Hari Jumat di siang bolong - Indonesian Evangelical Church, USA
Hari Jumat di siang bolong - Indonesian Evangelical Church, USA
E editorial ————————————————————————————— Hari Jumat di siang bolong, dimana matahari bersinar dengan teriknya. Jalan setapak yang berkerikil tajam menanjak ke bukit, sinar mentari yang terik telah membuat batu-batu yang ada di jalan tersebut memanas dan terbakar. Sepasang kaki telanjang harus menapaki jalan yang sempit tersebut. Tersaruk-saruk dikerahkannya semua tenaganya untuk menyeret kedua kakinya melangkah maju. Semalam-malaman yang empunya kaki tersebut tidak tidur; rasa kantuk, lelah, lapar dan haus berbaur menjadi satu di dalam diriNya. Beban yang sangat berat terbuat dari kayu yang kasar tergeletak di pundakNya. Ingin rasanya Dia berteriak untuk berhenti sejenak demi menghela nafas barang satu atau dua detik untuk mengumpulkan tenaga yang masih tersisa di dalam diriNya, tetapi orang-orang yang berseragam pemerintah tidak mengijinkanNya, malah memakiNya dan mendorongNya untuk berjalan lebih cepat supaya cepat sampai di tempat tujuan, supaya selesai sudah tugas yang diperintahkan oleh gubernur setempat. Keinginan Orang yang malang ini untuk berteriak minta tolong dapat ditahanNya; Dia ingin menyelesaikan pula pekerjaan yang dilimpahkan kepadaNya. Dia ingin melakukan semuanya tanpa ada rasa penyesalan di dalam diriNya. Tetapi seperti yang diakui dan dikatakanNya bahwa roh memang penurut tetapi daging atau tubuh ini lemah adanya. Orang malang ini terjerembab ke tanah, tatkala tubuhNya telah kehilangan semua tenaga yang membuat kedua kakiNya bergetar dan kehilangan keseimbangan, beban berat yang dipikul di kedua bahuNya membantu mendorong dan menghempaskan tubuhNya ke tanah. Cambuk pun dihantamkan ke badanNya dan menguliti tubuhNya yang kurus kering itu dan mencungkil dan mencabik-cabik daging dari badanNya. Tuhan kita Yesus mau menjalani “via dolorosa,” menjalani hukuman melebihi seorang kriminal yang melakukan kejahatan yang tak berampun. Padahal Dia adalah Tuhan dan Juru Selamat, kenapa mau menjalani penghinaan seperti itu? AGAPE — Easter 2005 1 Padahal Dia adalah Allah, tidakkah sebaiknya Dia memilih jalan yang sopan dan terhormat, tetapi kenapa Dia memilih jalan yang paling hina? Tuhan Yesus di dalam kotbahNya mengatakan bahwa Bapa di surga memilih yang hina bagi dunia ini untuk merendahkan yang mulia, atau yang bodoh bagi dunia ini untuk mencemoohkan yang pandai. Firman Tuhan adalah suatu kebodohan bagi dunia ini, Firman Tuhan hanyalah berarti dan berharga untuk mereka yang mau percaya dan menerima Yesus sebagai Juru Selamat pribadinya. Kita sebagai orang kristen modern ini apakah pikiran kita dan anggapan kita terhadap Firman Tuhan? Apakah kita pernah merasa adalah suatu kesia-siaan belaka atau hanyalah suatu kebodohan untuk percaya kepada Tuhan? Hati-hatilah supaya jangan kita tidak menjadi ahli waris kerajaan Surga, hati-hatilah dengan pikiran dan pendapat bahwa menjadi pengikut Kristus adalah suatu kebodohan, karena itu berarti kita telah membatalkan Jalan Keselamatan itu di dalam diri kita. Marilah saudara-saudari yang dikasihi oleh Tuhan Yesus, menjelang paskah ini kita mengajak pikiran kita untuk menjadi seperti Yesus yang bersedia menjadi hina bagi dunia ini namun mulia bagi surga! Maukah dan relakah kita menjalani jalan “via dolorosa” kita masing-masing tanpa disertai dengan sungut-sungut ataupun paksa? Maukah kita menjadi serupa Kristus di dalam hal apapun untuk memuliakan namaNya? redaksi H e chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me; Down the Via Dolorosa all the way to Calvary. 2 AGAPE — Easter 2005 AG APE Easter 2005 Penasehat Ev. Wilson Suwanto Daniel Loe Editor Evelyn Sunarko Janice Atmadja Marcia Japutra Rachel Atmadja Ilustrator & Fotografer Joshua Adidjaja Martha Raharja Pilipus Santoso Layout Eva Leony Martha Raharja Tesia Trisnadi Tjandra Afandi Kontributor Rev. Kristianto Hosea Rev. Billy Lim Ev. Wilson Suwanto Mrs. Joy Simona Mrs. Shirley Gozali Angelia Kusumah Freddy Yusuf Gamas Sugiarto Mr. & Mrs. Adidjaja Printing Semiwaty Oei Special Thanks Evie Loadjaja & Maria Cindy (for summarizing the articles) Jocelyn Lee & Marco Carelos (for helping in the interview) Buddy Yusuf (for Valentine Day's poster) And the participants of the Tips article. E-mail Redaksi agape_gii@yahoo.com Produksi GII Azusa 539 N. Sunset Ave. Azusa, CA 91702 Telp: (626) 812-0326 http://lax.gii-usa.org Gereja Injili Indonesia Azusa 539 N. Sunset Ave, Azusa, CA 91702 LOKASI LAINNYA: Jadwal kegiatan: Gembala Sidang: Rev. Kristianto Hosea Minggu Pk. 09.00 Sekolah Minggu Dewasa Pk. 10.30 Kebaktian Umum (IndonesiaN & English) Sekolah Minggu Anak-anak Pk. 16.00 Chinese Service (diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia) Jumat Pk. 19.30 Kebaktian Doa (Indonesian & English) Bible Study Anak-anak Sabtu Pk. 18.30 youth fellowship (Indonesian & English) GII San Jose GII Seattle 600 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 343-1314 (c/o First Christian Reformed Church) 14555 25th Ave. N.E. Shoreline, WA 98155 (425) 357-5928 GII Sacramento (c/o Chinese Grace Bible Church) 6656 Park Riviera Way Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 692-3756 GII San Francisco 400 Brussels St. San Francisco, CA 94134 (415) 656-0886 AGAPE — Easter 2005 3 D daftar isi —————————————————————————————————— Spreading God's Love special edition on evangelism 6 Profile: Ev. Yewu Jian Wei From a craftsman, then a businessman, now an Evangelist. As an introduction, Ev. Wei shares about his calling and passion in this ministry. 9 Your Lifestyle in Evangelism Part 1—The aim of this study is to make us aware of the need of sharing Christ and the Gospel to those who are lost and in fulfilling the Great Commision of Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8. 12 Komunikasi dalam Penginjilan Part 2—Penginjilan mempunyai banyak aspek, seperti pembicaraan, persiapan, doa, perbuatan, persahabatan, dan lain sebagainya. Salah satu aspek yang cukup penting adalah komunikasi. 15 Menyentuh Hati Orang yang Belum Percaya Part 3—Bagaimana cara supaya orang-orang yang belum mengenal Kristus dapat berbalik dan percaya kepadaNya? Bagaimana kita dapat menyentuh hati orang yang belum percaya kembali kepada Kristus? 18 Bible Fact: So What's Hinduism? You have some Hindu friends—and you want them to know Christ? Study this article, and apply all you have read in this special edition to win their soul! 4 AGAPE — Easter 2005 e! n i l on l 're agape.htm e w t eb/ a w _ h c t t sa.org/ie e g r fo lax.gii-u t ' Donvisit us @ A AG PE — Christmas 2004 4 arti k e l t e t a p : 22 Parenting: Teaching Your Child to Organize This article is taken from Focus on the Family's Focus on Your Child, along with a Q&A session with Dr. James Dobson on the same topic. 27 Cerpen: I Sell Jesus Apa hanya Yudas yang dapat menjual Yesus? 30 Sharing: Ko Sugi's Testimony Ini suka duka sutradara Drama Thanksgiving 2004 "Once Upon a Time in Alhambra". 34 Sharing: Behind "Taman Eden" Yang satu ini dari Freddy, Si Eden dari drama Natal 2004. 35 Event: Tak Cukup Katakan Cinta Sesuatu yang heboh terjadi tatkala Papa dan Mama Hengky merayakan 50-year Anniversary mereka.... Anda punya usul, kritik, saran, atau apapun yang berhubungan dengan Agape atau GII Azusa? Silahkan mengirimnya ke agape_gii@yahoo.com atau memberikannya kepada redaksi. ————————————————————————————————— 37 Book review: Every Man's Battle In continuing last edition's battle with sexual temptation, this one is for the Mars gender. 40 Tips: How to NOT Fall Asleep during Sermon Go to W.C., read Ecclesiastes, pinch yourself real hard... what else? 43 Recipes: Ayam Kluyuk by Angelia Kusumah Wedang Ronde by Wilisyanti Adidjaja 45 Poems etc.: God Gives to Me Ten Commandments for Kids Prayer for Regeneration 46 Quiz: Bible Crossword Puzzle 47 Humor—taken from The Good, Clean Funnies List (gcfl.net) Ingin terlibat dalam pelayanan Agape (edisi cetak, online, maupun majalah dinding)? Cepat hubungi kami (redaksi) untuk keterangan lebih lanjut! AGAPE — Easter 2005 5 P profile —————————————————————————————— Ev.Jian YewuWei by: Janice Atmadja & Jocelyn Lee On February 26th, Saturday night, Team Agape got the privilege to interview Evangelist Yewu Jian Wei, who came from Spain to U.S.A for an Evangelical Conference in New Jersey. This interview would not have been possible without the help of Jocelyn Lee and Marco Caleros, who kindly volunteered their time to translate for us. CALL TO MINISTRY As a youngster at the age of 19, he became a craftsman. He worked hard every week to go up to the mountains to gather stones that he would later carve. His work was hard, and with sweat pouring from his body he cried to God, “Is this all I will do with my life?” It happened that God had a different plan for his life. At the age of 22 he went to Spain. He faced the difficulty of adjusting to the culture in Spain. His greatest obstacle was learning the language; it took him four years to learn Spanish. He miraculously received a job, and a few years later, a house and a family. Ev. Yewu Jian Wei received his call to ministry when he heard Rev. Moses Yang speaking about the nearness of Jesus’ second coming at Valencia. “What should I do?” he thought to himself. He was the owner of seven Chinese restaurants. He was financially prosperous. Yet unable to resist God’s calling, he decided to give up the restaurant business in order to become a pastor. Today, there are seven branches of church in four cities in Spain. Ev. Yewu Jian Wei now lives in Madrid with his wife and three children. He has two sons named Juan (17, sophomore in high school) and Paul (16, freshman in high school). His youngest, a daughter, is Christina (10 yrs. old). Ev. Yewu Jian Wei has lived in Spain for 20 years. When we asked him if he liked it there, he said of course, but he liked the U.S. better. 6 AGAPE — Easter 2005 His favorite time in Name: Yewu Jian Wei ministry is when he preaches Languages spoken: Chinese, Spanish to a congregation. He also Age: 42 enjoys preaching the gospel Favorite color: Navy Blue on a one-on-one basis. He Hobby: Play ping-pong (“I’m pretty good at it,” he says) added that he especially Favorite food: Meat enjoys sharing the Gospel Favorite place to be: His house to atheists (people who do Favorite bible character: David, not believe in any higher because of his courage against being). He comments that it the lion. He committed sins but he admitted them to is actually harder to preach God. He adhered to his faith until death. to someone who is already a believer in another religion. He enjoys to give back to God for the blessings of seeing the outcomes of his ministry and the their affluence by doing missions. On the growth of his congregation. He feels that following day, he continued his topic about he has grown in knowledge through his how to do missions—that is, dedicating ministry with God. He grew by studying in one’s time, money, and even life to God, seminary schools, reading reference books, as it is a responsibility for Christians. watching other preachers, and socializing Ev. Yewu Jian Wei drew from Roman with his congregation. He believes that he 12:1-2 and began by emphasizing the gained valuable experience. importance of offering one’s body as living When we asked if he would like to sacrifices for God as a way of dedicating give any advice to teenagers and adults oneself to the Lord. Sometimes people everywhere about Christian living, he only sacrifice what is convenient, such as replied with, only time, or only money, but Paul in his “I have lots! The most important thing letter commanded that Christians sacrifice is to try to understand what God wants their whole body—including time, money, to say in his Word to the best of your and mind as well. By offering this sacrifice, ability. It