Runnymede Community Services Directory


Runnymede Community Services Directory
Runnymede Community
Services Directory
01932 838383
Welcome to Runnymede Borough Council’s Community Services
Directory 2016-17.
We have tried to list all the people and organisations in Runnymede
(and beyond), who can provide you with help, support or advice. All are
dedicated to providing help in an understanding and welcoming way.
So, whether your enquiry is for you or someone you know, contact the
people listed here with confidence.
Please also visit our website for an electronic copy of this booklet.
Cllr Mrs Marisa Heath
Chairman of Community Services Committee
If you cannot read or speak English, telephone and ask the Council
to provide this document in your own language. Bangla, Italiano,
Putonghua, Polski, Espanol, Urdu - 01483 751456.
If you cannot easily read this, please telephone 01932 425610 for
an alternative format.
The content of the booklet is correct at the time of going to print.
Produced by Community Services, Runnymede Borough Council,
Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 2AH
01932 425865. 01932 838383
A-Z of community services
Runnymede Borough Council
Community Services Directory 2016-17
Runnymede Council Community Services�����������������������9-14
Community Alarms and Telecare������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9
Community Transport������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
GPS Location Service������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Independent Retirement Living������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Meals at Home������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11-12
Social Centres for the Community������������������������������������������������������������� 12-14
Wellbeing Centre�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Leisure and Recreation���������������������������������������������������15-24
Activities for over 55s – Stay Active, Stay Fit, Stay Healthy���������������������� 15
Get Active 50+������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15
Allotments�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Cinemas������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Gardens������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17-18
Leisure Centres and Health Clubs��������������������������������������������������������������� 18-19
Libraries������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19-21
Outdoor Gyms������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Parks and Open Spaces��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
Walks and Trails����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Aids and Adaptations����������������������������������������������������� 25-28
British Red Cross Mobility Equipment Loan Service������������������������������������ 25
Care and Repair����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Long Term and Nursing Equipment������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
REMAP�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Smartassist- Equipment Self Assessments������������������������������������������������������ 27
Voluntary Association of Surrey Disabled (VASD)���������������������������������� 27-28
A-Z of community services
Carers Support����������������������������������������������������������������28-29
Carers Support Runnymede������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Crossroads Care Surrey���������������������������������������������������������������������������������28-29
Moving and Handling Advice Service for Carers������������������������������������������� 29
Respite Care����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Community Centres and Halls����������������������������������������30-31
Council Managed Halls���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
Independent Community Centres and Halls������������������������������������������� 30-31
Community Safety����������������������������������������������������������31-33
Anti-Social Behaviour������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
Crime Prevention��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31-32
Consumer Advice and Trading Standards�������������������������������������������������32-33
Mediation North Surrey�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Victim Support������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 33
Dementia Support���������������������������������������������������������� 34-35
Alzheimer’s Society - North West Surrey������������������������������������������������������� 34
Dementia Carers Support����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
GPS Location Service������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Memory Cafe��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Disability Organisations and Support�������������������������� 36-44
Diabetes UK- Ashford and St Peter’s Group�������������������������������������������������� 36
Grassroots Project����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36-37
Headway Surrey���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
Huntington’s Disease Association��������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
Multiple Sclerosis Society����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
National Osteporosis Society����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
Parkinson’s UK������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 39-40
Runnymede Access Liaison Group (RALG)������������������������������������������������������ 41
Stroke Support������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
A-Z of community services
Surrey Coalition of Disabled People����������������������������������������������������������������� 42
Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership�������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Surrey Hubs�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
Surrey Dolphins Swimobility����������������������������������������������������������������������� 43-44
White Lodge Centre��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Domestic Abuse������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Action on Elder Abuse����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
yourSanctuary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Education and Training��������������������������������������������������������46
British Red Cross First Aid Training������������������������������������������������������������������ 46
Job Club������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 46
Surrey Adult Learning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 46
Elections and Elected Members������������������������������������������ 47
Councillors�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
Voting���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
Emotional Support����������������������������������������������������������47-50
Brigitte Trust���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
Crest Cancer Support������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 48
Cruse Bereavement Care: Surrey North Area����������������������������������������������� 49
Relate West Surrey����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
Samaritans�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
Silver Line���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
Foodbank������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 51
Flooding�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
A-Z of community services
Health Services information����������������������������������������� 53-57
Accident and Emergency������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53
Continence Services��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53
Dental Care����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53-54
District Nurses (Community Nursing)�������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Health Centres����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54-55
NHS 111����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Opticians����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Podiatry������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Prescriptions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
Walk In Centres����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
Holidays�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58
Commercial Organisations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58
OpenBritain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 58
Tourism for All UK������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 58
Hospital Discharge Support������������������������������������������������ 59
Age UK Runnymede & Spelthorne Road 2 Recovery���������������������������������� 59
British Red Cross Support at Home Service��������������������������������������������������� 59
Council Owned Housing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
Extra Care Independent Retirement Living���������������������������������������������������� 60
Learning Disability Support������������������������������������������������60
Unique- Adult ADHD Support Surrey������������������������������������������������������������� 60
Loyalty Card Scheme������������������������������������������������������������ 61
Mental Health Support�������������������������������������������������� 62-63
CornerHouse��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62
Richmond Fellowship - North West Surrey���������������������������������������������������� 63
A-Z of community services
Money and Financial Support���������������������������������������� 64-67
Christians Against Poverty - Debt Centre������������������������������������������������������ 64
Citizen’s advice Bureau - Runnymede & Spelthorne������������������������������������ 64
Credit Union (SurreySave)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
Financial Assistance��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65-66
NW Surrey Chest, Heart and Stroke Care Committee�������������������������������� 67
Pension Service����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
Older People’s Services��������������������������������������������������68-71
Age UK Runnymede & Spelthorne������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
Age UK Surrey������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
Contact the Elderly���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
Good Neighbours������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70-71
Online Support - DropBy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 71
Pets and Vets�������������������������������������������������������������������72-73
Cinnamon Trust����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72
RSPCA��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72
Veterinary Surgeons��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
Post Offices�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
Public Services��������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Recycling and Household Waste������������������������������������75-76
Green Fingers of Runnymede����������������������������������������������� 77
Runnymede Locality Team (Adult Social Care)��������������78-79
Reablement Service���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Residential Care����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Shopping������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 79
A-Z of community services
Sensory Impairment/Loss Services������������������������������ 79-83
Deaf Plus����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Guide Dogs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
Hearing Champions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80-81
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People������������������������������������������������������������������� 80-81
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)��������������������������������������������� 81
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey���������������������������������������������������������81-82
Talking Newspaper����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Thomas Pocklington Trust- Befriending���������������������������������������������������������� 82
White Cane Club��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Travel and Transport������������������������������������������������������� 83-86
Blue Badge Scheme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Bus Services���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83-84
Concessionary Bus Permit Scheme (Free Bus Service)�������������������������������� 84
Concessionary Fares for Coach Travel������������������������������������������������������ 84-85
Dial-a-Ride�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Rail Travel���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Registered Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles����������������������������������������������������� 85
Transport for Hospital Appointments�������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Royal Voluntary Service�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Voluntary Support North Surrey����������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Social Clubs������������������������������������������������������������������� 87-106
Bowls����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
Bridge����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
British Sugarcraft Guild���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
Chess����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship����������������������������������������������������������������� 91
Coffee Mornings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
History��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
A-Z of community services
Lunch Clubs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92-93
Music, Bands and Choirs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������94-96
Over 50s Club- New Horizons�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Over 60s Clubs/Darby and Joan Clubs�������������������������������������������������� 98-100
Royal Naval Association����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Townswomen’s Guilds��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
University of the Third Age (Runnymede U3A)�������������������������������������������101
Walking Groups������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 102-103
Women’s Institutes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 103-105
A-Z of community services
Community Services
Runnymede Borough Council provides a range of Community Services for
residents to support independent living and help reduce social isolation.
Information on each of the services provided can be found in
this directory. Should you require more information or have any
questions please call 01932 425865 or visit
*All prices listed in this section apply from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.
Community Alarms and Telecare
Telephone: 01932 425865
Community Alarms provide immediate support and assistance for
individuals at home and reassurance for families living away from their
loved ones. The units are activated by simply pressing a button on
the unit itself, or on a pendant worn around the neck or wrist. This
call connects immediately with our 24 hour Monitoring Centre, Safer
Runnymede, in Addlestone. A team of trained operators will have all
the residents’ details to hand and will call a nominated responder or
appropriate emergency service.
To further support residents, a range of additional Telecare equipment is
available which can be linked to the Community Alarm. These items include:
• Smoke detectors
• Flood detectors
• Falls detectors
• Pill dispensers
• Property exit sensors
• Bed and chair sensors
All of the peripheral detectors are connected to our Monitoring Centre
via the alarm unit. When activated contact can be made with the person
immediately and follow up actions taken where required.
The cost of a Community Alarm is just £4.90* per week. Any additional
Telecare equipment is included in this price. If you are interested in a
no obligation demonstration please call our Community Alarm team on
01932 425865 or visit our website.
CareCall is an optional bolt on service available to all our Community
Alarm customers, providing a proactive calling service on a daily basis.
The daily CareCall will check on the welfare of the customer whilst
offering reassurance to both the individual and their loved ones for just
50p* per day.
*VAT may apply depending on your circumstances.
A-Z of community services
Community Transport
Telephone: 01932 425050
The Community Transport Service provides a range of transport services
to residents of the Borough of all ages, who are unable to access public
bus services for any one of a number of reasons. The service most
commonly used by individual residents is Dial-a-Ride.
Dial-a-Ride offers a door to door service providing transport to residents
to and from all parts of Runnymede Borough and selected destinations
in neighbouring areas. Transport can be provided to access a range of
services and activities including shopping, doctors/hospital appointments,
to attend work and adult education, hairdresser appointments, leisure
activities, visiting friends and family and also to attend social clubs and
voluntary groups.
The service operates Monday to Saturday, from 9am until 5pm.
Residents need to complete a registration form prior to travelling for
the first time. Once registered, all journeys are pre-booked. Fares are
charged per journey with the cost dependent upon the distance travelled.
Carers are able to travel as a companion free of charge. Unfortunately,
concessionary bus passes cannot be accepted on the service.
To request a registration form or to find out more about Community
Transport services available, please refer to our website or contact us on
the telephone number above.
Runnymede Council Community Services
GPS Location Service
Telephone: 01932 425865
Runnymede Borough Council provides a GPS Location Service, using
satellite technology to pinpoint your location when support is needed,
when out and about in the community.
The GPS device also offers a communication link directly to Safer
Runnymede. The device can be activated manually by pressing the button
on the pendant or automatically if someone crosses the boundary of a
pre-determined safe-zone area.
If a call is received from the device, an operator will speak with the
resident and establish the nature of the call. If necessary, the operator
will call the nominated responder and give them a precise location.
Our devices can be provided to users of all ages including those who feel
vulnerable out in the community or who have reduced mobility, a learning
or physical disability or sensory impairment.
The charge for the GPS Location Service is £27 per month.*
*VAT may apply depending on your circumstances.
Independent Retirement Living (IRL)
Telephone: 01932 425834
Runnymede Borough Council operates five IRL properties across
the Borough. These are unfurnished, self-contained homes designed
specifically with the needs of older people in mind. The IRL properties
support people in living independently, within secure, convenient and
comfortable accommodation. Each property has a Manager available to
give support to residents.
Each property has a community alarm system which can be activated by
the resident should they require assistance or in the event of an emergency.
When activated, the alarm will connect directly to Safer Runnymede.
For more information on Independent Retirement Living please refer to
our website or contact us on the telephone number above.
Meals at Home
Telephone: 01932 425010
Meals at Home provides hot meals seven days a week for people who
Runnymede Council Community Services
are housebound or who are unable to cook for themselves. The Meals at
Home team will ensure that a hot nutritious meal of a main course and
dessert is delivered to your door, costing just £4.20 Monday to Friday
and £4.50 at weekends. Meals are cooked in our specialist vehicles and
delivered by our experienced, friendly team between 11.30am and 2pm
each day.
Meals can be ordered on a permanent basis or for a short period of time
dependent on your needs. Please contact the Meals at Home team for
further information or visit our website.
Tea Service
A tea service is also available to Meals at Home customers, providing
a freshly prepared option for a lighter evening meal. This consists of a
choice of sandwich, cake or yoghurt and a drink, all for £2.50 per day.
Tea packs are delivered at the same time as the hot lunch time meal.
Social Centres for the Community
A warm welcome awaits you at our Social Centres for the Community,
open each weekday for groups and people of all ages. There are three
Social Centres within the Borough, in Addlestone, Egham and New Haw.
Runnymede Council Community Services
Drop in to enjoy the company of others or take part in the range of
activities and services available including:
• Exercise classes including chair-based exercises for those less mobile
• Computer training
• Arts and crafts
• Weekly activities such as bingo, bowls and kurling
• Hairdressers and beauticians
• Chiropody, podiatry and physiotherapists
• Bathing service
• Outings, parties and events
• Specialist groups for those living with memory loss or following stroke
• Support services from local organisations
Pop in for a coffee, try one of our homemade cakes or a light snack, or
stay for our delicious freshly prepared lunchtime meal and pudding.
All Centres are fully accessible to support people with additional needs.
Should you wish to attend one of our Centres, but would like to be
accompanied on your first visit; a Chaperone service is available for new
visitors. For those who require transport to a Social Centre, this can be
arranged via our Community Transport service.
For more information please contact your local centre using the
telephone numbers below:
Eileen Tozer Centre
Manor Farm Centre
Crouch Oak Lane,
KT15 2AN
Nikki Anderson
01932 841088
Manor Farm Lane,
TW20 9HR
Amanda Smith
01784 435278
Woodham and New
Centre Haw Centre
Amis Avenue,
New Haw
KT15 3ET
Margaret Hayes
01932 355707
Runnymede Council Community Services
Volunteering Opportunities
Many of the activities and services at our three centres are provided by
faithful bands of volunteers to whom we are indebted. We are always
looking to expand our happy team of volunteers so if you can spare a few
hours a week we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in
volunteering, please contact one of our Centre Managers.
Centre Lettings
Telephone: 01932 425684
If you have a special occasion to celebrate or a party to organise you
can hire any of our Centres. The Centre Manager can discuss your
requirements with you or alternatively you can telephone the number
above for more information.
Wellbeing Centre
Manor Farm Lane, Egham, TW20 9HR
Telephone: 01784 435278
Specifically aimed at people in the early stages of dementia, the
Runnymede Wellbeing Centre provides information, support and a
pathway into appropriate assessment and services. The Centre is linked
with existing dementia and older people’s services and gives carers and
individuals one port of call for help and information.
Specialist support workers called Dementia Navigators can assist with
navigating through the services and getting the help and support needed
when dealing with memory loss and changing behaviours.
Drop in sessions:
Wednesdays, 10am to 12.30pm
Alternatively, telephone to book an appointment.
Stretch and Relax sessions
Telephone: 01932 425853
Monthly on Fridays from 11am to 12pm.
A free deep relaxation class for carers. This class is suitable for all ages
and abilities and is a small friendly group. No previous experience is
necessary. Mats and blankets are supplied. Please call the number above
for session dates.
Live Telecare demonstration suite
The Wellbeing Centre also includes a Telecare demonstration suite,
where anyone can try out the Telecare equipment and find out more
about how it can support people to live independently.
Leisure and Recreation
Leisure and Recreation
Get Active 50+
Get Active 50+ is a scheme to encourage those 50+
to become more active. Part funded by Sport England;
this scheme involves a wide variety of different sports
and activities in Runnymede from walking, football, exercise classes
to bowls and badminton! For more information visit our website
or e-mail
Activities for over 50s –
Stay Active, Stay Fit, Stay Healthy
Telephone: 01932 425677
Stay Active, Stay Fit, Stay Healthy is a brand of leisure activities for
over 50s in Runnymede at affordable prices. For enquiries on any of the
activities or to volunteer as a walk or cycle leader, please contact the
Sports Development Officer using the details above.
