
Publication of Union of Dutch
Cabin Personnel
Stationsplein 406
1117 CL Schiphol-Oost
tel: 020-5020480
fax 020-3484520 or
postbox VNC at crew-centre
Page 2
All is well that ends well…
Ever since I have been working
for KLM, the number of costs
cuts and efficiency reorganisations seems endless.
Worse, we automatically go
from one round to the next: from
Hub in Transfer, and via Focus
2000 we find ourselves at
Transform 2015 after a number
of cost cuts and slicing rounds
and a merger. Just if you think
you can relax for a bit, we are
facing a new looping of the rollercoaster called airline industry.
Take last year for instance. A
turbulent period CLA wise
ended in an agreement last
summer – mind jogger who
missed this:
The KLC variety did not make it
and our WRR remained untouched. We only had to hand in
at the wages structure of the
future colleagues. The agreement is for a short period, i.e.
January 2015. And then there
was the strike by the AF pilots,
which cost us an awful lot of
money. In the meantime the
grand lady of the airline industry
turned 95 years old. There were
a few parties, which were visited
by many proud colleagues.
And then…a few weeks late our
brand new CEO reports that the
productivity needs to be increased and that the cost will
have to be decreased. We need
to be lean and mean and more
profitable so that KLM can make
profit to invest in new aircrafts
and create a better competitive
position. For Inflight this means
fundamental changes for the
wages, the compositions of the
crews and the WRR. At the
same time it has not remained
unnoticed that exactly the front liners
make the difference. This message
VNC on internet: www.vnconline.nl
on top of the three years lasting zero
raise does not make me feel that I am VNC email: secretariaat@vnconline.nl
having my birthday. Worse, it is
Chief editor:
KLM’s birthday and does not hand out
Arlette Bruser,
presents at all.
email: redactie@vnconline.nl
I would love to hear at the end of the
year: “all is well that ends well” and I
suspect that I am not the only one.
Anneke Kirkaldy
Until then I suspect the unions will be
Hannet Bilderbeek
doing their utmost.
Arlette Bruser
Chief Editor VNC
Outlook on the job
KLM is headed for a zero raise when the
negotiations still have to start.
What a year
2014 seems to ends just like 2013: with turbulence about a one-sided decision by KLM
that cabin crew just don’t like at all. In 2013
that was the KLM variety and now KLM decides that the hiring of new colleagues, promotion of cabin crew has stopped altogether.
KLM is headed for a zero raise when the
negotiations still have to start.
Technically there is not much against that.
Hiring people first and promoting people and
then raise the production for existing staff
does not get you anywhere. From a human
point of view this does not work very well, in
particular in dealing with cabins staff. Dealing
with people is not just a project and not a
technique. We do know that, don’t we, because this is what we do all the time. But
apparently that particular competence is
something the people at the head office are
familiar with.
Could have been worse
2014 was a year full, of events. Not just because for the negotiations and all the talks
about cost cuts.
Editor’s assistent
Jannette Passchier
In April A Malaysia Airlines loses a B777. 300
passengers, 15 crewmembers and a whole
plane that goes missing. Until today nothing
has been traced in spite of all modern techniques. The disappearance has led to a lot of
speculation about what may have happened
on board. The fact is that we still don’t know.
The same is true for the second B777 Malaysian loses in July 2014. A nightmare for the
families of the casualties of another 300 passengers and 15 crewmembers. Shot down.
Now there are images of pieces of the air craft
and suitcases and passports. Things are clear
for the plane and its passengers, although we
still can’t be sure what happened.
The media is busy whether cabin crew still
dares to go on flights.
And that question pops up again with the outbreak of Ebola a few months alter.
However nice our work as cabin staff may be,
it is a profession with which we make money
and we are fully aware of the risks. But both
incidents with Malaysian are special cases.
Wake up
Was there nothing to celebrate? Yes, KLM
turned 95 years, the 10th anniversary of AF/
KLM and the 85th birthday of the VNV (pilots
union). We are hanging in there in spite of all
Outlook on the job
Destination: Lapland
KLM background
Background: Aviation Incident 6
Destination: Moskou
MC report
Interview: Peter Overdijk
Well found: VNC gives presents to you
X-mas greetings from BMC
the threats. Everything that goes
on in the world affects the airline
industry: regional conflicts, SARS,
Ebola. In 2014 however, we have
had to pay a lot of attention to
unfair competition by airlines outside of Europe that operate without European regulations and with
the support of the state.
