GRACE Notes - Grace Lutheran


GRACE Notes - Grace Lutheran
Grace Lutheran Church is energized by the Holy Spirit and nurtured through God’s
Word and Sacrament to gather, feed, and send people in the name of Jesus Christ.
205 South Garner Street . State College, Pennsylvania 16801 . . DECEMBER 2014
Advent Season from Pastor Alison Bowlan
I had been waiting to be a mom my whole life. As I envisioned my future pregnancy, I could see my husband
and me setting up the beautiful pink nursery (of course
we were going to have a girl first) with white furniture.
I could imagine people saying to me, “You’re all baby!” I could anticipate the joy
and excitement I would feel as people would rub my belly with the hopes of feeling the baby move. And I loved the thought of a carefree natural labor resulting in
my family cuddling on the bed. Little did I know that I would have ankles swollen to the size of mountains and a yellow, green, and blue nursery for a little boy.
I could have never anticipated that I would hate people touching my belly. And
lastly I could never have guessed how much pain I would be in after an emergency
c-section that would take my son to the nursery when I was unable to get out of
bed. Things seldom are what we expect them to be; all the hope and all the anticipation in the world does not change reality.
As we begin the season of Advent, the preparation for the arrival of a new baby,
what does that mean for us as Christians? Do we place our hope for this season in
false gods--in presents, perfect tables, trees, parties, and meals? Does the anticipation of Christmas cause us to lose track of what is really important and what we
are actually preparing for?
I love Christmas. I can’t get enough of it. I love the feeling of it, the spirit of the
excitement, happiness, and joy. It is easy for me to get lost in the commercialism of this season and forget that what I am actually preparing for is the birth of
the Savior of the world and not the coming of Santa Claus. You see, if my hope
resides in Santa, I will always be disappointed, but if I place my hope and expectations where they belong, in the Good News, the news that will change my life
forever, I will never be disappointed.
This Advent season, as we begin a new church year, I invite you to travel on a
journey with me and other families at Grace. I invite you to share a different book
each evening with your families dedicated to sharing the true meaning of Christmas: Christ’s coming to live among us. (If you need a list, I have one!) I invite you
to light an Advent wreath each night and read scripture and pray together using
our family devotional books. I invite you to come to church on Sundays and hear
the stories of John the Baptist and Mary. I invite you to come to one of our four
Christmas Eve services (4:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m., 11 p.m.) and our Christmas Day
service (10 a.m.). I invite you to read the Christmas story with your family before
you give presents. I invite you to worship the one true God that will always live up
to your expectations, in this world and the next. Our hope is safe with him.
May the God found in a manger loving you from birth
be with you during this Advent and Christmas season
and all year long.
God’s abundant blessings,
Pastor Alison
Christmas Eve Schedule
[ The 4:30 p.m. worship is a
children’s service telling the
Christmas story with a live
nativity and live animals as well
as a visit from Santa as he comes
to worship the Christ child.
[ The 7 p.m. worship includes
prelude music with “The Lyon
Family,” a string ensemble. There
will also be traditional carols,
Holy Communion, candlelight,
the Adult Choir, harp, and duets.
[ The 9 p.m. worship is a piano-led
worship service with candlelight
and Holy Communion. There
will also be traditional carols,
vocal and instrumental soloists.
[ The 11 p.m. worship is a service
of carols and candles with Holy
Communion. Music includes
piano and harp prelude, the Bells
of Grace, and the Adult Choir.
Christmas Day
[ Worship will be at 10 a.m. with
Holy Communion and traditional
On the Inside
Worship Page; Music in worship...2-3
Christian Education........................... 3
Member News.................................... 4
Financial Page/Building.................... 5
Christmas Happenings/Needs........... 6
Green Team............................................7
Columbarium Project......................7
Supper Wednesday Schedule...............7
Social Ministry Outreach..................8-9
Congregational Care.............................9
New Membership Class......................10
Young Adult/College News................10
Women of Grace...............................11
Children and Youth.....................12-13
Preschool and Kindergarten ......14-15
Pastoral Acts; Birthdays; Prayers.... 16
Worship Volunteers...........................17
Calendar...................................... Inside
Preparing our Hearts and Minds for Worship
First Reading
Second Reading
Holy Gospel
December 7
2nd Sunday of
Isaiah 40:1–11
Psalm 85:1–2,
2 Peter 3:8–15a
Mark 1:1–8
December 14
3rd Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 61:1–4,
Psalm 126
1 Thessalonians
John 1:6–8,
December 21
4th Sunday of Advent
2 Samuel 7:1–11, Luke 1:46b–55
Psalm 89:1–4,
19–26 (alternate)
Romans 16:25–27
Luke 1:26–38
December 28
1st Sunday of
Isaiah 61:10—
Galatians 4:4–7
Luke 2:22–40
Psalm 148
acknowledges the pain and sadness
many people experience as the holidays approach but also encourages
people to move toward hope.
A Service of Hope:
Handling the Holidays
December 18, 2014
at 6:30 pm
Brightly wrapped packages, Christmas trees, holiday parties, holly and
the scent of pine, unending upbeat
carols in shops and malls, visits
from friends and family, baking and
cooking, food everywhere – and
the awed, hushed joy of welcoming
a tiny Infant to our world and our
hearts. These are the images and
memories of Christmas most of us
celebrate and treasure.
But each year some people – those
who have experienced loss through
death, divorce, depression, and
other life challenges – dread the
approach of the holiday season.
Something has happened in their
lives and they have no heart for the
cheer and the bustle, the anticipation and the excitement.
The Blue Christmas Service
sponsored by our Congregational
Care and Stephen Ministry Teams
If your spirit isn’t what you think
it ought to be, join others who feel
that way on December 18 at 6:30
p.m. in the sanctuary to acknowledge God’s presence for those who
struggle and that God’s word comes
to shine light into our darkness.
Healer of our ev’y ill,
Light of each tomorrow,
Give us peace beyond our fear,
And hope beyond our sorrow.