Transport and chaperone service to swimming
Pick up:
Tuesdays, 10.15am from the Woodham and New Haw Centre Fridays,
9.15am from the Eileen Tozer Centre, Addlestone and Wednesday 10am
from Manor Farm Centre, Egham. Please arrive 10 minutes early.
A transport and chaperone service is available to and from the River
Bourne Health Club, Chertsey. These sessions are aimed at people who
enjoy swimming but do not have the confidence or ability to go alone.
The swimming chaperone is on hand to help you in and out of the pool
and assist you in the water. The sessions are a great way to keep healthy
and meet new people. Transport is provided from our centres on the
above days.
Telephone the Centre to register and ensure availability of the session.
Cost £2 per session
Transport Service to Milon Gym
Pick up:
Mondays, 10.10am from the Eileen Tozer Centre, Addlestone.
Please arrive 10 minutes early.
Transport is provided from Elieen Tozer to the Riverbourne Health Club
Leisure and Recreation
in Chertsey to use their state of the art Milon circuit equipment. A
tailored workout is provided for each individual. The session offers the
exclusive use of the Milon gym equipment for the group and is open
to people who would like to keep fit but might not have the confidence
to go alone. The service is subject to availability due to limited spaces.
Please contact Eileen Tozer directly to enquire about availability, an
induction must be arranged directly with the River Bourne Health Club
prior to your first session. Cost £3.50 per session.
Walking Clubs
For other walking clubs see Walking Groups on page 102-103.
Led Cycle Rides
The rides are between 45-60 minutes long. The routes take in some
of the most scenic locations in Runnymede. All cyclists must have their
own bikes and are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet. Cycle Leaders
will be on every ride to lead and navigate all group cycles.
For further information E-mail:
Telephone: 01932 425686
Grow your own produce on one
of the Borough’s allotment sites
and take part in a healthy outdoor
activity with the satisfaction
of growing your own fruit and
Runnymede’s allotment sites are
located at:
• Chertsey – Barrsbrook Farm
and St Ann’s
• Egham – Wendover Road and Vicarage Road
• Englefield Green – Bond Street and Kings Lane
• Thorpe – Lyne Lane
• Virginia Water – Stroude Road
• Woodham/New Haw – Pinewood
There are also three self-managed sites run by an association
of plot holders:
• Addlestone – Sayes Court
• Egham – Boshers
• New Haw - Woodham Lane
Leisure and Recreation
Everyman Esher
22 High Street, Esher, KT10 9RT
0871 9069060
Odeon Guildford
Bedford Road, Guildford, GU1 4SJ
0871 2244007
Everyman Cinema Walton
85-89 High Street, Walton, KT12 1DN
0871 9069060
The Ambassadors Cinema, Woking
Peacocks Centre, Woking, GU21 6GQ
0844 8717643
Vue Cinema, Staines
Two Rivers, Mustard Mill Road, Staines, TW18 4BL
08712 240240
Seniors club every Tuesday
RHS Wisley Gardens
Wisley, Woking, GU23 6QB
Telephone: 0845 260 9000
Weekdays 10am to 4.30pm
Weekends and Bank Holidays 9am to 4.30pm
The Royal Landscape - Windsor Great Park
Wick Lane, Englefield Green, TW20 0UU
General Enquiries: 01753 860222
Membership: 0845 603 6228
The Savill Garden
Open daily summer (March to October) 10am to 6pm
Winter (November to February) 10am to 4.30pm
Leisure and Recreation
Valley Gardens and Virginia Water
Both areas are open all year round from dawn until dusk. Reception staff
at the Savill Building can show you how best to reach the Valley Gardens.
These areas are free to enter on foot but parking charges apply.
Leisure Centres and Health Clubs
Achieve Lifestyle
Addlestone Leisure Centre
School Lane, Addlestone, KT15 1TD
Telephone: 01932 858966
Egham Leisure Centre
Vicarage Road, Egham, TW20 8NL
Telephone: 01784 437695
Achieve Lifestyle is a local charitable trust which runs Addlestone and
Egham Leisure Centres and is committed to developing healthy lifestyles,
wellness, sports participation and leisure and recreation within their
facilities and communities. Come visit the Centres to see what exciting
facilities and activities they have on offer:
Gym Memberships
Including concession, pay as you go and off-peak pricing.
Leisure and Recreation
Get Active GP Referral Scheme
Contact: Lucie Jennison
Telephone: 01784 437695
Both gyms accept GP Referrals and there is a dedicated member of staff
who can provide advice and exercise programmes for those who are
looking to get back to health through fitness. For more information about
the scheme please contact Lucie Jennison.
Exercise Classes
A variety of classes including yoga, pilates and much more.
Healthy Living club
Over 50s club based in Egham on Tuesdays at Egham (2pm to 4pm) and
Fridays (9.30am to 11.30am).
Sports Activities
Badminton, squash, table tennis, basketball, football and more.
Walking Basketball
Suitable for all ages and abilities. Thursdays at Egham (12pm to 1pm).
First session free.
Soft Play
Bring the kids to Egham for fun in the soft play area and enjoy a drink or
snack from the café.
The River Bourne Health Club
Heriot Road, Chertsey, KT16 9DR
Telephone: 01932 560 560
The Council works in partnership with the River Bourne Health Club to
deliver some leisure activities for over 55s. See Stay Active, Stay Fit, Stay
Healthy on page 15.
Telephone: 0300 200 1001
Enquiries Direct: 01483 543599
Runnymede Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AF
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday – 9am to 5pm
Thursday – 9am to 7pm
Leisure and Recreation
Guildford Street, Chertsey, KT16 9BE
Monday – 2pm to 5pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 10am to 5pm
Saturday – 10am to 4pm
Friends of Chertsey Library
Coffee morning every Friday, 10am to 12pm.
Join in for homemade cakes and coffee. Everyone welcome.
High Street, Egham, TW20 9EA
Tuesday – 9am to 7pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – 9am to 5pm
Egham Library reading group
Egham Library reading group meets approximately every six weeks on a
Tuesday evening from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. All adults welcome.
New Haw Library Community Partnership
The Broadway, New Haw, Addlestone, KT15 3HA
Telephone: 01932 343617
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – 10am to 5pm
Thursday – 2pm to 5pm
Saturday – 9.30am to 4pm
New Haw Library provides a full range of services and also has a number
of rooms on the premises that can be hired out.
Virginia Water Community Partnered Library
6 Station Parade, Virginia Water, GU25 4AD
Tuesday – 10am to 5pm Coffee morning 10.30am onwards
Wednesday – 6pm to 8pm
Thursday – 10am to 12.30pm Computer drop in: 11am to 12pm
Friday – 10am to 5pm
Saturday – 10am to 1.30pm
Virginia Water Community Partnered Library offers a warm, friendly
and welcoming environment with books, audio books, DVDs and large
print books.
A regular coffee morning runs on Tuesday mornings from 10.30am
onwards. All are welcome.
Leisure and Recreation
On Thursday mornings they run a computer drop in service 11am to
12pm where you can ask any question about computers, tablets or even
your mobile phone.
There is a coffee shop open at all times where you can enjoy home
baked cakes and freshly brewed coffee and tea. You may choose to
read the newspapers or find out about local events advertised on the
display boards.
There are Reminiscence collections which you can borrow with films,
cards, and memorabilia from earlier days. Members over 70 are exempt
from overdue fines and reservation fees.
Library Direct Home Service
If you are unable to get to a library because of illness or disability books
and audio material can be arranged to be brought to you on a regular
basis. There is no charge for this service. Please contact Enquiries direct
on 01483 543599.
Alternatively, if you have a friend, neighbour or relative who is able to
take out books on your behalf they can register you for a Library Direct
Friends and Family card. Museums
Chertsey Museum
The Cedars, 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey, KT16 8AT
Telephone: 01932 565764
Monday, Sunday – Closed
Tuesday to Friday – 12.30pm to 4.30pm
Saturday – 11am to 4pm
Chertsey Museum has over 15,000 objects waiting to be discovered.
The assortment sweeps from Runnymede social history to ancient relics
to fantastic fashions and artistic expression.
Reminiscence Service
The Museum has a reminiscence service that allows boxes on particular
topics to be borrowed to provide a stimulant for reminiscence sessions.
There are 12 boxes, each of which contains suggestions for related
activities. The Museum also has local history reminiscence photo packs
that can be borrowed. Session can be provided anywhere where older
people get together, such as centres, hospital wards, nursing homes,
social clubs, libraries, adult education locations, care homes and more.
Leisure and Recreation
There is a small charge for borrowing
the boxes or you can become an
affiliated member of the Reminiscence
Service for an annual fee, entitling
you to free use of the boxes and
photo packs for the year. Please
contact the Museum if you would
like a registration form or have any
further questions about how their
resources can be used.
Egham Museum
United Church, High Street, Egham
Telephone: 01784 434483
You can also find Egham Museum on Facebook
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday by appointment only
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10am to 12.30pm, 2pm to 4.30pm, open to all.
Egham Museum is an independent community Museum serving Egham,
Egham Hythe, Englefield Green, Thorpe and Virginia Water. In addition to
displays that chart the history of the area, the Museum offers an engaging
outreach programme, working with local schools and care homes, and a
series of events and pop-up exhibitions.
The Museum has many volunteers that help with local history enquiries,
act as hosts, welcome visitors, and get involved in a wide range of
projects provided. If you would like to know more about how to get
involved please contact the Museum.
Outdoor Gyms
• Victory Park, Chertsey Road, Addlestone, KT15 2EW
• Hythe Park, Off Wendover Rd/Rowan Avenue,
Egham Hythe, TW20 8AT
New outdoor gyms designed to help residents keep fit, including exercise
bikes, cross trainers and activities for toning. The gyms are free to use.
Access at Victory Park is restricted to the park opening times whilst
Hythe Park is accessible at all times.
Leisure and Recreation
Telephone: 01932 425686
Formal Parks
There are five formal parks in the Borough which offer facilities such
as sports pitches, children’s play areas, paddling pools and public toilets
(including disabled access toilets). All are maintained by dedicated staff
who are present during the working day and when there are evening
or weekend activities in the park. Charges apply to use sports facilities,
please contact for details.
Opening Hours: Weekdays at 8am
Weekends and banks holidays at 9am
Closing times range from 5pm to 9pm depending on daylight hours
Colonels Lane, Chertsey,
KT16 8PS
Chertsey Recreation Ground
Guildford Road, Chertsey,
KT16 9BW
Heathervale Recreation Ground
Parkside, New Haw, KT15 3AN
Ottershaw Memorial Fields
Foxhills Road, Ottershaw,
KT16 0NQ
Victory Park
Chertsey Road, Addlestone,
KT15 2EW
Informal Parks and Open Spaces
Telephone: 01932 425688
Runnymede is blessed with a large number of informal parks and open
spaces. They range in size from the 175 acres of meadows at Chertsey
Meads to pocket parks tucked away in residential areas. They are open all
year round and the following is just a selection of some of the best:
Leisure and Recreation
Chertsey Meads
Mead Lane, Chertsey, KT16 8LN
Hythe Park
Field View, Egham, TW20 8AT
Englefield Green
St Judes Road, Englefield Green,
TW20 0BY
Runnymede Pleasure Grounds
Windsor Road, Egham,
TW20 0AE
Gogmore Farm Park
Off Curfew Bell Road, Chertsey,
KY16 9BB
St Ann’s Hill
St Ann’s Hill Road, Chertsey,
KY16 9NL
Homewood Park
Guildford Road, Chertsey,
KY16 0QA
Truss’ Island
Chertsey Lane, Chertsey,
TW18 3LS
Walks and Trails
Telephone: 01932 425686
Within the Borough there are over 120 footpaths and bridleways which
together cover a distance of 50 miles. A series of rambles and door step
walks are available on the Council’s website. Also see 'Gardens' on page
17-18 for walks around Windsor Great Park and Virginia Water Lake.
Examples of Walks in the Borough include:
• Air Forces Memorial, Coopers Hill Lane
• Abbey House Ground
• Cabrera Trust Riverside Walk
• Ether Hill Doorstep Walk
• Chertsey Meads
• Hare Hill Doorstep Walk
• Homewood Park
• Magna Carta Memorial
• Ottershaw Chase Doorstep Walk
• River Bourne Riverside Walk
• Thorpe and Callow Hill
• Thorpe Park Walk
• Wey Navigation
• St Ann’s Hill Doorstep Walk
• Thames Link Park
A-Z of community services
Aids and adaptations
British Red Cross Mobility Aids
and Medical Equipment
Telephone: 01483 429253
If you require mobility aids or medical equipment for a short period of
time, the British Red Cross may be able to help you. The equipment is
available from Red Cross Mobility Aid Centres. The nearest loan centres
to Runnymede are in Walton and Woking.
Woking: 78-80 Walton Road, Woking, GU21 5DW
Telephone: 01483 772369
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10.30am to 12.30pm.
Care and Repair
Telephone: 01932 425880 / 01932 425885
Runnymede Care and Repair is a
Home Improvement Agency for
Runnymede residents. They provide
advice and support to help elderly,
disabled and vulnerable people in
the maintenance and adaptation of
their home. The Care and Repair
team can help with a whole range
of work to make your house safer
and more comfortable for you to
live in and to help maintain your
independence and dignity.
Care and Repair can help
and advise you if you live in
Runnymede and own your own
home or rent from a private
landlord, if your home needs
repairs or improvements or needs
adapting to suit the needs of
a disabled person (yourself or
someone you care for).
A-Z of community services
They will help you if you are 60 years or over, and/or are disabled (or
you are caring for someone who is disabled) and/or are on low income/
benefits and would have difficulty organising any necessary works
required for your home.
How Care and Repair can help
Help and advice is available on grant entitlement and on improvements,
repairs and adaptations to your home. Home visits are arranged to
identify what repairs or adaptations are needed. They will advise you on
how to pay for the work, help with applying for grants and loans, draw up
plans and work schedules, help with selecting a reliable contractor, and
support you during the works.
Funding can be provided through the Disabled Facilities Grant for
adaptations to your home.
Discretionary grants may be available for small essential home repairs
and maintenance, such as repairs to leaking roofs and windows. You must
be on a low income or means tested benefit and have savings of less
than £6,000 to qualify. Funding is also available for boiler servicing and
repairs. Please note all discretionary funding is limited.
Low cost loans are offered in conjunction with Parity Trust for residents
who are 70 or over or are disabled and can’t access a loan/are on a low
income. These loans are for repairs and maintenance to make your home
safer and more comfortable to live in.
They can also organise work on your behalf if you do not qualify for
funding support but would like them to arrange and oversee the work
(fees apply). They can also advise on how to find a reliable builder if you
want to organise your own work.
Long Term and Nursing Equipment
If you need walking aids such as a walking stick, frame or wheelchair you
need to see your GP for a referral.
For other nursing equipment, such as bath aids, commodes and eating
utensils, help may be available from Surrey County Council if you meet
certain eligibility criteria. Telephone 0300 200 1005 in the first instance.
If you are eligible for Adult Social Care, your care worker may ask you
to visit your local equipment centre, or if you are unable to travel, an
Occupational Therapist may visit you at home. The objective is the same:
to identify what aids, adaptations and equipment is needed to support
you living independently at home. Please speak to your local social care
team for more information.
A-Z of community services
Contacts: Jim Allen – Project Manager / Brian Cooper - Chairman
Telephone: / 07890 470698 (Jim) / 07802 605015 (Brian) /
01732 760209 (National Head Office)
Surrey REMAP is the local branch of REMAP, a national charity which
makes or modifies equipment for the disabled when nothing suitable is
available through mainstream sources.
Items are tailor-made for individual needs and to make a real difference
to people’s ability to rise to a particular challenge and achieve something
not otherwise possible for them. SURREY REMAP aims to help people
stay independent, enhance wellbeing, improve quality of life, and in some
cases regain lost skills and achieve new ones.
If you are already receiving guidance from physiotherapists or occupational
therapists then it may be useful to discuss your needs with them first.
SmartAssist – Equipment Self-Assessments
SmartAssist is an online self-help tool, providing professional advice and
guidance for those who would like help to live independently at home.
The service is provided by Surrey County Council.
