In Spirit - Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living
In Spirit - Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living
In Spirit January‐February 2015 Welcome 2015: Creating a Powerful Vision for the New Year! by Bette Humenick, RScP We had another fun time at our 8th Annual Vision Board Playshop on 1/1/15! We start off releasing our old year, leaving behind all the things we do not want to take with us into the new year. Then, we claim all the good we intend for this brand new year. We speak it, and are affirmed by others in the group that it is ours NOW! Then we go inside, pick out pictures and sayings to represent the things we have claimed, and actually create the vision board. Vision Boards are powerful. John Assaraf, from the movie The Secret, make a vision board containing the picture of the exact house that he ended up living in year later ‐ without him even realizing it I am so excited to see all the wonderful things that were claimed today coming into manifestation 2015! Tibetan Monks Return to Mountainside for Special Service The monks of the Gaden Shartse Dokhang Monastery will present our Sunday Celebration on January 11th as part of their "Compassion Tour.” They are here with the blessing of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to share their culture, practices and paths to inner peace and compassion. After leading the Meditation at 10am, they will perform the Ched Drol Healing Ritual starting at 10:30am. These monks are visiting Placerville for the first time, and will be in the area from January 2nd until January 15th. Many of their activities will be taking place at the Cozmic Cafe, 594 Main Street in downtown Placerville. They will be building a sand Mandala, as well as leading classes, discussions and rituals. Funds raised on this tour will help to build a prayer hall, dormitory, as well as and provide for the medical needs of their Monastery. For more information about their schedule, please visit, PageA 2 Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living Krishnadas Sundays: Town Hall, 549 Main Street in Placerville Meditation: 10am Celebration: 10:30am Office: 2920 Cold Springs Rd., Suite C Placerville, CA 95667 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1293 Placerville, CA 95667 Phone: 530‐672‐3119 Website: November-December 2014 Reflections from Robin’s Roost Lately, I’ve become fond of the term, “re‐ imagine.” For me, re‐imagining a thing is about seeing it in a different light, or a fresh perspective. The thing itself hasn’t changed. What’s changed is how I’m looking at it. With the start of a new calendar year, many people resolve to make major life changes. It seems to me that a lot of these changes are about “fixing” something about themselves that they perceive as lacking, defective, or otherwise “wrong.” What I find far more empowering is the idea of opening to a larger vision of my life. After all, cultivating and “expanding” consciousness are fundamental elements of a spiritual path. I believe that the way to expand consciousness is to start believing in something more. Life is eternal, and Love is unlimited, so there’s always more. But more doesn’t come from the outside. We already have everything necessary for a happy, healthy, loving, and prosperous life. It simply awaits our acknowledgement and acceptance. Contrary to popular thinking, it's not a matter of “seeing is believing.” In order to see something different, we must believe something different. In the coming year, please join me in re‐imagining Mountainside. We have so many good things going for us already, but there’s always more. I want to see our attendance grow. I’d love for us to move into our own space. And, as a Religious Scientist, l know that any change starts as an “inside job.”The first step is that I must embody the consciousness of larger attendance, and of having a dedicated place that houses all of our activities. I must see and feel myself leading a service in a crowded room of our beautiful, permanent facility. I must BE the person in that group, and in that space before I can do anything. The Joy Singers vocal quartet, from Ananda Village, will present the Sunday Celebration on January 25th. Featured in the movie Finding Happiness, the group has performed and recorded in a number of countries, inspiring many people with a new and more uplifted view of life through music. Their high energy and interactive programs are designed to show people practical ways to use music to improve day‐to‐day life, as well as to raise awareness of how effective music—in and of itself—can be in helping people deal with life’s challenges. So, I invite you to ask yourself, “Who must I become to see and feel Mountainside as a growing, thriving Center in our own dedicated space?” That’s where your personal work will start. Then, we’ll “grow” from there! “The basis of all mental healing is in a change of belief.” ~Ernest Holmes PageA 3 Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living November-December 2014 January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday Saturday 3 9 10 VISION BOARD WORKSHOP 11am 4 CELEBRATION 10:30am Guests: MONKS OF THE GADEN SHARTSE DOKHANG MONASTERY 11 CELEBRATION 10:30am 18 CELEBRATION 10:30am LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING 1pm 25 CELEBRATION 10:30am Guests: THE JOY SINGERS POTLUCK 11:30am 5 12 PRACTITIONER MEETING 6:30pm 19 WOMEN’S GROUP 2:30pm 26 MEN’S GROUP 6:30pm 6 7 MUSIC REHEARSAL – 7:15pm 8 13 14 15 BOOK STUDY 2:30pm 20 21 27 28 BOOK STUDY 2:30pm SACRED WEDNESDAY 7pm BOOK STUDY 2:30pm MUSIC REHEARSAL – 7:15pm BOOK STUDY 2:30pm MUSIC REHEARSAL – 7:15pm 16 17 23 24 30 31 “THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER” CLASS 6:30pm 22 “THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER” CLASS 6:30pm 29 “THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER” CLASS 6:30pm PageA 4 Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living November-December 2014 February 2015 Sunday Monday 2 1 Tuesday 3 CELEBRATION 10:30am Guest Speaker: Rev. Jane Beach “START WHERE YOU ARE” WORKSHOP 1pm 15 