Healer of Our Every Ill, #612
Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Music in the Liturgy: The Musical Language of
Advent and Christmas
Modern secular society has blurred
the lines between Advent and
Christmas, but there are distinct
differences – both in the worship
service and in the music. Advent,
which follows “Christ the King”
Sunday, marks the beginning of the
church year and is the time when
we are waiting for Christ to be born
(Advent means “toward the arrival”
or, perhaps more simply stated,
“before the big event.”) The word
Christmas means the Mass (which
simply means “church service”)
when we celebrate Christ’s birth. Church music is designed to reflect
this difference between Advent
(waiting) and Christmas (celebrating), complementing the readings
from Holy Scripture. Advent music
portrays waiting in the darkness for
the light (Jesus) to come, John the
Baptist preparing the way (just as
we prepare our hearts for him), and
the Virgin Mary’s acceptance of
God choosing her as the vessel to
bear his Son. Christmas music tells
about the joyous birth of Jesus with
songs of celebration as we finally
experience (or relive) his birth, for
which we have waited for a long
Nearly everyone loves to sing
Christmas carols, which makes it
difficult for us during Advent to
wait for what seems like an eternity
until we finally sing them on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Perhaps it is helpful to remember that
God’s people waited a very long
time for Jesus to be born. When the
prophecy was finally fulfilled, the
exhilaration and relief must have
been amazing among those who had
patiently waited. So it is during Advent when we wait for what seems
like an eternity to sing our beloved
Christmas carols. After waiting, the
celebration is wonderful when Advent ends and Christmas arrives!
“Stairstep Singers” to
Greet Worshippers on
Sunday, Dec. 21
During coffee hour (10-10:30 a.m.)
on Sunday, December 21, our
“stairstep singers” will greet parishioners with Advent and Christmas
carols as they leave from 9 a.m.
worship, enjoy coffee hour, and arrive for 10:30 a.m. worship. Please
join us for this musical expression of the imminent birth of Jesus
Christ, our savior and Lord!
Nine Lessons and Carols
on Sunday, December 14
at 10:30 a.m.
At the 10:30 a.m. worship service
on Sunday, December 14, our youth
choir, Crossfire, will present an
Advent-themed Nine Lessons and
Carols program. This traditional
service is comprised of nine Scriptural readings and nine carols (several for the congregation to sing)
and will be presented in place of
the sermon at that service. Twenty
choristers and instrumentalists from
grades 6-12 have been working on
the music since early November,
and they are looking forward to
sharing the message and the carols
with you on this special occasion. For anyone who plans to go to the
Festival of Trees * this year, please
consider coming that same day in
the early afternoon. Crossfire will
sing these same carols and several
more familiar tunes on the stage
at 1 p.m., sharing the message of
Christmas with the broader community. Thank you, Crossfire!
* Central PA Institute of Science and
Technology, 540 N Harrison Road,
Each Christmas season is a time of spiritual renewal
for Christians. It is a time to acknowledge the birth of
Jesus Christ, His ministry, and His growing presence
in the world today. It is also a time to strengthen the
love and bond between family members and friends
by sharing our faith with those who know we are
Christians and with those who want to know the Love of God.
The Sunday and Super Wednesday Bible classes have seen the return
of current members and new members, as each leader has presented God’s
message in both Old and New Testament scripture. Pastor Lynn is completing his discussion of the Old Testament prophets during the Super Wednesday classes. With the beginning of the new year, Pastor Schul will share his
thoughts on how to strength our faith through a deeper understanding of
God’s love for us and expectations as Christians.
All of the Sunday Bible class leaders have focused on New and Old
Testament scripture to provide additional meaning to the weekly sermons,
to enhance our understanding of the challenge to forgive, and to provide
a better understanding of the Disciples who supported Jesus’ ministry on
earth and who spread the Gospel in the First Century. These have been
opportunities for spiritual growth that I have participated in and am grateful for, the gift of teaching that our class leaders bring to us. As we near the Christmas holiday, I want to extend to all of the Grace
community a Merry Christmas and to give thanks for God’s presence in
our lives and in our church ministries.
Your friend in Christ,
Mark Mrsa
Adult Education Ministry
Chrismons: The Story of Christianity Told in Symbols
Originally referring to a Christian symbol representing Jesus Christ (from
the Latin “Christi monogramma” or the “monogram of Christ”), the word
“Chrismon” was expanded in the 20th century to refer to a wide range of
Christmas ornaments bearing Christian symbols. The modern usage of the
word is derived from a tradition that started in Virginia, with ornaments
portraying a variety of crosses, stars, Trinitarian symbols and emblems of
scrolls, chalices, praying hands, angels, candles, Alpha and Omega, and
more. Traditionally they are highly embellished images on a white background. Although sometimes made of simple materials such as styrofoam
and glitter, they more commonly are embroidered, made from pearl-like
beads on bendable wire, or with other long-lasting and fine materials.
Many thanks to parishioner Elena Blazina
for sharing her time and talents by creating a
beautiful set of keepsake Christmons for our
church. They will be displayed on the Christmas tree that will be in our main entrance (by
the circular stairwell) after December 8, along
with information about the Christmon symbols
Student Thanksgiving Food Drive
Helps 11 Families
On November 17, four Penn State students brought
38 bags of groceries, 10 turkeys, and one ham to
Grace Lutheran to distribute to pre-designated families in our community. Seven students have worked
for more than a month to collect food and funds to
help families they will never meet but who greatly
appreciate their kindness. Thank you to everyone
who took the time to bless their Thanksgiving gatherings.
... over 40 members of Grace
were involved in cleaning and
repairing the Lutheran Campus
Ministry parsonage where
Pastor Schul, Linda, Annika
and Emilio now live?
... Brian Christian was inducted
A note from Pastor Schul
Dear people of Grace:
On behalf of the entire Schul family, we want to thank you for your
very kind hospitality and welcome to Grace Lutheran and to the
State College region. We are especially grateful for all of the work
that went into improving, repairing, and preparing our home for occupancy. We hope very soon to schedule an open house so that you
all can see and enjoy the fruits of your grace-filled labors.
This Thanksgiving our family will give thanks for many, many
things, but we will especially thank God for the opportunity to live
and minister among the good people of Grace Lutheran Church. As
Pastor Lynn so often and so rightly says, “We are blessed!”
Pastor Schul
as a fellow of the International
College of Dentists on October
... Phil Keeney, of “Keeney
Beany Chocolate” fame,
was surprised to have an
anonymous donor give one
million dollars in Phil’s
name to the Food Service
Department of PSU?
... Grace gave 425+ Operation
Christmas Child shoeboxes in
support of Samaritan’s Purse?
... this is a wonderful time to
Thank you to all my Grace Lutheran family for all the prayers, visits,
cards and the prayer letter sent to me during my recent illness and
hospital stay.
~ Bobby Maelhorn
invite a friend to come with
you to church? It’s a time when
people who think little about
church are most interested.
