July - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
July - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
jUNE 2016 ISSUE 110 kch Dean Baker President of the Rock Hill Area Shag Club Hello Fellow RHASC Members, Happy Independence Day!! The summer is in full swing and I keep hearing folks talk about going to the beach. We actually have a beach trip planned for the end of July, so we will have our own stories to tell. The HOFF Vegas Night Party was a huge success. We had 162 attendees for the party. The decorations and the food were fantastic. The gaming tables were busy from the start and the music in the bar room was rocking as well. The music was provided by Frank Price and Dennis Hydrick, who both donated their time. I really want to recognize and congratulate the Ways and Means committee. They did a great job putting on this party. We raised $6,555.26 at this party alone. If you add in the money raised prior to this party for HOFF, we have a total of $7,480.26 raised for HOFF this year. The club budgeted to contribute $300.00 for food and another $200.00 for DJ for this party. That brings the total to $7980.26. We will give a check to HOFF at the summer workshop for $8000.00. I know a lot of work and planning went in to making this a success. Tommy bought the TV for the raffle last Thanksgiving. Most people don’t really know how much work it takes to put all of this together. 1 This party also means so much to our club. We had Ken Aiken, Chairman of the ACSC, and a Chairman for HOFF, attend with his wife, Janice. We also had Lisa Caveny, ACSC Secretary, who came down with Dale Phillips from Greenville. Ron Whisenant attended our party as well. Ron is a founding member of the RHASC, as well as a founding member of ACSC. Ron is currently President of SOS and Executive Director of HOFF. Ronnie Gregory, SOS board Member, also came with his lovely wife, Mary. Mary is the web master for shagdance.com as well as a photographer for ACSC/SOS. We were also blessed to have HOFF Executive Director, Nick Mathis, attend as well. I would also like to thank all of the people who sponsored tables, donated door prizes and auction items for the HOFF party. These donations are what drives the amount of money we are able to raise for HOFF. Our party will be July 16th this month. Steve Coley will be spinning the tunes. He is always fabulous at keeping the dance floor hopping. The social committee is planning to have BBQ and fixings for dinner. This should be a great party! As always I would like to encourage you to come to our Friday night Meet and Greet sessions. We always have such a good time on Friday nights, you don’t want to miss out. Ronnie now has Fun Monday tickets for sale. I would encourage as many of you as possible to get some tickets from Ronnie to sell to friends and family. The grand prize drawing is for $7500.00. The money raised from these ticket sales help pay for the bands at Fun Sunday and Fun Monday at Fall Migration in September. The additional funds are donated to charities supported by SOS. Ronnie still has SOS cards for sale as well. I look forward to seeing all of you at our club events. I encourage each of you to visit our web site at http://www.rock-hill-area-shag-club.com/. Take a look at the calendar to keep up with upcoming events. You can also access the newsletters, party pictures, and also learn more about our club. See you on the dance floor! Have a safe and Happy Independence Day! Dean Baker 2 Social Committee News Our June HOFF Fundraiser party (I hear) was a very successful event – really hate that I missed it but circumstances kept me away. I did hear that we raised more money this year than any previous year – great job to all the club members that were there and a big thank you to the Ways and Means Committee for doing such an outstanding job. Also thanks to Frank Price and Dennis Hydrick for being our DJs for the evening. Thanks to all who attended to help make this night such a success. Now on to July and the activities we have going on: July 