should not be just memorizing. God will be pleased. Pleasing God should The Word itself is dead, but the meaning be the first priority of any Christian. Often, is alive. A lot of Christians have problems because of the world Christians live in, it is in marriage, choosing careers, choosing difficult to put God first. Rather, we seek a life partner, etc. God won’t tell you to please others such as our teachers, our those answers directly. You must choose parents, or our friends. But we must not for yourself, but being able to DISCERN “conform any longer to the pattern of God’s will, is the ability you must attain this world,” and instead put God’s will as through reading God’s Word.” our first priority. Therefore, it is important to renew ourselves—not only from the outside (materially or in appearance) MESSAGE FOR MISSION VISION On February 25th, 2005, Ev. Yewu Jian but from the mind so that we may be Wei spoke about the reason for mission. completely be like God. In this manner, we Because most people are abundantly may be able to please God, and that would blessed in life, it is therefore necessary be the greatest investment ever made. [JA] AGAPE — Easter 2005 7 F focus Menyentuh Hati Orang Yang Belum Percaya 8 AGAPE — Easter 2005 Evangelism 1 by: Rev. Billy Lim T he aim of this study is to make us aware of the need of sharing Christ and the gospel to those who are lost and in fulfilling the great commision of Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8. gramme t are not Pro en am st Te m in the New of those who the evangelis h the lifestyle g u ro nities for th t u b Almost all of , find opportu Meeting s al ay iv w al ev R d r o an d Centere d then share sus Christ an believed in Je s). (bear witnes “witnessing” Our responsibilities are: There are lots of opportunities for us to share. spirit and - prepare our heart, mind, will, - be enthusiastic (en Theos) - be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit - have the courage and boldness to share t we have use all the relationship tha Relational Evangelism: We . After all it’s sm eli ng a mean of eva as it use d an le op pe the among only we dare are just His instrument if we d an ng rki wo is o God wh witnessing and sharing. to move to the action of Sensitive to the needs of people arou nd us (work, study, family, peer group, church). Find what their nee ds are: loneliness, stress, sickness, lost of loved ones, someone to talk and our part is to listen, etc.). AGAPE — Easter 2005 9 Relationship as a bridge to share the gospel and Christ : - Families - Friends (make friend) - Build interest, trust, and be patient - Church (especially if church members have the lifestyle of sharing Christ and the gospel) - The more we share, the more we grow spiritually (quality and quantity) - Yet we need to be careful and sensitive to the needs of those whom we like to share. - We need to be creative enough to build bridges with whom we like to share. Develop our lifestyle in evangelism. This won’t happen by its own or overnight. We need to work at it with discipline, patience, will, faith, earnestness, enth usiasm, humility, until it becomes our own lifes tyle. Motto: practice, practice, and prac tice for practice makes perfect. Remember: lifestyle can’t be programmed for we cannot progra a lifestyle. It depend mme people to have s on his/her conviction , sensitivity to the need responds and dare to s, how he/she take risk, initiative to act. - Don’t try to compar e yourself with othe rs. - Realize that one siz e doesn’t fit all, for as Christians we realize made each of us uniqu that God e. We should work an d share that suits ou and personality. r lifestyle - We need to live a lif e of Knee-ology; that prayer is our number - We need to pursue one priority. Lost-ology, ie. We ne ed to learn from Jesu pursuing the lost. s who was - Our lifestyle needs to move from the ins iders christians who feel sa fe inside the church - to reach outsiders. Your life message is your lifestyle in sharing the go spel and Christ. 1 Thess. 1:8 : - God has put a life message wit h you: Share it enthusiastically. - God waits you to share your testimony. - God wants you to share you r life lessons. - God wants you to share you r Godly passion: Vision and Pas ion for the lost. - God wants you to share the Good News. Challenge for you: There are hundreds of great books on HOW to share the gospel. Bu the world won’t motiv t all the training in ate you to witness un til you learn to love th God does through ou e lost people the way r Lord Jesus Christ, th e perfect example of lifestyle in evangelism a soul winner. This is . your 10 AGAPE — Easter 2005 evangelism The person who is doing the already a (sharing the gospel) must be we’re able to born-again Christian. Before ask share the gospel, we need to s myself Jesu w kno lly rea I “Do es, ourselv ?” Him w before I want others to kno d; blin the d If not, the blind will lea this is dangerous. depend on knowledge, but you rest and ’re just an God’s timing and ability. You instrument in His hand. Knowing 1. One who really knows Christ: nce? erie Exp or dge wle Christ from Kno word. The 2. One who really knows the God. bible. The truth, the word of that does - Truth without love is dogma not touch the heart. , God’s - When truth is spoken with love r’s mind. the ano spirit can use it to change d to refuse. har is love in - Thought: Truth spoken word the re sha we - Remember: When e to com not l wil ring of God, our sha 1). 55:1 ah Isai Him void (cf. iticus 19:2 3. One who lives a holy life. Lev y.” Yes, God says, “Be ye holy for I am hol sparent life... will only use a clean and tran a clean vessel. . It is no 4. One who obeys and trust God ’t obey don you if re point you want to sha o wh God It’s . you and trust Him to use e eon som ing vict con does the work of to obey to accept Christ and our job is and share. ak spe to us s ask Him when He ourselves Therefore we need to make y Spirit, trust, available, sensitive to the Hol and obey. depend 5. You need to wait on God and the is it all r on the Holy Spirit for afte verts. con and s vict work of God who con argue n eve or te ula nip Don’t push and ma end dep ’t don You . pel in sharing the gos and , lity abi h, ngt on your own stre sform your 6. You allow God’s word to tran in your le bib life. You need to have your rt. hand as well as in your hea be your 7. You need to be humble and ause bec ers oth y own. Don’t try to cop ers oth y cop to try you you’re unique. If re is the if lly ecia esp , ted stra you will be fru no response. it is no point 8. You must not ARGUE, for losing the of winning an argument but r to Christ. /he opportunity of winning him re, and sca , ate Be careful not to intimid ember rem ays manipulate him/her. Alw pel, the gos the ring that when you are sha and urb dist to d har y devil is working ver to try ays alw You . ring side-track your sha en matter wh bring him/her to the subject , Christ, God , pel Gos the ring you are sha h yourself Man, and Faith, and never pus accept Christ to ask for a COMMITMENT to whenever it is not clear. yer because 9. You need to be a man of pra thing any ieve ach prayer is the power to ,7). 15:5 n (Joh ist Chr s in the name of Jesu exour ond bey gs thin Prayer can change lt resu no is re the ugh tho pectations, even for ise Him after you share the gospel. Pra n. atio situ nge cha can praising Him instrument, 10. Thank God you are just His , we must rds no more no less. In other wo hing not are always remember that we re refo the and but it’s only by His grace pel, Gos the ring sha never ever give up in d Lor our of ion mis for it is the great com and go to d nee Jesus Christ that we share the gospel. AGAPE — Easter 2005 11 Evangelism 2 by: Ev. Wilson Suwanto ai banyak mempuny an, enginjilan p e m b ic a ra , i: rt e p e s aspek, erbuatan n , d o a , p g a in y a . p e r s ia p a n seba atan, da ting persahab cukup pen g n a y k e asp Salah satu unikasi. m o k h adala P seperti: ak aspek, y n a b i a y persan m e m pun rbuatan, e p , a o Penginjila d , yang pan an, persia satu aspek ra h a la ic a b S . m a e p berhuainy enginjilan dan sebag P . , si n a ta ik a n b u a h injilan kom hkan, peng ting adalah a n B e . p si a p u ik k n u cu asikan om t dengan k ngkomunik ra e e m n s a g se n u ro b ai p usia. but sebag sama man se dapat dise a d a pikiran p e k membuka Kristus t a p a d ik Injil kasih n Tuhan, si yang ba ertolonga p n a Komunika g n e D ya, misadap Injil. h. Sebalikn tu n e is d h orang terh ole menutup tersebut b paian bisa m a y n e hati orang p h aimana si atau sala l Kristus. Belajar bag komunika ji suatu terhadap In an baik merupakan se hati orang g en ikan Injil d menyampa pemisah. ng. t tembok a p a rd te yang penti bahasa, manusia perbedaan a p Di antara ru e b a is kelamin, misah itu b aan jenis d e rb e p Tembok pe t, u r, d a n warna kuli edaan um rb e p , perbedaan in k is bangun n k a y a -m u d a h m e m daanm k a d p e rb e d a a ti a e rena perb a . M a n u si manya ka se b a g a in y sa se n a g den hubungan ini. n a a perbed 12 AGAPE — Easter 2005 nlah an a k n bu n tuju eja a l i j gin denga ta ger n e p aran anggo l. s a pem bahan massa am ecara pen s Tembok pemisah atau Gap ini terjadi karena dosa. Dosa memisahkan kita dari Allah, dari sesama manusia, dan dari alam ciptaan Tuhan. Kita terasing dari lingkungan kita. Yang ada hanyalah kecurigaan dan ketidak-sukaan. Pendekatan atau komunikasi yang baik dapat dipakai Tuhan untuk meruntuhkan tembok pemisah ini. Setelah tembok ini diruntuhkan, maka kita bisa membangun hubungan yang saling-percaya dengan sesama kita. Karena saling percaya, maka jauh lebih mudah kita memberitakan Injil sebab mereka sudah percaya pada kita. Bagaimana membangun hubungan dengan sesama manusia? Dari kehidupan Tuhan Yesus, kita belajar bahwa mengasihi adalah satu-satunya jalan untuk membangun hubungan yang baik. Dalam banyak hal, sebelum Yesus memberitakan Injil, Ia menyembuhkan yang sakit, memberi makan yang lapar, menghibur yang berduka, dan mengusir setan yang merasuki orang-orang. Karena kebaikan hati Yesus diketahui orang, maka mereka mulai percaya dan membuka telinga untuk mendengar perkataanNya. Banyak orang tidak suka mendengarkan Injil bukan karena mereka tidak menyukai Yesus. Hampir semua orang percaya bahwa Yesus berhati baik. Yang menyebabkan orang tidak suka kepada Injil adalah cara penginjilan dari orang-orang Kristen. Untuk itu, kita perlu meneladani Tuhan kita. Mulailah dengan perbuatan yang nyata, maka perkataan kita akan mendapatkan tempat di hati pendengar kita. Setelah meruntuhkan tembok pemisah ini, maka kita akan mulai menyampaikan atau mengkomunikasikan Injil. Untuk menyampaikan Injil dengan baik, kita perlu memelihara dua sikap: hormat dan lemah-lembut kepada sesama kita. Jika kita menaruh sikap tidak hormat dan kasar, kita akan menciptakan miskomunikasi. Untuk itu, ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita pertimbangkan: Latar Belakang Budaya dan Agama Dalam suratnya ke jemaat di Korintus, Paulus berkata, “Bagi orang Yahudi, aku menjadi orang Yahudi, dan bagi orang Yunani, aku menjadi orang Yunani... agar aku boleh memenangkan mereka” (1 Kor. 9:20-23). Kita perlu peka atau sensitive terhadap nilai budaya orang lain. Yang bagi kita wajar, mungkin tidak wajar bagi orang lain. Tujuannya bukanlah mening- AGAPE — Easter 2005 13 galkan budaya kita, tetapi membuka jalan masuk bagi orang yang berbeda budaya supaya mereka dapat mengerti tentang Injil. Tujuan akhirnya adalah supaya kita boleh memenangkan sebanyak mungkin orang. Motivasi Kita harus membedakan penginjilan dan pemasaran. Ada orang yang mengabarkan Injil dengan sikap seorang pedagang yang menjual barang, yaitu: mementingkan kuantitas. Seorang pedagang tidak akan memikirkan hal lain kecuali jumlah barang yang bisa terjual dan untung bagi dirinya. Sebaliknya, penginjilan lebih memikirkan kualitas berita Injil yang disampaikan. Mengenai penerimaan atau penolakan terhadap Injil, merupakan masalah lain. Dengan kata lain, penginjilan bukanlah pemasaran dengan tujuan penambahan anggota gereja secara massal. Penginjilan bertujuan memperkenalkan orang dengan Kristus, bukan semata-mata memasukkan orang menjadi anggota gereja atau organisasi Kristen. Waktu dan Peranan Ketika seseorang menolak Injil, tidak berarti dia akan menolaknya seumur hidup. Ada orang yang menolak Injil pada waktu muda, tetapi menerimanya ketika ia tua. Dengan kata lain, kita harus memperhitungkan soal waktu atau momen. Kita tidak perlu kecewa ketika Injil belum diterima karena pertobatan adalah proses jangka panjang. Jarang ada pertobatan yang mendadak (seperti kasus Paulus di Alkitab). 