Financial Update
Current YearActual
July 1, 2014October, 2014
$ 248,439
Current Year Budget
July 1, 2014 October, 2014
$ 255,500
% Difference
Preschool and Kindergarten
$ 97,495
$ 103,000
-5.34 %
$ 256,917
$ 289,306
-11.20 %
Expenses (Preschool & K)
$ 74,900
$ 79,466
-5.75 %
Offering Income
-2.76 %
Notes: Interest income is not included. Expense line is budgeted straight line throughout the year. Income is
budgeted based on historic pattern of receipt.
Offering income for the year is tracking a little less than budgetary needs. We are at -2.76% for income.
Expenses are 11.2% less than budget projections so that is good news. Our budget increased by 6% (congregational vote) so please consider increasing your offering to meet that need. That was the first budget increase in
5 years.
Building Campaign
Actual Receipts for October
* Estimated Monthly Mortgage
$ 13,016
$ 15,972
* The monthly mortgage payment will be in effect until 1/5/2018, a new payment will be established based on interest
rates at that time.
Our building campaign fell short in October. Please consider committing again to another five years of offerings to our building campaign. Many have already done so, and some are in the process of doing this. We need
everyone’s help to satisfy our debt obligation. Please help us.
Building Campaign
As you know, our first five-year
building pledge campaign ended
in September of this year. Many of
you have pledged again for another
five years. Thank you so much
for your faithfulness to our debt
If you have not pledged for the
next five years, I ask you to please
consider doing so. We need everyone’s help within our church
family to meet our debt obligation.
Pledge forms were sent to everyone
in August. If you have misplaced
yours, now you can find one at the
Welcome Center in the lobby of the
church. Thank you for prayerfully
considering this.
If you are not willing to make a
commitment with the pledge form,
please still consider using the green
envelopes in your offering packet.
All of us are enjoying the increased
space, the new restrooms, the elevator, and the parking, so all of us
need to consider helping to fulfill
our debt obligation.
Thank you for considering this.
Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Lynn
2015 Offering Envelopes
We stand upon the threshold of
a new church year. Poised for a
new beginning, each of us must
ask, “What are our priorities?
Where are we placing our treasure?” The envelopes will be on
the tables in the narthex on the 2nd
Sunday of December (the 14th).
Prayerfully ponder your priorities
for the coming year, and use your
offering envelopes to help direct
them. For accounting purposes,
please do not use your 2015
envelopes in 2014.
Poinsettias to be
placed on the altar
on Christmas Eve
have been ordered,
but please remember
our Missionaries
with a Special Christmas
Offering in lieu of a
poinsettia. Donations can
be made through Dec. 8.
This year the alternative
offering will go to our
Global Missions Team to
give a monetary Christmas
gift to our five missionaries.
Order forms for all of these are at the
Welcome Center or Church Office.
Mitten, Cap,
and Scarf Tree!
Again this year a Christmas tree will be placed
in the Narthex; the congregation is
invited to hang handmade or storebought mittens, caps, or scarves that
will be used to help keep local children warm this winter. The Centre
County Youth Service Bureau has
agreed to accept and distribute our
cuddly contributions. The tree will
be available from Sunday, November 30, through Monday, December
28. Need more information? Contact Cindy Tibbott at 364-9100.
Sign-up sheets for radio broadcasts, altar flowers, and bulletins
are now in the Narthex.
• $75 for altar flowers
• $25 for bulletins
• $165 for one sponsor or two
people can share $82.50 each
for radio broadcast.
All of these can be dedicated to
honor or memorialize someone or
to the Glory of God. Explanation
sheets and reminder envelopes
are also with the charts.
Christmas Caroling to Shut-ins
Sunday, December 14
Meet in Harkins Hall
Light Lunch Provided
at 11:45 a.m.
Please join your fellow Grace members as we
share the joy of Christmas by caroling at the
homes of homebound members of our congregation. We will go caroling on Sunday, December
14 following the 10:30 a.m. worship service. A light lunch in Harkins
Hall will be provided before the caroling begins. Then at 12:30, a bus
will take us as a group to Grace’s homebound members. The sign-up
sheet for caroling is on the Congregational Care bulletin board outside
of the church office. If you have questions about this event, please contact Lois Lynn (234-1078 or
Grace Christmas Dinner December 17
A Christmas Dinner for members and friends of Grace will be held on
Wednesday, December 17 in Harkins Hall. We’ll gather at 5:30 p.m.,
to enjoy a ham dinner with all the trimmings prepared by our Super
Wednesday cooks.
Please join your fellow Grace members as we share
this time of fellowship. After the meal, we’ll sing
Christmas carols, including Grace’s special version of
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” led by our own Frank
Bortz who has been our song leader for over 25 years.
The dinner and caroling will take the place of regular
Super Wednesday evening activities.
A donation of $4/person or $10/family is suggested.
Please bring one dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share.
Can you help?
A Pastor’s Discretionary Fund (PDF) is used to
help people in need. The needs include fuel for
home heating, a bus ticket to help someone return
home, money to help with rent so another family
doesn’t become homeless, gasoline to help someone go to work—all needs that Pastor Lynn and the PDF have helped with in the past.
However at this time, the PDF has nothing in it. All funds have been used.
There is a legitimate need for this fund, especially going into the winter
and Christmas seasons. If you are able to help with this, please write a
check to Grace Lutheran Church and put “PDF” on the
memo section.
Your offering will go a long way in helping
someone in need this winter.
Grace Lutheran Church and GLPK Receive
Green Business Award
On Thursday, November 13, Grace Lutheran Church and Grace Lutheran
Preschool and Kindergarten were recognized by the Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority, the Centre Region Council of Governments
and State College Borough as a Centre County Green Business Partner at
a luncheon held at Celebration Hall in State College. Jon Peters and Susan
Buda, both members of our green team, represented our church and school
at the event. Our award application featured our recycling efforts, including many new items we have added to our recycling collection; significant
reduction in paper waste, especially
of paper cups and plastic tablecloths in our church and school;
installation of improved lighting
systems and thermal shades; and
special event recycling. Thank
you to our green team for leading
these efforts and to everyone in our
church and school who is helping
us be better stewards of our world!
Columbarium Project Update
We are pleased to report that we have received the
building permit and will soon be breaking ground on the
columbarium project. The next steps are for Evan Stearns,
who works with Landserv, Inc., to complete the footer for
the columbarium to rest upon, move a tree to enlarge the
open area, and prepare the patio foundation.
