July 2009
July 2009
The Charleston Shag Club Charleston Shag Club P.O. Box 21195 Charleston, S.C. 29403 Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Charleston SC Permit No. 482 Geechee Times ´3UHVHUYLQJ7KH6KDJ)RU)XWXUH*HQHUDWLRQVµ Return Service Requested July 2009 Charlestonshagclub.com NEXT MEETING No Meeting July 5th Sunday, August 2 - Knights of Pythias Doors open at 5:00 - Dinner at 6:00 ( Food to bring ± Announced in August Newsletter - Cost is LI\RXGRQ¶WEULQJDGLVK Meeting at 6:30 - Dancing after the meeting. Welcome New Members Margie Andrews Sandra Kirkman - Cordie Turbeville - Lauren Woods Welcome to the Charleston Shag Club!! Total Membership 293 Celebrating 26 Years of Fantastic Parties with the People, the Music, and the Dance October 16th²18th, 2009 Charleston Shag Club Meeting Minutes ± June 7, 2009 The June meeting was held at the Knights of Pythias on Sunday, June 7, 2009. Officers present were Gordon Hanson, Joe Tucker, Lisa McCaskill, Elmyra Upchurch, Vickie Sessions, Roy Williamson, Bobby Curry and Janis Hicks. Gordon Hanson called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. A motion was made for the minutes from the prior meeting to be accepted as published. Sunshine Report ± Sympathy extended to Bill Jumper for the loss of his mother, Dorothy Jumper and to Newt Cummings for the loss of his wife. Get well wishes were sent to Henry Hicks, Newt Cummings and Lynn Lee. 3OHDVHQRWHWKDW&O\GH'DQJHUILHOG¶VPRWKHUSDVVHGDZD\\HVWHUGD\DQGWKDW/RX.L]HU¶VPRWKHUSDVVHGDZD\ LQ-DQXDU\/LQGD:DONHU¶VEURWKHU-in-ODZ-LP%HQQHWW-XG\¶VKXVEDQGLVLQWKH,&8QRYLVLWRUV3OHDVH keep all of their families in your prayers. Membership ±We currently have 292 members. Nancy introduced our 2 newest members ± Margie Andrews DQG&RUGLH7XUEHYLOOHPHPEHUVDQGJXHVWVZHUHSUHVHQWDWWRQLJKW¶VPHHWLQJ Geechee Blast ± Over half of the tickets are sold and there are only 6 rooms left at the Best Western. Elmyra and Polly have completed the documents for ATAC and will be sending that in soon. There will be a GB meeting for all committees in August. Photo Directory ± Gordon had some problems with the memory card with some of the photos. He will need to retake your photo if they were taken at the last 2 meetings. He will be available to take your photo at the Membership Appreciation Party. New Shag Book ± -HUU\DQG%DUEDUD:DGHDUHZRUNLQJRQDERRN³6KDJ0HPRULHVLQ&KDUOHVWRQWKURXJKWKH6DQGVRI7LPH´7KH\ DUHORRNLQJIRUROGSKRWRVDQGVWRULHVIURPDQ\RIWKHORFDOKDQJRXWVIURPWKH¶V¶V¶VDQG¶V7KH\ZDQW to talk with many of you and tell the story of what it was like shagging in Charleston. All proceeds will be donated to charity. CSC Socials ±Thank you Sherry Ford and Linda Walker for hosting the May social. The next social is with the Islanders and is scheduled for Friday June 19th DW3LYRW¶V:HDUHDVNLQJRXUPHPEHUVWREULQJDOLWHKRUVG¶RHXYUHDQGWKHFOXEVZLOOVXSSO\ZLQJV Members Appreciation Party - is scheduled for June 27th at K of P and will be free for members and $10/guests. Serving time will be 6:00 PM ± 7:00 PM. The club will provide steak and chicken, veggies and desert. Please RSVP to Joe Tucker by June 22nd. Joe has a sign-up sheet at the meeting. Please choose from steak or chicken (white or dark). If you arrive early on the day of the party, the cooks will try to accommodate your steak doneness preference. Otherwise, they will be cooked medium well. The party is BYOB and music for dancing will be provided. &6&,VODQGHU¶V%HDFK3DUW\-XO\WK± 6WHYH:LONHUVRQLVH[SHFWLQJDODUJHJURXSGXHWRWKLV\HDU¶VORFDWLRQRQWKHEHDFK7KHUH