Student Hub - University of Huddersfield


Student Hub - University of Huddersfield
University of Huddersfield:
The facts
Our courses
Sunday Times 2013
Guardian University Guide 2014
Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, 2011/12
Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2011/12
Mitch Jenkins, Getty Images
How to apply
EU tuition fees, loans and grants
International tuition fees and scholarships
Entry requirements
Important information
Keep in touch
Contacts and how to find us
TOP 10 TOP 20
Welcome to your University
Top 20 in England for employability
Top 10 in England for paid work placements
Gain the skill sets for your own business
Supporting you to get a job
Top 10 in England for teaching excellence
Celebrating our successful students
Clubs and societies for you to join or create
Sport at Huddersfield
Your Huddersfield
Huddersfield welcomes the Tour de France
“Ask a University of Huddersfield graduate and they’ll tell
you that studying here was a great experience, but more
importantly, it prepared them for a successful future.
That’s what we focus on, supporting and developing ours
students so they leave here ready to take their place in the
world of work. Our reputation for graduate employment
and our professional links mean that you can be confident
we can help you achieve your goals.”
Professor Sir Patrick Stewart
Welcome to your University
Over £100m investment on your campus
Why the University
of Huddersfield?
Let US tell you why!
Vijay Bhutada
Simona Ionescu
Roma Iqbal
MSc by Research in Informatics
Travel and Tourism Management
Electronic and
Electrical Engineering MSc
“Huddersfield offers a great range
of courses with very affordable fees.
I have enjoyed my experience here
and I love the fact that Huddersfield
is known as a ‘musical town’.
“Huddersfield is like the second
home for me. The courses offer
everything industry needs and
the University staff are friendly
and well prepared.”
“I appreciate the interaction we
have with our tutors and the support
they give us while finding a work
placement as part of our course.”
“I have been very pleased with my
time at Huddersfield. It has helped
to broaden my horizons both
academically and culturally.
The campus is very serene and
peaceful. The University has very
hospitable staff and I like that the
students are exposed to a variety
of high quality resources.”
Orojinmi Oluwatomisin
Ivana Ulicna
MSc by Research in Politics
“The tutors and University staff are
amazing. You know its good when
friends back home are speaking very
highly about he student experience
at Huddersfield.”
Ying Wang
Etzali Hernandez
Events Management BA(Hons)
International Graphic
Design Practice MA
“I love my course, its one of the best
in the UK. My tutors and the people
at this University are very helpful.”
Marketing MSc
“I loved the University from the first
time I saw it. The place has been
amazing, more than I ever expected.
There are so many events and
societies for students to get
involved in and make new friends.”
Let US tell
you why!
Paula Acosta
Rūta Jočbalytė
Shazma Jamshed
Engineering Control
Systems and Instrumentation MSc
Marketing and Brand Management
Business Administration
Management BA(Hons)
"I think that University is a great
place to study as it provides all the
relevant support during and gives
you an unforgettable experience."
"The University has an excellent
ranking which is very attractive to
students wanting to come to this
University from Pakistan and around
the world."
“It’s one of the most convenient
universities in the UK because of its
location and all the facilities around
it. In my time here, I have seen the
University grow and improve everyday.”
“The thing I like most about the
University is the student population
of the campus. I also like the
University library has good range
of book collections.”
Kelly Ngu Kae Lih
Interior Design BA(Hons)
Dawei Tang (David)
Kristine Kalceva
Thi Thao Mi Tran
PhD Optical Engineering
Events Management BA(Hons)
International Business
Management MSc
“I was recommended this University
through a friend and so I applied for
study here. Since beginning my PhD
I made so many good friends here.
“The University has high statistics
and a good reputation for graduate
“I love the peaceful environment
and the facilities available on this
beautiful campus. I had such a good
time here and made some good
friends along the way.”
Mingxuan Yang
International Human
Resource Management MA
“The tutors are especially helpful here,
they always try their best to help you
with any difficulties you may have.”
Adam Mentsiev
Computer Science BSc(Hons)
“From the very first day I met so many
friendly people and the tutors have
been so helpful.”
Djoni Ashari
PhD Artificial Intelligence
“There is a vast amount of
professoriate and a good mix
of international students at the
University Huddersfield which help
to make it the great place it is.”
Sharmin Afrose
“This University has a very good
ranking and I love the Business
School as a great place to study law.”
Let US tell you why!
Marija Ruzinska
Journalism BA(Hons)
“I was pleasantly surprised with the
University. In my country, we have
nothing like this. It provides you
with a great opportunity to meet
new people from all over the world.
Its been such a good experience.”
Pavel Kulagin
Master of Architecture
“The courses at Huddersfield are
more tailored to what you actually
want to study and I like the fact
you can study an English language
course before starting your degree.”
“What I love about the University is
that the staff are very friendly and
professional. Any help or support
that you need, they are always there
for you.”