Until now they were airline from
the Golf area and everybody
seemed deaf to these new developments. Schiphol welcomed
emirates. The fact that they are
sponsored by oil dollars buy the
state and operate with low tickets
prices is ignored.
Also Norwegian appeared to be
getting the ok by Europe. A
Norwegian airline with a registration in Ireland and Thai staff on
Singaporean contracts. Only the
Page 3
Americans did not supply a license to
starts flying on the Trans Atlantic routings. It seems now that the common
petition we sent to the Department of
Transport and the Transport
Committee of the European
parliament finally woke up
the secretary of state Mr
We don’t know if it was
enough or too late. We shall
see next year. On behalf of
all board members and employees of the VNC I wish
you merry X-mas and a
smashing new year.
It was much appreciated.
Annette Groeneveld
VNC news
Vacancy section Board KLM
As we reported earlier the term of Nol Visser as board member of the
KLM section will end in February 2015. He wants to be re—elected. If
you want to run as well, please make yourself known before January
2014. Check our website to see how that works.
Visions, mission and strategy…
Now that the negotiations are not going so well, I checked what VNC
stands for and what we want to stick to.
Our vision is to represent all cabin crewmembers, keeping several
groups in mind. Our mission is to keep the jobs and to take care of our
labour conditions keeping the difficult social-economic circumstances in
The strategy we stick to is: listen to the members! You are represented in
the Parliament, the MC; you can call the service desk with questions and
remarks. We have also asked for input for the CLA talks and we can also
be reached 24/7.
Another thing is that we make deals for our specific profession, for we
are a categorical union. But we do feel that there should be room for
individual colleagues.
This is a matter that I wish to emphasize, because we have to stick to
this in hard times. This vision, mission and strategy have worked for almost 70 years now!
The VNC New years Reception: Cheers!
The new year seems far away. But our annual VNC reception is already
in our agenda. This year we will welcome our members and other guests
on Tuesday January 6th. At 16.30 we welcome our guests to make a
toast to the a new turbulent flying year.
See you then!
Marion Leguijt
General Secretary VNC
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Lapland—Rita Zovanyi
Page 5
be at the negotiations tables.
Cabin staff is forced to deliver a higher productivity
and along with that KLM is pushing the CLA negotiations
The government has taken the necessary measures as
to pensions, which are really not to our advantage. The
premiums for 2014 have been lowered and this is the
tendency for 2015 too. It simply means a lower pension.
VNC has made a proposal to KLM in order to fix this
loss. Our proposal is according to regulations, but KLM
has to agreed to it yet. The company wants to discuss
the future of our pensions, whereas our proposals are in
line with that and will fix the loss.
Also the additional pension is no longer obligatory in
2015. We also made proposals here because the
money has to be used for pensions.
The age of retirement is still 60 years of age.
And then there is the announcement by KLM that no
new staff is going to be hired. That is against all agreements. Cabin staff is forced to deliver a higher productivity and along with that KLM is pushing the CLA negotiations. However, this is an issue for the negotiation
Past and present KLM
A while ago we had Transform 2015. Much later we
handed in three years of a zero raise, holidays, a higher
productivity and also a change in the wages structure.
That saved millions of Euros. KLM wanted to touch the
WRR, but we refused with our members. An example
often given is the leave for an EZE flight, but one day
taken from that leave is not going to do the trick.
We should not forget that we preferred free time to
money in the past. If we hand in leave now, we are
giving in again with money.
Transform and Perform
Early September De Juniac of AF said that Transform
2015 is a success. He was there with a number of
managers who were all nodding.
And then Perform 2020 was announced as an investment round.
A lot of news followed: Eurlings who was fired and
Elbers, the number two from the board, who came.
Elbers denied that Transform had been a success. We
were surprised and VNC was critical. Elbers claimed
that things had to change and that he would come back
with plans.
The unions have not formally informed. It was clear in
the info sessions that things need to change and that
the productivity has to increase. That is Elbers’ message, but not directly to the unions. Strange, but we will
When I talk to colleagues I always hear: the planes are full and the
planes have never been so full (93%). Are we supposed to take pax
on the wings? Or hand in half of the CLA? It is a coincidence that
KLM starts with this right now. It is no news that KLM is troubled by
the Low Cost carriers in Europe and the Middle East carriers on ICA.
