class A Nadine, an Italian chain of women’s fashion Expo district, O R O but also the historic centre, M LE ISO NZ O VIA T E L TRENTO I T O Porta Romana H E of Lodi TIBB clothing. If children are your target, make a CAN A R R watchmakers offering a diverse selection where you can catch a glimpse of the TORRE DI OVIC LE TOS VIA NC I V www.martinoemazzolini.it PORTA ROMANA TO LO D IAL CO NIG VIA DEI CR VIA LONG ANES I luxury brands including Rolex, Audemars IOthe VIA small deviation into the parallel of via Rasori, OLLA IA spires of the Duomo as tram trundles D LA NZ . E V A B A Via G. Rasori, 8 - T: 02 39400445 VIA I A DA V I C RW V V A S a visit, IA Piguet and Pomellato. While onINthe subject where, atPIAZZA number 4, O along), this district is definitely worth SA M1 Pagano,NA M1 Conciliazione NE TORRI RI M L BIBBIENA O A VIA BREMBO FUKSAS V I Ain hand. In fact, its carousel M shoppingT bag RV of luxury,Romolo from number 11 onwards you will you’ll find a delectable boutique, simply PIAZZALE VIA SUL MO NO FRA T I A A N I E I BOLOGNA W Z V N SA VIA LE PIAZZALE CO O E EN VI find a real mini-haven of elegance, mainly spilling surprises, SophiePetit. NTO A L D over with of TO S NE HI O Mshops has few rivals. LOR AM E CO BELFANTI LI GU RI A A V IA F LIO TAGLI I I AC VIA VIA LE T I B SC VIA RED IL A R H I GVIA IA G GO A Pyou’re for men and mainly made-to-measure. IA And while here, bear in mind that LI I TOI R V CC ANGE DE O V A V CARL A S VIA S L ZA VIA SPADOLINI B ON SO LAR NE DR VIA VAL SOD A LE VAL GH TI The stores located here range from De ER N VIA there’s another gem, whose “toys”, in this case, HM VIA E A LI PON IO I NA VI CA Brenta VIA VITTORE BUZZI UCC D ON L E A VI Molfetta, the go-to shop for expertly R are more likely to appeal to the ladies: A BAA PIS CC O VIA T A IMPE IA L A T RIA I V VIA A welcoming, sought-after boutique dedicated to clothing S D VIA IMPERIA N NA ZZ ET O A PO E I M AN PO A KASM R VIA VEZZA VI RO DI V handmade shirts and fashion-forward men’sVI A Martino & Mazzolini, VIA SERIO at number E B trendsetters. INI collections and accessories for miniature D’OGLIO SS L B ET VI PIAZZA V I A UM TI O VIALuca Z knitwear to A 8, is an I intriguing goldsmith’s RIM INICalzature, a reference I H G SophiePetit offers a variety of pint-sized clothing and N A L I BO VIA I BONOMELLI SPAVE NTA M D VI A I V G M G I E E A M O PP V O U point since 1968 for artisanal footwear: all I workshop that creates T accessories for newborns all manufactured in Italy. In addition L BIONDELLI VIA VIA PIAZZALE IA ET FO TA MAGL IOCC O VIA NI D TLES POR M I purchasing CORVET TO VE RTI NT Corvetto toLordering or gift items, the beauty of Italian quality combined with Y VIA bronze jewellery using NE MA MOD LARGO E NC E O R “custom-made”Agarments ER VIA CAR CAN VIA GANDINO IC A RR DO AN VIA IN VI O STEINER A R IA I S V I I O to satisfy all O L E V the store also boasts a women’s G department A O ILI the luxury of personalization and hundreds an ancient technique AR VIA B P BO A A VIA VIA EUGENIO CURIEL VIA G. FERREO VI VI VIA CAPO the requirements of fashion-forward moms-to-be or nursing PIAZZA BRIANO NC C of models from among which to choose. PALINURO that has almost IA O FERRARA O M AGG mothers. Other services available include courses, meetings, a VIALE GIOVANNI DAdisappeared. R G OVI A M O I At number 23PIAZZA you can also find Brian& CERM ENAT E Finally, H M PI A N I PIAZZALE P S C VIA A LE C A GIO VAN space where mothers can either nurse or change their babies, PIAZZA O GN PIAZZA CER MEN VI GABRIELE ROSA ATE MA VI A BA RZ ON in spite of its name, is a 100% NI DA VIALE FAMA GOSTA Barry (which, MAGGI walking towards VIA ANTONINI VI CO I MIANI I CHIARADIA A courtesy prams moreO besides. VIA LE FAE NZ A VIA MARC LO Oand lots D’AG RATE VIA M D R A N O form, Sant'Ambrogio, R FamagostaItalian brand, currently at the top of its E www.lucacalzature.it VIA B FRANCESC O DE SANCTIS NT D EM U A R A N TA Q IA O A V I T I as shown by its new, lavish megastore in don't miss TA RT Corso Vercelli ang. Settimio Severo, IS VIA OVAD A DE EN IN VI TT LAGO DI NEMI www.sophiepetit.com A C I BA VI UE A San Babila) and Boggi, a surefire choice VIA aPALMIERI NI visit to the 1 - T. 02 468932 Porto di Mare R A CINQ AN V V O Via G. Rasori, 4 - T: 02 45481732. M1 Pagano, A I A M1VConciliazione GI for men’s clothing where you can take famed Belgian A VIA PRIV. STADERA EN LL SA TT A NO N PIAZZE VA N N O VIA advantage of the discounts reserved for you BI BARRILI chocolate atelier A D O IA ZIN RA V R I AZ The Last Supper IA info:Awww.wheremilan.com More P O Neuhaus V M as a reader of Where. B Neuhaus. N CA BA Rogoredo NTA A PIAZZA i I w w w. w heretravel er. com 63 Rogoredo F.S. [ S H OPPING VILLAGES ] Fashion outlets Designed as a typical medieval Ligurian town, it combines all the appeal of luxury designer ? brands with the beauties of the surrounding Piedmont countryside and the Liguria Riviera. VERONA TRIESTE ?NOVARA McArthurGlen also boasts “Barberino” near MILANO Vicolungo Florence, “Castel Romano” near Rome, “La The Style Outlets Reggia” in Marcianise near Naples and “Noventa VENEZIA di Piave” near Venice. ? ALESSANDRIA • WHERE: take the A7 Milano-Genova FERRARA Fidenza Village TORINO motorway and exit at Serravalle Scrivia. Chic Outlet Shopping ? PIACENZA The outlet can also be accessed by a daily MAR Serravalle shuttle service - Zani Viaggi: departures from ADRIATICOV I Milan at 10am, 11am, and 1.30pm (AprilDesigner Outlet GENOVA LO A AL BOLOGNA VI AV AL C September) Foro Bonaparte 76, M1 Cairoli-M2 CA ES ON VI O PIAZZALE Pasteur RI A LE RIMINI NDRIO SEGRINO V IA Lanza; S S departure from the outlet at 5pm and ST INO PA S MAR LIGURE A Z VIA I A LV TEU PIAZZALE M I C S IO R O Sondrio I BAS VIA VIA LUIGI PO AN RD LAGOSTA V VI RRO LAMBER PISA V I 8pm. www.zaniviaggi.it TENGHI IA A PIAZZA A • WHAT: a unique VIA PERASTO GO NA HOLOCAUST PO shopping experience, with 300 FIRENZE IA U T V B V DURANTE VIA CASORETTO LA VENTIMIGLIA ON MEMORIAL AT IA VI A A N G EL D EL LA TA LE – Blumarine, VIA SPALATO CIMITERO A L favourite designer brands of your PE RG OO VIA G LA VIA BIANCO E L FALLOPPIO BR VIA I VI A JA CO MONUMENTALE PIAZZA CO PO Brooks Brothers, Calvin Klein, Harmont D AL CENI SIO FIDENZA IA & Blaine, A A SE BE NI(from 30% to 70% less). PIAZZA PIE RM Efactory VIprices A LIVORNO N CORIOLANO VILLAGE CHIC OUTLET SHOPPING VEat E R R IV NOVEMBRE ANCONA D A Guess, Jeckerson, SwarovskiLUIand many Zmore – for IE RI PALAZZO SO VI AN areIA in Swiss approximate FA LO N Francs; the STAZIONE VI N V I AA PA ST REPrices PE G LOMBARDIA VI Fidenza Village is part of the collection of nine NG O V CO A RGThe largest I outlet VIA G. DA CENTRALE up to 30-70% less. in Europe, PE V G ON BOSCO O I rate is 1 EUR = 1.20 CHF. Exchange A P E exchange AL LE VIA PA VERTICALE C M VIA ANTONIO PORPORA L IA CA SI VA Caiazzo LE Dwith “Chic Outlet Shopping” villages in Europe. A FE VIA C A S T IL ORIA a PIAZZALE RD LORETO it combines an easy-to-reach location A RR LE O DE N I Centrale AN FABBRICA office IA available F.S. VI AR STU VIALE STRI A E TA N in the Center. PIAZZA O Gioia DEL I G array V G FONDAZIONE RZ N real shopping village, offering a fabulous CAIAZZO PERUGIA VIA CANZIO M IU A VAPORE relaxing atmosphere whereVI you can experience O STAZIONE S CATELLA E Tax-Free Shopping service available. FoxTown GRAT TACIELO A PIAZZA VIA TAZZOLI EPP PE LLAZZ PIRELLI E GARIBALDI ZO PIAZZA of designer clothing and homeware. LUIGI RG the sheer joyDIof the perfect buy Loreto VIA PECCHIO V IA VA RPIAZZA VIA VA LL AZ DUCA OL accepts payment by major credit cards: CUP, SAVOIA U LI ZE Y EL ES V D’AOSTA VIA QUADRIO GAE LEMME E CIN I • WHERE : halfway between Bologna. VI A L E ST AULENTI I V IA P IR V AREA Milan and ANT at an unbelievable price.I A P PR OC AC VIA VI CAD ZE IA V IA Express, Visa EX ENEL Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American A ADD ZO PA E T V IA M E R A I VIA LOM ONA CO V I visit: mcarthurglen.it/serravalle V Iinformation, GA N Take the A1 motorway and exit at Fidenza/ Garibaldi F.S. For more CM R V N N A A I IN IA EL AMVIA VIA TI Electron... PORTA I V IA A I VIA E R TO SC IN AN LA NUOVA SP CQL E S S IO TO AV CC LE PI LE Salsomaggiore Terme. Daily “Shopping Express” UEV D AR V IA V I PESCARAV I T NI PIAZZALE C A IOR I IL L E •I WHERE: just 15 km from F L C A and 55 km VIA V IA RU IBLugano BAIAMONTI C IN L MY G RT C. ER V I A VI NI RA at V10am from DE C TT V I STYLEAOUTLETS A THE AZ V I V V I Aalso available (departs CORSICA I BEshuttle bus IA L E C R IS BO SP PORTA IAZZA O IO I A N I I from Milan. Take the Milano-Lugano motorway APPEVICOLUNGO TO F O NS A PA S ON CIN NE LL SC OR IS IE L L AS A VI piazza Castello RAMSCI U VOLTA I IS P I RP B N Piola T PA 1, M1Cairoli and at 9.30am from SA IO OV PIAZZA V IA IN I CY OLO S PA A V LARGO VI I I A O IA and exit at Mendrisio. can SAN also be I C thirty minutes from Milan, in LE CR IN Situated just VIA The outlet V I VIA ZENOIA H GADDA GIOACHINO RT IS P I PIAZZALE PIAZZA VIALE MO Stazione Centrale, BE MA A U N O Piazza Luigi di Savoia). E GRaAPdaily AL XXV APRILE E I - Zani Viaggi: Vthe BACONE accessed NTby shuttle PA Lima VI A BR IN R C service A province of Novara, Vicolungo The Style IA VI STI L I LV Repubblica VIACMY DONATELLO PIAZZALE O PR IU V I PIAZZA A G B • WHAT: over 100 boutiques featuring I A IA SA AL T S T IO G ROMA V IA VIA E M Foro Nat CA PIOLA departure 76, M1 A POBonaparte LIMA I D2pm N CA Outlets I P O R from FA ON V I RT LO G R is the ideal place to spend an exciting OS RN prestigious designer labels at reduced prices VIA LARGO T O TA N U ES VIA BONARDI K M EG O VA E S A VIA RD ET MEDICI IO Cairoli-M2 Lanza. www.zaniviaggi.it A M N D day’s shopping. VIA I SANSOVINO VIA GIANNONE OR TO LFI NO A ALFIERI (up to 70% off ), including Valentino, Paul Smith, ARSA VI VIA IO LUVIA IA VIA STE VI LLA A R E VIA A C D L • WHAT: 160 exclusive stores, more than 250 IG A A PIAZZA F. M A VI • LWHERE: PIAZZA FU VIA EL and I Michael E C A S take the A4 Milano-Torino motorway PIAZZA C A CES A VIA STR MAR TIRRENO CIN LEONARDO POLITECNICO Missoni Kors. VIA ZI Moscova FATEBENE REPUBBLICA VIA VELA N Texit PL D I SORELLE top brands (such as Gucci, Prada, Armani, VA U N ATat I BIANCAMANO RTA LARGO A ON ER I Biandrate Vicolungo. The outlet DA VINCI VIA CIRILLO VI Vand IN VIA G. ÖE VIA MAGG PO VI LA FOPPA DI position, I V I IL SHOPPING: V N A I A VIA C • NOT ONLY t hanks to its VIA GUERRINI PA I IA IO RINI IA LE N SIA A O PA TENAGLIA I DI VIA shuttle V IA Dolce&Gabbana, Dior, Polo Ralph Lauren, RIC Lalso C A can RE Z IA BA VIT be accessed by a daily AZ AR LVE DELL EN DI service AN to shopping, ST B S T TO in addition Fidenza Village ZI ER LE E A M AL VIA GIOVANNI CELORIA PIAZZALE ROG RT I O1 R I O VIA NAPOLI VI A O GH Lacoste, Burberry, Nike e Tommy Hilfiger), E D G S N C Zani Viaggi: departure at 10.30am from Foro IGA I A VIA DIACONO B O VA I LAVATER I D VE I VIA CAZZAN VI offers PIAZZA CH IAa number of other attractions. A great I P NE PIAZZA C V O V T I DEI casino, 7 bars and restaurants. And again, OR VI IA O Lanza. O VOLONTARI SEMPIONE MA A TA Bonaparte 76, M1 Cairoli-M2 ST LI ARCO opportunity to learn more about Parma and LARGO RE OP VIA VIA L. S. VE VIA CO DELLA GI TREVESnew openings of prestigious brands such as PA VIA MANTEGAZZA V IA PA L Nwww.zaniviaggi.it HA AS PACE ERMO NA EZ NI P VI AL E Y Terre Verdiane, one of Italy’ s primary artistic and M IA ON TE BE LL EZ Porta Venezia HI VIA FRIS PIAZZA VI NI P NO O Furla. Brooks Brothers and A I OT TO LIN • WHAT: 150 prestigious designer stores V AN PIAZZA PIG NF GA culturalPARCO VIA AL hubs. For more informationAvisit: IO OV NOVEMBRE IT IA PA EA OBERDAN IA MA GO ITO information, visit: www.foxtown.com GI MANGIAGALLI VIA ST Gfamily, For more TR VI A I O V offering clothing for the whole O I GIARDINI IA O PP VA Turati VVI PIETR0 V www.fidenzavillage.com A INDRO NN NI AL LARGO O SEMPIONE I A E MONTANELLI D homeware and beauty products at discounted A BOTTICELLI M VIA RIO PIAZZA PIAZZA PIAZZA G BOR VIA V IA F ILT SARDEGNA PIAZZA E MARENGO MARIA A. ASCOLI AT E B VIA PA DE JANEIRO ON PIAZZA ET T up to 70%. AL VIA pricesGHof ENEF DI SAVOIA CAVOUR LE O VI S. MARCO V I A IA IO R R G G D C FOXTOWN FACTORY STORE A S SERRAVALLE DESIGNER OUTLET V T D IO IO . B. IU IA T E L L P EL DA BRESCIA F VIA MORETTO E L L’A TR T TA C ST LE TO Palestro V IAS C U R I VIA BIX NNUN I O VE IN RE PON O • SNOT AR O ONLY SHOPPING: RI TIE LIT CC C IATA BE LanzaIVOLI V IA VIA BIXIOVicolungo The Style IANO ALVIA LS C H IA PO EC HI T VIN DE IO R I LO VIA NIC O VIA V IA F I PIAZZAalso hosts art exhibitions, events and . An outlet store on the Swiss border, FoxTown A One of the first outlet villages in Europe, Outlets O A GA Z VIA . DUSEV IO VIA V AN E. A VI IA E ME M O TA ISOIA AL URI popular US-style “FactoryL Stores” Serravalle Scrivia isPlocated in the provinceA other initiatives for a enjoyable outing. RC LI LIthe VI Cuses NI VIA ANGELICO CASTELLO MODENA VIAday’s PIAZZA VIA FERRAVILLA ER I BELLOTTI VIA IN I RA R IN N A E CC O U M O E formula: practically IT CAPP RI VIA DI IR from Milan). NOVELLI allSFORZESCO the best designer labels of Alessandria (an hour away more information, visit: www.thestyleoutlets.com VIAFor SELLA O SP Montenapoleone BR GA BU V RIM LUGANO MENDRISIO E R I R ED I GUIN I RE S IN AI OS EN BU I LO O EL RS RC CO MA AG RA S RG MO SE VIA J VIA AN G. B. VIA OS I EN AN LLA SPA O RS VI A VIA CO NZ BU A VI O CC LE MA RE AI O IN TA D TO ET AR ZZ LA A VI NI VIA B. A A VI O TT RO ZA A IN AN EM IEL A AN ISS ER LE D A ZI NE A RIN CO RS CO VIA SS A O VE MA VIA A VEN EZI SO LD BA VIA VIA O SS PE OS RG BO A VI A. D’AOST A VIA IG SE O ZI NU MA A VI VI RA TI TU VIA I CH AR DE M VIA M ARCO CO RS O AD EI GI A RDINI VI I MA NZ ON D AN VIA PA VIA LA GI I BR SE A VI LU A VI A VI TT AL A NC TE TT AC M LE A VI V. A EM CH T PE SA PI IO FA B VI VIA TI NI ZI FIL O V IA G U S TA V V IA VIA MARC OR A VIA ANDR EA APPIAN I D I PO RTA VI A BA TTAG LI A AIA VIA CERN CO ST A PA D O A A MONZ VIALE VI O LD RO BE A VI NO PULCIA VIA MO NTE VIA VIA NI NI I VE RA CO R M A E VI VI GI A UL FE IO RR DO CH AC SO A VI AN VIA TE G. AP PE OR TI RG A AM MA R B. S A VI O IC RN A FA R A NAL CO R NI DO BOR VIA VE SP UC CI A VI O RC MA NU O VA V IA SAN ARCO AN M VIA S I VI A DE ST RI CH IO IN ZZA V IA CH M EL VIA VIGAN Ò ES ZO O IL A Z E R IN SOLF V IA M VI A LO VIA GAR CORSO O UR RICA SOLI IA A OI GI E RR IO CO M O RE RO SAL VIA GA SPA CO R S O I LD IBA AR OG C.S IB A L DI PI VA TIN SO VE SE H C EL M PE CO IA VI LE VIA IZEL LI IO FR DO OL E. VIA LI EL ST RE V LLI ME LIN I TA R A VIA GA O RI AD A VI VIA MA S NE T BON V IA DI PO R TA IO N I VI A PI DE VI NA M O NT M ER CA E TE LO EL ST CA A Z AZ R TE S VIA AN NIC OLA O BUONAPA SSO SEL RO NO LIA VI A PI ET RO VIA BO RS IE RI VIA NO M O N TA VI A CO LA RIG VIA QU V IA FA R IN I V O LT A VIALE M O N T E L LO BAST E RA VIA ZZ ON MO CAGNOLA VIA BALES TIERI VA N IO ESE ORG VIA B NO NO NI O CA VIA FO R O VIA CADO RE I RE DO VIA UGLIA SCIESA O ER EN NT MO LE VIA LE U. A VI VIA FREG RIT A HE RG MA INA VA V. RIO C VA E R VIA M.G.SAVARE I VIA ZA VIA D. ENRICO ONE DI M ODR PA RIN V. D U C.S OR SF ES NC VI RESPIGHI CO R RO EU O RIA A BEC C HO VIA EP LI IO OB VIA A LUD VIE O DA VIC NA O A V IA S A N T ’A N T O N IO U N F. D .P ST IVER ERD A A S TA I T O N FR A LE ’ O A A AG NZ GO NN CA A VI NA LE DA AD CO MAVIA RG SAN HE TA RIT A A VI ALI A M TT O OL ME GRE VIA GO PA RIOPA XIV NO TO A VI TA MA R TA ZE VECCCCA HIA SAN RIN O V IA IV VIA ORAZIO AU VIA LESMI SO NI O CC IO OL RO AR LC DE VIA RI LM AG M O RI G I NE VIA SAN VIA VIA VI A G. C ARD U CC I VIA TERR AGG IO NI TO G A ON VIA BRISA VIA S. G. SU VIA PORL E DO RA CA VIA DE VIA VIA DI DS. G. IO A VI O IN ST GO ’A NT SA VIA PIO IV CELESTINO I TA TIC IN ES E IN IA IPL NALE LLI VIA SISMONDI VIA ZANELLA VIALE CORSICA VIA GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI Porta Vittoria VIA MONTE ORTIGARA V VIA ISC I PO VIA GRASSELLI MA VIA RZ IO FR A SASSI ZA TT O VIA VIA M. D. ROCCA VIA RO VIA ZE LE NA ET AN G L’O VIA GIOVANNA CENA AL IV NA VIALE ARGONNE OD ESC OL CA SI NC POMPILIO BRIO VIA TALLONE L FR A LC O VIA DELLA SILA VIA POGGI MI SALDINI DA VIA REINA VIALE CAMPANIA CA VIA G.B.M. PADRE VIA ACCADEMIA VIA G. VIA VIA PIETRO DA CORTONA VIA PIAZZALE SUSA COMPAGNONI VIA I VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO VIA AZ INELL VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO PIAZZA O GUARDI VIA AN VIA CICOGNARA VIA GOZZI VIA RENI VIA I ROMAGNA GALLINA OL VIALE VIA VIA VANVITELLI SID BIANCHI PI ANC VIA M VIA AMPERE JOMMELLI TI DE’ A VIA ET GOLDONI VIA G. PIOLTI SSI VIA AMPERE AR VIA CERADINI CO OA NFO VIA BAZZINI VIALE ROMAGNA VIA PINTURICCHIO LZ VIA VERROCCHIO RTA UST LARGO MARINAI D’ITALIA VIALE UMBRIA SPA PICENO FO AU G VIALE A VIA P VIA VIA BEZZECCA VIA VIA VIA FRATELLI BRONZETTI VIA MOROSINI A VIA GOFFREDO MAMELI VIA FIAMMA RA ORA ROTONDA DELLA BESANA CELLINI VIA PODG VIA MANA AN VIA PIETRO CALVI O BES VIA RVATORI IA A VIALE PREMUD DONIZE TTI SE CON VIA DAVERIO BARNABA PIAZZA UMANIT A MARIA VIALE BIANC VIA SSET TO RT VIA OSPEDALE MAGGIORE SAN VIA DEL A VIA SAN VI TALIA PO VIA ANDREANI GIARDINI GUASTALLA LLA DI CHIO I O A O V I TA N N PA RS A LL BE PIAZZA ERCULEA RONCHET TI V IAA M IN RG I E STA VIA DELLA GUA E LL I GA BE RE DE RU TE ST NI IAR IA AVA LL PIAZZA VELASCA PIAZZA S. PIETRO IN GESSATE M EN E ORE DELL VIA VIA SANTA TECLA AL A I VI CCH RA BA ME CO VI A RE RA ICCI EXCELSIOR MILANO VIA SAN C LE VIA PALAZZ O A ALBR TROTO PIE’O R ALL A RI VIA LO PAT TAR I PAO E ND VI V IA R A CO PE Missori VIA SAN GO VIA MAZZINI VIA LUPET TA BA AI LL RE VIA LA ENT C AS I N VIA MARCONI A R VI DA A SP VIA D R CO IA RE DE RI FI MISSORI G AG NT A MUSEO 900 VIA GIARDINO E VIA ZEBEDIA NO FIE VIA VIA V IAE L L PP AR CA ON SA R IN RE L P E TR LC A VIA S. RAFFAELE O V I A VA VIA FA VIA FOSCOLO A A A VI OR M AR E . VALL PIA O .M VIA S S. V IA VI PIAZZA DEL DUOMO VIA DOGANA I LI D EG LD I V IA IM B O C AR VIA A DEI VIA T TI PIA LO VICO VA M. VIA SILVIO PELLICO VI ETA SEGR EL D O A LL VI BO A TA VI NE O M A GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE II VIA MENGONI CI M. VIA S. VI A AS D O ELL LE E VIA ICI T TO ER A OS LLE E AD ZZ VIA MORA VIA NO CI SON IN C E N Z O IB S A N V ERO IA E CL D A VIANER G BA ED VI VI LANZO A NE I LANZONE TOR A DE I C I CA CH L AT M IO OV D E INADN EL I T LA AM EN VIA SAN SISTO VIA M S. Agostino AR E. C E A VIA AL E R IO I VI O LLA VIA DE TT POSTA HE CC BO VIA MEI H CC VIA TULLIO VIA NEGRI O R IN V IA T VIA VI VIA S T A S A RR I C N I d ecember 64 W H E R E M I L A 2014 AN VM P CO IS ITO A VIA VI IA OV V BASSAN PRO IA S SPERO VIA TA . VIA S. PRO SO BO R R O NE IO IC O U C C I O VIA CIRCO PP VI A CA VIA SSO O VIA LUINI ONE A MELVI LERIO VIA NIR MARVIA RADI GI MP I PANZVIA ACCH I CA IN TI FF ON RU SACRESTIA DEL BRAMANTE CATALANI LOMBARDIA VIA LUOSI LIPPI BA VIA BRONZINO A IA San from the airport of Linate and VIA MELLONI PIAZZA VIA MELLONI Babila I SAN PIAZZA FEDELEV SCAGN SAN BABILA IA LARGO ORNO TRO MA the Central station and is easily 1978, Il Salvagente is among Milan’s COR T TOC AG VIA PIE S.MARIA PIAZZA VIA BORGOG NA O ANCONA SO M PIAZZA I S IGL II RAV MAGENTA IA ME CORSO DELLE AGENTA V E NE DEL CORDUSIO VIA GROSSI VIA VIA I VIA ARCHIMEDE VI PIAZZA LIBERTY UEL LL of GRAZIE accessible from the centre the city. LN AN BELLIN best-known and longest established O Cordusio AFFARI POA S. VIA LINCO . EM IONE MEVIA R T M. SE OV RC DEI VIA PASS A NE E C .S ANSPERTO D A G VIA E Enjoy allNTthe perks of city shopping ’A outlets: a comprehensive offering I RCHIM ORANI FU VIA VIA NT Duomo VIA A G. D LC S. VIA SA E GR I ASS VIA NA V I VIA MARCONA VIA MARCONA but with far more palatable price VIA of high-end fashion inVIGthe city ofORINMA. RIA I SAN VIA ON E L LARGO PIAZZA PIAZZA RCONA C CORRID PINACOTECA VA BERSAGLIERI AVAL FILIPPO VIA MA FONTANA SANT’AMBROGIO TA AMBROSIANA VIT A LOT VI tags! Open Mon 3pm-7pm; Tues-Sat A N fashion. Clothing, accessories and L TI V SO SA PALAZZO TOR VIA LITTA IA B T ’OR V VIA VERZIERE LARGO VIA REALE E SAN AT T SANT’ VIA at upIAto ISTI 10am-7pm. Via Fratelli Bronzetti, 16. AUGUSTO shoes, for him and for her, AMBROGIO PIAZZA PIAZZA A SA PIAZZA PIAZZA DIAZ N G CORSO PORTA VIT TORIA UNIVERSITÀ MUSEO DELLA M EMILIA CORSO XXII MARZO 5 GIORNATE CORSO XXII MARZO S. STEFANO AU T: 02 76110328. This landmark Milanese TOLICA SCIENZA E DELLA 60% off. CAT AR PIAZZA VIA R V L ILI FON MENTANA TIS TECNOLOGIA PIO O TAN S. Ambrogio TA IA A www.salvagentemilano.it outlet is VIA located just a few minutes PIAZZA VIA CH VV V V VINCIANO VIA VIALE BOCCHERINI VIA FRESCOBALDI VIA VI MENOTTI VIA CARLO PIAZZALE DATEO ? LULLI BENVENUTO GAROFALO SO VIALE DEI MILLE VIA CASTEL MORRONE VIA VIALE CARLO POERIO Dateo VIA VIA EL VIALE ABRUZZI BARTOLOMEO EUSTACHI ZO VIA CARLO PISACANE MEL VIALE KRAMER VIA CARLO GOLDONI PIAZZA RISORGIMENTO PIAZZA TRICOLORE VIA VIA O R TE AC VIA VIA PIAVE AN E A TT O VIC OL RA SIN I GU MI VIVAIO DA BA ON SAN NE M O N FO VIA I IN T ROSS VILLA NECCHI CAMPIGLIO C O RS O VIALE VIA NI M OZA R A VI S. A LE I RO RD O VIATTIN GU BA ROZZI A PO MO VE RI ER AV VI PIAZZA VIA CASE ROTTE MEDA CORSO MAT TEOTTI VIA BA A RBELLO RE VI NA LI A ND P VIA TE B IG VI SA ’A NT AN VIA SE SÚ DEI VIACHET TI BOS GE A IG ON IA VI S VIA SP A VIA M G. VIA PIAZZA SCALA RA MM AT IC IO I AZ LM DA . S TO NA A S E DELL F. VIA BBA GA A A ROLE VIA V SSI IA F ILO I BO D DE A VO VI UO VIA VI B VIA VIA B VI M E ELLO N T V IA VIA RO O OIT VI TO VIALE L. MA JNO ON A RG RA O V I A R OV I TI A I UL VI BO BRE ETER SSO TE V VIA NO SSI CIOVA PON E A M VI RA LT ER VI INI Cadorna F.N.Established IL SALVAGENTE in VIA CC VIA DEL LAU TORI E SIR VIA VIA CIOVA VIA PAR T BE DI OB TO PU VIAL IN O D NA B UO N A A AR OP ZO GI BE VIA VIA TURATI ER VI A SO LF MA ON NI TO ERCA LO LI R IV O RO FO EL N AG A SE V IA VIA LARGO POZZONE CAIROLI V N SA NO DI TO ST V IA CA VIA M ZA EM À IE T IP A NTE D E G R I O VIA MO RS ’O LL VIA DE LIA AN OV U AT ST SA N O V IA IC IA N SI M PL AZ AL HI I CUSAN IN E VIA NE MELO A fashion outlet in Milan EN VI NC LE VI A A VI VI CC RM L CA GIU DR VIA PI RE PIAZZA A DE DEL VI CARMINE AL DR O VIA LEGNAN O IC LE VIA A OL EZ VE RO PA R PIAZZA AN IN O A VIA VARE SE V O LT O ESS URB EN RE AL A VI SA RI VIA VIALE ABRUZZI I AL E DA VIA ANT M I Cairoli O OL FO IA CA VIA VA LIE VIA MONTEVERDI ELL RAM DO LA ND V O FO IA N I VI A TO RR NC IO RO RES MA CE V IA B VIA A. DI CAMBIO NICCO LIN I VIA ROSM INI ’ A A A RC VI A E M M AL I VI TA T T E IN STAZIONE JAC SE I TRENORD N (Malpensa Express) 0 2 VA I Milan PIAZZA FF RO Turism CADORNA SA A I Point V PIAZZA BOCC ACCIO VIRGILIO CENACOLO I F CA RP VI A NI VIA VIA VIA VIA G. B. I A RD A R VI HIE SC PE VI I D EL O LI ERP O LC R C AVA TO SE SA N A R AV IA NG O LULLI O E S S IN EA IO VIA BA LZA N TE SS MA VIA ON V IA M AL VIA RICORDI ASPROMONTE IN NA VIA ZO ON I R OM EO VIA SACCHINI TI SSI IG LU ME VIA VIA LIA AZ ND VIA PON TIDA BO R VIALE LOMBARDIA NA G TA M LO A VIA ON E GI ORVGI G U ERIA C IN O A TE RA SI R TA VIA O ZE IO GL MB O ES O CC M I AT LD SO SIM D ’A VI LA MAR A VIA VIA RO T VIA ALGA BOSCAIOLA VI GRAT TACIELO GALFA VIA V IA NE SE DO AR ED O M SS A O VI R CO IN ES AD ABB VIA DELLA LI VI A AR DA BR NA LD O ES CI A VIA AR RM PIE VIA FA R G IO INI IA FoxTown Factory Store BERGAMO BRESCIA VIA MONTE ORTIGARA FOOD & WINE FOR MORE LISTINGS VISIT wWW.WHEREMILAN.com FOOD EXPERIENCE Armani/Dolci GLAMOROUS Via Manzoni 31 is possibly the most glamorous address for Milanese patisserie: Armani/Dolci is a location dedicated by world-renowned designer Giorgio Armani to the world of chocolate and not only. Here you can find elegant pralines, chocolate bars, assorted dragées or fruit preserves, delightful gifts that are perfect for any occasion, also thanks to the store’s elegant, unmistakable packaging. Open daily 10am-7.30pm. www.armanidolci.com. Via Manzoni, 31. T: 02 62312686. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 ArtedelRicevere NEW OPENING On the 5th floor of The Brian&Barry Building Sanbabila, look out for monobrand corner ArtedelRicevere, an Italian brand of high-class teas established in Milan in 2002. A small though elegant shop-in-shop which, with its refined selection of teas represents an oasis of luxury, relaxation and wellness in the frenetic hustle and bustle of metropolitan shopping. Open daily. www.artedelricevere.com. C/o The Brian&Barry Building.Via Durini, 28. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Bagel Factory (The) Corso di Porta Vittoria is the address of the second Milanese sales point dedicated to bagel buffs where real American bagels are prepared according to ancient Jewish tradition for either a quick in-house snack or a take-away treat that can be eaten while strolling along the Navigli or through downtown Milan. Open Mon-Wed 8am10pm; Thurs-Sat 8am-midnight; Sun 10am-10pm. www.thebagelfactory.it. Corso di Porta Vittoria, 46. T: 02 87187697. Map G5 Peck, Temple of Gastronomy The key theme of Expo 2015 is food, in all of its different forms. In Milan, when it comes to Italian gastronomy, Peck sets the standard for the rest of the world. By Diana Orlando F or discerning gourmand palates from all over the world Peck offers a selection of delightful delicacies inspired by the best that the world has to offer: truffles, caviar, salmon, foie gras and anything else that your heart could desire. The modern version of Peck as we know it today dates back to 1996 when, after ten long years of intense renovation work, it sales space was quadrupled. Its more than 3,000 wine labels are thus comfortably housed in the cellar, while 200 different blends of infusions and coffee are located next to the bar and restaurant. Added to this you will find a sought-after selection of the very best meat, bronze die extruded Peck pasta produced using only Italian wheat and, more than 60 varieties of coffee and 130 mono-origin teas from all over the world, infusions and fragrant fruit-flavoured waters, the very best Italian jams and honeys, chocolates, panettone, shortbread as well as a cornucopia of worldclass Italian pastries and cakes. The whole is rounded off by a vast selection of the best wine producing labels including wines, distillates and rare magnums that enrich the offer whites, reds, rosés, Italian and French sparkling wines. Those wishing to linger longer can savour the emporium’s specialities at the restaurant on the first floor where chef Matteo Vigotti proposes a varied offer of dishes. A successful story for more than 130 years and one of the best destinations for gift ideas 66 W H E R E M I L A N I d ecember 2014 Luxury Food Eager anticipation is building around the launch of Milano Eataly Smeraldo, a location devoted to only the finest Italian flavours just moments away from corso Como. While in the Quadrilatero, don’t miss the sweet treats on offer at Armani/Dolci in via Manzoni. The Food Hall on the seventh floor of la Rinascente in piazza Duomo is dedicated exclusively to taste. In via Hugo, drop in at Pasticceria Galli renowned for their incomparable marron glacé or head to the district which thanks to the Associazione Spadari Via del Gusto carries the world-class delicacies of Ladurée, Noberasco, Pescheria Spadari and OttimoMassimo. Chiù ITALIAN GOURMET A Bistrot and wine-bar but also a “cult delicatessen” offering gourmet products that can either be sampled in loco or ordered as takeaways. Offerings on the menu include a delicious range of pasta, cold cuts, cheeses, pizza bread topped with cold cuts of your choice and fresh mozzarella, accompanied by an astute selection of wines and artisanal beers. You can enjoy your food outdoors, even in winter. From lunch to an aperitivo, from dinner to gourmet shopping. English spoken. Free Wi-Fi. Open Mon-Sat 9.30 am-9.30pm. www.chiu.eu. Via V. Monti, 32. T: 02 39400694. Map D4 Cova Pasticceria Founded in 1817, by none other than one of Napoleon’s soldiers. Thanks to its strategic position, in the heart of the Quadrilatero della moda, this venue is a true Milanese classic. Established as a pasticceria, it also offers a house aperitivo: an infusion of herbs and flowers based on a secret recipe. Open noon-7pm. www.pasticceriacova.it. Via Montenapoleone, 8. T: 02 76005599. