4Q Leagueline - Architects League of Northern New Jersey
4Q Leagueline - Architects League of Northern New Jersey
hat We Do The Quarterly Newsletter for the Architects League of Northern New Jersey Leagueline What We Do: Park Place, 1415 Park Avenue Hoboken, NJ 4 Park Place is a new mixed-use residential high-rise building being developed by Bijou Properties. The building is LEED Gold and contains 476,000 square feet. It has 212 residential units, a 30,000 SF charter school, 19,000 SF of retail space, and an automated parking garage for 379 cars. The building is being built by Tishman Construction and will be completed in 2014. The design is intended to stand as a gateway at Hoboken’s northern entrance. Dean Marchetto, AIA Marchetto Higgins Stieve Architects PC Hoboken, NJ www.mhsarchitects.com Quantum Sound Lounge Jersey City, NJ The adaptive re-use of an abandoned sound studio where Madonna and Nirvana recorded. Thin steel frames penetrate the existing triple-wythe masonry shell and cantilever over a public sidewalk. These glass and steel prosthetics transform the users into framed artwork for by passers. Manuel J. Pereiras, AIA PAU - Pereiras Architects Ubiquitous Union City, NJ manueljpereiras@gmail.com Le Pain Quotidien Rockefeller Center New York, NY Approximately 3,700 square feet on the ground floor of an existing office building was creatively converted for use as a Le Pain Quotidien Restaurant. RSC Architects, working with project managers from Le Pain Quotidien, designed the layout for this elegant eatery in Rockefeller Center, across the street from Radio City Music Hall. The spacious restaurant consists of a bakery/retail area, dining area with two large communal tables, kitchen and restrooms. The restaurant also has an outdoor patio area that is used for outdoor dining during the warmer months. Kenneth P. Mihalik, AIA RSC Architects Cliffside Park, NJ www.rscarchitects.com Annual Member Issue 4Q.2013 www.alnnj.org 4Q President’s Column Spring and summer were a flurry of activity for the AIA across all levels of the organization. The National Convention was held in June this year in Denver, CO with a theme of “Leadership for Architecture, Leadership Beyond Architecture”. Ideas were put forward to identify where and how architects can participate in civic leadership as well as how architecture itself can better environments and create a better life for communities. Among the keynote speakers were Blake Mycoskie, TOMS Founder, a company that gives a pair of shoes to a child in an impoverished community for every pair of shoes sold; Cameron Sinclair, Co-founder, Architecture for Humanity, an organization that identifies communities around the globe that can be given a leg up by improving their built environment in some way, be it a school or a community center; and finally, General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.) Secretary of State (2001-2005) who laid out the risks and rewards of leadership. All were wonderful and inspiring speakers. The Convention is an inspiring experience that should be enjoyed and supported by our members and community. Along the lines of civic engagement, I had the tremendous opportunity to participate in an AIA SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) this past spring and summer. Spearheaded by AIANJ President Jack Purvis, a group of architects, planners and engineers came together to assist in developing concepts to rebuild Camp Osborn, a six-block community in Brick Township that was almost totally leveled following Storm Sandy in the fall of 2012. Camp Osborn began as a fishing village of tents in the 20s and evolved over the years into a close knit community of homes, many that had been in the hands of individual families for several generations. During the storm most all of the 118 homes had been washed away or burned the day after, as fires went unchecked due to the inability of emergency vehicles to reach them. The homes had been granted conditional zoning prior to the storm but after the storm were required to adhere to new zoning rules and flood plain elevations. The SDAT held a series of meetings with the community and town officials, and through design charettes, developed a scheme for rebuilding. The scheme was given conditional approval and had an overwhelming buy-in from the community, providing a path to begin to rebuild. I have never been more proud to be a part of something or more proud of my professional colleagues for their effort and dedication. the architects league Our community as a whole is