The Fleet Sheet -


The Fleet Sheet -
The Fleet Sheet
A monthly Newsletter from the Mayport Navy League
Vol. No. 15 No. 1
December/January, 2013/2014
From the Bridge
Mayport Navy Leaguers This has been a very exciting period!
At the end of October, the USS
Zephyr (PC 13) and USS Torondo (PC
14) arrived to join USS Shamal (PC 13) in
calling Mayport home!
In November we helped the Coast
Guard Sector Jacksonville sponsor a
Women's Leadership Symposium for Men
and Women. The symposium was held at
the Everbank building auditorium to an
almost capacity crowd - about 50 - 50
men and women! The symposium had a junior and senior panel - some very
experienced leaders at both levels - and the advice and comments that were
provided were simply "spot on!" The stage-setter presentation was by our
Mayport Chaplain Rector - the Military Chaplain of the Year and she nailed it.
Donna Deegan was the noon keynote speaker and was great. Focused workshops in the afternoon. It was a very, very good day!
On 6 December, I was privileged to fly out in a Marine V-22 and embark in USS New York (LPD 21) for her transit into her new home port - it
was a great trip in with Congressman Crenshaw, Mayor Brown and other local
dignitaries. Once moored, there was a super welcoming ceremony that included Senator Nelson and a letter from Senator Rubio. New York is a beautiful ship and her crew is simply superb! She will be joined next year by USS
Iwo Jima and USS Fort McHenry.
This is last opportunity for me to pen a "From the Bridge" article for
our Fleet Sheet (Rick Costner will take the helm at the 16 January dinner). Our
By-laws require that the outgoing President give a "State of the Council" to the
membership on the occasion of turning over the leadership of the Council. I
would like to take this forum to provide that status to you.
Membership - we are not holding our own. While our retention is at
81%, our membership has declined this year from 374 to 341 as of 30 November 2013. So far in 2013, 170 of the 210 eligible members have renewed their
membership. The data is from the Navy League HQ data base.
Financial - We have $46,672.60 in council operating funds as of 30
November. In addition, we hold money in trust for the Mayport Sea Cadets
who use the interest to support their activities.
Con’t on page 2
JOIN US See our Website
NEXT DINNER 17 January 2014
RADM Ricky Williamson
Navy Region Southeast
Guest Speaker
The dinner reservation form is on
page 7 and only requires two (2)
snips of the scissors to cut off the
return portion!
U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL)
and Jon Tester (D-MT) today introduced an amendment to the National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
that would raise the salaries of active
duty military personnel by 1.8
In its current form, the NOAA includes President Obama's original
budget request for a 1.0 percent increase - even though a 2004 law
requires that military pay be linked
to the Economic Cost Index, which
would be 1.8 percent this year.
Con’t on page 3
From the Bridge - Con’t from page 1
We had some very successful fundraising events this year: the Silent Auction, Birdies for Charity, Holiday
Pops. Chip in for Youth went to support our Youth Programs (JU NROTC, Terry Parker High School NJROTC and
Mayport Sea Cadets) and Wreaths Across America proceeds went to our Sea Cadets. Navy Leaguers donated 98
hours of labor at a TPC concession area to raise $604.64 to support the Sea Cadets. The Sea Cadets work the Environmental Engineering Effort (Trash Patrol) at the TPC and raised $5,000.00 - they are self sufficient with this major
effort each year and can focus the rest of their year on professional development.
No- Dough Dinners at the Mayport USO - Your council sponsors 4 dinners. 24 volunteers helped feed approximately 1,000 active duty or their families. In addition, Mayport Navy Leaguers pitched in and helped with 3
other No-Dough Dinners that are sponsored by organizations or personnel associated with our Sea Services.
Transition - Goals, Plans, Success (T-GPS) Classes for Retiring or Separating Personnel - your council provided Discussion Leaders to all 34 of these classes which helped about 780 Sailors transition to civilian life. Our Discussion Leaders are all experienced, retired Navy Officers who have "been there - done that!"
