day of March - Montgomery County
day of March - Montgomery County
#42254-4085-FTS/rn P.O. + 32469-0-MC COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, PENNSYLVANIA CONTRACT FOR GOODS (EQUIPMENT, APPARATUS, ARTICLES, VI]HICLES OR PARTS THEREOF, MATERIALS, SUPPL]ES AND ALL OTHER TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY) PURCHASED BY THE BIDDING PROCESS 17th made this day of March A.D. 200? 8 Berveen the COLINTY OF MONTGOMERY, Pennsylvania, hereinafter called Party of the First Part. This Agreement, and KLENZOID, INC., a Corporation, with principal place Spring Mill Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428 of business at 912 hereinafter called Party ofthe Second Part. WI1NESSETH, that the said Pafy of the Second Part, for and in consideratjon of the payments hereinafter specified and agreed to be made by the Party ofthe First Part to the said Party of the Second Part, hereby covenants and agrees to and r¡.,ith the said Parly of the First Pafi, to fumish and deliver all goods required to be furnished and delivered, being: Furnishing and delivering of various $/ater Treatment Chemicals on an "as needed" basis, and performing inspections and testing for closed and/or open systems in air conditioning and heating for the Public Property Department, for a period of two (2) years, beginning with the issuance of a County purchase order, and in strìct and exact accordance with the bid, specifications and standard contract requirements, lvhich said bid, specihcations and standard contract requirements are hereb-v made a part of this Agreement by reference thereto as fully to all intents and purposes and to the same extent as though herein set out at length. ìt is further agreed that in case any of the said goods fumished and delivered under this contract are rejected by the authorized or proper County Agent as unsuitable or unfit, such goods so rejected shall be removed at once by the said Party ofthe Second Part, and other goods of the proper kind and quality, and fully up to the requirements of this conlracr. fu¡nished in place thereof, to the satisfaction of County Agent, at the cost and erpcnse of the said Party of the Second Part; provided, ho*,ever, that in the event Party of ihe Second Part fails, neglects, or refuses to furnish the replacement therefore within s:ixty (60) days after receipts of witten request so to do, County may purchase said repLacements and Party ofthe Second Part agrees to be liable fo¡ costs thereof. The remedies herein provided shall be in addition to and not in substitution of the rights and remedies which would otherwise be vested in the Party of the First Part under the terms of this Agreement, including those contained in the bid, specifications and standard contract requirements, all of which rights and remedies are specihcally reserved by the Parl¡' of the l'irst Part. Part¡' of the Second Part shall at the time of execution of this contract give such security as shall be required by the County Commissioners to insure Performance of Contract, com¡:liance with Warranties and Guarantees of Party of Second Part, and Maintenance of said equipment, where provided by specifications. - It is agreed that this contract shall not be sublet as a whole nor shall any par1 thereof be assigned o¡ transfened and that no payment, or part payment, which may accrue hereunder shall be assigned. The said Party of the Second Part avers and represents thai no such assignment or transler of said contract has ever been made and that no payment or part