October - Society of Brunswick Shaggers


October - Society of Brunswick Shaggers
The Official Newsletter of the Society of Brunswick Shaggers
PO BOX 274, Oak Island, NC 28465
Visit our website at: http://www.societyofbrunswickshaggers.com
“LIKE” us on FACEBOOK at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/115766191843385/
The Beach Beat!
Message from our President…
Board Meeting Minutes
Uplink Information Letter
Uplink Solicitation Letter
Uplink Poster
Welcome new SOBS & Guests
Visiting DJs Info
October Birthdays
Meet Some of our Members
Dance / Party Schedule
2015 Fall SOS Workshop
SOS - “Free Pour” Pictures
SOBS Membership Form
Fall is finally here and hopefully cooler weather! With cooler weather comes our major
fundraiser for the year – Operation Uplink Auction and Raffle on October 24. Look for
information from Katy and Mary Ann in this newsletter. We need help from everyone to make
it a success. This time of year seems to pick up speed as the holidays approach. Make room
in your calendar to come to our shag functions. See the dance/party schedule on page 9.
I’d like to thank the members who helped teach shag lessons this year at our dances (John &
Katy, Chuck & Sandy, Kim & Mamie, Ben & Troye). With our schedule for the remainder of the
year we will not be having any more shag lessons until 2016. The club membership
supported the lessons by having large attendance at the lessons. Hopefully this will be a
tradition that will continue. I would also like to thank those members who have helped teach
line dances at our other dances (Pam D., Judy K., Joan S., Mamie B., and Diani J). Both lessons
seem to be a big hit.
SOS Fall Migration was a big event and many of our members took part in the camaraderie
and fun. We had a large turnout at our Free Pour at the OD Pavilion. Thanks to John Hutton
for planning and carrying out the event. It was great to see some members who haven’t been
able to join us as much as others. We also sold all 70 SOS cards that we were asked to sell. I
have already received our new SOS cards and they will be for sale very soon. For those early
shoppers, an SOS card makes a great Stocking Stuffer!
As a part of our membership in the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC), our club must
attend three required meetings each year (winter, summer, and fall). At this meeting
decisions are made concerning the ACSC as well as SOS. If we attend all three meetings, we
are reimbursed $400 to cover some of the expenses related to attendance. I am proud to
announce that we met the requirements and the money will be deposited soon. Notes from
this meeting are elsewhere in this newsletter. Minutes and other pertinent information about
ACSC and SOS organizations can be found on their website at: www.shagdance.com.
Keep shagging!
Ellen Wester, President
Wear your SOBS club name
badge at our dances and
events! If you took yours
home and keep forgetting
to bring it, leave it with the
door greeters as we bring
them to each dance!
We have 178 members who
want to know who you are!
2015 Society of Brunswick Shaggers Board Members...
Ellen Wester, President
Bahre Willis, Vice President
Pam Bacon, Secretary
Diani Johnson, Treasurer
Chuck Boney, Membership
Joe Malinowski, Publicity & Newsletter
Robert Carter, Immediate Past President
October 2015
The Beach Beat!
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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - September 2, 2015...
Present: Ellen Wester, President; Bahre Willis, Vice President; Diani Johnson, Treasurer; Pam Bacon, Secretary;
Joe Malinowski, Newsletter
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 PM by Ellen.
Secretary‘s Report: A motion to accept the Secretary’s Report of August 5th was made, seconded and approved by
the Committee members in attendance.
Treasurer: Diani gave the Treasurers report from August 5th; the bank balance is $3,621.80 and $250.00 in the cash
boxes. Motion was made to accept August report and approved.
Old Business: The August 14th dance at the VFW had good attendance with potluck snacks and no complaints.
August 28th dance was at the Moose Lodge. The room was clean and setup and the air conditioning had been on.
The bar menu and condiments were much better. Bahre and Ellen had discussed the condition of the dance hall with
Moose Lodge management the week before. It was a better dance!
New Business: September 11th dance will be at the VFW. Eddie Baker will be the DJ and we will have finger foods.
