The Circuit Rider - First United Methodist Church, Burkburnett


The Circuit Rider - First United Methodist Church, Burkburnett
United Methodist Men
The next Faith Mission feed is the night of
Sunday, December 29th. Cooks leave
FUMC at 6 p.m. Servers arrive @ 7:30 pm
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
(940) 569-3348
Rev. Liz Talbert
More New Books in the Library
Sunday School:
Church Phone:
E-mail office
301 East 4th Street
PO Box 896
Burkburnett, TX 76354
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Burkburnett, TX 76354
Permit No. 13
This Sunday morning, December 15th,
is United Methodist Men's monthly
breakfast at 8 a.m., at Whataburger.
The devotion will be given by Harold
Tackett. Men of all ages are invited.
Live to Make a Difference by Max Lucado
Our Live Your Life by Max Lucado
The Best of Barbara Johnson
He That Is Spiritual by Lewis Sperry Chafer
Invitation: Billy Graham and the Lives God
Touched by Basyle and Aram Tchividjian
Noah Built His Ark in the Sunshine
by James W. Moore
Breaking the Code: The Book of Revelation
by Bruce M. Metzger
The Shelter of God’s Promise - Sheila Walsh
Left Behind Series-Audio Set
by Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins
Power of a Praying WifeStormie Omartian
Tis a Gift to be Simple Barbara & David Sorensen
Chicken Soup for the
Mother’s Soul -Jack Canfield
No Wonder They Call Him
Savior - Max Lucado
God Has A Dream For Your
Life -Sheila Walsh
Learning to Live with the People You Love by D.
James Kennedy
Susanna’s Fellowship will
meet This Sunday, December
15th @ 8:30 am in fellowship
hall. Also, please join us for
5th Sunday Breakfast on
December 29th.
The Circuit Rider
An Advent Prayer
It is no surprise the newsletter is late!
Pastor Liz deep in thought a poem did create -The message of Christmas should be handled with care
So, flowing from her heart -- a fervent Advent prayer:
Gracious God, as I welcome my Lord and Savior,
Please help me test my attitudes and behavior.
May the candle of hope reveal your Kingdom’s reign;
In all my fear and darkness your promise sustains.
May the candle of love light my heart afire,
And purify worldly or selfish desire.
May the candle of joy be my strength and delight;
By rejoicing in all things, your power I invite.
May the candle of peace bring wholeness and clarity;
For your spirit in me promotes justice and charity.
May the Christ candle lighted on this Christmas Eve
Overwhelm me with praise for the Gift we receive.
Lord, as you will; and as you know, have mercy. Amen.
May your Advent and Christmas be a healing and uplifting celebration. Tom and I are so
happy to be worshipping and serving with the FUMC church family in Burkburnett. We are
grateful for the many, many blessings you provide to us and others in the name of Christ.
May the Gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ be yours this Christmas and always.
In Christ’s love,
Liz and Tom Talbert
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Worship Services
5:00 pm Family Friendly Service. Bring your children
and grandchildren and celebrate together the gift of the
Christ child. Children are welcome to come and to
participate in the service which reminds us of the story of
Christ’s birth -- and the promise that God who came to
dwell among us as a gift still resides among us as we
remember in communion the mighty acts of Jesus Christ for our redemption.
This candlelight service will have “child-friendly” battery lighted candles for the safety
of our little ones. Nursery available.
11:00 pm Traditional Service. Church family and guests are invited to celebrate with
lessons and carols the coming of the Christ child. Communion will be offered and
traditional Christmas carols and the reading of the nativity story will culminate with the
candlelight vigil that will end at midnight, welcoming the Light of the World.
The Twelfth Night Party or Epiphany-Jan. 5th at 4:30
Kings Day, Jan. 6, also known as Epiphany is the climax of the Advent/Christmas Season and the 12 Days of Christmas, which are
usually counted from the evening of Dec. 25th until the morning of
Jan. 6th, which is the 12th Day. Counting the days beginning at
sundown, the evening of Jan. 5th is the Twelfth Night. This is an
Twelfth Night Party, Jan.
occasion for blessing and feasting, including a special King's
5. Begins at 4:30 with
putting away the ChristOn the evening of Jan. 5 the symbol 20+C+B+M+14 is written in
mas decorations
chalk above the doorway of Christian homes. The letters are the
5:30 Supper – bring a
initials of the names of the Three Magi: Caspar, Melchior and
side dish or dessert
Balthasar. These letters also abbreviate the Latin phrase Christus
6:00 Blessing of the
mansionem benedicat, "May Christ bless this house." The beginchurch and households
ning and ending numbers are the year. The crosses represent
Christ. These symbols are used world-wide and represent an Epiphany prayer and blessing.