VNC is worried and how can it be that we find ourselves in this position now. We realised huge cost cuts with Transform 2015, but what
has KLM done with these millions?
We will ask KLM about this! And with the answers we will start the
Several sessions
On December 18th and 19th we will start the negotiations. In January
2015 two days are planned. How are we going to tackle this? We
talked it over in the MC in the past few months. As usual we have a
wish list. We will ask questions about cuts in the past. We will involve our members in the process regarding out CLA and therefore
we will organise sessions. You will receive a formal invitation. The
sessions are planned for 22, 23 and 26 January.
Please help us with input here and have faith in us. We all have
opinions of our own regarding CLA’s. Don’t pint at each other.
During the negotiations we will be talking with KLM with all the unions and the deals are made just there. We will keep you posted of
To be continued and for now happy holidays an a good 2015!
Chris van Elswijk
Chairman KLM section VNC
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Background: Aviation Incident investigator
Five days on a special training
Aviation incident investigator
Text by Nol Visser
Whenever accidents happen, the Dutch Council for accidents is investigating. Special Investigators out of the cabin
assist at this kind of investigations. VNC board member Nol Visser does the training.
Maybe you are familiar with the show on National Geographic: Air crash investigation. For all laymen the causes of a crash
are explained and it is even made clear who was to blame. There are always experts on the show, explaining how the accident could have taken place. Often (ex) pilots who fly the type or from the airline involved. Only seldom cabin staff is interviewed. In the real world of the airline industry the truth is no different.
Passed with flying colours
The airlines all have their own safety departments and specialists who operate acceding to international and national agreements. There is a UN organisation, called International Civil organisation (cao), that knows that guidelines for investigating
accidents. In Holland the council is independent fortunately. Recent accidents like the one with the MH17 in the Ukraine and
the one of Turkish Airlines are all accidents we remember well.
VNC has had specially trained “Cabin investigators”. They are trained according to the ICAO annex 13. The Council has
used these investigators. In order to keep up the knowledge of these investigators, two new people were installed in November. Five days they were trained by a company that knows all about this kind of thing with the aim of being useful in case of
an accident. VNC has selected Barry van Dijken, cabin safety trainer and purser at Transavia.com. and me, Purser at KLM
and board member VNC to join the group of investigators. We both passed the training with flying colours and got the certificate. We were even praised by the trainers for our input from the CA point of view!
From now on the Council is complemented with two qualified investigators who can judge the accident mainly from the point
of view of CA’s. The VNC think this is an asset to an objective analysis of an airline accident.
On the picture from left to right:
Jan Smeitink, Barry van Dijken,
Robert van Gelder and Nol Visser
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Moskou—Vera Stalling
Page 8
Korvatunturi Fell is situated in Finnish Lapland to be precise in the Urho Kekkonen National Park. It is a steep, desolate mountain, high and pointed at the edge of the pool circle. There are no roads leading to it, only a few hiking trails that are only accessible in the summer. In the winter you take the dogs slay or the snow scooter, both very exciting.
In the winter it is only -10 - -21 degrees. This is for the people who just love this kind of thing, because it is really awfully cold.
Still there is tourism in Lapland, especially in the winter. There are hotels made of ice, you can go on a dogs or snow scoter safari, and don’t forget to have a look at the northern light, the aurora borealis. This fantastic natural phenomenon can be seen
regularly in the winter from the edge of the Pole circle.
But you really do want to see the Joulupukki: Santa. Somewhere on the Korvatunturi Fell his castle can be found, and you can
only find it if you know where the gate is and you have just a small amount of magic powder. For everybody know that elves can
only secretly work on X-mas presents and it is a fact that Rudolf and all the other deer just love the cold. Is Korvatunturi really an
impossible adventure? Then why not travel to the second house of Santa, which is situated in Rovaniemi and can be reached
much more easily.
IPB from Amsterdam to Helsinki
The price of magic powder varies strongly
Page 9
MC Report
Report MC meeting November 2014
Last month there were two special meeting days, one for the MC and one for the Daily Board of the MC. There were four workshops to choose from. Subjects were: Safety Management System & Just Culture, CLA, WRR and writing a bill. The members
participated and were very enthusiastic.