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Eataly Smeraldo NEW OPENING A new cult destination dedicated to highclass Italian gastronomy: 5,000 sq.m. devoted to food and the best, locally sourced products spread out over 4 floors hosting not only 19 eateries and a starred restaurant ENOTECA COTTI A “not-to-be-missed” address for wine lovers. Opened in 1952, this is one of the best stocked wine bars in the city. Enter an old-world atmosphere, boasting impressively stocked shelves and an extraordinary selection of wines and spirits. www.enotecacotti.it. Via Solferino, 42. T: 02 29001096. M2 Moscova. PECK The search for quality is Peck’s primary aim, achieved through a careful selection of products from all over the world with more than 3,000 labels including wines, distillates and rare magnums that enrich the emporium’s offer of whites, reds, rosés, Italian and French sparkling wines. www.peck.it. Via Spadari, 9. T: 02 8023161. M1-M3 Duomo, M1 Cordusio. SIGNORVINO Located just a few metres from the Duomo, on the first floor, a well-stocked wine store offers a selection of more than 1,000 wines produced entirely in Italy. Taste them while nibbling on an array of delectable gastronomic specialities. Piazza Duomo corner of corso Vittorio Emanuele , 42. T: 02 89092539. M1-M3 Duomo. MOSCATELLI “Real connoisseurs discover secrets” is the motto used to define this time-honoured venue. A welcoming wine bar in Brera where courtesy and professionalism are still the order of the day. Its staff are on-hand to offer you advice about its fab cocktails and astute selection of wines accompanied by tantalizing appetizers. Corso Garibaldi, 93. T: 02 6554602. M2 Moscova. EATALY SMERALDO Peck Lots of useful suggestions about traditional and trendy wineries for a one-of-a-kind tasting experience: from Where Milan’s reporter Carolina Scuri Conti This small cosy shop and restaurant is located in the courtyard of a prestigious location in via Montenapoleone. Here you can taste and purchase not only “confetti” (sugared almonds), cakes, chocolates and tea and coffee blends but also raw fish, caviar and Mediterranean-style pasta dishes. The location also boasts an event space for photo shoots, private parties and other happenings. Its minimalist, peaceful and elegant atmosphere is the perfect place to savour the finest Italian specialties. Open Mon-Sat 8am-11pm; Sun 10am11pm. www.conticafe.it. Via Montenapoleone, 19. T: 02 76394934. M3 Montenapoleone, M1 San Babila. Map G4 >> More info of the new cult destination dedicated to high class Italian gastronomy on www.wheremilan.com >> Peck. www.peck.it. Via Spadari 9. T: 02 8023161. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5. Unique Wineries VINICOLA ROTONDI Located in the Isola district, this multi-awardwinning Milanese wine bar offers a great selection of superb Italian and international labels: wines, liqueurs, sparkling wines, champagne, grappas and distillates but also digestifs, rum and several of the world’s top whiskies. Piazzale Lagosta, 2. T: 02 66804652. M5 Isola. w w w. w heretravel er. com 67 FOOD Nespresso Boutique Vergani The over 270 Nespresso boutiques worldwide welcome coffee lovers to an environment dedicated to the art of “espresso”. A warm, comfortable and cosy area where you can truly experience the pleasure of all the coffee specialties. Several boutiques in central Milan: via Bigli 1/3, c/o la Rinascente Piazza Duomo, Galleria San Babila 4/d, Piazza Cantore 12, c/o Coin V Giornate and via Belfiore 16. www.nespresso.com. Open Mon-Sat 9.30am-7.30pm; Sun 11am-7pm. Via Bigli, 1/3 6. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Milan now boasts the first shop where not only can you purchase, but, above all, taste Panettone - the sweet symbol of Milanese tradition par excellence - year-round. A gourmand boutique where you can find Vergani’s classic, freshly-baked panettone (as well as its special versions) throughout the year. The first “zero km” panettone because it is delivered each morning to the shop while still warm from the Vergani bakery located at a distance of just some hundred metres. Open Mon 7am-1pm, Tues-Sat 7am7.30pm, Sun 8.30am-1.30pm. www.vergani.it. Via Mercadante, 17. T. 02 45497606. Map H2 Neuhaus Maître Chocolatier VANILLA BAKERY See this page. (Alice) but also rooms for food workshops, a convention centre and loads and loads of music. Eataly has opened in the theatre space of Milan’s former legendary Teatro Smeraldo and hosts a huge stage and offers a totally free season of music. The specialised eateries open every day from 12am to 3.30pm and from 7pm to 11pm; the Lavazza and Vergnano bars are open from 10am to 12pm; the “Salumi e formaggi” eatery is open from 12am to 11pm. www.eataly.it. Piazza XXV Aprile, 10. M2-M5 Garibaldi FS. Map F2 Guido Gobino Renowned, maître chocolatier from Turin, Piedmont, has debuted in Milan in corso Garibaldi 39 with a supremely high-quality range of his innovative creations. Don’t miss his oh-so delicious mini-ganache shaped like mosaic tiles, his spreadable gianduja cream, his dark chocolate “maximo” giandujotto whose filling contains up to 40 percent of the best PGI Piedmont hazelnuts and his mini-sheets of chocolate. Open Mon 3pm-8pm; Tues-Sun 10am8pm. www.guidogobino.it. Corso Garibaldi, 39. T: 02 89096601. M2 Lanza.Map E3 Ladurée Boutique This delicious Milanese boutique is entirely dedicated to 'macarons' or, as we know them in English, macaroons, small, round Parisian cakes made from a meringue base filled with chocolate and whipped cream. From the sales counter, covered in mahogany wood and marble, to the deluxe gift boxes, each detail epitomizes sophistication and good taste. Open Mon 2.30pm-7.30 pm; Tue-Sat 10am-7.30 pm; Sun 10am-2.30pm. www.laduree.com. Via Spadari, 6. T: 02 876149. Map F5 Luini A “panzerotto” at Luini’s, a pocket of pizza crust stuffed with all sorts of ingredients, including the basic mozzarella cheese and tomatoes, is a must for the street food. A Milanese institution since 1940, Luini is located just a stone’s throw from the Duomo and la Rinascente, that can easily be recognized by the crowds queuing up on the pavement. Never fear, service is quick and efficient and the wait is well worth it. Open Mon 10am-3pm; Tues-Sat 10am-8pm. www.luini.it. Via Santa Radegonda, 16. T: 02 86461917. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 In Milan, the famous school of Belgium chocolate boasts one of its most famous brands: the Neuhaus shop is a small treasure trove where pralines – more than 100 varieties that arrive fresh, each week, from Belgium – are displayed in cases like precious jewels, alongside bars with dried fruits, characteristic letters of the alphabet and greeting cards, all made exclusively from chocolate. www.neuhaus-cioccolato.it. Via San Vittore, 6. T: 02 72000096. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5 Pasticceria Marchesi Pralines and homemade pastries, biscuits and panettone, “veneziana”, chocolates, sweets and over thirty different types of cream cakes, cannoncini and éclairs. It still retains its original early nineteenth century atmosphere and has a counter at which you can drink a cup of coffee accompanied by tiny, mouth watering treats. Pastries baked fresh on a daily basis and for the holiday season. A truly sweet treat. Open Tues-Sat 7.30am-8pm; Sun 8.30am-1pm. www. pasticceriamarchesi.it. Via Santa Maria alla Porta, 11/a. T: 02 876730. M1 Cairoli. Map E4 Zàini HISTORIC The Milanese chocolate factory Zàini has celebrated in 2013 its 100th anniversary with the opening of a new space in Milan. A timeless location decked out with period furniture and a counter at which customers can savour authentic cakes, hot chocolate laced with violet flowers or rose buds, sweet treats and bread and chocolate. The best place to taste and buy some of the best chocolate in town. Open Mon-Sat 8am-10pm. Via de Cristoforis 5, corner of Corso Como. T: 02 694914449. M2-M5 Garibaldi FS. Map F2 Peck MUST SEE A paradise for food lovers. At this high-class delicatessen, for years an authentic temple of Milanese taste, you will find the best of Italian excellence, from cured meats to sauces, from wines to liqueurs, from cheeses to olive oil. Spread out over three floors, Peck is also a great place for an unforgettable stopover, thanks to its large sampling areas. The search for quality is Peck’s primary aim, achieved through a careful selection of products from all over the world. A totally worthwhile gastronomic experience. Open Mon 3.30pm-7.30pm; Tues-Fri 9.30am7.30pm; Sat 9am-7.30pm. www.peck.it. Via Spadari, 9. T: 02 8023161. M1-M3 Duomo, M1 Cordusio. Map F5 Vanilla Bakery Vanilla Bakery is bigger and better than ever! They just opened to the public with a larger space and tons of novelties. Lots of surprises with regards to the famous cupcakes. These creations (3€ maxi, 1.50 € mini) are prepared using only fresh high-quality ingredients based on traditional Anglosaxon and American recipes. They bake all varieties of cakes including carrot cake, cheesecake, red velvet and triple chocolate, to mention a few, and can be customized to suit all types of celebrations. Vanilla's Brunch, served on Saturdays and Sundays, is another must of the week with a full menu (25€ adults, 10€ kids). The new opening brings also a new menu “AllDay-Food” that you can taste any time of the day for a break a snack or even dinner. You will simply fall in love at first bite. Open Tues-Fri 8am-midnight; Sat and Sun 9am-midnight; www.vanilla-bakery.com. Via San Siro, 2. T: 02 48102542. M1 Buonarroti. Map C4 The temple of chocolate The famous school of Belgian chocolate boasts one of its most illustrious brands in the heart of Milan, Neuhaus Maître Chocolatier, a true paradise for lovers of exquisite chocolate, interpreted here in all of its most sought-after forms, from more than 100 varieties of pralines to mouthwatering bars with dried fruit, right up to its more unusual letters or gift cards. At this small haven of taste you can find loads of original gift ideas made from only the finest ingredients… for real connoisseurs only! www.neuhaus-cioccolato.it Via San Vittore, 6. T: 02 72000096. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5 w w w. w heretravel er. com 69 DINING FOR MORE LISTINGS VISIT wWW.WHEREMILAN.com Haute Cuisine Acanto-Principe di Savoia A fabulously elegant ambiance awaits you at the famous Hotel Principe di Savoia. The tables are set just the right distance apart, the service is impeccable and the atmosphere exudes charm. The restaurant offers superior quality food prepared by renowned chefs with dishes that stylishly update the classics of Milanese cuisine, with risotto taking centre stage. The chef’s creativity is also expressed in the pasta, meat and fish dishes. Open daily 7pm-11pm. Brunch on Sun 12.30am-3pm (65 euros); Business lunch from Mon to Fri (50 euros). €€€€. www. hotelprincipedisavoia.com/ristorante-acanto. Piazza della Repubblica, 17. T: 02 62302026. M3 Repubblica. Map G2 Bulgari-Il Ristorante An oasis of tranquillity, carrying the Bulgari trademark, in the heart of Milan. The famous chef, Andrea Ferrero, offers elegant presentations and small, though satisfying, portions. €€€€. Open daily. www.bulgarihotels. com. Via privata Fratelli Gabba, 7/b. T: 02 805805233. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Don Carlos-Grand Hotel et de Milan New culinary delights at Asola The exclusive restaurant that dominates piazza San Babila from above launches its latest culinary offerings with its appetizing Afternoon Menu and gourmand specialities for brunch. By Stefania Vida O n the top floor of The Brian&Barry Building, Chef Matteo Torretta who leads a team of ten cooks, offers a light yet mouth-watering cuisine. This way he brings diners several of the great classics of Italian and international cuisine, upgraded with a contemporary twist. Every day, from 2.30pm to 7pm, the restaurant’s Afternoon Menu features a range of delicacies including, for example, Matteo Torretta’s Caesar Salad, the chef’s Club Sandwich and his Caprese; conversely, for those in search of something a little more filling, the menu offers more substantial dishes like Risotto allo zafferano, the venue’s must-try Spaghettone pomodoro assoluto and Cotoletta alla milanese: simple yet tasty filling dishes designed to whet your appetite with their authentic, immediate flavours. Once upon a time there was brunch… or brunch as told by Matteo Torretta every Sunday from 11am to 4pm. In anticipation of Expo, Chef Matteo Torretta brings diners a different brunch each 70 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 Sunday, offering them a gastronomic journey in discovery of the flavours and cuisines of the entire world: Italy, Great Britain, Spain, the US… the menu is designed to suit all tastes while offering a sweet Sunday awakening to all those in search of the warmth of their country of origin or a brand new culinary experience. Ingredients change according to the seasons and the dishes on offer, though tending to focus on international cuisine, nevertheless employ all the most typical products of Italian gastronomy. Particularly noteworthy, for example is the ‘veg’ corner where diners can savour light, healthy, vegetable-based dishes. Lastly, during the coldest winter months, in addition to a buffet, Asola also offers a tantalizing, regenerating express warm dish! >> ASOLA | cucina sartoriale The Brian&Barry Building Via Durini, 28 . T: 02 92853303. www.asolaristorante.it Set against an elegant backdrop in the heart of Milan (entrance also through the Grand Hotel et de Milan), it is an intimate spot set within a warm, sophisticated ambience. It has an elegant outdoor area and a cellar boasting over 200 superlative wines. The menu is enhanced by the creative cuisine of Angelo Gangemi, a young, talented Roman chef, and his team. Open every day until late at night for aftertheatre diners. €€€. www.ristorantedoncarlos. it. Via A. Manzoni, 29. T: 02 72314640. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 one of Italy’s foremost chefs, can be experienced at this ultra-luxurious restaurant located inside one of Italy’s most glamorous hotels overlooking the gandens. His unique Mediterranean style of cooking, with particular emphasis on the cuisine of Sardinia, the chef’s native birthplace, brings to life an array of unforgettable flavours and ingredients. Open daily 7am-11pm. €€€€. www.fourseasons.com/milan. Via Gesù, 6/8. T: 02 77081435. M3 Montenapoleone, M1 San Babila. Map G4 Trussardi alla Scala Located next of the Teatro alla Scala, this restaurant, boasting two Michelin stars, embodies outstanding interior design and top-rate cuisine with new Executive Chef Luigi Taglienti, supervised by Carlo Cracco. Other signature dishes include “liquid salad with cuttlefish dumpling and black olive oil”, “risotto with raw prawns Sicilia and coral” and “duck Nantaise, steamed breast, fried leg and grilled spring onion”. Closed on Sat at lunch and on Sun. €€€€. www.trussardi.it. Piazza della Scala, 5. T: 02 80688201. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Vun-Park Hyatt A fabulous restaurant, overlooking the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, with food by the supremely talented chef, Andrea Aprea. Signature dishes include, seafood salad, porcini mushroom salad with slivers of Parmesan cheese, eggs poché, catalogna chicory soup, fresh spaghetti alla chitarra with Vesuvio tomatoes and basil, mullet stuffed with potatoes, capers, olives, orange sauce and sea urchins, costoletta alla Milanese and, for dessert, Montebianco “à la mode du chef”. Closed on Sat at lunch and on Sun. €€€€. http://milano.park.hyatt.it. Via T. Grossi, 1. T: 02 88211234. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 HONG KONG 香港楼 Since 1978 one of the best Chinese restaurant in Milan. Authentic and elegant. Closed on Monday at lunch. Via Schiaparelli, 5 (corner of via Ponte Seveso, 31) T: 02 6701992 - 02 67071790 www.ristorantehongkong.it Marchesino (Il)-Teatro alla Scala Gualtiero Marchesi, the “Maestro” of Italian cuisine, is the mind behind these fabulous restaurant and bistrot which, among other things, are set in a superb location: the Teatro alla Scala. Music and good food, a combination which gives life to the best dishes of Italian haute cuisine, featuring original creations and updates of the classics of Milanese cuisine, from risotto to breaded veal cutlets. Aftertheatre dinner service. Closed on Sat at lunch and on Sun. www.ilmarchesino.it. €€€€. Via Filodrammatici, 2 corner of Piazza della Scala. T: 02 72094338. M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Savini As much a city Landmark as La Scala, this wellestablished restaurant is considered to be the city’s finest. Stylish decor and period furnishings create a sophisticated ambiance which, combined with impeccable service, make this a perfect dining experience. The chef Giovanni Bon offers an array of wonderfully creative food, demonstrating his truly authentic talent. Two tasting menus, “Savini 2011” (5 dishes for 95 euros), or “Sorpresa” (6 creations by the chef for 110 euros). Closed on Sat at lunch and on Sun. €€€€. www.savinimilano.it. Via U. Foscolo, 5 (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II). T: 02 72003433. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Veranda (La)-Four Seasons Al Mozzo, traditional cuisine A must-visit destination where you can savour premium quality, wonderfully fresh fish dishes. Everything stems from the creativity of its chef who offers a range of traditional cuisine, including "spaghetti alla chitarra" with scampi and grey mullet roe or sea urchin tartare. The menu also includes high-quality meat dishes. The gastronomic offer is rounded off by it wood-fired oven specialities and homemade desserts. Thanks to its proximity to the Teatro Nazionale, it is the ideal spot for post-theatre dining. Open daily 12am-14.45pm/7pm-1am. www.ristorantealmozzo.it. Via Marghera, 22 - T: 02 4984676. M1 Wagner. Map B4 The wonderful cuisine prepared by Sergio Mei, w w w. w heretravel er. com 71 DINING DINING for both culinary and artistic delights. A real meeting place, Al Fresco’s tantalizing cuisine focuses on natural, fresh, organic flavours. Open 12.30am-2.30pm/7.30pm-11.30. €€. www.alfrescomilano.it. Via Savona, 50. T: 02 49533630. M2 Porta Genova FS. Map D6 CASA LUCIA An open-plan vertical cellar immediately captures the attention of those entering this elegant eatery. Signature house dishes include mixed grills and “Fassona” beef from Piedmont, Baveria and Nabraska served with side dishes of seasonal vegetables, truffles from Alba and porcini mushrooms, but also a selection of top-notch fish and homemade pasta. Italian cuisine that places particular emphasis on fresh seasonal products and preparation designed to exalt each and every flavour. Also serves tantalizing pizzas cooked in a wood-fired oven. Open daily 12pm-2.45pm/pm-1am. Alla Cucina delle Langhe This stylish restaurant, with its wooden decor, large mirrors and discretely placed tables, is a favourite with VIPs on account of its ultra-glam, Corso Como location. The house speciality, from the Piedmontese cuisine, are “bagna cauda”, “risotto al Barolo”, “Tajarin”, a type of pasta resembling spaghetti. Dinner by candlelight. Closed on Sun. €€€. www.trattoriaallelanghe.com. Corso Como, 6. M2 Garibaldi FS. T:+39.02.6554279. Via C. Ravizza, 2 – T: 02 4986691 www.ristorantecasalucia.it Map F2 MEMO RESTAURANT See page 73. Traditional Italian Cuisine Al Fresco At this old reconverted industrial warehouse, in the heart of the Tortona district, nature lovers, discerning foodies and those in search of AL FRESCO See this page. relaxation will find a spacious terrace resembling a green house, a charming garden surrounded by magnificent plants such as wisteria, cherry blossoms and roses and an open-plan kitchen that turns out fresh bread, desserts and timehonoured dishes. Not just a restaurant, Al Fresco also serves as an exhibition space and a hub of creativity, where the public can share their passion Bagutta One of Milan’s oldest restaurants, Bagutta is famous, among other things, for a literary prize that was once awarded here. In fact, it is also for this reason that it is patronized by VIPs and intellectuals. Its top-class cuisine (Tuscan and Lombard) can also be savoured in the garden. House specialities include: la “fiorentina”, the famous Florentine T-bone steak, the “scaloppini alla Bagutta”, and soups. Closed on Sun. €€€. www.bagutta.it. Via Bagutta 14. T: 02 76002767. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Cantina Piemontese A top-level “trattoria” with a welcoming atmosphere situated in a beautiful corner of Milan just a short distance from the Duomo. Originally a winery with a prestigious tradition, this charming bistrot furnished in 1930s style offers diners a choice of classic regional cuisine from all over Italy. Certified by the Italian association for celiac disease. Closed on Sun. €€. www.cantina-piemontese.it. Via Laghetto, 2. T: 02 784618. M1-M3 Duomo. Map G5 Casa Lucia La Rinascente, unique tasting experience For a romantic dinner, a business lunch, a party but also a meeting with friends or simply a coffee break on the magnificent terraces overlooking the Duomo, the Food Hall on the 7th floor acts as the perfect backdrop for all occasions. In fact, every day until midnight, guests can take their pick from among several locations. The nine bars and restaurants are designed to cover the entire spectrum of taste: My Sushi, Obikà Mozzarella Bar Pizza e Cucina, Il Bar, Juice Bar, YN, Maio Restaurant, Be Steak, De Santis, Champagnerie Moët & Chandon. And in addition to the exclusive tasting location, there is also a Food Market, where you can find hundreds of gourmet, “Made-in-Italy” products and specialities from all over the world. >> la Rinascente Food & Restaurants (Piazza Duomo) www.rinascente.it/foodandrestaurants. T: 02 8852471. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 72 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 An open-plan vertical cellar immediately captures the attention of those entering this elegant eatery. Signature house dishes include mixed grills and “Fassona” beef from Piedmont, Baveria and Nabraska served with side dishes of seasonal vegetables, truffles from Alba and porcini mushrooms, but also a selection of top-notch fish and homemade pasta. Italian cuisine that places particular emphasis on fresh seasonal products and preparation designed to exalt each and every flavour. Also serves tantalizing pizzas cooked in a wood-fired oven. Open daily 12pm-2.45pm/pm-1am. €€. www.ristorantecasalucia.it. Via C. Ravizza, 2. T: 02 4986691. M1 Wagner. Map B4 Consolare (Il) Set within one of the most picturesque streets in the heart of Brera, for more than 40 years Il Consolare restaurant has been offering unique, high quality specialities. A destination must for gourmands it offers a refined menu where no detail has been left to chance featuring all the flavours of time-honoured tradition with fish, meat and mushroom-based dishes. Its ambience sums up easy, refined elegance where impeccable service and the warm welcome given by its owners and staff are designed to offer you a delightful food experience. €€€. Closed on Mon and open on Sun.Via Ciovasso, 4. T: 02 8053581. M1 Cairoli. Map F4 Don Lisander For more than sixty years, a fashionable restaurant situated right in the heart of Milan, just a short distance from the Teatro alla Scala. An elegant atmosphere and impeccable service. The menu features traditional Lombardy and regional Italian cuisine. The speciality of the house is risotto. For dessert, also try the chestnut semifreddo with persimmon sauce. €€€. www.ristorantedonlisander.it. Via A.Manzoni, 12/A. T: 02 76020130. M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 destination, formerly the site of the old Abadan cinema, Memo is a sauve establishment and the perfect place to dine, enjoy shows and spend a truly enjoyable evening. Open Mon-Sat 7.30pm2am. €€. memorestaurant.it. Via Monte Ortigara, 30. T: 02 54019856. Map I5 Mozzo (Al) Premium fish dishes and quick, courteous service, Al Mozzo is suitable for all occasions from a business lunch to a dinner with friends. Everything stems from the creativity of its chef who offers a range of traditional cuisine, including spaghetti alla chitarra with scampi and grey mullet roe or sea urchin tartare upgraded with an innovative twist. The menu also includes high-quality meat dishes accompanied by a wide selection of Italian and international wines. Thanks to its proximity to the Teatro Nazionale in piazza Piemonte, Al Mozzo is the ideal spot for posttheatre dining. Open daily 12am-14.45pm/ 7pm1am. €€€. www.ristorantealmozzo.it. Via Marghera, 22. T: 02 4984676. M1 Wagner. Map B4 Il Giorno Bistrot-Hermitage This is a contemporary space featuring decor and settings inspired by “Il Giorno”, a traditional Milanese newspaper of longstanding repute. A sort of “literary restaurant” which, though reserved, also offers a “laid-back” atmosphere. Its regional Lombardy cuisine, created by chef Alessandro Tamborrino, is based on a careful selection of products, with no fuss or frills. An interesting detail: alongside the traditional menu, the restaurant offers its customers also a totally gluten-free menu that enhances all the flavours of high-quality regional cooking. €€. www. monrifhotels.it/HotelHermitage.it. Open daily. Via Messina, 10. T: 02 31817402. Map D1 The Finest Fusion Cuisine in Milan Japanese Specialties | Exclusive Atmosphere | High-Quality Wines Malmaison (La) ROMANTIC Its name is reminiscent of Napoleone Bonaparte’s favourite dwelling. This exclusive Milanese restaurant still retains all the charm and romantic aura of this glorious past offering diners an elegant, unforgettable experience. The venue serves an array of highly sought-after dishes (mainly fish) which can be savoured by candlelight in an ambience of pure sophistication. Open Mon-Sun 8pm-12pm (make sure to book ahead even for lunch). €€€€€. www.lamalmaison.it. Via Comune Antico, 27. T: 02 67101302 - 392 7563493. Off Map Memo Restaurant FOOD&MUSIC An elegant space offering all the pleasure of good food and great music. You can choose between dining in the warm, elegant atmosphere of the restaurant (from 8pm onwards) or partaking of a post-prandial drink, from 9.30pm onwards, set against the stylish backdrop of the gallery on the upper floor, with a view over the stage. Memo Restaurant also opens its doors to the public at 7.30pm for fabulous cocktails served either at its tables or in its beautifully decorated lounge areas. A must-visit Corso Vercelli, 37 corner of Via Paolo Giovio, 1 20144 Milano Tel. 02 48197213 www.hanarestaurant.it w w w. w heretravel er. com 73 Advertorial DINING by hints of fusion cuisine from the ‘60’s onwards. www.hanaresturant.it. Closed on Sun and Mon at lunch. €€. Via P. Giovio, 1 corner of corso Vercelli, 37. T: 02 48197213. M1 Pagano. Map C4 Hong Kong Friendly atmosphere at La Briciola Chinese cuisine. An elegant, evocative atmosphere boasting good food and impeccable service. Try the chef’s specialities like Kong Pao chicken, i.e. chicken pieces with nuts, chilli pepper and a special sweet soya-based sauce; the fish dishes; Pekinese, Cantonese and smoked duck and rice puffs for dessert. Closed on Mon at lunch. €€. Via G. Schiaparelli, 5. T: 02 6701992. M3 Sondrio. Off Map Hong Kong Crossover HONG KONG CROSSOVER See this page. See this page. Oltremare–Boscolo Milano Located inside the Boscolo Milano Hotel, just a few steps from the Duomo, the Oltremare restaurant expresses an innovative concept of contemporary luxury. Decorated with eclectic artworks, its décor, though supremely elegant, is also somewhat unconventional, as is its cuisine. Its sophisticated culinary philosophy is expressed through artisan dishes, cooked with only the freshest organic ingredients that highlight their taste, re-evoking its regional past in order to allow diners to experience new and unusual flavours. Always open. €€€. www.boscolohotels.com. Corso Matteotti, 4-6. T: 02 77679640. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Pacific Milano Restaurant-Hilton It takes a particular interest in vegetarian and vegan cuisine with international and Italian meals, featuring a selection of vegetarian dishes. €€. Pacific Milano Restaurant c/o Hotel Hilton Milan. Via L. Galvani, 12. T: 02 69833008. M2 Centrale FS. Map G1 Ristorante 13 Giugno LIVE MUSIC Together with the eponymous restaurant in Brera in piazza Mirabello 1 and the renowned cafè “Fattoria di Brera” specializing in Sicilian food, this location comprises a unique threesome on the Milanese gastronomic scene, featuring a combination of the most authentic Sicilian-Mediterranean seafood. Featuring a star-studded roster of chefs including owner Saverio Dolcimascolo and a typically 1930s Italian ambience, it is the perfect venue for VIP watching. Check out the article “Welcome to Brera” in “The Guide/Shopping”. Live piano and voice performances every night at 9.30pm. Open daily. €€€. www.ristorante13giugno.it. Via C. Goldoni, 44 (parking in piazzale Dateo). T: 02 719654. Map H4 Sabatini From meat to fish, from starters to desserts, an iconic location since 1946 at which you can savour all the outstanding flavours of Italian cuisine designed to suit even the most discerning palates. Also offers a rich buffet but, above all, some of the best pizza in town. Open daily 12am-11pm. €€. www.ristorantesabatini.com. Via R. Boscovich, 54. T: 02 29402814. M2 Lima. Map H2 Uccellina (L') A benchmark of Tuscan cuisine for more than 74 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 30 years. Its warm, welcoming interior boasts wooden-beamed ceilings, brick walls, rustic-style cabinets and wrought iron lamps. Its menu, a symphony of typical flavours, emphasizes superb meat dishes including the renowned “Fiorentina” (T-bone steak) and Beef Tagliata but also heavenly starters such as pappardelle sauced with ragù, raviolacci dell'Uccellina and traditional soups. Other standouts also include thin-crusted pizzas baked in a wood-fired oven and an extensive wine list. Open daily. €€. www.uccellina.biz. Corso Magenta, 96. T: 02 48005531/ 02 48000728. M1 Cadorna. Map D4 International & Ethnic Cuisine Alacena-Melià The best of Mediterranean cuisine and Spanish gastronomic tradition at this restaurant located inside the Hotel Meliá. €€€. www.melia-milano.com. Via Masaccio, 19. T: 02 44406740. M1 Lotto. Map B2 Denzel KOSHER One of the few truly Kosher restaurants in Milan, serving an international fish and meat menu of delicate contrast. Traditions of the Middle East, America, Asia and South America are combined in delectable, tasty dishes, served against the backdrop of a warm, friendly, welcoming ambience. It uses only the finest ingredients and rigorously follows the rules of Kashrut. Closed on Friday evening and on Sat. €€. www.denzel.it. Via G. Washington, 9. T: 02 48519326. M1 Wagner. Map C4 Hana Restaurant An ideal location to savour the refined tastes of Japan. Silhouettes of cherry trees on the walls, wood flooring and comfortable armchairs in ecru-coloured leather blend harmoniously with the mouth watering tastes of Japanese cuisine, inspired by the country’s time-honoured tradition enhanced Kiyo In Milan, the authenticity of Kiyo’s contemporary Japan blends with the quality of Italian ingredients, to create a symphony of new exotic flavours. This restaurant offers Japanese fusion cuisine where traditional recipes are revisited in innovative, fresh compositions for a new contemporary culinary experience of the highest order. Open Mon-Sun 12am-2.45pm/7pm-12pm. €€€. www.kiyo.it. Via C. Ravizza, 4. T: 02 4814295. M1 Wagner. Map B4 photos © adriano caramenti SABATINI Located in the heart of Brera, this elegant restaurant is known for its impeccable service and refined cuisine, embracing innovation and international flavours while remaining true to oriental tradition. Boasting a tranquil ambience and dishes featuring an original, sophisticated twist, it is the ideal spot for a relaxing break - a pleasure for the eye and taste buds. Each dish featured on the menu brings with it all the taste and pairings of crossover cuisine, with a fusion of flavours just waiting to be discovered and a variety of options designed to titillate your palate. €€. Mon-Sat 12pm-2.30pm/7pm-11pm; closed on Sun. www. hkcrossover.it. Via Ciovasso, 5. T: 02 89010313. M1 Cairoli-M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 Re Salomone KOSHER Located in the heart of Milan, in warm, comfortable surroundings, guests will be taken on a refined trip in discovery of strictly Kosher Middle-Eastern delicacies. Its menu is based on a selection of signature recipes from Israel and several Arab countries including Egypt, the Lebanon, Syria and Iran and also incorporate a few dishes from nearby Greece. This restaurant offers typically Jewish fare together with an excellent selection of Israeli wines. Its stylish, low-key interior is the ideal place for an evening featuring top-level cuisine. “Must-try” dishes include falafel, tasty kubbe and an assortment of expertly cooked, fresh fish and meat (beef, veal, chiken and turkey). Closed on Fri and Sat lunch. €€. www.resalomone.eu. Via Sardegna, 45. T: 02 4694643. M1 Wagner. Map B5 AT IL MARCHESINO-TEATRO ALLA SCALA you can savour some of the best dishes of Gualtiero Marchesi, the “Maestro” of Italian cuisine. www.ilmarchesino.it This delightful venue, established almost 36 years ago by patron “Gianni”, is set in the heart of Brera and was recently enlarged to include a bar and lounge area. The atmosphere chez “La Briciola” is warm and friendly, thanks to Gianni and his “merry” team of waiters who have made hospitality one of their signature features. It is La Briciola Via Solferino, 25 (entrance via Marsala, 2) T: 02 6551012 / 6551105 labriciola@labriciola.com www.labriciolamilano.it not mere chance that, since its inception, the venue has been the favourite haunt of the Milanese jet-set and numerous “friends”, who meet here to spend a pleasant evening in good company. Boasting a sophisticated, elegant atmosphere and outstanding Mediterranean cuisine featuring a selection of superior-quality meat, La Briciola is also renowned for its typical Milanese specialities including “riso al salto” and the authentic version of “cotoletta alla Milanese” (Milanese-style breaded veal cutlet). Check out its wines – La Briciola also boasts one of the city’s finest cellars featuring more than 300 labels of regional Italian and international wines which serve as a perfect accompaniment to its tantalizing dishes presented with taste and flair by Patron Gianni and his staff who move silently between tables and are always ready to offer customers helpful tips and suggestions. w w w. w heretravel er. com 75 DINING Five star flavours At Acanto (Hotel Principe di Savoia), the cuisine of Executive Head Chef Fabrizio Cadei takes centre stage with menus that stylishly update the classics of Italian cuisine featuring a light, innovative touch which is also expressed in the presentation of his dishes. www.dorchestercollection.com/en/milan/hotel-principe-disavoia The Gastronomic Restaurant (Palazzo Parigi) offers a perfect journey through the flavours of Italian traditional cuisine, interpreted with extreme attention and expertise. The ambience and design of the restaurant, embellished by works of art from the 17th through the 19th century, are inspired by Italian neoclassicism. A charming treasure trove overlooking a delectable private winter garden. www.palazzoparigi.com Milan is business... by Stefania Vida L'Opéra (Hotel De la Ville) offers a modern take on traditional cuisine that delights diners with a number of innovative, unexpected touches. The kitchen stays open until late at night, thus making it an ideal spot for post-theatre dining. www.sinahotels.com Tradition, innovation and creativity are the underlying hallmark features of the culinary specialities prepared by Executive Chef Sergio Mei at La Veranda (Four Seasons Hotel Milano). A highly appealing location which can be enjoyed at all times during the day thanks to its numerous themed initiatives. Chef Sergio Mei and his team of 28 staff offer diners Mediterranean cuisine with a twist, prepared with the best selection of fresh, seasonal ingredient. www.fourseasons.com/milan If nostalgia is your thing, then you should definitely try Il Caruso (Grand Hotel et de Milan), a cosy, openspace location enhanced by a winter garden. At the new Caruso Fuori space, guests can dine at tables set up inside a charming veranda area. www.grandhoteletdemilan.it Another of the hotel’s culinary reference destinations is Don Carlos, boasting exquisite food skilfully prepared by renowned Chef Angelo Gangemi. www.ristorantedoncarlos.it In perfect keeping with the style and design of the hotel, the all black decor of Le Noir (The Gray) is a post-modern oasis featuring classic Mediterranean fare updated with a contemporary twist. www.hotelthegray.it Ristorante Bulgari Delectable and eccentric, the Oltremare restaurant (Hotel Boscolo Milano) expresses an innovative concept of contemporary luxury melding subtle decor with the tastes and flavours that exude from the evocative open-plan kitchen and exclusive VIP dining room which only seats 16 guests. milano.boscolohotels.com A combination of style, elegance and sophistication, the Armani/Ristorante perfectly mirrors the style that distinguishes all the creations of this world-renowned designer. milan.armanihotels.com The restaurant at Milan’s Park Hyatt hotel is called Vun and carries the signature of starred chef Andrea Aprea - a sophisticated gastronomic experience that will surprise diners on account of its seasonal classics upgraded with an inventive twist. milano.park.hyatt.com Milano Hotel Scala’s Primadonna restaurant is an innovative, elegant venue offering confident renditions of traditional Milanese and Lombardy cuisine with an underlying philosophy of sourcing wholly organic ingredients, carefully selected for their freshness and quality. www.hotelmilanoscala.it One of the most renowned restaurants in the city, the Casanova (The Westin Palace) offers a skilful blend of traditional Lombard, Piedmont and Ligurian dishes embracing all the simplicity and lightness of authentic Italian food. www.casanova-restaurant-milan.com Blending the old with the new, Il Baretto al Baglioni (Carlton Hotel Baglioni) has always been a landmark feature of Italian history. Today, in keeping with the fast evolving trends of this modern-day metropolis, it is indubitably the perfect venue for business meetings, but not only. www.baglionihotels.com The Manzoni Restaurant, set within the eponymous hotel, offers diners an intimate, elegant ambience and fine food complemented by an excellent selection of fine wines. www.hotelmanzoni.com Surrounded by a magnificent garden, the luxurious, minimalist ambience of Ristorante Bulgari (Bulgari Hotel Milano) serves as the ideal backdrop for a highly sought-after tasting experience based on the creative cuisine of Head Chef Andrea Ferrero. www.bulgarihotels.com The Roses restaurant (Starhotel Rosa Grand) never disappoints and is the perfect spot for a delicious dinner, a quick lunch or a mouth watering snack; right next to it, overlooking Piazza Fontana, is Tar.Tar, a "showroom" of taste featuring an array of different dishes that can be savoured throughout 76 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 Palazzo Parigi 1h 3h the day - from breakfast to an after-dinner snack. rosagrand.starhotels.com To make your visit to Milan’s Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II even more enjoyable, we suggest visiting La Sinfonia (Seven Stars Galleria), a luxury location dedicated to excellence. This discreet restaurant offers a selection of various traditional dishes and can also be reserved for special events or celebratory dinners. www.sevenstarsgalleria.com Rome is pleasure! The cuisine of Straf Hotel & Bar offers a combination of traditional, international and fusion fare. Presentation, cooking and superb service all make it the ideal spot for a business lunch. www.straf.it The Rubacuori Restaurant at Milan’s Hotel Château Monfort combines taste with the sophisticated décor of its rooms, where diners will be treated to delicious inventive dishes featuring classics cooked with an ingenious, innovative twist. www.hotelchateaumonfort.com YOU'RE JUST FEW HOURS AWAY FROM ONE OF THE BEST DINING EXPERIENCES IN ITALY. The Restaurant “al V piano” (Grand Visconti Palace) offers spectacular views of the city, accompanied by new executive chef Federico Comi’s multifaceted culinary creations. www.extrohotels.com The AlaCena restaurant at Milan’s Hotel Meliá offers a fusion of authentic Mediterranean, Spanish and Italian fare featuring an unparalleled selection of meat and fish dishes. www.melia-milano.com Located in the heart of the city, the Petit Pierre (Pierre Milano Hotel) offers a sublime array of only the finest Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Nestling in the Milan’s quaint Brera district, the Style Lounge Bar & Restaurant (Hotel Milano Style) offers an attractive space where old red brickwork, dating back to the 1840s, melds with modern gold leaf coated interiors for an uber-sophisticated dining experience. www.stylehotel.eu An outstanding addition to upscale dining in Milan, the Da Noi In restaurant (Hotel Magna Pars Suites Milano), boasts a welcoming atmosphere and a one-of-a-kind aesthetic reminiscent of an Italian home. Sought-after ingredients of gastronomic tradition and seasonal produce skilfully transformed by chef Fulvio Siccardi into an extraordinary sensorial experience. Open 12.30 pm-14.30 pm/7.30pm10.30pm. Closed on Sunday. Via Forcella, 6. T: 02 8378111. www.magnapars-suitesmilano.it IN ROME SINCE 1938 Piazza dè Ricci, 144 - Roma www.pierluigi.it ENTERTAINMENT FOR MORE LISTINGS VISIT wWW.WHEREMILAN.com Aperitivo 10 Corso Como Cafè Lounge bar (with adjoining restaurant) located inside a vast complex dedicated to shopping and entertainment (art, fashion and design) founded in 1990 by the publisher and gallerist Carla Sozzani. Open Mon 6pm-1am; Tues-Fri 12pm-1am; Sat 11pm-2am; Sun 11pm-1am. www.10corsocomo.com. Corso Como, 10. T: 02 29013581. M2 Garibaldi FS. Map F2 Bar Straf The street bar of the Straf design hotel in the heart of Milan. The bar echoes the basic materials used inside the hotel, such as concrete walls and floors, although here the interior designer Vincenzo De Cotiis has created a sort of spatial overwriting by using a hyper-decorative style. Open daily from 9am to midnight (Sat-Sun 11-midnight); aperitivo 6pm10pm. Live music on Tues from 6pm, dj set on Thurs-Fri. www.straf.it. Via San Raffaele, 3. T: 02 80508715. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Biffi Pasticceria A pasticceria established in 1847, its name is linked to the invention of “panettone”, the famous Milanese Christmas cake, exported throughout the world. A taste of old Milan: quality and impeccable service. In the late afternoon, it serves traditional aperitivi accompanied by a buffet. Open every day from 6.30am to 8.30pm. www.biffipasticceria.it. Corso Magenta, 87. T: 02 48006702. M1 Conciliazione. Map D4 Camparino In Galleria New world premieres for Leonardo3 After the Viola Organista and the Musical Can(n)on, another three musical instruments invented by Italian luminary Leonardo da Vinci will enrich the Leonardo3 - Il Mondo di Leonardo exhibition in piazza della Scala: the Continuous Windpipe, the Continuous Organ and ‘Glissati’ flutes. By Stefania Vida T he innovative multimedia exhibition, scheduled to run until 31 October 2015, will be further enriched by three new important works, namely the Continuous Windpipe, the Continuous Organ and ‘Glissati’ Flutes, the result of a passionate, ongoing commitment to study on the writings and drawings of Leonardo. Inside the exhibition area, in addition to three physical reproductions, new interactive stations dedicated to the instruments themselves have also been set up, thus offering visitors a chance to consult Leonardo da Vinci’s manuscripts in digital format and interact with his inventions using 78 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 innovative, engaging methods, several of which have been designed especially for children. Studies related to these three new musical instruments are contained in the Madrid Codex and in the Codex Atlanticus, annotated on sheets that might contain additional drawing or texts (or both) and, as is often the case, interrupted at the ‘quick sketches’ or ‘notes to be developed’ stage. Thus, five hundred years after the studies conducted by the Tuscan genius, these never-seen-before instruments have finally achieved a perfectly functioning status, thus completing and serving as an integration to the exhibition itself. An operation targeted at bringing to light the multi-faceted skills of Leonardo da Vinci, a figure perhaps best-known as an artist and engineer, often causing people to overlook the fact that his interests and achievements spread into an astonishing variety of fields, including, as previously mentioned, music. >> Leonardo3 – Il Mondo di Leonardo Piazza della Scala - Ingresso Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. 1 March 2013 – 31 October 2015 Daily from 10am to 11pm, including public holidays. www.leonardo3.net One century after it was first opened, Camparino - historically known as the “bar of the Campari brand” - has returned to its original spot in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. In the early 20th century it was a meeting place for musicians, artists and men of learning, and the place that gave birth to the tradition of the Milanese aperitivo. The new modern interpretation of the famous original sign has been designed by the master Ugo Nespolo. A place where visitors can experience a true Campari “full immersion”. Open Tues-Sun 7am-8.30pm. www.camparino. it. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II corner of Piazza Duomo. T: 02 86464435. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 della Moscova, 28. Bookshop T: 02 36535957; Caffetteria T: 02 36535959. M2 Moscova, M3 Turati. Map F3 Deseo This elegant, crowded lounge-restaurant is situated just a few metres from the Arco della Pace. Boasting a sophisticated setting, it offers delicious cocktails and a rich buffet. It also has a small tobacconist’s counter for the joy of smokers. Aperitivo from 5.30pm to 9.30pm. Corso Sempione, 2. T: 02 315164. Map D3 El Tombon de San Marc This historic Milanese establishment was opened in 1963, in the picturesque Brera district. A restaurant and American bar, it serves typical Milanese fare until 11pm. Aperitivo served from 6pm. Via San Marco, 20. T: 02 6599507. M2 Moscova, M3 Turati. Map F3 Fashion Café An architectural project based on a “home experience”, but also a hot favourite with industrial magnates, models and young upmarket Milanese trend-setters. Open Mon-Fri from 7am to 2am; Sat 8.30am-2am; Sun 10am-2am. Aperitivo from 6pm to 9.30pm. After dinner dj set on Thurs-Sun. www.fashioncafe.it. Via San Marco, 1. T: 02 6572021. M2 Lanza, M2 Moscova. Map F3 Globe An elegant lounge bar and restaurant with a panoramic terrace on the 8th floor of Coin, one of the city’s best-stocked and trendiest department stores. The aperitivo comes with a rustic buffet inc cold cuts and cheeses but also platters of select raw fish and upmarket wines. Open daily noon-midnight; aperitivo from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. www.globeinmilano.it. Piazza Cinque Giornate, 1. T: 02 55181969. Map H5 Jamaica One hundred years after its establishment, Jamaica combines tradition with contemporary art. Formerly a favorite haunt of artists and poets such as Giuseppe Ungaretti, Salvatore Quasimodo, Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Manzoni, Fernando Fontana, beat generation poet Allen Ginsberg and photographer Ugo Mulas, Jamaica today hosts photographic exhibitions and cultural events accompanied by an “aperitivo” in an atmosphere that continues to retain the intellectual appeal of years gone by. Evening entertainment continues at the Jamaica restaurant, which is only open for dinner. Open daily 9.30am-2am; Restaurant on Wed-Thurs-Sat. www.jamaicabar.it. Via Brera, 32. T: 02 876723. M2 Lanza. Map F3 Sant’Ambroeus A traditional meeting place, since 1936, just a few steps away from the Teatro alla Scala. The aperitivo spread includes international cocktails and delicious appetizers based on the theme of the day: oysters, salmon or Parma ham. Open daily 8am-1am. Aperitivo from 5.30pm to 20.30pm. www.santambroeusmilano.it. Corso G. Matteotti, 7. T: 02 76000540. M1 San Babila. Map G4 Triennale Design Café Set against the backdrop of one of the most important museums in the city, it offers a traditionally American-style brunch. Elegant though informal, it is also suitable for children. A trendy bar and an exclusive restaurant resulting from the expertise of the chef Carlo Cracco and the architect Michele De Lucchi. Open Tues-Wed and Sat-Sun 10am-8.30pm; Thurs-Fri 10am-11pm (aperitivo 7pm-10pm). Brunch on Sun from 11.45am to 4pm.Kitchen open until 6pm. Viale Alemagna, 6. T: 02 875441. M1-M2 Cadorna. Map D3 Concert Venues & Theatres Blue Note A branch of the famous New York, Tokyo and Nagoya venues, this is the new temple of Milanese Cova Pasticceria Founded in 1817, by none other than one of Napoleon’s soldiers. Thanks to its strategic position, in the heart of the Quadrilatero della moda, this venue is a true Milanese classic. Established as a pasticceria, it also offers a house aperitivo: an infusion of herbs and flowers based on a secret recipe. Open 7.45am to 8.30pm. Also lunch noon-2pm and aperitivo from 6pm. www.pasticceriacova.it. Via Montenapoleone, 8. T: 02 76005599. M3 Montenapoleone. Map G4 Cubo An elegant cube-shaped glass greenhouse, overlooking a charming English-style garden, located in the heart of the trendy Brera district. This stylish complex houses the Bookshop & Caffetteria degli Atellani, the ideal spot for a drink, a business lunch, a dinner, or a special event. The Caffetteria offers a vast selection of fine Italian wines serving as the perfect accompaniment to light delectable menus. Open Monday-Friday 12am-6pm. www.atellani.it. Via >> The Navigli by night. Our suggestions to discover what's new on the nightlife scene on www.wheremilan.com/leisure w w w. w heretravel er. com 79 ENTERTAINMENT jazz and features world-class performers and bignames on the International music scene. True to tradition, it hosts two shows a night (at 9pm and 11.30pm, with dining option). Tickets only valid for one show. www.bluenotemilano.it. Via P. Borsieri, 37. T: 02 69016888. M3 Zara. Off Map formerly the site of the old Abadan cinema, Memo is a sauve establishment and the perfect place to dine, enjoy shows and spend a truly enjoyable evening. Open Mon-Sat 7.30pm-2am. €€. memorestaurant.it. Via Monte Ortigara, 30. T: 02 54019856. Map I5 Giuseppe Verdi Music Conservatory Piccolo Teatro di Milano/ Teatro Strehler Founded in 1808, this Conservatory is another of Milan’s most illustrious venues for classical concerts and also offers a wide range of courses and cultural activities (masterclasses, seminars, performances, etc.). Many famous Italian musicians studied here – although oddly enough, the young Giuseppe Verdi was rejected. There are two concert halls: the smaller Sala Puccini for chamber music and the bigger Sala Verdi for symphonic and choral music. www.consmilano.it. Via Conservatorio, 12. T: 02 762110. M1 SanBabila. Map G4 Memo Restaurant An elegant space offering all the pleasure of good food and great music. You can choose between dining in the warm, elegant atmosphere of the restaurant (from 8pm onwards) or partaking of a post-prandial drink, from 9.30pm onwards, set against the stylish backdrop of the gallery on the upper floor, with a view over the stage. Memo Restaurant also opens its doors to the public at 7.30pm for fabulous cocktails served either at its tables or in its beautifully decorated lounge areas. A must-visit destination, Teatro alla Scala was being restored and restructured. Boasting a seating capacity of 2,400, it currently hosts a variety of concerts ranging from classical music to rock and pop but also festivals, performances and TV shows. www.teatroarcimboldi.it. Viale dell’Innovazione, 1. T: 02 641142200. Off Map Teatro alla Scala Founded in 1947 by director, Giorgio Strehler and impresario, Paolo Grassi, it was the first Italian Theatre Company to offer a “mixed” repertoire (international and Italian). Over the past 60 years it has produced over 280 performances by playwrights of the calibre of Shakespeare, Goldoni, Brecht, Cechov, Pirandello and Goethe. www.piccoloteatro.org. Largo M. Greppi, 1. T:848.800.304. T: 02 42411889. M2 Lanza. Map E3 Scimmie (Le) An historic concert venue in the Naviglio Pavese district. Though formerly only catering to jazz, it now also offers a variety of concerts featuring different types of musical genres performed by emerging Italian talents or famous International stars. Drinks are available at the bar and club restaurant. It also has an outdoor space in summer. www.scimmie.it. Via A. Sforza, 49. T: 02 89402874. Map E7 TAM/Teatro degli Arcimboldi Inaugurated in 2002, for three years it acted as Milan’s main opera venue while the historic Designed by Giuseppe Piermarini and inaugurated in 1778, it was recently totally refurbished under the supervision of the renowned architect, Mario Botta. Today the theatre is recognized as one of the leading opera and ballet theatres in the world and offers seasonal events. Out-of-season events are also often organized by private institutions and foundations. www.teatroallascala.org. Piazza della Scala (Ticket Office Via Filodrammatici, 2). T: 02 88791. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Gambling & Casinos Wincity Set within the heart of Milan, it offers some hundred games, including the latest generation slot machines, video lotteries and an automatic roulette system, but also tasting events with live music. This entertainment venue houses a restaurant serving typical Italian cuisine and a lounge bar. An innovative touch is the presence of a Personal Player to assist customers and outline play procedures and methods. Smokers’ All concerts on the calendar will be held at Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo, largo Gustav Mahler. www. laverdi.org ■ Symphonic Season 5-7 December Music by G. Rossini, V. Bellini, G. Meyerbeer, G. Verdi, G. Donizetti Symphonic Orchestra of Milan “Giuseppe Verdi” Jader Bignamini, conductor Jessica Pratt, soprano DAL 11-12-14 December Music by P.I. Čajkovskij Symphonic Orchestra of Milan “Giuseppe Verdi” Zhang Xian, conductor Alban Gerhardt, cello 10 GRUPPI: info@progettoteatro.org BIGLIETTERIA: 02. 