The Fleet Sheet -


The Fleet Sheet -
The Fleet Sheet
A monthly Newsletter from the Mayport Navy League
Vol. No. 15 No. 5
May 2014
From the Bridge
Mayport Navy LeaguersThe month of April has reminded me of
why we do the things we do in the Mayport Navy League. We had so many
events that allowed us to support our sea
services in a way that shows our appreciation to this great cause. This month, we
had a ship tour, change of command, dinner meeting and a ship return It seemed
like each event topped the other in appreciation.
I will start with the Ship tour.
Several Navy Leaguers along with our sea
cadets, toured DDG 99 USS Farragut.
You will see from the pictures, what a
great event it was. I hope that when given
future opportunities to tour these warships, more people will take advantage. I
would like to make a suggestion, if you know someone who may want
to join the Mayport Navy League, invite them on the next tour. This
will help them see why we do what we do.
The second event was Admiral Harris, and Fourth Fleet
change of command. Admiral Harris has been one of our most ardent
supporters. From helping us welcome ships home to speaking at our
functions, to mentoring sea cadets, he has went way above anything
ask of him. He truly believes in what we do…and his remark to us
was that when he retires he will join our ranks (his wife, Cora is already a lifetime member). We honored him with the Navy League
Scroll of Honor. In true ADM Harris fashion, it felt like he was giving us an award instead of the other way around.
Next, the April dinner was nothing short of spectacular. We
honored our three Navy sailors of the year, air, shore and sea. I have
to say, these three young men were incredible. If you have never been
to one of these events where we honor our Sailor, Coast Guard or Marine of the year, you are missing out. The gifts for each awardee totaled over $1500. Betty’s team of ROSANNE JAMISON...KATHY
gifts for all of our winners.
Con’t on page 2
JOIN US - See our Website
For NL Application
NEXT DINNER 22 May 2014
Sea Cadet/NJROTC Scholarship
Representative Ander Crenshaw
Guest Speaker
The following are comments provided by the
CNO at the Sea Air Space Banquet:
“I want to thank the sponsors that made all this
possible tonight. We can’t do this kind of get-together
for my staff or for those of us in uniform to be able to
come into a professional forum and sit down and sit
across tables and take on sometimes the thorny issues,
but perhaps more importantly, talk straight with each
other about what we need. Speak English, as we sometimes like to say, and get it out on the table. We very
much appreciate what you’ve done for us.”
“ I’d like to discuss something that’s been on
my mind for a little bit. I talked to the Chairman about
this a little bit and told him I was going to speak to it.
It’s a little different, but it’s what I call pursuing interdependence. You say what would that be? Well, I’m
going to tell you.”
“We’re going to be busier than ever the Navy,
the naval forces, the sea services. There is a relentless,
high demand for naval forces and I think as far out as I
can see at least a third of our force is going to be forward. “
“So challenges abound, but I think opportunities as well. So look, sequestration or some dollar reduction looms ahead in some form or another. I think
it’s time for the services to adapt and to come together
in this regard. At this time I think the services, that’s
us, service chiefs and all, need to turn more toward each
other, not turn away from each other, and not go into
our shell to figure out how do we get the most out of
this period? We need to act ecumenically. We need to
streamline intelligently. And we need to invest our
funding wisely. I think the last two we are pursuing
pretty well.”
From the Bridge - Con’t from page 1
Captain Conley was a terrific speaker and
we even had a surprise admiral show up to
help honor his sailor of the year, SURFLANT ADM Gumataotao (look for him
to speak at a future dinner meeting). On
another note, because of scheduling conflicts we moved the dinner to Jacksonville
Golf and Country Club. The response
from everyone that attended was nothing
but positive. They really have been great
to work with. Look for more dinners at
this venue.
Finally, The USS Gettsbury returned home and was greeted by families,
friends and Navy Leaguers. Our fellow
Navy Leaguers provided flags and smiles
to the arriving ship.
This month, note that our dinner
will be on MAY 22ND, at Ocean breeze.
Our guest speaker will be Congressman
Crenshaw. This dinner should fill up fast,
so I recommend you get your reservations
in early.
In the coming months, watch for
more ship tours, receptions and mixers
with other Navy League councils in the
area. If you know of friends, family that
would like to support our mission. Encourage them to become a member. All
you have to do is direct them to our website for a membership application. If they
are not sure, first invite them to one of our
many events to see what we do.
