September - Society of Brunswick Shaggers
September - Society of Brunswick Shaggers
The Official Newsletter of the Society of Brunswick Shaggers PO BOX 274, Oak Island, NC 28465 Visit our website at: “LIKE” us on FACEBOOK at: 2016 The Beach Beat! Message from our President… Executive Committee Minutes 2 Meet Some of Our Members 3 Welcome New SOBS & Guests 4 September Birthdays 4 September DJs Bios 5 Shag Lessons 6 Dance / Party Schedule 7 Uplink Information Letter 8 Uplink Solicitation Letter 9 Uplink Flyer 10 SOS - Places to Dance 11 SOS - Fun Sunday & Monday 12 August Dance Pictures 13 SOBS Membership Form 15 We are continuing to have a good turnout at all of our dances. August gave us 2 great evenings of dancing and socializing. I have always seemed to live for the summer, swimming, Surfing and Shag dancing. Sounds good to me! I enjoy seeing the level of participation of so many of our club members. Thank you to our members who stay after our dances to help and clean up so that it goes very quickly. We still need volunteers to sign up to be Door Greeters and do the 50/50 at our upcoming dances. Both of these offer opportunities to get to know other club members. At the September 9th dance at the VFW, VP Chuck Boney, Gary Goldenbaum and I will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs for our club members. Come out and enjoy this “Dog Days of Summer” evening with dancing and good food. SOS Fall Migration is right around the corner. We still have a few SOS cards left. SOS will bring us 10 days of dancing and good times and, of course, our traditional SOS “Free Pour” at the OD Pavilion. DJ Claude Collins will probably be playing that Saturday afternoon. He usually plays for our club twice a year. Buy some Fun Monday tickets from Chuck Boney, come out see some great dancing, be inspired and enjoy the SOS activities. If you have questions please feel free to contact me. Operation Uplink will be here before you know it. I hope that you all are making plans to attend and enjoy these good times. Remember to ask your businesses to make donations for our raffles and auction. We have brought back the distribution to our club members of the Operation Uplink tickets which will help with the fundraising total. Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or want to help out. This is our opportunity to show our veterans and active duty soldiers how much we care. We have a number of veterans in our club who know how important this is. Our next board meeting is September 8th at the VFW at 6 PM. Let us know if there are club issues that we need to address. New nametags are being passed out, remember yours! If you haven’t picked it up yet, see me at the next dance, I always have them. We hope to see you all on the dance floor sometime this month. SEPTEMBER 9 “DOG DAYS” SHAG DANCE @ John Hutton, President OAK ISLAND VFW SEPTEMBER 17 SOS - SOBS “FREE POUR” @ OD PAVILION SEPTEMBER 23 “END OF SUMMER” SHAG DANCE @ OAK ISLAND MOOSE LODGE 2016 Society of Brunswick Shaggers Board Members... John Hutton, President Joe Malinowski, Newsletter & Membership Chuck Boney, Vice President Ellen Wester, Immediate Past President Mary Ann Gregory, Secretary Diani Johnson, Treasurer September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 2 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, August 11, 2016... Present: John Hutton, Chuck Boney, Mary Ann Gregory, Diani Johnson, Ellen Wester Guests: Katie O’Neill, Rob Johnson Meeting was called to order by John at 6:00 PM. Secretary‘s Report: A motion to accept the Secretary’s Report was made, seconded and approved by the Committee members in attendance. Treasurer’s Report: Diani gave the Treasurer’s report from July; the bank balance is $2,661.29 We have $250.00 in the cash box. Motion was made to accept Treasurer’s report as is and seconded and approved by the Committee members in attendance. Old Business: The attendance for our July dances was 39 at the VFW and around 72 at the Moose Lodge. New Business: SOBS “Free Pour” at OD Pavilion on Saturday, September 17th from 1:00 until...! September 9th: DJ Eddie Baker at the VFW. Chuck and John will be our grill chefs for the evening with “Hot Dogs & Hamburgers On the Club.” Theme will be “Dog Days of Summer!” September 23rd: DJ Robert Carter at the Moose Lodge. Theme is “End of Summer and Welcome