14 AGAPE — Easter 2005 Paulus juga menambahkan bahwa ada orang yang dipakai Tuhan untuk menanam, menyiram, dan menuai. Namun Allah yang bekerja di balik semuanya. Seringkali kita menginjili dengan pikiran hanya ingin menuai. Akibatnya, kita merasa gagal ketika orang menolak Injil. Kita tidak perlu kecewa. Ketika Injil ditolak, kita sedang menanam atau menyiram. Allah yang akan bekerja sesuai kehendakNya. @ INTERNET Evangelism Day April 24th, '05 A focus day for churches, Bible Colleges and other groups, because... ... nearly 1 billion people use the Web, ... the Internet is changing the world, ... God is using the Web to transform the world, ... “We’d love to use the Web for outreach, but we don’t know how!” Internet Evangelism Day is here to tell you about... ... what God is doing on the Web, ... outreach strategies that work online, ... how you, your church or Christian group can use the Web for outreach, ... planning an Internet Evangelism focus day for your church, Bible College or Christian group To learn more, go to: http://ied.gospelcom.net Evangelism 3 by: Rev. K. Hosea P Banyak orang yang mau membuka hatinya untuk mengenal dan menerima Yesus karena hatinya tersentuh oleh kesaksian hidup dari orang Kristen anggilan Tuhan kepada setiap kita yang percaya ialah untuk mengabarkan Injil kepada orang-orang yang belum mengenal Kristus, supaya segala bangsa boleh menjadi milikNya (Matius 28:19). Bagaimana caranya supaya mereka dapat percaya kepada Kristus, atau dengan kata lain bagaimana kita dapat menyentuh hati orang yang belum percaya kembali kepada Kristus? Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, banyak organisasi-organisasi Kristen dan gereja-gereja besar yang mengadakan berbagai macam pelatihan PI pribadi bagi para jemaat dan orang-orang yang sudah menerima Yesus sebagai juruselamat pribadi. Organisasi-organisasi seperti Evangelism Explosion, Campus Crusade, dan Billy Graham Evangelistic Association telah memikirkan bagaimana cara termudah bagi orang Kristen untuk memberitakan Injil kepada orang-orang yang belum percaya. Banyak orang Kristen yang memakai alasan tidak tahu harus megatakan apa dalam PI pribadi. Oleh karena itu organisas-organisasi besar itu telah mengeluarkan berbagai pedoman penginjilan dalam bentuk buku-buku kecil dengan pokok-pokok bahasan yang sederhana dan mudah diingat. Pedoman-pedoman penginjilan tersebut telah diajarkan secara luas dalam bentuk seminar-seminar ataupun pelatihan-pelatihan (seperti pelatihan EE yang pernah dilaksanakan di gereja kita tahun 2003). Namun satu hal perlu diingat, walaupun pedoman-pedoman penginjilan itu membantu banyak orang Kristen untuk menyampaikan berita Injil, tapi hal itu tidak bisa menjadi patokan dalam pemberitaan Injil. Buku-buku dan pedoman-pedoman itu berguna hanya sebagai pengetahuan outline saja. Menyampaikan firman Tuhan dan berbicara panjang lebar tentang kasih Tuhan supaya seseorang mau percaya dan menerima Yesus sebagai juruselamat pribadi mungkin bisa cukup 1-2 jam saja. Tetapi apakah hati orang itu benar-benar berubah? Untuk merubah hati seseorang untuk menjadi sungguh-sungguh lahir baru tidak AGAPE — Easter 2005 15 bisa hanya dalam sekejap. Mulut kita bisa menyampaikan kata-kata yang indah tentang kasih Tuhan supaya orang bisa percaya Tuhan. Tetapi hidup kita sehari-hari inilah yang menyampaikan kata-kata yang hidup, yang bisa dibaca oleh setiap orang. Banyak orang mau membuka hatinya untuk mengenal dan menerima Yesus karena hatinya tersentuh oleh kesaksian hidup dari orang Kristen, bukan karena kata-kata yang indah dan manis tentang kasih Tuhan yang secara langsung diucapkan dari mulut. Sebenarnya, hidup orang Kristen yang seperti apakah yang dapat menyentuh hati orang yang belum percaya? Roma 10:15b mengatakan: “Betapa indahnya kedatangan mereka yang membawa kabar baik!” Dalam terjemahan Mandarin dikatakan: “Betapa indahnya jejak kaki orang yang membawa kabar baik!” Jika kita ingin hidup kita dapat menyentuh hati orang yang belum percaya, kita harus meninggalkan jejak Injil yang indah dalam hati orang itu. Hidup kita harus menjadi hidup yang berada dalam Injil Tuhan yang indah. Jejak Injil seperti apa yang dapat menyentuh hati orang yang belum percaya? Injil, kabar baik bagi orang-orang yang belum percaya secara sistematis dan menggunakan kata-kata yang baik dan tepat. Para peserta pelatihan diberikan pedoman dan batasan-batasan dalam penyampaian PI. Hal-hal tersebut adalah baik, namun alangkah baiknya kalau kita juga memperhatikan kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut kita sehari-hari. Tidak ada artinya kalau kita dapat menyampaikan kata-kata yang indah dalam waktu PI pribadi, namun setelah itu, ketika kita kembali kepada kehidupan kita, kembali kita mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kotor. Perkataan kita sehari-hari juga perlu kita jaga supaya tidak keluar jalur. Hendaknya kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut kita adalah kata-kata yang menghibur, menguatkan, memberi pengharapan, dan membawa damai. Amsal 25:11 berkata: “Perkataan yang diucapkan tepat pada waktunya adalah seperti buah apel emas di pinggan perak.” Ini bisa diartikan sebagai aplikasi dalam hidup kita “kata-kata yang tepat diucapkan adalah sangat indah di hati orang.” Kata-kata yang membangun Yakobus 4:12: “Demikian pula halnya dengan iman: Jika iman itu tidak disertai dengan perbuatan, maka iman itu pada hakekatnya adalah mati.” Ayat ini menyatakan betapa pentingnya perbuatan atau kelakuan dari setiap anak-anak Tuhan. Karena walaupun kita mengakui beriman kepada Tuhan, tetapi jika iman itu hanya di mulut saja dan tidak dinyatakan dalam perbuatan kelakuan hidup kita sehari-hari, iman kita dikatakan mati, tidak ada artinya. Kelakuan baik seperti apa yang dapat meninggalkan jejak Injil yang indah dalam hati orang yang belum percaya? Efesus 4:29: “Janganlah ada perkataan kotor keluar dari mulutmu, tetapi pakailah perkataan yang baik untuk membangun, dimana perlu, supaya mereka yang mendengarkannya beroleh kasih karunia.” Apakah yang dimaksud dengan katakata yang kotor? Kata-kata yang kotor yaitu kata-kata yang menjatuhkan dan merusakkan hidup kita sendiri dan hidup orang lain. Dalam pelatihan-pelatihan PI pribadi yang diselenggarakan oleh organisasi-organisasi Kristen, anak-anak Tuhan diajarkan bagaimana untuk menyampaikan 16 AGAPE — Easter 2005 Kelakuan yang baik 1. Membantu orang-orang yang berada dalam kekurangan (Roma 12:13). 2. Memiliki belas kasihan dan mau menolong sesama yang mengalami musibah (Lukas 10:33-35). 3. Perbuatan baik yang memuliakan Bapa di Surga (Matius 5:16). 4. Kelakuan yang saleh, tulus hati dan takut akan Tuhan, seperti Kornelius (Kis. 10:12 & 22). Hidupnya saleh, tulus hati, dan takut akan Tuhan. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa Kornelius terkenal baik di antara seluruh bangsa Yahudi. Ini berarti ia telah menanamkan kesan yang mendalam, jejak yang indah dalam hati orang-orang Yahudi. Alangkah indahnya kalau kita pun bisa meninggalkan jejak yang indah di hati orang yang belum percaya. Kasih yang membangun 1 Korintus 8:1b: “... Kita semua mempunyai pengetahuan. Pengetahuan yang demikian membuat orang menjadi sombong, tetapi kasih membangun.” Kasih yang membangun adalah kasih yang memperhatikan (caring love) dan yang sabar seperti yang terdapat dalam 1 Korintus 13. Biarlah setiap hari hidup kita dipenuhi dengan kasih Tuhan yang kudus dan dapat menyentuh hati orang yang belum percaya dan dapat merubah hati mereka yang keras menjadi lembut. Amsal 10:12: ”Kebencian menimbulkan pertengkaran, tetapi kasih menutupi segala pelanggaran.” Iman yang murni I Yohanes 5:4-5: ”Sebab semua yang lahir dari kasih Allah mengalahkan dunia. Dan inilah kemenangan yang mengalahkan dunia; Iman kita. Siapakah mengalahkan dunia selain dari pada dia yang percaya bahwa Yesus adalah anak Allah?” Iman yang murni dan kudus datang dari Tuhan, dapat mengalahkan segala pencobaan, kesulitan, rintangan dan penderitaan yang ada didalam dunia ini dan dapat merubah hati yang tidak percaya menjadi percaya kepada Kristus. Seperti apakah iman yang murni itu? Iman yang murni adalah iman di dalam doa (Yakobus 5:16) dan firman Tuhan (Ibrani 4:12). Biarlah setiap hari hidup kita penuh dengan iman yang datang dari Tuhan dan yang dapat menyentuh hati mereka, sehingga hidup merekapun seperti hidup kita yang dapat mengalahkan segala pencobaan dan dosa-dosa yang ada dalam dunia ini. Lukas 8:48: ”Maka kataNya kepada perempuan itu ‘Hai anakKu, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau, pergilah dengan selamat!'” Hidup yang suci Imamat 19:1-2: “... Kuduslah kamu sebab Aku Tuhan Allahmu kudus.” Orang-orang di sekitar kita selalu mengamati hidup kita, menilai cara hidup kita. Bagaimana kita bisa menyampaikan berita Injil kepada orang-orang agar bertobat, apabila kita tidak dapat menyatakan kehidupan kita yang suci? Biarlah setiap hari kita hidup dengan kudus di tengah-tengah orang yang belum mengenal Kristus sehingga mereka dapat melihat kekudusan Tuhan di dalam hidup kita. Matius 5:48: ”Karena itu haruslah kamu sempurna sama seperti Bapamu yang di surga adalah sempurna." Sebagai ayat penutup diambil dari 1 Timotius 4:12b: “Jadilah teladan bagi orangorang percaya, dalam perkataanmu, dalam tingkah lakumu, dalam kasihmu, dalam kesetiaanmu, dan dalam kesucianmu.” AGAPE — Easter 2005 17 B bible fact ————————— so what's hinduism by: Rachel Atmadja summarized from: So What's the Difference? by Fritz Ridenour 1.ORIGIN. Dravidian polytheistic fertility religion and early Aryan Vedic polytheistic religion formed the basis of Hinduism. In 3000 B.C., the Dravidians built the civilization of Mohendo-jaro at the Indus Valley (now Pakistan.) As near as archeologists could tell, the Dravidians had a polytheistic religion that “centered upon worship of the forces of nature and the use of rituals, merging human sexuality with the hope of abundant crops.” At about 2000 B.C. the light-skinned, warlike Aryans of the Caucuasus region conquered the Dravidians. The Aryans adapted some of the popular Dravidian gods and gave them Aryan names. The Aryans wrote down their hymns and chants in a series of works known to the world as the Vedic Literature (the Vedas). These writings were as sacred to Hindus as the Bible is to Christians. Around 500 B.C., more writings were added to establish Varna, a rigid caste system or social hierarchy. The four castes of people came from the head, arms, thighs, and feet of their creator god, Brahma. These four castes are the Brahmins (priests), Kshahtriyas (warriors and nobles), Vaisyas (merchants and artisans), and Shudras (slaves). At the lowest social caste are the Untouchables. Where else the Shudras (slaves) are forbidden to read the Vedas and find a way to salvation; the Untouchables were lowered to subhuman level, deemed unworthy to own property or gain education, much less any dignity. 