Competition on labour conditions


Competition on labour conditions
Local newsletter nr. 8
Competition on labour conditions
The basis of security on board
Publication of Union of Dutch
Cabin Personnel
Stationsplein 406
1117 CL Schiphol-Oost
tel: 020-5020480
fax 020-3484520 or
postbox VNC at crew-centre
Page 2
All good things must come to
an end
When years ago I became part
of the Big Blue family I had
three types, the 747, the 737
and the Airbus 330. The last two
were mainly used for European
destinations. So I flew mainly
Europe the first few years, just
like all the newcomers. We
looked forward to the day we
got the DC-10 for the 737. That
is how things were at the time.
Only I had to wait a little longer
because the DC-10 was replaced by the MD-11.
After six years I went to the MD11. Yes, Si Jawohl! And it was
easy! Ergonomically not a nice
plane. Strange working
methods, long distances uphill
to reach your working area and
only one tourist class galley in
the back, with two trolleys of
colleagues in front of you. But it
was a great plane as to excitement because there you were
with seven colleagues in one
galley. It was fun if things
worked fine. On the layovers we
would always spend a lot of
time with the crew. If the flight
had been okay we did everything together in a good atmosphere. And then the destinations, Vancouver, San Francisco and Aruba, Bonaire and
Curacao. They were the best!
On the MD-11 there was always
something going on. On a Quito
-Guayaquil we had a broken
down generator. No airco, no
light and non-working toilets.
Maintenance thought they could
fix it but only after four hours the
passengers were allowed to
disembark. We had to stay. We
took care of sanitary business flushing with sodas. And then one of the
colleagues had a bigger sanitary thing VNC on internet:
VNC email:
to handle. That is when we decided
that shitting had to be done overwing.
Chief editor:
After three hours the stench had beArlette Bruser,
come unbearable, the plane was no
longer going to fly and we got a free
two days off in Quito. Too bad we
only had our uniform with us.
Anneke Kirkaldy
All good things must come to an end:
Hannet Bilderbeek
Sunchi pa bo mi dushi MD-11.
Arlette Bruser
Chief Editor VNC
Outlook on the job
It is going to a be a challenge preventing
that competition within the AF/KLM
Group will develop
Competition on labour conditions
Can the US refuse access to an airline that is
certified by the European Civil Authority
based on competition and general interest?
The American Dept. of Transportation (DOT)
thinks so. In order to use the Open Skies
treaty between Europe and the US
Norwegian Air international (NAI) registered
in Ireland. Not that they tend to start flying
from of to Ireland. It is a construction made
up to be able to use agreements between
countries that were never meant that way.
Creative Norwegians and Finns
The same it true for the way NAI hires her
staff. The opened crew bases in Thailand
and hire cockpit and cabin crew on a temporary basis, via agencies. Sand that is a big
hit in the north of Europe. Finnair likes it too.
Just like the Norwegians not troubled by a
membership to the EU whit all the regulations, Finnair is getting rid of staff in order to
rent new staff. Indeed with bases in Hong
Kong and Singapore and on a temporary
basis via job agencies. It is all very creative
Editor’s assistent
Jannette Passchier
but bordering on the illegal.
In spite of the fact that DOT has not yet rejected the request of the Norwegians, The US
have given the signal that they don’t like this
kind of creativity. In Europe things look differently. The leaving Euro commissioner of
Transport, Kallas, thinks that it is a very good
idea. The European parliament has not disagreed or hindered these plans of attacking
the normal labour regulations. I think they call
that made to measure in Brussels. The chairman of the Association of Flight Attendants
(AFA), the American organisation for cabin
crew, had a different opinion. “We simply
cannot support foreign carriers who dodge
laws and regulations and create a global race
to the bottom.” They were heard in the US!
Outlook on the job
Destination: Canterbury
KLM background
Destination: Stockholm
Well found: lifestyle
Interview: the basis of security
on board
Members counsil
Well found travel
In Europe that remains to be seen. In Belgium
the consent of the EurECCA is blocked. We
are waiting for it to happen and we cannot get
on with our work. It would have been useless
anyway because the European elections have
led to a lot of changes and we are still waiting
for the new policy makers.
What have we done? We have been preparing
for the EurECCA. The office on the Rue de
Commerce in Brussels is ready and we have
the keys. In August we went to
Lisbon to meet with the SNP
VAC, the Portuguese union. We
worked on a website, a logo and
an action plan to get into contact
with the EASA and the European
parliament. In October we will go
to Rome to meet with the Italian
colleagues of AVIA and catch up
with them on the organisation of
Eur ECCA. with bases in
Southern Europe.
This airline will hire new staff. Question
is under what labour condition and
which destination.