Fall!” October 14th: DJ Gene Sistare at the VFW. Theme to be announced October 28th: DJ John Hook at the Moose Lodge for Operation Uplink. SOS Fun Monday: Chuck Boney has raffle tickets available for $10.00 each. Tickets from Fun Monday help pay for the two days of music but also helps support the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs. Name Tags: Are now available, if you have not picked yours up you can do so at the next dance. Operation Uplink: Katie O’Neill will chair this event again this year and please start seeking donations now. Operation Uplink tickets will be passed out at dances through September 9 th then will be mailed out to the remaining members who have not received them. Next meeting will be Thursday, September 8th 6:00 PM at VFW. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM. Minutes Submitted by: Mary Ann Gregory, Secretary September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 3 Meet Some of Our Members... Ron & Tanya Nickson... Ron and Tanya Nickson left the snow and traffic of Northern Virginia 1 ½ years ago to enjoy the ocean and year round activities of this lovely area that we all call home. They met 51 years ago when Tanya was a college student in Virginia and Ron was a young Army Lieutenant from Colorado serving his ROTC obligation at Ft. Belvoir, VA. There must have been something magical at that dance where they met – they are coming up on 50 years of marriage! Their family includes a son, who is a firefighter in Oregon, and his wife and 2 children and a Virginia -based son-in-law and daughter, who home schools their 8 year son. Ron telecommutes to his office in DC and is the Vice President of Building Codes for the National Multi-Family Housing Council. He loves to bicycle and sail and is always looking for sailing companions. Tanya teaches fitness classes, is an Artisan with the St. James Artisans and is a belly dancer. They were team members of the Northern Virginia Country Western Dance Association Performance Team and enjoyed entertaining audiences throughout Northern Virginia. Prior to their current professions, Ron was a homebuilder with two partners. During that time, Tanya was a high school and college mathematics instructor. They later went into business together and designed and built custom homes. Tanya, the eternal dance-lover of the two, quickly honed in on Shag Dancing when they arrived in NC. Finding Chuck and Sandy Boney was just what was needed to get them going with Shag lessons. The Boneys introduced them to the SOBS, which they quickly joined. They are looking forward to classes starting up in the fall so that Chuck can add some razzle-dazzle to their repertoire of steps. They love the atmosphere of each SOBS dance and appreciate everyone’s friendliness. They look forward to helping out wherever they can. September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 4 WELCOME to our New Members, Re-Ups & Guests... WELCOME TO THE SOBS OUR NEWEST MEMBERS… BILL & KAREN CRITCHER, MARK & APRIL TRULL, CHERYL WILSON! The August 12th “Beach Time #1” dance at the VFW was a nice fun-filled event with DJ Mike Hudson keeping the dance floor full. We had 56 SOBS and 5 members from the Northern Virginia Shag Club, Coastal Shag Club and OD Shag Club. Thank you to all the members who brought salads/pasta salads and desserts and shared their goodies with us. Our August 26th “Beach Time #2” dance had a great showing at the Moose Lodge. Ever popular DJ Terry McPhail was great as he played his extensive collection of beach music and kept 56 SOBS, 10 guests and 2 members from Coastal Shag Club dancing the whole evening! GUESTS @ AUGUST 12 DANCE Kelly Bradley Sonny & Debbie Gentry Mark & April Trull GUESTS @ AUGUST 26 DANCE Becky Farrar Zeb & Charlie Hanner Rob & Teresa Hyatt Dave & Laura Bradt Jim & Peggy Jordan Mosley & Sandy Seely Art Willetts Ken Morford Our September Birthdays... 