April 2012 - Sandy Beach Shag Club
April 2012 - Sandy Beach Shag Club
Sandkicker The Newsletter of Sandy Beach Shag Club Volume 2, Issue 4 Special points of interest: News at a Glance Adopt a Highway Shag Lessons Keep the Archebal’s in your prayers Inside this issue: Birthdays 2 Committees 2 Party Information 3 and 2012 Dates ACSC Summer Workshop and important Newsletter Info 4 Area Happenings 5 CSRA Party Report 6 Pictures of 2012 CSRA-SBSC Cornhole Tounament SBSC Litter Pick Up Schedule and 7 8 THUS-What it SOS? 9 InformationUnited We Dance 10 April 2012 News At A Glance Important news at a glance– Next party May 12th (Re-up), SOS starts April 20th. Lessons continue on April 5th for Beginners II. Trash Pickup April 7th. Don’t forget the Lead and Follow class on April 5th. SBSC General membership meeting May 3rd to elect new officers and to select our newest Lifetime Member. This may be the last issue of the Sandkicker if no one steps forward to assist in helping take over this responsibility. Adopt a Highway Trash Pickup April 7th 2012 A highway cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 7th, at 9:30 AM! We will meet in the McDonald's parking lot near the ATM machine. Trash bags, safety vests, gloves (cloth and latex), and pickup tools will be provided. It usually takes about an hour and a half to complete the one-mile cleanup. Call 828-310-6099, if you need additional information! We Need Your Help! Rain date is April 14th. Shag Lessons We started new Beginners 2 lessons in March . Additional remaining dates are April 5th, and April 12th. ($20 per person and you must be a member to take these classes.) There is one remaining Lead and Follow class on April 5th at 7:45pm. The cost for L&F is $5 a person. All activities are at the Morganton Elks Lodge. Robin and John hope to have one more Beginners I group class before summertime. This will be announced soon on the website. Please Keep The Arcebal Family In Your Prayers I have received word from Bill Archebal: “Our youngest grandson Joshua who was born June 23, 2010 with down syndrome has recently been diagnosed with PEDRIATIC LEUKEMIA. He is now in the Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles. Please keep him and his parents, Anna & Josepf in your prayers. We know God has a purpose for everything and we can only trust Him.” Sandkicker Page 2 SBSC Birthdays for April 2012 You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. –Ogden Nash Finn Hassing Louise Dockery Kathy Myers Jan Whetstine Dennis Whitener Leslie Harbison (Les) George Schieren Rick Bowman Phyllis Killian Greg Luck Wayne Hefner Faith Kaplan Sandy Culp Joe Davis William Holland (Poncho) Loretta Moses Bill Walton Andrea Taulbee Mildred Byrd Matthew Rudisill Sharon Ingle 4/4 4/6 4/7 4/10 4/12 4/13 4/15 4/18 4/19 4/19 4/21 4/21 4/22 4/22 4/22 4/22 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/28 4/29 For your information, smoking is now banned at all clubs in North Myrtle Beach effective in midMarch. This is wonderful news as we will have a healthier environment in which to dance. I hope you will find this to be great news. Your participation in your Club’s Committees is needed! Social/Planning: Dorothy Barrier Clean-up: James Bentley Adopt-A-Highway: Jim Noggle DJ Committee: Steve Coley Membership: Robin Morley Door: Sam/Annette Smith Food/Hospitality: Shirlene Wike Decorations: Louise Dockery Website: John Carpenter Information/Newsletter: Susan Whisnant/John Carpenter By-Laws: Steve Coley Ticket and SOS Cards: Sanford Clark and Scott Robers Parade/Float : Doris Shelton, Ken McFarland and Robin Little If you haven’t already done so, you can send an email to John Carpenter to select the committee you would like to serve on. It takes a village! Please help us to continue our mission of having one of the best shag clubs anywhere! It is extremely important that our success continues. Please consider a position as an officer, board member, newsletter editor, committee chair or member, in the new year. Our Club year begins May 2012. Leadership is needed for our future success!!! The excitement that you see does not just happen. We make it happen. The more of us that are part of the team, the easier it is to happen. “Ask not what your Shag Club can do for you, but rather what you can do for your Shag Club” Page 3 Volume 2, Issue 3 Party Information All Parties are held at the Morganton Elks Lodge. Members $5 Guests $7 7:30pm until 11:30pm Wonderful Snacks, cash bar, and DJ All in a smoke free environment For more details contact: johnthomas@hotmail.com All members are encouraged to donate a snack. Please bring a serving dish too. Sample items are: peanuts, chips/dip, cookies/brownies, Cheetos, pretzels, pickles/ olives etc. Also, All members are asked to help with the clean-up at the end of the party by putting trash in the correct recycling bins. SBSC Party Dates for 2012 April (no party) May 12th-Gene Hensley June 16th-Tommy Samole July 21st-Buck Crumpton August (no party) September 1st October 13th-Norman Mills November 17th-Roy Childress December 15th-Steve Coley SBSC Deck Party Dates for 2012 May 20, 2012 June 24, 2012 September 30, 2012 October 21, 2012 Page 4 Sandkicker The next ACSC Summer Workshop will be July 13 - 15, 2012 Each July