18 AGAPE — Easter 2005 2.WIDELY-ACCEPTED HINDU BELIEFS. Although the beliefs of Hindu follower differ by region or culture, they share some basic beliefs. Pantheism "Pan" means "eveything" and "Theos" means "God". Pantheism is the belief that “God did not create the world. God is the world, along with everything in it.” Sri Ramakrishna, a man believed to be the most recent incarnation of Vishnu who lived in Bengal at the end of the 19th century, practiced the spiritual disciplines of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. He claimed that he obtained a vision of God in all three practices, leading him to conclude that all approaches to God are correct. In their view of the universe, Hindus believe that all material reality are illusions, that the physical universe is a hindrance to experiencing “Ultimate Reality,” where else Christians saw the universe as rational, revealing God’s glory. Hindus also believe that each person possesses an eternal soul (atman) that has the capacity to be united with Brahma, the impersonal absolute. To a Hindu, union with Brahma is the ultimate salvation. In short, Hindus believe that they can attain divinity, that “we are all divine.” Reincarnation and Karma Reincarnation is the belief that a person’s atman (soul) must go through a cycle of deaths and rebirths (samsara), each filled with suffering, before attaining moksha, a release from the cycle of suffering and union with Brahma, the impersonal absolute. Union with Brahma is considered the ultimate salvation for a Hindu for it releases them from being reincarnated into a world filled with suffering. Directly tied to the idea of reincarnation is karma. Karma (“action”) is the belief that what one person does in one life, affects that person’s station in the next life. A person can be reincarnated as animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, depending on how they lived their previous lives. There are three paths to attain moksha (the freedom from the cycle of rebirths full of suffering). A person can attain, or at least speed up the process to attaining moksha, through the path of good works (dharma), the path of knowledge (inana), and the path of passionate devotion (bhakti). The path of works requires that a person fulfill his specific social and religious obligations by marrying within his caste, eating only certain foods, and most importantly, to raise a son who can make sacrifices to his ancestors. The path of knowledge usually involves the practice of yoga. Yoga is “the attempt to control one’s consciousness through bodily posture, breath control, and concentration to the extent that one comes to understand experientially that one’s undying soul is identical with Brahma.” The path of knowledge is often restricted to the upper castes. The path of personal devotion is the most appealing to the lower castes, it only requires that a person be devoted to one of 330 million Hindu gods, most usually chose Vishnu or Bhakti. It is the easiest of the three paths. AGAPE — Easter 2005 19 3.MAIN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HINDUISM & CHRISTIANITY. Concerning God and Jesus Christ Hindus believe that one of their gods, Vishnu, has gone through a series of reincarnation, the most recent one being Sri Ramakrishna. This idea of reincarnation led Hindus to believe that Jesus Christ is one of the many incarnates of Vishnu. The Hindu belief in Pantheism makes them receptive to the idea of Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God; but their belief in reincarnation makes it difficult for them to accept that Christ is the only incarnate son of God. Hindus believe in the existence of Brahma, the impersonal absolute, while Christians believe in the existence of a personal, loving God and the Trinity. Concerning Sin and Salvation Hindus view all material reality as illusions; therefore they see sin as an “utter illusion.” Hindus seek freedom from reincarnation and saw their union with Brahma as the ultimate salvation. Christians believe that sin is an act of prideful rebellion that leads to eternal separation of God. Only by confessing our sins and believing in Jesus Christ as our savior will a Christian attain salvation. Where else Hinduism implies that salvation (or a release from reincarnation) could be attained by good works; Christians believe that salvation is by faith alone. [RA] 20 AGAPE — Easter 2005 Being Good News to Our Hindu Friends... É By Becky Stephen, as found at International Student Ministries, 2005 Step 1. Observe A. Observe Hinduism. Karma, dharma, reincarnation, monism, moksha, and detachment should be familiar concepts. Read, watch, and listen. Each Hindu’s beliefs will differ. Don’t try to explain “real Hinduism” to your friend. Listen and respond to her/his particular version. B. Observe Human Motivations. Power to control life and oneself, family and community identity through religion, and peace are all central desires for Hindus. Many students are nominal Hindus seeking “the good life” materialistic America offers. But remember—your friend may have different motivations or views than Americans seeking the same things. Discover them as you deepen your friendship. Step 2. Overcome A. Obstacles for Understanding Good News. 1. Tolerance/Inclusiveness. Hindus happily worship Jesus—alongside Ram, Lakshmi, etc. But they cannot tolerate Christ’s claim to be the only Incarnation of God. 2. Social Structure and Pressure. “Christian” is another caste label. It is impossible to change caste. Therefore it is impossible to “become Christian”. 3. World View Categories. Hindus understand “God”, “Incarnation”, “sin”, “salvation”, even “history”, very differently than viewed in the Judeo-Christian mind. For example, “resurrection” becomes meaningless in a paradigm of cyclical time. 4. Us! We are not “spiritual” as Hindus understand spirituality. Materialism (vs. asceticism), naturalism (vs. supernaturalism), “truth” at any cost (vs. harmony, kindness, patience), and privatization of life and faith (vs. family/community orientation) can make the Good News bad news to our friends. B. Bridges between Our Friend and the Good News. 1. Hindus are essentially spiritual people with a desire to experience God’s power and peace. We can freely discuss spiritual things and offer to pray with them when appropriate. 2. Pray for crises which cause them to seek God. Pray for Divine intervention through dreams, specifically answered prayers, etc. Pray for the suppression of the powers of darkness in their life so that they are free to see Jesus. 3. Draw your friend into your Christian family/community to see Christ in you, living as good news through acts of love for one another. 4. Develop creative alternative models for explaining the Good News. The American goal of salvation as “eternal life” does not communicate to Hindus. Prayerfully search the Scriptures for other goals of faith: e.g. peace, power, forgiveness, and freedom from sin in the present. Step 3. Offer A. Your Witness. Share not only your past “salvation event” but your present experience of the living Christ. B. Scripture’s Witness. The Sermon on the Mount sets God’s standard which appeals to Hindu ideas of holiness and brings up the problem of sin and forgiveness. Mark 4:35-5:43 draws us into Jesus’ life and his power over nature, evil, sickness and death. The Gospel of John teaches us what it means to be one with God and reveals the Source of ultimate peace. C. Common Ground Comparisons. E.g. compare Christ as prophet, priest, and king with Hinduism’s jnana, bhakti, and karma yogas, showing how Jesus has fulfilled these paths to God, thus becoming the True Path. This comparison is obviously for your more philosophical friends!! As you learn, see if you can discover other patches of common ground in which to plant seeds of the Good News! WEBSITE www.intervarsity.org/ism/article_item.php? article_id=37. Please visit the site for additional book references/reading list. how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news ~ROMANS 10:15 ~ AGAPE — Easter 2005 21 P parenting By: Jean Stephens From: Focus on the Family’s Focus on Your Child Teaching Your Child Reference:http://www.focusonyourchild.com/learning/art1/A0000038.html to Organize 22 A s a child grows, his world expands. At first, the walls of his home confine that world. But within those walls the number of things begins to increase --- clothes, shoes, toys, books and so on. As soon as your child can walk, talk and understand you, it’s time to help him learn about being organized. When he starts school, his world is going to expand beyond home. And that means more things arrive on the scene, such as school papers, projects and things that help children have friends and fun. Benefits & Guidelines Organization is one more thing to teach your child, but the effort will seem worthwhile after you start noticing the benefits: Growing up: As your child matures he will learn to approach work and finances in an orderly fashion. Time: Your child will learn that having to look for something wastes valuable production time - his and perhaps yours. Helping others: Your load will be lightened because your child has taken ownership of certain household chores. Productivity: Your child will be able to accomplish more because he will spend less time looking for things that are misplaced or lost. AGAPE — Easter 2005 Success: Your child will be more likely to retain knowledge from his classes and experience less stress because of his time management and homework prioritization. These basic skills help pave the way for success and enjoyment in school and career. Finances: You and your child will save money. For example, by learning to return his library books on time, your child will avoid having to pay late fees. By keeping his art supplies in place, your child will know when and when not to buy new markers. How do you teach organization? Here are some guidelines: Provide the necessary tools your child needs to become organized. And be sure to explain that every person needs organization, regardless of age, personality or interests. Observe the results of your child’s efforts. She needs to know her tasks will be checked. This also gives you the opportunity to praise her for a job well-done. Create an organized environment at home that your child will benefit from, such as an arrangement of healthy snacks in the pantry. Be an example in your responsibilities. Take care of the mail or return phone calls in a timely manner. Learn about some common mistakes to avoid. Include your child in the process as much as possible when something needs to be organized. Even though it takes longer to help a child do the work - and even though you may have strong organizational tendencies and want things done the “right” way - your child will benefit from being included. Notice the way your child prefers to organize things. While one of your children may have been born knowing that everything should be in its place, her sister may be the type who miraculously finds whatever she needs in her overturned room. Both of these are examples of varying approaches to organization. A Child’s Approach to Organization In her book “The Way They Learn”, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias writes about an English teacher who required her students to keep all their papers in three-ring binders. One day she told her students to leave the binders on their desks so she could check them. One boy left his jacket instead. The surprised teacher found every paper in the boy’s jacket pockets, organized by category. AGAPE — Easter 2005 23 In The New Messies Manual, Sandra Felton writes to adults who have chronic clutter problems. “You can expect to need to have more items around you than many of your more naturally organized friends. This may include having more books, magazines, clothes