From the Congressional Affairs Chairman - Con’t from page 1
We’ve got to insist on affordability. In the world I live in, what that means to me is
that cost and schedule are as important as speed, as the payload you’re going to bring
on this thing or any other attribute that we like to call the key performance parameter.
We’ve got to be on time and we’ve got to be on cost. So how are we going to adapt? “
“Well, in the current budget submission that we put on the Hill, I can only
speak to that directly, we’ve got some pretty good ideas. We’ve canceled programs
that have a low return on investment; we’ve deferred programs that are risky, that push
it out there somewhere; we’ve streamlined our headquarters over 20 percent; and
we’re buying smarter. Many of you produce that smartness that we buy. And it’s good.
It’s at a good price. Things are coming in on time. And I appreciate that.”
“But I think another area we’ve got to look at is to learn how to depend on
each other more. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in his guidance and his vision has
been pretty clear, what he calls a joint force interdependency that just doesn’t exist
like it needs to exist. It’s taking jointness that we’ve talked about for decades to another level. And it’s more than operations that we’re talking about.”
“So that interdependency is a little bit inherent in us. The Navy and Marines
have been symbiotic since inception. Jim Amos talks about that. Since the Battle of
Nassau in 1776 we’ve been together. The Navy and the Coast Guard a natural fit. Law
enforcement detachments are on our ships today as we go do drug operations or other
law enforcement at sea.”
How do we go further? How do we get from where we are now?
“We’ve got to do it deliberately. We’ve got to look at what are the missions
out there. We should avoid single points of failure, so I’m not saying okay, listen,
we’ve got to get rid of all the extraneous or overlapping capability, because if we get
down to one capability in the Department of Defense and somebody finds a defeat in
that or breaches it, that’s too high a risk.”
“I think we’ve got to pursue better cross-talk in our research and development
centers of excellence, our laboratories and our services, our industry out there, as well
as universities.”
J.Michael McGrath
Congressional Affairs Chairman
Rick Costner
President - Mayport Navy League
New Things in Our Navy
Ballistic Missile Defense - our Navy is sending 4 Aegis Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) class guided missile destroyers with Aegis
Ballistic Missile Defense capability to be homeported at Rota, Spain. The ships will operate forward in the Mediterranean. By
homeporting them in Rota, the required continual presence in the Mediterranean will be much more efficiently accomplished.
USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) left Norfolk 31 January 2014 for Rota and will be followed by the USS Ross (DDG 71) and USS
Porter (DDG 78) from Norfolk and USS Carney (DDG 64) from Mayport. This is part of a national commitment to support the
defense of Europe from ballistic missiles. The phased land based approach is based on our Navy’s Lockheed Martin engineered
Aegis Weapons System and will have radars and missiles based in Romania and Poland.
Laser Guns at Sea - Our Navy has been testing different laser technologies for years and has developed a fiber solid -state laser
that will be installed in USNS Ponce - the afloat forward staging base operating in the Arabian Gulf.
This system is will be tested in that environment for suitability against small aircraft or high-speed boats. The advantage is that
the ship generates the electricity for each shot at a much cheaper cost per shot (as opposed to naval gun rounds or missiles).
There is no space and weight taken up with magazines and there is no explosive powder required to be stored in the ship - remember, your Sailors sleep next to their ammunition, so this is a very good thing!!!
Mayport Navy League Shipmates - Host
Wounded Warriors to the Battle of Midway Event and Dinner on 7 June! We are again hosting the
Wounded Warriors, and their spouse or
guest, who are attending the Wounded
Warrior Project
Jacksonville campus classes.
Currently there are about 25 Warriors in residence. They hear about this event from class to class and
we continue to have a high percentage accept our offer!
As in the past, we provide two tickets ($65/each)
and a double occupancy hotel room for the night ($110
including breakfast) - We want them to have a great, relaxing evening - and NOT drive home on Interstate 95!
This year, the total cost of sponsoring a Wounded Warrior
and spouse/guest or two Warriors is $240 for the package.
Your support is again requested - we are happy
to take any donation!
