Hordle Gardening Club - New Forest District Council


Hordle Gardening Club - New Forest District Council
HVDS the working party as now submitted their
final draft report to the NFDC for comment.
You still have time to “have your say”. Go to page
23 for the whole story.
Having become editor at the beginning of the
year, I came into contact with Smith & Son
Printers of New Milton. Alan and Pip have been so
helpful with many technical aspects of producing
this magazine so, on this occasion, I contradict
the disclaimer and say, give them a ring on 01425
615214 or e-mail: office@smithprinters.co.uk
for your printing requirements.
The sharp eyed will have noticed that in the
previous issue, I did not give a last date for copy.
It was there, but as I added more to this column,
it slipped off the bottom of the page and I did
not notice, I have upped my carrot intake.
The HCA is pleased to announce that Dave
Evans has agreed to become Vice Chairman of
the Association. His vast expertise and
experience of community service is a most
welcome addition.
Macmillan Nurses National Coffee Morning is
set for Friday 26th September. So should you be
contemplating attending or organizing one, make
it the biggest in your area, don’t forget to bake
or bring a cake or other goodies to your meeting.
I have received requests for the magazine to
be printed with larger size wording. As I am
restricted to 24 pages, the present font size of
12, allows me to include all the copy residents
send in for a given edition.
I do understand the problems some have with
the print size, so we are consulting with a number
of interested groups, dependent on the outcome,
we may trial this solution.
We will produce a number of copies in A4 format
which will automatically enlarge the print size
without losing any content. For it to be cost
effective, I need to know how many to print. So
if you require an A4 copy, I need your name and
address. We will then do our best to fund this
initiative and aim to deliver an A4 copy to you in
December. It is just not possible to engineer
this for the September issue.
I am sure you have heard or read about the
Hordle Community Association’s aspiration to run
the Sports & Community Pavilion in Vaggs Lane
for the benefit of the village and its residents.
After engaging with the Parish Council about the
best way to achieve an agreed outcome, a
Licence of terms giving the HCA control and
governance of the buildings facilities and
activities is close to completion. A more detailed
article framing our ideas for the future is to be
found on page 4.
Noon 23rd November is the last date for inclusion of copy for the December issue .
You will notice in this issue, that there is more
than the usual amount of reporting from our
Parish Council. We feel that when the Council is
dealing with a greater work load; we should reflect this. When asked why it takes so long to
print reports of their activities, it must be remembered, that this magazine is quarterly. You
could of course, read their full deliberations on
the Council website.
Disclaimer The editor and the HCA do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors or correspondents, and assume no
responsibility for errors in reproduction of interpretation of the subject matter of this magazine or from any results arising therefrom. The
publishing of such articles within this magazine
does NOT constitute a recommendation of the
products or services mentioned or advertised
within those articles.
As we are constrained by budget, it is printed in
B&W, a full colour version is available from the
parish website hordleparishcouncil.gov.uk
My editorial contact details are:Ken Gould 14 Elizabeth Crescent, Hordle, Lymington SO41 0HP
Tel: 01425 614975 e-mail: kengould10@gmail.com
If you experience or witness anti-social behaviour or a crime you can report this
in a number of different ways.
In an emergency always dial 999
For non-emergency anti-social behaviour please ring 101
Please report anti-social behaviour to the police if you or someone you know is a victim.
Don’t leave it to someone else
Collection boxes are now in place for the residents of Woodland Park; which should negate
the trips to the bottle bank and its attendant noisy crashing of bottle against bottle.
I often found the need to wear a hat and pull my collar up on those occasions.
Mr Paul Dennis, Parish Council senior maintenance operative; has lost a treasured wheelbarrow.
If you have seen it wandering the lanes of Hordle, please contact the Parish Office.
Paul advises, the dirty green coloured bilateral handled monoped has little
monetary value, but is a firm family friend.
Service time table 2014:
Pegasus Avenue 12 noon- 12.30pm
19th September, 7th October, 4th November.
Stopples Lane/Westmoreland Court 11.45am - 12.15pm
25th September, 23rd October, 20th November.
May I make the case for keeping your e-mail contacts up to date with your current e-mail address.
You may say, if I send a mail they will know my correct address. The problem with that is,
you may have changed address and a person sends it to your old address.
It would certainly help me if colleagues gave it a thought.
You will have noticed clubs and societies get good coverage within these pages, one of the
many spin offs is increased membership. The same coverage is available to you,
so let me know what is happening.
Don’t forget the Sports & Community Pavilion is available for your forthcoming event,
so ring for availability
Hordle Sports & Community
Vaggs Lane, Hordle, Hampshire
Soon to be managed by the
Hordle Community Association
Facilities include
Meeting Hall 9.5m x 8m approximately
Bar & Kitchen
2 Toilets one of which is suitable for the Disabled
The Centre is suitable for:
Quiz Events, Club Meetings, Birthday Parties, Art Classes,
Dancing, Yoga, Zumba classes, Receptions, Pre-School Group
AGM’s, All Age Activity Groups, Parties, Coffee mornings
4 Changing Rooms, with 2 Shower/toilet rooms
to accommodate 4 teams,
plus 2 Referees Rooms with Showers
All of the above facilities are available for Hire
by ringing Parish Office 01425 611119
Watch out for a New Free Phone Number
Shortly to Come into Effect
There are other Council controlled facilities serving Sporting
Activities on the Playing Field
Junior and Senior Football Pitches at present used by Hordle Spurs FC.
A Cricket Table & Practice Nets at present used by Hordle Village CC.
Hordle Parish Council
Reports continuing from May
Clerks Report
General public session – for members of the public to
communicate with the council. –
A member of the public raised concerns that debris washed out
by the building contractors working at the Hare Lane site was
running down into Golden Hill woodland. Clerk will have
checked for damage.
Councillors reports and questions to include representatives on outside bodies and working parties. –
Cllr Meads stated her disbelief at the amount of time taken
execute the highways work at Everton Road cross roads and
that couldn’t see what it was supposed to achieve. Also reported
the damage caused to Hordle Lane as a result of the traffic
Cllr Sambrook advised had received a report about the pond
at Golden Hill leaking under the dam.
