00304 Graduate Success Computing.indd


00304 Graduate Success Computing.indd
am working on software for one of the
leaders in the helicopter industry
At school I’d always been a little afraid of computers. Now I not only have a degree in computing but am
working on software for one of the world leaders in the helicopter industry.
Initially I went into further education because I wasn’t quite old enough to enter the armed forces. My family have always had
very strong links to the armed forces - my great, great grandfather was second in command to Nelson at Trafalgar. So, I decided
to study a technical course as recommended by the armed forces recruitment officers and chose an OND in Computing.
Chris Collingwood-Hancock
University of Plymouth
Profiles of our
past students
After college, once again I hit a cross-roads of deciding whether to enter the armed forces or continue into higher education.
Choosing the latter I enrolled on the BSc (Hons) Computing course at the University of Plymouth which allowed me to build on
the knowledge I had gained in computing, in particular in the direction of software engineering.
BSc (Hons) Computing
Avionics Systems Integration Engineer
Agusta Westland (UK)
Now I am employed at Agusta Westland in Somerset developing and maintaining avionic software for the Royal Navy EH101
(Merlin) helicopter. The best thing about the job is that I can use what I learnt at the University of Plymouth whilst working in a
really cool environment. Every day I see the latest helicopters flying by.
Business Analyst
Network Analyst/Designer
Cisco Network Engineer
Network Consultant
Communications Engineer
Network Engineer
Computer Security
Operations Analyst
British Computer Society (BCS) Success
Following a recent visit by the BCS, our BSc (Hons) Computer Systems and Networks and BSc
(Hons) Computing Informatics courses have been recommended for re-accreditation at
Chartered IT Professional (CITP) and Partial Chartered Engineer (CEng) level. Additionally, our
BSc (Hons) Computing and BSc (Hons) Web Applications Development courses have been
recommended for accreditation also at CITP and Partial CEng level. At Postgraduate degree
level, the MSc/MRes Information Systems Security has been recommended for CITP Further
Learning Element and Partial CEng accreditation.
Information Architect
Software Trainer
For further information on the BCS, visit www.bcs.org
Information Security
Support Analyst
Learning Technologist
Locative Media Designer
Technological Project
Mobile Systems Developer
Web Applications Developer
Multimedia Developer/
Web Consultant
Network Administrator/
Web Designer
TELEPHONE 01752 586000
After graduation I was very busy. I won the Submerge Award with three other students for creating an
online game and, together, we worked really hard to build HMC Interactive; an award winning software
development company. HMC Interactive creates interactive multimedia products for a wide range of
industries from education to entertainment and beyond, turning fantasy into reality. It’s great fun building
theme parks and attractions all over the world. It’s never boring and I love it!
For one of our American clients we created audio-reactive disability rooms for children with autism and
cerebral palsy. It uses high-powered hidden microphones to turn children’s sounds into a world of colours
and light. We worked with leading American speech therapists to create it and we are hoping to bring it to
the UK soon.
Currently, I am working on the Space Gallery at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, making huge digital
rooms full of interactive starscapes from the Hubble telescope. We are also designing new interactive
playspaces for the Cadbury World theme park in Birmingham. ‘Purple Planet’ is a realm of mirrors, wall-sized
screens, hidden cameras, motion detectors and interactive projections that react when you touch them or
move your body. They form a series of mind-stretching virtual exhibits including such features as chocolate
rain falling from the sky and a photo booth that moulds people into cyber chocolate sculptures.
Systems Analyst
Systems Applications
When I came to an open day at the University of Plymouth, one of the lecturers presented
some of the great games that final year students had created. When I saw them I thought,
“I’d love to make something like that.” Four years later I was running my own software
development company and winning awards.
The British Computer Society (BCS) is the leading UK professional body for computing and
information systems, and under its Royal Charter, one of its many responsibilities is to
develop and maintain standards in educational qualifications that provide an appropriate
foundation for those who wish to follow a career in computing or information systems.
