gshg summer camps - Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia


gshg summer camps - Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia
All of GSHG’s summer camps foster cooperation, self-reliance, and an appreciation of nature and the
outdoor environment. Through carefully designed and chosen activities, girls thrive and grow in the
Outdoor Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Girls in grades K through 12 are encouraged to check out
the program descriptions in this brochure and choose the one(s) that appeals to them. The wide variety of camp programs offered allows a girl to do more of the things she enjoys and also to try something completely new. All programs are open to all girls without regard to race, color, ethnicity, creed,
national origin, ability, Girl Scout affiliation, religion, or economic background, as set forth by Girl Scouts
of the USA, Inc.
2016 Summer Camp Pricing:
Regular Resident Camps$450
(Sunday - Friday)
Day Camps
(Monday - Friday)
Horse Camps
Specialty Camps
CIT and PA Sessions
miss t
April 5
May 17
April 19
Join us for online Camp Chats that will
each cover a different topic relevant to
both new and returning campers.
Sample topics include: CampDoc
how-to, homesickness, keeping in touch
with your camper, and more. GSHG Camp
Chats will be hosted live via an online platform, starting in
late March and running the same weekday evening every
other week through mid-May. To register, please visit the
GSHG website event list, locate the Camp Chat(s) of your
choice, and click on the “Register Now” link.
We need your input, starting with episode 1! We will be
designing each episode around the topics that you and
your camper think are important! Please reach out to
Betsy Connell with an email with any questions or
concerns you may have about summer camp at GSHG
Camp Concharty
Camp Martha Johnston
Camp Tanglewood
Camp Low
March 22
May 3
Register by April 4th and get
$50 off the above price for
Resident Camp or $25 off
Day Camp!
Camp Sessions Charts
The following charts will help you to determine which camping opportunities are available when, and for which grade levels.
Please see camp descriptions for complete details.
CC - Camp Concharty
CMJ - Camp Martha Johnston
CL - Camp Low
CT - Camp Tanglewood
RESIdent camps
Campers arrive on Sunday at
3PM and depart on Friday at
3PM. Meals and programs every
day from daybreak to bedtime.
day camps
Campers arrive M-F at 7:30 AM and
depart at 4:30PM M-Th, depart at 3PM
on Friday. Campers have breakfast and
lunch each day.
June 12-17, 2016
June 19-24, 2016
nnn nnn
June 26-July 1, 2016 nnn nnn
June 5-10, 2016
June 5-10, 2016
June 12-17, 2016
June 19-24, 2016
June 26-July 1, 2016
PA and CITs:
Girls who have completed grades 6-8
and have received Program Aide training may attend camp as Program Aides SESSION DATES
(PAs). PAs develop leadership skills as
June 5-10, 2016
they work with Daisies and Brownies
June 12-17, 2016
making camp exciting and fun for our
youngest campers. (Maximum of 4 PAs
June 19-24, 2016
nnn nnn
per camp session.) Girls who have com4
June 26-July 1, 2016 nnn nnn
pleted 9th grade may attend camp as
a Counselor-in-Training Level 1 (CIT1).
Girls who have previously been CIT1s and who have completed 10th grade may be CIT2s and specialize in one
“camptivity.” (Maximum for CIT1 is 10. Maximum for CIT2 is between 2-6 per session, depending on specialty.)
Please see camp session pages for more information.
CAMP PRICEs You’ve probably noticed that camp prices have been increased this year. We want
to continue to provide high quality program, well trained and qualified staff and a safe and comfortable place for your daughter’s camp experience. This price increase will allow us to provide the lifechanging adventure you’ve come to expect from Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia. If you’ve looked into
other camp options for your daughter, you know that our summer camp prices remain in the lower
range of summer camp options in Georgia.
As always, girls are able and encouraged to use cookie dough to pay for camp. Numerous camp discounts are available (see page 48). Financial assistance for camp, or camperships, are also available
for families who need it. To apply for a campership, see the instructions on the next page.
Facilities and Lodgings At resident camps, girls
will stay in cabins or platform tents with other girls in
similar programs, and counselors will stay in separate
adjacent cabins. Cabins and platform tents contain
beds and mattresses and have restrooms and shower
facilities nearby. A girl may request a single cabin buddy
in her grade level who is attending the same program;
indicate this on the registration form.
