Sept 2011 - St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation
Sept 2011 - St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation
September 2011 ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER Mission: The purpose of the St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation is to raise, steward and distribute resources to enrich the education of students in the St. Joseph Public Schools. Vision: More than 900 students and staff learned foreign languages through the Rosetta Stone pilot program funded by the SJPS Foundation’s American Girl Fashion Show. One-to-One Computing Increase opportunities for students in curricula, facilities and various learning options by securing resources from diverse sources of funding through broad community involvement. Board Members: William D. Marohn, President Dennis Bowen, Secretary Richard Brandt, Treasurer Michele Demchinski, V.P. Projects Tereck Halsey, V.P. Fund Development Ginny Antonson, V.P. Public Relations Anna Abdelnour Bill Benner Anne Gottlieb Bill Hanley Shawn Kim Greg Koroch Connie Kubicki Phil Maki Beth Mandarino Jane Marohn Ed Meny Denise Reeves Randy Reimers Mike Ryan Allen Skibbe, Superintendent Christine Waterhouse, Foundation Coordinator Enriching the education of students. 3275 Lincoln Avenue St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 Phone (269) 926-3252 Fax (269) 926-3103 Giving all our students the world at their fingertips In May 2010, the St. Joseph community approved a $38 million bond issue to bring the St. Joseph Public School (SJPS) district up to 21st century standards in safety, energy efficiency and technology. The SJPS Foundation played a major role in supporting the bond issue and the plan to equip each classroom with interactive technology by sponsoring five demonstration "Classrooms of Today." These classrooms provided the public with a look at what the future would hold as well as provided the district with the ability to test a variety of equipment and manufacturers. The work of remodeling the classrooms and providing the technology is nearing completion at the lower grade levels and will be completed at the high school over the next three years. Each remodeled classroom is equipped with an interactive white board, sound enhancement and a flexible learning environment. A bold commitment: one computer for each student While each “Classroom of Today” now has the equipment necessary to deliver instruction using the latest technologies (research shows student learning increases by more than 15 percent yearly by using these technologies), the next step is to provide one computer for each student in grades 6 through 12. Each student will get a laptop computer, netbook or iPad so he/she can access information and classroom presentations from anywhere, at any time. It also allows students to have their textbooks available digitally and to take classes "online" or present from a different location. This is a bold and costly plan. So the Foundation has committed $200,000 over the next three years to help the district accomplish this goal. Your help is needed to ensure our goals are met so our students have the tools necessary to be competitive, but also be leaders in acquiring and accessing knowledge. If you have a passion for technology and/or the continued excellence of the St. Joseph Public Schools, please support our "One-toOne Computer" initiative by sending a donation today to: www.stjosephpublicschools We can offer no greater gift to our children than to dedicate ourselves to educational excellence. To realize this ambition and to carry St. Joseph Public Schools into the future, we ask for your trust and active support. St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation ST. JOSEPH PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER A NOTE FROM OUR PRESIDENT September 2011 Dear Friends of St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation, If you attended a college or university, you may belong to its alumni association. But are you a member of the alumni association for the school system where you received your K–12 education? The St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation is in the process of creating an alumni association for our district. We want to reach out to our alums, wherever they may be, and give them an opportunity to stay in touch with their classmates and events that are happening in our district. As you might imagine, this is not an easy task. Finding the names and addresses, including email addresses, is a work in progress. Under the leadership of Ed Meny, we are trying to reach out to class organizers who plan reunions and lead communication between their class members. So, if you are a “class organizer” would you please share your class list with us via our website ( In this issue of our SJPSF newsletter, you’ll find a section on alumni updates. The Foundation is also sponsoring for the first time requests for candidates for a Distinguished Alumni Award. Bill Benner is leading this committee and