the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs gathers its members for a weekend of information sharing & planning. Much of the work of the ACSC is handled during this working weekend. However, you know what happens when a group of shaggers get together. Someone brings some music. Everyone has their dance shoes. The next thing you know there is a major party going on. Now you have a picture of the Summer Workshop. Lots of shaggers. Lots of work. One massive party. The information below will assist you in making your way to the workshop. July 13 - 15, 2012 ACSC 2012 Summer Workshop Hosted by First Coast Shag Club in Jacksonville, FL Interested in taking over the duties involved with the Newsletter? I have requested help with the newsletter. Unfortunately, no one has shown an interest in helping with this project. This may be the last issue of the Sandkicker if a volunteer does not step forward to help in the transition of taking over this task. I will continue to do the website and put information there. I hope we will not lose this valuable asset to the club. I am willing to teach someone how do this. ——————————————————————————————————— The Sandkicker staff invite you to be a contributor to our Newsletter. If you would like to start a column, or contribute articles to the newsletter, this will would be greatly welcomed. There are many interesting facts in our Shag World that our readers would enjoy. If you have ideas that you think would be good, please let us know what you are thinking. We certainly look forward to hearing from you. Please email John Carpenter Please welcome contributing editor: Gary Barlow who will provide periodic contributions. Volume 2, Issue 3 Page 5 Area Happenings-Check out what is happening around us! Two great websites for Shag Dance Information: www.shagdance.com and www.shagtour.com Next Monthly SBSC Party May 12th, 2012 Our May 12th party features DJ Gene Hensley. See you there!!! www.sandybeachshagclub.com - Boone Shag Club www.booneshagclub.com The Boone Shag Club meets Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the Meadowbrook Inn in Blowing Rock. Lake Hickory Shag Club www.lakehickoryshagclub.com Next party: Saturday, May 19th 7:30-11:30 VFW Hickory DJ Billy Waldrep $5 Members and $7 Guests Brushy Mountain Shag Club: North Wilkesboro, NC www.brushymountainshagclub.com Their next party is April 14th with DJ Steve Coley At the Elks Lodge in N. Wilkesboro from 8pm until 11pm $5 members and $7 guests Page 6 Sandkicker CSRA Party Report On March 16th, 27 members of SBSC traveled to the CSRA Shag Club in Augusta GA. What does CSRA stand for? It stands for the Central Savannah River Area. It encompasses 5 counties in South Carolina and Georgia, with the biggest cities being Aiken, South Carolina and Augusta, Georgia. This is one of the premier parties in our Shag World. Our mark on the world is as fleeting as the tide washed sands. But it sure is fun to make your mark If their feet aren't in the right place, at least their hearts are. Christian M. Chensvold Our own DJ, Steve Coley opened the festivities that were held at the Julian Smith Casino. They partied Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with a fantastic smorgasbord Sunday morning. There was more food than you could imagine. CSRA Shag club really knows how to throw a party. We stayed at the Marriott Courtyard in Augusta, with music already going as we arrived. Rumor is that there was alcohol being served before we arrived, but we got there too late to enjoy that. Once we got to the Julian Smith Casino, we were treated with mixed concoctions call by various names that were delicious. They brought out the “shot carts” but we had our fill of these in the kitchen as one of our good friends, Andy Calhoun, was dispensing these elixirs in the privacy of the kitchen area. It was a BYOB and they provided set-ups, but you really didn’t need you own drinks as there was free beer all weekend and many offerings of their own mixed concoctions. The building is a beautiful old former casino, that is on a beautiful lake that is feed by the stream that goes through Augusta National Golf Course. On Saturday after the dance lessons provided by Ellen Taylor, we had our first ever Corn Hole (Bean Bag Toss) Tournament. I am proud to say that SBSC won the event and gets to hold the trophy until the next tournament, at which time, we hope to defend it. I am going to have some pictures on the next page. I have included a link below that has a number of pictures of the event for you to see. I hope we can do this again next year as everyone that went seems to have a very good time. http://csra.smugmug.com/CLASSIC-PARTIES/CSRA-CLASSIC-23 Some pictures of the CSRA vs. SBSC Cornhole Tournament Page 77 Volume 2, Issue 3 Page 8 SBSC Litter Pick Up Schedule: Here's the schedule thru Dec. 2012. We will meet at 9:30 each Saturday. The alternate pickup schedule, in the event of bad weather, is the following Saturday. We meet in the parking lot near McDonald's restaurant. Trash bags, gloves (cloth & latex), safety vests, and pickup tools are provided. Call Jim Noggle 828-310-6099 if you need more information Saturday, April 7, 2012...Alternate: Sat., April 14 Saturday, June 2, 2012...Alternate: Sat., June 