The Daily board visited the Parliament in The Hague. We had a talk with a few MP’s about board matters and about Transport
matters in general. It became clear that we need to clarify that our job means more than pouring coffee in the air. VNC is very
active here. We realised the EurECCA with other European Unions to ask attention for our job as to safety matters.
State of affairs
We started with an evaluation of all things that had happened at KLM regarding the resignation of Eurlings and the media circus
around it. This took relatively long. We were also informed about the quarterly figures.
EurECCA is a fact and we have the last autograph. Annette Groeneveld is the chairman and she made a tour visiting the other
unions in Europe. The first EurECCA meeting is on the agenda.
There was not much news on pensions. There is a proposal letter of VNC, which KLM has not answered yet. But we need to
make arrangements before January 2015 so we need to get going. We made a pan to fix things for 2015 and we don’t understand why KLM has not reacted positively yet for it is cost neutral.
We had a meeting with the cabins on October 30th. There were many subjects on the table that were shared with the MC just for
We talked about short assignments and about the planning of KLM staff. It appeared that the buffer of 60FTE had disappeared. It
was intended to take care of the great number of request rejections based on production grounds. The section board and KLM
don’t agree on what this deal was meant for. The section board will look into this.
Bill CLA wish list
Last month we discussed all the proposals of the VNC members, the MC and the section board. The section board has made a
selection and they were presented in a bill. All the members of the MC are familiar with this bill. One of the most important points
is the raise. We think it is high time for a raise. Some members thought that the workload for the one-stripers had to be looked
into. This resulted in an amendment with the request for summer CA’s that would have to fly Europe only and would have only
one type. We accepted this amendment and it was passed. We now have permission to negotiate with KLM about this. We will
start half December.
It was a long day, with a lot of info sharing and discussions. We postponed the one-striper workload issue until next meting for
lack of time. We want to discus the promotion options for one-stripers in a meeting which has to be planned yet.
Attend a meeting?
Are you a member of the KLM section of VNC and you wish to attend a meeting? Please report to secretariaat@vnconline.nl.
The meetings always take place on the fist Thursday of the month. In January this will be the second Thursday because of the
holidays. Please feel free to join us!
Page 10
Interview: Peter Overdijk Chief CCM
Headed for improvement
The organ player likes to control things
Schiphol is responsible for over 200.000 jobs. 3500
jobs are KLM jobs
Last year we wanted to talk to our Chief CCM, Peter
Overdijk already.
Because of the turbulence at that point in time we didn’t.
But now we had the opportunity to meet him and talk to
him about the position of KLM in world aviation.
We meet Peter Overdijk in the nineteenth century ST
Urbansus church in Nes aan de Amstel. That is not an
average place to meet, but Peter is not only chief CCM
and SP, he is also the gifted organ player of this church
and is very much involved in the work for this particular
So not an illogical place to meet after all.
We take a look at KLM’s position now. Because once
again the AF/KLM landscape has changed. We haven’t
grown as much as expected and according to the media
our life is at stake here.
Our traditionally profitable months, July and August,
were not so successful. The ticket prices were lowered to
get the planes full and the world deals were continued.
The planes were never fuller than now, 90%. But sometimes against cost prices and even lower than that. We
are also under attack by low-cost airlines like Norwegian
and Ryanair. The national press is making the most of
these stories and we are getting more and more worried.
Headed for improvement
Peter: “ The positive image of early this year has
changed for the worse, that is true. The challenge is:
how can we make more money? Because KLM will have
to invest in fleet and product. Shrinking would mean the
end for us. Look at Swiss Air and Sabena. We have been overtaken by airlines with huge state support. These airlines have
young staff members, who want to fly for a few years only, entering an adventure in a new culture.
KLM has very loyal staff, that has been working for KLM for ages. The average age of our one-stripers is 38, the SP’s 54. This
relatively high age with high social premiums and the social premiums makes the total cost too high. And we have no state support. It seems as if The Hague and Brussels have no clue of the importance of Schiphol and KLM for our economy. Schiphol is
responsible for 200.000 jobs, 35.000 of which are KLM jobs. Modern planes and luxurious planes at the competition make it necessary for to start competing. We have to keep up our investments in our planes and the products. The ICA produced is successful, looking at customer appreciation. The new BC on the B747 is ready and we are starting that with the B777, a totally new
interior. That is how we can tackle the competition.