The columbarium will be manufactured and shipped to us from Eickof
Columbaria of Minnesota in early spring. After it arrives, Landserv, Inc.,
will complete the sides and bottom of the columbarium. The patio stone
will be laid by Cole Buchart, a student who is working on his Eagle Scout
project. Cole will also make two benches which will rest on the patio of
the columbarium. The goal is to have this project completed by the end of
May. You can see an example of what it looks like by viewing the posted
drawing outside of Becky’s office. If you are interested in learning more
about the project, please contact Becky Krantweiss at bkrantweiss@glcpa.
org or 238-2478.
Super Wednesday Schedule for December
[ Wednesdays, December 3 and 10 are typical Super Wednesdays
with regularly scheduled activities.
[ Wednesday December 17 is the Grace Lutheran Christmas Dinner,
prepared by our excellent chefs, at 5:30 p.m. in Harkins Hall. The
meal will be followed by singing Christmas carols and the traditional “Twelve Days of Christmas” led by our own Frank Bortz.
The Green Tip of the
Month - December
With the recent snap of bitter cold
winter weather, we all probably
noticed our furnaces running much
more frequently. While I suspect
we are all thankful for central heating systems, they can put a dent
in the family budget. According to (US Dept. of Energy
website), you can save as much as
10% a year on heating and cooling
by simply turning your thermostat
back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from
its normal setting. (If you have a
heat pump, don’t do this without
a programmable thermostat). You
can do this automatically by using
a programmable thermostat and
scheduling the times you turn on
the heating or air conditioning. As a
result, the equipment doesn’t operate as much when you are asleep or
not at home.
can store
multiple daily
settings (six or more temperature
settings a day) that you can manually override without affecting the
rest of the daily or weekly program.
Some programmable thermostats
are easy to use; others are more
If you are considering purchasing
one, you may find the Consumer
Reports information useful
(access is restricted by subscription). Our local libraries may have
this information available in their
periodicals section for free.
Thank You From Crop Walk
The Grace CROP Walk ministry team is grateful for your generosity
again in 2014! The State College community count in mid-November was
$29,665.84. Our congregation alone contributed $9,758.75, the highest
amount in a State College congregation. Next year’s CROP Walk will be
held on Sunday, October 18 at Grace Lutheran Church.
Paul and Leslie Wagner
Grace CROP Team Leaders
With the recent cold weather, my thoughts have very
easily slipped to Nicaragua. The application period for
the team has closed, and our team is shaping up very
nicely. I would like to invite you to our spaghetti dinner on Saturday January 24, 2015. Proceeds from the
spaghetti dinner help pay for the medications we take
along to pass out at our clinic. Any questions about the team or the mission
trip can be directed to Lester Griel by email at
• Brown paper grocery
bags (doubled)
• Grocery store Gift Cards
any denomination is
Out of the Cold - 2015
Brr! It’s really chilly outside! I want to curl up beside my fireplace and,
fortunately, I can. Unfortunately, not all adults in our area are so lucky;
they are homeless and spend wintry days trying to stay warm and searching for food. Some work service jobs with pay too low to afford housing,
some are suffering from addictions or mental health problems, and some
are lacking support and direction. The truth is that they are our brothers
and sisters in Christ. He loves even the most troubled just the same as He
loves you and me.
The great news is that from January 2 through January 18 we can help with
food, a warm place to sleep, and a welcoming smile. How? It’s not hard.
Please sign up on the Ministry Outreach bulletin board to spend a night
here at church caring for our guests, cook an extra meal to share, stop in
for a few minutes to say hello, include each guest in your prayers, contribute to the pastor’s discretionary fund so that when unusual needs arise the
funds are there to be able to help.
Grace Lutheran Church is a warm, wonderful, welcoming place. Please help share that
warmth and love.
Spaghetti/pasta sauce
Cereal or oatmeal
Tomato products (diced,
stewed, paste, sauce,
Canned fruits (peaches,
pears, fruit cocktail,
Canned vegetables
(green beans, corn,
mixed vegetables, etc.)
Canned meats (tuna,
chicken, Spam)
Sugar (2 lb & 4 lb containers)
Condiments (ketchup,
mustard, barbeque
sauce, etc.)
Juice (100%)
Salad dressing (Ranch,
Italian, etc.)
Laundry detergent
We currently are NOT in need of
protein beans. Please note that we
cannot accept expired or opened
food items.
visit us online at:
In November, Grace Lutheran
Church donated $217.00 and
154 lbs. of food.
Nancy Reinert
Out of the Cold coordinator
Thank you!
Your Gifts Make a World
of Difference!
THANK YOU Grace Members!
Thank you to all
who participated
in any way. Your
continued support
and enthusiasm
for Operation Christmas Child is
appreciated by your Social Ministry
team and by each and every child
who receives a box collected at
Grace Lutheran. Each shoebox represents a child touched by love and
given the opportunity to know the
greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ.
Know that each shoebox is something that child will treasure the
rest of his/her life. Please remember
Operation Christmas Child in your
prayers as those shoeboxes are
delivered. As Grace Notes is being
printed, our Collection Centers are
still open, so look for 2014 totals
in the bulletin and on the web! We
look forward to next year!
You can find much more about
Operation Christmas Child and
the impact that it has on a child at Please
check it out, read some stories, and
see some videos about how Operation Christmas Child is making a
difference – because of you.
Attention Grace members - The
holidays are coming! Among other
things, that means an opportunity to help those
in need. Through December, the Friends Who
Care ministry will be collecting gift cards and
checks to benefit the Centre County Women’s Resource Center. Each
year our church helps sponsor a family of four through CCWRC’s Holiday Sponsorship Program. Each family member receives a $50 gift card
(Wal-Mart, Target, Nittany Mall, etc.), and parents are able to buy presents
for their children, which is so important when going through a tumultuous
time like transitioning from an abusive situation, trying to find housing,
etc. Gift cards received prior to Dec. 10 will be used to help the Holiday
Sponsorship Program, and any gift cards and checks received after that
will still benefit CCWRC’s shelter directly.
This fundraiser will be in place of the church’s usual holiday solicitation
for items for CCWRC. If you could find it in your hearts to give whatever
you are able, I know the families and staff of CCWRC would greatly appreciate it.
Please make checks payable to CCWRC, and give any gift cards/checks to
Jennifer Pencek in the church nursery or place them securely in the church
office. Please see Jennifer Pencek for any questions. Thank you for your
continued generosity.
Stephen Ministry Needs You!
