Healthy Directions Newsletter - Tuba City Regional Health Care
Healthy Directions Newsletter - Tuba City Regional Health Care
Healthy Directions Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation May 2013 FREE - TAKE ONE TCRHCC Honor Their Nurses during National Nurses Week In this issue: • TCRHCC Honor Their Nurses During National Hospital Week • TCRHCC Health Promotion Program ‘Just Move It’ Schedule • Tuba City Garden Expo – 2013 • TCRHCC Employee Spotlight • MSPI Native Hope 3-Day Youth Retreat • Garden Expo was a Success! • Hospital Week Poem by J. Clanin Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter TCRHCC Honor Their Nurses during National Nurses Week Hospitals and professional organizations across the U.S. the effectiveness, efficiency, and recognition of the healthcare celebrated National Nurses Week, May 6 - 12, 2013, as a way workforce, was presented, “NURSES If Florence Could See Us to highlight and show appreciation for the extraordinary work Now,” providing a rare look into the complex and challenging nurses do everyday. world of nursing. The documentary featured nurses across the Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) Nurse Administration honored their outstanding nurses at the U.S. and our very own Public Health Nurses from Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation. first annual 2013 Nurses Week Banquet at Greyhills Auditorium “It’s important that people recognize the power of nursing,” on Thursday May 9, 2013, sponsored by the TCRHCC’ Nurse said Luna. “This film helps people understand how nurses Recruitment and Retention Committee. Ms. Dollie Luna make a difference in people’s lives - that we bring both clinical RN, Assistant Chief Nursing Officer; Ms. Lynette Bonar RN, expertise and leadership skills to every setting, from the bedside Associate Executive Officer; Mr. William Dey RN, Chief to homes and to the boardroom.” Quality Officer; Mr. Preston Masayumptewa RN, Nurses Over 100 nurses across the U.S. were interviewed for the film, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator and TCRHCC nurses providing a close-up look at the profession, and incorporating and their families attended the event. the many different roles nurses play and the lives they touch. After the welcoming address, a documentary by On After the film presentation, the nurses of TCRHCC presented, Nursing Excellence, a not-for-profit organization expanding “If Flo Could See Us Now.” The presentation was a narrative Page 2 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter storyline about nurses from early 1900 to present in 2013. The nurses of TCRHCC dressed in costumes and acted out the duty of nurses over the 40 Years of Service years. The presentation was educational and received a standing ovation. Deliah Tallsalt After the presentation by the TCRHCC nurses, Raul Rubio RN, Nurse Manager at Sacred Peaks Health Center, introduced the keynote speaker 35 Years of Service Dr. Sally Doshier RN, Associate Dean of Nursing from Northern Arizona Ann Hilt-Garro and Ellen Huminimptewa University. With many years of experience, Dr. Doshier spoke about the 30 Years of Service history of nursing, how empowering and significant TCRHCC’s vision is for their nurses and how vital nurses are to the health care system. The evening progressed as Ms. Bonar and Ms. Luna honored TCRHCC nurses for their respective achievements in excellence and years of services at TCRHCC. “We are honored to recognize all of our nurses for their hard work and Rita Chase and Katherine Hardy 25 Years of Service Dorothy Fronk and RaJean Victor 20 Years of Service dedication to the Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation,” added Mary Scott, Faye Finley, Virginia Benally, Debi Mr. Masayumptewa. “ I also want to thank the Recruitment and Retention Farrell, Ruby Whitethorne, and Anna Gaseoma Committee for their hard work and contributing their time for making Nurses Week a success.” 15 Years of Service Tina Ferrero, Lilly Billagody, Alberta Nez, Yolanda Burke, Joette Walters, Alvina Rosales, and Ancita Top left photo: TCRHCC Nurses take a moment for a photo after the Nurses Week banquet. Top right photo: TCRHCC Nurses Joseph Land, RN and Carissa James, RN, stop for a photo before their performance in “If Flo Could See Us Now.” Bottom center photo: TCRHCC Nurses Timothy Newland, RN, Support Services Supervisor and Shannon Newland, RN, Risk Manger, practice their scene before their performance in “If Flo Could See Us Now.” The Newland’s reenact a famous moment from V-J Day in Times Square from 1945, where a white-clad girl clutches her purse and skirt as an uninhibited sailor plants his lips squarely on hers. Page 3 Bigman 10 Years of Service Elfreida Bizaholoni, Melissa Nez, Delores Succo, June Murray, Irene Nez, Ana Rodriguez-Stoekcker, Shannon Johnson, Lynette Bonar, Anthony Drake, and Callandra Mike 5 Years of Service Lincoln Johnson, Regina Sumner, Karen LopezOrtiz, Zenaida Manzon, Joan Farr, Cynthia Wolski, Hope West, Veronica Granger, Angela Cooper, Michelle Cavanaugh, Steven Hendrix, Lorrie Lake, Emolinda Tsosie, Carissa James, Daisy Colon, Linda Mathews, Ramona Yazzie, Charlene Blindman , Gwenytha Parrish, Wendy Luce, Violet Skinner, Deborah Manson, Dollie Luna, Raul Rubio, and Nancy Andreas. Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Sponsored by Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation DEPARTMENT OF DIABETES TREATMENT & PREVENTION PROGRAM Health Promotion Program ALL EVENTS ARE NON-COMPETITIVE & FREE DATE LOCATION REGISTRATION START MAY 28 COALMINE 6:00 PM DST 7:00 PM DST JUNE 1 PAGE @ ANTELOPE PT MARINA 7:00 AM MST 8:00 AM MST JUNE 4 CAMERON 6:00 PM DST 7:00 PM DST JUNE 11 MOENKOPI W/10K @ MOENKOPI LEGACY INN 5:00 PM DST 7:00 PM DST For a complete schedule, visit: For more information, call: 928–283-1420 or 928–283-2404 Page 4 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Protecting Our Skin From The Sun Just a few serious sunburns can increase though a long-sleeved shirt and long cataracts later in life. Look for sunglasses our risk of skin cancer later in life. Our pants with a tight weave are best, they that wrap around and block as close to skin needs protection from the sun’s aren’t always practical. A T-shirt, long 100% of both UVA and UVB rays as pos- harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays whenever shorts, or a beach cover-up are good sible. they’re outdoors. This summer, consider choices, too—but it’s wise to double up Apply sunscreen. Use sunscreen the following when you are outside. on protection by applying sunscreen or with at least SPF 15 and UVA and UVB Seek shade. UV rays are strongest keeping in the shade when possible. protection every time you go outside. and most harmful during midday, so it’s Get a hat. Hats that shade the face, For the best protection, apply sunscreen best to plan indoor activities then. If this scalp, ears, and neck are easy to use and generously 30 minutes before going out- is not possible, seek shade under a tree, give great protection. Baseball caps are doors. Don’t forget to protect ears, noses, an umbrella, or a pop-up tent. Use these popular, but they don’t protect their ears lips, and the tops of feet. options to prevent sunburn, not to seek and neck. If you chooses a cap, be sure relief after it’s happened. to protect exposed areas with sunscreen. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Cover up. Clothing that covers your Wear sunglasses. They protect the Prevention, May 2013. skin helps protect against UV rays. Al- eyes from UV rays, which can lead to cancer/skin/basic_info/children.htm 2013 AYSO Soccer Camp Page 5 Here is a great event, and a great opportunity for the kids to have fun, be active, and learn some strong soccer skills! The 2013 AYSO Soccer Camp is set for June 10-14, 2013 at the Tuba City Boarding School (TCBS) Football Field. The Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Program (HPDP) is taking registration at the HPDP office (located east of the hospital, next to the ASIST trailer building). There is a fee to register, and HPDP will only accept CASH. It is $35 for 4-6 year old and $51 for 7-16 year old. The last day to register is May 24, 2013. You can also register online at www. The cost to register online for 4-6 year old is $70 and 7-16 year old is $102. If you have any questions, please contact HPDP at 928-283-1420. Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Employee Spotlight Harlan Greeley, Navajo, born and raised in Tuba City, Arizona is the Interim Biomedical Engineering Department Supervisor at Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation (TCRHCC) since August 2012. Greeley attended Northern Arizona University (NAU) and has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He said, hauling wood to the elderly, and trail restoration at the Grand Canyon and Paria Canyon. His senior year at NAU was a life changing time. He was “One thing my undergraduate career has taught me is to be a encouraged by his advisor and mentor, Dr. Elizabeth Brauer, critical thinker and to be able to react fast to any situation.” He previously worked at the U.S. Department of Agriculture to run for the Student National Representative. That year, (USDA) Coconino/Kaibab National Forest Service in Flagstaff, he won the election and became the AISES National Student Arizona. He also worked at the NASA Glenn Research Center Representative Positions, representing over 2500 members. At in Cleveland, Ohio. the end of his term, he was awarded with the AISES Sequoyah Greeley now enjoys working at TCRHCC. He says, “TCRHCC Fellow Lifetime Membership. This lifetime membership is has a lot of talented individuals who are passionate about their a commitment to the AISES family to engage the values of jobs. What I really enjoy is the fast pace environment and the leadership, mentorship, and the importance of higher education different situation I am placed in on a daily basis.” in all academic fields. Greeley is an active advocate for the community. At NAU, When Greeley is away from his desk and has free