October-11-2015.web - St. Jude the Apostle Church


October-11-2015.web - St. Jude the Apostle Church
October 11, 2015
Twenty-Eighth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Go, sell what you have,
and give to the poor
and you will have
treasure in heaven;
Then come,
follow me.
Rev. Jason Feigh
Deacon Richard Brogdon
Deacon Assistant
Mardi Lata
Weekend Masses:
Bruce & Trisha Yates
Music Ministry
Saturday evening: 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Jesse Spanogle
Office: 838-6225
Weekday Masses:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:00 & 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday: 6:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.
cell: 716-640-9084
Coordinator of Religious
Education and Youth
Crystal Lander
Director of Finance
Holy Day Masses
Please refer to the bulletin for
mass times
Jennie Hagerty
Holy Day:
Rev. John J. Detisch
Director of Parish &
School Advancement
3:30-4:00 p.m.
A Welcoming Family of Faith
2801 West 6th Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16505
Phone: 814-833-0927 Fax: 814-833-9692
Web Page www.stjudeapos.org
October 11, 2015
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
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What a fantastic celebration the “Great Mass” was last week! It was one of the most
special celebrations that I have been a part of since coming to St. Jude’s. First and foremost, a
huge “Thank You” to the Rick & Jane DiLoreto family (Dan & Nikki Pierce, Tessa & Pat
Staab, Ryan & Liz Hebner, Jessica DiLoreto, & Richie DiLoreto … and, their 400 kids)! The
DiLoreto gang, which are the “bricks-in-the-wall” of the 9:00 Mass, did so much to coordinate, plan, and
execute! We had over 600 people come together to celebrate our combined anniversary with Our Lady of
Peace. Bishop Persico seemed to really enjoy the unique liturgy, reminding all of us that we just simply
need to work together in all things, rather than have parish competition. I was really enjoying the day, for
my baptismal/present parish joined up with the parish I grew up in! And, as I was scanning the crowd from
the “sanctuary”, I saw so many faces of people I have seen from my earliest days of life. Thanks so much,
also, to Mike McCormick from Erie Beer for a wonderful donation of suds … and the gang at Kold-Draft
for all of the ice. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to St. Jude parishioners, Mark McCain & Rich Hodges of
Avanti’s & Syd’s restaurants, for giving us a huge break on the hotdogs, hamburgers, and the ever-delicious
sausage & peppers! It was, truly, a great Mass, a great dinner, and a great time!
I am so pleased to announce a new member of the St. Jude the Apostle Church Pastoral Team:
MATT COSTA, our new Pastoral Minister, effective Monday, October 19th. I believe that Matt is a lifelong member of St. Jude Parish, or close to it, graduating from McDowell High School. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Gannon University, and had attended St. Mark Seminary, along with St.
Vincent Seminary in Latrobe. He had been a Head of House Manager for L’Arche of Erie, and a very faithful employee of the Barber National Institute for the past 12 years. He and his lovely wife Kristen (Euliano)
have 3 great kids, all students at Our Lady’s Christian School: Matt, Maria, and Will. (Will, right now,
doesn’t have any front teeth. So, that whistling noise you hear during Mass just may be coming from his
head …) I came to realize a long time ago, that we really need another person on our team, remembering
that Fr. Jason’s full-time assignment is to Cathedral Prep, with some assistance to Penn State-Behrend.
And, also, Deacon Dick Brogdon’s position here was never intended to be full-time. There have been many
times that I felt that I was just “treading water” … just maintaining. And, I have had Matt on my mind for a
long time, for I knew him well when he was in the seminary … and, I remember how sad I was when he
left, for he would’ve been a great priest!!! But, when you look at this great family, you come to realize exactly what God was calling Matt to become. Matt is going to help us with ministries to the sick, help create
and coordinate other ministries, create opportunities for Adult Formation, Bible Studies, and assist with
liturgical preparations. He is a very good, decent, and holy man with a lot of energy and creativity. I am
looking forward to having him with us!