Meals While at resident camp, girls will enjoy three
delicious and healthy meals each day, prepared by our
dining hall staff. Girls may also get the opportunity to
prepare a meal for themselves using outdoor cooking
methods under guidance from our trained staff. Day
campers will be provided with breakfast, lunch and a
snack each day. Special dietary considerations will be
accommodated with advance notice; however, please
do not send food to camp.
suring privacy and efficiency. Returning campers will be
able to update existing information rather than starting
over with camp forms.
are accepted on a first come, first served basis,
so be sure to register early! Steps to register:
1. Please complete the registration forms online at
and submit it along with a $50 non-refundable deposit
for each session you select.
2. The registration deadline to receive a $50/$25 Early
Bird discount for summer camp is April 4, 2016. Summer camp registrations will be accepted until May 2,
2016, providing there is space available.
3. Registration deposits and fees may be paid by credit
card, debit card or e-check through our online registraActivities Camping and outdoor education are fun tion system. For cash, money orders, gift certificates or
and important parts of every program. Girls may swim, Cookie Dough payments, see the information below.
canoe, build fires, hike, play games, sing, and enjoy arts 4. Once you’ve registered, you will receive an email from
and crafts, among other great activities. Each girl will be verifying your requested dates and sesresponsible for her own personal care, making her own sions. Your confirmation will contain required informabed, completing daily kapers, helping with meal prep tion and any additional forms needed for your camper’s
and cleanup, and maintaining living areas.
attendance. These forms must be completed and submitted by May 16, 2016, or your camper will not be able to
Staff Our staff members are youth-minded adults attend her session.
who are devoted to helping girls learn new skills, develop long-lasting values, and discover more about them- 5. Camp payment balance is due in full by May 16,
selves and the world around them. They share a passion 2016. Registrations and fee balances will NOT be acfor nature and outdoor living. At least two female staff cepted at camp.
members per group will serve as role models and guides.
Staff members have screened and trained using:
*Camp Discounts AvailablE*
drug screening
multiple interviews
Discounts may apply to your camper. If eligible, you may
criminal background checks a pre-camp training
apply multiple discounts to your registrations. In order to
determine your correct fee structure, please process all
Equestrian Program All girls participating in
household registrations at the same time.
the horseback riding programs will be required to
• $50 Early Bird Discount for Resident Camp Sessions:
wear a riding helmet (will be provided or you may
for each registration submitted with deposit by April 4,
bring your own), long pants during the riding lesson,
and shoes or boots with at least a one inch heel. Tennis shoes will not be allowed for horseback riding.
• $25 Early Bird Discount for Day Camp Sessions: for
each registration submitted with deposit by April 4, 2016.
Cycling Programs All girls participating in the cycling programs will be required to provide their own bicy• $20 Returning Camper Discount: one time discount for
cle, helmet and available safety gear. Shoes must have a
a girl who attended Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia resident
closed toe.
or day camp last summer. Girls who attended GSHG summer camp last summer will receive a special email in JanuCampDoc Again this summer, we’ll be using Campary with a secret discount code.
Doc, a highly recommended electronic health record
• $10 Multi-camper Household Discount: for additional
system, to register campers and collect health history
girls in the same household attending GSHG resident or
information. CampDoc is designed by camp doctors,
day camp this summer. The first girl pays full price; all other
nurses and directors. The secure, easy-to-use system
girls in the same household may take a $10 deduc-tion off
will help our camps manage health forms, medications/
the session price. One multi-camper discount allowed per
allergies and health logging throughout the summer, encamper per summer.
Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia reserves the right to cancel a Health and Safety All campers must have a health
program due to an insufficient number of participants.
examination completed by a physician within 24 months
Waiting List If the program (s) you select is full, you
may choose to be placed on a waiting list or to transfer
your registration to another camp program.
Camperships Financial scholarships, or “camperships”, may be available to current Girl Scouts of Historic
Georgia members. These are awarded by a committee and are funded based on need and availability. Each
camper applying for a campership must pay the $50 deposit and apply her 2016 Cookie Dough before any campership funds will be applied. All inquiries are confidential.
1. Go to the CampDoc website at http://app.campdoc.
com/register/historicgeorgia and register your camper
for the camp session of her choice. Pay the $50 deposit.