payment, which may accrue hereunder. has ever been assigned. It is understood that said averment and representation is a material inducement to the execution of this Agreement by the Party of the First Part. In consideration of the premises, the said Party of the First Part hereby agrees to pay to the Paily of the Second Part for the said goods, the sums or prices set forth in the bid, specifications and standard contract requirements incorporated herein and made a palt hereof by reference thereto. The Pariy olthe Second Pafi agrees to accept checks in payment as gash It is further distinctly understood and agreed that the total amount to be paid for the said goods to be supplied under this contract shall in no event exceed the sum of THE TOI'AL ESTIMATED LUMP SUM PRICE FOR SCHEDULES A & B IòI THE AMOLINT OF SIXTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HLII.IDRED FIFTY ONE ANd ..........(s16,851.34) 34i100........... (PEIì ATTACHED LIST WHICH BECOMES A PART HEREOF) The term "Party of the Second Part", as used in this Agreement, shall be const¡ued to include both singular and plural, and shall be deemed to include each and every of the individuals. co-partnerships and corporations specihcally named above and there designated as "Party of the Second Part". The masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders. 2 SCHEDULEA unlPrice *,u,T.1'113n.u.u. required ,-fLt34 est. gallons required S I 7. o 8 _ x 30 est. gallons required $ î 6- /ô x 15 esf. gallons required $ ?1. /o item #5 -price per gallon-!,-!8 x2l est. gallons required S ( ,3 . 3 6_ Item #ó -price per pound /.3ó x 150 esr. pounds required $ 2¿/.oa Item #7 - price per pound _1,. J 6 x 225 est. pounds required S__ é_O_S=_a>_ 1x Item #2 * price per gallon-2 - 6lx Item #3 -price per gallon !=P3 Item #,{-priceper gallon_),1 7 Item #1 - price per gallon-J-.2 7 est. gallons S 7 76 . õL g 37é . X 2 *75 est.poundsrequired $ 17/. aE x 1350est.poundsrequired S /O 16. 5þ 450 est. pounds required $ /éo (. SO " x 60 est. gallons required 5 l/ /, 6 óx22 est. gallons required S 5 I . 7 i" x 5 esi. quaÍs required S ¡t//c - price p er gallon--lZ ,5 6 x22 esr. gallons required item il9 - price per gallon 5- 88 x 64 est. gallons required Item il8 Item#10-priceperpound-é-,33 Itemjlll-priceper pound - 7 7 Item#12 item É113 Item +14 - ö price per gallon-l=3 price per pound-J,' 1 6 gallon_ Item #15 -price per qùart--l l-C price per Total Estimated Lump Sum Price, Per Year x Trvo (2) Years = - Schedule - .s qì/7, {7 Total Estimated Lump Sum Price 4... s 7 t77,s7 SCHEDULE B Montlrly charge for inspection visits 2 7 8. oo 24 months = " Total Lurnp Sum Price - Schedule 8.........,........ TOTAL ESTIM,ATED LUN{P SUM PRICE -SCHEDULES A & B ......s 7/5J. ot' All interpolations and deletions were made before the signing hereof. The parties hereto bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and successors for the faithful performance of this Agreement. Attest Chief of Cl i Montgomery Co / Li KLENZOID, INC., Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: a Corporation, (SEAL) EA."