socially engaged and gives a great deal – from Habitat for Humanity, to Canstruction, to our members who serve on boards in their local municipalities as well as our own micro community of the Architects League. But we can do more. I encourage everyone to consider how they can use their skills as designers and problem solvers to assist an individual or community near them. It’s a valuable and rewarding experience. Andrew Mikhael, AIA Joyce Raspa, Esq., AIA Kim V. Vierheilig, AIA Jennifer Carson, Assoc. AIA We still have some great programs ahead for this fall. Please review the calendar and watch for notices. Come out and make your presence felt within our own community. Warm Regards, R. Terry Durden, AIA ALNNJ President 2013 of northern new jersey R. Terry Durden, AIA president Ruth A. Bussacco, AIA president-elect PAUL S. BRYAN, AIA first vice president RALPH ROSENBERG, AIA second vice president KENNETH P. MIHALIK, AIA secretary Bryan Pennington, AIA treasurer Steven B. Lazarus, AIA past president trustees 2013 Anthony Iovino, AIA Fay W. Logan, AIA MANUEL J. PEREIRAS, AIA NICHOLAS CARAVELLA, Assoc., AIA trustees trustees 2014 2015 Todd Hause, AIA Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA Ben p. Lee, AIA Richard Bettini, Assoc., AIA Leagueline Leagueline is also available online: www.alnnj.org newsletter committee ANTHONY IOVINO, AIA director / editor aiovino@aiarchs.com FAY WILLIAM LOGAN, AIA director / editor flogan@sns-arch-eng.com JOYCE RASPA, AIA, Esq. director / editor joyceraspagore@yahoo.com PAUL S. BRYAN, AIA director / editor pb@lan-nj.com ANDREW MIKHAEL, AIA contributing editor / advertising coordinator am@andrewmikhael.com D. BRUCE ZAHOR ZAHOR DESIGN OFFICE INC. graphic design & project management www.zahordesign.com 2 Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey hat We Do 4 Fellow Architects, someone has said that “all publicity is good publicity”. It could never be more true than with our graphic 4Q issues of the Leagueline! It has been 4 years, but WHAT WE DO: 4, has been the opportunity to select a project or two that you have designed, have had built or is now on the boards and heading for construction. WHAT WE DO: 4 is getting it “out there” in front of your collegues and anyone else who sees our great quarterly publication. It is available to all members – here is the work of the 30 plus who took the opportunity to share their creativity with all of us. Fay Logan, Editor L4Q Pozycki Hall Monmouth University West Long Branch, NJ DMR is currently working for SJP Properties to design a new academic building at Monmouth University. The academic building is designed to be a 2-story, approximately 20,000 square foot facility with a 175-seat tiered lecture hall, faculty offices, common areas, classrooms, conference rooms and an exterior terrace. The building will be connected to an existing building by a pedestrian bridge on the second floor. Architectural details and exterior brick will complement surrounding facilities. Construction completion is scheduled for 2014. What We Do: Hunterdon Orthopedic Institute Hunterdon, NJ Kurt Vierheilig, AIA, LEED ap BD+C DMR Architects Hasbrouck Heights, NJ www.dmrarchitects.com The Hunterdon Orthopedic Institute ,under construction, is a 40,000 s.f. facility adjacent to the Hunterdon Medical Center. Its a private practice MOB that incorporates many Sustainable Design elements such as PV roof panels, a Geo-thermal heating and cooling system and solar shading devices. It is scheduled for completion in March 2014. Ralph Rosenberg, AIA, PP, LEED AP NK Architects Morristown, NJ www.nkarchitects.com Kitchen Addition, Private Home Fairlawn, NJ Client criteria for the new kitchen addition was to enjoy the morning sun and to brighten the kitchen using natural light. To achieve the solution the design features a projected dinette area beyond the kitchen. The addition is wrapped with high performance windows to capture the view of the morning sun while the tall decorative windows offer an attractive view of the wooded property. Shopping Center Chestnut Ridge, NY 135,000 sf grocer anchored shopping center on 17 acres in Chestnut Ridge NY. Re-zoning has been accomplished, next step is site plan approval. Private Residence NJ If you want to minimize the environmental impact of a construction project, the best thing you can do is NOT to build a new building. Melka Van Bemmelen, AIA Van Bemmelen Architecture LLC Teaneck, NJ www.vbarchitecture.com Private Residence Bergen County, NJ Working with Arditti + RDT Architectos of Mexico