
January 14–January 27 2016 Issue #256
19Sherlock Holmes and the Clocktower Mystery
Discover “whodunit” at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium’s
new interactive mystery exhibit, opening IceFest weekend, January 16!
10 You Inspire Me Series:
Garth Callaghan
10 365 Impact Awards
28Sportsters Pub-N-Grub
365ink production staff
Bryce Parks Publisher, Everything Else
Kristina Nesteby Layout Ninja, Designer
Mike Ironside Feature Writer, Photographer
365ink advertising staff
Kate Larson
kate@dubuque365.com • 563-564-8710
Lisa Stevenson
lisa@dubuque365.com • 563-580-1691
Kelli Kerrigan
kelli@dubuque365.com • 563-581-7014
365ink contributing writers
Rich Belmont Argosy’s Food For Thought
Bob Gelms Bob’s Book Reviews
Matt Booth Mattitude
Pam Kress-Dunn Feature Writer
Sara Carpenter Do It Yourself Advice
Christopher Adams Horoscopes
Vickie Kouzmanoff Dear Vixen
special thanks
Christy Monk, Gina Siegert, Ryan Decker, Neil Stockel, Kay Kluseman, Ken Kline, Margie Blair, Fran Parks,
Julie Steffen, Ron & Jennifer Tigges, Julie Griffin, Mark Dierker, bacon, Steven Schleuning, Tim Brechlin,
Roy & Deb Buol, Jeff Lenhart, Gen. Bob Felderman, Dave Haas, Ivonne Simmonds Fals, all of our 365
friends and advertisers... and you for reading.
Where’s Wando
We’ve hidden Wando somewhere in this issue of 365ink. Can you find him?
2 TOC & Inkwell 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Dubuque365/365ink Magazine
432 Bluff St., Dubuque, IA 52001 • Dubuque365.com • 563-588-4365
All contents © 2016, Community, Incorporated. All rights reserved. All bacon served semi-crispy.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to
anyone. I saw it coming for the last five
years or so but secretly hoped it would end
differently, but alas, some people end of
being exactly the people you think they are.
I’m speaking, of course, about the
savior of the fantasy novel genre and
one-time Dubuque resident, George R.R.
Martin, and his much ballyhoo’d epic
book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, which
fair-weather fans and lazy television-only
watchers know as A Game of Thrones.
The series is currently stalled out at
book five with two more on the way, and
the HBO Series of the same name has now
caught up with the books and will now be
surpassing them with the airing of the next
season. I, for one, will not be watching.
This week George took to his blog to
announce the bad news that the next book
will not get here before the season starts,
to the worldwide groan of true fans of the
series. Already the TV series has at time
veered from the story in the novels. He’s
even using that as a bit of an excuse as to
why you should go ahead and watch the
show and read the book later. He said,
“Some of the ‘spoilers’ you may encounter
in season six may not be spoilers at all
because the show and the books have
diverged, and will continue to do so.”
So I’m not sure how I avoid spoilers
for what will now turn out to be years. I
guess I just have to accept that the end of
the book will be ruined for me and hope
that the journey is still worth the ride
even if the arrival at the end is tainted.
But, at least for now, I’m going to try and
be good and just not be seduced by HBO
and they’re damned tainted and twisted
version of the tale.
I’ll take a moment here to be a
pompous ass and say that if you’ve only
watched the show in TV you’re not a
read Song of Ice and Fire Fan, you’re
just a Game of Thrones fan. The shows
so far have amassed somewhere under
50 hours of runtime. By comparison,
going by runtime on Audible, the books
cover over 200 hours of narration. Even
with culling the descriptive text that is
set by the visuals of the show, the about
of exposition and additional characters
that are lost in the show are staggering.
You are missing so much it’s laughable.
And least it would be considered so by a
serious fan. It’s like saying you’re a Rush
fan based on the only three songs the
ever play on the radio. Yeah, they’re great
songs, but then you’ve never heard a 2112
and that’s just tragic.
Considering there was a five year
gap between books 3 and 4 and a seven
year gap between 4 and 5, who were we
to think he could crank out a new book
in three years. That’s just silly. And now
people are worried he’s going to die
before he finishes the books. He doesn’t
necessarily look like the healthiest guy
ever. Apparently the HBO guys know the
gist of how the story is to end, so there’s
some safety net. And if things transpire
as they did when Robert Jordan, famed
author of the 14 volume Wheel of Time
saga died after volume 11, maybe they
can just get Brandon Sanderson to finish
off this series too. His installments of the
Wheel of Time were, sorry to say, the best
of the series and his own works are also
the best sci-fi/fantasy writing out there
today. And he’d crank out one a year,
because he’s got discipline to go along
with his incredible talent.
Sadly, the longer Martin takes to finely
craft his literary version of the story, if
the HBO version ends first, which is easily
going to do, then that the ending that
people will remember and his carefully
sculpted written version will become a
mere alternate version to the one people
will have come to know. Bummer for
George. But I guess I can’t begrudge
a guy coming into fame late in life the
desire to fall into the trappings of fame
and fortune. I can’t say I’d want to sit in
my house writing stories either when the
world outside is suddenly my oyster.
And yes, George R.R. Martin did live in
Dubuque in the late 70’s at 2266 Jackson
Street while he taught at Clarke College.
Dubuque even left it’s mark on Westeros.
He told Vanity Fair magazine that ”a lot of
the stuff in ‘A Game of Thrones, the snow
and ice and freezing, comes from my
memories of Dubuque.” Oh… great.
Sorry if you read this whole thing and
don’t care about Game of Thrones. I don’t
read Nicholas Sparks books and never
will, so… n
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Inkubator 3
Events Ole
and Lena Win a Cruise
Sunday, January 17 @ 2 PM
Grand Opera House (135 W 8th St)
Every year Lena listens to her friends
at the Curler and Chat talk about their
vacations; and dreams of a romantic
vacation with Ole. But year after year,
she is disappointed as Ole’s idea of a
vacation is going to the Muskrat Lodge’s
Annual Convention, usually a camping
event held in Potsdam, at a park only 2
miles from their farm! This year, Lena has
decided that she and Ole are going on a
romantic vacation, even if it kills him.
Meanwhile, Ole won the grand prize
raffle at the Muskrat Lodges annual
“Don’t get your tail caught in the trap”
celebration. Ole and Sven didn’t even
remember that there had been a raffle,
let alone what he might have won. Rumor
has it that the grand prize might be a
cruise to exotic ports in the Caribbean;
something Ole wants no part of.
Will Ole talk Lena into going camping
instead of bobbing around on a cruise
ship “like a fishing boat in a walleye chop
on opening day”? Or will Lena finally get
the romantic vacation she has dreamed
about. Join in the side splitting fun for
the whole family of “Ole and Lena Win a
Cruise”, our 5th Ole and Lena play about
family, love and growing old together.
Tickets may be purchased by
calling 563-588-1305 or at the
Grand Opera House. The Box Office
is also open an hour before each
performance. Tickets are also available
at TheGrandOperaHouse.com. n
Men Who Care
1 Quarter Event
Thursday, January 21 @ 5:30–7 PM
Diamond Jo Casino Harbor Room
(301 Bell St)
The 100+ Men Who Care: Tri-State
Area group of Resources Unite will host
their Q1 2015 event at the Diamond Jo
Casino Harbor Room. All members of the
100+ Men Who Care group and any men
interested in joining are encouraged to
attend the event.
The area group of 100+ Men Who
Care is patterned after similar successful
initiatives around the country including
nearby Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, and
Iowa City. Media attention to the TriState Area group and word-of-mouth
excitement have helped engage more
and more men from our community.
How the concept work. Members
get together once every quarter.
All members have the opportunity
to nominate a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization to receive the group’s
quarterly gift. The group then selects
three nominations through a random
drawing. The men who nominated
each chosen organization then get 3–5
minutes to speak in front of the chapter
4 Events 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
as to why their particular charity is
deserving of the donation.
Following the presentations, the group
votes to select the nonprofit organization
who will receive a $100 check from each
member of 100+ Men Who Care. The
organization’s board members, and any
interested members, then present a
collective check to the charity.
In the last 6 months, 100+ Men
Who Care: Tri-State Area has raised
$10,000 each for both Special Spaces
and The Dubuque Dream Center. For
more information or to join, email
joe@resourcesunite.com. n
Events Ongoing
Thursday, January 14
Pinot and Pottery
5–8 PM @ Matter Creative Center
Choose from painting pottery items or exploring
our adventure labs. Pinot and Pottery® is a 21+
event. Bring your own beverage, snacks, and
party hats because we’re about to have a good
time! Signing up in advance is encouraged. Visit
MatterAdventures.com or call 563-556-0117.
Dubuque Food Coop Thursday Happy Hour
5–7 PM @ Dubuque Food Co-op
It’s January and it is cold. We all need a little
relief. Join us for a wine tasting with Kristin
from Winecentric. Free and open to the public!
Winter Farmers Market
Saturdays: November–April @ 9 AM–Noon
Colts Center
Started in 2007, the all-volunteer driven market
returns to the Colts Center (1101 Main St in
Dubuque), focusing on supporting our regional
food system, eating from our food shed yearround and providing annual funding to farmers
through our grant program. Great homemade
and baked goods, plus mat, cheese, eggs and,
yes, vegetables! For more information, visit
Page & Palette Book Group:
Vanessa and Her Sister
6 PM @ River Lights Bookstore
Page & Palette is a book group for art lovers!
Join us for our discussion of “Vanessa and Her
Sister” by Priya Parmar. For more information,
visit RiverLights.com or call 563-556-4391.
Big Bore Enterprise Gun Show
7–8:15 PM @ Inspire Café
Betsy Rippentrop, PhD, is a licensed
psychologist, reiki master, author, and certified
yoga teacher. Come learn the three big lessons
Betsy took away from her dark night of the soul
that have brought her back to vibrant health
and a richer and wiser existence. For more
information, call Inspire Café at 563-583-8338.
5–9 PM @ DBQ Co Fairgrounds
From 5–9 PM Friday, 9 AM–5 PM Saturday, and
9 AM–3 PM Sunday, vendors will buy, sell, or
trade modern, vintage, antique firearms, knives
and gun-related items. Concessions will be
available for purchase. A cash bar will also be
available. Tickets are $7 for adults, $1 for youth
15 and under, $10 for a weekend pass (includes
4 PM admission on Friday). Visit DbqFair.com.
Friday, January 15
Galena Winter Farmers’ Market
Second Wednesday of each month:
Now through April @ 4–6 PM
Galena Center for the Arts (Galena, IL)
Devotees of fresh food and produce, baked
delicacies, hand created items, and sweet
“somethings” will not have to hibernate
this winter. All items sold at the market are
created, grown, or made locally. Galena Center
for the Arts is located at 219 Summit Street
in Galena, IL. Ample parking is available.
Inspiring People Series: Betsy Rippentrop
Clarke Environmental Film Series: The Lorax
6:30 PM @ Clarke Jansen Music Hall
A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing
to win the affection of the girl of his dreams.
But to find it he must discover the story of the
Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who
fights to protect his world. The Dubuque County
Conservation Board is the partner for this film.
Free and open to the public. For more information,
call 563-588-6318 or visit Clarke.edu.
Angela DeVere
Children’s Book Reading + Crafts
3–5 PM @ Galena Public Library (Galena, IL)
Local Galena author Angela DeVere will read to
children from her book Penelope the Grumpy
Pony: An Adventure in Being Yourself. Penelope
teaches children a lesson about refraining from
bullying and being true to your own heart.
Following the book reading, children will make a
pony craft. This program is open to children ages
3–10. For more information, call 815-777-0200
or visit GalenaLibrary.org.
Citizen’s Police Academy Deadline
The Dubuque Police Department is accepting
applications from Dubuque citizens wishing
to participate in the Citizen’s Police Academy
(CPA) to build a better understanding between
citizens and police through education.
Applications are at the Police Department or
CityOfDubuque.org/cpa and are due by January
15. Sessions are on Thursdays, February 4 through
April 7 at the law center from 6–9 PM. Class size
is limited. Contact Lieutenant Scott Baxter at
563-589-4473 or sbaxter@cityofdubuque.org
for more information.
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Events 5
Events “Time Out of Mind”
Movie Screening
Tuesday, January 26 @ 7 PM
Mindframe Theaters (555 JFK Rd)
The Dubuque Rescue Mission is
hosting a screening of the Richard Gere
film, Time Out of Mind. The screening
will be free thanks to the generous
sponsorship of The Calico Bean Market.
Gere plays George, a homeless,
mentally-ill man who has been unable
to hold a job for years. He drifts through
the city looking for food, alcohol, and
shelter. He also tries to make contact with
his estranged daughter (Jena Malone).
Eventually George takes advantage of
some of the social services provided by
the city of New York, but he lacks the
proper paperwork to get the financial
assistance he needs. He befriends a fellow
homeless man (Ben Vereen) who claims
to have been a successful jazz musician
and helps him to repair the relationship
with his estranged daughter.
A Q&A with Mission Staff, Project
Concern, Opening Doors, and Hillcrest
will follow the screening. Freewill
donations made at the event will support
the Dubuque Rescue Mission. Mindframe
Theaters, Digital Dubuque, and 365ink
are happy to also sponsor this event
organized by our friend and Impact
Award Winner Jeff Lenhart. n
Live at Heritage Center Performing Arts Series
Friday, January 29 @ 7:30pm
University of Dubuque Heritage Center (2255 Bennett St)
Season 4 Finalists from NBC’s
The Sing-Off, VoicePlay is unlike any
theatrical experience available today,
recreating the orchestrated sound of an
entire musical production with nothing
but the human voice. What began quite
literally as a street corner barbershop
act in Orlando, Florida, has now evolved
into an internationally acclaimed touring
sensation for the whole family.
Vertigo-inducing harmonies pepper
VoicePlay’s music-without-music, lacing
it with inventive and hilarious on-stage
antics. The group’s music encompasses
various eras and styles, from Frankie
Valli and Disney to the hits of today
6 Events 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
from the likes of Taylor Swift, Justin
Timberlake, and Sia.
The Adrian Choral Festival, taking
place the same day at UD, will assemble
fifty high school vocalists from the
surrounding region who will combine
with UD’s Concert Choir to participate in
a choral workshop with VoicePlay and
perform Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing
alongside VoicePlay during the show.