will be a tent and restroom facilities at the event site. Drinks are allowed on the beach but only in a cup (non breakable). The clubs will provide fried chicken. Please bring something to share, your chair and your cooler. )ULHQGVRI3LYRW¶V)XQGUDLVHU±June 13th, 4 pm until ± This is a special fundraising event to help lighten the financial burden on 3LYRW¶V7KHUHZLOOEHQRFRYHUFKDUJHWKDWGD\1DQF\6WURWKHULVORRNLQJIRUGRQDWLRQVIRUWKHDXFWLRQ7KH\ZLOOEHVHOling raffle WLFNHWVIRURQHRI7XJ¶VRULJLQDOZDWHUFRORUV7KHUHZLOOEHVKDJH[KLELWLRQVVKDJOHVVRQVDQGVKDJFRQWHVWV%DUEHTXHGLnner for $5.00. North Myrtle Beach Fires ± Last month there was a challenge put out to all shag clubs to donate $200.00 to their relief. CSC met the challenge. Fun Monday Raffle Tickets -are available from Nancy Strother. The ticket cost is $10/each for a chance to win $7,000.00. The club needs to sell all 100 tickets very quickly to ensure a booth for water sales. The booth location is a first come ± first serve basis. Money raised will be used to offset the extra day cost at Alhambra Hall for Geechee Blast. Next Meeting June 27th± Due to the 4th of July weekend, the membership decided to change our next meeting to June 27th, during our Membership Appreciation Party. Remember ± reservations required by June 22nd6KDJJHUV3RWLVXSWRGRQ¶WPLVV you chance at the money). Nominations for 2010 Board ± Please see someone on the board if you are interested in volunteering to run for any of the open positions. Split the Kitty- $71.00 won by Tim Russell. 6KDJJHU¶V3RW± 7KHSRWLVDQG%UHQGD+XJJLQ¶VQDPHZDVGUDZQEXWVKHZDVQRWWKHUH7KHSRWZLOOEHDWRXU next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM by Gordon Hanson. Respectfully submitted, Lisa McCaskill, Secretary We would like to take this time to remember and thank all the men and women in the military for their brave service. 2009 Charleston Shag Club and other shag related events Start Date Dot Catherine Ann Letha Linda Roy Liz Deborah Jane John Gale Bobby Edwin Joe Kay Sandra Heidi Jean Sandra Kae Donna Janis Hugh Betsy Smith de Liesseline Weed Lysaght Ouzts Williamson Loadholt Edge Edwards Wood Robertson Weaver III Taylor Lysaght Antley Ford Yon Goodson Bragg Childs Reynolds Hicks Kight Cook July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July 2 5 6 8 8 8 9 12 12 12 17 17 18 20 22 22 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 Contact Nancy Strother at 762-0850 or nancystrother@aol.com with additions, deletions, or corrections. Thank you Two June Birthdays were left off of the June Birthday list: Karen Polk June 1 Bob Edge June 2 This has been corrected for the futureMy apologies to these people. SOS CARDS ARE STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH THE CLUB. IF YOU DID NOT PURCHASE CARD, IT IS NOT TOO LATE! MORE CARDS ARE HERE. ALL 50 CARDS GIVEN TO THE CLUB WERE SOLD AND WE HAD TO GET MORE TO SELL!! WAY TO GO CSC MEMBERS!! IF YOU NEED A CARD FOR THE SPRING OR FALL SOS, CALL NANCY STROTHER AT 762-0850 OR EMAIL HER AT NANCYSTROTHER@AOL.COM. Fun Monday Tickets are for Sale. Each Ticket is 10.00 . Please See Nancy Strother if interested in purchasing a ticket. Gives you a chance to win 7500.00 during Fall SOS. Description Location Member Appreciation Party KOP NO CSC Meeting ± (Meeting Canceled) ACSC Summer Workshop Jacksonville, FL CSC Board Mtg CSC Social (DJ Betty) Pivots CSC/Islanders Beach Party ± Folly Beach CSC Club MtgKOP CSC Board Mtg CSC Social (DJ Walter) Pivots Chas Beach Music & Shag