*7àM. Hannigan, rincipal Green Approved as to Form: Lisa C. William C. Flanagan Bond No. NJC 42302 !i42254-4085-FTS/rn KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, KLENZoTD, rNC., a corporarion, with principal place of business at 912 spring Mill Avenue, conshohocken ,pA lg4zg as PRINCIPAL, and MerchanËs Bonding Company (Mutual) Pennsvlvania, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unro COLNTY OF MONTGOMERY, pennsylvania, and its successors and assigns, as OBLICEE, in the sum of EICIIT TIIOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TwEÑTy FIVD and 67i 100 ($8'425.67) DOi.l,ARS, lawlul moncy of the tJnited Slatcs of Amcrica, lor which paymenr well antl truly to be made' we and each ofus, have hereunto and do hereby succossors and assigns. finnly bind ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, wHEREAS' Principal herein has entered into a contract or agrecmcnt in writing with COUNTy OF MONTGoMERY, for Spec. principal did obtigate itself to '{4085, Water Trcatmcnt Che'micals & Service,whereby fumish all materíals, equiprnent, goods and labor necessary to, in a complete and workmanlike manne¡, do sai<l work, in said contract or agrccm€nt in writing more full¡- set forth. tlre same being fulty incorporated herein by reference with the same force ancl effect as if fully' copied horcin. as NOW TIIE CONDITTON OF TIIIS OBLICATION IS SUCH that ilPrincipal shall rvcll antl lruly do and pcrform all thosc things which he did by said rv¡ittcn con¡ract or agrcernent obligate himselfto do, and shill in all respecrs conrplywiththesaidrccitedcontract,thenthisobligationshall bcvoicl andolnoeffect. Otherrvisetobeandrernain in full force and virtuc. IN WITNESS WHEROF rhc PRINCf PAL and SURD-ì Y have caused this instrument to bc dulv cxccutcd in their and each of their behal'cs, rhis 30th day of January , A.D. ¿tûft 2d08. an<J sealed Witncss: KLDNZOID, NC., (Principal) Ivl. I{annigan, (Witncss to Merchancs Bonding Company (Mutual) (x) ,, '\'.r. i (Surety) \ Br..: (Witness to Surety) Tina Chandler, l,Iitness (Anoìñcy-in-!'act) Kelly A. Caswell, Attorney-in-Fact Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) 'J POWER OF ATTORNEY KnowAll Persons By These Presents, thal the MERCHANTS BoNDING Co[/PANY (l\4UIUAL), a corporation duty organized uncier the ia!','s of the State of lowa, and hâving its principal ofi¡ce ¡n the City of Des Àroinès, counfy of pott, State oitowä, natn maoe, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents mâke, consiitute and appoini Gemma B. Fendler, James D. Toennies, Janet A. Toennies, KeÌÌy A. Casrvell of No¡ristown of and State Pennsylvania iis trLre and lawful Attorney-in-Fact, with fult power and allhority hereby conferred iô its narìe, place and stead, to sign, execule, acknowledge ênd deliver ií its behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligaiions rn the naiure thereof, subject to the tìmitation that êny such inslrgn'ent shall not exceed the amount of THREE MILLIOT* FIvE HUNDRED THOUSAIiD ($3,s00,000.00) DOLLARS and to bind the I/ERCHANTS BONOING COI\TPANY (MUTUAL) thereby as futty aod to the sâme extent as if such bond or undertaklng was signed by the duly authorized offcers of the l\¡ERCHAITS gOllolÑO COlvpANy ([¡UTUAL), and a the acis oi said Attorney-in-Fact, pursuant to the auihority herein given, ¿re hereby ratiied and confìrmed_ ThÌs Power-of-Altorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following Amended Subst¡iuted and Resiated By Laws êdopted by the Eoard of Directors ofthe N'tERcHANrs BoNDlNc conae,lruv ltturùLr; on November i6, 2oo2 ARTICLE ll, SECIION I - The Chairman oi the Board or Presideni or any Vice Presideni or Secretary shall have power anc authority to aPpoint Attorneys in-Fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf ofthe Company, and attach the èeat ofthe Company thereto, bonds and uncjertakings, recognizances, contracts of ìndernnity and other; tings obligatory in the nature thereof. I - The signature of any aulhorized