Tickets are $25–$30 adult, $20–$25
UD alumni, and $15 students and can be
purchased now at the Farber Box Office,
by phone at 563-585-SHOW; or online
at DBQ.edu/heritagecenter. n
Events Saturday, January 16
Dubuque Sports & Recreation Festival
9 AM–3 PM @ Grand River Center
This free event is for all ages! Enjoy over 50 fun
activities, exhibitors, vendors, Speed Stacks
cup stacking competition, and registration
opportunities for youth sports leagues and other
organizations. New for 2016 is the Silent Auction
of Sports Memorabilia Items and other donated
items as well as the Sports Equipment Swap and
recycle of gently used items. For more details,
visit DBQPony.org or email info@DBQPony.org.
Big Bore Enterprise Gun Show
9 AM–5 PM @ DBQ Co Fairgrounds
Bald Eagle Watch
9:30 AM–4 PM @ Grand River Center
Join the Dubuque Audubon Society and
Dubuque Park Rangers for this annual event.
The day includes programs by the Minnesota
Raptor Center and Audubon Society of the
North Woods with live eagles, plus children’s
activities, exhibitors, and vendors. The
Dubuque Sports and Recreation Festival will
also be happening at the Grand River Center,
while bald eagle watching will be taking place
from 10 AM–3:30 PM at Lock and Dam #11.
Participation is free. Call 563-582-0881 ext.
6252 or visit AudubonDubuque.org.
Galena LitFest
Sunday, January 17
Monday, January 18
Big Bore Enterprise Gun Show
School’s Out Day Program: Snack Attack
9 AM–3 PM @ DBQ Co Fairgrounds
8 AM–5 PM @ DBQ CO ISU Extension Office
Two chances to attend: January 18 and 22. Want
to know how to make healthier choices and try
new foods? Join us for a day filled with activities
and games about healthy foods. Ages 6–8. $20
fee includes two snacks and a full day of fun filled
activities for students. For more information,
visit Extension.IAState.edu/dubuque or call
11 AM @ DeSoto House Hotel (Galena, IL)
Explore authors, books, and other literature
related vendors at the Literary Vendor Fair, and
join Iowa Writers’ Workshop Graduate Andres
Carlstein for Literary Fabulism Workshop. Both
events are free. Then, listen to Michael Alan
Peck and Thomas Armstrong while enjoying
dinner. Tickets are available for purchase at the
Desoto House Hotel (815-777-0090) and the
Galena Public Library (815-777-0200).
Writers Workshop
Community Equity Workshop
1–3 PM @ Prescott Elementary
The second part to the equity profile dialogues
will help prioritize which areas mean the most
to you. Childcare will be available with children’s
activities, as well as snacks and door prizes.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend;
participation is free. Visit InclusiveDbq.org.
Public Snowshoeing Hike
2–4 PM @ Inspire Café
Taught by veteran author Mary Potter Kenyon,
this two-part writing workshop on January 17
and 24 is designed to jump-start your writing
career. $20 for each course, or $35 for both.
Pre-payment and pre-registration required.
Call Inspire Café at 563-583-8338 to reserve
your place.
10 AM @ Swiss Valley Park (Peosta, IA)
Join a naturalist, strap on a pair of snowshoes,
and winter hike on the hopefully snowy,
beautiful trail. Limited snowshoes are available,
so reserve your pair today. Participation is free.
Dress for the weather and please preregister. Call
563-556-6745 or visit DubuqueCounty.org.
Murder at the Fish Fry Club
Bobby Hunt: Circus Boy
5–7 PM @ Stone Cliff Winery
Enjoy a four-course meal while trying to
discover who-done-it in a night of mystery and
intrigue in the wild romantic era of the roaring
‘20s. Buzz Nessman, the owner of Dubuque’s
most popular speakeasy—the Fish Fly Club—
has just been murdered. Join the bumbling
detective, Jack Slickman, as the murder unfolds
before your very eyes. Cost is $49.95. RSVP is
required. Visit StoneCliffWinery.com.
10:30 AM–11:30 AM @ East Dubuque Library
(East Dubuque, IL)
From Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey
Circus, Bobby Hunt, A.K.A. “Circus Boy”
has opened for Weird Al Yankovic, Jackie
Mason, The Beach Boys, Billy Ray Cyrus, The
Smothers Brothers, The Righteous Brothers,
Loverboy and Harry Anderson. For more
information, call 815-747-3052 or visit
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Events 7
Events Dubuque
Fighting Saints
Friday, January 29 @ 7:35 pm
Friday, February 5 @ 7:35 pm
Saturday, February 6 @ 7:05 pm
Mystique Ice Center (1800 Admiral Sheehy Dr)
The Dubuque Fighting Saints are
fighting for the Clarke Cup in the fiercely
competitive USHL Hockey League. TH
Media Family 4 Pack Nights, featuring
an incredible offer of 4 tickets, 4 slices
of pizza, 4 sodas and 2 Kids Zones
vouchers start at just $48 on February
13 and March 25. College Nights are
February 12, March 4, and April 1.
The Saints battle Souix City
Musketeers on Friday, January 29, and
it’s NHL All-Star Weekend! On Friday,
February 5, they take on the Omaha
Lancers, and it’s Mommies and Minions
night. On Saturday, February 6, they
face Cedar Rapids RoughRiders, and it’s
Character Education Night.
For more information,
call 563-583-6880 or visit
DubuqueFightingSaints.com. And, of
course, 365ink will be giving away game
tickets all season long on our Facebook
Page. Like us and win! n
Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque
Block Party
Friday, February 5 @ 4–7 pm
Roshek Building Lobby (700 Locust St)
The Community Foundation of
Greater Dubuque will host the fourth
annual Community Block Party.
Community members are invited to meet
and learn about 60 area nonprofits and
vote for their favorites. Four winning
nonprofits will receive either a $1,000
grant or a Kindle Fire.
The YAPPERS, the youth philanthropy
board of the Community Foundation, will
also be offering the “Sweet Treats” cake
and cookie auction. Proceeds from the
auction will support 2016 YAPPERS grants
to youth-serving nonprofit organizations.
8 Events 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
At the beginning of the evening,
the Community Foundation will also
be announcing the recipients of its
Community Impact Grants, which
directly fund projects and programs
at local nonprofit organizations. The
Foundation has awarded a total of
$353,110 Community Impact Grants since
the program’s inception in 2004.
For more information, like
the Community Foundation of
Greater Dubuque on Facebook,
visit DBQFoundation.org or call
563-588-2700. n
Events Monday, January 18
MLK Day Service Project
11 AM–2 PM @ Multicultural Family Center
Join us for a day of service to the community.
We’ll be making fleece blankets for the Dubuque
Community School District homeless population.
Lunch will be provided. Register in advance at
MFCDBQ.com or at the Multicultural Family
Center. For more information, call 563-582-3681.
Cabin Fever Day
1–3 PM @ Hurstville Interpretive Center
(Maquoketa, IA)
Get out of the house for an afternoon of critters,
snow creations (weather depending), crafts,
and cocoa! Parents can stay and play or drop
off children (2nd grade and up) for an afternoon
of new friends and new nature adventures. This
program is free and open to all ages. For more
information, call 563-652-3783.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration
2 PM @ Galena Public Library (Galena, IL)
The Library will celebrate Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day on Monday, January 18 at 2 p.m. by
exploring how quilts have been used over the
years, particularly by the African-American
community, to tell important stories. Kids will
be able to make a “quilt square” to contribute
to a larger quilt to hang in the library. Games
designed to foster diversity and treats to
celebrate Dr. King’s birthday will round out the
celebration. This free program is for children
in grades K–6. For more information, call
815-777-0200 or visit GalenaLibrary.org.
Tuesday, January 19
Baby + Me Tours
9 AM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
Babies and their caregivers are welcome to
participate in a 30-minute tour of Museum
exhibitions. Baby + Me Tours are offered the
second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Space
is limited; advanced registration is required.
Visit DBQArt.com/events.
Creative Kids Maker Club: Colorful Clouds
4 PM @ Carnegie-Stout Public Library
Why does it rain? What makes clouds? Come
find out in a series of experiments! Creative
Kids After-School Maker Club is a club which
explores STEM and technology in fun and
engaging ways. This club runs twice a month on
Tuesdays at 4 PM and is for children ages 7–11.
Registration required. To register or for more
information, call 563-589-4225 and ask for the
Children’s Help Desk at extension 2228.
Wednesday, January 20
Skiing at Midnight with Kevin Koch
4–5 PM @ Dubuque County Library
NICC/Peosta Branch (Peosta, IA)
Presented by NICC, Sedona, and US Postal
Service staff, this is an opportunity to learn
more about career tools, the local job market,
and services. Learn how to successfully
complete online applications with follow-up.
Visit DubCoLib.Lib.ia.us.
7 PM @ Swiss Valley Park (Peosta, IA)
Kevin Koch, author of Skiing at Midnight: A
Nature Journal from Dubuque County, will
have a presentation on his book. Bring your
winter hiking gear (you can borrow equipment,
but supplies are limited) and head outside to
experience the trails on a winter night under an
almost full moon. Finish off the night with hot
chocolate. Participation is free. To register, call
563-556-6745 or visit DubuqueCounty.org.
Thursday, January 21
Saturday, January 23
“How-to” Online Career Workshop
DIY Felted Flowers
PechaKucha Night Dubuque, Volume II
7 PM @ The Smokestack
Every story is unique. Come hear local stories
from passionate people. 10 speakers, 20
images X 20 seconds. This event is free, with
food and drink available to purchase. Learn
more pechakucha.org/cities/dubuque.
Friday, January 22
School’s Out Day Program: Snack Attack
10 AM @ Galena CFA (Galena, IL)
Use wet process and needle felting to
create one of a kind flowers with natural
wool fibers. Please register by contacting
instructor Larissa Distler at 563-581-5663 or
larissadistler@gmail.com. Cost is $20. Visit
Pinnacle Combat MMA XXII
7 PM @ Five Flags Center
Enjoy mixed martial arts (MMA), a full contact
combat sport that allows the use of both
striking and grappling techniques, both
standing and on the ground, from a variety
of other combat sports. For more information
or tickets, visit PinnacleCombat.com or
8 AM–5 PM @ DBQ CO ISU Extension Office
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Events 9
Events Jeff Lenhart’s You Inspire Me Series welcomes
Notes” Author Garth Callaghan
Thursday, February 18 @ 7 PM
Hotel Julien Dubuque (200 Main St)
The “You Inspire Me Series” welcomes the celebrated
author of Napkin Notes: Make Lunch Meaningful, Life
Will Follow, Garth Callaghan, to Dubuque... including
a featured FREE public presentation at Hotel Julien
Dubuque, tentatively scheduled for 7 PM that evening.
This event is the first in a new series of nationally
recognized inspirational authors and personalities invited
to our community by Jeff Lenhart, an inspirational
Dubuquer in his own right. The series is made possible
thanks to the generous support of the Community
Foundation of Greater Dubuque, Hotel Julien Dubuque
and 365ink Magazine.
Garth has been diagnosed with cancer four times in
the past three years, once with prostate cancer, the other
three times with kidney cancer. He is currently under
treatment and battling metastatic kidney cancer.
When his daughter Emma was in kindergarten, Garth
started to write an inspirational note on a napkin and tuck
it away in her lunch box. When he was diagnosed with
cancer a third time, he was worried he may not live to
see Emma graduate from high school. But he wanted to
continue the napkin note tradition. So he set out to write
all of the notes Emma would need to see her through to
graduation, just in case. He wrote 826 napkin notes in all.
Today they’re stored in a special box for safe keeping.
Garth’s book, Napkin Notes: Make Lunch Meaningful,
Life Will Follow, was been published by HarperCollins
and has been optioned to be a Major Motion Picture by
Reese Witherspoon through New Line Cinema.
Garth lives with his wife of 18 years, Lissa, and Emma
in Virginia. He wakes up each day looking to inspire other
parents to write napkin notes to their children, and to
inspire cancer patients to fight and live well!
More details will be coming soon about Mr Calaghan’s
visit and the continuation of the series itself, including
the availability of copies of Garth’s fantastic book.
Proceeds from the sale of Garth’s book through this
event will support the Compass to Care Foundation,
a local charity that helps children with cancer travel
to receive the treatment they need. Stay tuned to
365ink Magazine or follow updates in the series at
Facebook.com/youinspiremedbq or youinspireme.life. n
Impact Awards
Tuesday, March 1 @ 7 pm
Diamond Jo Casino Mississippi Moon Bar (301 Bell St)
The 365 Impact Awards, sponsored by The
Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque and Premier
Bank, return for the seventh big year to the Mississippi
Moon Bar at the Diamond Jo Casino on Tuesday, March
1 at 7 PM (doors open at 6 PM). The event is FREE and
everyone is welcome to attend. Live music will kick off
the night from 6:30–7 PM. There are complimentary hors
d’oeuvres and a cash bar. Let’s fill the place up and make
them have to open the balcony!
But first, we have to make some tough decisions
among all of those in the community who deserve a little
piece of the spotlight this year! That’s where you come in.
Award categories can vary but have traditionally
included: Arts, Community Pride, Dining, Family, Health,
Historic Preservation, Inclusion, Media, Music, Nightlife,
Non-Profit Excellence, Sports/Recreation, Sustainability,
Volunteerism, and Youth Advocacy. Don’t let this list limit
your thoughts but spur it! You can nominate anyone or
any group or business for anything they did in the last
year. If you think it was a great idea, even if it didn’t work,
we want to know about it. Our team will fight it out over
the nominees that are suggested through Facebook
(Facebook.com/dubuque365) and other means (email
bryce@dubuque365.com) and select this year’s winners.
365 is once again appreciative of the support of
The Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque, an
organization so in-line with the concept of making a
community impact that their own grant program awards
are, in fact, called Community Impact Grants. They provide
funding to people and organizations with the next big ideas
to make positive change in Dubuque. By joining with 365,
they share in the backend of that concept, awarding those
whose impact was truly felt. And like 365ink, their staff is in
touch on a daily basis with so many local impact-makers.
When it comes to partners who understand what it
is that 365ink is all about, Premier Bank is at the top of
the list. Supporting the community initiatives of 365 for
more than a decade, Premier Bank has joined the Impact
Awards team to help us create an event worthy of the
great people, businesses and organizations it celebrates.
They have always supported great arts and cultural events
in the community, especially those brave souls who create
new and exciting opportunities for Tri-staters to connect
to the arts. You’ll find a great and robust dedicated fine
arts section in every other issue of 365ink Magazine
thanks to Premier Bank’s support of their local arts.