City, Mexico, we have completed the Design Development Phase and are in the process of completing the Construction Documentation for this Modern residence in Northern New Jersey. The building’s primary materials include Fiber Reinforced Concrete, White EIFS, Butt Glazing, Hardwood & Stone. John M. Lignos, AIA, LEED AP BD+C SNS Architects & Engineers, PC Montvale, NJ www.sns-arch-eng.com Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey 3 Annual Member Issue John J. Gilchrist, AIA John J. Gilchrist Architect PC Montvale, NJ johnjgilchristarchitectpc.com Ronald B. Dworkis, AIA Glen Rock, NJ Rbdaia@aol.com Hatch Mott MacDonald Iselin, NJ Hatch Mott MacDonald, a leading North American consulting engineering firm, retained DMR to provide professional architectural and engineering services for their corporate headquarters relocation from Millburn to Iselin, N.J. DMR provided full programming of all business units for the 70,000 square foot, three-story space, as well as adjacency analysis, space planning and interior design. DMR’s design replaced private offices around the exterior perimeter to interior private offices around a center core, leaving the exterior perimeter glass wall for open plan workstations. Construction was completed in the summer of 2013 Lloyd A. Rosenberg, AIA DMR Architects Hasbrouck Heights, NJ www.dmrarchitects.com R&D Laboratory This is a project to create spaces that will allow an existing R&D and production facility to expand operations and host clients. The program for this project includes redesign of their existing entrance lobby, creating a new lounge for employees and guests to gather, new conference rooms, laboratories and offices. Construction is expected to begin in 2014. Done in collaboration with Verity Frizzell. R. Terry Durden, AIA Studio 43d Architecture and Design Ridgewood, NJ www.studio43d.com Yeshivas/Temple Schools Bergen County, NJ We have been fortunate recently, to have been commissioned to design for construction or renovate a number of existing Northern NJ Yeshivas and Temple Schools. The new structures or renovated building forms and interiors have surprised and delighted the staff and students of these established institutions. Helen M. Logan, AIA SNS Architects & Engineers, PC Montvale, NJ www.sns-arch-eng.com What We Do: Kipp Cooper Norcross Academy Lanning Square, Camden, NJ A Public - Private K-8 Shared Education Facility that combines a Charter School with The Camden Board of Education. Construction to begin Winter 2014. 110,000 s.f. Ralph Rosenberg, AIA, PP, LEED AP NK Architects Morristown, NJ www.nkarchitects.com Mario Drago School No. 3, Passaic Board of Education, Passaic, NJ Modern House Prototype In 2005, my Architecture firm was established. Since then, we have worked on a various types of projects – everything from educational to residential to retail, commercial and mixed-use projects. One of the most challenging and rewarding on-going projects has been a design of a contemporary home for a modern family. This award-winning “Modern House Prototype” was developed in collaboration with Ian Siegel and hopes to address various issues for our clients throughout the United States, including: budget, program, context, aesthetics, efficiency, and the functionality of modern, everyday living. Frank Cunha, III , AIA FC3 Archutecture+Design LLC South River Library South River, NJ The library addition was planned along a sloped, well treed hill to take advantage of the natural setting. This room is the focal point of the project providing a flexible gathering-reading space with a “tree-house” view. Anthony Iovino, AIA Arcari+Iovino Architects, PC Little Ferry, NJ www.aiarchs.com 4 Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey LAN was hired by Passaic Board of Education to renovate nine of their outdated Multi-Purpose Rooms into inspiring, playful spaces students would appreciate. Through the use of bold color combinations, dynamic ceiling canopies, decorative lighting and unique floor patterns the spaces were transformed. Kim Vierheilig, AIA LAN Associates Engineering, Planning, Architecture, Surveying, Inc. Midland Park, NJ www.lan-nj.com hat We Do Upper Montclair Train Station Upper Montclair, NJ When it was completed in 1902, the Broad Exchange Building was the largest office building in America, with the highest estimated real estate value in Manhattan. At the heart of the Financial District and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 25 Broad was converted into condominiums in 1997. Over the years, some