August - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
August - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
ISSUE 112 kch August 2016 Dean Baker President of the Rock Hill Area Shag Club Hello Fellow RHASC Members, I hope everyone is able to stay cool! What a hot summer we are experiencing right now! I hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer so far. It’s hard to believe that SOS is coming up in just over a month. Our party in July was so much fun. We had a little over 100 people there. A great turnout considering that we are in the middle of the summer with folks taking vacations. Steve Coley played some awesome music and the dance floor was kept busy all night. Debra and the social committee did a bang up job with the food and decorations. She brought some local BBQ that was out of this world! I want to remind everyone that you need to start thinking about your nominations for officers next year. Please let your nominating committee know of your suggestions. We also have the nominations for the Wall of Fame coming up. The deadline for these nominations is the first of October. Please take time to make suggestions for your nominations. This is a great way to recognize those folks in our club who step up and make our club the great club that it is. It is such a great honor to be chosen to represent our club on the wall. 1 Norman Mills will be our DJ for the August party. I don’t know Norman, so I am looking forward to hearing him play for us. The party will be on August 20th. We plan to have a business meeting prior to the party beginning at 7:00 and the party will get started at 8:00. The theme this month is Disco Night. Hamburgers and fixings are planned for the menu. Hope to see you all there. As always I would like to encourage you to come to our Friday night Meet and Greet sessions. We always have such a good time on Friday nights, you don’t want to miss out. Ronnie now has Fun Monday tickets for sale. I would encourage as many of you as possible to get some tickets from Ronnie to sell to friends and family. The grand prize drawing is for $7500.00. The money raised from these ticket sales help pay for the bands at Fun Sunday and Fun Monday at Fall Migration in September. The additional funds are donated to charities supported by SOS. Ronnie still has SOS cards for sale as well. I look forward to seeing all of you at our club events. I encourage each of you to visit our web site at Take a look at the calendar to keep up with upcoming events. You can also access the newsletters, party pictures, and also learn more about our club. See you on the dance floor! Dean Baker The first Saturday Night Live appeared in 1975 2 From the Social Committee August, 2016 Newsletter Our July party, celebrating our country’s birthday, was a great one – great BBQ and all the fixings. A great big thank you to Steve Coley for providing some great music and keeping the dance floor hopping. Thanks to Social Committee members for providing some great desserts. And a great big ‘thank you’ to all those who attended to make the party a huge success! Now on to August and the activities we have going on: August 5, 2016 - Friday night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Dennis Hydrick. August 12, 2016 – Friday Night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Dean Baker. August 19, 2016 – NO Friday night Meet and Greet – club party on Saturday. August 20, 2016 - Our Monthly Party! 70’s Party – Disco Night. DJ for the night will be Norman Mills. August 26, 2016 – Friday night Meet and Greet. Line dance lesson will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Frank Price. September 2, 2016 – No meet and greet – Labor Day weekend. Let’s meet on the dance floor and party till the lights go out!!!!! Sincerely, Debra Ledford Social Committee Chair 3 FALL MIGRATION SEPTEMBER 16 – 25. 2016 Hello all – here is a reminder that Fall Migration SOS is just around the corner. The Rock Hill Area Shag Club will be having their annual Beach Party on Friday, September 23rd – weather permitting. Remember this is a club event and we will be providing cold adult beverages and snacks for all who come out to party with our club on the beach. We will need assistance in putting up and taking down the tents, tables, etc. Also we are asking for donations to pull this annual party off – we are looking for the following items: Beer (15 cases) Bottled water (5 cases) Sodas (5 cases) Mixed Liquor Drinks (25 Gallons - Possibly 5 gallon per donation)(Sex on the beach, margaritas, etc.) Please bring all donated beer, soda, and water to the beach already in coolers iced down and ready to serve. I will also be accepting money donations for those that can’t bring it to the beach themselves. The club will provide the snacks. I will have a sign-up sheet at the August Party but you are welcome to send me an email ( or text (803-3224130) or let me know in person at the party or one of the Friday Night Meet and Greets between now and SOS time. Thanks, Debra Ledford, Social Chairperson RHASC 4 Happy Anniversary Wishes… Linda Westerman and Jack Heustess 1 Deborah and James Hall 3 Harriet and Frank Price 8 Terry and Dillon Kimbrell 10 Maxine and Johnson Murdock 16 Polly and Dennis Hydrick 17 Darnelle and Jack Sweatt 19 Debbie and David Brown 25 Julia and Bill Davidson 27 Di and Steve Thomas 29 Do you remember… The women’s lib movement...the oil crisis...waiting in line for gas...swag lamps...bean bag chairs...giant console TVs...lava lamps...clogs...mood rocks...water beds...happy faces...Love Story...the Exorcist...polyester leisure suits...big skirts...bell bottoms...Tiger Beat...David Cassidy...Bobby Sherman and Candys? 