2. Go to and download the 2016 Camper Financial Aid Form. Complete the form and submit it to or by mail: GSHG Summer Camp Registrar, 1344 13th Ave, Columbus, GA 31901.
3. Submit your form no later than April 4, 2016.
Parents will be notified of campership awards by May 2,
2016. If you receive a campership and then decide not
to send your daughter to camp, your deposit will be refunded if you notify us by May 9, 2016.
Cookie Dough, Gift Certificate, AND Other
Payments Cookie Dough (from GSHG ONLY) may be
used toward resident and/or day camp sessions; however,
Cookie Dough may not be used to pay the non-refundable
$50 deposit. Payments using Cookie Dough or a gift certificate must be processed by our Summer Camp Registrar. Submit your daughter’s Summer Camp Registration
with non-refundable $50 deposit through our online registration system then mail a copy of the registration form
and your additional payment to: GSHG Summer Camp
Registrar - 1344 13th Ave, Columbus, GA 31901. Please direct questions about camp registration and payments to *Cookie Dough is refundable only if Council is responsible for camp cancellation.
prior to their camp session. Health examination forms
will be available here: Health History forms and Health
Examination forms must be completed and submitted online by May 16, 2016. You can upload your form,
which must be signed by a doctor, via scan or smartphone, or mail your form to the GSHG Summer Camp
Registrar -1344 13th Ave, Columbus, GA 31901) so that
it is received by May 16, 2016. Campers without a current Health Examination on file will not be permitted
to attend camp. During check-in, resident campers
will also go through a “healthy camper check” and may
not attend camp if any signs of communicable disease
are detected. Necessary medications must arrive in
their original containers and be delivered to the camp
heath care supervisor during check-in. All medications
(including over- the-counter medications) must be labeled clearly with the camper’s name, medicine name,
instructions, and physician’s name. In some cases, an
instruction form will be included with your confirmation
materials to be returned along with your health forms.
During camp sessions, a qualified health care supervisor is on site and a doctor is on call. In addition, all staff
members are certified in first aid and CPR.
Refund Policy All refund requests should be submitted to:
• Refunds (less the $50 deposit) will be made for cancellations received at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the camper’s session. It is important to cancel
the registration as far in advance as possible to give others the opportunity to attend camp.
• If a program is cancelled due to insufficient number of
registrations, parents will be notified and campers will
be offered a transfer into another program. All fees (including the deposit) will be refunded within 2-4 weeks if
a transfer is impossible or undesirable.
All other refunds will be granted at the discretion of the
council using the following guidelines:
• Cancellations accompanied by a doctor’s statement
will receive a full refund (less the $50 deposit) up to the
day before the beginning of the session.
• If, for medical reasons, a camper should have to leave
early, a prorated refund will be issued up to half of the
total camp session fee.
• If a camper should have to leave early for behavioral
reasons, homesickness, parent’s request or extreme
weather, no refund will be given.
• If a registered camper simply does not show up for
camp, no refund will be given.
Session 1: Splash Down Week
June 5-10, 2016
Brownie (Resident Only - $450*) Discover the best of Camp Concharty in this fun-filled session. Enjoy a one-day horseback riding adventure, cool off at the pool for a night swim and movie, play a game
of greased pig in the pool, canoe on the lake, improve your swimming skills, test some water science,
learn new songs and more! Brownies will work on parts of the WOW Journey, Outdoor Adventurer,
Painting and Fair Play badges.
Junior (Resident Only - $475* - Includes special vendor fee.) Whether it’s swimming, canoeing or exploring the lake, you just love the water. During this week at camp, you’ll practice your canoeing skills and
even try paddle boarding! You’ll visit Callaway Gardens to swim in the lake and play at Aqua Land. Of
course, you’ll also enjoy Girl Scout traditions like singing, crafts and a beautiful camp fire evening. Juniors will complete parts of the Staying Fit and Animal Habitat badges.
Cadette (Resident Only - $475* - Includes special vendor fee.) You’ll be in for an adventure as you learn
some new paddling skills and fine tune the ones you have. You’ll canoe, kayak, and spend a day paddleboarding at Callaway Gardens. Personalize your week by choosing traditional camp activities to enjoy,
too. Cadettes will work toward earning the new Paddle Adventure badge.