Please make your check payable to:
Mayport Navy League
Mail to: George Huchting
P.O. Box 372
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004
Check out our website
Calendar Of Coming Events
1st Tues - Board Meeting, Queens Harbour 4 p.m. - All welcome
2nd Wed - Join us for a Mixer - 5 to7 p.m. - Culhane’s Irish Pub
3rd Thurs of every month - Mayport Council Dinner -6 p.m.
May 3 - JU NROTC Commissioning JU Perry Concert Hall - 2:30 p.m.
May 22- Mayport Navy League - Dinner at Ocean Breeze - 6 p.m.
Sea Cadet /NJROTC Scholarship Dinner
Congressional Update Congressman Crenshaw Guest Speaker
June 7- Battle of Midway Event & Dinner
Renaissance Hotel - World Golf Village
June 19 -Mayport Navy League
Informal Outdoor Event At the Captain & Admiral’s Quarters
June 23 - Mayport Navy League sponsored
No Dough Dinner - Mayport USO
June 24-29- Navy League of the United States
Annual Convention - San Diego, CA
Summer - No Mayport Council Dinners
Battle of Midway Commemorative Dinner
ADM Jonathan Greenert USN - Chief of Naval Operations - Invited
Event will be held at
The Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village.
Cocktails begin at 6 PM - Dinner at 7 PM.
Reserved seating.
Hosted by
The Mayport Council Navy League of the United States
SAVE THE DATE - June 7, 2014
US Navy Christens the DDG 1000 - USS Zumwalt
On Saturday, 12 April, the US Navy Christened the first of a new class of destroyer - the
DDG 1000 - USS Zumwalt at Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine. This new class of ships has
significant new technologies including electric drive, two 155 mm guns with guided projecttiles that can range out more than 60 miles with "pin point" accuracy, new radars, a new
vertical launching system for guided missiles, automated systems that significantly reduce
the crew size requirement and a major emphasis on reduce radar cross section. This radical
new hull design is
readily apparent
from the pictures.
George Huchting
attended the ceremony and earlier in
the week was able to spend some time in the ship and with the
crew. The Navy had planned to build 32 of these ships that could
provide significant support to our Marines and Army forces
ashore while remaining in lower threat areas over the horizon.
The cost of the ship and the budgets that the Navy must now live
within have reduced that number to 12 and now down to only 3.
These ships have a lot of technology to prove out in the fleet and
that proven technology can then be used in future ship designs.
Cecillie McGhehe & Adele Griffin
Tables set up for lots of folks
On 24 March, the Navy
League Mayport Council hosted the
first of four 2014 No Dough Dinners at
the Mayport USO. Prior to the dinner,
Council President Rick Costner presented Mayport USO Director, Pam
Coates, with a check for $2000 to cover
the expenses associated with the four
A total of 267 sailors, spouses
and children dined on pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, cole slaw, chips
and desserts.
Navy League volunteers were
Gloria McGrath, Reyna McCall
Mike McGrath & George Huchting
Mike and Gloria
& Naree Bassett
(That’s Ron Hunt & Doris Van Saun in the
Ron Hunt,
Mike Luttrell, Lee Wahler, and Charlie
Armstrong. Mayport Sea Cadets Gabby
and Xavier McDonald, Tyler Matson,
and Angel Aponte also pitched in.
Community Affiliate Navy Federal
Credit Union provided volunteers too,
including Cecilie McGhehe (Mayport
Branch) and Naree Bassett (Atlantic
Beach Branch). The crew was rounded
out by Adele Griffin from U.S. Senator
Marco Rubio’s office and the energetic
and always smiling Reyna McCall, wife
of Naval Station Mayport’s Commanding Officer, Captain Wes McCall.
The next Mayport Councilsponsored No Dough Dinner will be 23
June 2014.
Check with Charles Armstrong
Pam Coates with Rick Costner
And the kids had fun!
to be one of the volunteers.
and the $2,000 check for 4 dinners
Mayport Council Navy League - April Dinner 2014
Honoring Mayport’s
Shore, Sea & Air Sailors of the Year
MM1(SW) Bryan E. Pentlin, Shore Sailor of the Year
Master-at-Arms First Class (SW/NWS) David Heatherly, Sea Sailor of the Year
AWR1(NAC/AW/SW) Matthew A. Jirrels, Air Sailor of the Year
Mayport Council was busy in April
On Thursday, 17 April, RADM Sinclair Harris relinquished command of
U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. FOURTH Fleet at a Change
of Command ceremony at the Ocean Breeze Conference Center. The keynote speaker was General John Kelly, USMC, Commander, U.S. Southern
Command and the CNO's representative was Vice Admiral Robin. R.