is planning to select worthy candidates to be honored in the future. So if you know someone you would like to nominate for this distinction, please check our website for the nomination form and deadline. We are also sending this newsletter to alums where we have addresses, so please update us if you move. One last thing, if your class or a class of one of your children is planning a reunion, call (269) 926-3252. We can help you with information packets, tours and updates on what is happening in our St. Joseph Public Schools. Many thanks, Bill Marohn, President St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation Opening Eyes to the Future Guest speakers from the community talked to Upton Middle School 8th graders about different careers and what classes to take to prepare for them. This career day was funded by the SJPSF. ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Here are two SJ High School alumni who stand out in their careers and communities. The Foundation would like to spotlight other alumni in future issues, so please send information about yourself or a classmate to The Foundation is also seeking nominations for the first annual Distinguished Alumni Award. For more information or nomination form, visit our website and click on Distinguished Alumni Award. Deadline for nominating 2012 recipients is November 1, 2011. Jennifer Ast, SJHS Class of 1988, Internationally Renowned Scientist Most Valuable Player, four years, women’s soccer, University of Chicago; Gertrude Dudley Award for leadership and skill in women’s athletics; Bachelor of Science, Biology, University of Chicago; Master of Science, Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Doctorate, specializing in Phylogenetic Systematics, University of Michigan; recently completed a research fellowship at the University of Uppsala in Sweden for a project to study bacteria found in lakes; credits her great start in science to her SJHS science teachers, such as Timm Pschigoda Jeff Hoover, SJHS Class of 1984, Producer of Chicago’s Highly Rated Channel 9, WGN Morning News Worked summers during college at News/Talk 1400 WSJM & Magic 107 WIRX; attended Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo; debuted on Jonathon Brandmeier’s Showgram (WLUP/AM1000/WCKG 105.9FM) as a call-in Jerry Lewis impersonator; made a name for himself as one of the hilarious writers/producers of Brandmeier's radio show; after Brandmeier’s show ended, landed at WGN-TV Morning News where in 2005 he won three Telly Awards in entertainment, variety and documentary categories for helping to produce Bozo, Gar & Ray: WGN TV Classic. Enriching the education of students. BULLETIN BOARD NEARLY $25,000 IN GRANTS AWARDED THIS YEAR St. Joseph Public Schools are fortunate to have such dedicated teachers who are always looking for ways to enrich the education of our students. Here is a list of the wishes granted to some of those teachers this year by the SJPSF: • World Book Online Encyclopedia for K-12 • Articulation Materials for therapy and home use The • Lesson Booster DVDs for Elem. Social Work curriculum Fo w elco undati • iPod Listening Stations on Mic mes • Everyday Math for Pre-K hell e to t • Classroom Dictionaries he P Rumsa com r • Speaking Franklin Spellers mitt oject F ee a owl • Michigan Studies Weekly Bur er and nd Nanc • Wireless Listening Centers for First Grade d Stev y Fun ick to • Advanced Scientific Calculators for 6th Grade the e ding com • Sony DSC H50 Cameras for Yearbook Class mitt • 24 Microscopes for 7th & 8th Grade Science Classes ee! • Art Slab Roller • AP Macroeconomics Test Bank • Smart Music Software Pilot Program • ProQuest eLibrary Database Renewal e’s atur eep • Classroom Graphing Calculators N s to he upk k • Food Class Lab Evalulation Equipment n a Th for t ng by • Classroom Jeopardy 2011 Team Edition i ! Way ndscap ic sign • Portable Drying Rack for Painting & Printmaking a n l ro of • Audio/Video Recording Device for K-12 lect so to . e e al th nc • Flip Cams for World Language Projects rd I r anks ation Found chools blic S lic Schools u P h ub sep St. Jo t. Joseph P . S d By: 0 p.m Hoste o Benefit: T or 5:0 12:00 0 p.m. 12th :0use Nov. thohols Fi1 , y 3 eld Ho a 1 d . ov blic Sc Satur nday,StN ph Pu . Jose e e, u th h S at 0 eac ckets onlin ti .0to purchase n. 5or $252 org ts:926ndatio 32 olsfou Ticatkioe n, call hpublicscho 6 or 10 r size 17th. ho wea tember Girls w odels! dline to is Sep m r fo Dea king o . ly lo p e sit We ar ed to ap ation vi courag inform are en d more ndatio ation an schoolsfou lic p ap lic s, For , name hpub demarks tjosep Girl tra erved. and up erican www.s form tjosep ore in ww.s For m visit w 6 ildren , Inc. All Am . All rights res ms d for ch license l Progra mende under Recomm American Girl, LLC, used Gir nsed fro erican w is lice marks of Am sho on trade l Fashi can Gir characters are eri Am and Congra tu Founda lations to SJ tion 'bo PS ar Phillip Maki on d Member Source receivin g 1st Bank’s M. Rac 2 lin Com 011 Ernestine m Leaders hip Aw unity a