CIT II (Canoe Water Training) (Resident Only - $300*) Experience the life of a waterfront instructor
and discover what it‘s like to assist with the waterfront program! If you love spending time at the lake
and are a strong swimmer, canoe water training might be just what you’re looking for! Girls will receive
Basic Water Craft Safety Certification. Put the skills you learned in CIT1 into practice and work on the
finer points of being a counselor. Must be a Girl Scout Ambassador entering 11th or 12th grade.
Sessions 1 & 2: Resident Horse Programs
Session 1: June 5-10, 2016
Session 2: June 12-17, 2016
JUNIOR (Resident Only - $600*) Horses, horses, horses! Earn the Junior Horse badge as you spend
time each day at the barn learning how to care for a horse and how to ride the ring. You’ll make memories creating a fun, horsey craft, swimming in the pool, and singing camp songs!
CADETTE (Resident Only - $600*) Spend your week mastering new challenges on horseback! Connect
with your horse as you improve your riding ability and learn new skills. Your daily visit to the stables
will include care and grooming techniques that will melt your heart as your horse nuzzles against you.
Cadettes will earn their Animal Helper badge.
CIT II (Wrangler Training) (Resident Only - $300*) If you love horses and are interested in becoming a
riding instructor and in learning how an equestrian program works, this is the session for you! CITs must
have attended a minimum of one week of horse camp. Put the skills you learned in CIT1 into practice
and work on the finer points of being a counselor. Must be an Ambassador entering 11th or 12th grade.
Session 2: The Brave and Hungry Week
June 12-17, 2016
Brownie (Resident Only - $450*) In this Disney-inspired camp, you will spend the week learning skills
that Merida from Brave loved. Campers will sample horseback riding and archery, and celebrate
Scottish traditions with food, songs and art. You’ll enjoy traditional camp activities and make new
friends along the way. Brownies will complete parts of the Senses and Hiker badges.
Junior (Resident Only - $450*) Against all odds, the Hunger Games character Katniss survives and
creates a fresh new hope for everyone. Be challenged to learn new skills in archery and geocaching
and to master the challenge course. All of your skills will be needed to help your team meet challenges
set by your camp staff. Your camp week will also be filled with swimming, camp fires, songs and art.
Juniors will work complete parts of the Geocacher and Camper badges.
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) You’ve read the Hunger Games books and seen the movies, now
come experience the excitement for yourself! Work with your unit to learn survival skills to help prepare for an campout under the stars. Practice your archery skills and challenge yourself to climb the
tree canopy! Work as a team using geocaching to find hidden treasure, learn how to collect and purify
water, and how to build a shelter to stay dry. Cadettes will work on Trailblazing and Field Day badges.
* Early Bird Discount: Registering for this camp session by April 4, 2016, entitles you to $50 off the listed price for
resident camp and/or $25 off the listed price for day camp.
Specialty Camp: Altitude Adjustment Week (June 12-17, 2016)
Cadette - AMBASSADOR (Resident Only - $600*) Reach for the highest height! GSHG’s high adventure
series challenges you to climb rock faces and rappel into caves. Our instructors will teach you, coach you and
help you improve climbing techniques at your own pace. Everyone will help set up camp and cook. Evening
will be a time to take in a naturalist program, swim, or simply relax with new friends. The adventure begins at
Camp Concharty, but on the third day, you’ll travel to Crockford-Pigeon Mountain Wildlife Management Area
in northwest Georgia, where you’ll camp along streams and a natural backdrop. Primitive camp sites will be
close to natural rock formations and some amazing caves. The team will return to Camp Concharty on Friday
for parent pick up. Cadettes will work on the Trail Blazer Badge; Seniors will work on the Adventurer Badge;
and Ambassadors will work on the Ultimate Recreation Challenge Badge.
Session 3: Wading & Wheeling
June 19-24, 2015
Daisy (Day - $225*) It’s your first time at camp (maybe second!) You’re ready to explore camp trails
and try your hand at everything camp has to offer. Meet Clover, your personal camp companion, who
will show you how to use your resources wisely while you explore the wonders of camp through upcycled art, gardening for food, and getting fit on the trails. Don’t worry - you’ll spend time in the pool
each day showing off your mermaid skills, too!