of the building’s characteristic architectural features had either deteriorated or been removed deliberately, altering the appearance of the facade and roofline. Previous efforts to address deterioration used materials that were incompatible with the existing structure and, often, did not match the aesthetic qualities of the original building. Using photographic documentation found in archives, Hoffmann Architects designed replicas of lost elements, restoring the decorative features and profile of the building as it first appeared in 1902. The facade and window restoration remediated faulty repairs and corrected poor workmanship and incorrect material selection, resolving building envelope distress while meeting stringent guidelines for the treatment of historic properties. Juan Kuriyama, AIA Hoffmann Architects Inc New York, NY www.hoffarchs.com The original train station circa 1890 was totally destroyed by a fire. The only element salvaged was the front portico roof. My firm redesigned the new building and received approvals from the NJ Historical Society and approvals from the Montclair Historical Society. The new building is now being used as a restaurant. Louis F. Brandt, AIA Louis F. Brandt, Architects lbrandt614@aol.com St. Jude the Apostle Hardyston Township, NJ Church addition in Hardyston Township, NJ. Alan Spector, AIA Spector Associates Architects Lafayette, NJ www.spectorarch.com Blinds To Go Northeast Corporate Headquarters Paramus, NJ Harrison Station Harrison, NJ An ongoing Design and Re-Development project that consists of approx. 700 rental units in an urban mixed use neighborhood adjacent to the new Harrison Path Station. The design is all new construction that simulates elements of the old mill that once stood on the property. Ralph Rosenberg, AIA, PP, LEED AP NK Architects Morristown, NJ www.nkarchitects.com Transformer(ed) Commercial Building North Arlington, NJ Transformer(ed) is a modern conversion of an early 1900’s public utility building located in North Arlington, New Jersey. Purchased by a private trucking company, the owner envisioned a first floor mechanic’s garage and office entry with a second floor executive suite. Our goal was to preserve the building to the greatest extent possible, design in harmony with the existing building and make as many sustainable choices as possible. Dan D’Agostino, AIA plan architecture llc Little Falls, NJ www.planarchitecturellc.com An adaptive reuse of a former automobile showroom, the new facility is the company’s Northeast Corporate Headquarters, and their facility for interviewing, hiring and training new Retail Store management staff. The building contains 20,000 SF of Class A office space as well as a 4,500 SF flagship Retail Store. The project is LEED registered. Peter Raymond Wells, AIA Peter Raymond Wells Architects LLC Park Ridge, NJ www.peterwellsarchitect.com 1000 Car Parking Garage Wayne, NJ We have recently completed Design & Construction Documents of a precast concrete 1000 Car Parking Garage for William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey. Two sky bridges connect the hillside-sited garage to the campus. The project is currently in construction. Lorin J. Sonenshine, AIA SNS Architects & Engineers, PC Montvale, NJ www.sns-arch-eng.com Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey 5 Annual Member Issue Broad Exchange Building New York, NY Restored Church – Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Sparta, NJ Due to ongoing water infiltration and building exterior maintenance issues, the parish retained Hoffmann Architects to perform an investigation into the causes of leaks and deterioration, and to recommend a remedial course of action. The investigation revealed evidence of water infiltration at the building perimeter, originating at absent flashings and open sealant joints in parapet coping stones. In addition, the stucco displayed significant cracking and de-lamination, and exterior facing stone was stained by rust in many locations. Hoffmann Architects produced contract documents for the full scope of recommended work, assisted the church during the bidding and contract negotiation process, and provided construction administration services for a repair program that included a full roof system replacement, parapet repair, window sealant replacement, exterior stucco repair and coating, rust stain removal, and other facade repairs to restore building envelope integrity. What We Do: Juan Kuriyama, AIA Hoffmann Architects Inc New York, NY www.hoffarchs.com Bolger Community