641142212-214 in collaborazione con disneysbeautyandthebeast.it airline partner teatroarcimboldi.it ■ laBarocca 22 December “Messiah”, oratorio in tre parti for soli, chorus and orchestra HWV 56 Music by G.F. Haendel Ensemble vocale “laVerdi 19-21 December “Tribute to Renata Tebaldi” Barocca” Gianluca Capuano, Music by P.I. Čajkovskij chorus master Symphonic Orchestra of Ruben Jais, conductor Milan “Giuseppe Verdi” With: Allievi della Scuola ■ Crescendo in Musica Paolo Grassi 6 December Zhang Xian, “L’Avvento” conductor Music by C. Saint-Saëns and others White voices choir of “laVerdi” Maria Teresa Tramontin, conductor 20 December “Natale con la fiaba 2” Music by N. Rota White voices choir of “laVerdi” Maria Teresa Tramontin, chorus master Giuseppe Grazioli, conductor ■ Special concerts 6 December Giovanni Sgambati Music by G. Sgambati Francesco Attardi, conductor 13 December “Il Jazz in Auditorium” Natale in Jazz Tomelleri Big Band Jazz Paolo Tomelleri, conductor ■ Musica da camera (Sun 11.30am) 7 December “Romantico Bach 4” Music by J.S. Bach, A. Berg Fulvio Luciani, violin Massimiliano Motterle, piano 13 December “Integrale delle sonate per violino e pianoforte di Beethoven 1” Music by L. van Beethoven Francesca Dego, violin Francesca Leonardi, piano 21 December Music by J. Brahms, F. Poulenc, C. Debussy, J. Williams, B. Kovács Fausto Ghiazza, clarinet Simone Pedroni, piano ■ Events in Auditorium 1 December Concerto per Telethon Cristiano De André – “Via dell'amore vicendevole Tour” DECEMBER DICEMBRE 29-30-31 December – 1 January 2015 Symphony n.9 D minor op.125 Music by Beethoven Symphonic Orchestra of Milan “Giuseppe Verdi” Symphony Choir of Milan “Giuseppe Verdi” Oleg Caetani, conductor Erina Gambarini, chorus master w w w. w heretravel er. com 81 MUSEUMS ENTERTAINMENT area available. Open daily 8am-2am. Torre Martini, piazza A. Diaz, 7. T: 02 99297302. M1-M3 Duomo. www.sisalwincity.it. Map F5 Casinò Admiral Mendrisio Just 50 km from Milan, near Lugano’s beautiful lake and renowned FoxTown Factory Stores, an exclusive location where guests can enjoy a pleasant, relaxing break. The venue boasts a wide range of attractions with more than 31 gaming tables and 250 last generation slot machines. It also offers an elegant restaurant, known and appreciated by its clientele for its fine, high-quality fare. Open daily Sun- Thurs11am5am, Fri-Sat 11am-7am. Via A. Maspoli 18/a. T: +41 916405020. www.casinomendrisio.ch. Off Map Casino de la Vallée The small town of Saint Vincent, home to the famous casino since 1947, is set within the magnificent mountainous region of the Valle d’Aosta, a well-known tourist destination for weekends and holiday breaks. In addition to all the main games, it also offers a rich events calendar. Open Sun-Fri 10.30am-3am; Sat 10.30am-4am. Via I. Mus, 1 - Saint-Vincent (Aosta). T: 0166 5221. www.casinodelavallee.it. Off Map Casino di Lugano The third largest Swiss financial market and an important tourist hub, Lugano is home to the famous casino nestling on the banks of Lake Lugano. Defined as a “play boutique” on account of its stylish, alluring atmosphere, it operates an all-games casino for an unlimited number of tables and slot machines. Restaurant with panoramic terrace, offering a special business lunch menu during the day. Open Sun-Thurs 12am-4am. Fri-Sat 12am–5am. Via Stauffacher, 1 Lugano (Switzerland). About 70km from Milan. T:+41 919737111. www.casinolugano.ch. Off Map Casino Municipale di Campione d’Italia Though existing outside of its fatherland, this tiny piece of Italian soil, located in Switzerland, is home to Europe’s largest Casino and can be reached in just under an hour from the centre of Milan. Its beautiful new headquarters, designed by architect Mario Botta, are set within an elegant, international ambience. The casino offers roulette, chemin de fer, baccarat, black jack, poker and slot machines. It also has two in-house restaurants. Open Sun 10.30pm-5am; Mon-Thurs 11.30pm-5am; Fri 11.30pm-6am; Sat 10.30pm-6am. Piazzale Milano, 2 - Campione d’Italia (CO). T: +41 916401111 (free phone). About 70 km from Milan. www.casinocampione.it. Off Map Casinò di Venezia This magical lagoon city hosts one of the oldest gaming houses in the world. Inaugurated in 1638, since its inception, the Casinò di Venezia has always drawn an international crowd. Check out the unmatched luxury, sumptuous ambience, live entertainment and non-stop gaming experience against the spectacular backdrop of one of Italy’s most beautiful cities. Open daily 11am-3am. Ca’ Vendramin Calergi - Cannaregio 2040. T: 041 5297111. www.casinovenezia.it Off Map Nightlife Le Roi De Milan night club One of the best nightspots in the city, this fashionable nightclub is the venue of choice for a glam crowd, including well-know names from the world of sport and showbiz. Elegant and discreet, Le Roi stages classy dance and striptease acts for a refined clientele in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Open Mon-Sat 10pm-4am. Via Scarlatti, 32 (p.zza Luigi di Savoia). T: 02 6704361. www.leroiclub.it. M2 Centrale FS. Map H2 Shilling's Milano night club Just moments away from the Duomo, Shilling’s animates the nights of the Milanese and businessmen. Elegant and discreet, its Lap Dance and sensual Striptease performances combined with high-end dining and impeccable service blend to create a classy atmosphere thus making it the perfect place to end a busy day with an evening’s pleasant relaxation. Open Mon-Sat 10pm-5am. Via Paolo da Cannobio, 2. T: 02 8693554. www.shillings.it. Map F5 Have you ever seen a fragment of the moon? The new area of Milan’s Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia dedicated to space and astronomy is now open to the public. An interactive trip in discovery of places, people and technologies related to space exploration. By Elena Peverata SEASON 2014-2015 There are many ways of spending a pleasant evening in Milan, but one is more special… OrchESTrA SiNfONicA di MilANO GiuSEppE VErdi Symphony Season laBarocca Made in italy chamber concerts A vast symphonic repertoire, including works by Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Mahler and Beethoven, plus operas in concert, jazz and film score format. Saturday afternoon concerts dedicated to leading composers on the Italian symphonic scene, from Baroque to 20th century. In addition to music by Bach, the Baroque vocal and instrumental ensemble proposes a trip to France, Great Britain and Italy. Sunday morning concerts from Baroque to contemporary, featuring the section leaders of Orchestra Verdi plus an array of international soloists. TICKETS Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo Largo Mahler - Tue/Sun 14.30/19 - phone. 02.83389.401/402/403 www.laverdi.org 82 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 I n addition to being one of the city’s most vibrant cultural places, it is ranked among the world’s most important scientific museums. Its collections – cars, planes, ships and trains! – and its sections – from metal working to electronics, from communications to plastic – explore the relationship between men and machines starting from the ingenious inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. A few weeks ago, the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci opened a new, exciting interactive section entitled “Spazio”, devoted entirely to space exploration and astronomy. Divided into two parts, “Observing space” and “Orbiting space”, the new area traces four centuries of research on astronomy and space, from Galileo to the present-time, with, naturally, a nod to the future. The themes are presented according to an immersive and interactive format. In addition to extremely rare objects, including a fragment of lunar rock, a Russian cosmonaut’s space suit and numerous ‘tools of the trade’, place of pride is given to a reproduction of a portion of the International Space Station. And since the idea of space travel has attracted mankind since the very beginning there is also no lack of references to literature, films and video games. The Shop is a MuST! MuST Shop is the bookshop of the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia where you can purchase books, kits, scientific games, merchandising and loads more besides. Like an exhibition, the items on sale explore subjects related to science and technology and are carefully selected with an eye towards environmental issues, product sustainability and the life cycles of materials, in keeping with the Museum’s identity. www.mustshop.it >> Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci Open Tues-Fri 9.30am-5.00pm; Sat, Sun and Holidays 9.30am-6.30pm. Closed on Monday. Full ticket €10 + Guided tour inside the Enrico Toti submarine €8. www.museoscienza.org. Via San Vittore, 21. T: 02 48555558. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5 w w w. w heretravel er. com 83 MUSEUMS Ambrosiana Picture Gallery Case Museo Card (Bagatti Valsecchi, Poldi Pezzoli, Boschi Di Stefano, Villa Necchi Campiglio) €15. www.casemuseomilano.it Bagatti Valsecchi Museum One of the best preserved in Europe. Its evocative rooms house precious Renaissance collections: paintings, sculptures, weapons and armour, ceramics, jewellery and tapestries. Open Tues-Sun (except holidays) 1pm-5.45pm. Full price ticket €8 (€4 on Wednesdays). www.museobagattivalsecchi.org. Via Santo Spirito 10/Via Gesù, 5. T: 02 76006132. T: 02 76014857. M1 San Babila. FREE WITH Boschi Di Stefano House Museum Once inhabited by the married couple Antonio Boschi and Marieda Di Stefano, the Boschi Di Stefano House Museum has been open to the public since February 2003. The collection– paintings, sculptures and drawings – is an extraordinary testimony to the history of Twentieth Century Italian art. Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm. Closed on Monday. Free admission. www.fondazioneboschidistefano.it. Via G. Jan, 15. T: 02 20240568. M1 Lima. Poldi Pezzoli Museum Formerly the aristocratic home of its founder, Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli (1822-1879), it houses a remarkable collection of Italian Renaissance masters: from Botticelli to Mantegna, from Piero della Francesca to Tiepolo. It also displays weapons, ceramics, glass, textiles, clocks, watches and jewellery. Open Mon-Sun 10am-6pm (closed on Tuesdays). Full ticket price €8. Museo Teatrale alla Scala + Museo Poldi Pezzoli €9 (Monday only). www.museopoldipezzoli.it. Via A. Manzoni, 12. T: 02 796334. T: 02 794889. M3 Montenapoleone. Villa Necchi Campiglio Constructed between 1932 and 1935 by Milanese architect Piero Portaluppi, it has survived completely intact, both outside with its ample yard, tennis court and pool, and inside with its rich succession of rooms. Architecture, decorative arts, furnishings and collections express as a harmonious whole the high standard of living of the owners, who belonged to the upper middle class of Lombard industrial families. This is one of several FAI-Fondo Ambiente Italiano properties and serves as a picturesque setting for events and exhibitions. Guided tours available. Open Wed to Sun from 10am to 6pm. Full ticket €9. www.fondoambiente.it. Via Mozart, 14. T: 02 76340121. M1 Palestro. 84 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 Costume Moda Immagine | Palazzo Morando To celebrate the capital of fashion, Palazzo Morando shows Milanese women’s dress styles between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The magnificent rooms of this 18th century “palazzo”, located in the Quadrilatero della Moda, are definitely imbued with a touch of style. Open Tues-Sun 9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Free admission. www.costumemodaimmagine.mi.it. T: 02 88446057/6. Via Sant’Andrea, 6. M3 Montenapoleone, M1 San Babila. Map G4 Gallerie d’Italia-Piazza Scala The Gallerie d’Italia-Piazza Scala are housed in three historic buildings overlooking Milan’s elegant via Manzoni, piazza della Scala and via Morone. Two buildings host masterpieces of 19th century Italian art from the collections of Fondazione Cariplo and Intesa Sanpaolo: the opulent Neo-classical rooms of Palazzo Anguissola and the 19th century Palazzo Brentani. A new section was recently opened in the Palazzo housing Milan’s historic Banca Commerciale in Piazza della Scala and features GALLERIE D’ITALIA. YOU AT THE CENTER OF ART. FREE WITH Enjoy Milan with the new "all inclusive" city pass. www.themilanpass.com - infoline: +39 02 867131 20th century masterpieces from the Intesa Sanpaolo collections. Open: Tues-Sun 9.30am7.30pm. Thurs 9.30am-10.30pm. Closed on Monday. Free admission. www.gallerieditalia.com. Piazza della Scala, 6. T: 800.167619. M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 GAM | Galleria d'Arte Moderna Boasting 2,700 paintings and 700 sculptures, this Galleria inaugurated in 1921 is above all a “nineteenth century museum” hosting mainly Italian and French works of art. The Gallery is set against the beautifully elegant backdrop of Villa Reale, with its magnificent English garden. Open daily 9am-1pm/2pm-5.30pm. Closed on Mondays. Free admission. www.gam-milano.com. Via Palestro, 16. T: 02 88445947. M1 Palestro, M3 Turati. Map G3 MIC – Interactive Museum of Cinema From Méliès to Charlie Chaplin; from Totò to Marty Feldman, this Italian film library enables visitors to rediscover the magic of cinema thanks to this small, though innovative museum. A source of enjoyment, but not only, because MIC also hosts a large archive of the city’s past, featuring 30 hours of films on 20th century Milan. Fri 10am-7pm, Sun 3pm-7pm. Full ticket price €5. http://mic.cinetecamilano.it. Viale Fulvio Testi, 121. T: 02 87242114. M5 Bicocca. Off Map Muba - Children's Museum The new museum is headquartered in one of the city’s most evocative, interesting spaces, the Rotonda della Besana: 1,200 square metres hosting a bar, a bookshop, an exhibition space, workshop areas and a “Happy Popping” corner where infants can be breastfed and changed. THE THREE MUSEUMS OF INTESA SANPAOLO: photo: Matteo Cirenei House Museums The Ambrosiana picture gallery contains several exquisite works of art from the 15th through 17th centuries and includes “The musician”, attributed to Leonardo, Raphael’s cartoon for the “School of Athens” fresco and Caravaggio’s “Basket of fruit”. The Ambrosiana will be exhibiting Leonardo’s entire “Codice Atlantico” (Atlantic Codex) until 2015, 44 or 45 pages at a time for three months at a stretch – the longest the International archival norms will allow such documents to be exposed to light. Don't miss the "Leonardo 2.0 Tour" organized by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it). Open Tues-Sun 9am7pm. Admission fee €15, €10 for the adjacent Bramante Sacristy, €20 for group tickets. www.ambrosiana.it. Piazza Pio XI, 2. T: 02 806921. M1-M3 Duomo, M1 Cordusio. Map F5 GALLERIE D’ITALIA - PIAZZA SCALA - Milan, Piazza Scala 6 GALLERIE D’ITALIA - PALAZZO ZEVALLOS STIGLIANO - Naples, Via Toledo 185 GALLERIE D’ITALIA - PALAZZO LEONI MONTANARI - Vicenza, Contra’ Santa Corona 25 We help to promote culture through permanent exhibitions, temporary shows and special initiatives. >> Don’t miss the Alberto Giacometti exhibition at GAM-Gallerie d’Arte Moderna (Villa Reale) in Milan, Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. www.gam-milano.com – www.mostragiacometti.it www.gallerieditalia.com MUSEUMS MUSEUM submarine €8. www.museoscienza.org. Via San Vittore, 21. T: 02 48555558. M2 Sant’Ambrogio. Map D5 Museo Teatrale alla Scala Founded in 1913, it recently underwent an important makeover and is dedicated to the history of the famous Milan Opera House with a vast collection of musical instruments and documents dedicated to famous musicians, including Verdi and Toscanini. Visitors can look into the theatre, provided there are no rehearsals, or admire the “machine” that gives stage directions. Don't miss the “La Scala Museum and Theatre” guided tour organized by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it). Open MonSun (except holidays) 9am-12.30am/1.30pm5.30pm. Full ticket €6. Museo Teatrale alla Scala + Museo Poldi Pezzoli €9 (Monday only). www.teatroallascala.org. Largo A. Ghiringhelli, 1 corner of Piazza della Scala. T: 02 88792473. T: 02 7423. M1-M3 Duomo, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F4 FREE WITH >> “The Treatise on Painting” section from the Codex Atlanticus by Leonardo da Vinci is on show until 14 December at the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana (Sala Federiciana) and at the Santa Maria delle Grazie church (Bramante Sacristy). www.leonardo-ambrosiana.it Open seven days a week. Mon 9.30am-3.30pm; Tues-Fri 9.30am-6.30pm; Sat-Sun and public holidays 10am-7pm. www.muba.it. Via E. Besana, 12. T: 02 43980402. Map G5 Museo Archeologico Found in the cloister of an old monastery – the Monastero Maggiore di San Maurizio – dating back to the 8th century A.D., it houses Greek, Etruscan, Roman and medieval works of art, among which the famous “Parabiago Plate”. The Museum also keeps pieces belonging to the Barbarian and Ghandara civilisations. Conversely, prehistoric and Egyptian art are housed in the Castello Sforzesco. Open Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Full price ticket €2. www.comune. milano.it/museiemostre. Corso Magenta, 15. T: 02 88445208. M1-M2 Cadorna FN, M1 Cairoli. Map E4 Museo del Duomo Totally refurbished in 2013, the museum houses and highlights all the material not presently in use in the Duomo, linked to its history and construction. Comprising 2,000 square metres of space, twenty seven rooms and thirteen thematic areas, the museum hosts more than two hundred sculptures and over seven hundred gypsum models and then again paintings, stained glass windows, tapestries and architectural models ranging from the 15th century to the present day. Worthy of particular note are the rooms of the Tesoro, Tintoretto’s “Jesus Among the Doctors”, the imposing wooden model of the cathedral built in 1519 and the tiles of the fifth door of the Duomo by Lucio Fontana and Luciano Minguzzi. Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm. Closed on Monday and 1 January, 1 May, 25 December. Full price ticket €6. Cumulative ticket 15€ (Terraces of the Duomo by lift, Museum and Tesoro and the Baptistery of San Giovanni alle Fonti). http://museo.duomomilano.it. Palazzo Reale, piazza Duomo, 12. T: 02 72022656. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 FREE WITH Museo Diocesano This museum of religious arts, whose new headquarters were inaugurated in 2001, hosts 86 W H E R E M I L A N I d e c e m b e r 2014 600 works dating back to the 4th century A.D. By maximizing their historic and religious meanings, it preserves and promotes the valuable art treasures belonging to the “Diocese”, with smaller pieces collected from Church museums and treasuries across Lombardy. Open Tues-Sun 10am-6pm (July-September: Tues-Sat 5pm10pm). Full ticket price €8 (€4 on Tuesdays). Combined ticket: Museo Diocesano, Cappella Portinari, Cappella di S. Aquilino (Chiesa di S. Lorenzo) €12. www.museodiocesano.it. Corso di Porta Ticinese, 95. T: 02 89420019. Map E6 Museo del Novecento One of the youngest museums in the city, lying adjacent to the Duomo, hosts more than 400 20th century masterpieces of Italian and international art – ranging from Fontana to Picasso – at the recently refurbished Palazzo dell’Arengario. Don’t miss a sight of Piazza Duomo from the “Sala Fontana”. (“Museo del Novecento” guided tour organized by Zani Viaggi - www.zaniviaggi. it). Mon 2.30pm-7.30pm; Tues-Wed-Fri and Sun 9.30am-7.30pm; Thurs-Sat 9.30am-10.30pm. Full ticket €5 (free admission on Friday after 3.30pm). www.museodelnovecento.org. Piazza Duomo. T: 02 88444061. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci Housed in a 16th century monastery, this is one of the most important museums of science and technology in the world. Its collections explore the relationship between men and machines starting from the ingenious inventions of the world famous Leonardo da Vinci. Open Tues-Fri 9.30am5.00pm; Sat, Sun and Holidays 9.30am-6.30pm. Full ticket €10 + Guided tour inside the Enrico Toti Natural History Museum Home to valuable mineral, botanical and zoological collections. Highlights include a large fossil collection, reconstructions of extinct animals and dioramas with stuffed animals shown in their natural habitats originating both from Europe and other exotic places. It contains the only dinosaur skeleton existing in Italy. Open Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm. Full price ticket €3 (free admission on Friday afternoon). www.comune.milano.it/ museostorianaturale. Corso Venezia, 55. T: 02 88463337. M1 Palestro. Map G3 PAC – Contemporary Art Pavilion Completed in 1996, this 1,200 sq.m. space is the most important exhibition centre for contemporary art in Milan, boasting a garden area for sculptures, a raised floor for paintings and a balcony for photos and graphic works. Fully accessible by the disabled. Opening hours and ticket prices vary according to the exhibition on show. www.comune.milano.it/pac. Via Palestro, 14. T: 02 88446359. T: 02 88446360. M1 Palestro, M3 Turati. Map G3 vary according to the exhibition on show. www.palazzodellaragionefotografia.it. Piazza Mercanti, 1. T: 02 88465230. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F4 Palazzo Reale Formerly the residence of all those who governed Milan, from Napoleon to the Royal House of Savoy, the Royal Palace is currently one of the most important cultural centres in the city, hosting exhibitions of international renown. www.comune. milano.it/palazzoreale. Piazza Duomo, 12. T: 02 88465230. M1-M3 Duomo. Map F5 Pinacoteca di Brera The Brera Art Gallery is one of the most important museums in Milan. Its permanent collections offer a wealth of exceptionally good Italian and foreign masterpieces including Mantegna’s “Dead Christ”, Raphael’s “Marriage of the Virgin”, Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus” and “The Kiss” by Hayez. Don't miss the “Brera Art District” guided tour organized by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it). Open Tues-Sun 8.30am-7.15pm. Full ticket price €11. www.brera.beniculturali.it. Via Brera, 28. T: 02 722631. M2 Lanza, M3 Montenapoleone. Map F3 FREE WITH San Siro Museum FOOTBALL The first and only museum in Italy inside a Stadium, the San Siro Museum displays all kinds of historic items from two of the most successful Italian Football League clubs: A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale (Inter): old jerseys, photos, boots, tickets and a fabulous trophy case. Named after the famous Milanese footballer Giuseppe Meazza, the Giuseppe Meazza Stadium (San Siro) is the largest stadium in Italy and the fourth in Europe. Don't miss the “San Siro Stadium Tour” organized by Zani Viaggi (www.zaniviaggi.it). Open daily 10am-6pm. Museum ticket €7. Museum + Stadium tour €13. www.sansirotour.com, www. sansiro.net. Piazzale Angelo Moratti. T: 02 4042432. M1 Lotto. Off Map FREE WITH Sforza Castle Museums Antique art, paintings, period furniture, sculptures and musical instruments are housed in Castello Sforzesco’s precious treasure trove. The building alone is well worth a visit. Rooms 9, 10, 15, 23, 24 not accessible to the disabled. Tues-Sun 9am-5.30pm (admission until 5pm), closed on Mondays (holidays included). Full price ticket €3. Free admittance: every day except Fri after 4.30pm; Fri 2pm-5.30pm; always free for children under 18. www.milanocastello.it. Piazza Castello. T:+39.02.88463703. M1-M2 Cadorna FN, M1 Cairoli, M2 Lanza. Map D3 Triennale di Milano-Triennale Design Museum The Triennale di Milano is one of the most vibrant, popular and important exhibition centres in the city. Featuring annually changing exhibitions of note, it also owns the most important permanent collection of design works. This fantastic museum is brimming with endless installations originating from brilliant minds all over the world. It has a superb media library on design, art and architecture. Open Tues-Sun 10.30am-8.30pm; Thurs-Fri 10.30am-11pm (last admission 1 hour before closing time). Closed on Monday. Full ticket €8. www.triennale.it. Viale E. Alemagna, 6. T:+39.02.724341. M1-M2 Cadorna FN. Map D3 FREE WITH San Siro Stadium The San Siro Stadium with a capacity of 79.471 seats all covered in its three tiered structure is the largest stadium in Italy and the fourth in Europe. It is the home stadium of two of the three most successful Italian Football League clubs: A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale. It also has a gift shop and a Museum (T: 02 4042432) displaying all kinds of historic items from both Milan’s and Inter’s past. Don't miss the guided stadium tour which gives you a chance to sit in VIP seats and visit each of the home teams’ locker rooms. In summer it also hosts important music concerts. It's reachable with CitySightseeing Milano, C Line. Palazzo della Ragione Fotografia PHOTOGRAPHY Built in the 13th century as a courthouse, the palazzo is located in one of the oldest and most picturesque squares in the city. Renovated in the Eighties, now it hosts a new space dedicated entirely to photography. Opening hours and ticket prices Napoleon in the guise of Mars the Pacifier , the imposing bronze statue by Antonio Canova in the courtyard of Palazzo di Brera, has finally been returned to its former glory following a year of restoration work, co-financed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Museum & Tour Store Hospitality San Siro owns the first Museum in Italy located in a stadium. Inside, an exclusive exhibition tells the history of A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale through a great number of memorabilia which entered into the Worldwide football legend. The tour proceeds through the changing rooms, the grandstands and the interview room with the opportunity to appreciate one of the most fascinating sport facilities in the world. For football enthusiasts, the San Siro Store (managed by M-I Stadio) is located inside the Stadium and offers a complete range of official Inter and Milan products as well as those of the MSS-Milano San Siro merchandising brand, for which it holds the exclusive rights. Open throughout the year. During no-match-days, San Siro is a unique and original venue that can host any kind of event. It offers a wide range of hospitality areas and it is perfect for reunions, meetings, conventions, presentations, gala dinners, weddings and private parties. The internal locations can host from 10 to 1000 people with an all inclusive service. www.sansiro.net - Piazzale Angelo Moratti. M1 Lotto w w w. w heretravel er. com 87 OUT OF TOWN FOR MORE DESTINATIONS VISIT wWW.WHEREMILAN.com Just a few kilometres from the Italian border, don’t miss the magic of the Christmas markets where small picturesque squares and historic centres promise conviviality, brightly-coloured stalls, festive lights and mouth watering aromas Christmas in Lugano J ust 70 kilometres from Milan, from 1 December 2014 to 6 January 2015, crossing the boarder to Switzerland, Lugano and its surrounding will surprise you with a rich Christmas events calendar offering moments of relaxation, entertainment and culture. will appreciate a very special chalet with dishes prepared by the most renowned chefs of the Canton. Until 24th December in other charming wooden houses, you can find all sorts of Christmas specialties, decorations and original gift ideas. Our aim is to make you remember the frosty winter period also as a romantic, contemplative and cosy Christmas season. Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Monday 1 December, 6pm Piazza della Riforma An exciting moment especially for children: the lighting of the city’s biggest Christmas tree. With the help of some of the little ones, Julie Arlin and the Mayor Marco Borradori will light the tree, accompanied by the singer and pianist Eliane Müller. SKATING IN THE CITY OF LUGANO AND MENDRISIO Lugano, Piazza Manzoni. Open daily, from 1 December to 6 January 2015 Entry is free and skates can be hired on-site. GASTRONOMIC SQUARE Daily from 1 to 23 December (11am-7pm) and 24 December (11am-5pm). Piazza Riforma During Advent, Riforma Square will be populated by gastronomic chalets that will delight both adults and children offering sweets, vin brûlé, pretzels and lots more. Gourmets Mendrisio, Piazzale della Valle. From 29 November to 6 January 2015 (11am-10pm) Twirling around the rink in the heart of Mendrisio in an atmosphere illuminated with twinkling spherical silver lights and Christmas decorations! A skate rental point and a refreshment station are available at the edge of the rink. Mendrisio on ice offers a series of great shows and side events. www.luganoturismo.ch www.mendrisiottoturismo.ch Christmas Markets All across Europe, including Ticino, the Nordic tradition of Christmas markets have become a tradition. Stalls are lined up with tantalizing goodies, toys and books, original floral compositions made from evergreens, pine cones and berries, greeting cards, creative decorations hand crafted by children and the seductive aroma of mulled wine, gingerbread and fir trees. Artisanal and ethnic gift items abound together with regional products to be sampled together during convivial dinners, animated by the nostalgic notes of bagpipes. Festive lights twinkle brightly, illuminating the winter nights and, in the season of good will, what could be more appropriate than supporting charitable initiatives by making generous donations. Here is a list of the main Christmas markets in Ticino Lugano, in the streets of the centre From 1 to 24 December, from 11.00am to 7.00pm (on 24 December from 11.00am to 5.00pm) Mendrisio, in the streets of the historic centre. 13 and 14 December, from 10.00am to 6.00pm Locarno, Città Vecchia. 11 December, from 12-noon to 11.00pm Bellinzona, Historic Centre. 14 and 21 December, from 10.00am to 6.00pm Entertainment NEW YEAR’S EVE. PIAZZA RIFORMA 31 DECEMBER FROM 11PM Starting at 11pm, a festive atmosphere will pervade Piazza della Riforma where people will dance and sing until just a few minutes before midnight when special effects will mark the minutes and seconds leading up to the crucial moment when the arrival of the New Year is celebrated. For those who enjoy the warmth of a crowd, the echo of a countdown and the popping of champagne corks, one of the best places to be is in Lugano’s central pedestrian area. The aim of the initiative is to gather locals and visitors alike to celebrate the New Year together and to offer a free, spectacular, one-of-a-kind show. A versatile program designed to suit the tastes of all those gathered in the square who will be treated to the greatest hits of past years and a spectacular light and picture show. With 400 slots, 17 gaming tables, the elegant La Perla Restaurant and the exclusive La Perla Lounge&Bar, Casino Lugano is the place to be. Via Nassa, Lugano All the highlights of Ticino on www.ticinotopten.ch CANTON TICINO Ticino “cazzoeula” week Following the extraordinary success of the first edition, the “Cazzoeula Club”, in collaboration with Ticino a Tavola, is in the process of organizing the second “Settimana ticinese della Cazzoeula nei giorni della merla”, i.e. from 23 January to 1 February 2015. “Cazzoeula” (but also cassöla, cassoeula, casoeula, cassouela, casoela, cassuola and cazzuola, deriving from the word casseruola) is a typical Lombard dish, invented at the beginning of the 20th century, even though older, somewhat different versions are also documented. What we do know is that this is a winter dish linked to the slaughtering of pigs, which coincided with the date of 17 January, the feast day of sant’Antonio Abate. Although there are numerous variations on the theme, classic ingredients include a whole pig’s head, the trotters, a few ribs, pork rind, special sausages known as “verzini” and, naturally, lots of cabbage, the kind that has been hit by the first winter frost, thus ensuring that it is much more tender and actually tastes better. For information, visit ticinoatavola.ch. COntacts Via Stauffacher 1 6901 Lugano T. +41 91 973 7111 Per le probabilità di vincitaPer si rimanda alle normative svizzere inalle materia di casesvizzere da gioco. gioco di è vietato minoriIldigioco 18 anni. informazioni le probabilità di vincita si rimanda normative inIl materia case daaigioco. è vietato ai minori di 18 anni. informazioni per la prevenzione del gioco www.giocaresponsabile.it - www.giocoresponsabile.-com per eccessivo: la prevenzione del gioco eccessivo: www.giocaresponsabile.it www.giocoresponsabile.com 88 W H E R E M I L A N I december 2014 w w w. w heretravel er. com 89 RD ST I NO FU LV IO ZI EN TA NG SESTO SAN GIOVANNI TE AL E PARCO NORD BRESSO AL VI Christmas markets 500 m TE E VIAL FU E AL E VIA CORRADO VIA CAMPANA VIA BET TINI VIA PAVESE VIA CORAZZINI I IN RD IT O NA D O V A TAN O CR ZA V IA LI V U T IA D EM A GA V IA PA V IA PA R DO IA A V V O N A L M VA PA IA O VIA MINTURN VIA ARISTOTELE O PA D V IA I VIA GONZALES GE A51 NZ IAL EE ST OT E L E VIA A RIST VIA RENZATO E RI DEMOSTEN VIA CAGLIA ZA VA ST A CO VIA VERTOIBA OC CH OL TR VIA VI ST A VA RO L NA GABRIELE ROSA MP OSA CO V IA VIA PO TA ET ZZ V IA O P IA B IN V IA R A V IA RA V BA SA EN N V IA N A D IO N IG I RS O VIA BARZ ONI M ON TE M A RT LO D I Tap into the unique experience of dining aboard the historic ATMosfera tram while taking in the sights of the city! By Diana Orlando I MA SS IM O IN V IA TT LA VI A VI VIA MON A IR VIA CADO RE IULI FR VIA IA BR O ZI UM AN VIA AL I IUL VIAL I ELL NIZ GUI O PA D ES A. D’AOST A VIA PA VIA LA GI A ISS LD BA RE DO CA I SIN RO BO TIRA VIA I CH PI PA VIA FR VIA E OL BU VIA E S PE RO ZA VIA V IA O LD RO VIAL BE V IA IANO E P U LC VIA MO NT OS EN I GN GA OR VIA VIA E NE ONT EM A AN OL FFEI ES PR MO MA VIA VIA I AR VA S HI O VIA BO T TA VIA RL VIA AM AC BU SC GH MAR VIAL GINA E RE VIAL N ER N TE ARA CALD MO LE IGE E RO VIA FREGU ERITA RESPIGHI I RI N ZA M.G.SAVARE ON E V. DI MO DR U. DU VI A V IA LE EM ILIO VIA V IA VIA COVIA RIO ORIANI G VI VI A R O VIA GRADO ADO IO E CO R R GIUL ENIN I VIA D ELLE LEG HE VIA V MON NI NI E VE DO RA CO R E IO BU O RS CO A JA N G.B .M MAS VIA I VIA ER Z IA VE O RS CO VIA SS A CO IA EZ V EN R SO CO PA RO EU O C .S OR SF CO NC ES VI E IN HE VIA VIA CAMPAZZINO E T hose visiting Milan will have noted the Trasporti Milanesi aka ATM) with the idea of an iconic trams trundling through the streets atmospheric setting. of the city. Among these, one in particular As they cruise the city streets of Milan, lulled by SAN DONATO will not go unnoticed: ATMosfera. the movement of the tram and its refined decor, MILANESE In fact, several cars of this vintage tram have diners can enjoy a sought-after dinner featuring been meticulously refurbished to host the most a blend of enticing flavours highlighted in the characteristic of all Milanese restaurants, taking three menus on offer: Milanese (meat), fish and discerning diners on a sightseeing tour of vegetarian (65€ each). the city to ensure a delightful, innovative retro The tram-restaurant departs each evening at approach to dining. As soon as you board, you are 8pm from piazza Castello, corner of via Beltrami, immediately catapulted into the past, thanks to its and returns to the tramstop after a 2-hour tour of plush velvet covered seats and windows shaded several of the city’s most romantic districts… with flounced curtains, surmounted by artfully a truly unmissable experience! placed period photographs. "ATMosfera" is an amusing play on words >> Booking is essential. Call Zani Viaggi combining the company’s acronym (Azienda T: 02 867131 or visit www.zaniviaggi.it 1 E A5 IAL NZ Milan’s history The “Carrelli” or “Ventotto”, a tourism symbol of the city, is a vintage tram dating back to 1928. Originally known as “vettura tranviaria a carrelli tipo 1928”, this institution on rails, featuring iconic wooden seats, has been boarded, at least once, by every self-respecting Milanese. A part of Milan’s history and folklore, thanks to ATMosfera, the “Carrelli” has now been re-invented as an exclusive restaurant boasting an exquisitely retro flavour. T ES VIA DEI MISS AGLIA PIAZZALE CORVET TO SI N I PIAZZALE GE This page is kindly sponsored by Zani Viaggi SE PAV E LIO VIG I LE IOVIA MOM PIAN N TA NA V V IA MM SA B. G. V IA A RG I CH UL GI VIA ES ER VIA O A IR IN OS TA D EN AN NZ BU CO VIA RS SPAL O LA A VI O CC NE INA MAR VIA SO ES OSP R IA BE C C A A SA N T ’A N U N F. D. TO N I O P S TAIV E R E R D TA S IT O N FR L E A’ O A V IA V IA ERO CALIM SAN VIA I VIALE GLIA VIA AD VI AL DE M VIA MA G I A R DINI D EI NI A BO ZO VI AN V IA HO VIA EP LI OIA I SAV CA D BIAN VIA ANELL DA AD M VIA MELEGN ANO TGEN VIA RON RG IA M TO A VI O NN CA V IA NA LE DO DA VIC NA O VIA DA LU VIE C O R S O I TA L I A LE NT AS IO SAN FRANC ESCO D’ASSISI CO R S O I T ALIA LIÉ RO TEU VIA PIET GNA MBOLO V I A V O LV I N I O VIA D EI M ISSAG LIA E M AR D EL VI A RCO CORS O AIA VIA SAN VIA CERN D AN VI MAR A SA GH NT ER A ITA A AG NZ GO V IA TO OL MET IV VIA VIA PIO IV CELESTINO VIA B IO R IN O RTA MA ZECC VECC A HIA SA NTA VIA NERVIA IN O VIA WITTGE E OC NT A CR SA VIA GIA LI EL IC RR TO SCH VIA BRIO V IA VIA MEDA VIA V I VA R I N I VIA ISIMBARDI VIA MONTEG ANI VIA BORD IGHERA N AV I I BRIOSCH ALZAIA G L I O PA VESE VIA CAR DIN ALE ASC ANI O SFO RZA A RO SSA CH IES VIA DEL LA VIA S. LUCIA O UR LM VIA BRISA VIA M O RI G I VI A OR AZIO A AR I N V IA RZA CO R S O S A N G O T TA R D O I N AV I G VIA SEGANTINI VIALE R O M O LO VIA RUSSOLI VIA SPEZIA V I A P E S TA LO Z Z I VIA AMBR OGIO BINDA V I A C A R LO BO V I A M O N C U CCO V I A L AM P E D US A LO EL ST CA ZA AZ PI RICASOLI NIC OLAO SAN SU G. VIA S. VIA SAN I SS A LE ZO N RO V IA L I O PA VESE VIA ASC AN IO SFO O PP EN TA ET N O S IM O V IA V IA VIA CO R S O D I P O R TA T I C I N E S E G. C A RD U VI A DE OS VIA ’AG SA NT AU S ZA AZ PI VIA I PA VIA CI OL FILI VIA VIA SSO DO RA CA VIA VIA TER RAGG IO NI CC I ALE TOG VIA ZEN DE VIA A ON OL OC CIO V IA RR O L CA TIN VIA MAR AN ZIOCO VIA POMPILIO ONVIA LESMI IO O ARI OST CO VIA BAZZ ONI LUD OVI VIA I ET AN IV VIA SOR VIA BAN DEL LO VIA M. D. ROCCA I GL DE A VI LC O CA VI A MO VIA DE ST INO ONA TORT NI I GRIMA VIA DE VIA C ARA VIA R. GESSI O ND V I A V O LT R I IS ET PR D PO VIALE OMERO DE OL LITO IPPO SAVOIA CAVALL REGGIM ENTOERIA O IC IN AV LL PA G VI A VIA SCARPA ESINA VIA S. MIC HEL E DEL VIA LE CAR SO DI POR TA VER CEL LIN A IO VA G G BONI RD SA V IA VIA BAZZARO BR ED CO V IA A BR ED VIA I T IN AR I TT RE ZU O PE SO V IA AC M I IN SE RC MA B. LA T TA SE V IA ET ZZ AR ZA V IA V IA LE V IA NI EL E DA A ZZ I IO N VA Z NO L’ IN D EL VIA TWA TTEAU HI DE MA RC VIA EM ILIO RA NF G IA O VI A I T IN AR MM SA TI OR AP TE AN RR FE V IA V IA I BR CH EM TT AC M I IG LU ELL O T IT PE LE NI V IA SA V IA PI A NC TE V IA V IA T TO TO RO NC FAV A IA VIA E DOL SO VE B. G. CO I V. A VI V IA Z IO NU MA V IA LE I ST A TE RC POLLINI SA IO E VI G R A DA LATI BIRO L LI NI SO GA DE BIS IER V ER VIA B ARZ IN I VIOLL RAF FAE LE VIA RENATO VIA O RIO VIA V IA V I A R O C CA I TO LO TI SER RAN GE COR LEP AN VIA VIA AN VIA VIA IN I I ST EF PE VI A LL IN LE VI A AN VI A GE RA M V IA EI NA IO G E R R IO H SE V IA C O IC RN PE V IA EL M IA V V IA FAR A VO O FI LZ FA BI GU STA VI A IN AN EM VIA AL FU CIPRVIA IANI VIA LI AG LV SA A VI I ON GN RTI I ED O FR IA NAL VIA C OR VIA RA TI VIA AND REA I CH AR VI I LV LE VIA E AL VI E ILL A MIR ABE LLO VI A VIA V LI M EL MA VIA E. O LD VI A I ON BO RD VIA APPIANI NUOVA DI PORTA VIA G. O VIA TERO TOND AN SU VIA RA ZA A RB NO HIÀ SA NT VIA AS CO MON ZZ UR VA VA LF LE F. GA TT I VIA IA TA RA VI A IN I SE LL RO EL LI ST E RE VI AL I VIA VESP U CC AZZO VIA MIL RIN O MAR CO SO LFE VIA SAN VIA BA T TAG L IA VIA MARCO Realizzazione: ProediComuniCazione IA G IO CH EL M I LD RIBA GA GL VE IN M EL TA RA VI A VI A E RR IO CO MO SALES VIA VIGANÒ PA R E R O CO RSO VIA GAS V IA VIA M AS NET BON VIA VIA VIA PAL G. B. LET TA CH ER VIA VAL VIA DA ON E VI A O VIA PIETRO BORSIERI V I A CO LA V IO A O N VI TA A LB M LI INA ASS VA L VIA MONT ANO LA RI VI A INI FA R VIA C. SO USSI VIA M VIA FAR INI LTA L LO TA V O DI PO R IONI VIALE M ONTE BAST VIA PINAM DE VIME ONTE RCAT E C AG N O L A VIA AL DI GA RIB TU CHI MO RES VIA CAR LO IN A BE RN INA VI A NT CI L E VIA VIA MASSARA D E C A P I TA N I VIA RGESE O VIA BO INDUN F.LLI CA NO NI O ANTO VIA VIA RUGGERO DI LAURIA VIA ALCUINO VA L TELL RI KO TÜ V IA VIA BOVISASC A RIO COME VIA O NIEV VIALE C ASSIODORO VIA VIA VERONESE BUONARROTI NI PO AP RC PIE VIA ROSA CIMA VIA D. NA EG V I A G . WA S H I N G T O N CC IO ASA VIALE BENENGARIO VIA DELLE STELLINE PLUTARCO RRA E SE VIAL VIALE ENRICO VIALE MIGLIAR A VIA A VIA SULMONA ET TI MA H CC SA NI TO FF LI TI LA A7 NO GE NO VA IA LV O O CC VI A L IO CC VIA MAR TINI M IL NE RO V IA HINO CIMONE Amazing dining on a tram OG E BA PIAZZA V IA FERRARA AR IO VO MON MI IO NE 1 EST A5 LE IA NZ TURC VIA VARSAVIA NO GE DEL VIA MONTE I LINATE N TA VIA BELL V I A V I S MA R A VIA CADIBONA VIA MONTE VELINO V I A L E LU C A N I A BE SS DA VIA BARI VIA O IN GH NOLA MIN VIA MANTEG AZZA FIAM VIA F IDT JO FR VIA LE HIL AC LE PA PA VIALE ARE TUSA VIA ZAPPA SI VIAPOGGIBON VIA C AG N O N I VIALE PISA VIALE SIENA ALCIATI VIA FORLANINI VIA LOMBROSO V I A MA S P E R O VIA M AY E R PARCO FORLANINI VIALE VIA GR ASSELLI VIA SAN GIMIGNANO VIALE CORSICA VIA MONTE ORTIGARA NI VI A ’A D OD A. INO FIG VIA M V I A L E MA R J O N I O V I A T R AC I A VIA PRENESTE VIA BESENZANIC A VIA ZANELLA I VIA SASSI BENEDETTINI SASS ERI LLI VIA VIA ALUNNO VIA DEL VIA PADULLI MOLINAZZO DEBUSSY RO CADOLI SEGN PO SISMONDI VIALE PUGLIE VIA NA VIA PURICELLI FRA V I A LO M E L L I N A LL’OG VIA VIA NEGROLI O DA CESC VIA VIALE MOLISE VIA BI ANVI A COR ON ELL I COD EI SP IN I AGLIA VIALE ARGONNE VIA CARDINALE MEZZOFANTI FRAN BREG VIA VIA VIA GRUG AN ONT E M EG VIA B R ZO VIA CAL SESTO END E TO NTO VIA ODER IGEN LEVA SINO AGR VIA CAS VIA VIA VIA ALCAMO TER VIA VIA VIA VERSILIA LAGU EGLI VIA D. MAR A INA LERICI VIA RA PIET RA LIGU GNI VIA FINA LE LIGU RE VIA AND ORA RE VIA ARE NZA NO POG ATSC VIA HNIG MAR TELL VIA CES O ENA TICO VIA VIA DINI BRAN ALDO A ELL VIA V I A L E D E L G H I S A L LO NT VIA DA ORI PA A VI I TT URSIO CC O AN ZZ KA LDI VIA UBA SAN VIA AMADEO VIA GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI VIA CER VIGNANO NI LI PRE TO VIA PALADINI ET VIA ARNÒ VIA INI VIA GOLGI NAL VIA BIRAGO CA VIA C. FORLANINI VIA ILLIRICO FLLI GIAMBERTI ASELLI PIAZZA O GUARDI VIA VIA CONTANINI AN VIA INAMA VIA V DI IA PA BR SS DI IZ O O FAR IO G SS SS HI VIA STRAMBIO VIA SANGALLO G BUSC VIA PERONI BA VIA VIA PONZIO BE PIAZZA ENRICO BOT TINI IN I VIA DA BRESCIA ANGELICO VIA PIE TRO DA CORTONA GA PIAZZA PIETRO GOBET TI C PA V IA VIA GIUSEPPE PONZIO O E NEVOSO VIA DELLA SILA ST ON NTE VIA CARPI VIA ABANO VIA IMPERATORE G IU EN MO VIA IMPERATORE VIA INGEGNOLI VIA G.B.M. PADRE N RD VIA VIA PICOZZI SA RI VI TICA D IN EL O PARCO LAMBRO MANGIAGALLI VIA VENEZIAN VIA TALLONE IN SEGRATE LI VIA MILANI SALDINI EM VA IN I PO ZZ E BOTTICELLI VIA RENI FL EL E OLI VIA VIA WILDT VIA GIOVANNI CELORIA VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO VIA VIA CONE RAC VIA VIA TO S EN VIA C PA VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO BUONAPA RT E FORO DEG TI I RLE IAN ESTE ET TAN ARO E VIA ANACREONT MB OB AT CA VIA POGGI V IA A LE UG VI LI VIA VIA I V I A AM P E R E JOMMELLI VIA TESIO N VIA BER V NAIA BÒ ATA P R I V TA V I A. B . C A R G IA V I A AM P E RE VIA ACCADEMIA PAVIA NT VA EN L A ZI AM E S A NPIA ZZ A T ’EL ENA LAZ M AT AG NO BEL V IA ONA MBR VA LD DO VIA VIA TI STRET MAGI DA T VIA VIA CAMBIASI INELLI LA VIA VO MI VIA CAMERINI MANC MIL PIAZZALE BOLOGNA HI GL RIC OR DEL NO VIA COMPAGNONI LIA TO PET M VIA ZENOIA VIA REINA V I A L E C A M PA N I A TUL UO TE N D ’A N C ITU À QU VIA CARA OR SI VIA JE AR VEZ VIA CHA V I A L E R O MAG N A VIA VANVITELLI VIA PON VIA L I S C AT E A R I VAT V I A P TANO ORIS VIA TI ITO I VIA VIAARI SASS SO E LO M O S VIA ANG ET DA DI VIA BR FA UN A’ O IO VIA REBORA VIA I CIR ENE BO NO AR G. PIAZZALE SUSA MELLONI R S VIAL O N TA CO CL LLA VIA VA VIA VIA VIA VIA DEGLI ETRUSCHI TER V I A VA L G A R D E N A VIA RA LZ VIA L E R OMAGNA VIA OLI AG OR TA TI PRI NETPIATVIA VIA BIANCO VIA MORETTO O RT PIAZZA INSUBRIA VIA IN NC CARO V IA C IO V IA PORRO AMI VIA ST VIA PINTURICCHIO E ALI VIA ALGHERO LIPPI BR M IN CARLO VIA PISI NO VIA NIO C TA VIA DON E VIA APELL LULLI VIA LUOSI LOMBARDIA VIA BAZZINI VIA SID GOLDONI OV VIA CAM VIA BALZAC VIALE LULLI BOCCHERINI LE CO R I PA 500 m VIA FRESCOBALDI EN CO V IA IV ES ARI VIA FERR NTA CATALANI LIAME A RC O IO SU LL’AS SA VIA VIA SC O SAN RR GIL VIA DE E ELLI LIV VIA VIA MARCO D’AGRATE VE VIR BARI VIA TIT O BO CAS RDON DEL VIA VIA LONGANESI V IA NE RV ES VIA NTO A VI A GA VIA VIA VIA VIA SI VIA O TI IA V I A LU S I TA N DO VIA STRIG VIA DE FIL GL IPP I OR IN GA O NI IO TAG AC ET IO VIA GARGANO GN LL TA BER NAR VIA BO PE PIAZZA CHIARADIA LARSA LO A. VIA PIAZZALE MARTINI IGO PIAZZA V IA BONOMELLI O LES VIA VAL BEN VEZZ T E OR UCCIO BALD A VIA DA PIS IO BIANCHI V IA VIA SERIO VIA VIAL LIO CO V ILI OG A D’ PO DE’ NN BA SA LI CO VIA MONTE ORTIGARA AR VIA CO NA TI SI TT A VIA VIA DIACONO AS I P N N P L IN O PIAZZA LEONARDO POLITECNICO DA VINCI I VIA GIOVANNA CENA CI UC LE CIN TR CO L PIAZZALE LODI VIA BREMBO I NE EN FU BIU . VIA PRIV NI VIA FALCO VIA VIA BONARDI VIA O VIA SIAS TA IGLE VIA PRIVA CASORETTO V IA VIA MARCONA PIS I E VIA VIA EN ’ORS ELIC O O VIA ARCHIMEDE VIALE UMBRIA IER ATOR I VIA SS I IO SS VIA GUERRINI PIAZZA NOVELLI VIALE PICENO CIR ED MP SA IAG VIA AS VIA VIA VIA FALLOPPIO LARGO RIO DE JANEIRO TIE VIA G. PIOLTI CO M CA S. G. NZIN OROBIA EI V IAM T ’A RI Foro Bonaparte 76 corner of via Cusani. Map E4. T: 02 867131. M1 Cairoli-M2 Lanza. www.zaniviaggi.it - www.livemilano.com MUR SIG IVES .D N LA Lucerne 8 December - 20 December VIA ZO VIALE ISON RAN VIA QUA E VIA RC NA A G.B TA N TI VIA O ON DI VIA IF O ABIA DE VIA ON VI A LORE MON VIA A RD CAL VIA R I PA CARLO BAZZI RR VIA PIAZZALE LIBIA VIA VIA VIA LEONI VIA VI VE MBA VIA SIM A OV VIA CER ADINI RC O PIAZZA TRENTO VIALE DEI MILLE VIA TREBBIA LO VIA VITTORE BUZZI VIA BIONDELLI A A VIA O TORRE DI PORTA ROMANA VIA CARLO DE ANGELI VIA ANTONINI L AL O NZ PIACE AM AN FO G. M. VIDA PIAZZA EMILIA CORSO XXII MARZO LARGO MARINAI D’ITALIA ST O V IA VIA VERROCCHIO VIA RS VIA FRATELLI BRONZE T TI IO CO VIA C ASTEL MORRONE AD LM SA NTOVA LL LO ILIA RG Z IO VIA MA ESI PA LA AU GU SPA RTA CO FO BE VIA MOROSINI AGN VIT TADINI VIA VIA LIVENZA ONTI VIA BOCCONI GUARDIA ALTA VIA VIA VIA VIA ROMANO GIULIO VIA SOAVE LE PIER INI V I A C R E MA PA M VIA RI PATELLANI VIA VIA BELLEZZA VIA GA CLUS ZZ ON ARO E VIA NO VIA MURATORI CCO VIA S.RO VIALE TOSCANA VIA V IA VIA SERV V I A F I A M MA VIA V I A G O F F R E D O MA M E L I A MENOT TI I AN VIA TI V I A C A R LO P I S A C A N E A TATONE OLO SS CA VIA NTIN A TA VIGE DI POR PIN M RMOR VIA CUR COR SO VIA VIA OR VIGNOLA VIA PIE TRO CALVI RE VIA MICCA SENATO VIA A VIALE PREMUD 48 TI VIA FAN VIALE SABOTINO ASCO VI A VIA GI VIA MARCONA NA DELLA BESANA CE VIA PA VIA SAN VIA SAL RA RA O COMMENDA VIA DELLA AN NT VIA DAVERIO PA PIAZZA UMANITARIA LAMA RO BESA VIA CORSO XXII MARZO VIA RICO E VIA EN VIA NÖ PIAZZALE DATEO PIAZZA 5 GIORNATE zani Viaggi VIALE FILIPPETTI VIALE BLIGNY 47 BARNABAOfficial TickeT ReselleR ROTONDA SAN RT A VIA PODGO VIA MANA A STALLA VI PO V I AL E K R AM ER SSET TO I I GUA VIA DELLA I IN VIA AM LL A H IN VI CC RA BE RG RE BA ST E DI PIAVE ORIO SERVAT CON ENTE AL RA RE A O DONIZE T TI CHIO V I A S A N CLEM VI VIA PALA ZZ O V I A MA R CO N I VIA RS VIA MELLONI AN ITEN LIO OLI TRE VIG PRI V. VIA CAR CI INO ME UC TTI FRA VIA VIA VIA O DONATELLO PIAZZALE PIOLA VIA BIXIO VIA MODENA LO VIA BRONZINO HI OCC MAI VIA HAY EZ C ON LE VIA VALLA ZZE VIA VIP ALP VIA CAS RO VIA NUO VIA ANTONIO PORPORA VIA SANSOVINO VIA VELA PIAZZA RISORGIMENTO MA R I A VIALE BIANC A VIA A EI CO CAGNI VIA VIA BELLOTTI PIAZZA TRICOLORE VIA NO OND VIA E RO MAS VIALE CARLO POERIO RI M IA EG VIA O PAT TARI PAOL D E LA ENT ASC RIN ELE VIA SAN RAFFA PIETRO RTO ALL’O SAN VIA SILVIO PELLICO VIA V I A MA Z Z I N I GUASTALLA ZO SIRTO VIVAIO DA SAN NE I 17 MEL VIALE ZI S. A TT GU BA E VIA O N LE RO DI MO VER PO LI NA B IG TE VI A ON IA M ELLONI VIA A F IC V VIA BAROZ BB RE 45 VIALE BEATRICE D’ESTE TORRI FUKSAS VIA PIET CORSO PORTA VIT TORIA 46 VIA CRIVELLI PARCO RAVIZZA VIA BIXIO MON FORT CORS O VIA VIA BACH 42 RO VIA SERB F. GA VIA MENGONI O V IA DEI VIACHETTI BOS D VIA VO A T O P IG NA S SE LLA E UO ICI VIA SARFAT TI 18 A VIA SALASCO ST V I A L E L . MA J N O ON V IAV IA RG G. ER i QUADRONNO NY 9 3 16 RO M AN TONIOLO Aosta 13 December - 21 December Zurich 14 December VIA LE VIALE BO VIA CL AR RT A VI A FI A D’ESTE E BL IG BOCCONI VIA MARCHET TI SA ZO M SO VIGONI BEATRICE VI AL S TA B O E R I V I A G . B AT T I AZ L N TA VIA SAN MARTINO V I A L E G I O VA N N I D A ECREMRE N AT E M E N AT E PIAZZA AGRIPPA IA 10 VIA KASMAN VIA MAGLIOCCO V I A L E G I O VA N N I D A C SA VIA PA 41 A RG VIA SPADOLINI LARGO VIA CARCANO STEINER VIA BRIANO 11 A L VIA MERCALLI A VIA AICARDO VIA PEZZOT TI ZI VIA CORSO ITALIA PIAZZA SRAFFA PR ED PIAZZA O R VELASCA S O 14 A DI LL BE GA PO RU EL BA M RA DE I 1 13 PIAZZA S. EUFEMIA 15 VI A VIALE CA ST O FFA LO V IA ZZO VIA IM BO O LA A PIAZZA BIBBIENA I VI A GHI VIA BON GI A ONAZ VIA POMP AG VI PR V IA E. D EN IC ED N VI A RN DI LANA ALE 6 V escursioni eC visite città NO AM DO NI VIA V IA A. DI RU DI VIA L U P E T TA A LD Ornavasso Grotta di Babbo Natale Ancient Quarry of Santa Claus 8 December - 14 December VI A A RI VI D A A SP VIA A DAMI FELICE VIALE FAMAGOSTA VIA OVADA VIA GANDINO RI GA V E N O S TA V I A B E N E V E N TO IA PIAZZA MAGGI VIA SPAVENTA A VI O RA VE SC TARANTO VIA SALERNO RE VIA VIA EUGENIO CURIEL CCH VIA TABA VIALE T IB VIA IMPERIA VIA RIMINI V IA VIA IMPERIA VEN VIA GIO ILLA VIA BAL I CO E ARM I IN MM R O ME VIA G. FERREO PIAZZA MIANI A TT I DE VI A RT IN DE MA INI A VIA DE V IA BIT A PE CA MO DIC LO PI V IA BIE LLA DA A T TA FIE VIA COSIMO DEL FANTE SCH AN NT VI A A R IT PE PE IATI A. VI VIA A NT O LG ZO A VI A AR EN RR V IA SA FE ALUP PO RT N MO PIAZZALE BELFANTI LIGUR IA VIA L DO D ELL CO L VIALE VIA VALSODA Merano 7 December - 13 December 27 December VI A HE VIA VIA CROC E FISSO VIA BURIGO VIA ILINO GENT 7 5 2 19 VIA SAN LUCA V I A P I E T RDIO CUSTO A VIA FILA RGO SA V IA I AL VIA DE NS LI NO VIA SS VIA DELL A CHIUSA ELLA VETR A AD ZZ NO O ST I NE DR E RL IN V IAC A LLE . M. VA V IA IN O A PA R LL B IN ZUM VA C LET TO VIAINO SONC H IE VIA S SC V IA VIA DARWIN DEI VIA TTI PIA I V IA O TCROLLAL ANZA 21 VIA MO 4 PIAZZA SCALA VIA VIA SAN SISTO TT LI LL DAY IN TE TO SI V IA V IA VA L P E TR V IA SOL E VIA PAVIA C ON O CIOVASS A A VI ET ON M SE AL CO I CA VIA BORSI 12 20 PIAZZA XXIV MAGGIO VIALE GALEAZZO PORTA TICINESE VIALE COL A O LF VIA GOLA TI LA A RM SE VIA BRO FU GU FA RA DE RE FR AN PO NT LE GE RO VIA MAG I FU OL PA VIA VIA VIA VI A I V IA AR E R RVIA DEI TE VETE LE RES SC HI V IA V IA ET TO V IA LO EL LE AT T V IL BR UN V IA OW IA V IA VIA AL ZA PON Z IO SA ILE O VI A VIA 22 VETERE Govone Il Magico Paese di Natale The Magic Land of Christmas 6 December - 21 December GL NAVI NI N A UN CA M AG SAN LORENZO VIA PIAZZA SANT’ EUSTORGIO N A SICO VI AN DECI NE IO GR A TI VI GL PO RT IA NARI PA DI PIA A N VIMPA TO PARCO DELLE BASILICHE LDA ON SCA A SA SANT’ EUSTORGIO N R IZ VIA VIGEV A N O IA COR NE AL ZA DE GO VI A M LE ’A ARA ORT VIA D M SARTIRANA VIARZ A GIO I NO YA TO I RK I GE NT AN IO GR O SO NDRIA SA OG TR O GO TO LS VIA IN I ZE SI TORTONA 37 RT VIAEL LA RC TT GA A FO BU BE RG VI A VI A TO N TO R CO ES VI V IA VI NA AL NO VO NO L LE RO TO R VIA VI A ER A RA HA A MUSEO DELLE CULTURE GH CE IA ND V IA TAU ON S AV V IA COLONNE ROMANE PARCO ARENA ROMANA 25 EL D O A LL VI BO RI TE RA A BO V IA C DEL NAVIGLIO A OM AVAR OL CA RB D RO ELLO N IB S AN IA E R CON BBIO A BA VIA ROV AR EN RR CO VIA VIA MORA 30 INO VIA TOR VIA www.livemilano.com TI VI ST LA VIA BO VIA CIRC O EL IC IS VINCE N Z O LE VIA VIA O PU CCI AM EI AD DE V OCE VA PA V SAN TO CAL O I N P IN VIA IA S SP GE VIA ERI E S CRE IA TO O VI NGHISL NO I RS A V IA D ZU ’O CO GG G N PIAZZALE VIA F IO N ER O A CANTORE V IA IDEO RN STE V IA S AV S A. VI A C AP E. 24 PIAZZA AFFARI BORROM HI IN O NTEV LI FO A ON LE CO ER IO CC RI MP NE V IA LE LA CA VIA MO SA LA CA SE I VIA VI A VI A MOI R O LA SO VI A V IA NE AI SO SOLARI VIA VIA NIRO PARCO AR VA LP VI A O NZ A VIA ME V IA VIA OL I BR UZ VI GN VI A VIA DEI NITI SAN O OM V IA P PA LORI TA URA R IE DI LA FO ZO VIA LUINI VIA M IS CO CEN A MI VVIIARA LT I OM E TI IN BIO STR V IN ANI IIA CUS VIA V LARGO AR R GO O CAIROLI BE ON FF Z EUSE VIC O PAR T M RU DE SAN VIA V IA BUONA VIA VIO G. 23 IST A Valid until 31 May 2014 – temporary edition V IA Validità fino al 31 Maggio 2014 – edizione temporanea RCATO LO DI TI A VITT ORE VI A EL NA AR OP BER O BET GIO SE O NZ VIA VIA A CE LE VIN VIA I SIO BB LE NTE ON TE PO ER A VIA VI CH IZZ GIO VIA ETNA VIAHIA ISC VIA BA TT O RIV OLI FO R AG AS PAN LO SAN N 27 M AD ST EM M PIAZZA VIRGILIO 26 MAGENTA C A VIA BRER CA I AL SO VIA PAO GIA VIA RE A VIA ME ZA VE S TA VIA VIA VIA VIA AZ RE VIA VIA RC RIN R E BU M B M TA T T E VIA S E I N 2 0 VA I FF RO SA V IA VIA VIA VIA BOCCACCIO FI F SA VIA PE VIA VIA A A TR 40 PIAZZA NE FRA CAVOUR TEL LI 8 VIA FAT EBE 39 PI VIA 33 32 CORSO PIAZZALE Z A AQUILEIA PIAZZA VESUVIO BOLI SAN VIALICIA NO SIMP I TI NO BARACCA VERG 38 37 NT ET I A VIA 36 INO I O SS ZIN A M V IA LL M RO N PA GA PA R IO VIA VIA LLA NO LO AL AV IA Z IOV VIA DE S TA VIA LOMONACO GR O ATE AS IAG VIA PIAZZA DURANTE VIA VIALE LOMBARDIA RA IO V IA VIA ZAMBRINI VIA I VA LT VIA DE VIA LE VIA O I CO SA ST ET V I A AU R E L I O P LVIA IN RN VIALE ABRUZZI 015 FA G IA V IA VIA SIEL VIA PAI VIA BARTOLOMEO EUSTACHI 2014-2 I NI VIA N TA PE TI C IN NI I PO SE P ON NI TA O VIA O VE HIA NZ VIA A ELB V IA VI A EL LI IO N LARGO 5° ALPINI Bressanone 6 December - 28 December VI A RO AC E ON VIA EGAD VI ONE-DAY TRIPS O TT GIO VIA POM PO NIO VIA PIAZZALE DE AGOSTINI PISA V IA V IA VIA CAPO PALINURO CE ID EM VIA O CC INO LUCHINO VIA L MA DE RA DA TO I VI A O RI M I BAR NO VIA CR SA ZA SA SI PIAZZA PO SA VIA LV IO GARIAN VIA PROCOPIO M OR CO IL GI AC IA N EO NTEL VIA PIME SP GA TI EA DR BENVENUTO GAROFALO IAN PA PIAZZALE VIA PA RA BACONE CE LS PIAZZA LIMA UL A P IC V IA N IS V IA VIA LE PA IA VIA RE LA CA B A V IT DI ZZ BR ST S T TO OG A LD I PIAZZALE IO R IO GI NI I LAVATER D I V EN P O E TO VIA V IA R TA ST RE OPP VE A G IN NE AN VI Z IA I 44 VIA FRISA PIAZZA I I OT TO PIAZZA PIGH AL NOVEMBRE OBERDAN A M GIO VI VA NN 43 A V IA VI TRA NSI VIA SACCHINI V IA VIA V IA I TE AD AN NN VIA SEMERIA PEO VIA POM E RU SSO I VIA MORAND VIA TERMOPILI SI ME RC GI VA AT I VIA G IU O LE VIA CANZIO VIA PECCHIO T R VIA EL LA LA TT G IO EU R AN IA PIAZZALE V LORETO VIALE ABRUZZI AR L IA DEI PA ST PIAZZA SC RG O TA VALTOR VIA DEI VIA TURRO VIA RICORDI ASPROMONTE PE RE V IA LIA PU D’A V IA O VIA GILIN TITI IA VIA IO ES ALV M V IA PE LA TOR VIA BOI ARD VET VIA RO A IA V IO BR BA TT AG RA NC VIA VIA DEL VIA P. CRESPI VIA VIA V IA PIE NZ R A LU IG ID A PA LE DORIA I S PIAZZA VIALE TRIN CAIAZZOV A ES MITI V I A D O LO VI RU H SA TI ZI IC OR F IN OV EG O VIA LE DI CA TU OL PIAZZA LUIGI DI SAVOIA V IT VIA AN OV V IA LE SC GR ER N SP SA RG IA LARGO F.LLI CERVI DR V IA BO I V IA IL RDO ICA RPO VIA SCAGNA PIAZZA MORBEGNO OX POL VIA ES OC RIT ERC DA VIM VIA VIA ROVER ETO OSC URI VIA VARANINI VIA MONTEVERDI LI N I AL PIAZZA REPUBBLICA EL V IA LA CO PP IN ANA STEF VIA VIA PUECHER VIA BOLZAN O POPOL I UNITI VI A VIA SP OL ET O VIA MARTIRI I NI CA I V IC V NE I A J AU R VIA CHIOG GIA VIA V IA O ON A OL CCO VI CC MA RO RAVIA NG RA HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL PE V IA ZU VIA ZOA N AM VI A IN TO PR NA LE PIAZZA DUCA D’AOSTA V IA IA STAZIONE CENTRALE I I PARINI VIA TURATI FER VIA SOL EBELL NA V IA PA R FA VIA POZZI VIA BERTELLI NO I LINATI NICA VAL CAMO VIA VIA MONTE SAN GABRIELE FINZI VI A C AV A L C A N T I AN CiTy TOURSGIARDINI INDRO & daiLy MONTANELLI exCURSiOnS VIALE MONT V IA TO A O VIA RH VIA TO I GRAT TACIELO PIRELLI VIAL GA EM P ONT V IA O LO O RTA NU OVA E SA NT O VIA N IG S IM RE SSO I VI CO DI GRE MA RE SS RO PIAZZA GRECO O RAFAEL AND E VIA SAN DEL LE TIN O ZZO VIA BET DA TRE O ANZ E NE LI LE A L PR OG I I OY VIA DE LLA GIU STI ZIA PIAZZA IV NOVEMBRE LV O SK RIME MBR ADD ET PR VIA LI DEL LE IO GA GRAT TACIELO GALFA AN LU R IS VIA TON BET TEL VIAL E RD EO HI AZ LE CA V IA RC ER O O IE BOT PIGVIA ELL NATO RC RI VI A GL VIA VIA FORTU MA ND CA DE ANI VIA DI FIEMM VIA VAL NON VIA VAL DI VIA TE VIA PIRANO TI CO VIA VIA MARTESANA VIA ISOCRAT E