APRIL 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter


APRIL 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter
St. Augustine’s Church
Pastor: Fr. Tom Servaus Deacon: John Pedro Administrave Assistant: Kathy Raddell Faith Formaon Associate: Krisne Skinner Minister for Adult Enrichment: Debra Krisher Director of Music/Organist: Ryan Schaffer Musician, Sunday 8:00 AM: Daniel Bolster
VIRTUS Safe Environment Coordinator: Krisne Skinner
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor: David Ditz
Bookkeeper: Pa Pi3s
Parish Communicaons: Margaret Castellini
Parish Office Hours: MondayͶThursday From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm EͲMail: email@staugusnesparish.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/staugusnesparishbville
Bullen EͲMail: bullen@staugusnesparish.org
Website: www.staugusnesparish.org
Weekend Liturgies: Saturday 5:15pm Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am
Reconciliaon (Confession): Saturdays 4:30Ͳ5:00 pm or by appointment.
APRIL 17, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Mass Intenons For The Week
Saturday, April 16
5:15 pm Patricia Phillips Sweeney by Bev & Hugh Sweeney
Sunday, April 17
8:00 am Katherine Buban by Judy Carr
10:30 am Jim Stiles by Ed & Paula Reichert
Monday, April 18
10:00 am Communion Service
Tuesday, April 19
10:00 am Communion Service
Wednesday, April 20
10:00 am Communion Service
Thursday, April 21
10:00 am Communion Service
Friday, April 22
No Mass
Saturday, April 23
5:15 pm John Conzelmann by Mary Conzelmann
Sunday, April 24
8:00 am Katherine Buban by Ed & Colleen Lasher
10:30 am Joseph & Kathryn Massara by Mary Leeson
Welcome to St. Augusne’s! We invite you to become a parishioner by calling the Parish Office at 638Ͳ0585. Parishioners leaving the parish please give us a call so
we may say goodbye!
During the month of April the Sanctuary Lamp burns in Memory of Paul Morrissey
7333 O’Brien Road, Baldwinsville, New York 13027 Parish Office: (315) 638Ͳ0585 Faith Formaon: (315) 638Ͳ0864 Fax: (315) 635Ͳ0931
Page Two
St. Augusne’s Church, Baldwinsville, New York
April 17, 2016
9:00 am CYO Coffee & Donuts
9:15 am Breaking Open the Word
11:30 am Adult Confirmaon Prep
6:00 pm CYO Meeng
Sunday, April 17
8:30 am CYO Pancake Breakfast
9:15 Faith Formaon Grades 1Ͳ5
10:30 am CLOW/Seeds
11:30 am Faith Formaon Grades 6Ͳ9
Tuesday, April 26
10:30 am Bible Study
6:30 pm Women’s Spiritual Direcon
Monday, April 18
6:30 pm Faith Formaon Grades 6Ͳ9
7:00 pm Social Acon Ministry Meeng
Wednesday, April 27
6:00 am Men’s Spirituality Group
7:00 pm 50th Anniversary Meeng
Tuesday, April 19
10:30 am Bible Study
Thursday, April 21
7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
1:30 pm Women’s Spiritual Direcon
Sunday, April 24
Spring Lo*ery Winners! Congratula+ons!
April 1stͲWilliam Trexler won $100.00
April 3rdͲArlene Northrup won $50.00
Mother’s Day Men’s Choir
Once again, on Sunday, May 8th (Mother’s Day), the men
of our parish are invited to sing in the choir to honor all
mothers. If you are interested in parcipang, please come
to the rehearsal on Thursday, May 5th, directly following
the 7:00 pm Ascension Holy Day Mass. You need not have
the best singing voice to parcipate, and you do not need
to know how to read music. This is just a way to have fun
together, and at the same me, pay tribute to the mothers
in our parish community. For more informaon, please see
Ryan Schaffer. SAVE these DATES!!
