May - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
May - Rock Hill Area Shag Club
MAY 2016 ISSUE 109 kch Dean Baker President of the Rock Hill Area Shag Club Hello Fellow RHASC Members, I feel like the spring and summer seasons are getting started early this year. The weather at the beach for SOS was about as good as you can get for April. The beach was perfect during the day with lots of people out enjoying the abundant sunshine. SOS was a blast, so if you were not there, you missed a great time! Rock Hill sponsored the shooter party on Thursday night with Roger Holcomb as the DJ. He played some fantastic music and Fat Harold’s served some awesome chicken bog. There were a tremendous amount of people there and the dance floor was full all night. I was so proud to see so many people from Rock Hill. We have the reputation as a fun party club and I believe we proved it at SOS! Our April party was held on the 16th with our own Frank Price as the DJ. The crowd was a little light compared to most parties, but that was due to folks going down to SOS early. I like to tell folks that the numbers were not as large as usual, but at least the right people were there. It was a really good party and Frank kept the dance floor jumping. 1 Debra and the Social Committee provided a potato bar for dinner. This is probably my favorite meal of the year. There were so many compliments about the food. Our next party will be held on May 21st. There will be a business meeting prior to the party beginning at 7:00. Dana Grubb will be the DJ. I’m expecting a large crowd for this party, come early and join the festivities. As always I would like to encourage you to come to our Friday night Meet and Greet sessions. We always have such a good time on Friday nights, you don’t want to miss out. Ronnie still has SOS cards for sale. I look forward to seeing all of you at our club events. I encourage each of you to visit our web site at Take a look at the calendar to keep up with upcoming events. You can also access the newsletters, party pictures, and also learn more about our club. See you on the dance floor! Dean Baker From our family to yours: Have a safe and blessed Memorial Day and please take time to remember our fallen heroes and those brave men and women who served (and continue to serve) our country well. May 30, 2016 2 News from the Social Committee: The April Pre-SOS party was a blast and a great prelude for heading to the beach. We had less attendance than usual as some of our members had already headed to SOS but those that were there had a great time. Frank Price, our club DJ, did a fabulous job and kept the dance floor hopping – THANKS Frank! Now on to May and the activities we have going on: May 6, 2016 - Friday Night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Phil Long . May 13, 2016 – Friday Night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night has not been determined. May 20, 2016 – NO Friday night Meet and Greet – club party on Satur day. May 21, 2016 - Our Monthly Party! Happy 35th Anniversary. Club meeting at 7:00 pm and food/ dancing will start at 8 PM. Heavy h’ordeurves. Dana Grubb will be our DJ for the night. May 27, 2016 – Friday night Meet and Greet. Shag lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Tommy Davis. June3, 2016 – Friday night Meet and Greet, Shag Lessons will begin at 7:30 pm. Our DJ for the night will be Dennis Hydrick. Let’s meet on the dance floor and party till the lights go out!!!!! Debra Ledford Committee Chair 3 Thoughts and Prayers Please keep my dad , Bill Craig, in your prayers. He recently spent a week in the hospital with pneumonia and was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. Thanks so much . Kaye Marita and Mike Copeland 2 Marielle and Pete Hinson 2 Jackie and Jerry Anderson 4 Carol and Dennis Edwards 8 Patricia and Jerry Bickenbach 18 Brenda and Ronnie Jackson 21 Judy and Gary Whitley 22 Cathy and Bob Blackburn 26 Tracy and Randy Raynor 28 4 Jan Elliott 3 Denise Johnson 3 Steve Broome 10 David McManus 10 Darnelle Sweatt 11 Carla Davis 13 Phil Long 15 Pete Caskey 18 Donna Sullivan 20 Don Cassidy 22 Jane Ligon 25 Frankie McConnell 30 June Birthdays Barry Grant 10 Jerry Anderson 12 Maxine Murdock 12 Gary Whitley 12 Linda Long 13 Wayne Hicks 20 Lloyd Hopper 21 Kay Funderburk 23 Frank Price 25 Karen Johnson 28 5 Important and not so important days in May… 1st May Day 3rd National Teacher Appreciation Day (they actually have a whole week!) 4th Bird Day 4th Star Wars Day (this should be observed at a Comicon!) 5th Cinco de Mayo 6th Military Spouses Day 6th National Nurses Appreciation Day 8th Mother’s Day 9th Lost Sock Memorial Day (REALLY???) 11th Eat What You Want Day (I like this holiday!) 