and food in the refrigerator. You must not allow more excess than you can keep organized.” The same is true for some children. Study your child. Give him freedom within limits. Think of your child as you read this quote from Sandra Felton: “If you have a creative spirit, that means you must create to be happy.... Since the act of creating is often a disorganized affair, control what you do by doing only one activity at a time.” Organizational Tools Below are some tools you can use to help your kids achieve this goal: Family calendar: Buy one that provides enough room to write reminders for every household member, including pets. Calendar for each child: Include birthday parties, field trips, play dates and doctor appointments. School-age children can also use the calendar to write down due dates and plan the steps for big projects. Task chart: List chores and projects across the top, and days along the lefthand side. For non-reading children, use pictures or stickers. Written words can seem more “official” than spoken words. Make a chart for your responsibilities, too, as an example. Your children 24 AGAPE — Easter 2005 will want to complete the chart just like you do. Bulletin board: Have one for the family or for each child to keep track of invitations, school assignments and so on. Desk: Most children are more productive when they do homework at a desk, but some prefer a different setting. Hanging-file box: Schoolchildren accumulate papers, artwork and photographs. Teach them to file things right away rather than pile them. Mistakes to Avoid When you’re trying to help your kids to organize, make sure you don’t fall into these mistakes: - Placing too much stress on a child - Not recognizing or accepting a child’s style of organization - Communicating that organization should foster constant activity from one thing to another. (Playing or doing nothing at times is important, too.) - Assuming a child can and should organize exactly the way you want it done. For instance, she may have attention deficit disorder, which makes it difficult to give concentrated attention. - Overloading your child with multiple expectations. Choose one goal to reach together. For example, not leaving shoes in the hallway. Think of a fun way to make it a habit. Remember: Choose your battles. A child’s room may be messy to you but not to your child. Advices from Dr. James Dobson (Excerpted from Dr. James Dobson’s Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide) in a mess or a mistake. It’s just easier to do everything for them than to clean up afterward. But I urge parents not to fall into that trap. Q: Your child needs her mistakes. That’s how she learns. So go along with the game every now and then - even if the tea you drink tastes a little strange. My children love to do things for themselves, but they make such messes that it’s easier for me to do things for them. I just don’t have the patience to see them fumble with stuff. Do you think I’m wrong to step in and do things for them? A: Yes, even though I understand how you feel. I heard a story about a mother who was sick in bed with the flu. Her daughter wanted so much to be a good nurse. She fluffed the pillows and brought a magazine to read. And then she even showed up with a surprise cup of tea. “Why, you’re such a sweetheart,” the mother said as she drank the tea. “I didn’t know you even knew how to make tea.” “Oh yes. I learned by watching you. I put the tea leaves in the pan, and then I put in the water, and I boiled it, and then I strained it into a cup. But I couldn’t find a strainer, so I used the flyswatter instead.” “You what?” the mother screamed. “Don’t worry, Mom. I didn’t use the new flyswatter. I used the old one.” When kids try their hardest and they get it all wrong in spite of themselves, what’s a parent to do? What mothers and fathers often do is prevent their children from carrying any responsibility that could result Q: Our junior higher is the most disorganized kid I’ve ever seen. His life is a jumble of forgotten assignments and missed deadlines. What can I do to help him? A: Educational consultant Cheri Fuller considers massive disorganization to be the most common cause for school failure, above both laziness and poor study skills. Show me a student’s notebook, Fuller says, and I’ll tell you whether that individual is a B or a D student. An achieving student’s notebook is arranged neatly with dividers and folders for handouts and assignments. A failing student’s notebook is usually a jumbled mess and may not even be used at all. Some children are naturally sloppy, but most of them can learn to be better organized in the elementary school years. Once they enter junior high, students may have as many as five teachers, each assigning different textbooks, workbooks, handouts and requirements from various classroom subjects. We must not assume that kids who have never had any organizational training will be able to keep such detail straight and accessible. If we want them AGAPE — Easter 2005 25 to function in this system, we need to give them the tools that are critical to success. You might consider having your child evaluated to see if he has Attention Deficit Disorder or some temperamental charac- Tips for Parents teristic that makes it difficult for him to organize. When you’ve determined what he is capable of doing, work with an educational consultant or a school psychologist to design a system that will teach him how to live a more structured life. [ES] Growing Up and Doing More Begin teaching that things that go together should be kept together. Help your child think of a system to keep money and other valuable things in a safe place. Some children might enjoy making separate designated places for different types of toys, such as board games, computer games and outdoor games. Scatter a few things around a child’s room (shoes, clothes, toys and some kitchen items). Then tell the child to put things that are alike in piles. Don’t say, “Three piles.” Let the child decide if she needs three or more piles. Then ask the child where each pile belongs. When you think your child is able to complete some simple daily chores, make a chart with those tasks pictured or named across the top. Possible columns: Make bed; Put pajamas away; Put toys away. Each day, with your child, decide if everything has been done. If yes, show that in the chart. If not, be sure the child agrees and knows he can try again tomorrow. As your child grows older, add new tasks to the chart and possibly drop some that he is doing on a consistent basis. Especially when children are young, make a celebration out of creating a new chart. It means that he is learning new things and growing up. Give him more freedom to manage his room, things and time in his preferred approach. Growing up involves taking care of an increasing number of daily and weekly responsibilities. But be sure he understands that there are some limits to keep in mind. 26 AGAPE — Easter 2005 C cerpen I SELL JEsUs by: Daniel Loe M atahari hampir terbenam ketika seseorang menghampiriku tempat dudukku. Padahal aku ingin menyaksikan pemandangan yang indah ini, ditelannya mentari oleh cakrawala di belahan bumi sebelah barat sana. Beberapa saat sebelum sang mentari tertelan lenyap, seolah-olah jari jemari cakrawala mencengkram bola matahari ini dan meremasnya sehingga bola matahari yang bagaikan buah peach yang sudah matang ini menjadi pecah dan menyemburatkan warna yang sangat indah—paduan antara warna merah darah bercampur dengan warna orange dan jingga. Aku senang belajar di kampus ungu yang berada dekat dengan tepi laut. Karena itu sering kali aku duduk di café yang menghadap ke tepi laut ini setelah aku selesai kelas atau sedang menunggu kelas yang lain. Senja itu seseorang yang tidak aku kenal datang dan menghampiriku dan berkata padaku; “Hi, aku kenal engkau dari seseorang dan berkata padaku mungkin engkau bisa menolong aku untuk final matematikku minggu depan ini.” “Lho kenapa aku bisa membantu kamu? Dan bagaimana aku bisa membantu kamu?” “Hm begini... masalahnya.... aku benar-benar give up dengan kelas matematikku.... Ini adalah yang ketiga kalinya kelas ini aku ambil.. dan aku tidak bisa mengambil kelas ini lagi kalau aku gagal lagi..... sedangkan ini adalah upper requirement class yang terakhir yang aku harus ambil sebelum aku graduate....!” “Aku masih belum mengerti kenapa aku bisa membantu kamu.. dan apa hubungannya antara ujian matematikmu dengan aku?” “Okey aku terus terang saja padamu. Aku mau minta tolong kamu untuk menggantikan aku ujian matematik Kamis yang akan datang!” “Wow... wow wow.... apa? Aku menggantikan kamu ujian matematik Kamis yang akan datang ini.... apa kamu AGAPE — Easter 2005 27 sudah tidak waras... tentu saja tidak mungkin...” “Aku akan membayar kamu.... berapa kamu minta....?” Aku diam seribu bahasa ketika mendengar bahwa dia berani membayar aku untuk hal itu.... “Kenapa kamu tidak mencari orang yang bisa melakukan hal itu.... aku tahu ada orang yang khusus menjalankan hal itu....” “Itu aku tahu dan sudah terlambat... Biasanya orang yang seperti ini harus datang ke kelas sejak hari pertama tiap semester baru.. jadi tidak akan dikenali oleh orang atau gurunya...., sedangkan aku pikir aku mungkin bisa melakukannya setelah tiga kali mengulang kelas ini... Tapi kali ini gurunya benar-benar susah... dan aku menyesal tidak membayar orang dari sejak mulanya....” “Tapi bagaimana kamu bisa mencari aku...., aku bukanlah orang yang biasa melakukan hal itu...” “Aku tahu. Salah satu temanmu yang kenal padaku memberitahukanku untuk minta tolong padamu dan mungkin kau bisa membantu aku......” “Siapa nama temanmu itu?” “Sorry aku tidak bisa memberi tahumu karena ini adalah rahasia.. Aku tidak ingin kau marah padanya dan aku tidak ingin merusak persahabatanmu dengannya dan persahabatanku dengannya pula.... Please.. bantulah aku... aku tahu kamu masternya matematik seperti yang dikatakannya padaku... Aku akan membayarmu berapapun harga yang kamu minta...” “Well, karena aku bukan orang yang biasa melakukan hal itu.. jadi aku tidak tahu tarifnya....” “Kalau aku minta tolong orang untuk satu semester aku akan membayarnya seharga 100 sampai 200 dollars dan itu tergantung kelasnya.. Untuk kelas science seperti ini bisa sampai 150 atau 200 dollar...., tapi karena aku minta tolong kamu cuma untuk satu hari doang... bagaimana kalau aku membayar kamu 50 dollar saja?” “What..... 50 dollar... too risky.. bagaimana kalau tertangkap nanti...., aku rasa aku tidak bisa membantu kamu.....!” “Kamu tidak akan tertangkap karena nanti kebetulan gurunya tidak bisa hadir pada hari ujian nanti dan akan diawasi oleh guru yang lain... Itu segi positifnya maka aku bisa meminta tolong seseorang untuk menggantikan aku di ujian nanti.... Aku rasa mungkin ini kesempatan yang diberikan Tuhan supaya aku bisa lulus dari ujian matematik yang merupakan kelas yang paling dead end buatku.” “Mungkin juga.. tapi sebaiknya kamu minta tolong orang yang biasa melakukan itu saja....” “Sudah terlambat pula! Aku sudah menghubungi mereka; semua sudah full dipakai oleh orang lain...., ayolah bantulah aku... bagimana kalau aku membayar kamu full 100 dollar?” “Okay I’ll do it.... but for this time only.. and please do not tell somebody else about this and please tell your friend do not sell my name to anybody.. unless I am gonna kick him!” “Thanks Bud.... here is your hundred dollar bill.” Orang ini memberikan selembar uang seratus dollar padaku dan aku menerimanya dengan senang hati, lalu aku teringat betapa memang bulan ini aku sedang paceklik alias musim kemarau yang panjang buat keuanganku... Aku tidak tahu apakah aku terlalu boros atau malas untuk bekerja full time. Setelah orang itu berlalu, aku pun masuk ke dalam cafetaria tersebut dan membeli potato chip untuk camilanku dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, juga untuk memecahkan the hundred dollar bill ini. Dalam perjalananku menuju ke parking lot aku berpikir dan berkata dalam diriku mengingat apa yang terjadi barusan padaku... apakah Tuhan juga menolong aku dan mengetahui keadaanku, tentang keterjepitanku akan keuanganku? Lalu pikiranku pun melayang mengingat Kamis yang akan datang apakah aku sibuk atau tidak... dan aku baru ingat kalau Kamis yang akan datang adalah Kamis sebelum Good Friday, Hari kematian Tuhan Yesus. Biasanya setiap Jum’at Agung aku selalu ke gereja dan mengikuti perjamuan kudus yang kudus.. apalagi hari itu adalah hari kematian Sang Juru Selamat... Lalu aku teringat peristiwa kenapa Tuhan Yesus sampai disalibkan.... karena salah satu muridnya Yudas Iskariot menjual Gurunya sendiri untuk 30 keping perak... dan entah dari mana atau bagaimana . . . the transaction has already done, the Devil just won . . . kejadiannya tiba-tiba sepertinya ada satu suara yang berkata padaku dan kudengar dalam hatiku.... “You just DID.” Oh my God.., oh my God..... it’s true... I just did.... I sell Jesus...... apa bedanya apa yang kulakukan barusan dengan apa yang Yudas lakukan.... Aku baru saja menjual Yesus dengan harga 100 dollar...... bukankah apa yang baru saja aku lakukan adalah dosa? Bukankah aku telah menjual jasaku untuk menggantikan ujian matematik orang lain adalah bentuk lain dari dosa pada abad modern ke halaman 39 AGAPE — Easter 2005 29 K kesaksian ———————————————————————————— Ko Sugi’s Testimony “Once Upon A Time in Alhambra” was the title of GII Azusa Thanksgiving Play last year. It was performed on Dec. 3rd, 04 to be accurate. If you didn’t have a chance to see the play, do not despair because the DVD of the play is available for borrowing through the church’s library. This play was a fun and enjoyable play to create and hopefully the audience enjoyed to watch the play as well. It had some Gospel messages as well as some entertaining “Wushu” action fighting scene. I want to thank God who has helped me in every way from the beginning until the day the play was performed. There were many occasions I didn’t think I could have created this play without His help. I want to share a little bit of my experience on how God had been involved in the process of making of this play into a reality. A lot of things that will be shared in this article are about how I came up with the idea as well as the struggles and obstacles that all of the cast and crew of the play had to go through in creating the play. It is my hope that sharing this experience will encourage others in our church to try out whatever ministry, not necessarily a 30 AGAPE — Easter 2005 drama or a play, that they would like to be involved in; but probably kind of fearful to do it. Just remember that most of the time, God only needs our willingness instead of our abilities to make things happen. Initially, I came up with the idea of creating this play because of my friendship with Buddy and Teddy. As many of you probably have known, both of these guys are professionals in the Chinese Martial Art technique called “Wushu”. There were several occasions where I visited them while they were doing their weekly Wushu practice in Duarte Inn. Each time I saw their practice, I was amazed to see what they could do. They could jump high, they could split, they could kick in the air and they could do a lot of other techniques that I did not know how to describe. It was like seeing a Duarte Inn version of the “Iron Monkey.” I first shared my idea of creating a play with Maria and Buddy while we were doing ushering ministry in one Sunday morning. Maria liked the idea especially because the Indonesian Youth Fellowship (IYF) did not do their regular big event, “Youth For Christ,” last year. She felt that it would be a good idea for the IYF to create such a play as a substitute for not holding that “Youth For Christ” event. I brought up the subject of this play in my prayer and asked others, such as Daniel Loe, Teddy, and Buddy, for their opinions. After several prayers, I felt that God had given me peace to start this play, and other people seemed to support the idea. I asked Fairlyn, the president of the IYF, for her approval and the time to perform this drama. She said I could do the play in the weekend after the Thanksgiving. It was back in early August of 2004 at that time. Therefore, I have about 3 to 4 months to do my planning to create the play. After Fairlyn gave me the assignment, I felt a little bit fearful because I realized that I have never directed or created this kind of play before. I have done couple of short skits before, but never have I created a long play with fighting sequences. At that time, I did not know how the story line will go, other than there has to be some Gospel message and a fighting scene. I prayed to God for some inspiration and ideas. Amazingly enough, fresh ideas and inspirations came through after I prayed and start thinking about the story line of the play. I thought of doing the fighting scene on the church stage; but after thinking about it again, doing that would be too much of a hassle. There were too many obstacles if we had to do it on stage. The stage is too small for fighting scenes and we can only have one background decoration, thus it would be less attractive for multiple fighting scenes. In addition, it was going to be too tiring for the actors if they had to do the fighting action in the stage and too much time will be wasted for changing costumes etc. As a result, since we had plenty of time, I decided to create a short movie for the fighting scene. When I shared the story line and my idea of doing a short movie with Buddy and Teddy, they supported the idea and agreed to be the main actors for the play. Buddy agreed to be Alex and Teddy agreed to play Ken in the play. In addition, I also asked Teddy to be the choreographer. As time goes by I continue planning and thinking about the details of the play. And then one day, I think in mid-August, Buddy told me that he had a severe injury with his leg during his Wushu practice. He told me that his leg joint got dislocated. He said that there might be a possibility that he will not be able to participate in the play. He felt guilty at that time because I did not worry too much about his leg or his health; instead, I worried much about the play. Fortunately, there is still time for recovery to take place because we planed to start doing the short movie on early October. And as weeks went by, Buddy’s leg seemed to get better. Near the start of October, Buddy sent me an instant message saying that we would have to cancel the fighting scenes because his leg was still hurting, and Teddy also got severe injuries on his arm. He could hardly lift his right arm at that time. I felt really terrible because Teddy got injuries while he was trying some Wushu tricks for the play. At that time, I started to wonder if creating the fighting action play was even His will. I mean, if it was God’s will why did these accidents happen? I was confused and started thinking about other ideas that could replace the fighting scenes. However, nothing came up in my head because the fighting scene was the big entertaining part of this play. A couple of weeks later, Buddy and I discussed this play again and he said there might still be possibilities to have fighting scenes in the play because his younger brother, Freddy, had just arrived in the United States. He also happened to be another expert in Wushu martial arts. As a result, we decided that Freddy will also take part in the play as substitute for Teddy. On the other hand, Teddy himself was still involved in creating the choreography of the fighting scene. After everything was set, we started doing the short movie on October every week. We first started making the fighting scenes in New Port Beach from 8 AM to 3 PM on Saturday. We were there very early because we tried to get some Sunrise scenes, birds, and to get some fresh morning air of course. We had a lot of good shots there. Unfortunately, because of some technical issues with 32 AGAPE — Easter 2005 our camera, we had to redo the shooting in Santa Monica Beach in the following weekend. Buddy, Teddy and Freddy had to be in Santa Monica Beach very early in the morning on that Saturday. I think they were there since 7 AM in the morning. For the following week, I thank God because we had a lot of help from the Tiongha Cultural Center (TCC) Wushu members, the Wushu organization where Teddy was teaching. A couple of TCC Wushu members, who had some experiences in the movie industry, gave us a lot of tricks and ideas regarding shooting fighting scenes. Michael, Dennys, and Kwan gave us a lot of helps in making the short movie. They gave us a lot of useful hints in camera shooting in many different angles, using falling leaves as surrounding effects, etc. Without them this play would definitely not be the same. We spent all of our weekends from morning to late afternoon in that month trying to finish the short movie. In addition to that, Teddy, Buddy and Freddy also needed to spend additional hours of their time in editing the short movies. But thank God that we were able to finish all of our camera shots by the end of October. In early November, after couple of consulting sessions with Daniel Loe, I was able to complete the dialog scripts. And immediately after that, the whole drama crews were set to practice for the actual scenes that we were going to play in the stage. I am very thankful to a lot of people who supported me during our practice periods. Joshua (Jusak) gave me a lot of insights in managing the practice as well as helping the drama with the backstage video, slides and sound system. Maria also volunteered to help me teach the actors and actresses on how to act. During the final rehearsal, we had some difficulties because our practice time overlaps with the Children Sunday School’s practice time. This situation inevitably happened because our church scheduled big events for every week in the month of December last year. However, I was very thankful for the willingness of all the crew who patiently waited until Sunday school team finished their practice before we can start with the final rehearsal. During final rehearsal I also found a lot of flaws in costumes and microphone managements. Thankfully, there were Rocky, Martin and Tesia who helped us with the backstage management. In spite of my last minute request, they willingly put all their efforts in assisting us during practice as well as during the actual performance time. During final rehearsal, we keep experiencing problems in displaying short movies. In fact, before the actual performance time, we never really had a successful integration flow between the actual play and displaying the short movie. Very surprisingly, during the actual play time, the integration was flawless. I thank God for His help on this thing. Also thanks to Joshua and Ari, who had made this possible. At the end after much efforts and time spent, the play was able to be performed just fine in December 3rd, 2004. I feel that this play was made possible because of the support of many different people pouring out their efforts and hearts into it. It was truly a team effort. In addition, I also would like to thank the those who are involved in a church play for the first time, such as Yakub, Freddy, Irma, Merissa and Debby as well. I also wanted to thank God, who has, through a series of unexpected incidents, made this play into a reality. I knew that I lack many things in creating and directing this play, but God sent a lot of people to help me where I was lacking. It was such a blessing for me and the whole crew to be given this privilege to take part in this ministry. I