Ship Greeting - 6 ships returned from major deployments and 4 ships changed homeport to Mayport - all 10
of these ships were met by a team of your Navy Leaguers - every person on the pier, from little children to great
Grandparents, was given an American Flag to wave as the ship came along side - we handed out over 2,500 flags to
family and friends greeting their loved one's return home! A great sight!
Coast Guard Picnics - we sponsored two picnics with Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville - a great chance to
meet and talk with some wonderful Coast Guardsmen and to see their ships and craft!
Sailor of the Quarter Luncheons at Mayport - with our partners, NFCU, Morris Busbia GEICO, Tulsa Welding School and First Command Financial Services, we sponsored 4 of these luncheons - we underwrote the lunch cost
for the honorees and their families.
Individual Augmentee Luncheons - as we are drawing down in Afghanistan, there are fewer and fewer IAs
going forward so only one lunch honoring them was held this year at NAS Jacksonville, Your council, in partnership
with Orange Park Rotary Clubs underwrites the luncheons, the plaque, certificate, and coin provided to each honoree.
Honors Support Team - in partnership with St. Augustine and Jacksonville Councils, your Mayport Council
underwrites some extra-ordinary dry cleaning costs for the Sailors who provide the Honors Details at the funerals at
Jacksonville National Cemetery. These Sailors must be in inspection quality uniforms at all times - in all weather.
They are not provided the funding to cover these extra-ordinary dry cleaning cost, so we help with "chits" to a local
dry cleaner.
Battle of Midway Dinner - the past several years, under the leadership of our John Vargo, our Battle of Midway Event & Dinner has transitioned from a downtown hotel to the World Golf Village - and has increased attendance from about 250 to over 800 as a high with last year at over 650 attendees. Behind this, John has led the Battle
of Midway event, fundraising and cost control so that we have recovered all previous years losses and now have
money set aside to begin the work required to produce the next years event. This is simply a huge, major achievement
and between John Vargo and Bill Dudley and their team - they got us back where we should be both financially and
in attendance.
Communications - We have a new and highly professional web site - (
We have a new Mayport Council e-mail account -
Your newsletter - The Fleet Sheet - has been redesigned to be more eye-appealing, readable and functional.
Marines at BIC - we provided professional reading books from the Commandants reading list for the NCOs
of the Quarter and we provided Commissary Gift Cards to the 1st Sergeant to help Marine families at the Holidays.
In addition, we have provided a range of keynote dinner speakers that covered many different subjects in an
effort to keep our Mayport Navy Leaguers abreast of things impacting or affecting our Sea Services as well as our
local history and port operations..
These are not things that the President has done - it has been a true team effort by your Mayport Council
2013 Officers, Board and Committee Chairs - a team of truly dedicated and professional volunteers - I encourage
you to join in these great activities and events - you can make a great difference - please!
George Huchting
President - Mayport Navy League
Calendar Of
Coming Events
From the Congressional
Affairs Chairman Con’t from page 1
'The men and women of our military make huge sacrifices
for our nation and have earned the chance to be compensated accordingly. Passing this amendment will have a direct positive impact on our military volunteers and their
families," said Rubio. "Congress and the President should
be following the laws already on the books to provide appropriate compensation to the members of the armed
forces. As we continue to deploy troops all around the
world to fight terrorism, respond to disasters and defend
our interests, we have a duty to take care of them and their
"This amendment ensures our military men and women
receive a pay raise consistent with current law and in line
with growth in the private sector," said Tester. "Though
our military makes up just one percent of our population,
service members and their families shoulder tremendous
burdens and make great sacrifices to keep us safe and
maintain our freedom. We owe it to them to make sure
they can take care of their families."
J. Michael McGrath
1st Tuesday of every month Board Meeting - Queens Harbour
4 p.m. - All members welcome
2nd Wednesday - Join us for a Mixer
5 to7 p.m. - Culhane’s Irish Pub
3rd Thursday of every month Mayport Council Dinner
6 p.m. - Ocean Breeze
January 16, 2014 Dinner at Ocean Breeze - p.m.