The mission at 365ink is to help connect people to
relationships, opportunity and the best possible living
experience in our community. The 365 Impact Award is for
those who choose to make an effort to Impact the world
around them 365 days a year. It’s meant for those who
believe in our community and are willing to do something
to make it better for everyone. It’s not about being
the biggest fish in the pond or touching the most lives
with your efforts. From massive festivals to individuals
changing the lives of handful of others, we are thrilled to
celebrate the passions of those who choose to “DO.”
The overwhelming response to past 365 Impact
Awards shows was more than we at 365 had ever
expected. In fact, we still hear from our winners that
receiving the Impact Award has helped them recruit
members, grow their business, motivate their teams and
10 Events 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
for almost all of them that it just felt great to know that
the community appreciates their hard work.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday evening, March 1, at
7 PM for the 2016 edition of the 365 Impact Awards show
at the Mississippi Moon Bar. This is a free event open
to the public. However, you must be 21 years of age to
attend. It’s a crazy fun night of celebrating ourselves and
our community and you don’t want to miss it. Besides,
it’s a Tuesday night. You’re not busy, we promise. n
Events Saturday, January 23
Working with Food Banks Webinar
Roll Bounce Skate Party
8 PM–Midnight @ Skate Country
Calling all 60’s–00’s babies to the skate floor!
We have two special hosts for this event. Cost is
$7 and includes entrance and skates. There will
be a gift card raffle taking place after 10:30 PM.
Sunday, January 24
6–8 PM @ ISU Extension DBQ Co Office
Find out how Master Gardeners can work
with food banks to donate garden produce.
The webinar is presented by Sara Bonefas,
interm director of the Food Bank of Iowa, and
Susan DeBlieck, Master Garderner program
assistant for ISU Extension & Outreach. Free
of charge and open to anyone. To register,
contact Laura Klavitter at 563-583-6496 or
Lecture: Joel Greenberg
Friday, January 29
Clarke University Faculty Recital
7:30 PM @ Clarke Jansen Music Hall
Featuring pianist Sharon Jensen, assistant
professor of music, and vocalists Sang-In Han,
assistant professor of music, and LaDonna
Manternach, associate professor of music.
Admission is free. Visit Clarke.edu/artsatclarke.
1:30 PM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
In conjunction with the exhibit “Passing By: Mixed
Media Installation,” Joel Greenberg, naturalist
and author of A Feathered River Across the Sky:
The Passenger Pigeon’s Flight to Extinction, the
first major work on the bird in over fifty years, will
present a talk. Visit DbqArt.com/events.
Tuesday, January 26
Young at Art
2–2:45 PM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
Every second and fourth Tuesday, toddlers ages
3–5, accompanied by a parent or grandparent,
are invited to the Museum to create art. Come
dressed to get messy. Each session is free for
Museum members and $5 for non-members.
All supplies are furnished. For more information
or to enroll a student, contact Margaret Buhr at
563-557-1851 or MBuhr@DBQArt.com.
Saturday, January 30
Ski with your Pooch: Skijoring Class
Mentor Dubuque Trivia Night: Let’s Rock
6:30–9:30 PM @ Knights of Columbus Hall
Get your team of 2–10 people together for this
fun night of trivia! Wear your favorite 80s hair
band attire for a chance to win prizes. Prizes are
also awarded to the winning trivia team and their
team name will be added to the trivia trophy.
Food and drinks are available for purchase.
Registration starts at 6:30 PM and trivia starts
at 7 PM. Contact Kalyn at 563-845-0768
or kalyn.decker@hillcrest-fs.org for more
information or to register. Proceeds benefit
Mentor Dubuque.
1 PM @ Galena’s Fever River Outfitters
Galena’s Fever River Outfitters invites dog
owners to join them for a two-hour class to learn
how to Skijore: a winter activity which combines
cross-country skiing with dog power. The skier is
attached to their dog with a belt and towline and
is pulled by the dog across the snow. Skijoring
is a sport which allows both human and canine
counterparts to exercise and enjoy the great
outdoors. Most dogs of medium size (30 pounds
and up) will be able to skijor if trained properly.
Cost for the class is just $15 per person. A rental
skijoring leash is available for an extra $15, but
it’s suggested that you bring your own dog. Make
reservations by calling Fever River Outfitters
Nordic Center at 815-776-5225. For more
information, visit feverriveroutfitters.com.
Guys in Ties
7:30 PM @ Bell Tower Theater
The talented actors from the Quad Cities
Comedy Sportz are here to create a brand
new show right before your very eyes using
suggestions from you and your fellow audience
members. A Bell Tower favorite for ten
years, this is a show you don’t want to miss.
Tickets are $20. Call 563-588-3377 or visit
Sunday, January 31
English Afternoon Tea
2–4 PM @ Inspire Café
Take in the relaxed ambience and enjoy a
three-tiered arrangement of finger sandwiches,
scones, and seasonal desserts. Choose from a
selection of exceptional teas and perhaps enjoy
a glass of champagne or mimosa. Afternoon
Tea is a celebratory affair to enjoy with friends,
associates and especially loved ones. “Little
prince and princess tea” is also available for
our junior guests (ages 4–12). RSVP by Friday,
January 29. Visit Inspire-Cafe.com.
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Events 11
Events Global Perspectives
Leadership Award:
Deadline: Monday, March 2 @ 5 PM
The Thomas Determan Global
Perspectives Leadership Award was
established in 2013 to recognize
outstanding high school seniors who
have demonstrated behaviors focused
on “thinking globally and acting locally.”
Specifically, the Award seeks to educate
applicants and others of the themes of
global education. Global Perspectives
Education is defined as “the interrelated
nature of conditions, issues, trends,
processes and events affecting the
quality of life on the planet Earth.”
Scholarships are available to
graduating high school seniors from
the East Dubuque, Dubuque, Wahlert
Catholic, Beckman Catholic, Galena,
Southwest Wisconsin and Western
Dubuque districts and home-schooled
within these districts. Any student
planning to attend community college,
trade or technical school, four-year
college or university, or school focused on
the creative arts is eligible. The top award
for scholarship grants for the 2015–2016
academic year will be $1000. At least
three scholarships will be awarded. The
award is for one year only. Details and
information about the online application
can be found at TDGlobal.org.
Thomas Determan devoted his
career as a teacher in the Dubuque
public schools to educating sociallyconscious and curious future leaders
who approach their lives from a global
perspective. Determan said that this
scholarship is for “...people who see
themselves as visionaries, pioneers, and
paradigm shifters.” Although Determan
passed away in 2014, his words and
actions continue to inspire students and
teachers to learn about the world around
them. The Thomas Determan Global
Perspectives Endowment is managed by
Determan’s family, friends, colleagues,
and former students who are dedicated
to continuing his legacy and ensuring
that students in the Dubuque region
reach their potential as leaders in the
global community. n
Shamrock Imports
of Ireland
June 22–July 2
Now taking reservations!
Judy and Mike Siegert from Shamrock
Imports are hosting an unforgettable
journey to the Emerald Isle! That’s Ireland
to you and me. Join these seasoned Irish
travel hosts for an itinerary that presents
all of the wonders of Ireland with excellent
hotels, top-class visits and plenty of fun.
The tour includes round-trip
transportation from Dubuque Ireland
via Are Lingus, luxury motor coach,
five fantastic hotels, 9 breakfasts and
7 dinners, guided tours of Drogheda,
Derry, Belfast and Dublin, and visits
to historic Cong, Titanic Belfast,
Giants Causeway, Bushmills Distillery,
Donegal Castle, Slieve League Cliffs,
12 Events 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Clonmacnoise and Guinness Storehouse.
Even take a cruise on Lough Corrib.
Land price is $2295 per person and
Land and Air price is $3450. Single room
supplement is $500 and travel protection
plans are optional at $189 per person. No
hidden fees or extras. It’s all included.
Experience the warmth and charm of
the Irish people and immerse yourself
in a richness of ancient Celtic heritage
with hosts who really know their stuff.
Secure your place with a $250 deposit
now. For more information or to register,
contact Judy at Shamrock Imports at
563-583-5000 or stop in a see her at
391 Bluff St. in Cable Car Square. n
Events Now Showing @ Mindframe Theaters
Friday, January 15–Thursday, January 21
Coming to Theaters
The Benefactor
13 Hours (R)
Friday, January 15
A newly married couple (Dakota Fanning and
Theo James) are forced to navigate the allconsuming interest of a powerful, mysterious,
and possessive philanthropist (Richard Gere).
Friday, January 15
Based on the book 13 Hours: The Inside Account
of What Really Happened in Benghazi.
Norm of the North (PG)
Friday, January 15
A polar bear of many words, Norm’s greatest
gripe is simple: there is no room for tourists in the
Arctic. But when a maniacal developer threatens
to build luxury condos in his own backyard, Norm
does what all normal polar bears would do...he
heads to New York City to stop it.
Ride Along 2 (PG-13)
Friday, January 15
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube lead the returning lineup
from the blockbuster action-comedy that gave
us the year’s most popular comedy duo.
HBO’s critically beloved Western
Deadwood, is coming back as a movie.
“David has our commitment that we are
going to do it,” says HBO’s president
of programming, Michael Lombardo, of
creator, David Milch. “He pitched what
he thought generally the storyline would
be—and knowing David, that could
change. But it’s going to happen.”
For the first time, Aaron Sorkin
is going to be behind the camera
on Molly’s Game, an adaptation of
Molly Bloom’s memoir about running
Hollywood’s biggest high-stakes,
underground poker games.
Guillermo del Toro is taking us inside
the human body as he in talks to take
over for Shawn Levy on the James
Cameron-produced Fantastic Voyage, a
long-gestating remake of the 1966 film
that saw a submarine and scientist crew
shrunk inside a man’s body to save him
from a blood clot.
Emma Stone is in talks for the title
lead in Cruella, the film planned as an
origin story of how a young Cruella de Vil
The 5th Wave (PG-13)
Ride Along 2 (PG-13)
Fri–Thu: (11:30 AM), (1:50), (4:30),
7:00, 9:20
Sisters (R)
Fri–Thu: (11:45 AM), (2:15), (4:50),
7:30, 10:00
The Revenant (R)
Fri–Thu: (12:30), (3:45), 6:50, 10:00
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Fri–Thu: (11:10 AM), (1:20), (4:15),
7:10, 10:00
The Hateful Eight (R)
Fri–Thu: 11:30 AM, 3:15, 7:30
555 JFK Road
Behind Kennedy Mall
Hotline: 563-582-4971
Daddy’s Home (PG-13)
Fri & Sat: (11:10 AM), (2:00), (4:25),
7:20, 9:40
Sun: (11:10 AM), (2:00), (4:25), 9:40
Mon–Thu: (11:10 AM), (2:00), (4:25),
7:20, 9:40
Labyrinth (PG)
Fri: 11:55 PM
Sat: (10:00 AM), 11:55
Friday, January 22
16-year-old Cassie Sullivan tries to survive
in a world devastated by the waves of an
alien invasion that has already decimated the
population and knocked mankind back to the
Stone Age.
Mojave (R)
Friday, January 22
A violent artist, Thomas, has an encounter with
a homicidal, chameleon-like drifter, Jack. Jack
follows Thomas back to his privileged L.A. home
life, holding a dark secret over his head as he
attempts to infiltrate and destroy his seeminglyperfect life.
became singularly obsessed with being
a dog abductor/furrier. Saving Mr. Banks
and Fifty Shades of Grey writer Kelly
Marcel is currently penning the script. Did
anyone ask Disney is this was ok?
Michael Bay is going to direct yet
another Transformers movie. So there’s
that. First he’s finish another Ninja Turtle
movie… because we needed that too.
After the commercial and critical
success of Creed there is, naturally,
going to be a sequel. “Director Ryan
Coogler has some ideas of going forward
and backward and actually seeing Rocky
and Apollo together,” Stallone revealed
to Variety. “Think of The Godfather 2.”
Sly really said that.
Christopher Nolan’s next film will
reportedly be about the miraculous
WWII evacuation of trapped Allied
troops at Dunkirk. The ensemble cast
will have unknowns in the lead roles,
but Kenneth Branagh, stage-turnedsuddenly-huge-film-star Mark Rylance,
and frequent Nolan collaborator Tom
Hardy will also have parts. n
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Events 13
cLaRke SoPhoMoRe/JunioR
aRT eXhibiTion
noW ThRough JanuaRy 23
reception: saturdaY, JanuarY 23 @ 3–4:30 pM
@ clarke universitY QuigleY art gallerY (1550 clarke dr)
The Clarke University Art + Design
Department Sophomore/Junior
Juried Art Exhibition, featuring 17
students, will be on display in the
Quigley Art Gallery on Clarke’s
campus. The Quigley Gallery is open
Powered By:
from Noon–5 PM Monday through
Friday; 1–5 PM Saturday and Sunday.
a SaVage bLack coMeDy PReSenTeD by TRainWReck PRoDucTionS (TWP),
Dubuque’S FounD-SPace TheaTRe coMPany
JanuaRy 29 anD 30 @ 7 PM
tickets: $7
@ the sMokestack (62 e 7th st)
Lucy is a four-year-old girl with a very
active imagination. Unfortunately,
her imaginary friend Mr. Marmalade
doesn’t have much time for her. Not
to mention he beats up his personal
assistant, has a cocaine addiction, and
a penchant for pornography and very
long dildos. Larry, her only real friend,
is the youngest suicide attempt in the
history of New Jersey. The play is a
savage black comedy about what it
takes to grow up in these difficult times.
Mr. Marmalade is a full-length play
by Noah Haidle, co-directed by TWP
CORE company members Nicholas
Johnson and Ben Johnson. The show
features Melissa Goranson (Lucy), Danny
Fairchild (Mr. Marmalade), Ann Kress
(Sookie, Emily, A Sunflower), Logan
Wright (George, A Cactus, A Man),
Ben Lewis (Larry), and Luke Lawson
(Bradley). The production contains
strong adult content and language.
Admission is $7 at the door (cash
or check), beginning 30 minutes
before the performance.
coMMuniTy SuPPoRTeD aRT
SubMiSSion DeaDLine: SaTuRDay, JanuaRy 30
With the same “buy local” spirit as
Community Supported Agriculture
in mind, Community Supported Art
supports local art, artists and collectors.
