April - Hope Lutheran Virginia Beach Hope Lutheran Virginia Beach


April - Hope Lutheran Virginia Beach Hope Lutheran Virginia Beach
It’s on ME and it’s on YOU!
APRIL 2015
From pastor nieting
This happens to me all the time, both in church and out in the world. A
situation has arisen where prayer would certainly be a good thing. The eyes of
everyone turn to me (those who know what I do for a living), usually
accompanied by words along this line: Mark, YOU pray for me, because you’ve
got the “direct line.” The same goes when the conversation comes up as to whose
work is “more worthwhile.” Because I “work for God,” my work as a pastor is
somehow much more valuable than, say, yours! Be honest, dear reader, have you
thought that yourself? I had the very same conversation a week or two ago….at
That may have been the case in the Old Testament, but not in the New. When
the temple veil ripped at Christ’s death, a direct path was opened for God’s
people. No longer was any intermediary or “priestly go-between” necessary.
We…all believers…are invited, even commanded to speak with our Lord, one on
And when it comes to work, know who I spend most of my time with? You!
You who are already called, gathered, enlightened and sanctified in the one true
faith! You, who are already Christians. With you I am a coach, a teacher, a
facilitator, a counselor, an encourager, all good and wonderful roles to be sure.
But in YOUR daily lives, I bet you rub shoulders far more often with people who
(Continued on page 2)
Issue 03-15
APRIL 2015
Special points of interest:
In this issue:
 VBS is Coming!—p. 2
Treasurer’s Report
 Foreign Language Classes—p. 3
 Hope School Now Enrolling-p. 4
Youth Group News
Knights of Hope
Leisure Lutherans
Birthdays & Anniversaries
 Summer Camp 2015 -p. 5
 Servant Event Opportunity—p. 7
 Easter Cookie Recipe—p. 8
* April Calendar- p. 9
Maundy Thursday ~ April 2
6pm Seder Meal & Service
Good Friday ~ April 3
Noon & 6:30pm: Worship Services
Easter Sunday ~ April 5
6:30am; 8am, 9:30am, 11am Worship Services
7am to 10am Easter Breakfast
(sponsored by Knights of Hope)
(February of Fiscal Year 2014-2015)
$ 4,197.61
Total Income:
Total Expense:
Income Less Expense:
By: Jim Hammond
$ 24,282.54
For a more complete Financial Report, please pick up a copy in the church office.
Get Ready For a BLAST at SonSpark Labs!
VBS June 22-26
God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus!
By: Carolyn Powell
At our amazing SonSpark Labs, children will explore God’s
life changing plan for them as they find out the answers to life’s
most important questions. They will discover that God loves them
and through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s
plan for each of us. There will be 5 sessions during the week:
Session 1 God’s Plan: 2 MAKE US!
Session 2 God’s Plan: 2 BE WITH US!
Session 3 God’s Plan: 4 US 2 KNOW HIM!
Session 4 God’s Plan: 2 SAVE US!
Session 5 God’s Plan: 2 LOVE US 4 - EVER!
At SonSpark Labs, all of our friends will enjoy great Skits and Music by Captive Free!! Kids will be
invited to visit each day in the following centers: Great Bible Stories, Yummy Snacks, Fun Games, Awesome
Crafts, and this year , we are featuring our COOL Science Lab. Our VBS is designed for children who will be
at least 4 years of age by June 30, through 10 years of age or fifth grade. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to
be guides and assistants! Registration begins after Easter Sunday.
Call the church office @ 424-48948 or the school office @ 424-4894 to find out more info, or just stop
by and pick up your Registration Form. We will send a form home with all the children from our Sunday
School and Day School, too! See you in the science lab!!
(Continued from page 1)
don’t know how much God loves them. They don’t know Jesus died for them. You’re out there in the mission
field, at least 40 hours a week! In other words, you are a follower of Jesus Christ on a mission to save the lost,
cleverly disguised as a helicopter mechanic, a 5th grade teacher, a financial planner, homemaker or an “officer
and a gentleman!”
