i love sundays - Calvary Temple Church in Sandusky, Ohio


i love sundays - Calvary Temple Church in Sandusky, Ohio
CT News
Make Sunday the BEST day of the week!
Church Events
Sundays can surprise you.
Sundays can change your
whole week.
Sundays can change your
whole family.
Sundays can change your
Sundays can change the world!
At the same time, more and
more people are wondering
why life isn’t working so well
for them. Just as God rested on
the seventh day after creation,
He wired us to also need rest,
relational connection and
spiritual renewal once a week.
 Oct 4th – communion
These are the topics of our 5
week series, “I Love Sundays”.
Living Sundays the way God
meant for them to be will lead
to benefits that cascade into
just about every area of your
life. Your relationships, work,
finances, and heath can all be
transformed by your decision
to let Sunday be the best day of
your week. “
 Oct 20th – Men’s Bible
It used to be that Sundays were
set aside for church, rest &
families. But, for most people
Sundays have become just
another busy day of the week
with no time left for church or
quality time with the family.
Come out on Sundays to learn
August’s Giving Report
General Fund: $ 7935.98 Budget: $12,600.00 (-$4664.02)
Missions: $ 482.10
James Fund: $105.00
Budget: $1,690.00 (-$1207.90)
 Oct 4th – Missionary Tim
Strange Family
 Oct 18th – Speed-the-Light
Day & Fish Fry
Study begins @ 7 pm
 Oct 23rd – Youth 5th
Quarter @ 10 pm
 Oct 25th – Cabinet Mtg.
 Oct 25th – Ranger Sunday
 Oct 30th – Harvest Party at
Stephenson’s Farm
beginning at 6:30 pm
The Authority of
Jesus Christ
Jesus ministry had begun. He lived a perfect
life. And because of that, He alone could offer
the redemption and forgiveness we need to be
accepted by God. Because He was without
sin, He could take the punishment for all
sinners who would turn to Him in repentance
and faith.
following Jesus. But our prayer is that you
will respond as Peter did when he said, “Lord,
to whom shall I go? You have the words of
eternal life.”
We encourage every adult who is not involved
in ministry on Wednesday nights to come and
join us for this study. Meeting time is 7 pm in
the sanctuary.
This quarter in Wednesday night Adult Bible
study, we will be looking at the life of Jesus
during the three and ½ years of his earthly
ministry. Through the next 12 weeks, we’ll
witness His amazing miracles that
demonstrated His power and deity. We’ll hear
His startling teaching that left the people in
wonder. And we’ll be faced with the high cost
of discipleship that caused many to stop
Men’s Bible Study
“Study to show yourself approved
unto God…”
Beginning on Tuesday,
October 20th at 7 pm, we
will be having a biweekly men’s Bible
Study. Men of all ages
are invited and
encouraged to
We will be studying “33
The Series: A Man and
his Design. Each man
will need a “training
manual” with is $15.
The series is designed to
inspire and equip men
to pursue authentic
manhood as modeled by
Jesus Christ in His 33
years on earth.
Please sign up in the
church foyer or call the
church office by
October 10th as we need
to order materials.
STL Day & Fish Fry
Sunday, October 18th is Speed-the-Light Day. Our
youth will be ministering in various ways, Pastor
Brad will be preaching, and there will be a Fish
Fry afterwards in the Youth Center as a fundraiser
for an upcoming Youth Convention. You won’t
want to miss this special day!
Church Harvest Party
Join us on Friday, October 30th
beginning at 6:30 pm for a night of
“fall fun” at Bob Stephenson’s farm
(7507 Patten Tract Rd). We’ll have
hay rides, a bon fire with hotdogs and
s’mores, and games for everyone.
Bring a friend or two and let’s
celebrate our church family!
Pastor’s Pen
The Lord is not…wanting anyone to
perish, but everyone to come to
repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Starting October 1, we will be praying
around the world for 30 days! We are
participating in the Global Prayer Strategy
which takes us to several countries per day
in prayer.
We are asking you to join us by praying for
3 specific things for every county in the
1. Pray for the Laborers. Pray for
those who are in each country
doing the work of ministry.
2. Pray for the Lost. Every country
in the world has lost
souls…some more than others.
Pray they will come to a
knowledge of Christ as Savior.
3. Pray for the Leaders. Pray that
the government/political leaders
of each country would become
men and women of God who
allow his work to move forward.
If you have not already received your World
Prayer Atlas, you can pick one up in the
church foyer. Even if you don’t get started
on Oct. 1, please join us in praying for our
“These are the best ways to pray for the
whole world. God will empower you to do
this, but it will take a heart of determination
and a spirit of discipline.” (World Prayer
I pray you will join us in this great
endeavor. If you follow this daily plan, it
will normally take about 10 minutes of your
day, but in just 30 days, you will have
prayed for over 7 billion people! – people
Jesus died for and to whom he offers eternal
life. There can be no greater call!
James 5:16 tells us, “The earnest prayer of a
righteous person has great power and
produces wonderful results.” (NLT)
Missionary Update
Denny & Debby Seler:
Missionaries to missionaries in Costa Rica
Denny & Debby Seler are missionaries in Costa
Rica, but not in your typical understanding of
missionaries. The Selers are directors of a
school called CINCEL. The students at this
school are all missionaries who are planning to
go to the mission field in a Spanish speaking
For three trimesters, missionaries go to CINCEL
to learn Spanish and cultural studies, before
they arrive in the country of their calling. So, in
a way, the Selers are missionaries to
They became directors in May of 2013 having
served cross-culturally in Spain and Jamaica
where they lived for extended periods as well as
working with FACULTAD, the Assemblies of God
post graduate training program for all of Latin
America. Their ministry experience as district
leaders, national leaders, educators, and senior
pastors has provided a diverse framework of
ministry experience preparing them to serve in
the role of directors.