Cllr Horne stated the new dam needed maintenance as it had
failed. Reported concerns that the fencing work at the new
houses on Hare Lane could be causing damage to the protected trees on the site and requested that the Tree Officer be
Cllr Wareham reported there were lots of little signs on the
A337 outside of Lea Green Farm, asked that the Enforcement
Officer be advised, suggesting one large sign would be better.
The new footpath at Fir Tree Crescent had been damaged and
now had a large dip in it.
Cllr Horne reported attending the New Forest Consultative
Panel with Cllr Still and also on the New Forest Stewardship
Scheme AGM.
Cllr Pepper introduced Cllr Tarling from Sway Parish Council
who raised issues re the priority of
broadband coverage roll out in certain areas of Hordle Parish
and recommended addressing
concerns to CCllr Thornber.
Reports by County and District Councillors. – CCllr Rice
stated that HCC were waiting allocation of funds from the Central Government “Pot Hole” budget: Had attended a meeting of
the New Forest Transport Committee, no news as yet if subsidy
reduction would affect local routes. Were also looking into alternative schemes i.e. Taxi Share: Had concerns about the 68
possible impact to the Parish re the onshore requirements of
Navitus Bay development: The NFDC is celebrating their 40th
Anniversary this year: That the NFDC Cabinet were meeting to
discuss the adoption of the recommendations of Part 2 of the
Local Plan.
Cllr Horne asked CCllr Rice if he was aware of any intentions
to by HCC Highways to highlight the dangers of the road at the
A35/Holmsley Bridge /Burley Slip Road. As there had been a
number of accidents there in recent years, some of which had
been fatal.
General public session – for members of the public to
communicate with the council. –
A member of the public complained about the fencing being put
up around the Hare Lane triangle,
Cllr Wareham observed was the same as round Golden Hill
woodland, however as new looked a
little stark with no greenery to offset. Chairman suggested Cllrs
visit to make up minds. Sway Parish Cllr Tarling, thanked the
Parish Council for the help Sway had received with their VDS,
the Clerk for all the assistance given to Sway’s new Clerk and
complimented the staff on the new Parish Council website,
stating was very good and should be proud of it. A member of
the public stated had reported a number of issues concerning
the new layout at Everton Road cross roads to HCC Highways,
but as yet had received no response. Also commented that
considered had missed an opportunity by reversing the dogs on
leads policy at the recreation ground. Were making a rod for
own backs by not specifying what could and couldn’t be done.
Queried what would be the policy during non sport activities, and
remarked that the Dudley Avenue site was a really nice space
for both dog owners and others.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held
on Tuesday 6th May 2014 at The Pavilion, Vaggs Lane,
Present: Cllrs Ironside; Warne Holland; Bown; Sambrook;
Meads; Still; Horne; Pepper.
Also in attendance: Clerk - Susan Whitcher; Minutes Secretary
- Sue Brayley, District Cllr Tinsley, Four members of the Public
and a member of the Press Cllr Ironside took the chair and
opened the meeting.
1. To elect the chairman - Cllr. Ironside was proposed by Cllr
Warne Holland and seconded by Cllr Sambrook and as there
were no other nominations, was elected unanimously.
2. To elect the vice chair - Cllr. Warne Holland was proposed
by Cllr Ironside and seconded by Cllr Meads and as there were
no other nominations, was elected unanimously.
3. To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 15th April
2014 – Unanimously confirmed.
4. Review and adoption of appropriate standing orders and
financial regulations. – Agreed
5. In view of the Public attendance re Planning Application
14/10391, the Chairman brought this item forward in the
order of business:- The Council heard presentation from both
the applicants and their agent giving the background to the
application and the problems experienced prior to it. Explaining
their commitment to supporting a local workforce, hopes for an
apprenticeship scheme and establishing a good relationship
with residential neighbours. In the subsequent discussion by the
Cllrs a number of points were raised including could not see any
reason not to support application, Council had supported an
application by a neighbouring business, keenness to support
Full transcripts of Council meetings available on www.hordleparishcouncil.gov.uk/council minutes
Hordle CE Primary School
Girlguiding in Hordle
All Meetings take place at the WI Hall Ashley Lane, Hordle
Rainbows - Thursday 4.30pm to 5.30pm
Contact:- Mrs Sandra Sampson:- Tel: 01425 622284
Brownies - Wednesday - 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Contact:- Mrs Carole Deacon:- Tel: 01590 678986
Guides - Thursday 6.30pm - 8.00 pm
Hordle Scout Group
17th New Forest South
Headquarters:-The Scout Hall Recreation Ground, Hordle
Meetings :Beavers Scouts for Boys & Girls 5¾ - 8 years of Age - Monday 18.00Hrs
Cubs Scouts for Boys & Girls 8 - 10½ years of Age - Thursday 18.30Hrs
Scouts for Boys & Girls 10½ - 14 years of Age - Fridays, 19.00Hrs
Would you like to explore your creativity?
Have fun and make cards, pretty things and meet friendly crafter's?
Join my monthly Papercraft Classes, daytime and evenings spend some
quality time with your friends and family and have the opportunity to earn free crafting products
Book a Papercraft Party daytime or evening
1:1 workshops in your own home with people you know.
Children’s Papercraft Party for a small group
Contact: Leigh Shaw
Tel: 01425 613853
Mobile: 07974 861382
fb leigh’scraftcorner
Community Youth Group
Is available for young people aged 11 to 16 years at the Hordle
Pavilion every Thursday evening from 6.30pm to 8pm
Come along and join in, we have varied activities and a great bunch of people
waiting to meet you
If you would like more information please call Susan on Tel:- 01425 612351
or just pop along for a visit and see what we get up to
Hordle Spurs Football Club
Home Ground :- Hordle Recreation Ground, Vaggs Lane, Hordle, Lymington SO41 0FP
Our Club ethos is that enthusiasm and commitment are more important than ability.
Most Teams train on a Saturday morning at Hordle Rec weather permitting.
