St. Joseph`s School ~ Quarry Hill


St. Joseph`s School ~ Quarry Hill
St. Joseph’s School ~ Quarry Hill
Week 10, Term 3 – September 15, 2015
Phone: 5443 2108 ~ Fax: 5442 6310
St. Joseph's School would like to acknowledge the Jarra people, the traditional custodians of the country on which we have
gathered. We acknowledge that they have occupied and cared for this country over countless generations and we celebrate their
continuing contribution to the life of this region. We commit to working for reconciliation, justice and peace.
Dear Families of St. Joseph’s School,
We have arrived at the final week of Term 3 and at this point we thank and
acknowledge the dedication and contribution that many in our community
have gifted our school. Particularly, we congratulate our pupils, all of
whom have strived to:
‘Be Your Best’, ‘Be Responsible’ and ‘Help Others Succeed’.
Well done on a tremendous effort kids!
Thursday September 17
Breakfast Club (8.30am-9am) in School
Grade 1/2 Zoo Excursion
5/6LD & 5/6JH Class Mass (9.30am) @
St. Joseph’s Church
Whole Group Sacrament Meeting
(7pm) in School Hall
Friday September 18
Hot Pie/ Footy Theme Day
End of Term 3 – 2.30pm finish
Sunday October 4
Daylight savings starts – put clock
forward one hour
Monday October 5
First day of Term 4
Flag raising
Remember to wear your hats!
Footy Colours & Pie Day:
Our Footy Colours Day is this Friday September 18 where
children can wear their footy team colours.
Many thanks to Tanya Mitchell and crew
for organising the Pie Day for Friday as well.
We will have a short Assembly at 1.30pm to present our Sporting Awards
for Term 3.
St. Joseph’s School Prayer
We believe that St. Joseph’s School is a great place
to learn and have fun.
We trust our school community will continue to
welcome new members and will always help and care for
each other.
Finals Fever:
Congratulations to the following St. Joseph’s Sports teams who
participated in Grand Finals over the weekend:
 St. Joseph’s U/12 Boys Basketball Team who won the Grand Final by
2 points. Special congratulations to Harrison Kelly who won the MVP!
 St. Joseph’s Grade 6 Netball Team who won the Grand Final by 3
 St. Joseph’s Senior Volleyball Team who were Runners Up in the
Grand Final.
We thank you for the love and respect of our families,
teachers and friends.
With Jesus as our model, may we grow to be the best
people we can. Amen.
Well done to all children who participated in Winter sports; we
congratulate you all for showing great sportsmanship, energy and
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Bouquets and chocolates......
Our flower bouquets and chocolate boxes this week are offered to:
 The children who participated in the Catholic Schools Athletics Sports. Your achievements and participation is
outstanding - well done kids!
 Teachers, children and parents involved in the Athletics;
 Tanya Mitchell and her band of helpers for organising the Pie Day for the children; and
 All children, staff and parents for their efforts throughout Term 3.
To conclude:
We wish all pupils, families and staff a happy and relaxing holiday and we look forward to everyone’s return on
Monday October 5.
With blessings,
Nic McTaggart
Repeat - School Fees & Levies
A reminder for families who are paying school fees and levies by the term that payments for Terms 1- 3 should now
be finalised. Fees and levies for Term 4 are due in the first week of October. If your payments for school fees and
levies are not up to date, it would be greatly appreciated if you could please give this your urgent attention and/or
communicate your payment intentions. If you have any questions regarding school fees, levies or payment options
please contact the office.
Our Prayers and Thoughts
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dunn family on the recent passing of Alfred Dunn, Ronald’s father and Amy
and Philip’s Grandfather.
Our thoughts and prayers are also with the Rule family on the passing of Terry’s Grandmother, Doris Leach, GreatNan to Joshua, Lilly, Tess and Ella.
We also pray for the Deb McCuskey and family on the passing of Audrey Tarran, Deb’s Grandmother and GreatGrandmother to Brady and Laila.
Footy Day – this Friday
Don’t forget this Friday September 18, the Health and Wellbeing Leadership Group are holding a “Footy Day”. You
are able to wear the colours of whichever footy team you go for at no charge. There will also be free activities
organised by our group.
The Health and Wellbeing Group
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Confirmation / First Holy Communion
A reminder that the last Presentation Mass for children preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy
Communion will be held on Saturday, September 19 at 6pm Mass at St. Joseph's Church.
Another reminder that our next whole Group Meeting will be this Thursday, September 17 in our School Hall at
7pm. During this meeting we will discuss details for the celebration and complete the fourth session in our groups.