Center & Ambulance Corp. Midland Park, NJ 4 An existing barn located in Midland Park, NJ will be reconstructed to house a community center and an ambulance corp. It incorporates eco-friendly and energy efficient features enabling it to be LEED registered while still maintaining its historic presence. Peter Raymond Wells, AIA Peter Raymond Wells Architects LLC Park Ridge, NJ Bolger Community Center & Ambulance Corp. - Midland Park, New www.peterwellsarchitect.com Salvaged wood from building to used for details and trim. From left to right: David Visbeen Peter Wells (Architect) & JT Bo West Side Center NJ This project sought to transform an existing sterile corporate lobby on a limited budget. With splashes of bright colors and the use of wood veneer panels and accent carpet elements, the resulting renovation has accomplished an updated contemporary feel for our client. Education Commons Felician College Lodi, NJ Our firm was engaged to revive a 30,000sf former library building in Rutherford which has been unused for 14 years. The building’s existing frame contains seven different floor heights in a “split-level” arrangement. The challenge was to solve the horizontal and vertical circulation in a direct manner and to create a dynamic, contemporary image for this campus. The new Education Commons building contains social-learning/quasi library spaces and the School of Nursing. Anthony Iovino, AIA Arcari+Iovino Architects, PC Little Ferry, NJ www.aiarchs.com Kurt Vierheilig, AIA, LEED AP BD+C DMR Architects Hasbrouck Heights, NJ www.dmrarchitects.com Before After Private Residence, Bedroom East Orange, NJ This is a Make-A-Wish Foundation surprise Justin Bieber Bedroom Makeover for a 15 year old girl. Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, Architect was selected to design and build out the room, in an Extreme Home Makeover-style, overnight transformation. A most rewarding experience! Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, Architect LLC Ridgewood, NJ www.srkarchitect.net Private Apartment New York, NY Total renovation of a three bedroom apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan for a family with an extensive modern art collection. Construction to begin Spring 2014. Andrew Mikhael, AIA Andrew Mikhael Architect Englewood, NJ www.andrewmikhael.com New Mini Store Upstate, NY Our second MINI store, this is the fourth facility we have designed for our client in Northern NJ and now New York State. The orthogonal design requirements of the MINI branding are always maintained. Model Mini’s float in the glass-cube entry canopies. This dealership will have an enclosed and climate controlled service delivery area to provide shelter from harsh winter conditions. Fay W. Logan, AIA, LEED AP BD+C SNS Architects & Engineers, PC Montvale, NJ www.sns-arch-eng.com 6 Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey hat We Do This year’s National Convention was held in the mile-high city of Denver, Colorado, June 19-22. Many members (and spouses) of the League and other state chapters were in attendance. An AIANJ reception was held at Corridor 44, a champagne bar near the Colorado Convention Center. AIA National discussed the new Repositioning the AIA initiative with the membership. The convention is not all products and CEU seminars. The Gold Medal in Architecture was awarded to Southern California’s Thom Mayne, FAIA, the self-professed ‘bad boy’ of architecture; the Firm of the Year Award went to Tod Williams, FAIA and Billie Tsien, AIA; the installation of the new class of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) took place at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House; the Emerging Professionals and the Women in Architecture groups hosted functions; the 64th Annual Honors and Awards Celebration was held at the Bellco Theater. Private Residence Bay Head, NJ A new private residence built on the footprint of an existing building in Bay Head, NJ There is so much more that cannot fit into this article, it is difficult to not find something of interest for everyone. If you cannot attend in person, there is always the Virtual Convention! John J. Gilchrist, AIA John J. Gilchrist Architect PC Montvale, NJ johnjgilchristarchitectpc.com The keynote speaker was General Colin Powell, USA (Ret.). Other speakers were Tom Mycoskie, Founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS Shoes, and Cameron Sinclair, Co-Founder, Architecture for Humanity. My husband Gerry and I have started to make the conventions one of our yearly trips and have