5th… John Hutton 17th… Mary Lou McLeroy 7th… Tom Green 18th… Susan DeMeyer 10th… Mike Slowik 20th… Mark Trull 13th… Bill Critcher 22nd… Gay Rosenberg 13th… Janice Kowalchuk 24th… Joe Apicella 14th… Susan Albizu 29th… Sandy Brown 16th… Judy Kelley 29th… Dick Ely 17th… Chuck Elledge 30th… Steve Uhl September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 5 September DJ Information... Fellow SOBS… Have you been on the dance floor lately? Summer has sure flown by. DJ’s Mike Hudson and Terry McPhail sure kept the dance floor full in August. Katy and I are continuing to enjoy Sunday afternoons dancing at the OD Pavilion with other SOBS so c’mon down and join us. You can never tell who will show up. You can watch the action on webcam anytime, check out the music and the crowd. What a way to spend the days. We hope that you are having as much fun as we are. SOS Fall Migration is September 16th thru 25th - right around the corner. Our club’s “Free Pour” will be at the OD Pavilion on Saturday, September 17th from 1 PM until the $$ runs out. We hope that you will come join in the SOS fun! We usually gather at the OD Beach Club or OD Café in the Spanish Galleon complex. “Chigger Woods” who DJ’s for our club will be playing there both SOS weekends. Spinning the discs for our September dances will be: Eddie Baker at the VFW, Friday, September 9th and Robert Carter at the Moose Lodge, Friday, September 23rd Eddie has played for us several times. He lives in Wilmington, NC, and is well regarded in the Shag Community, being involved with beach and shag music for many years. Come out and enjoy another great evening with the good turnouts at the VFW. Our September 23rd DJ is our former club President Robert Carter. Robert and his wife Glenda are longtime SOBS club members. Robert played our club’s first Valentine’s dance and has been playing for us ever since. He began his DJ career at Shucker’s/Turtle Island on Oak Island and has been associated with Beach, Shag, Boogie and Blues music for the last 40+ years. John Hutton, DJ Selection From our Friends at Coastal Shag Club (CSC)... This month is our “Fall Favor Shag Dance" on Saturday, September 17th, at the Moose Lodge, 253 Holden Beach Road, Shallotte, NC. Cost is $5 for CSC members and members of other Shag Clubs, $8/all other guests. Time: 7:00 to 10:30 PM, with DJ “Shagmonster” Mike Rogers. Fantastic non-smoking dance room with large wooden dance floor; 50/50; cash bar; bring a snack or dessert to share. We’re also collecting canned goods to replenish our local food pantry. We’re located just 20 minutes north of Ocean Drive and Main Street. Come join Brunswick County's friendliest shag club! Contact Pat Boyd at Visit their website at: September 2016 The Beach Beat! Learn or Sharpen up your Shag Steps... Instructors: Chuck & Sandy Boney On Thursdays: first class will be held on September 15 7 week session (from September 15-October 27) Brunswick County Senior Center 1513 N. Howe Street, Southport, NC Beginners 6:00-7:00 PM, Intermediate 7:00-8:00 PM Instructors: John Hutton & Katy O’Neill On Tuesdays: first class will be held on September 20 7 week session (from September 20-November 3) Beginners 6:00-7:00 PM, Intermediate 7:00-8:00 PM South Brunswick Island Center 9400 Ocean Highway 17 W, Carolina Shores, NC $60 per person/$120 per couple Offered by Brunswick County Parks and Recreation For information: Chuck Boney at 910.454.4150 or or John Hutton at 910.201.9993 or Page 6 September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 7 2016 Dance & Party Schedule (Subject to Change!)... ALL DANCES BEGIN AT 6:00 PM, WITH MOST DANCES HAVING A SHAG OR LINE DANCE LESSON AT THE BEGINNING! DATE LOCATION DJ SEPTEMBER 9 OAK ISLAND VFW EDDIE BAKER SEPT 16-25 THEME DOGS DAYS OF SUMMER FOOD HAMBURGERS & HOTDOGS “ON THE CLUB” DOOR 50/50 BILL & SANDY DENNIS & ELAINE BROWN FAVER LESSON LINE DANCE SOS FALL MIGRATION (N. MYRTLE BEACH) SOS FALL MIGRATION SEPT 17 SOBS “FREE POUR” OD PAVILION SEPTEMBER 23 OCTOBER 14 OAK ISLAND MOOSE LODGE OAK ISLAND VFW OAK ISLAND OCTOBER 28 MOOSE LODGE (OPERATION UPLINK) NOVEMBER 6 NOVEMBER 11 THE LAZY TURTLE BAR & GRILL, OAK ISLAND OAK ISLAND VFW THANKSGIVING DANCE ROBERT CARTER “END OF SUMMER - MOOSE CLUB WELCOME FALL!” DENNIS & ELAINE GENE SISTARE FAVER “FESSA” JOHN MOOSE CLUB HOOK MENU COURTESY OF TERRY McPHAIL FRANK & MARY ANN DARZANO CLAUDE COLLINS SHAG MENU LINE DANCE SHAG THE LAZY TURTLE MENU JIM & ANGELA TRENT LINE DANCE OAK ISLAND DECEMBER 10 MOOSE LODGE JERRY BURRAGE CHRISTMAS PARTY The Society of Brunswick Shaggers is a proud member of The Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC) and SOS (Society of Stranders). The SOS Website can be found at: September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 8 Operation Uplink” on Friday, October 28, 2016... Greetings