We are seeking artists, of all disciplines,
to a launch our inaugural Community
Supported ART (CSA) program.
Local art advocates of multiarts
organizations are coming together to
bring CSA to Dubuque. In an effort
to encourage the growth of the local
art scene, CSA aims to promote and
motivate artists by connecting them with
buyers and local art institutions.
Interested consumers/collectors will
purchase a share (“subscription”), for a
box of locally produced artwork. There
will be a CSA preview event held at the
Dubuque Museum of Art in April and a
CSA pickup event at the Dubuque Area
Arts Collective in August.
DePaRTMenT oF Fine anD PeRFoRMing aRTS PReSenTS
DinneR À La MoRTe:
MySTeRy DinneR TheaTRe
SaTuRDay, JanuaRy 30 @ 6 PM
SunDay, JanuaRy 31 @ noon
tickets: $30
@ universitY of dubuQue heritage center babka theatre (2255 bennett st)
Set in prohibition-era 1929, the story
begins at Katherine Ryan’s dinner
party, held in honor of her late
husband (and banker) Francis Ryan.
Audience members will be “guests”
of Mrs. Ryan’s, and enjoy a catered
meal as the mystery unfolds. Eight
UD student-actors will portray colorful
characters throughout the evening,
opening with a welcome during
which a maître d’ will mingle with and
distribute new identities to guests,
followed by an initial presentation of
the plot, moving into dinner where
each guest will have a chance to guess
“whodunit,” and closing with a final
wrap-up to the mystery.
This scholarship fundraising event is
sponsored by the Alpha Psi Omega
National Theatre Honor Society.
The production will be directed by
adjunct professor Molly Hoefflin of Die
Laughing Players. Reservations can be
made before January 25 at Heritage
Center’s Farber Box Office.
TRee—ShaDeS oF WiSDoM”
FebRuaRy 3 ThRough MaRch 31
reception: fridaY, februarY 5 @ 6–8 pM
cost: free
@ sinsinawa art gallerY
Professional photographer Mark
Hirsch of Platteville, WI spent a year
taking daily photos of a lone bur
oak tree after he was challenged to
use the camera of his new iPhone.
Mark took the challenge and
started sharing the photos online
which resulted in people around the
world following his daily shoots and
a book (ThatTree.net) chronicling his
year with That Tree. Mark shares how
That Tree changed his perspective as
he created amazing photos.
The gallery is open daily, 10 AM–5 PM,
and “That Tree” is available at Sinsinawa
Book & Gift Gallery.
Arts DuMa aWaRDeD SMiThSonian
DuMa becoMeS onLy ThiRD ioWa MuSeuM WiTh The aFFiLiaTion
Dubuque MuSeuM oF aRT (701 LocuST ST)
On Tuesday, January 12, Smithsonian
Affiliations Director Harold A. Closter
announced that the Dubuque Museum
of Art (DuMA) had been selected for
the program based on the strength
of its collections, operations and
national accreditation through the
American Alliance of Museums.
With the designation, DuMA joins the
National Mississippi River Museum
and Aquarium in Dubuque, first
awarded Affiliate status in 2007, and
the Putnam Museum in Davenport,
designated in 2010, as the only
Smithsonian affiliated organizations in
Iowa. Nationally, fewer than 30 cities
have multiple Smithsonian affiliated
organizations, a list that includes major
metropolitan regions like Atlanta,
Charlotte, Dallas, Denver, and Seattle.
The mission of the Smithsonian
Affiliations program is to share
the collections, scholarship, and
exhibitions of the Smithsonian
Institution—the largest research and
museum complex in the world—with
Americans in their own communities.
The program grants DuMA special
access to artifacts and traveling
exhibitions, including the Smithsonian’s
world-class holdings of American art.
The partnership also allows DuMA
to participate in educational and
outreach collaborations, including
curriculum development in schools,
lectures, workshops and study tours. Vanya anD Sonia
MaSha anD SPike
PReSenTeD by FLy-by-nighT PRoDucTionS
FebRuaRy 5, 6, 12, anD 13 @ 7:30 PM
SunDay, FebRuaRy 7 @ 2 PM
tickets: $16
@ five flags center biJou rooM (405 Main st)
Vanya and his adopted sister Sonia
live a quiet life in Pennsylvania, but
their peace is disturbed when movie
star sister Masha returns unannounced
with her 20-something boy toy Spike.
Thus, a weekend of rivalry, regret
and raucousness begins! With satiric
bite, Durang takes Chekovian themes
and characters and puts them in a
blender! Note: Some Adult Language
Ticketmaster.com, and one hour
before each performance at the
door (cash only). Ticket prices
do not include possible facility
and convenience fees.
Five Flags City Operated parking ramp
is available on Main St between 3rd
and 4th Streets. Full parking map is
available at FiveFlagsCenter.com.
DuMA is Iowa’s oldest cultural
institution, founded in 1874. The
mission is to seek to excite, engage,
and educate constituents through the
presentation of collections, exhibitions,
and programming; to form mutually
beneficial partnerships to enhance the
role of the arts within our community;
and to adhere to professional
museum standards in all operations.
Tickets are on sale now at the
Five Flags Box Office (Locust
Street Entrance, Monday–Friday
10 AM–5 PM), all Ticketmaster
outlets (1-800-745-3000),
SubMiSSion DeaDLine: WeDneSDay, FebRuaRy 10
caLL FoR SubMiSSionS
Grain Magazine is soliciting contributing
writers to educate and inform the local
and regional community about its
dynamic and wide-ranging art scene.
Submissions may be in the form of
essays and opinion pieces, interviews,
artist/gallery/organization features, or
any other format that highlights the arts
in Dubuque and the area (within 200
miles of Dubuque) - 2000 word limit.
Email GrainDBQ@gmail.com for more
details on submissions.
Accepted content will be published
through Grain Magazine in print, and/
16 Arts 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
or through the new online Grain website
expected to go live this Spring.
Grain lives online and in print with
the purpose of connecting the world
to the creative people and works of
Dubuque, IA and its surrounding areas.
The semi-annual magazine particularly
serves as a companion to our gallery
shows, featuring artist interviews and
illumination of gallery themes.
Arts SeX
PLeaSe We’Re SiXTy
by MichaeL PaRkeR & SuSan PaRkeR
FebRuaRy 12–13, 17–20, anD 24–27 @ 7:30 PM
FebRuaRy 14, 21, anD 28 @ 2 PM
tickets: $10–20
@ bell tower theater (2728 asburY rd)
When four women and two men
of a certain age accidentally swap
“helpful” pills, more than just
questions arise as they all suddenly
find their lives moving in new and
surprising directions. This saucy
senior scandal is sure to make
audiences of any age laugh out loud.
The production features Chris
Becker, Cindy Campton Iwasaki,
Bill Hoerstman and Debbie Meyer
along with newcomers to the Bell
Tower Theater stage Cindy Wilharm
and Kay Munson. The show will
be directed by Bell Tower Theater
Artistic Director Sue Riedel.
February 12 and 13 are the Early
Bird Special performances, tickets
are just $10. Tickets for all other
performances are $20. Thursdays
are Girls’ Night Out; all audience
members get a free glass of wine.
Vagina MonoLogueS
a FunDRaiSeR FoR RiVeRVieW cenTeR oF Dubuque anD The SeXuaL
aSSauLT ReSPonSe TeaMS oF Dubuque anD cLayTon counTy
SaTuRDay, FebRuaRy 13 @ 7:30 PM
tickets: $15 advance/$20 door
@ the sMokestack (62 e 7th st)
Join us for a special performance
by the famous belly dance troupe
UNDA at 7:30 PM and The Vagina
Monologues at 8 PM. Doors open at
6 PM and food and speciality drinks
will be available for purchase. Come
meet The Dubuque Bomb Squad
as they will be taking tickets for the
show, silent auction, and raffles.
Get a raffle ticket for every gentlyused bra you donate! The bras go
to ‘Free The Girls’ organization.
Free The Girls is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides job
opportunities for survivors of sex
trafficking in developing countries.
Tickets are $15 in advance and
$20 at the door. Purchase tickets
directly from The Smokestack
Thursday through Sunday or call
Lori Theisen (563-213-3731) or
Jenni Snedden (920-450-5960).
All proceeds from ticket sales,
auction, and raffle will be donated
to The Riverview Center of
Dubuque and The Sexual Assault
Response Teams (SART) of
Dubuque and Clayton County.
Seating may be limited. Come early
to snag a seat, bid on silent auction
items, purchase raffle tickets, drink,
eat, donate and support sexual assault
and domestic violence survivors!
Lori: 563-213-3731
Jenni: 920-450-5960
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Arts 17
ThuRSDay, JanuaRy 14
Page & Palette book group:
Vanessa and her Sister
6 PM @ river lights Bookstore
FRiDay, JanuaRy 15
angela DeVere children’s book Reading + crafts
3–5 PM @ Galena Public Library (Galena, IL)
Pinot and Pottery
5–8 PM @ Matter Creative Center
SaTuRDay, JanuaRy 16
galena LitFest
11 aM @ Desoto House Hotel (Galena, Il)
Scribblers chat group
2 PM @ Maquoketa Art Experience
(Maquoketa, IA)
Jack & kitty Family Folk
4–6 PM @ Grand Opera House
elvis Rock n Roll Remember Tribute Show
7 PM @ Ohnward Fine arts Center
(Maquoketa, IA)
SunDay, JanuaRy 17
ole & Lena Win a cruise
2–4 PM @ Grand Opera House
Writers Workshop
2–4 PM @ Inspire Café
Murder at the Fish Fry club
5–7 PM @ stone Cliff winery
TueSDay, JanuaRy 19
baby + Me Tours
9–9:30 AM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
creative kids Maker club: colorful clouds
4 PM @ Carnegie-Stout Public Library
SunDay, JanuaRy 24
Lecture: Joel greenberg
1:30 PM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
Writers Workshop
2–4 PM @ Inspire Café
TueSDay, JanuaRy 26
young at art
2–2:45 PM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
FRiDay, JanuaRy 29
“Where can art Make a Difference?!” Reception
5–7 PM @ Clarke Quigley art Gallery
Mr. Marmalade
7 PM @ The smokestack
Live at heritage center: VoicePlay
7:30 PM @ uD Heritage Center
SaTuRDay, JanuaRy 30
Dinner à la Morte
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
6 PM @ uD Heritage Center
Mr. Marmalade
7 PM @ The smokestack
guys in Ties
7:30 PM @ Bell tower theater
cSa: community Supported art
Submission Deadline
SunDay, JanuaRy 31
Dinner à la Morte
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
noon @ uD Heritage Center
TueSDay, FebRuaRy 2
baby + Me Tours
9–9:30 AM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
ThuRSDay, JanuaRy 21
Doodle group
1 PM @ Maquoketa Art Experience
(Maquoketa, IA)
Pechakucha night Dubuque, Volume ii
7 PM @ The smokestack
FRiDay, FebRuaRy 5
“That Tree—Shades of Wisdom” Reception
6–8 PM @ Sinsinawa Gallery (Sinsinawa, WI)
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
7:30 PM @ Five Flags Center Bijou Room
FRiDay, JanuaRy 22
Dubuque area Writers guild Meeting
7 PM @ Monk’s
SaTuRDay, FebRuaRy 6
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
7:30 PM @ Five Flags Center Bijou Room
SaTuRDay, JanuaRy 23
Diy Felted Flowers
10 aM @ Galena CFa (Galena, Il)
clarke Sophomore/Junior Juried art
exhibition Reception
3–4:30 PM @ Clarke Quigley Art Gallery
SunDay, FebRuaRy 7
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
2 PM @ Five Flags Center Bijou room
TueSDay, FebRuaRy 9
young at art
2–2:45 PM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
18 Arts 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
WeDneSDay, FebRuaRy 10
grain Magazine Submission Deadline
ThuRSDay, FebRuaRy 11
Schemmel Lecture: Dr. John haught,
evolution and Faith: What is at Stake:
7:30 PM @ Clarke Jansen Music Hall
FRiDay, FebRuaRy 12
Sex Please We’re Sixty
7:30 PM @ Bell tower theater
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
7:30 PM @ Five Flags Center Bijou Room
SaTuRDay, FebRuaRy 13
Sex Please We’re Sixty
7:30 PM @ Bell tower theater
The Vagina Monologues
7:30 PM @ the Smokestack
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
7:30 PM @ Five Flags Center Bijou Room
ThRough JanuaRy 23
art and Design Student exhibit
Clarke Quigley art Gallery
ThRough JanuaRy 29
3rd annual Juried Dbq high School art exhibit
uD Heritage Center Bisignano art Gallery
ThRough JanuaRy 31
Dark Slide Skate art Show
Dubuque Area Arts Collective
David Mngodo: People and Their activities
sinsinawa Gallery (sinsinawa, wI)
ThRough FebRuaRy 7
Joan Webster-Vore Mixed Media installation
Dubuque Museum of Art
ThRough FebRuaRy 28
creatures great and Small
Outside the lines art Gallery DBQ
ThRough MaRch 20
Janet Ruttenberg: Figure in the Landscape
and kathy Ruttenberg: Landscape in the
Figure exhibits
Dubuque Museum of Art
JanuaRy 25-FebRuaRy 14
Where can art Make a Difference?!
Clarke Quigley art Gallery
SunDay, FebRuaRy 14
Sex Please We’re Sixty
2 PM @ Bell Tower Theater
TueSDay, FebRuaRy 16
baby + Me Tours
9–9:30 AM @ Dubuque Museum of Art
WeDneSDay, FebRuaRy 17
Sex Please We’re Sixty
7:30 PM @ Bell tower theater
ThuRSDay, FebRuaRy 18
Sex Please We’re Sixty
7:30 PM @ Bell tower theater
FRiDay, FebRuaRy 19
Sex Please We’re Sixty
7:30 PM @ Bell tower theater
FebRuaRy 3–MaRch 31
“That Tree—Shades of Wisdom”
sinsinawa Gallery (sinsinawa, wI)
FebRuaRy 8–FebRuaRy 26
experiencing JTerm: Snaps of JTerm 2016
uD Heritage Center Bisignano art Gallery
FebRuaRy 14–FebRuaRy 27
art + Design ba exhibition: Jennifer Rood
Clarke Quigley art Gallery
FebRuaRy 19–June 5
Wendy Romero exhibit
Dubuque Museum of Art
FebRuaRy 28–MaRch 12
art + Design bFa exhibition: kassidy hanson
Clarke Quigley art Gallery
FinD MoRe eVenTS:
FoR The coMPLeTe aRT eVenTS
caLenDaR anD MoRe, ViSiT
A new interactive mystery exhibit at the
National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium
Opens IceFest Weekend, January 16
National Mississippi River
Museum & Aquarium (350 E 3rd St)
By Bryce Parks
A terrible crime has been committed and Victorian
London’s most celebrated detective needs your
help to find out “whodunit”! Sherlock Holmes and
the Clocktower Mystery is an interactive, wildly
entertaining and very cleaver murder-mystery that
will test your visitor’s powers of observation and
deductive reasoning. They will need a deerstalker
and thinking cap to solve this baffling thriller.
