Dec - Northern Virginia Shag Club
Dec - Northern Virginia Shag Club
Shag Rag December 2007 Vol. XIIII, No 12 Dedicated to the Preservation of the Carolina Shag and Beach Music PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by David Rodgers Looking back over 2007, it is hard to believe that eleven months have gone by and it’s time for me to write my last President’s message for NVSC members. Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help with any of the NVSC functions and activities during 2007. A club like ours can not continue to function without the support of lots of members who step up willingly to do all the many tasks which need to be done all through the year. My job as NVSC President was made easier because so many of you contributed your time and efforts to make 2007 a great year for NVSC. Congratulations to our newly elected Board of Directors for 2008. I wish the 2008 Board much success in the year ahead. They will need your continued support to keep NVSC running smoothly. I believe the new Board has a healthy mix of former and new Board members who will do a fine job of leading NVSC in 2008. I hope you will give your new Board your support to make 2008 a banner year for NVSC. I want to express my sincere thanks to the other members of the 2007 NVSC Board of Directors, committee chairs & co-chairs, and members of committees for everything they have done during 2007 to support the special events and week-to-week operations of our dance/social club. There are so many things which have been done so well behind the scenes to keep NVSC running smoothly. These people often do not receive official recognition for all their outstanding accomplishments and hard work they do for NVSC. This year I have felt fortunate to work with such a great group of NVSC members who give their best efforts to make NVSC the kind of dance club we all enjoy. On Saturday, December 8th NVSC will have it’s annual Holiday Party from 7:3011:30 PM at the Kingstowne Snyder Community Center. This is usually one of NVSC’s most popular parties of the year and this new attractive facility should make this event one to remember. Our DJ will be John Campbell from Roanoke, Virginia. See the flyer in this Shag Rag for more information. Please bring an unwrapped gift to contribute to “Toys for Tots”. Plan to attend this holiday season party and enjoy the food, fun, and dancing. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor enjoying yourselves in the coming months. December 8 Holiday Party Happy New Year DANCE LESSONS FOR December DANCE LESSONS FOR DECEMBER Intermediate *Dec 5 -- Sugarfoot, Back Prep, Front Prep Dec 12 -- Belly Roll & Pivot into a Belly Roll Dec 19 -- Male Half Turn & Boogie Walk Dec 26 -- Joanie & Funky Applejack Novice *Dec 5 -- Double Kick Basic & Applejack Dec 12 -- Behind Sailor Shuffle & Pivot Dec 19 -- Hesitation Basic, Pivot & Hug Pivot Dec 26 -- Tuck from Pivot & Tuck from a Half Turn Beginner *Dec 5 -- Basic, Start, and Female Turn Dec 12 -- Half Turn & Male Turn Dec 19 -- Kick Basic & Side Pass Dec 26 -- Crossover Basic & Triple Basic * Beginning of new cycle New Members in November Anne Bernat, Paula Schuman and Patricia Sims DJ’s for December Dec. 5 - Craig Jennings Dec. 12 - Jim Rose Dec. 19 - Dennis & Nancy Gehley Dec. 26 - Eddie O'Reilly December 8 Holiday Party - John Campbell Holiday Party December 8 Music by What you Bring John Campbell From Roanoke, Virginia Pot Luck “Diner/Dance Kingstowne’s Snyder Community Center 6450 South Van Dorn. Alexandria, VA 22315 Side Dish, Appetizer, or Dessert An Unwrapped Toy for “Toys for Tots” 7:30—11:30 PM This is a BYOB Event!! (a change from last year) Cost: FREE for NVSC Members!! $10 for Non-Members FREE to Junior Shaggers with adult!! NVSC will Provide: Ham, Turkey and Rolls Junior Shaggers always Admitted Free BYOB - setups provided Location: Kingstown’s Synder Center In the Kingstowne / Franconia area of Alexandria From the Beltway Exit the Beltway at South Van Dorn St. and proceed south on South Van Dorn St. Cross over Franconia road, where you will enter Kingstowne. After crossing Franconia road, continue on South Van Dorn and turn right at the first traffic signal, on to Lake Village Drive. Then take an immediate left and you will see the Community Center a few buildings down on your right. Parking lots on both sides of the street. From the Fairfax County Parkway Go east until you reach Beulah Street, cross Beulah and the road changes names to Manchester Blvd. Continue down Manchester ( it changes names to Kingstown Blvd) for 7 traffic signals. At the 7th traffic signal, turn left on to South Van Dorn Street. At the 2nd traffic signal, turn left onto Lake Village Drive. Take an immediate left and the Community Center will be a few buildings down on your right. COVER CHARGE AT RENE’S SUPPER CLUB Effective December 5th the management at Rene’s Supper Club is raising the cover charge on