SS. Simon and Jude Parish


SS. Simon and Jude Parish
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
SS. Simon and Jude
A Stewardship Parish  8 Cavanaugh Court  West Chester, PA 
Labor Day September 1, 2014
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sat. Morning:
Holy Days:
5:00 p.m.
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon
6:45 and 9:00 a.m.
Divine Mercy prayed after 9:00 a.m. Mass
9:00 a.m.
7:00 Vigil, 6:45 & 9:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m.
8:00-9:00 a.m. & 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Saturday Vigil:
August 31, 2014
Rev. Michael J. Gerlach, Pastor
Rev. Ronald Rossi, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mark J. Haynes, Parochial Vicar
Sister Elizabeth Bailey, IHM, Superior
Sister Mary Beth Coyle, IHM, Evangelization /Adult Faith Formation
Deacon Ryan Salisbury
Deacon James Lyon
Deacon James Owens
Deacon Joseph Ruggiero
Deacon William Shearer
Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Visit our Chapel day or night to spend time with Our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament. Exposition 7:30 am to 10:00 pm. Chapel is
open 24/7. Call Kathy Bond at 610-296-2526 or
Jackie Geary 610-436-5399 for more information.
Saturday: 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. & 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Weekdays: after 6:45 a.m. and before 9:00 a.m. Mass
(Wednesdays-Liturgy of the Hours is prayed instead of Rosary).
Ronald B. Avellino, Business Manager
Ellie Berry, Music Ministry Coordinator
Angelo Golato, Maintenance Supervisor
Marty Harris, Parish Services Director
Melanie Hart, Receptionist
Mary-Kay Lack, Financial Secretary
Bernadette Moncrief, Maureen O’Malley, Secretaries
8 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Fax: 610-696-3971
Web Site:
Sister Jeannine Norton, IHM, Principal
Susan D’Amore, School Secretary
6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Fax: 610-696-4682
New families should call or visit the Rectory Office (610-696-3624)
to make an appointment with a priest to register in the Parish.
Members of the parish who reach the age of 18 should register
separately as adults. If you have recently changed your status,
married, moved out of your parents home or graduated from college, you need to re-register. If you move, we would also appreciate a call to the Parish Office so that our records will be in order.
Sister Barbara Jude Gentry IHM, DRE
Mary Conway, Secretary
Address: 6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Baptisms will be celebrated the first three Sundays of the month.
Parents are asked to register their child for Baptism by calling the
Parish Office. If this is your first child, it is required that you attend
a Pre-Jordan Seminar. These are held on the fourth Sunday of the
month (except December and July) at 10:00 a.m. in St. Katherine
Drexel Room in Monahan Hall.
Co-Presidents………………………………………...Jon & Heather Lebano
Vice President…………………………….……….....To Be Determined
Treasurer………………………………………….…..Judy Schnyder
Recording Secretary……………………………..…..Molly Kelly
Corresponding Secretary…………………………....Megan DelFra
We need at least six months to assist engaged couples to prepare
for marriage. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment with
a priest.
Notify the Parish Office when a neighbor, friend or relative is aged,
sick or hospitalized. The sacraments of Penance,
Eucharist or Anointing are our joy and privilege to administer.
Marty Harris, Phone: 610-235-4020
Web Site:
Fr. Gerlach
Sr. Jeannine Norton
Ellie Berry
Ken Kelly
Mark Reber
Mark Cellini
Ed Lack
Sue Surrichio
Karen Galese
Jon and Heather Lebano
Gordon Jefferes
John Mattiola
Fr. Gerlach
Sr. Jeannine Norton
Jennifer Appaneal Michael Bray Suzanne Burke Ralph Celidonio
Annette Glaudel
Diana Hoff
Ray Mazza
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
Give Glory To God In The Highest
A word from Father Gerlach, pastor of Saints Simon and Jude Faith Community,
Greetings in Our Lord! It is our privilege to give glory and honor to God. We are grateful, as a believing
people for the abundant life that God has given to us. In a particular way, we are filled with appreciation as we
acknowledge our essential blessing, the children of our Parish School and PREP Program. Oh, how God has
blessed us!
The clock never stands still
Growth is the essential mark in the lives of our students. Every week there are opportunities to explore and
accomplishments to celebrate in yet another year of adventure in learning. The following highlights are the focus
for our daily growth:
Educating your child in the practice of our beautiful Catholic Faith
Instructing for successful academic results
Developing self-esteem & self-control in a positive Christian atmosphere
Developing a sense of belonging that lasts a life time
Celebrating the Sacraments, especially daily Mass and Reconciliation
Other church devotions including Adoration, Benediction, Advent Prayer Services and Stations of the Cross.