SmartAssist can help anyone who is having difficulty with daily living
tasks and would like equipment solutions or professional advice to help
them manage these tasks more effectively. The tool helps you to find
help and advice for your particular area of need and matches you to
specific equipment solutions.
SmartAssist is suitable for anyone who has equipment needs but is not
eligible for social care services, or would prefer to choose and pay for
their own equipment.
Voluntary Association for Surrey Disabled (VASD)
Leatherhead Court, Woodlands Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0BN
Telephone: 01372 841148
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 4.00pm
A-Z of community services
VASD is a charity which loans out and sells mobility equipment. Their
shop stocks a range of home and mobility aids and has access to many
other products. Please call for a brochure. Personal care items, including
continence products, are also available at competitive prices.
VASD also has available to hire, three specially adapted holiday homes
on the south coast, as well as an adapted canal boat on the Grand Union
Canal in Hertfordshire.
Carers Support
Carers Support Runnymede
Telephone: 01932 564446
Carers Support provides a free, confidential and independent service
to carers in Runnymede. A carer is someone whose life is in some way
affected because of the need to take responsibility for the care of a person
who has a physical or learning disability, mental health problems, is elderly,
frail or has a chronic or terminal illness. The care they provide is unpaid.
The Carers Support Worker provides advice, information, emotional
support and advocacy to carers. Support groups, social events and a
newsletter are also provided to carers on a regular basis.
To find out more, make an appointment or to receive the newsletter,
please contact Carers Support Runnymede using the information above.
Crossroads Care Surrey
Crossroads Care Surrey
121 Kingston Road
Surrey, KT22 7SU
Telephone: 01372 869970
Crossroads Care Surrey supports carers by providing professional Carer
Support Workers (CSWs) to take over their caring responsibility. They
provide high-quality, bespoke care for your loved one in their own home
and where possible, send the same Carer Support Worker to each visit,
providing continuity of care and emotional support.
Our Core Service
They are able to offer Carers 3 hours respite each week. This is one to
one home based care funded by Surrey County Council and voluntary
income. There is a waiting list for this service.
A-Z of community services
Crossroads Clubs
They have a variety of Clubs for adults, young people and children
operating throughout Surrey. For a full listing of the Clubs in your area
please look at their website.
Funded End of Life Service
In partnership with the NHS, they offer an unlimited service for those
caring for a loved one with a life limiting illness during their last 12 months
of life. They provide a palliative care-trained Carer Support Worker to take
over the caring role to give the unpaid Carer regular breaks.
Self-Funded Packages
They can offer Carers a variety of self-funded packages at affordable
rates. To book or discuss the packages further, please contact Crossroads
Choices Care Co-ordinator, Elaine McKee on 01483 447770. For more
information about all of services please visit the website
Moving and Handling Advice Service for Carers
White Lodge Centre, Holloway Hill, Chertsey, KT16 0AE
Telephone: 01932 577992 / 577993
Moving and Handling Advisors provide information, advice and training for
carers of disabled people of any age, offering practical solutions within the
home and support on equipment issues. They will help you in all aspects of
moving and handling people who need this valuable support.
Respite Care
Telephone: 0300 200 1005
Most carers need a break from caring from time to time. This may be a
short break for a few hours or a day, or a longer break for a week or two.
In all instances you are advised to contact the Adult Social Care helpline
using the number above. The helpline will be able to advise you on a
number of different breaks that may be available.
If the person you are caring for is eligible for an assessment, your need
for a break from caring should be considered as part of any package of
care drawn up in the support plan for the person with care needs.
If the person you care for is not eligible for social care support, you may
still want to arrange a short break privately, in which case you can still
contact our Adult Social Care helpline on the number above.
A-Z of community services
Community Centres and Halls
There are several community centres and halls across the Borough with
rooms available to hire.
Council Managed Halls
• Chertsey Hall
Heriot Road, Chertsey,
Surrey, KT16 9DR
• Hythe Centre
Thorpe Road, Staines,
Middlesex, TW18 3HD
Telephone: 01932 425684
We have two halls in Runnymede available for hire for a variety of
occasions. Hire charges are dependent on venue, week days, weekend
and times. For further information and to make a booking please contact
the Halls Booking Clerk.
Independent Community Centres and Halls
Addlestone Community Centre
Garfield Road, Addlestone, KT15 2NJ
Contact: Mr Colin Attridge (Bookings Manager)
Telephone: 07934 287004
Lyne Village Hall
Lyne Lane, Chertsey, KT16 0AN
Contact: Dave Lapsley (Caretaker)
Telephone: 01932 873350
New Haw Community Centre
Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, KT15 3ND
Telephone: 01932 846921
Thorpe Village Hall
Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe, TW20 8TE
Telephone: 07539 528 654
A-Z of community services
Village Centre
Victoria Street, Englefield Green, TW20 0QX
Telephone: 01784 471110
The Village Centre has a friendly, wheelchair accessible cafe, open
Monday to Saturdays (opening times vary).
There is a computer room staffed by volunteers who help with a variety
of issues such as setting up your first e-mail, paying for items online,
learning to surf the web and helping with smart phones or tablets. Bring
your own laptop or use their desktop computers.
A monthly film night shows a variety of up-to-date films.
There are a range of services and activities for older people including, a
salsa group, dementia carers support group (please see page 34), Knit and
Natter group, and a weekly minibus to Egham.
Community Safety
Surrey Police, PO Box 101, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 9PE
Telephone: 01483 631147
To report non urgent crimes please dial 101. Only in emergency dial 999.
Anti-social Behaviour
Contact: Shazia Sarwar (Community Safety Officer)
Telephone: 01932 425065
Anti-social behaviour can be reported online
or by calling the telephone number above from
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
If urgent Police assistance is required dial 999
or for other matters please dial 101.
Crime Prevention
Crime Reduction
It is estimated that in the UK alone, some £3.5 billion is lost each year to
post and phone scams. These scammers will exploit the most vulnerable
and will steal their cash and savings.
A-Z of community services
Post and Phone scams – be alert
• Do not give your bank passwords or PIN to anybody that phones
you. Neither your Bank nor the Police will ever ask for these details.
If someone does, let the police know.
To report non-urgent crimes please dial 101. Only in an emergency call 999.
Look out for the warning signs. Avoid being a victim yourself and help to
look after your more vulnerable family members and neighbours.
• Do you receive lots of mail promising large cash prizes?
• Do you receive catalogues offering products for sale and promising
you a cash prize if you place an order?
• Do you receive frequent phone calls from strangers offering goods
or services?
• Do you get through cheque books very quickly?
• Do you receive letters from clairvoyants or psychics threatening bad
luck or promise good fortune?
• Do you receive a lot of letters from the USA, Netherlands or
Hong Kong?
If you have answered yes to any of these, then you can get in touch with
Surrey County Council Trading Standards and register with the Telephone
Preference Service free of charge on 0345 070 0707 or via their website
Reduce the number of unwanted marketing mail by registering with the
Mailing Preference Service free of charge on 0207 291 3310 or via their
website at
Consumer Advice and Trading Standards
Citizens Advice Consumer Service
Telephone: 03454 040506
The Citizens Advice Consumer Service provides free, confidential and
impartial advice on consumer issues. From faulty goods to dealing with
unsatisfactory services, from guarantees to finding out whether you can
cancel a contract for goods or services.
Trading Standards Website:
Surrey County Council Trading Standards Service aim to create an
environment of ‘Confident Consumer and Trusted Traders’ through
advice and enforcement. See the website for further information.
A-Z of community services
Approved Traders
To find an approved trader you can visit the Checkatrade website, where
you can find approved traders in Surrey and Buckinghamshire free of
charge, who have been vetted and approved by Trading Standards to
ensure that they operate in a legal, honest and fair way.
Contact them on, or e-mail: or telephone 0845 408 4866, to find out more.
Mediation North Surrey
Telephone: 0870 751 4311 / 01932 596 953
Twitter: @mediate_ns
If you have neighbourly issues, Mediation North Surrey can help by mediating
between you and your neighbour. Most common issues include noise,
antisocial behaviour issues, property issues, children and parking issues.
Mediation is free – It is confidential, impartial and they will not impose
solutions on either you or your neighbour. Neither will blame be
apportioned. Mediation North Surrey wants to work with the neighbours
in dispute to find a way forward and to enable communication channels
to be opened and used.
Victim support
Support Line: 0808 16 89 111
If you’ve been a victim of any crime
or have been affected by a crime
committed against someone you
know, they can help you find the
strength to deal with what you’ve
been through. As an independent
charity their services are free and
available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and
regardless of when it happened.
Victim Support is not part of the police, the courts, or any other criminal
justice agency.
A-Z of community services
Dementia Support
Alzheimer’s Society- North West Surrey Offices
New Haw & Woodham Community
Centre- Annexe
65 Woodham Lane
New Haw
KT15 3ND
Telephone: 01932 855582
National Dementia helpline: 0300 222 1122
Day Care
The Orchard, Staines lane, Chertsey, KT16 8PS
Telephone: 01932 565242
A day care centre is provided at the pretty and tranquil setting of the
Orchard in Chertsey. The Centre operates from Monday to Friday 10am
to 4pm excluding bank holidays. There is a high staff to client ratio and
all staff are trained in dementia care. Staff provide a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere offering psychological and emotional support in a stimulating
and safe environment with person centred care. Refreshments and a hot
lunch are offered daily.
Carers’ Support Groups
Telephone: 01932 855582
An opportunity for carers and clients with dementia to meet people in
similar situations, support each other and exchange experiences. For
general enquires please telephone using the details above.
Forget Me Not Cafe
Tesco’s Community Space, 117 Station Road, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 2AS
Held: Second Friday each month, 2pm to 4pm
Runnymede Wellbeing Centre, Manor Farm Lane, TW20 9HR
Held: First Wednesday of each month, 11am to 12.30pm and
every Friday Carers Sing and Mingle Group.
A-Z of community services
Dementia Carers’ Support
Contact: Frances Dyble-Goode
Telephone: 01932 342910
These informal groups give carers of those with dementia the opportunity
to meet others in a similar situation, with the comfort that their loved ones
are being supported too.
Whilst your loved one is enjoying the activities overseen by our volunteers,
you are able to relax with a cup of tea, and share the company of others
who understand the problems caring for a dementia sufferer brings.
These clubs are for you and your loved one to be able to spend social
time together which is so difficult due to the nature of the illness.
Woodham and New Haw Centre
Amis Avenue, New Haw, Surrey KT15 3ET
Monday at 1.15pm to 3.15pm and Thursday 10am to 12pm, (with an option
for lunch just £4). On the first Saturday of the month, they host a lunch
club from 1pm to 3.30pm.
Village Centre
Victoria Street, Englefield Green, Surrey TW20 0QX
Every Tuesday at 10.30am to 12.30pm
On the last Friday of each month there is a painting class. A fun relaxing
afternoon for you and your loved one, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
GPS Location Service
For information on this service see page 11 for details.
Memory Café
Good News Café (Church Virginia Water)
Memory Café
For dementia carers and those living with dementia, see page 34 for details.
Chertsey Museum Memory Box Café
Held: Third Friday of the month from 2pm to 3.30pm.
For people living with dementia and their Carers. This is an interesting
place to explore, friendly support and conversation, plus excellent tea and
cake provided.
A-Z of community services
Disability Organisations and Support
Diabetes UK: Ashford and St Peter’s group
Contact: Aidan Hopkins (Chairman), Sheila Nolan (Secretary)
Telephone: 01784 247524 (Sec), 01344 430023 (Chair)
E-mail: /
Held: The Stephanie Mark Diabetes Centre, St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey
Diabetes UK’s aims are to support people with Diabetes and their Carers,
to extend knowledge of and access to services, to keep up to date with
research and developments, to support and encourage members to take
control of their diabetes treatment and socialise.
The Ashford and St Peter’s group covers a wide area of North Surrey and
meets in alternate months, five times a year on Monday evenings at 8pm.
A newsletter is also published.
The Garden Centre, Vicarage Road,
Egham, TW20 8NL
Telephone: 01784 472005
The Grassroots Project is a day service offering horticulture facilities,
activities and leisure services, combined with essential life skills to
promote an active future for all.
The project offers the following to members at the centre:
• Potting, planting, seeding and growing your own fruit and vegetables
to learn about sustainable living and healthy eating
• Cooking classes
• Woodwork and sculpture sessions
• Life skills – money handling, banking, budgeting, shopping
• Independent living – washing, work experience, travel training
• Recycling garden waste from garden centres to make over gardens
in hospitals, centres and community groups
• Partnership with Woking Garden Centre – looking after the grounds
at the Garden Centre, offering members experience in a real
working environment
• Access all areas – tasks and adventures further afield including
climbing Mount Snowdon and Ben Nevis
A-Z of community services
The new reduced day rate for new people looking to attend the service
is £40. Grassroots is commissioned by Surrey County Council and
is accessible through Direct Payments, SILC managed accounts and
payment direct from Surrey County Council.
Community Gardening Service
The Grassroots Project also offers a community gardening service for the
elderly in the local community. The community care team take a group of
members to cut grass and trim bushes for the older generations who can
no longer look after their gardens. This benefits both the community but
also the member as it builds social skills.
Headway Surrey
Headway House, North Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9PU
Telephone: 01483 455225
Headway Surrey offers support and services to people affected by brain
injury, their families and carers. This includes cognitive rehabilitation, such
as memory, numeracy, literacy, personal safety and social integration.
There is also a drop in facility and carers’ support group.
Huntington’s Disease Association
Telephone: 0151 3315444
The Huntington’s Disease Association provides support and information
to anybody affected by Huntington’s Disease. A moderated message
board on the national website allows you to communicate with others in
your position.
Regional Care Advisor (Surrey and South West London)
Contact Name: Mandy Ledbury
Telephone: 01483 285231
The Regional Care Advisor is available if you would like more
information on the support and services available for families affected
by Huntington’s Disease and how to access them, or if you wish to
talk things through with someone who understands and will be able to
support you.
The key role of the Regional Care Advisor is to provide a listening ear,
help families receive support, care and advice that they want and need to
enable them to cope, access information on benefits, specialist equipment
A-Z of community services
and respite, increase knowledge and skill and assist in co-ordinating care
thorough contact with health and social care professionals and nonstatutory services.
A local branch based in Guildford also offers information, social evenings
and a chance to meet others.
Multiple Sclerosis Society
Helpline: 0808 800 8000
The MS Society’s vision is a world free from the effects of MS. Their
mission is to enable everyone affected by MS to live life to their full
potential and secure the care and support they need, until ultimately a
cure has been found.
The Society can help you get emotional support, benefits guidance and
the right care. They also offer support to Healthcare professionals, carers
and families.
You can get help and advice via e-mail and telephone, please contact via
the number or e-mail above. They can also make home visits for advice
or companionship and they offer support grants (means-tested) for
equipment and services to improve the lives of those affected by MS
(this includes family and carers).
Please telephone or e-mail the branch for more information.
MS Society Local Branch
MS Society Surrey
Spelthorne, Staines and District
Collette Hassett
Telephone: 01932 569 320
A-Z of community services
The National Osteoporosis Society
Nurses Helpline: 0845 4500230 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
Telephone: 01761 471771
The National Osteoporosis Society is the only UK-wide charity dedicated
to improving the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
The charity works to increase understanding and awareness of
osteoporosis, inform and unite health professionals, fund research, work
with government and the NHS to make osteoporosis a priority area of
care, and to offer caring support to those with osteoporosis.
Support services provided include: information and reassurance to
people with medical queries, a helpline manned by specialist nurses, easy
to read literature, individual replies to all letters and calls. There is also a
network of local support groups throughout the UK.
The charity produces a wide range of information, in printed format and
on the website. All leaflets are free of charge but a donation to help
cover production costs is very welcome. Please contact them for more
details or order forms are available on the website.
A free information half day at St. Peter’s Hospital Chertsey every six
months is held for anyone who has been recently diagnosed with
osteoporosis or osteopenia so that they can hear directly from medical
specialists what the condition may mean for them. Details of dates and
how to apply for places at these free sessions will also be available on
the website.
Parkinson’s UK
Parkinson’s UK is the research and support charity for everyone affected
by Parkinson’s. It offers a confidential helpline, a 1:1 support service
and a number of volunteer-run groups offering social, fundraising and
campaigning activities.