Braun, Chief of Navy Reserve/Commander, Navy Reserve Force. RADM
George Ballance assumed command. Navy League National Vice President Bill Dudley presented RADM Harris (and his wife Cora!) with the
Navy League Scroll of Honor. The citation was read by Navy League past
National President J. Mike McGrath with MNL President Rick Costner
and other Area Council Presidents on the platform.
Gettsburg (CG 64) - Welcome Home
April 19, 2014
USS De Wert was decommissioned the following Friday, 4 April, having also completed 30 years of outstanding service
to our country. The ship was named for Hospital Corpsman Richard D. DeWert who served with the Marines in Korea
in 1951. On 5 April 1951, Hospitalman De Wert was with the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines during an attack on Chinese
Communist forces and in spite of his own wounds, moved through fire swept ground to aid fallen Marines. Ke was
killed in action while administering first aid to an injured comrade. For his heroism, Hospital Corpsman Richard D. De
Wert was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Retired Admiral Doran - the second Commanding Officer of
6 of the ship over the past 30 years - including the ships
USS De Wert was the keynote speaker, recounting key events
participation in the US Navy's crossing the Line of Death established by Muammar Qaddafi.
You Are Cordially Invited to
Mayport Council Navy League Monthly Dinner
Thursday May 22, 2014
Ocean Breeze Conference Center - Naval Station Mayport
Six O'clock Cocktails - Cash Bar
Seven O'clock Dinner
Tossed Fresh Green Salad with choice of 2 dressings
Prime Rib or Crabmeat Stuffed Flounder or Cobb Salad
Baked Sweet Potatoes - Asparagus
Coffee & Dessert Station
Iced Tea and Water
Representative Ander Crenshaw
Guest Speaker
Sea Cadet and NJROTC Scholarship Dinner
Reservations Must Be Received by Friday, May 16, 2014
Please complete and return with your check payable to MAYPORT NAVY LEAGUE
or visit our website for payment by PayPal
PAYMENT AT THE DOOR without reservation is $35 - We cook to Reserations
Addressed to Mayport Navy League, Treasurer, P.O. Box 331944, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1944
Any questions, please call Bob Price, (904) 246-9982
E-Mail ________________________________________________________________
Change of Address - Please use form on reverse side
I need base access - _______
Please use form on reverse
I need Base Access _____ Please use form on reverse side
____________ Prime Rib - $30.00
____________ Flounder- $25.00
____________ Cobb Salad - $15.00
(Please indicate choice)
Change of Address Please use form on reverse
Representative Ander Crenshaw
May Dinner Guest Speaker
At the beginning of his second term in Congress, Ander Crenshaw became the first Northeast Florida Member to EVER be appointed to the powerful Appropriations Committee. Now,
Congressman Ander Crenshaw is the ONLY member of the Florida Congressional Delegation to
sit on Defense Appropriations. Since defense is a major industry in Florida, Ander is well positioned to assist our military and our state. Ander is also the ONLY Florida Member of Congress
on Appropriations who chairs a subcommittee. He is at the helm of the Financial Services Subcommittee.
I mention the facts above because sometimes when good things happen in our district, it is overlooked as to
WHY these things happen. There is a reason why the largest navy hangar and the P-8s are headquartered at NAS
Jacksonville. There is a reason why the East Coast homeport for the navy’s newest ships will be at Naval Station
Mayport. There is a reason why we have a new veterans’ cemetery and a new veterans’ outpatient clinic in Jacksonville. There is a reason why the Navy is sending an amphibious ready group (ARG) to Mayport and bringing
2000 sailors to our community. I could mention the renovations at the Jacksonville Naval Hospital, the new indoor aquatic training center at Mayport, or the new helicopter hangars at both NAS and Mayport, but I think you
get the idea. The reason is your Congressman Ander Crenshaw. As further proof, the Secretary of the Navy recently recognized Ander’s dedication to the nation’s Sailors and Marines and awarded him their highest civilian
honor – The Navy Distinguished Public Service Award.
Good things do not happen in a vacuum – they happen because of hard work, dedication, experience and
proven leadership. In our area, they happen because Ander Crenshaw smartly and quietly goes about the business
of protecting our country by making sure our military is not hollowed out by rash budget decisions. He is a respected voice in Washington on defense issues and a champion for our military and our veterans.