Dennis and Elaine Faver will work the door. The theme will be Patriotic since it will be held on September 11 th. Joan
Slowik will teach the “Downton Funk” line dance.
September 25th dance will be at the Moose Lodge and Robert Carter will be the DJ. There will be food available from
the bar menu.
Bill and Cathy Bauernschub will work the door. Shag Dance instruction will be given by John Hutton
& Katy O’Neill on the “crossover rotation” move.
Committee Reports: Joe said that everything is going great with the newsletter. ACSC workshop will be September
26th at the OD Resort at 10:00 AM. Ellen will be attending this meeting.
Our club sold 65 SOS cards; Ellen will be mailing back what was leftover tomorrow.
A motion was made to sponsor a hole for the Coastal Shag club golf tournament. Motion was passed.
There was discussion whether we would nominate a shag Icon this year. Joe Malinowski will lead the effort and will
discuss further at our next meeting.
Mamie had asked Ellen about the club’s grill that has been stored at her house. We discussed what to do with it and
it was decided to make a flyer to be at the dances to see if anyone in the club would like to purchase it at the price
of $50.00 OBO.
The next board meeting will be held on October 7th at 6:00 PM at the home of Diani Johnson, 2958 Legends Drive,
St. James. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Minutes Submitted by:
Pam Bacon, Secretary
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“Operation Uplink” on Saturday, October 24, 2015...
Greetings Fellow SOBS,
It is with great excitement that we begin the preparations for our “Operation Uplink” event to be held on Saturday,
October 24, 2015, Moose Lodge. This annual event includes a dance with legendary DJ John “Fessa” Hook, a Silent
auction and a multi-item raffle. Dinner and a full cash bar will be available at the Moose Lodge.
All profits from
the event will be donated to the VFW’s Operation Uplink, providing free call days and Internet time to service men
and women across the globe. Hospitalized heroes here at home also benefit from the project. Over the past 11
years the Society of Brunswick Shaggers has donated over $20,000 to this worthy cause. Use this link for additional
information: uplink@vfw.org or call (816) 968-1155
We, your Auction Co-Chairpersons, are inviting you to contribute to the effort.
Please consider soliciting items for
our auction and raffle. Your community businesses and friends will only know of our event if you help spread the
word. A restaurant which you frequent may be interested in donating a gift certificate; a store where you regularly
shop may donate an item or a gift card. A letter to introduce our event is being provided to you to print out and
take to your friends in the community. It provides a place for you to document the donation in order to properly
thank our business community members after the event. It also provides a receipt to the donor. You, yourself may
be interested in donating your own handiwork, whether it is a quilt, woodwork, artwork, jewelry item or pottery
piece. Please, only new, unused items. Feel free to purchase items to donate. This is yet another way you can
This year we will not be mailing out tickets for you to presell, but we will print out tickets which you may pick up at
the door at any of the dances. You may sell these or purchase them yourself prior to the event. The ticket stub will
be used for door prize drawings.
In order to plan for space and maintain organization we are asking you to get items to us as soon as possible. We
will accept items until noon on the day of event, but we would prefer to have them in hand by our October 9 th dance
at the VFW. Here are several delivery options: you may bring items to any of the dances before October 24 th, you
may drop off items at South Brunswick High School for Katy O’Neill, or call Mary Ann or Katy at the numbers
provided and make arrangements to drop off at our homes. If you will be bringing a large item to the event (grill,
furniture, gardening table, etc.), please assure that one of us is informed! We don’t want to run out of space!
Thanks for your support of this great event. Don’t hesitate to call either of us.
Katy O’Neill: (910) 201-9993
Mary Ann Gregory: (704) 819-1703
Society of Brunswick Shaggers - PO Box 274 - Oak Island, NC 28465
Dear Community Member,
On Saturday, October 24, 2015, the Society of Brunswick Shaggers will hold the 12th annual “Operation Uplink”
fundraiser at the Moose Lodge on Long Beach Rd, Oak Island. Our organization has donated over $20,000 through
the local VFW to provide US Service men and women with free call days and Internet connections. Our event will
include a dance with DJ John “Fessa” Hook, a Silent Auction, raffles, a 50/50 drawing and door prizes.
