December 18, 2007-BOD-Agenda Packet
December 18, 2007-BOD-Agenda Packet
I tPALO VERDE HOSPITAL Bringing Health & Care -;-0let.he r Regular Governing Board Meeting Of Palo Verde Health Care District Tuesday, Decetnber 18 2007 6:30 Palo Verde Hospital Conference Room. 250 N. First St. Blythe, CA 92225 PALO VERDE HEALTH CARE DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Palo Verde Hospital Conference Room 250 N. First St. Blythe, CA 92225 December 18, 2007 6:30 PM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call - 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Public Comment: Opportunity for citizens to speak on items of interest within subject matter jurisdiction of the District. For the record, please state your name. The Board has a policy limiting any speaker to not more than three minutes. 6. Consent Action Items: Consent Action Items are normally acted upon by a single vote encompassing all items within this section. Since the public may directly address the Board before action on any item, a member of the public may, upon request, speak to the item(s) before the vote is taken. Derek Copple, President Carmela Garnica, Vice President Mark Bolliger, SecretaryfTreasurer Steve Montgomery,D.V.M., Director Rosalie Carlton, Director A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of November 29, 2007 continued AGENDA 7. Election of Officers of the Board of Directors 8. Reports/Possible Action Items: August 24, 2006 A. Administrative Report: Consideration of Approval or Ratification of the Following: 1. Physician Contract Update-Verbal Report 2. Analysis of Medical Office Building- Discussion 9. 10. Board Comments th Adjournment (Next scheduled regular meeting: January 24 , 2008, 5:30 p.m. at the Palo Verde Community College, 1 College Drive, Blythe, CA. 2 PALO VERDE HOSPITAL Bflnging Hea:th e!T Care Tcge~her CONSENT ACTION ITEMS PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29,2007 Page 1 of 13 PALO VERDE HOSPITAL PALO VERDE HEALTH CARE DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES November 29, 2007 5:30 p.m. Blythe Community Center Directors Present Administrative Staff Present Derek Copple, President Mr. Jeff Flood, Chief Executive Officer Mark Bolliger, Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Richard Fallon, Chief Operating Officer Rosalie Carlton, Director Ms. Lilly Lopez, Assistant Administrator Cannela Garnica, Director Mr. Lee Holter, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Blaise Jackson, General Counsel TOPIC l. Call To Order: 2. Flag Salute: 3. Roll Call: 4. Approval of Agenda: DISCUSSION ACTION Board President Derek Copple calls the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Copple. Board President Copple conducted roll call. Director Montgomery is not present. Board President Copple calls for approval of the Agenda. Discussion ensues among the Board Directors regarding the placement of Medical Staff Report in category #9 of the agenda instead of with the MEC Report in #7 B. It is the consensus of the Board to revise the placement of the Medical Staff Report to include it with the MEC Report. Mr. Richard Fallon, CFO requests that the Board approves adding the contract of Dr. Barth to the agenda. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment: Dr. Sahlolbei comments on the separation of the Medical Staff Report from the MEC Report on the agenda, noting that it had not been separated in the past. Also notes that there is no closed session presented on the agenda and feels that the Board should meet in closed session to discuss funds spent on attorneys to represent Dr. Montgomery in arbitration. Dr. Sahlolbei also notes that 1 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 2 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION items #6 and #7 should not be included in the MEC section of the agenda as they were not approved by the MEC. I Discussion ensues among the Board Directors and Management regarding the placement of #6 and #7. 5. Public Comment: Director Bolliger motions to (1) add Dr. Barth's contract to the agenda and (2) move items #6 and #7 from the MEC Report to be included in the Administrative Report. Director Garnica seconds. The motion is unanimously carried. Dr. Sahlolbei comments on being disappointed that there is no Closed Session to discuss the litigation issue concerning Dr. Montgomery. Board President Copple requests that there is no more discussion regarding litigation. Dr. Sahlobei comments that the Board attorney is working for AHM and not the Board and notes specific employees he feels do not have qualifications to hold their positions. 