In his role as Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee, he oversees the budgets of the IRS, the
SEC, the USPS and other governmental agencies. Did you even know that? Did you watch him grill the Director
of the IRS over the agency’s questionable spending? Did you know he cut its appropriations by $2.5 billion? You
need to come to the Navy League and listen to your Congressman to find out what is going on in DC behind the
Prior to coming to Congress, Crenshaw had a long and distinguished career as a successful investment
banker. He served three terms in the Florida House when he was the ONLY Republican serving north of Orlando!
Several years later, he was asked to run for the Florida State Senate where he served five years and became the
FIRST elected Republican President of the Senate. So, quiet leadership has always been his trademark.
You may not see Ander on the television or hear him on the radio railing against this or that, but you can
be sure that he is working hard to increase military missions here, advocating for projects vital to Northeast Florida like those that benefit the Port of Jacksonville, and making sure our beaches are sheltered by shore protection
I hope to see you on May 22 at the Mayport Navy League dinner so I can introduce you to my boss,
Congressman Ander Crenshaw.
Jackie Smith, Navy League Member
FOR BASE ACCESS - Base Security now has a
requirement for Full Name (as on Driver’s License) &
Date of Birth for All occupants in the car. AND THE
NUMBERS This information must be submitted
on the Base Access list for the dinner.
Full Name _____________________________________
Date of Birth ___________________________________
Last four digits of Social Security Number____________
City, State & Zip_____________________________
Dinner Reservations
and Base Access
We need your help with Reservations for our
Mayport Navy League Dinners - whether they
are held at Ocean Breeze Conference Center on
Mayport Naval Station or at another Venue off
base. Please send your payment to arrive at the
Post Office Box on the Friday before the event
or make a credit card payment through our website: by that Friday. If
you forget, just call (246-9982 or 718-2118) or
email ( so that we
know you are coming. That will make it possible to know our expected number of meals and
give our guarantee to the venue on Monday.
This can save your council money and us a lot
of headaches.
In addition, if you do not have a military ID or
MWR Pass, we need to have your name on the
Base Access List for the event. This list must
be sent to the Special Events Coordinator at
Mayport NS on Friday before our dinner (4
business days). I cannot add any names after
that Friday. In order to have your name on the
list, you need to provide: (1) First, Middle Initial, and Last Name, (2) Date of Birth, and (3)
Last 4 digits of your SSN. If you think you
might attend, let us know early.
Please make life easier by following this plan.
Bob & Barbara Price
2014 ALS Walk April 12th “Captain Dave’s Team”
Doris VanSaun and her family truly appreciate your support!
Tour of USS Farragut
Mayport Council members and our Sea Cadets toured USS Farragut (DDG 99) on 12 April at Mayport Naval Station.
The crew of the ship led a very interesting and informative tour of the newest guided-missile destroyer
home-ported in Mayport. We saw bow to stern and
bridge to mess decks. Our Sea Cadets learned a lot!
The following were members of the crew
who gave up their time to accommodate our tour:
ENS Lovdahl, ENS Terrell, CTTC (SW)
Craver, FCC(SW) Caraway, STG1(SW) Moore,
BM2(SW) Burnham and GM3(SW) Gutierrez
Our Sea Cadets looked very sharp and conducted themselves with fine military bearing, reflecting well on themselves and our Council.
Council members Lee Wahler, Jim Young,
Kathy Kharman and Dennis Stokowski also enjoyed
the visit tremendously.
Sea Cadet News
On April 12th our
Mayport Sea Cadets
profited from the lack
of Navy League Member
response by getting the
chance to fill these Mayport
Navy League Member slots
on a training/tour of the
USS Farragut (DDG 99).
The Mayport Sea Cadets do 2-3
ship trainings/tours a year and the crew from the
USS Farragut gave our cadets one of the most
detailed visits we have ever had on any ship stationed at Mayport. This training went
beyond our standard ship training/tour and our cadets
could not have been happier getting this
informative educational opportunity.
The Mayport Sea Cadets want to thank the
crew from the USS Farragut for taking this extra
time, giving our future Navy a real insight to their
ships operational role in today’s Navy.
