February - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
February - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
ISSUE 106 kch fEBRUARY 2016 Dean Baker President of the Rock Hill Area Shag Club Hello Fellow RHASC Members, January has started out with a bang. We presented our budget during the business meeting at the January party. The budget this year represents how our club is growing. I believe with the strength of our membership we are going to have a great year. Last month I mentioned that the letter was written before the New Year’s Eve party. That party was a huge success. Everyone I have spoken with had a wonderful time. Frank did an awesome job with the music and the food was excellent. Our January party was preceded by a business meeting, and like I said, the budget for 2016 was discussed and approved by those attending. Gene Hensley, as always, did a terrific job and the dance floor stayed busy. We had several members at the Mid-Winter SOS, but our attendance at the party was fantastic. Debra and the Social Committee provided hot dogs and the fixings for dinner. No one walked away hungry! 1 Recently there have been a couple of incidents which exemplify how caring and friendly our club is and how that word is getting around. A couple of weeks ago, a couple from Spartanburg happened to be at the hotel and wandered in to out Meet and Greet. By the end of the night, they had bought tickets to out Winter Beach Blast and then followed up with a card expressing their appreciation for how well they were treated by our group. Another couple traveling back from Mid-Winter SOS contacted Ronnie Jackson to say that they would be coming our way and wanted to come to our monthly party. They came and had a terrific time. They, too, expressed how welcoming our club was to them. When we go to ACSC meetings and people come up and tell us how they have heard how friendly and enjoyable our club is, it makes me so proud to be a part of it. You are the best members in the association! Please don’t forget to get you Winter Beach Blast tickets and also to get out there and help us sell them. We also need folks to help out at the Winter Beach Blast, so please contact Debbie Brown or one of the committee members to sign up for a work station. Ronnie Jackson still has SOS cards for sale. Our February party will be replaced this year with our Winter Beach Blast on February 20th at the American Legion. As always I would like to encourage you to come to our Friday night Meet and Greet sessions. We always have such a good time on Friday nights. I look forward to seeing all of you at our club events. I encourage each of you to visit our web site at http://www.rock-hill-area-shag-club.com/. Take a look at the calendar to keep up with upcoming events. You can also access the newsletters, party pictures, and also learn more about our club. See you on the dance floor! Dean Baker 2 News from the Social Committee: I hope everyone survived the ice, sleet, and snow in January and are ready for February and all the things that we have going on with the Rock Hill Area Shag Club. The January party was a blast even though we missed those who attended the MidWinter party. We had a good crowd and loads of tailgating spirit fun. We had many teams represented at the party and everyone dug into the hotdogs with all the fixings. A BIG thank you to the members who brought desserts – as usual if you ask the members to do something, they do it up big. Our DJ “Genuine” Gene Hensley and his lovely wife, Pat, showed up in their team colors and Gene kept the floor hopping – Thanks Gene! A special thanks go out to those members who came to me and offered to serve on my committee – the Social Committee for 2016 are: Debbie (David) Brown Dennis Brown Connie Eubanks Lauren McCauley Jim Mroz Judy Prather Judy Baker Amy Elkins Jimmy Eubanks Barbara (BB) Morrison Kathy Mroz Harriet Price Get ready to come out and enjoy these activities in February: February 5, 2016 - Friday Night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Dean Baker. February 12, 2016 – Friday Night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Frank Price. February 19, 2016 – NO Friday night Meet and Greet – club party on Saturday. February 20, 2016 – Winter Beach Blast – everyone get ready for a huge party. The Entertainers will be performing and Phil Long will fill in as DJ during breaks. February 26, 2016 – Friday Night Meet and Greet. Line Dance lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be David Spainhour. Looking forward to seeing you all on the dance floor! Debbie Ledford Social Committee Chair 3 Nancy and Ted Vinson 21 Please keep Craig and Deena Faris in your prayers in the coming weeks. Craig’s mother, Mrs. Dorothy Faris Whiteside (89) passed away on January 28th unexpectedly. Please be thinking of Craig and Deena during this trying time and continue to keep them in your daily prayers. Ramona Stone’s mother, Mrs. Nina M. Appel, passed away on January 31st. Please be thinking of Ramona and her family and keep them in your prayers. Congratulations to Denise Wallace, who recently found out (after several months of treatment) that she was cancer free. She and Larry (Snipes) want to thank everyone for the love and support they have received during this time. Continue to keep Denise in your prayers. 4 Polly Hydrick 1 Amy Elkins 6 Loris Rushing 6 Chuck Howell 7 Bill Biggers 8 Walter Wallace 15 Ruth Cookman 16 Bill Davidson 16 Craig Faris 17 Jack Sweatt 18 Linda Lewis 19 Kyra Poff 20 Della Walker 22 Larry Duncan 24 Sandy Andrews 26 Debbie Fields 28 March Birthdays Ken Hudspeth 1 Chris Organek 2 Barry Branch 3 Beverly Blew 9 Tammy Covington 16 Dennis Edwards 17 Bill Etheridge 20 Brenda Way 23 Julia Davidson 29 Susan Smith 29 5 WINTER BEACH BLAST FEBRUARY 20, 2016 IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO GET YOUR TICKETS!! $35 EACH. WE STILL HAVE A FEW TICKETS LEFT. CONTACT ME RIGHT AWAY. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THE BEST PARTY OF THE YEAR. FOOD: WE ARE ASKING ALL MEMBERS TO BRING (2) MONSTER SIZE DISHES. WE TRY TO GET A MENU OF SOME SORT, SO I LIKE TO GET A LIST OF WHAT YOU PLAN TO BRING. THAT WAY WE DON’T HAVE TOO MUCH OF ONE ITEM. THIS REALLY IS A BIG HELP. THE FOOD IS USUALLY IN THE FASHION OF A "FAMILY REUNION" STYLE. A SMORGASBORD !! DONATIONS: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ALREADY BROUGHT ITEMS FOR "DOOR PRIZES" AND THE "RAFFLE BASKET". WE STILL NEED A FEW MORE ITEMS FOR DOOR PRIZES. I HAVE EMAILED A LIST OF WHAT WE HAVE FOR THE RAFFLE BASKET AND WHAT WE STILL NEED. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO HELP, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP. PLEASE BRING ALL ITEMS FOR THE DOOR PRIZES AND RAFFLE BASKET TO CELEBRATIONS NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT. DEBBIE 6 What to Do? Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Even though it is not a national holiday that we observe each year, we still don’t want to sweep it under the carpet at though it did not exist. This just might get you into some real hot water! Valentine’s is one holiday that can get you out of the dog house (or put you in it!) You can be as creative as you want and get out cheap by designing your very own gift. If you are lost for ideas, I think I might be able to help. Below is a list of tried and true gift ideas that have stood the test of time. 1. Cook your spouse their favorite breakfast and serve it up to them in bed. Add a rose to the tray and you have the beginnings of a wonderful day. Be sure to clean up your mess so he/she doesn’t have to. That is the key to success on this one. 2. Create a homemade card or poem. Be sure to write it in your own handwriting to make it extra special! 3. Make a Valentine’s Coupon Book. I would suggest for the woman in your life that you might include things like “ I will clean all the bathrooms for the month” or “I will clean up the dinner dishes for a week.” For the man in your life you can include things like “I will take the trash out for a week” or “You are allowed to have an uninterrupted nap each evening.” You can use your imagination on this one and get as dirty and naughty as you would like! 4. For him, just bake him something sweet or buy a jar of his favorite candy. Very easy to do. You know the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! 5. Make a little scrapbook about why you love your spouse. You can include pictures and poetry. 6. Have “Movie and Popcorn Night” at home or go the other route and do a “Candlelight Dinner” at home. Both would be fun. 7. Plan a picnic lunch at the lake. Add some cheese and cider as appetizers. You might even find someplace you can build a fire that evening. Do a little stargazing and make a few s’mores for a romantic evening. 8. Make a mixed CD of all of his/her favorite shag songs. Ask for a dance and you have the makings of a wonderful evening. 