6 Ron Whisenant 18 Sharon Godfrey 23 Steve Williams 23 Dillion Kimbrell 24 Candace Ellis 28 Beth Howell 28 Ducky Moore 28 Allison Paul 29 Joe Sherer 29 Pati Crump 4 Pete Hinson 5 Chris Stevenson 6 Keith Auten 7 Danny Long 7 Jimmy Eubanks 8 Wesley Hoover 8 Marielle Hinson 9 Rich Harmon 12 Jack Heustess 2 Jillian Leazer 2 Lisa Galloway 3 Debra Ledford 3 Terry Kimbrell 4 Larry Snipes 4 Sandi Auten 8 Patricia Bickenbach 8 Tracy Rush 9 David Spainhour 9 Tommy Crowe 10 Dennis Hinson 10 Jim Balik 12 Neil Godfrey 12 Teri Kindle 12 Kathy Mroz 14 Jackie Anderson 15 Phillip Lewis 15 Barbara Morrison 18 Marita Copeland 20 Clyde Herron 23 Maria Williams 24 Brett Taylor 26 Charles Curtis 28 Steve Hovis 29 7 So many of us grew up and came of age during the 70s. It was a time of turmoil, war, free love, and exploration. This was a time when the sweet innocence of previous decades began to change and technology began to revolutionize our way of life. Let’s take a look at some of the changes which occurred in the 70s. 1970 First Earth day Birthday was celebrated The EPA was created The World Trade Center was completed Apollo 13 mission had to be aborted Floppy discs were invented 1971 NASA and the Soviets sent probes to Mars Cigarette ads were banned from TV The first cell phone battery was invented by Samuel Lee Gravely School House Rock airs on TV The voting age was lowered to 18 1972 HBO was launched on TV First video game, Pong, was released EPA bans the use of DDT Email was invented Nike running shoes hit the market 1973 UPC bar codes were introduced in grocery stores The Sears tower in Chicago was completed Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs Nixon released the Watergate tapes Vietnam War ended 1974 Nixon resigns...Ford pardons Nixon Heimlich maneuver developed The first pocket calculators became widely used Hank Aaron beat Babe Ruth’s home run record 1975 Disposable razors were introduced Jimmy Hoffa disappears Microsoft was founded Construction began on the Alaska Pipeline 1976 Apple Computer was launched CB radio usage peaks The first Ebola outbreak began in Africa USA celebrated the bicentennial, it’s 200th birthday 1977 the first MRI is used The Alaskan Pipeline was completed New York City experienced a 25 hour blackout 1978 Ultrasound was first used The first test tube baby took place The Jonestown Massacre occurred 1979 Sony Walkman was introduced ESPN began broadcasting Susan B. Anthony dollars went into circulation Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize 5 48 9 10 Celebrating the independence of our nation! 11 Rock Hill Area Shag Club Wear your 70’s Outfit August Party Saturday August 20, 2016 7pm – Meeting; 8pm – Dinner/Dancing Hamburgers and all the Fixings Members - $3; Guests - $5 412 Sandy Beach Shag Club Presents Sandkicker Megafest VI Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Dirty Dozen DJs Sunday, 9/4/16 3:30 – 11:00 PM The Elks Lodge 500 Golf Course Rd Morganton, NC 28655 Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Cash Bar Only. Beer, Mixed Drinks & Wine at very reasonable prices! (For more details contact John Carpenter (803-760-2947) Email: Your Registration covers: Music by 12 great DJ’s Free Line Dance Class Catered Dinner ( 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM) Snacks Provided Free Shooters! Times ~ TBA Non Smoking Event Large Oak Dance Floor : 30x40 (1200 Sq. Feet) Half & Half Drawing,Chinese Auction Theme Baskets and Shag Bingo For Prizes. Registration for this event includes an Associate membership to SBSC for all those currently not members. Registration is $25.00/Person $30 after August 8th, 2016. No registrations will be available at the door. Please fill out this information for all participants, on a separate sheet if needed. Your registration is nonrefundable, but may be transferred to another person provided all information is mailed and received by us at least one week prior to the event so we will have it at the door. Name: # of Registrants (your name(s) will be at door) Address: City State Zip Email: Phone# Please complete for each registrant! Primary Shag Club Affiliation: If none, please indicate none. Please check if you would like to receive a copy of the SBSC newsletter. Must have a legible email for the newsletter. Associate members may attend SBSC General Membership meetings but have no vote. (Checks Payable to: Sandy Beach Shag Club) (All registrants will receive a wristband at the door.) Please mail application/registration(s) for each attendee and payment to: Attn: John Carpenter, 100 Smith Street, Morganton NC 28655 Area Hotels: Hampton Inn (828) 432-2000, Quality Inn (828) 437-0171, Comfort Inn (828) 430-4000, & Others within 5 miles. Visit Asheville, Boone, Blowing Rock, or Morganton and then attend the party on Sunday. Seats will be filled in the order your requests are received. Once our number of seats have been filled, we will cut off our sales and return any checks over our limit. Nominated three times for a Cammy Award for “Best Shag Club Party”. This year we will provide reserved seating for any group of 18 people or larger on a first come first serve basis. The names must be sent with all requested info and the registrations of all in the group must be paid to qualify. Absolutely NO PERSONAL ALCOHOL PERMITTED INSIDE OR CONSUMED OUTSIDE! 