The Circuit Rider - First United Methodist Church, Burkburnett


The Circuit Rider - First United Methodist Church, Burkburnett
Annual Sweetheart
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Burkburnett, TX 76354
Permit No. 13
The UMM will host its annual
sweetheart breakfast Sunday
morning, February 9th, at 8
a.m. Everyone is invited to
come out and eat tasty breakfast casseroles prepared by
Tim Cornelius, Charles Gilmore ,Larry Jansen, Joe Nemecek Roger
Watson, Arnie Wells, Adrian Zaragoza & Lee
Norris. Marilyn Keck will decorate and Pastor
Liz will give the devotion. Remember, everyone is invited. Please join us!
Women of the
church are invited
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
(940) 569-3348
Rev. Liz Talbert
Sunday School:
Church Phone:
E-mail office
301 East 4th Street
PO Box 896
Burkburnett, TX 76354
Return Service Requested
to an 8 week Monday evening bible
study "Hospitality of
the Heart" by
Marilyn Oden which
begins Feb. 10th at 7:00 pm taught by Pastor
Liz. Books can be ordered through the office
or online. Please RSVP for nursery.
Free Tax Service from AARP TaxAide
begins on Thursdays in February.
AARP & IRS trained tax counselors will be
available to help file taxes again this year in
the fellowship hall on Thursdays 9am till noon
beginning February 6th and continuing until
April 15th. This is the seventh year this free
service has been offered in Burkburnett. You
do not have to be a member of AARP nor are
there any age or income limitations.
The Circuit Rider
Leadership Council 2014
Lay Leader
Leadership Co. Chair
Lay Member to AC
Finance Committee
Family Ministries
Youth Director
UMW President
Nursery Coordinator
CLC Director
Liz Talbert
Matt Patterson
Scott Lobaugh
Marilyn Keck
Patricia Veal
Larry Jansen
LeeAnn Miller
Kathy Maxwell
Georgianna Greenway
Patricia Veal
Logos Ministry Director
Sue Watson
UMM President
Sarah Ewing
Youth Council
Maria Hickey
Financial Secretary
Tim Cornelius
LizAnn Beason
Rodney Foyce
Larry Werner
Shelly Liffick
Staff Parish Relations Committee – LeeAnn Miller, Justin Jones, Melissa Allison, Jeff Ash, Diane Bejessie, Joe Nemecek, Tom Werner, Robert Richards
Board of Trustees – Gayla Kessinger, Terry Kimbrough, Harold Tackett, Dwight Gaston, Barbara Helenschmidt, Larry Jansen, Bob Veal, Timala Box, Stuart Felty, Georgianna Greenway
Worship Committee – Kathy Maxwell, Bob Veal, Jim Beason, Tami Jansen, Lyn Seman, Georgianna
Finance Committee – Patricia Veal, Kim Box, Bob Carpenter, Keith Maxwell, Danny Cremeens, Janice
Vincent, Marilyn Keck, Scott Lobaugh, Georgianna Greenway, Shelly Liffick, Matt Patterson
Nominating Committee – Barbara Kimbrough, Barney Fudge, Tina Turner, Virginia Clack, Carl Dixon,
Larry Jansen, Jim Beason, Shannon Myers, Michelle Wiese
CLC Board-Conni Marshall, Tami Jansen, Kelli Burchett, Audrey Ash, Samantha Summers, Emily Birk,
Maria Hickey
Youth Advisory Council- Kaitlyn Box, Addison Lobaugh, Marley Wiese, Brody Green, Caleb Jansen,
Larry Werner, Patricia Veal, Bob Veal, Tami Jansen, Larry Jansen
LOGOS Board- Maris Jalowy, Shannon Myers, Georgianna Greenway, Pastor Liz Talbert, Shelly Liffick,
LizAnn Beason
2014: What’s in Our Future? Training, Healing, Discovery and Growth
We begin 2014 with many opportunities for training, healing, discovery, and growth.
Training. The first of those is training for people who are taking new and recurring responsibilities for
church leadership. This Sunday afternoon the Northwest District is offering a training event for you to
choose areas of interest and responsibility for getting information for making the most of your leadership.
Creating a Welcoming Congregation – Dr. Jim Ozier teaches how to create a culture of hospitality from
his experience and published work “Risking Hospitality.”