Lý Bích Ngọc
Marketing BA(Hons)
Top 20 in England for
graduate employability*
Alberta Lomoki Nartey
Yuanyuan Zhao
Logistics and Procurement Officer
Ghana National Petroleum
Country Manager for China
Walen Language School
“Since graduating from
the University, I got a job
offer from one of the most
popular language schools
in Thailand. I’m now
working as a Chinese
representative and
helping to develop the
Chinese market.
Johnny Poon
Senior Warehouse Assistant, UPS
"The University gave me the
opportunity to have work experience
with DHL during my studies. Now, as a
graduate, I have gained employment
with UPS which is giving me valuable
career experience.
“My time in Huddersfield
was a gift of life.
I had been to many nice places in the UK, Huddersfield is
definitely one of my favourite places and the most student
friendly place to study and live in.
"UPS provide me with different global
experiences in the logistics
environment. As a Senior Warehouse
Assistance, I deal with customers as
well as handling daily operations.
"I graduated with a Master’s in Global Logistics and Supply
Chain Management from the University of Huddersfield.
My experiences of Huddersfield were wonderful, the place
was excellent to study and live in and the people were
friendly. Living expenses were cheaper compared to that
of London and elsewhere. It's one of the best universities in
the UK that offers my course and I am very impressed with
the 24-hour library."
"My daily operations include a whole
range of documentation related to
shipping, storage and invoicing.
Working in a busy environment
is very challenging and enables
me to improve my time management
skills and allows me to handle my work
tasks priorities.
"The University of Huddersfield
enabled me to combine both
education and work experience
in order to make my transition
into the workplace a lot smoother."
"My major was in Professional development. The tutors were
very impressive and professional. We still stay in contact
with each other by sending emails, photos and festival
greeting cards. We have become very good friends.
“My study turned me into an active learner and independent
thinker. The tutors assessed our learning outcomes in the
form of presentations and assignments. These really
challenged us as being non-native speakers. The library is
all-inclusive that you can get almost all the reading articles
you want. We spent a lot of time over there, researching,
discussing, sharing ideas and writing until very late at night.
But we did feel content and happy.”
Ummey Hany
Molecular Plant Pathologist, Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA)
“My career goal is to build a research
based career, and I am on the track in
achieving that. I am working as a
Research and Development scientist
at FERA. I would like to give all the
credit to University of Huddersfield
which actually helped me in getting
access into the UK job market as well
as remodelling me to find my feet in
a very different work place than my
country with confidence.
“Huddersfield is a beautiful place and I
miss the walks to the Victorian - Castle
*Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, 2011/12
Hill tower that is the landmark of the
town. The structure of the town for
me was very handy, having the railway
station at one end, walking through
the town to the campus and then
further down to the place I used to
live by, the canal/river.
“The campus also was exciting with
modern structures I always had good
support from my tutors with excellent
facilities like the 24-hour library which
fit my time for my study.”
92.9% graduate employment*
Matt Roberts
MotoGP Presenter
BBC Sport
“I am from Huddersfield so maybe
I am biased but it is a great town with
friendly people. During the course of
my degree in Communication Arts
with Spanish I got involved in some
good projects in local radio and
television that inspired me towards
a career in sports journalism, as well
as getting to spend a year working
in Oviedo, Spain.
Sally Nugent
News Presenter/Journalist
BBC Sport
“I received such a warm welcome
at the University of Huddersfield
when I started my French and
Communications Arts degree.
Huddersfield is a good size and
really gave you that feel of a
university town.
“This gave me the opportunity to
pursue my early career in Barcelona,
which eventually led back to the BBC.
I don’t think you fully appreciate the
opportunities presented to you whilst
at university and how close they are to
the real world. The biggest lesson is
that you must apply yourself because
nobody else will do it for you. As in life,
you will only get out what you are
prepared to put in.”
Lizzie Levenez
Europe/USA Business Manager
System Plus Consulting
"I believe my degree in International
Business Management at the
University contributed to my
professional development.
“First of all regarding my English
knowledge which is one of the key
points for any career in international
trade, I appreciated the opportunity
to evolve in a very international
environment. This is exactly what I was
looking for in the future (multinational
company, job abroad like now, etc.).
“I would say that the high level of
provision at Huddersfield really opens
and can lead to many diverse jobs.
Studying at the University allowed me
to develop my skills in critical thinking,
comprehension and analysis, which
is especially what I need to develop
in my career.”
“My time at the University has had
an impact on my career and is
certainly where it all began.
The course seemed unusual and
offered a mixture of disciplines
including linguistics, French
literature and media-relations
among other areas. I and some
other students spent a year in a
French university in the city of
Besançon which furthered my
studies of French television
and culture.”
Sally has been working for the
BBC for over 15 years, starting as
a broadcast journalist at her local
radio station.
*Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, 2011/12
92.9% graduate employment*
Steven Hardy
Strategic Marketing
“Without question, the time I spent at
the University of Huddersfield paid a
critical role in my career. The breadth
and depth of study across the
marketing and business disciplines
have proved invaluable. In particular,
the industrial placement year provided
a tremendous opportunity to apply
academic principles in a real world
environment. That experience set in
place a passion and enthusiasm for
marketing and strategy in the
technology business that has been the
backbone of my career.