Fest CSC Club Mtg KOP SOS Fall Migration NMB CSC Board Mtg CSC Social (DJ Betty) Pivots CSC Club Mtg KOP CSC Board Mtg Geechee Blast Alhambra Halloween Party (DJ Walter) Pivots CSC Club Mtg (Election) KOP Fall Cyclone CSC Board Mtg CSC Re-Up Party (DJ Walter) Pivots Carolina Classic Columbia CSC Club Mtg (No Meeting) KOP CSC Christmas Party (DJ Betty) Rifle Club CSC Board Mtg June 27 July 5 July 10 -12 July 13 July 17 July 18 August 2 August 10 August 14 August 27 -30 September 6 September 11 -20 September 14 September 25 October 4 October 12 October 15 -18 October 31 November 1 November 6 -8 November 9 November 13 November 19 -22 December 6 December 19 December 14 Brookgreen Town Center 730 Coleman Blvd. Unit J Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 George Lee (843) 884-7321 SATURDAY SHAG WORKSHOPS! ,W¶VDOODERXWWHFKQLTXH/HW¶VLPSURYH\RXUEDVLFV - basic step, turns, pivot, boogie walk, etc. Hints on leading and following. No need for a partner - we focus on improving you! Instructor: Linda Oltmann Walker - Price:$25. Trudy School of Dance 830 Folly Road To pre-register and get the next date email: walkeredge@yahoo.com or call 795-8250 Mon Tue 13 12 SC Coaches- 29 Listen to 1340 AM for location of Beach and Shag Nights 22 Listen to 1340 AM for location of Beach and Shag Nights 21 7:30 Shag Lessons w/ The Wades 9 PM DJ Betty Brown 27 The Fantastic 28 7:30 Shag Shakers will Lessons w/The perform at Pivots Wades 9:00 DJ tonight for the Gerry Scott 15 Listen to 1340 AM for location of Beach and Shag Nights 14 7:30 Shag Lessons w/ The Wades 9 PM DJ Don & Jane 26 8 Listen to 1340 AM for location of Beach and Shag Nights 20 Thu 30 7:30 Shag Lessons Carl & Cindy 9:00 DJ Don & Jane 23 7:30 Shag Lessons Carl & Cindy 9:00 DJ Don & Jane 16 7:30 Shag Lessons Carl & Cindy 9:00 DJ Don & Jane 9 7:30 Shag Lessons Carl & Cindy 9:00 DJ Don & Jane 1 1340 AM 2 7:30 Shag Shag and Lessons Carl & Beach Nights Cindy 9:00 DJ Don & Jane Wed 7:30 Shag Lessons w/ The Wades 9:00 DJ Reggie Ricks 7 19 JUNIOR SOS STARTS THIS WEEK IN NORTH MYRTLE 6 5 CSC Meeting The FOURTH ANNUAL ORIGINAL CHARLESTON BEACH MUSIC AND SHAG FESTIVAL IS COMING UP AUGUST 27-30 GET YOUR TICKETS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE UNTIL JULY 15 FOUR (4 ) DAYS FOR $65.00 AFTER JULY 15 TICKETS WILL ONLY BE SOLD FOR INDIVIDUAL DAYS. CHECK IT OUT AT www.pivotsbeachclub.com Sun CONTEST DJ BETTY BROWN SATURDAY NIGHT AUGUST 1 DJ JERRY BURRAGE 31 CSA S HAG 8PM 24 DJ WALTER Upchurch 17 Charleston Shag Club ´2SHQWRWKH 3XEOLFµ'- Betty Brown Doors open 7 PM DJs start at 7:30 5 DJs All Vinyl Summer Work- 10 Vinyl Party 3 DJ Buck Crumpton Spartanburg 8 PM Fri DUE TO HIGHER COSTS OF RENT AND POSITIVE RESPONSES THE COVER WILL GO TO $10 IN JULY July 2009 The Melody Makers will perform a CD Release Party at Pivots August 8, 2009. All monies will be donated to Pivots 7:30 Adult Shag Charleston High School Bantam Night DJ Reggie Ricks 8:30 25 6 PM Jr shag 6PM Jr Shag 7:30 Adult Shag 8:30 Jane Edwards B-day Party DJ Reggie Ricks 18 11 6PM Jr Shag 7:30 Adult Shag 8:30 Vinyl Party Cover $10 In Jacksonville 4 6PM Jr. Shag 7:30 Adult Shag 8:30 Country Night w DJ Jeff Sat Geechee Blast 2009 October 16-18, 2009 Still need a Geechee Blast ticket? Party forms available on line at www.charlestonshagclub.com, or contact elupchurch@comcast.net or 572-'RQ¶WZDLWWRRODWHDQGPLVVRXW Regular $60 - Worker $40 Still need to sign-up for a committee? Contact one of the committee chairs now. Food ² Becky Page, 971-5237 