Opening at the National Mississippi River Museum
and Aquarium on IceFest Weekend, this wonderful
added experience has no extra cost to enjoy. That’s
right. Once you’ve paid your general admission, you
can experience this hour long mystery with your
family as part of your admission to the museum. It’s
a crime to solve and an exhibition to experience.
The Mystery is presented in eight chapters, each
representing a different location. Movement through the
exhibit is sequential. Each Chapter contains between
200 to 400 words. Detective Guides will be handed
out to all who enter the exhibit. The guide contains
a map and space to record clues and suspects.
As visitors enter the exhibit, they find themselves
transported back in time. The sights, sounds and smells
of turn-of-the-century London greet them at every
turn. The first locale is the clocktower, where a murder
has taken place. The other seven sets that comprise
the exhibit range from a side show to a seance room
to a seamy dock-side garret to an opium den. While
walking through the scenes, visitors are given clues
to the mystery surrounding the murder. These clues—
carefully placed as physical evidence among the many
period objects in the rooms—are handwritten police
reports, overheard sound tracks of interviews, printed
summaries of the events and even tell-tale odors.
Each scene is laden with clues and “red herrings”.
Once visitors feel that they have the name of the
murderer or have reached the final chapter, they
find themselves at the door that leads to a study.
In the study, there is an interactive consultation
with one of the characters of the story. Visitors
are questioned about their conclusions, and
the mystery is solved in a dramatic finale.
It’s a PG rated show. Many kids will really enjoy
the mystery, but keep in mind it is a murder mystery
and little children may not understand what is
happening. There’s also a fair about amount of
reading close along the way, so parents could read
those clues to kids but overall, being of a reading
age will be a big help in enjoying the exhibit. And
while John ensures is that it’s best for families to
experience together, the truth is adults will enjoy it
too in case you’re kids have already left the nest.
“This exhibit is from WonderWorks Exhibits,” shares
John Sutter, Marketing Director for the museum, “a
company that specializes in traveling exhibits. There
are a lot of exhibits available out there, some are better
than others so you have to do your homework, see
how they perform in comparable markets and also
look for exhibits that either have a mission fit with the
museum or else are just so popular that they’ll make
us money to better execute our mission, like Titanic.”
To say Titanic was a popular exhibit at the museum
in 2015 would it self be a Titanic understatement.
Not only did it set records for the venue, it also
has changed the entire model the museum will
use in booking exhibits going forward.
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Cover Story 19
Cover Story  “Clocktower Mystery” actor Allen Meyer
“Titanic was a huge success. We had over 110,000
people just to see Titanic and have had 225,000 visitors
for the year. It’s the biggest year we’ve had since 2008
and it almost doubled our attendance from last year’s
158.,000. We ran into problems like running out of bags
in the gift shop, running out of tickets, you know, horrible
headache including problems.” Sutter said with a smile.
That exhibit came from Premier Exhibitions and they
do also do well know shows like Bodies Revealed and
King Tut. They are also providing the next major traveling
exhibit coming to the Mississippi River Museum in April,
but we’re sorry, we promised we wouldn’t spill the beans
on what that is since they have not officially announced it
yet. But trust us, you’re kids are gonna go bonkers for it!
“Coming off Titanic has shown us that shorter term
exhibits are going to work really well for us,” explains
Sutter. “In our old model… the Turtles exhibit was here
for two years for example. We’ve learned that a shorter
term exhibit creates more of an urgency to visit and
allows us to be more dynamic and have more change
with new programs. When you have new programs it’s
another reason to advertise and be on top of people’s
minds and for fresh news coverage. So from now on,
you’ll see shorter term exhibits and more of them.
That philosophy is already in full
effect at the river museum.
“Titanic ran May through October, National
Geographic ran November through December.
We’ve got our own traveling exhibit, Riverworks
Discovery back at home while in between traveling
venues. Sherlock Holmes runs January through
April and our blockbuster Summer exhibit will open
in May. That’s five exhibits in less than a year.”
The new model is not just a great excuse for
Dubuquers to visit more than once a year to
two, but for local families to just get a museum
membership so they can save money and come
to the museum every time a new exhibit opens
during the year. In the end, that’s what it’s all about,
entertaining families and doing it again and again.
As interesting as this new Sherlock Holmes
and the Clocktower Mystery exhibit is for families,
perhaps it’s most intriguing story is not one that’s
part of the display, but the man behind the exhibit.
Allen Meyer tours with the exhibit as its only actor
and in that role has loved a truly unique life.
A man in Florida designed the exhibit sixteen
years ago and had an excellent mystery set-up
but needed a great way to end it. Doing it with
props or movies just didn’t do it justice.
“I’m an actor and together we developed this
fantastic way for the reveal at the end involving
myself playing one of the key roles from the
mystery. It was just what the exhibit needed and
I’ve been doing it ever since. There’s no other
exhibit like it in the world,” says Meyer.
Indeed, finding any exhibit installation that involves
a live human being as part of the exhibit itself is a
pretty rare thing. Acting not only at the exhibit’s
leading man, but also as curator and overseer of he
20 Cover Story 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
build, operation and tear-down of the exhibit in each
community, Allen is indeed and one man show and
jack of all trades. Living such a life for 16 years has
also ensured that it would be an interesting and life
that few, if any other person in the world would ever
experience. It also makes for a very interesting guy.
“I have lived in over 40 cities across North
America, in the U.S. and Canada,” Meyer shares.
“I live in a new city for four to six months at a
time. Everything I own fits in two suitcases”
We suggested that he could be an exhibit unto
himself. If he even hangs up his hat from this Journey,
it will certainly make for a very interesting book.
“I love to discover each community. I like to
take in the museums and galleries, try all the food
and meet interesting people. But I do move on
every time, so I don’t usually make or try to make
lasting friendships in each town. Often, even when
I do get to know people, as I pass back through,
those museum staff have moved on themselves by
then. So it seems best to just remain a visitor.”
While it seems like somewhat of a solitary existence,
it seems very well suited to Mr. Meyer’s liking. And
now Dubuque gets added to the list of cities he has
had the pleasure of calling home over the years.
In addition to the interactive Sherlock Holmes and
the Clocktower Mystery, the museum is also showing
a new 3-D/4-D movie experience in their awesome
4-D theater. It’s not associated with the exhibit, but
is a fun animated 10-minute add on to a great day of
discovering Sherlock Holmes at the museum. It includes
a number of 4-D effects that the kids (of all ages) will
love. Admission for movies in the theater is $4 for the
first film and $2 for each additional film. There are always
at least two film playing in the theater, most are about
40 minutes so you can get a double feature for $6. n
Cover Story Ice
Featuring Children’s Television Star Daniel Tiger
January 16–18
National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium
Martin Luther King Day weekend
allows a 3 day weekend of icy fun
in the Port of Dubuque as all of Ice
Fest’s activities this year will be
packed into a single weekend.
The Museum & Aquarium will present
special winter-related programs daily
throughout Ice Fest including historic
demonstrations, winter crafts, snow and
ice sculptures, and eagle watching and a
sledding hill. As long as the cold weather
holds for a few more days, they’ll also
be able to once again feature their Ice
Harvesting Demonstrations out on the Ice
Harbor. New this year are snowshoeing
demonstrations thanks to shows and
skills provided by the Mines of Spain.
Feature activities take place during
Ice Fest and will include professional
snow and ice sculpting, traditional
Native American outdoor winter games,
live animal programs, the Dubuque
Fire & Rescue Department performing
Open-Water Rescue Demonstrations,
appearances by the Dubuque Fighting
Saints on Monday morning until 11 a.m.,
and more! Special guests include Dan
Wardell; host of Kids Club on Iowa Public
Television with his friend Daniel Tiger,
the popular animated PBS character
inspired by the character from Mister
Rogers Neighborhood, who will do story
times on Sunday only at 11 AM, 1 PM
and 3 PM. Face painting will also take
place from Noon–3 PM on Sunday.
Since winter has finally arrived, we
actually have snow, but still they’re
bringing more. Snow is being trucked
in from Sundown Mountain Ski Resort
on Thursday, filling huge plywood
molds, packed tight so it gets good a
hard as a rock for carving. John Sutter
from the river museum tells us that
the call on sculptors that participate in
national contests in Lake Geneva and
this year they’ve got the Snow Babes,
an all women’s snow sculpting team
team as well as our own local team
of guys that volunteer in museum’s
blacksmith shop. There will also be a
professional ice sculptor working at the
same times on Saturday and Sunday.
Ice Fest is sponsored by Colony
Brands and Casey’s General Stores.
Additional support is provided by
Sundown Mountain, Grand Harbor
Resort & Waterpark, Radio Dubuque,
and Heiar Fencing & Supply, Inc. n
 IPTV Kids Club host Dan Wardelt
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Cover Story 21
Thursday, January 14
Lenny Wayne
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Inspiring People Series:
Betsy Rippentrop
7 PM @ Inspire Café
Jake Jones
8 PM @ The Venue
Denny Garcia
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Michele McGuire, Ryan
Joseph Anderson
9 PM @ The Lift
Friday, January 15
St. Luke’s Fabulous Fridays:
Dr. Sang In Hahn, Dr. Luke Tyler
12:05 PM @ St. Luke’s Church
David Minihan
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Just Cuz
7:30 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Garrett Hillary
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
Dubuque Symphony Orchestra:
Ultimate Rock Hits
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Ghost Town Blues Band
Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ
8 PM @ Potter’s Mill, Bellevue
Steve Grismore Jazz Trio
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Cross Cut
8 PM @ Galena Brewing Co.
2 Blind Mice
8 PM @ Grape Escape
Denny Garcia
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Enemies of Confusion,
Teddy Davenport
9 PM @ The Lift
Becky McMahon
9 PM @ Spirits
10 PM @ Sandy Hook Tavern
Mississippi Duo
10:30 PM @ The Smokestack
Saturday, January 16
Statue of Liberty
2 PM @ Sundown Mountain
Ron Lubbers
6:30 PM @ Knights of
Columbus Hall
Roy Schroedl
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Andy Wilberding
7:30 PM @ Fife’s
Garrett Hillary
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
Arch Allies
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
The Johnny Kilowatt Band
8 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
Taste Like Chicken
8 PM @ Jumpers
Buzz Berries
8 PM @ Knickers
Ten Gallon Hat
8 PM @ Galena Brewing Co.
The Lone Canary
8 PM @ Grape Escape
Steve McIntyre
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Dickie, Dave Tamkin
9 PM @ The Smokestack
9 PM @ Northside Bar
Steve Cavanaugh &
Randy Droessler
9 PM @ Spirits
Corey Jenny
9 PM @ Dog House Lounge
Comedian Don Reese
9 PM @ Arthur House
Restaurant & Comedy Club
Project X
10 PM @ Sandy Hook Tavern
Wednesday, January 20
Acoustic Jam w/ Jay Vonn
6:30 PM @ The Cornerstone
Open Mic w/ Gladdy & Friends
6:30 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
Matt Valenti
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
John Amos
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Open Mic w/ Mississippi Trio
9 PM @ The Lift
Thursday, January 21
Denny Garcia
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Campfire Kings
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Dubuque Battle Rap League
9 PM @ The Venue
Sunday, January 17
Scott’s Sunday Sesssion
Noon @ The Smokestack
Friday, January 22
St. Luke’s Fabulous Fridays:
Jill Klinebriel, Mike Link,
Kristen Eby
12:05 PM @ St. Luke’s Church
Open Mic w/ Scott Rische
Noon @ Grape Escape
Tony Walker
2 PM @ Sundown Mountain
Open Mic w/ Lenny Wayne
2:30 PM @ The Cornerstone
Ben Dunegan
6 PM @ Inspire Café
Tuesday, January 19
Broken Strings
7 PM @ 1st & Main
Joey Shaheen
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Sam & The Others
8 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Statue of Liberty
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Traditional Irish Sesuin
7 PM @ Grape Escape
Open Mic w/ Max
7 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Everthing Everly:
The Guthrie Brothers
7 PM @ UW-Platteville CFA
Joe McShane
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
Live Band Karaoke
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Roy Schroedl
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Derty Blonde
8 PM @ Grape Escape
Vu JaDe
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Girls Night Out: The Show
9 PM @ The Venue
Massey Road
9 PM @ Spirits
Saturday, January 23
Sam & The Others
6 PM @ Inspire Café
Tony Walker
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Steve Bobbitt:
Tribute to Rod Stewart
7 & 9 PM @ Mystique Casino
Adam Beck
7:30 PM @ Fife’s
Joe McShane
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
American Hitmen
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Craig Erickson Trio
8 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
2nd Generation
8 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Hal Reed & Mississippi Journey
Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ
8 PM @ Potter’s Mill, Bellevue
Boys Night Out
8 PM @ The Bronco Inn
Andrew Huber
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
The Wundos
8 PM @ Galena Brewing Co.
22 Nightlife 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Nightlife Jordan Danielsen & The Nugget
8 PM @ Grape Escape
Ron Lubbers
3 PM @ Stone Cliff
7 Bridges Road
7 PM @ Inspire Café
Lonesome Road
8 PM @ Mystique Casino
Dan Peart
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Joyann Parker & Sweet Tea
Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ
5 PM @ Potter’s Mill, Bellevue
Brown Bottle Bandits
7 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Dave Weld &
The Imperial Flames
8 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
Olivia Dvorak
9 PM @ The Lift
Broken Strings
9 PM @ Spirits
Little White Lie
9 PM @ Northside Bar
9 PM @ Shenanigans
Brown Bottle Bandits
9 PM @ Kalmes’, St. Donatus
Brickyard Road
9 PM @ Jimi B’s Bar & Grill
9 PM @ Wig Wam, Hazel Green
Comedian Gerry Grossman,
The Human Jukebox
9 PM @ Arthur House
Restaurant & Comedy Club
9:30 PM @ Dirty Ernie’s
Sunday, January 24
Scott’s Sunday Sesssion
Noon @ The Smokestack
Open Mic w/ Scott Rische
Noon @ Grape Escape
A Pirate Over 50
2 PM @ Sundown Mountain
Open Mic w/ Denny Garcia
2:30 PM @ The Cornerstone
The Lonely Goats
6 PM @ Sandy Hook Tavern
Tuesday, January 26
Ben Dunegan
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Wednesday, January 27
Acoustic Jam w/ Steve McIntyre
6:30 PM @ The Cornerstone
Open Mic w/ Gladdy & Friends
6:30 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
John Moran
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Driftless Sisters
7:30 PM @ Chestnut Mountain
Dr. Gonzo
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Thursday, January 28
Statue of Liberty
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Meghan Davis
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Zero 2 Sixty
8 PM @ Jumpers
Medicinal Purposes
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Steve McIntyre
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Broken Rubber Band
9 PM @ The Lift
Laura McDonald &
Jeff Weydert
9 PM @ Spirits
Saturday, January 30
Garrett Hillary
2 PM @ Sundown Mountain
Dirty Water Boys
2 PM @ Grape Escape
Open Mic w/ Jeff & Jimmy
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Garrett Hillary
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Friday, January 29
St. Luke’s Fabulous Fridays:
Jill Heitzman, Dr. Thomas
12:05 PM @ St. Luke’s Church
Mississippi Duo
7:30 PM @ Fife’s
Pirate Over 50
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
John Waite
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Meghan Davis
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
Smokin’ Mirrors
8 PM @ Knicker’s
Buzz Berries
8 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Andy Wilberding
8 PM @ The Cornerstone
Dirty Water Boys
8 PM @ Grape Escape
Vu JaDe
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Lil Wyte, Skeez + T. Stubbz,
Casethejoint + DJ Jevity
9 PM @ The Venue
Dead Larry
9 PM @ The Lift
Pirate Over 50
9 PM @ Spirits
Sunday, January 31
Scott’s Sunday Sesssion
Noon @ The Smokestack
Open Mic w/ Scott Rische
Noon @ Grape Escape
Open Mic w/ Cal Coohey
2:30 PM @ The Cornerstone
Becky McMahon
3 PM @ Stone Cliff
Nutsy Turtle & Lori
3 PM @ Dagwood’s
Monday, February 1
Wayland, Silent Redemption
9 PM @ The Venue
Groundhog Day
Tuesday, February 2
John Moran
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Traditional Irish Sesuin
7 PM @ Grape Escape
Wednesday, February 3
Acoustic Jam
6:30 PM @ The Cornerstone
Aaron Parnell Brown
9 PM @ The Lift
Friday, February 5
St. Luke’s Fabulous Fridays:
Rebecca Christian,
Kate Thompson
12:05 PM @ St. Luke’s Church
Andy Wiilberding
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Open Mic w/ Max
7 PM @ DBQ Driving Range
Joe McShane
7:30 PM @ Frank O’Dowd’s Pub
Club 84: ‘Stache Bash
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
Feast of the Femme Fatale:
Songwriter Showcase
Gladdy Ressler, Melanie
Devaney, Pearl Breitbach
8 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
The Wundos
8 PM @ Galena Brewing Co.
Dan Peart
9 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
9 PM @ Northside Bar
Open Mic w/ Gladdy & Friends
6:30 PM @ The Blu Room,
Breezer’s Pub
Better Than Good Enough
9 PM @ Dog House Lounge
Ben Dunegan
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Crude But Effective
9 PM @ Jimi B’s Bar & Grill
Mike Armstrong
8 PM @ Mississippi Moon Bar
The Blackberry Bushes,
The Driftess Sisters
9 PM @ The Smokestack
Brown Bottle Bandits
9 PM @ Painted Horse
Saloon, Bernard
Open Mic w/ Mississippi Trio
9 PM @ The Lift
Tete de Mort
9 PM @ Spirits
Thursday, February 4
Scott Kerry Guthrie
7 PM @ Riverboat Lounge
Saturday, February 6
Tony Walker
7 PM @ Stone Cliff
Romantic Rebel,
Autumn Reverie, Maximus
9 PM @ The Venue
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Nightlife 23
Nightlife Budweiser
Live Music Features
Thursday, January 14
Saturday, January 16
Jack and Kitty
Michele McGuire, Ryan Joseph Anderson
9 PM @ The Lift (180 Main St, Lower Level)
Cover: FREE
Michele McGuire is a Chicago native, whose
varied exploits are the inspiration for the
Americana music she loves to create. She
and her band of Southside somebodies have
been known to deliver their heartland tunes in
barrooms and performance halls wherever good
people tend to gather. Ryan Joseph Anderson
paid his rock and roll dues as the bandleader
for roots outfit Go Long Mule, guitar slinger for
garage-rockers Rambos, and as a producer,
sessions man, and touring musician for a variety
of artists. His influences as a songwriter range
from country blues to psychedelic folk.
Friday, January 15
Enemies of Confusion + Teddy Davenport
9 PM @ The Lift (180 Main St, Lower Level)
The Enemies of Confusion mix their Midwestern
rock with hints of blues (they are former
bandmates of James Kinds), country, and sloppy
drunk power pop that made so many folks in the
Upper Midwest happy in the mid to late 80’s.
Raised just outside of Madison, WI in a small
town, Teddy Davenport grew up listening to old
country tunes. Outlaw country stars like Johnny
Cash and Waylon Jennings were introduced to
him early on. At 14, he was given his first guitar,
and his love for music grew stronger with The
Beatles, Bob Dylan, and that very special guitar.
The Mississippi Duo Live
10:30 PM @ The Smokestack (62 East 7th St)
Cover: FREE
Come see Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Famers,
Dave and Cricket, the only musicians who could
do these instruments justice - the Bass that
recorded the original version of “Bird Is The
Word” and the Guitar which waited patiently in
a music store for its only owner to return from a
tour of duty in Vietnam.
24 Nightlife 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
4 PM @ Grand Opera House (135 W. 8th St)
Kitty’s uncle is Bunny Wailer of Bob Marley and
the Wailers fame. She grew up listening to reggae,
rap and R&B. Jack spent his childhood listening to
Bing Crosby, Al Jolson and Rudy Vallee when
ukulele legend Tiny Tim moved in next door and
became Jack’s babysitter. That rich musical stew
forms the blend of Jack and Kitty’s Emmy Award
winning artistic approach. It’s organic and
acoustic. The “all ages appeal” comes from the
years Jack and Kitty spent as co-creators and
co-stars of the hit preschool kids television series
“The Zinghoppers Show.” JackAndKitty.com.
Elvis Rock N Roll Remember Tribute Show
7 PM @ Onward Fine Arts Center
(1215 E Platt St., Maquoketa IA)
Tickets: $22 adv/$25 door
With the look, the voice, and the charm of a
young Elvis, Joseph Hall’s got the moves that
take us back to simpler times. The show is
masterfully produced with a mixture of Elvis hits,
stage props, multiple costume changes, and a
heartfelt tribute to our veterans. Hall is officially
recognized as one of the top tribute artists in the
world today. OhnwardFineArtsCenter.com.
Dickie with Dave Tamkin
9 PM @ The Smokestack (62 East 7th St)
Cover: FREE
DICKIE is veteran tunesmith and Iowa native
Dick Prall, singer/songwriter and guitarist,
sharing his wares with violinist Kristina
Priceman. Together they explore subtle
symphonies over creative prose, indie popped
out melodies, innovative storytelling and
original grooves. dickiemusic.com
Opening is Chicago singer/songwriter, Dave
Tamkin. He has created his own unique style
of rhythmic-acoustic rock that’s based around
a fresh musical vision showcasing a mixture
of personal lyrics and skilled songwriting set
against a high-energy percussive backbone.
Mississippi Moon Bar
All shows at the Mississippi Moon Bar are 21+ only and tickets for all
performances are available at the Diamond Club inside the Diamond
Jo Casino or online at MoonBarRocks.com.
Dubuque SYmphony Orchestra:
Ultimate Rock Hits
Friday, January 15 @ 8 PM
Featchart toppers from the 1970s through the
1990s, including songs from artists like
Aerosmith, Van Halen, Rolling Stones, Led
Zeppelin, and more. Members from local bands
Menace, Johnny Trash, Joie Wails, Half Fast, The Lonely Goats, and
more will join the DSO for a rockin’ good time.
Chris Janson
Saturday, February 6 @ 8 PM
Singer/songwriter Janson made headlines
when his song “Buy Me A Boat” quickly landed
at #1 on the iTunes Country chart and #7 on
the all-genre chart. With undeniable charisma,
Janson brings a blue-collar, boot-stomping
swagger to every performance.
Rubber Soul
Saturday, February 13 @ 4 and 7 PM
Emulating one of rock history’s most iconic
bands, Rubber Soul covers Beatles hits that
span their entire career. Beginning with the
“British Invasion” then explores the Sgt. Pepper era. The show
concludes with “Abbey Road” and later hits, like “Hey Jude.” The
show’s authenticity is accentuated by costume changes, guitars and
amps that recreate the Beatles’ sound.
Saturday, January 30 @ 8 PM
Waite got his start as the lead singer of The Babys, who had Top-40 hits like Isn’t It
Time? and Every Time I Think of You. After five albums, Waite moved to New York to
begin his solo career in the early 1980’s. His first solo album, Ignition, boasted the MTV/
rock radio staple Change, which was soon followed with what is undeniably one of the
all-time greatest pop/rock ballads, Missing You. Waite returned to the top of the charts
during a two-album tenure as front man of the pop/rock super group Bad English.
Arch Allies
Saturday, January 16 @ 8 PM
Friday, January 29 @ 8 PM
Laughing Moon Comedy:
John Amos
Laughing Moon Comedy:
Mike Armstrong
Wednesday, January 20 @ 8 PM
Wednesday, February 3 @ 8 PM
Live Band Karaoke
Laughing Moon Comedy:
Michael Thorne
Friday, January 22 @ 8 PM
American Hitmen
Saturday, January 23 @ 8 PM
Laughing Moon Comedy:
Dr. Gonzo
Wednesday, January 27 @ 8 PM
Wednesday, February 10 @ 8 PM
Rubber Soul
Saturday, February 13 @ 4 & 7 PM
John Mueller’s
Winter Dance Party
Saturday, February 20 @ 4 & 7 PM
Nightlife Budweiser Live Music Features
Thursday, January 21
So celebrate with The Guthrie Brothers as they
preform all of The Everly Brothers greatest hits!
For tickets, call the University Box Office at 877727-1CFA or tickets.uwplatt.edu.
Saturday, January 23
on keys and Michael Carvale (Lamont Cranston,
Davina & The Vagabonds) on bass/vocals.
Combined, these five Twin Cities’ legends make a
concoction of passion, experience and talent that
you will not want to miss. SweetTeaBand.net
Tuesday, January 26
Casethejoint & Dj Jevity Present:
Dubuque Battle Rap League
Friday, January 29
9 PM @ The Venue (285 Main St)
Casethejoint, Dj Jevity, and a cast
of local support bring you DBRL
(DubuqueBattleRapLeague) Showcasing
area hip hop talent in the facets of battling,
live performance, and open mic cypher. This
month’s main event prize is $100 cash and
donated goodies from sponsoring partner,
Konnexion. Case and Jevity will bring some
fresh new stylings to the stage as well as
other local performers. Come out and see
why everyone’s buzzing about DBRL. Contact
TheleagueDBQ@gmail.com to participate.
Olivia Dvorak
Javier Colon
9 PM @ The Lift (180 Main St, Lower Level)
OLIVIA DVORAK is a songwriter and artist
whose unique songs, lyrics, and intricate
guitar playing led her to professionally record
in Nashville, TN at Treasure Isle Recorders
with some of the top musicians in the city. Her
unique country style pours into genres such as
rock, blues, Celtic, and folk.
Friday, January 22
Sunday, January 24
7:30 PM @ Clarke University
Terence Donaghoe Hall (1550 Clarke Dr)
Tickets: $12
Javier Colon was the winner of the inaugural
season of “The Voice” in 2011 and refers to his
style of music as “acoustic soul.” The debut
single from his album “Come Through For You”
was “As Long As We Got Love” and features
Natasha Bedingfield. The album also includes
“Stand Up”, a song that features his mentor
during The Voice, Adam Levine, and “Raise Your
Hand”, a song co-written by Season 8 American
Idol winner, Kris Allen. Doors open at 7 PM.
Tickets are available at Clarke.edu/javiercolon,
by calling 563-588-6377 or at the door.
Sweet Tea
Everything Everly: The Guthrie Brothers
7 PM @ University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Center For the Arts (755 W Main St,
Platteville, WI)
The Guthrie Brothers share a lot of history with
The Everly Brothers. Like their idols—Don and
Phil Everly, Jeb and Jock Guthrie have Kentucky
roots, grew up in the Midwest and discovered
at an early age their perfect singing harmonies.
“Everything Everly” is a labor of love for the
Guthries. Jeb and Jock perform this tribute with
startling authenticity and engage audiences
with lots of humor and history along the way.
one moment to deep reflection and prayer
in another. After an episode during college,
binging on everything the party scene had
to offer and leaving him empty and lost, he
came to experience Jesus Christ. This powerful
encounter inspired him to become a missionary
in New York City, working with at-risk youth.
This Dubuque Area Vocation Association
(DAVA) event is free. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
5 PM @ Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ
(300 Potter Dr, Bellevue, IA)
Singer, pianist, drummer, guitarist and songwriter
Joyann Parker is frequently associated with
descriptors like passion, power and genuine
soul. She sings from the gut with an authenticity
seldom found in today’s vocalists. Her vocal
prowess and control allow her to move freely
from one genre to another, from Patsy Cline to
Etta James and right over to Janis Joplin with the
greatest of ease. The rest of the Sweet Tea mix
includes drummer Nick Zwack (Armadillo Jump),
guitarist Mark Lamoine (Dee Miller Band, Perfectly
Loud), Mick Zampogna (Sweet Pea and the Pods)
26 Nightlife 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Broken Rubber Band
9 PM @ The Lift (180 Main St, Lower Level)
Headed by Mike Breitbach and often surrounding
himself with good family and friends, the band
takes you through a musical journey of old timey
bluegrass and country tunes, classic rock, and
originals Mike has been working up for years.