Installation of 2014 Mayrport Navy
League Leadership Team
RADM Rick Williamson
Commander, Navy Region SE
Guest Speaker
Congressional Affairs Chairman
New Security Requirement
For those of you who need base access for the Dinners, it
will be necessary to include with your request all of the
following information for all occupants of the vehicle -
For Base Access - Base Security now has a requirement
for Full Name (as on Driver's License) & Date of Birth for ALL occupants in the car. AND THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF ALL SOCIAL
This information must be submitted on the Base Access list to the
Security Office for the dinner.
This information should be provided on the reverse side of
the dinner reservation form.
This is only needed for folks who do not have DoD or
MWR stickers.
SAVE THE DATE June 7, 2014
Battle of Midway Event & Dinner
Renaissance Hotel World Golf Village
Place your Ad
Support the Sea Services
$35 for one month
$250 for one year (10 issues)
Mayport Navy League
2014 Preliminary Schedule of Events
Note - some opportunities come up at very short notice and we do not have time to get in The Fleet Sheet - so We send out the notice by e-mail - do we have your e-mail?
If not or if in doubt - send your e-mail address to: and we will get it into the system!
Board of Directors - meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month (except July) - 4 PM at Queens Harbor (try to hold to 1 hour bar is open after!) - All invited - come be part of planning and making things happen!
Join-ups - Casual get together on the 2nd Wednesday of each month - 5:30 PM at Culhanes Irish Pub in Atlantic Beach (nohost)
Ship Greeting - Meet ships as they return from major deployments and hand out flags to families on the pier - Dates and
times are
provided on relatively short notice due to security of information about ship movements - Actual date, time and berth provided by our Mayport Navy League e-mail - do we have your e-mail?
Events 22 May - Congressional Update
Unless otherwise noted, dinners are at: Ocean Breeze
Congressman Crenshaw invited
Conference Center, Naval Station Mayport
Social Hour - 6 PM - Dinner - 7 PM
7 June - Battle of Midway Event & Dinner
Keynote Speaker or Presentation - 8 PM - Entree choice & Renaissance Hotel - World Golf Village
RSVP will be in The Fleet Sheet
19 June - Informal Outdoor Event
6 - 14 January - working with the Commanding Officer, At the quarters of Admiral and Mrs. Harris and Captain and Mrs.
Blount Island Command (BIC) for:
Tour of BIC and of a Pre-Positioning Ship being loaded
out to deploy - Details will finalize after The Fleet Sheet 23 June - Mayport Navy League sponsored No-Dough Dinner
goes to press so - More information will follow via e-mail Mayport USO
do we have your e-mail!
18 September - Youth Night - Honoring and Focusing on:
16 January - Commander, Navy Region South East JU NROTC, Terry Parker High School NJROTC &
RADM Rick Williamson
Mayport Sea Cadets
Installation of 2014 Mayport Navy League Leadership
22 September - Mayport Navy League sponsored
No-Dough Dinner - Mayport USO
20 February - Individual Augmentee (IA) Luncheon Naval Air Station Jacksonville - 11 AM - 1 PM
16 October - Major Fundraiser - Silent Auction (?)
Dinner - Marine Corps Focus Night - Honor - Blount Island Command Marine of the Year
23 October - Coast Guard Cook-out & Picnic with Mayport Navy
USS New York - working with the ship and their schedLeague - At Sector Jacksonville pavilion
Propeller Club, CG Auxiliary and others invited - fun afternoon
Event in USS New York for Northeast Florida Navy
Leaguers - Event for the crew - More information will
7 & 8 November - US Naval Academy Glee Club at the Times
Do we have your e-mail!
Union Center - Working which night will be a Mayport Navy
League night - more to follow
20 March - Coast Guard Focus Night - Keynote Speaker Flag Officer from CHG HQ invited
20 November - Dinner Program in development
Honor Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville Coast Guardsman 8 December - Mayport Navy League sponsored No-Dough Dinner
of the Year
Mayport USO
24 March - Mayport Navy League sponsored No-Dough
Dinner - Mayport USO
17 April - Navy Focus Night Keynote Speaker - to be determined
Honor Mayport Sea, Air and Shore Sailors of the Year
December - Program in development - Holiday Pops event or ???