Luther called it his Doctrine of Vocation (Vocatio). In part, it’s why he went across Germany closing
convents, nunneries and other places where Christian people “holed-up away from the world,” being
supposedly better than the world. “Get out there and make a difference!” said Luther. So they did. Daily living
at work, in school or on our streets is where we rub shoulders with those who don’t know they matter to
Jesus…and we’re there to let them know. Can you spell “Great Commission?”
Easter is a wonderful time to bring someone along with you to church! Letting them know what Jesus did
for them by sharing what Jesus did for you is the first step to changing their eternity. Oh, we pastors are there
to help…but you are so much better placed to “get ‘er done” than are we!
Blessed Easter to the Entire HOPE Family!
Quake is April 10-12 for our
27 BODY youth and leaders
who have registered. We will
meet at Hope at 9:30am on Friday. You should eat
breakfast before you come. We will return about
7pm on Sunday, but will call parents with an updated ETA from the road. Please bring money for
two lunches and two dinners, offering, and also if
you want to purchase CD’s, T-shirts, etc. You
should also bring your Bible, appropriate clothes,
and a swimsuit. We ask the congregation to be
praying that the Holy Spirit move in our hearts at
this event and also for travel safety as we travel to
and from Charlotte.
TRUTH is having a fun day
of hiking, picnic, and games at
First Landing State Park on Saturday, April 18. We will meet at
Hope at 2pm to head to the park
and return about 7pm. So bring your hiking shoes,
hunger, a bit of a competitiveness, and of course
your friends.
There will be no Sunday School or Confirmation classes on Easter Sunday, April 5, as there
will be a worship service during that time.
We had so much fun skating
in March that we are going again!
On Saturday, May 2, BODY and
TRUTH will go roller skating at
Haygood Roller Skating Center
(1036 Ferry Plantation Rd., VB) for
the Current FM Positive Skate
Night. Skating is from 8 to 10:30pm. We will
meet at the skate center. Cost is $6, which includes pizza, but bring money for drinks. Invite a
Activities at a Glance
April 10-12 Quake (BODY)
April 18
Day at the park (TRUTH)
May 2
Roller skating (BODY & TRUTH)
Save the date!
May 20
Hope’s next
Blood Drive
Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language? Don’t think you have the time or money?
Hope Lutheran has a wonderful language instructor, Camelia Eid.
French. Classes are offered on a 10 week schedule
here at Hope at a very affordable rate. Camelia is
willing to work with your schedule. Classes are
taught in Main 2 at Hope Lutheran Church. Adult or children’s classes are available.
For more info, e-mail:
The next men’s group breakfast meeting is Saturday, April 11. After the 8am
breakfast meeting in the fellowship hall,
join your brothers for fellowship and
The Knights of Hope will once again
do our traditional Easter Breakfast immediately following the 6:30am Sunrise Service.
Breakfast will be continuously served until 10am.
Lutheran Women's
Missionary League
By: Britta Rinehard
Next meeting: May 16,
time and place TBD. All ladies 18 years and older are
invited to join us at our next meeting. For further information please see our bulletin board.
Thank you for supporting the Prayer Shawl ministry. If you or somebody you know is in need of a
prayer shawl, please contact Marie Nelson or Linda
Upcoming Events:
April 18 Spring Rally, Resurrection, Newport News
May 16 Last meeting before the summer break
June 25-28 Des Moines, Iowa Convention
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
By: Carolyn Powell
Enrollment for the 2015-2016 school has just begun. Hope School will still offer preschool, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. There will be extended care hours,
as well. Parents will be happy to hear that our Kindergarten prices were substantially
lowered for the new school year, and other programs saw a small increase to no increase at all. So that will help families with their budgeting. And remember, our kindergartners meet all day, from 8:30 until 2:30 Mondays – Fridays.
Class sizes at Hope are quite small, averaging between 10 and 12 students per class with a teacher and assistant teacher. This means each student will receive a great deal of attention! So let us know if you would
like to have a tour and a day in which you could observe in one of our beautiful classrooms. Hope School is
just a great place to grow!