Structured and informal classroom prayer as a daily experience
Strengthening the bonds of family by parent and grandparent participation
Participation from family is an essential ingredient in the daily success of each
child. Your affirmation is gold. Our availability to meet and resolve the challenges
ahead of us stands side by side with your active participation. With several upgrades
to our school building and the pursuit of re-accreditation, our summer break has been
marked by a diligent effort by all to ready ourselves for another successful year. To
our new families, new teachers and to each and every parent and student: A heart felt
Peace and All Good,
Fr. Gerlach
This year August 24, 2014……….…$30,274
Last Year: August 31, 2013 ……..…$32,454
Pastor: “Am I a tr ue believer or what? The
answer comes from Jesus: ‘Wherever your treasure
lies, there your hearts will be.’ (Luke 12:38)
Parishioner: “I thank those people who helped
me to see that God never stops giving. That has
become my first thought before I give.”
Photo Directory
You are invited to have a free 8 x 10 portrait taken
that will be used in a new parish directory: To
schedule a time to have your photo taken, please
sign up in the narthex after Mass or go to We encourage all to
Would you like to become a Catholic or
are you Catholic but need to complete
your sacraments of initiation? For information please contact Sr. Mary Beth by
Our next gathering will be Tuesday, September 9th, at
7:00 pm, in the Meehan Center.
Adoration Schedule
for Labor Day
Adoration will end Thursday, August
28, at 10:00 PM and will resume
Tuesday September 2 after 6:45 AM Mass.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
Welcome Deacon Ryan Salisbury
We are pleased to announce to the parish that Saint Charles Seminary has asked us to accept a
Transitional Deacon on staff as he responds to the call of the Holy Spirit. Ryan is in the closing year of
his journey toward priestly ordination in May 2015 for Lincoln, Nebraska. This weekend, Deacon Ryan
will begin his internship here at Saints Simon and Jude. The deacon will be here Thursdays, Saturday
and Sunday of most weeks. We look forward to his loving witness of Christ. Deacon Ryan will
exercise his ministry in regular rotation with our other Deacons baptizing, preaching, and visitation of
the sick.
Dear Parishioners, mindful of the powerful gift of your intercession, please remember Ryan as he
continues his journey, especially during our thanksgiving after Holy Communion and our recitation of
the Holy Rosary. May our Christian welcome become for Ryan another source of his spiritual formation
and nourishment. We are always mindful that faith strengthens faith.
Peace and all good,
Fr. Gerlach and Fr. Rossi
Cub Scouts
Cub Scout Pack #168 of SS. Simon and Jude Parish welcomes boys from Grades 1 thru 5th grade. Scouting activities include fun learning events such as outdoor tent camping, community service, Pinewood Derby Races and more.
Pack #168 Meetings are usually held once a month on a
Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm. September 16 is registration/
INFO night for newly interested boys with parents. Please
call Chris at
Ryan J. Alfieri-USMC
Sherry Alfieri-USMC
Gregory Blount -AF
Andrew B. Callahan-Army
Gregory Cummings-USMC
Jeffrey Cummings-USMC
Steven Cummings-Army
Jeb Diehl-US Navy
Ryan Diehl-US Army
Kathleen Donahue DO USN
Stephen Dunn
Major Thomas P. Ehrhart
Tom T. Fagan, USMC
Cpl.J.Evan Ferry USMC
John E. Ferry- Army
Brian Galligan –Army
Joseph L. Geary
Brooker Gerald
Bill Gill-Navy
Jesse J. Heffernan USMC
Paul P. Heffernan, USMC
Nicholas Harkness, OSMC
SMC John Kurtz-Army
Christopher Lukas, USMC
Jason Marks
Jeffrey T. Martin - Army
Sgt. Tyler Meade-Army
Mary Ann McCloskey, USN
Brian McGonagle
Christopher P. McGuire-USMC
Billy Miller Army Airborne
J. Eric Moore
Todd Moulder USMC
William F. Mowers, USMC
Gregory Moynihan-USMC
Paul J. Nugent-USMC
Sp. B. Alexander Rhodes,
Army Reserve
Benjamin RivellAir Force Reserve
Douglas RivellCoast Guard Reserve
Cmdr. Mary Russell, USN
Peter James Yanatelli, USN
Bishop Daniel E. Thomas’
New Appointment
Bishop Daniel Thomas has been appointed as the
Bishop of the Diocese of Toledo. On October 22 when
he is formally installed, Bishop Thomas will become
shepherd of over 320,000 Catholics from 19 counties
in northwestern Ohio.