offcer and ihe Seal of the Company may be effìxed by facsirnile Power of Attomey or Certification thereof authoriz¡ng the execution and delivery of åny bond, und".t"king, recognizance, or other suretyship obligat¡ons of the Company, and such signature and seal when s; used sha have the ARTICLE ll, SECTION io any same force and effect as ihough ñanually fixed. ln Witness whereof, À,4ERCHANTS BoNDING coNIPANY (¡.,4UIUAL) has caused these presenis to be signed by its p.esident and jls ccrporate seal 10 be hereto affixed, ihis 6th day , ZAOT of April MERCHANTS BONDING COI\¡1PANY (I!lUTUAL) STAï¿ CF OWA COUNIY OF PCLK ss of April lhis 6th day 2007 , before ñe æpeared Larry faylor, to me personally known who being by rne duly sworn djd say that he ls President of the IUERCHAN IS BONDING COMPANY (lvuTUAL), the corpoÉtion described in the forego-ing'instruméñt, and ihet the Seal afixed to the said inskurnent is the Corporâte Seal of the s¿id Corporatìon and that the said instrument waìs silned and sealed in behâ f on of sêid Corporation by aulho ty of its Board of Directors. ln Testi¡¡ony l,^hereof, hâve hereunto set my hand and affìxed my Offic¡al Seâl at the City of Des l\loìnes, lowa, the dêy and year âbove wriiÌen /t / irst .. - u'V4'ftr/Á 1ort¿//',f lJ Nalary Publ¡c, Palk Counîy, towa STA TE OF IOWA COUNTY OF POLK ss 1, l{4llia.n Wêrnel J. , Secretâry o! the \4E¡CHAN-rS EONDING COMPANy (]V UIUAL), do hereby ce¡tify that the above a¡d foregolng ls a tiue and correct copy of the PowER-oF-ATToRNEY e\ecuted by sard r\.iERCHANTS BoNDiruc cóvenruv i" livurunrl, still in fuiL force and eíred and has not been amended or revoked. "¡"i"¡ ro Wlness 3Ðth ! day /hereof, I hâve hereu¡to set my hand and affrxed the seat of the Company of January o¡ this 2008 Z-A^- 41*."ø Secrctary POA 0001 (1/06) MERCHANTS BONDING CO|llPANY (MUTUAL) F¡NANCIAL STATEMEN'T DECEI\¡BER 31, 2006 (SÌATUIORY BASIS) ASSETS - LIABILITIES AND POLICYHOLDERS' SURPLUS Bonds $ 'Stocks Reêl 16,535,303 fstarè Cash and Shortìerm lnvestments Agents Balances cr UncofJected Reinsurânce Accled 3s,703,936 Premiums Recoverable lrreresL and Dividends Federal lncome Taxes and Ðeferred ìnc Non-QlaliiÌed Other Adrnitted lax LIABILITIES Losses and Loss Adjustment Premiums a AZ(t nc4 Unearned 7362,U2 Dividends 1,033,622 Ceded Reinsurance 13,145,787 Payable {2,938,577) Others 1,475,422 Amounts withheld for 426,371 Reserve lor Commissions, Taxes, Other Liabilrties and 1,595,52i 450,578 Total Plan $ 20,787.337 $ 46,280,577 S 67,067,914 501,225 SURPLUS Assets Asseis 6,473,559 1,035,625 113,693 70,250 Unassigned ToiâlAdmiited Expense S $ 67,067,9f4 Surplus Total Liabilities and Su¡plus * Bonds are stated at amortized or ínvestment value, Stocks at Association tvlarket Vatues .,, - ^''. z ./\ ,/,/-' ¿e¿r'' /,'/4t4 Edwin De Kock.^). Treasurer STATE WORKERS' INSURANCE FUND LAcKAwANNA AVENUE, P.O. BOX sr00 ScR{¡,íToN, PA tSsos-sroo 100 l¿so'fl'¿{lTiübüsrff 570-963-4635 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CertÌficate lssued to: MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOX 31 1 NORRISTOWN, PA 19404 Thìs is to cert¡fy ihat Pol¡cy Number 04363424 issued in the name of: Klenzoid lnc PO Box 389 Conshohocken, PA 19428 Is in force on the date hereof, as follows: Kind of lnsurance: Poiicy Period: Workers' Compensation and Employers Liab¡lity Effective: 1010612007 at 12:01 AM Expiration: 10/06/2008 at 12:01 AM Linlits of Liabil¡ty: Workers' Compensation lnsurance fully complies w¡th the provisÌons of the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act