Saturday & Sunday, May 14th & 15th
Covenant Weekend
Saturday, May 28th
CYO Chicken Dinner
Sunday, June 12th
Confirmaon (10:30 am) & Parish 50th Anniversary “Kickoff”
John Andaloro, Rose Antone, Rita Baker, Stephen Barger,
Jennifer Baron Alfieri, Jean Becker, Stacy Benson, Anna
Buongiorne, David Byrne, Donald Byrnes, Florence Card,
Tim Conners, Lois DeFio, Amy DeForge, Sandra Denniston,
Tom DiNapoli, Mike Dubiel, Raul Erives, Missy Carr Fitz,
John Ferrara, Frank Flaherty, Phyllis Flaherty, Chrisna
Flandera, Tom Ford, Candy Glenn, Cathy Golden, Anne
Gray, Virginia Grosso, Andrew Hager, Wendy Hess, Isabell
Hollembaek, Rose Hurd, Dan Iannicello, Infant Ma3hew,
Maeve Jordan, Valarie Korczakowski, Sally LaMontagne,
Colleen Lasher, Lois Licourt, John Ma3hews, Michael
Mace, Cindy McCaffrey, Ma3hew McCarthy, Harry
McVene, Stephanie Merenda, Hannah Murphy, Michael
Murphy, Patrick O’Neill, Cathy Pennisi, Elaine Pickard,
Charlie Poole, Ronnie Pra3 III, Emily Raddell, Maureen
Raddell, William Relyea, Chrisne Sessler, Ronald Sessler,
Zachary Shaw, Tom Stapleton, Lucy St. Elmo, Hugh
Sweeney, Kathleen Sweeney, Nora Lee Tarney, Frances
Tausend, Helen Schiller Thomson, Cyndi Turner, Pat
Welsh, Kelley Williams, Joanne Wood, Michael Wood and
Freda Zollo.
Please call the parish office at 638Ͳ0585 if you or someone you know would like to be included on our prayer list. Stewardship of Treasure April 10th & 11th:
Envelopes (202)
Received by Mail (12)
Buildings and Grounds $309.00
Catholic Schools
Thank you for your generosity!
Electronic Banking
Did you know, that if you maintain your checking account
online, you can, in all likelihood, set up to have your bank
automacally mail your contribuon to St. Augusne's? If you are already banking online, check it out with your
bank! If you choose electronic banking, please let our Parish Office know. Thank you for your generosity!
Page Three
April 17, 2016
St. Augusne’s Church, Baldwinsville, New York
A Note from Fr. Tom
Hi Folks:
Congratulaons go out to Jim Honsinger who was recently
honored by the Baldwinsville Volunteer Center as a Volunteer of the Year. Wha)a great pick!!! From the narrave
that I submi)ed:
For several, SEVERAL years, Jim
has been an advisor for the
parish's youth group. In this day
and age when many parents pull
back from an acvity once their
children are no longer acve in it,
Jim stayed on, seeing the value,
importance and the need. In fact,
Jim has been involved in our youth
group for so long that he (and his
wife Cathy) are now working with
engaged couples, some of whom he knew when they
were in the youth group!!! Above and beyond what
he does, it also is important to remember how he does
it Ͳ with a sense of posive energy which can only be
described as sincere and contagious. Such sincerity is
so important in all of our encounters, and is instrumental in how Jim is able to connect with people both
young and old. Again congratulaons Jim!
Big thanks to Abe Morelli, who
constructed the widow sills for
the rear windows of the church.
Doing so allows us to bring a li)le
more “life” to that part of the
building and allows the liturgical
environment for a given season to
more closely embrace the whole
building, and not just the front..
Just one thing . . . please remember that they’re not seatsͶ
they’re sturdy, but not that sturdy.
Either way, they’re great. Thanks
I’m on seminary visits this week.
If you need anything from me,
give the office a call and I’ll give
you a shout when I get back.
OK. That’s it for now.
