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Volume 1 August 2011
New Captain
On Board
Interviewed by:
Raj (d’ superstar), Hilmi and Jafni
Born in Balik Pulau, Penang, in
1963 and raised in Taiping, Perak
until the age of 7, Dato’ Dr. Nazlee
Kamal looks very young for his
age. His secret: constant intake of
supplements, exercise and golfing.
His famous quotes during the
interview: “I have a lot of plans for
BiotechCorp... .but I have to give
credit to Dato’ Iskandar for building
it. This organization is ROCK
“Let’s make the public understand
what we have achieved so far. Let
them appreciate and support us for
what we have done! ”
To watch the interview, please click
on the link from the announcement
Driven by the need to establish a
platform to bring together OUR
PEOPLE – to connect with one
another by looking at the way we
work and live, BiotechCorp group
has decided to present a
newsletter which intends to portray
both the similarities as well as
differences in the way we go
through our day to day lives. We
have decided to call this newsletter
“BIO LEAKS” and we are pleased
to present this inaugural issue.
Dato' Dr. Mohd Nazlee Kamal
CEO of Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd
Although the Human Capital
Division is the driver of this
publication, the newsletter is for
us…it is all about US!
In this first issue, we share the
experience and aspirations of our
new CEO, Y Bhg. Dato’ Mohd.
Nazlee Kamal.
Our colleagues
have also shared their travel
experience with us. Cikgu Murni
has given some very meaningful
advice to all us parents.
welcome active participation from
all of you in terms of content,
opinion and ideas.
Let’s keep up the spirit with
“BIO LEAKS”. Reach out, share
and contribute.
WANT TO BE! Enjoy reading!
Kanimoli Ramaiah
Jafni Muhammad
Hilmi Ahmad
Jacyln Siw
Angela Lai
Arni Aris
Khidmat Masyarakat Pasukan BioDC 2011
BioWashington 2011 telah melabuhkan tirainya pada 30 Jun 2011
dengan membawa pelbagai kenangan dan juga pengalaman
kepada semua peserta terutamanya dari BiotechCorp.
Pengalaman dapat berada di Pusat Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat, ini
merupakan pengalaman yang amat berharga buat kami.
Pelbagai rupa bentuk manusia dan juga gelagat dapat dilihat.
Namun begitu yang lebih menyayat hati apabila melihat begitu
ramai rakyat AMERIKA SYARIKAT yang tidak mempunyai
kediaman (homeless) atau kemudahan tempat tinggal berikutan
daripada kesempitan hidup di kota.
Memandangkan pasukan BiotechCorp mempunyai lebihan
makanan dari bilik operasi kami, maka kami telah menjalankan
aktiviti sosial bagi membantu mereka-mereka yang kelaparan dan
tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal di sekitar Bandar Washington.
Kami telah bersama-sama membawa makanan dan minuman
yang dikumpukan di Martin Luther King Jr. Library. Di sini, adalah
pusat untuk mengagihkan makanan kepada mereka yang
memerlukan. Kawasan ini juga merupakan tempat yang telah
ditetapkan oleh kerajaan bagi pusat pelindungan dan pengagihan
makanan. Terima Kasih kepada pasukan BiotechCorp yang
membantu menjayakan program ini.
Hasry melaporkan rakaman dari Washington.
Bio-Washington Tour
Kenneth Fung (Bio-Xcell)
This was my first ever BIO
Convention and I was excited at
the prospect of being a part of such
a huge event. ...
Cerita Cita
Cikgu Murni
Kita Mendewasakan Kanak-kanak Atau
kanak-kanak mendewasakan kita?
Salam Sejahtera,
Buat pertama kalinya Cikgu Murni dapat berkongsi idea dan secebis
pengalaman hidup dengan Warga Biotech melalui ruangan ini. Cikgu
Murni sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan BiotechCorp dan industri
Bioteknologi. Ramai mengetahui BiotechCorp masih baru bertapak – kalau
diibaratkan sebagai pokok – masih pucuk lagi, kalau diibaratkan sebagai
manusia – masih bayi lagi. Namun, umum juga mengetahui BiotechCorp
telah menempa banyak kejayaan dan pencapaian di Malaysia mahupun
diperingkat antarabangsa.