Brownie (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Bike your way through the week on the island. Campers will
bring their own bikes (cruiser, mountain, or road) to traverse the land and learn basic bicycle safety
and maintenance. Remember, helmets are a must have! On the water, girls will receive introductory
instruction on a stand-up paddleboard – riding out the summer on an oversized surfboard – and learn
about the ecology of the marsh around them. Staples like swimming and archery are on the list, too!
Junior (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Bike your way through the week on the island. Campers will
bring their own bikes (cruiser, mountain, or road) to traverse the land and learn basic bicycle safety
and maintenance. Remember, helmets are a must have! On the water, girls will receive introductory
instruction in snorkeling – seeing the wonders of water up close and personal – and learn about Georgia’s Coastal waterways while they are at it. Swimming and archery are on the list, too!
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) Bike your way through the week on the island. Campers will bring
their own bikes (cruiser, mountain, or road) to traverse the land and learn basic bicycle safety and
maintenance. Remember, helmets are a must have! On the water, girls will receive introductory instruction in surfing – riding out the summer at the beach – and learn about the impact of sea turtles
at our very own beaches. Camp staples like swimming, archery, and the rock wall are on the list, too!
CIT (Counselor in Training) (Resident Only - $300*) Are you a camp fan, spending your summers at camp as a Program Aide? Or are you looking for a positive way to impact younger girls? Become a Counselor-in-Training! Over the course of one camp session, CITs will work with younger girls
developing leadership skills, program planning tools and their camp-know-how. Camp favorites such
as swimming, archery, and canoeing are on the list, too! Is the leader in you ready? Become a CIT!
Session 4: ODAC! Join the Outdoor Adventure Crew
June 26-July 1, 2015
Daisy (Day - $225*) This is where Outdoor Adventure Crew members are made. Daisy Girl Scouts
will be introduced to camptivities by their tour guide Sunny (Friendly and Helpful Petal) as they sing
at the top of their lungs, make art that speaks out loud, and perfect their swimming technique. Swim
lessons will be provided by a certified instructor. Girls will work towards the Sunny Petal.
Brownie (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Join the Outdoor Adventure Crew in the trees this summer.
Girls will learn the legends of the trees (and write their own), try their skills in tree climbing (the newest fad in recreation), and grab the chance to spend one night in a hammock lit by candles – of the
flameless variety (resident only). Girl Scout Brownies will work towards earning their Senses Badge.
Camp staples like swimming, canoeing, and the rock wall are on the list, too!
Junior (Resident Only - $600*) Join the Outdoor Adventure Crew on horseback this summer. Girls
will learn basic grooming techniques, the anatomy of the horse, and receive introductory riding
instruction from a local stable. Grab your boots! This camp session will be everything horses – from
stable time to crafting. It’s time to spend your summer in the saddle! Girl Scout Juniors will work towards earning their Horseback Riding badge, too!
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) Join the Outdoor Adventure Crew on-belay this summer. Girls
will learn knots used in climbing, scale the rock wall at camp, and rappel and zip line it, too! After
taking adventure into their own hands at camp, girls will travel to a guided zip line canopy tour and
adventure park – screaming at the tops of trees and challenging themselves to reach new heights,
together. Girls will work towards earning their Tree Badge. Camp staples like swimming, archery, and
canoeing are on the list, too!
CIT II (Challenge Course Training) (Resident Only - $300*) If you love the thrill of heights or just the
challenge of being on the ropes course, this could be the next “challenge” for you! Upon successful
completion of this training, you’ll be able to facilitate and lead a group activity on any GSHG low challenge course and on the Camp Low climbing wall. You will learn skills in risk management, challenge
by choice, program development to meet physical abilities, challenge course and equipment maintenance, belayed high elements and zip wire. Join us for this adventure in the trees! Put the skills you
learned in CIT1 into practice and work on the finer points of being a counselor. Must be a Girl Scout
Ambassador entering 11th or 12th grade.
* Early Bird Discount: Registering for this camp session by April 4, 2016, entitles you to $50 off the listed price for
resident camp and/or $25 off the listed price for day camp.