9. Give your spouse a foot or back massage. These never go out of style. Add some sweet smelling lotion and the evening has just begun. 10. Tape love notes all over the house and car letting your spouse know why you love him/her. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Just remember to do something special for the one that you love! Be funny, romantic, whimsical, or nostalgic….just make that special someone feel loved and appreciated! 7 RHASC 2016 Tailgating Party 8 Football Fun Night! 9 Pick Your Team! 10 11 A Great Big RHASC Welcome to our Newest members! Jim Balik Jill Balik Daniel Baker Not pictured: Larry Duncan, Libba Duncan, Denise Johnson, and Paul Allison 12 7TH ANNUAL Hosted by Rock Hill Area Shag Club February 20, 2016 7pm—MIDNIGHT (Doors open at 6:00) $35 per person SOLD IN ADVANCE ONLY! HEAVY HORS D’OEUVRES FREE SHOOTERS FREE BEER 50/50 DRAWING DOOR PRIZE DRAWINGS RAFFLE BASKET (Proceeds from Raffle Basket go to “Hall of Fame Foundation”) RECOMMENDED HOTEL: WINGATE by Wyndam 760 Galleria Blvd., Rock Hill, SC 29732 803-324-9000—Must Reserve by 2/1/16 RATE: $89.90 Includes Tax & Breakfast MENTION ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB For Tickets, Contact: Debbie Brown 803-242-6104 or shagdeb@comporium.net CASH BAR! GREAT PRICES! NO COOLERS ALLOWED!!! 13 Let’s Boogie Woogie! JUNIOR SHAG LESSONS at Lynn’s Dance Club 4819 S. Tyron Street, Charlotte, NC Sponsored by the Charlotte Shag Club FREE Junior Shag Dance Lessons on Thursday’s with Ashley & Tobitha Stewart Class Times: Beginner Class from 5:45pm to 6:15pm Intermediate/Advance Class from 6:15pm to 6:50pm June 2nd June 16th July - No Class - Summer Break August - No Class - Summer Break September 1st September 15th October 6th October 20th November 3rd November 17th December - No Class - Holiday Break January 7th January 21st February 4th February 18th March 3rd March 17th March 31st April &7th May 5th May 19th Charlotte Area Junior Shaggers Visit our Facebook Page to find out what is happening each week! 14 A Shag Dance Event Designed For Those Under Age 21 March 18- 20, 2016 At The Old Mooresville Skating Rink Learn To Shag Or Improve Your Skills And Enjoy The Music While Having Fun! FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Introductory Lessons For Those Who Have Never Shag Danced Before Intermediate And Advanced Lessons For Those Who Want To Improve Shag Dance Demonstrations By Award Winning Dancers Demonstration By The Award Winning Junior Shag Dance Team “ Cyclone” Line Dance Instruction, And Other Line Dance Fun Mixed Doubles Shag Contest, Karaoke, A Photo Booth And Much More Lots Of Open, Social Dance Time For All Ages And Skill Levels Inexpensive Food And Drink Options Will Be Available All Weekend Long Additional One-On- One Support For Those Who Want Some Extra Help Learning Shag Instructional Videos, Shag Dance Shoes, And Other Items Will Be Available Many More Surprises And Fun Activities Planned. Check Our Web Site For More Info. Professional s hag dance instructors, members of the C ompetitive S haggers Ass ociation, members of th e Junior Shaggers Ass ociation, members of the As sociation of Carolina S hag Clubs, members of th e Associa tion of Beach and S hag Cl ub DJ’ s, and members of y our local, host organization (Twis ter’ s Shag Club and www. Go Shagging. com) are all helping with this ev ent. Spons ors hips als o av ailable. C ontact us! Hours: Fri 6pm-1am. Sat 9:00am-1am. Sun 9am-1pm. For more details and updates, visit www.JuniorCyclone.com. If you have a question not answered on our web site, please E-mail JuniorCyclone@GoShagging.com or call our hotline at 704-892-9044. Hwy 150 Cancellations less than 14 days in advance result in a one-night charge. F HURRY! EVERYONE WANTS TO COME BE PART OF THIS AWESOME EVENT, MEET FRIENDS AND HAVE FUN! H South, Toward Charlotte Tickets $15 each if postmarked by 02/20, then $20. All will be held at the door! List the name of each attendee, and include the age of any guest under age 21. 