“Today, I lead the strategic marketing
function for ADP’s $2bn global large
enterprise business, based in New York.
My team is responsible for
understanding the global business
environment and the diverse needs of
large enterprises world-wide. We then
translate that into go to market
strategies and differentiated products
and services with the goal of making
ADP the worldwide leader in human
capital management services."
Ewe Fang Yunn
English Teacher, Heng Ee School, Penang
“I enjoyed my studies very much when I
was at Huddersfield. The thing that I
enjoyed most was meeting lots of new
friends from different countries
especially friends from England.
“One of my course mates from England
turned out to be my best friend. I
learned a lot of things from her about
English culture. For example, English
people would call their lunch as dinner
and dinner as tea. She also introduced
me to the festivities and celebrations
that happen annually here.
“I am currently teaching English in a
high school at SMJK Heng Ee in Penang.
When I was still in England, I
participated in a TEFL (Teaching
English as a Foreign Language) course
and learned some interesting teaching
skills like presentations, group
discussions, pair work and games.
Also, coupling with my numerous
experiences working with young people
and children throughout my part time
jobs, I am able to perform my duties well
while conducting my lessons at this
school. When there are subjects relating
to health and community, I am very
happy to share my knowledge that I
have gained from my course with the
students. As a result, students show a
great interest towards my lessons and
work hard on improving their English.
It is a very satisfactory job and I enjoy
it very much.”
Event Manager
VV Promotion s.r.o.
“I have always believed in the benefits of a
good quality education. Hence, I decided to
improve my skills by undertaking a degree in
Huddersfield. This experience helped me to
become more independent and gave me the
opportunity to fully develop my abilities.
“My course was exactly what I’ve expected from
the Master’s degree. The University gave me
the opportunity to get a number of practical
experiences in all aspects of project
management. Even though I have a Business
and Marketing background, I have learnt new
skills by working on various projects. The
University prepared me very well so I am able
to use my skills in any field of my choice.”
*Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, 2011/12
92.9% graduate employment*
Thi Thu Ha Nguyen
Head Manager, Department of Education
and Training, Vietnam
Jo-Mei (Fion) Lu
Marketing Coordinator
“Studying at Huddersfield was one of
my most memorable periods. The
most important thing is that the
people are really friendly, the teachers
show lots of passion and patience to
the international students which make
you feel at home. I made many friends
from different nationalities and
learned so much that it truly helped
my career prospects.
“Marketing is very popular in Taiwan
and I have a strong interest in this
subject. There aren't really any
institutions offering digital marketing
back home and by achieving my
degree at Huddersfield, it stood me in
good stead for gaining employment.
“I think the people in Huddersfield
arereally friendly. The tutors gave so
much confidence and improved my
English language skills. They are so
passionate and love to help students out.
“I currently work as the Marketing
Coordinator at Transcend Information
Inc. in Taiwan, I’m the contact window
of UK and Germany branch office
which help them to plan and enhance
the branding locally.”
"Since graduating, I have returned to my
country and set up strategies to refine my
work of educational manager to develop local
education so that all children can go to school
and appreciate equal quality of education, and
local school leaders and teachers can become
more effective in their career.
“I chose Huddersfield because I strongly
believed that this place would support me
with excellent conditions for both living and
studying. People here are so kind and friendly
that they are willing to talk with me so I can
improve my speaking English skills as well as
help me find the way home when I get lost.
The University’s campus is well facilitated
with modern and friendly teaching and
learning equipment like computers,
projectors, smart boards, internet, and so on.
"I was really fascinated by the University library
which is big enough to meet all my needs of
reading and doing research. I appreciate that
all of my tutors are not only very professional
but also helpful and inspiring."
Adam Roberts
Graduate Software Developer, IBM
"Studying at the University really
benefitted me. The variation of
subjects taught and the friends I
picked up along the way – I was given
just enough push to inspire me to
learn a lot on my own (which I think
is far better than being told facts).
"I took the opportunity of a placement
year at the University and enjoyed
every part of it. All of the people,
all of the opportunities, my excellent
supervisor and work colleagues;
I wouldn’t trade that year out on
placement for anything else!
"My advice is to go for it, don’t
be afraid of anything – dive in and
enjoy. Question everything and don’t
hesitate to speak up. The friends
you will make, the staff you will
converse with and be inspired by,
the opportunities you’ll have
available…it’s the deal of the century."
*Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, 2011/12
Top 10 in England for
paid work placements*
Giving you the skills employers are looking for
Giving you a better degree classification
Liga Krauja
Juliet Akobundu
Johnson and Johnson
“Taking a work placement is definitely a win-win
deal. In exchange for one year of your life you
get a really professional experience, fast
development opportunities and a clear
understanding about many things relevant
in the future.