yet to be disappointed. Bring your spouse or a friend, attend with colleagues, see new places. Visit what you have only seen in professional magazines and books. Experience Architecture in a new way! Next year the convention will be held June 26-28 in Chicago! Attending a convention is a wonderful experience – networking opportunities, the latest info on the latest products, seminars and lectures – all with CEU points, tours to locations you have always wanted to see. Ruth A. Bussacco, AIA President-Elect ALNNJ Private Residence Glen Rock,NJ Additions and alterations to an existing 60’s split level home in Glen Rock that will entail a total renovation of the existing residence. Exterior work will include details to create a more traditional home for the clients. R. Terry Durden, AIA Studio 43d Architecture and Design Ridgewood, NJ http://studio43d.com Annual Member Issue 4 AIA National Convention, Denver Colorado, June 19-22 Rutgers University Newark, NJ We have completed a pair of Tiered Classroom Renovations at Rutgers University’s Newark Campus. LED lighting, a metal canopy ceiling, wood flooring & new seating have been used to transform the bare concrete walled classrooms into a comfortable learning environment to the great satisfaction of the University and students. Robert Nocella, AIA SNS Architects & Engineers, PC Montvale, NJ www.sns-arch-eng.com 74 East 30th Street, Paterson NJ, 07514 t 973.684.5945sf 973.684.2775 info@acereprographics.comswww.acereprographics.com Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey 7 55 Madison Avenue, Suite 417 Morristown, NJ 07960 Intelligent Construction 5 The five core concepts of our approach to intelligent construction guide our team to: COMMUNICATE effectively, provide strong LEADERSHIP, WORK SAFELY, take a FORWARD THINKING position, and see a project through to COMPLETION. Abraham Lincoln is known to have proclaimed "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe". In the same way we believe that a well prepared approach is the best insurance for a good outcome. “Does your axe need sharpening?” – Robert McCarthy Building on 80 Years of Intelligent Construction Chief Operating Officer General Contracting • Construction Management • Project Consulting • Owner's Representation • Construction Dispute Resolution Heuer & Company • 27 Frederick Street, Waldwick NJ 07463 • P 201.493.0220 • F 201.493.0362 • www.heuerandcompany.com 8 Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey QuarterPgAd2013.pdf 1 2/16/13 3:28 PM Apply Your Right Brain. TM C M Y CM MY CY Duke Grimes • 181 Long Hill Road P-8 • Little Falls, NJ 07424 PH 973-433-0560 • CELL 215-779-9244 • FAX 732-691-4787 EMAIL dgrimes@wausautilenj.com • www.wausautile.com CMY We’ll Do What’s Left! K Preliminary Project Reviews, Specifications, Quality Assurance Reviews, plus peace of mind for your construction projects. 609 • 628 • 2390 www.conspectusinc.com ARCAT AD NJ 2.indd 1 10/23/12 11:33 AM Scan This Code to Order a Free Moulding Design Catalog & Samples! www.kuikenbrothers.com/classical - 201.652.1912 { In Stock } exclusively at kuiken brothers 9 Locations in nJ & nY Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey 9 News Leagueline Member News & Events Join Us ! ALNNJ 14th Annual Golf Outing Crystal Springs Resort, Hamburg, NJ Monday, July 15, 2013 ALNNJ 14th Annual Golf Outing July 15, 2013 The Architect’s League held its Thirteenth Annual Golf Outing at the Crystal Springs Resort in Hamburg, NJ. We had a large number of both architects and vendors turn out for the event – 104 golfers in total. The event was able to raise over $6,300 dollars for League Scholarships. The golf committee would like to thank all those members and vendors who attended and supported the event. Especially to Donna Mikitan from Pella who worked the check-in desk. Hope to see all of you next year. Rejoice the Joyce A special thanks to the following vendors: Dinner Sponsor: LAN Associates EPAS, Inc. Lunch Sponsor: Pella Windows and Doors Cocktail Hour: KSI Professional Engineers Longest Drive: Donnelly Construction Hole-in-one: DMR Architects Hole Sponsors: Prosurance Brokerage Associates Promedia Technology Services Armstrong Kuiken Brothers Emerald Financial United States Gypsum Co. Architectural Window Leagueline Call for Leagueline volunteers Attention Members!!! Would you like to make a contribution to your profession and the League? Join our editorial group. Leagueline is looking for editors to help create future issues. Release your creativity! Email Anthony Iovino at