Some teams (6 years to adult) now recruiting new players for 2014/15 Season please contact us for more details. Website: hordlespurs.org
Chairman Tony O’Brien Mob: 07919 090694 e-mail: chairman@hordlespurs.org
At the end of July, Hordle WI Hall was the venue for this year’s show which gave the opportunity for Club
members to exhibit their vegetables, flowers and garden related produce. The tables looked so colourful
with such a vast array of flowers, vegetables and soft fruit. Our Annual Show is just getting bigger and
better each year and this year was no exception. The display tables were full of tempting cakes with some
very unusual jams and chutneys on show. With more than thirty classes on the schedule there were plenty
of opportunities to impress the judges - Mr Roy Prior and Mrs Sheila Trowbridge.
The five trophies to be awarded attracted a creditable 120 entries and after deliberation, encouragement
and constructive comments the judges awarded the trophies to the following worthy winners.
Best in Show Shield – Flowers. David Beck, Best in Show Cup – Vegetables. Ken Aitken
Jams and Chutneys – Sheila Glashier , Baking (a loaf cake) – Marian Cornhill
Photography – Sue Peacock. Well done to all our 2014 winners.
This month we also hosted the club’s annual barbeque on the Hordle Recreation
ground. Attended by forty nine hungry folk, the committee put on a great spread of burgers, sausages and
home-made salads. To clean our palates from the tasty burgers, we helped ourselves to gateaux,
roulades and all things less healthy. A great evening which is becoming ever more popular. A round of
thanks was given to the committee for organising an excellent evening of eating and entertainment.
Editor: My apologies for not being able to show more exhibits.
Hordle Explorers Nursery
Hordle CE Primary School is excited to announce the opening
of their Nursery Class, Autumn Term 2014
Hordle Explorers will be:
* Open to children to start the term after they are aged 2 years 9 months
* Based in dedicated classroom & outdoor area with access to all the school facilities & opportunities
* Staffed by a Qualified Early Years Teacher and Early Years Teaching Assistants
* Providing imaginative playful Early Years Foundation Stage (EYPS) provision for children in a
caring nurturing environment as they begin their learning journey
To request an application pack or for further information, please contact:
Hordle CE Primary School
E-mail: hen@hordleprimary.co.uk Website: www.hordle.hants.sch.uk
Serving the communities of Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton
Community SpeedWatch is an initiative by Hampshire Constabulary to increase awareness about the
dangers of speeding.
The scheme will be managed by the police local Safer Neighbourhood teams but run by volunteers.
Volunteers will use equipment that can monitor the speed of passing traffic and record the details, later
adding them to a database. Vehicle checks will be undertaken by the police and letters will then be sent
to the registered keepers advising them of the speed and reminding them of why it is a community concern.
We are now recruiting volunteers
Members of the community need to become Police Support Volunteers and be vetted before joining a
SpeedWatch scheme.
Still interested, if you are, do you think this can work in Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton? Please contact Hordle
Parish Council to register your interest in becoming a volunteer.
A meeting will be held at the end of September for all volunteers to take this initiative forward.
The Council Office, Vaggs Lane, Hordle, Hampshire. SO41 0FP
Tel: 01425 611119 e-mail: clerk@hordleparishcouncil.gov.uk
Tiptoe Butterflies Pre-School
Monday to Friday mornings (term time only) 9.15am - 2.15pm
Breakfast & Lunch Clubs also available
St. Andrews Church Hall, Tiptoe
Contact:- The Pre-School Tel:- 07708 991150
Calling all Working Parents and Parents to Be!!!
For the latest childminding vacancies in your area, contact the Hampshire
CIS web site www.hants.gov.uk/childcare or call them Tel:- 0845-602-1125
or contact The New Forest Childminding Group April or Les on
Tel: 01425-612399 or 0786-691-3062
Reverend Paul Taylor
Sundays at All Saints Church, Hordle:
Family Worship
(3rd – Communion, 4th All Age Worship)
Morning Prayer
(1st, 3rd, 5th), Communion (2nd, 4th)
Evening Prayer
(2nd, 3rd, 5th), Communion (1st)
4th Sunday
Informal worship in Memorial Hall
Kids Groups
1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays
Sundays at St. Andrews Church, Tiptoe:
Family Worship
(2nd & 4th Sunday)
(1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday)
Junior Church
Every 2nd & 4th Sunday
For more details, weekly activities and special events,
see our website www.hordle-church.hampshire.org.uk
find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/HordleParishChurch
Church office, open 9.30am – 12noon every weekday.
Remembrance Sunday 9th November
A Service of Remembrance will be held at the Hordle War Memorial at
10.00am to remember those who gave their lives for our country in the 1st and
2nd World Wars and all conflicts since then. The Standard of the Hordle
Branch of the Royal British Legion will be carried as well as those from the
Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies in the village.
This will be followed by a Service of Remembrance in the church when a two
minute silence will take place at 11.00am followed by the Last Post.
The evening service at 6.30pm will be in remembrance of those in our village
community who have died in the last few years and their names will be read
You are very welcome to join us at any of these services.
Ruth Lambe
Royal British Legion
Royal British Legion Hordle Branch
Did you know if you support the aims of the RBL
you can now become a Member?
All meetings at 7.30pm at the Pavilion, Vaggs Lane, Hordle
Come and Join in - Visitors Very Welcome
Hon. Secretary:- Mrs.R.Lambe,29 Acacia Road, Hordle, LYMINGTON. S041 0YG
E-mail:- trevorandruth@sky.com
Hordle & District Twinning Association
Hordle & Yerville
More information contact:- http:/www.hordle-twinning.co.uk
Tiptoe Chatty Arts
Meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, 7 - 9 p.m.
at St. Andrews Church Hall, Tiptoe. Cost of £4 per evening which includes refreshments.
We are an informal art/ craft group who meet to enjoy doing our work in a relaxed
atmosphere with like minded people.
Scarecrow Competition Winners
Individual Class: “Cleopatra” Miss Walker of Everton Road
Business Class: “Ken Dodd” by Sue & Madeline at the Everton Road Post Office
Junior Class: “I’m a celebrity eating challenge” the Phillips Children of Ashley Lane
Bob Hartstone thanks everybody who built scarecrows and all who took the time to judge them
Making Short Films
Do you have a Video Camera or Camcorder and would you be interested in
forming a small group of three or four to meet once or twice a month
to swap ideas and possibly make short films.