Preparation for this Sacrament will commence next term. Information regarding the enrolment
process has been sent home with Grade 2 families today and is included below for your
John Brohm,
Catholic Identity Coordinator
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Cebu Immersion Trip
I would like to pass on my heartfelt thanks to the students, staff
and parents of St. Joseph’s for helping to raise money and donate
goods to the children of Cebu. As a school community we have
managed to raise over $800! Such an amazing effort. The money
and goods will go directly to the children and help to improve their
way of life. I look forward to sharing the experience on my return.
Thanks again. Mr Cummins.
Happy Birthday
We wish a happy birthday to the following pupils who will celebrate their birthdays this coming week and over the
school holidays – Anthony Caddy (5/6AM), Megan Walker (1/ME), Maya Dignan (3/4JW), Ethan
Hooke (2/CF), Angus Goggin (3/4MR), Laila McCuskey (3/4JA), Georgia Tydd (2/CF), Tess Rule
(3/4MR), Salena Cummins (3/4JA), Tiki Lakey (Prep/M), Grace Kealy (3/4JA), Thomas Lacy (3/4RP),
Abby Perdon (5/6LD), Jack Dwyer (Prep/C), Lachlan Hale (3/4MR), Kyra Davis (3/4JA), Elise Flood
(3/4RP), Brady McCuskey (5/6AM), Xavier Marwood (Prep/M), Blake Monti (1/ME), Aiden Corr
(5/6JH), Milla Finch (2/CF), Chase Hadden (1/SC), Ryan McEniry (2/CF), Arabella Brennan (1/SC),
Shakaya Hilson (2/EC) and Mason Biggs (2/EC). We also wish Mrs Metcalf, Mrs Hamilton and Mrs
Lerk a happy day. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
Bendigo Division Athletics Carnival
Congratulations on a very successful day of Athletics. We are very proud of all students who represented
St. Joseph’s at the Division Carnival. You all displayed fantastic skill in your events.
We have a number of students who placed and many who are moving on to Regionals. 1st and 2nd place are
selected for the regionals team.
James Kealy – 2nd High Jump
Fraser Banfield – 3rd 800m, 2nd 200m
Lara Bish – 1st 800m
Lily Trimby – 2nd 800m
Charli Bake – 2nd 100m, 2nd 200m
Thaine Bake – 2nd 200m, 3rd 1500m
Ava Hamilton – 3rd 200m
Callum Craig – 3rd 100m
Xavier Carter – 2nd Long Jump
Kayla Cox – 3rd 200m
10yo Boys – 1st 4 x 100m Relay – Thaine, Callum, Deklan
& Xavier
11yo Girls – 3rd 4 x 100m Relay
12yo Girls – 3rd 4 x 100m Relay
Presentation of Athletic Certificates
This Friday students will be presented with certificates from the School, Catholic and Division Athletic Carnivals.
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Term 4 Sports
Next term is approaching quickly and we have a lot of sports coming up.
Any students interested in playing any of the following sports need to see Mrs Brown.
Grade 3/ 4 Boys and Girls Milo Cricket – November 17
Grade 5/ 6 Boys and Girls Milo Cricket – November 10
Grade 6 Hot Shots Red Ball Teams Competition
Grade 4, 5, 6 Orienteering Championships October 16
Grade 6 Division Softball
If there are parents interested in coaching or managing any of the teams above please email or see Mrs Aimie
Congratulations to St. Joseph’s White on winning the
U12 Netball Grand Final at Golden City on Saturday.
It was a hard fought game with only 7 players but the
girls gave everything and won by 3 goals. Thanks to
Coach Rohan Hogan for all the hard work he put in
this season for the girls and Team Manager, Travis
Crouch, for his expert organisational skills.
It was also wonderful to see how many students and
parents from other teams and within our school who
made a special effort to come and support the girls.
They even had their own cheer squad with banners
and streamers! Well done girls. Caroline Whitfort.
Woolworths Earn and Learn – Stickers and sheets due WEDNESDAY!
As you know, our school has been participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn Program. The Program has now
finished for this year, so a big thanks to everyone who supported our school.
We are now at the important stage of the program where the Sticker Sheets are collected and lodged as our Earn
& Learn claim. We will then be able to get new educational equipment for our school. The more we collect, the
more we can redeem.