"The best part of my fashion
communication and promotion course
was knowing I had the opportunity to
go out and work for a year; it was even
more exciting when I landed the
placement job at Adidas as an Office
Co-ordinator for Entertainment and
Influencer Marketing.
“On top of that, you get the opportunity to live
in another country, to travel around, learn
additional language and meet some really
awesome people.
“The University’s logistics degree placement gave
me the opportunity to work for Johnson&Johnson
MD&D which meant working in a highly
professional environment, with many
responsibilities and a chance to lead projects
and teams.
"There is a great deal of versatility
involved on my course which is great
because there are so many career
paths that it can lead to. I graduated
with a heightened sense of creativity
and confidence in my abilities as a
creative. My skills can be applied in
any industry and I am looking forward
to getting my hands dirty with all the
creativity that’s out there."
“Johnson and Johnson is the world’s leading
medical devices company, with strong values
and high standards in everyday work.
Md Shams E Tabriz
General Motors UK Ltd (Vauxhall Motors)
“For one year, Johnson and Johnson not only
entrusted me with the duties of Operations
Coordinator but gave me opportunities to really
make a difference. For example one of the
project led by me saved more than 2 million EUR
for the company. It’s quite a big deal for me as a
student to have an opportunity not only to learn
but also to prove myself and improve by real
business process.
“My course in mechanical engineering
at the University of Huddersfield gives
the opportunity to do a paid-work
placement. It is because of
this I landed a dream job when I was
offered a placement at the Ellesmere
Port plant of General Motors UK
(Vauxhall Motors).
“After placement year the final year in university
felt so much easier because of all the knowledge
and experience that I had gained.”
“I have always wanted to work in the
automotive industry, so it is really
exciting to be able to work for a
company like GM for my placement year.
I help to supervise and maintain the
advanced welding robots which produce
200,000 Vauxhall Astra’s every year.
“Through my course I have gained
knowledge of electron beam welding.
Large companies such as Mitsubishi
are setting up in Bangladesh, so I
return; I will be well placed to find
a key job in my home country’s
burgeoning motor industry.”
* Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2010/11
Giving you the skills employers are looking for
Giving you a better degree classification
Anik Nath
British American Tobacco
“My Chemistry with Chemical
Engineering course offered a paid work
placement year in industry. I got a lot
of support and consultation from the
careers and employability service at
the University and also from my
Placement Unit to write my CV and
how to make applications.
“Within the company I worked in
the Technology Development Team.
My working area was on paper
chemistry and technologies. It was
a great experience, especially doing
project work and how to project
“From my point of view by taking a
placement year I have improved my
interpersonal skills and technical skills.
I enjoyed my time there because I felt
more like an employee than a student.”
Justina Butaite
Ritz Carlton (Hotel Arts Barcelona)
“During my paid work placement year
I worked in the sales department with
marketing and public realtions at a
leading hotel chain in Barcelona, Spain.
“This intership gave me a lot. I had the
chance to understand everything
practically and to apply my theoretical
studies which I‘ve gained at the
University of Huddersfield. It really
helped me prepare for my final year
back at university and made it easier
to adapt to any future job roles.“
Laura Schrieber
Timewise Event Management
Elizabeth Iyinbor
LNT Software
"When coming to the UK to study, I did
not understand the value of a work
placement which my Computer
Science course offered. All I wanted to
do was finish my course in the
minimum time possible. I then had a
change of heart when we were
debriefed by the department's
Placement Office. It was not easy
securing a placement with
competitors from other Universities
but the Placement Unit were very
helpful enabling me to secure a job
working in one of Lawrence
Tomlinson’s companies (One of the
200 richest men in UK).
“Within my one year placement at LNT
group I gained valuable skills and
responsibilities including software
support, database manipulation and
programming skills. Some of these
areas were covered within my course
but experiencing this work placement
allowed me to develop further skills in
a real-life working environment.
“It was a great experience that I would
never forget in a hurry and I have
made great contacts for life as well as
improved my CV which would help me
get a better job placement than if I
had not gone on the work experience
“One of the reasons I chose to study
Events Management at the University
of Huddersfield was due to the
placement option the course offers.
“In my eyes having the possibility
to undertake a placement year is
an incredible opportunity and I have
been looking forward to this ever since
I started my course.
“A placement year does not only offer
valuable experience which will most
definitely help with finding a job after
graduation, but I also hope that it will
give me more clarity regarding which
industry sector I would like to work in.
The events industry offers a broad
range of sectors within it, such as
business and corporate events, sporting
events, festivals, or weddings amongst
others. Even though I am especially
interested in business and corporate
events until having worked in the
industry you can’t know for sure which
sector is the right one.
“I believe my course prepared and
equipped me with the necessary skills
to go out into the industry and make
a valuable contribution to Timewise
Event Management.”
Giving you the skills employers are looking for
Giving you a better degree classification
Beatrice Boico
“From my perspective, a work
placement is a great opportunity for
students to get involved in real life
experience beyond university
classrooms. However, what is more
important is finding an internship that
will make one year of your life
week of my internship I was given real
tasks to do, involving a degree of
responsibility, and of course support
from the whole team.