Local Branches
Contact: Nansubuga Kolawole (Branch and Volunteer Support Officer)
Telephone: 0844 225 3664
Staines Branch Meetings
Time: Third Thursday of the month, from 7.30pm
Venue: Salvation Army Citadel, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, TW15 3JY
A-Z of community services
Weybridge Branch Meetings
Time: Every Thursday 9.30am to 2pm
Venue: Weybridge Centre, Church Field Place, Church Field Road,
Weybridge, KT13 8DB
Time: Fourth Thursday of the month 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Venue: St Mary’s Day Centre, Stream Close, Byfleet, Surrey KT14 7LZ
Contact: Gill and Bob Ryan
Telephone: 01932 953501
Spelthorne Parkies
Spelthorne Parkies offer information, friendship & support to local people
affected by Parkinson’s of working age.
Time: First Monday of every month from 6pm (Excluding bank holidays)
Venue: The King’s Fairway, 91 Fordbridge Road, Ashford, TW15 2SS
Contact: Kirstie Lane / Geoffrey Parsons
Telephone: 07745 518759
Recrodis – Social Club for Disabled People
Contact: Mrs B Cobban
Telephone: 01932 560670
Held: alternate Saturdays from
2pm to 5pm
In the summer months,
outings and trips are held
to the seaside, river, steam
trains, picnics, garden centre
etc. In the winter months,
entertainment such as bingo,
fun quizzes, sing songs and
fun auctions are held. These
meetings are held at various
independent retirement living
(sheltered housing) schemes
across Runnymede.
A-Z of community services
Runnymede Access Liasion Group (RALG)
Telephone: 01784 435622
This group operates for the benefit of all residents in the Borough. Its
principal function is to improve physical access to public amenities for
anyone who encounters mobility or other sensory or cognitive difficulties.
The voluntary group has many years of effective work with Runnymede
Borough Council and Surrey County Council as well as local hospitals.
If any reader of this booklet has any issues which they think the RALG
can help with then please contact them.
The group is affiliated to Surrey Coalition of Disabled People. See page 42.
Stroke Support
Stroke Association
Contact: Carolyn Cheetham
Telephone: 07515 596968
Runnymede and Spelthorne’s stroke support worker will make home
visits to those who are recovering from a stroke, providing information,
advice and guidance.
There is also a monthly coffee morning for people of working age on
Wednesday mornings held at Staines Community Centre.
The Friendly Club (social club for stroke sufferers)
Contact: Mrs Smith Telephone: 01784 456358
Held: Mondays, 10am to 12pm at the Hythe Centre, Thorpe Road,
Egham, TW18 3HD
If you have suffered a stroke you might like to contact the Friendly Club
for stroke victims for support and help. The Club is open to anyone,
regardless of age, whether you live in the Borough or beyond.
Contact: Susan Houston
Telephone: 01784 420 371 (Monday to Thursday, 9am to 3pm)
TALK is a charity that supports people with aphasia (speech and language
difficulties) following a stroke. They have five groups in Surrey offering
communication and social support to residents.
A-Z of community services
Monday afternoon:
1.45pm to 3.45pm
The Day Centre, Manor Road, Walton on Thames, KT12 2PB
Tuesday morning:
10am to 12pm
Tuesday afternoon:
1.30pm to 3.30pm
St Catherine’s Hall, Chestnut Avenue, Guildford, GU2 4HD
Wednesday morning:
10am to 12pm
Room 3, The Salvation Army, Woodthrope Road, Ashford, TW15 3JY
Thursday morning: 10am to 12pm
The Vyne Centre, Broadway, Knaphill, Woking GU21 2SP
Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
Telephone: 01483 456558
The aim of the Surrey Coalition is to campaign and promote the rights of
disabled people to equality of opportunity and to live independently. This
means influencing the policies, strategies and services which impact on
the lives of disabled people to make them better and more accessible for
everyone. The Surrey Coalition is run and managed by disabled people.
Disability Alliance Network North Surrey
Contact: Yasmin Broom
Telephone: 01483 517294
Held: Tuesdays on alternate months at Addlestone Community Centre,
Garfield Road, Addlestone
This is a lively contact group which meet at two monthly intervals in
Addlestone. It is a forum for disabled people and their Carers and acts
as a two-way communication channel. Staff from the Surrey Adult Social
Care regularly attend to share news and developments. Attendees can
learn all about the latest news which may affect them.
Also affiliated Runnymede Access Liaison Group see page 41 for
more information.
A-Z of community services
Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership
Telephone: 01483 750973
Text: 07561392818
SDPP is an independent
organisation run and controlled by
disabled people. It offers a range
of services including advocacy,
information and advice, home
visiting, a free brokerage service
and welfare benefits advice.
Surrey Hubs
Addlestone Hub
1A Corrie Road, Addlestone, KT15 2HT
Telephone: 01932 846491
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 3.30pm
The Surry Hub’s Information Service provides free and confidential
information on many aspects of disability. Customers can also be referred
to one or more of the following services on offer from Surrey Disabled
People’s Partnership. They can also signpost customers to other services
or organisation in the area that may benefit them.
Surrey Dolphins Swimobility
Telephone: 01483 481132
Surrey Dolphins Swimobility help more than 100 members with restricted
mobility in Surrey. Swim members have had strokes, are amputees,
patients with hip or knee replacements, are blind or have other physical
disabilities such as spinal injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease or
arthritis. They range in age from 23 to 84.
Each swimmer has to overcome particular difficulties. It is wonderful to see
how each one benefits from the water therapy, the company of others and
the chance to reach personal goals. They do their best to improve strength,
mobility and fitness; and encourage each other practically and by offering
moral support. For some, the swimming pool is the only environment in
which total independence and freedom can be achieved.
A-Z of community services
Held: Woking Pool-in-the-Park, Kingfield Road, Woking, GU22 9BA
Tuesdays, 12.15pm to 1.15pm (with arrival from 11.30am)
Thursdays, 11.30am to 1pm (with arrival from 11am)
Sessions run on most (but not all) Tuesdays and Thursdays, avoiding
school holidays. Please see the website for dates.
White Lodge Centre - Rendezvous
Holloway Hill, Chertsey, KT16 0AE
Telephone: 01932 567 131
Complementary therapies
Relax your mind and body, relieve stress and revive your energy with
holistic massage, Indian head massage or reflexology.
Leisure & Life Skills
Rendezvous’ leisure and life skills programmes are diverse and focused
on learning practical skills that can be used daily. These programmes
are individually designed to reflect your interests and include cooking,
gardening, discussion groups, computers and iPads, music appreciation
and quizzes.
Art courses encourage you to channel your creativity through a variety
of different mediums, including clay, mosaic, sculpture, paint and textiles,
in a fun and creative environment. Their large art studio is fully equipped
and encourages you to try different art techniques.
Moving and Handling Advice Service for Carers
Please see page 29 for further details on this service.
Therapy and fitness sessions
Therapy programmes at Rendezvous are tailored around your
requirements, with both individual and group therapy sessions available.
Fitness packages form an integral part of the range of therapies available
and can be used not only to develop your physical strength, but also
your confidence. There is a variety of accessible equipment. There
are also well equipped bathrooms with showers and hoists where a
physiotherapist will be able to help with your independence.
A-Z of community services
Domestic Abuse
Action on Elder Abuse (AEA)
Telephone: 0208835 9280
Helpline: 0808 8088141
AEA works to protect and prevent the abuse of vulnerable adults. It
provides the UK’s only national helpline for people concerned about or
experiencing abuse, as well as training for care staff and volunteers. A
range of workshops, conferences and educational materials on how to
recognise and respond to signs of abuse are held throughout the year.
AEA offers a confidential free helpline open Monday to Friday 9am to
5pm providing emotional support, advice and information on elder abuse.
If you are worried about an older person being abused, neglected or
financially exploited, please call the helpline.
Telephone: 01483 776868
Helpline (24 hours): 01483 776822
yourSanctuary support people living in the Borough of Runnymede,
Surrey Heath and Woking who are experiencing or have experienced
domestic abuse. They have a community outreach service offering 1:1
support which can include emotional support, practical support, risk
assessment/safety planning, advocacy, a legal clinic, and counselling.
Clients can also take part in group programmes to help boost selfesteem, confidence and assertiveness.
yourSanctuary also run the only specialist domestic abuse helpline in
Surrey which operates 24 hours/7 days a week which anybody can access
for listening support, information, signposting and referral. The service is
available to both men and women aged 16 and over, and they work in a
respectful, non-judgemental and empathetic way with everybody.
yourSanctuary aims to empower those they work with so that they can
make informed and safe decisions for themselves in order to live lives
without fear.
A-Z of community services
Education and Training
British Red Cross (Surrey)
78-80 Walton Road, Woking, GU21 5DW
Telephone: 0845 054 7222 /0844 871 8000
First Aid is provided to community groups and organisations that support
those at the greatest risk of accident or injury.
The everyday first aid approach provides ‘easy to learn, easy to
remember’ training to build first aid awareness and the confidence and
willingness to help. Courses last just a couple of hours and are tailored to
cover the needs of the group. Dates and times are flexible and they are
happy to come to a location of your choice.
The British Red Cross also offers a range of courses for the general public
as well as first aid training for the workplace, please call the Red Cross
Training team for more information.
Job Club
The King’s Centre, Marsh Lane, Addlestone, KT15 1UL
Telephone: 01932 840432
Held: Tuesday, 12.30pm to 2.30pm (School term time ONLY)
Visit the job Club to get help with universal job match, CVs and computer
training. There are also workshops to help people get back into work such
as transferable skills and interviews.
Surrey Adult Learning
Telephone: 0300 200 1044
There are over 1,000 adult learning courses available to residents
across Surrey. Courses include various arts and crafts, bridge, languages,
exercise, dance, creative writing, computing, cookery and lip reading. To
find out what is available in your area call the customer service team or
use the search facility on the website.
People over 64 and not in full time paid work qualify for a reduction in
fees on some of the courses. Please refer to the website or telephone
using the details above.
A-Z of community services
Elections and Elected Members
Councillors (Runnymede Borough)
Telephone: 01932 838383
If you would like to discuss an issue of local concern, the Councillor
representing your ward will be happy to help you. You will find lists of all
Runnymede Borough Councillors at the Civic Centre, your local library or
on the Runnymede Borough Council website.
Electoral Services, Runnymede Borough Council
Telephone: 01932 425653
Register to vote:
If you cannot get to a polling station to vote you can apply for a postal vote
or vote by proxy. Please apply as early as possible by contacting the council.
Online registration is also now available. You will need your National
Insurance number to hand to apply. Simply go on the website listed above
and follow the instructions.
Emotional Support
The Brigitte Trust
316 High Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1QX
Telephone: 01306 881816
The Brigitte Trust is a registered charity set up thirty years ago by Brigitte
Watkin who saw the need for emotional support and practical help and
respite in the home when a life-threatening illness has been diagnosed
and runs its course. Mostly clients are cancer patients but the Brigitte
Trust also supports those with MND, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurological and
heart/lung conditions. At this time they are regrettably unable to support
people with dementia.
The free service provides a trained volunteer for weekly visits to
offer respite for carers so they can go out, driving, shopping and the
opportunity to share some of the feelings and concerns serious illness
brings. The same volunteer visits each week enabling a relationship to
build and offers three hours each week to be used in whatever way the
family or individual wishes.
A-Z of community services
Bereavement support for up to six months is available if appropriate.
Short-term help can be provided when there is a critical need i.e. during
chemotherapy and after surgery when there is a good prognosis.
All volunteers are fully DBS checked and receive ongoing training and
support from professionals.
CREST Cancer Support
Telephone: 01784 446298
CREST provides support to help anyone affected by cancer. They
run relaxation days, workshop days, counselling for those in need of
emotional support, complementary therapies, subsidies for wigs and
compression hosiery, social activities, and general and financial advice.
Links to other local and national organisations are available. Please
enquire about subsidies for their services.
Membership is free with no need for referral from your doctor. It is open
to cancer patients and their carers living in Runnymede, Elmbridge
and Spelthorne.
Relaxation Days
CREST Relaxation Days are immensely popular for their informal, friendly
atmosphere. Members are able to share experiences with people who
understand. They offer a therapeutic group workshop, a one-to-one
complementary therapy and a delicious lunch.
Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapies are widely used to improve the quality of
life of both patients and carers. CREST can recommend therapists
who specialise in various treatments including aromatherapy massage,
reflexology, cranio-sacral, reiki healing, kinesiology, manual lymphatic
drainage and art therapy.
Supporting you
Many cancer charities support just the patient, but CREST believes that
families and carers often suffer as much, so they are there for them too.
For those who feel they have no one to talk to about their illness or their
role as carer, there is always a listening ear at CREST.
A-Z of community services
Cruse Bereavement Care: Surrey North Area
Helpline telephone: 01932 551177
Cruse is a national charity with branches countrywide. At Surrey North
Area they provide advice, information and support to anyone who
has been bereaved (children, young people and adults), whenever and
however the death of a loved one occurred. The service is provided by
trained and experienced volunteers and is confidential and free. They
offer someone to talk to face-to-face either in their own homes or at
their meeting room in Chertsey. They also have groups where bereaved
people can talk to others in similar circumstances. Children and Young
People can be seen either at their home or at school.
Although this service is free of charge, donations are gratefully received
to continue this important work.
Relate West Surrey
Provincial House, 26 Commercial Way,
Woking, GU21 6EN
Telephone: 01483 602998
Relate help people in relationships whether they are married or not and
whatever their sexual orientation, race, personal beliefs or social background.
Confidential relationship counselling support is available for individuals,
couples or families in seven boroughs: Woking, Guildford, Waverley,
Surrey Heath, Elmbridge, Runnymede and Spelthorne. Counselling is also
available to young people aged 10–18. A sex therapy service offers help
from experienced Psychosexual Therapists.
Relate launched a Skype webcam relationship counselling service in 2013
for those unable to see a counsellor in person.
With a high rate of divorce and remarriage, blended and extended
families on the increase, you may be experiencing difficulty readjusting
to a change in family dynamics. The Relate for Families service is available
to help families cope with conflict.
When providing services to clients experiencing domestic violence/
abuse, Relate’s role is to promote the safety of the people threatened
by the violence/abuse and help those who are violent or abusive to their
partners be accountable for their behaviour.
A-Z of community services
Relate West Surrey has offices in Guildford Town Centre, Woking Town
Centre and in Esher, with outposts in Walton-on-Thames, Farnham,
Staines & Thorpe, Stanwell, Godalming and Beacon Hill.
Free Phone: 01932 844 444
The Samaritans provide confidential emotional support for people who
are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those feelings
which may lead to suicide. Callers of all ages contact the Samaritans to
talk about problems covering all aspects of life. These include alcoholism,
self-harming, financial worries, mental health problems, bereavement,
loneliness, relationships, divorce, physical disability, sexual problems,
redundancy, homelessness, unemployment and many more
possible concerns.
Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year. They
provide a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are,
however they feel, whatever life has done to them. You can visit North West
Surrey Samaritans between 9.30am and 9pm to see someone in person. No
appointment is needed; however, if the phones are busy they may not able
to answer the door straight away. There is parking directly outside.
The Silver Line
Helpline: 0800 4 70 80 90
The Silver Line is the UK’s only free confidential, 24 hour helpline for
older people, open every day and night of the year and is open when
many other support services are closed.
Specially trained helpline staff offer
friendship, information and advice and
can link callers to local groups and
services. The Silver Line also matches
older people with Silver Line Friend
volunteers for regular befriending calls
or letter exchange. All telephone calls
are made through a confidential virtual
call centre and letters are sent through
the Silver Line office which acts as a
post box and will monitor the letters and
send them on. The Silver Line protects
and supports those who are suffering
abuse and neglect.
A-Z of community services
Telephone: 01932 988350
Foodbank Centre (by referral only)
Virginia Lodge,
The Waspe Farm car park,
68 Station Road, Egham
Open - Monday: 10am to 12pm
Addlestone Baptist Church
Crouch Oak Lane, Addlestone
Open - Tuesday and Thursday: 10am to 12pm
The Beacon
95 Guildford Street, Chertsey
Open Wednesday: 10am to 12pm
For enquiries please telephone the number above.