So this week, please send in your Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheets and any loose
Earn & Learn stickers you may have. Remember to check your handbag, the car glove
box or they may be stuck on the fridge. Every little bit helps. Thanks again for all your
Aimie Brown
PE Coordinator
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Tuckshop Roster – Term 3
Sept 18 End of Term - No Tuckshop – Footy Theme Pie Day
Tuckshop Roster – Term 4
Oct 9
Oct 16
Oct 23
Oct 30
Megan Kealy/ Samara Finch
Rachael Cheesman/Dan Sexton
Ros Wright-Rossi/Louise Dignan
Kylie Lacy/ Nicole Kelly
Nov 6
Nov 13
Nov 20
Nov 27
Vickie Watters/Tanya O'Gorman
Jane Tydd/Bianca Bertuch
Tracy Morris/Belinda McEniry
Fiona Ransom / Janelle Crouch
Dec 4
Dec 11
Catherine Larcombe/Gemma Rohan
Katrina Bales/Nicole Wilson
Tuckshop Over-the-Counter Menu
Zings (frozen yoghurt sticks)
Quelch (frozen fruit sticks)
Lunch Orders from Country Cakes
Rolls or Sandwiches - $4.30 Wraps - $4.50
Ham, Lettuce, Tomato, Carrot & Cheese
$4.30 / $4.50
Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato, Carrot & Cheese
$4.30 / $4.50
Salami, Lettuce, Tomato, Carrot & Cheese
$4.30 / $4.50
Corn Beef, Lettuce, Tomato, Carrot & Cheese
$4.30 / $4.50
Nippy's Milk (Chocolate or Strawberry)
Just Juice (Orange or Apple) Frozen or Fresh
(Chocolate, Strawberry or Bluemoon Milk Freeze)
Popped Chips
Plain Meat Pies or Pasties
Smarty or Smiley Biscuits
Party Pies
Sausage Rolls
Mini Sausage Rolls
Please note – ingredients of products sold in the Tuckshop are
available in a folder in the office
Tracy Morris (0410 438 199) - Tuckshop Coordinator -
After School Care at St. Joseph’s
Hi Everyone!
School Holidays are fast approaching and we are holding our
Holiday Clubs at Kennington Primary School. For more
information come and visit us in the School Hall or hop onto our
website at
Have a good Week! 
Candice Farias, St. Joseph’s After School Coordinator for Camp Australia
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Hats on at St. Joseph’s!!!
It is now “Hats on” @ St. Joseph’s School.
Be Sun Smart – remember your hats!
Our St. Joseph’s Sunsmart Policy notes that all children will be required to wear school hats during
Terms 1 and 4 whenever they are outside. However, if the UV is 3 or above it is recommended hats
be worn for protection. With this in mind, St. Joseph’s School is asking all students to wear their
hats from Week 8 (Monday August 31) of this term.
Children without hats will be restricted to play in designated shaded areas – ‘NO HAT,
NO PLAY’ Policy to be enforced.
Children will be actively encouraged to wear a broad-spectrum water resistant
sunscreen (SPF30+). Sunscreen will be provided in each classroom, and on excursions.
Sunscreen will be applied by students according to the manufacturer’s directions, under
the supervision of teachers.
Sunsmart activities and sun protection will form part of the Health and Physical Education curriculum at all year
Parents will be encouraged to model Sunsmart behaviour when participating in school functions that are held
Please click on the following link for more Sunsmart information ….
Be SunSmart - 5 things to remember from September!
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. More than 1,700 people die from skin cancer every
year - that's more than the national road toll.
In Victoria, from September through to the end of April, average UV levels are 3 and above, which is when UV
radiation can damage skin and eyes and lead to skin cancer.
So, when the UV Index is 3 and above:
1. Slip on sun-protective clothing
2. Slop on SPF30+, broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen - put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and
every two hours afterwards
3. Slap on a hat - that protects your face, head, neck and ears
4. Seek shade
5. Slide on some sunglasses - make sure they meet Australian Standards.
From September to April, just a few minutes of UV exposure to the face, arms and hands or equivalent area of skin
should be enough for most people to maintain vitamin D levels. However people with naturally very dark skin may
need 3 to 6 times the exposure level.
For the times of the day that sun protection is needed, check the SunSmart UV Alert in the weather section of daily
newspapers or at During the day live UV levels for Melbourne can be found at Particular care should be taken between 10.00am and 2.00pm (11.00am and 3.00pm daylight
saving time) when UV Index levels reach their peak.
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Netball Tryouts
The Zodiacs Netball Club affiliated with Bendigo Strathdale Netball Association (play at BSE) will hold their
tryouts for their Under 13's (Year 7 in 2016) and Grade 6 (in 2016) teams for SEASON 2016 on the following dates:
Sunday October 18
Grade 6
10:30am - 11:30am
Under 13's
11:30am - 12:30pm
Monday October 19
4:30pm - 5:15pm
Under 13's
5:15pm - 6:15pm
Attendance at both sessions is preferred. Please arrive ten minute prior to register your details.
Tryouts will take place at BSE on the outside courts (Court 7). Please make sure you bring along a drink bottle and
be sun smart. For further information please email
Snow White ….
Click on the following link for more information
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’
Term 3, 2015
‘Building Communities of Faith’