1, 2016 - 4th of July weekend – no meet and greet. July 8, 2016 – Friday Night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Dennis Hydrick. July 15, 2016 – NO Friday night Meet and Greet – club party on Saturday. July 16, 2016 - Our Monthly Party! Happy 4th of July Party. DJ for the night will be Steve Coley. July 22, 2016 – Friday night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Phil Long. July 29, 2016 – Friday night Meet and Greet. Line dance lesson will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Tommy Davis. August 5, 2016 – Friday night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Dennis Hydrick. Let’s meet on the dance floor and party till the lights go out!!!!! Debra Ledford Social Chairperson 3 Thoughts and Prayers Please keep Debra Ledford and her family in your prayers. Debra’s brother in law, Rick Dickerson, recently passed away. He was married to Debra’s sister, Lori. Be thinking of Carol Bagwell as she is to undergo surgery on July 7 She has recently been diagnosed with cancer on her liver. Please pray for God’s healing power to make her healthy and strong. Laurie and Bill Grove 11 Bonnie and Joe Sherer 21 Loris and Dennis Rushing 21 Linda and Barry Grant 22 4 Carol Kimble 15 Mike Copeland 15 Fred Funderburk 18 Bonnie Sherer 18 Alvin McMahon 19 Fred Spears 21 Carol Boatwright 23 Allan Elliott 1 Bonte Hunsucker 1 Linda Hudspeth 2 James Hall 4 James Hughes 6 Alan Putnam 9 Ronnie Jackson 12 August Birthdays Ron Whisenant 18 Sharon Godfrey 23 Steve Williams 23 Dillion Kimbrell 24 Candace Ellis 28 Beth Howell 28 Ducky Moore 28 Allison Paul 29 Joe Sherer 29 Tracy Raynor 30 Brenda Jackson 31 Pati Crump 4 Pete Hinson 5 Chris Stevenson 6 Keith Auten 7 Danny Long 7 Jimmy Eubanks 8 Wesley Hoover 8 Marielle Hinson 9 Rich Harmon 12 Pansy Phillips 14 Steve Thomas 17 5 In the Good Old Summer Time By Kaye Hughes Most of you were probably born and bred in the South. I know I was. Summertime was a special time during the 60s, when we were getting out of school, the humidity was 100 percent and the temperature would soar to triple digits. With that being said, I have so many fond memories of that time in my life. See if you remember any of these. * We would wake up early so we could go out to play and because it was just too plain hot to lie in bed. * Breakfast came from a cereal box or you had a piece of jelly toast. * My mom would holler, “If you can’t find anything to do, I will find it for you.” * All of my friends would gather in the front yard under the elm trees to play. * We would pack up the car in the evening and go swimming down at the lake or the pond. * We would get the whole neighborhood together for a game of kickball or rolly bat in the vacant lot down the street. * Mom would let us walk to the store and we would buy candy for a penny or an ice cream cone for 5 cents. (We got the money by collecting “coke” bottles) * Our lunch consisted of a tomato sandwich with Dukes mayonnaise. * We had to drink out of the hosepipe because mom would not let us in the house. (My mom often locked the screened door!) * We would chase after the DDT truck that was spraying for mosquitoes. * We would sit outside under the trees telling ghost stories at night. * The kids would take turns sitting on the ice cream churn as dad turned the handle. * All the girls in the neighborhood would lie out in the sweltering sun with Sun In or lemon juice on their hair and baby oil all over their bodies. * I loved when the ice cream truck would come by in the afternoon playing “Pop goes the Weasel.” * Every evening we would catch lightening bugs in a jar. * I loved talking into the fan to make the robot sound. * Remember getting squirted in the back yard? * In the late afternoon, we would sit under the tall oaks shelling peas and butterbeans at my grandmother’s house. * Did you ever get the waxed lips, candy cigarettes, or the little wax bottle drinks? * When it got steamy hot, we would have to take naps in the afternoon. * Mom would let us sit on the front porch and drink a