9 Saturday, August 4, 2012...Alternate: Sat., August 11 Saturday, October 6, 2012...Alternate: Sat., October 13 Saturday, December 1, 2012...Alternate: Sat., December 8 Jim Black has a condo available for Spring SOS I have a bed room with 2 queen beds at the Wyndham Ocean Boulevard, 410 South Ocean Blvd. Has washer dryer, internet access, full kitchen plus a lot more on the beach. One of the nicer resorts in North Myrtle, about 2 tenths of a mile from main street, an easy walk. The reservation is from Friday 4/20 to Friday 4/27. $300 for the week if 4 people in room will be $75 per person for the week. Any questions, can call me on cell phone @ 390-0777. Preparations Are Well Underway For Our Float At Spring SOS Under the leadership of Robin Little, and with the help of Marvin Yokum, Gary Barlow, Wayne Harris, Joyce Kincaid, Leah Turner, and James Bentley, the float has taken shape, the theme is set and we are well underway. Although the word is out, I am not going to say too much more here about our theme as I want this to be a relative surprise for the masses. I am excited for our entry into our very first float in the parade. I hope everyone that can make it to the parade on Saturday, April 28th, at 1pm will do so. We need natives and beachcombers to be in advance and to trail the float. This will be a highly important part of our float. Each member will be responsible for putting together their own outfit. We will have a list soon of what you will need to get some we are all on the same page. Contact Robin Little at robin.little@yahoo.com. Volume 2, Issue 3 Page 9 T.H.U.S.– by Gary Barlow I think I attended three memberships meetings in 2011 and only three club dances, reason being Marlene had two knee surgeries and other complications. What few times I was there I was delighted to see and meet a few of the many new members. One of the first questions I asked shag members is “are you going to SOS”? You would be surprised at the numbers of times I get back “what is SOS”? “I can’t shag well enough to go to SOS,” is another response I get. “Where do you stay at SOS”? Well it was the same when we first started shagging. I was aware of the SOS event but there seemed to be an assumption that everybody knew where to go and where to stay. Allow me to possible enlighten new members on this askew thinking. SOS is an acronym for Society of Standers. Standers being people that love to dance the shag to rhythm and blues and beach music, up and down the seaboard. Shagging on the sand is erroneously attributed to SOS, it does have a fun sound but not what SOS stands for. SOS events are held two times each year. The Spring Safari in April and Fall Migration in September. It is ten days of fun, sun and shagging, otherwise known as the largest teenage party for older folks. If you have taken one shag lesson from John and Robin you are SOS ready. Even if you have (as Erin Brockovich puts it) “you have 2 left feet and ugly shoes” SOS welcomes you at Ocean Drive. It is best to buddy up with another couple or two and contact a realtor in N. Myrtle beach you can stay the full 10 days for around $300.00 per couple. Many of our Sandy Beach members stay at the Ocean Bay condo. If you haven’t already gotten a SOS card be sure to get one next year from the club at a discount rate. Pick up a Carefree Times magazine at any of the clubs for it is the bible of activities while at the beach. There are at least six participating dance clubs with 2 or more dance floors so hit’em all. If the crowd or music is not to your taste just revisit for the crowd and DJ’s change every four hours. Also many clubs have their parties on the beach with music and games. If you get a chance, take lessons from Charlie & Jackie, Ellen Taylor, and Sam West. Top named beach bands are found at Fat Harold’s and Spanish Galleon. Oh! Oh! Oh! Did I mention the Sandy Beach Shag Club will have their first float entered this year. Wow! This could be big! Hope to see you at SOS. Dance like there is no tomorrow. United We Dance SANDY BEACH SHAG CLUB Where we party: Morganton Elks Lodge 500 Golf Course Road Morganton, NC Mailing address:100 Smith Street Morganton, NC 28655 Phone: 803 760 2947 E-mail: johnthomas@hotmail.com Find us on www.sandybeachshagclub.com or on Facebook. Just type Sandy Beach Shag Club in the search box. Sandy Beach Shag Club is a non-profit social dance club that promotes the Carolina Shag Dance. Our mission is the bringing together people of like minds with the goal to preserve the Carolina Shag Dance and the music to which we dance. We are members of the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs. For any information, go online to www.sandybeachshagclub.com or contact the President, John Carpenter: johnthomas@hotmail.com President: John Carpenter VP: Shirlene Wike Secretary: Susan Whisnant Treasurers: Marie Young, Scott Rogers, and Leah Turner Members-at-large: Jim Noggle and Dorothy Barrier Former President: Arlene Coley United We Dance
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Sandkicker - Sandy Beach Shag Club
Your participation in your Club’s
Committees is needed!
Social/Planning: Dorothy Barrier
Clean-up: James Bentley
Adopt-A-Highway: Jim Noggle
DJ Committee: Steve Coley
Membership: Robin Morley