Please join in extending congratulations and prayerful
best wishes to Bishop Thomas as he prepares to accept
this assignment.
The Archdiocese will hold a farewell for Bishop
Thomas on Wednesday, October 1 with Solemn
Evening Prayer in the Cathedral Basilica of Saints
Peter and Paul at 5:30 pm to be followed by a light
reception. All are welcome to attend.
God Bless You Bishop Thomas!
Confirmation News
Our parish family will welcome Bishop Michael
Fitzgerald who will celebrate the holy Sacrament of
Confirmation with our candidates on Saturday, March
7, 2015. We will look forward to this special day with
our families and children who are eligible to receive
this Sacrament of Initiation.
Those students who attend Private Academies, please
contact the Religious Education Office with your
contact information as soon as possible if you are
eligible to receive on March 7, 2015.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
School News
On this Labor Day weekend we offer thanks to all those who have LABORED to ensure
that our school will open on Wednesday the 3rd with a new office, new conference room
and many other facility improvements and so much cleaning and fixing !! Grateful for all
who have made this possible with donations, planning and manual work, we look forward
to beginning our 14-15 school year, celebrating times of graced “visitations” with one
another and all in God’s Family.
Upcoming Schedule:
First day for grades 1-8 11:45 dismissal and Back to School Night for Grades K-8
Full Day Schedule for 1-8 and Kindergarten Visit with Parent CARES begins this day.
Full Day Schedule for 1-8 and Kindergarten 11:45 Dismissal
Full Day for all – K to 8!!
An Open House for all to see the new renovations which assure more security and a very attractive entry, as well
as other improvements is planned after each Mass on the weekend of Saturday September 20 and Sunday,
September 21.
For information about the school, or to download registration forms (posted under “Forms”) visit our school
website at: click on parish school or call 610-696-5249 during office school office hours
8:00-4:00. Do NOT let finances hold you back from giving your child the gift of Catholic Education. Our donors
have once again been extremely generous. Call Sr. Jeannine in school or Ron in the church office for more
information. Application Form for SSJ Catholic Education Fund is available on the school website or can be
obtained in the office.
Sr. Jeannine Norton
PREP — Begins September 9 and 10
Elementary Levels 1 thru 6 -Tuesday 4:15 to 5:30 pm or 6:00 to 7:15pm & Wednesday 6 to 7:15 pm
Level 2 students MUST ATTEND Tuesday sessions at 6:00 pm
Level 6 students MUST ATTEND Wednesday sessions at 6:00 pm
Class Lists for our Elementary PREP classes will be posted in our chur ch nar thex on Sept. 6 and 7.
Please refer to these lists for your child's classroom assignment.
NO registration forms will be accepted on the first class days: Tuesday, Sept. 9 and Wed., Sept. 10
Children and parents will be welcomed to our Church for the start up of Classes at 4:15 pm
and 6:00 pm. The teachers/aides will welcome the boys and girls and we will pray together for
God's blessings on our start up. Parents are expected to remain for the prayer and viewing of a
brief DVD. The children will process down to the school building and Dismissal will take
place from the SCHOOL BUILDING at 5:30 pm or 7:15 pm.
Pre-Schoolers Ages 3 through Kindergarten - Sundays during the 9 AM Mass—Begins
September 28.
Junior High Youth Group-Sunday evenings 7 to 8:30 pm —Starting September 21 at 7:00 PM
Any 6th grade student who is eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this year March 7, 2015 and
does not attend our Catholic school or PREP program, should please contact the PREP office at
610-692-3118. We need your name, address, email address and phone number and school in order to contact
you for information regarding Confirmation. Thank you !
God Bless You, Sr. Barbara Jude Gentry
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Children’s Liturgy of The Word
Thanks to our leaders and their
teams for celebrating Children’s
Liturgy of the Word this Sunday.
Children’s Liturgy is in need of volunteers to act as
leaders and shepherds at the 9:00 and 10:30 AM
Masses. Training will be provided. Please call Marty
at 610-696-3624 for info or to volunteer.
August 31, 2014
Knights’ Korner
Knights of Columbus
SS. Simon & Jude Council
Left To Right
John Schneberger
Charlie DiValerio
Mike Donaghey
Fr. Gerlach
Ed Lack
Tom Reilly
Matt Plona
Bill Robinson
Jay Harter
Dennis Kolesinskas
Women’s Bible Study
If you ladies are looking for an enjoyable afternoon
with delightful company studying scripture and the
Sunday readings—join us on Wednesdays from
1:00 PM until 2:30 PM in the Welcome Center. If
you have any questions or simply want to sign up or
call Betty Lyon 610-692-6611 or Kathy Bond 610-296
-2526 or JUST COME.