tall glass of sweet tea. * Remember Granny’s beads (I had them every night). * I would stand and wave at the kids in the Vacation Bible school parade. * I remember sleeping with all of the windows open listening as the hum of the cicadas lulled me to sleep. You may not have the same memories that I did, but I hope that yours are as wonderful and nostalgic as mine! 6 Watermelon Blueberry Cooler Ingredients: 6 ounces of watermelon 1 ounce of blueberry vodka 1-2 lemon wedges Ice Blue decorating sugar (optional for the rim) From: Karen@Tasty Trials Blog, June 29, 2012 Puree the watermelon, vodka, and the juice of one lemon wedge in a blender. Add ice (to desired thickness) and blend until smooth. If sugaring the rim, pour a small amount of the blue decorating sugar onto a plate. Run the lemon wedge around the rim of the glass. Dip the rim in the sugar. Pour the cocktail into a glass. Red, White, and Blue Shot Recipe Ingredients: ½ ounce Grenadine ½ ounce Peach Schnapps or Vodka ½ ounce Blue Curacao Slowly pour each ingredient into a shot glass to create a layered effect. Add them in the order listed above From Punchbowl Strawberry Spangled Banner Ingredients: 3 Strawberries 2 Basil leaves 1 1/2 ounce Disaronna 1/2 ounce Grey Goose Vodka 3/4 ounce Lime juice 3/4 ounces Simple syrup Cosmopolitan August 22, 2012 7 Please Note: FRIDAY NIGHT MEET & GREET PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE: JULY 22 - SHAG LESSONS (NOT LINE DANCE) JULY 29 - LINE DANCE The following songs were voted the top summertime songs of all time rated by BillBoard Magazine in May of 2014. 10.School’s Out by Alice Cooper 1972 9. Summer Breeze by Seals and Crofts 1972 8. Surfer Girl by the Beach Boys 1963 7. Suddenly Last Summer by the Motels 1983 6. A Summer song by Chad and Jeremy 1964 5. Summertime Blues by Eddie Cochrane 1958 4. Cruel Summer by Bananarama 1983 3. Wipeout by the Fat Boys and the Beach Boys 1987 2. Summertime by Billy Stewart 1966 and the number one hit of all time is: 1. Surfin’ Safari by the Beach Boys 1962 8 FOOD, FUN, AND GAMBLING! Vegas Night 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ACSC 2016 Summer Workshop Southern Comfort XIX $75 Columbia, S.C. July 8—10 2016 Hosted by Palmetto Shag Club $85 after 5/31/2016 Park and Party Double Tree by Hilton 2100 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210 Bush River Rd at I-20 Room Rate: $116 Call with Group Code PSG (803) 731-0300 or book online at http://bit.ly/1CZ6pNh Reduced Hotel Room Rate ends on May 31, 2016—limited to 200 rooms All rooms include a Refrigerator, King and two Queen Beds Available Suites are available at additional cost Spacious Ballroom with Professional Dance Floor SATURDAY July 9 FRIDAY July 8 7:00am – 9:00am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests 9:00am – 9:00pm Registration 8:00am—10:00am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests 9:00am— 3:00pm SOS Board Meeting—Capital Room 2:00pm—10:00pm Registration Pool Party Noon — 4:00pm DJ SKIP MALLIOS 2:00 pm—3:00pm Complimentary Beer & Wine Lexington Hospitality Suite 3:00pm—6:00pm DJ BILLY FANNING Lexington Hospitality Suite 3:00pm – 6:00pm DJ BILLY FANNING Congaree Ballroom 10:00am – 2:00pm ACSC Membership Meeting 3:00pm – 6:00pm DJ JOHN (FLETCH) FLETCHER Congaree Ballroom 6:00pm— 9:00pm DJ SKIP MALLIOS 9:00pm—Mid-Night DJ BILLY WALDREP Super Hospitality Suite 3:00pm – 4:00pm Line Dance with BRENDA TAYLOR Dance Floor —Open Bar—Food Free Shag & Line Dance Workshops Split Pot Drawings Chinese Auction Fabulous Vendors 4:00pm – 5:00pm Workshop with CHARLIE WOMBLE & JACKIE MCGEE 6:00pm – 9:00pm DJ RODNEY STILL 7:00pm – 8:00pm Dinner Served 9:00pm – Mid-Night DJ BUCK CRUMPTON $75/ person—$85 after 5/31/2016 Reserved Tables of 10 are available For more info contact Susan Martin at susan.martin956@gmail.com or call (803) 609-8170 SUNDAY July 10 8:00 am – 10:00 am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests Event Co—Chairs: Susan & Cecil Martin Make checks payable to Palmetto Shag Club and Mail to: Palmetto