and the Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act as re-enacted. Ernployers Liability lnsurance: Bodily lnjury by Bodily lnjury by Bodily lnjury by Accident $1,000,000 Disease $1,000,000 Disease $1,000,000 Each Accìdent Each Emptoyee pot¡cy Limit Jol¡/Site Memo: Description of Work Covered: 0551 CHEMICAL IVIFG., N. O. C. 0663 PLUMBING 0951 SALESPERSON - OUTSIDE 0953 OFFICE Coverage includes all operations incidental to the bus¡ness of the ¡nsured for pennsylvania ernployees only and includes Pennsylvania employees whose dut¡es require them to go beyond ihe territoriaì I¡mits of the commonwealth as provided by secflon 305.2 of pennsylvania workers' Corìpensation Act as amended. SWlF . POLCTTA STAÎE \üoRKERs' INSURANCE FUND 100 LACKAT ANNA AVENUE, P.O. Box st00 SCR{NToN, PA rSsos-sroo 5'70-9634635 SW¡F CERTIFICATE OF INSURANGE (Continued) 04363424 Klenzo¡d lnc 30-Day Cancellation Clause: In accordance w¡th the procedures for cancellation, the State Workers' lnsurance Fund wilì endeavor to g¡ve 30 days notice before the cancellat¡on becomes effective. However, the pol¡cyholder may cancel forthw¡th without prior notbe to SWIF. lssued: 03/07/2008 Underwr¡ting Division Stat€ Workers' lnsurance Fund copy to: Kenney Agency lnc Klenzoid lnc iiìîil'i¡' SWIF - POLOTTA ¿:r Feb 05 zODA 5:1APH HP LRSERJET FRX tTE (Uti/vDD/fY) ,T EOF LIABILITY iNSU RANCE 01t3l t2008 :OLOR MANAGEME MENT, INC. . I t.7z R, AL 35402-11322 25( 2æ4412 FÐC 25ê355-3070 aFFioRolNG COVERAGE cHErúlcALs, lNc. PA 19,f28 LISTED BËLOW HAVE I CONOMON OF ÀNY C E AFFORDED BY fHE F SIIOWN MÂY HAVÊ gI D. i¡OTWÍTI{STAN OING MAY SË ISSUEÐ OR RESPECTTO WH6H TH¡S CË TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND coNDffroNs oF sucH SOVE FOR THE POLlc'T PÊR¡OI FOR AN IABILITY IS INCLUDÉD FOR THE l\l/cMED INSUREÐ BUT DOES NOT EXTEND TO PROMDE COVERAGE oNLY wlrH REGARD To rHE PRoDUcrs ANDioR nÈî óou-xrv óÊ rvrõr.¡roor,renv ls ÃoDtïoMLINtNsuRED ANY INSTANcE WHERe THE PRoDUcT oF rHË NAMED : ñ¡l¡eó rñêúnÈO. ño covennoe-wr¡-l- APPLY ALTERED OR MODIFIED IÑ ANY WAY. sllOULD ¡¡fY OF D.arE ftìEREoF, fY OF MONTGOMERY {ASING DEPARTMENÎ ox31l ltlE ABO\.Ê Ì€ rssuNc ¡N6LñER v{Lr ENDEÁVoR ro v¡¡t- HE E(FIRATIO} 30 o¡vs wncrrç¡¡ -'HE I-EFI, BUf FÄLURE TO OO SO SIALL NÕÎICÊ fO IHE QERTIFICAÍE HOI-DEF ¡¡AIIEO TO IMPdSÊ ÑO OE}LIGATION OR Iì¡BLIÍY OF A¡ry KND UPOH THE INSURER' IIS ÀG€NTS OR rsrowN, PA 19404 ROSANNE @I FAX 6'1G ACORD 15 ( CAROL E. BROOKS conpom ACORD" OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Th€ Kennev Àc¡encv Inc. öu,t !o!ll-3 Dr¡.v€ Vla¡.Irliûsts! / ÞÀ 1,89? 4 215-444-9350 ONLY A'IÐ CONFERS NO flQLI'ÊR, THIS 3/t2/2008 ]N TI{E I CERTIFICATE AMEND, ÐfiENO OR I1lË PAL|C|E9 BEL9W, CERTIFICÄ.TE ALTÉR THE COVERÀGE AFF KLêf¡z0id¡ Inc. P. t- Eox 389 ConEhohocker¡ ÉÀ 19428 THE POTICIES QF ]NSUÃ,ANÔÉ USIED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSUÊÊÒ NAMEO AEOVE FORfHE FOLICY PERIOO INOICAIEÞ. NOÍW]'TFßTANOING ANY REOUIREME¡TT, TERIi OR CÓNOIÏIÔN ÒF ANY CONTRÂCT OR OfHER ÐOCUMÉNI \!ITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CER]ÌFICA'TE MAY 8E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, T¡.]E INSUR¡¡IÔÉ AÊFÔRDEO BY THE POUCTES DESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SU6JECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLIJSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCI{ POLICìÊS-AcôRÉGAfË LIMITS SHOWN M YHA\,E BEEN REDUCÉD BY PAID CLAI[.