Brunch ² Linda Sneed, 884-1004 Decorations ² Lisa McCaskill, 270-7303 Beer-for-Sale ² Johnny Perritte, 761-1233 Registration ² Joe & Dot Tucker, 744-8716 BYOB ² Joe Pye, 747-8570 Ways & Means ² Henry & Janis Hicks, 571-6962 Door Prizes ² Thresa Williamson, 814-8081 Geechee Blast Guests to date are from: Aiken, SC Amelia Is., FL Atlantic Beach, NC Augusta, GA Bloomingdale, GA Bolivia, NC Carolina Shores, NC Cary, NC Charleston, SC Chester, SC Columbia, SC Daniel Island, SC Darlington, SC Denver, NC Elgin, SC Florence, SC Gaston, SC Gastonia, NC Greenwood, SC Hanahan, SC Harleyville, SC Hickory, NC Hollywood, SC Irmo, SC Jacksonville, FL -RKQ¶V,V6& Leland, NC Geechee Blast Guests are members of: Columbia Shag Club 1st Coast Shag & Beach Shaggers CSRA Shag Club Atlantic Beach Shag Club Eastern N. C. Shag Club Capital Area Shag Club First Coast Shag Club Capital City Shag Club Florence, Shag Club Charleston Shag Club ,VODQGHU¶V6KDJ&OXE Chester Shag Club McClellanville, SC Mooresville, NC Mt. Pleasant, SC N. Augusta, SC N. Myrtle Beach, SC Pinehurst, SC Prosperity, SC Raleigh, NC Rocky Mount, NC Saluda, SC Savannah, GA Shelby, NC Southport, NC Spartanburg, SC St. Augustine, FL Summerville, SC Sunset Beach, NC Williamston, NC Mountain Island Shag Club R&B Shag Club of Spartanburg Raleigh Shag Club Rock Hill Shag Club Savannah Shag Club Shaggers of Birmingham Society of Brunswick Shaggers Hope to see you at Geechee Blast 2009! Elmyra Upchurch, Geechee Blast Chair Sympathy Sunshine Report Member David Vega passed away on June 16th. Please keep Joyce and the family in your thoughts and prayers. Please remember Lou Kizer-his mother passed away the beginning of the year. Clyde Dangerfield whose mother passed away. Please keep these Members in your thoughts and prayers Clint Altman, Realtor AgentOwned Realty Real Estate ~ Mortgage ~ Insurance 843.224.6585 caltman@agentowned.com x For a free, no obligation, consultation on buying or selling a home give me a call or email. To search for homes online go to ClintAltman.com x Representing buyers and sellers ~ serving the entire low-country x Buyer representation is free, the seller pays all realtor commissions x ³([SHFWWKH6HUYLFH2QO\DQ2ZQHU'HOLYHUV´ When you need a realtor ~ call me. I will protect your interests at all times. David R. Townsend Associate Vice President - Investments Wachovia Securities Wachovia Securities, LLC 200 Meeting Street Suite 302 Charleston, SC 29401 Tel 843 727-2600, 800 929-0726 Fax 843 727-2601 david.r.townsend@wachoviasec.com Member NYSE/SIPC 1005 Trident Street Hanahan, South Carolina 29406 CINDY CHUBB Office Manager Office: (843) 744-8400 Office: (843) 744-4026 Fax: (843) 744-5971 Cell: (843) 670-3733 0LFKHOOH¶V6DORQ6SD 843-588-2566 103 E. Cooper St., Folly Beach www.michellesalonandspa.com 0HQ/DGLHV&XWV&RORUV 0DVVDJHV0LFURGHUP$IUDVLRQ Pedicures Manicures Look for Monthly Specials! +HLGL¶V:DWFK5HSDLU Rolex Trained Technician Heidi Yon, Owner 40 Milano Street ,Hanahan, SC 29410 (843) 553-8584
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email. To search for homes online go to ClintAltman.com
x Representing buyers and sellers ~ serving the entire low-country
x Buyer representation is free, the seller pays all realtor commissions
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email. To search for homes online go to ClintAltman.com
Representing buyers and sellers ~ serving the entire low-country
Buyer representation is free, the seller pays all realtor commissions