Computer/Support Engineer (e.g. Real-time and Embedded
Systems Programmer)
Creative Developer
Database Administrator
Software Analyst/Designer
Database Analyst/Designer
Software Artist
Database Developer
Software Developer/
Digital Artist
Games Designer/Developer Software Tester
Information Systems
T E L 01752 5860 0 0
Top marks for Computing Department
Chocolate rain, one of the attractions at Cadbury World
Adam Montandon
“It's great fun building theme parks
and attractions all over the world ”
The University of Plymouth’s School of Computing, Communications and Electronics received
maximum marks – 32 out of 32 – in a review of its accredited courses.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) praised staff-student relationships, learning
resources and facilities, staff expertise, industrial contacts and professional project work.
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BSc (Hons) Media Lab Arts
(now called Digital Art & Technology)
HMC Interactive Ltd &
HMC MediaLab Organisation
Many more profiles inside, including:
Master Inventor
Award winning
Mandy Chessell flying high
with IBM
David Wiltshire on his
work for Nike and Xbox
page 2
page 2
Top of the charts
Going Global
Laith Bahrani on how he
helped a new band get to
No 1.
Rob Ellis managing
success in Hong Kong
page 3
page 3
Master Inventor & Distinguished Engineer
My career at IBM has been interesting, fun and well paid. I work with fantastic people and together we have created some amazing technology.
I am still excited about what I do and am looking forward to the future.
What more could you want from a career?
work placement year with the
Land Registry was invaluable
Donna Daykin
BSc (Hons) Computing Informatics
Doing my degree course at the University of Plymouth has opened
up a whole new world. It has enabled me to give some visible,
tangible form to ideas and characters that had run rampant in my
mind. It has also led to my biggest claim to fame so far: creating
the video for the number one hit single ‘The JCB Song’.
Software Developer
As a Distinguished Engineer I am responsible for defining the future strategy for a portfolio
of IBM software products, such as CICS – a system used in cash machines which ensures
that the ATM computer and the one in your bank talk to each other. Master Inventor is a title
I have had to earn. It is a title given to IBM employees who have created a large number of
patents and also help others with their inventions.
The IT industry changes so rapidly that I am constantly learning new technology and
methods. Being a global industry I get to travel all over the world, linking with colleagues
to work on interesting projects.
One of the best things about my time at Plymouth was the people I met. The different
backgrounds and different skills created a great environment for sharing ideas
on everything from multimedia to the best Simpsons’ episode. The course also
encouraged my creativity and there was great support from my tutors.
I loved everything about my time at the University of Plymouth – from the learning to
the social life. The Computing Informatics course is a highly professional course and
really prepares you for the real world of IT.
After graduating from Plymouth I landed a job as a web monkee creating site layout
designs, banners and flash animations. From there I moved to a larger multi-media
agency and over the course of three years worked my way from Designer to
Creative Director. I then decided to work for myself under the self-created brand
‘Monkeehub’. My first official commission was the animated video for Nizlopi’s JCB
song. This was truly an amazing project to work on. One of the best elements of
the work was the creative freedom and autonomy I was given.
Initially I chose the BSc (Hons) Computing Informatics course because I was looking for a degree
that would lead to a good career. I can honestly say it’s the best choice I ever made and I would
recommend it to anyone.
The work placement year with the Land Registry was invaluable. Having never worked in the industry
before I was really nervous but found I absolutely loved it. Everyone was very helpful, I was given lots
of training and, as a result of my placement I was offered a job there.
As for the future I’m eager to do more music videos and also to explore the area
of TV cartoon shows. I’d like to gradually move into more directing and ultimately
I want to build Monkeehub into a world-renowned brand of creativity, originality
and entertainment.
Laith Bahrani
BSc (Hons) Media Lab Arts
As Software Developer for the Land Registry I have a great job full of variety and with lots of opportunities.
My job includes web application development, support and maintenance of the Land Registry’s live
computer systems as well as a lot of data migration work. This involves the transfer of data from one system
to another and sees me travelling throughout the UK, communicating with large numbers of people.
(now called Digital Art & Technology)
Runs his own company – Monkeehub
The Computing Informatics course
has been so relevant to my career
and I have used knowledge from
every module
Land Registry
Initially I chose to study at the University of Plymouth because it was the closest to home.