Take Care & God Bless,
Don’t Miss the LAST CYO
Pancake Breakfast of the Year
The final Pancake Breakfast of the
season will be held on Sunday,
April 17 from 8:30 AM Ͳ noon in
the Parish Hall. There will be all
of your usual favorites including
our newest menu item….gluten free pancakes.
It is all served by our friendly CYO members and we look
forward to seeing you there!
March Madness Final
With an amazing finish to March Madness this year, Tom
Wilcox won the tournament challenge on Villanova’s dramac win on Monday night. Tom Wilcox has selected a
local charity: Maureen’s Hope which will receive $400.00.
Maureen’s Hope provides support and assistance to people
facing the challenges of a cancer diagnosis or other lifeͲ
altering disease. Thank you from the Social Acon ministry
to all who parcipated this year and congratulaons to the
Wilcox family and Maureen’s Hope.
Final StandingsͶTop 5
Selected Champion
Tom Wilcox
Ross Gallagher (1) 1310
Angie Banes
Brennan Wilcox
North Carolina
Ross Gallagher (2) 940
North Carolina
Upcoming Scripture Readings for Liturgy
Readings for the Week of April 17, 2016
Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43Ͳ52/Ps 100:1Ͳ3, 5/Rv 7:9, 14bͲ17/
Jn 10:27Ͳ30
Monday: Acts 11:1Ͳ18/Ps 42:2Ͳ3; 43:3Ͳ4/Jn 10:1Ͳ10
Tuesday: Acts 11:19Ͳ26/Ps 87:1Ͳ7/Jn 10:22Ͳ30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24ͲͲ13:5a/Ps 67:2Ͳ3, 5Ͳ6, 8/Jn 12:44Ͳ
Thursday: Acts 13:13Ͳ25/Ps 89:2Ͳ3, 21Ͳ22, 25, 27/Jn 13:16Ͳ
Friday: Acts 13:26Ͳ33/Ps 2:6Ͳ11/Jn 14:1Ͳ6
Saturday: Acts 13:44Ͳ52/Ps 98:1Ͳ4/Jn 14:7Ͳ14
Next Sunday: Acts 14:21Ͳ27/Ps 145:8Ͳ13/Rv 21:1Ͳ5a/Jn
13:31Ͳ33a, 34Ͳ35
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St. Augusne’s Church, Baldwinsville, New York
April 17, 2016
Faith Forma+on Classes
Sunday, April 17 and Monday, April 18 are the last regularly scheduled Faith Formaon classes for the Spring
2016 semester. We are thankful for all parents and
catechists who have helped make this semester so successful. Please watch upcoming bullens for more informaon regarding Registraon for the 2016Ͳ17 Catechecal year and some more family faith formaon
events coming up in the near future!
Confirma+on Prep
We welcome our Confirmaon candidates to our 5:15
PM Mass this weekend. Please connue to pray for
our young men and women as they journey closer to
the Lord with our parish community toward their
Confirmaon Day in June. First Eucharist Thank You’s
Last Sunday, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we celebrated
First Eucharist with twelve of our boys and girls at
St. Augusne’s. Many thanks to all the folks who
helped to make the Liturgy and recepon so special.
We cannot wait to celebrate Eucharist again with each
of these children and their families this weekend and
each weekend to come. May we all be filled with the
joy of our First Eucharist’s whenever we gather at the
Lord’s Table! Photograph by Steve Nadelen, Nadelen Imaging
Magnanimous is the Word of the Day
I had never heard or used the word magnanimous unl I
read The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis. To be magnanimous is to be charitable, kindly, generous, and forgiving. A
person who is magnanimous is one who “has their heart in
the right place,” according to Thesauras.com.