“What I love the most about this place,
besides the huge range of training
courses available throughout the
year and the active engagement in
the workplace, are the amazing people
“I was lucky enough to be accepted as
from all over the world whom I had the
a Business Operations Analyst within
honour to meet, interact, and learn so
the Global Procurement Organisation
of the world’s leading PC manufacturer, much from.”
Hewlett-Packard. Even from the first
Galib Al Nayim
Salma Begum
Pine Tree Golf Club, Florida, USA
Round Hill Country Club, USA
Anna Sui, New York
“My hospitality management degree gave me the valuable
option of a paid work placement. I took up two separate
placements in America, beginning at Pine Tree Golf Club in
Florida and then with Round Hill Country Club in New York.
“My fashion design with textiles degree at the University
offered me the opportunity of taking a one year work
placement. I have gained a great deal of experience from
working for Anna Sui in New York, as it has enhanced my
knowledge and skills in couture fashion.
“My one year work placement gave me a great opportunity
to implement my previous work experience and educational
knowledge from the University. I learned a lot about
leadership, decision making, communication, problem
solving and more about the hospitality industry.
“The people I worked with really helped me to understand how
the sector works especially being given the chance to be a
manager’s intern. The whole experience was extremely
valuable to me and will help me complete my studies to a
better standard.”
“Working alongside professionals from different fields of
fashion gave me more of an insight on how things run in
the industry and I strongly believe my skills of creativity
have improved and developed to perform tasks to an
excellent standard. I feel privileged to have been given
the opportunity and would recommend this placement
to students who are seeking an internship in fashion.”
Sandra Bodurkiewicz
Coca Cola Midi SAS
“My transport and logistics degree
allowed me to undertake one year of
industrial placement. During this year
I gain valuable practical experience
of the academic theory which I have
acquired in the first two years of
my course.
“I have had the opportunity to work
on many projects and have gained
greater responsibility in my role.
This placement year helped me with
my final year project and has prepared
me for a future career in transport
and logistics.
“Coca-Cola Midi SAS depends on
"The Coca-Cola Company," with its large
multinational requirements, complexity
and prestige. When I firstly arrived, I had
no idea of the complexity of operations
in such a large company, which I now
clearly understand and appreciate.
“I believe that my placement at
Coca-Cola Midi S.A.S has been very
valuable to my studies and career.
In addition to learning program, I have
had the opportunity to develop many
different skills.”
Gain the skill sets for
your own business
Kavita Oberoi
Dr Zeus Sosa Mejia
Managing Director, Synergy Biotech
“My experience at the University of
Huddersfield was good as I was able
to learn state of the art techniques in
microbiology and molecular biology
which were the foundation of my
research. It was not easy, as I was
coming from an engineering
background, these novel
methodologies were a whole
new world that I had to explore,
understand and apply quickly to
succeed in my project.
Founder and Managing Director,
Oberoi Consulting
Kavita is one of the UK’s most successful
entrepreneurs and is highly sought-after as a
corporate speaker and keynote speaker. She was
also made an Honorary by the University in 2013.
“I graduated from the University of Huddersfield with
a first class degree in applied chemistry. Following
this I embarked on a successful career with Bayer
Pharmaceuticals where I quickly established myself
as one of their leading medical representatives.
“Fortunately, I had good and patient
supervisors and laboratory technicians
whom were utterly helpful. The
experience and knowledge I got
helped me to obtain a position as
Post Doctorate in Food Microbiology
at the University of Wageningen,
Holland in less than two weeks after
passing my VIVA.
“Following this I saw a gap in the market for clinical
audit, IT training and business consulting for GP
practices. I quickly won a contract with International
Blue Chip Pharmaceutical Company, Pfizer. “By 2001
demand for my services had become so great that
I established my business.
“I was raised in a traditional Indian family and credit
my Mother for giving me determination to seek out
an education, and my Father for giving me
entrepreneurial spirit.”
“Outside the laboratory I also had
such a great experience at
Huddersfield. I travelled extensively
around the UK and Europe, joined
the boxing club at the University and
made some good Yorkshire friends.
After finishing my post doc, I decided
to come back to Mexico and start my
own business: Synergy BioTech®
which is a consultancy agency in food
science and technology and a food
testing laboratory.
“After two years of hard work, now
and I have four employees, we are
about the obtained the ISO 17025
certification for the laboratory and
have some high profile international
companies as clients. In conclusion,
I very much enjoyed my time at the
University of Huddersfield, I have a
huge appreciation of the
Yorkshire/British culture and people,
obtained useful skills, knowledge,
experience and vision to come back
to my homeland as a scientist
and entrepreneur.”
Adeel Farooq
CEO, iLead Media
"I had been a student of E-commerce
and Multimedia at the University of
Huddersfield, Engineering Department.
I was lucky to be part of the first batch
of students for the course.
o b e ro i
c o n s u l t i n g
"The courses were provided with a mix
of marketing and web development
modules to furnish us with the latest
E-commerce trends and technologies.