Even if you are not a Stephen Leader or Stephen
Minister, you play an important role in our Stephen
Ministry. Our Stephen Ministers need your prayerful
support as they confidentially meet with their care
receivers every week. Our Stephen Leaders also need your help in identifying people who might benefit from a Stephen Ministry relationship. If you
see a friend, co-worker, neighbor, relative, or someone else who could use
some extra Christian care, tell that person about our Stephen Ministry and
get permission to refer him or her to a Stephen Leader.
Learn, Grow, and Serve by Becoming a
Stephen Minister
Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, please
prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Grace Lutheran will be
training another class of Stephen Ministers in January. Stephen Ministers
provide emotional and spiritual support and care to people who are going
through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. To find
out more about becoming a Stephen Minister or how you or someone you
know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders: Brenda Palmgren, 238-2944: Bev Sampsell,
234-3780: Pastor Schul or Pastor Lynn, 238-2478.
Becoming a member
of Grace Lutheran is
an important step one
takes. Should you
like to be included
in the next class
with others who have felt moved
by God’s Spirit to join the vibrant
ministries of Grace, please contact Pastor Schul either by e-mail or by calling
him during the week at 238-2478.
Adult Group:
Questions -- Not Answers
QNA: Questions -- Not Answers
will next meet on Sunday,
December 7th at 7 p.m. in Pastor
Lynn’s office to continue discussing Animate which imaginatively explores central topics
of Christianity through videos
featuring leading voices from the
Christian faith and group discussions. Next meeting: “History:
Parchment to Pixel.” Writer and
professor Phyllis Tickle describes the history of the Bible
and how our access to it has
evolved over the centuries.
For more information about
QNA, contact Kevin Luhman
( or Jason
Laine (
{…there are three ways to con-
nect with Grace Lutheran Church
online? Visit our webpage at www.; become a “friend” of
our Grace Lutheran Facebook page
for members; or “like” our public
Facebook page at www.facebook.
com/GLCStateCollege and receive
daily spiritual insights and schedule updates for members and those
seeking a church home. We hope
you will visit us on the web!
Ministry With PSU Students …
“the Lutheran Student Community at
Penn State”
• Sunday Evening Worship Service at 6 p.m. - Grace Lutheran
Church (dinner in the Fireside Room follows)
• Monday Lunchtime Bible Study 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. - Redifer
Dining Commons (check our website for the texts and links to find
our location) • Thursday Evening Prayer Service at 5:45 p.m. - Pasquerilla
Spiritual Center (dinner follows in the Garden Room)
Upcoming Events
Sunday, December 7 - Sunday Lunch! For those of you who enjoy the
morning worship services, we’ll be serving lunch around 11:45 a.m. (after the 10:30 am service). You’ll have a chance to enjoy a home-cooked
meal, meet and talk with other students who worship at Grace Lutheran,
chat with some of the staff from Grace and campus ministry, and then
get to the work awaiting you on Sunday afternoon! Come if you can! Sunday, December 14 - Christmas Hoopla! Take a break from studying and join the holiday fun! We’ll share a festive dinner, Christmas
music and fun, and there will be gifts for everyone! Wear your favorite
holiday sweater or other festive clothes (or just come in your studywear). We’ll gather in the Fireside Room at Grace Lutheran after 6 p.m.
worship (around 7 p.m.), so come join the celebration of Christmas, plus
the end of the semester!
Monday, December 15 - Finals Week Breakfast! What better way to
start finals week than to meet Alicia Anderson (campus minister) and
other students for breakfast at Ye Olde College Diner?!? Alicia will be
there from 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Monday and will buy your breakfast! Come start off finals week right!
Finals week: Check our website for more info about study breaks and
quiet study locations on campus and off. Semester Break: All Sunday Worship services will continue through
break. Mid-week programs and Sunday dinner will NOT be held December 19 - January 11. Everything resumes on the day classes resume
- January 12, 2015.
For more information about worship on campus, Bible study and discussion,
meals, service projects and everything else the Lutheran Student Community
does, visit the website at
Blanket Sunday 2014
The Naomi Group wishes to thank all contributors to
the Blanket Sunday project benefiting Lutheran World
Relief. The donation from Grace Lutheran Church was
Quilts - 46
Bars of Soap - 26
Personal Care Kits - 9
Sewing Kits - 3
School Kits - 10
Baby Care Kits - 2
Monetary Donation - $1,189
Women of Grace
Group Schedule
1st Tuesday - 1 p.m., Fireside
December 2
Hostesses - Diane Kulp, Carolyn Fishburn
Devotions and Program - Winnie Deppen
Participating churches were Grace Lutheran of State College, St. Luke’s of
Centre Hall, St. Mark’s of Snydertown, St. John’s of Millheim, St. Mark’s
of Pleasant Gap, Shepherd of Hills of Karthus, and Trinity United Church
of Christ of Hublersbrug,
Thanks to Carolyn Fishburn, Eleanor Zindler, Gerri Slear, Mary Lou Swan,
and Diane and Ken Kulp for packing all our items. Also, kudos to Chris
Roberts and Spence Garvin getting the rental truck, muscle loading all the
boxes, and delivering and unloading them to East Freedom, PA. This project is a worthwhile service to Lutheran World Relief.
Take a new look at Women of the ELCA
Looking for a place to gather with other women to talk about your faith?
Women of the ELCA is just for you. We’re a community of women where
fellowship, friendship, study, service and advocacy are nurtured. Here
you’ll find original, inventive, and imaginative support. We Are WELCA
What is WELCA? It’s an easy way to say Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Quite a mouthful, we know. Our organization
includes Lutheran women who gather in over 7,000 locations in the U.S.
and the Caribbean, for service, study, advocacy, fellowship, and more!
WELCA embraces all kinds of ministries that support our mission of
mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Come to any
group of the Women of Grace to find out more. There is a place for you in
Women of the ELCA.
Coffee for Christmas
For the holiday season the Women of Grace will sell coffee, tea, chocolate bars, and cocoa powder for baking (it makes excellent cake, hot
fudge sauce, and from-scratch hot chocolate!) from farmers of Third
World countries. The sales will be on Sundays, December 7, 14 and 21
in Harkins Hall during coffee hour from 10-10:30 a.m.
The Lutheran World Relief Fair Trade Coffee
Project ensures that more of the money you spend
on coffee reaches the farmers who actually grow it.
The Comfort Makers
2nd and 4th Tuesday, 9 a.m., Rm. 208
December 9 and 23
Contact Person: Judy Bausch,
Knit Wits
2nd Thursday - 10 a.m. December 11
At the home of Justine Gibble.