If interested Ring Jim on Mobile: 07746 757773.
Hordle Photographic Club
Club meetings take place in All Saints Church, Hordle at 7pm on the
second and fourth Monday of the month unless otherwise announced.
The club welcomes new members of all levels and likes to help
people who are new to the hobby.
Further details can be obtained from the Secretary Alan Baker Tel:- 01425 613550 E-mail:- cillan@btinternet.com See the website:
For details of future meetings.
Village Fair Report
This year is looking like our best attended Fair, for which we thank you for your continued support. Our
thanks go to Jo Kent of BBC South for agreeing to open the Fair and judge the Dog Show. We had more
attractions and side stalls along with many and varied Groups and Associations. The choir “Encore” on
only its second outing enthralled us. The Owl man wonderfully describing the ways of these wonderful
birds, I am told the cider was 7% and the tea was hot. The weather was on our side once again, just as
well as the Spitfire, Vulcan and American B 27 flew over. A grateful thanks to all who stayed after the close
of Fair to take down the marquees and store the equipment. This yearly Fair could not happen unless our
band of HCA members gave of the time over many months. I have tried to cover as many activities as
space allows.
No captions this year
just more pictures
In closing, we hope you enjoyed the afternoons entertainment. We would like to thank
Hordle Parish Council for the free use of the
sports field. If you saw a man towing a trailer
with an old grey tractor or running around
fixing things, it was Paul Dennis the Parish
Council handyman, a title not large enough for
all the help given to the HCA before and on the
day. The HCA Festival Committee has already
started the planning for the 2015 Fair.
Continuing from May
local interests and businesses,
application was supported by
local residential neighbours,
was open fenced storage, could see no environmental reasons
to object. The Chairman advised that the Council had tried in the
past to promote the site as an industrial site and were at odds
with the view of the NFDC over this. In asking Dist Cllr Tinsley for
his views going forward, Dist Cllr Tinsley assured of his support,
stating would be adding this on seeing the Council Minutes. The
Council voted unanimously for Parish option 3 – We recommend
Permission, with the added comment of “but also recommend
the application go to committee for decision”.
6. Review of representation on or work with external
bodies and arrangements for reporting back.
6a. Representatives on outside bodies – See attachment.
6b. Working parties – See attachment.
The Clerk requested that should an item raised in an outside
body/working party meeting require a decision, this be reported
in time to be publicised on meeting agendas.
7. Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment. – Clerk reported this was reviewed
in detail in the summer of 2013. Was then agreed
8. Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance
cover in respect of all insured risks. – Clerk advised was
reviewed as above and was satisfied that were properly insured.
Was then agreed.
9. Review of Risk Assessment and Management – Agreed.
10. Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies. – Current membership as follows:SLCC; NALC; HALC with HR Facility; Playing Fields Association; NFDC GIS Partnership; Data Protection through Information Commission and LRC Magazine. Agreed.
11. Review the Council’s complaints procedure. – Agreed.
Reviewing the Council’s Procedures for handling requests
made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the
Data Protection Act 1998. – Clerk advised Council currently
don’t have one only a publication & fee document. Cllr Bown
volunteered to research requirements and then draft a procedure. Action Cllr Bown
13. Review the Council’s policy for dealing with the
press/media – Agreed.
14. Setting the dates, times and place of ordinary meetings
of the full Council for the year ahead. Clerk advised dates had
been set to December 2014; this was to agree the remainder of
the Council year to April 2015. Requested that the Parish Assembly be moved to a date in March to assist with staff workload
in April and May. This was unanimously agreed.
The Chairman suggested reviewing the necessity of having two
meetings per month and whether this could be reduced to one.
Cllr Pepper pointed out the potential implications this could have
on hearing Planning Applications. Cllr Warne Holland observed
these could be heard by a Planning Committee rather than full
Council, Cllr Meads stated was against committees and considered should stick with the two meetings per month. Cllr Warne
Holland backed this view adding that it helped to keep in
touch and was working efficiently, could be reviewed
again at a later date. The Chairman also asked for views on
holding meetings at Tiptoe and Everton, pointing out had not
been well attended in the past. Cllr Horne suggested keeping
current venue, whilst being flexible if an issue arose that particularly affected the other villages.
To agree amenity planting maintenance at Yerville Gardens
and Charnock Close –
The Chairman explained that the original idea had been to
employ Redcliffe Gardening on an as required basis at an
agreed daily cost on Clerk’s instruction. Cllr Meads had approached him with the idea of setting up a residents gardening
club to manage the area with some support from the Parish
Council. However, in the short term was looking for approval
Hordle Parish Council
for the Clerk to utilise Redcliffes whilst Cllr Meads got the
gardening club set up. Cllr Meads outlined her hopes for
the gardening club and expressed the view that it could
happen quite quickly so did not see the necessity of using
Redcliffes. Cllr Bown voiced concerns over this stating
that it would be better to use Redcliffes to maintain the
beds until the gardening club was up and running, both
Cllrs Warne Holland and Sambrook agreed with Cllr
Bown. Was agreed to go ahead with Redcliffes until
gardening club in place. Action Cllr Meads
18. To receive Councillors reports and questions to include
representatives on outside bodies and working parties. –
Cllr Bown stated had reported overgrown hedge on Sky End
Lane to HCC Highways. Had attended NFALC meeting with Cllr
Cllr Meads reported children from Hordle Primary had attended
Nursery in Hordle Lane on St George’s Day.
Cllr Sambrook reported that the path at the Heath Road entrance to Dudley Avenue Open Space was now deep mud and
causing problems. Clerk replied still waiting on input from HCC
drainage engineers, but may have to consider putting in a
raised path to solve the problem.