The skills and knowledge gained from
the University have been helping me
all these years in my professional
career. I have been involved in the
e-commerce design, development
and marketing industry for leading
clients in the UK and moved back
to my home town Lahore.
"Throughout my three years at the
University I must say that it was the
most interesting and valuable
experience of my life both from
practical and personal levels.
The lecturers were highly supportive,
labs were open and available 24 hours
a day, the environment around the
University was fresh and secure and
I also managed to find part time jobs
during my education in Huddersfield."
Gain the skill sets
for your own business
Mary Wing To
Designer, Saddler and Leather Artist
Alex Beldea
"I am Alex and I am responsible for most
of the photography in this prospectus.
"Since joining the photography course at the
University, my view on photography changed
and I had the chance to develop my skills in
an inspiring environment. The opportunities
and facilities that I found here helped me
experiment with both commercial and fine
art projects, gaining more and more
experience in this field.
Winner 2011:
World of Wearable Art Awards
Winner 2009:
Wellington International Award
“The University of Huddersfield stood
out as one of the few that had such
a diverse fashion course and
appealed to me because of the
variety of skills that the course
“I found my student years at
Huddersfield a delight and an
experience I will never forget.
The campus has great facilities
and affordable accommodation.
The people of Huddersfield are so
friendly and help to make the town
a safe place to be.
“I am now a fashion designer turned
saddler/ leather artist based in
London. Since graduating from
Huddersfield I have gained many
other qualifications including a
Cordwainers trained saddler in
traditional leather craftsmanship.
expertise in leather and a unique
design eye. This won me premium
prizes in national saddlery
competitions also claiming the Best
International Designer Award for my
sculptural leather garments in
Holland and New Zealand.
“Driven by a vision and love of
leather, I am known in the industry
for my unique forte, integrating
both fashion design and saddlery
skills creating innovative designs
that have earned me the prestigious
City and Guilds National Lions
Award for creative craftsperson of
the year and the Medal of Excellence
“In my element when creating and
experimenting, innovation is
integral to my work. I also create
luxury goods for renowned leather
brands as well as international
collaborations and commissioned
work for other designers. I continue
to master the art of my leather skills
within the Royal Mews under the
discerning eye of the Queen’s
master saddler and harness maker.”
“I am also a registered member of
the Society of Master Saddlers with
“I can say that everything was better than
I expected. The facilities and the lecturers’
guidance are at a high level at our University
and I consider that this environment really
prepares you for the ‘real world’ and teaches
you to act and work as a professional.
“As a foreign student, I can say that the
adaptation was not a problem in Huddersfield
and when it comes to the University, the
International Office does its best in order to
integrate the new students.
“Although I enjoy the commercial side of
photography, at the moment I am hoping
that at some point one of my fine art projects
will be exhibited in a big gallery like TATE.
“If you like my photography and would like to
contact me – you can like me on Facebook.”
Gain the skill sets
for your own business
Frank To
“Since graduating from the University
of Huddersfield my career has really
taken off. In recent years I have
exhibited alongside some of the greats
of the Scottish and international art
scene such as Peter Howson and
Damien Hirst. My work has also featured
in several national art fairs, art shows.
“As a contemporary figurative painter, I
have already established a loyal
following, including a number of high
profile buyers. One such buyer is Star
Trek legend and University of
Huddersfield Chancellor, Sir Patrick
Stewart who now owns five of my
Heather Roche
Freelance Clarinettist
"Studying at Huddersfield gave me the opportunity to think
bigger. The support and international achievements of the
staff gave me the confidence to think about my own career
on a global scale. It encouraged me to develop a large
network of people working in my field, making it feel quite
normal for me to move to Germany following my studies
and to establish a career that includes a lot of international
travel. As it was also necessary for me to "fail" in my own
experimentation with becoming a specialist in my field,
the super supportive community of staff and fellow
postgraduates provided the perfect safety net.
Ekaterina Lurie
Production Coordinator/Marketing Manager
“The University has helped me to
develop a set of skills via group work
and individual assignments. Group
work has helped me to establish my
project management and problem
solving skills while individual
assignments helped to improve my
IT and writing skills. These particular
skills are especially valuable at my
current job where I manage my
company's digital presence as well
as organising video shoots while
performing a production
coordinator role.”
"I’m working as a freelance clarinettist based out of Cologne,
Germany. I play between 30-40 concerts per year either
with my own ensemble for chamber music, hand werk.
I am also a guest with other ensembles (for example
ensemble proton bern, with whom I perform regularly),
in an educational context (three times a year I perform as
part of the composition exams at the Milano Conservatorio)
or as a soloist (most recently at the New York
Electroacoustic Festival and the Zagreb Music Biennale).
"Representing the work of staff and student composers
at the University remains to be a fairly consistent part of
my work: solo works by Chikako Morishita, Aaron Einbond
and Pierre Alexandre Tremblay were included in my Zagreb
Biennale programme, and my ensemble, hand werk,
recently performed a piece by student Pedro Alvarez
at the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik."