13th Blame Someone Else Day (Like this one too!) 14th Dance Like a Chicken Day 21st Armed Forces Day 25th National Wine Day 27th Sun Screen Day 30th Memorial Day May is also Military Appreciation Month. Please thank a soldier! Thanks to all who have served! 6 7 PARTY TIME! 8 FUN! FOOD! FELLOWSHIP! 9 Dear Rock Hill Area Shag Club Members, We need your help again this year with donations for our Hall of Fame Foundation Fundraiser Party on June 18th. Here are some of the items we need. Sponsorships for Tables Sponsorships for tables information on next page. Items for the Silent Auction New or almost new items Craft items, gift cards, pictures frames, jewelry, beach bags etc. Items for Live Auction (Suggestion - get 4 couples to put together a basket) Liquor Baskets Beach Basket etc. Sale of Raffle Tickets for 55” Westinghouse 1080P LED HD TV for $5 Please bring your items for donation to our Friday Night Meet and Greets or Party. We need for everyone to dig deep into your pockets for a good cause. Our goal is to raise $10,000! As of to-date we have raised over $35,000! We can do it! Thank you, Tommy Davis Ways & Means - Chair 10 Hall of Fame Foundation Fundraiser “Vegas Night” SPONSORSHIPS $250 DONATION (2) FREE ADMISSIONS (2) FREE PRIZE TICKETS (20,000) CHIPS NAME ON POSTER AT ENTRANCE & TABLES SIX MONTHS FREE ADVERTISING IN THE ROCK HILL AREA SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER AND WEBSITE ALL OTHER DONATIONS NAME AT ENTRANCE Any promotional items from sponsors will be set up on a display table. If a sponsor has a shirt w/logo, dealers will be glad to wear one. A tax deductible receipt will be sent and a thank you letter. Ways & Means Committee Tommy Davis – Chair 11 Rock Hill Area Shag Club Happy 35th Anniversary Party Saturday May 21, 2016 7 pm Club Meeting/ 8 pm Dancing Heavy H’ordeurves Members - $3; Guest - $5 Spinning the Tunes: Dana Grubb Celebrations at Ramada Inn 12 Call 704-321-7275 or visit May 13 & 14 Historic Downtown Matthews & Stumptown Park Beach Music Friday, May 13 6:30pm - 8:00pm 8:30pm -10:00pm Gary Lowder & Smokin Hot The Tams Saturday, May 14 10:30am - 2:30pm 3:00pm - 5:00pm 5:30 - 7:30pm 8:00pm - 10:00pm DJ Chuck Carland The Tommy Black Band Steve Owens & Summertime The Carolina Soul Band Live Beach Music • Shag Dancing • Carnival Rides • Kid’s Inflatable Village • Arts & Crafts • Sandy Feet 5K • Crusin’ Car Show • Cruisin’ Car Show 9AM - 3PM Saturday. Pre-reg $5, Day of $10. Judging Top 20, Mayor’s Choice, and Best of Show Sandy Feet 5K - new location at Francis Beatty Park To benefit Habitat for Humanity of Matthews. Begins at 8AM Saturday. $30/$35/$40 Preregister at 13 14 15 ACSC 2016 Summer Workshop Southern Comfort XIX $75 Columbia, S.C. July 8—10 2016 Hosted by Palmetto Shag Club $85 after 5/31/2016 Park and Party Double Tree by Hilton 2100 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210 Bush River Rd at I-20 Room Rate: $116 Call with Group Code PSG (803) 731-0300 or book online at Reduced Hotel Room Rate ends on May 31, 2016—limited to 200 rooms All rooms include a Refrigerator, King and two Queen Beds Available Suites are available at additional cost Spacious Ballroom with Professional Dance Floor SATURDAY July 9 FRIDAY July 8 7:00am – 9:00am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests 9:00am – 9:00pm Registration 8:00am—10:00am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests 9:00am— 3:00pm SOS Board Meeting—Capital Room 2:00pm—10:00pm Registration Pool Party Noon — 4:00pm DJ SKIP MALLIOS 2:00 pm—3:00pm Complimentary Beer & Wine Lexington Hospitality Suite 3:00pm—6:00pm DJ BILLY FANNING Lexington Hospitality Suite 3:00pm – 6:00pm DJ BILLY FANNING Congaree Ballroom 10:00am – 2:00pm ACSC Membership Meeting 3:00pm – 6:00pm DJ JOHN (FLETCH) FLETCHER Congaree Ballroom 6:00pm— 9:00pm DJ SKIP MALLIOS 9:00pm—Mid-Night DJ BILLY WALDREP Super Hospitality Suite 3:00pm – 4:00pm Line Dance with BRENDA TAYLOR Dance Floor —Open Bar—Food Free Shag & Line Dance Workshops Split Pot Drawings Chinese Auction Fabulous Vendors 4:00pm – 5:00pm Workshop with CHARLIE WOMBLE & JACKIE MCGEE 6:00pm – 9:00pm DJ RODNEY STILL 7:00pm – 8:00pm Dinner Served 9:00pm – Mid-Night DJ BUCK CRUMPTON $75/ person—$85 after 5/31/2016 Reserved Tables of 10 are available For more info contact Susan Martin at or call (803) 609-8170 SUNDAY July 10 8:00 am – 10:00 am Buffet breakfast for Hotel Guests Event Co—Chairs: Susan & Cecil Martin Make checks payable to Palmetto Shag Club and Mail to: Palmetto Shag Club, P. O. Box 7232, Columbia, S.C. 29202 or process on-line at using a Credit Card or PayPal Name Amt. Enclosed: Address: City: Phone #: State: Email: Zip: Shag Club: Confirmation by Email No Refunds—Name Changes Allowed NO ONE UNDER 21 ADMITTED 16 Park and Party Sandy Beach Shag Club Presents Sandkicker Megafest VI Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Dirty Dozen