6. Consent Action Items: • Minutes of October 30, 2007: 7. ReportslPossible Action Items: A. Board DirectorsReport: 1. Joint City and County Meeting Update: Ms. Liana Sain comments that the hospital will disintegrate if discussion includes personal attacks and that contention needs to stop and is time to concentrate on the issues. The Minutes of October 30, 2007 are presented for Board approval. Director Bolliger motions to approve the minutes of October 30,2007. Director Garnica seconds. The motion is unanimously carried. Board President Copple reports that he and Director Garnica attended ajoint City and County meeting that included Supervisor Roy Wilson, along with representatives of the City of Blythe. Current issues were discussed with no firm resolution and none of the issues 2 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 3 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION presented being fixed. Director Garnica reports that during the Joint meeting, there was a decision to enlist the services of an arbitrator to help solve the hospital issues. Director Garnica also feels that Administration and Dr. Sahlolbei need to come together and come to a solution as valuable time is being wasted. ACTION The representative from Senator Ducheny's office notes that Senator Ducheny is open and willing to attend a meeting when her schedule allows. Mr. Blaise Jackson, General Counsel notes that arbitration is a dispute resolution tool but a defined set of issues are needed to use arbitration. Mr. Jackson suggests that further Joint Meetings are a better option and that the Board, as the policy makers, delegated management to run operations at the hospital. Mr. Richard Fallon, COO notes that AHM and Dr. Sahlolbei worked together well for 18 months and the Board approved the Medical Staff Bylaws that includes an arbitration process. The Doctors who submit credentialing applications are concerned with the affect a denial has on their reputation and are withdrawing their applications before the MEC denies it. Mr. Fallon also comments that there were no offers of help from the City or the County representatives at the Joint Meeting and the Seismic issues were not addressed. Dr. Sahlolbei has the right to not work at the hospital but credentialing needs to take place so another Doctor can. Director Garnica questions if the MEC is not credentialing. Mr. Fallon responds that he feels credentialing will not take place as long as Dr. Sahlolbei is Chief of Staff. 3 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29,2007 Page 4 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Dr. Sahlolbei comments that the attorneys do not want arbitration because AHM is paid $100,000 per month and cannot fix the hospitals problems. The Medical Staff does not trust management and a neutral arbitrator should be brought in to resolve the issues. B. Administrative Report: 1. SB 1953 Compliance Update: Mr. Jeff Flood, CEO introduces Ms. Avelina Ortiz, Quality Risk Manager and Leida Meek, eND. Mr. Flood reports OSHPD has continued the extensions and will be meeting with Urrutia architects to discuss Bldg B. 2. CAH Certification Verbal Update: Mr. Flood reports that the preliminary Critical Access application has been completed and accepted. The hospital will function as a Critical Access Hospital prior to the survey; 26 beds will be suspended, and a consultant will be reviewing the application and facility prior to the final application being submitted. 3. Dr. Bakhtavar Services Agreement: Mr. Richard Fallon, COO reports that Dr. Bakhtavar's current agreement provides payment of $1 ,000 per day for on-call coverage. Since there is currently no OB service Mr. Fallon is proposing to pay Dr. Bakhtavar half of the current amount and is requesting direction from the Board on how to proceed. Mr. Fallon also notes that the cost of maintaining an OB Department will be exorbitant with an anesthesiologist costing $1,000 per day and with the cost of an OB and Surgery crew. Dr. Bakhtavar notes that he has lost patients for the last 6 months and is concerned about the patients and states that he wants to continue practicing here. Mr. Fallon notes that keeping OB open is a high risk business and with 25 average deliveries per month, and most of those Medi- 4 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29,2007 Page 5 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Cal it would not be cost effective to maintain an OB Department. Director Carlton suggests increased marketing of the OB Department by the employees. Director Bolliger suggests paying Dr. Bakhtavar half of his amount for November and December and then the full amount if OB opens. Director Bolliger also asks how long the District would be able to afford OB if opened. Mr. Fallon answers that AB 915 funds are expected in February and Med-Cal funds have been received so there is the possibility of OB staying open for 90 