By: Carolyn Powell
Flax flowers are a reflection of the sky above as the flower’s bright face is
made up of five blue petals with delicate violet markings at the base. Although it
is a dainty looking plant, flax can grow as tall as 36 inches! And because it is such
a hardy plant, the stems provide the fibers used to make linen. The fibers are
soaked for a long period of time and after drying and bleaching in the sun, they
can be spun into linen thread and finally woven into cloth. Flax seeds are the
source of linseed oil, and are often added to our foods because they are so nutritious and rich in omegas! Flax was growing long before the children of Israel arrived in Canaan, and we know that Moses referred to the fine linen curtains constructed for the tabernacle. When Mary tenderly wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes after He was born, it is
believed that they were made of fine linen.
I wonder who spun the linen that would be used to wrap Jesus at His birth? We may never know. There
will always be unknown people who do so much for others and are never recognized by society. Our Lord
knows them and the reward for them will be a lasting one, for sure! He even said, “It is more blessed to give
than to receive.” He proved that when He gave His life for us on the cross so that we may have eternal
life. When His disciples took His body from the cross and prepared it for burial, who made that linen cloth to
wrap His body? What a privilege to have been the person who was able to serve Jesus in that act of love, even
though there would have been sorrow to know it had been used for that purpose.
When Jesus appeared to His followers as the RISEN SAVIOR, all sorrow was forgotten and the hope of all their tomorrows would be that one day, they would all be reunited
with Him forever! Remember what He said to them after the crucifixion: “Do not let your
hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In my father’s house are many rooms; if
it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you . And if I
go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also
may be where I am.” (John 14:1-3). I love these words of Jesus because all the hope of eternity is wrapped in them, swaddling and comforting us like fine linen cloths. His promise is
not, “Perhaps I will be able to find a place for you.” It is, “I will”. There is no room for doubt!
I thank God for creating the wonderful flax plant with its beautiful blue flowers and for giving us the
ability to discover its many uses. I also appreciate those who serve without ever seeking recognition, who joyfully share their gifts with one another, who continually lift the body of Christ in prayer, and look for ways to
be a blessing to others. They may be unknown to us but not to Jesus!
By: Linda Chappell
Another fine time was had by all! Our March
luncheon was held at Lynnhaven Fish House on
March 16. There were 31 golden-years persons in
attendance this month.
Our guest speaker was Linda Finch, volunteer
Chaplain to the 4th Precinct of the Virginia Beach
Police Department (Kempsville area). She is a
member of Kempsville Methodist Church where
she is currently in training to be a Stephen Minister. She rides with officers in excess of 20 hours a
week to assist in situations involving injury, severe illnesses, and deaths of citizens requiring police attention. Her primary function is to be an aid
to either the police officer of the family/families
involved in response to the call answered. She is
certainly a caring person and her personality is
well equipped to defuse the stress in such incidents. As she shared, the position requires a good
listener as well as someone attuned to the needs of
others. Questions were asked and we were thankful for her taking the time to share her experience.
For those of you who may be interested in
such an opportunity, the position requires 20 hours
per week. There are current positions available in
our city. There is an upcoming training session
for those positions. A letter of reference is required from the pastor of your church. According
to Linda, it is an extremely rewarding endeavor. Action should be taken soon if you are interested as the next training for city police lay chaplain is already scheduled.
Our next luncheon is Monday, April 20,
11:30am at Athens Greek Restaurant (Centerville
Turnpike near Kempsville Rd). Sign-up sheet and
menu are at the Leisure Lutheran podium in the
narthex. If you consider yourself a senior, please
join us for some good fellowship and delicious
Crisfield, MD
By: Pastor Nieting
Crisfield began as a small fishing village but
grew into a large city in the 1850’s after the discovery
of abundant oyster beds. This discovery led John W.