Please call 571-5764 to let Justine
know you are able to attend.
Garden of Readin’
3rd Tuesday - 10:30 a.m. or 6 p.m., Fireside
NO meeting in DECEMBER.
The January selection for Garden
of Readin’ is Wish You Well
by David Baldacci. This is the
selection of Susan Hirth, and she
will be facilitating the discussions.
Contact Person: Lois Lynn, 234-1078
Daughters of Eve
4th Tuesday - 7 p.m., Fireside
December 16
Hostesses - Bonnie Burris
Devotions and Program - open
Board Meeting - December 2
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
in Fireside.
Lutheran World Relief Coffee Project
The second Sunday of every
month at 10 a.m. in Harkins Hall
This month: Extended Sales for
Christmas gifts - Dec. 7, 14, and
21. We will be selling coffee,
tea, chocolate bars, and cocoa
powder for baking from farmers
of Third World countries.
Youth Page
All Youth Groups
December Calendar
We Bounced Around in the Miller Center
During a hiatus from school, we held an “Open Gym
Day” in the Miller Center. Over twenty-five children
and youth came out and enjoyed various games and snacks. It has been
three years, but we are still more grateful than ever for having the Miller
Center as a part of our Grace Lutheran Campus.
Sunday, December 7
• 5:30-7 p.m.,Youth
Group Christmas
Party at Northland Bowl
• 8:30-9 or 1010:30 a.m., Volunteer Appreciation Coffee and Doughnuts
Youth Christmas Party to be held at Northland Bowl
On Sunday, December 7 at Northland Lanes 5:30-7 p.m. we will be having
our Christmas party for all youth groups. The party
includes two games, shoes, two slices of pizza, and a
drink. We will also be doing a white elephant gift exchange. Please bring a wrapped gift for your age group,
spending no more than $10. Friends can join us.
Car Parking Has Ended
Thank you to all of our volunteers who have stood out in the sun, wind,
rain, snow, and freezing cold temperatures to help our youth raise the
money they need to travel to the National Youth Gathering next summer in
Detroit. Car Parking is a fabulous fund raiser, and we couldn’t have done it
without you.
We Appreciate our Volunteers!
Anyone who has volunteered for Sunday School since
September or led a Youth Group or assisted with car
parking, please plan on stopping by the Miller Center
kitchen on December 7 from 8:30-9 or 10-10:30 a.m. for
coffee and doughnuts. We cannot adequately express our
thanks to each one of you with words nor explain the profound impact you
have had on our children’s faith life. All we can do is say thank you with
some yummy food and a small gift of appreciation. We hope you’ll stop by.
The Sunday School Re-Telling of the Christmas Story
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be present at the birth of
Christ? Have you ever wished you could be a part of the excitement and
awe? On December 14 in Harkins Hall, our children will experience the
“Re-Telling of the Christmas Story” and get a sense of what it would be
like to be at the first Christmas. They will dress in costume, sing traditional
Christmas songs, and listen as the miraculous story of baby Jesus’ birth
comes to life. Following the experience, we will watch a Christmas movie
and enjoy snacks together. Please make sure your children don’t miss out
on the fun and joy of the real reason for the season!
Sunday School Holiday Schedule
Due to the holidays, there will be NO Sunday School on December 21 or
December 28.
Sunday, December 14
Re-telling of the Christmas
Story in Sunday School
Sunday, December 21
No Sunday School
Sunday, December 28
No Sunday School
January Preview
Sunday, January 4
• Confirmation Session #1 in Harkins Hall
• 5:30 p.m.,Youth Group Dinner
• 6-7 p.m.,Youth Group for all ages
Sunday, January 18
• 4-5:30 p.m., Confirmation Session #2 in Harkins Hall
• 5:30 p.m.,Youth Group Dinner
• 6-7 p.m.,Youth Group for all ages
Wednesday, January 21
6:15-7:15 p.m., Building
Bridges in the Miller Center
Sunday, January 25
Family Event-Snow Tubing at
Tussey, TBA
First Communion Class 2014
Twenty-one children have completed Holy Communion instruction during
the month of October and received their First Communion on November 2nd.
We welcome you to the Lord’s Table!
Ryan O’Donnell
William Albert
Ryan Pencek
Alexandra Antoniono
Samantha Asencio
Aubrey Reutzel
Annabelle Biggers
Brady Schuchert
Harrison Biggers
Anna Scourtis
Palmer Biggers
Sophie Scourtis
Emma Burger
Stephen Scourtis
Ryan Evanego
Katelin Watschke
Zachary Evanego
Maddison Watschke
Charles Lombardi
Mallory Wild
Sing ‘n Ring Choir singing the
Thanksgiving Blessing at the
November 19th Super Wednesday
Thanksgiving Celebration.
Christian Focus Box
We Celebrate Jesus’ Birthday!
am bringing you good news
of great joy for all the people.”
- Luke 2:10
Science Exploration:
Exploring Water: Open Exploration
Mark your Calendars!
Thursday, December 2
School Resumes
Thursday, December 4
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Advent Family Fun Night
Friday, December 5
10:30 a.m. GLPK Bible Study in the Fireside Room with childcare
in the nursery, room 204
Tuesday, December 9
6:00 p.m. School Christmas Concert in the Sanctuary
(Snow date Thursday, Dec. 11)
Wednesday, December 10
9:15 a.m. Parent Volunteer Organization Christmas
Party in Fireside Room with childcare provided in the nursery, Room 204
Sunday, December 14
Last day for Toys for Tots
December 15 and 16
10:30 a.m. Chapel
Wednesday, December 17
8 a.m. Staff Appreciation Breakfast provided by the PVO
December 22 – January 2
School Closed for the Holidays
Monday, January 5
School Resumes
Friday, January 9
10:30 a.m. GLPK Bible Study in the Fireside Room with childcare in the nursery, room 204
Holiday Gift Shopping
‘Tis the season to bring others joy, and we have a great way for you to help
Grace Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten’s fundraising program. We sell
Weis, Giant, and Sheetz gift cards from the school office. To purchase any
of these gift cards, please stop in the school office Monday through Friday
between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Butter Braids and Christmas Wreath Fundraisers
Thank you for supporting the school through our annual Christmas Wreath
Sale and the very popular Butter Braids Pastries fundraiser. We sold 188
wreaths. We earned $1324 through the sale of Butter Braids. The money
raised will go toward tuition assistance and unbudgeted expenses.