Expanding your
employment opportunities
3M Buckley Innovation Centre
Latest investment to the
University campus which
is part of the £100m
investment in your
campus and your future.
A 3,600 SQ.M. purpose
built specialist environment
creating a business facing
centre for collaboration
and research.
3M Buckley Innovation Centre
Supporting your future career
Enterprise Team
Depending on your type of visa,
the University’s Enterprise Team
can provide a free service to you as
a current student or a graduate of up
to 5 years. The team are here to help
you develop freelance opportunities
through self-employment, or to assist
you to start-up your own business.
Whatever stage you are at, they can
help you from the initial idea through
to trading and encourage you to reach
your full potential with valuable
support and resources.
Have a look at what is available to you:
EU students
Enterprise Awareness – get a taste for it
Advice on writing a business plan,
researching the market, branding
your product and networking
skills delivered via our Enterprise
Team Event series.
Enterprise Support – taking that next
step one to one business advice and
coaching and also the chance to apply
for office hot desk facilities in the Duke
of York Young Entrepreneur Centre.
Activ8 Your Business – making your
idea a business success
Twelve months of more intensive
one to one and group mentoring
support. You will also benefit from
a start-up grant, a dedicated desk
and the chance to make links with
businesses based in the 3M Buckley
Innovation Centre.
Self-Employed Enterprise Placement
Year – work for yourself, not
someone else!
One to one business advice,
weekly enterprise skills and
networking sessions. You will also
have the chance to show off your
business ideas at the annual campus
Enterprise Showcase, testing your
ideas on the general public.
Non-EU students
Enterprise Awareness – get a taste for it
Advice on writing a business plan,
researching the market, branding your
product and networking skills
delivered via our Enterprise Team
Event series.
Graduates on Tier 1 Graduate
Entrepreneurship Visa
Contact the International Office on or visit
Tier 1 Graduate
This immigration category was
established in 2012 to allow (nonEuropean) graduates to remain in the
UK to establish businesses. Successful
applicants are given a 12-month visa
which can be extended further
provided the business or enterprise
is making progress.
The University actively supports
graduates into this route pre- and
post-application, providing guidance
on how the scheme operates and the
type of business ideas which are
suitable. Applications must be for a
viable and sustainable enterprise that
has the potential to create jobs and
contribute to the economy.
Tier 4 Doctorate
Extension Scheme
This scheme was introduced in
April 2013 to allow students
completing a doctorate-level
qualification at a higher education
institution in the UK to apply to
stay in the UK on a Tier 4 visa for
12 months after they complete
their course.
The Doctorate Extension Scheme is
designed to allow full-time Tier 4
students who complete a PhD or other
doctorate a longer period to find work
with a Tier 2 employer, set up as an
entrepreneur, or to gain practical
work experience in their field.
Applicants will be supported and
monitored by the University.
There is no limit to the number of
places available. All students seeking
sponsorship under the Doctorate
Extension Scheme must meet the
University’s requirements as well
as the Home Office eligibility criteria.
Supporting you to get a job
Careers and
Employability Service
Post-Study Work
– The Facts
// Career Mentoring Networks.
// You need to have a job offer at a
company with Tier 2 licence (most
big/medium and some small
companies have this).
// One-to-one appointments.
// It must be graduate level work.
// Interviewing and training
// It must be paying £20,300 or
more if average for that job is
// Career guides.
// Writing personal statements.
// CV checking.
// You can apply for 3 years and then
extend for another 3 years.
a fair wage by a reputable employer in
a job that is suitable for your skills. If
you secure a job with a trusted
company you will be able to work in
the UK with a Tier 2 visa for up to six
years. You will also be secure in the
knowledge that your job will be both
suitable fo r your qualifications and
that you will be paid fairly.
Earn while you learn
Also available to you:
// Admission advice.
Sales Assistant, Mamas and Papas
// Immigration.
// Finance.
// Health Centre (free upon
// Disability support.
“It’s very important to be able to work
while I am studying in the UK. Not only
does it help to support you through
your economical University life but
also gives you great life experience.
// Faith Centre.
// Help you find part-time work while
you are studying.
// 24-hour computing access.
// New vacancies uploaded everyday.
// Fully resourced library.
// After 5 years you can stay
permanently if earning £35,000
or in a PhD related job.
// Information on areas accessible
for work.
// Academic Skills Tutors.
// You can bring dependants.
// Advice on where to look for
part-time work.
The new work visa rules will ensure
that after all of your hard work getting
your qualification you will be paid
Mirena Atanasova
“Working for a global brand such as
Mamas and Papas has helped to develop
my communication skills and team
working abilities. My job allows me to get
involved in decision-making processes
that help consumers make the right
purchase for their bundles of joy.”
// Virtual learning environment.
// Advice on what employers look for
and enhancing your applications
and CVs.