It is going to be a challenge preventing
competition as to labour condition within
the AF-KLM Group and make sure that is not pushed out of the
market because the European equivalent is cheaper. The American cockpit
Association once called the Norwegian
“the wolf at the door”. Let's make sure
Before we throw ourselves on
that with the coming of Transavia.eur we
Europe with the aim of preventing don’t find ourselves in the company of
competition of the Norwegian
the Trojan horse.
construction, we still have a fire to
extinguish at home.
Wrapped in a message of growth,
promotion and investment the AF/
KLM CEO has recently given, a
new airline is under construction:
VNC news
VNC in the news
There is a lot going on in the world that is also on the news and has to do
with flying. One of those issues is the knee defender, the gadget that you
can place between your table and your neighbour’s seat, so that he can
no longer recline his seat. KLM let us know that they don’t allow the use
of it. But it was on the world news and the VNC was approached by the
press to share experiences of crew with this gadget. Fortunately we were
contacted about more important things, like the Ebola crisis or the AF
strike. We are more and more approached for reactions by several media. Talking to the press is not our core business, but our trained VNC
people make sure that they are well informed, honest and give good
answers to the questions with solid reasons. We make sure that we are
in the news in a positive way.
Profession market
The Website was organising a profession market for
education and jobs in aviation on Theme Park Aviodrome. It was held on
Saturday October 11th in the Aviodrome in Lelystad.
VNC was represented on the market, because it is the opportunity for us
to get people into contact with our work.
For now this is it because I am far too busy: busybusybusy, touch trolley,
run to galley, look important!
Marion Leguijt
General Secretary VNC
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Canterbury—Karin Kwakman
Page 5
The wages structure is finished
It has taken forever to reach a result with KLM but end
August we were ready: there was a concept. After the
MC had given consent and they had voted, we had an
agreement. So we have a new wages structure for new
staff and extra deals to contribute to economising. This
is the moment the KLC variety is away form the table.
I will tell you more about the extra deals later.
The deals.
The new structure applies to everybody who will enter
KLM/KLC after 28 August 2014. KLM wanted 2013 but
we fought hard to get that from the table, KLM is trying
hard to digitalise everything for cabin staff as to communication. Now that we have this agreement the mailboxes will disappear, unless KLM feels that paper communication is necessary. The GC 31 will make appointments with KLM on responsibilities.
As to doing extra flight in leave, it will have to be on
voluntary basis. The consenting after a call from Crew
Control will continue to exist, for that is in week one or
The B737-700 densification and the flying to TLV result
in a contribution to Transform 2015.
Last: pensions. Although there are no deals, KLM will
only do this in consent with the unions.
A difficult process
With the signing of the agreement along a difficult process of talks has come to and ending. We have tried our
very best to come to the best possible result for all
cabin colleagues. We hope that we will get some more
time in our agendas now to be able to look ahead. It
was a turbulent period because KLM tried to tackle the
WWR from the start: We started talking about a new
wages structure and then KLM came with the KLC variety out of the blue. You probably remember that you all
made yourselves heard and that is how we finally
reached this result. We came to extra deals and that
was in mutual consent and we feel that we have contributed substantially to Transform 2015.
Coming CLA
During the meeting in October with the MC we want to
discuss our wish list with the MC and in November we
want to have a formal motion ready, which we can send
to KLM.
I myself have a number of proposals for the CLA.
The IPB regulation: KLM has made it clear that they
want to restrict the regulation. We are very surprised
now that we have finished Transform 2015, an improved IPB regulation would be a nice gesture and not
the other way around.
Wages and raise: After the sucThe VNC Board memcessful ending of Transform 2015
the AF/KLM top man developed the bers have done their
new vision Perform 2020. The fovery best to get the best
cus is on growth. I sincerely hope
possible result for the
that staff will not have to pay for
this. We just made the sacrifices for cabin colleagues
Transform 2015 and investing in
staff too would be a more logical step. I wish them luck.
KLM 95 years
On October 2014 KLM exists 95 years, so warm congratulations are
in order. Go celebrate the KLM Experience: one day for the whole
KLM family.
Chris van Elswijk
Chairman KLM Section Board
Page 6
Stockholm - foto Sander van Dijk
Well found: Life Style
Wild freshness
Do you also hate the awful smell of moist trainers? And are you horrified at the idea of
having to wear them again? In that case: Shoefresh can be your new friend! This gadget
disinfects and dries your trainers in half an hour, so provided your trainers are also at
home, they will be always dry and have no bad smell. Also works for gloves and knee
For 94E and for sale at
No chargepoint around and you cell always empty? Aargh! That is all in
the past: here is the NomadKey. This key connects your phone with any
gadget with a USB-socket. The Key is small, is handy and fits to your
keychain. So go look for a USB portal if your phone is nearly empty…
Sometimes you a just looking for a small gadget or just a small gift. In the Webshop of you can go wild. Ranging form the sun-energy waving Queen Elisabeth to a penguin
which is a travel pillow. Nothing is impossible here. What to think of the Critter, a rewindable
thing that can dance the samba. In short, there is always something here for someone who has
his birthday.
