Monthly Meeting at Caerlan Hall, 10th May 2016 directly after the
Monthly Meeting at Caerlan Hall, 10th May 2016 directly after the
1 Monthly Meeting at Caerlan Hall, 10th May 2016 directly after the Annual Meeting AGENDA ITEM 1 To receive apologies for absence. AGENDA ITEM 2 To receive Disclosures for Personal Interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Members are requested to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in matters to be considered at this meeting in accordance with the Local Authorities Code of Conduct Order (Wales) Order 2008. AGENDA ITEM 3 Minutes:To confirm and sign the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 12th April 2016. MINUTES of the Monthly Meeting of LLANTRISANT COMMUNITY COUNCIL held at The Caerlan Hall, Llantrisant on TUESDAY 12th April 2016 at 6.30pm. PRESENT: Cllr Allan Matheson (Chair), Cllr Brian Farr, Cllr Gill Morris, Cllr Arlene Moss, Cllr David Nicholas, Cllr Louisa Mills , Cllr Veronica Nicholas, Cllr Paula Yeo, Cllr Julie Barton, Cllr Nicholas Powell and Cllr Ron Hunt together with the Clerk Mrs Alison Jenkins. Members of the Public: Mike John, Cllr Glynne Holmes. 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Jonathan Gilmore, Cllr Paul Baccara. Cllr Matheson welcomed Cllr Mills to the meeting and ensured that she knew everyone present. 2. Disclosure of Interest Cllr Matheson declared an interest in agenda item 5e & 12 Cllr Hunt declared an interest in agenda item 7. Cllr Nicholas declared an interest in agenda item 5e. 3. Minutes The minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 8th March 2016 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 4. Information from the meeting on the 8th March 2016 a. The thank you letter from Teenage Cancer Trust was noted. b. The Clerk’s report on actions from the March meeting was noted. The Clerk drew Council’s attention to the state of play with payments from the Meithrin. It was AGREED that a meeting would be requested with the Meithrin committee and the Scrutiny committee to ensure Council are fully aware of any issues which may 2 affect Meithrin’s ability to pay future invoices. Cllr Hunt requested a response regarding the problems with the delivery lorries in Tynant. It was AGREED to request that it became a PACT priority and to establish if the RCT Traffic Wardens could be made aware of the issue. 5. Pending a. The list of pending matters was noted. Cllr Moss explained that although a decision had been made to plant a memorial tree for Gareth Sevillie, the family had since decided against such a tribute. It was AGREED to donate £200 to Muscular Dystrophy UK in Gareth’s memory. (Local Government Act 2000 ss1-5) b. Cllr G Holmes was in attendance at the meeting and had requested to meet with ward members following the full meeting to agree a way ahead with the pedestrian provision issues in Penygawsi/Cross Inn. c. Members present were extremely pleased to note the response from Tim Philips regarding traffic management at Beddau Halt. It was commented on the role that the Community Council had played in highlighting the issue with RCT. d. The request from the Urdd for funding will be considered with other grant applications in October. e. Cllr Matheson fed back to council on the meeting with Dean Powell from the Town Trust regarding the Community Picnic being held on the Castle Green on Sunday 12th June. It was AGREED to support the event with a financial grant of £500 from the public relations budget, match funding the financial input of the Town Trust, it was further agreed to try and encourage local Community Groups supported by grants from the Council to partake in the day possibly be providing an activity or stall. (Local Government Act 1972 s145) 6. Finance a. The income and expenditure accounts for March 2016 were accepted and approved. b. To accounts for payment for April 2016 were adopted and cheques as listed were signed by Cllr Moss and Cllr V Nicholas. c. It was AGREED to accept the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee regarding adopting new financial regulations and RESOLVED to adopt the New Financial Regulations. 