Wednesday nights to $8.00/person. The cost for the lease of the space in the commercial building which Rene’s Supper Club is in, has gone up, and Dewey Yen is raising the cover charge on Wednesday nights. At the request of the NVSC Board, Dewey Yen will increase the length of the “Happy Hour” period an additional 30 minutes ON A TRIAL BASIS for the first two Wednesday nights in December – December 5th & 12th. On those two Wednesday nights, Happy Hour prices will be in effect from 6:00-8:30 PM. If this trial period does not show an increase in Rene’s income from the sale of drinks, then the Happy Hour time will revert to 6:008:00 PM. Please remember to support Rene’s Supper Club financially by attending the NVSC dance sessions on Wednesday nights and purchasing food and drinks. 2008 Board of Directors for the Northern Virginia Shag Club President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Marcia Conway Fran Mong Nancy Roop John Romito Pamela Alfano Tom Brett Mike Deese Sharon Geyer Jo-ann Hitzemann NORTHERN VIRGINIA SHAG CLUB 2007 BOARD President David Rodgers Vice-President Marcia Conway Secretary Nancy Roop Treasurer Russ White Director-at-large Pamela Alfano Director-at-large Tom Brett Director-at-large Hilda Clemann Director-at-large Linda Coffeen Director-at-large Fran Mong 703-239-8978 703-361-8159 703-753-0141 301-654-0548 703-379-7992 703-642-1595 703-631-1929 703-877-1653 703-368-2792 Happy Birthday December Babies Anne Beeton Russ White Gayle Guthizie Lela Vandecar Amanda Tedesco Barry Kumar Ray Jones Victor Clemann Denise Lanier Jane James Mark Samblanet Brennar Goree Fran McIntyre Cathy Cox Cathy Metcalf Rondel Lipps Linda Cosgrove Helen Jencks Darleen Small Wynde Sipe Cookie Bell Dave Rapson Michael Browne Gayle Proctor Michael Deese Steve Hipsley Sandy Farwell Sandra Traylor 2 2 3 3 4 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 15 16 16 17 19 19 21 23 24 28 30 31 Janis Grimes Carolina Shag Private and Group Instruction Home—-703-536-7362 Work—-202-208-3878 SOS CARDS FOR 2008 Russ White, NVSC Treasurer, is taking orders and payments for SOS Tickets which will cover 2008 Mid-Winters and Spring and Fall SOS events. SOS tickets sold through NVSC cost $30.00/ticket. As soon as Russ has received the SOS tickets, he will distribute them to the people who have placed orders for the tickets. The cut-off date for NVSC to sell SOS tickets will be January 10, 2008. After that date, SOS tickets must be bought at North Myrtle Beach during SOS events and will cost $35.00/ticket. Congratulations to NVSC members Vesta Denning, Ralph Tedesco and Vicki Tedesco, who were inducted into the prestigious National Living Legends of the Dance in Virginia Beach on November 10! Vesta, who served twice as president of NVSC, remains an active member, while dividing her time between Virginia Beach and Marathon, Florida. Ralph and Vicki are longtime members and supporters of NVSC and competitive dancers who relocated from Richmond to Myrtle Beach. National Living Legends of the Dance was founded for the purpose of giving recognition to all styles of dance across the United States. Inductees are honored for their contributions and influence in their particular dance styles. Several present and past members of NVSC have received the honor of induction into National Living Legends of the Dance. PRIVATE LESSONS WITH CHARLIE WOMBLE & JACKIE McGEE Charlie Womble and Jackie McGee (9 times & 10 times National Shag Champions) will be teaching private lessons on Feb. 15 and 17, 2008 at David & Jerry Rodgers’ house in Fairfax Station. SIGN UP NOW for private lessons with Charlie & Jackie by e-mail at or call David at (703) 239-8978 to put your name on the list. Lessons will be scheduled in the order in which the requests for private lessons are received. Costs of the private lessons are $85.00/hour lesson with Charlie and Jackie, and $60.00/ hour lesson with Charlie or Jackie. Tribute to Hutch by Janis Grimes Craig Hutchison was not just the Washington area's local guru of West Coast Swing, member of the National Living Legends Hall of Fame and Feather Award nominee. According to the book SHAG, published in 1995, he was the first to bring shag out of the Southeast. Back in the 1980's, Craig saw Charlie Womble and Jackie McGee dance in Myrtle Beach and invited them to a national swing dance event in Oklahoma. That event opened the door for shag to become known competitively coast-to-coast. Then, in 1994, he helped the NVSC to grow when he included shag as a division at the VA State Open dance championships and invited a DJ from VA Beach to play beach music. He opened the door for shag and its music to become known within the local dance community. Swing and hand dancers found the music compatible and embraced our dance. NVSC became a permanent fixture within the community." Capital Hospice by Marcia Conway Marcia Conway and guest, Gary and Robbie Mann, Bill and Peggy Myers, Liz Kestler, Simon Shupak, Jeff Kincheloe and Jo-Ann Hitzemann represented the shag club at the Capital Hospice 30th Anniversary Gala held October 27th, at the National Building Museum. It was a elegant affair and we all enjoyed the food, program and dancing. However, the greatest surprise was seeing the name of the Northern Virginia Shag Club as an ANNIVERSARY CIRCLE SPONSOR. Anniversary Circle Sponsors have stretched their giving levels through the following commitments on behalf of Capital Hospice at the $30,000 and above levels. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL SHAGGERS WHO HAVE MADE THIS POSSIBLE. There is a great opportunity for junior dancers or wannabe dancers to be exposed to some great junior shaggers. The Junior Shaggers Association will host their annual Christmas party in Virginia this year for the first time. This can easily be done as a day trip since the event runs from 1:00 - 5:00 on December 8th. See the event flyer at the following link: The Virginia Beach area has a great group of junior dancers, some who are serious competitors and some who are not. Many other junior dancers will be traveling to Virginia for this party as well. It is a great opportunity that is fun for the adults and children. Put the kids in the car and go to support this event. Time things right and you can make it back to Northern Virginia to finish out your day of shagging at the annual NVSC Holiday Party. Juniors are welcome and encouraged to attend this party also!! NVSC LOGO ITEMS---Don’t Party without out them Have you noticed the NVSC logo items that club members are proudly displaying? These items are available to everyone. We have the following: NVSC T-Shirts CD Cases Coffee Mugs Baseball Caps Shoe Bags Golf Towels Twinkling Glasses Shagging in the Carolinas (book) $18—$30 $15 $5 $15 $20 $15 $10 (new item and very cute) $20 Many shirts are by special order. If you are interested in purchasing any of the above items, please contact Marcia Conway. She is at Rene’s on Wednesday nights, or you may call her at: 703-361-8159 or email her at BORROWING SHAG VIDEOS..... is EASY at NVSC!!! Whether you have taken all of the shag classes offered at NVSC or are just looking for new steps or tips on technique... our club has a constantly growing library of shag instructional videos. These videos contain more steps and tips than you can shake a stick at and they're FREE to club members! All you have to do is put down a FULLY refundable $25 deposit. See “Jane James” on Wednesday nights to borrow a video!!! A list of all available videos can be found on the “flyer” table Wednesday nights. Keep your membership information current:: Email any changes to Hilda Clemann at NVSC information Shag Club Information "The Internal Revenue Service notified NVSC on April 19, 1999, that we have been accepted as a non-profit social club exempted from paying Federal income taxes. Anyone interested in reviewing NVSC's application and supporting documents provided to IRS, the IRS exemption letter, or the club's annual Form 990 to the IRS, please contact the club Treasurer." Board meetings are held each month and are open to any and all members who wish to attend. Unless put on the agenda, attendance is for observation, not participation. Since board meetings, at this time, are at board members’ homes, please alert the secretary, one week in advance, if you are interested in attending in case we need a larger facility. Copies of Board meeting minutes are available to members upon request from the secretary and posted on the website. Rene’s Supper Club 3251 Old Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 703-385-0077 Wednesday night home of the Northern Virginia Shag Club Cover charge $6.00 Happy Hour drinks 6-8PM Lessons at 7:30 General Dancing from 8:15 to 11 Juniors (under 21) Welcome with Adult Supervision Directions: I-495 Beltway to Route 50 West, towards Fairfax, VA. Go approximately 3 miles to Fairfax Circle. At the Circle, look for McDonalds. McDonalds is on Old Lee Highway. Take Old Lee Highway 1/10 of a mile. Rene’s is on the ground floor of an office building on your LEFT with a lighted blue sign and directly across from Artie’s Restaurant. Please do not bring in food or drink!!! This is a supper club. HELLO SHAGGER EMAILS You can’t get them if we don’t have your correct email. Send email corrections to Valerie Swiger at Condolences go out to Denny Koski. Denny’s mother, Geraldine Hallett, passed away November 24th. Denny was with her in Massachusetts at the time of her death. Cards can be sent to: Denny Koski, 6900 Barnack Drive, Springfield, VA 22152. Danny asks that no flowers be sent. Arlington/Shirlington Lovely 1 bedroom condo, freshly painted, large balcony, two large walk-in closets, wood floors, new appliances, all utilities included in condo fee. $199,900. Contact Pamela Alfano 703-379-7992.
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