Would your organization or business be willing to support our event through the donation of items suitable for any
of these categories? Examples of items donated in years past include gift cards, an airplane ride, ceramics, a grill,
jewelry, tote bags, coozies and services from area restaurants. If you prefer, we can accept monetary donations from
your business. Your name will be entered into the door prize drawing and your company’s name will be prominently
featured on our Wall of Fame at the event.
The lower portion of this letter will serve as your receipt for your donation. If you need additional information about
your donation please contact the Auction Co-Chairpersons at the numbers listed below.
Thank you,
Ellen Wester, SOBS President
SOBS Club Member: ______________________________________________________________
Business or Individual:
Item (s)/amount donated: _________________________________________________________
Thank you for your donation of _______________________________________________to the Society of Brunswick
Shaggers. Your donation will be used for the Operation Uplink auction, raffles or door prize giveaway. Operation
Uplink provides free call days and internet services to US service men and women both deployed and hospitalized
here at home. For more information use this link: uplink@vfw.org or call (816) 968-1155. We will look forward to
adding your company’s name to our Wall of Fame at the event on Saturday, October 24, 2015.
Operation Uplink Auction Co- Chairs:
Mary Ann Gregory (704-819-1703)
Katy O’Neill (910-201-9993)
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12th Annual Beach Music Dance
& Charity Fundraiser
Saturday, October 24, 2015
In the Ballroom of the Moose Lodge Family Center
Long Beach Road – Oak Island, NC
6-10 pm Open to the Public
Door Prizes 50/50 Drawings Silent Auction Raffles
Music by Legendary DJ ‘Fessa’ John Hook
Shag Dancing!
$5 Donation – All Profits Donated to Charity
VFW Operation Uplink (Providing Free Phone Cards to Military Personnel)
Moose Lodge Feed the Veterans
Sponsored by the Society of Brunswick Shaggers
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More Opportunities to Learn or Sharpen up your Shag Steps...
Sam and Lisa have won to many national dance titles to list.
Please check out their website at: www.SamAndLisa.com
2075 Providence Church Rd., Salisbury, N. C. 28146
6:00 PM - 1ST Workshop, Sam and Lisa will be teaching the basic for beginners and us who can't remember.
7:00 PM - 2ND workshop is for everyone and they will be teaching an easy fun step.
The Salisbury Shag Club wants to make these workshops available to everyone and is helping cover the cost.
8:00 PM DJ SAM WEST will be playing your favorite tunes and entertaining us for the rest of the night.
WELCOME to our New Members & Guests...
Our September 11th SOBS dance was held at the Oak Island VFW. We also had for the first time DJ Eddie Baker who
kept the dance floor full as we had a nice crowd of 57 SOBS in attendance, 3 members of Coastal Shag Club and 4
guests. Also, a big WELCOME to our newest SOB, Jean Yates! It looks like the end of Summer is starting to bring back
our club members who have been busy with traveling and enjoying family. “Thanks” again to Joan Slowik for teaching
again the “Downtown Funk’” line dance! Also, a big thanks to the members who brought their “potluck” to share… outstanding as usual!
Our September 25th dance was held at the Oak Island Moose Lodge with our very own DJ Robert Carter. We had 37
SOBS and 5 guests. Attendance was low, but we were also competing with the final days of SOS! Thanks to John
Hutton & Katy O’Neill for a great “crossover rotation” shag dance lesson!
Well, it’s Fall now and still many
opportunities to shag! So come on out and enjoy our dances and let’s “wear out those WEEJUNS!”
September 11 - GUESTS:
September 25 - GUESTS:
Nancy Janquetz
Ray Carroll
Rob & Leslie Spearman
Paul & Joanne Pollock
Ray Carroll
Mike & Deb Tous
Tom & Linda Romero
Wayne Holden
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October DJ Information...
Fellow SOBS,
It’s fall now and where has the year gone? I hope that those of you who attended enjoyed
SOS and our club “Freepour” at the Ocean Drive Pavilion. There was great dancing and a
good time.