aiovino@aiarchs.com On August 13, 14 and 15, the Architects League once again offered Revit and AutoCAD for Beginners. The three-day course was taught by Board Trustee Richard Bettini, Associate AIA. Rich is a CAD instructor at West Essex Regional High School, which generously allowed the use of their facility. Attendance was small, but diverse, with one candidate coming from as far as the Cayman Islands. Long-time ALNNJ member Russell Warnet visiting from Florida joined us for this tour. Designed in 1928 by Clarence Stein and Henry Wright, Radburn is celebrated as the first planned “town for the Motor Age” in America. Radburn was to be an experiment in living where all the necessary amenities commonly found in cities were to be planned and built in this self-contained community, located in the rural town of Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Schools, businesses and shopping were designed to be accessible and linked to all residents by common parks, greenways and paths, safe and removed from roadways and busy streets. Small lots on cul-de-sacs provided an economical and efficient plan that encouraged all residents to share and enjoy all the common open space and walkways that joined them together. Since its inception, Radburn has served as a textbook for scholars of Town Planning and a model for New Urbanism. In 1975 Radburn was entered into the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Register of Historic Places. A special thank you to Suzanne and Louis DiGeronimo for hosting the dinner at their home, and to Joel Ives for hosting the BOT meeting at his office. 10 Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey T-Shirt Sponsors: Ace Reprographics Arcari + Iovino Architects, PC AdvanTech AE Empowerment Kallen & Lemelson Consulting Engineers, LLP NK Architects ZIP System Leagueline Revit/AutoCAD Class Radburn Walking Tour September 19, 2013 Leagueline Editor Joyce Raspa, AIA, Esq. Moves on Soon after the Leagueline began publishing over 10 years ago, Joyce joined our team. She offered all of us a unique perspective by being both an Architect and an Attorney. Many of her articles and editorial themes revolved around legislative matters for our profession. In recent years she has led a Diversity Program for the League and was appointed to represent the State at the National level. Joyce is always full of energy, positive on life, and a blast to be around. Joyce, on behalf of the League and especially your friends on the Leagueline Team, we thank you for your time and dedication all these years. Anthony Iovino, AIA Fay Logan, AIA Paul Bryan, AIA Andrew Mikhael, AIA D. Bruce Zahor Door Prizes: Diener Brick Company Tectonic Engineering & Surveying IN MEMORIAM Vincent D’Amore, AIA Architects League member Vincent D’Amore, age 87, of River Edge, passed away on August 6, 2013. Vincent was a man of high integrity, wit, professionalism, and intellect. A well respected architect, his designs are visible in many local communities. He was an avid golfer, and loved to sail. Ted Kessler Walking Tour Saturday September 28th Morningside Heights, Manhattanville and Hamilton Heights Archtober 2013 Architecture and Design month in New York City Events Architects League of Northern New Jersey Calendar of Events 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31 days 100+ ways to Sunday Sessions Kiku: The Art of Japanese Garden Hopper Drawing October 2-3 celebrate design 1 234 at MoMA PS1 The New York Botanical Garden Whitney Museum of American Art 5 AIANJ 2013 Design Conference in NYC an amalgam of artistic Oct 5 - 27 ongoing through Oct 6 the Berkeley Hotel, October 2013 programming momaps1.org/sundaysessions Midtown East Dedux 6 Ascher, Couture, Dolkart, October 6, 7, 8 Freeman & King October 7 Columbia Grad Center for Architecture arch.columbia.edu 7 8 nybg.org Asbury Park, NJ www.archtober.com 9 10 whitney.org 11 12 World Architecture Day New York City www.wantoday.com October 17 1314 1516 17 1819 ALNNJ Membership Meeting Pecha Kucha - Porcelanosa Paramus, NJ Recommended Cut ‘n’ Paste: From Architectural 2021 2223 24 2526 Assemblage to Collage City Women’s Leadership Summit October 24 - 26, 2013, Palomar Hotel, Phoenix, AZ For more information and to register for the event go to: http://www.aia.org/about/initiatives/AIAB098335 MoMA thru December 1 moma.org November 2013 2728293031 12 Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze Dante Ferretti: Design and Construction for the Cinema September 28 thru February 9 moma.org Recommended Van Cortland Manor, Croton-on-Hudson. Walk the Highline Hudson Valley’s most exciting Halloween Museum Aan de Stroom 34 56 7 89 once again. event. 