Mark your calendar for these events and support your Sea Services!
Mayport Council - November Dinner
Tom Pumphrey, Charlene Kurth, Ron Kurth
Len Cook and Joy Cook
Josi Hunt, Gloria McGrath and Reyna McCall
That’s the
Just delicious
The Hoffer’s were celebrating their Wedding
Mayport Sea Cadet Color Guard
Our Guest Speaker Brian W. Taylor, JAXPORT
Executive Officer with George Huchting
Returning Member RADM (Ret) Gene Kendall
Welcome Back!
USS New York Arrives in new homeport - Mayport!
USS New York Arrives in new homeport - Mayport!
As many of you saw on the news, USS New York (LPD-21) stood into her new homeport - our
homeport - Mayport mid-day Friday, 6 December.
I was privileged to fly out to the ship in one of the Marine Corps' new V-22s. This is the plane that
can take off vertically and then transition and fly like an airplane. In the picture, you can see two V-22s on
the flight deck of New York. The ride is great and you really don't know when you are changing from regular
horizontal flight to vertical flight for landing on the ship. Check that of my "Bucket List!"
The ship is immaculate and the crew is simply superb. Congressman Crenshaw, Mayor Brown and
other local city officials flew out as well - and we all had a great tour of the ship. After mooring, there was a
formal "Welcoming" that included Senator Nelson and a letter from Senator Rubio as well as remarks from
Florida State area leaders and Admiral Gortney - Commander, Fleet Forces Command.
Your Mayport Navy League team was on the pier ensuring that everyone had their American flag to
wave - it was a beautiful day in every way! Welcome to Mayport - USS New York!
George Huchting
P.S. - we are working to have an event in USS New York some time after the ship settles into Mayport Spring?
You Are Cordially Invited to
Mayport Council Navy League Monthly Dinner
Thursday January 16, 2014
Ocean Breeze Conference Center - Naval Station Mayport
Six O'clock Cocktails - Cash Bar
Seven O'clock Dinner
Tossed Fresh Green Salad with choice of 2 dressings
Prime Rib or Crabmeat Stuffed Flounder or Cobb Salad
Herb Roasted Red Potatoes, Medley of Fresh Garden Vegetables
Desert Station
Guest Speaker - RADM Ricky Williamson, Commander, Navy Region Southeast
Reservations Must Be Received by Friday, January 10, 2014
Please complete and return with your check payable to MAYPORT NAVY LEAGUE
or visit our website for payment by PayPal
PAYMENT AT THE DOOR without reservation is $35 - We cook to Reserations
Addressed to Mayport Navy League, Treasurer, P.O. Box 331944, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1944
Any questions, please call Bob Price, (904) 246-9982
E-Mail ________________________________________________________________
Change of Address - Please use form on reverse side
I need Base Access _____ Please use form on reverse side
____________ Prime Rib - $30.00
____________ Flounder - $25.00
____________ Cobb Salad - $15.00
(Please indicate choice)
I need base access - ______
Please form on reverse side
Change of Address Please use form on reverse
Rear Admiral Ricky Williamson
Commander, Navy Region Southeast
January Guest Speaker
Rear Adm. Williamson is a native of Jacksonville, Fla. He is a
1985 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.
His early sea assignments include tours in USS Dewey (DDG
45), USS Briscoe (DD 977), USS Enterprise (CVN 65), and executive
officer in USS Rodney M. Davis (FFG 60). He commanded USS
Simpson (FFG 56) during NATO’s Standing Naval Forces Atlantic
2004 deployment to the United States, the first such visit by NATO to
the United States after 9/11. Under his command, Simpson won two
Battle E’s.
Ashore, his assignments include tours in the Washington-area
as the executive assistant to Commander Navy Installations Command, and deputy director of Plans and Policy.