Session 3: C.S.I. Week
June 19-24, 2016
Brownie (Resident Only - $450*) Step into the shoes of a Crime Scene Investigator at Camp Martha
Johnston - CSI Lab. Brownies, we need your help! We have found a poor lost animal here at CMJ and
we have too many people claiming to be its owner. Campers, we need your help to process the scene
by working hands-on to gather evidence and help us solve the mystery of ownership. Let’s work together and learn new sleuthing techniques that will crack this case.
Junior (Resident Only - $450*) Step into the shoes of a Crime Scene Investigator at Camp Martha
Johnston - CSI Lab. Juniors, we have a case for you to solve. There have been a rash of thefts in the
area and we need you and your super sleuth skills to help us find the missing items and, most importantly, who took them! Work hands on to evaluate, photograph and process crime scenes, learn new
investigative techniques along with processing fingerprints and other collected evidence.
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) Step into the shoes of a Crime Scene Investigator at Camp
Martha Johnston - CSI Lab. Juniors, we have a case for you to solve. There have
been a rash of thefts in the area and we need you and your super sleuth skills to
help us find the missing items and, most importantly, who took them! Work hands
on to evaluate, photograph and process crime scenes, learn new investigative
techniques along with processing fingerprints and other collected evidence.
CIT II (Archery Training) (Resident Only - $300*)
Love the sport of archery? Want to share your excitement for the sport
with other girls? CITs this week will spend lots of time on the range. In
addition to learning new archery skills yourself, you will also learn how to
teach others to shoot. This week will give you an opportunity to be
certified in Archery Level One, which will certify you to teach archery
to girls and adults. Put the skills you learned in CIT1 into practice and
work on the finer points of being a counselor. Must be a Girl Scout
Ambassador entering 11th or 12th grade.
Session 4: Artistic License Week
June 26-July 1, 2016
Brownie (Resident Only - $450*) Create different forms of pottery art as you learn to make beautiful pieces like clay beads, mugs and vases that you can share with your whole family. You’ll also enjoy
traditional camp activities and make new friends along the way. Brownies will complete parts of the
Pottery and Dancer badges.
Junior (Resident Only - $450*) Do you love to sing? Have you dreamt of being a musician? This
week, you will be completely absorbed in making music! Start by building your very own ukulele,
learn to play some chords, stir in songwriting lessons, and voila! Next thing you know, you’re leading
the campfire sing-a-long! What’s next? Why, headlining your own concert at the end of the week, of
course! Juniors will complete parts of the Musician badge.
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) The blend of voices in the movie Pitch Perfect was not easy to master. It took team work, leadership, and friendship. Campers will learn to perform an à cappella selection that will wow their fellow Girl Scouts and they’ll direct a video to prove it! Find musical harmony
and harmony in your day-to-day relationships as you learn to Be a Friend First. Cadettes will complete parts of the BFF /Amaze Journey and Digital Movie Making.
CIT II (Art Training) (Resident Only - $300*) The word “art” describes all kinds of activities. Enjoy
sampling basic art forms, such as pottery, painting, music and dance. Shadow art instructors as they
work with campers throughout the week, then top the week off by becoming an instructor yourself.
You and your instructor will plan a special art lesson that you will share with the other campers. If
you have always been an “artsy” girl, this is the program for you! Put the skills you learned in CIT1 into
practice and work on the finer points of being a counselor. Must be a Girl Scout Ambassador entering
11th or 12th grade.
* Early Bird Discount: Registering for this camp session by April 4, 2016, entitles you to $50 off the listed price for
resident camp and/or $25 off the listed price for day camp.
Session 1: Hogwoods School of Whimsy
June 5-10, 2015
Daisy (Day Only - $225*) Girl Scout Daisies will be introduced to camptivities by their tour guide Sunny
(Friendly and Helpful Petal). They’ll sing at the top of their lungs in Frog Choir, make art that speaks out
loud in Muggle Art, and perfect their swimming technique in Flying Class. Swim lessons will be provided
by a certified instructor. Girls will work toward earning the Sunny Petal.
Brownie (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Run through Platform 9 ¾ to start your week at Hogwoods
School of Whimsy. Girls will step into another world, once they are sorted into their “house,” catching
the golden snitch in Quidditch, and taking a stroll down Diagon Alley. Tinker with electronics in Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, develop your animal know-how in Care of Magical Creatures, and perfect your
swimming technique in Flying Class. Swim lessons provided by a certified instructor. Girls will work towards the Pets badge. Camp staples like swimming, archery, and canoeing are on the list, too!