7. Planning a. The planning applications received since the last meeting were noted. b. The amended plans for Ystrad Barwig Isaf were discussed in detail with several members raising concerns regarding flooding, wildlife, GP’s Surgeries, highways access and reality of the adequacy of the new school provision. Clerk and Cllr Barton to write a response. 8. Correspondence a. It was AGREED that Cllr Allan Matheson would attend the Town Trust Annual Court Leet Dinner on the 6th May. b. It was AGREED not to send a representative to the Beddau Scouts AGM on the 19th May. c. It was AGREED to donate £100 from the Chair’s allowance for a young swimmer competing at National level. (Local Government Act 2000 ss1-5) 3 d. It was AGREED to donate £100 from Llantrisant Projects in support of the Queens 90th Birthday Street Party on the Rowan Gardens Estate.(Local Government Act 1972 s145) 7.15pm Cllr Barton entered the meeting e. The request to support “Walk for Life” from Kidney Wales will be considered with other grant applications in October. f. The Welsh Government consultation on Planning Policy: The Historic Environment was noted. g. It was AGREED to adopt the amendments to the Councillors Code of Conduct as notified by the Welsh Government following The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016. h. The statutory guidance from the Welsh Government regarding the Welbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 was noted. Cllr Moss raised the issue of meetings taking place with Talbot Green Community Centre Management Committee and RCT regarding the future of the Community Centre. It was AGREED that Cllr Moss and Cllr Barton would draft a letter to RCT regarding the options for the Community Centres and in particular enquiring how this tied into the aims of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. It was further AGREED to share a petition that Cllr Moss has started on behalf on the Community Centre on the Community Council Social Media pages and Website. i. The Improvement Plan for South Wales Fire and Rescue Services was noted. 9. Provision of Defibrillators in the Community Cllr P Yeo provided information to support the report on supply of, training on and maintenance of defibrillators in the Community. Particular focus was paid on the request for funding from Llantrisant RFC and the original request in 2015 from Talbot Green Police, although it was highlighted that this equipment was needed throughout the community, in schools, sports facilities etc. A detailed discussion took place. Everyone present related to the need for defibrillators however several were reluctant to simply start to pay for machines upon request. It was AGREED to respond to the organisations in question that should they following fundraising activities have a deficit in the funds needed to purchase a defibrillator then a request would be considered by the Community Council. It was also noted that requests for funding could be included in the annual grant application. The suggestion that a charity match day between all ages of the Llantrisant and Beddau Rugby Clubs was voiced to help raise funds for a defibrillator at both clubs. Cllr Yeo also mentions that Dr Gethin Ellis was willing to talk to any interested groups about having a machine at their site. 10.One Voice Wales Council Representatives Cllr Allan Matheson and Cllr David Nicholas agreed to be the 2 representatives for One Voice Wales Area Committees a representative for the Larger Local Council committee was not made. 11.Summer Floral Displays It was AGREED that Social Services will plant the summer baskets. It was further AGREED to appoint delegated power to Cllr Matheson, Cllr Barton, Cllr Moss and Cllr D Nicholas to make a decision as to the allocation of the contract 4 for erecting and removal of baskets and watering and the planting of planters when the additional quotes are received. 