time, he he was involved in an organization called the American Indian says he likes to go hiking and mountain biking. He also enjoys Science and Engineering Society (AISES) where he was watching college football and basketball, adding “Go U of A always involved with all activities. Some of these activities and Michigan!” He also favorites the New York Jets and Dallas included mentoring at-risk High School students in science Cowboys. and mathematics and in preparing them for their AIMS testing, Page 6 ••• Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Primary Healthcare for All. Find it in Your Local Community Health Center. Members of the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers provide top quality, patient-focused primary healthcare services local healthcare home. visit Adelante Healthcare Mountain Park Health Center Canyonlands Healthcare Native Americans for Community Action, Inc. Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc. NATIVE HEALTH Community Health Center of Yavapai North Country HealthCare Copper Queen Medical Associates Sun Life Family Health Center Desert Senita Community Health Center Sunset Community Health Center El Rio Community Health Center Tuba City Regional Healthcare Corporation Maricopa Health Care for the Homeless United Community Health Center Maricopa Integrated Health System – Maria Auxiliadora, Inc. Mariposa Community Health Center Wesley Community & Health Center MHC Healthcare Page 7 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Page 8 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Same Day Appointment Clinic Tuba City Regional Health Care offers Same Day Appointments for their adult patients, as well as for children. Give us a call before you make a trip or come to the hospital to be seen. Calling ahead to schedule an appointment will save you time, and you can schedule your appointment at a date and time that is best for you. Call to make an appointment if you: •Have cold or flu symptoms •Think you have an infection •Are running out of medicines because you missed an appointment •Need blood pressure, diabetes, or tuberculosis screening •Have a health concern If you have been referred to the Same Day Appointment Clinic for follow-up please call to make an appointment. •CALL Same Day clinic at (928) 283-2669 to set up an appointment. We NO longer take walks-in. •We fill up our appointment slots every day before noon, so please call EARLY in the day. We start taking calls at 7:30 in the morning. •Hours of operation are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. •Same Day Appointment Clinic is located on the 2nd floor of the Outpatient Primary Care Center (OPCC) building. To make an appointment, call 928-283-2669. Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Page 9 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter Tuba City 2013 Garden Expo Was A Success! On March 23rd, several community programs from of humor to food preparation. Community partners included: throughout the state came together to promote the importance St. Jude Catholic Church, St. Jude Food Bank, Johns Hopkins of gardening. Those in attendance took advantage of interactive Center for American Indian Health, Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture, activities that included food demonstrations, rain harvesting, Moenkopi Day School, Navajo Health Education, Coconino double dug lasagna beds, container gardening/sprouting, fruit County Public Health Services Distrcit, Arizona Nutrition tree maintenance, and growing seeds at home. To emphasize Network, Eagle’s Nest Intermediate School, Food Corps the importance of exercise, the Tuba City Health Promotion Arizona, TCRHCC Diabetes Prevention, TCRHCC Health Program sponsored a morning 5k walk/run; over 40 participants Promotion Program, and The People’s Farm. In its 3rd year, braved the chilly weather. Those in attendance also witnessed a the future of the Garden Expo is promising; we look forward to food demonstration by Dr. Diana Hu; who brings a unique sense next year’s event. Here at Tuba City... A “Hospital Week” poem by Judy L. Clanin, R.N. TCRHCC Lead Clinical Application Specialist Perhaps a medication, Is what your body needs. Or maybe just a test or two Will give us healing leads. 2013 National Here at Tuba City, You can find a guiding light, For steering you along the path, When illness you must fight. Hospital Week May 12-18, 2013 Although the times will always change, On THAT we can agree, ‘Tuba’ as we call it Will be a sturdy tree. A tree that shields from burning rays, Or bends when winds are strong, It anchors to the deeper roots To help you get along. We will not always win the fight, We carry on each day, But we can promise to provide, A light to guide your way. Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Page 10 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Newsletter TCRHCC Main Telephone Switchboard (928) 283-2501 Emergencies: Call Navajo Nation Police (928) 283-3111 Same Day Appointment 283-2669 Patients are encouraged to call ahead to make an appointment for a Same-Day Appointment if available, or schedule another day that works best for you. Call the Same Day Appointment from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm to schedule your appointment. Family Medicine Clinic 283-2458 Environmental Health 283-2844 Car Seat Day Every Thursday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Eye Clinic 283-2748 Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Health Promotion Program 283-1429/1420 Diabetes Prevention Program 283-1429/1420 Pediatric Clinic 283-2679 Mental Health 283-2831 Pediatric Clinic Appointments-Call the clinic from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm to schedule your appointment a few days BEFORE you want your child to be seen. Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, Call the appointment desk at 928-283-2679. Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, except Tuesday start at 9:30 am Outpatient Pharmacy 283-2754 Occupational Therapy 283-2593/2594 Dental Clinic Tuba City: 283-2672 Tuba City Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm (Thursday afternoons - urgent care only) Cameron: 213-8161 Cameron Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Diabetes/Internal Medicine 283-2689 Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Some evening hours available by appointment only. Diabetes Education: 928-283-2895 Diabetes Healthy Living Center 283-2895 Appointments and walk-ins Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - Abdul Baco: 283-2895 - Ruby Whitethorne: 283-2895 - Health Technicians: 283-2895 Ear/Nose Throat (ENT) Clinic 283-2974 Same Day Appointment Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Tuba City Regional Health Care now offers Same Day Appointments for their adult patients, as well as for children. Give us a call before you make a trip or come to the hospital to be seen. Calling ahead to schedule an appointment will save you time, and you can schedule your appointment at a date and time that is best for you. Health Promotion/Diabetes Prevention Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Some evening hours available.) Open 7 Days a week from 8:00 am - 12:00 am 24-Hour Pharmacy refill line: 1-866-283-2921 Prescriptions are ready for pick-up with no waiting time for patients who call in 24 hours in advance. Pharmacy Drive-Thru is NOW OPEN for Refill Prescription Pick-Up Only from 8:00 am to 12:00 am (midnight), 7 days a week, including holidays. Introducing: Call to make an appointment if you: • Havecoldorflusymptoms • Think you have an infection OB/Gyn Clinic (Women’s Health) 283-2460 Speech Therapy Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Orthopedic Clinic/Surgical 283-2660 Orthopedic Clinic Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Urology, Podiatry & Surgery Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Call for specific clinic times) Physical Therapy 283-2659 Monday -Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Thursday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm • Are running out of medicines because you missed an appointment • Need blood pressure, diabetes, or tuberculosis screening • Have a health concern To make an appointment, call: 928-283-2669 After dialing, press ‘1’ to make an appointment. “A community-based clinic aimed at providing Native Americans living in Flagstaff with non-urgent primary health care.” Services Provided: Family Medicine Gynecology Internal Medicine Laboratory Pediatrics Pharmacy Physical Therapy Primary Care Services Radiology TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT 928-863-7333 3480 East Route 66 • Flagstaff, AZ 86004 • Respiratory Therapy 283-2596 Everyday 24 hours a day Cardiac Rehabilitation 283-2960 Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Extended Hours (Evening Clinics) Selected nights, Monday - Thursday Diabetes Prevention: 283-2689 Diabetes/Internal Medicine: 283-2689 Emergency Room ANNEX For patients in need of medical care after normal, daily walk-in hours. Go to the Emergency Department to be screened and registered. No appointment necessary. Monday - Wednesdays: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (By referral only) Page 11 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation 167 North Main Street P.O. Box 600 Tuba City, Arizona 86045 928-283-2501 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Healthy Directions Aurelia Yazzie – Community Relations Administration - Office of the CEO 167 North Main Street P.O. Box 600 Tuba City, Arizona 86045 Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation Mobile Medical Clinic Mobile Medical Care Services •Comprehensive exams for all ages •Annual Check-Ups •Well Woman & Child •Employer / School / Sports Physicals •Acute treatment •Immunizations & Testing •Tetanus •Well Child •Influenza •Chronic disease management •Diabetes •Heart Disease •Asthma •Preventative care & screening For more information, call TCRHCC Community Health at 928-283-2607.
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