Fifty Fathoms was designed in 1953 for the French Marine by the famous watch brand
Blancpain. Timeless design combined with a just a touch of heroic mystique around the
marine. That makes it a watch you want! James Bond would wear it. You too probably, but
you would have to pay some 5000E.
At home in Portugal
At home in Portugal by Marieke Woudstra is an exciting and adventurous love story in the southern life
of Europe. It breathes the love for Portugal.
Thuis in Portugal, Marieke Woudstra, 15E. Also as E-book.
Recently I saw a petition against this phenomenon: reserving a place at the pool or at
the beach. It is annoying, but why not if this is what everybody does? And to make
things easier why not buy this huge towel of 100% cotton with a big print RESERVED
on it?
All the ten plagues for anyone who takes your reserved place.
For sale at for 14,95E
Page 7
Page 8
Interview: The basis of security on board
By Michel Verbeek & Arlette Bruser
It is about crew flexibility – we are not supposed to fly at
each other’s throats in the cabin
The airline industry and the Airport Police are interconnected.
We pay a visit to the training centre of the Airport Police, the
KMAR, where Lieke van Zaltbommel and Marcel de Boer give
us a tour and tell us all about security on board.
The Airport Police is a corps with military status. They work
everywhere, functioning as boarder police but also are bodyguards for the Royal Family. For years on end the Airport
Police is takes care of our security training on board, which is
the basis of our functioning on board. Our primary task is the
safety on board: serving meals and offering tax-free articles
are part of our commercial tasks.
The contents of training are legally bound to consist of twelve
components and have to be given in a timespan of five years.
“ All new CA’s of Dutch airlines come and see us in a training”, Lieke and Marcel tell us. “ Not just cabin crews, but also
the pilots of KLM,, Corendon and the smaller
airlines the general Aviation. In the initial training it is mainly
about safe flights and what cabin crew can do to contribute to
No fighting machines
A better environment starts with you and this is also true for
security. We are all selected by the same criteria: servicemindedness, social skills and conflict evasive behaviour. The
KMAR shows us a different model. Or the fighting machine
we see in movies, but rather a sort of profiler conscious of the
public on board and a CA who is proactive when necessary.
Marcel: “ After a morning visit to the arms room, where you
are confronted with the strangest arms people think they can
bring on board, we talk about aggression on board. We see
that during our training in our mock-up the behaviour of our
shiest CA is changed. We simulate aggression incidents in a
small space, and we see that with the right tools and a good
cooperation most situations are handled well. It is about crew
flexibility here – we are not supposed to fly at each other’s
throats here on board. Determining where your boundaries
are and choosing the moment this line is crossed where you
explicitly say that this is where it ends, that is where this training is about. It gives the class confidence on board which
they can use. And thanks to teamwork you can ask more
experienced colleagues for advice and talk about which actions to take’.
Attracting attention
Lieke: “ Awareness and
security are closely related. Be aware of your
surroundings and the
effect the uniform has
on people. A uniform
gives you authority but
also attracts attention.
The clearly visible and
recognisable KLM uniform can also attract the
attention of people with
evil plans.
For instance think of
unguarded uniform parts
and suitcases. You don’t
just represent the airline
you work for, but are
also part of the country
where your airline
comes from. In times Holland chooses sides in a conflict it does not
harm you to give yourself a critical look.
Marcel: “ In the initial training for instance we give examples. Somebody ordered something aboard, but he cannot pick it up as a result of
a roster change. He asks a colleague to pick it up. You get a description of the article and you are told to open the package to check it. All
is well so it seems, but is that true? Is the package what it seems?
Has it been tampered with? Taking care of someone else’s package
can be a hazardous affair which can endanger your flight and you.”
Check your destination
Finally: how aware are you of your destination? Tel Aviv is a clear
case; there are additional security measures at Schiphol and at the
destination. But what about destinations that are at first sight okay?
Are you aware of the political situation in the country, have there been
recent demonstrations, have there been threats? On the CIS you get
information about that and the Purser and Captain are also well informed. Still it does happen that colleagues do take trips to for instance the pyramids and get into trouble.
After the initial and the three yearly recurrent we travel and take trips.
But after many flights, usually without problems, your awareness diminishes. The routine causes that our security awareness diminishes
and that makes us vulnerable unintentionally. There is really no harm
in remembering the skills you were taught by the KMAR.