12. Health & Safety The local landowner has contacted the office with concerns regarding the boundary of Brynteg Allotments where debris has been dumped in the ditch between the allotments and Gwern-y-moel Isaf Farm. The Clerk has been to the site and this is not a problem which has happened overnight, the debris in the ditch, which does have a small watercourse running in it, has been accumulating over many years. It was AGREED for the allotment committee to meet with the management committee of Brynteg Allotments to address ensuring the problem does not get worse and also to look at ways of clearing the ditch. It was further AGREED to contact Probation Services and Keep Wales Tidy to see if any assistance could be provided with the clearing works. 13. Councillors Items Cllr Lewis requested that the replacement of the section of fencing missing on the Community Route was chased up with RCT. Cllr Mills updated those present on a recent public meeting she had organised in relation to public food gardens she is trying to open on the waste land between Penygawsi Primary School and the base of Llantrisant Leisure Centre. Cllr Hunt made Council aware of a complaint regarding missing fencing on the Green Bridge at the Cwm Coke Works Grounds. Cllr Mills requested how best to support a request from local historians regarding production of a new Ridgeway Walk leaflet. The Clerk agreed to provide Cllr Mills with a recent leaflet on the Ridgeway Walk produced by the Borough Council. The Meeting ended at 8.17pm The Annual Meeting of Llantrisant Community Council will be held on Tuesday 10th May at 6.30pm, Caerlan Hall followed by the May Monthly meeting. Agenda Item 4b 4b 5b Task By Whom Scrutiny Committee to meet with Management Committee from the Meithrin Request delivery lorries PACT priority and contact RCT Traffic Wardens Meet with Cllr Holmes Clerk, Scrutiny Committee Cllr Hunt, Clerk Llantrisant Ward 5 5e 7b 8a 8c 8d 8h 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 Members Contact local Community Groups regarding Clerk, local members picnic. Liaise with Town Trust Respond to planning on Ystrad Barwig Isaf Cllr Barton amended plans Clerk Attend Court Leet Cllr Matheson Send cheque for swimmer Clerk Send cheque for street party Clerk Letter regarding Community Centres to RCT Cllr Moss, Cllr Barton Respond to Llantrisant RFC and police. Cllr Yeo, Clerk Attend OVW Meeting Cllr D Nicholas, Cllr Matheson Meet to confirm contractor for Cllr Matheson, Cllr watering/erection and planting of planters Barton, Cllr Moss and Cllr D Nicholas, Clerk Liaise with Brynteg Management Committee, Allotment Committee, talk to Probation services and Keep Wales Clerk Tidy Contact RCT regarding community route Clerk fence Cheque to Muscular Dystrophy UK Clerk Report missing fence at CPL Clerk Ridgeway leaflet for Cllr Mills Clerk Monthly Accounts, approved for payment April 2016 Payee Name PEAC Ltd UK Fuels Ltd British Gas Xinn Ltd Talktalk Credit Card Petty Cash County Borough Supplies Trustmark Stationery Bullring Stores RCT CBC HMRC RCT CBC RCT CBC £ Total Amount Transaction Detail £253.02 £71.60 £285.80 £10.00 £9.14 £188.03 £22.71 Photocopier rental Diesel Gas Bill - Caerlan Web provision Broadband/Landline Pay credit card Top up petty cash £146.21 Envelopes, labels, dividers Ring binders, paper, post its Newspapers Llantrisant Election NI and Tax Trade waste Caerlan Trade waste Llys y Cwm £27.23 £8.80 £3,487.89 £758.99 £224.90 £224.90 6 Amethyst Plumbers Cwm Rhondda Waste Braceys Leekes RCT CBC CD Liley Staff Pensions RCT CBC RCT CBC Staff Salaries Anghard Stevens Annaliese Beynon Muscular Dystrophy UK Llantrisant Town Trust British Gas Plusnet RCT CBC SSE Cannon Hygiene Cannon Hygiene Natwest £500.00 Flush out heating & fit filter £400.00 £41.10 £18.21 £398.00 £738.00 £1,476.05 £116.55 £441.00 £4,952.89 £100.00 £100.00 Skips Chippings Bulbs, grease No 47 Bus Service Bollards and memorial tree Staff Pensions Rates - Llys y Cwm Rates - Caerlan Staff Salaries RowanGdns StreetParty Donation £200.00 Donation £500.00 £175.66 £12.49 £28.58 £77.30 £198.43 £164.74 £17.00 Donation - Queens Bday Gas Bill - Llys y Cwm Broadband Llys y Cwm Garage rent Electric Bill Llys y Cwm Sanitary/nappy bin Caerlan Sanitary/nappy bin Llys y Bank charges 7 AGENDA ITEM 4 Information from the meeting on the 12th April 2016 a. To