Prayer Shawl
10th Anniversary
On October 1, 2014 the Prayer Shawl
Ministry is celebrating their 10th
anniversary. All current and previous members are
welcome to celebrate this special event. We look
forward to seeing all of you October 1 at 7 PM in the
Meehan Center. Please RSVP Sue at 610-431-3015.
Casseroles will be collected the third Sunday of the
month from 8:15 to 11:00 am Please drop off your
FROZEN casseroles in the kitchen in Monihan Hall.
If you would like to make a casserole for the
homeless, stop by the Rectory and pick up recipes
and containers.
Thank you
Little Sisters of the Poor and the residents at Holy
Family Home wish to extend a special thank you to
the 73 parishioners who purchased raffle tickets. Last
minute tickets may still be purchased by calling Bernie O'Neill at 484-886-7254
Adults, here are a couple of great programs beginning in September:
Saturday morning Scripture for Women – finally! So many of you have requested this opportunity.
Sessions will be held Saturday mornings after the 9:00 am Mass beginning on September 27th. Mark
your calendars, invite your friends, and bring your Bibles. Do you have issues of worry or dilemmas?
These are just some of topics that we’ll cover. The Bible holds the answer to so many of our concerns.
Divorce Survival Guide: We all know friends, family members, possibly even ourselves who have experienced the
devastation of relationships due to divorce. If you are looking for help in this area you are invited to our 8-week series:
The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide beginning on Monday evenings, September 22nd, 7:00 pm, in the Meehan
Center. Pre-registration is required. Some topics to be explored will be: Getting through your Anger, learning to
Forgive, Finding Right Direction.
 Monthly Book Club: The first session of the year will be Friday September 19 after the 9:00 am Mass. We
begin with a continental breakfast. We will be discussing Strange Gods: Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life
written by Elizabeth Scalia. The book is available at Please rsvp to Sr. Mary Beth: if you would like to join us.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Already Attended Alpha?
Then join us for an Alpha Follow Up Course:
A LIFE WORTH LIVING Bible Study Series
Alpha II
Please join us in the Meehan Center on Thursday
evenings, beginning September 25 through December
11, 2014 at 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm for the Alpha follow
up series: Life Worth Living Bible Study. This
Study is based on St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians,
passages covering topics such as New Purpose, New
Attitude, and New Friendships will be discussed.
Dinner will be provided for more details contact
Maureen at 610-429-4308, or email
Church Cleaners
Thanks to the following parishioners for volunteering
to clean our church on Friday September 5....Pat
Donaghey, Joan Gibson, Toni Mastronardo, Karen
Collins, Kathryn Walsh, Annette Barone
We need additional volunteers!!! Please consider
joining this quiet ministry to keep our Lord’s house
clean and welcoming for all. Our groups meet on
Friday morning every other month, for about 2 hours.
If you would like to join or get additional information,
contact Dana Lynch at 610-399-1253
August 31, 2014
Thanks for Your Generosity
Wow! Thank you children, moms and dads from
our Vacation Bible Camp! Every summer there are
so many disciples of the Lord that make our
Vacation Bible Camp a success. Your kindness has
been expressed once again in your charity to the
poor and needy. Sister Barbara Jude just received a
wonderful note, thanking you children and families
for your kindness. Monsignor Rodgers who chairs
the Pontifical Mission Societies said: “I am happy
to learn that the commitment of Missionary Children
of your parish to helping their peers in Mission
Dioceses does NOT take a vacation!” Thank you
for your donation of $422.73. Children, I am very
proud of you. Remember, Jesus always loves you.