It proved to be an excellent choice. The Computing Informatics course has been so relevant
to my career and I have used knowledge from every module. After graduation I was taken
on by IBM as a Junior Programmer. Now I am classed as a Distinguished Engineer and
Master Inventor, have written numerous papers and books and won many awards.
Martin Wilson
David Wiltshire
BSc (Hons) Computer Systems
& Networks
BSc (Hons) Media Lab Arts
(now called Digital Art & Technology)
Senior Software Analyst
Creative Developer
Garden & Leisure
I chose my course after attending many open days at various
universities. The University of Plymouth degree stood out because
it was the only one able to show me work produced by students that
was genuinely inspiring. The course definitely lived up to my
expectations: the placement year was vital in consolidating the first
two years of the course as well as giving me professional discipline
and confidence in my own abilities.
In my final year I was able to lead my own studies. This gave me the opportunity
to produce my final year project for which I won the Europrix Top Talent Award,
beating off stiff competition from 22 countries as well as the Submerge award for
commercial value. APCompass, my final year project, is a community based tool
helping users to locate wireless internet hotspots as they physically move around
the University using a GPS enabled palmtop.
As Creative Developer for AKQA it’s my job to take the ideas of the design team
and bring them to life. I’m generally the last person to touch a
website before it goes live so it’s really down to me to make sure
everything looks the way the designers want it to and works the
way the users need it to.
Even though it’s still relatively early in my career I’ve been
lucky enough to work on websites and applications for
some of the world’s biggest brands such as Nike, Orange
and Coca-Cola and produced webgames for Xbox. For Coca
Cola I worked on a section of their website that encourages unsigned musicians to
upload their music allowing them to share it with a huge network of listeners.
My biggest claim to fame so
far has been creating the
video for the number one hit
single ‘The JCB Song'
I chose the BSc (Hons) Computing and Informatics degree
because I already had a talent for IT and am good with figures.
I wanted to enhance my knowledge and experience, not only to
increase my chances of getting a good job, but also to learn to
live independently.
During my time at Plymouth I won the British Computer
Society student project competition. Now I work for the
company that I worked for in my placement year and who
subsequently funded my final year project.
biggest brands such as
Nike, Coca-Cola and Xbox
The Digital Art and Technology course has its own website: http://b.i-dat.org
The Institute of Digital Art and Technology (i-DAT) has an international profile as a centre for
excellence in the field of interactive arts. It is a division of the School of Computing,
Communications and Electronics. It is supported by Arts Council England, Creative
Partnerships, HEIF2, Plymouth City Council, numerous collaborators and a range of public
and private sector funding sources.
Now I work for a global blue chip financial company where I
manage a team developing IT solutions for financial controllers.
After two years based in the London office I have relocated to
Hong Kong and am now covering various financial product
controller groups across the Asia Pacific region. My aim is to gain
more responsibility and experience within the company as well
as taking some time to do more travelling around Asia.
I am the Senior Software Analyst for the Garden & Leisure Group - a
group of garden centres which includes Endsleigh Garden & Leisure on
the edge of Plymouth. During my time with the company I have created
a new company internet site and intranet site. I am currently developing
an ecommerce website.
worked on websites
for some of the world’s
My final year project has also been implemented across all the stores.
This is a mobile hand terminal system used to show stock levels, pricing
and product information, create orders and book goods in. It runs on
radio frequency and passes data from the back office computers to the
users on the shop floor in an instant.
If you want a first class degree you have to work hard, then work
harder. Most importantly of all, ensure you enjoy the subject first.
It is what you could be doing for the rest of your life.
The best part of my job is that I’m doing something I love as well as
working with some great people. My aims for the future are simply to
continue learning. It has to be said that university prepares you for a job
but the real learning starts when you actually get one.
My advice to someone considering higher education
is choose your subject well and choose Plymouth.
For me studying at the University of Plymouth was
such a positive experience and has helped me so well
in my career. The University has a great social scene
and one of the best things about the course is the
great study material.
I won the British Computer Society
student project competition
BSc (Hons) Computing Informatics
Mandy Chessell
Rob Ellis
BSc (Hons) Computing
Application Development
Team Manager
Morgan Stanley