Cllr Horne reported attending New Forest Consultative Panel;
topics included a presentation on the effect of the winter storms
on Hampshire; NFNPA cycling code update and presentation on
the New Forest river restoration project. Observed that Silver
Street was closed and would be for 5 weeks whilst work was
carried out on the Gordleton Mill Bridge. White Lines at the top
of Vaggs Lane had not yet been reinstated – had reported to HCC. Asked if Parish Council had applied for Sports
Event Grant? Clerk advised had applied, but was unsuccessful as age group did not meet criteria. Reminded
Cllrs of the Annual May Fayre on Tiptoe Green on Sunday 11th May. Cllr Pepper reported Tiptoe was now set up with
a web page and twitter feed covering both the village and Tiptoe
Hordle Primary School over worries about the parking issues at
the school and was asking for the Parish Councils help. One of
Continued page 19
Full transcripts of Council meetings available on www.hordleparishcouncil.gov.uk/council minutes
Hordle Short Mat Bowling Club
The Club meets Monday evenings between 7.00pm—9.00pm
At the All Saints Church Memorial Hall, Hordle Lane.
For more information:- Jim Thomas Tel:- 01425 626110
Hordle Village Cricket Club
Home Ground:Hordle Recreation Ground, Vaggs Lane, Hordle.
Hon. Secretary:Charles Baker, 19 Yerville Gardens, Hordle S041 0UL
Family Fun Evening Around Hordle
S. Holmes Reports
Watching the weather, it did not look good for an evening of wandering around seeking clues. How
wrong can one be, 15 family teams ignored the weather to hunt for the 25 clues set by Ken Aitkin.
Teams were given alternative A or B routes so one did not
follow the previous team. Some 40 minutes later, the first
out were arriving back with their somewhat soggy answer
sheets. While waiting, Ken had been busy cooking hot
dogs and hamburgers ready to warm the body, after they
returned, Sue Williamson and Penny Lovelace served
Tea and Coffee to all.
With us settled, the totting up of correct answers began
with Ken Atkin taking no nonsense regarding spurious
answers. The winning team of Sheila & Bob May and
Claire & Brian Vincent scored
21, and received the tin of chocolates, they were then kindly
offered round to all.
All gave a hand clearing up and
then off home, by the amount of laughter
heard, a good time was had by all. Ken
can draw another feather for his cap.
Dave Evans is pictured for trying to offer a
winning paper that looked more like a wet,
torn, smudged failed origami project.
Naughty naughty David.
Boules (Petanque)
A small group of enthusiasts play boules all year round,
every Tuesday and Saturday at 2 pm (1.30 pm during winter months)
at the Recreation Ground Vaggs Lane Hordle.
It is all about some good spirited fun. We would welcome a few new people, be it regular or
irregular (and we do have spare sets of boules for beginners).
Just show up if you are interested or give Rinus a call 01425-617480 or
E-mail:- postmaster@rinuskoop.plus.com
Hordle Voluntary Care Group
Covering Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton
0845 388 9063
Can we help you?
Do you need to get to a medical appointment?
Hordle Voluntary Care Group would like to help you. We will pick you up from home, take you
to your appointment and return you to your home afterwards. We also provide transport
for relatives to visit in-patients if they are unable to get to the hospital using
public transport and to the 'bathing service' available in our area
All you need to do is call our Coordinator, Margaret on 0845 388 9063
Please leave a message if she is not available to answer the phone and she will get back to you.
Please give as much notice as possible as this is more likely to enable us to find a driver for you.
If you are unable to use a ‘bus pass’ you may be eligible for Travel Vouchers from
Hampshire County Council. You can use these for our service, for more
information call Margaret on the above number.
Can you help us and those in our community?
Are you looking to help in your local community?
We would like to increase our driver pool so we can help more people to get to their
medical appointments. If you can spare a couple of hours a week then
we would be very pleased to hear from you.
For more information please contact: Ian Chislett-Bruce
Tel: 01425 614174 e-mail: hordle.care@btinternet.com
Tel:- 01425 614174 or E-mail:- hordle.care@btinternet.com
Sunflower Competition Winners
Tallest Plant
12 ft
Grown by
Keith McIntyre
Prettiest Bloom
Grown by the
Dunstan family
Friendship Group for adults with learning difficulties
Sports Pavilion, Vaggs Lane, Hordle, SO41 0FP
WEDNESDAY 10am – 1pm - £3.00 entry
meet with friends and have fun!
includes tea, coffee, biscuits and a variety of activities such as bingo, craft, outdoor games and more.
Contact Ryan Mullen e-mail: ryanmullenuk@yahoo.co.uk
Hordle Gardening Club
Meetings held at W.I. Hall, Ashley Lane, Hordle
4th Friday in each month at 7.30pm (except August and December) Guests £3.00
For more information contact:
Ken 01425 622375
Sheila or Mike 01425 610171
Hordle Gardening Club
Recent Club Events
Twenty Club members and friends had a lovely evening in the ‘railway garden’ of Susan and David
Fleetwood for a ‘steam up’ and American style supper. Many thanks to Susan and David for their kind
Our recent visit to Abbotsbury Swannery and Sub-Tropical Gardens was very enjoyable and we were able
to witness the feeding of many hungry swans and to hear some very interesting facts about their life in the
sanctuary, including the segregation of swan families from others in the interest of safety.
The nearby gardens were a joy to behold with a huge variety of recently planted and mature specimen
trees and shrubs, as well as a spectacular viewpoint overlooking the entire length of Chesil Beach.
Gardening Jobs for September
Harvest vegetables & fruit regularly, freeze excess.
Keep hoeing & weeding.
Feed tomatoes weekly, pick out the side shoots.
Water & feed your containers regularly.
Dead head faded flowers to keep blooms producing more buds.
Mow the lawn regularly.
Above all, enjoy the sunshine and relax in your garden.
Plant Sales
Items for sale are always welcome. See Bob for more information.
September 26th Meeting
John Dennis from Wessex Orchid Society has kindly volunteered to talk to us . He will give us an insight
into the world of orchids. Get your questions ready.
Saturday 18th October.
Once again our Club members are invited to Exbury Gardens )free entry) to view this year’s Nerine
Exhibition, hosted by Nicholas de Rothschild and our “old” friend Roy Prior. We will be circulating an
attendance list in September, but contact Ken at any time to reserve a place.