13 Let’s Boogie Woogie! JUNIOR SHAG LESSONS at Lynn’s Dance Club 4819 S. Tyron Street, Charlotte, NC Sponsored by the Charlotte Shag Club FREE Junior Shag Dance Lessons on Thursday’s with Ashley & Tobitha Stewart Class Times: Beginner Class from 5:45pm to 6:15pm Intermediate/Advance Class from 6:15pm to 6:50pm June 2nd June 16th July - No Class - Summer Break August - No Class - Summer Break September 1st September 15th October 6th October 20th November 3rd November 17th December - No Class - Holiday Break January 7th January 21st February 4th February 18th March 3rd March 17th March 31st April &7th May 5th May 19th Charlotte Area Junior Shaggers Visit our Facebook Page to find out what is happening each week! 14 Advertiser: Repeat Advertiser New Advertiser Business Name_____________________________________________ Date Order Placed:_______________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________ Fax Number:________________________________ Ordered by:____________________________________ Email:_____________________________________ Authorized Signature S.O.S. CAREFREE TIMES S.O.S. CAREFREE TIMES Spring Safari & Fall Migration 1/8 page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 4.75 W 2.5 H 5 W x 5.5 H 10 W x 5.5 H or vertical 5 W x 11 H Full Page 10 W x 11 H MAIL OUT ISSUES $50.00 $120.00 $240.00 $240.00 $480.00 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 4.75 W x 2.5 H 3.75 W x 4.75 H 7.5 W x 4.75 H or vertical 3.75 W x 9.5 H Full Page 7.5 W x 9.5 H DEADLINES FOR SOS HAND OUTS Issue: Spring Safari 2016...Deadline: March 10, 2016 Distribution: April 13, 2016 Issue: Fall Migration 2016...Deadline: August 16, 2016 Distribution: September 13, 2016 Issue: Spring Safari 2017...Deadline March 1, 2017 Distribution: April 19, 2017 $50.00 $120.00 $240.00 $240.00 $480.00 DEADLINES FOR SOS MAIL OUTS Issue: Summer 2016...Deadline: June 10, 2016 Distribution: July 1, 2016 Issue: Winter 2016...Deadline: October 30, 2016 Distribution: December 1, 2016 Issue: Summer 2017.....Deadline: June 1, 2017 Distribution: July 1, 2017 Please remember that this will be a Full Color NEWSPRINT Publication. We must have Color pictures, color logos, and what text information you would like in your ad, or if you prefer to furnish your camera ready artwork, it must be at least 266 dpi (resolution). Files sent via internet MUST be sent as JPG files or PDF files to, PLEASE SEND ALL YOUR AD COPY INFORMATION COMPLETED ADVERTISING FORM AND PAYMENT TO JANET HARROLD BEFORE DEADLINE IN ORDER FOR YOUR ADVERTISEMENT TO BE PLACED. CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SOCIETY OF STRANDERS, INC. MAIL TO: JAN HARROLD ADVERTISING, PO BOX 3303, N. MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29582 PHONE: 843.222.3276 15 16 17 18 To View Shag Events on our website, go to: A Proud Member of: 19 *Cost is $50.00 a year for business card sized ad published monthly. *Ad to be published monthly in newsletter and on website. *Distributed monthly to membership and other shag clubs in South Carolina and North Carolina. Please complete the form below and attach a clear copy of your Business card. Name: _____________________________ Phone:______________________ Company Name:_______________________ E-mail:______________________ 20 2016 Club Officers and Committees President Dean Baker 803.230.1605 Vice President Ronnie Jackson 803-366-9010 Secretary Terry Branch Treasurer Debbie Brown Sergeant Of Arms Marty McCauley Governor’s Board Phil Long Jesse Boatwright Tommy Davis Social Committee Chairperson Debra Ledford Social Committee; Debbie (David) Brown Dennis Brown Connie Eubanks Lauren McCauley Jim Mroz Judy Prather Judy Baker Amy Elkins Jimmy Eubanks Barbara (BB) Morrison Kathy Mroz Harriet Price Telephone Committee Chairperson: Charlotte Curtis 21 5th Saturday Party Chairperson Max Phillips 803.366.1595 News Letter Kaye Craig-Hughes Webmaster Gail Davis 803-329-2421 Winter Beach Blast Debbie Brown New Members Maria and Steve Williams 803-684-4721 Club DJ Frank Price 803-328-1683 Club Photographer Judy Baker 704-913-2911 Ways and Means Chairperson Tommy Davis 803-329-2421 Ways and Means Committee Members Tommy and Gail Davis Candy Long Terry Branch Frank and Harriet Price Max and Pansy Phillips Ducky Moore Brenda Jackson Float Committee Chairperson Dennis Brown Facebook Candy Long 22
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