Lay Leaders and Admin. Council Chairs – Rev. Roy Spore gives guidance for leadership of your congregation
Children’s Ministry: Structure and Chaos in Children’s Ministry – led by Abby Echols. Do we need
new ideas about children’s Sunday School?
Youth Ministry: Inspiration or Desperation – led by Rev. Donny Haywood and Beau Taft of Bridgeport
Conference Center.
Finance Chairs, Treasurers and Financial Secretaries – led by Rev. Jodi Smith, Director of the NTC
Center for Connectional Resources.
Reaching Out to Young Adults & Families –Rev. John Fleming gives an overview of why we need to
“Rethink Church” to connect to young adults and young families.
Risk-Taking Mission and Service -- Rev. Steve Martinez, and Suzanne Yeager offer opportunities to
make a difference through service projects, volunteer ministries, and mission initiatives.
Ministries to Senior Adults - They Are Interested - Are You? -- Rev. Brian Bosworth explores ministry
opportunities with the senior adults of our congregation as well as the broader community.
SPRC -- Dr. Marvin Guier, Northwest District Superintendent explains the roles and responsibilities of
SPRC/PPRC chairpersons and members.
Ministry with College Students -- Sarah Medley, Director of The Wesley in Wichita Falls speaks about
college ministry within the local church and connection as our youth go to college.
Spiritual Formation for Adults -- Rev. Liz Talbert, pastor of Burkburnett First UMC, and Rev. Nancy
Sherman, associate pastor of Wichita Falls Floral Heights UMC relate new and inventive ways to engage adults in spiritual growth. Learn about effective programs for deeper faith.
Trustees -- Rev. Don Yeager, pastor of Gainesville First UMC, and Bob Bloom, Chair of Trustees for
Gainesville First UMC. cover the basics and address the challenges of maintaining aging/historic
church buildings and leading building programs.
The second training opportunity is Emmaus Walks. The Spring Men’s Emmaus and Women’s Emmaus
Walks are important leadership and spiritual growth opportunities for our church. These are ecumenical
retreats geared to presenting a short-course in the development and maintenance of relationships with
Christ and the continued call to the joy of joining God at work. A vitality check of a Christian’s walk. It
develops a sense of hope and purpose and joy that brings life back into the church. My goal is to have at
least 2 men and 2 women on each of the Emmaus Walks in 2014. They will be renewed and our church
will begin to feel the effects of that vitality. The Spring Men’s Walk is March 6-9 and the Women’s Walk is
April 3-6. Call the office to find out more.
Healing. We all have a hunger for healing. We are a wounded and broken lot and God offers healing
and peace. Our Spring will be about recovering from the brokenness. Our church has important
work to do as God’s instrument of grace, peace, and wholeness and we will work together on a
theme of a “hunger for healing.” Especially as we move forward into the Lenten Season we will examine our own lives and search for God’s steadfast love and mercy. Here’s our sermons in a nutshell:
Jan. 26 – Calling Out or Falling Out
Feb. 2 -- The Elevator’s Broken, Take the Steps – walk humbly with God.
Feb. 9 – (Scout Sunday and D-Now Finale) – Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Step 1 “We are powerless
over sin”
Feb. 16 – Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Step 2 “God’s power can restore us”
Feb. 23 – Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Step 3 “Turning our lives and our wills over to God”
March 2 -- Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Step 4 “A searching and fearless moral inventory”
March 5 – Ash Wednesday Service – leadership provided by the Logos children and Pastor Liz
We will punctuate the series on Ash Wednesday with a service of the imposition of ashes and encourage the church to make some Lenten observances that strengthen our faith and take us deeper
Discovery. A new Sunday School class will begin at the beginning of Lent. Dr. Tom Talbert will
teach this 7 week course using C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity -- a foundational piece for transforming skeptics and deepening our understanding of the basics of the Christian faith.
We will also focus on the direction of our church for the next 5 and 10 years. We have work to do to
be the best stewards of the Christian witness in our community and with our aging facilities. A clear
picture and a united congregation will be necessary. The leadership will spend time with a facilitator
as we seek to discover what amazing ways this church will join God at work, praying always, “Lord,
as you will; and as you know, have mercy.” Amen? Amen!!!!