Pastinya di luar sana ramai yang tertanya-tanya rahsia kejayaan dan daya
saing agensi yang masih muda ini. Kadang-kadang kita lupa bahawa kita
boleh belajar dari yang muda, temasuk kanak-kanak. Cikgu Murni ada
terbaca satu artikel tentang pengajaran kehidupan yang kita boleh pelajari
dari kanak-kanak. Inilah Cerita Cita Cikgu Murni untuk edisi kali ini. ...
Selama Al -Mubaraq
Tranformasi Berjaya
Rakyat Sejahtera
Do you have
interesting articles
or story to share?
Please email to
Angela, Hilmi and Jacyln.
A Bullet Train
through Japan
By Ms Jac
Every country, every culture has
its own unique way of doing business. I was fortunate to experience
the Japanese way during my very
first business development trip to
Japan last week.
The one thing that I remembered
most from my meetings with the
Japanese is their skillfulness in
being subtle. In one particular
meeting, a friendly-looking manager with a pair of small slit eyes
gave us a warm smile, leaned
forward, and asked, “I need your
opinion on a matter.” Such gesture
and words do tend to make one
feel welcomed and important.
The manager wanted to know our
view on most non-Japanese companies who did not keep their
promise to deliver at a mentioned
time. Emails from these companies
are only received a few days after
or worse, none at all. To him,
replies such as ‘We will get back to
you shortly’ are less appropriate.
The Japanese take their words
seriously. Should they commit to
get an assignment done by today,
they will definitely do so. Otherwise, they will inform earlier on the
delay. A friend of mine also tipped
me before my trip to Japan. He
advised that it is better to under
promise these Japanese.
Delivered on time, they
will be pleased. Delivered
After Jay’s feedback, the manager
with a satisfied look turned to his
subordinate and proceeded to say,
“Do you want to let them know on a
matter, Saeki-san*?” Saeki-san
nodded, “Would you know anyone
who would carry out a particular
task in Malaysia? We would need
help in that.” Check mate. The
manager intended to get us to do
something for him. His request
came in as a two-level question.
Fortunately, Jay was wise to
provide a diplomatic reply, which
neither supported the Japanese
view nor the non-Japanese actions
that were brought up earlier. By
doing so, we need not have to state
a certain deadline to get back to
them and this request need not be
our top priorities. Of course,
fulfilling the company’s request
may build better relationship and
open more possibilities.
Prior to the meetings, I read up
some online articles covering basic
etiquette with Japanese business
professionals. True enough, what
was advised manifested then.
One thing is for sure,
delightfully happy when
you arrived early. They had
an astonished expression when
they found out that you were here
in Japan for the first time and you
managed your way to the meeting
location using Japan trains. (Credit
has to be given to one of our
colleagues who helped us to
translate the Yahoo! Japan train
I decided to put the business card
exchange etiquette, known as
“Meishi”, into practice throughout
the meetings. Wait for Jay to give
his first, go up to the person, allow
the senior personnel to give theirs
first to me, present my card by
holding it with both hands by the
upper corners with the print facing
up and towards them, study the
card to remember their names and
titles, if possible, according to one
source, frown your brow a little to
show that you are truly absorbing
the details on the card. I did all of
those with enthusiasm. However,
my overexcitement caused me to
give my card first to those seniors!
One senior personnel actually
explained to me in great detail on
his roles and responsibilities and
how does he fit into the overall
organization immediately after we
exchanged cards.
In any relationships, be it a
professional or a personal one, it is
best to make the other party feel at
ease for the bond to develop and
grow. After two meetings or so, I
noticed Jay’s presentation to a
company was peppered with a faint
Moreover, there were one or two
moments, he explained in simple
plain words unlike his usual clear
yet sophisticated style. Curious to
find out whether I have been imagining things up, I brought it up to
Jay after the meeting. What a relief
to know I was not delusional. It was
done deliberately with a good
intention: to show that we are
capable to work with yet not
intimidating. This made me relate
to what was taught in communication courses; knowing your
audience. Speaking in words
familiar to them to get the
message across. ...
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms. This
includes animals, plants, protists, archaea and bacteria.
DNA is found in each cell in the organism and tells cells what proteins
to make. A cell's proteins determine its function. DNA is inherited by
children from their parents. This is why children share traits with their
parents, such as skin, hair and eye color. The DNA in a person is a
combination of the DNA from each of their parents.
Details (Structure):
DNA has a double helix shape, which is like a ladder twisted into a
spiral. Each step of the ladder is a pair of nucleotides.
...What does this mean to our company , let’s find out in the next issue!