From an immaterial point of view KLM has its staff as an asset, even an award-winning asset. The focus of the company is and
has always been on how we as staff can make the difference on board and on the ground. We want the passenger to choose for
The importance of the front liners:
Peter: “The repurchase intention is very important to KLM. Our work as cabin staff is essential here. We are in contact with the
passenger, longer than other staff and we have to make sure that the passenger chooses for us! How? Think about what you can
Page 11
do for a passenger? Wouldn’t it be nice to give a honeymoon couple a small cake with the traditional glass of Champaign?
To me it is important that we can fix mistakes made in the past. We need the tools for that on board. Service recovery
is important, but it is even more important to tackle the problem immediately on board. We don’t want to gives away
too many houses on board, but need to keep the passenger happy. Cost cuts are top priority, so we need to take a
look at solutions that are relatively cheap and still have cachet.”
Investing in people
“The product is important, but we also have to keep investing in
cabin staff. By means of skills we offer tools, but it is even more
essential to feel appreciated by the P’s and SP’s on board. We
need to focus on empowerment and training on the job: with the
years of experience in the cabin we can still learn form each
other. The management on board needs to be trained in order to
do this. Things have become stricter in the past few years, and
that was simply necessary. But now it seems that the procedures
have take the better of the final goal. We have learnt from that
and are back to square one: clear rules, but with the focus on a
positive learning flow and not merely sanctions. Everybody
makes mistakes and it is so much more positive if we help each
All together
Peter plays the organ twice a week during mass and is involved
in church matters. “Love others as much as you love yourself " is
something I believe in. I try to implement that in CCM and in dealing with our corps. A disciplinary talk does not always have end
badly. I always try to help a CA, it is not always goodbye.
Through everyday life and unscrupulous media report people drift
apart. I think that is a shame. Why not stick together and make
the most of things. There is another parallel between work and
organ player: I like to control things. If I notice that the Reverend
elaborates too much during mass on a Saturday evening, I start
with an up-tempo hymn, so that everybody leaves the church
feeling happy.
That is why I want for CCM: Lead the right way with the right
In this interview we wanted to get to know the man behind the chief VP CCM. We talked about the position of KLM
about the fundamental changes ahead of us but they did not fit into the article. There is more information now and it
will be brought to you via the media.
Page 12
Well Found: VNC gives presents to you
In this double magazine two pages full of giveaways! Participating is easy: mail your name and the item you want to
secretariaat@vnconline.nl Possible until January 14th.
Rabbit for you
Rabbit, the cuddle of the Ronald McDonald fund has been in the spotlights before. And it’s back!
Because we value the good cause. Parents of sick children can spend the night with their children,
so that they can cuddle their kids before they go to sleep with their rabbits. VNC bought ten to give
away in this magazine. Send an email mentioning your name and the word KNUFFEL.
Ever so joyful
“Too nice for under your jeans, the newspaper said. Someone else said: No bullshit, it is comfortable and last but not least the Fantastic Man: “ They only do one model which is simple and good”
What can we possibly add to this: why not try it yourself?
VNC gives away the one and only TWOPACK of undertoj. Don’t forget to mention your size and
check undertoj for a size chart.
Go crazy
Good idea for 2015! Why not go to the museum more often/ if you have a pass, it becomes easier. With your
museum pass you can visit over 400 museums. Discounts for lectures, workshops, expositions and tours are
also included. For 54 euro go wild in Holland! Do you want this: Name and MUSEUMJAARKAART.
VNC is Baking
And that could be messy, so therefore we have the cookie stamp!
That is how you will find back your bakings and nice too. Made of pear wood and handmade by
Rutger Paets. Check facebook.com/rutger.paets to get inspired. Normal price 17,50 Euro but free
for two people here. Send us your name and KOEKSTEMPEL
Real snake
Elvis and Kresse make nice sustainable stuff of hoses, straw, canvass and parachute
silk. The handbag designed in 2005 has become a classic because of its material and
On ElvisandKresse.nl you can shop for trendy sustainable items that are also waterproof. We offer a toilet bag there made of hoses, lined with silk
Want to win this: send us your name and TOILETTAS
Page 13
Lady Mary
Mary II enters the cabin with great heels (75.cm) this new Skypro
item in the collection is praised as the best shoe. It is well designed and you can walk on them for hours. Not called after the
famous Mary from Downtown Abbey or the Cruise ship Mary2,
but after the first woman in a solo balloon. `Ok then…Mail Skypro
if you want to win these shoes.