consider a letter from RCT regarding Community Facility Operations 8 b. To confirm the arrangements for the summer watering and planting agreed under delegated powers. Councillors with delegated powers AGREED to proceed with Social Services planting the summer planters and C&L Gardening Services to complete the erection/removal of baskets and watering for the summer. c. To acknowledge the Clerk’s report on actions from the April meeting. Community Picnic: Youth Club staff will attend and have a stall to make crowns with children at the Community Picnic, Councillors are encouraged to attend and encourage other members of the Community to attend. 9 AGENDA ITEM 5 Pending a. To receive an update on the footpath by Little Foxes. Additional complaints about the barriers blocking the path have been received. The Clerk is meeting the PROW officer for RCT at the site on the 9th May and hopes to be able to feedback to Council on the 10th. b. To consider any actions required on pending matters. Footpath, The Acre, Llantrisant Grass Verges Dan Caerlan Llantrisant War Memorial Planning permission approved Urinals, Llantrisant Minute Action required By Whom 4c March 2014 Arrange hand over of Music Memorial Clerk to schools 14-Jan-15 Investigate the cost of improving the Clerk length of time data is stored on the CCTV at Llys y Cwm 08-Jul-15 13-Jul-15 10b Oct 15 6c Dec 15 10-Dec-15 10-Dec-15 8b Feb 2016 8c Feb 16 8d Feb 16 4b March 16 05-Mar-16 05-Mar-16 April 4b April 4b Air Cadets to be invited to meeting Mirror for Cross Inn Road Obtain quotes for the reproduction of the Bunny Walk leaflet Thank you letter to Asda and get quotes for work Talk to Community Bus Passengers Investigate grants for Community Bus Consider Llantrisant Christmas Event Book rooms in Premier Inn Arrange a site meeting with Cllr Holmes, update C Owen on situation Meet with Town Trust regarding Big Lunch Install fence Tynant Allotments Liaise with Tynant and other allotments regarding Awards for All funding Scrutiny Committee to meet with Management Committee from the Meithrin Request delivery lorries PACT priority and contact RCT Traffic Wardens Comments Clerk Clerk Clerk The Clerk Cllr Moss The Clerk Events committee Clerk Clerk, local members Local members, Clerk Operative Clerk Clerk, Scrutiny Committee Cllr Hunt, Clerk Letter received Meeting 6pm 10 April 5b April 5e April 7b April 8a April 8c April 8d April 8h Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Meet with Cllr Holmes Contact local Community Groups regarding picnic. Liaise with Town Trust Respond to planning on Ystrad Barwig Isaf amended plans Attend Court Leet Clerk, local members Cllr Barton Clerk Cllr Matheson Send cheque for swimmer Send cheque for street party Letter regarding Community Centres to RCT Respond to Llantrisant RFC and police. Attend OVW Meeting Clerk Clerk Cllr Moss, Cllr Barton Cllr Yeo, Clerk Cllr D Nicholas, Cllr Matheson Meet to confirm contractor for Cllr Matheson, watering/erection and planting of planters Cllr Barton, Cllr Moss and Cllr D Nicholas, Clerk Apr-12 Liaise with Brynteg Management Committee, talk to Probation services and Keep Wales Tiday Apr-13 Contact RCT regarding community route fence Cheque to Muscular Dystrophy UK Report missing fence at CPL Ridgeway leaflet for Cllr Mills Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Llantrisant Ward Members Allotment Committee, Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk 11 AGENDA ITEM 6 Finance a. To confirm the income and expenditure accounts for April 2016. 