For more information about the club:Tel - Mike 01425 610171 or Ken 01425 622375
Hordle Allotment Association
Membership of Hordle Allotment Association is open to all who wish to become
allotment holders in Hordle Parish (covering Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton).
For more information about the Association please contactSue on Tel:- 01425 612351 or E-mail:- HordleAllotments@googlemail.com
Mary Ann Clouting was born in Little Glernham in Suffolk in 1827, her father being a farmer. She was
married at the age of 20 to a seaman George Stanton Girling and
they had ten children although eight died in infancy.
Mrs. Mary Girling was rejected by the Methodists, so she set up a
new religious sect known as the "Children of God " and left Suffolk to
go to south London with her followers. She initially fell in with the
Peculiar People of Plumstead and preached to them there. She soon
fell out with them when she began claiming her own divinity, and she
withdrew from their circle taking many of their followers with her.
Girling's mission began operating from a railway arch near the
Walworth Road, where she preached excitedly before crowds of
several thousands, which led to the nickname "the Jumpers of
Walworth, attacked by hostile mobs in London. In January 1872, she
moved with her disciples to New Forest Lodge, Vaggs Lane, Hordle,
the house which was partially paid for by one of the followers Julia
Wood, the remainder being mortgaged. 160 believers gathered
there, cultivating vegetables and worshipping.
They were prohibited from sexual activity, as well
as from economic transactions. They proceeded
to farm the land, but Girling forbade the sect to sell
either their produce or their labour. The mortgage
remained unpaid and on a bitterly cold night of
December 1874, in the rain, sleet and snow, 60
women, 35 men and 45 children were evicted. All
the furniture was left along a half mile stretch of the
road. It included 3 pianos, 77 beds, boxes of eggs,
butter and vegetables valued at about £1,000 and
worthless by the end of the night. They were aided
by the political philosopher Auberon Herbert, who
gave them temporary shelter on his estate in nearby Ashley. Other prominent sympathisers of their
plight included liberal politician William Cowper, and local eccentric and spiritualist Andrew Peterson. By
February 1875, they had returned to Hordle, camping in a field near New Forest Lodge. They were
evicted in 1878, but a local landowner gave them a field in nearby Tiptoe where they set up camp. After
this, the sect faded from national prominence. The census of 1881 records 64 people were encamped in
the field, but by 1886 the community was reduced to 12 women and 8 men.
Mother Girling, as she was called, was tall for a women, she had bright piercing eyes and a pleasant
voice. She dressed in a coarse white smock over a pair of white trousers with a frill around the bottom,
she wore a white bonnet, tied with a bow and carried a muff. All her followers were under Mother Girling's
rule rather than that of their parents. They were all called her sons and daughters, even though some
were older than she. According to the census they "Preferred to Live by Faith" which pleased the people they
worked for on the land as they did not wish to be paid, but
was not popular with anyone who supplied them with
Mother Girling was fifty-nine when she died from uterine
cancer on 18th.September 1886. At her funeral her disciples were dressed in white. A plaque on the side of All
Saints Church records the fact that she is buried there.
Twelve of her followers are also buried in unmarked
Andrew Tinsley.
Hordle Parish Council
Continuing from May
the potential answers lay with parking provision tied in with
affordable housing plans and as an adjunct to this had been in
contact with the landowner
Cllr Warne Holland reported had attended the Twinning Association visit to Yerville, had been well looked after and was a very
enjoyable weekend. Also that the Chairman of the association
was keen to explore possibilities of setting up a further twinning
with a village in Northern Italy.
Cllr Ironside reported Cllr Bowring still not well, but out of
hospital and currently in nursing home and that the previous
Clerk, Dane Thomas was in hospital. The damaged fences at
Everton Pavilion had now been replaced and secured. Had
been contacted by the Head of landowner re the possibility of
extending the land purchase for housing development. Landowner would be happy to work with the council, however would
need to get appropriate NFDC department on board. Reported
that the HCA were now very keen to take over all responsibility
for Hordle Pavilion by leasing it from the Parish Council, this
being the first steps to it becoming a community centre. The
HCA would be discussing at their AGM, followed by a formal
proposal being brought to the next Council meeting. Asked if
Cllrs had any concerns or wanted clarification on any points,
they were raised prior to that meeting. Confirming to Cllr Warne
Holland that the HCA AGM took place before the next council
meeting, Cllr Ironside pointed out that as both parties were
heading in the same direction for the first time was keen to
ensure Cllrs happy with the proposals before it.
19. Reports by County and District Councillors. – Dist Cllr
Tinsley endorsed Cllr Warne Holland’s report on the twinning
visit adding that there had been engagements with the Village
Mayor and requesting that the Parish Council look to do similar
events on the Yerville visit next year. Cllr Ironside observed
would be only too happy to help.
To confirm annual return – Clerk explained amendments to
Annual Return to show precept and other receipts from NFDC,
plus a correction of £4.99. Acceptance was proposed by Cllr
Warne Holland, Seconded by Cllr Sambrook – Vote unanimous
in favour. The end of year bank reconciliation was also confirmed, total amount of £134,972.20.
To received and confirm year end accounts and ear marked
reserves. – Year End Accounts - Clerk reported had under
spent budget by £13,000 as shown in the differences column.
This was due to a number of reasons – receipt of small business
rates relief, elections budget not required, reduction in maintenance work due to purchase of new equipment. Ear Marked
Reserves – Chairman reported £25,000.00 in Pavilion budget,
£23,000.00 in Dudley Avenue open space budget, £600.00
grants from District / County Cllrs. Clerk reported Dudley Avenue
benches were on order and would expend this grant funding.
Chairman advised there was a further £14,500.00 from ENECO.
Proposed to hold as Open Spaces budget to include refurbish-
ment of the War Memorial – Anniversary Year and work at
Golden Hill. Clerk reported had been in contact with a number of
stone masons re the work on the names on the Memorial;
however was becoming more and more difficult to get a mason
to attend on site, so an alternative to the carved names may be
the way forward. Was suggested that the Royal British Legion
be approached to discuss ideas. Proposed Cllr Meads; Seconded Cllr Sambrook; Vote in favour. – Unanimous.