Fr. Gerlach
Chester County Voices Abroad
Chester County Voices Abroad is pleased to
announce its 24th summer tour to Germany and
Austria with stops in Berlin, Weimar, Rothenburg,
Salzburg and much more! Applications for singers
and travelers will be available soon. For more
information contact Marge Campbell at 610-7018928 or or see
Knights of Columbus & Touriffic Travel presents:
Atlantic City Cruise
with Resorts Margaritaville Casino
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Daytrip Itinerary:
8:15am SS Simon & Jude (meet the Bus in fr ont of the
School-parallel to West Chester Pike-near Cavanaugh Hall)
10:15am Arrive at Resorts Casino
Guests Receive: $15.00 Slot Play and Lunch Buffet
Depart Casino
Price Per Person:
Back Bay Atlantic City Cruise
Only $55.00
7:00pm (Approx.) Arrival time back
Make checks
payable to
Knights of Columbus and
remit with
this coupon to:
Tony DeMaioribus
1524 Ulster Way
West Chester, Pa 19380
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 30
5:00 pm
Ted Bochey
Sunday, August 31
7:30 am
Living & Dec’d of Parish
9:00 am
In Memory of Charles Kozak
10:30 am
Mrs. Mary Reardon
12:00 pm
George R. Kovak
6:00 pm
Intention of the Priest Celebrant
Monday, September 1
6:45 am
Roy Bohner
9:00 am
Roy Kalinowski
Tuesday, September 2
6:45 am
Deceased Members of
Walsh/Harkin Families
9:00 am
Joseph Carroll
Wednesday, September 3
6:45 am
Joseph and Anne Lepone
9:00 am
Karl Diesel
Thursday, September 4
6:45 am
Laud A. Cuellar
9:00 am
Adeline Naples
Friday, September 5
6:45 am
Pat Pyle (15 Anniversary)
9:00 am
Pat and Mary Whoriskey
Saturday, September 6
9:00 am
Dolores Youngheim
5:00 pm
Ted Bochey
Sunday, September 7
7:30 am
Living and Deceased of the Parish
9:00 am
Catherine T. Weir
10:30 am
Mrs. Winifred Devaney
12:00 pm
Kevin Brophy
6:00 pm
Intentions of the Priest Celebrant
August 31, 2014
Sunday, August 31
Life Touch Church Directory Sign up-Narthex
7:00 pm AA East Hall
Monday, September 1 Labor Day
7:00 pm Respect Life Holy Hour (Chapel)
Tuesday, September 2
7:00 pm RCIA (IHM & St. Joe Room)
7:00 pm PREP Staff meeting (Meehan Center)
7:30 pm Prayer Group (Welcome Center)
Wednesday, September 3 First Day of School
10:00 am Legion of Mary (Welcome Center)
6:30 pm Back to School Night
7:00 pm Prayer Shawl (SS. Simon & Jude Rm.)
7:00 pm PREP Staff meeting (Meehan Center)
Thursday, September 4
9:30 am Small Church Communities (WC)
2:00 pm Rosary at Pembrooke
3:00 pm Cares Begins
7:00 pm PREP New Parents Orientation (Cafeteria)
7:00 pm CYO Hockey Meeting (East Hall)
7:30 pm Adult Choir (St. Cecilia Room)
Friday, September 5
9:00 am Church Cleaners (Church and Chapel)
7:30 pm NA (East Hall)
Saturday, September 6
7:15 am Men’s Bible Study (IHM/St. Jos Room)
Sunday, September 7
Life Touch Church Directory Sign up
1:30 pm Baptisms (Church)
1:30 PM Retrouvaille (Meehan Center)
7:00 pm Youth Led Ministry (Meehan Center)
7:00 pm AA (East Hall)
IHM News Corner
Baby Carolyn, Baby Michael Yarnall,
Baby Benjamin Zikas, Kelsey Hull, Robert
Francis Bartley, Frederick Bauman, Bonnie
W. Burns, Philomena Calabrese, Carol
Chipps, Jill Daly, Colin DeHaven, Bud
Devlin, Mary Ann Docherty, Irene
Dudasik, Ginny Dunn, Kirk Ebbs, William F. Etter, Maggie
Fisher, Rita Gamrat, James Goodnetter, Adele Gray, Ann Guba,
Bill Haley, Dolores Hassler, Dr. Ignatius Hneleski, Jr., John
Francis Holmes, Pat Kahl, Collette Kazanjian, Carey Kressler,
Taylor Kulp, Diane Lancaster, Ron Lafferty, Gerry Lafond, Jr.,
Noah Lamar, Diane Lancaster, William Lloyd, Cathy Madison,
Leo MacEntee III, Jean McBride, Jennifer McGlone, Dolores
McGovern, Ann McGuffin, JoEllen McLaughlin, Lynn Meehan,
J Lillian Nacchio, Helen Owsik, Nancy Palmo, Marta Panaccio,
Ruth Rogers, Gloria Ryan, Barbara Savini, Alexander Sera,
Donald Sharples, Stephen Sinclair, Mary Sivek, Vicki Smith,
Howard Steel, Matthew Steward, Kay Stevens, Bill Timmons,
Joanne Walsh, Carol Zurlo.
On August 13 two young women were received as
novices into our IHM Community and will be
known as Sister Caitlin Rose Blum and Sister
Stephanie Gabriel Tracy. With gratitude and much
rejoicing we praise God for the gift of vocation.
Please pray for these women and that the Lord of
the Harvest will send more laborers into the vineyard.
Charismatic Prayer Group
The Charismatic
starting up again
we will meet in
room on Monday
Prayer group will be
on September 8, 2014
the St. Cecilia Music
at 7:00 PM.