If you are struggling to buy food because you have no money, the
Runnymede Foodbank can help.
If you contact your support worker, or get a referral form from Jobcentre
Plus, you can exchange it for food at one of the foodbank centres. Red
Vouchers can be provided from support agencies such as Citizens Advice
Bureau, Runnymede Borough Council Housing, Health Visitors and Age
UK, amongst others.
Telephone using the number above if you would like some advice, or to
discuss your own, or family member’s situation in confidence.
A-Z of community services
Rest Centres, housing, transport, sandbags,
administration of Government grant
schemes, co-ordination with other agencies,
and sharing of information.
01932 838383
Environment Rivers and ground water advice
Out of hours
01932 425060
03708 506 506
Sign up for flood warnings
0345 988 1188
Sewage, flooded sewers, and sewage clearing
0845 9200 800
Drinking water
0345 357 2407
UK Power
Run by the electricity supply network (we
would advise that you do not contact your
energy supplier e.g. SSE, EDF, Virgin etc. as
these companies do not run the electricity
supply network)
0800 783 8866
Sign up for text alerts
Highway gullies
(storm drains)
0300 200 1003
Road closures, potholes, paths and verges
0300 200 1003
Adult Social Care and vulnerable residents
Locality Team:
01932 794800
Out of hours:
01483 517898
Trading Standards and rogue traders
03456 009 009
A-Z of community services
Health Services Information
Accident and Emergency
The accident and emergency unit servicing the borough is at:
St Peter’s Hospital
Guildford Road
KT16 0PZ
Telephone: 01932 872000
Continence Services
Telephone: 01932 722641
Many people suffer from bladder or bowel dysfunction. You should
remember, however, that it is not simply due to old age and something
can be done to help, in fact in many of the cases it is curable.
It is most important that you discuss any problems with your healthcare
professional. It may be a bladder infection, for which appropriate
medicines can be prescribed. In any case, you doctor can help establish
the cause and can also refer you to the continence clinic for specialist
help and support.
The clinic is held on alternate Monday mornings at Weybridge Hospital,
Church Street. It is staffed by a specialist nurse.
To attend the clinic you need a referral from your GP or community nurse
but the team is willing to give informal advice over the phone.
Dental Care
Dental Services Helpline: 0300 330 1348
NHS Forms Order line: 0845 610 1112
All NHS dental treatment is free for older people who receive Pension
Credit Guarantee Credit and some other income-assessed benefits.
People on low incomes may also qualify for free treatment or help with
paying the charges. For further information call the dental services
helpline or speak to your dentist.
A-Z of community services
British Dental Health Foundation
Helpline: 0845 063 1188
The British Dental Health Foundation is a national charity that promotes
the benefits of good oral health to the public. It runs a free consumer
dental helpline, offering advice on oral health issues, dental charges and
treatments and how to find a dentist.
Emergency Dental Treatment
If you think you need urgent treatment, contact your usual dental
practice and ask to be seen as an emergency. If you do not have a regular
dentist, you can still get urgent care. Please telephone NHS 111.
Community Nurses
Surrey Community Nursing Service (Runnymede),
Chertsey Health Centre, Stepgates,
Chertsey KT16 8HZ
Telephone: 0300 303 4737
The community nursing services provide care to patients across Surrey.
They provide comprehensive assessment and skilled nursing care tailored
to the needs of each patient.
They provide coaching to encourage patients to manage their conditions
independently, also work closely with GPs, social and voluntary care, and
Macmillan specialist nurses.
Health Centres
You should be registered with a doctor in your area. See below for the
location of health centres in Runnymede and surrounding areas.
All people over the age of 65 and those in a clinical risk group are
entitled to have a flu vaccination- contact your GP surgery at the end of
September each year for details of clinics.
Crouch Oak Practice, 45 Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2BH
Telephone: 01932 840123
Chertsey Family Health Centre, Stepgates, Chertsey, KT16 8HZ
The Abbey Practice: Telephone: 01932 565655
The Bridge Practice: Telephone: 01932 561199
A-Z of community services
Grove Medical Centre, Church Road, Egham, TW20 9QN
Telephone: 01784 4322191
Egham Hythe
Hythe Medical Centre, Rochester Road, Staines, TW18 3HN
Telephone: 01784 454965
Englefield Green
The Health centre, Bond Street, Englefield Green, TW20 0PF
Telephone: 01784 437671
Ottershaw Surgery, 3 Bousley Rise, Ottershaw, KT16 0JX
Telephone: 01932 875001
Virginia Water
Packers, Christchurch Road, Virginia Water, GU25 4RW
Telephone: 01344 842951
Health Centres Outside of the Runnymede area BUT still serve
Runnymede residents:
Staines Health Group, Knowle Green, TW18 1XD
Telephone: 01784 461712 / 01784 465229
Thameside Medical Centre, 5 Chertsey Lane, Staines, TW18 3JH
Telephone: 01784 454164
West Byfleet
West Byfleet Health Centre, Madeira Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6DH
• Madeira Medical: Telephone: 01932 340 484
• Parishes Bridge Medical Practice: Telephone: 01932 336933
• Wey Family Practice: Telephone: 01932 336880
Dr de Sousa and Partner, 22 Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DW
Telephone: 01932 828200
A-Z of community services
NHS 111 service
The NHS non-emergency number
111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call
111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare
professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your
symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from
landlines and mobile phones.
You qualify for a free NHS-funded sight test if:
• You’re aged 60 or over
• You’re registered as partially sighted (sight impaired) or blind
(severely sight impaired)
• You’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
• You’ve been advised by an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) that you’re
at risk of glaucoma
• You’re eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher – your optometrist
(optician) can advise you about your entitlement.
Some people can get help with the cost of purchasing glasses. Speak to
your optician if you think you may be entitled to free eye tests or help
with paying for glasses.
Chertsey Health Centre, Stepgates,
Chertsey, KT16 8HZ
Telephone: 01932 570607
The podiatry department at Virgin Care provides services across
Runnymede in Addlestone, Chertsey, Egham and Englefield Green.
The service provided includes assessment, diagnosis and treatment of
problems in the feet and lower limbs. The service is open-access and
anyone with a foot problem can self-refer or be referred by a health
professional. The needs of the patient will be assessed and, if appropriate,
a treatment plan will be agreed with the podiatrist and delivered at the
most suitable location.
A-Z of community services
Prescriptions are free of charge for people over 60. Remember to
complete and sign the back of the prescription form before you give it to
the chemist. If you have difficulty in collecting your prescription, some
chemists offer a delivery service to your home. Speak to your doctor’s
surgery for information.
Walk In Centres
Ashford Hospital
London Road
England - UK
TW15 3FE
Telephone: 01784 884000
NHS Walk in centre open seven days a week 8am to 10pm
Weybridge Hospital
22 Church Street
KT13 8DY
Telephone: 01932 826013
NHS Walk-in centre open 7am to 7.30pm Monday to Friday and 9am to
4pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
Woking Hospital
Heathside Road
GU22 7HS
Telephone: 01483 846209
NHS Walk-in centre open 7am to 7.30pm Monday to Friday and 9am to
7pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank holidays.
For advice outside of these hours call NHS 111. See page 56.
A-Z of community services
Commercial Organisations
There are many commercial organisations which offer holidays for older
people. Local travel agents keep a stock of brochures and will advise you
about particular holidays.
Telephone: 0800 300456
SAGA offer a range of holidays specifically aimed at over 50s including
cruises, tours and explorer holidays as well as relaxing beach holidays in
the UK and beyond.
OpenBritain is your one stop shop for accessible
tourism in the UK providing you with a simple way
to find accessible destinations and places to stay.
This allows you to create the perfect holiday for you, tailored specifically
to your access requirements, whether this means wheelchair access or
just having good lighting.
All of the properties on the site are self-assessed, however if you are
looking for some extra assurance look out for the Visit England logo on
venues that have been professionally assessed.
Tourism for All UK
Telephone: 0845 124 9971
Tourism for All UK (TfA) is an independent charity supporting leisure and
tourism opportunities for all, operating an information service to disabled
and older people. They work with the industry and government to raise
the standards of welcome to all guests.
TfA provides information to disabled and older people on accessible
accommodation and other tourism services in the UK and overseas.
As well as accommodation, travel, and attractions, TfA provides
information about activity holidays for disabled people; equipment hire;
places where care is available; escorts & carer services; and sources of
finance towards the cost of a holiday for people on low income.
A-Z of community services
Hospital Discharge Support
Age UK Runnymede & Spelthorne
Road 2 Recovery
See page 68.
British Red Cross Support at Home Service
Telephone: 01932 723707
The British Red Cross provides short-term care and support in the home
for people after an accident or illness, giving them the confidence to
continue their daily lives. Clients can be referred to the Service by a hospital
discharge team, a health professional or relevant community agencies.
This service is free and confidential, on-going low-level practical support
at home after discharge.
The type of support offered will include, transport and settling in back
at home, addressing immediate practical needs e.g. checking heating/
checking fridge, making light snacks and drinks, informing family and friends
of their return home, essential
shopping, collecting prescriptions,
transport and escort to GP, hospital,
dentist, optician appointments,
day centres, shops, libraries and
other trips out, telephone support,
emotional support, promotion of
confidence and independence and
signposting to other providers for
longer term support.
They are not however, able to
perform any personal care, give
medication or change dressings,
carry out domestic assistance/
housework or care for pets.
See Runnymede Borough Council
Community Services on Pages
11-14 for services that may benefit
you on discharge from hospital.
A-Z of community services
Council Owned Housing
Telephone: 01932 425831
The council owns a variety of flats, bunglows and Independent
Retirement Living properties. If you live in Runnymede, do not own
your own home and are in housing need, you should contact the
Housing Department who will be able to advise you on how to register
for housing. Please be aware that you must have a local connection to
Runnymede to be able to register for housing.
Extra Care Independent Retirement Living
Aldwyn Place, Larchwood Drive, Englefield Green, TW20 0RZ
Telephone: 0800 2802575
Extra Care enables you to live independently in your own spacious and
modern property with the reassurance of care and support from a 24
hour, on site team of professionals.
To rent an Extra Care property, your care and support needs will be
assessed by Adult Social Care. This application is then considered at an
Extra Care panel where a decision is made.
Learning Disability Support
Unique Adult ADHD Support Surrey
Telephone: 07542787090
Held: Spelthorne Wellbeing Centre, Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens,
Shepperton, TW17 9HD
Weekly drop in: Thursday 1.30pm to 4pm
Monthly support group: First Tuesday of the month 7pm to 9pm
The Monthly group provides information and workshops presented
by professionals.
Unique’s aim is to provide support to people with ADHD and their
families. After diagnosis it is important to understand ADHD and
understand why learning strategies and coping skills are connected
to change behaviours. Unique runs workshops and support groups.
These can also be given on a one to one basis.
A-Z of community services
Save with the FREE
Runnymede Loyalty Card!
There are about 100 discounts and special offers at dry cleaners,
hairdressers, florists, restaurants, opticians, pet care, car servicing,
discounts at Thorpe Park and ‘2 for 1’ entry into Savill Garden.
Anyone can apply for a free card, you don’t have to live or work in
Runnymede, and all family members can have their own cards.
Apply now and start saving.
Tell your friends – it’s free!
Contact: Joanna Swatridge, Runnymede Borough Council
Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AH
Tel: 01932 425272
The full list of offers is sent with your card,
visit to see the latest list.
The list is also on iRunnymede our App, with an image
of the card – so you can show this on your smartphone
and obtain the discounts straight away!
If your business is in Runnymede, why not
join the App and this free scheme?
Support our local businesses!
A-Z of community services
Mental Health Support
Corner House
2 Courtenay Road, Woking, GU21 5HQ
Telephone: 01483 757461
CornerHouse is a mental health resource centre based in Woking and
Addlestone. They are the lead providers of Community Connections
in Woking and offer services and support groups across Woking,
Runnymede and Spelthorne.
Support Groups
Depression Support Group - Addlestone
Held: Cornerhouse Runnymede, 1A corrie road, Addlestone, KT15 2HT
Wednesdays, 7.30pm to 9pm.
Wellbeing Group - Addlestone
Held: Sayes Court Children’s Centre, Thursday mornings.
Wellbeing Group - Egham
Held: contact CornerHouse for details of the Egham venue.
Group meets on Mondays 1pm to 3pm.
Anxiety Support Group - Addlestone
Held: Cornerhouse Runnymede, 1A Corrie Road, Addlestone, KT15 2HT,
second and fourth Thursday of the month, 7.30pm to 9pm.
Eating disorder Support Group – Addlestone
Held: Cornerhouse Runnymede,
1A Corrie Road, Addlestone,
KT15 2HT, fourth Tuesday of
the month 7.30pm to 9pm.
For information on groups running
in Spelthorne and Woking please
contact CornerHouse.
Walking for Health
Walking for Health schemes in
Runnymede and Woking are hosted
by Next Steps depression support.
For more details see page 102 for
Walking Groups.
A-Z of community services
Richmond Fellowship – North West Surrey
Service Office: Telephone: 01932 910942
E-mail: Northwestsurrey@
Richmond Fellowship (RF) is a specialist provider of mental health
services, offering a wide range of housing, care, employment and
community support services to enable people to live life to the full.
Community based services provide support on a group and individual basis
to people with mental health problems, including access to social networks,
peer support, support to engage in everyday main stream community
activities opportunities and help in gaining employment and training.
Employment services support people who have or are recovering from
mental health problems and wish to return to paid employment, voluntary
work or training. We offer information, advice and guidance across a range
of skill sets through one to one sessions with Employment Advisors.
Retain is a service that works with employees and employers to support
employees with mental health problems, to maximise their chances of
maintaining employment when problems arise supports employees with
mental health problems, including stress, anxiety and depression. Retain
aims to maximise employees’ chances of maintaining their employment
when problems arise, by working with individuals on a one to one basis or
with their employer.
Community Links and Wellbeing Groups
A range of social and wellbeing groups run within Runnymede and
neighbouring boroughs. For more information please call or e-mail. A referral
is required for anyone wishing to attend any of the groups See page 14.
A-Z of community services
Money and Financial Support
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) - Debt Centre
Virginia Lodge Waspe Farm Car Park
Station Road, Egham
TW20 9LF
If you are feeling weighed down by debt, then CAP can help you. You
may think your situation is impossible, but there is hope. A friendly team
can that will give you a listening ear in the privacy of your own home and
provide a real solution to your debt.
CAP offers one of the most in depth, award winning, free debt help
services in the UK. It uses a combination of face to face home visits,
budgeting advice, creditor negotiations, insolvency services and
befriending. Budgeting courses are run locally to help stop people getting
into debt in the first place. There are a range of courses for all ages,
some specifically adapted to cover the needs of the elderly.
Citizens Advice Bureau (Runnymede and Spelthorne)
The Old Library, Church Road, Addlestone.
Assessment Line: 01932 842666
Admin Line: 01932 827187
Drop in:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10am to 12.30pm and 1.15pm to 3.30pm
Thursday 1.15pm to 3.30pm
Friday 10am to 12.30pm
Appointments only:
Wednesday evenings
Thursday 10am to 12.30pm
Telephone advice is available Monday to Friday 10am to 12.30pm.
Englefield Green Outreach every other Thursday
The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) offers free and confidential advice
and support. This could be filling in forms, checking benefits, housing or
money advice. They can also advise on legal matters, or on many other
problems you may be experiencing. There is another office in Sunbury.
Please telephone 01932 765042 for details.
A-Z of community services
Credit Union (SurreySave)
49 Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater, Woking GU21 5PE
Telephone: 01932 339290
SurreySave Credit Union is a not-for-profit community bank, owned and
controlled by its members, providing a flexible friendly alternative to the
high street banks and high cost lenders.
SurreySave offers:
• Instant Access Savings are protected Financial Services
Compensation Scheme
• Services which are regulated by the Financial Conduct Agency
• A competitive return on savings with a target dividend of 1%.
• A way to invest in your community.