Additionally, he served as a lead examiner of both the Steam and Gas Turbine Branches at the Propulsion Examination Board at Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. In May 2006, Williamson served as the executive
officer of the Command Leadership School in Newport, R. I. From 2008 to 2011, he served as the commanding
officer of Naval Base San Diego. During this tour, Naval Base San Diego was selected as the 2010 Presidential
Installation Excellence Award and the 2011 Presidential Green Government Award.
Williamson earned a Master of Business Administration from the Naval Postgraduate School in 1990
and is a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va.
For Base Access - Base Security now has a requirement for Full Name (as on Driver's License) & Date of Birth for
This information must be submitted on the Base Access list to the Security Office for the dinner.
Full Name__________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________________________________________________________________________________
Last 4 digits of Social
Security Number ____________________________________________________
CHANGE OF ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address
City, State & Zip Code
Sea Cadet News
Our Mayport Division Sea Cadet unit and the Manatee Division were invited by
Centurion Sea Cadet Division from Orlando to participate in their annual FTX (FTX
stands for field training exercises) training in Ocala National Forest at the Doe Lake
campground. Centurion and Manatee adults arrived on Thursday and established the
base camp, kitchen and set up tents for the cadets. The kitchen/dining hall was used
for classroom and doctor's office in addition to feeding 3 meals to the 140 cadets and staff.
The cadets showed up on Friday and had their sea bags and gear checked. Orientation included briefings
for bears, snakes and hunters and the importance of not going anywhere without a battle buddy. There were 4
SEALs and a couple of retired Spec Ops personnel who worked with the 110 cadets on teamwork skills. After
they all had been through trainings for recon, assault, inflatable boats and extraction techniques they were
given a mission scenario for a night operation and were split into two groups of four teams. They had an opportunity to do a walk-through before
The fun started after dark. One
team did the recon and then reported to a
second team responsible for the Assault
and "capturing" a base CO. The prisoner
was delivered to a boat team who paddled
him across the lake and delivered him to
an extraction team. It was done as a competition with the winning team getting a
big bowl of ice cream to eat while the losing team watched. The trainings and the
operations were run in the rain.
Sunday morning after breaking
camp they had a chance to battle each
other with the airsoft weapons, (they
shoot plastic BBs), they had brought with
them. Everyone who participated wore
appropriate safety gear. It was a wet
weekend - raining when we arrived on Friday - finally subsided after 9 pm Saturday.
Some of the cadets had never been away from home much less camping. Injuries were limited mostly to
mosquito bites, blisters and small cuts. Everyone had a good time and is looking forward to doing it again next
year. Most of our group slept in the vans on the way back.
We owe Centurion a huge Thank you ! They coordinated the training, organized location and supplied
instructors, and made sure everyone was fed.
It is with much regret that I pass along to you the notice that Morgan Fitch (former Navy League National
President) pass away on November 18, 2013.
Not only the “founding father” of the Naval Sea Cadets, Morgan was a substantial benefactor and ardent
supporter of our Sea Cadets for the past fifty years.
He will be missed.
USS Zumult DDG 1000
This futuristic ship was launched without
ceremony (due to the travel limitations of
sequestration) at Bath Iron Works, Bath Maine
on 28 October this year.
This ship is the result of over a decade of major
investment in research and development of new
systems and designs. Equipped with two (2) 155 MM guns that can fire Long Range Land Attack Projectiles
with pin point accuracy some 63 nautical miles inland. The ship was originally intended to be a 32 ship class
that would provide close gun fire support to forces (Army, Marine Corps, allies) maneuvering ashore while
standing off over the horizon. The new technology includes a vertical launching system that runs along the
outside of the hull for various types of missiles as well as significant ASW, AAW and EW capabilities. The
Integrated Power System provides significant electrical power for the weapons systems and for the newly
designed electric propulsion. Major effort has been invested in hull and superstructure design in an order to
reduce the radar signature of the ship as a major capability in self defense - if you cannot see it - you have a
really hard time hitting it. The superstructure is composite with the radar and communication antennas
imbedded. The composite superstructure for DDG -1000 and 1001 is built in Huntington-Ingalls shipyard in
Mississippi and shipped to Bath, Maine for installation. DDG -1002 will have a steel deck house. As of this
time, there are only three (3) of these ships being procured. The ship will have a crew of 130 and this futuristic ship will be commanded by Captain James Kirk USN - and, no - we did not make this up!