Toys for Tots
Grace Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten will serve as a collection site
for the Toys for Tots program again this year. This impressive program
provides toys for needy children in our area. If you would like to donate
a toy, please place your unwrapped gift in its original packaging in one of
the collection boxes located at the entrances to the school and in the Narthex through December 14th. If you would like to make a cash donation or
would like to volunteer, go to for details.
Celebrating Veterans Day
Grace Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten held their annual Veterans
Day assembly and parade on Tuesday, November 11. The weather was
beautiful for the one block walk through downtown State College. This
year they were accompanied by Karl Hosterman and his Air Force vehicles; several veterans from our church, school, and The Village of Penn
State; all branches of PSU ROTC; and GLPK family members. Following
the parade, Ed Strong (Army), John Kriner (Army), Dean Arnold (Navy),
Richard Rivell (Marines), and Ken Culp (Army) told stories about their
experiences of being in the military to the Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes. Some of the three-and four-year-old classes who had parents in
the military also presented information about themselves and Veterans Day.
Annual Christmas Concert ~ Christmas Angels
Tuesday, December 9 at 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary
with cookies and milk to follow in Harkins Hall.
If there are school closings due to snow,
the program will be held on December 11th at 6 p.m.
Classroom Spotlight:
Introduction to the Arts
This month one of our afternoon
enrichment programs, Intro to the
Arts, is highlighted. On Wednesday
afternoons Mrs. Bills’ and Mrs. Wylie’s Enrichment classes visit Miss
Teri in her room (room 103) for an
experience in the arts. Miss Teri’s
goal is to show the children that art
is not just painting and drawing; she
wants to provide exposure to many
forms of art and give the children
the chance to find their special artistic talents.
Miss Teri has divided the school
year into three units, giving the
children a view of the many forms
of art and the opportunity to express themselves through various
art methods. During the first unit,
the class has been meeting artists.
During the winter, they will be
performing for the school and the
enrichment students’ families. The
third part of the year will focus on
studying famous artists of the past
and present.
As you will see below, throughout
September, October, and November
Miss Teri invited seven artists to
demonstrate their art to her class.
Laurel Sanders demonstrated instruments from around the world. She
had three instrument stations: instruments you “beat,” instruments you
“shake,” and instruments you blow.
The class learned about where they
came from, what they were made out
of, and how.
Adam Fernsler, an architect (and dad of Fritz
and Vienna), read a story book and brought
in blueprints and a small-scale rendition of a
building. The children drew a blueprint of their
dream house.
Veronica Silliman, a painter (and mom of Michael),
showed the class the materials she uses to paint
her pictures. She brought in some of her paintings
of animals, and then she helped the children draw,
outline, and paint their own art of an owl.
Sandy Bender, a seamstress and former
GLPK teacher’s aide, demonstrated how to
sew a quilt. Each child made a quilt square
by drawing on fabric. The quilt was pieced
together using yarn ties.
Ted Christopher, a Penn State music professor
and opera singer (and husband of Miss Betha),
had the class act out “Pirates of Penzance”
while he sang along to the music.
Sam McKee, an alumnus of GLPK, and
his mom played the fiddle for the enrichment class. Sam played “Jingle Bells” and
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. The children
asked many questions about the fiddle and
learned that the bow was made out of horse
Candy Parsons
(mom of Nicholas)
taught choreography. The children
did the “Chicken
Dance,” the “Hokey
Pokey,” and free
dance in the Miller
Our Thoughts & Prayers are with...
Pastoral Acts and Celebrations...
All deployed military
and those traveling in
war-torn countries
Sam Alexander
Diane Amendola
Betty Ammerman
The Apaliski family
Barbara Bingaman’s brother
Greg Boros
Pastor Alison Bowlan’s father
The family of Patricia Byers upon her death
Carol Callis
June Clarke
Deana Coine
Emma Jean Cole
Charles “Pete” Cole
Mike Conron’s sister
Don Curtis
Lori Dillman
Pastor Dowhower
George Dunfee and family
Barbara and Joe Faulkner
Norm Fischer
Steph Flanagan’s mother
Vicki Garvin
• Ryan Andrew Morrison
to Andy and Courtney (Conron) Morrison
• Mya Page
• Jack Lewis Leopard
• Edward Keene
• Patricia Byers
for December. . .
Abbey Foard
Elizabeth Fortmann
Michael Fullington
Michael Fullington
Grace Strong
Donald Tressler
Christian Waite
Anna Bahnfleth
Jeya Chandra
Terry Hoover
Walter J. Kay
Lydia Elizabette Peters
Charlotte Bahnfleth
Timothy Everhart
Betta H. Kriner
Martha Musser
Briana Kim
Adele Moore
Brenda Palmgren
John Waldeisen
Amy LaFevers
Lillian Peterson
Mary Yarnell
Heike Betz
Robert Byers
Carol Fishburn
Zachary Freeman
Wayne Pauley
Evan Dreibelbis
Paula Droege
Elizabeth Foster
Herbert Graves
Evan Rosengrant
William Betz
Ainsley Autumn Greer
Alexis Amber Greer
Andrea Harrington
Jim McDyre
Matthew Moir
Joshua Horman
Megan Propst
Rachel Wolkenhauer
Christa Sechler
Caroline Banerjee
Bret Buterbaugh
Joseph Cathcart
Maggie Doby
Erica Edgar
Saylor Milhomme
Paul Roberts
Samantha Smith
Nancy Doyle
Christiane Fleagle
Jackson Hockenberry
James Leslie
Nancy Reinert
Heather Anderson
Anna Carol Buffington
Rochelle Debnar
Dale Toso
Nancy Tamminga
Sophia Lynn Reutzel
Geraldine Slear
Danielle Toniatti
Alexis Arbutina
George Conklin
Haley Haller
Edward T. Reutzel
Barbara Fiscus
William Gray
Sally Keiser-Bankert
Amy Shearer
Edwin Strong Jr.