• A quick fair loan decision which takes into account
personal circumstances.
• No hidden charges or arrangement fees, just a one off fee of £3.
• Free insurance to cover loan repayments in the event of death.
• ‘Pay as you earn’ schemes so members can save or repay loans
directly from your pay packet.
• We offer a pre-paid Visa card to help with monthly budgeting.
Financial Assistance
Attendance Allowance
Enquiry Line: 0345 605 6055
Textphone: 0345 604 5312
This is a tax-free weekly cash benefit payable to those people who are
over 65 and severely disabled.
Carers Allowance
Telephone: 0345 608 4321
Textphone: 0345 604 5312
You may be eligible for Carer’s Allowance if you are 16 or over and spend
at least 35 hours a week or more caring for someone.
Disabled Adaptations and Disabled Facilities Grants
See Care and Repair on page 25.
A-Z of community services
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
Telephone: 01932 425388
If you have less than £16,000 in savings, you may be entitled to help with
your rent and your Council Tax bill. Contact Runnymede Borough Council
for an application form.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
PIP helpline: 0345 850 3322
Textphone: 0345 601 6677
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) helps with some of the extra costs
caused by long-term ill-health or a disability if you’re aged 16 to 64.
Surrey Local Assistance Scheme
Help available at: Walton, Weybridge and Hersham Citizen’s Advice Bureau
72 The High Street,
KT12 1BU
Telephone: 01932 248660
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am to 3.30pm
Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm
The Surrey Local Assistance Scheme provide financial help to Surrey
residents who have nowhere else to turn in an emergency or after a
disaster. It can also provide assistance to set up or maintain a home in
the community where no other funds or resources are available. To see
if you are eligible for assistance from the Citizens Advice Bureau go to
page 64.
Winter Fuel Payments
Telephone: 08459 151515
Textphone: 0845 606 0285
The Winter Fuel allowance from the government supports older and
vulnerable people. Most payments are made automatically between
November and December. You should get your money by Christmas.
You usually get a Winter Fuel Payment automatically if you get the
State Pension.
A-Z of community services
North West Surrey Chest Heart
and Stroke care Committee
Contact: Mrs V Johnson
2 Dale Close
KT15 1NS
Telephone: 01932 849591
This Committee helps people of all ages, and their families, suffering
from these health problems with limited funds for heating bills, holidays,
clothing, cleaning etc. Make referrals through your doctor, community
nurse, social worker, or self referral.
Pension Service
If you need advice about pensions or benefits, please contact Age UK
(see page 69) or your local Citizens Advice Bureau (see page 64).
Basic State Pension
Telephone: 0800 731 7898
Textphone: 0800 731 7339
You won’t get your State Pension automatically - you have to claim it.
You should get a letter four months
before you reach State Pension age,
telling you what to do but if you haven’t
got a letter three months before, phone
the claim line.
Pension Credit
Telephone: 0800 99 1234
Pension Credit is an income related
benefit made up of two parts Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit.
Guarantee Credit tops up your weekly
income if it’s below a certain amount.
Savings Credit is an extra payment for
people who have saved some money
towards their retirement, e.g. a pension.
You don’t pay tax on Pension Credit.
A-Z of community services
Older People’s Services
Age UK Runnymede and Spelthorne
The Orchard, Staines Lane
KT16 8PS
Telephone: 01784 444200
Information and advice
Free unbiased information can be provided in the comfort of your own
home or at a location that suits you. Advice regarding benefit checks,
completing paperwork and providing local information are some of the
features of this service.
Road 2 Recovery
Free short term practical support to help you to regain your
independence after a stay in hospital or recovering from an illness
at home.
Support 4 You
This paid for service provides help with tasks around the home including
shopping, cleaning, making the bed, trips out and much more.
Handyperson and gardening service
Fitting key safes, minor adaptations, small repairs, gardening, DIY jobs
and clearance.
Introducing you to a volunteer who will visit you at home regularly for a
coffee and a chat.
Social activities and Outings programme
Coffee mornings and a range of clubs are available throughout the week.
Tonic time exercise class, Pilates type exercise (standing or seated) and an
opportunity to socialise afterwards.
Transport for hire
Three 15 seater fully accessible minibuses fitted with tailgate lifts are
available for hire.
Some services are chargeable; please contact the office for details.
A-Z of community services
Age UK Surrey
Rex House, William Road, Guildford, GU1 4QZ
Telephone: 01483 503414
Age UK Surrey is an independent local charity. They work for all people
over the age of 50 offering a wide range of services to help them make
the most of life. Age UK Surrey is also a brand partner of Age UK and a
member of the Age England Association.
Services include:
Advocacy – Enables people to have their voice heard for example writing
letters and attending meetings. Advocacy staff/volunteers can meet with
you in your own home. This service is funded by the Surrey Disabled
People’s Partnership.
Counselling – Offers older people and their carers the chance to talk
in confidence to an experienced counsellor. Sessions take place in the
person’s home. The service covers all of Surrey.
Information and Advice – Answers enquiries on a wide range of topics
affecting people over 50.
Health and Wellbeing Go50 – offers walks, Nordic walking and cycling.
The programme covers all of Surrey.
Products and services - offering a wide range of products specifically
designed for the over 50s including; insurance, personal alarms and gas
and electricity.
The Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens,
TW17 9DH
Telephone: 01932 248192
Age UK Surrey provides a ‘Hometime’ service for the Runnymede,
Spelthorne and Elmbridge areas at very competitive prices. Home helps
provide a variety of domestic support, such as, cleaning the house,
laundry, shopping, bed-changing, walking the dog, cooking light meals,
helping with correspondence and possibly taking clients to the shops or
garden centre for an outing. A gardening service is also available.
For more information telephone the number above or visit the
Greeno Centre.
A-Z of community services
Contact the Elderly
Telephone: 01273 401569
Contact the Elderly with the help of volunteers organises monthly
Sunday afternoon tea parties for isolated older people.
Once a month on a Sunday afternoon volunteer drivers pick up and
accompany the older group members to have afternoon tea hosted
by a volunteer.
The local groups visit a different volunteer’s home each month where the
older group members are able to enjoy a social outing in a homely setting.
The groups are open to older people (75yrs +) who find they have very
few social contacts and opportunities to meet with other people.
Because the tea parties take place in the homes of volunteer hosts group
members need to be able to walk a few steps (with the help of a stick/
frame) from the house to the car.
There is a Chertsey group and interest in joining the group should be
directed to Julia Rivas.
Good Neighbours
Good Neighbours offer practical neighbourly support to people living
in Runnymede. There are four Good Neighbours schemes covering
different areas of the borough. The schemes are always looking for new
volunteers. If you wish to speak to someone please give a few days’
notice when contacting any of these schemes. Practical neighbourly
help on short term basis include: transport help, hospital and GP
appointments, shopping, and dentist visits.
Addlestone and Ottershaw
Telephone: 01932 847345/ 07943 707161
Contact hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Chertsey and Lynne
Telephone: 01932 565146
Contact hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm
New Haw and Woodham
Telephone: 07855 680950
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 12pm
A-Z of community services
CARE in Egham and District
Telephone: 01784 431031
Contact hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm
Serving the northern part of Runnymede Borough – Egham, Egham
Hythe, Thorpe, Englefield Green and Virginia Water, for those who
are elderly, sick or disabled. The scheme can give practical help with
transport to hospital and health centre appointments help with shopping
or collecting prescriptions amongst other things.
Please note, when you call the number listed above, callers will hear
a recorded message giving the name and number of the CARE Duty
Officer for that day. There is a roster of Duty Officers who operate from
their own homes, answering calls for help.
Online Support –
Telephone: 07789 888391
DropBy is a friendly, caring and supportive online community for the over
60s where every member is valued and encouraged to contribute by giving
support to other members and asking for help or advice whenever needed.
Membership is free and your privacy and security is a priority.
DropBy provides online chat and instant messaging, hosting photos,
videos and music. It is a safe hub for older people to communicate and
interact with their families, friends and each other. It is a friendly place
where carers and older people can talk and make friends. The website
is fun and has a joke
group, a quiz and
photo competitions
and even a rant room
where members
express and share
their frustrations.
There are also blogs
and forums.
The creators of the
website are happy
to help you find your
way around –
just DropBy!
A-Z of community services
Pets and Vets
Cinnamon Trust
Telephone: 01736 757900
The Cinnamon Trust works to keep elderly owners and those in final
stages of a terminal illness together with their beloved pet. There is a
nationwide network of volunteers who are there to hold hands with
owners and assist with dog walking, vet trips, cleaning litter trays and
generally giving peace of mind regarding the future of their much loved
companion. They can also arrange short term foster care of pets when an
owner has to go into hospital.
Millbrook Animal Centre
Guildford Road, Chobham
GU24 8EH
Telephone: 0300 123 0740
Open 11.30am to 4pm every day except Mondays
A re-homing centre for animals. Millbrook also offers advice and guidance
on a range of issues regarding animal welfare and keeping pets.
Surrey, Woking and District Branch
Cruelty and Advice Line: 0300 1234 999
Enquiries: 01483 474031
The branch has their own team of fosterers who take in and re-home cats,
dogs and rabbits. Please call to discuss this and arrange an appointment.
Financial support can be provided through the welfare assistance scheme
to pet owners if they cannot afford veterinary treatment for their animals
and if they meet the branch’s criteria. Under the same criteria they can
provide support towards a neutering service for cats and dogs. In an
emergency, however, you should take your pet to your local veterinary
surgeon immediately and contact the RSPCA within two hours with a
view to financial aid.
A-Z of community services
Veterinary Surgeons
Forest House Veterinary Group
105 High Street, Egham
Telephone: 01784 434675
Emergency telephone:
01753 865669
Runnymede Hill
Veterinary Hospital
Tite Hill
Egham TW20 0NB
Telephone: 01784 436367
Out of hours emergencies
Telephone: 01784 472043
Spinney Hill Veterinary Centre
136 Spinney Hill
Addlestone, KT15 1BB
Telephone: 01932 853991
Virginia Water Veterinary Clinic
Spinney Hill Veterinary Centre
447 Stroude Road
Virginia Water, GU25 4BU
Telephone: 01344 841801
Willett House
Veterinary Surgeons
The Corner House,
79 Brighton Road
Addlestone, KT15 1PT
Telephone: 01932 846223
138 Kingston Road, Staines,
TW18 1BL
Telephone: 01784 452048
A-Z of community services
Post Offices – Local Branches
Tesco, 117 Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AS
5 Windsor Street, Chertsey, KT16 8AY
68A High Street, Egham, TW20 9EY
Sub-Post Offices
Ongar Parade Post Office, 3 Ongar Parade, Addlestone, KT15 1JH
225 Pooley Green Road, The Hythe, Egham, TW20 8AS
20 Brox Road, Ottershaw, KT16 0HL
Thorpe Post Office and Stores, Green Road, Thorpe, TW20 8QS
Virginia Water
14 Station Parade, Virginia Water, GU25 4AB,
6 The Parade, Trumps Green Road, Virginia Water, GU25 4EH
286 Woodham Lane, New Haw, KT15 3NT
A-Z of community services
Public Services
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Vehicle Registration and Tax enquiries: 0300 790 6802
Driver Licensing enquires: 0300 790 6801
Driver Medical enquires: 0300 790 6806
Registration of Birth, Deaths, Marriages and Civil partnerships
Rylston, 81 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9LN
Telephone: 0300 200 1002
Staines County Court
The Law Courts, Knowle Green, Staines, TW8 1XH
Telephone: 01483 405 300
Surrey County Council
County hall, Penrhyn Road,
Kingstone Upon Thames, KT1 2DW
Telephone: 03456 009 009
Recycling and Household Waste
Telephone: 0800 0520067
Runnymede Borough Council runs an alternate weekly kerbside collection
service for recycling and household waste. The recycling service collects
glass, plastics, cans, cardboard and paper all in a blue lidded wheeled bin.
Food waste is collected every week. A kitchen caddy has been provided
to put food scraps into. An outdoor food waste bin has been provided
for you to empty your kitchen caddy into and this bin must be put out on
your collection day each week. Please make sure you
put your bins out at the kerbside to your property by
6am on your collection day.
Assisted Collection Service
An assisted collection service is for residents unable to
move their wheeled bin to the front of their property,
ready for collection. When a request for this service is
agreed, the refuse crew will collect, empty and return
the bin to a convenient spot at the front or side of the
house. To request an assisted collection service, please
telephone the number above.
A-Z of community services
Garden Waste
You can subscribe to the garden waste collection service where your
garden waste is collected at the kerbside every fortnight. For details,
please contact the number above.
Alternatively you can take your garden waste to one of the Surrey
County Council Community Recycling Centres (see below). Please do not
put garden waste in your black wheeled bin.
Bulky Waste Collections
Telephone: 01420 488 783
Runnymede Borough Council is now working in partnership with the
Surrey Reuse Network to collect bulky waste from domestic properties
within the Borough. Please visit the website above for details of items
can and cannot be collected.
To arrange a collection, call the number above or visit the website to
complete an online form. All collections are normally completed within
seven days of the receipt of your payment. It is preferred if you are at
home when the collection is made so that the item(s) can remain inside
your home and reduce the chance of them getting wet. If this is not
convenient, please ensure they are covered up if left outside.
These sites are open to Runnymede residents for disposing of household
refuse and recycling household waste:
Lyne Lane, Lyne
Telephone: 01932 560271
Martyrs Lane, Woking,
Telephone: 01483 721119
Charlton Lane, Shepperton
Telephone: 01932 782792
Opening hours
Dates: 1 April 2016 (all year round)
Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm
Weekends 9am – 4pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day
A-Z of community services
Green Fingers of Runnymede
Telephone: 01932 425130
Brighten up your garden with flowers this summer and
enter Runnymede Borough Council’s annual Greenfingers of
Runnymede competition.
The competition is supported by Squires Garden Centres and the winning
three in each category will receive Squires Garden Centre vouchers!
1st prize: £40 garden voucher
2nd prize: £20 garden voucher
3rd prize: £10 garden voucher
The categories are:
• Allotments
• Front garden display
• Communal/community garden
• School garden (amateur)
Special judges’ awards will also go to Best Newcomer and Best
Environmental Feature.
Pick up an application form from Runnymede Borough at Council Civic Offices,
Addlestone, or our Website on
A-Z of community services
Runnymede Locality Team (Social Services)
Adult social care helpline: 0300 200 1005
Locality telephone number: 01932 794800
Out of hours emergency duty team: 01483 517898
The aim of Social Services is to help people and their carers live as
independently and as safely as possible, remaining in their own homes for
as long as possible, if they wish, or other accommodation of their choice.
The team offers a range of special skills to deliver personal care and support
services and is based locally in Runnymede Borough Council’s offices.
The locality team is made up of social care workers including qualified
social workers and occupational therapists, assistant practitioners,
support brokers and business support staff, who contribute to arranging
information and advice, assessment and support.
If you are finding it difficult to manage by yourself and you are over
the age of 18 they can support you. This may be by providing you with
information and advice so that you can find your own solutions.
Care and support from Adult Social Care is available for people who have:
• mental health needs
• a learning disability
• a physical impairment
• problems with memory, language, or other mental functions
• HIV or AIDS or any other long term health conditions
• a sensory impairment (including combined sight and hearing loss)
• multiple impairments, complex needs and other social
care requirements
• carers who look after an adult, often a relative.
Priority has to be given to people who are at the greatest risk and this
decision will be based on the criteria in the Department of Health’s
national guidance, prioritising need in the context of Putting People First,
which is used by all councils. These are known as eligibility criteria and
they take account of each person’s circumstances.
If you suspect a vulnerable adult is being abused please contact the
telephone number above.
A-Z of community services
Reablement Service
The Reablement Service works alongside the locality team to provide
an assessment and Reablement Service, helping people regain skills for
independent daily living.
Specially trained Reablement Assistants help you to learn how to
accommodate your illness or condition and maximise your level of
independence by learning or relearning the skills necessary for daily living
and to remain independent at home.
Residential Care
If you, or someone you know, need residential or nursing care, consider
getting some advice from Surrey County Council’s Adult Social Care team.
You can also visit the website above for a catalogue of care services.