Page 9
Report Members Council September 2014
A full agenda
The MC first wanted to deal with the urgent CLA motion Protocol Wages structure new Staff. We had a full agenda. There was a bill
buy the Daily Board about how to deal with the age conscious staff policy. The bill asked about the ideas of the MC as to the recommendations done by the project team. Furthermore there were a number of other important matters to discuss
Protocol Wages Structure new staff
Since September 2012 !!!The VNC has been talking to KLM about this new wages structure for new staff. This has taken so long because we thought we already had contributed to the cost cuts at an earlier stage (Transform 2015).
You all remember the fierce reactions to Black Thursday, the day in November 2013. The day KLM totally unexpected announced to
transform the Europe production to KLC. Both KLM and KLC were unpleasantly surprised and very much against this plan just like the
KLM staff is totally against a cuts in the WRR.
For two years and even before that the MC and you, our members have been informed about the developments. You supported the
VNC with information, support and opinions. The MC had to take difficult decisions about complex matters and we discussed them
endlessly. Eventually in April 2014 this led to a decision in the MC about cuts on wages for new staff.
But KLM wanted more and came up with additional measures. The MC has now taken a decision about that. We knew what we wanted
and where we were headed and that is how we came to a motion that was approved unanimously.
You probably already read about the consequences for the new CA in other publications in this magazine.
The chairman evaluated the long process and explained how we came to this outcome. Important contributions were mentioned such
as the Workers Council, the GC31, members who talked to colleagues on Black Thursday, Negotiator Victor Kloos, legal departments,
the VNC office and the MC itself, that functioned as mediator between all the parties to realise this result. Giving in to KLM – this painful
new wages structure for new staff- has been approved by the entire MC. The new meeting of October 2nd focussed on the new CLA
negotiations 2015.
Age conscious staff policy (ACSP)
The members of the MC agreed about the importance of ACSP. The members asked for more recommendations of the project team,
but there was no agreement on how and what. It was clear though that new ideas and research is desirable, just like communication
about this topic to the members.
ACSP is sometimes called policy for the elderly but that is incorrect. It is about all phases in a life. For instance colleagues who just had
a baby or parents whose children just left home. We talked about that and we also talked about how those phases relate to the number
of flight hours. There is a difference between a 40-eyars-old colleague who just started flying and a colleague who started flying with
KLC at the age of 20 and who just received the 10.000 hours flight badge. You see, this is a very complex matter.
State of affairs
We discussed several topics. We talked about the request system and possible improvements and solutions in the system. One of the
members of the project team P&A GC31 gave detailed information, which proved that most of the topics of the shortlist were solved.
The only tropic that will have to be solved is the 28-days roster.
Welcome to join us!
The MC meetings are held every first Thursday of the month. The topics on the
agenda are published on the website and FB page of the VNC one week before the
actual meeting. Are you a member of the KLM section and you want to present?
Send an email to
Daily Board MC
vlnr: Paul Millward, Frank Oostenbrug, Michaël Vis,
Marguerite Moquette en Monique Mulder
Page 10
Well Found: travel
Edinburgh – The Devil’s Advocate
When in Edinburgh it is certainly worth the trouble in all the small alleys and streets to go and
see the alley Advocate. In this steep alley there is a restaurant called The Devil’s Advocate.
They make lovely cocktails at the bar (Gauntlet Gun s one to die for) and after the aperitif
you take place at one of the wooden tables. Get surprised by the haggis Bitterballen (a modern version of the traditional Scottish dish) or go for the solid hamburger. The Devil’s Advocate serves simple dishes and they taste really well. A place to remember.
Advocate’s Close
Wroclaw – Jahrhunderthalle
There is a newcomer in the cities you can visit in Poland: Wroclaw (pronounce: Vrots-Waf). An
up and coming city that is the European Cultural Capital of 2016. The Jahrhunderthalle, built in
commemoration of the battle of Leipzig, is on the Unesco protection list and is a hall of events.
Watch the chapel, the biggest except for the Pantheon in Rome. The garden around it with the
multi media fountain is also worth a visit, just like the exhibition of never published pictures of
Marilyn Monroe, who is a highlight in the sight.
Reykjavik –KOL
The capital of Iceland is full of cosy restaurants, but KOL is the pearl of al restaurants. KOL is modern and has a ditto menu. It takes some time before you
know what you can order and in what combinations, but everything looks great
and tastes wonderfully. Nice concept: if you like the chef can surprise you with
four small dishes. Ideal for sharing as a starter. KOL is not really cheap, but in
fact that is true for everything in Iceland.
Skólavòustígur 40
Tokio – Daiwa Sushi
Say Japan and you will say: sushi. Where can you get the best sushi? Daiwa Sushi is the one in
the capital. It is near the Tsukjii fish market and very popular by the Japanese. A line of an hour
for the best sushi ever, but the fact remains that people are queuing when you are eating the
best sushi.
So you are expected to be outside after twenty minutes.
Tsujii market Partó BLGD, 5-2 Tsukjii, Chuo…/daiwa-suhsi