OK … the St. Jude Novena is now set! Fr. Jerry Simmons, former Parochial Vicar when the church
was built, will preach the Opening Mass on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20TH @ 7:00 PM… Fr. Matt Kujawinski will preach Evening Prayer on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, and Fr. Matt Strickenberger will preach
Evening Prayer on MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th – both at 7:00 PM. Finally, Fr. Mike Ferrick will preach the
Closing Mass on the Feast of St. Jude the Apostle, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th @ 7:00 PM. It should
prove to be a great Novena. I hope as many of us as possible can gather for some time of worship and prayer.
There is only 2 more weeks to the Serafini’s Spaghetti Dinner. And, as everyone knows and is waiting for, we will be raffling off our 2015 Corvette Stingray Z51 convertible … keeping in mind that the winner could take $40,000 in cash, rather than the car. The last two winners were parishioners of St. Jude’s!
Let’s get the word out … send the Corvette website (WINAVETTE.COM) to everyone in your email address book! Only two weeks to go!
The colors are starting to become glorious right now! Take time to go outside somewhere and enjoy
them. Have a great week!
October 11, 2015
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
High School Open Houses:
Cathedral Prep
Sunday, October 18th
Noon to 3
Villa Maria High School
Sunday, October 25th
Noon to 3
Mercyhurst Prep
Sunday, November 1st
Noon to 3
The Great Mass was a beautiful way to
celebrate the 60th anniversaries of
Our Lady of Peace and
Saint Jude the Apostle Church.
We are grateful to Bishop
Persico for
taking the
time to be the
Over 600 were
present for the mass and tureen dinner
following. A special thank you to the
volunteers that took the time to make this happen from both
parish communities.
Fun for all ages at OLCS!
The fire department sharing with
kindergarten how they protect Erie
Students of
all ages
the beautiful autumn temperatures.
Any parishioner that is home bound
and would like a Spaghetti dinner
delivered to their home is asked to
contact the Parish Office at (814)
833-0927. This parish celebration is
important to our entire parish community. Please let us know before Wednesday, October 21st if you would like a meal delivered to your
Corella Productions Presents :
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Show times are 5 pm and 7 pm.
Presented in the OLCS School Library
Admission $10.00 for adult; $5.00 for student
Only 75 tickets will be sold.
Tickets will be available in the school
and parish office
Proceeds to benefit the OLCS Tuition
Scholarship Program
October 11, 2015
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Altar Servers
Saturday, October 17
4:30 p.m. ...........................Nellie Fallon, Abigail Stubenbort
Sunday, October 18
7:30 a.m. ..................................... Catlin Biltz, Sophia Presler
9:00 a.m. ................................... Caleb Brobst, Philip Shaffer
10:30 a.m. ...................................... Noah Lyons, Luke Miller
12:00 p.m. ..................................... Megan Riley, James Sitter
Saturday, October 17
4:30 p.m. ...................................................... David Lastowski
Sunday, October 18
7:30 a.m. ..............................................................Carey Vieira
9:00 a.m. .......................................................... Jane Zawadzki
10:30 a.m. .......................................................... John Wilwohl
12:00 p.m. ............................................................. Mark Lucas
Ministers of Holy Communion
Saturday, October 17
4:30 p.m. A. Barringer, J. Dombrowski, S. & E. Hudson, F.
Kleinhanz, T. & M. Langer, R. Lascek, C. Layden, K.
Peightal, J. Ras, T. Snyder
Sunday, October 18
7:30 a.m. ..... M. Braham, C. Jefferys, K. Kline, J. Lauer, R.
Mineo, L. Mittelmeier, J. Stempora
9:00 a.m. ......... L. Causgrove, M. Costa, D. Geiger, K. & M.
Horstman, B. & G. Karle, J. Kline, C. Louis, E. Mozdy, J.
10:30 a.m. ........ B. & J. Dalessandro, J. Darden, J. Dible, A.
Harpst, K. Kern, J. Lyons, A. Miller, C. & S. Roehrl, R.