Jim Young
National Maritime Day
Our Navy is proud of our civilian mariners, and on May 22 each year, we honor our shipmates
who have “crossed the bar” for the last time. In ceremonies held all over the world, we offer our
prayers, our respect and our honor to the memory of our departed shipmates, acknowledging the
great debt we owe them.
In this month of remembrance, as we honor all who have fallen in service to our nation, please
remember the men and women of our U.S. Merchant Marine. National Maritime Day is a day to
pay special tribute to the merchant marine and to the benefits that the maritime industry provides
this country and to all who live here. and
Special Thanks to our Sponsors - It was a GREAT Success!
The Boing Company
Tulsa Welding School
Pat Ray
Renaissance World Golf Village Resort
BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards
Navy League - Mayport Council
Navy League - St. Augustine Council
Florida Blue
Northrop Grumman St. Augustine
Florida Times Union
Morris Busbia GEICO
PacOrd Inc
USAA - United Services
Automobile Association
Navy Federal Credit Union
VyStar Credit Union
First Coast Commandery Naval Order
Bill McLoughlin
and Marge Petschke
Rosanne Jameson
and Bill Boydstun
Membership Application
Name (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) First, Middle Initial & Last Name
Name of Spouse (Mr., Mrs., Dr., Etc.) First Middle Initial &
Last Name
Address Number, Street (Apt. Suite, P.O. Box)
Zip Code
Date of Birth
Home Phone #
Business Phone #
Sponsor's Name
Sponsor's Membership #
Type of Membership (Please circle one)
One - Year Membership
Two - Year Membership
Save $17 over 1 year rate
Three - Year Membership
Save $20 over 1 year rate
Life Membership - Age 55 & below
Life Membership - Age 56-75
Life Membership - Age 76 & above
Husband/Wife Membership
Active Duty Spouse
Method of Payment
Check enclosed (Make payable to NLUS) or
Charge my
Preferred Council
Mail your application to
NLUS, Member Service
2300 Wilson Blvd,
Merrifield, VA 22201
or give to a Mayport Council Member
Thank you
Name on Card
Card Number
Expiration Date
Membership dues increase effective April 1st!
Corporate and Community Affiliate Membership - What’s is all about!
The Corporate Membership program is structured to help industry maintain a strategic position in front of key military, civilian defense, and
homeland security decision
makers. From Washington, DC programs to local
events with our Councils nationwide, the Navy
League can help enhance your company's brand
and patriotic reputation among industry and
military leaders alike.
Community Affiliate Memberships
demonstrates a company's commitment to the local
council and a desire to support and advance the
objective and purpose of the Navy League. This
membership is designed for companies whose
business is primarily local rather than national in
scope. Community
Affiliate membership demonstrates your desire to
support young people through our special youth
programs and scholarships.
Council activities range from special military installation visits and ship tours or cruises to a wide
variety of social events as luncheons or dinners during which members of the Sea Services are honored
or presented with awards. Council members work together to foster common local interest and to
promote maritime issues of national importance.
And along the way, we have a great time!
P.O. Box 331944
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Permit 1249
Jacksonville, Florida
President - Rick Costner - (904)645-5299
Immediate Past President George Huchting 904) 280-9807
First Vice President Dennis Stokowski - (904)307-5289
Vice Presidents
Administration - Rosanne Jameson - (904)491-5140
Operations - Brian Kennedy - (904)992-4159
Secretary - Debbie Herrera - (904)288--1901
Treasurer - Robert W. Price - (904)246-9982
Chaplain - Jim Mennis - (904)241-7019
Judge Advocate - Don Mooers (904)993-6172
Newsletter- Pat Pumphrey - (904)280-0941
Thank you to our
Community Affiliates Members
Community Affiliates -
See page 11 for information on the
Corporate Member and Community
Affiliate Memberships.
All Purpose Printing and Graphics, Inc.
Atlantic Eye Institute
BAE Systems SE - Mayport
Culhane’s Irish Pub, Inc
Hampton Inn & Suites
Navy Federal Credit Union
Quinn Shalz A Family Funeral Home
Renaissance Resort At World Golf
Smart Pharmacy, Inc.
Calling all local business Join up as Community Affiliates and Support
The Mayport Council and The Sea Services.
Community Affiliate membership is $400 per
Call Don Mooers (904)993-6172 for various
levels of Corporate Membership.