+s, COMMERCI}I GEÑEF¡! LIÀB]LITY ' çL,aLvsi.,oE I oa"u" ALLOw¡IED AUTÔS SCIIÊOIJLÉO AUIOS HÌR€D ÀU-TO$ NOIÈOWNEDAUTOS Lhar|nY ÂN j /ÀJro EXÇêss,r.rrJeÂsLLA ll LrÀBrLlfv ocËuR r-l L __lc{ÁrMslrÅDE otorcr,r,¡ I \4oFrxERs coÀtPÉNsa]loNAf¡D I E¡rPLôYÉR9 LrqôIrtl'Y I A Àrf PÀcÞÀeïoÉ,faR-rr€ I oFF,cER'/,JEi¡BEâ R€tÉcurrl'/Ê qc.u€oi County of MÖntgesèr.y Purchèsing D€paËtúent P.0. ¡)0)< 311 Norri8tolrr}, PÀ L 9404 Lo/6/07 SHÒULO OAIE A'IY OF TTIE ÂSOVE QESçRIaEO FOLICIES BE CÀNCËLLEq ÞEFAREÌHE É¡ÊIRÁTION ÌHFE9F, TIIE ISSI]ING INSIJRER !ìlçL EÑOE4VON TO TiûI- NOTIç€ IO IIIÉ CËR'TIFrcATE HOIO€R NAMËÞ TO IHE TEFT. RT' FÀII\JÊÊ DAYè ìrTqÌTTEN IO OO SO SHÀLL IMfÐSE NO QELçÀIION OR LlAÈIIry OF A¡¡Y KIIIO UPON THÉ ñ¡SURËR, IIS AçENTs OR @ACORD TÐ: Qsr.¡¡¿y of Móntgotûely Purchasifrg Dêpertnênt P. O- Box 311 NorrigÈoûf¡ PÀ 191lor¡ FROM; I'hê Kêf¡f¡ê:. AgÊncy tnc. 607F louis D¡ive ¡fâaminster, pà 189?4 ¿15-44,r - 9350 The caÍ¡ÈråcÈar ahåII âlso dêfèf¡d. indé!Ânify åf¡d hold l.arrql€ss l*toûtgor}€ry County fforû and aq'ainst alìy and aI1 c1a5,ns, suitsr judgeEânta and dåüar¡ds whêÈsoÊwc¡, if¡cLùd¡.ng blf! not li-$j-ted to costå, litigètiorr €r<penêea. cçr¡rls€l f€as änd liabilj.È.iee with respect Èo, injury to, oE dEå.tÌ¡ of, êrly pèrgor¡ ctr Þ€ËBóns !¡hètsoever or då!,åg€ to prop6Ety Õf any kind by wÌ¡ol!Êver ordr¡ed, ÈriFing out of or êå.usèd by tyr€ acts or oDissioDE of the contrêctor, any su.bcor¡tråctor, or afry oth€t l)qtaon diÌ€ctly or ir¡diEectly eútr)Ioyåd by t}lee/ or ¿irry activiby associatåa ttr€reïith or relä.Èëd thereto. Terms: Net 10 FOB: REPRINT Date: 0311712008 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PO BOX 3l I NORRTSTOWN, PA 1940{-03t I Phone - (610) 278-3037 Vendor: 103238 Ship To: KLENZOID INC 912 SPRING MILL AVE CONSHOHOCKEN PA 19428-OOOO PUBLIC PROPERW - ADMIN OFFICE COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY ONE MONTGOMERY PLAZA SUITE 606 SWEDE AND AIRY STREETS NORRISTOWN PA 19401 INVOICE SAME AS SHIPPING QTY UOM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRlCE Deliver on March 17,2008 unless specified by line Purchase Order Currency: Dollars lnvoice by mail 8,843. 4'l EA HSC 2008 Chemicals & lnspections 2,952. 12 EA HSC 2009 chemicals & inspections 1.00 8,843.41 1.00 2,952.12 1,263.90 EA oMP 2008 chemicals & inspections 1.00 I,263.90 421.86 EA oMP 2009 chemicals & inspections 1.00 42't.86 1,370.00 EA PUBLIC PROPERTY 1.00 1,370.00 1.00 2,000.65 2OO8 Chemicals & lnspections 2,000.65 EA PUBLIC PROPERTY 2OO9 chemicals & inspections Purchase Order Summary Goods Total: FURNT'HTNG AND DELT'ERTNG oF vARrous wArER TREATMEN9ä1"É'I'?,.Â'it ON AN ''AS NEEDED'' BASIS, AND PERFORMING INSPECTIONS AND TESTING FOR CLOSED AND/OR OPEN SYSTEMS IN AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING FOR THE pUBLtC qBgqFETy_DEPT.| FOR A pERtOD OF TWO (2) YEARS, BEGINNING WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER. ALL I N STRICT ACCORDANC E WITH S PECI FI $16,851.94 $16,851.94 CATION U22544085-FTS/RN SCHEDULE A - TOTAL EST. LUMP SUM PRICE, PER YEAR - $4,849.67 X TWO YEARS = $9,699.34 SCHEDULE B - MONTHLY CHARGE FOR INSPECTION VISITS $298.00 X 24 MONTHS = TOTAL LUMP SUM PRTCE - $2,152.00 r\toNTcoNrERt' C',Ot IN'I'Y CO]\f Nf ISSIONERS Pe r ['. Thomas Snyder - Director of Purchasing Total Amount: Page: I of I $16,851.94 #42254-4085-FTSlrn PROPOSAL FORM J-. Submined By ñ ,/t.