Saturday, January 30
Wednesday, January 27
Dead Larry
Paul Kim ‘Faith on Fire’
6:45 PM @ Clarke University
Robert and Ruth Kehl Center (1550 Clarke Dr)
Tickets: FREE
DAVA invites students in grades 6–12 and
their families to hear Kim communicate
the gospel to young people in a way that
is entertaining, engaging and altogether
inspiring. Kim’s presentations impact people of
all ages, moving his audiences from laughter
9 PM @ The Lift (180 Main St, Lower Level)
Dead Larry’s powerful blend of high energy
rock, dance and funk shakes the foundation of
modern music. From rock driven sea shanties
to pulsating dance beats. The band jumps
from Beatle-esque harmonies to spine chilling
screams. From shake-yo-booty funk jams to
orchestral themes of space and time travel.
Dead Larry is one thing: Original. The band was
formed in a basement in high school, and after
nearly 10 years of writing, touring, and chasing
the dream Dead Larry has a grown to be one of
the most prominent independent rock bands
coming out of the Midwest.
New Year, New Experience—
Must See Entertainment
By Clete Campbell
There’s no such thing as a boring weekend in
Dubuque anymore.
Dubuque’s Mystique Casino and Resort is coming
to life this year with the Tri-State’s most vibrant
entertainment lineup. The popular casino located on
the banks of the Mississippi River known as THE SPOT
for entertainment and gambling is bringing a wowing
schedule of dazzling, diverse entertainment designed to
offer something for everyone. Multi-platinum rock stars
Saving Abel headline the action-packed entertainment
calendar on Thursday, March 31 with an electric show
sponsored by 97.3 The Rock.
Call it Mystique’s Must Experience Entertainment.
“We’ve put together an amazing lineup of talented
performers, shows and fun events that really offer
something for all ages,” Mystique Entertainment & Events
Coordinator Amanda Naderman said. “Whatever type of
entertainment people are looking for this season, they can
find a performance and experience they’ll love at Mystique.”
Long known for its exciting gaming experience,
Mystique is extending its brand to be a hub for some of
the Midwest’s best entertainment.
“We wanted to increase the excitement and fun of the
Mystique Experience,” Naderman said.
Mystique truly has a guaranteed good time for everyone:
• In the mood for the definitive Rod Stewart tribute
experience? Steve Bobbitt embodies the raspy-voiced
British Rock and Roll legend known as “Rod The Mod”
in 7 and 9 p.m. shows on Saturday, January 23 in
Mystique’s Cabaret.
• Want a night out to groove to your favorite rock
and country favorites cover free? Lonesome Road
breaks out a set list of current country rock hits
complimented with classic and modern rock favorites
on Saturday, January 30.
• Looking for a fun night out with friends? Join us at
the Bud Light Throwback Night Saturday, February
6 from 9pm–1am. DJ Double J will be playing your
favorite throwback songs, hosting giveaways with old
school surprises around every corner!
• How about turning back the clock and be a dancing
queen, Abba-style? Save the grooviest date of the
year: Saturday, February 20, when Four Swedes:
Tribute To Abba brings the beloved Swedish pop
band to life in an infectious rock musical. The show is
so authentically Abba it will have you asking, “Is That
Really Abba?”
• On Saturday, February 27, Mystique will catch “Night
Fever” when Stayin’ Alive: Tribute To the Bee Gees
plays the Cabaret. Stayin’ Alive provides fans with the
authentic Bee Gees experience in 5 and 8 p.m. shows.
• Need a good laugh or 50? Popular comedian and
musician Heywood Banks, a “Bob And Tom Show”
regular, lights up the Cabaret stage on Saturday,
March 5.
• On March 31, new lead vocalist Scotty Austin and
the revamped Saving Abel put on the Tri-State’s
hardest-rocking show of the year with special guest
Smile Empty Soul and The Veer Union. Saving Abel
will adrenalize fans with top 10 rock smashes like
“Addicted,” “18 Days” and “Drowning (Face Down).”
To experience the Tri-State’s most entertaining and
fun entertainment experience this year, the place to be is
Mystique Casino & Resort.
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Nightlife 27
by Rich Belmont
 Homewrecker Chili Dog
If you like eating at places where you get lots of food for
little money you need to know about a little bar called
Sportsters Pub-N-Grub. It’s at the corner of Central
Avenue and 26th Street in Dubuque. You might want to
write this down because the food is not only inexpensive
it’s really good!
The building is very old. The cupola over the front door
and the tin ceiling might give you a clue to how old. We
know for sure it has been a bar since 1938. For many
years it was known as A & B Tap and then around 2010 it
became The Screaming Eagle Bar.
Roger McIntyre and
his sister Renee Martin
purchased the building in
early 2014. They opened
as Sportsters Pub-NGrub in April of that year.
The name was chosen
by Renee because she is
the owner and rider of a
Harley-Davidson Sportster
 Meat Pizza
 Chicken Wrap
Cardinal Lounge in Dyersville, Thunder Hills Country Club
in Peosta and he was at Mario’s in Dubuque for 13 years.
The burgers are one third
pound beef patties. They
are cooked on a char
broiler. My favorite burger
is covered with green
olives and Swiss cheese
but I also like the one
with grilled mushrooms
and Swiss. Big eaters can
order half pounders.
Renee was a cook at Mount Carmel in Dubuque for over
20 years. She was the Head Chef the last 14 years of her
tenure there.
The bar is a fun place.
There are some gaming machines and a game room with
pool table, darts and foosball. (Fun Facts: Foosball is the
American corruption of the German word Fussball for
soccer and is pronounced the same way. Fussball literally
means “foot ball.” The game is played all over the world.
Every week 1.9 million people play a game of foosball
just in the United States).
Right from the start Sportsters was destined to be more
about delicious food and less about beer, although
there is plenty of that too. The owners invested
another $80,000 to put an addition on the building
and install a brand new spacious modern kitchen. The
kitchen opened in December, 2014 and full service was
established in August, 2015.
The kitchen operates every day from 6:00 am to 11:00
pm and appetizers are available until 1:00 am.
The menu includes breakfast, burgers, pizza and
sandwiches. Off-menu Daily Special Dinners are served
Monday through Friday. Everything is available all day.
Want a pizza for breakfast? No problem. Want an omelet
for dinner? Coming right up!
The food is outstanding because Roger and Renee are
both talented and experienced cooks. Roger has been
cooking since he was 16. He cooked in several kitchens
including Clarke College (now University), Dubuque Inn,
All the sandwiches are good but in my opinion some of
them are really impressive. For instance:
When you are having an attack of the munchies
Sportsters is a good place to be. There are 14 finger
foods to choose from or you can order a Garbage Basket
assortment of popular favorites or a Veggie Basket
assortment including Breaded Green Beans, Breaded
Cauliflower and Cheese, Breaded Buttered Mushrooms,
Breaded Dill Spears, Mozzarella Sticks, Cheese Nuggets,
Onion Rings, Waffle Fries and French Fries.
• BLT – has six slices of bacon served on Texas toast
• Reuben – whole corned beef briskets are cooked in
house. Thin slices are topped with sauerkraut, Swiss
cheese and Thousand Island dressing on grilled
marble rye
• Homewrecker – a tremendous 13 inch long, half
pound hot dog is charbroiled and then covered with a
copious amount of chili, cheddar cheese and onions.
The chili is made by Renee and it is so good she
needs to enter it in the next chili cook-off.
• Pork Tenderloin – Roger slices pork loin, seasons,
pounds it thin. Then it is lightly dusted and fried.
The Pizzas are good too. They are prepared from scratch
and come in 7, 12 and 16 inch sizes to satisfy every appetite.
You can choose your own toppings or pick from a list of
specialty pizzas. Some of them are quite unusual like:
• Buffalo Chicken - topped with jalapeño peppers
• Philly Steak - covered with steak, grilled peppers and
• Mac Attack - seasoned hamburger, cheese, lettuce,
onion, pickles relish and thousand island dressing
• Breakfast – scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage
gravy and bacon
28 Columnists 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
• Steak Sandwich – I love this one! A nice size top
sirloin is charbroiled then topped with grilled onions
and mushrooms and cheese (American, Swiss or
Pepper Jack).
Columnists  Ultra Classic Breakfast
• Chicken Wrap – the menu says the tortilla is stuffed. It
should say it is overstuffed! With chicken, bacon,
lettuce, tomato, onion and ranch dressing.
Breakfasts are not only good they are a good deal.
I plan on being a frequent diner for the Sportster’s
Special of 2 eggs, sausage patties or links, or ham or
bacon, with hash browns and toast. Or perhaps I’ll be
getting the Sirloin Steak and Eggs and when I’m really
hungry I’ll order the Ultra Classic. This is a huge pile of
hash browns, bacon, sausage, ham, onions, peppers,
mushrooms, sausage gravy all topped off with two eggs.
My tasting team member Kristina usually can eat as
much as me but not with this breakfast. She had to take
more than half of it home!
I am sure by now you have figured out Sportsters is an
unassuming little bar that just happens to serve
spectacular food. And I haven’t even described the best
part yet—the Daily Specials.
 Monday Special: Panzerotti
up and be pleasantly surprised or you can look up each
week’s Daily Specials in the Dubuque Advertiser. I have
been keeping a list of these great dinners and have
recorded 24 of them so far. I have enjoyed a number of
them including:
• Meatball Parmesan – three delicious freshly made
all beef meatballs placed on a roll and covered with
marinara sauce and pizza cheese.
• Open Faced Turkey – whole turkeys are roasted and
sliced in preparation for this dinner.
• Fried Chicken & Party Potatoes – fried chicken served
with mashed potatoes mixed with sour cream, ranch
dressing and cheddar cheese. Fried chicken is really
good and is currently only served as a Daily Special
and is not on the menu. Not yet anyway.
Sportsters Pub-N-Grub is a very unusual place. It is one
third neighborhood bar, one third biker bar and one third
casual restaurant. It’s also one half terrific food (they call
it Grub!) and one half friendly atmosphere!
Do you have a favorite restaurant you would like to see
reviewed? Please send your requests, suggestions and
comments to Argosy at argomark@mchsi.com. n
• Open Faced Beef & Mash Potatoes – bottom round
flats are oven roasted and sliced for this special. The
mashed potatoes are splendid because they are made
the old fashioned way.
• Chicken Alfredo & Garlic Bread – grilled chicken
breast with broccoli mixed with an Alfredo sauce over
egg noodles.
The Monday Daily Special is always a Panzerotti. You
order this deep-fried pizza dough turnover stuffed
with your favorite pizza toppings. Each one is made to
order. The Friday Daily Special is always Fried Shrimp or
Pollock and French Fries.
On the other 3 weekdays the Specials are whatever
Roger and Renee feel like making. So you can just show
• Italian Sausage Grinder – made from scratch ground
pork and Roger’s own blend of seasonings.
• Country Fried Steak & Mashed Potatoes – tender
steak is breaded and covered with white gravy.
2600 Central Avenue, Dubuque, IA • 563-582-6822
Hours: 6 AM–2 AM Daily
Kitchen: Sun–Thu: 6 AM–11 PM; Fri–Sat: 6 AM–1 AM
Dining Style: Come as you are
Noise Level: Comfortable
Recommendations: Garbage or Veggie
Basket; Pizza; Burgers; Philly Steak or Chicken;
Homewrecker Hot Dog; Pork Tenderloin; Steak
Sandwich; All Daily Specials; Ultra Classic
Breakfast; Steak and Eggs; Sportsters Breakfast
Liquor Service: Full Bar, All Beer in Cans or Bottles
Price Range: $2.95–$24.95
Pay Options: Cash, Check, Debit, Discover,
MasterCard, Visa, AMEX. ATM on premises
Accessibility: Ramp to Front Door
Kids Policy: No Menu; No High Chairs; No Boosters
Reservations: Yes • Catering: No
Take Out: Yes • Delivery: No
Parking: On Street
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Columnists 29
Columnists Today
is the Day!
by Matt Booth
A common road block faced when we
try to make progress is the lack of focus
on today. Identify what progress looks
like to you and then take measurable
action to achieve it today. Concentrate
on the activities that put today in the win
column. This win today mentality is grand
because you don’t have to fret over a
bad yesterday nor are you demoralized
by tomorrow. Consistent day-to-day
victories turn into weeks, which become
months, which convert to years, which
equal success.
When making progress towards your
goals don’t think about yesterday and
don’t bother with tomorrow. Today is the
day. If progress for the day is to contact
five new prospects, then do it. Grab a list
and go see two people, pick up the phone
and call two of them and then send the
fifth one an email. There, you’ve called
on five new prospects. You have just won
today. Don’t worry about the fact that
you didn’t call anyone yesterday, don’t
worry about your list tomorrow, just do
what it takes to consider today a win.
If you’re average, you’ll break your
New Year’s resolutions by the end of
January. The average person will make
the same amount of money this year as
they did last. The average person will gain
more than 2 pounds of body fat this year.
The average person will struggle with
the same habits, patterns, and behaviors
they’ve always had. The average person
will make very little progress in 2016.
Avoid average by winning today!
Maybe winning today for you means
only 1 pack of cigarettes instead of 2? Are
you trying to lose 30 pounds? How about
putting the beer and bag of chips down,
turning off the TV and going for a walk? If
that’s all you did today, consider it a win.
Then you can go to bed knowing you did
well in laying a piece of the foundation for
what you will accomplish down the road.
Put enough days in the win pile and you’ll
see the progress.
Don’t get overwhelmed with the
realization of all you have to get done in
your life. If you just focus on today, it can
relieve a lot of stress. Focus on what can
you do right now that helps you win today?
It is essential for my happiness and
success to try and win each day. Do I
do it? No, I don’t win every day. When
tomorrow gets here, I’m going to do all
I can to put it in the win pile. How about
you? Did you put today in the win pile?
I challenge you to see how big you can
grow your pile of wins. Concentrate on
the activities that give you a win today.
Consistent day-to-day wins turn into
weeks, which become months, which
convert to years, which equal success.
Today is the day! n
Mattitude Quote
“Your attitude is more powerful than you think. It can turn others into winners.”
—Matt Booth
Matt Booth, the attitude expert, is an engaging speaker. He demonstrates and
delivers a common sense approach to a positive attitude. To find out how Matt
can help you or your organization, connect with him today at mattbooth.com.