So, why aren’t people magnanimous more oUen? Now
dear reader, this blog may not be directed at you, but rather at society as a whole, at least lately that’s what it
looks like to me. In the checkout line at the grocery store,
tabloid aUer tabloid shows glaring headlines that a3ack
people’s appearances, poke fun at marital infidelies and
ulmately profit from at least one celebrity’s “fall from
grace” each week. I wonder if tabloid planning meengs
begin with, “So, who’s our next vicm?” This lack of mercy, that’s right, mercy, also is evident in social media
posngs, oUen from wellͲmeaning friends and family members who are passionate about one issue or another. What
I gently want to say is that by all means, be passionate in
life about those things that are near and dear to our
hearts! But don’t take someone else down in order to
prove a point. That’s not mercy. That’s not being magnanimous, as Pope Francis calls us to be. If we are a people of
encounter, a people of mercy, we must always consider
how any acons on our part could potenally affect another person or group of people. And then we need to choose
the high road. And like any good habit, the more we pracce being magnanimous, the more it will become second
nature to us.
Want to read more? Check out Kris’ blog at the address:
mercifulmomentsblog.wordpress.com also accessible on
our parish website under the blog link.
Would you like to be confirmed?
Confirmaon bestows on us the giU of the Holy Spirit and invites us into lifelong discipleship of Jesus Christ. It is one of the
three sacraments of iniaon into the Catholic Church. There are many reasons why someone reaches adulthood and has
not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmaon. If you are interested in becoming confirmed please contact Fr. Tom or
Debbie, 638Ͳ0585 or email@staugusnesparish.org for more informaon. The process is very flexible and tailored to the
individual. Page Five
St. Augusne’s Church, Baldwinsville, New York
Outhouse Challenge #4
April 17, 2016
Thoughts from a Parishioner’s First Time Trip to
Serve at the Shelter
By: Ermine Cunningham
I'd been shoppingͶchurch shopping, that isͶfor the past
couple of years, trying to find a place that offered what I
was seeking. Always a listͲmaker, my list of requirements
was short but comprehensive:
friendly, welcoming members
opportunies to serve others
inspiring music
dynamic leadership
Pictured above from a previous Outhouse Challenge:
Fr. Tom, Arlee Folckemer (the late Pastor Joe’s wife) and Paul DeFelice
The traveling Outhouse will return to the Gathering room
for the month of May. This will be our fourth year! Every
year we ‘overflow’ the Outhouse…. with paper goods, of
course, for the Baldwinsville Food Pantry. Hopefully we can
do it again as the Pantry is always in dire need of such supplies. The paper products needed are: toilet paper, paper
towels and ssues. Followed by, laundry detergent, bar
soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and deodorant. Beyond
that, whatever toiletry items anyone would like to donate!
A total of8,600 toiletry items have beencollected by St.
Augusne’s to date. Let’s set a goal to break 10,000! You’re Invited! You are cordiallyinvited to this year's ACTS banquet whichis
set forTuesday evening, April 19th. Drumlins is the place
again this year. Please contactme, Dave Babcock,
if you wish to a3end or if you have quesons about ACTS or
the banquet. The program promises to be wonderful again
this year with keynote speaker, Yusuf AbdulͲQadir, chapter
director of CNY Civil Liberes Union. Pastoral Council Nomina+on Forms Available
With Pentecost quickly approaching, we are also beginning our search for Pastoral Council Members who will
serve beginning in September 2016. The following posions will be available, Covenant Ministry Representaves
for Parish Outreach, Spiritual Development and Parish
Life and Worship, as well as a DelegateͲatͲlarge posion.
Consider nominang a member of our parish who you feel
meets the qualificaons listed on the nominaon forms.
All forms are due to the Parish Office by April 23rd.
Once I visited St. Augusne's, my shopping days were over.
I found myself in the company of folks who are commi3ed
to living their faith by serving others.
Sunday, April 3rd was my first opportunity to share a
“serving others” experience by serving a warm meal to a
large men's shelter in Syracuse. The area had also been
“served” with a cold and snowy winter blast that made
offering chili on a chilly day very fing. No more puns, I
Fearless leader Karen Parsons makes General Pa3on look
like a slouch; assignments for making and delivering the
hearty meal to both a men's shelter and a women's shelter
were wellͲorganized and carried out like clockwork.