12:00 p.m.A. Carbo, P. & M. Guelcher, J. Hynes, E. Jefferys,
S. Kaveney, L. Matthews, C. McAdams, J. Mineo, L.
Montefiori, C. Susann
Monday, October 12—Weekday (Columbus Day)
7:00 a.m. Aristobulo Sanchez (Family)
8:00 a.m. Matilda Marince (Carole & Jim Perkins)
Tuesday, October 13—Weekday
6:30 p.m. Rita Carlson (Family)
Wednesday, October 14—St. Callistus
7:00 a.m. Anniv. Charles Baumann (Mimi)
8:00 a.m. Helen Faller (Jeanne Ingram)
Thursday, October 15—St. Teresa of Jesus
8:00 a.m. Josephine Drabant (Steve & Sue Drabant)
Friday, October 16—St. Hedwig & St. Margaret Mary
7:00 a.m. Mary Ann Fessler (The Carroll Family)
8:00 a.m. Robert Kinem (Agnes Kinem)
Saturday, October 17—St. Ignatius of Antioch
4:30 p.m. Donna Conner (Family)
Sunday, October 18—Twenty-Ninth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
7:30 a.m. Gerald Convoy (Sheila Flanagan)
9:00 a.m. Mary Ann Fessler (Steve & Sue Drabant)
10:30 a.m. The People of St. Jude Parish
12:00 p.m. Jo & John J. Mraz (The DiRienzo Family)
The Church sanctuary lamp is lit
this week in loving memory of
Mary Ann Fessler
Jim & Becky Roberts & Family
The Chapel sanctuary lamp is lit
this week in loving Memory of
Patricia Richard
Jim & Becky Roberts & Family
Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32
Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37-41
Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9;
Lk 11:42-46
Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab;
Lk 11:47-54
Rom 4:1-8; Ps 32:1b-2, 5, 11;
Lk 12:1-7
Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 42-43;
Lk 12:8-12
Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 [42-45]
October 11, 2015
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Providing a strong foundation in Faith and Education
Pre-School through 8th grade
Sacrificial Giving for the weekend of
October 3/4, 2015
Weekly envelopes……………………..$11,683.50
Monthly envelopes...………………..…..$5,192.83
Loose offering……….…………………... $899.05
TOTAL offering….….$17,775.38
Thank You so much
for your weekly support of our parish!
Prayer Line
Need a prayer? Call:
Marie Gieza—-474-1919
Nancy Young—838-4469
Baptismal Preparation Class
Thursday, Nov. 5th, 7:30 p.m.
In the Founders Room
Call the Parish Office to register,
Mr. Stephen Nemenz, Principal
606 Lowell Avenue Erie, PA. 16505
(814) 838-7676
We invite you to visit our website
at www.ourladyschristian.com
Weekend Presider Schedule
October 17/18, 2015
4:30 p.m.
Fr. Detisch
7:30 a.m.
Fr. Feigh
9:00 a.m.
Fr. Detisch
10:30 a.m.
Fr. Feigh
12:00 p.m.
Fr. Detisch
Holy Land Gifts
After all Masses today
October 10th and 11th
There will be a display of handmade
articles for sale. Such as nativity scenes,
crucifix, rosary, the last supper, and many beautiful
religious articles. When you purchase one of these
beautiful traditional olive wood handcrafted and
The Rosary Group of the St. Jude’s will be religious articles, you are helping artisans in the
praying the rosary this month of October for the
Holy Land provide for their families, live and work
intentions of our Parishioners. Baskets will be at each with dignity in a region fraught with tension.
Petitions or Intentions Needed
entrance of the church with paper and pens to write
your petitions or intentions on.
The baskets will be brought to the day chapel and
placed before the statue of St. Jude who is the patron
Saint of hopeless cases. Petitions or intentions will
NOT be read out loud, but we will ask for St. Jude to
intercede for us and grant these requests. These
petitions or intentions then will be offered up at the
Novena to St. Jude at the end of the month.