Fellow SOBS, It is with great excitement that we begin the preparations for our “Operation Uplink” event to be held on Friday, October 28, 2016. This annual event includes a dance with legendary DJ John “Fessa” Hook, a Silent auction and a multi item raffle. Dinner and a full cash bar will be available at the Moose Lodge. All profits from the event will be donated to the VFW’s Operation Uplink, providing free call days and Internet time to service men and women across the globe. Hospitalized heroes here at home also benefit from the project. Over the past 11 years the Society of Brunswick Shaggers has donated nearly $30,000 to this worthy cause. Use this link for additional information: or call (816) 968-1155. We, your Auction Co-Chairs, are inviting you to contribute to the effort. Please consider soliciting items for our auction and raffles. Your community businesses and friends will only know of our event if you help spread the word. A restaurant which you frequent may be interested in donating a gift certificate, a store where you regularly shop may donate an item or a gift card. A letter and flyers to introduce our event is provided on the next 2 pages for you to print out and take to your friends in the community. It provides a place for you to document the donation in order to properly thank our business community members after the event. It also provides a receipt to the donor. You, yourself may be interested in donating your own handiwork, whether it is a quilt, woodwork, artwork, jewelry or pottery piece. Please, only new, unused items. Feel free to purchase items to donate. This is yet another way you can participate. This year we will be mailing out 10 tickets for you to presell. You can sell these $5 tickets, purchase them yourself or return them at the event. The ticket stubs will be collected and used for door prize drawings. In order to plan for space and maintain organization we are asking you to get items to us as soon as possible. We will accept items on the day of event, but we would prefer to have them in hand by October 9 th, the night of the dance at the VFW. Here are several delivery options: you may bring items to any of the dances, you may drop off items at South Brunswick High School for Katy O’Neill, or call Patti or Katy at the numbers provided and make arrangements to drop off at our homes. If you will be bringing a large item to the event (grill, furniture, gardening table, etc.) please assure that one of us is informed! We don’t want to run out of space! Thanks for your support of this great event. Don’t hesitate to call either of us. Co-Chairpersons Katy O’Neill: (910) 201-9993 Patti Smith: (910) 515-2590 PO Box 274 - Oak Island, NC 28465 Dear Community Member, On Friday, October 28, 2016, the Society of Brunswick Shaggers will hold the 13th annual “Operation Uplink” fundraiser at the Moose Lodge on Long Beach Rd, Oak Island. Our organization has donated over $30,000 through the local VFW to provide US Service men and women with free call days and Internet connections. Our event will include a dance with DJ John “Fessa” Hook, a Silent Auction, raffles, a 50/50 drawing and door prizes. Would your organization or business be willing to support our event through the donation of items suitable for any of these categories? Examples of items donated in years past include gift cards, an airplane ride, ceramics, a grill, jewelry, tote bags, coozies and services from area restaurants. If you prefer, we can accept monetary donations from your business. Your name will be entered into the door prize drawing and your company’s name will be prominently featured on our Wall of Fame at the event. The lower portion of this letter serves as your receipt for your donation. For any additional information about your donation please contact the Auction Co-Chairpersons at the numbers listed below. Thank you, John Hutton SOBS President SOBS Club Member: ______________________________________________________________ Business or Individual: _________________________________________________________ Item (s)/amount donated:________________________________________________________ ********************************************************************************************************************* Thank you for your donation of _______________________________________________to the