Growth. We are in the “fishers of people” business. We are constantly refreshing our abilities to
draw people to Jesus and to indeed reach out and share the good news. I pray that we will grow
spiritually and that in 2014 we will increase 1) our worship attendance, 2) the number of professions
of faith in Jesus Christ, and 3) the impact on our community/world through mission and service.
Jesus commissions his disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the
age’” (Matt. 28:19-20).
Blessings! Pastor Liz*
February Events
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
3:30 pm Evergreen Worship
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
8 am UMM Sweetheart
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm FISH
8:30 am Susanna’s
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
9:15 am Prayer in Chapel
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm FISH
Cassie Adams
Dee Adams
Trey Adams
JoJo Arthur
Scott Arthur
Jerry Atchley
Patsy Barton
Wayne Beasley
Ruth Bublis
Don Burnell
Courtney Carpenter
Mary Cheney
Helen Cornelius
Dennis Cotton
Daniel Cove
Jenny Cremeens
Jan Dicksey
Dana Flowers
6 pm 4 Girl Scouts
7 pm Women’s Bible
6 pm Finance Committee
7 pm Women’s Bible
6 pm Leadership
7 pm Women’s Bible
6 9 am AARP Tax Aide
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm Prayer Shawl Gathering
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm 5 Boy /Cub Scouts
6 pm Trustees
9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm 5 Boy /Cub Scouts
4 pm LOGOS
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
7:30 p Choir Practice
9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm Scouts Blue/Gold Ceremony
26 4 pm LOGOS
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
7:30 p Choir Practice
Frances Groves
Jessie Halfhill
Pat Hatcher
Ray& Shirlene Hatcher
Lisa Howard
Will Isler
Carla King
Terri Lindemann
Stephanie May
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
7:30 p Choir Practice
9 am AARP Tax Aide
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
9 am AARP Tax Aide
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
9 am AARP Tax Aide
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6:30 pm Brownie/Jr. Tp.
Remember in Your Prayers
Bobby McClendon
Pat Miller
Greg Motorna
Lloyd Muhlinghause
Martha Pellikan
Martha Pickett
Pat Pierce
Elwanda Popejoy
Pat Reed
Mary Roland
Cathy Ross
Fabio Salas
Lyn Seebo
Peggy & Jack Sexton
Peggy Sirmons
Julie Staufer
Martin Trones
Sandra Vallon
Lois Williams
Sue Wilson
Marlee Balis
Tyler Bales
Marc Beason
Dalton Bond
Andy Bublis
Matthew Gordineer
Randy McClendon
Mark & Kristen
Andy Simons
Christopher Stone
Justin Williams
LOGOS Ministry
Scouting Ministries
Youth Ministry
Miles & AnneD Dabovich
Mike & Barbara Helenschmidt
Jim & LizAnn Beason
B.H. & Margaret Alexander
6 pm Prayer in Chapel
6 pm Youth
6:30 p Women’s Bible Study
6:30 p Men’s Bible Study
7:30 p Choir Practice
9:30 am Prayer in Chapel
10 am Bible Study
4 pm Zumba Chair
4:30 pm Zumba
6 pm 5 Boy /Cub Scouts
10 am
1 Gayla Kessinger
1 Zoie McKinnis
2 Sarah Ewing
3 Margit Bale
3 Mark Miller
6 Shelby Miller
7 Landon Terrell
7 Thomas Veal
8 Sue Watson
9 Willow Gee
9 Jaycee Strange
10 Curtis Heptner
10 Keith Smail
10 Chris Stone
10 Mason Williams
11 Kerrie Gee
11 Barbara Kimbrough
12 Ashlyn Holdbrook
14 Shannon Miller
15 Lilly Vega
15 Luke Vega
16 Riley Jalowy
16 Courtlyn Moseley
18 Randy Green
18 Terri Koulovatos
20 Taylor Felty
21 Tyson Jephcott
21 Ray Ono
23 Brandon Box
24 Josh Howell
24 Kyleigh McKeever
25 Carolyn Greer
25 Harold Tackett
26 Jeremy Clark
26 Larry Jansen
26 Connor Williams
27 Linda Cornelius
27 Barbara Morton
27 Azelia Zaragoza