...The Japanese were good at making us feel at ease too. One company
invited us for a typical Japanese dinner (inset). No doubt the food was
superb; however, it was their hospitality that I enjoyed the most. They were
decisive on what to recommend and order yet considerate to ask us for our
preferences. We were led yet at the same time were free to make choices.
Some fun facts (learned from the trip). Since the Japanese Government has
instructed the citizens to save on energy, known as “Setsuden”, places
including airport, train stations, and offices either switched off or switch on
around 15% of the usual usage. As such, corporate professionals are allowed
to go about without blazer and tie, even with a pair of khakis pants for some.
So much for frantically hunting for an affordable pair of suit the day before the
trip! Coat rack with hangers is a must-have item in meeting rooms in Tokyo
and Osaka. At the time of writing this article, I read that there were at least 26
people who died of heatstroke due to the summer heat and the energy saving
initiatives within June-July this year. No wonder a bunch of Japanese whom I
had to sit with during my flight from Kuala Lumpur to Tokyo looked overjoyed,
crying loudly “Sugoi!..” (meaning “Cool!..”) when we found that it has been
raining at Narita Airport. Another quirk is in the stretch of road in Osaka, called
Doshomachi, which houses mostly pharmaceutical companies. Located not
far away from that street is the Sukunahikona Shrine, where both the Japanese and Chinese god of health and medicine are enshrined. In a particular
time of a year, personnel from these pharmaceutical companies will go to the
shrine to seek blessings for prosperous business.
Japan is one of the countries that practices strong Confucianism. They value
trust, respect, and manners among others. I asked Zul yesterday, how would
I know a Japanese company likes me? Based on his experience, they will
share more details on the projects and their personal stories of family once
they developed trust in you. On a lighter note, if you ever aspire to marry a
Japanese woman, be sure to practice Confucianism principles! I have a friend
who is a trained practitioner. He too had to go to Japan for a work trip. The
Japanese seniors liked him automatically because he talked, acted, and
dressed in accordance to Confucianism. In fact, they like him so
much that they wanted match make him with their eligible nieces as soon as they discovered that he was still
Indeed, there is still a lot more to learn about and from these Japanese. I am
glad even if my experience was just a scratch-on-the-surface. Now, whenever
I think of my recent experience with the Japanese, words that come to mind
are gentle, delicate, proper yet silently fatal. Like the essence of Sun Tzu’s Art
of War, these Japanese do employ the most efficient way of gaining victory
with the least amount of conflict.
Bio-Washington Tour
... Of course, beforehand everyone
was warning me of the amount of
work that I should expect! But
despite the late nights, last minute
the convention was awesome.
The highlight of my time there was
definitely the opportunity to
network and meet with biotech
professionals from all walks
(including the swarm of patent
lawyers introducing themselves at
our booth) as well as the 5.30 am
walking tours we did out of
Bio-Washington Special Moment:
Watching the sun rise over the
Capitol building on the day one.
Traveling tips:
Amsterdam airports actually have
really comfortable lazy chairs for
you to sleep in during transits.
If you’re planning a trip to that part
of the world, go through AMS.
Fourth of July season is a good
time to go because of Fourth of
July Sales!
Move around a lot during long
flights. KLM has an open galley
with snacks and drinks prepared so
it’s a great reason to get out of your
Remember to stay hydrated ☺
Cerita Cita
Cikgu Murni
...Cikgu Murni teringat pada anak
saudara Cikgu Murni semasa
keluarga kami mengambil gambar
keluarga di studio gambar semasa
Hari Raya. Sepanjang di studio, dia
memperhatikan jurugambar yang
memegang kamera yang besarbila sampai ke rumah, dia terus
mengambil lego dan membuat satu
bentuk seakan-akan kamera.
Mulalah dia mengambil gambar
menggunakan “kamera” buatannya
melalui pemerhatian yang penuh
khusyuk dan meniru apa yang
diperhatikannya. Kita pula semakin
dewasa, kita jadi kurang memerhati
(bak kata orang kampung Cikgu
Murni – (“less observant”). Malah
kita bergantung kepada arahan
untuk memperkembangkan bakat
dan kreativiti kita. Jika diterjemahkan di dalam dunia korporat, ia
boleh dikatakan sebagai “benchmarking”.