hope that by sharing my experience in this ministry, other people can also start being involved in any kind of church ministries that are available. If you ever long to do some ministry, but never really had the courage to do so because of fear of failure or incompetence, just remember that failure is part of the experience and God will give you strength and enablement to do His will. I hope to see more people involved in church ministry in this year. God Bless You. [RA] AGAPE — Easter 2005 33 K kesaksian ———————————————————————————— Behind “Taman Eden” ______________________ By: Freddy Yusuf Drama natal yang berjudul “Taman Eden “(12/25/2004) belum lama kita lewati. Kita berharap para jemaat masih ingat akan ceritanya. Persiapan drama natal ini boleh dibilang sangat sempit. Bayangkan saja dengan waktu yg kurang dari 1 bulan sesudah drama Thanksgiving, kita diharuskan menghafal naskah yang begitu panjang. Latihan demi latihan pun kita jalani di tengah cuaca yang kurang bersahabat dan setiap kali latihan, kita selalu berlatih hingga larut malam sehingga tak jarang banyak dari personil kita yang jatuh sakit. Waktu pementasan pun tiba, dan kita masih tetap merasa belum siap untuk pentas. Namun puji syukur kepada Tuhan karena pada akhirnya pementasan itu pun dapat berjalan lancar. (Jujur saja, ada beberapa adegan yang tidak ada di skenario, tapi sungguh bersyukur dapat berjalan dengan smooth ^_^ ) Ada 2 pesan (messages) inti dalam drama natal itu sendiri, yang pertama adalah bahwa natal bukan milik sendiri, tapi natal juga milik bersama. Sedangkan pesan kedua adalah dahulu Allah kita telah menciptakan suatu Taman Eden yang begitu sempurna, namun karena kita telah jatuh dalam dosa, maka gambaran Taman Eden yang sudah Tuhan ciptakan menjadi rusak. Namun kita patut bersyukur, oleh karena kasih-Nya yang begitu besar kepada kita, Ia mau datang ke dunia bahkan mati disalib untuk menebus dosa-sosa kita, sehingga kita dengan Allah Bapa dapat diperdamaikan melalui pengorbanan Tuhan Yesus (adanya pengorbanan darah). Oleh sebab itu, sudah selayaknya kita sebagai orang Kristen berusaha mengembalikan kembali menjadi Taman Eden yang sesungguhnya, taman yang berguna dan berpengaruh kepada orang lain. Dalam hal ini, sang director mencoba menerjemahkannya melalui kebencian seorang anak kepada ayahnya yang baru saja keluar dari penjara. Padahal sang ayah sangat mencintainya dan rindu untuk bertemu anaknya. Cerita drama itu sendiri mencapai klimaksnya dimana sang anak (Eden) menusuk ayahnya. Melalui pengorbanan darah itulah yang akhirnya memulihkan kembali hubungan seorang anak dan ayahnya. Semoga drama Natal yang baru saja kita lewati bisa menjadi berkat bagi setiap orang dan biarlah segala pujian dan hormat hanya bagi Dia, Yesus Kristus. [RA] 34 AGAPE — Easter 2005 E event Midnight driving, sleep “LESS” nights, rain- ing days at church, hot soto mie, laugh till you drop, those were just some of the sweet memories for the “Lawak” (Indonesian word for "comedy") crew. The “Lawak” crew met few times a week especially on the week they had to perform. They come to practice and laugh. by: Joshua & Wilis Adidjaja The casts for Papa and Mama Hengky seemed to be perfect fits. Each time they said something, the other crews were just crying for them to stop joking around. At the same time, some of the F-4 members were learning how to sing and dance. At the beginning of the practice, Simon from American Idol would’ve said “Awful... Extremely awful,” but their hard works and dedication shined through. The concert was a blast!! It’s 3:00PM. The dark cloud was moving in, and the decor team was having a huge dilemma whether to set the stage outside or inside. The whole team Lawak team were also worried. Worried that if it’s raining, there might not be too many people coming. In the evening of Saturday, February 12th, promptly at 6:30 PM, Nadya and Sugi started the event with songs and praises. The sky was dark but still very dry. People were slowly walking into the door. Singing and praises went for about 30 minutes. The event started with Papa Hengky and Mama Hengky (a.k.a Mei Lan) walked into the room. They AGAPE — Easter 2005 35 wanted to celebrate their 50th year wedding anniversary. Instead of talking about their sweet memories for the last 50 years, they started to mock and tease each other. The atmosphere became so intense... they were calling each other names (in lawak terms it was very funny). Thankfully, our hosts Nadya and Sugi were able to stop their fight and suggested them to listen to a sermon from Rev. Yakub Hosana. He delivered a short message about love. The sermon have made this couple realized how fortunate they are. After the sermon, was the time for the surprise for Mei Lan. It turned out that this old lady loves F-4, a Taiwanese singing group. Tao Ming Se (starred by Freddy), Hua Zhe Lei (starred by Thomas), Xi Men (starred by Silas) and Mei Zhuo (starred by Buddy) specially came to this event. They were greeted by Azusa fans with a very warm welcome. F-4 sang few songs. During the concert the room was very alive. Everyone in the room had a great time. It was indescribable. It was as if the laughing gas was exposed to the entire room. You really gotta be there to experience it. After the first song, an uninvited guest came into the room. It turned out that it’s San Cai (played by Dora)—one of the F-4 member's girlfriend. She seem to be pretty upset because no one recognized her and she wasn’t invited to come to Indonesia. But Tao Ming Se, the boyfriend, quickly apologized and they sang one song together afterwards. Because it was the night of the Valentine's Day, they decided to choose the King and Queen for GII Azusa. They played few games to determine who deserved to be the King and Queen. Evie was chosen to be the Queen and Rudy as the King. It was really a night full of laugh and fun. For your information (in case you didn't come that night), we also celebrated Chinese New Year in this event. In the closing, we had a "studio quality" picture taking session. You can take a look at the shots in our church website's picture gallery: http: //lax.gii-usa.org/iec_web/gallery.html. [TA] 36 AGAPE — Easter 2005 R review —————————————————————————————— every man's BATTLE by: Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker with: Mike Yorkey reviewed by: Marcia Japutra "B efore men experience victory over sexual sin, they’re hurting and confused. ‘Why can’t I win at this?’ they think. As the fight wears on the losses pile higher, we being to doubt everything about ourselves, even our salvation. At best, we think that we’re deeply flawed. At worst, evil persons. We feel very alone, since men speak little of these things. But we’re not alone. Many men have fallen into their own sexual pits.” Everyone lives in a world full with temptations that can make human beings fall into those temptations. Especially for men, the world is occupied with sensual images in a variety of ways such as lust (adultery with in one’s heart), lewdness, orgies, debauchery, and many more. It is a tough situation for men to live in a world where one can fall into temptation so easily. It becomes easier for an individual to mix his standards of sexual sin and so difficult to firmly commit to true purity as he gets used to it. One can easily tolerate mixed standards of sexual impurity because we tolerate mixed standards in most other areas of life. God has His standards for sexual purity and it is His will for His people to live according to His standard. So take His command seriously—Flee sexual immorality! “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality.” -:- 1 Thessalonians 4:3 -:AGAPE — Easter 2005 37 Some of God’s standards for sexual purity are (according to authors): • Sexual immorality begins with the lustful attitudes of our sinful natures. It is rooted in the darkness within us. Therefore sexual immorality, like other sins that enslave unbelievers, will incur God’s wrath. • Our bodies were not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, who has both created us and called us to live in sexual purity. His will is that every Christian be sexually pure--in his thoughts and his words as well as in his actions. • Therefore it is holy and honorable to completely avoid sexual immorality—to repent of it, to flee from it, and to put it to death in our lives, as we live by the Spirit. We’ve spent enough time living like pagans in passionate lust. • We should not be in close association with another Christian who persists in sexual immorality. • If you entice others to sexual immorality (maybe in the backseat or back room), Jesus Himself has something against you! While it is impossible to avoid the temptations, it is not impossible to rise above the sexual immorality. Men need a battle plan to become a man of sexual integrity, not of sexual immorality. “God offers [men] freedom from slavery of sin through the cross of Christ, and He created [men’s] eyes and mind with an ability to be trained and controlled”. One simply needs to stand up and walk by God’s power in the right path. [MJ] Take this test Here’s a little test you can take. You don’t need a pencil; you just need to be honest with yourself. Answer yes or no to the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Do you lock on when an attractive woman comes near you? Do you masturbate to images of other women? Have you found your wife to be less sexually satisfying? Are you holding a grudge against your wife—a grudge that gives you a sense of entitlement? 5. Do you seek out sexually arousing articles or photo spreads in newspapers or magazines? 6. Do you have a private place or secret compartment that you keep hidden from your wife? 7. Do you look forward to going away on a business trip? 8. Do you have behaviors that you can’t share with your wife? 9. Do you frequent porn-related sites on the Internet? 10. Do you watch R-rated movies, sexy videos, or the steamy VH1 channel for gratification? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re lurking at the door or sexual addiction. You’re inside that door if you can answer yes to the following questions: 38 AGAPE — Easter 2005 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do you watch pay-per-view sexually explicit TV channels at home or on the road? Do you purchase pornography on the Internet? Do you rent adult movies? Do you watch nude dancing? Do you call 900-numbers for phone sex? Do you practice voyeurism? ISBN: 1-5785-6368-2 (paperback) Publisher: WaterBrook Press List price: $13.99 Thickness: 256 pages Size: 9.2" x 6.0" x 0.7" If you said yes to the last six questions, you very well could be sexually addicted. When Titus 2:3 admonishes against being “addicted to much wine,” the Greek word used for “addicted” means to be brought into bondage, much like a slave. There’s someone who can help break that bondage, and his name is Jesus. [MJ] I Sell Jesus — dari halaman 29 seperti ini? Bukankah banyak sekali orang melakukan hal ini tanpa menyadari apa yang mereka lakukan adalah dosa? Aku menghentikan langkahku... dan tanpa sadar aku membuang potato chip bag dari genggaman tanganku.. dan memuntahkannya dari dalam mulutku..... lalu aku menangis, dan berkata pada Tuhan, “Tuhan ampuni aku karena hari ini aku telah menghianatiMu dan menjualMu dengan harga seratus dollar dan uang itu telah aku pakai pula, the transaction has already done, the Devil just won. Sekarang aku tidak mengerti mengapa pikiran ini tidak timbul sebelum transaksi itu terjadi... dan mengapa ini timbul setelah peristiwa ini terjadi....? Tuhan aku bersyukur karena Kau langsung menegur aku dan mengingatkanku apa yang baru saja aku lakukan adalah dosa dan dengan demikian aku tidak akan melakukan dosa ini lagi apalagi menjadikannya mata pencaharian buatku, atau buat cari uang