Contact Runnymede Borough Council’s
Community Transport service if you
need assistance getting to and from the
shops. Please see page 10. Or contact
the Good Neighbours schemes. Please
see page 70-71. Age UK Runnymede
and Spelthorne offers help if you have
been ill and are recovering or have
recently come out of hospital. Please
see page 59 for details.
Sensory Impairment/
Loss Services
Mobile: 07949 994358
deafPLUS is a national voluntary organisation that promotes integration
and partnership.
between deaf and hearing people through programmes of support,
information and training. Regional services are developed to support the
needs of deaf people with any level of hearing loss in the community.
The Mobile Advisory Service reaches out to every locality in Hampshire
and Surrey. The MAS bus has the assistive equipment for people with a
hearing loss.
A-Z of community services
Guide Dogs (Reading Mobility Team)
Telephone: 0845 372 7433
Guide Dogs’ reading mobility Team provides a range of mobility services
across Surrey to help people who are blind and partially sighted get out
and about.
Services include the Guide Dog Service and My Guide. Through
My Guide, blind and partially sighted people are matched with
trained volunteer sighted guides in their area. The aim is to increase
independence and build confidence in getting out and about along with
establishing connections within the local community. My guide is a
flexible service that helps to create independence to enable you to do the
things that you want to do.
If you have vision impairment that makes getting out and about difficult,
Guide Dogs’ Reading Mobility Team may be able to help. Telephone,
write or e-mail today to find out more about the range of mobility
services available.
Hearing Champions
All Saints’ Church
98 Woodham Lane
New Haw
KT15 3DH
Contact: Anne Sharp
Telephone: 01932 34097
A FREE service for people with NHS hearing aids includes: basic maintenance,
battery supply, cleaning and re-tubing, trouble shooting and advice.
All our volunteers have been trained by the audiology department at the
Royal Surrey County Hospital and hold training completion certificates.
Telephone the number above for dates on next available session.
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Telephone: 01844 348100 (voice and minicom)
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People select and train dogs to respond to
specific sounds such as the alarm clock, doorbell, baby cry, telephone
and smoke alarm. Instead of barking, the dogs alert the deaf person by
touch, using a paw to gain attention and then leading them back to the
sound source. For sounds such as a smoke alarm or fire alarm, the dogs
A-Z of community services
will lie down to indicate danger. Applicants must be aged 18 or over, have a
severe or profound hearing loss and need some form of assistance to make
them aware of household sounds. Hearing dogs are free to deaf applicants.
If you would like to apply for a hearing dog, sponsor a dog, donate a dog
or volunteer to help, please ring the office telephone number.
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
Helpline: 0303 123 9999
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the leading charity
offering information, support and advice to people with sight loss. It can
offer you emotional and practical support, products, advice, educational
opportunities, support to retain and gain jobs and more.
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey
Voice line for Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 01372 869961
Minicom: 01372 361517
SMS Text: 07860 026269
Telephone: 01372 377701
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey, formally known as Sight for
Surrey, delivers specialist services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people,
alongside the existing services for people who have a visual impairment
or combined sight and hearing loss.
Discovering your eyesight or hearing is deteriorating or is affected by a
specific condition can be emotionally devastating and may raise many
questions. Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey has highly- skilled social
work, hearing loss, specialist assessment and rehabilitation teams who can
offer support and training to enable individuals to adapt their lives and
maintain independence. We offer a holistic, person-centred approach
which is focused on meeting the needs of individuals and their families.
They have a wide range of other services that they provide to their
members such as befriending, computer training and benefits advice.
A dedicated outreach team works in all the boroughs of Surrey to ensure
members are supported on a regular basis.
A Mobile Hearing and Sight bus travels across the county. If you know of
a venue that could benefit from a visit, please contact our Help Desk.
E-mail: or telephone the number above.
A-Z of community services
Outreach Worker – Runnymede and Spelthorne
The Outreach team works across Surrey providing advice locally on clubs,
classes, talking books, talking newspapers and general matters related to
sight loss and hearing loss. For any outreach support please telephone
the number above.
Talking Newspaper
Telephone: 01784 435622
The Elmbridge and Runnymede Talking Newspaper is a free service
allowing those with sight problems to keep up to date with the local
news. Working from their studio at Weybridge Hospital they provide
a weekly digest of the news from the Surrey Advertiser group of
newspapers. With financial help from local rotary clubs, a 90 minute
production, recorded onto a USB memory stick is produced on Fridays
and is aimed to reach listeners on Saturdays.
As well as the weekly news, a monthly magazine is also produced,
providing interviews and stories about local people, places of interest as
well as useful items for the visually impaired and other pieces of general
interest. To find out more about receiving our recordings, or helping as a
volunteer, please telephone the number above.
Thomas Pocklington Trust Befriending
Befriending Telephone: 0208 9961930
Thomas Pocklington Trust runs two befriending schemes with a
difference – E-mail Befriending and Telephone Befriending. Users of the
service will be paired up with a fully trained volunteer who will contact
you around once a week by telephone or by email. These services are
free and available to anyone with sight loss aged 18 or above in the UK.
White Cane Club
Contact: Carol Abrams
Telephone: 01784 451153
Held: Tuesdays, 2pm to 4pm at Chertsey Hall, Heriot Road, Chertsey
A social club for people with visual impairment. Meet for tea/cakes,
social chat and fun activities such as Kurling. On the second Tuesday of
each month there is a trip to the Tenpin bowling alley in Feltham. There
are also several outings per year. Transport may be available to and from
meetings if required.
A-Z of community services
Travel and Transport
Blue Badge Scheme
Initial Enquiry Line: 0844 463 0213
To request a form: 0300 200 1003
Online application:
The Blue Badge scheme is available to people who are registered blind or
have severe mobility problems. The badge applies to individuals whether
they are the driver or passenger. Surrey residents can apply for a Blue
Badge from Surrey County Council.
You can apply or renew by post or online, which is the quickest option.
Alternatively, you can obtain an application form from any Surrey County
Council library. If you are unable to get a form from them you can
request one by calling the contact centre.
Those applying by post must complete the application form and send
it with a cheque payable to Surrey County Council for £10, a recent
passport sized photograph and any supporting documentation to:
Surrey County Council, Blue Badge Team, County Hall, Penrhyn Road,
Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. All applicants are reviewed
against the Department for Transport regulations and applicants are
informed of the decision.
Bus Service
Abellio Surrey
Telephone: 0207 7888550
Carlone Buses
Telephone: 07831 766957
A-Z of community services
Telephone: 0871 2002233 (7am to 10pm)
Concessionary Bus Permit Scheme (free bus pass scheme)
Telephone: 0300 200 1003
Concessionary bus travel is free for residents of eligible age that reside
in Surrey. Eligibility age is the same as a woman’s pensionable age for
both men and women. Concessionary bus travel is also available for
disabled residents.
The senior bus pass entitles the holder to travel for free between
9.30am to 11pm Mondays to Fridays and at any time at weekends and
public holidays. A disabled bus pass holder can travel for free at any time.
A companion pass holder can take a companion for free with them only
in Surrey within the conditions of travel for their pass.
How to apply for a free bus pass
If you are applying for the first time you can visit any of the participating
libraries, including Addlestone and Egham Library. Staff will help you with
the online application and take a digital photo for the pass. There is no
need to make an appointment. You will need to take the following with
you to the library:
• one form of proof of identity and age such as your passport, driving
licence or birth certificate;
• one form of proof of your Surrey address such as your Council tax
statement or a recent utility bill; your National Insurance Number;
proof of your impairment or disability (if applying for a disabled
person’s bus pass).
Alternatively you can apply online but you will need to upload a
photograph of yourself.
However you will need to take your proof of identity to the library to
complete the application.
Once your application has been processed your bus pass will be posted
to you.
Concessionary Fares for Coach Travel
National Express Coach Travel
Telephone: 08717 818179
National Express has a Senior Coachcard for people aged 60 plus which
allows you to save a third on all standard fares, for £10 a year.
A-Z of community services
There is also a Disabled Coachcard for those registered disabled.
If you are travelling in a wheelchair or require assistance, call the helpline
before booking and at least 36 hours in advance of travel.
To find out more information on Dial-a-Ride and other Community
Transport Services please see page 10.
Rail Travel
National Rail Enquires
Telephone: 08457 484950 (24 hours)
For information on all train services and fares
Disabled Person’s Railcard
Telephone: 0345 605 0525 (7am to 10pm, Monday to Sunday)
Minicom/textphone: 0345 601 0132
A railcard for disabled users (proof is needed), valid for one year, costs
£20. Alternatively, a three-year card can be purchased for £54. A discount
is available for an accompanying person.
Eligibility criteria includes: having a registered visual impairment, being
registered deaf or using a hearing aid, having epilepsy (further criteria
apply), receiving certain disability benefits.
Forms are found at most stations and the internet, but completed forms
must be posted with proof of disability.
Senior Railcard
Telephone: 0345 3000 250
A Senior Railcard lets you travel at a cheaper rate on most trains if you are
aged 60 or over. The card is valid for one year and saves you one third on
fares on Standard and First Class Anytime, Off-Peak and Advance fares.
Cards can be bought at most main railway stations if you take some proof
of age or call the number above. The present cost is £30 per year. A threeyear card can be purchased from the internet (only) for £70.
Registered Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
Certain taxi and private hire operators in Runnymede (and just over
the Borough border) have vehicles that are accessible for people with
mobility difficulties. (Please note: It is advisable to check with whichever
operator you contact if the vehicle is available).
A-Z of community services
Transport for Hospital Appointments
If you are an NHS patient with a medical condition that prevents you
from using public transport to get to the hospital, you should ask your
doctor to arrange transport at the time they refer you. You cannot refer
yourself for this service. Your doctor will complete a form and if you
meet certain medical criteria you will be able to have transport. When
you have a follow-up hospital appointment that is the time you should
ask for transport help.
Royal Voluntary Service (RVS)
Telephone: 01932 875055
The RVS runs a gift and coffee shop and a trolley service at the Abbey
maternity Wing St Peter’s Hospital in Chertsey.
RVS Trolley Shop Volunteers are particularly needed on the wards and
afternoons in the coffee shop. Please contact them if you are interested.
Voluntary Support North Surrey
6 The Sainsbury Centre, Chertsey
KT16 9AG
Telephone: 01932 571122
Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday 9am to 4pm
Friday 9am to 1pm
Voluntary Support North Surrey works to strengthen voluntary action
through charities, voluntary and community
groups in the Boroughs of Runnymede
and Surrey Heath. The organisation has
information about the groups that support
the community in the areas of disability,
youth, elderly, faith, health, environment,
sport, residents associations and other
interest groups. Voluntary Support North
Surrey also recruits and places volunteers
so if you have a little time to spare, they
can help you find a suitable volunteering
opportunity to suit you. Most volunteers find
that they actually get a lot from volunteering –
they enjoy it and make new friends.
A-Z of community services
Social Clubs
Virginia Water Arts Society
Contact: Jean McDonnell
Held: First Wednesday of the month 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Virginia
Waters Community Centre, Beechmont Avenue, GU25 4EY
Ever wanted to paint beautiful pictures? Come and watch the experts
work their magic. From watercolour to oils and pastels the professional
demonstrators show how to create the most amazing paintings explaining
the use of the materials and techniques. The monthly meetings are
friendly and welcoming and are for the uninitiated to the professional.
A wonderful way to get inspired and meet like-minded people. There are
also two exhibitions for members work a year and all day workshops and
coach outings.
Visitors welcome- entry £4. Members £1 (refreshments included).
A-Z of community services
Painting Days
Held: Third Monday in each month (except December and January),
12.30pm to 3.30pm at Virgina Water Methodist Church Hall,
Beechmont Avenue.
Runnymede Art Society
Hythe Centre Thorpe Road Staines upon Thames
TW18 3HB
Contacts: Diana Dixon
Telephone: 01784 254290
Contact: Joy Doleman
Telphone: 01784 439218
Members meet every Wednesday throughout the year, from 1.30pm
to 4.30pm.
The society provides a social atmosphere where members meet and paint
and enjoy a ‘cuppa’ together. If you are interested in Art and want to enjoy
painting with fellow artists- all mediums, drawing, sketching, zentangling
and encaustic wax- why not come along for a ‘taster’ session to see if
you would like to join the group. Demonstrations and workshops run by
professional artists are a held regularly. You will be made very welcome.
For more information and photos, please visit the website above.
A-Z of community services
Open to any age.
The clubs welcome new
bowlers as well as those
with experience. Coaches
are available. People with a
range of disabilities can be
accommodated, including
visually impaired.
Addlestone Victory Park
Bowls Club
Telephone: 01932 851563
Held: Victory Park, Addlestone (summer months)
Addlestone Methodist Church Hall, Station Road (winter months)
Chertsey Bowling Club
Contact: David Coller (Club Secretary)
Telephone: 01784 882942
Held: Chertsey Recreation Ground, Guildford Road
Heathervale Bowling Club
Contact: John Neal (Club Secretary)
Telephone: 01932 851307
Held: Heathervale Recreation Ground, Parkside, New Haw
Ottershaw Bowling Club
Contact: Mrs Jean Ayres (Club Secretary)
Telephone: 01932 344 245
Held: Ottershaw Memorial Fields, Foxhills Road
Indoor Bowls
Chertsey Friendship Club
Indoor Bowls available at Chertsey Hall, Please see page 98.
Lyne Short Mat Bowls Club
Contact: Mrs Barbara Tomlinson (Secretary)/K.M. Hodgson (Captain)
Telephone: 01932 565984 (Secretary)
Held: Thursdays 7pm to 10pm at Lyne Village Hall, Lyne Lane, KT16 0AN
A social group who meet to play indoor short mat bowling.
A-Z of community services
Ashford Bridge Club
Contact: Steve Pratt
Telephone: 01784 245573
Held: Fordbridge Centre, Fordbridge Road, Ashford, TW15 2PU
Duplicate bridge: Tuesday and Friday 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Partner
provided if required on Tuesdays.
On the First and Third Wednesday of the month: ‘No fears’ evening for
those wishing to learn duplicate bridge. This is an informal, social evening
to welcome those interested in starting bridge.
British Sugarcraft Guild
Contact: Sylvia
Telephone: 01784 442358 or
Contact: Joan
Telephone: 01784 254320
Held: Third Tuesday of each month, from 7.30pm at New Haw
Community Centre, Woodham Lane.
The Runnymede branch of the British Sugarcraft Guild hold monthly
meetings. For more details please contact Sylvia or Joan.
Runnymede and Staines Chess Club
Contact: Derek McGovern / Stephen Welch
Telephone: 01784 435054 (Derek) / 07884 110680 (Steven)
E-mail: /
Held: Mondays at 7.30pm
at Egham and District
Social Club, 132A High
Street, Egham.
This local chess club is for
players of all abilities. They
play friendly matches and
in local Leagues. Chess
enthusiasts of all abilities
are welcome to come
and join today!
A-Z of community services
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship
Contact: Dorothy Dib
Telephone: 01784 441990
Held: Third Tuesday of the month
This is a group for retired civil servants and other retirees are welcome,
to meet for lunch and a chat. The group meets on the third Tuesday of
every month. The venue is chosen each month and is usually a restaurant
in the local area. Meet for companionship and a regular get together so
that you have something to look forward to every month. The group is
hoping to meet some new members so please contact them if interested.
Coffee Mornings
Mingle & Mix
Contact: Keith Pearce
Telephone: 01784 465765
Held: Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm
(term time only) at Hythefields Gospel Hall,
Thorpe Lea Road, Pooley Green, Egham
Come in for company, a chat or read the daily
newspapers. Coffee, tea, cakes, sausage rolls etc. are provided free of
charge. Donations are gratefully received. Open to all ages.
Senior Saturday Special (Heathervale Baptist Church)
Telephone: 01932 343588
Held: Saturdays once a month, 10.30am to 12pm, at Heathervale Baptist
Church Heathervale Road, New Haw, KT15 3NW
The Senior Saturday Specials are held in the church lounge. There is tea,
coffee and homemade cakes and usually an activity or a speaker. There
is a short Christian message and the morning finishes with a prayer.