The DJs that we have for the remainder of the year are some of the best DJs in
today’s Beach Music. Spinning the discs for our dances this month are:
Betty Brown, Friday, October 9th at the VFW
“Fessa” John Hook at the Moose Lodge, Saturday, October 24th
Betty Brown will be playing for us at the VFW. She has been playing music for 30+years.
She and her husband “Tug” live in Charleston, SC. “Tug” is an artist and a member of the
Courtyard Gallery in downtown Charleston. They have a black lab and are renovating an
old house west of the Ashley River in the Charleston area. Betty has played all over the
Southeast and in Virginia. She is also a regular at SOS at the OD Beach Club. She and her
husband enjoy being a part of the Shag Community.
“Fessa” John Hook will again be Master of Ceremonies at our Saturday, October 24th Project
Uplink Benefit at the Moose. ”Fessa” is one of 3 legendary DJs of Beach Music: he, Charlie
Brown and Ted Bell of radio station 94.9. John has been involved in Beach Music since the
early 1970’s. He is the author of Shagging in the Carolinas which chronicles the history of
Shag dancing and beach music. His latest publication is the 2 volume set Beach Music Guide,
1945-2006 which contains extensive information on Beach Music artists and entries of over
26,000 beach music songs. He now syndicates three radio shows weekly on 25+ radio stations across the United States including 94.1FM from Wilmington. John has been affiliated
with numerous radio stations through the years in various capacities. His thorough
knowledge of beach music has rightly earned him his nickname of “Fessa.” His continued presence at our Operation
Uplink Benefit should make this an event to be remembered.
There will be lots of opportunities to support Operation Uplink. There will be 3 DJs each offering a 4 hour party.
These are always excellent opportunities to have a good time.
Other great auction items are the two opportunities
to go flying. Katy and I have been more them once and thoroughly enjoyed it. So, look for that and so many other
great things and bid on them to raise money to support our veterans. We hope to see you all on the dance floor.
John Hutton, DJ Selection
October Birthdays...
5th… Henry Webster
19th… Peggy Procacci
24th… Terry Ramos
14th… Bruce Bauer
20th… Gayle Kutyla
26th… Sandy Haynes
15th… Betty Lewis
22nd… Bahre Willis
26th… John Zurawski
15th… Vann Pennell
23rd… John Swanko
28th… Judy Koehly
16th… Jerry DeMeyer
24th… Marilyn Barstow
17th… Jeanne Zurawski
24th… Evelyn Buffkin
… Chris Kenny
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Meet Some of Our Members…
Dennis & Elaine Faver…
have been married 34 years
and have one son Derek who is living in Raleigh. Close
enough to visit when Mom wants, but far enough away to not
be a nuisance.
Where are you from?: Dennis is a native West Texan and
Lainey (Elaine) is from Newark, Ohio. We met in Virginia at a
promotion party for several of Dennis' Army buddies. After
several "serious" discussions about where to retire, we finally
agreed on this area. We also had some long time friends who
had moved here previously and recommended the area. After
a couple of visits, we knew we were home.
What’s your background, work experience, etc.: Lainey spent several years as a Dental Assistant and when Derek
came along, became a stay at home Mom. Dennis spent 30 years (almost a career) in the United States Army. His
retirement gig is teaching others how to fly at our local airport. More of a hobby that provides him beer and gas
money for the old pickup.
What are your hobbies? Lainey is a voracious reader who loves to dance, going to the beach and plays a little golf
with her friends. Dennis enjoys flying (mostly air-camping with Derek), is restoring his first car, a '63 Impala, model
railroading, a little bit of golf with his friends and of course shagging with Lainey.
How long have you been shag dancing? Since 2007.
How & where did you learn to shag? Still learning, but we took our first lessons from Katy and John in 2007 at
Chasers (on the beach) and have been taking lessons from them and Chuck and Sandy ever since.
What do you like about shag dancing? Mostly having a good time with the friends we've made. Love the traditions
and living so close to the beginning of it all (OD Pavilion).
How long have you been a SOBS and what positions have you held? Members since 2007 and we have volunteered
to do 50/50 sales and door greeters at our dances.
What are your hopes for the club? We like it just the way it is. We're looking forward to more trips with the club
(Columbia, SC).