LU CIN UB VIA ERODOTO PIAZZALE N EA RD V IA CA OM VI I UN FIDA SO VIA A TR VIA DEI DUMAS VIA DON LUIGI GUANELLA MA IS PÈ V IA O A LE V I A C OM FOR BES CA VIA V IA VI VIA BONTEM PELLI AGH VIA CISL LL AI DE L IB DA TI LLI VIA PIRE ZE VI VIA LE P. US SI ROM VIA ZA E PIAZZA CARBONARI LE R V IA VI A RU CE VIA VIA FRATELLI BRESSAN IL IO VIA VIA C SIL RR EL L Z OZ EM V IA IO TO LARGO TREVES ERM O BO N BA TU STA VIA PAL K EP V IA A PI AN IANI V I A TO R R VIA M NO VIA LEGNA VIA L. S. MANTEGAZZA RCH TI S TO PIAZZA FARINA VIA COLAUT PALAZZO LOMBARDIA VI SSI VIA CASTELLINI PACIFICO VIA PAPA RO IA RIA VIA FRA C CHIA I AN GN FRI PORTA NUOVA CRI S VIA ENE V I A VA S S A L L O NIER I I VIA O 35 MA LA O RE I A SA U ICO VIA SEBEN U DE XIM DIN ND UR BIN ES SA A VIA VARESE VO LT RO AL M AN COM I VI A VIA reservation information and PARCO SEMPIONE PACE Condizioni generali NO GA 34 PA PO TO VIA SPALA PIAZZA VIALE MONTE GRAPPA XXV APRILE BA STI ON I DI PO I VIA ROMU MORGAGNI ARESE PIAZZALE LAGOSTAV IA LVAT SLATAPER VIA ELL CR ISP C. VIA RAG USA G. ES PE VIA PADRE R. GIULIANI VIA TT RO PE VIA RAN LE SA VIA V IA BOSCO VERTICALE V I A E ST L IO VI A VIA PA LL AN PIAZZALE ISTRIA A LE S I NT E A AZI ABB GL LAU VIA V IA TILL DE CAS TAN O VIA GAE FONDAZIONE CATELLA ER IL Bolzano 7 December - 20 December VIA VIA FRÀ BARTOLOMEO DA IN TIZ VIA RO O ST VIA VIA GUAR MATT EU CCINI I R OT V I A A LG A O NC D AIR OLO ZE VIA VI U VIA VIA RO RE SI MA CE ZI ANA D’A MO ON BUDU A V IA V IO FALO VIA CON LI S LARGO DESIO PIAZZA CASERTA E ON AVA PIAZZALE SEGRINO PE I VIA ER TO AL ESS SP CQ IO DI UE VIL VIA LE V IA VIA LE VIA PONTIDA SARZ E AN GE EARIO VIA BALN ST EL VIA DE EM ILI MA RT O INO NDA VAL VIA CISM VIA STAZIONE GARIBALDI RZO SE SI AT PE ARI N DE REVEL VI A IA M UR HO GIU RCH FRAN CESCO VIA O ARI VIA VIA ROSMINI VIA V IN RIP E SIR OVE IN I MONCALIE RI MAIRA VIA ASMARA I AGH VIA BIR CE SC G RA VIA GAL LI I A VIA FERR GIAN TA CHI VIA CIVER TO CE LT RA RI O PORTA VIALE PA SU BIO VOLTA TE DA PIAZZA LE DE RM INA RSA EL LUVIA ALFIERI RIA ST LA IG A CA I C CESA PIAZZA VIAVIFATEB AN ENESORELLE BIANCAMANO LARGO ON LA FOPPA VIA ICA VIA DI PORTA TENAGLIA VIA I ZI A DE LLA LVE AN LE E MO SC RT VIA OVA BE VIA CAZZANIGA F. M EL VIA SANGIORGIO PIAZZA SEMPIONE ARCO DEI DELLA (Read Carefully) VOLONTARI VI A VI A VI A RR VIA QUADRIO VIA IONE GIORG GUEVIA RCIN O VIA GIANNONE NO MA FR AN V IA FF IO FE VIA TAZZOLI PP PIAZZALE BAIAMONTI AMAN OLINI SSI NA V IA EU VII VIA BR DIN VIA ME AR BRU NO STI VIA GIU V Terms and Conditions EX BO ’ A ER VIA VIA CIRILLO I V I A G . B . N I CC A VI HIER SC PE GH NO DI NIO VIA NO AR VIA VIA VA AREA EX ENEL O SARP I VIA PAOL LARGO MEDICI M VIA DO NA IG I ALE ZO VIA AZ A E SS LU SI NA M LO I SI O VIA AL SE G. VIA LIA VIA G TA M V IA B IA IN CU VI A VIA VI A PAST RENG O FABBRICA DEL VAPORE VIA PROCA CCINI T ER VI A VI A M ES R TA R. TA A. AN VIALAS VIL NEO VI A VIA A LIN I I VI AZA GH VI A IN LL PIAZZA SPOTORNO VIA DELL A ANG ELO PERG OLA VIA JACO DAL VERMPO E CIMITERO MONUMENTALE A ID A O V GRAMSCI LARGO GADDA A TI IN CA PR OS VIA E OC VI VIS O P RPIAZZA N PR R C C IN N LO DA FE VIA PIAZZA 6 FEBBRAIO SIN CA V IA IO G. VIA PRATI I CC RU ES O ON LL I LE SS I VIA LUIGI PORRO BA LAMBER TENGHI O UG VIA M LF M VIA VIA LE GA IN O PIAZZA CORIOLANO CENISIO NO GERUSALEMME P VIA FI O VI A VIA EB CA LV E A TR VIA IA M ID SO OS AZIO VIA E OC OD LIZ S PR M ON LA TR NA VIATEG N PO VIAVIAUDIO AG O DA A AT DO VIA VE EL DO PIAZZA CA S NI AR ST VI A IC CA IA ES V R N VA EL N VO SA AN R GR NA R VIA BE N SA MA O GIO A OL RI BE LI VI AIC EL NT MO I AIR OLO V IA IL HÉ C VIA NA LO IA LIO VIA EMI LEGN ONE I UC FA NA O AR NC IO CH UC PIAZZA DIOCLEZIANO A NN SA VIA RA EN VIL LAN RE CU FR VIA TAO DE MO VIA VAL E L. DI M O NIEV OLE NT I ONI FU GG VI A VIA JENNER PA DR VIA GIO AG SOM VIA IA PIAZZA MACIACHINI MA RIA LARGO ALLEGRI SAL PO PUVIA LON VIA IÈ LE CÀ HE LE VIA V IA TI NA LIVIGNO IA N CA BR V I A G U E R ZO N I IM VI A VIA BUT TI I VIA I PRAM POLIN TI VA L O VIA CALDER O N IG VIA LARGO RAPALLO VI A CIR RA CC O LA VIA BO VIA BRUNI MACIACHINI CENTER O SAN GENISI VIA MONTE VIALE M IC VIA CUMA ZURICH HEAD OFFICE IM I O I F F U CC E VIA MA TO N VIA I P. D. F C VIA VIA ND VIA UG AN I . PRIV VIA GGI FIU R LO I VIA ABBA IA VIA IA RD AN IN I N LO CO BIO VIA EE VI A ZU BI PIAZZALE NIZZA ST NE AR N VIA CIP VI A NI O VIA MO NZ AN BAN VIA O I IN OL RT A AN IN PR AN TEATRO ARCIMBOLDI G O RO SA AU SO GIAX TOWER E VILLA SIMONET TA VO H AM BA O SC G RE VIA UGOLINI RD CA NT E VE G IR VIA VI A I LO GO A CA IO CC RA A RG VIA ITÀ TR EV V I A M A N ZOT T I CC DE RG GL O VIA PANTALEONI LIC VI A VIA I RM FE ESPI LE NO CR V IA V I A B E N I G IN I C IA NA VI A IV IO D EI VI A RA FA CA NZ AT GU VI A DE VIA CA LIA V IA RT CO JO RA G BR VI A DAVA VI A V IA OG SE MP MB UR VI A VIA BON OMI ND VI A TA NI OIA V IA I V IA M VIA SO SAN A ENZ 50 IALE STA TA PA SSI LU XE VI A ZO N ND O VIA C RO VIA VIA VIA TAN G LV DIT VIA GIU O OR IAL VIA SC I IN G. M D IA VIA CAFIERO D IO CIA NO IN DON O BO CA VI A VIA VE NO VIA COLLEGNO OZZ I O VIA BES IAN ELL I V IA CH IAN R IN VI A L IC V IA I LI ZI O LD I C IA RON CO A NA NE CE SENOFONTE PIAZZA NAPOLI LL BA IN ON BA VI A CET VIA LE LAN VIA RASORI PIAZZA BEL FIO ERA WAGNER RE PIAZZA COR SO VERC PIEMONTE ELLI PIAZZALE VIA COSTANZA VIALE FAENZA V IA AN VIA GH LAGO DI NEMI A VIA ST O VIA PE GI FR RESIDENZE HADID IO VIZ RA MAR NI VI N GE NT HI NZ VIA FAVRETTO MO RO IG TE O NC SA A V IA BA O PIAZZA BUONARROTI A NN G IO A PIAZZA VI G.S. OHM TO BA GR ON NO TAM T GA M IO R. VI LO DO VI A E A LV LE A UL M M AIA LE RCHE A TO LS SI LI AGNO ROM I ROCC VIA PERO NERI S SC V IA V IA CO UG AT I VI GN VI A IA VIA TR VIA MA V IA VIA VIA AZ TA A PR IVA IER VI ACA RR R. OD V IA IM LE UE O AN R T EM IBE VIA FIL LARGO AFRICA PIAZZA BOLIVAR BE N AV O AR G. I ND PIAZZA GIULIO CESARE VIA RONCAGLIA PI IL IA AM GI A I V IA VIA VIA PIO VIA ZI RE RI VIA RESIDENZE LIBESKIND VIA ITERI S IC PRI NE VIA PL UL I OZ VES LO VIA SU BIA TRO VIA PAS E. M A PALAZZO DELLA TORNO TRE TORRI CITY LIFE VIA I ZUAR EG NT C LARGO DOMODOSSOLA BIA FIN ST R VI A A N FE ZZ V IA BER VIA CE E NT PIAZZA SICILIA CHI GRAC URA BA LE VIALE DUILIO V IA UF ARI CKE V IA PIAZZA DAMIANO CHIESA O ZA ZI FORN WIN IO E ET VI A A MUSEO RESIDENZE MAC LIBESKIND ISOZAKI LO CO VIA CLEF VIA AR I TIN PR ES O G ELN A N BO EL V IA D I V IA V VIA VIA NC VIA B EZ UALE VI AL TAGI VIA V IA IS VIA PACINOT TI B IA R G EG VIA DEI VIA NE SO IS RD PIAZZA PIAZZA FIRENZE VIA CENISIO CANEVA NI PIAZZA BAUSAN I VI A VI A LE CAN VI A IN LL RA B. G CC I IN U B A LD EVA LI RN V IA CA V IA NI LI O RÈ PIAZZALE LUGANO I MICO E IO R CO VIA V IA VI O FI NO HI AF IA CA ND NI VA N VIA DO VIA CE VE DA NZ SE AR V IA PED DU RA SA ED ATE O RC NI M AR R FA PASQ V IA VIA RO V IA O PIAZZALE TRIPOLI A I ON N D VIALMANN 500 m FOR THOSE WHO LOVE Several of Italy’s most interesting CORSICO CHRISTMAS SHOPPING destinations include Bolzano and Zani Viaggi offers you fab day trips by Merano, with their typical Gothic-style bus from Milan (starting from € 45.00 per constructions, Bressanone, Aosta, the person) to evocative Christmas markets. small Piedmontese city of Govone, with And for hard core shoppers, there are also its Magic Land of Christmas, and the BUCCINASCO two-day packages, with rates starting real Ancient Quarry of Santa Claus in from € 160.00 per person. Ornavasso (Verbania-Lake Maggiore) TA NG you can participate in various An unmissable opportunity to shop for where EN A5 ZI 0 AL E inside the Cave. In Switzerland, unique gifts while soaking up the festive activities OV ES atmosphere and getting to know new our offer is Textended to Lucerne, places amidst time-honoured artisanal the gateway to CentralASSAGO Switzerland, 500 m creations, Christmas ornaments and and Zurich, overlooking the lake and decorations and gastronomic specialties. surrounded by the snow-capped Alps. H IN I NO ER VIA A. SPINOLA VIA FRA U I VI A VI A IC CO VIA N TI V IA LA TI O IC O LE PP SC O LI SC V IA CO NT I IA DE BI GL O AForo Bonaparte, 76 1. Reservation required. 1. Prenotazione obbligatoria. AN VIA Detailed programs of all tours availProgrammi dettagliati sul sito VIA (M1FITECairoli – M2 Lanza) able on www.zaniviggi.it/livemilano. www.zaniviaggi.it/livemilano. GOITO L ST AT 2. For all tours it is required to show 2. Per tutti i tour è necessario presenTel. +39.02.867.131 OPP RO up at least 10 minutes before Vdetarsi almeno 10 minuti prima della VIA AN Fax. +39 02.804.190 ALIE RI DEL IA LCRO parture holding the voucher (if premuniti di voucher (se il I LE partenza CAVTO SEPO excursions@zaniviaggi.it paid tour) or with booking number. tour è prepagato) o codice prenotaDIO SAN A Mzione. PIAZZA 3. In case of inconvenience or delay, TESS PIAZZA GA BO VIA IL caso di inconvenienti o ritardi, contact the emergency number 3. InTO ASCOLI MARIA A. LE Is it possible to guarantee theRGHE È possibile assicurare a tutta PIAZZA TTO +39.348.7671613. contattare VIA DI SAVOIA N il numero di emergenza VIA world’s population with food l’umanità un’alimentazione S. MARCO VIA DEL On Line ReSeRVaTiOn 4. Times indicated in the programs +39.348.7671613. G. GI VI D FIO RI A CC IO US AL B. L’AN NUN and order of the visits are subject to 4. Gli orari indicati nei programmi e that is good, healthy, sufficient buona, sana, sufficiente e VIA CU RI TT TIN E www.zaniviaggi.it/livemilano POEL VE SA VIA RE PO NTA I OS possible changes due to traffic probl’ordine delle visite sono soggetti ad IANO CIA LI ARI and sustainable? Milan’s sostenibile? Con questa domanda VIA LV World TA www.livemilano.comBE TE CCH lems and/or organizational requireeventuali variazioni per problemi di CIN RI CHI CN IO Fair, scheduled to be held IN from 1 si apre la sfida dell’Esposizione VIA ments to ensure full enjoyment of traffico e/o per necessità organizzaI AN VIA FIOOFO RO I ICO A A TT the tour. tive al fine del miglior CARP May to 31 October 2015, opens GA GR PIAZZA Universale di Milano, dal 1 Z VIA svolgimento VI ZIO VIA N 5. We are not responsible for cancelladel tour. IO with this question. At Expo DUSE maggio al 31 ottobre 2015. Ad aT The beST hOTeLS E. VIA PISOVIA GRI LA tions or changes of program due to 5. La società organizzatrice non può 2015, participating countries Expo 2015 i Paesi partecipanti reasons beyond our control (partial essere ritenuta responsabile per NI www.livemilano.comRINA will bring their expertise to the CASTELLO or total closure of museums, monumodifiche di programma dovute a porteranno le loro competenze NI INE UCCI MA ITO ARCO ments or churches, delay for traffic, cause non dipendenti dalla propria SFORZESCO IO PIAZZA DEL CARM VIA IR VIA sectors of agriculture, industrial nei settori dell’agricoltura, della V VIA CAPP DEL VIA strikes, etc.). In winter some tours volontà (chiusure parziali o totali di GAD SP SELLA CARMINE OLFO O produzione industriale, del may be cancelled or modified. musei, monumenti e chiese, even- E LAND PRIMO production, product marketing VI NT AL A SAN À V 6. We are not responsible for any loss tuali ritardi per traffico, scioperi, SA VI and scientific research. SA VIA IA A VIA commercio dei prodotti e della SÚ of personal items which are left ecc.). Nel periodo invernale alcuni CC PIET VI More than 22 million visitors HI GE DI GA R V ROSSINI ricerca scientifica. on our buses or for any damage tour potrebbero essere sospesi o suVIA CARLO A VIA CARLO GOLDONI STAZIONE VIA are expected to attend, with the Sono attesi oltre 22 milioni RE caused by third parties to personal bire variazioni di programma. MOZART RSO VIA MONTE E I VIA A. items or to clients during the tour. 6. La società organizzatrice non siTRENORD asVIA DELL’O A occupying an exhibitionVI space di visitatori e il sito espositivo ’AND VIA DEL DA (Malpensa Express) 7. It is the responsibility of all passensume nessuna responsabilità per NT area of more thanNECCHI one million occuperà un’area di oltre 1 SA VIA DEL LAUR VIA BURCHIELLO gers to check with the appropriate l’eventuale smarrimento di oggetti VILLA ITO A VIA G. D’AREZZOGIU BO VIA VI consulates if any visa is required. e valori personali lasciati dai clienti square metres organized along milione di metri quadrati, che O CAMPIGLIO PIAZZA SS VIA 8. No penalty for cancellations up to a bordo dei pullman o per danni che VIA POZZONE two main axes: the “Decumano” sarà organizzato su due assi AN I VIA 5 working days before departure. dovessero derivare ai clienti e ai loro CADORNA PIAZZA RR SSI O and the Cardo”, featuring the principali: lungo il “Decumano” FIL For later cancellations or no show, effetti personali per colpa di terzi I BO VE DELLA OD DE VI A RA 100% penalty. durante i tour. O exhibition spaces of “Padiglione e lungo il “Cardo”, che sviluppa VIA CONCILIAZIONE VIA VIATTIN MM PU 9. Written notices or complaints must 7. È responsabilità dei passeggeri veBAGU AT PIAZZA Italia”, i.e. the Italian Pavilion attorno a sé gli spazi espositivi Milan VisitorCC Center CENACOLO be sent within 30 days to the folrificare la regolarità dei documenti IA ICI IN I and Zani Viaggi VIA CASE ROTTE MEDA CORSO MATTEOTTI AZ mounted by Italy. curati dall’Italia con il “Padiglione lowing address: Zani Viaggi Srl VINCIANO – necessari per il tour prenotato. tour starting point. LM PIAZZA Foro Bonaparte, 76 – 20121 Milano 8. Nessuna penale per annullamenti Italia”. DA SAN A – Italy – excursions@zaniviaggi.it. fino a 5 giorni lavorativi precedenti PIAZZA VI O FEDELEV MO VI VIA BASSANO IA LARGO 10. LAW SOURCES: The sale of a tour SANTA la partenza. In tutti gli altri casi, peSAN BABILA VI CORS TOCORN VIA S. PROSPERO NFE A A package is governed by Law 1084 MARIA nale 100%. A PIAZZA ANCONA SA VIA BORGOGNA O MAGENTA PIAZZA VIA SOT II RR URI NTA GN of 27/12/1977 to ratify and imple- 9. Eventuali segnalazioni o lamenVIA MERAVIGLI CORDUSIO DELLE DEL VIA VIA MOT LE MA AT VIA GROSSI EL VIA RE ment the International Conven- GRAZIE tele devono essere inoltrate per O LIBERTY AN UE VIA TA GALLERIA LO VI BELLINI M ER PO S. tion on the Travel Contract (CCV) iscritto entro 30 giorni al seguenA VIT TORIO EM EXCELSIOR VIA NEGRI E CO V MILANO IONE EMANUELE II RT M. signed in Brussels on 23/04/1970, te indirizzo: Zani Viaggi Srl – Foro CADE I VIA O V. IA REN VIA PASS O A NES NT C.S MA by D. Lgs. N. 111 of 17/03/2005, Bonaparte,76 – 20121 Milano – Italy – ANSPERT PO I AG VIA HIMEDE I implementation of the n.90/314/ escursioni@zaniviaggi.it. LIB PIAZZA FU VIA VIA DELLA TTO ON NT’ VIA ARC EEC directive on travel, holidays 10. FONTI LEGISLATIVE: La vendita di VIA SETTIMO LC S. POSTA HE VIA SA DEL IO CANT DUOMO and all-inclusive packages and by pacchetti turistici è disciplinata dal-VIA VIA ORI M CC VIA DUOMO the Consumer Code referred to D. la L. 1084 del 27/12/1977 di ratifica VIA VIGNA NA. VIA BO DUOMO POINT VIA QUARNERO TI RIA Lgs. No. 206, 06/09/1995 and its ed esecuzione della Convenzione A IDONI PIAZZA MUSEO TA LE LO CON LARGO CORR IO PIAZZA PINACOTECA subsequent Internazionale relativa al Contratto NEL LU SANT’AMBROGIO EL amendments. Impor900 FILIPPO VIA MAR A VA FONTANABERSAGLIERI VIA DOGANA COR AMBROSIANA VIA PIAZZA SA tantND communication referred to di Viaggio (CCV) firmata a Bruxelles VI NT RI LA VIA A VIA TRIESTE SA PALAZZO VIA LLA art. 16 of Law 269/98: “The Italian il 23/04/1970, dal D. Lgs. N. 111 del VIA AS DE VIA BA VIA LITTA PIETRO PPE E ORE T’ORSOVI VIA VERZIERE LARGO VIA OL LL CA punishes with imprisonment 17/03/2005, attuazione della direttiDELL BATT INS. GESSATE REALE SAN VIA law VIA E E A E AUGUSTO VIA SANTA TECLA VIA crimes related to child prostitution va n.90/314/CEE concernente i viagISTI RI CON VIA RA SANT’ FAL and pornography, even if they are gi, le vacanze e i circuiti “tutto comPIAZZA CO SA VIA PIAZZA VIA VOLTERRA PE AMBROGIO committed abroad”. e dal Codice del Consumo di DIAZ N MUSEOpreso” DELLA LI I M DEG SAN cui al D. Lgs. N. 206 del 06/09/1995 e S. STEFANO OS VIA IMB OLD AU UNIVERSITA’ SCIENZAsue E DELLA VIABOTO VIA CARCERE PIAZZA successive modificazioni. ARC RILI A V VIA CAVALCABÒ FONT CA MENTANA Comunicazione importante ai sensi CAT TOLICA PIO TECNOLOGIA SAN VIT TORE eXPO Gate O ANA dell’art. 16 della Legge 269/98: “La PIAZZA License / LiCenza legge italiana punisce con la pena VIA VIA PIAZZA VIA ALB CH IARVIA IRNERIO Auth. 3/1999 BG della reclusione i reati inerenti alla LAN ED VI VIA BEZZECCA TO A ZONE RIC CI AVAL ANDREANI inSURanCe / aSSiCURaziOne prostituzione e alla pornografia mi-VIA IC MISSORI VETTA ONE D LIA RC LE CA V IA EL I VIA TA VIA CECCHI Società Cattolica di Assicurazione norile, anche se sono stati commesTI LANZ HIO D’I M Insurance N. 000018 23 300027 si all’estero”. IN NOVA GIARDINI I O ED VIA SAN VIA ENG O TOL COT D CH IO AD RI PO LP EN VIZ RA I ON I EPOR RA NZ AT O NT VIA I OR L CO VIA O ZZ PIAZZA DE ANGELI TI DONA BE LL DE I INO OD AM M VIA IAL CACC VI A VIA VI A AN GE GER T GIOL DEI C. I VI A A N SS G IU TR IA MA O VIA ZIO M LE VIA GIOIA DA DO IA AN VO HI ZA Í ER IN D GR AN RO SS VIA E. RU NT LIZ VIA LE NO VIA GIAG TI I AN LIP I TU DE I VI A I DE ISI O DEIN I VI ARD AL LA RG FIO LS OM HET LE DEI MUG LI LE VIO BA LL E DE E VI A IM UL PR VIA DEL IG EI G VIA D I DE GLRI VIA EA ND OL DE LLE VIA TEN SIE OR VIA GL IO PA ND DA CH A AD VIA MAR INI LE O I LC LV IA VIA C IO NAVI PR O A AT IV M LO VIA D ’A AT IC DELLEIE VIA RDEN GA LLI CARL VIA TE BA C AR CA OSTI FORL PIAZZA FRAT TINI NO A T PE VIA AL C VIA PE VIA NO NC M EO I V IA M ARE R IM OP VIA VIA OS AR VIA PARIS PA LIA BIA RIL VIA MU G O LL ESC LI RT IT SC VIA O NZAN VIA SCALABRINI EL CE IO ER V IA PO M RI FIO CA A VI DEI PIAZZA ARDUINO V IA PES M VIA VA SIL VIA TA UL TRIV D L. SO VIA ZU CCDE GL AR O I LARGO NOE OLI AL AS IC M N A PA VI DA DI LE IP TI PIAZZA AR PREALPI LI DEG VIA O OZZ A O SC CALV DESE VAL A VIAIZZAN LAV VIA AI R Z IL S DE NO BES DA VIA CE MON VIA RE NC ZI N IZ LE R ER C UC VIA AN A V IA A. VIASCH IO DA MB M VIA PO VIA VIA OL TO LO BO FRA VIA V IA I VI A BO VI A. IN PR TAV A L FR VIA BR OG CA M ER VI A LE TI AN M RA VIA VIA OP O NELLA ANTOSSIN VIADA ME ISS VIA P CO JA S IN SSEN V IA LE VIA RA RI GU DICE G I U NI V I A NA DO A DO SC VI A A VIA RE SIDNEY LO PIAZZA V BRESCIA OS B VIA INO HEL MIC V IA I VIA E VARAZZ VIA V IA E PIAZZA CASTELLI HI I RD O PA VIA RUBENS AN VIAZIN I GR AZ ZZ VIA ZZALE A PIA I MORONI VIASATI SC RO IO A GI LL I TE VIA DO LL ET TI LE IATE L. ER IN Christmas holidays are just around the corner! Here are a few special ideas for your shopping in December: the most characteristic Christmas markets 90 W H E R E M I L A N I december 2014 VA O RL RE SIN I AGA VIA ARZ SO D I TI NE VIA IA OR RO EL M NIE IANI E VIA V VIGL LLO E VIA E E FRAS NT LLO PIAZZA TIRANA M AR V IA GA AL VIA BAR IGL GA G EG A GA DO DIC CA RE MU ALTA SA FRA VIA ARIO GALG INI SE UL I AP AJ VIA GA VIA V IA PANT VI VI A E VIA LE AS VIA LARGO VI A PA BRASILIA NT DEGL AN T E BAL VIA CIA RIC VIA M VIA E AN PIS VIA VIA ROSE LLE TUBE V IA RO VIA NEGROT TO VIA NO VO VIA RICCION HIO IN I VIA VIA NI IE BIS VIA DE LLE I O ATO FU G RA VIA PIAZZALE FRATELLI ZAVAT TARI TA AT TE A GGIO MENA NNI VIA INGA LONE VIA O RECOAR LO VIA ’ANATA VIA N DA VIA DURER VIA NAR FOR VIA RE AR AN NTO LE VENTIN A VIA CAVALERI SANT ANGE O M VIA N O VIA NZAN I DE SIN VIA CC BO VIALE PIAZZA CATE RINA BANDE NERE DA DEI TI I CIN GIA DEI GAROFAN VIA NICO PIAZZALE VIA JACOPO PALMA SIENA MELIE A ON VE LA O TT IO I FA I CCOL ARZA VIA ZIG AG H AR I L ITA DSE R AT ISI MA PONT GIÓ UE TO VIA GIG UN EL EA ANE VIA CO RB A O FATIM LARG IMA FAT GO LAR A VIA M ORS CU ONTE PIZ EN VIA IN AM OLO NIC C PA CA E CA SC INA DEI VIA AB O OIR VIA CREMOSAN C. VIA A A CA CRIM VIA CRETESE NAG LM M N AG G G. VIA CO NIC R PA VIA ERE VIA M OR T AN VI GIA VIA LO VI CIM PIAZZALE SELINUNTE CIV VIA A NARC T M VIA VIA VIA DELL VIA DEI VIA LA VIA REMO LE VAL VIA SA LOV VIA ZA LL VIA VIA O EN NE VIA SE D R I VIA DEI MALATESTA ZA E DELL I VIA EMON AN E I LO IO EO MIMO VIA IA G I MARTINETTI M I RO EE INI DELLE IAN ASTR E V EG NEZ IO N DELLEE VIA CHIDE OR LAM GENZ ELLIN NA BAVO PIA AZAL CIC I I ANN ING RNO STO ELO ELLO CARD C E GL I VAL T AT TO VIA VAL VIA NIO BLE E DEGL ANG DELLE VIA I VIA INI LE G IA LE VIA VIA DEL BI S TA IVA VIA CESANO BOSCONE VIA LE I VIA MARGHERIT E VIA AT LN MA VIA ANNONI DEI NDIN VIA PR A RO M IL VIA A DELL VIA S SO UGO VIA N TO LABU IROS VI VIA L’US PETT DEL VIA DELLE VIA DEL VIA IGNOLO EW VIA V A VIA LYCÉE STENDHAL IA VIA MICENE VIA TOMMASO GULLI BOLD VIA BE RN ON VIA LIO NO NDRIN VIA DOLA ZZI GI VI A I V A R VIA M GR VIA OS SE TO LA SEL A CA TTIST N BA VIA VIA DELLE FORZE ARMATE VIA ALBI ON E ’ ALLO DELL CARO TA EG SIM GO VIA VIA DI IAR SPA GL HI RN A ZU RI VIA N T BO VI A EA CA LC I ARINO SA IN BA SIL PA RR VIA BI DE I CE VI A LU VIA OM VIA COL A CR ET VI A O VIA ZE M A IST I TT BA LAND VIA RO DE ILLI OT TO B TINO PALA CE AZZ VIA M E VI A VI A TE RB AT E M E AR VIA LUCERNA E ZO UZ VIA VIA R VAL IA E M B R VA E NDT LIR VIA OT TO RO VER RZ E FO VIA LL RE BA VIA IN VI A CH DE LLA DE LL IA PA . TO VI A VI A NE DEMI BR LLE VIA COLLEC CHIO VIA VIA CO NA SCI CA TA VIAMAJET BASS I A P. PIZ ZO VIA PIAZZALE LOT TO E CA PR VIA O S VIA PIAZZALE RD N LI VIA ITA CIV I O IN TE AD AT OZZ G O KO VIA ENO VIA OST VI A VI M VIA NINI I ZO IA VI A VIA V I CE VIA V IE R E AR MA TE VIA TO CH OC O EN GN RN CO V CO TR LA N VIA DI CE DO TO M VI A DO TO SI O VIA A I OSI CIA I LL ER AB E VIA STRATICO SAGESTA PE R AR EDE GIN PER RZAG VIA O CA I VIA AN O ER VA SS NS RR O PE VIA FO FE GI US VI A O LI TEL LI VIA FRA V IA BAGGIO FO RZ GA N SA N LLI NI EN IA VIA VI A II PI O VI A ZO IA PARCO DELLE CAVE VIA DE LL E V V IA P ASTO N CH E TEL LI VIA FRA PA ON RX O MA VIA CA G O V NIN S T IA O UM IA TA PNT AL NS PASSO TRE CROCI VIA LAMENNAIS CO VIA VIAL PIAZZA AXUM VIA VIA VIA DIOM VILLA VIA LO NE A UE HI GOYA VIA MORE SIRON TTI I SO VIA DEI ROSPIGLIOSI VIA MONTE BALDO VIA ALB PAGA ILLE STADIO SAN SIRO VIA HARAR RL VIA CA VI A RO SSE ACH AB IPPODROMO NTE VIA ZO I A VIA VIA VIA VIA PATROCLO ELLI V I A F R AT HE SI MA RC FETO EL ZO AS IA VIA CLO AR O VIA PINEROL LL Bressanone VIA O PATR BE RA VIA TE VIA VIA VIA TAU RO IZ GIA E VIA A VA CEN VIA BISANZIO AP SE O CO VI A BRANDA VIA RC LL VI ATOR EL IN NO A A VI A NE E SC A OSM LO LA MO SS CA VIA SA VI RIA VO NA A VI NO LE EN LE M O EG TR MO ODRO VIA IPPVIA D IM HI A VI IVIO BR VIA MONTE STELLA VIA SANT ’ELIA VI BOSCO IN CITTA’ NA T TA CIM P. F. VIAVI O EL NU AR VI A SA GE A LV NT A RT AT NC ED VIA LIO CE AR ISTO CAL I VIA LOD DA E GIU E LL NT PI TA L GA IGO PA A CID AL ON VIA A VI VIA VIA OV M VIA VI TISS AL TE ES CH VIA ER E O CE NAN PARCO DI TRENNO SO PUG VIA LAM OCE INV MON O ZZ VIA CR VIA V I A A N TO N I O S A N T ’ E L I A VIA I NI B. G. NO V. TTI PRI BU VIA I DE ETT VIA PE AM UA Y E. BIA I AL UG IM OND VI UR I AL VIA BIC EME GH A I EN VI E QU AR OV GIO CH VAGA DA CARAVAG TT L RA A PIAZZALE VIA SANTORRE SANTAROSA O DI BR DOVIC CE BE N DE VIA PERI VI VI A UDIN A N N I DA VIA GIOV O VIA VIGORELLI UG ER E I LL ORO VIA V IA VIA SP AT POLID EA GA AR I VIA LU VIA LL LLO C IL DE ORIAN VIA B. SA VIA TIBU V IA O IO A ANI VIA TRAP RT VIA PANNUNZ CE GA VIA M . BO RS O N IN E A IANO SC VI VIA LUC CE CO ES AL I AN VIA R VI IN FR VA TE NN VI A V IA IA NTI VIA BRUNETTI RA PE A. VISCO IO VIA BO RS A LLA AP AR GA V IA M V VIA RIC VIA EN G RI VI A VIA RINI Cimitero Maggiore V IA VIA LI POZ ZUO LL INI AR ME VIA LEG VIA CHIA SSE PERO I BA RO VIA HIER VIA VOC PEL A N ET V IA Bolzano MO VI A AR VIA SB LIO SUG VIA BRU LI ZA NO VI A A4 TORINO MILANO IO PARCO NORD LA I MON ST I LA GH IP LI NO CO R S O LA ZA 500 m SC MI DI A8 NO LA MI INO R TO A4 A1 AUTOSTRADA DEL SOLE NOVATE ESSENTIALS E [ OUT O F TO W N ] RHO w w w. w heretravel er. com 91 VEN I VIA N CA VIA IN I VIA DON LE CHI MORES ESSENTIALS O DO SEM IA GL PLI À CIT V TRE V VIA I AU S LU X E M B U help? Need RG VIA V IA V IA PA L G . B . LET TA BA VIA ONI O ZU B F. G AT T I VIA A VIA IANI M LARG RAPAL VIA LI OIA IO AZ RAN V IA C A R LO RI KO TÜ TI NA SSI VIA VIG VIA LD VIA BOVISASC A RO I LIN E. M A JO STRO V IA PA IAL VIA SC INO R B. G CIA RON N R IC O V IA E Milano Hop On-Hop Off CitySightseeing MALPENSA - (45 km from the centre of Milan - A8 direction Varese). Flight and bus info T: 02 74852200 (call center). www.seaaeroportimilano.it S AR EL VIA PED V IA C E V E DA NZ CO S E GR VIA SC VIA I NT CI L E INA ASS VA L INA MONT ANO E M A VI VIA GAS RC O O E R IN SOLF VIA BA T TAG L IA DI PO RTA SAN V IA VIA VIA CERN CO RS O AIA ARCO AN M VIA S I M D AN VI MAVIA RG SAN HE TA RIT A H V RE V IA R A CO PE R GA NO RI TO PIAZZA DIAZ BA IA R TA ZE VECCCCA HIA TA MA SAN A GAR O UR LM SU G. S. VIA BRISA VIA M O RI G I VI A VIA VIGANÒ CO M O SALES PA R E R O CO R S O I LD ZO IL A Z IBA V IA M AR OG C.S IB A L DI PI IO CC I G. C ARD U VIA I VIA TER RAG G NI TOG DE VIA ZE ET AN VIA VIA PIETRO BORSIERI V I A CO LA VIA M AS NE T BON V IA LTA TA V O VI A PI DE VI NAM ON TE M ER CA TE LO EL ST CA A O S VIA AN NIC OLA SSO DO RA CA VIA NALE DEL LO VIA M. D. ROCCA BAN MA FA R VIA V IA FA R IN I CO R S O VIA I Z AZ RICASOLI TO A R IO S V IC O LU D O VIA SCARPA VI BA ZZA ON VIA LIV 1 ST IA S . M IC H ELE D EL CA IA L E D RSO I POR TA V E RCELL IN A RESIN A VIA SO DI PO R IONI C AG N O L A VIA NI O ANTO SAVO IA REGGCAVAL IMEN LERIA TO O IN VIC LA PA L G VIA SA LAR INI IO VA L TELL VIA CA NO COM E VIA VO NIE LITO IPPO VIA NI PO AP RC PIE ARO VIALE M O N T E L LO VIA M RIO VIALE C ASSIODORO PLUTARCO VIA VERONESE BUONARROTI VIA VIA D . CIM NT A PALAZZO REALE RA G TO N VIA VIALE BENENGARIO A GN VIA DELLE STELLINE BAST F.LLI IN USSI VIA ALCUINO O AC CI AS M A VI VIA A NIN BER VIA ESE ORG O VIA B DUN VIA RUGGERO DI LAURIA RR A E SE VIAL VIALE ENRICO SI VIAPOGGIBON VIA ZAPPA Y DEBUSS VIA GAZZA VIA MANTE VIA GR F IDT JO FR VIA E ILL CH PA PA A LE VIA VIALE MIGLIAR A V I A T R AC I A V I A L E MA R J O N I O VIA C AG N O N I MUSEO 900 A DE I SA VI L I AR C AR V IAE L L P AP A VIA PALA ZZ O VIA DOGANA V I A MA Z V IA VA L P E TR V I A MA R CO N I I VIA ALUNNO VIA DEL VIA PADULLI MOLINAZZO DUOMO CI VIA BESENZANIC A FI A R VI DA A SP 93 VI A OLA w w w. wSheretravel er. A S Dcom T ’OR V O ELL L SAN IA E VIA 20 E E ON 19 LC FA SA V IA N LI M D EG LD I O V IA B O A VI GALLERIA VIT TORIO EMANUELE II E RE RI VIA PURICELLI VIALE ARE TUSA LIA GAG BRE AT IA ICI D E LA ENT C AS R IN ELE VIA SAN RAFFA O A A VI OR M AR H CC C IO PU C NE IALE PISA VIALE SIENA A ELL VIA MASSARA D E C A P I TA N I O IN UGNOLA GH IN MM FIA INO FIG VIA EG VIA B R VIA O INO VIA ALCAMO NTO ENTO LEVA AGR IG DERZO VIA CALESEST NDEO R TER VIA CASS VIA VIA VIA AG N PIET RA LI I VIA GUR FINA E LE LI VIA GUR AND E O VIA AREN RA ZAN O VIA POG ATSC VIA HNIG MA R TELL VIA CES O ENAT ICO VIA A VI SAN PRE VIA VIA PRENESTE A ID V DI IA P BR AS IZ SO IO OR RG DIFA SO S PA G VIA MM AZ VIA MENGONI A EL D O A LL VI BO VIA P VIA C A OMEI 12 PINACOTECA AMBROSIANA M VIA SILVIO PELLICO O RO I RA L DA VI BORR ONE A TA VI NE O M VIA LUINI VIA NIR A RD ICI T TO TE E R IO BASSAN O VIA VIA MO VE ILO D ER D MP I O LLA VIA DE TT POSTA HE C OC RI . N VIA B G. ITO A D BO V SSI IA F CL ROLE VIA O EI B VIA VIA B VELLO A N A V IA AN ONT E M VIA V I A L E D E L G H I S A L LO I LERIC INI AND OBR ALD VIA TO I BA IN AB TT F. G BE VIA VO VI GA UO O A ON SSO ETER VI RG CIOVA TE V VIA RO VI CA TI IN VIA NEGRI VIA VIGNA BO V TICIA D IN EL O V IA M N IN E VIA SPER VIA S. PRO VIA ANSPERTO IA PON VIA POZZONE V IA ON FF ER VIA A MI VI RA LT RU M A SANT’ AMBROGIO L VA TA PIAZZA A DE L CA RM DEL VI CARMINE E BE DI TI VI VIO V G E SI MUSEO DELLA VIA N SA RO NI N A BUONA PAR T A ZO ER TO OB BE GI SE AR OP EN A A GIO R CH VIA E V PIAZZA SANT’AMBROGIO O OL FO O FO AD O LO N AG LE A VI VI BA O NC I EB SI IZZ LO A MA TOR TO ERCA LI R IV OORO F EL EM LA ND CA RP VI A V IA B RE RA V IA ST AL A VI NT LE ON PO A VI VI A ER TE PAN PAO ELB VIT A RC VI A INO A TT CA RE VI CH A EM FER VIA SOL RE TO BE I D EL LI ERPO LC RO C AVA TO SE SA N A VIA M ZA VE SO AS VI VIA O CC VIA SA VIA A B NOW ON SALE U AT ST AZ RE PI A S TA M TO OT A VI VIA ZI AN IO SA N O VI A IC IA N SI M PL VI A A GI ZZ NI BEZ GI GL VIA O VIA LEGNAN I VI VI FL A VIA VARE SE V O LT O DR AN IN O LL TE SS I TI A I VIA PON TIDA NT ET A A VI RA FI VIA SAN ZE ESS URB E AV O SS NI ON VI VI ELL AL E DA HI M RO ZI EM RO A UF LO D ’A VIA ANT VIA ROSMINI AC ZO A N PA CR SI I VI R FA BV VIA IA EL O ’ PARCO SEMPIONE M EN VI A A SA CH SAN AN VI BI RO VIA E VI NT A A A D AN M A A NC US NC IO RO RES MA CE RAM OLINI V IA B I A RD A R VI H IE SC PE VI VI GI VIA VIA V I A G . B . N I CC EA E S S IN AL O A N NO V IA M VIA ZO A NI ID DE O VI ZZ VI VIA SI Expo 2015 Tickets VI PI SA NO NA IGI SSI LU ME VIA VIA LIA AZ DO OC E PR N DA N LO G. VIA TESIO NA G TA A A IO VI P VI RI PAVIA NT VA EN L A SI A EU M A ES M LO NA VIATEG N ID M OC E PR S DA E VI M R TA VIA A VIA VIA VIA VERSILIA LAG UEG VIA LIA D. M ARIN A VI VIA MA NI VIA ON E GI ORVGI G U ERIA C IN O BUONAPA RT E FORO URSIO CC O AN ZZ NT I KA LD A UBA VI LI TI DEG ET AT OB MUR UG VIA E HÉ O AN OV S GI A AT AL VI RA V A ERG DE RE VE L ON UC FA R A EL VI A PIAZZA PO I TAT O IC A O VI A CO VI AN IA S O ALU ON IL VI C NO TAM T GA VI AN I S VIA VIA TRIESTE VIA VOLTERRA H TA VIA IO ST I AIA BI BE V RN IA AB Ò M IL V IA E A NE N AR NA TR E CH LVO FI VIA SETTIMO VIA QUARNERO CHI VIA CIVER E VI O VO H N LO CO NT E UAL NCA EN CLE SICILIA VIA GO A A O Q PAS DES BINO VIA C VIA AL VIA MO V N OR IA C TO C M AM SO A RO VI NE I IN OL RT A AN VI NI M ONI ORI VIA VIA FRA VIAGARIO GAL CHI RAC ELIO VIA A C NA GE BA PL BA RANZ LEP I O ELL ON A ANT SSIN VIADA ME ER VIA DURER G DEI VIA TI NA VI A IG TE GR ON A PIO PO AL I SL LE VENTIN A URA BI O CIA CAC ET T V IA L E VIA SSIN EN AM ALT DS R AT A UN VI AM EL NO BO LE GN O N E M M A UL AM FR A VIA I A DAG IM VIA IA A A VI VI O RC AR AN E VI LIO O OL IC CE C PA A AN CA GI L TA A VI LA CI EL VI A VI T TO ICA LD VIA CA . P R IV V IA G G I F IU R LO LIVIGNO VIA BUT TI V I A G U E R ZO N I BRUNI VIA VIA DI V VI VI VIA PACINOT TI MA SC S A NP IA Z Z A T ’EL ENA CA I V I A M A N ZOT T I Z AT IAR E AT RI VIA A BI I LC NT VIA GA EO AN VI HINO VIA C OST VIA I RM FE E ESPI NO CR AL VI VIA BENIG VIA I I DE A VIA RAF CA TIN AN AD IA TAV A O SC VI VIA PARIS DO O O RL GI T AT PI I O LA R ARINO DEL VA L R TA D AV CC I TR CH VIA CE A CA A M VI A A CH OC VI O GN AZZ VIA M V IA V IA VIA VIA GU I F F U CC VIA MA ONE C AT IAN DA IS O A AN VI A VI TR LA N I O VAL A VI A BR ED IN SIN E FR VI A I I CE IN L TA N AG VI AD PE DO TO VIER A INO PR P CO RE AL A O TT IO M CI N TO ZA W EO ZZ CA GO O U R IL L V IA M AR A NE T AT A NS A GIUS OLI Z O IA VI IM A. JA A AT IV VA VI VI M VI A M VI A VI FO VI SAN V IA P ASTO N CH VIA VIA I AT E L L V IA F R SIN I A PR I A VI AL RX O MA Z O IA OR Codice Verde A A ZZALE A PIA AR SP VI A PASSO I TRE CROC VIA LAMENNAIS ARL V IA C I AT E L L V IA F R E VIA GL CO VI VI VI VIA E O ATIN PAL VI ZO I A N PA O ZA SS GAN LI I R ATO GA VIA VIA PATROCLO ELLI V I A F R AT VIA VIA DELLE FORZE ARMATE AN I GU DE CO ON E DE OLO IA VIA DEI MALATESTA A A A IG SS DE ERE CLO AR VIA PINER LL RO PAT BE E VIA ANNONI VI VI ZZ ZZ O LD BA NA CI AL VIA A I DER O AT GA PI V IA PI O LIST CA DI VIA A LO D A VIA SANT ’ELIA IN VIA NAT AL M VIA VIA SIN FU GR V OS IA SE TO ES VI OV V LO NI ZONE VIA A E O VIAEZZ P AM REME E ULLO CH SC I VIA ELL R BA I N ZO G. M L AP IZ AN T E VI AL O DI B DOVIC GIO VIA TIB UDIN A N N I DA VIA GIOV CIANO VAG RO DA CARA IDO VI PO L VIA LU VIA VIA LU V I A A N TO N I O S A N T ’ E L I A CE CA INA SC A CA T T VIAMAJE Getting Around MILAN STADIO SAN SIRO O VIA CRE TESE VIL VIA VIA VIGORELLI VIA MONTE STELLA IPPODROMO AND LE A I ZIO IN VIA NEGROT TO SO IN NN A PARCO DELLE CAVE 92 W H E R E M I L A N I december 2014 BRANDA VIA BIC VI A VIA DUR IS N ES PE VIA PANNUN AP VI BOSCO IN CITTA’ BOV R CO VA A I B. O N G. TIN IV. T PR E BU VIA TI D ET I LL DICE GIU NI VIA NADO A DO ASC IA VI PARCO DI TRENNO VIA V VIA 7 days a week, all year around. 