12 13 14 15 16 b. To receive and adopt the accounts for payment for May 2016. OFFICE Nat West Talk Talk Xinn Ltd Barclaycard Petty Cash Toshiba Auditing Solutions ELITE 31.05.16 10.05.16 08.05.16 10.05.16 10.05.16 05.05.16 10.05.16 10.05.16 STAFFING HMRC Wages Pensions £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 17.00 9.14 10.00 51.71 2.64 37.99 492.00 6.60 10.05.16 NI and Tax (April) 15.04.16 Pay (April) 13.05.16 Pensions (April) £ £ 860.72 4,952.89 24.05.16 15.05.16 15.05.16 10.05.16 JP Windows British Gas Broadband Llys y Cwm Rates - Llys y Cwm Rates - Caerlan New floodlight - Llys y Cwm Repair attic strip light - Caerlan 10.05.16 Repair of office window 19.5.16 Gas Bill - Llys y Cwm £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 12.49 118.00 437.00 132.00 30.00 55.00 133.88 282.18 ALLOTMENTS Cwm Rhondda Skips 10.05.16 Penygawsi - Skip £ 200.00 Alarm Maintenance - Works 10.05.16 Depot £ 84.00 HALLS Plusnet RCT G & C Electrical Bank Charges Broadband/Landline Web Provision Toilet/blue roll Postage Photocopier charges Internal audit - final visit Shredding service OUTSIDE WORK Owl Security PROJECTS RCT CBC No. 47 Bus Service (awaiting 10.05.16 invoice) Swalec 10.05.16 Xmas tree electric supply £ £ 42.52 66.10 TRANSPORT RCT UK Fuels 25.05.16 Garage Rent 06.05.16 Diesel £ £ 28.58 57.42 £ 8,119.86 TOTAL 17 c. To receive and acknowledge the Internal Auditors report for the financial year ended 31st March 2016. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 d. To confirm that the accounting statements on the Annual Return 2015/16. 30 e. To complete the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return 2015/16. 31 32 AGENDA ITEM 7 Planning To consider planning applications received since the last meeting. Beddau Application Ref: 15/1604/10 Application Type: Full planning permission Proposal: Proposed single storey 3 car garage.[GH] Location: FARMHOUSE, CROOKED YARD FARM, LLANTRISANT ROAD, PEN-YCOEDCAE, PONTYPRIDD, CF37 1PY Application Ref: 15/1620/10 Application Type: Full planning permission Proposal: Single storey 3 car garage and garden storage with accessible loft space for a home gym. [GH] Location: FARMHOUSE, CROOKED YARD FARM, LLANTRISANT ROAD, PEN-YCOEDCAE, PONTYPRIDD, CF37 1PY Ty'n y Nant Talbot Green Town (Llantrisant) Application Ref: 16/0305/24 Application Type: Hazardous Substances Proposal: Hazardous Substance Consent Application [PB] Location: UNIT C PUROLITE INTERNATIONAL LTD, LLANTRISANT BUSINESS PARK, LLANTRISANT, PONTYCLUN, CF72 8LF Application Ref: 16/0058/10 Application Type: Full planning permission Proposal: Dropped kerb [KL] Location: 14 CROSS INN ROAD, LLANTRISANT, PONTYCLUN, CF72 8AY 33 AGENDA ITEM 8 Correspondence a. To note the thank you letter from Y Pant Comprehensive School 34 b. To consider the letter from R Griffiths regarding parks in Llantrisant. 35 AGENDA ITEM 9 Forthcoming Conferences - To consider attendance at: a. Annual Joint Conference SLCC & One Voice Wales – 22nd June, Swansea 36 b. One Voice Wales Larger Councils Conference – 6th July, Builth Wells 37 c. Wales Planning Conferences – 9th June, Cardiff 38 AGENDA ITEM 10 Council Website To note the forthcoming release of the new Community Council website. 39 AGENDA ITEM 11 Request for a new Bench To consider a request for a new bench, alongside the A4119 between Tesco and Matalan. AGENDA ITEM 12 Bus Shelters a. To consider using some of the 2016/17 street furniture budget to replace the existing hard standing and raised curbs for the bus shelter from the terminus at Gwaunmiskin and purchase a new shelter. Complaints have been received regarding the existing base. It is made up of paving slabs, a couple of which are sticking up, the whole base is on a slope and the area surrounding the shelter is in bad repair. The ideal solution would be to rip out the existing patchwork of materials and replace with a proper level bus hard standing with kerbs to accommodate access to buses for disabled/push chair users. b. To consider using some of the 2016/17 street furniture budget to provide a bus shelter at Cross Inn. This has been requested by a local resident. The bus stop is used by people waiting to get the bus to Talbot Green, the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Maerdy. AGENDA ITEM 13 Health & Safety To receive and update on any Health and Safety issues since the last meeting. There have been no health and safety issues that the Clerk has been made aware of since the last meeting. AGENDA ITEM 14 Councillors Items To receive any reports from Council members. The next Monthly Meeting of Llantrisant Community Council will be held on Tuesday 14th June at 6.30pm, Caerlan Hall.
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