So, as God’s kingdom people, we will meet at 4:30 to take down the Christmas decorations,
sit down to a covered dish supper at 5:30, and receive a blessing of our households. The
meat will be provided, bring a side dish or dessert. We will have a traditional King’s Cake. We
will mark our church home with a blessing and bless the households represented at supper.
Please come join us!
“Longest Night” Service on Sunday Morning, December 22
This year the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, will fall on December 21, 2013 . Although winter was regarded as the season of dormancy, darkness and cold, the coming of lighter
days after the winter solstice brought on a more festive mood. To many people, this return of the
light was a reason to celebrate that nature’s cycle was continuing. For Christians, we celebrate
the coming of the Light that overcomes the darkness.
For many people, the winter season with its long nights and short days brings a sense of melancholy or “the blues.” Especially in the holiday season, there is a lot of focus on giving and joy and
family being together. For those experiencing loss or grief, a heightened depression sinks in.
Especially in light of devastating loss and tragedy, others may be wondering how to be a comfort
or how to overcome the darkness that seems so pervasive. Many this season will face the first
holiday without a loved one, or experience a separation from loved ones, or the loss of a job or
the impact of major health issues, or the pain of broken relationships.
The "Longest Night" service on the morning after “the longest night/winter solstice” is a reminder
of God’s healing and saving grace. As a gathered community we will draw from the season's offer
of healing and hope, and share support to and with those who struggle to find comfort particularly
at this season. We will offer a specific time for prayer and blessings. Please join us!
All are welcome. Come just as you are and bring a friend if you desire. This service is designed
 to comfort those who are experiencing loss, grief, depression;
 to equip those who will offer hope to those in need; and
 to just fend off “the blues” and the darkness this Christmas season.
The word of God to Isaiah says, "Comfort, comfort my people.... Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a
And the glory of the LORD will be revealed" (Isaiah 40:1-5).
Notes from your Worship Chairman
Many thanks to the 3rd & 4th grade LOGOS children for helping with the new Children's
Worship bags. They will re-stock the bags each week with crayons, children's bulletins and
assorted items for children ages 3-6 and 7-12 to enjoy during our Sunday worship services.
Many thanks, also, to Georgianna Greenway for agreeing to be our new Children's Church
coordinator. She is looking at new curriculum ideas and will begin scheduling volunteers
soon. Please let her know if you'd like to continue working in this ministry or if you'd like to
BEGIN working in this ministry. We are in need of several additional adult helpers. Youth
helpers are always welcome, as well! Thanks! Kathy
December Events
1 9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm 5 Boy /Cub Scouts
7 pm Choir Practice
4 pm LOGOS
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm Prayer Shawl Gathering
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
6 pm Finance
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
3:30 pm Evergreen Worship
6:00 pm FISH
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm FISH
15 8 am UMM Breakfast @
8:30 am Susanna’s
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm FISH
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm FISH
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm FISH
7:30 pm Faith Mission Feed
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm Trustees
6 pm 5 Boy /Cub Scouts
7 pm Choir Practice
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth Christmas Party
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
17 9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm 5 Boy /Cub Scouts
7 pm Choir Practice
Choir Christmas Party 4:20
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
Office Closed
Office Closed
Wedding Rehearsal
Christmas Closet
8 am till Noon
Wedding 4:00 pm
CLC Christmas
Office closed
5 pm Christmas Eve Service
11 pm Christmas Eve Service
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
Office Closes at Noon
Office Schedule
The church office will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24 through Thursday, Dec. 26, and also at noon Tuesday, Dec. 31 through Wednesday, Jan. 1. If you have
an emergency, please contact Pastor Liz at (940) 781-6873.