Transport can be organised where necessary.
Afternoon Tea Specials
Three times a year, there is an afternoon tea time special from 3pm to
5pm with food, excellent entertainment and a short Christian message.
the event is free and transport can be arranged.
A-Z of community services
Addlestone Historical Society
Contact: Ian Mawson (Chairman)
Telephone: 01932 856901
Held: First Tuesday of each month except August (no meeting), 8pm to
9.30pm/10pm at the Muriel Wise Suite – Addlestone Community Centre,
Garfield Road.
Monthly meetings are held for members and visitors at which a speaker
will present a talk on subjects with an historical base. These are usually
illustrated by slides and some speakers bring objects and/or literature to
illustrate their talk.
In January and June (AGM) short talks are presented by members on a
variety of subjects. In December there is a Christmas Social event.
A quarterly magazine is published free to members.
Membership currently costs £15 annually. Visitors (non-members) can
pay £3 per meeting paid at the door.
Spin offs to the talks sometimes result in member organised visits to
places of interest. The Society holds and maintains an extensive library of
historical publications and material, artefacts and ephemera. Assistance is
also available to members wishing to publish their own historical research.
Lunch Clubs
Cameo Club (Come and Meet Each Other)
Addlestone Salvation Army,
Church Road
KT15 1SG
Contact: The Salvation Army
Telephone: 01932 829678
Held: Every Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm
CAMEO is held every Wednesday and is a light lunch followed by an
enjoyable hour. There is a small cost of £2.50 for lunch and the meeting
or 50p if you just want to attend the meeting from 1.45pm.
CAMEO offers an opportunity to make new friends, stretch the mind with
speakers and quizzes and reflect on significant things in a Christian context.
A-Z of community services
Good News Café (Christ Church, Virginia Water)
Christ Church Virginia Water
Christchurch Road
Virginia Water
GU25 4PT
Contact: Penny Potter
Telephone: 01344 844946 (Christ Church Office)
Held: Thursdays, 12:30pm to 3:30pm, except last Thursday of the month
which runs from 12.15pm to 2pm
The Good News Café is for all seniors (50+) seeking good company,
friendship, help or even a new interest.
The café offers a light lunch (savouries followed by cakes, tea, or coffee)
free of charge but donations are always welcome.
Optional activities include: one to one computer introduction sessions,
board games, a monthly book club, film club, monthly quiz, gentle mobility
exercises and carpet kurling or table tennis.
On the last Thursday of the month there is a traditional roast lunch (two
courses with wine and tea or coffee) for a donation of £4.
A ‘Memory Café’ for dementia carers and those living with dementia is
held on the first Thursday of the month from 1.30pm to 3pm, offering
meaningful activities and a chance to meet new people and gaining
support as a carer.
Interested? Contact the church office or just drops in, you are
always welcome.
Runnymede and Spelthorne Ladies Probus Club
Anne Boleyn Hotel
The Hythe
TW18 3JD
Contact: Audrey Lowther
Telephone: 01784 435855
Held: First Wednesday of each month at the Anne Boleyn Hotel,
details above.
There is a luncheon club for retired professionals and business ladies.
Lunch is followed by a talk from a variety of speakers.
A-Z of community services
Music, Bands and Choirs
Addlestone Singers
Addlestone Methodist Church
Station Road
Contact: Anne Edwards (Chair), Elizabeth Collier (Secretary)
Telephone: 01932 564099 (Secretary)
Held: Mondays, 8pm to 9.45pm
Do you enjoy singing? If so the Addlestone Singers could be just the
ladies choir for you.
The Addlestone Singers is a group of ladies of all ages and abilities who
meet on Monday evenings to sing together. To take part you don’t need
to be able to read music, just enjoy singing. Three free taster sessions are
available. Their music is very varied, rehearsals light and they break half
way through for tea.
The Addlestone Singers perform their own concerts in aid of local
charities, and are also involved with other local events.
A-Z of community services
Egham Choral
United Church of Egham
High Street
Contact: Cecil Hull (Chairman)
Telephone: 01483 770622
Held: Monday’s (during term time)
from 7.30pm to 9.30pm
A community choir performing three or four concerts a year ranging from
major choral works with full orchestra and professional soloists to carols
and lighter music. If you enjoy singing please come along any Monday
evening. New members are welcome and there is no audition to worry
about – all that we ask is that you enjoy singing and will be willing to learn
the music at the weekly rehearsals.
Egham and District Music Club
Telephone: 01784 434086
Egham and district Music Club is a sociable club for people interested in
music. It puts on eight concerts a year at the United Church of Egham,
normally Sunday afternoons in the winter and Wednesday evenings in
the summer. There is also a young performers platform for up and coming
musicians and at the AGM members take part in their own concert. You
can join the club or come as a visitor.
Surrey Community Music Society- Get Music Going!
Telephone: 0300 121 2233
Their mission is to bring people together from all walks of life who all
share the same passion - music!
Whether it’s the singing of folk songs, modern pop, contemporary or any
other form of musical expression, the aim is for different voices, talents
and skills to blend together in unison and harmony to produce music that
will not only ignite souls, but delight and inspire those who hear them!
The aim is to introduce adults of all ages to the skills, techniques and
enjoyment of choral singing, whilst having as much fun and enjoyment
as possible!
A-Z of community services
The Wonderyears Seniors Rock Chorus Band
Contact: Kris Brannigan
Telephone: 07979 897808
Based in Virginia Water, The Wonderyears are the UK’s oldest seniors
rock chorus and band and have delighted audiences large and small with
their unique show. With an average age of over 70 and the oldest at 90,
when they start to belt out classic rock and punk as well as contemporary
pop and hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s, they soon dispel the traditional
view of grandparents. Their performances are inspirational and moving
and leave audiences with a ‘feel good factor’. They appeal to audiences
of all ages.
As well as performing at major rock music events such as Guilfest, the
Wonderyears were quarter finalists in the 2012 Britain’s Got Talent
competition. If you are interested in joining, please contact Wonderyears
Rock on the telephone number above.
A-Z of community services
Over 50s Clubs
New Horizons
Contact: Captain Eric Atkinson C.A.
Telephone: 01483 827894
Held: Second Monday of the month, from 2pm to 4pm at the
Cornerstone Centre, St John’s Church, Camphill Road, West Byfleet,
KT14 6EH.
A coffee morning is held on the fourth Monday of the month from 10am
to 12pm.
This over 50’s group, meeting once a month where there are talks and
activities for this age group. New Horizons is aimed for those who are
approaching retirement also for those who have been retired for some
time and want to broaden their outlook.
A-Z of community services
Over 60s Club
Chertsey Friendship Club
Contact: Mrs E Jackson
Telephone: 01932 565190 / 07966 521088
Held: Chertsey Hall, Heriot Road, KT16 9DR
Monday Club
The Monday Club meets every week from 1pm to 4.15pm. The cost
of £3 allows you to enjoy a light lunch (served until 2pm) followed by
entertainment, tea, a raffle and a lotto.
Dance Afternoons
Dance afternoons are
held on Wednesdays
from 1pm to 4.15pm
and include light
lunch and tea.
Cost £3.50.
Indoors bowls
Indoor bowls sessions
run on Wednesdays,
Thursdays and
Fridays from 10am
to 12.30pm. Each
session costs £4.
Occasionally a special
evening with a meal
is held. There are
also day trips once
a month, sometimes
more, and a few
holidays a year.
Any new people
moving to the area
are welcome. You
will find the club a
very friendly place
and soon find good
A-Z of community services
Egham and District Over 60’s Club
Contact: Ms. Doreen Layley
Telephone: 07840 397322
Held: Every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 4pm at the Manor Farm Centre,
Manor Farm Lane, Egham, TW20 9HR
A local club based in Egham. It was formed in 1946 and is still going
strong for all those over 60. Meetings are held evert Tuesday, offering
entertainment, bingo, raffles, table top sales and more.
No joining fee just £1.30 per meeting which includes teas coffees,
entertainment and good company.
There are monthly coach trips to various locations, as well as two
holidays a year (April and November) to the South Downs Holiday village
in Bracklesham Bay Sussex. Holidays are five days, full board with food,
entertainment and return coach.
Egham Hythe Darby and Joan Club
Hythe Centre
Thorpe Road
TW18 3HD
Contact: Mrs A Hawkes
Telephone: 01784 452983
Held: Every Friday from 2.30pm
Come along for entertainment every other week, games, outings, have
fun and laugh a lot. Transport is available, telephone the number above
for details.
Lyne Cross Over 60s Club
Lyne Village Hall
Lyne Lane
KT16 0AN
Contact: Mrs Linda Webster
Telephone: 01932 883659/ 07538 868385
Held: First Tuesday in month, 2pm to 4pm
Go alone for quiz afternoons, film shows, bring and buy, whist and more.
A-Z of community services
Silver Club of Woodham and New Haw
Woodham and New Haw Centre
Amis Avenue
KT15 3ET
Contact: Valerie Hessey
Telephone: 01932 840028
Held: Fourth Wednesday of the month (except August), 2pm to 4pm
A club for the over 60s. Meetings include, news updates, entertainment
(music, talks etc.), tea coffee and cakes, quizzes and bingo, and lots of chat.
Royal Naval Association- Woking and District
Railway Club
Goldsworth Road
GU21 6JT
Contact: Honorary Shipmate Rod Fraser
Telephone: 01932 349928
Held: Third Thursday of every month for 7pm
The Association is for those that have served, or are serving, in the Royal
Navy, Royal marines, WRNS, The Queen Alexandra’s Royal naval Nursing
Service, The Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
Associate membership is available for family, friend or those with an
interest in maritime matters. They have social activities, quiz evenings and
coach outings; plus ceremonial parades.
Townswomen’s Guilds
Addlestone Townswomen’s Guild
Addlestone Methodist Hall
Station Road
Contact: Marian Strike (Chairperson), 01932 844325 or Margaret
Stewart (Secretary), 01932 841919
Held: Last Thursday of each month at 2pm for 2.15pm start at the
Methodist Hall
Come and join in for an interesting afternoon and a cup of tea.
A-Z of community services
University of the Third Age (Runnymede U3A)
Learn, laugh and live! The Runnymede U3A is a learning co-operative of
older people devoted to learning with members all of whom are in their
Third Age. This can be a time of creativity and fulfilment.
The annual subscription to the Runnymede U3A is £12.50. This enables
you to join any group that has vacancies, with no further charge
(sometimes 20p towards refreshments). Please download a membership
application form from the website above.
They also hold monthly Members Meetings at the Hythe Centre, Thorpe
Road, Staines TW18 3HD from 2pm to 4pm where there are talks on
subjects of interest and a chance for a chat with other members over a
cup of tea.
Coach trips and theatre visits are also arranged throughout the year.
The following activities are currently offered by the U3A:
Coffee Morning Moto
Beading Local History
Reading Group 1,
Reading group 2
Bird watching,
Bridge, Music,
Appreciation Play,
Reading, Social History
French, Gardening
(Addlestone) Gardening
(Chertsey), Social Scrabble
Poetry, Reading, Group 3
Current Affairs, Lace-Making,
Painting, Walking Group 1,
Walking Group 2
Beginners Bridge
Art Appreciation, Exploring
Art, Tap Dancing
Reading Group 4
A-Z of community services
Walking Groups
Led walks
Meeting point: Manor Farm Centre, Egham
Telephone: 01932 425677
Held: Mondays from 10am
Come and join a free weekly led walk around Runnymede. They are fun,
friendly and very welcoming. The walks last around 30 minutes and are
fairly gentle and on flat terrain. All abilities are welcome.
No need to book, just go along to the Centre. For more information
telephone the number above.
Walking for Health
Contact: Tasha Feddery
Telephone: 01483 757461
Website: /
The weekly Walking for Health schemes in Runnymede and Woking are
hosted by Next Steps depression support. These walks are part of the
national Walking for Health scheme which aims to encourage people of
all ages to take part in local walks led by trained volunteers.
The walks scheme seeks to prevent low mood in the local population by
promoting healthy exercise, and also provides valuable support to those
using the depression support service.
A-Z of community services
Runnymede Walks:
Every Tuesday,
1.15pm for 1.30pm
Starter walks (maximum 30 minutes) take place fortnightly on a Tuesday
10.45am for an 11am start.
Woking Walks:
Every Wednesday,
10.45am for 11am
For up-to-date information and walks calendar please see the website or
call the number above.
University of the Third Age (Runnymede U3A)
Runnymede U3A provide a walking group for members. The longer
walk is on the second Thursday of the month and the shorter walk is on
the fourth Thursday. Members are welcome to either or both walks. The
group size is not currently restricted.
For information on how to become a member please
E-mail: or look at the
Women’s Institutes
Chertsey WI
Chertsey Hall
Heriot Road
KT16 9DR
Contact: Mrs Barbara Deal
Telephone: 01932 563867
Held: Third Thursday of the month from 12.45pm to 3.15pm
(excluding August)
Monthly meetings are held with speakers at most meetings. A light lunch
is provided. An annual garden party is held in August.
There are many other social activities including monthly coffee mornings,
theatre trips, beetles drives, a craft group and walking group.
Members pay annually in January. Visitors pay £2 including lunch.
A-Z of community services
Egham WI
Hythe Centre
Thorpe Lea Road
TW18 3HD
Contact: Ann Brown
Telephone: 01784 462456
Held: First Thursday of the month at 2pm (excluding August). Egham WI
welcomes all ladies who would like to come to a social afternoon with a
speaker and a friendly atmosphere.
Englefield Bishopgate WI
Jurgens Centre
Harvest Road
Englefield Green
Contact: Paddy Weymouth
Telephone: 01784 433372
Held: Monthly meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 2pm
Social afternoons, scrabble, discussions, coffee mornings and interesting
speakers every month, on a variety of topics. There is also a luncheon
club and weekly social meetings.
A-Z of community services
New Haw and Woodham WI
Woodham and New
Haw Community
Woodham Lane
New Haw
Mrs Rae Green
01932 346015
Held: Third Wednesday
of the month from
2pm to 4pm
A friendly WI, numbering at around 25 ladies. Monthly meetings are held
with a speaker and a chat over a cup of tea. Regular pub lunches are also
held as well as coffee mornings and outings. Visitors are very welcome.
Ottershaw WI
Brook Hall
Brox Road
Contact: Mrs Judy Waller (President), Helen Beer (Secretary)
Telephone: 01932 700817 / 01932 879868 (Secretary)
E-mail: /
Held: Third Thursday of the month from 2pm.
Ottershaw WI is a friendly and welcoming place. Monthly meetings are
held with speakers on various interesting topics. The meetings are lively
affairs with opportunities to chat to other members.
There is a small entrance fee to cover tea and biscuits. There is also a
trading stall at each meeting and an annual subscription fee set by
the Federation.
Art and Craft meetings every Friday 10am to 12pm.
The group would be pleased to see all ladies who would like a social and
interesting afternoon and to meet new friends.
A-Z of community services
Karma Yoga 50+ with Linda Kearney
Hythe Centre
Thorpe Road
TW18 3HD
Telephone: 07518 913052
Held: Thursdays (term-time only) 10.45am to 12pm
This is a yoga class for the over 50s. It is gentle, yet challenging. This is
a friendly and relaxing class. It is composed of some breathing practices,
some physical postures and ends with a deep relaxation technique. It is a
place to come together within the community to enjoy yoga. The classes
are run in accordance with the school calendar term and based on the
availability of the hall. Please contact Linda for current session dates.
Runnymede Council’s Community Services
Community Alarms and Telcare / GPS Location Service
Telephone: 01932 425865
Meals for You
Telephone: 01932 425010
Community Transport
Telephone: 01932 425050
Independent Retirement Living
Telephone: 01932 425834
Social Centres for Older People
Eileen Tozer Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AN
Telephone: 01932 841088
Manor Farm Centre, Manor Farm Lane, Egham, TW20 9HR
Telephone: 01784 435278
Woodham and New Haw Centre, Amis Avenue, New Haw, KT15 3ET
Telephone: 01932 355707
Runnymede Wellbeing Centre
Manor Farm Centre, Manor Farm Lane, Egham, TW20 9HR
Telephone: 01932 425865
01932 838383