CELEBRATION 10:30am SOUPER SUNDAY ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 12noon 22 CELEBRATION 10:30am 13 14 11 12 BOOK STUDY 2:30pm 16 17 18 SACRED WEDNESDAY 7pm BOOK STUDY 2:30pm MUSIC REHEARSAL – 7:15pm “THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER” CLASS 6:30pm 19 “THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER” CLASS 6:30pm 20 21 23 MUSIC REHEARSAL – 7:15pm 10 Saturday 7 9 WOMEN’S GROUP 2:30pm Friday 6 24 MEN’S GROUP 6:30pm Thursday 5 “THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER” CLASS 6:30pm 4 BOOK STUDY 2:30pm PRACTITIONER MEETING 6:30pm 8 Wednesday 25 26 BOOK STUDY 2:30pm MUSIC REHEARSAL – 7:15pm 27 28 “PROSPERITY PLUS 2” CLASS 6:30pm PageA 5 Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living November-December 2014 President’s Message by Sandy Thein, RScP HAPPY 2015 NEW YEAR! CONTACTS As we start a new year, let us also appreciate the remarkable year we enjoyed in 2014. Just to recap some highlights: Minister: Senior Minister Rev. Robin A. Davidson (530) 417‐1177 During 2014, Mountainside took into its fold eight new members, also; during the September Way of the Heart campaign pledges came in 5% higher than the previous year of 2013. As well, our Online/social media presence has more than doubled. I recognize and thank Rev. Robin for all the time and effort she put into launching our new Mountainside CSL website. This newly revised website has proved itself a very positive impact for our center. As a voice for Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living Leadership Council, I would like to recognize the many talents we were able to enjoy as our guest speakers and guest musicians over the past year. Our guest Speakers included: Karen Drucker, Rev.Z Egloff, and Rev. Melissa Phillippe, Nayaswami Krishnadas, and Nayaswami Montradevi, Rev. Karl Huntley, Rev. Barb Walley, as well as the Monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery. Guest musicians included: Freebo, Gary Weinberg, Amitabhan, Kalayani, and Terra Perkins, RScP On behalf of the Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living Leadership Council we know for you and 'Mountainside' a prosperous year filled with much love and many blessings. Discovering Divine Love Popular New Thought author and speaker, Rev. Jane Beach will be our guest speaker on February 8th. Her message is “God is Worthy of a Leap of Faith.” Then, at 1pm, she will present a workshop, “Start Where You Are,” at the office. Based on her latest book, ”Choices: Choosing me is OK,” participants will explore a deeper relationship with the God of their understanding and with themselves. Rev. Jane Beach Jane's writings invite readers to investigate their own love affair with the Divine. Her personal relationship with life is contagious, and wherever she shows up an atmosphere of possibility, acceptance and unconditional love abound. CSL Licensed Practitioners: Doug Gradall, RScP 644‐4882 Bette Humenick, RScP 676‐7000 Margie Lueckfeld, RScP 672‐6394 John Ryan, RScP 676‐2826 Tomi Ryan, RScP 676‐2826 Sandy Thein, RScP 306‐6703 Leadership Council: President Sandy Thein, RScP 306‐6703 Vice President: J.J Borovicka 622‐8006 Secretary: Mary Towner 916‐961‐2744 Treasurer: John Ryan, RScP 626‐2826 At Large: Larry Polte 626‐7460 Alternate: Margie Lueckfeld, RScP 672‐6394 Book Manager: Jean Cunningham Sara Morgan 677‐0736 916‐769‐9308 Volunteer Coordinator: Sandy Thein, RScP 306‐6703 Music Coordinator: Jack Davies 903‐6242 Newsletter Editor/ Webmaster Rev. Robin A. Davidson 417‐1177 PageA 6 Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living November-December 2014 Spirits of the Season Thanksgiving at St. Patricks Adopt‐a‐Family Family Christmas Party Santa on the job PageA 7 Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living November-December 2014 Upcoming Classes "Thou Shall Not Suffer" "Prosperity Plus 2” facilitated by Bette Humenick, RScp 10 weeks starting February 26th 6:30pm ‐ 8:30pm Mountainside Office Class Materials ‐ $49 facilitated by Rev. Robin 6 weeks starting January 15th 6:30pm ‐ 8:30pm Mountainside Office Suggested Love offering ‐ $60 Discover your personal, chronic suffering patterns and learn about an effective and deeply fulfilling approach on how you can become free to live a more joyful, passionate, prosperous, and powerful life. Accelerate your understanding of the spiritual principles of money, abundance, and love, all while deepening your relationship to Spirit. Take your life and dreams to the next level, with this fresh all‐new powerful program! SENIORS…55 and older: If you are having difficulty with loneliness, grief, depression, stress, anger, and/or anxiety, Senior Peer Counselors can help. CALL : Senior Peer Counseling of El Dorado County 621-6304 This service is offered without charge; however, a small donation will help keep the Program going. Integrative Massage Therapy Bodywork customized for you 3094 Cedar Ravine Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 Sara Morgan, CMT 916-769-9308 Ask me about my special rates! Advertising Policy All advertising must be paid in advance. RATES: Business Card Size – supplied as is: 2 newsletter minimum (4 months) ‐ $30 1 year ‐ $80 There will be a $30 set‐up fee for creating original ads. Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living P.O. Box 1293 Placerville, CA 95667 Customer Name Street Address City, ST ZIP Code Change Service Requested DATED MATERIAL If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please call (530) 672-3119 to let us know. COMING UP… Please Recycle This Newsletter... Pass it Along to a Friend... JANUARY 11th Guests: The Monks of the Gaden Shartse Dokhang Monastery JANUARY 15th “Thou Shall No Suffer” Class 6:30pm Mountainside Office JANUARY 25th Guests: The Joy Singers FEBRUARY 8th Guest Speaker: Rev. Jane Beach “Start Where You Are” Workshop 1pm Mountainside Office FEBRUARY 15th “Souper Sunday” and Annual Meeting FEBRUARY 26th Prosperity Plus 2” Class 6:30pm Mountainside Office INSIDE THIS ISSUE Robin’s Roost Calendar President’s Message 2 3-4 5 Spirits of the Season 6 Upcoming Classes 7