The Selers will be with us on Wednesday,
November 11th at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Please
mark your calendars now to be there!
Kids & Youth Announcements
 Ranger Sunday – On October 25th, we
will be honoring our Royal Rangers
and the merits and advancements they
have made over the past year.
 Our Missionettes are currently
learning the books of the Bible in
order. Parents, please encourage and
work with your girls to learn these
important books.
reminder that only infants and toddlers
are to be in our church nursery. When
the bigger kids come in, it causes
concerns and sometimes results in
things getting broken. Please remind
your children that they need to remain
in the hallway while you pick up your
babies. Thanks for understanding!
 Youth 5th Quarter – On Friday, thOctober
23, the youth will be having a 5 Quarter
event at the church starting at 10pm. This
event is a fun-filled night after the local
football game takes place. See Pastor
Brad for more information.
 REACH Convention – On November 2021, our teens will be going to REACH
convention. If your teen has not
registered, they may still do so. Currently
the cost is $100 per student. Fundraisers
are being held to defer the cost. See
Pastor Brad for more info.
asking all parents to make sure they
are picking their children up after
service in their appropriate rooms. We
will not be dismissing kids until their
parent/guardian arrives. Please do not
send older siblings to pick up children.
Contact Info:
Office Phone: 419.626.3523
Pastor’s Cell: 513.849.6239
Office email: office@CTSandusky.com
Pastor’s email: Paul @CTSandusky.com
Brad’s email: Brad @CTSandusky.com
Website: CTSandusky.com
Find us on Facebook and Twitter!
Also, download our mobile app in the App store for both Apple and Android!
Just search “Calvary Temple” and look for our logo!
For Calvary Temple – that we would be a greater light to our community.
Prayer for Our Pastoral Staff and Church Cabinet
Prayer for the Persecuted Church Worldwide
Prayer of 3 – Keep praying for those in your life who need Christ and pray for
ways to present the Gospel to them
Lexus Taylor- suffered a seizure after giving birth.
Madison (Stidham family) - needs healing, cyst on pancreas causing extreme
problems, on life support.
Kim Davis’ brother in law and family- baby born 6 weeks early, family needs
the Lord.
Michael Thorpe- starting college.
Ted Schreck requests prayer for his family.
Jeff Porter- pneumonia and broken ribs, and his grandmother, Vera also has
pneumonia and strep throat.
Mary Lou Lee’s granddaughter and family, loss of baby.
Karen Wilmoth- health issues.
Delores Ball- suffered a concussion from a fall.
Nicole Hohman’s coworker’s brother, facing health issues and doctors need
wisdom concerning his health condition.
Nicole Hohman’s father- recovering from heart surgery.
Sandye Ostheimer- job search, that God will lead her to a job that will utilize
her skills.
Gidget Hartlaub - recovering from hand surgery. Dale- back issues.
Pat Quick – recovery from surgery
Sam Hohman, prayer for a better job.
Heather Snow- suffering from leukemia and has bad reactions to treatments.
A family has multiple unspoken spiritual needs to be in prayer for.
Bob Schreck: Praise for a good week at work, pray that road construction in
front of business won’t deter customers. Prayer for a new Royal Ranger
commander, healing for bladder, prostate, vasculitis, sores on feet and legs,
and diet changes.
Finances are improving, please continue to pray for more customers!
David Quick’s granddaughters, Makaelah Fultz and Chloe Fultz, health issues.
Ruth McCarthy – health issues.
Martin Thorpe- nerve disease issues.
Pam Baker – (Jackie Cremean’s sister) – endometriosis.
Nick Baker-nephew of Cremean’s Cancer that continues to grow.
Tony (Trusen’s cousin) - needs deliverance.
Remember our shut-ins: Pat Willard, Ruth Brown, Carol Christie, Jeanne Jones
and Mary Garlock
Pray for our military personnel and our college students
Missionaries and their families in prayer for strength and financial support.
Pray for our Military and Government leaders.
For Revival and Awakening
For outreach ideas, creative ministries, new souls to be added.
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so
that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
10/4 Jackie and Chelsea
10/11 Katie and Solveig
10/18 Krista and Alyssa
10/25 Jillian, Dulcie and Solveig
11/1 Katie, Carlie and Chelsea
10/4 Sandye and Debbie
10/11 Mike and Jackie
10/18 Trusen and Ted
10/25 Lori and Kim P.
11/1 Hartlaubs
Toddlers Church:
Sound Booth:
10/4 Jenny and Katie
10/11 Wobsers
10/18 Wobsers
10/25 Wobsers
11/1 Wobsers
10/4 Mike or Randy
10/11 Mike or Randy
10/18 Mike or Randy
10/25 Mike or Randy
11/1 Mike or Randy
Kids Church:
10/4 Lori and Alyssa
10/11 Schrecks
10/18 Denise and Levi
10/25 Jim Swain
11/1 Lori and Alyssa
10/4 Jaycee Mitchell
10/11 Kim Leibacher
10/18 Jaycee Mitchell
10/25 Kim Leibacher
11/1 Jaycee Mitchell
Special Music:
Coffee Shop:
10/4 Dulcie Bushhorn
10/11 Dale Hartlaub
10/18 Tiffany Wobser
10/25 Sirka Schreck
11/1 Mike Cremean
If you cannot serve on your
scheduled day, please contact
the office to let them know.
10/4 Dulcie Bushhorn
10/11 Denise Hammill
10/18 Sandye Ostheimer
10/25 Debbie Neill
11/1 Jenny Bauman