Shag Rag - Northern Virginia Shag Club
Shag Rag - Northern Virginia Shag Club
Shag Rag April 2012 Shag Rag April 2012 Vol. XVIII, No. 4 Dedicated to the Preservation of the Carolina Shag and Beach Music PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Dave Bushey Ho'olu komo la kaua in Iulai Can you believe it? It’s April! In three short weeks, Shaggers from all over the world will be descending on North Myrtle Beach for the Annual Spring Safari. 10 days of sun and dancing and golf and dancing and golf and dancing. We’ll all need a vacation from vacation! There are quite a few people from NVSC who are still looking for rides and condos. If you’re interested in attending and still haven’t made arrangements, ask your dance instructors or Board members about SOS! And if you’re staying in Northern Virginia, be sure to swing by Icon’s on April 24 th for the Left Behind Party. Members get a free drink (rail or beer). March came and went quickly, didn’t it? First, there was the Save Dancing in Fairfax controversy. The County Board of Supervisors sent the issue back to the Planning Commission and Staff. Several organized Dance Community members, including Gary Mann of our club, are working with government personnel on solutions to be presented to the Planning Commission in the next several weeks. Hopefully, all now know of our concern and interest. Stay tuned, though. We may have to get our signs and petitions out again! In case you haven’t heard, Friday night shagging has moved to Fast Eddie’s in Centreville, and people are really letting loose! We continued our Sunday Socials on March 25 th with a Charlie & Jackie Review at Fast Eddie’s and several hours of social dancing afterward. It’s a great way to spend a spring Sunday. Here’s the monthly contest. “It’s A Beach Thing!” Who sings that song? First to e-mail me wins a free drink. Last month, Mary Camp quickly and correctly recognized Jim Quick of The Coastline Band. In the next several weeks, NVSC has invited several organizations to come to Icon’s and try out their dancing skills. The local UVa Alumni Association, DCHoos, has accepted the challenge, as has Parents without Partners. I hope that each of you will make our guests feel welcome. We’ve also been invited to give a dance demonstration to the Fairfax Co Retired Teachers Assoc! Do you think any of our teachers would recognize their former students – us – these days? Last but not least, there will be a quarterly General Membership meeting on April 17 th. And we’ll have the NVSC Store open for business! It’s also April Birthday night! See you on the dance floor! Hele mei hoohiwahiwa! Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 1 Shag Rag April 2012 2012 Board President Dave Bushey 703-338-1563 Vice President Sue Young 571-340-0043 Secretary Angie Bushey 703-338-8377 Treasurer Kathy Norris 703-941-1889 Director-at-large Sharon Geyer 240-447-7842 Director-at-large Mark Hendrickson 703-282-1033 Director-at-large Jeanne Potter 703-220-6227 Director-at-large Jack Jones 703-801-3335 Director-at-large Tim Farris 703-981-4656 Board Meetings are held each month and are open to any and all members in good standing who wish to attend. Unless a certain matter is placed on the meeting agenda, attendance is for observation, not participation. Since board meetings may not take place at the same time and place every month, please alert the Secretary at least one week in advance if you wish to attend (so that we may accommodate you). Copies of Board Meeting Minutes may be available on the website, or you may request copy(s) from the Club Secretary. NVSC COMMITTEES/CHAIRS FOR 2012 * Audit Summer Party Chris Dodd Sue Young * Charity Fundraising Volunteer Needed * Dance Vaughn Royal Hello Shaggers Valerie Swiger Historian Volunteer Needed * Membership Tim Farris * Music Fran Mong Newsletter Maryann Lesnick ( Photographer John Romito * Public Relations Jack Jones * Social/Hospitality Volunteer needed Sunshine Maryann Lesnick ( Web Site Jack Jones * Denotes Standing Committee The Battlefield Boogie Club meets on Thursday nights at Shannon’s. Shannon's Bar & Grill Dancing from 7:30 to 10 p.m. 2801 Plank Road (Central Park) Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Call Wes at 540-226-6007 for more information Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 2 Shag Rag April 2012 “Happy Birthday!!” April Birthdays Dick Wagner 4/1 David Guilliams 4/2 John Parks 4/4 Degayia Hudson 4/7 Jeanne Potter 4/9 Jason Potter 4/9 Gary Martin 4/12 Linda Barna 4/20 Joan Byrnes 4/25 Pieces – Parts Hello! Alex Anonymous here, your intermediary for the Shag Rag Pieces – Parts column. While we are fortunate to have a plethora of medical specialists in our area, many of whom have prestigious national and international reputations, the sheer number of names in our insurance handbook can be overwhelming. This is a ‘member exchange’ area for helping one another through our aches and pains. If you’ve had an experience with a doctor in the greater Northern Virginia area or a medical procedure – satisfied with the outcome or not – that you’d be willing to share with another member privately, please email Alex Anonymous your Resource subject, name and contact info. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a specialist in a field, or recommendations for a procedure (e.g., cortisone shots, general pain management, knee replacement, shoulder repair, carpal tunnel, etc.), please email Alex Anonymous with your Search subject, your name and contact info. You request will be listed under a “search” category in the Shag Rag. While most Pieces-Parts “owners” may not care if everyone knows of their medical history, some procedures and medical services may be more sensitive. In order to help keep all exchanges confidential, here is a brand new dedicated email address for this column only: I will only forward the contact information of Resource person/persons to a Searcher. The Searcher then has the option to contact or not. I will NOT reveal if a Resource’s information has been forwarded to a Searcher. New Search: A Primary Care Physician (PCP) who is accepting new patients. New Resources: HIP/ORTHO MRI LOCATION KNEE/KNEE REPLACEMENT/SHOTS This is not to endorse any particular doctor, clinic, or procedure over another; neither is this the forum to air negative claims against any particular doctor, clinic or procedure. Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 3 Shag Rag April 2012 APRIL DANCE LESSONS AT ICONS ON TUESDAYS Beginner Level Shag Steps April 3 — Basic, Start, Female Turn April 10 — Half Turn, Male Turn April 17 —Kick Basic, Side Pass April 24 — Crossover Basic, Triple Basic Novice Level Shag Steps April 3 — Double Kick Basic, AppleJack April 10 — Behind Sailor Shuffle, Front Walk-Up April 17 — Hesitation Basic, Hug Pivot April 24 — Pivot, Tuck from a Pivot Intermediate Level Shag Steps April 3—Side to Side Basic, Handshake Wrap Pivot April 10— Leg Up Basic, Lean April 17 — Stutter Basic, Sugarfoot Ending with a Lean March 24 — Flyback, Arm Over Pivot with Reverse Tuck REMINDER — BEGINNER LESSONS ARE FREE TO NON-MEMBERS BUT MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED FOR THE NOVICE AND INTERMEDIATE CLASSES. LESSONS BEGIN AT 7:30 P.M. OPEN DANCING FROM 6:30 UNTIL 10:00 PM — PLEASE REMEMBER TO ASK RED-DOT BEGINNER DANCERS TO DANCE. IT TAKES LOTS OF PRACTICE TO BECOME A BETTER DANCER! DJ Schedule for April: April 3, 2012 Craig Jennings, April 10, 2012 Gene Griffin, April 17, 2012 Dennis Gehley, April 24, 2012 Gene Griffin Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 4 Shag Rag April 2012 News and Announcements Where do I Get a Copy of the Shag Rag? Go to the NVSC website,, click on Newsletters tab, click on the month you want. It’s in PDF format. Or, for a yearly fee of $8, you may have it mailed to your home. Also, copies will be available at Icons on Tuesday’s. Keep Your Membership Information Current Have you moved, changed phone numbers or email? Contact Valerie Swiger at or Dave Bushey at This is especially important if you want to receive “Hello Shaggers” emails— a terrific way to keep in touch with NVSC news, current events, and activities. Shag Rag The deadline for Shag Rag input is the 25th of every month. Please send to Maryann Lesnick at 2012 SOS Cards 2012 SOS cards will be available for $35 at North Myrtle Beach. You may use them for MidWinters, Spring Safari and Fall Migration. If you haven’t bought your SOS card through NVSC, you can still join in the fun at the beach. The simplest, safest, and easiest way is to Buy your 2012 SOS Card online NOW! Or Order by PHONE with a Credit Card by calling 888-767-3113; OR Print a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (available at to mail in. " he Internal Revenue Service notified NVSC on April 19, 1999, that we have been accepted as a non-profit social club T exempted from paying Federal income taxes. Anyone interested in reviewing NVSC's application and supporting documents provided to IRS, the IRS exemption letter, or the club's annual Form 990 to the IRS, please contact the club Treasurer." Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 5 Shag Rag April 2012 Save the Date! NVSC’s own Capital Classic This year NVSC goes Hawaiian aka Summer Party aka NVSC Good Times ……… gentle Island breezes, swaying palm trees, grass skirts, leis, limbo, luaus ……. can you picture it? Saturday July 21 at the Dulles Hilton Hotel Mark your calendars now for a tiki-rific time with NVSC! Stay tuned for more info coming soon to a Shag Rag near you! Advertise Your Business in the Shag Rag! CONTACT Dave Bushey at for details. Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 6 Shag Rag April 2012 Your monthly (and BEYOND) calendar of events… Out and About ……. Close to home April 14 May 17-20 June 3 June 7-9 Virginia Gentlemen, Eagles Club, Fredricksburg, VA Band of Oz Beach in the Streets, Virginia Beach, VA , Entertainers, Craig Woolard Band, Coolin’ Out, Bill Deal’s Rhondells, Mystic Soul Bubbas, Embers, Main Event, Band of Oz Picadillys House, Winchester, VA, The Tams Beach Music Festival, Stuart,VA Band of Oz, Jim Quick & Coastline, Mark Roberts Band, Tams, Holiday Band Weekly dancing: Tuesday Icon’s Sports Bar, Fairfax City, VA, NVSC Thursday Shannon’s Bar & Grill, Fredericksburg, VA, Battlefield Boogie Club Friday Fast Eddie’s, Centreville, VA (DJ: Gene Griffin) The Elk’s, Waldorf, MD – DC Hand Dance Club dances Szechuan Inn, Severna Park, MD – DC Hand Dance Club dances* Sunday The Elks,Bowie,MD Dance Lesson: 5:45-6:30 p.m.,open dancing6:30-9:30 p.m. Admission: $8.00 Coco Cabana Grill, Hyattsville,MD – DC Hand Dance Club dances JW & Friends, 2nd & 4th Sundays, shag lesson 5-530, dancing 530-800pm * DC Hand Dance club dances most Friday nights here, check on club’s hotline 301-460-0800 May 24 – Sept 13 Every Thursday: PartyInThePark, Roanoke, Va, lineup includes: The Tams-Chairmen Of the Board-EmbersHip Pocket-Rick Strickland Band-The Holiday Band-Craig Woolard Band-The Entertainers-Mark Roberts & Breeze-Jim Quick & Coastline-Part Time Party Band-Band of Oz Out and About …….. a little further away April 20-29 April 28 May 11-12 May 24-28 July 13-15 July 17-22 August Sept. 14-23 North Myrtle Beach,SC; SOS Spring Safari North Myrtle Beach,SC; SOS Parade Beckley, WVa; Mountain Boogie Walk Atlanta, GA; Grand National Dance Championships Jacksonville, FL; ACSC Summer Workshop North Myrtle Beach, SC; Junior SOS Beckley, WVa; Hangar Party North Myrtle Beach, SC; Fall Migration Learn from the pros by watching their instructional DVD’s. See Sue Young for details and availability of rentals BORROWING SHAG VIDEOS..... is easy at NVSC!!! Whether you have taken all of the shag classes offered at NVSC or are just looking for new steps or tips on technique... our club has a constantly growing library of shag instructional DVD or videos. These DVD’s contain more steps and tips than you can shake a stick at and they're FREE to club members! All you have to do is put down a REFUNDABLE$25 deposit. NEWEST EDITION OF DVD’S AVAILABLE Our Club’s Dance Lessons may also be purchased. Get a DVD for only $10! We have just added FIVE more instructional DVDs to our rental collection to help you improve your style and technique whether you’re a beginner, novice or advanced dancer. You must be a member to rent our DVDs and we offer a fully refundable $25 deposit. The new DVDs are listed below: Charlie and Jackie Male Lead Volume 1: Patterns for men to do by themselves. A great follow up to Basics Plus—for all levels of dancers. Sam and Lisa West: Introduction to Carolina Shag 101 - All the basic steps. Perfect for any beginner or someone brushing up on their basic steps. Social Patterns for Beginner Dancers - is designed to take beginner dancers from their basics through their next progression of patterns. This DVD includes some to the great traditional steps like the Sugarfoot, Duck Walk, and Boogie Walk. Female Steps & Patterns 2004 - takes you through each pattern by breaking it down step by step. They concentrate on proper footwork, connection with your partner and how to use your upper body to smoothly flow through your steps. Female Steps & Patterns - This DVD includes some basic variations and female turns. See SUE YOUNG on Tuesday nights to borrow or purchase a DVD or video!!! Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 7 Shag Rag April 2012 Cruisin’ with The Music / The Dance .........a captive audience? Oct 7 – 14, 2012 from Tampa, FL; Cozumel, Belize, Isla Roatan, Grand Cayman SOS at Sea (inaugural event!) Feb 3 – 10 , 2013 from Tampa, FL; Cozumel, Belize, Isla Roatan, Grand Cayman Jim Quick & Coastline, Band of Oz, Tim Clark, Carolina Breakers An Explanation of Shag Competitions By Joan McKinney Thanks to everyone for the warm “welcome home” last month, after Tom Edwards and I won the Non-Pro Division at the National Shag Dance Championships. Our President, Dave Bushey, notes that shag competition is very confusing and asked me to explain it. Hence this article. Shag Competitions fall into two competition “worlds.” One, known as the Competitive Shag Association (CSA), involves a regular, traveling competition circuit, with shag contests held roughly once a month. The other world includes two championship events, each held annually. Competitive Shag Association (CSA) - Travelling Competition Circuit The Competitive Shag Association (CSA) is run by the dancers themselves, in concert with shag clubs and/or bar owners who provide a place for the contests, help pick the judges and pay for the awards. CSA competitors are judged on Smoothness, Repertoire, Execution, Togetherness and Degree of Difficulty. There are 3 CSA divisions: Amateur, Novice and Pro. You must win three Amateur contests before you can move up to Novice, and then win three Novice contests before you can move up to Pro. (If they choose to dance in adult CSA, outstanding Junior Champions – such as Virginia’s Brennar Goree --- usually go straight to the CSA’s Pro division after they turn 20, when they must “age out” of Junior competition.) Tom and I have won three CSA Amateur contests and only one CSA Novice contest, so we’re still a long way from Pro status on the CSA circuit…and we’ve been trying for about 6 years! Almost all the CSA contests are in the Carolinas, and it’s quite a reality check when you first encounter the competition shaggers down there in shag’s birthplace. Tom and I have real admiration for the Virginia shaggers who’ve made CSA Pro. The first to do it were Larry and Shirley Jones of Richmond (he’s a former NVSC DJ), followed by NVSC’s own Craig and Heather Jennings. The other Virginia CSA Pros are Roger Woodson of Roanoke, Ralph and Vicki Tedesco of Richmond (now living in Myrtle Beach), and Earl and Beverly Robinson of Richmond. And, of course, Brennar, who’s from Virginia Beach. Annual Shag Championships The two annual shag championships are run by private individuals, who set the championship rules and run their championship events entirely separate from the CSA circuit – although, in practice, most of the people who choose to compete in the championships also compete on the CSA circuit. One of the championship events is in Atlanta in May – the USA Grand Nationals Dance Championships, which was founded by Charlie Womble and Jackie McGee and is now run by Michael and LeAnn Norris. Shaggers can compete in several divisions at USA GNDC . One of them is the Non-Pro division, where Tom and I won last year, and NVSC’s Cathy Metcalf and Vaughn Royal placed. The Non-Pro division at GNDC is open to competitors who’ve never danced anywhere at the Pro level. The Grand Nationals championship is a one-shot deal: competitors dance only one time, before a panel of 5 judges. The “grand daddy” of the championships is the National Shag Dance Championships in Myrtle Beach. It was founded in 1984 and is the longest-running major shag competition. Barry Thigpen owns and runs Shag Nationals, assisted by an advisory board composed primarily of veteran shaggers with longtime ties to the beach. The Divisions at Shag Nationals are Pros, Senior Pros, Masters (the old-time Beach Hall of Famers), Juniors I and Juniors II, and Non-Pro. The Non-Pro division, where Tom and I danced, is for people who’ve never danced Pro in any competition, so both CSA Amateurs and Novices compete in Non-Pro at Shag Nationals. This year, Non-Pro competitors had to dance five times to win or place at Shag Nationals: Two dances, when a five-judge panel reduced the preliminary field to 6 finalist couples. (Cathy and Vaughn also were among the 6 finalist couples, as were NVSC members Kevin and Joan Byrnes from Richmond.) Two more dances, when a new panel of five judges reduced the finalists’ field to the Top Three. And then one more dance, when placement was decided among the Top Three. Still confused? Eyes glazed over? Blame Bushey. He asked for this! Northern Virginia Shag Club Joan Page 8 Shag Rag April 2012 A sea breeze blows across the sands of paradise. Gulls are gliding effortlessly down the coast. From Main Street the sounds of people meeting is backed up by the rocking rhythm of great music wailing from jukeboxes. If you step into the nearest SOS beach club you will be greeted by the smiling faces of friends you've yet to meet. Everywhere couples are sliding gracefully