Jo Bortz
Kathryn Waldeisen
Elizabeth Walsh
Jennifer Bernhardt
Jessica Griel
David Jr. Guss
Andrea Forster
Collin Karch
Mia Steward
Mary Lou Swan
Michael Blake
James Campbell
Jean Guss
Melissa Hockenberry
Grace Gorenflo’s father, Dale
Mike Hetrick
Jack Horner
Dave and Shar
Huebner’s daughter-
in-law, Connie
Irene, friend of
Sally Keiser-Bankert
Andy James’ father
John, brother of
Marion Deppen
Joshua Jordan
Dorothy Keene upon the death of her husband, Edward Keene
Curt Krebs
Maxine Krebs
Pastor Jennifer Krentz
Pete Liese
Earl Ray Lindenberg
Fred Loomis
Joan Mallet
Tom and Barbara McBride
Chastity McCleary
Mardi McDonough
Brendan, Tom, and Lexa
Gertrude Mentzer
Bob Morrell
Al Musgrave
Sharon and Chris Pearson
Lisa Sampsell
Allie Severino
Hazel Shemas
Close friend of the Sipples
Gerry Slear’s brother, Patrick
Leon Slear
Victoria Smith
Marlowe Stiger
Lois Stinson
Melissa Strand
Bonnie Tarman
Dyana Treffinger
Leslie Wagner’s mother,
Sarah Harris
K. Brian Humm
Catherine Pletcher
Vernon Neubert
Paul Bingaman
Jane Foor
Sandra Hall
Teri Howes
Barbara Krumrine
Mardi McDonough
Alexis Weyandt
Dawn Anderson
Winifred G. Drake
Melvin Rockey
Robert Zipf
Alissa Davies
Paul Haris
Hazel Shemas
Scott Brenneman
Sydney O’Donnell
Jill Pisor Fallon
Elizabeth Giacobe
Natalie Giacobe
Debra Lambert
James Pletcher
Carol Shultz
James Graef
Nicholas Richardson
Donald Widener
December worship volunteers...
ectors - Anne Burke (364-5096/ Acolytes
Stephanie Fozard
Welcoming Center Hosts -
8 a.m.:
8 a.m.
9 a.m.:
9 a.m.
December 7 - June Walter
December 14 - Open
December 21 - June Walter
December 28 - Open
December 7 - Steve Houtz
December 14 - Angie Hardyk
December 21 - Sara Carlson
December 28 - Open
10:30 a.m.:
December 7 - Karen Foard
December 14 - Children’s Christmas Program
December 21 - Ellen Campbell
December 28 - Brain Christian
Greeters -
Pat Ishler (237-7857)
8 a.m.
December 7 - Kay Weigand
December 14 - June Krumrine
December 21 - Alvin, Sharon and Adam Schultz
December 28 - Eleanor Zindler
9 a.m.
December 7 - Ken and Nancy
Polly McWilliams
December 14 - James and Janet Leslie
Joy Wall
December 21 - Sara and Jerry Carlson
Doris Bailey
December 28 - Don and Marcile Tressler
Nancy Reinert
10:30 a.m.
December 7 - Bill and Linda Cocolin
Gerry Slear
December 14 - Bruce and Elaine Rathfon
Sheila Shoffstall
December 21 - The Weyandt family
Leslie Wagner
December 28 - Rich and Sharon Brown
Pat Ishler
December 7 - Ken Kalbach
December 14 - Joey Franklin
December 21 - Ellie Franklin
December 28 - Max Walker
December 7 - Ethan Hardyk
Matthew Gray
December 14 - Nick Friedken
Jamie Friedken
December 21 - Bailey Stoltzfus
Megan Stoltzfus
December 28 - Jessica Griel
Jacob Fritz
10:30 a.m.
December 7 - TJ Nelson
Abby Fozard
December 14 - Troy Heatwole
Sophia Bills
December 21 - Chris Ta
Jack Hockenberry
December 28 - Betsy Hunter
Madelyn Ulmer
Christmas Eve, December 24
7:00 -Bobby Bendik, Camryn Bendik
Abby Fozard
9:00 - Adam Stover, Ken Kalbach 11:00 - Open
Christmas Day: Emily Whitney
Deacons - Sally Keiser-Bankert
8 a.m.
December 7 - Helen Johnston
December 14 - Leonard Ellenberger
December 21 - George Weigand
December 28 - Larry Emigh
9 a.m.
December 7 - Carl Bankert,
Sally Keiser-Bankert
December 14 - Karen Martin,
Erin Kauffman
December 21 - John Diercks,
Scott Thomas
December 28 - Gary and Kristy Strochein
Christmas Eve, December 24
4:30 - Scott and Cindy Fritz and family
7:00 -Paul and Sandy Larson
9:00 - Ken and Diane Kulp
11:00 - Sara Carlson and family
Christmas Day: David and Kris Eng
10:30 a.m.
December 7 - Elena Blazina, Don Widener
December 14 - Steve Foard, Brian Bills
December 21 - John and Brenda Palmgren
December 28 - Bob and Lois Voigt
Pat Ishler (237-7857)
9 a.m.
December 7 - Linda Domin
December 14 - Gloria Nieweg
December 21 - Jan Rockey
December 28 - Grant and Tammy Davis
10:30 a.m.
December 7 - Jim and Lynda Stephenson
December 14 - Kathy Detwiler
December 21 - Barbara Fiscus
December 28 - Carolyn Fishburn
offee Hour Hosts
Jason Laine
December 7 - Bruce and Elaine Rathfon
John and Donna Diercks
December 14 - Open
December 21 - Ken and Carol Shultz
December 28 - Cathy and Les Cutter
Joan Denny
or the church office (238-2944)
Altar Flowers -
December 7 - Jackie and Curt Kunes
December 14 - Carol and Gorman Findley
December 21 - Paul and Barbara Bingaman
December 24 - Ann Cathcart and
Jason Laine
December 28 - Bob and Lois Voigt
Bulletin Covers -
December 7 - Brenda and Mi Kim
December 14 - Linda Domin
December 21 - Pat Ishler
December 24 - Sally Keiser-Bankert
Polly McWilliams
December 28 - Jim and Ellen Campbell
Radio Sponsors -
December 7 - Herb Jordan
December 14 - the Willits-Kelley Family
December 21 - Herb Jordan
December 24 - John and Betta Kriner
December 28 - Greg and Kathy Weimer
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit 111
State College, PA
205 South Garner Street
State College, PA 16801
(814) 238-2478 - Fax: (814) 238-4104
Current Resident or:
The Rev. P. Stevens Lynn, Senior Pastor
The Rev. Scott Schul, Pastor
The Rev. Alison S. Bowlan, Pastor
• Grace Lutheran Church:
• GLC Preschool and Kindergarten:
• Children and Youth Ministry:
8 a.m.
9 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
Piano and flute accompaniment
10:30 a.m.
6 p.m.
Worship with Holy Communion
Organ accompaniment
Children’s Message
Worship with Holy Communion
Organ accompaniment
Sunday School
Prayer & Praise Worship
Christian alternative songs with Psalm 151 worship team
Casual worship in the Sanctuary
Weekly Holy Communion