To confirm virements – Chairman explained this was to confirm that individual overspent budget headings were met by
under spent headings as the overall budget was a net under
spend overall suggested acceptance of a block virement. Proposed Cllr Meads; Seconded Cllr Warne Holland; - Vote in
favour. – Unanimous.
To confirm Heads of agreement for the Hordle Community
Association to manage the Hordle Sports and Community Pavilion; pending drawing up of a formal legal document. The Chairman gave a brief history of the reasons, the setting up of the joint
working party and how the basis of the agreement had been
reached. The agreement had been accepted by the HCA and if
was accepted by Council would then go to a Solicitor to be
converted to a legal document. The following were raised during
the subsequent discussion: - Income / Running Costs share;
Concerns over the ability of the HCA to manage the facility; what
was the position should the HCA find they were unable manage
successfully. The Chairman advised that two Cllrs would be
asked to join the management committee and that he considered that the HCA were the right vehicle to turn this into a
community facility and were keen to get on with it. The agreement was for 12 months with a clause that could be handed
back to Parish Council if could not manage it. However the best
way was to let the HCA get on with it as soon as possible. Was
proposed by Cllr Warne Holland, Seconded Cllr Sambrook, Vote
in favour – Unanimous.
Correspondence and Clerks report –
1. Letter received from property neighbouring Honeysuckle Gardens regarding poor state of the fence.
2. Email received from a local resident regarding appalling dog
poo situation in the village and dogs not on leads.
3. A local litter pick volunteer has sent in details of the route she
is undertaking and contact details at the NFDC for help and
4. New forest cycling Liaison Group (through NFALC) have
completed its work on the Charter for Cycling Event Organisers.
Any feedback by end of this month.
5. The Planning Inspectorate has accepted an application made
by Navitus Bay Development Ltd. Any representation should be
made by 23 June 2014.
6. Temporary Road closure notice for Ashley Lane between
Vaggs and Laurel Close. Period of closure from 2nd June
for 18 months (works estimated as 3 days)
Full transcripts of Council meetings available on www.hordleparishcouncil.gov.uk/council minutes
Hordle CE Primary School
As part of our Up, Up and Away topic we held a very exciting Parent Learning Event all about kites.
The parents helped the children to design and build Japanese Flying Fish Kites.
“It was great reading the story with the microphone”
“It was great to make the kite with my mummy”
“I enjoyed sticking eyes and scales on my fish kite”
Women's Section Royal British Legion
Hordle Branch
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month,
at W. I. Hall, Ashley Lane, at 2. 00 pm.
When we have Quizzes, Speakers and Entertainment
Visitors are always most welcome.
The Hon. Secretary:- Mrs. M Montgornery Tel:- 01425 621169
'Call & Go'
Previously known as New Forest Dial - a - Ride
New Forest Coastal Towns
What is Call & Go?
Is a door to door service for anyone who finds it difficult or impossible to use ordinary bus services
or lives more than 400 metres from a Bus Service
Call & Go offers a Mini-bus Service from your home to the shops.
We operate to Lymington Tuesday mornings and New Milton on Friday mornings.
For more information or to Register or Book this Service :Tel:- 0845 6034 326 (local call) 9.00am -12 noon Monday to Friday
Call & Go is funded by Hampshire County Council & New Forest District Council
Hordle & District Twinning Association www.hordle-twinning .co.uk
Monday 10 November 2014
7.00 for 7.15 pm
“Flare Path”
by Terence Rattigan.
Directed by Ruth & Peter Wagstaffe of Lymington Players
and performed just for us.
Falcon Hotel 1941 and RAF bomber crew plan a rare weekend with their wives. But things
don’t quite go to plan! Based on Rattigan’s own RAF experience in WWII. Powerful stuff!
Tickets £12 including drinks & nibbles with the Players! Selling quickly. First come first served
so don’t miss out! Why not get a group of friends together & order now?
Post show drinks & nibbles in the Fuller McLellan Hall.
Tickets are now on sale! Download the form from the website
or call Franco on 01425 617328.
Hordle Flower Club
Meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
At the Pavilion, Vaggs Lane, Hordle 7.00 for 7.30pm
Admission: Members £1, Visitors £5.00 (including refreshments)
Chairman Janet Beith 01425 638700
Secretary Marlene Keeble 01425 614029
Contact:- Kay Spreadbury Tel:- 01425 615605
Barbara's story update
Last edition we highlighted just how quickly the village loses some of its interesting older housing stock,
and just as quickly, Sky End Lane’s horizon changes with the new.
Barbara St. John
Everton Rambling Club
Tel:- 01590 642848 E-mail:- evansdjee@aol.com
Hordle Women’s Institute
Meet the first Tuesday of every
month usually at the WI Hall at 2.15pm.
New members and visitors are always welcome. Why not try it, come along
and see what we do
Also we arrange a pub lunch most months. Have a craft group each Monday,
Scrabble Club 2nd and 4th Thursday afternoon, go on outings and take
part in many other Federation and National WI events
For further information please contact the Secretary Ros Merriman Tel: 01425 616305
The Hordle Village Design Statement - VDS - Public Consultation
Many readers will be aware that the above document is now well into the six week period
of a Public Consultation, lasting from 22nd August to 3rd October and will also have seen
the official posters on the parish and community notice-boards.
What does this mean? The final draft document, having been approved by Hordle
Parish Council, is now the subject of a joint consultation between New Forest District
Council and New Forest National Park Authority. The draft document is now proposed as
being suitable for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document by the Local
Authorities but is subject to received comments during the 6 weeks of the Public Consultation.
Who may comment? In addition to a list of Statutory Consultees, held by the Local Authorities, anyone
may comment on the contents of the document.
What happens next? All comments received, are in this case, to be logged by New Forest District
Council and at the end of the Public Consultation, the Local Authorities together with Hordle Parish
Council, will decide which of the comments should be taken into account.
How to view the draft document:New Forest District Council website:
New Forest National Park Authority’s website:
Hordle Parish Council website:
For those without access to the internet, hard copies may be viewed at:New Forest District Council reception, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA
(during normal office hours).