across the dance floor as their loafers hiss on the hardwood. Welcome to a dance and a way of life that thousands enjoy. Welcome to the world of shag! SOS = Society of Stranders There are a number of elements that together relate the purpose of SOS. First, SOS provides a means to guide shag dancing & the lifestyle that surrounds it into the future while keeping in touch with the past that gave birth to this phenomenon. Second, we always strive to perpetuate the dance, music, and culture that make up the shag. Third, we provide a framework for discussing, planning, & implementing activities at the beach for all stranders to enjoy. This includes providing information to & communication between shaggers, lounges, dance clubs, & associated organizations for the purpose of enhancing the shag experience. SOS Membership Information Come and join over 15,000 SOS Card holders at the largest party at the beach. If you haven’t bought your SOS card through NVSC, you can still join in the fun at the beach. The simplest, safest, and easiest way is to Buy your 2012 SOS Card online NOW! Or Order by PHONE with a Credit Card by calling 888-767-3113; OR print a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION to mail in. Benefits of SOS Membership There are so many benefits that your membership in the SOS Organization includes: Membership lasts from January 1st to December 31st each year, yet cost only $35 a year. This gets you all the benefits listed here at each of the SOS events. That covers 10 days during the Spring Safari, 10 days during the Fall Migration, plus the 3 day long Mid-Winter Break. That's a little over a dollar a day! A subscription to the Carefree Times (CFT) Magazine. This publication is "The Shagger's Bible". Information on recent events, activities, Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 9 Shag Rag April 2012 upcoming events, local shag clubs, shag merchandise, and other shag related items of interest. Unlimited access (no cover charge) to all the participating lounges during the duration of both ten day SOS events & the three days of Mid-Winter Break. Discounts at many shops and restaurants. Access to all the latest shag related information, and various other services via a toll free number. SOS Spring Safari Schedules are out! The Pirate's Cove Events and DJ Schedules Fat Harold's Events, DJ Schedules and Judy Duke's Workshops Ducks Events and DJ Schedules OD Arcade's Schedules Charlie and Jackie's Workshops Sam and Lisa West's Workshops The OD Resort Event and DJ Schedules DJ Schedules and Ellen Taylor Shag Workshops The links are ‘live’ on – check them all out SOS PARADE Saturday, April 28, 2012 On the last Saturday of Spring SOS everyone meets on Main Street for the perennial favorite parade of the year, the ACSC Club’s Parade. ACSC member clubs plan, design, & build parade floats for fun & a chance to win one of the coveted awards. There are award categories for best shag theme & most original float. The Spring Safari Parade always draws a huge crowd. Not only will the shaggers be out in force, but the beach locals will stream to the streets for an afternoon of fun & laughter! If you are an ACSC member club or SOS member and are interested in entering a float you should download the Parade Entry Form to start preparing for the fun. Theme for 2012 SOS Parade is “The Year of the Book”, referring to Dr. Phil Sawyer’s soon to be released book, Save The Last Dance For Me , written with Tom Poland. Order forms for the book are at *Above excerpts reprinted with permission from Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 10 Shag Rag April 2012 Preparation for this Summer’s Party – polishing up your Hawaiian ! Although music and dancing transcends most language boundaries, we thought it might be helpful to begin getting ready for the NVSC Classic-Summer Party with some necessary words and phrases in Hawaiian. The 5 vowels a,e,i,o and u as well as the 7 consonants h,k,l,m,n,p, and w make up the entire Hawaiian alphabet. In the Hawaiian language, a consonant is always followed by a vowel which also means all Hawaiian words end in a vowel. In the Hawaiian language, a symbol directly over a vowel, called a kahakô, indicates that the vowel sound is to be elongated. A apostrophe-like symbol called an `okina indicates a quick pause in the word, as in "ah-ah" for the word a`a. [Note: These Hawaiian vocabulary words have not been written with the use of the correct kahakô markings due to the absence of a Hawaiian Font.] Words/phrases for this month (we’ll add more next month): Makahiki Ancient