Shag Club, P. O. Box 7232, Columbia, S.C. 29202 or process on-line at www.palmettoshagclub.com using a Credit Card or PayPal Name Amt. Enclosed: Address: City: Phone #: State: Email: Zip: Shag Club: Confirmation by Email No Refunds—Name Changes Allowed NO ONE UNDER 21 ADMITTED 16 Park and Party www.palmettoshagclub.com 17 Friday - July 29th - 7:45 pm at Celebrations Lounge (inside Ramada Inn - 2640 Cherry Road, Rock Hill, SC 29732) taught by Junior Shagger Kaleb Brown along with Debbie Brown $10.00 donation per person All proceeds will go to the Junior Shag Dance Team Hosted by The Rock Hill Area Shag Club. www.rock-hill-area-shag-club.com Contact Debbie Brown at shagdeb@comporium.net with any questions 18 Sandy Beach Shag Club Presents Sandkicker Megafest VI Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Dirty Dozen DJs Sunday, 9/4/16 3:30 – 11:00 PM The Elks Lodge 500 Golf Course Rd Morganton, NC 28655 Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Cash Bar Only. Beer, Mixed Drinks & Wine at very reasonable prices! (For more details contact John Carpenter (803-760-2947) Email: johncarpenter@sandybeachshagclub.com Your Registration covers: Music by 12 great DJ’s Free Line Dance Class Catered Dinner ( 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM) Snacks Provided Free Shooters! Times ~ TBA Non Smoking Event Large Oak Dance Floor : 30x40 (1200 Sq. Feet) Half & Half Drawing,Chinese Auction Theme Baskets and Shag Bingo For Prizes. Registration for this event includes an Associate membership to SBSC for all those currently not members. Registration is $25.00/Person $30 after August 8th, 2016. No registrations will be available at the door. Please fill out this information for all participants, on a separate sheet if needed. Your registration is nonrefundable, but may be transferred to another person provided all information is mailed and received by us at least one week prior to the event so we will have it at the door. Name: # of Registrants (your name(s) will be at door) Address: City State Zip Email: Phone# Please complete for each registrant! Primary Shag Club Affiliation: If none, please indicate none. Please check if you would like to receive a copy of the SBSC newsletter. Must have a legible email for the newsletter. Associate members may attend SBSC General Membership meetings but have no vote. (Checks Payable to: Sandy Beach Shag Club) (All registrants will receive a wristband at the door.) Please mail application/registration(s) for each attendee and payment to: Attn: John Carpenter, 100 Smith Street, Morganton NC 28655 Area Hotels: Hampton Inn (828) 432-2000, Quality Inn (828) 437-0171, Comfort Inn (828) 430-4000, & Others within 5 miles. Visit Asheville, Boone, Blowing Rock, or Morganton and then attend the party on Sunday. Seats will be filled in the order your requests are received. Once our number of seats have been filled, we will cut off our sales and return any checks over our limit. Nominated three times for a Cammy Award for “Best Shag Club Party”. This year we will provide reserved seating for any group of 18 people or larger on a first come first serve basis. The names must be sent with all requested info and the registrations of all in the group must be paid to qualify. Absolutely NO PERSONAL ALCOHOL PERMITTED INSIDE OR CONSUMED OUTSIDE! 19 Let’s Boogie Woogie! JUNIOR SHAG LESSONS at Lynn’s Dance Club 4819 S. Tyron Street, Charlotte, NC Sponsored by the Charlotte Shag Club FREE Junior Shag Dance Lessons on Thursday’s with Ashley & Tobitha Stewart Class Times: Beginner Class from 5:45pm to 6:15pm Intermediate/Advance Class from 6:15pm to 6:50pm June 2nd June 16th July - No Class - Summer Break August - No Class - Summer Break September 1st September 15th October 6th October 20th November 3rd November 17th December - No Class - Holiday Break January 7th January 21st February 4th February 18th March 3rd March 17th March 31st April &7th May 5th May 19th Charlotte Area Junior Shaggers Visit our Facebook Page to find out what is happening each