New Forest National Park Authority offices, Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road,
Lymington, SO41 9ZG (during normal office hours).
Hordle Parish Council Office, The Pavilion, Vaggs Lane (during normal office hours).
Hordle Post Office.
Everton Post Office.
Tiptoe Community Group (Wednesday mornings).
How to make comments on the document:
Comments should be sent to: Policy and Plans Team, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court,
Lyndhurst SO43 7PA or e-mail: policyandplans@nfdc.gov.uk by 5pm on Friday 3rd October 2014. Written
comments may also be delivered to the Parish Council Office where they will be scanned and transmitted
electronically to the District Council.
In every case please include your contact details so that you may be updated, and note that all comments
will be publicly available.
When will the document be adopted? This will be following approval by the NFDC Cabinet, meeting
on 3rd December and NFNPA Council, meeting on 22nd January, 2015. The Local Authorities will then
assume ownership of the document.
It is interesting to note that the projected date of adoption for the VDS means the duration of the project
will have been five years, somewhat longer than originally contemplated. There are many and complex
reasons for extrapolation among them being staff changes, other priorities and staffing cuts at the Local
Authorities. However, as the document emerges, and taking in the context of our natural environment,
history and local distinctiveness, the guidelines and recommendations should prove to be useful aids to
planners, for those seeking to develop land, businesses, and build-on extensions by enhancing the local
living environment in accord with the wishes of our villagers for years to come.
The Working Party for the Parish Council, a body formed from councillors and members of the public and
responsible for producing the VDS, would acknowledge and thank the residents of the Parish for helpful
comments and contributions many have made during the document’s compilation.
Ken Wells
Completion of May reports.
Redcliffes Gardening Services now unable to do amenity beds
maintenance at Yerville / Charnock. In view of the situation with
Redcliffes, the Chairman invited Cllr Meads to give an update
on the Yerville / Charnock gardening club. Cllr Meads advised
eight volunteers had shown interest so far, the next step was to
arrange a local meeting to come up with plans and ideas prior
to bringing back to Council. Clerk advised would need an understanding of what work the club would and would not be doing to
enable work by parish council. Cllr Meads queried insurance
cover, Clerk advised that volunteers are covered under the
parish council insurance. Chairman suggested either Clerk or
Handyman attend first meeting to advise and answer queries.
15. Chairman’s report – Chairman reported had visited Dudley
Avenue open space and found the whole area to be a sea of
buttercups, cow parsley and daisies. Had walked the entire
perimeter and was pleased to report had not spotted any signs
of dog fouling. The grass was quite high (of the meadow area)
and possibly the cut should be brought forward. The area was
developing into a beautiful spot.
16. To receive Councillors reports and questions to include
representatives on outside bodies and working parties. –
Cllr Bown reported attending NF Quadrant meeting – main
topics had been concerns over the affect on the landscape of
the Navitas Bay Cable Route, as Golden Hill was designated as
ancient woodland there would be requirement to tunnel under it
therefore having minimal impact on the sites trees. Cllrs queried
if same would apply to Brakehill Copse or would be left with large
treeless swathe? The NFNPA Tree Officer had also attended
and had been asked by several Quadrant members to make
Officers Comments available to Councils before request to
comment. Not keen but requested to investigate by Quadrant
Cllr Still reported had been again approached by member of
public to have a bench close to bus stop on Everton Rd. Was
accepted previous position unsuitable, other sites suggested all
on HCC Highways land, Clerk to investigate possibilities with
Highways dept. and report back.
Cllr Meads reported would be holding an Open Spaces working
party meeting once Yerville / Charnock Gardening Club in place.
Cllr Sambrook reported a number of hedges were already
obstructing footpaths in Parish, Chairman asked Cllr Horne to
get an article in HCA newsletter about this. Office could send
letter to householders upon request from Cllrs.
Cllr Warne Holland reported that Chair of VDS working party
was once again having problems in getting meetings with the
NFDC to resolve final issues. Was proposing to once again
enlist Dist Cllr Tinsley’s assistance to get it moving. Dist Cllr
Lovelace offered assistance as well.
Cllr Horne reported the Tiptoe Green May Fayre had fallen foul
of weather and had to move to the Jireh Hall and grounds.
Reported Tiptoe Green Management plan was currently being
rewritten – had personal concerns about the dog faeces collection arrangements and asked about installation of a dog bin.
The Chairman advised that this had bee offered to the trust
before and declined, however Cllr Horne was welcome to raise
this with the trust again.
17. Reports by County and District Councillors. – Cllr Lovelace queried when the Dudley Avenue benches were due to
arrive – Clerk advised 2-4 weeks. Re affirmed intention of giving
part of this years grant for work at Dudley Avenue Heath Road
entrance and asked to be advised of costs once received, as
would assign any remaining funds for use by the HCA at the
Pavilion. Reported had been working with County Cllr Thornber
on the Highways issues affecting the Parish and surrounding
Hordle Parish Council Meetings for September to November 2014
September 2nd, 16th. ~ October 7th, 21st. ~ November 4th, 18th.
All meetings are held at the Pavilion, Vaggs Lane, Hordle, starting at 7.30pm but are preceded
by an Open Public Forum at 7.15pm. All meeting are open to the public.
Correspondence should be addressed to:Hordle Parish Council, The Council Office, Vaggs Land, Hordle, Lymington SO41 0FP
Clerk Mrs Susan Whitcher. Tel: 01425 611119 (answerphone) e-mail:
Office administrator Mrs Sue Brayley. Tel: 01425 611119 e-mail:
Caretaker/handyman Mr. Paul Dennis. Tel: 07515 392352 e-mail:
The Council Office is open Monday to Thursday from 10.00am - 12noon. Except Bank Holidays.
A telephone call before visiting would be appreciated.
More information about the Parish Council is available on its NEW website at
My editorial contact details are:- Ken Gould 14 Elizabeth Crescent, Hordle, Lymington SO41 0HP
Tel: 01425 614975 e-mail: kengould10@gmail.com
Printed by Smith & Son of New Milton