rd. Phil lla fo generously Th y Ba hey do s r e l r e F c e o ted the undatio P ll t ation. n a t o r r d award’s eceive t n fo he $1,000 Fou e T h d h onation t ank you . !!!! THANK A STAFF MEMBER The following teachers and staff (past and present) were recognized this year with a donation to the SJPS Foundation: Tracy McFall Martha Vanderweide Patrick Hoffmann Caryl Eller Heather Bartz Judy Schnebly Brenda Searfoss Steve Prince Kim Fellows Michelle Allen Carla Morrow Marcia Wiesemes Ginny Antonson Jennifer Laukus Mike Wagner In memory of: Linda Delapa Ilona Jackson Kim Hall Betty Theisen General Staff Your gift ($10 minimum donation) to the Foundation will not only show your appreciation for what a SJPS staff member means to you or your child, it will help enhance the education of all of our students! We’ll present a congratulatory certificate to the staff member and publish a list of recipients in upcoming newsletters and on our website. For more details go to Our thanks to the Passaros for their donation in honor of Anne Gottlieb, and to the Class of 1950 for your donation! ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE BRICK BY BRICK Here is how to give a gift or tribute that will last for years. Purchase a brick during the SJPS Foundation’s “Achieving Excellence Brick by Brick” fundraising campaign. Your tax-deductible $100 per brick paves the way to excellence. Bricks purchased for the high school’s main entrance will help fund education enrichment throughout the district; bricks purchased for the Fine Arts Building entrance will support music education programs. Each brick lets you write three text lines with a maximum of 15 characters, including spaces, per line. Use your brick to congratulate a graduating senior, to memorialize an outstanding teacher, to thank an inspiring coach, or to honor a family member, friend or your graduating class. Bricks may be purchased now through January 1, 2012 from the SJPS Foundation and the SJ High School Band Orchestra Parents (BOP). Visit our website or call (269) 926-3252 for more information. “He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” – Anonymous ts this year?d to n e c c A l ia n n re e ously offere . Shopping at P ph has gener on s Foundati own St. Jose Public School ents in downt Perennial Acc eir sales to the St. Joseph ake the th like them to m ld ou donate 3% of w u yo hase. on that Please menti n at the time of your purc ion of donatio ch the educat ri en to g in lp he r ts, fo s students. rennial Accen Thank you Pe St. Joseph Public School PLEASE S AVE THES • Nov. 1: E DATES: Deadline fo r 2012 Dis • Nov. 12 ting & • Grant A 13: American Girl uished Alumni Awa rd nomina Fashion S pplication tions how De - Oct. 1 : Special F adline undin For grant informatio g Requests n, contact: cwaterho use@sjs . YOUR GIFT WILL MAKE OUR SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY STRONGER CONSTITUTION CENTER PROGRAM OCT. 24 Although we have been able to enrich the education of the St. Joseph Public Schools, there is still so much more to do. Thank you for your gift. Name ___________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP ______________________________________________ Phone ___________________ Email __________________________ I would like to contribute to the St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation. Amount enclosed: $25 ___ $50 ___ $75 ___ $100 ___ Other _____ My employer will match my gift: yes no I am a St. Joe graduate: ___ yes ___ no ___ We are planning a class reunion. Our group is considering a donation. Please contact me. ___ I am considering a planned gift. Please contact me. Please also consider memorial, honorarium and business donations to benefit our students. Make checks payable to: St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation The St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our funding comes entirely from generous individuals, organizations, businesses, civic groups and foundations. To make an endowed gift to the SJPS Foundation, please contact the Berrien County Foundation. Enriching the education of students. 3275 Lincoln Avenue St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 Portable cooktops and chef apparel were purchased through a SJPSF grant so that the Foods & Nutrition and Culinary Arts students can compete in cook-offs and perform demonstrations. Thanks to a grant by Stephen and Elizabeth Upton, the Constitution Center of Philadelphia, PA will be presenting several programs to grades 3-12 during the week of Oct. 24. The presentations will include school-wide programs as well as individual classroom workshops emphasizing the Emancipation Proclamation and “History Detective: Artifacts from the 1800s and 1900s.” NO SHOW BALL RESULTS The 2011 No-Show Ball netted $15, 022. Thank you for enriching education at SJPS! THIS NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE ONLINE Just go to either or and click on “SJPS Foundation.” Or, if you prefer a printed copy, please contact Christine: (269) 926-3252 or