1 Perry & Marsha Howell
1 Dwayne & Kris Jackson
1 Joe & Tina Turner
21 Michael & Allyson Baughman
21 Larry & Tami Jansen
30 Nathan & Alissa Jephcott
3 Diane Nesevich
3 Briar Whitaker
4 Dallas Groenewold
4 Bob Veal
5 Shelby Hodges
5 Alex Patty
5 Steve Patty
6 Isabel Brantley
6 Hailey Gilly
6 Nell Grady
6 Alissa Jephcott
9 Zane Ewing
9 Ashlee Jansen
9 Teresa Williams
9 Meagan Zaragoza
10 Jeff Ash
10 Landon Miller
10 Paula Utter
11 Mitzi McKinnis
12 Kaylee Dobbs
14 Bailee Krotzer
15 John Kessinger
15 Josh Thomas
16 Nellie Dickson
16 Margaret King
17 Marsha Howell
17 Madison Wiese
18 Lynlee Krotzer
19 Brody Green
20 Kathy Maxwell
20 Lynn Seman
23 Jo Arthur
24 Patricia Veal
25 Chris Seman
27 Stuart Felty
27 KadeyAnna Jackson
29 Carliss Norris
30 Heather Lawrence
30 Addison Lobaugh
30 Katherine Stone
31 Brittany Clark
31 Deana Green
Christmas Closet
for those in need
Sponsored by Girl Scouts of Burkburnett.
We are hosting this event at FUMC on Saturday, December 14th from 8
till Noon. Please tell your friends or come for your friends and pick out
clothes for anyone you know of in need.
And Caroling December 18th
The chancel choir will meet at Barbara
Helenschmidt’s home – 912 Kathryn at
4:20 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 18 to ride
on the bus and carol to church members. We will return at 6:00 pm for chili
and fellowship. Please email to RSVP.
Spouses and guests are welcome. Please
dress warmly and bring a side dish to go
with the chili. Come join us!
Our pledges to replenish the
“Rainy Day” fund for roof
have been coming in ahead of
schedule! When we all pull
together, the sound of joy and generosity
ring the rafters! Thanks and blessings!
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
From the Staff of
Christmas Candles
One of our church’s Advent/ Christmas practices is to offer candles to be
placed on the communion rail in recognition of, in honor of, or in memory
of a loved one. You can order candle(s) by calling the church office or
completing a form which will be in the church bulletin or available in the
office. There is no set amount for the candles.
All donations go towards our 2nd mile mission giving which includes
Grace Ministries, Relay for Life and the church’s benevolent fund. A card will accompany each candle acknowledging your memorial or honorarium. Please send forms or
contact the church office by Noon, Tuesday, December 17th. If you would like to
help with this ministry-mission project ,please contact Shelly in the church office.
Thank you so much to the FUMC church family for your food,
cards, calls and prayers. We felt surrounded and held up by your
loving support during surgery and recovery. You are the hands
and feet of Jesus Christ, Love Sue & Roger Watson
New Year's Resolution
Resolve to pick up trash on Texas 240. The next church Adopt a
Spot trash pickup will be Saturday morning, January 11th, 2014.
Picker uppers will meet at the Cashion Baptist church parking lot
at 8:30 am to pray and start. In the case of inclement weather (rain, sleet or snow), the
pick up will be automatically rescheduled for January 18th, same time and place.
A Note from the Finance Committee
Thanks for your giving and generosity this year. The FUMC of Burkburnett is looking
forward to ending the year in the black with your help. The end of the year is fast
approaching and due to icy conditions, we have missed some opportunities to worship
together and offer our tithes and gifts. Please remember your gifts and offerings for
December and your commitments to designated giving. You may mail them in or bring
them in the next few Sundays. Blessings and Thank You!
Dee Adams
Shannon Allison
Margaret Anderson
Chuck Armstrong
Scott Arthur
Jerry Atchley
Patsy Barton
Wayne Beasley
Ruth Bublis
Courtney Carpenter
Louise Carpenter
Mary Cheney
Helen Cornelius
Dennis Cotton
Jan Dicksey
Estep Family
Dana Flowers
Frances Groves
Jessie Halfhill
Pat Hatcher
Ray & Shirlene Hatcher
Lisa Howard
Will Isler
Carla King
Sonya & Tony Landers
Terri Lindemann
Stephanie May
Bobby McClendon
Robert & Pat Miller
Greg Motorna
Lloyd Muhlinghause
Martha Pellikan
Martha Pickett
Pat Pierce
Elwanda Popejoy
Pat Reed
Deana Richards
Cathy Ross
Fabio Salas
Judy Schmidt
Lyn Seebo
Peggy & Jack Sexton
Peggy Sirmons
Julie Staufer
Wesley Foundation
Lois Williams
Sue Wilson
Tyler Bales
Marc Beason
Dalton Bond
Andy Bublis
Matthew Gordineer
Randy McClendon
Mark & Kristen Schnell
Andy Simons
Christopher Stone
Justin Williams
Children’s Learning Center
LOGOS Ministry
Scouting Ministries
Youth Ministry
in Your Prayers
We welcome
updates on
loved ones
every 30 days
so that we may
share in the
celebration of