Junior (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Run through Platform 9 ¾ to start your week at Hogwoods
School of Whimsy. Girls will step into another world, once they are sorted into their “house” for the
week to cheer on in Quidditch and stroll down Diagon Alley. Develop your self-defense skills in Defense
Against the Dark Arts, draw the stars in Astronomy Class, and explore the use of plant’s ability to heal
in Herbology Class. Girls will work towards earning their Camper badge. You’ll swim and do archery too!
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) Run through Platform 9 ¾ to start your week at Hogwoods School
of Whimsy. Girls will step into another world, once they are sorted into their “house” for the week to
cheer on in Quidditch and stroll down Diagon Alley. Whittle your own wand at Olivander’s Wand Workshop, make potions with healing powers in Potions Class, and begin to write your own story line in the
History of Magic. Girls will work towards earning the Tree badge. You’ll swim and do archery too!
CIT (Counselor in Training) (Resident Only - $300*) Are you a camp fan, spending your summers
at camp as a Program Aide? Or are you looking for a positive way to impact younger girls? Become a
Counselor-in-Training! Over the course of one camp session, CITs will work with younger girls developing leadership skills, program planning tools and their camp-know-how. Camp favorites such as swimming, archery, and canoeing are on the list, too! Is the leader in you ready? Become a CIT!
Session 2: The Madness of Camp
June 12-17, 2015
Daisy (Day Only - $225*) It’s your first time at camp (maybe second!). You’re ready to explore camp
trails and try your hand at everything camp as to offer. Meet Clover, your personal camp companion,
who will show you how to use your resources wisely while you explore the wonders of camp through
upcycled art, gardening for food, and getting fit on the trails. On Friday, girls will participate in Tanglewood’s 1st ever Mud Madness event – complete with a mega mud pit and mud-themed games. Don’t
worry - you’ll spend time in the pool each day showing off your mermaid skills, too!
Brownie (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Outdoor skills are the cornerstone of a positive camp experience. This camp session will be your introduction to all things camp. Spend your camp days on the
challenge course, taking your knot-tying skills to the next level, learning to build a fire, hitting the bullseye, practicing your new Leave No Trace skills, and making your ultimate fort come to life. On Friday,
girls will participate in Tanglewood’s 1st ever Mud Madness event – complete with a mega mud pit and
mud-themed games. Girls will work towards earning their Letterboxing badge.
Junior (Day - $225*; Resident - $450*) Outdoor skills are the cornerstone of a positive camp experience. This camp session is the first step in surviving a zombie invasion. Stay found with your new
geocaching skills, learn how to properly use a hatchet to fuel your fire, tie the proper knots to set your
first zombie trap, and identify edible plants to make a meal. On Friday, girls will participate in Tanglewood’s 1st ever Mud Madness event – complete with a mega mud pit and mud-themed games. Girls
will work towards earning their Geocaching Badge.
Cadette (Resident Only - $450*) Outdoor skills are the cornerstone of a positive camp experience.
This camp session is the next level in outdoor cooking. Join Cadette Girl Scouts from across Georgia
in our Cast Iron Chef Competition! Learn new ways to start a fire, practice different box oven recipes,
earn your privilege to carry a pocket knife while at camp, and compete for the title of Cast Iron Chef.
On Friday, girls will participate in Tanglewood’s 1st ever Mud Madness event – complete with a mega
mud pit and mud-themed games. Girls will work towards earning their New Cuisines Badge.
CIT II (Lifeguard Training) (Resident Only - $300*) Do you love the water? Are you a great swimmer?
Take the training to certify as a Red Cross lifeguard. Through videos, group discussion and handson practice, you’ll learn teamwork, rescue and surveillance skills, first aid, CPR/AED and other skills
needed to work as a professional lifeguard. Successful completion results in a two-year certification
in lifeguarding that includes first aid, and professional–level CPR and AED in one certificate. Put the
skills you learned in CIT1 into practice. Must be a Girl Scout Ambassador entering 11th or 12th grade.
* Early Bird Discount: Registering for this camp session by April 4, 2016, entitles you to $50 off the listed price for
resident camp and/or $25 off the listed price for day camp.