¡i z <;t Z / ¡¿ C (Contractor's Namê) " Date I I /i 7/'c 7 To: Commissioners of Montgomery County Court FIouse Ì.iorri storvn, P ennsylvãnia Gentlemen: This proposal is submitted in accordance with your advertisement inviting proposals to be received for the project advertisement inviting proposals to be received for the project identifìed as: Fumishing and delivering of various Water Treatment Chemicals on an "as needed" basis, and performing inspections and testing for closed and/or open systems in air conditioning and heating for the Public Property Department, for a period of two (2) years, beginning with the issuance of a purchase order. Having carefully examined the "Advertisement for Bids", "Bidding Instructions", "Scope of the Work", etc., hereinafter referred to as "Specifrcations", together with all addenda, ercata, bulletins applying thereto, and being familiar with the various conditions affecting the work, the undersigned hereby agrees to furnish all materials, perform alÌ labor, and do all else necessary to complete the work in strict accordance with specifi cations as follows: SCHEDULE A Estimated Total Price - One Year Unit Price Item #1 -price per gallon 3.t, 6 x 7 est. gallons required S - price per galton ) . 6l x 34 est. gallons required Item #3 - price per gallon 2 .Pt x 30 est. gallons required Ilem #4 - price per gallon_)-!f_x 15 est. gallons required Item #5 - price per gallon-i_._! Å_x 22 est. gallons required Item #6 - price per pound /.sa xt5oest. pounds required Item #7 - price per pound /" 3 é, x225 est. pounds required Item #2 (7) 2) 2 ), e; $ ,P7 a8 s î (.ya S 11. /o g ("?.36 S 3oc.c> \,/, fr I¿ 10 ,li'.L [t ¿þ^ &'l , L, UUq SCHEIXILÐ Ä - Continued Estimated Total Price - One Year Price Irem Í8 price per galion li .5'L x 22 esi. gallons required S '/7t.,-iL Iren;9 pricepergallon J 99 r.6J csr. gollons requirecl S 37, 3.L item#10-priceperpound .j-'?J r 75 est. pounds required S-,1 ?f 15 Item i1l-price per pound "37 x 1350 est. pounds required S ;ûí{.:;a' Item #i? price per pound J.5'? x 450 est. pounds required $ i(c(.5'¿ Item #13 price per gallon__=f,¡3 á x 60est. gallons required S /1/ {ó Item íi4 - price per gallon_ x 22 est. gallons required S ,5 / , "l i Item i15 - price per qùal---lr/ it:: x 5 esi. quarts required S ill'C Unit s q,F7i, tl Totaì Estirn¿lfed Lump Sum Price, Per Year r Trvo {2) Years = Total Estimated Lump Sum Frice - Schedule A SCHEDULE Monthiv charge for inspection TÛT\L ESTIMATED 7 t; ?7.3q ts ) 7 l. :¿ x lJ B.................. v¡s¡s Total LLrmp Sum Price- Schedule .s months = LLTMP SUM PRICE _SCFIEDULES A ...s TiSi /L 6jt S_-___7-- &B (*) Basis for 5% Bid Bond or Ce¡tified Check, ifrequired. j Prornrt Pa¡,'ment Discount Terms Å//4 .t CFI (Automatic Clearing House) payment is requested (Fom ,,vil1 Yes No lollorv with contract documents) In case this proposal is accepted, the undersigned is hereby bound to enter into conrract r.i'ilhin thiny (30) days after receipt olnotice of acceptance of the above in accordance rvith the speciíications. (1-r) ¡t -i'1 (.\ NONCOLLUSIOFi AFFIÐ.{VIT that i /:¡ -=-.,. t I ,t t; . of Bidder) Q.Jame has ( ) has not ( ) been convicled o¡ found liable for anv act prohibited by Federal or State Ìarv il any jurisdiction involving conspiracy or collusion witl.r respect to bidding on any p-crblic contract rvithìn the iast three years. I hereby affirm ,\ /e ¡'o o. ì >r¿ NAME OF BIDDER r- j ,r/:.j ì/ ¿,t .: ra. _ The bidder's statement on this Aflìdavit that (he) (she) (it) has been convicted or ibuncl liable tbr any acl prohibited by Federal or State lavu'in any jurisdiction involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on any public contract within the last rh¡e¿ vears does not prohibit the County of Montgomery from accepting a bid from or a,,varding a contract to that person, but it rnay be grounds for administrative suspension or debarrnent in rhe discretion of the County rmder the ruìes and regulations adopted by CoLrniy Ordinance No, 99- 1 . VERIFNCATION "" ,1. e .,, " , ^ ô^ñ;¡.