2714 Charlotte Highway (Hwy 21) Mooresville, NC 28115 Note 3: 1 Mile Hwy 21 You must mention the Junior Cyclone shag party to get this rate and to use shuttle bus transportation that we are planning to provide. Note 2: Map Is Not To Scale And Does Not Show All Intersections! Rink You must use this hotel phone number to make your reservation North, Toward Statesville Walmart Note 1: Fairfield Inn By Marriott - $89 - Call 704-663-6100 (At the F on this map) I-77 Hotel: PayPal & Credit Card Orders Taken On Our Web Site Name(s) Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: - - Please Print The E-mail Address Of Each Guest: Use The Back, If Necessary. Send Form And Money To: Twister’s Shag Club, PO Box 2310, Cornelius NC 28031 15 _ ACSC 2016 Summer Workshop Southern Comfort XIX $75 Columbia, S.C. July 8—10 2016 Hosted by Palmetto Shag Club $85 after 5/31/2016 Park and Party Double Tree by Hilton 2100 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210 Bush River Rd at I-20 Room Rate: $116 Call with Group Code PSG (803) 731-0300 or book online at http://bit.ly/1CZ6pNh Reduced Hotel Room Rate ends on May 31, 2016—limited to 200 rooms All rooms include a Refrigerator, King and two Queen Beds Available Suites are available at additional cost Spacious Ballroom with Professional Dance Floor SATURDAY July 9 FRIDAY July 8 7:00am – 9:00am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests 9:00am – 9:00pm Registration 8:00am—10:00am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests 9:00am— 3:00pm SOS Board Meeting—Capital Room 2:00pm—10:00pm Registration Pool Party Noon — 4:00pm DJ SKIP MALLIOS 2:00 pm—3:00pm Complimentary Beer & Wine Lexington Hospitality Suite 3:00pm—6:00pm DJ BILLY FANNING Lexington Hospitality Suite 3:00pm – 6:00pm DJ BILLY FANNING Congaree Ballroom 10:00am – 2:00pm ACSC Membership Meeting 3:00pm – 6:00pm DJ JOHN (FLETCH) FLETCHER Congaree Ballroom 6:00pm— 9:00pm DJ SKIP MALLIOS 9:00pm—Mid-Night DJ BILLY WALDREP Super Hospitality Suite 3:00pm – 4:00pm Line Dance with BRENDA TAYLOR Dance Floor —Open Bar—Food Free Shag & Line Dance Workshops Split Pot Drawings Chinese Auction Fabulous Vendors 4:00pm – 5:00pm Workshop with CHARLIE WOMBLE & JACKIE MCGEE 6:00pm – 9:00pm DJ RODNEY STILL 7:00pm – 8:00pm Dinner Served 9:00pm – Mid-Night DJ BUCK CRUMPTON $75/ person—$85 after 5/31/2016 Reserved Tables of 10 are available For more info contact Susan Martin at susan.martin956@gmail.com or call (803) 609-8170 SUNDAY July 10 8:00 am – 10:00 am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests Event Co—Chairs: Susan & Cecil Martin Make checks payable to Palmetto Shag Club and Mail to: Palmetto Shag Club, P. O. Box 7232, Columbia, S.C. 29202 or process on-line at www.palmettoshagclub.com using a Credit Card or PayPal Name Amt. Enclosed: Address: City: Phone #: State: Email: Zip: Shag Club: Confirmation by Email No Refunds—Name Changes Allowed NO ONE UNDER 21 ADMITTED 16 Park and Party www.palmettoshagclub.com 17 To View Shag Events on our website, go to: http://shagdance.com/clubparties.htm A Proud Member of: 18 *Cost is $50.00 a year for business card sized ad published monthly. *Ad to be published monthly in newsletter and on website. *Distributed monthly to membership and other shag clubs in South Carolina and North Carolina. Please complete the form below and attach a clear copy of your Business card. Name: _____________________________ Phone:______________________ Company Name:_______________________ E-mail:______________________ Panthers vs Broncos 19 2016 Club Officers and Committees President Dean Baker 803.230.1605 jdbaker1218@gmail.com Vice President Ronnie Jackson 803-366-9010 ronjack1@comporium.net Secretary Terry Branch tbranch1960@gmail.com Treasurer Debbie Brown shagdeb@comporium.net Sergeant Of Arms Marty McCauley Governor’s Board Phil Long Jesse Boatwright Allen Elliott Social Committee Chairperson Debra Ledford debra0249@outlook.com Social Committee; Debbie (David) Brown Dennis Brown Connie Eubanks Lauren McCauley Jim Mroz Judy Prather Judy Baker Amy Elkins Jimmy Eubanks Barbara (BB) Morrison Kathy Mroz Harriet Price Telephone Committee Kaye and Fred Funderburk 20 5th Saturday Party Chairperson Max Phillips 803.366.1595 thephillips1@comporium.net News Letter Kaye Craig-Hughes khughs@comporium.net Webmaster Gail Davis 803-329-2421 Winter Beach Blast Debbie Brown shagdeb@comporium.net New Members Maria and Steve Williams 803-684-4721 smwilliams05@bellsouth.net Club DJ Frank Price 803-328-1683 frankshagmusic@yahoo.com Club Photographer Judy Baker 704-913-2911 judybaker713@yahoo.com Ways and Means Chairperson Tommy Davis 803-329-2421 Ways and Means Committee Members Tommy and Gail Davis Candy Long Terry Branch Frank and Harriet Price Max and Pansy Phillips Ducky Moore Brenda Jackson Float Committee Chairperson Dennis Brown dennisrhasc@gmail.com Facebook Candy Long 21
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