48 hours: ticket NO FFI VIA I HIA O P IAN SC valid for 3 lines. 8 language commentary. IVI V IA M O VIA BR AND IA C V N Z ANBAN GA Prices: Adults (25 euros) - reduced (15 euros). V I A VIA BRUNETTI O LLA GIAX Departure: Piazza Castello. M1 Cairoli. Zani Viaggi, C C I Malpensa Express trains - T: 199 151152. MonRA TOWER VI DE NU A N ILanza. T: 02 867131. TE PIAZZALE A VER Foro Bonaparte, 76. M1Cairoli – IM2 VIA LDI LI AND TE A Sun 7am-9pm. The train connects Malpensa M E. B C A N B V NIZZA O IAN C E A R VI A A. VI SC ON TI VI I CH E4 www.zaniviaggi.itV–I Awww.livemilano.com. I R N. VIA V I A Map ND A with the main railway stations of Milan O IO VI A CU MA C AL A M The first private outpatient IO L A VI IVIO BA AI I AB A ZURICH G A R I VI A BO A V R O PIAZZA BR FU CI VI HEAD (Cadorna, Centrale, Porta Garibaldi) with 131 E IA B A O M V IIAA I V RS M OFFICE V I that guarantees coverage IA I S V service V GGIO SEGWAY - The trendiest,IBAUSAN most environmentallyA M V IA C O TIS A A Journey times vary from 29 BONO IA N APANI AL daily departures. R I SOM CE B L E VIA TR T A U S S C NT I AN V IA M of mild to moderate medical, friendly way to Evisit a wide V IAoffers AR MO EL VIA COL LEG NO R C the city. Segway P O P V IA minutes (point-to-point) to 52 minutes. RT NI S T IN CU U LO PIAZZALE VIA I M MACIACHINI PRE N IA ORIA V IA LO SANTORRE VI range of services including “Downtown Tour” (3 V IA B E S O Z ZIA Nsurgical NE VIA CENTER E L LO O IA B. O and orthopaedic V V SANTAROSA O Ticket: € 11. www.malpensaexpress.it. Z O L R A IA C VIA RICCI N E N V NI SIO A SA GE TA O I PIZ N IA G SA IA A E V I V NT N E O VA new city AL hours). Now available: h LL VIA MO A N B bike tours (1.5 VI VIA GO RÈ A E IADEL emergencies. G VI U VI V T: 0331 258411. Malpensa Shuttle bus A M G D VA AL . BO A and 3 h). English language or audio-guideV I Aincluded.VIA CAF IERO IA E N DEL ER VIA PERI RSA ANI LL I EDepartures from Terminal PIAZZA 1 exit 5 to Stazione I P I O V IL L LA V IA B IN V IA NT I Vand VI A FR PA LL P P Reservation advisable T: 02 39545062 O E AL I CASTELLI IA TO N R V R Centrale FS, I Mob. 393 2801000.PIAZZALE AN SC PR AM PO LIN LO BE every 20 minutes (6.20am-10pm) / A A O A – info@segwaytourmilan.com. V PIAZZA VI TE VIA CE I Terminal 1, every NU LUGANO VIA from Stazione Centrale FS Hto VI VIA NO MACIACHINI SC AL A PANTALEONI Dedicated telephone line DE L A Piazza Sempione, 5 (Arco della Pace). AG Ticket: € 7,50. OLminutes (5.20am-9pm). E O R 20 VIA O M O BO N GA C ONE www.segwaytourmilan.com - www.milancitytour. TI VIA AJ VI DI SP . A ENNER AN CI LE VIA E R ISS A AL O P. F www.malpensashuttle.it ER AM TA VIALE J LE it. Map D3. C U L MA A A ARD VI TIS DI UR I BR I E VIAVIA ATLAN I RCH B A A V V UG Immediate medical A AR VIA S VI POI VIAE RO V A Departures from Malpensa bus Express G A M R B D EN VIA LV UA I ELL I C H CA FIO S TA VI A A G A I Y V IAZ A ER I AC VI DE E T QU R V IN A IS assistance I IA L Terminal FS every IE GA AT T 1 exit 6 to Stazione Centrale EL TO AR FRA RT ANCET T AL PIAZZA IB NB CE LL GIA IA LL EN NC V IA L E L VIA V I AI C E PREALPIfrom VI S A 20 VIA min (6.50am-10.10pm) - Departures GL ESC CH NT GH AR VIA DE MO ON UG O Z I A Z OV AT O INV I VI 6 every PIAZZA BES 1 exit M Stazione Centrale FS to Terminal A O E D OD PALAZZO E O CO Expert practitioners at ER LIN ER SPOTORNO BE N E IC I E H N L AL DELLA MIC IGO VIA TT SO IC7,50. VIA Ticket: A€ 20 min (6.50am-10.10pm). VIA TORNO SIO M N EY I LE A PA SIDN VIA CU VI DA VIA RI VIA CR STE www.autostradale.it VIA LO OCE CIM LV I NE O E I O Multilingual staff (English, AB I C C V C D E UE GAScentre IO of Milan). LINATE - (7 km fromIAthe T A F N VILLA SEND VIA AF R N R VIA O T French and German) L GA SIMONET TA I 74852200 ES O BO LAM LLI M SC O AR CA Flight information 24h-24h T: 02 M FR AN CE RI P UG VI A VIA V I A V IA LE NAN IO .A ALS (call center). www.sea-aeroportimilano.it A L I O N G ERIO E O V C GE IA CE PIAZZALE ES San V Bus 73 - Departures from Milano-piazza RT EU SEGRINO O I NC E VIN R O L A A P S(5.35amPIAZZAL A VI C I R I SSI Babila to Linate, every 10 minutes O A A A I N B C F Monday-Friday V A VIA LU IGI PO D H A V N R LAGOST RR O C A R I LA M IA G MB ERT EN GH G NA C O I 0.35am). Departures from Linate-FloorTI Arrival VI ON UG PR U IUL R A IA 9am-7pm I V E T C A I V B A IO TA T I VI R A to Milano-piazza San Babila, every 10 minutes N A NA D EL LA AN G ELO bike V VIA SPA CIMITERO LE PE PE RG O ER PIAZZA Milan by PIAZZA VI T TA SA LA E VI A VI CENIS AC (6.05am-0.55am) LE S PIAZZA GIN VI A JA CO VI VIAthe Municipality A FIRENZE VIA MONUMENTALE PER BikeMi IO - ACANEVA service of available DA L VE PO CENIS IOfromPIAZZA VIA I VIA SE B DIOCLEZIANO TR M A RM I E CORIOLANO ZO AB V DI 100 docking stations EN VIA T UZ more Ithan dotted across the NA ON GO U E ERZA NO VI B ORIO AL SERIO - (45 km from the centre of Milan N FA LO NA V I AA PA ST RE NG VIA AN2.50*. The first half hour SO is Via Carlo Crivelli, 15/1 O GHI O VI A CO I ADaily subscription S€ GOY I city. NIC VIA G O IO V A V . T H PE A BOSCO M LO VI EN RO N –LECCA4 direction Bergamo). Flights and bus info PE BR VIA OS VIA Tfor VERTICALE VIA COLLECC LE OL A V O A C VIA E (M3 Crocetta) I E IA FREE and the bike costs €0.50 every 30 minutes M HIO O V FE ORE A SIRO VIA UO P. M C O DE RR VI LV T TI VI NI FABBRICA VIA 24h-24h. T: 035 326323. www.orioaeroporto.it. AN T AR A E TA N RI A TE M ER thereafter D V IA G (up limit of V2IAhours). IG . F to a maximum FONDA BO T:DEL 02 58319874 SA IU VAPORE AS RA IN OMO DO Parking Bus VIA EFILIB SE CAT R STAZIONE C D E L V O P Bus from Aeroporto Orio Shuttle O TAZZOLI VIA IA B P M You’ll be charged A after two hours. € 2 for each NC extra PIAZZA ASS VIA IP VIA D TE OI VI www.codiceverde.com PE GARIBALDITURZO I O PIAZZA ESan DAMIANO I VIA E every 30’ (6amto Stazione Centrale FS Mon-Fri R EL N hour or fraction of hour. Instructions and info at D L VIA QUADRIO A D S GERUSALEMME C I VI A E CEN IOM CHIESA AREA IA A GH A PORTA L VIA PR OC AC CIN EDE AR TAU EX ENEL VI (8.15am-7.15pm) / NUOVA GSat-Sun LIZ www.bikemi.com. T: 02 48607607 I 10.15pm); A every 30’ RO VIA CREMOSAN NA AL RI PO NI O VIA A VIA BISANZ O I V IA O from Stazione Centrale to Aeroporto Orio MonA L I O O A I R R I E IO TO CA L E S FE T R O V A SP EL VI IAUD CC Q U S IO Velocipedi and tandem I ON VIA E V IL D I NI AR - The new VGcitybike M NIE IANI PIAZZALE Fri every 30’ Sat-Sun LE V TI A TE BAIAMONTI ON every 30’ E A (5.45am-11.15pm); CA IA C ON . D IA serviceAVoffering ER LE LA VI A V VIGL LLO O free delivery and pick-up directly L B EC V V Courtesy ATM O IA R RIS S IO S (5.45am-7.15pm). € 9,90. CO PORTA LE PA PIAZZA E S TO F P VI LE Ticket: A I C Z O book OR I SUB RP A V A C A GRAMSCI VOLTA A IS at your hotel. To the delivery of a bicycle, just SA I D A I I B IO LO I U O V O O RE V V MICO PA O Z V A LARGO V IA M VI A F VIA T Z LE CR O 366 U PIAZZALE A 1697605. EL VI PAG I call us on T: Cost (for a city bike): 1h GADDA IS VI D L R PIAZZA VIALE MO V PI I O ASO N FI VIA D A U A T R NT I B EG A A RA PPA XXV APRILE LOT TO V IA IN ACH V IA Vhour M CA O VIALE DUILIO STI (€5), LARGO additional (€2), daily rate (€15), NO Emergency Trains PR extra day A VIAL ILLE BAST VIA GIOIA OL OS LARGO DOMODOSSOLA VI V IA G IU IO N I E CA M V AFerrovie dello Stato - Trenitalia Railway PA A DI PO MUSEO RESIDENZE (€19), weekly rate (€60). www.velocipedi.com A PRIL A I VI MEDICI I R V VI O RT LI I V MAC A • EUROPEAN EMERGENCY NUMBER. 112 A VIA RD ISOZAKI CC M DA V GIANNONE I O . LIBESKIND U F A I Company - Info T: 892021. www.trenitalia.com A A L VIA ALFIERI IAN R TA VI R RS EL . V R T S N E L 112 is the unique European Emergency Number A A U Interpreters A R VIA F VIA PRATI O A A F. M GI run-up SI SA In Ithe to thePIAZZA food-themed Universal LA VI VIA CA OT In addition to the metro (underground) system, Milan offers fast-track access to major cities NE VI LAS EL C A CE VIA TRE TORRI A A FATEBE ZI L created to provide all European citizens LIN N TO NESORE D VI BIANCAMANO LARGO to A VI VA NA NO LLE CITY LIFE Studio Bernitz - carey.bernitz@gmail.com EExposition VI LYCÉE IA ON of 2015, Milan is getting cited in the listings, Milan is also covered by across Italy thanks to its high-speed trains. VIA CIRILLO E E A RI RTA LA ready PIAZZA FOPPA V PO T B DI I S VIA CA L S with a single number for their emergencies: PIAZZA ON STENDHAL LAV GLIA S NI NA TE I V PE I IA D welcome millions ARDUINO D A M ZIA of visitors: eagerly-awaited 6 FEBBRAIO numerous tram and bus routes. E • Turin: 1 hour • Bologna: 1 hour • Florence: 1 R N T: 02 26410024/335 6348682. E E V LLA I T M A A E EL RA I L Ambulance, Firefighters, Police and other T M E A A O S CO V R tickets forVI Expo are now on sale at the VI GH IA ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi – hour 40 min • Venice: 2 hours 15 min VA BE RESIDENZE VIA CAZZANIGA national forces. PIAZZALE PIAZZA IA Language Consulting -Vwww.lcc.it VIA RESIDENZE Milan Visitor Center in largo Cairoli. PIAZZALE V LIBESKIND VIATransport DEI ROSPIGLIOSI Local Public Company • Rome: 2 hours 55 min • Naples: 4 hours 15 minVIA HARAR VIA STRATICO SAGESTA FRATELLI VIA SANGIORGIO PIAZZA SEMPIONE HADID “112 Where ARE U” is the app that calls PIAZZA Via Lanzone, 6. T: 02 8057846/864156. ARCO DEI O S. LARGO ZAVAT TARI L. VIA 35 AXUM DELLA VOLONTARI VIA A. SPINOLA LARGO Open MANTEGAZZA V IA PA L AN TREVES SENOFONTE VIA MONTE BALDOdaily 7.30am-7.30pm. www.atm.it. PACE ERMO I VI AL E M ON SS TRENORD - Milano Lombardy Railway - Info the number 112, where this service exists, DI CE O VI O TE BE L AFRICA PE VI DI T: 02 48607607 (7.30am-7.30pm). AR A A EX AN 34 Деловые переводы, экскурсии, шоп-туры. AN NO AN VO CI N VI C T: 800 500 005. Mon-Sun 7am-9pm. A automatically sending your location G VIA VIA AL I R O FI A L IA O BE A E TE A P ITO I V G GO D L NG C AT V A E www.vivatmilan.com vivatmilan@mail.ru A 38 P I P R A A From Milano/Cadorna to Volandia Museum, information and all the other information you I O O L PIAZZA VVI Ordinary ticket (1.50 O€) V A A TA SI IA AL 36 VO VI VI O AT V GIULIO CESARE T: 338 6751422 37 E O AR DI via Malpensa Express in 30’. www.trenord.it V included in the app. AR V Valid for 90 minutes. A M Can be used on buses, A GA V IA F IN VI ILT O .M DA E IA I R AT E B L N C H O PIAZZA 39 A Atrams or the metro (one trip only). E To be able to use 112 Where ARE U location ZA A N IA A N T CAG VI S. MARCO IO R I V IA IC IZ VI IZ C IO D E L L’ 33 P F RI L VIA LARGO S TA P O C N T A N IA E N T V SCU AN N VI PIAZZALE O P MICENE E IN ON P . C I I O services, it is necessary to subscribe, using the app. O S R A Taxi IA DayOticket (4.50 €) - Valid 24h. Unlimited travel A O I V 5° ALPINI TU A IN V IA M IA C H IA NT I V I C R V E SELINUNTE IO L Medical Services VIA M I AN V IA F V A trams and theI COVmetro. “112 Where ARE U” sends your position to EL DO A A TT 30 H E S I- www.028585.it IA GR AutoradioTaxi T:M02 8585 P. VIA VI ZIO ARC D A NZ FEon buses, AR I I O E. V IA VI IA GR LA CI R (8.25O€) N O outpatient A RR CA service IN the 112 PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) RN - Valid 48h. Unlimited IO VIA ZE PIAZZA V C Two-day ticket R I I Radio Taxi T: 02 6969 - www.yellowtaxi.it T Codice Verde – The first private A R Z A C R A CASTELLO ER I I N I VARA A G V A R I N O E I V M BRESCIA SFORZESCO management software, allowing an accurate IO PIAZZA ET RI GA travelI on buses, trams and the metro. Check PA of mild toPmoderate RE EL Taxi Blu T: 02 4040 - www.taxiblu.it V I A P O that guarantees coverage V AD SELLA BU M B BUONARROTI NI A GI EG OR VI M AL A NA location for a rapid response and stores À I O orthopaedicVI emergencies. M VI DA IA SA EG rates for the extra-urban subway. Radio Taxi Milano T: IN 02I 5353 - www.etaxi.it medical, surgical and TI N R TA T T E IE T V R CC P N A A A A R HI I DI A LO RE SELL VI PO SE I VI VI STAZIONE your personal data, including ICE (in case of MONTE E G R I NIN I ROS IA Return ticket to Rho Taxi Milano T: Services offeredMVinclude check-ups, diagnostic CO ORSO VIA SA N CE Fieramilano (5 €) CO OP O V IA02 4000 - www.024000.it TRENORD A. ON 2 0 VA I VIA DELL’ VIA AS ZI VIA DEL IA DA (Malpensa Express) IA NT I OS C C U S A N VIA DEL LA emergency) numbers, that can be called for FI M O N IA I V IA V FA V F Taxi fixed fares: V checks and specialist visits, medications, outpatient A BUR R CH I G A UR IELLO A A VIA G. D’AREZZO IU V V SA O SA G. VI VI PIAZZA VI Where to buy your ticket: from allVauthorized SS 4 IA VAL IA REM you by the 112 PSAP operator. A IA LARGO AR R GO O AN CADORNA IA Malpensa Airport – Milan (any location): € 90 admissions VIA RASORI VI K O SPOINTs and automatic PIAZZA withV the availability PIAZZA PIAZZA BEL treatments, hospital O B R VA N D CAIROLI M OATM R. DELLA ticket sellers, ACCIO BOCC O REticket VIA F PIAZZA I V VIRGILIO D A IOof a team of surgeons and CONCILIAZIONE IA T Malpensa Airport – Fiera Milano (Rho): € 65 private facilities organized PU ERA WAGNER V I A in underground stations. ILLEL RE VI VIA RUBE SCALA CC CENACOLO vendors RGH PIAZZA INI FI NS O VIA CASE RO • Open Pharmacies T: 800 801185 Fsurgery. MA Malpensa Airport – Linate Airport: € 105 M LL VINCIANO COfor VIA PIAZZA 5 SI RS emergency SA O VE RC EL operations or elective A VIA PIAZZA O NE I SAN MA T PIEMONTE RTI A NE A V LI speaking TTI I French andSANTA 26 • Passports Questura di Milano, PIAZZALE FEDELEV Foro Bonaparte, 76 MO V IS Linate Airport – Fiera Milano (Rho): € 55 V Multilingual staff English, VIA IA LARGO P DE ANGELI COR Lost and Found on ATM Vehicles: NF IA BARACCA AG A MARIA I ANCONA SO M ER PIAZZA 2 T:IGL 02I 867131 VI VIA AGENTAM1 Cairoli via Fatebenefratelli, 11. T: 02 62261 AUR VIA ME-RAV RA DELLE MAGE NTA VIA M Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm. ViaCORSO Carlo Crivelli LZIO CORDUSIO VIA GROSSI MORONI VI TO German.VOpen OTTA IA M GRAZIE U Mon-Fri 8.30am-4pm. Via Friuli, 30. T: 02VIA 88453900. A V V I TOMMASO GULLI M I PO S. expo2015@zaniviaggi.it PIAZZALE VIA JACOPO TR ER A D O V PIAZZA E C A M V R N S C I E IA FRAU PALMA 15/1 V IA (Porta Romana district-M3 Crocetta). AN I RE TA . NE MA SIENA TI AFFARI PO www.zaniviaggi.it/expo2015 VIA ’AG NI LIB PIAZZA FU VIA NT PIAZZA NTO VIA Map F6 T: 02 58319874. LC S. SA DEL IO CAwww.codiceverde.com. DUOM LA VIA IA O M VIA GGIO IOL ON V IA D VIA Cimitero Maggiore UNDERGROUND NETWORK AND URBAN RAILWAY SYSTEM City Tours V IAZ IN I Z GRA O Airports GR VIA LLE VIA CHIA SSERINI ESSENTIALS V IA LI UO PO Z Z RI 1 LI GUIN IZEL VA VIA O PA D CO A VI A. D’AOST A VIA PA VIA LA GI TT LA TIT O LIV VIA IO ER I ISN VIA VA LL Four hundred masterpieces of Italian and O DI VIA HINat one of Milan’s BR FA International 20th century Cart UN A’ TUR O DEL A I V Map F5 newest museums. LI CAR ON TER O CIT T U L LBrera I A N District O One of the city’s most vibrant districts known for its bohemian atmosphere Porta Romana and trendy nightlife. Map F3 GO VIA GONZALES VIA SUL MON A VIA ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO VIA I PIAZZALE BOLOGNA E GNO C S N LIO H I GVIA CC LO BA VIA OR Via Brera and surrounding areas. M2 Lanza VIAL TAG BOS VIA O TA EN EZ IA N VIA VIA LONG ANES I VI A NE RV ES A ENTO C LIAM . SA A LAR VIA MONTE CIMONE L ABE www.museodelnovecento.org. CAR VIA VIA CINI Piazza Duomo M1-M3 Duomo AV IO Museo del Novecento/Palazzo VIA CADIBONA dell’Arengario VIA MONTE VELINO PIAZZA INSUBRIA VI NN NIO VIA LOMBROSO www.milanocastello.it. Piazza Castello, 1 M1-M2 Cadorna FN, M1 Cairoli, M2 Lanza VIA DEGLI ETRUSCHI V ST IA V RO AL NA O ZI EN AN VIA VIA L 5 Copyright Where Italia srl. © 2014. Original Map by Urban File - www.urbanfile.org OC CH OL TR VIA V DE IA F GL ILIP I O PIN RG O AN I A VI TT A SA VIA VERTOIBA GELLI I I IUL FR VIA IA BR UM E AL I IUL FR VIA CADO RE RE DO CA VIA I CH OS VIA E OL BU VIA VIALE RE AI A ER ISS LD BA VIA I SIN RO MO I FFE VIA I AB TIR VIA I I PA P VIA M ONZ A BE A VI NO PULCIA VIA MO NTE OS EN BU I AG N RG MO J VIA AN G. B. VIA SCIESA VIA A AN OL MA VIA AR VA S RL VIA AM AC CH BU ST A E RO LD RA CO R E O RS CO RA SE MA VIA I NZ NT MO LE PR ES O VIA BO T TA VIA VIA V IA D LEG V IA V NI NI I VE DO CH AC M A VI IO UL GI VIA S RE AI AN O A RG TI PE OR SO AP A TE I IN BR EM LO O IN OS EN BU O EN ER RIT A RG MA VIA INA REG LE VIA NER NTE MO LE LE E MIL VIA HE VIA D. ENRICO M.G.SAVARE RA IO C ALD A COVIA RIO IGE VI CO VIA SS A AD VIA FREG LLA O SPA CO VIA RS O CC LE A VI A ZI NE VE O RS LE U. A VI RESPIGHI VA V. RIO C VA E R VIA VIA ZA OR SF CO ES ORIANI EL RC MA B. VIA TA D A VI LA A VI A RIN CO E RON DI M OD I RIN V. D U C.S BEC NC RO VIA ANELLI VI AN RR FE A VI TT SE AC M I IG LU A TT AL SE TO ET AR ZZ A MA A EZI VEN SO CO R PA RO EU O IA VI IME CAL SAN VIA OIA I SAV CA D BIAN VIALE VIA S. LUCIA V NT AS IO VIA DA LU VIE DO DA VIC NA O R CA A V IA S A N T ’A N T O N IO U N F. D .P VI ST IVER ERD A A TA S I T O N FR L E A’ O A IO OB NN CA A VI M COR SO ITA LIA NO VIA MELEGNA EN UGLIA VIA VIA P IE TR VIA R ONTG O TEU LIÉ VIA BORGAZZI VIA BAINSIZZA VIA A VI A VI HO VIA EP LI A AG NZ GO A VI NA LE AD DA SAN FRAN CE D’ASSISI SCO BIA T TA VE VIA GIA V IA B MBOL OGNA CO RS O SA N GO T TA RD O R IO SC H I LI AN M D NO TO A VI TT O OL ME VIA WITTGE RI R TA TA MA SAN VIA NE RIN O V IA GRE VIA GO PA RIOPA XIV BANFI NT AC SA LE IN ZZA VIA PORL E IV VIA VIA CO RS O IT AL IA A VI EL IC TO A AR DI O UR LM SU G. S. AG M O RI G I VI A I N ZO PI CH I VI VIA PIO IV CELESTINO CO RS O DI PO RTA TIC IN ES E AR AL A VI N RO A VI A L Z A IA LF NA A V IA A S V IG L IO PAV E C A N IO SE SFORZ A VI A RO CE V I A C AL ATA FIM I VIA RICA SOLI VIA BRISA VIA A EN O CC CI TA ET N O M SI ES SI A VI O IPP E VIA VIA ATA ER MAC ANA ORZA LE O VIA STRI O OD VI A C VIA LEC CHI CO L BEN HI A PA VIA CIO LI AN A PI VIA SAN AU VIA LESMI SO NI O CC IO NT SA ZA AZ O ZE VECCCCA HIA EL ST CA A ZZ O I U CC G. C ARD VIA A ON OL RO AR LC DE VIA ’A VIA GO ST IN O VI MA VIA RZ IO A POMPILIO PI LC O CA VI A MO V DE IA ST IN VIA TERR AGG IO NI TO G DE IV I GL DE A VI IO CARA V IA S VIA AN NIC OLA SSO DO RA CA VIA I ET AN VIA VIA DI DS. G. IO VIA VIA ZE BAN NALE DEL VIA M. D. ROCCA LO V IA S . M IC H ELE D EL CA V IA L E RSO DI PO R TA V ERCEL L IN A A RESIN VIA SO VA G G VIA G. DE DRI ALESAN NI MA SOR DEI ORAZIO LU D O V IA VIA SCARPA I VIA CHER UBIN SA ARO VIA D . CIM VIA OL FIL I NIG SI VIA VARSAVIA RR V IC O G VIA VI BA ZZA ONI PA L NI PO AP RC PIE VIA VIA G. D CAST E RO I BON S V V SE I CH T TI A VI A A O TT RO ZA VI O ZI NU MA A VIA O SS PE OS RG BO ZO G. B. S A VI PE VI A NC VI A LE A V. P IO ISA NI ZI FIL VIA FA B VIA IN AN EM IEL VIA LE D AN I CH AR DE M ARCO VIA M G I A R DINI NI DEI IA VIA O IC RN A VI FA R A VO VI RA TI TU VIA D I PO RTA VI VIA MARC OR VIA ANDR EA A APPIANI NU O VA VIA CERN VIA S ES O AM MA RT IN I E R R IO H C EL M PE CO IA V IA NAL CO R V IA NI DO BOR V IA V IA G U S TA VI OL E. VIA LI EL ST A OI O RC MA VI A BA TTAG LI A AIA V IA SAN VIA ARCO AN M CO RS O ZO O IL A Z E R IN SOLF V IA M VA N IO VI A LO I VI A DE ST RI CH IO T I NI TE VI I ED FR I LIN RE LE VIA GI E RR IO CH EL M VIA VE SP UC CI A ES VIA VIGAN Ò CO M O RE RO SAL VIA GA SPA CO R S O DO LLI ME TA R A SEL VIA GA RIG RO VI A PI ET RO VIA BO RS IE RI O RI AD QU A I LD IBA AR GAR V IA VIA NO M O N TA VI A CO LA VIA MA S NE T BON V IA C.S DI LO CORSO ANTO TO A R IO S LIA NO F VIA VI V IA FA R IN I O LTA L LO TA V DI PO R IO N I VI A PI DE VI NA M O NT M ER CA E TE VIALE M ONTE BAST E MO V RA IA ZZ ON CAGNOLA VIA BALES TIERI NO CA VIA IB A L N SAVO IA REGGCAVAL IMEN LERIA TO O IN VIC LA OG E RGES O V IA BO DUN F.LLI IN USSI NI O CO IE VO M ER IO A VI TO VIA NO LI LITO A VIA M E N CORLEO VIA VIA R IO VIA SOFOCLE VIA VERONESE IPPO VIA RUGGERO DI LAURIA VIA ALCUINO BUONARROTI VIA O AC CI AS M A VI VIALE BOEZIO VIALE CASSIODORO PLUTARCO VIA POMPEO VIA VEGEZIO RR A VIALE MIGLIARA BERENGARIO VIALE EGINARDO VI A BR IN VIA TINTORETTO E ILL CH PA PA A LE VIA E SE VIAL VIALE ENRICO R EG VIA B VIA CALESESTO NDE DERZO VIA O VIA ALCAMO NTO ENTO INO CASS LEVA AGR IG VIA VIA VIA VIALE MAR JONIO VIALE NA EG RD SA I IMAN VI SARDI EI GR OLO RSE VIA O VI A V VIA G. WAS HING TON I VIA CO SE NE VIA SCHEIWILLER VIA SEGA NTIN I ELI ’OR IO A 15th century seat for Milan’s ducal family. Today, its museums contain masterpieces by famed artists. Map E4 PIAZZALE MARTINI I VIALE ROMOLO EN ED MP S. G SUG IV. VAL PR V A B IA SSALA CO M VIA CAL O ON CA VIA VISMARA 6 IER A VIA VIA PESTA LO Z Z I SIM CIR ATO RI VIA O BIND A VI VIA MONTE ORTIGARA Castello Sforzesco VIA MONTE ORTIGARA AR VIA CO NA TI VIA MASPERO VIA D IN VIA R. GES SI I CADOLIN O OSS Porta Vittoria www.ambrosiana.it. Piazza Pio XI, 2. M1-M3 Duomo VIA ND OA NF VIA VIA GRASSELLI IPL E VIA DELLE STELLINE SASSI VIA VIA Ambrosiana Picture Gallery PIAZZA EMILIA CORSO XXII MARZO MARINAI D’ITALIA Lodi TIBB V IA A RO DI SC BONAPAR T FO R O URSIO CC O AN ZZ SI 4 www.gallerieditalia.com - www.teatroallascala.org VIALE PUGLIE I NA ZANELLA VIAM1-M3 Piazza della Scala Duomo VIA MARCONA MARCONA VIALE MOLISE I G L’O VIAPOGGIBON AL VI VIA LOMELLINA OD ESC LI VIA NEGROLI NC OL The perfect location for the new Gallerie d’Italia VIA ARCHIMEDE VIA SISMONDI Art Museum and the premiere opera house. Map F4 VIA CERVIGNANO BIA VIA NC DE OS I PIN VIALE ARGONNE P VIA REINA RA MELLONI Piazza della Scala/Teatro AF VIA LAURA CICERI VISCONTI C O V IA RO NEL L FR A VIA CAGNONI VIA VIALE ARETUSA PIAZZA GUARDI VIA CARUSO VIA PALADINI NO VIA VANZETTI VIA ARNÒ LA VIALE CAMPANIA VIALE PISA VIALE SIENA VIA GOLGI MI VIA PIETRO DA CORTONA VIA GOZZI A 3 VIA AMADEO VIA BIRAGO FLLI GIAMBERTI ASELLI BRIO VIA ILLIRICO VIA VIA VIA C. FORLANINI VIA CONTARINI VIA SANGALLO ANGELICO SI VIA TALLONE ROMAGNA GALLINA VIA D G. PIAZZALE M2 Porta SUSA Genova FS COMPAGNONI TI ALCIA VIA PASCAL PONZIO SALDINI VIA VIA VIA VIA S 2 I SIN AVIAnetwork of canals perfected by Leonardo da Vinci VIA SD CA OL and Icurrently one of the main NAhubs of the Milanese I LE TT O “movida”. Map E6 CICOGNARA VIA MAYER BA CHI VIA PERONI VIA GROSSICH VIA BARDELLI VIA BUS O VIA VIA RENI D GOLDONI Lam PIAZZA ENRICO BOT TINI MANGIAGALLI VIA VENEZIAN VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO VIALE VIA TRACIA NEVOSO ERIO NICA ROCCHI PIGLI VIA GIOVANNI CELORIA A M1 ESan L S Babila, M3 Montenapoleone LO . AA VIA VIA CAM VIA TI VIA VANVITELLI VIA ZAPPA NTE ESID APR A VIA GIUSEPPE PONZIO VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO ET PIAZZALE DATEO I CC VIA SAN GIM IGN AN O 1 MO VIA D VIA C VIA B VIA DELLA SILA VIA IMPERATORE VIA POGGI VIA AMPERE AR VI O RT VIA FERRAVILLA PIAZZA Navigli NOVELLI VIA CARLO NE VIA VIA CARPI VIA INGEGNOLI VIA IMPERATORE VIA G.B.M. PADRE JOMMELLI LZ A I P NN PLI NI TIE PO IO VIA LEONARDO BA B. C VIALE ROMAGNA A VIA PRENESTE VIA PICOZZI VIA ACCADEMIA VIA VIA BAZZINI LOMBARDIA VI VIA ALUNNO VIA DEL VIA PADULLI MOLINAZZO NO INI LARGO Milan’s Luxury Fashion and one ofVIAthe most BOTTICELLI VIA District RIO STRAMBIO DE JANEIRO prestigious precincts in the city. Map F4, G4 VIA INAMA DA BRESCIA VIA MORETTO BIANCHI BENEDE TTINI RI I VIA AMPERE A IVA TE RA T OL INELL MB VIALE CATALANI VIA VIA ANC VIA M LA VIA ERR VIA AGN PIETR A LI I VIA GUR FINA E LE LI VIA GU AND OR A RE VIA AREN ZAN O VIA POG ATSC VIA HNIG MA R TELL VIA CES O ENA TICO À AVEZ VIA VIALE LOMBARDIA BOCCHERINI V O VIA Montenapoleone DE’ SIG VIA H GA G. VA VIA G. PIOLTI VIA PIAZZALE LODI VIA BREMBO C PA VIA VIA DIACONO www.cenacolovinciano.net Piazza Santa I Maria delle Grazie, 2 OL V IA M1-M2 S C Cadorna FN, M1 Conciliazione VIA CERADINI VIA O MUR DE PIAZZA PIETRO GOBET TI IN POLITECNICO I da Vinci’s mural Leonardo painting is one DA VINCI VIA GUERRINI of the most famous attractions in the world. Map D4 E RU DI VIA LE ISO NZ O VIA ADA R VIA MA VIA VIA LEONI VIA GV I CO VIA VIA VIA VIA ABANO “The Last Supper”VIAinBONARDI Santa Maria VIA delle church PIAZZA FU Grazie ST O VIA CARLO DE ANGELI NZIN UST RTA VIA VIA PI LO O AM O PIAZZA ASCOLI GIU V ST IALE IN IAN O VIA WILDT VIA CORTI Piazza Duomo-Piazza della Scala. M1-M3 Duomo O GI VIA I A RI AU G PIAZZALE LIBIA RD PA N OR CORSICA Exhibition of several works ofVIALE art from the Linate City 15th through 17th centuries and home to Airport (6 km) VIA BEZZECCA LARGO GIOVANNI BATTISTA VIAAtlanticus”. Leonardo’s Map F5 PIRANESI CENA “Codex VIA GIOVANNA ZIO BA ST OP EN VIA V IA V DONATELLO PIAZZALE PIOLA NÖ O RIC VI O ENZA AR RG HI VIA GR VIA VELA IO VIA BIANCO Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II