Dengan melihat serta memerhati
tindakan orang lain, kita boleh
jadikan contoh atau pengajaran
dan menyesuaikannya dengan
kehendak dan matlamat kita. Jadi,
selepas ini, perhatikan sekeliling
kita – mesti ada ekspresi alam dan
aksi manusia yang kita boleh
adaptasikan di dalam kehidupan
seharian dan juga pekerjaan kita.
Kanak-kanak sentiasa bersemangat sepanjang masa, bermula
daripada bangun tidur sehinggalah
malam menjelang dan mereka tidur
semula. Seorang kawan Cikgu
Murni selalu berkata, setiap kali
bangun pagi iPad dan iPhone nya
telah ‘diculik” oleh anaknya yang
baru berusia 4 tahun!. Celik sahaja
mata terus bersemangat dan fikiran
memikirkan aktiviti yang akan
dilakukan sepanjang hari. Cikgu
tertanya, kenapa kita kadangkala
sukar untuk menjadi bersemangat
apabila bangun daripada tidur ada
saja alasan kita, kalau hari Isnin
dikatakan “Monday Blues”, kalau
hari Jumaat dikatakan di dalam
mood bercuti hujung minggu. Jadi,
bersemangat apabila bangun pagi,
mulakan setiap hari dengan hari
yang ceria berserta sarapan pagi
yang berkhasiat!
Sekiranya kita memerhatikan sikap
kanak-kanak, mereka ini sentiasa
menerima serta mencari peluang
yang ada di sekeliling mereka.
Kanak-kanak tidak berprasangka
dan hanya akan membuat penilaian
berdasarkan pengalaman pertama
mereka. Berlainan dengan kita
yang dewasa ini, kita selalu ingin
berada di dalam keadaan yang
selesa dengan sekelilling kita dan
menjauhkan diri dari perkara yang
bukan kebiasaan. Kadang-kadang
kita tidak sedar yang sebenarnya,
kita telah hilang satu peluang baru
dan pengalaman yang positif.
Cikgu Murni tringat pada pesanan
CEO BiotechCorp yang baru
(Selamat datang YBhg Dato” Dr
Nazli), semasa beliau “melawat
kawasan”. YBhg Dato’ berkongsi
idea yang beliau perolehi daripada
membaca buku bertajuk “Being
Strategic” (banyak terdapat di
kinokuniya KLCC!). Antara elemen
yang didedahkan di dalam buku
tersebut adalah “fairness” –
maknanya apabila kita berdepan
dengan sesuatu yang baru –
janganlah ada “judgment’ atau
“biasness”; barulah pengalaman
yang kita akan lalui akan lebih
bermakna dan berharga.
Banyak lagi yang Cikgu Murni ingin
tulis dan kongsi bersama tapi kita
simpan Cerita Cita Cikgu Murni
untuk edisi seterusnya. Menulis di
suasana hijau di pagi hari sangat
memberi inspirasi. Jadi, mulakan
hari anda dengan memperhatikan
kehijauan alam – melalui tingkap
kereta anda di lebuhraya, tingkap lrt
putra ataupun melalu visor helmet
bagi yang menaiki motor!
Semangat KSRBC di
Stadium Nasional
Bukit Jalil
Goooool! Sorakkan bergema di
dalam satu keghairahan tanpa
batasan bangsa dan tanpa
mengenali siapa di sebelah kita.
Inilah semangat kesukanan yang
jelas kelihatan semasa perlawanan
prapiala dunia tempoh hari. Walaupun seri pada malam itu, nampak
Malaysia akan membara apabila
memberi sokongan.
Semangat bermula, 3 hari sebelum
perlawanan, 7.30 pagi seramai 5
insan kental menunggu kaunter
tiket dibuka, 9.00 pagi mereka
menjadi kumpulan pertama di
Malaysia membeli tiket pada hari
itu. Esoknya jam 11.55 pagi
kaunter tiket sementara di tingkat
21 diserbu DAN 5 minit kemudian
tiket habis terjual kepada ahli-ahli
tersendiri untuk BiotechCorp.
Semangat sebeginilah yang perlu,
malah telah lama diterap oleh
membangunkan industri bioteknologi di bumi bertuah ini. Tanpa
kita sedari setiap insan di
BiotechCorp sebenarnya mempunyai ‘saham’ dalam menyumbang
kebangkitan bioteknologi. Kitalah
yang telah memulakan, mencetus
dan membuka jalan kebangkitan
bioteknologi Malaysia. Teruskan
semangat ini demi melestarikan
kehidupan dimasa hadapan.