Crisfield to bring the Eastern Shore Railroad to the
town’s seaport. Seafood was soon being shipped all
over the US, and by 1904, Crisfield was known as the
“Seafood Capital of the World.” That said, Crisfield is
the poorest town in Somerset County, which is the
poorest county in Maryland. Nearly 50% of Crisfield’s
residents live below the poverty line.
Crisfield is surrounded by salt marshes and was
built on a floodplain. As Hurricane Sandy passed Maryland on Oct, 29, 2012, a five-foot storm surge left
most of the city underwater. Over 500 homes were
flooded, rendering most of them unlivable.
Almost immediately, Mennonite Disaster Services was contacted about the possibility of helping
with rebuilding and recovery in Crisfield. The Delmarva unit and the Eastern Virginia unit of MDS have collaborated to respond to this need. Most of the homes
that can be repaired have been gutted and dried out,
and now the work includes wiring, drywall, painting,
new floors, etc. There are also multiple new homes to
build. Volunteers are housed in the old American Legion Building. Separate sleeping and bath facilities are
available for males and females and a kitchen/dining
area has been added for meals.
HOPE Lutheran and members of Circuit 12
will participate in this project in MAY 2015, with a
team (max 15) leaving Sunday, May 3, and returning
Friday, May 8, after work. If you are interested, see
Pastor Nieting. Housing and meals will be provided at
a cost of $100 per volunteer. (Ages 18 and up, please.)
Will YOU make the difference in the life of someone
whose home was destroyed? Can’t go? Can’t build?
Perhaps you can contribute and we know you can
Contact Pastor Mark Nieting at Hope Lutheran
(424-4848 or mnieting@hotmail.com).
28 Angela Durnwald
Joyce Weigel
29 Tom Graebner
Marlene Kern
Todd Stevens
By: Beth Zimmerman
Prepare this recipe at Easter, keeping the
instructions in front of you all the time. This
will give the meaning of Easter to kids that they
will never forget. To be made the evening before Easter Sunday Morning.
Need: 1c whole pecans; 1 tsp vinegar; 3 egg
1 Camelia Eid
whites; pinch salt; 1c sugar; zipper baggie;
5 Michael & Karissa Ziegler
Anthony Elmore
wooden spoon; tape; Bible. Preheat oven to
7 Steven & Heather Hamilton
Barb Ethridge
300°. This is important. Don’t wait until you’re
9 Chris & Linda Taylor
Harold Muth
half done with the recipe. Place pecans in bag14 Jim & Patricia Hoeft
2 Soliman Lagoc
gie and let the children beat them with a wood18 Vince & Colleen Shahayda
Bob Moser
en spoon. Break the pecans into small pieces.
3 Alessia Holien
Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was
30 James & Kimberly Brock
4 John Ashley
beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read John 19:1Ramona Brown
3. Let each child smell the vinegar. Put vinegar
5 Gabriel Riccio
6 Linda Chappell
If your birthday or anniver- into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was
7 Lettie Groshel
sary is missing, please e-mail: thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to
8 Rhyleigh Guillory
drink. Read John 19:28-30. Add egg whites to
Sherlyn Logan
vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus
or call the church office:
9 Joseph Eller
gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10424-4848.
10 Paige McRitchie
11. Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand.
Ricky Motley
Let them taste it and brush the rest into the
13 Kathryn Hohnsbehn
bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears
Gordon Johnson
shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of
14 Kathy Frederick
our own sin. Read Luke 23:27.
Brayden Hunter
So far, the ingredients are not very appetiz15 Stephen Folwaczny
ing. Add sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of
Carson Guild
Roseann Holien
the story is that Jesus died because He loves us.