30 Columnists 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Columnists Easy Red Wine Vinaigrette
Makes 6 - 2 tablespoon servings
All you need:
• ⅓ cup red-wine vinegar
• 1 ½ tbsp Dijon mustard
• 1 small clove garlic, minced
• ¾ tsp kosher salt
• ½ tsp ground pepper
• ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
All you do:
1. Whisk vinegar, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper in a medium bowl.
2. Whisk in oil in a slow steady stream until emulsified.
3. To make ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days; bring to
room temperature just before serving.
Per Serving: 172 calories, 19g fat, 3g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol,
190mg sodium, 0g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 0g sugars, 0g protein.
Your Wellness Journey at Hy-Vee
by Hy-Vee nutritionists Megan Horstman (Asbury), Amy Cordingley (Locust), and Tricia Rau (Dodge)
Each new year brings a sense of new beginnings and
the opportunity for a fresh start. Many people take this
opportunity to set health and wellness goals. Hy-Vee
dietitians offer Begin™, a healthy lifestyle and weight
management program for groups and individuals. This
program emphasizes eating for good health, weight
loss and being physically active. Begin™ is not a “diet”—
Begin™ is a plan to help with lifelong wellness.
A variety of health and wellness concepts are covered
throughout the Begin™ sessions, and each week participants
are able to build on the previous weeks’ topics. Group
discussions, hands-on activities and store tours through the
aisles enhance the session topics, which range from portion
distortion to physical activity and disease prevention.
One concept that is emphasized throughout the
program is the idea of eating regularly throughout the day.
Including healthful snacks between meals, which is a great
way to increase nutrients that may be lacking in your diet
along with helping control portion sizes and food selection
at meals. Snacks such as Cuties® clementines and MightiesT
kiwis contain fiber, potassium and vitamin C, along with
many other nutrients. Daisy® cottage cheese is another
great snack choice and contains protein and calcium.
Source: Eating Well, Inc.
The following tips may help you find success in your
New Year’s resolutions this year:
1. Think S.M.A.R.T. when setting your goals. Goals
should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic
and Time-bound. Be sure to set smaller, short-term
goals along with your long-term goals to ensure
continued success.
2. Don’t go at it alone. Choose a group of people who
will provide support to help you achieve your goals. This
group may include a spouse or significant other, close
friends or coworkers, health and wellness professionals
and online social groups.
3. Develop a schedule that works for you. Set aside
time for meal planning and exercise to be sure they
don’t get overlooked at the end of a busy day.
To find a dietitian offering the Begin™ program
and other health and wellness services near you, visit
Hy-Vee.com. To get you started, try this great, delicious
recipe for Easy Red Wine Vinaigrette to help cut back
those traditional salad dressings. n
The information is not intended as medical advice. Please
consult a medical professional for individual advice.
Sudoku answers on page 35
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Columnists 31
Columnists What
A Blast!
By Bob Gelms
Crossword answers on page 35
32 Columnists 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Mark Greaney’s Back Blast is a
go-for-broke wild ride that any fan of
thrillers and/or espionage will just love.
Mr. Greaney is a very successful writer
of this genre and has, in fact, co-written
quite a few of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan
novels. He is very good at what he does.
The book features the infamous Grey
Man. It is the fifth book in the series and
the book that clears up all of the mystery
behind the Grey Man himself.
Courtland Gentry was the CIA’s best
spy. There are black-ops spy groups in
the government and Gentry’s group
work in their shadow. He worked for the
most secret group in the CIA. There are
only a handful of people who even knew
they exist.
Five years ago Court had a “shoot to
kill on sight” order levied against him.
He didn’t know why but in the process
of the order being carried out he killed
most of the members of his own group
who were actually sent to eliminate him.
That was the birth of the enigmatic Grey
Man and he has been on the run and
looking over his shoulder ever since.
He has been taking intelligence jobs
to make ends meet and the occasional
assassination was not beyond his ken.
The mystery has lasted through four
Grey Man novels. It is the first one I have
read and I can attest that you don’t need
to read the previous four to get what is
going on. Mr. Greaney catches you up
very smartly without having to rely on
countless flashbacks to do so.
Gentry decides he has had enough of
running so he sneaks back into the USA.
He has been living all over the world and
that has become cumbersome. He is
back in Washington DC to find out why
the CIA is trying to kill him. Along the
way he meets very nice people who turn
out to be deadly enemies and he meets
very bad people who try to help him. We
are kept on our toes.
Court Gentry is the best spy in the
history of the CIA and that makes him
exceedingly dangerous and hard to
catch. Nevertheless, he IS almost caught
a few times and barely escapes but not
without a bunch of scrapes and bruises
and a bullet wound. There is an all-out
effort to end his life which is an endless
source of confusion for him. What the
heck did he do to force this action by
the CIA? Well, one answer is that he
is to be killed to protect a secret that
could bring down the CIA and maybe
the Administration with it. Court really
doesn’t know and it’s a blast (excuse me)
watching him trying to find out and stay
alive at the same time.
He does find out in a way that could
be considered treasonous but there are
men in the government (and a woman
as well) who are in it up to their eyeballs.
The next big question is what to do with
the information. The answer to that is
clever and something that could happen
in real life.
I love the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan
novels and Back Blast, a non Jack Ryan
novel, does not disappoint one little bit.
Just when Court thinks he is in the clear
and all is well, Mr. Greaney throws a
real twisteroo at the reader right at the
end of the book. There will be another
Grey Man novel in the future but all the
bad guys have completely camouflaged
themselves. Court Gentry is not out of
the woods just yet.
I should let you know that I read the
e-book as an advanced copy sent to
me by the publisher. Back Blast will be
published and available in bookstores on
February 12. Go wait in line. It will be well
worth the wait. n
Columnists Lessons
Learned, 2015
by pam kress-dunn
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and as
I review what I wrote in 2015, certain truths leap off the page,
some more pleasant than others. Somewhat chronologically,
I learned the following, whether I wanted to or not:
The miles between you and your grown daughters
and sons are just markers on the side of the road. You
may see them less often, but those visits may deepen
into something richer than when you all shared a kitchen,
bathroom, and car.
As much as I want my lipid levels to straighten out
(up with the HDL! down with the LDL!), there are certain
foods I am just not going to live without. Eggs for
breakfast. Cream in my chai. M&Ms on car trips. (Mmmm
. . . what was the question?)
Social media can be both a time suck and a lifeline,
sometimes simultaneously. Just ask someone who broke
her foot and can’t get out of bed unassisted for months.
Even the highest quality television series or theater
production (live or filmed) is, at heart, a soap opera. We
must save Downton Abbey from the auctioneers! Luke, I
am your father! Hermione marries Ron?!
Make new friends, but keep the old. This goes for
cars, too. I love our new Subaru, but I cherish the old
RAV4. Every dent may not be a cherished memory, but
oh, the places we’ve been.
Car travel can be exhausting, boring, and
uncomfortable, but it beats flying by air. You can listen to
books, sing along with satellite radio, eat all the nostalgia
candy from Cracker Barrel, hang your bare feet out the
window, yell at the GPS, and, most importantly of all, you
can take every single thing you want, including a picnic
lunch and two-liter bottles of Squirt. Try that on a plane.
Blood is thicker than water. As Robert Frost famously
wrote in Death of the Hired Hand, “Home is the place
where, when you go there, they have to take you in.”
Sometimes that means you go to where your family
member is. Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night
should keep us from showing up for family.
Water (see previous paragraph) is necessary for life.
Just in case you thought I meant that the friends you
choose are less worthy of your time and attention than
the characters with the same mother and/or father,
nope, not what I meant. I could not have endured what
this year brought without regular contact with friends
to make me laugh, help me cry (or to stop, depending
on the day), and to make sure I’m eating enough.
(Chocolate. These are true friends.)
When your children have children, well. It’s something
else. You think you know about babies, because you had
them yourself. You have no idea how much you have
forgotten, and furthermore, this relationship—think of
it! the babies of your babies!—is not about “kids say the
darndest things” or baking cookies with Grammy. It is—
or it can be—an immeasurably profound and astonishing
and unique relationship. How convenient that nature
makes these creatures so sweet and precious you cannot
help falling in love with them.
Having kids messing up your yard is far preferable
to a neighborhood with only old folks who yell at the
neighbor kids.
The death of a pet is a death in the family. Oh, Leo. I still
sometimes think I hear your meow when I walk in the door.
I left my heart in Colorado. It has gorgeous clouds in
a sky-blue sky. It has black-billed magpies that bark like
small dogs from the trees. It has a fascinating capital city.
But most of all, it has mountains (surprise!) that appear
like magic as you drive west, like a mirage, a shock, and
dream. You can drive up winding roads and be in those
mountains, breathing that rarified air, and it’s worth the
trip. Even an exhausting, boring, uncomfortable car trip.
The house where you raised your family, the one you
painted and furnished and hung lights on and invited
people into, may be torn down at any time. So take
pictures of the kitchen faucet that drove you nuts and
the secret red room in the attic.
Accidents are called accidents because they happen
accidentally. I can tell you to watch your step every day
from now until the apocalypse, but I can’t save you from
missing a step and breaking your fifth metatarsal, the way
I did. But you could at least get rid of those throw rugs.
Holidays are what you make of them. Your kids might
appreciate fewer cookies, fewer gifts, fewer mandatory
Santa viewings if they get, in return, more time with
Mom and Dad doing nothing, which often turns out to be
The Family Medical Leave Act, designed to protect
your job if you can’t work because of your own or a
family member’s illness or other crisis, will do just that,
but only if 1) you worked at least 1,250 hours the year
before, and 2) you are gone no longer than twelve
weeks. After that, all bets are off.
Finally: Anyone can lose a job, no matter how
professional, dedicated, passionate, brilliant, productive,
kind, or helpful she is. Once they—the Powers that Be, or
just the dismal bean counters—decide your position is
expendable and, more to the point, will save a gazillion
dollars if outsourced, your days are numbered. But it’s
not your fault. You were good at what you did, and the
people who mattered noticed.
[One other lesson learned: Two columns a month is
one too many. So I’ll see you back here in February!] n
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Columnists 33
Columnists Dear Vixen,
Dear Vixen.
I’ve enjoyed reading your advice column,
actually I haven’t. Your sardonic bullying
isn’t what these people need. Is your
world so cold that when someone looking
for a few kind words is too much to ask?
Maybe you can rethink your approach.
Hi. I’m hoping you can help me. I’ve been
pretty unlucky on love. I thought when I
gave up drinking I may find the one, settle
down, get married and have kids. That is
just not the case. When I would go to the
bars I’d always find someone to go out
with. As a matter of fact, some nights I’d
have my choice, and now I can’t seem to
turn a head in my direction. I’m rethinking
staying on the wagon and going back to
my old ways of meeting men.
—All alone
Dear Disappointed,
Sorry I let you down. Staying true to just
that, go grab yourself a blanket, tissues
and a pen. Looks like your days of being
a sideline victim are as pathetic as your
cry for the lost. My unsolicited advice: get
off my ducktail and get crackin’ on your
own plight.
—Call someone who cares.
Dear Vixen,
I’m a male flight attendant. I love my
job, the travel, perks and the people
are everything I’ve wanted in a career,
but now I want a relationship. I meet
opportunities almost every time I’m in the
air and on many occasions go out with
the passengers, but it is the same ending,
the distance that’s keeping me from a
second or third date. How or when am I
to have a chance at a “honey I’m home”
—Please help, Frequent Flier
Dear Vague,
Let me guess. You’re gay and unattractive
which is why you rely on the captive
audience of your passengers and crew
kin. Everyone gets fixated about the 3k
mile club up in la-la land and with the
abundance of traveling married men
in the closet, you are a geographical
sure thing. So my advice: sit back, enjoy
the ride and consider blackmailing the
Captain who’s used you more than once.
—Thankfully not yours, Vixen
34 Columnists 365ink Magazine January 14–January 27, 2016 Issue #256
Dear Coyote Ugly,
Didn’t your mama ever tell you a man
wants to buy you drinks so he can get
into your panties?
Sometimes we confuse love with drunken
sex. Been there, done lots of that.
Reminds me of the time when I hit the
jackpot and left with a couple of Johns,
woke up naked and sandwiched between
them. I needed a Coke to wash that one
down, if you get me.
But the art of tag teaming is not what
you’re asking. To drink or not to drink,
that is the question, and I’m going on a
limb here and say, go for it and make it a
double! Seriously, why be sober and get
nothing in return? Why look for a mental
connection or to a bookstore for empty
soul-sucking attention when you can hit
the local drinking hole, throw in an olive
for protein and an hour later, stumble into
your double wide for a sure thing? A true
no-nonsense no-brainer.
So cheers to mud in your eye and no
more lonely nights.
Columnists Aries
(March 21–April 19)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to get in shape because the new
season of The Biggest Loser comes on at the
exact time you had intended to go to the gym.
Studies on losing weight vicariously are
inconclusive anyways.
(April 20–May 20)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to learn a new instrument because
all they had left at the music store were
maracas. There’s no deep mystery as to how to
play those.
(May 21–June 20)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to learn how to code because you’re
on Facebook all the time and you can just
appreciate their code as a spectator instead.
(June 21–July 22)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to work on our relationship because
your significant other’s resolution was to get
in shape, so they’ll be too busy or something
like that.
(July 23–August 22)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to get a new job because your boss
just offered you an extra half day of paid time
off, which you promptly used to go to a matinee
of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
(August 23–September 22)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to spend more time with your kids
because you got them an iPad and they simply
can’t be bothered with human interaction at
this time.
(September 23–October 22)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to be kinder to animals because your
dog doesn’t want to get off the couch and be
the recipient of said kindness.
(October 23–November 21)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to explore your artistic inklings
because Bowie’s gone and he set the bar kinda
high for everyone.
(November 22–December 21)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to try your hand at a new craft
because you can just buy things from Etsy and
claim that you made them.
(December 22–January 19)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to bake more because who can keep
the difference between baking soda and baking
powder straight anyway?
(January 20–February 18)
It’s okay that you gave up on your
resolution to get more cultured because your
doctor prescribed a regimen of probiotics.
Here’s to another year as an effective doorstop,
“Infinite Jest”!
(February 19–March 20)
It’s okay that you gave up on
your resolution to give up on your resolutions
because you just logically fooled yourself into
Issue #256 January 14–January 27, 2016 365ink Magazine Columnists 35