We are in difficult times right now
and many of us are in need of prayers for
ourselves and for others.
Please help this be a great success!!
Second Annual Nostra Aetate Lecture
Villa Maria Education & Spirituality Center
in Villa Maria, Pa. will host a special program
entitled Between Two Worlds: Identity in the Work
of Marc Chagall presented by Susan Tumarkin
Goodman, Senior Curator Emerita at the Jewish
Museum in New York. The lecture, sponsored by
Rev. George Balasko as part of the Annual Nostra
Aetate Lecture Series, will take place on Tuesday,
October 20th, 2015 at 7 p.m. Refreshments will
follow the presentation. Free will offering accepted,
and pre-registration is requested.
For more information or to register
call 724-964-8886 or go to www.vmesc.org.
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Erie Together is hosting a
poverty simulation to help individuals better understand what it might be like to live in a
typical low-income family trying to survive from
month to month. It is a simulation, not a game. The
object is to sensitize participants to the realities faced
by low-income individuals.
The simulation is followed by a debrief to
allow participants to share feelings and talk about the
It is truly eye-opening.
The event will be
held on Friday, October
16th from 9:30am—12:00
noon at the Sts. Peter and Paul Social Hall
(511 E. 34th Street).
Register at bit.ly/octpovertysim.
Altar Server Signups for FiŌh
through Eighth Grade students of
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server
here at St Jude, please call or text Deacon
Dick Brogdon 814-450-9019, or email him at
Training will begin mid-October.
EucharisƟc Minister Opportunity for
St. Jude the Apostle Parishioners
If you are interested in becoming a EucharisƟc
Minister, come to a 1 hour IntroducƟon & InstrucƟon
meeƟng in the Main Church on:
Thursday, October 29th at 6:30PM
Please contact Deacon Dick Brogdon
at 814-450-9019 voice or text, or
rcb@stjudeapos.org email, for more informaƟon.
October 11, 2015
The cold weather is upon
us... it is time to remember those
less fortunate. The clothing drive is
on Saturday, October 31st
from 9-11 a.m. in the Parish Center.
We will be collecting blankets, boots,
coats, jackets, hats, mittens, sweaters, turtlenecks, sweatpants and sweatshirts. All for men,
women and children.
Please limit it to these items only.
Questions, call Kelley Glass 838-0348.
“Cancer Awareness Mass” at St. Paul Church,
1617 Walnut Street, on Tuesday, October 27th
at 6:00 p.m. Celebrants will be Father Alex
Amico and Deacon Anthony Alleruzzo.
There will be a special litany to Saint Peregrine,
Patron Saint of Cancer and Saint Agatha, Patron Saint of
Breast Cancer.
Whether this disease is with you, a loved one,
neighbor, or someone you know, we welcome you to be
part of this special mass.
Earn money for OLCS while shopping
for your groceries!
Consider purchasing gift cards through the OLCS
SCRIP program to use when shopping for your groceries. To name a few:
- Giant Eagle
- Walmart
- Target
- Sams Club
Many other options available, check online at
www.shopwithscrip.com. The school earns a rebate
from the purchase of the cards - no extra cost to you!
Questions, or to place an order contact Joy @
jstempora@aol.com or 454-3242
Attention OLCS and
St. Jude families:
The Athletics Program at OLCS is in
Are You Considering Becoming Catholic?
dire need of a head coach for the Girls
Need To Be Confirmed? Need Baptized?
Varsity Basketball team for this
Are You A Confirmed Catholic Who Is Ready To upcoming season. If you are interested in (or know
Explore Your Faith Anew?
someone interested in) this opportunity to positively
Join us here at St. Jude the Apostle for RCIA! impact our youth while continuing to build upon our
For more information about the RCIA process…
past successes, please contact Dan Mastrian at
please contact Jesse Spanogle: 716.640.9084 (814) 490-2191 or dmastrian@gmail.com at your
or saintjudeym@gmail.com.
earliest convenience to discuss the opportunity.