Society of Brunswick Shaggers. Your donation will be used for the Operation Uplink auction, raffles or door prize giveaway. Operation Uplink provides free call days and internet services to US service men and women both deployed and hospitalized here at home. For more information use this link: or call (816) 968-1155. We will look forward to adding your company’s name to our Wall of Fame at the event on Friday, October 28, 2016. Operation Uplink Co-Chairpersons Katy O’Neill: (910) 201-9993 Patti Smith: (910) 515-2590 September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 10 Learn or Sharpen up your Shag Steps... th 12 Annual Beach Music Dance & Charity Fundraiser Friday, October 28, 2016 In the Ballroom of the Moose Lodge Family Center #2059 4239 Long Beach Road, Oak Island, NC 6-10 PM - Open to the Public Door Prizes 50/50 Drawings Silent Auction Raffles Music by Legendary DJ ‘Fessa’ John Hook Shag Dancing! $5 Donation – All Profits Donated to Charity VFW Operation Uplink (Providing Free Phone Cards to Military Personnel) Moose Lodge Feed the Veterans Sponsored by the Society of Brunswick Shaggers September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 11 Places to Dance at North Myrtle Beach SOS Fall Migration / September 16-25 The State of South Carolina has passed a law prohibiting smoking in bars and restaurants. Most bars have an outdoor area for the smokers! Fat Harold’s – On Main Street on the left going toward the ocean. Two dance floors are available. Food is available. Duck’s and Duck’s Café – On main Street on the right going toward the ocean (across from Fat Harold’s). There are two dance floors and food is available. Pirate’s Cove – On Main Street on the right going toward the ocean just past Duck’s. There is one dance floor and food is available. OD Pavilion – On Ocean Blvd at the end of Main Street on the right. There is one dance floor open to the beach and the ocean. NO SOS CARD NEEDED. Food is available. Spanish Galleon – On Ocean Blvd at the end of Main Street on the left. Look on the street for signs advertising Bands. No food. OD Beach Club – On Ocean Blvd at the end of Main Street on the left. The OD Café and Tiki Bar are on the ocean front beside the Galleon, There is an upstairs (OD Beach Club) dance floor and a downstairs (Tiki Bar) dance floor. The Upstairs Club may not be open all of the time. Food is available at times. The Society of Brunswick Shaggers usually start out at the upstairs club around 7-8 PM on Friday and Saturday nights around 10-11 PM. OD Arcade – On Ocean Blvd (turn right off of Main Street) on the right. There is one dance floor and has a porch. Food is available all of the time. MOST CLUBS OPEN IN THE EARLY AFTERNOON DAILY WITH VERY FEW DANCERS ON THE FLOORS AT THIS TIME! You can easily walk to all of these venues. The parking lot behind the Pirate’s Cove may not be available. You may have to park on the grass lot behind Fat Harold’s. Note that there is only one place that will allow you in without an SOS Card or admission fee (OD Pavilion). You can also go to the SOS Website at and check on any live entertainment offered at some of the Clubs and Dance Lessons available. September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 12 September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 13 Pictures from our August 12nd dance @VFW… The August 12th “Beach Time #1” dance at the VFW was a nice fun-filled event with DJ Mike Hudson keeping the dance floor full. We had 56 SOBS and 5 members from the Northern Virginia Shag Club, Coastal Shag Club and OD Shag Club. Thank you to all the members who brought salads/pasta salads and desserts and shared their goodies with us. September 2016 The Beach Beat! Page 14 Pictures from our August 26th dance @Moose Lodge… Our August 26th “Beach Time #2” dance had a great showing at the Moose Lodge. Ever popular DJ Terry McPhail was great as he played his extensive collection of beach music and kept 56 SOBS, 10 guests and 2 members from Coastal Shag Club dancing the whole evening! September 2016 The Beach Beat! SOBS Membership Application Form (PLEASE PRINT!)… Page 15
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The lower portion of this letter will serve as your receipt for your donation. If you need additional information about
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