We quickly set up the serving line that began with warm
chili, bo3led water, utensils, encouraging notes from the
parish children and ended with cornbread, rolls and a wide
choice of homemade cookies and brownies.
There were many Thank You’s, God Bless You’s, and friendly nods. Some were silent as they passed through the line
and headed toward the sea of cots or a table to enjoy the
The handmade cards were appreciated, and one gentleman read the message, “Trust God” and said “I do trust
Him.” Another resident mooned with his bo3le of water
and said, “This is a great country, look at this. We've got
food to eat, clean water, people who help.”
The me passed quickly, and before I knew it, we had
cleaned up, said goodbye and were heading back to Baldwinsville. Maybe I'll make a new list now of other service needs in
our St. Augusne’s community. I think I'd like to cook next
meͶsign me up!
Page Six
April 17, 2016
St. Augusne’s Church, Baldwinsville, New York
Thanks to Everyone Who Made the Chili Dinner A Success!
turns srring three huge pans full of the chili ingredients, a
workout that meant that they could skip the gym for a
week. They worked so well together that the chili was prepared in record me. Finally, eleven people showed up at
5:15 ready to deliver to the women’s shelter and serve at
the men’s.
I want to thank the fiUyͲsix people who made the Chili Dinner for the Men’s and Women’s shelters such a wonderful
success. Among those fiUyͲsix people, thirteen people
helped for the very first me (see Ermine Cunningham’s
write up). Everyone who signed up showed up in spite of
the terrible weather. They brought in desserts including
cakes, cupcakes, cookies and many others which looked
and smelled delighZul. The breads to accompany the chili
included corn
muffins, dinner
rolls, hard rolls,
croissants, crackers and many other delicious
items. The sandwich makers made
some outstanding
sandwiches. The
sandwiches included roast beef,
ham, turkey, bologna and chicken
salad. Most included cheese. The variety was unbelievable.
The chili preparers all came in at 2 on Sunday. Some started cung and dicing onions, peppers, celery and mushrooms, while others were browning the meat. They took
Two people, who went to the women’s shelter, took along
with them four pans of chili, a big bag of desserts, a huge
box of bread and crackers, and bananas. They brought
with them enough food to feed the 14 adults and 12 children currently
staying at the
shelter, plus
the two staff
working that
night with leUovers for another day.
The other nine
packed three
cars with all the
food and water
and we carpooled to the men’s shelter. We arrived at the
shelter with a line waing for us. We got ourselves organized and started serving within five minutes and didn’t
stop for 45 minutes. We had two people serve the chili
along with one topping the chili with cheese, while the others handed out water, bananas, spoons and napkins, bread
and desserts. The sandwiches were to be given to the
guys, along with chips, as they leU the shelter the following
morning. In all 110 guys were served. Also, the guys coming in later that night would be able to enjoy the food, as
there were a lot of leUovers for them as well. As we were
leaving, there was hand shaking and thanks, compliments
on the quality of the food and many “God bless you’s”. It
was truly a wonderful experience. Again, I want to thank
everyone who helped make this service project such a success and a posive reflecon on St. Augusne’s Church. Submi)ed by: Karen Parsons, Social Acon Commi)ee
Migrant Workers Clothing/Bedding Drive
April 30thͲMay 1st
We will be collecng clothing for migrant workers the weekend of April 30 and May 1 . SmallͲ toͲ mediumͲsized men's
clothing only, please. We especially need longͲsleeved work shirts, pants, work gloves, and rain ponchos. Also needed are
men’s work shoes or sneakers in size 7 and up. We are looking to collect bedding supplies for the men that weekend as
well. Please leave the items in the Gathering Room aUer each Mass. If there is a large amount of clothing, please call
638Ͳ1420 and arrangements will be made. Thanks so much.