This package of bulbs needs your attention and preferable in December. Take a spade and
plant the bulbs 3-5cm deep in the earth. Make cluster with the highest ones at the far end.
Then get warm with a hot cup of tea and tackle the winter.. But then you will enjoy spring
more than ever. Also for a good cause. Buy the package for 7.95 or more at
bloembollenkopen.nl or win one of the three packages. Send us your name and
Purple snow
The autumn collection of McGregor is an inspiring journey
along favourite classics and new fashion. The fashion
items are glamorous and are in blue and green shades
with back and white metallic details. Nice for men: A purple
blue, wind and waterproof skiing jacket of light weight material with a matching cardigan.
You can win a Hoodie or a CAP by sending HOODIE or CAP.
Two for dinner
In Zeist you can take great strolls in its lovely nature, passing the
sights. But then you get hungry. There is brasserie First where
the chef makes products made of local biological products
making a lovely menu. Want to taste? Win the DINERBON VOOR
TWEE. Drinks excluded.
Page 14
Report: X-mas greeting from the BMC
Especially for the double magazine the editors went to the BMC with their notebooks and cameras. Many colleagues
reported their wishes here!
Peter Overdijk SP, chief CCM and Marina, responsible for cleaning the second floor
Peter has breakfast after mass at night, with rolls and sausage together with his family. Marina, from
Russia, does not know yet what she’ll have at X-mas.
Peter wishes a lot of inspiration and love for everybody in 2015. He hopes that everybody sticks to the
credo be nice to each other next year and try not to get distracted too much by everyday life.
Marina wishes everybody good health an a year full of beautiful music.
Marieke Baars, one-striper, works temporarily at the desk of CCM
Marieke is having two X-mas dinners at home this year. In this period of uncertainty she
wishes her colleagues clarity now that it is clear that things are going to change and apart
from that health.
Caroline van Kessel, two-striper
Has dinners at home. She wishes everybody nice and good
flights so that everybody will continue flying even after 25
years just like her.
Juliette van de Kasteelen, two-striper
Will be at home for X-mas, but she has no idea where she will be at New Year’s Eve. Juliette
hopes that we can enjoy KLM in good health for a long time.
Joost van Dam and Nancy Teeuwen, both one-stripers originally from Zandvoort
Joost has no idea where he will be at X-mas, Nancy does. She will be in Shanghai. Joost wishes
everybody good health and a 14th month of salary. Nancy also goes for good health and hopes that
we will keep a good future with KLM.
Page 15
At the coffee corner we meet Fleur van Oord and Barbara Marré
Fleur will be at home with family. She hopes that everybody will keep his or her jobs
next year in a good atmosphere. Barbara will be in the coffee corner at X-mas. She
wishes everybody a positive year with more stability and not too many changes in the
labour conditions.
Ancherely Sterling, KLC
Will be on stand-by at X-mas. She wishes
good heath for everybody, success and
peace in 2015
Alicia will be at home at X-mas but she will be flying
on January 1st. She wishes everybody a loving year
which we will keep strong for the possible coming changes.
In the Crew shop: Moen Hussainli and Bep Baak
Will be celebrating x-mas at the BMC, both working this year. Moen wises
everybody health and lot of love for 2015. Bep goes for health and wises all
colleagues a good retirement just like her, because she will retire in 2015.
In the Transavia area: Lucy Bosma and Lida van de Vis
Lucy will be celebrating X-mas in the “Winterefteling” and Lida will be on board. Lida
wishes everybody a carefree 2015; because people are worried just like her and she
hopes things will become clear.
Lucy wishes all colleagues lots of fun wearing the new
Priscilla does not know where she’ll be because she still does not have a roster. Furthermore she wishes everybody happiness, happy landings and great new stops.
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Report: X-mas greeting from the BMC
Erio Raphet Meeng
On X-mas he will be at home with family and friends. Eric wishes that the Internet
facilities will be improved en route for everybody.
At the Crew Reporting desk: Rita Wolders and Rob Velthuijsen
Rita will be celebrating X-mas at KLM, because she will be working.
She wishes that KLM will continue to exist and that things will improve
for the company.
Rob will be celebrating X-mas at home and wishes that there will be as
few changes as possible in rosters in 2015, for KLM the NS and in
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