{rñ¡'Z l-:S ft¿ -- , r'erify that the statements made in the ibregoing Noncollusion Aihdavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or infonna¡ion and belief. I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the penal:ies of 18 PA C.S. $4904 relating to unsworn faisification to authorities. l -J/4=^¿.. 2' @- a3-11.99 t" lr 'y' a-j'..r/-.-t^- SIGNATURE PAGE In case this proposal is accepted, the undersigned is hereby bound 1o commence and complete all such time and such manner as des¡snated,for the various items he has contracted to supply. ofthe rvo¡k included under ¡his coniract in ln submining this proposal, it is understood tha! the unresl¡cted right is reserved by the County to reject any and all proposals or parts thereoi or to waive any informalities or technicalities in saìd proposaìs, and it is agreed rhat this proposal may not be withdrawn for a period ofar least sixty (60) days from date of opening thereol The undersigned hereby certifies that this proposal is genuine, and not a sham o¡ collusive, or made in the i¡terest or in behalfofany person, firm or corporation not herein named; that the un(lersigned has not directiy or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder to refrain from bidding, and that the undersigned has not, in any man¡er, sought by collusion to secu¡e for himself an advantage over any oth€r bid<ier. FIRM NAME /fir,n.ô/l ZÁ)¿, SIGNATURE PRINTiTYPE SIGNATUR 7r;9 OFFICIAL ADDRESS TAX IDENTIF]CATION NUMBER Bidde¡ rvill state below whether the bjd is by ân individual, parlnership, or corporation. C'cr¡.¡l Bidder will state below the name and address of local agent therefore. ofthe Bondìng Company to be used ìn case ofaward, and COMPANY 11 O TC fr BONDING AGENr ADDRESS L/tE Nlo,tøol ofs name 1 S.S C C ,ly-l/y' { as ;¡e// ,ilÐlia/,! f//i " /u r /f/r ró*// , ./2t /i,,ll/ Accompanying this proposal is: ln the amount -"- _Certified Check _Bid based on a total lump sum bid of Bond S_ ADÐENDA: Bìdder agrees that the lollowing Addenda(s) issued during the bid period have beeir received and ccnsidered in preparing this Proposal; and, agrees that failure to acknorvledge such Addenda (s) may be a basis fo¡ rejection ofbid. Addenda,ñ-o. Date Addenda No Date BID MUST BE SIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION ABSOLUTE ADHERENCE TO PROPOSAL FORM CLÁ.USE IS REQUIRED Rev.03,'06 (7 -2) ¡PECÌFICATIONS FOR WATER TREATVÍENT CTIEMICALS AND SERVICE Montgomery County Commissioners Court ilouse Nolristor,r,¡r, Pennsylvania Thomas J. Ellis, Chairman James R. Matthervs Ruth S, Damsker Chief Operating Offrce¡/Chief Cle¡k Roberl W Graf Solicitor Michael D. Marino, Esq. Controller Eric Kretschman Director of Purchasing F. Thomas Snyder 610-278-3031 Acting Director of Public Property Caesar Gambone 610-278-3044 Official correspondence rvill be addressed to: Contacf: .:,i,'= ¡z¡ j .t,:.¡,,,:s: Title: j ..-> -1 .... " ." ./ Address: nt i L.r,-,.^,.; ¿1,¡¡ Êlt --:.:.¡-¡.:,(, .Pl Zip.;¡:;; .'.'' Telephone: (v,_¿) .?l .; - 3 -l ,; + Fax: (itt) E-maìlAddress: FederarID Opering Date: Dece¡nber 27 N" 9); - '¡'l ¡'¡ .t'ielt.2-.3- 41.-t.j jt,'> 6L!Lt1'4 ç, t!,". : 2Í 34,:'¡; ,2001 Specilìcation #.12254-4085-FTS/m ior Specificâtions and B¡d Results: .,,.\\ , . go io o i!¡]1Ì!Iq!-Dqo:!.,purt¡rsjjts Co r["__ Lo the Home CJick on Cur¡ent Spccificîrions CJick on Bid Resulrs . ¡r