Special Thanks to our Sponsors - It was a GREAT Success!
The Boing Company
Tulsa Welding School
Pat Ray
Renaissance World Golf Village Resort
BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards
Navy League - Mayport Council
Navy League - St. Augustine Council
Florida Blue
Northrop Grumman St. Augustine
Florida Times Union
Morris Busbia GEICO
PacOrd Inc
USAA - United Services
Automobile Association
Bill McLoughlin
Navy Federal Credit Union
and Marge Petschke
VyStar Credit Union
Rosanne Jameson
First Coast Commandery and Bill Boydstun
Naval Order
Membership Application
Name (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) First, Middle Initial & Last Name
Name of Spouse (Mr., Mrs., Dr., Etc.) First Middle Initial &
Last Name
Address Number, Street (Apt. Suite, P.O. Box)
Zip Code
Date of Birth
Home Phone #
Business Phone #
Sponsor's Name
Sponsor's Membership #
Type of Membership (Please circle one)
One - Year Membership
Two - Year Membership
Save $20 over 1 year rate
Three - Year Membership
Save $25 over 1 year rate
Life Membership - Age 55 & below
Life Membership - Age 56-75
Life Membership - Age 76 & above
Husband/Wife Membership
Active Duty Spouse
Method of Payment
Check enclosed (Make payable to NLUS) or
Charge my
Preferred Council
Mail your application to
P.O. Box 2208,
Merrifield, VA 22116-9958
or give to a Mayport Council Member
Thank you
Name on Card
Card Number
Expiration Date
Corporate and Community Affiliate Membership - What’s is all about!
The Corporate Membership program is structured to help industry maintain a strategic position in front of key military, civilian defense, and
homeland security decision
makers. From Washington, DC programs to local
events with our Councils nationwide, the Navy
League can help enhance your company's brand
and patriotic reputation among industry and
military leaders alike.
Community Affiliate Memberships
demonstrates a company's commitment to the local
council and a desire to support and advance the
objective and purpose of the Navy League. This
membership is designed for companies whose
business is primarily local rather than national in
scope. Community
Affiliate membership demonstrates your desire to
support young people through our special youth
programs and scholarships.
Council activities range from special military installation visits and ship tours or cruises to a wide
variety of social events as luncheons or dinners during which members of the Sea Services are honored
or presented with awards. Council members work together to foster common local interest and to
promote maritime issues of national importance.
And along the way, we have a great time!
P.O. Box 331944
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Permit 1249
Jacksonville, Florida
President - George Huchting - (904) 280-9807
Immediate Past President Dennis Stokowski -(904)307-5289
First Vice President Rick Costner - (904)645-5299
Vice Presidents
Administration - Rosanne Jameson - (904)491-5140
Operations - Brian Kennedy - (904)992-4159
Secretary - Debbie Herrera - (904)288--1901
Treasurer - Robert W. Price - (904)246-9982
Chaplain - Jim Mennis - (904)241-7019
Judge Advocate - Dan McCarthy
Newsletter- Pat Pumphrey - (904)280-0941
Thank you to our Corporate
and Community Affiliates Members
Corporate Member -
Community Affiliates -
Tulsa Welding School
Calling all local business Join up as Community Affiliates and Support
The Mayport Council and The Sea Services.
Community Affiliate membership is $400 per
Call Debbie Herrera, (904) 288-1901 for various levels of Corporate Membership.
All Purpose Printing and Graphics, Inc.
Atlantic Eye Institute
BAE Systems SE - Mayport
CDI Government Services
Culhane’s Irish Pub, Inc
Hampton Inn & Suites
Navy Federal Credit Union
Oto Melara North America
Quinn Shalz A Family Funeral Home
Renaissance Resort At World Golf
Smart Pharmacy, Inc.