21 Nights. 5,000 hand carved, Willem Jan Neutelings November 6 illuminated jack o’ lanterns, fantastic Columbia Grad Center for Architecture walk through experience. arch.columbia.edu www.hudsonvalley.org 10 Adolf Loos: 11 12 13 14 1516 Our Contemporary November 11 Columbia Grad Center for Architecture arch.columbia.edu November 21 Designing Modern Women, 1718 Kenneth Frampton Lecture Participatory City: 100 Urban 1920 21 2223 1890s–1990s October 5, 2013–October 1, 2014 moma.org Trends from the BMW Guggenheim Lab October 11 thru Jan 5 guggenheim.org Yvonne Farrell & Shelley McNamara November 20 Columbia Grad Center for Architecture arch.columbia.edu ALNNJ Membership Meeting Arthur Davis Lecture Series Paul Goldberger, Clinton Inn Tenafly, NJ The city never sleeps. The entire area continues to develop and change. 2425 2627 28 2930 Check it out. A great autumn walk. www.thehighline.org Chanuka begins at sundown Thanksgiving Day December 2013 once again... Decorative Arts Galleries and 67 Nights of 10,000 Lights 12 34 5 Period Rooms -23 Rooms A sparkling Celebration of the ongoing at Brooklyn Museum season - Six Nights - lights and brooklynmuseum.org candles, luminous displays and festive holiday happenings around the gardens and Eighteenth-Century Venetian Every holiday season, the Morgan 8 910 111213 14 grounds of Boscobel Drawings Library displays Charles Dickens’s www.boscobel.org Sept 27 thru Jan 5, 2014 original manuscript of A Christmas The Morgan Library & Museum Carol in Pierpont Morgan’s www.themorgan.org historic Library. The New York Botanical Garden Holiday Train Show, in the Bronx Nov 17 thru Jan 13 www.nybg.org A Longwood Christmas 1516 1718 19 2021 2223 2425 26 2728 Conservatory and Outdoor Gardens. Sounds of the season November 28 - January 12 29 www.longwoodgardens.org Christmas Day 30 31 Looking ahead... New Year’s Eve New Members The League is pleased to announce the New Members Mr. Anwar Alkhatib, AIA Mr. Philip C. Grimaldi, Assoc. AIA Ms. Denise Huang, Assoc. AIA Dhruva Latorre, Assoc. AIA Mr. Antoine J. Marie, Assoc. AIA Mr. Anthony L. Zampolin, Assoc. AIA Mr. Steven T. Zmuda, AIA The League welcomes you and looks forward to your involvement and participation. Please make a point of introducing yourself at the next dinner meeting or event. ALNNJ Installation Dinner The View, Piermont, NY January 4, 2014 JOIN US Leagueline The Leagueline offers many advertising opportunities to reach the northern New Jersey architectural community at very reasonable rates. All ads can now be full color ads! Contact our new advertising coordinator Andrew Mikhael at am@andrewmikhael.com for rates and additional information. Leagueline 10 Ten years of continuous quarterly publication. Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey 11 Leagueline The Architects League of Northern New Jersey P.O. Box 152 Paramus, NJ 07653-0152 To: ALNNJ members, Please let our advertisers know you saw their ad in Leagueline P 732.938.2666 • • • • Uncompromising Style, Variety and Performance. Peer Review Feasibility Studies Value Engineering Restoration of Existing Structures • • • • • F 732.938.2661 Structural Analysis and Design Condition Assessment Reports Historical Preservation Renovations & Additions MEP Services P.O. Box 628 Farmingdale, New Jersey 07727 • www.ksi-pe.com Every person has a different idea of home. With two premium product 26-01-10 KSI AdsV05.indd lines, the Andersen® Architectural Collection gives you the freedom to create the exact home you have in mind while delivering the performance you need. Each series takes its own innovative approach to make your dream a reality, and both are backed and supported by our 100-plus years of commitment to quality and service. 6 6/28/10 11:29 AM David C. Hall, CDT, CSI Architectural Account Representative To learn more, see our video at andersenwindows.com/collection or contact Pete O’Connor 201-522-5867 peter.oconnor@andersencorp.com “Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are registered trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2013 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. AW09/13-3045 12 Leagueline 4Q 2013 The Quarterly Newsletter of the Architects League of Northern New Jersey The Sherwin-Williams Company 226 Talmadge Road, Edison, NJ 08818-0847 dave.c.hall@sherwin.com www.sherwin-williams.com cell: 908-309-8709 fax: 732-248-9730
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