tambahan... Thank you Lord meskipun aku baru saja jatuh dalam dosa tapi Engkau mengangkat aku kembali.. Setelah berkata demikian aku kini meneruskan langkahku pulang dengan kerohanian yang lebih dewasa dan lebih mawas diri betapa dalam hidup ini setiap saat kita bisa jatuh dalam dosa... dalam perangkap yang kelihatannya begitu menyenangkan... padahal di dalamnya penuh dengan kekotoran dan penghianatan yang akan menghunjam bukan hanya tubuh kita tapi juga tubuh Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.... Cukup sudah Tuhan kita disalibkan buat kita sekali—jangan lagi kita mengulang-ulang menyalibkan Tuhan kita dengan dosa yang kita lakukan..... Malam sudah gelap gulita, karena matahari telah terbenam sekian lama, tapi hatiku begitu terang benderang dengan Firman Tuhan yang berkata-kata dalam hati dan pikiranku.....! [March 06, 2005/Daniel Loe] [TA] AGAPE — Easter 2005 39 T tips by: Janice Atmadja dibantu oleh: church members Stay awake during sermon!!! What do you do to wake yourself up if you’re starting to fall asleep? Team Agape menjalankan survey buat tiptip yang bisa membantu kita-kita yang mudah ketiduran. Ini adalah a couple tips dari church members kita. Enjoy! o Om Samuel Ya Jangan cubit iduran, pinch yang kuat! “Kalo hamper ket skin & pinch HARD!” kecil-kecil! But grab your Siapa nih? Oooo.... Fancella! ke WC sebentar… “[Saya] jalan keluar… terus balik” Om Edgar “I never get sl eepy actually …FOCU S!” 40 AGAPE z z z z Z Z z Z z z z z Z Z Z Z z z z z z z Z Z Z z Z ZzZzzzzzZzzzzZ zzZZ Z z Z Z Z z z z Z z z z Z ZzzZZzZ zz zZzzZ zZ z Z z Z z z Z z z zZ Zz zz zzZzZz ZZzzZzZzzZzzZ zZzz zZzzZzZ zZ zZzzzZZ Z z Z Z z z z ZzZzzzZ zZzzzZZzZ Z z Z z z z Z Z Z z zzzzzzZ Zz zZ zZ z z z z Z Z z Z Z z z z z z Zz Zz ZzzzZ zZ z z Z Ci Debbie “Yah... Take not es lah..." Om "PresidTehne" Djohan al jadi Shellvia (no pic. available) ay “[Saya] mengh emesia…untuk m presiden Indon a…” perbaiki negar “No comment…saya gak per nah ketiduran…” Ci Doran konsentrasi. Take notes “Catet da letin i belakang bu di bulletin” (d a ad u tiap Mingg yang dikasih se .) ke notes. Red tempat buat ta Ko Thomas “I don’t really care …I just fall asleep hahahhaha! Saya read Ec clesiastes, my favo ri te book. Sometimes it does n’t help, but mos t of the time it does!” Ko Fredd y “Saya b erd konsent oa: Tuhan…t olong be rasi…” ri A apa, in terest se h! Cari interes saya tnya rmonny kita ng a itu. B an iasanya Saya ju tuk karena ki ga ke W ta ‘gak C…scot ngerti. kodok) t-ju 20 kalo em X! Just kiddin mp (lompat g….Yah ang gak , tapi kuat… ya tidu r aja…” AGAPE — Easter 2005 41 Z Z z ZzZz zZzZz z Z z z Z z Z Z z Z z Z Z z z zZzzZZz zzzZ zZZz z z z Z z z z Z z Z Z Z z Z Z z zZzzZzz ZzzzzzzZzzZ Z Z z Z z z z Z z z Z z z Z Zz zZzz ZzzZ ZzZz z z z Z z z Z z Z z Z Z z z z z z zZ ZzzZ zZ zZzZzZ z ZzzZzzZzzZzz zZzZz zZ zZ zZzZ zZZz zZ Z z z z z z z z Z z z Z z z Z Zz zz z Zz Z zZ Z zZ ZzZz zZzz z ou not would y til y h w eep ‘ think orning nt to sl rch for a m w e l h l t i t ou s e: In o chu ike… y ou go t p awak t “To kee o to church? L ourself that y n, think wha y o g d o m . t r n e” i e want en rem uring s your lif h D o T t . . d t i o n o afterno ur life is for G ver and relate eli yo God or ing to d y r t s i tor the Pas sa Ci Meris Lim Ibu Sara Wangsa “Kosentrasi! Perhatiin preacher-ny a. Saya lihatin gitu…Saya pencet-pencet tangan sampe sakit. Sebelum sampai gereja, persiapan sen diri itu important. Niat kita-yah. Itu saja cuk up.” " " P zz...... z z J z " z z n z z Juliazzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ue pikirin.....) ng g "Zzzzz n: Ema a h a m e j (ter 42 AGAPE — Easter 2005 Yah! Mudah-mudahan tips-tips ini membantu kita semua! You can try one of these tips, according to your taste, sebisanya kita apa. Yang paling penting itu niat kita pengen ke gereja dan mendengar firman Tuhan. Semoga kita semua diberi kekuatan dari Tuhan. Team Agape mengucapkan terima kasih buat semua yang sudah contribute ngasih tip-tips ini! Ini dulu yah. Sekarang Tim Agape bobo dulu........ [JA] R recipe Ayam Kluyuk (by Angelia Kusumah) Bahan utk ayam: 1 1/4 kg ayam (bagian paha atas preferably), potong dadu 2 1/2 cm 1 kuning & putih telor tepung maizena/any kind of flour for frying garam & lada hitam secukupnya minyak sayur untuk menggoreng Bahan utk saos: 2 biji bawang putih (iris tipis) 1 butir bawang bombay (iris tipis) 2 butir tomat (dipotong kecil2) 1 sdm cuka gula & garam secukupnya Cara memasak: H .. . m mm ! y mm Yu Goreng ayam sampai matang (kecoklatan) & gurih (dgn minyak yg panas), tiriskan. Untuk mendapatkan hasil gorengan yg ayam lebih gurih, silahkan balur ayam dgn tepung maizena, lalu celupkan di kocokan putih dan kuning telor, lalu celupkan kembali di tepung maizena baru digoreng dlm minyak yg panas. Ongseng bawang putih sampai wangi. Lalu masukan bawangbombay, oseng sampai berubah warna sedikit kecoklatan. Lalu masukan tomat. Setelah itu bumbui dengan gula, garam (secukupnya) dan masukan 1 sdm cuka. Oseng2 sebentar sampai matang lalu tuangkan diatas ayam. AGAPE — Easter 2005 43 Bahan Ronde: 150 g tepung ketan 1 sdt garam 125 ml air 1 sdt air kapur sirih pewarna hijau dan merah Isi: Wedang Ronde by Wilisyanti Adidjaja 100 g kacang tanah, sangrai, kupas, haluskan 75 g gula pasir 25 g biji wijen, haluskan 1/4 sdt garam 2 sdm air hangat Air Gula, didihkan, saring: 500 ml air 200 g gula pasir Air Jahe, didihkan, saring: 1 liter air 8 cm jahe, bakar, memarkan 2 batang serai, memarkan 2 lembar daun pandan, potong-potong Cara membuat: * Ronde: aduk semua bahan hingga rata. Bagi menjadi dua bagian, beri pewarna, aduk rata. * Isi: Aduk rata semua bahan. Bentuk menjadi bulatan kecil-kecil. Sisihkan. * Ambil 1 sdm adonan, pipihkan, isi dengan 1 bulatan adonan isi. Bulatkan adonan. Kerjakan yang sama dengan sisa adonan. * Didihkan air, rebus bola-bola hingga mengapung. Angkat, tiriskan. * Rendam bola-bola dalam air gula. Penyajian: * Taruh ronde berikut air gula dalam mangkuk-mangkuk saji. * Tuangi air jahe, sajikan. Untuk 16 orang 44 AGAPE — Easter 2005 ten commandments God Gives to Me: God is my inspiration To face each new born day He makes my life far brighter Each step along the way. He comforts and sustains me In times I feel despair. He helps me face each crisis By always being there. He is the light that guides me So I’ll not go astray. He gives me strength and courage To help my fears allay. He gives me hope and confidence In times of great distress He shelters me and leads the way To find new happiness. He always grants forgiveness Though sinners that I be. And with the faults that I possess I know He still loves me. Excerpted from a magazine 1937 By Tante Mona With thanks and love To God and you all for kids 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thank GOD for each new day. Be thoughtful and kind in what you say and do. Share your things cheerfully. Help family members without being asked. Take care of all living things : people, animals and plants. Be true to what is really important. Threat other people’s things as if they were your own. Always tell the truth and be honest. Be happy for your friends when good things happen to them. Show GOD your love by loving others. by: Mrs. Shirley Gozali Prayer for Regeneration Lord, o Lord, I pray to Thee Hear your servant’s plea That the ministry might not end at me And that your children won’t say ‘Let it be’ O how I long for somebody Who will come forth and share the responsibility; Who will say ‘Here I am, pick me; ‘Pass the baton on to me.’ AGAPE — Easter 2005 45 Q d r bible sswo o puzzle r c quiz ——————————————————————————————— by: Cici Rachel Atmadja DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. across 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 46 Saved her people from Haman's treachery. The wisest king in the world. One of the female judges, her name means. Adam and Eve was exiled from ____. One of the twelve tribes of Israel. The prophet who fled from Jezebel. Apostle Paul used to be known as ____. The youngest son of Jesse who became Israel's second king. Leah's sister. Annointed the King Saul. Prophesied the destruction of Israel. The parable of the good ____. Jesus prayed here while his disciples fell asleep. Ruth's mother in law. Jesus originally had ___ disciples. The judge who defeated the Midianites with 300 men. A book in the new testament. The disciple who asked to touch Jesus' nail wounds. There were ___ magii. AGAPE — Easter 2005 H humor —————————————————————————————— These jokes are taken from www.gcfl.net "A cheerful heart is good medicine..." (Proverbs 17:22a) -The Optimist- There is a story of identical twins. One was a hope-filled optimist. “Everything is coming up roses!” he would say. The other twin was a sad and hopeless pessimist. He thought that Murphy, as in Murphy‛s Law, was an optimist. The worried parents of the boys brought them to the local psychologist. He suggested to the parents a plan to balance the twins‛ personalities. “On their next birthday, put them in separate rooms to open their gifts. Give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure.” The parents followed these instructions and carefully observed the results. When they peeked in on the pessimist, they heard him audibly complaining, “I don‛t like the color of this computer... I‛ll bet this calculator will break... I don‛t like the game... I know someone who‛s got a bigger toy car than this...” Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air. He was giggling. “You can‛t fool me! Where there‛s this much manure, there‛s gotta be a pony!” -The Dishes- A young man called his mother and announced excitedly that he had just met a young lady of excellent character and virtue that interested him very much. What should he do? His mother had an idea: “Why don‛t you send her flowers, and on the card invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?” He thought this was a great idea, and a week later, the woman came to dinner. His mother called the next day to see how things had gone. “I was totally humiliated,” he moaned. “She insisted on washing the dishes.” “What‛s wrong with that?” asked his mother. “We hadn‛t started eating yet.” AGAPE — Easter 2005 47 -New Watch and Perfume- The small girl had recently received a new watch and some perfume, which she was very excited about. Their family asked the pastor over for dinner. The girl wanted so badly to tell the pastor about her new gifts, but her mother insisted she wait until after dinner and not interrupt at meal time. Not able to contain her excitement, and not wanting to disobey, the little girl leaned over to the pastor during dinner and whispered, “If you hear a little noise and smell something, it‛s me!” -Speeding Ticket- A county traffic policeman recently stopped a woman for exceeding the posted speed limit. He asked the driver for her name. She said, “I‛m Mrs. Ladislav Abdulkhashim Zybkcicraznovskaya from the Republic of Uzbekistan, visiting my daughter at Columbia.” The cop put away his summons book and pen and said, “Well... OK... but don‛t let me catch you speeding again.” -New Book Releases- - “How to Write Large Books” by Warren Peace - “The Lion Attacked” by Claude Yarmoff - “The Art of Archery” by Beau N. Arrow - “Songs for Children” by Barbara Blacksheep - “Irish Heart Surgery” by Angie O‛Plasty - “Desert Crossing” by I. Rhoda Camel - “School Truancy” by Marcus Absent - “I Was a Cloakroom Attendant” by Mahatma Coate - “I Lost My Balance” by Eileen Dover and Phil Down - “Mystery in the Barnyard” by Hu Flung Dung - “Positive Reinforcement” by Wade Ago - “Shhh!” by Danielle Soloud - “The Philippine Post Office” by Imelda Letter - “Things to Do at a Party” by Bob Frapples - “Stop Arguing” by Xavier Breath - “Raising Mosquitos” by I. Itch - “Mountain Climbing” by Hugo First 48 AGAPE — Easter 2005