16 Stephanie Sweet
He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read
Cliff Winter
Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16. Beat with a mixer
17 Jennifer Ratliff
Articles for the May issue of on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff
Colleen Riley
peaks form. Explain that the color white repreHighlights are due Sunday,
18 Rebecca Darr
April 19. E-mail your article: sents, in God’s eyes, the purity of those whose
Rick Muth
Admin@Hope.hrcoxmail.com sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah
Marie Nelson
1:18 and John 3:1-3. Fold in broken pecans.
or leave a copy in the church
19 Debra Holbeck
Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper-covered
20 Joffrey Bagwell
cookie sheet. Explain that each mound repreDon Meyer
sents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was
Heath Motley
21 Nathaniel Jesgarz
laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60. Put the cookie
22 Thomas Harleman
sheet in the oven. Close the door. Turn the oven
Ellyn Kettner
OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal
23 Ethan Hamilton
the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was
Patricia Sheeran
sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66.
24 Jim Hammond
Go to bed! Explain that they may feel sad to
Lois Moser
leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’
Curtis Sturkie
followers were in despair when the tomb was
25 Kirsten Speckman
sealed. When you open the oven on Easter
27 Audrey Haggerty-Delbridge
morning, just CELEBRATE!!
Benjamin Winter
5pm French Language
27 Hope School
26 4th Sunday of Easter
The Story: Chap 29
8:15am: Traditional Service
9:45am: Sunday School &
Bible Classes
11am: Blended Praise
Service with
5pm French Language
11:30am Leisure
Lutherans Luncheon
(Athens Greek
20 Hope School
5pm French Language
13 Hope School
Church Office Closed
6 Hope School Closed
The Story: Chap 28
8:15 Traditional Service with
Holy Communion
9:45am: Sunday School &
Bible Classes
11am:Blended Praise
Articles for May Highlights
are due today!
19 3rd Sunday of Easter
The Story: Chap 27
8:15 Traditional Service
9:45am: Sunday School &
Bible Classes
11am:Blended Praise
7pm BODY returns from
12 2nd Sunday of Easter
7am to 10am Easter
Breakfast (sponsored by
Knights of Hope)
6:30am Sunrise Service
8:00am; 9:30am & 11am
Easter Services
(No Sunday School)
5 Easter Sunday
APRIL 2015
4pm Arabic Language
9:30am Staff Devotions
& Meeting
28 Hope School
4pm Arabic Language
9:30am Staff Devotions
& Meeting
21 Hope School
4pm Arabic Language
14 Hope School
7 Hope School Closed
Hope School Closed
Hope School
7:30pm Adult Choir
6pm Youth Bell Choir
6:30 Oasis Worship & Bible Study
10:30am Luther Manor Day
10am Arabic Language Class
29 Hope School
6pm Youth Bell Choir
6 – 7:30pm Food Pantry
6:30 Oasis Worship & Bible Study
7:30 Adult Choir
10am Arabic Language Class
10am Bible Study
9am MOPS Group
22 Hope School
6pm Youth Bell Choir
6:30 Oasis Worship & Bible Study
7:30 Adult Choir
10am Bible Study
10am Arabic Language Class
6 – 7:30pm Food Pantry
6:30 Oasis Worship & Bible Study
7:30 Adult Choir
10am Bible Study
9am MOPS Group
7:30pm Adult Choir
(No Wednesday evening service)
10am Bible Study
1 Hope School
Hope School
7pm Adult Bell Choir
5pm French Language
30 Hope School
7pm Adult Bell Choir
5pm French Language
23 Hope School
7pm Adult Bell Choir
5pm French Language
16 Hope School
9 Hope School Closed
6pm Seder Meal &
10:30am French
Language Class
9:15am Bulletin Folding
24 Hope School
10:30am French
Language Class
9:15am Bulletin Folding
17 Hope School
9:30am BODY leaves for
9:15am Bulletin Folding
10 Hope School Closed
10am Arabic Language
10 – 11:30am
Hope’s Food Pantry
2pm TRUTH leaves for
First Landing State Park
LWML Zone Spring
Rally (Resurrection,
Newport News)
10am Arabic Language
10am Arabic Language
10 – 11:30am
Hope’s Food Pantry
8am Knights of Hope
9am to Noon
Decorate church for
Noon & 6:30pm
Good Friday
9:15am Bulletin Folding
3 Hope School Closed
5350 Providence Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
April 2015
No. 03-15
Published Monthly
Hope Lutheran Church
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