From our Friends at Coastal Shag Club...
This month is our “Spooktacular Shag Dance & Costume Party on Saturday, October 17, at the Moose
Lodge, 253 Holden Beach Road, Shallotte, NC. Cost is $5/CSC members and members of other Shag
Clubs, $8/all other guests. Time: 7:00 to 10:30 PM, with DJ Jimmy “Two Wraps” Bruno. Free Basic
Shag lesson or line dance lesson begins at 6:30 PM. Come learn to shag and stay to dance all evening. Fantastic, large, wooden dance floor; 50/50; cash bar; bring a snack or dessert to share to go
along with our Summer cook-out (hamburgers, hotdogs, and buns provided), and non-smoking
dance room. We're located just 20 minutes north of Ocean Drive and Main Street. Come join Brunswick County's friendliest shag club! Visit their website at: www.coastalshagclub.org
Questions, email Pat Boyd at coastalshagclub@coastalshagclub.org
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2015 Dance & Party Schedule (Subject to Change!)...
The Society of Brunswick Shaggers is a proud member of The Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC) and SOS (Society of Stranders).
The SOS Website can be found at: www.shagdance.com
Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC) 2015 Fall SOS Workshop...
Attended by Ellen Wester… On September 26, 2015, the meeting was called to order by
Ken Akin, president of ACSC. He introduced the board members of ACSC and SOS. The minutes
from the Summer Workshop meeting were approved as presented. Ken announced that a gift
was included in each club’s package from the SOS Store – a SOS notepad. Allen Henry gave the
treasurer’s reports which were approved. He also said that checks for attending the meetings
were in our packages. Ken announced that John Gilstrap was added to the SOS Charitable
Foundation Board.
A struggling club who did not attend all meetings last year asked to be forgiven now that they
have a current president and have restructured the club. A motion was made to forgive the
club since most clubs have had similar problems at one time or another. The motion passed. The SAMCO shag club
who asked to join the ACSC at the Summer Workshop made a presentation to the group indicating what they have
done in the past few years. They have given over $20,000 to various charities and have several merchant sponsors
for their club. Another club visited the SAMCO club and found them to be worthy of membership. A written vote was
taken and the club has been admitted to the ACSC.
The Shoe Center has graciously given a limited edition print to each club to be used as a fundraiser or as they desire.
Prints will be given out at the end of the meeting. One Shag Icon who could not be in attendance at the Summer
Workshop was recognized. A reminder was given to the clubs that nominations for Shag Icons are due on November
1, 2015. Ken also thanked the Association of DJs for their support at all events.
At the Winter Workshop two board positions will be open; Don David and Doris Keaton will be coming off the board.
Anyone interested in the positions should notify Ken. Also during the Winter Workshop District B clubs can petition to
host the Summer Workshop in 2018. The vote will take place at the Summer Workshop 2016.
Robin Morley, ACSC Vice-President, announced that the Winter Workshop flyer will be sent out soon. A special room
rate is available at the OD Resort for the weekend. She reminded all presidents to forward her monthly notes to all
officers. She also asked that presidents give information to any upcoming presidents for next year. All shag clubs are
asked to keep information current on www.shagdance.com.
Helen Still, SOS chairperson, thanked all clubs for support of SOS and the Enhancement Committee. Fun Monday
awards and money were given out by Rosemary Parten, Enhancement chairperson. Ron Whisenant, President of SOS,
announced SOS card sales – 4337 cards sold by clubs, 6033 cards sold on the street, and 551 cards sold via internet.
He announced a record attendance at mid-winter and spring this year and anticipated a record fall attendance. He
announced that clubs received their 2016 SOS cards today.
October 2015
The Beach Beat!
Pictures from 09/19/15 SOS “Free Pour” @ O.D. Pavilion...
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October 2015
The Beach Beat!
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More Pictures from 09/19/15 SOS “Free Pour” @ O.D. Pavilion...
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More Pictures from 09/19/15 SOS “Free Pour” @ O.D. Pavilion...
October 2015
The Beach Beat!
SOBS Membership Application Form (PLEASE PRINT!)…
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