days. With an approximate cost of $300,000 per month the Surgery Department is needed to offset cost and Mr. Fallon notes that he is hoping for a General Surgeon application within 30 days. Board President Copple notes that there is a need for a Special Board meeting to discuss the contract with Dr. Barth before any decision are made. Board President Copple states that he is concerned about authorizing payment to Dr. Bakhtavar when there is no OB Department. Mr. Fallon notes that if Dr. Bakhtavar is not on-call then he should not receive on-call pay and that currently Dr. Bakhtavar receives $3,000 per month for OB Directorship. Dr. Bakhtavar notes that he has been on-call for the last 3 months and is still called in for emergencies and according to his contract he should be paid. Mr. Fallon requests authority to execute agreement with Dr. Barth. Board President Copple states that a Special 5 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 6 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Meeting will need to be held on December 6. Board President Copple calls for Public Coment: Director Bolliger motions to table the decision on Dr. Bakhtavar and Dr. Barth for Dr. Sahlolbei comments on the Medical Staff another week, until a Special being responsible for the On-Call schedule meeting is held, Director and notes that babies cannot wait for a Carlton seconds. The motion transfer where surgeries can. to postpone a decision on Dr. Bakhtavar's Service Dr. Brooks comments that he has been Agreement and Dr. Barth's involved in two deliveries in the past 2 contract is unanimously months and there is a higher element of risk in carried transfers that a regular delivery. He also notes that many Doctors will not accept OB transfers because of the risk and notes that the Board has control over Administration and the OB issue needs to be addressed. Ms. Liana Sain comments that the OB is an important function but there are also some surgeries that can't wait and that the hospital needs anesthesia and surgery to open again. She also notes that OB closed a few years ago and that it is an expensive department to keep open. Board President Copple calls for a motion to table the decisions on Dr. Bakhtavar'sService Agreement and Dr. Barth's Contract until a Special Board Meeting is held. 4. Surplus Furniture: Mr. Richard Fallon, COO reports that Dr. Bakhtavar has taken over the lease on the apartment he has been staying in and has offered to purchase the furniture that was included in the apartment for $500.00. Mr. Fallon notes that according to Health and Safety Code 32121.2 the District has the authority to offer the furniture to Dr. Bakhtavar at a fair market value. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment; 6 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 7 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION There is none. Board President Copple calls for a motion to sell the furniture to Dr. Bakhtavar for $500.00 5. Dr. Bowen's Service Agreement: Mr. Richard Fallon reports that Dr. Bowen's Service Agreement calls for a payment of $36,000 per month and notes that this is a prudent contract. ACTION Director Garnica motions to sell the surplus furniture to Dr. Bakhtavar for $500.00, Director Bolliger seconds. The motion to sell Dr. Bakhtavar the surplus furniture is unanimously carried Director Carlton questions if page 13 section 8.4 is common. Mr. Blaise Jackson, General Counsel notes that the section in question is an anti compete clause. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none Board President Copple calls for a motion regarding Dr. Bowen's Service Agreement. 6. December 2007 BOD Meeting Date: Mr. Richard Fallon, COO suggests moving the December BOD Meeting date to December 20th because of the holidays but does note that the financial reports may not be ready by that time. Director Bolliger motions to accept Dr. Bowens Service Agreement. Director Carlton seconds. The motion to accept Dr. Bowens's Service Agreement is unanimously carried. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none. Board President Copple calls for a motion regarding moving the December BOD meeting date to December 20 th • Director Bolliger motions to approve the change of the December BOD meeting. Director Carlton second. 7 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 8 of 13 TOPIC 7. Financial Reports: DISCUSSION ACTION The motion is unanimously carried. Mr. Lee Holter, CFO present the Financial Reports: Patients account receivables are down, mortgage cost decreased cash decreased in October along with revenue, salaries have leveled out and are expected to decrease in the coming months. The cost of supplies increased because of the cost of Antivenin-$42,000, needed for two rattlesnake bites in one month. Contract labor cost dropped due to OB being closed. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none. 8. Overview of EHealth Backup Procedures: 9. Cost Report Settlement: 10. Joint Harassment Policy: Board President Copple calls for a motion to approve the Financial Report Director Bolliger motions to approve the Financial Report. Director Carlton seconds. The motion to approve the Financial Report is unanimously carried. Mr. Lee Holter, CFO presents a report on the HMS software and the AS400 server. No action is required. Mr. Richard Fallon, COO gives a verbal report regarding the Medi/Cal Cost Settlement. Mr. Fallon reports that the Cost Report has been settled and the $72,500 payment has been made. No action is required. Mr. Jeff Flood, CEO that the Joint Harassment Policy is a JCAHO requirement that has been on the table since August and needs to be reviewed by the MEC. 8 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 9 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Dr. Sahlolbei disagrees with Mr. Flood's statement and notes that the MEC saw the policy for the first time in November and is not able to approve the policy because it does not address Doctors being harassed. Board President Copple reads from a memo dated August 21, 2007 where it notes that the policy was given to Dr. Paglinawan then to the MEC in April 2007, and asked Dr. Sahlolbei where the MEC is at with the policy. Dr. Sahlolbei answers that the policy was reviewed by Dr. Brook's committee and was not accepted as it had a large number of unacceptable provisions. Board President Copple notes that he had a conversation with Dr. Brooks and he recommended only two minor revisions. Director Carlton questions if there have been any sexual harassment training given to employees. Ms. Lilly Lopez, Assistant Administrator responds that annual training is given and the hospital is in compliance. Director Bolliger suggests having the policy reviewed by an attorney as sexual harassment law is very lengthy. Ms. Lopez notes that the policy has been reviewed by several attorneys and the policy being presented will replace 3 or 4 policies currently approved. Ms. Lopez notes that the policy was given to the MEC over a year ago. Mr. Blaise Jackson notes that the Medical Staff has legal counsel that it could use for reVIew. 9 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29,2007 Page 10 of 13 TOPIC C. MEC Report: 1. Emergency Medicine Privilege Delineation Form: DISCUSSION ACTION Dr. Sahlolbei notes that the Medical Staff will only use their attorneys for issues they feel are important to them. Dr. Sahlolbei notes that the policy has been mildly modified to ensure that ER Doctors held ACLS, NCLS, PALS and ATLS. Mr. Richard Fallon, COO states that he is uncomfortable with the policy and it should go to counsel for review. Director Garnica notes that she would like the policy to be passed. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment: Ms. Liana Sain notes that she is disappointed over Director Garnica's frivolous attitude toward passing the policy because the ER could be shut down tomorrow if the ER Doctors are found not to have the certificates noted in the policy. Dr. Sahlolbei notes that there has never been a legal issue with this policy in the past and was accepted by JCAHO. Mr. Richard Fallon comments that management cannot ensure that the current Doctors have the noted certifications. Mr. Blaise Jackson, General Counsel suggests waiting until the policy has been reviewed. Director Bolliger questions if there possible lawsuit if and ER Doctor did not have the certifications Director Garnica motions to approve, Director Carlton seconds. Directors Garnica and Carlton vote aye, Board President Copple and Director Bolliger vote nay. The motion is not passed. Board President Copple calls for a motion to approve the Emergency Medicine Privilege 10 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 11 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION Delineation Form. 2. General Surgery Delineation Form: 3. Family Practice Privilege Delineation Form: Dr. Sahlolbei suggests tabling #2 and #3 and explains core and advanced privileges. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none. ACTION Director Bolliger motions to table the General Surgery Delineation Form and the Family Practice Delineation Form. Director Carlton seconds. The motion is unanimously carried. Board President Copple calls for a motion to table the General Surgery Delineation Form and the Family Practice Delineation Form 4. Conscious Sedation Protocol: Dr. Sahlolbei notes that the use ofPropofol IV is the only change Board Director Copple questions if an anesthesiologist is required to review the use ofPropofol IV. Board President notes that on page 2 of 25 #2. It states that conscious sedation practices and outcomes shall be monitored. Dr. Sahlolbei notes that when Dr. Barth is on staff he will review and Propofol IV is used under moderate sedation not conscious sedation and the ER doctor is adept at intubation. Ms. Avelina Ortiz, QualitylRisk Manager. Notes that moderate and conscious sedation is the same policy and that everyone involved in the process is liable and that an anesthesiologist is necessary to protect patient. Ms. Ortiz also notes that RN's have ACLS certification but it is recommended that Director Carlton motions to Doctors have ACLS and PALS also. table the Moderate Sedation Policy. Director Bolliger Board President Copple calls for Public seconds. The motion is Comment. unanimously carried. 11 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 12 of13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION There is none. Board President Copple calls for a motion to table the Moderate Sedation policy. 5. Credentialing Report: Dr. Sahlolbei reports that Dr. Tong was credentialed. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none. / Board President Copple calls for a motion to approve credentialing of Dr. Tong. Dr. Sahlolbei reports that Dr. Gary Harris was credentialed. , , Director Bollger motions to approve the credentialing of Dr. Tong. Director Carlton seconds. The motion to approve the credentialing of Dr. Tong is carried. Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none. Board President Copple calls for a motion to approve credentialing of Dr. Harris. Dr. Sahlolbei reports that Dr. Alix Vincent was credentialed. Director Carlton motions to approve the credentialing of Dr. Harris. Director Bolliger seconds. The motion to approve the credentialing of Dr. Harris is approved Board President Copple calls for Public Comment. There is none. . .. Board President Copple calls for a motion to approve credentiaJing of Dr. Vincent. D. Medical Staff Report: Dr. Sahlolbei gives a verbal report regarding Medical Staffs concern with the qlanagement of the hospital. The Admin.istration runs the Director Carlton motions to approve the credentialing of Dr. Vincent. Director Bolliger seconds. The motion to approve the credentialing of Dr. Vincent is approved. 12 PVHDBOD Meeting Minutes November 29, 2007 Page 13 of 13 TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Board and the Board tries to interfere with credentialing, notes letter of April 25, and there is no respect shown for the Medical Staff Dr. Sahlolbei reports that articles that have been printed in the newspaper prove administrations disrespect for the Medical Staff. Dr. Sahlolbei notes the salary for administration as being exorbitant but does note that the change in CNO has helped. Dr. Sahlolbei notes that outside arbitration is needed in all areas of hospital management and not just for credentialing. Is concerned with the Medical Staff not being treated equally and feels that the Board uses Administration against the Medical Staff, and is not addressing complaints or issues and lacks sincerity. , 8. Board Comments: 9. Adjournment: Director Bolliger wishes everyone a nice season ahead. No other comments are made. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00. Mark Bolliger, Board SecretarylTreasurer 13 PALO VERDE HOSPITAL Brtnging Hea:th & Care Tcge:htr ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PALO VERDE HOSPITAL Bnngmi: Hea;th &' une Tcge:her REPORTS/POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS PALO VERDE HOSPITAL Bringing Hea:th & Care Tcge:her . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT PALO VERDE HOSPITAL Bnnginr Hea,'th es: Care Tcge~htr VERBAL REPORT Palo Verde Hospital Medical Office BUilding 205 N. 1st St., Blythe CA 92225 Mortgage Payment Mortgage Payment Property Taxes Property Taxes Rental Income Per Rental Income Per Per Month Per Year Per Month Per Year Office/Month OfficelYear Highland Production I, LLC Paul McDonnel Treasures & Tax Collect for Property Taxes Hossian Sahlolbei, MD/ Pars Surgery Leonel Rodriguez, MD Hanger Prosthetics & Orthopedic, Inc. Luke Dreisbach, MD/Desert Hematology Oncology Medical Group, Inc. TotafPer Column 14,682.63 176,191.56 1,261.13 14,682.63 176,191.56 Total Per Month of Taxes & Mortgage Total Per Year of Taxes & Mortgage 1,261.13 15,133.52 15,133.52 15,943.76 191,325.081 2,647.50 2,411.25 31,770.00 28,935.00 240.00 2,880.00 600.00 7,200.00 5,898.75 70,785.00 10,045.01 Loss per Month 120,540.08 Loss per Year 1
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all items within this section. Since the public may directly address the Board
before action on any item, a member of the public may, upon request, speak to
the item(s) before the vote is taken.