Hawaiian celebration held annually with sports and religious festivities Ho'olu komo la kaua Please join us aloha Hello, Goodbye Lei garland of flowers, leaves, nuts, or shells ho`okipa hospitality inu drink lama pa'ipa'i cocktail hana hou one more time, encore, do it again wai water lolo numb, feeble minded pupule crazy hehena raving mad, lunatic, possessed lua bathroom, toilet Aia I hea ka lua? where’s the bathroom? Remember the Virginia Gentlemen’s Spring Dance featuring the “Band of Oz” $60 per couple Please contact Sharon Geyer – she is coordinating the NVSC contingent for the party, so we can get our seats/tables close together. See her any Tuesday or contact her: for information to mail her the money or use a credit card for payment for your tickets – suggested deadline is mid-March. Tickets are going fast ~ Be sure to get your tickets early You don’t want to miss out! Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 11 Shag Rag April 2012 Ted Bell Ted Bell's Top 20 Songs from 94.9 The Surf (Listen live anytime at Previewed Saturday, February 18, 2012 1. The Walk.........Mayer Hawthorne 2. Soul Provider....Johnny Cobb 3. Over And Over..........Rick Strickland 4. Back By Popular Demand....Queens Of Southern Soul 5. Endless Love....Lil' Redd & Sherry Norris 6. Crazy Bout' That Woman In Red.......Atlantic Groove 7. I'm In Heaven When I'm With You....Roy Hamilton 8. I'm Still In Love With You.....Lakeside Drive Band 9. Little Mama.........The Embers 10. You…..Chairmen Of The Board 11. Eyes For You..........Daryl Hall 12. Smooth Sailin'...........Holiday Band 13. She's The Only One For Me....Kingdaddy 14. Old School Music..........Wallstreet 15. Fred's Dollar Store..........Super Chikan 16. Gotta Have Love..........Sugar Creek 17. Come Get To This (Steppin' Out Tonight) ….L.J. Reynolds 18. A Love To Call Mine........Johnnie Taylor 19. Smoke House Brown...King Tyrone & The Graveyard Ramblers 20. I'm Just Sayin'........The Castaway's Mike Harding’s Current Top 10 Note that Mike DJ’d for our 2009 holiday party to rave reviews and will be back with us for the Classic this year. He graciously shared his Current Top 10 as of March 5, 2012: 1. Rock Bottom Blues – Kid Rock 2. The Walk – Mayer Hawthorne 3. Shaggin’ Shoes – Nantucket 4. Love Done Gone – Billy Currington 5. Quiet As It’s Kept – Marvin Sease 6. Just One Step – Little Milton 7. Little Mama – The Embers 8. It Feels So Good – Pinetop Perkins / Willie Big Eyes Smith 9. Stuff You Gotta Watch – Levon Helm 10. They Call Me Big Llou – Big Llou Johnson Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 12 Shag Rag April 2012 Northern Virginia Shag Club now meets at Icons 10418 Main St. Fairfax city VA 22030 Tuesday nights $4.00 Cover Charge. Directions: From I-66 take VA 123 South exit towards Fairfax. Stay on 123 until you get to Main Street (also known as VA 236) Turn left onto Main St/VA-236. (Main Street is just past North St). Icons is on the left. It is located between ”Have -A –Bite” restaurant and Victoria’s Cakery and across the street from a Royal gas station. If you reach Sager Ave you've gone a little too far South on 123. If you reach University Dr. you've gone a little too far on Main Street. If you need exact directions from your home, use Google Maps. The address for Icons is 10418 Main Street, Fairfax City 22030. Parking: Behind the Bank of America - 10440 Main Street, Fairfax, VA- at the intersection of Rt. 236 and Rt. 123. Across the street from Old Towne Hall (ignore the gate, it will go up). There is also parking on the corner of North Street and University or at the corner of University and Sager Avenue. The area is well lighted and all parking is within a block of Icons. Old Towne Hall - 3999 University Drive Juniors Welcome with Adult! Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 13 Shag Rag April 2012 About Our Organization… Northern Virginia Shag Club (“NVSC”) was organized to preserve the Carolina Shag Dance and its accompanying music— Beach Music! NVSC dances the Carolina Shag every Tuesday night at Icons, located in the heart of the City of Fairfax, Virginia at the corner of Route 123 and the original Route 236-Main Street. ICONs, 10418 Main Street, Fairfax City, VA 22030 Come join us—learn the Carolina Shag! Free beginner lessons begin at 7:30 p.m. to 8:15. There is open dancing from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. COME JOIN US! Shag Rag NORTHERN VIRGINIA SHAG CLUB P.O. Box 5522 McLean, VA 22103 We’re on the Web! See us at: Northern Virginia Shag Club Page 14
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