DJs Sunday, 9/4/16 3:30 – 11:00 PM The Elks Lodge 500 Golf Course Rd Morganton, NC 28655 Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Named Soon Cash Bar Only. Beer, Mixed Drinks & Wine at very reasonable prices! (For more details contact John Carpenter (803-760-2947) Email: Your Registration covers: Music by 12 great DJ’s Free Line Dance Class Catered Dinner ( 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM) Snacks Provided Free Shooters! Times ~ TBA Non Smoking Event Large Oak Dance Floor : 30x40 (1200 Sq. Feet) Half & Half Drawing,Chinese Auction Theme Baskets and Shag Bingo For Prizes. Registration for this event includes an Associate membership to SBSC for all those currently not members. Registration is $25.00/Person $30 after August 8th, 2016. No registrations will be available at the door. Please fill out this information for all participants, on a separate sheet if needed. Your registration is nonrefundable, but may be transferred to another person provided all information is mailed and received by us at least one week prior to the event so we will have it at the door. Name: # of Registrants (your name(s) will be at door) Address: City State Zip Email: Phone# Please complete for each registrant! Primary Shag Club Affiliation: If none, please indicate none. Please check if you would like to receive a copy of the SBSC newsletter. Must have a legible email for the newsletter. Associate members may attend SBSC General Membership meetings but have no vote. (Checks Payable to: Sandy Beach Shag Club) (All registrants will receive a wristband at the door.) Please mail application/registration(s) for each attendee and payment to: Attn: John Carpenter, 100 Smith Street, Morganton NC 28655 Area Hotels: Hampton Inn (828) 432-2000, Quality Inn (828) 437-0171, Comfort Inn (828) 430-4000, & Others within 5 miles. Visit Asheville, Boone, Blowing Rock, or Morganton and then attend the party on Sunday. Seats will be filled in the order your requests are received. Once our number of seats have been filled, we will cut off our sales and return any checks over our limit. Nominated three times for a Cammy Award for “Best Shag Club Party”. This year we will provide reserved seating for any group of 18 people or larger on a first come first serve basis. The names must be sent with all requested info and the registrations of all in the group must be paid to qualify. Absolutely NO PERSONAL ALCOHOL PERMITTED INSIDE OR CONSUMED OUTSIDE! 17 Let’s Boogie Woogie! JUNIOR SHAG LESSONS at Lynn’s Dance Club 4819 S. Tyron Street, Charlotte, NC Sponsored by the Charlotte Shag Club FREE Junior Shag Dance Lessons on Thursday’s with Ashley & Tobitha Stewart Class Times: Beginner Class from 5:45pm to 6:15pm Intermediate/Advance Class from 6:15pm to 6:50pm June 2nd June 16th July - No Class - Summer Break August - No Class - Summer Break September 1st September 15th October 6th October 20th November 3rd November 17th December - No Class - Holiday Break January 7th January 21st February 4th February 18th March 3rd March 17th March 31st April &7th May 5th May 19th Charlotte Area Junior Shaggers Visit our Facebook Page to find out what is happening each week! 18 19 To View Shag Events on our website, go to: A Proud Member of: 20 *Cost is $50.00 a year for business card sized ad published monthly. *Ad to be published monthly in newsletter and on website. *Distributed monthly to membership and other shag clubs in South Carolina and North Carolina. Please complete the form below and attach a clear copy of your Business card. Name: _____________________________ Phone:______________________ Company Name:_______________________ E-mail:______________________ 21 2016 Club Officers and Committees President Dean Baker 803.230.1605 Vice President Ronnie Jackson 803-366-9010 Secretary Terry Branch Treasurer Debbie Brown Sergeant Of Arms Marty McCauley Governor’s Board Phil Long Jesse Boatwright Tommy Davis Social Committee Chairperson Debra Ledford Social Committee; Debbie (David) Brown Dennis Brown Connie Eubanks Lauren McCauley Jim Mroz Judy Prather Judy Baker Amy Elkins Jimmy Eubanks Barbara (BB) Morrison Kathy Mroz Harriet Price Telephone Committee Chairperson: Charlotte Curtis 22 5th Saturday Party Chairperson Max Phillips 803.366.1595 News Letter Kaye Craig-Hughes Webmaster Gail Davis 803-329-2421 Winter Beach Blast Debbie Brown New Members Maria and Steve Williams 803-684-4721 Club DJ Frank Price 803-328-1683 Club Photographer Judy Baker 704-913-2911 Ways and Means Chairperson Tommy Davis 803-329-2421 Ways and Means Committee Members Tommy and Gail Davis Candy Long Terry Branch Frank and Harriet Price Max and Pansy Phillips Ducky Moore Brenda Jackson Float Committee Chairperson Dennis Brown Facebook Candy Long 23
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