week! 20 Advertiser: Repeat Advertiser New Advertiser Business Name_____________________________________________ Date Order Placed:_______________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________ Fax Number:________________________________ Ordered by:____________________________________ Email:_____________________________________ Authorized Signature S.O.S. CAREFREE TIMES S.O.S. CAREFREE TIMES Spring Safari & Fall Migration 1/8 page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 4.75 W 2.5 H 5 W x 5.5 H 10 W x 5.5 H or vertical 5 W x 11 H Full Page 10 W x 11 H MAIL OUT ISSUES $50.00 $120.00 $240.00 $240.00 $480.00 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 4.75 W x 2.5 H 3.75 W x 4.75 H 7.5 W x 4.75 H or vertical 3.75 W x 9.5 H Full Page 7.5 W x 9.5 H DEADLINES FOR SOS HAND OUTS Issue: Spring Safari 2016...Deadline: March 10, 2016 Distribution: April 13, 2016 Issue: Fall Migration 2016...Deadline: August 16, 2016 Distribution: September 13, 2016 Issue: Spring Safari 2017...Deadline March 1, 2017 Distribution: April 19, 2017 $50.00 $120.00 $240.00 $240.00 $480.00 DEADLINES FOR SOS MAIL OUTS Issue: Summer 2016...Deadline: June 10, 2016 Distribution: July 1, 2016 Issue: Winter 2016...Deadline: October 30, 2016 Distribution: December 1, 2016 Issue: Summer 2017.....Deadline: June 1, 2017 Distribution: July 1, 2017 Please remember that this will be a Full Color NEWSPRINT Publication. We must have Color pictures, color logos, and what text information you would like in your ad, or if you prefer to furnish your camera ready artwork, it must be at least 266 dpi (resolution). Files sent via internet MUST be sent as JPG files or PDF files to janharrold1@sc.rr.com, PLEASE SEND ALL YOUR AD COPY INFORMATION COMPLETED ADVERTISING FORM AND PAYMENT TO JANET HARROLD BEFORE DEADLINE IN ORDER FOR YOUR ADVERTISEMENT TO BE PLACED. CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SOCIETY OF STRANDERS, INC. MAIL TO: JAN HARROLD ADVERTISING, PO BOX 3303, N. MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29582 PHONE: 843.222.3276 janharrold1@sc.rr.com 21 22 23 24 To View Shag Events on our website, go to: http://shagdance.com/clubparties.htm A Proud Member of: 25 *Cost is $50.00 a year for business card sized ad published monthly. *Ad to be published monthly in newsletter and on website. *Distributed monthly to membership and other shag clubs in South Carolina and North Carolina. Please complete the form below and attach a clear copy of your Business card. Name: _____________________________ Phone:______________________ Company Name:_______________________ E-mail:______________________ 26 2016 Club Officers and Committees President Dean Baker 803.230.1605 jdbaker1218@gmail.com Vice President Ronnie Jackson 803-366-9010 ronjack1@comporium.net Secretary Terry Branch tbranch1960@gmail.com Treasurer Debbie Brown shagdeb@comporium.net Sergeant Of Arms Marty McCauley Governor’s Board Phil Long Jesse Boatwright Tommy Davis Social Committee Chairperson Debra Ledford debra0249@outlook.com Social Committee; Debbie (David) Brown Dennis Brown Connie Eubanks Lauren McCauley Jim Mroz Judy Prather Judy Baker Amy Elkins Jimmy Eubanks Barbara (BB) Morrison Kathy Mroz Harriet Price Telephone Committee Chairperson: Charlotte Curtis 27 5th Saturday Party Chairperson Max Phillips 803.366.1595 thephillips1@comporium.net News Letter Kaye Craig-Hughes khughs@comporium.net Webmaster Gail Davis 803-329-2421 Winter Beach Blast Debbie Brown shagdeb@comporium.net New Members Maria and Steve Williams 803-684-4721 smwilliams05@bellsouth.net Club DJ Frank Price 803-328-1683 frankshagmusic@yahoo.com Club Photographer Judy Baker 704-913-2911 judybaker713@yahoo.com Ways and Means Chairperson Tommy Davis 803-329-2421 Ways and Means Committee Members Tommy and Gail Davis Candy Long Terry Branch Frank and Harriet Price Max and Pansy Phillips Ducky Moore Brenda Jackson Float Committee Chairperson Dennis Brown dennisrhasc@gmail.com Facebook Candy Long 28
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