VIA LOM ONA CO VIA SANSOVINO VIALE UMBRIA LO M RS ZZ SPA LLA LE VIA VIALE PICENO R TORRE DI PORTA ROMANA ORE IA L BE LA VA ARC PIAZZA TRENTO LE ANTO VIA TREBBIA GA E VIA V IA VIALE DEI MILLE VIA VIA M ESI O SON DE P VIA An elegant four-storey arcade housing luxury cafésVIA VIA MILANI room” I “living A N and designer shops known asNthe L L O SA CI PA IS IE Piola PA ofSSthe Milanese. Map F4 O I A VIA ZENOIA SO TI C IOC MA VIA HA YE Z VIA FRATELLI BRONZETTI VIA CREMA DI CO S FO VIA GOFFREDO MAMELI NE LA CLU VIA MENOTTI URTATO VIA SOAVE PA L VIA LIVENZA A VIA VILI ANO VIA MURATO M AL VIA VIA VIA 8 VIA MOROSINI VIA C DIA TI TELB VIT TADINI VI A VIA IAC VIA P VIA ROMANO GIULIO AN VIA FIAMMA ORA ACE VIA P AG N VIA AR AGU ALT VIA VIA CO .ROC VIA S BES IN RA CORSO XXII MARZO TAN A PIE INI VIA FON VIA PIETRO CALVI PIAZZA 5 GIORNATE SER Porta Romana A RCON VIA MA CELLINI VIA PODG RA A VIA O VIA MANA VIA DAVERIO NIA A VIALE PREMUD RVATORI SSET TO AMON V IA R IP PATELLANI CAS BOCCONI VIGNOLA VIA BELLEZZA PIAVE DONIZE TTI SE CON CHIO VIA MICCA IO BB GU A IA V VIA A MARIA VIALE BIANC VIA RONCHET TI VIA MA M E AN DR VIA LE TOS CAN A F VIA O VIA I I RO R TI LN EDE CHIM IA AR V PL ST Dateo VIA MELLONI ORNO T TOC VIA SO VIA LITTA ROTONDA DELLA BESANA RA ARMO VIALE SABOTINO VIA I VIA NE VIA I VIA MODENA VIA CARLO GOLDONI VIA LINCO FA R PIAZZA MARIA A. DI SAVOIA IO PIAZZA RISORGIMENTO AN I VIA SALAS CO VIA SPADOLINI VIA VIALE FILIPPETTI VIALE BLIGN Y TORRI FUKSAS VIVAIO MI L AM RT I A RIN VIA VIA TI VIA FAN G LLE PIAZZA S. PIETRO IN GESSATE I PIAZZA UMANITARIA VIA O PO I PE DE CORRIDON FILIPPO BARNABA ENDA DI DERIN O VIALEG L I I OL PE DE RIN SS EG VIA LL CA PE VIA EN TI N A TA V IG DI POR PIN VIA VIA CRIVELLI PARCO RAVIZZA DA O VIC OL RA SIN I O TIST SAN COMM VIA DELLA RS VIA IONE CORSO PORTA VIT TORIA STALLA VIA DELLA GUA C O R SO VIA QUADRONN O VIA BACH S. E A TT VIA VIA BAT OSPEDALE MAGGIORE POLICLINICO CO VIA PASS VIA VIA VIA ANDREANI GIARDINI GUASTALLA Crocetta A VIA NI A VIA IG GU AN ROZZI SP BA I A O V I TA N N PA M TONIOLO VIA SARFATTI ON I Y BOCCONI PIAZZA SRAFFA PIAZZA S. STEFANO VIALE BEATRICE D’ESTE VIA GN A LE GA V IAA M IN RG LL VIA MILANO AUGUSTO BE RE I BLI 2 TE E ON LE . San Babila VIA VERZIERE LARGO M EN AL A NT VI A VIA SAN C LE RE R LA RO S O F IA VIA MERCALLI VIG VIA RT A VIA RE SA PO TROTO PIE’O R ALL VIA LO PAT TAR I PAO VIA PALAZZ O DI VI PO SAN A O SENATO VIA VIA CA V IA PR E RS LA ELPIAZZA AB ERCULEA PIAZZA S. EUFEMIA E ARM I CHIN VIA EDA ND I VIA G RU OV E PIAZZA VELASCA VIA SAN A MOS I GO A IN VI CCH RA VI CO L ALD PIAZZA BIBBIENA E ORE DELL VIA VIA SANTA TECLA IA CMissori O CORSO ITALIA VIA CRO CE FISSO VIA VIA LE E TIB ILLA VIA BAL TA LA ENT C AS BA I BA AI LL RE VIA VIA COSIMO DEL FANTE I RI O VIATTIN GU BA V LARGO IA CA PIAZZA VAL FONTANABERSAGLIERI LOT TI ST PIAZZA DIAZ V IA R A CO PE RA DE VIA DELL A CHIUSA VI A PI ET RO CU ST OD I T HE CC H VI A TA BA DE PALAZZO REALE A ME E . VALL A DO N NALE R IN 5 AR VIA GIARDINO CA VI VIA MARCONI VIA MAZZINI V IAE L L PP MUSEO 900 PIAZZA VIA CH VVIA IAR ALBR MISSORI AVA ICCI LL IA GG VIA COL DEL ROSSO C .S PIAZZA DEL DUOMO CI I VIA LUPET TA .M VIA S RN CO VIA SAN LU IO V E V IA G SAN VIA FI Duomo E VIA ZEBEDIA NO FIE VIA DELL EMANUELE II VIA DOGANA I ON VIA S. RAFFAELE RE A R VI DA A SP L P E TR LC LI D EG LD I V IA IM B O C AR VIA A DEI VIA T TI PIA LINO FA V IA VIA FOSCOLO O RI V I A VA A VIA MENGONI A A A VI OR M AR 11 O VIA D EL NS NA NE ICI VI ETA EL D O A LL VI BO IA AS D O ELL LE E VIA TE I RO RD MO VE ER SEGR ER CA NT I O VIA MO ILI OS ON LI G. CL T TO M. VIA S. A TA VI NE O M A VIANER G BA AU R M A VIA ROLE A M B IG VI VIA B D E R IO N IA O A E ELLO N T MP 3 O TT RBELLO RA SSO ETER V I A R OV VI S. M ELLA VETR A AD ZZ VIA VETERE PARCO DELLE BASILICHE PIAZZA SANT’ EUSTORGIO O PINACOTECA AMBROSIANA V LLE . VA LO VICO PIA S O LE VIA NO SSI CIOVA TE V R TE VIA NO CI SON VIA SAN SISTO DA MEI PIAZZALE BELFANTI LI GU RI A NC SA O R IN V IA T VIA VIA S T SA AM NV P ITO A SAN LORENZO CORSO M ANU VIA DA RW IN CO A SOL T ’OR V IA VI A N O LI G EN TI VIA PAVI A A VIA SANT’ EUSTORGIO LD A MELO VIA LUS VIA BURIGOZ O ZO BUC VIA SAN MARTINO S AM IA V PIAZZA XXIV MAGGIOVIALE GIAN GALEAZZO VIALE BEATRI PORTA TICINESE CE D’E VIALE COL DI STE LANA AG VI LLA UL A S VIA DESTA CO . M PO CCHE RI . BO NA PIAZZA MENTANA VIA SPER VIA S. PRO Cordusio F VI BO R R O O D SAN VIA M ZI I TT VIA LE SCA RI UN SE FU M 9 VIA BOR SI Romolo VIA I O VIA CIRC PU C C O N VIA A A V IA E PA N Z N ’A LLI E P VI A CA D VI A I OL PA GA MA O E VIA FU I OLLALANZ A V IA F IL A R G VI ICO LE VIA RES V I 2 SA LO TO G AR COLONNE ROMANE PARCO ARENA ROMANA VIA GOLA TI LA E RR VIA DEI CR AL S COR CA I VIL TO ES RI NDRIA SA A TT GA E VIA VIA IA E DE RAN ESE I O GA T I C I N L G I RT AV IA N DI PO 1 A L Z A R I PA O E AL SARTIRANA V IAE L L A RC BU ON . PRIV VIAIORZA G AL AR GO M RI Z VI A VI G EV A N O IA ES A VI FO Porta Genova F.S. AL NO GN VIA T ER A VI GO VIA ON T OR T OR VI C IA EO V GH NO VO IN C E N Z O IB S A N V V IA E R C A LO C E R O VA T VI SAN O O VI VI RR CO VIA VIA MORA IS PA 4 N P I V IA A S PI GE VIALERI N E S RES GHIS IA TO C NI S O VIA NO A R VI D ZU ’O CVO GG G N PIAZZALE IA IO N FE CANTORE O A RR O NA ERA IC S. Agostino AR B BBIO OM BO RA OL VIA AVA C RB SO BA R A VIA CO AR VIA LUINI CO V ORANI ED VI VI LANZO A NE I LANZONE TOR A DE I C I CA CH L AT M IO IN NOV AD TI A M ELLA EN DE A DEL NAVIGLIO VID BER VIA E A E. PIO NC RI AL VI A I VIA TULLIO VI VIA VIA CO LA E CO ONE IO VI VIA NIR B OSSO S. Ambrogio H CC AL NTE O S AV SANT’ AMBROGIO UNIVERSITÀ CAT TOLICA NE VIA AZ VIA VIGNA IA ER L PIAZZA VA SANT’AMBROGIO TA N SA VIA R T . M. A O VIA ANSPERT VIA E E CA TI I TOR I SA VIA A MELVI LERIO ASS ES V IA ON IN VIT E GR GN ’A NT HI Cairoli I DI M FF G. D A M VI RA LT BE AR OP ZO RU TA VI SO VIA MO O VIA O LE A VIA AIN NIA SAL OR A V AN VIA DI CC PON A TI VI PARCO SOLARI O VIA LIF L AG I D AY C IA S CH IEV Cadorna F.N. ACCH I MARVIA RA SA B O NA P A NA VI EN ER TO CA AIS ISÈ MA I OB BE VIA INO V AR ALP L TO S GI SE AN VIA MO I VIA PONT N CO NC A Z A I FA R A FRA SAN AR HA VIA CH V IA VIA A VI GI VI ND INI I LES G AT T VI BA I EB VIO NZ VIA NEL ELL INT GU IA PIAZZA V O IAC W MO VI NT O ND IA AQUILEIA BRU R A A PO SI A BVA LO EL YA RKI S TO GO V IA VIA VI VI A LE ON TE ER A VI CH VI VI NI NI VIA CASTEL MORRONE VIA BELLOTTI VIA BIX VIA PP VIA CA VIALE CARLO POERIO DUSEV VI IA TA LI I UCCIN VIA BIXIO IN IN VIA PINTURICCHIO Palestro I PIAZZA VIALE KRAMER O PRIM SA VIA LV IN TO VIALE VIA INA MA R BOR VIA GH ET VIA BA IR DEI VIACHET TI BOS SP ITO RO VIA SE TO NA A S E DELL A VO VI UO F. VIA BBA GA O NT ST VIALE L. MA JNO A ON BRE CIOVA V VI RG IN E LE VIA CARLO PISACANE VIA PA ZO BO Montenapoleone PIAZZA A DE L CA RM DEL VI CARMINE VIA NE PIS VIA ON I A Porta Venezia MEL PIAZZA ENEF V IA D R AT E CAVOUR DE E L L’A L L I PO L NNUN LITVECC C IATA EC HI NIC O O AN VIA VA LL AZ ZE VIA VERROCCHIO GIARDINI INDRO MONTANELLI CC VIA VI VIA V IA F AT E B NO TI VI VIA AL A E VIA LA CA RE BA VIT ZZ DI ST B S T TO AL I PIAZZALE ROG IO RIO D GI NI I LAVATER DI VEN PO ET VIA VI RT O A ST A RE OP VE GI PA VIA NE NA NI ZI VIA F A PIAZZA I R ISI H G I OT TO PIAZZA LP A NOVEMBRE OBERDAN IA MA GI V VIETR0 OV PI AN NA TORI E SIR Turati LIA ON PI PA G PIAZZALEVIA P BACONE ARACEL PIAZZA LIMA GIU SP A VIA BRONZINO TE BE LLO O RI O AL VIA C E AS T U AT I VI NI A SIA PA A VI SI VIA CAMBIA Z Z E Duomo www.duomomilano.it. Piazza Duomo. A L L AM1-M3 VIA PECCHIO VIALE ABRUZZI I 7 A BARTOLOMEO EUSTACHI VI PARINI CA VIA VA LIE R VI EG VI I VI Loreto I VIA Milan’s cathedral isPORPORA one of the most important ANTONIO Gothic buildings in the world. Map F4 VIA CANZIO VIA PIAZZA REPUBBLICA GR LA TT Lima VIAL VIA GO ITO VIA G. O N H I A CAD MER T R V IA EL LA NTE L VIA CAMERIN LIPPI SA IC IO ES VIA A UV OL DI VI AL E M ON NT OV RG VIA FALLOPPIO VIA VI SC PE OSA BO I A Duomo ND VIA LUOSI LIN AR PIAZZALE LORETO A A VIA A RE VIA FRESCOBALDI EL SC PE E DORIA VIALE STRI N A VI IO PIAZZA LULLI PP TR A A ST AZ VIA D C O VA VIA 5 M Repubblica LFI VIA FATEBENE SORELLE C C IO OR VIA F CA A A BENVENUTO GAROFALO VIA A NI VI VI PA L LI A LO AL AV C ON LE SORE TTO VIA CA DURANTEof Points Interest LULLI R AV IA NG O PIAZZA SAN GIOACHINO A VI VI NZ I V I VIA I VI I IA BA TT AG N S IT EUR VIA SACCHINI IA N VI A LU PIAZZA CAIAZZO IAT - Tourist Information Office VI ES BR A I TRA VIA VIV NE MA ZE IA ZO N R Caiazzo IGI DA OL PIAZZA LUIGI DI SAVOIA PIAZZA DUCA D’AOSTA EL LI V IA P IR V AMVIA IN TO RG Centrale F.S. I GRAT TACIELO PIRELLI A PE PIE RMOPILI ADD AN VIA LE VI PA S T AURELIO R OM EO STAZIONE CENTRALE VIA V IA PIAZZA VIA IO LV O LE PIAZZA IV NOVEMBRE Pasteur DEI VIA RICORDI ASPROMONTE RD AN HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL V IA VIALE ABRUZZI AZ NA I VIA MONTEVERDI ER GA IM A O IS STE A M OS VIA 8 DO O FO ND OL LIB A VIA OF LE TO A AN OV LARGO OR O VIA A SS VI LARGO F.LLI CERVI DR DELL TREVESBALZA LERM N O MA A RC VIA VI A SELLA V IA N NI NA Expo Agorà V IA TO ERCA LO O OR CA VIA PIAZZA S. MARCO I F IO R V IAS C U R I O RI IA I CH R IO F EN RP VIA CA LI R IV OORO F EL DI A V IA ST NZ LA LA Moscova TA PON IA OLI V TIV VIA SA IN O Lanza AR I D EL O LI ERP O LC R C AVA TO SE SA N PIAZZA TE SS A MARENGO TA CA A EG O VIA M ZA E V IA PA SA N O V IA IC IA N SI M PL AZ BE CASTELLO SFORZESCO AG E E. IER EM BR VIA OL AL SO RI M G T RE PI RE S TA AS BU . E ME AL RI VI CU NI E AT R TO F BO R V IA VIA TURATI O IC LE VIA A OL EZ VE A A AL TE M ER VI A SO LF EN RE VI RC VI AL A VI VI I ILT ON FI C R IS TO M I M AD AN DE CA Gioia A VI GRAT TACIELO GALFA PIAZZA VIALE MO MA NT E GR AP XXV APRILE EI PA RC LIL O VIA BAST GA V I A LE IO N I CA MO V I A PO DI PO RT LO NT R TA VI ES NUO E DO A IO VA S A AR U AT ST DO LL E IO VIA A E AV AL PARCO SEMPIONE A C. PORTA NUOVA VI RI H AL A VIA VARE SE V O LT O DR AN O VIA LEGNAN VI HI A VVII VIA L. S. MANTEGAZZA VI Garibaldi F.S. IO AN O CC I I A I AC G PA NT A ARCO DELLA PACE O AN A CA GI MAR ELL ZI ’ A R VI HIE SC PE F. M EL IO 6 ESS IN O O VIA GL DR NI V IA NC C R IS P AL VIA PON TIDA VI VI ON Sondrio PALAZZO LOMBARDIA S T IL L IA ES LU IA N I VI A TO RR RO VIA URB VIA O GIANNONE LO N IE RI AL A I MA IO E DA VIA ON E GI ORVGI G U ERIA C IN O N FA V IA C O BOSCO VERTICALE I V IA A E R TO SP CQL E S S IO UEV D V IA IL L E I V IA V IA L E VIA SPALATO LA SE BE NI CO VI A O PE PO VI VI LC A N T D ’A O ZE PORTA VIALE PA SUB VOLTA IO ANT STI V IA G IU VIA RES PIAZZALE BAIAMONTI RAM VIA CE V IA B NICCO LIN I VIA ROSM INI NI LARGO MEDICI VIA VIA G. B. VIA A. DI CAMBIO I A RD VI A SIM Isola IA CA O DE A E TA N V IA G FONDAZIONE STAZIONE CATELLA GARIBALDI ZO URPIAZZA VI A E ST GAE L AULENTI FE VIA QUADRIO VIA PERASTO G TI O E S S IN EA A BR U N O PE PIAZZALE LAGOSTA V RO RO T VIA ALGA ON V IA M AL A VI VI RR ALE AR STU IG RZ IU O S VIA TAZZOLI EPP E IN NA VIA ZO NI E LB VA RA SA RP I VI A PA OLO I RT TI CA VIA FIO PIAZZALE SEGRINO S AU SE SSI IG LU ME VIA VIA LIA AZ I ERIO VIA ES E SC O AR ES AD ABB VIA NA G TA M LO OS IN AREA EX ENEL E RE VE L SI R TA M B A T ER G. F FR AN CE VI A VI V I AA PA ST RE NG VIA I NT FFI A LT R HIO VIA CIV ERC ES VIA DO AR ED O M SS A O VI R BOSCAIOLA M DO A 7 E VIA DELLA A I M O PE A TR VIA VIA RO TO L V IA E A VAT A PRI IER V I AC A R R R. B FABBRICA DEL VAPORE ALS BO SI BAS VIA LUIGI PO RRO LAMBER TENGHI O UG V IA VI A A N G EL D EL LA PE RG OO LA VI A JA CO D AL VE PO RM E Monumentale PR OC AC CIN I CC M M VI IZZ GA STE CAT NTE RO SI T IL MO NI VIA PU ZO A IO LE T TA U LI ZZE NA FI NI SO LARGO GADDA NA A A EN VI NO PAN GIO DE V O IA VIA MO ME VIA VIA NO BRU VIG VIA V IA VIA LI EN IG GR IF Cenisio PIAZZA CORIOLANO VI VI VI VI NC TI VIA LO G. M GRU LA N LOR VIA I OLI AGN CI R OC S TO ROM VIA L IN AT O NT VI A GA PA RI IPA PIAZZALE IA L ELLO P PA FO VIA ZZO TRE A VIAD’ADD I BEL DE IO A D IN O PA N SI ROS IA E . I CIMITERO MONUMENTALE V IA VIA VI A AR DA BR NA LD O ES CI A INO MUSEO DELLA BA SCIENZA E DELLA CARCERE TT SAN VIT TORE IS TECNOLOGIA IO ZA I VIA CE AR ERR PIAZZA VESUVIO O NZ C I ON ANT VER A L L E GR A I VIA IA OL MB RA VEP TA URA VIN F EBI O D EGA VIA PIAZZALE DE AGOSTINI PISA VI A TR IA S VIA EUS V VIA VIA MIS VIA FRÀ BARTOLOMEO DA TA VET IA VIA’ITAL D IO VIA SAN VIAHIA ISC GARIAN VIA FAVRET TO S VIA LIB I TAT ALU VIA A VIA VIA SA VIA LV IO PO PAO A VIA DIGIONE VIA COSTANZA VIA POMPONIO O HIN LUC INO VIAEL MA D VIA CECCHI E TN PIAZZ A IRNER IO O ELL VIA VIA DEL FUSARO VIA CAVALCABÒ VIA PIAZZA PO SAN VIABOTO CA AEL V IA VIA AZ N AV VI Conciliazione VIA ELB ESI ARA VIA P IR AND VIA VOLTERRA VIA RONCAGLIA TO L NER RAD O V ZI VIACRA N PA VI ET TO OT O CC I RCH VIA VIA ZU VIA SA MA URA VIA TRIESTE Pagano GI A VIA ZI ZI VIA AN VIA OD GI G VIA GLI V IAS C H IO A C PR LARGO 5° ALPINI A A VI CO VIA NCO RE MA VIA VIA QUARNERO LIO RNE AR MVIA D Fiera di DSinigaglia street market - every Saturday AV O RAN S A each OG 2 Naviglio Grande Antique Market - last Sunday E S TO month V Iof IGLI V IA P V A N 3 Mercatino Filatelico (stamps and coins) - every Sunday (8am-1pm) AIA O ALZ 4 Viale Papiniano I Nstreet market - every Tuesday (7.30am-1pm) and Saturday (7.30am-5pm) L L 5 Antique ORO B E and second-hand book Market - last second Sunday of each month IL M Cascina Cuccagna - every day LLI I CO A67M UGNATE V VIA BR O D Mercato della Terra (Earth Market) - www.mercatidellaterra.it IGI V I A A LO I ION V LE E D - third Sunday of each month 8 Mercatino di Antiquariato e Brocantage B. D CA RAN VIA G O O 9 Via Fauché street market SS I every Tuesday (7.30am-1pm) and Saturday (7.30am-5pm) L IM IG 1 I AT LD SO A SS A VI ZZ NI BEZ VIA ZAN FEZ OZ OSI LV I I 7APULI A VI PER D ’A R DE VIA EO D L G IG DEI LI EG I BA LLE DE LE VIA MU I AN PRI LIP I TU DE I VIA I DE DE ISI V I AR D A L GO INI L A RL S O M FIO E V IA CIO G VIA ID RO I LI LUVIA ALFIERI RIAN IG I C CESA PIAZZA AN D VA NA I BIANCAMANO RTA LARGO A ON ER VIA CIRILLO E VI LA FOPPA ICAVIA MAGG I VIA DI PO S L NI S I TENAGLIA I A RD EZ IA ELV M AN RA E E L T R VI A A GH I A BE VI VIA CAZZANIGA IA RIN VI PIAZZA VRMA PIAZZA VIA DEI PIE SEMPIONE VIA SANGIORGIO VOLONTARI O A A IN VIA OC VI ON NI EM ZI CR RO VI RA FI VIA I STR VIA I TIC MA EN G TE NE ON GRAMSCI R. TA A. N A A VI LAS L VI VI N PA A SI A UF Wagner PIAZZAVIA SETTIMO SICILIA I CCH F CLE NAR VIA LL OM RE VI A M ARE LLI A VI PR NC N CI N LO DA L A A M O P R PIAZZA A G. NE EO VI A GR A CA A VI I I XV VIALIANI VIA PROCOPIO NI VIA DIG O MO D O VIALMANN NZ G E R O N WINCKSHOPPING RIE RZA AREAS A I A I ENTERTAINMENT AREAS I V PIAZZA D N I PIAZZA VIA A DEL R 1 Duomo-Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II L E ROSARIO NI ERI BOLIVAR CO VIA S O DNavigli (D6, E6, D7, E7) ERIT RI VIA IA IA BCorso Vittorio Emanuele II V2 A TI V A Brera (F2, F3, F4) . L N L O DO V IAS AT I 3 Via Montenapoleone - Quadrilatero VIA GIO A. S Corso Garibaldi and VIA O SCR 6 TEG E A 4 Via I VIA N Dante I Corso Como (F2) IN V E L PIAZZA R C AR LO5 Brera-Solferino I NAPOLI Arco della Pace and VIA A N I V MUSEO ILIA 6 Garibaldi-Corso Como PiazzaZ ISempione (D3) SIC DELLE I Z(F1). R Z I L A I 7I Corso Buenos Aires N R CULTURE Isola PIAZZA A P NA S A O E LARGO V I A P O V V 8 Corso XXII Marzo FRAT TINI A TO N N S I BRASILIA VIA LTicinese TO R DIGITAL ISLANDS 9 Navigli-Porta L IA V V IA VIA ZUC DEG BE 10 Vercelli-Belfiore-Marghera INTIOFANI CAR LI O LARGO AR AViaMTorino IG SCALABRINI I 11 DE TORTONA 37 E S G RO LE DEL IA I O STREETA.MARKETS VIA VU AG VI A A VI I E VI O E A A LIN A LV Gerusalemme N ID DE AN RR VI DAVIA PISU. A VI PIAZZA CI UC C VIA CENI SIO O AN GERUSALEMME IO OC PI ZI I A TT VI ZIO I GR VI N Buonarroti VIA PRAGA VI A TI O P PR VIA ROTONDI RI SA VIA SA VI VIA BEL I S LV R ET Milano Nord DomodossolaVIA FE VIA PRATI PIAZZA 6 FEBBRAIO EU PIAZZA GIULIO CESAREVIALE A M DA VIA ESCHILO CA E ST LIZ PO A I IA DIO LA O A SO IA I VI OS V BAZ FO E EL OD TR FIL M A DO DUILIO LARGO VI DOMODOSSOLA SENOFONTE ON E NI N VO SA A V S AN OV Domodossola AR A VI IC A OL IL A A I ES V CA O AN RD GR A A ERN I V B N SA NA VIATEG N ON NC RI GAL VI LO NGA ON I MA GI AR RESIDENZE HADID A PIAZZA NN BUONARROTI LO O C IO PIAZZA NZ WAGNER SA RA CC A HI PIAZZA DIOCLEZIANO A NN SA HÉ I VI O RT S BE LO UC FA R AL A ST 9 A P. D. F CU A VI VIA VI A O A LE VI C VI A I BI A ON DI I EU PE V IA E ST I PR I NC GE O NI A NE N AR O SC D VI O VO H GO A AM SO VI VI LARGO AFRICA RO G RA EI G PI TIO VIA A RO TE ON I RE PIAZZALE TRIPOLI A E ALE VI NE VI VI R FA VIA CE VILLA SIMONET TA LA M M AL SAN A I VI TÀ VIA 3Ú V I VIA S TA T T E IN VIA I PIE A Zani Viaggi STAZIONE JAC IN S DI A V T ROSS SE I TRENORD EA GE MONTE E G R I Milan Visitor Expo Gate M OZA R VIA R O RS A (Malpensa Express) 0 AN DELL’O ND VI A. VIA Center 2 ’A A NI V I VIA DEL IA I DA NT A CU SA V F VI O A L IA V S VIA DEL AU F V BURCHIELLO R ITO A PIAZZA A A VILLA NECCHI VIA G. D’AREZZOGIU RO BO VIA VI SA VI VI CADORNA CAMPIGLIO SS VIA VIA A LARGO POZZONE A PIAZZA PIAZZA PIAZZA V RI VI VIA RASORI ANO BE VI DELLA SSI IA F CAIROLI ER ILO BO CONCILIAZIONE VIRGILIO I TRICOLORE R. V LF E ACCIO DR D VIA BOCC PIAZZA VIA IA R TE AM A I A VIA V O I R MA E PU I M O N FO R V O H TIC SCALA CENACOLO RS C PIAZZA E G I CO CIN R VIA CUNEO IO I ROTTE MEDA CORSO MAT TEO UL 10 AZ I FF TTI VINCIANO MA Urban VIA CASE GI LM CO RS O VE PIAZZA VIA DA SACRESTIA SA VIA 4 I RC EL LI Center PIAZZA S. SAN DEL IA PIAZZA PIEMONTEM FEDELEV SCAGN IA PIAZZALE SANO V BRAMANTE V SAN BABILA VIA BAS I O A V TRO MA I O V LARGO COR IA NF IA BARACCA AG VIA PIE S.MARIA PIAZZA IAT - Tourist I PR VIA BORGOG NA SA SO M PIAZZA ER NT MERAVIGLI CORSO DELLE MAGENTA ANCONA AGENTA A SE AUR E II NE DEL CORDUSIO VIA VI Information VIA M RA L A M V E A VI RE I IA VIA GROSSI PIAZZA LIBERTY U OTTA 1 TO LL GRAZIE VIA GALLERIA VI DE AN BELLIN Office VITTORIO O AFFARI VIA NEGRI POA S IM PANZVIA E M EXCELSIOR A A D VIA I TAG VIA CH O GI R TO C A GE Y AN M VIA FRU A VI ENDOLA IO CA A VI TT BA ON T BI ZZ VI A CIVITALI EM A VI RA VI A AR AN Tre Torri RESIDENZE LIBESKIND PIAZ Z A I AT A LE UE O AN R T E M E B A LI VI FI VIALE VIALE EZIO AL VI FR RESIDENZE ISOZAKI TRE TORRI CITY LIFE AM VI VI E PR R CO PIAZZA DE ANGELI VIA I IN OL RT A AN A CO NO VI FOR ANO BO O L. S DE MICO VIA A. SPINOLA AN I A VI A LVO ENZ VIA VIA VI BI CH De Angeli I RIN NI CI E I EN VI E UAL NCA DES VIA O PO N NI NT I M DO A STIC O A A ZZ E AT VIG NN EL AL LO PRIV. V NO AM CO TT VIA AIA TR GA A BA CH D PE OL ZIO VUL RO MA A IL AM NO C PIAZZA PIAZZA FIRENZE VIA CENI SIO CANEVA CO O LE O VI TI VI PIO M AN IA IA M PIAZZA DAMIANO CHIESA L CO A VIA GIOIA Amendola O V OD VI O ZZ O PE Q PAS MO VIA VAL A VIAIZZAN LAV TO L ZAGA LEGENDA VIA AR A DEI DA VIA A BAR TI D TU ELLE BEROSE ZA C CA Gambara VIA OL NS TRI VIA VIA I COL CUC ON IÓ P M O VIALE PIAZZA CATE RINA 5A N E BANDE NERE DA F ORLÍ OM NTE A AR V P I OR I AR G. PIAZZA ARDUINO A A ORI I Bande Nere AD IA TE E AL AL OS O ELL ON A ANT SSIN VIADA ME ER AN A VI ONI RANZ SL FR A VIAGARIO GAL VIA CAVALERI OR SIN I EA VI SS VIA PARIS A MORONI I GU PA A LEP UR A VI P OP PIAZZALE VIA JACOPO PALMA SIENA VIA A LV LIZ CIA CAC I BI VIA DURER LEVENTINA SA PI A VI VIA VI VI VIA RUBE LO I GL VIALE TI VIA EN O AN PIAZZA V BRESCIA ET T EN O L NE A ST VIA ZE Z VARA SSIN R SA AM ALT DS TR LA A UN VI AM CE AS A FR A LE VIA I A M SI A VI BI E L TA VI A M I LC NT VI A CI LL VI I CC LI VIA GA RI L RE DO GI EO NE VAL TE A PE O O RL A T AT DA A E NI V A CA VI M TO E ARMATE MO PA VI A TT RA VI RU Portello M O SC A CE A A A VI I OD VI M VI U R IL L V IA M O TT IO NA C. A VI NI VIA DEI MALATESTA CRIM AR AG A I MARTINE TTI GULLI M M VI IN N FA G. VI V PIAZZALE SELINUNTE M B R VA NDT 4 IA O OL A PIAZZALE FRATELLI ZAVAT TARI A ZA N TO M A G OR T AN AR San SiroA NO VI A W VIA MICENE VI UC VI VE LA LYCÉE STENDHAL I VI A R A CE ON IA V VI Rho Fairgrounds PIAZZALE 3 SC IA OR RO EL M NIE IANI E A VI A V VIGL LLO VI LE CE AN OT TO B UL GA AL VI VIA STRATICO SAGESTA A V IA FR A Lotto Fieramilanocity I Segesta StadiumVI A I E O I RD A GH VIA CREMOSAN E ER RA A RILL VI VI IN VI CAP I AT BO Malpensa Airport (45km)PIAZZALE LOT TO 2 PA VIA AL OI V FI LM IO H CC LE OL IA C VI ROMO ERE ICO IT ET A I V LO VIA AR SP SI SA HIO VIA N TO SA VI O RC GA BAS A EN ON BA DE E VI BR UE SE LE MA DE MED GO VIA COLLECC INA SC A CA E T T VIAMAJ VIA DIO A VI A RR M LE PL CI AL QT8 NI AB A VI A A GHI SIRO CIM ZO UZ A CENTRAL at page 37 NMAP VIA ERZA VIA T TI VIA E TO VIA VI A GIN PER VIA A Milano Map 1 VIA T SSEN DI V I AB LE CE R VI ONTE TELLA A GA VI A TAV A E A BU 6 7 [ ONL Y AT PRE M IERE H OTELS ] Where Milan Magazine 5 sTAR DELUXE (L) & 5 stAR Armani Hotel (L) – Via Manzoni, 31 • F4 Boscolo Milano – Corso G. Matteotti, 4/6 • G4 Bulgari Hotels & Resorts (L) – Via Privata Fratelli Gabba, 7/b • F4 Carlton Hotel Baglioni – Via Senato, 5 • G4 Chateau Monfort – Corso Concordia, 1 • H4 Four Seasons Hotel Milano (L) – Via Gesù, 6/8 • G4 Grand Hotel et de Milan (L) – Via A. Manzoni, 29 • F4 Magna Pars Suites – Via Forcella, 6 • D6 Meliá – Via Masaccio, 19 • B2 Palazzo Parigi (L) – Corso di Porta Nuova, 1 • F2 Park Hyatt (L) – Via T. Grossi, 1 • F4 Pierre – Via De Amicis, 32 • E5 Principe di Savoia (L) – Piazza della Repubblica, 17• G2 Seven Stars Galleria (L) – Via S. Pellico, 8 • F5 Style – Via delle Erbe • E3 The Gray – Via San Raffaele, 6 • F4 The Westin Palace (L) – Piazza della Repubblica, 20 • G2 Town House 8 (L) – Via S. Pellico, 8 • F5 4 stAR & LUXURY RESIDENCES AC – Via E. Tazzoli, 2 • E1 Acca Palace – Via G. Nicotera, 9 • OFF MAP Accursio – Viale Certosa, 88 • Off Map Adam Milano – Via Palmanova, 153 • OFF MAP ADI Doria Grand Hotel – Via A. Doria, 22 • H1 ADI Hotel Poliziano Fiera – Via A. Poliziano, 11 • D2 Admiral – Via Domodossola, 16 • C2 Ambasciatori – Galleria Del Corso, 3 • G4 Andreola Central – Via D. Scarlatti, 24 • H2 Antares Accademia – Viale Certosa, 68 • OFF MAP Antares Rubens – Via P. P. Rubens, 21 • A4 Antica Locanda dei Mercanti – Via San Tomaso, 6 • F4 Arcimboldi – Viale Sarca, 336 • Off Map Ariosto – Via L. Ariosto, 22 • D4 AtaHotel Contessa Jolanda Residence – Via G. Murat, 21 • OFF MAP AtaHotel Executive – Viale Don L. Sturzo, 45 • F2 AtaHotel Expo Fiera – Via G. Keplero, 12 – Pero (MI) • OFF MAP AtaHotel Linea Uno Residence – Viale Monza, 139 • OFF MAP AtaHotel Quark – Via Lampedusa, 11/A • OFF MAP AtaHotel The Big Residence – Via C. de Cristoforis, 6/8 • F2 Atlantic – Via N. Torriani, 24 • G2 Auriga – Via G.B. Pirelli, 7 • G2 Barceló Milan – Via Stephenson, 55 • OFF MAP Baviera Mokinba – Via P. Castaldi, 7 • G3 Berna – Via N. Torriani, 18 • G2 Best Western Antares Concorde – Viale Monza, 132 • OFF MAP Best Western Ascot Milano – Via Lentasio, 3 • F5 Best Western Astoria – Viale Murillo, 9 • A3 Best Western Madison – Via L. Gasparotto, 8 • G1 Best Western Plus Felice Casati – Via F. Casati, 18 • G2 Best Western Galles – Piazza Lima, 2 • H2 Best Western HL – Via Falzarego, 1 (Baranzate) • OFF MAP Best Western Major – Viale Isonzo, 2 • OFF MAP Best Western Milton – Via E. Butti, 9 • OFF MAP Best Western Mirage – Viale Certosa, 104/106 • OFF MAP Best Western Mozart – Piazza Gerusalemme, 6 • D2 Best Western St. George – Viale Tunisia, 9 • H3 Bristol – Via D. Scarlatti, 32 • H2 Brunelleschi – Via F. Baracchini, 12 • F5 Camperio House Suite & Apartments – Via M. Camperio, 9 • E4 Capitol World Class – Via D. Cimarosa, 6 • C4 Carlyle Brera – Corso G. Garibaldi, 84 • E3 Carrobbio – Via Medici, 3 • E5 Cavour – Via Fatebenefratelli, 21 • F3 Colombia – Via R. Lepetit, 15 • G2 Corte del Naviglio – Via Lodovico il Moro, 117 • OFF MAP Corvetto Residence – Via Osimo, 10 • OFF MAP Crivi’s – Corso di Porta Vigentina, 46 • G6 Crowne Plaza Milan City – Via M. Gioia, 73 • G1 De la Ville – Via U. Hoepli, 6 • F5 Del Corso – Via G. Pecchio, 2 • I1 Domina Inn Milano Fiera – Via Don Orione, 18 – Novate Milanese (MI) • Off Map Double tree by Hilton – Via Ludovico di Breme, 77 • OFF MAP Enterprise – Corso Sempione, 91 • C1 First Hotel Malpensa – Via Baracca, 34 - Case Nuove (Somma Lombardo) Malpensa Airport• OFF MAP Four Points by Sheraton Milan Center – Via G. Cardano, 1 • G1 Galileo – Corso Europa, 9 • G4 Grand Hotel Plaza – Piazza A. Diaz, 3 • F5 Grand Hotel Puccini – Corso Buenos Aires, 33 – • H2 Grand Visconti Palace – Viale Isonzo, 14 • H7 Green House Hotel Residence – Viale Famagosta, 50 • OFF MAP Hermitage – Via Messina, 10 • E2 Hilton – Via L. Galvani, 12• G1 Holiday Inn Garibaldi – Via U. Bassi, 1/A • F1 Hotel dei Cavalieri – Piazza Missori, 1 • F5 Idea Hotel Plus Milano Bicocca – Via della Giustizia, 10/d • OFF Idea Hotel Plus Milano WattTredici – Via G. Watt, 13 • OFF MAP International Residence – Via G. Modena, 4 • H4 King – Corso Magenta, 19 • D4 Klima – Via Venezia Giulia, 8 • OFF MAP Leonardo da Vinci – Via Senigallia, 6 • OFF MAP Lloyd – Corso di Porta Romana, 48 • F5 Maison Borella – Alzaia Naviglio Grande, 8 • E6 Maison Moschino – Viale Monte Grappa, 12/b • F2 Manin – Via Manin, 7 • G3 Manzoni – Via Santo Spirito, 20 • G4 Marriott – Via G. Washington, 66 • B5 Mediolanum – Via M. Macchi, 1 • G2 Mercure – Piazza G. Oberdan, 12 • H3 Michelangelo – Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 6 • H1 Mihotel – Via dei Fontanili, 56 • OFF MAP Milano Scala – Via dell’Orso, 7 • F4 Mini Hotel La Spezia – Via Spezia, 25 • OFF MAP Mini Hotel Portello – Via G. Silva, 12 • B2 In more than 16.000 luxury hotel rooms Mini Hotel Tiziano – Via Tiziano, 6 • C4 Montebianco Mokinba – Via Monterosa, 90 • A2 Napoleon – Via F. Ozanam 12 • H2 Nasco – Corso Sempione, 69 • C1 NH Milano Concordia – Via Lama, 10 - Sesto San Giovanni (MI) • OFF MAP NH Milano Fiera – Viale degli Alberghi • OFF MAP NH Milano Grand Hotel Verdi – Via M. Gioia, 6 • F2 NH Milano Linate – Via A.Grandi, 12 – Peschiera Borromeo (MI) • OFF MAP NH Milano Machiavelli – Via Lazzaretto, 5 • G3 NH Milanofiori – 2a Strada – Assago (MI) • OFF MAP NH Milano Touring – Via U. Tarchetti, 2 • G3 NH Milano 2 – Via Fratelli Cervi - Segrate (Milano 2) • OFF MAP NH Collection Milano President – Largo Augusto, 10 • G5 NHOW Milano – Via Tortona, 35 • C6 Osteria della Pista – Via Verbano, 1 (Casorate Sempione, VA) • OFF MAP Palazzo delle Stelline – Corso Magenta, 61 • E4 Palazzo Segreti – Via San Tomaso, 8 • E4 Radisson Blu – Via Villapizzone, 24 • OFF MAP Raffaello – Viale Certosa, 108 • OFF MAP Ramada Plaza– Via S. d’Ancona, 27 • Off Map Regency – Via G. Arimondi, 12 • C1 Regina – Via C. Correnti, 13 • E5 Residence Biancacroce Milano – Via E. Paladini, 7 • OFF MAP Residence Desenzano Milano – Via Desenzano, 12 • A5 Residence Romana – Corso di Porta Romana, 64 • G6 Santa Marta Suites – Via Santa Marta, 4 • E5 Sanpi – Via L. Palazzi, 18 • G3 Sheraton Diana Majestic – Viale Piave, 42 • H3 Sheraton Milan Malpensa Airport – Ferno (VA) Aeroporto Malpensa 2000, Terminal 1 • OFF MAP Silver – Via R. Lombardi, 9/11• OFF MAP Spadari al Duomo – Via Spadari, 11 • F5 Starhotels Anderson – Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 20 • H1 Starhotels Echo – Viale A. Doria, 4 • H1 Starhotels Ritz – Via L. Spallanzani, 40 • H3 Starhotels Rosa Grand – Piazza Fontana, 3 • F5 Straf – Via San Raffaele, 3 • F4 Terminal – Via Ponte Seveso, 38 • OFF MAP The Hub – Via Privata Polonia, 10 • OFF MAP The Yard Milano – Piazza XXIV Maggio, 8 • E6 Town House 12 – Piazza Gerusalemme, 12 • D2 Town House 31 – Via C. Goldoni, 31 • H4 Town House 33 – Via C. Goldoni, 33 • H4 UNA Century – Via F. Filzi, 25/b • G2 UNA Cusani – Via Cusani, 13 • E4 UNA Maison – Via G. Mazzini, 4 • F5 UNA Malpensa – Via F. Turati, 84 – Cerro Maggiore (MI) • OFF MAP UNA Mediterraneo – Via L. Muratori 14 • H6 UNA Scandinavia – Via G.B. Fauché, 15 • C1 UNA Tocq – Via A.De Tocqueville, 7/D • F2 Uptown Palace – Via Santa Sofia, 10 • F6 Vittoria – Via P. Calvi, 32 • H5 Windsor Hotel Milano – Via G. Galilei, 2 • G2 I MIGLIORI GIOIELLI ED OROLOGI DAL 1794 BARI - CATANIA - LECCE - LUGANO - MANTOVA - MILANO - PADOVA - PESCARA - TAORMINA - TORINO - VENEZIA www.rocca1794.com Ogni boutique propone le griffe nel rispetto delle concessioni concordate. more on www.wheremilan.com/hotels 96 W H E R E M I L A N I december 2014 Follow #Rocca1794 on