Alina Chiriceanu
Interviewer, The Leadership Factor
"I am a Romanian undergraduate
student at the University of
Huddersfield and I am studying Product
Design BA. I have just finished my first
year here and I can say that I couldn’t
have made a better choice. The
education provided by the university
is at the highest level and the
employability rate after graduation
is one of the best in the UK.
interfere with my studies. I am only
working a few evenings a week and I
earn enough to support myself.
“As a mature student it is important for
me to have a part-time job which will
cover my living expenses. EU students
do not qualify for any kind of student
maintenance grant or loan unless they
have been living in the UK for
three years prior to applying.”
"Nearly all students have some sort of
part-time job. For me, the first term was
all about getting used to the schedule,
getting to know my colleagues, the
campus and the town. In the second
term I have started looking for a parttime job and shortly after I was offered
a position. It’s a job which does not
Top 10 in England
for teaching excellence*
First UK university with all teaching staff as
Fellows of the Higher Education Academy
(HEA) which reassures you that you will be
taught by highly qualified teaching staff.
// We have over 90 Professors with leading
research, academic and publications.
// Research leads our curriculum.
Professor Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang
Director of UK EPSRC Centre for Innovative
Manufacturing in Advanced Metrology
Jane began her career as a very young
apprentice and spent 20 years in the
Chinese automotive industry finishing
her industrial career as a fully qualified
Engineer. In 1990, she started her
academic life as an MSc student. She
obtained her PhD in measurement
science in 1995. She was awarded a
Chair in 2003, a DSc for precision
metrology in 2007 and the Director of
the EPSRC Centre in Advanced
Metrology 2011. Jane possesses both
industrial and academic backgrounds
in measurement science and precision
engineering and enjoys creative
research moving the subject forward.
Jane’s research involves two major
aspects: optical interferometry
technology for fast on/in-line
*Sunday Times, 2013
surface/geometry measurement;
and mathematical modelling with
characterisation technology for
surface metrology. Besides this, she
enjoys philosophical research in this
subject area, successfully leading a
Paradigm Shifts Review in Surface
Metrology (Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 2007)
and a 2011 Royal Society Discussion
Meeting “Ultra Precision Engineering
– from Physics to Manufacturing”
(Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2012).
Jane has published over 230 papers,
author/co-authored 8 books and
several patents on measurement
science/surface metrology. Currently,
she holds a prestigious Frontier
Research Programme (Advanced
Scheme) sponsored by the European
Research Council for well-established
word-leading researchers. She is a
principle member of ISO/TC 213 and
BSI TW/4, as well as an Advisory
Member for the UK National
Measurement System.
Jane was awarded a Royal Society
Wolfson Research Merit Award and
the Outstanding Asian Woman of
Achievement Award in 2006. She
is a Fellow of Royal Academy of
Engineering (FREng), a Fellow of
Institute of Engineering Technologies
(FIET), a Fellow of Royal Society of
Arts (FRSA) and a Fellow of the
International Academy of Production
Research (FCIRP).
David Bamford
Professor of Operations Management
David is an experienced
industrialist/academic with multiple
publications to his name, most
recently a co-authored book (Essential
Guide to Operations Management:
Concepts and Case Notes, 2010). In
2009 he was awarded the University of
Manchester Distinguished
Achievement Medal – Teacher of the
Year 2009; in 2006 he won the
University of Manchester Award for
Teaching Excellence. His research
interests include operations systems
reform and review, strategic
leadership, change management and
organisational systems design and in
2010 he was awarded the Economic
and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)
prize for the Best Application of Social
or Management Science and the
Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Best
Partnership Award, North East
England. The awards recognise the
most innovation-led successful
research partnerships.
David’s academic activities are underpinned by a strong industrial and
commercial background which,
following initial qualifications in
mechanical engineering and
management led to roles as Quality
Manager, Shift Manager and Operations
Manager. The final position was
created to manage pharmaceutical
manufacturing and assembly
operations for exponential sales growth
and involved establishing complex
logistical relationships with worldwide
suppliers, contractors and customers.
An opportunity to study for a
sponsored PhD led to a change in
direction and David joined Manchester
Business School in 2000. His many
teaching/programme administrative
activities have included: Director NHS Leadership Programme, an MSc
programme for senior NHS Directors in
partnership with PriceWaterhouse
Coopers; University lecture
programmes in Operations
Management (MBA and BSc); Quality
Management: Concepts & Practice
(BSc & MSc); Quality Management:
Tools & Techniques (BSc); Business
Improvement Tools & Techniques
(MSc); Organisational Change (MSc).
Top 10 in England for teaching excellence*
which she received a Gladstone
Fellowship from the University of
Chester. Her work has been reviewed
in the journal Art fractures in an
article entitled Moments of Repetition
by Robert Luzar and featured in a
variety of newspapers and magazines
such as the New York Times,
Korean Elle Magazine, AD magazine
(2008) Craft Magazine and the
Independent (2011).
Dr Jill Townsley
Course Leader in Contemporary
Art and Illustration
Jill is an artist who works
predominantly with large-scale
sculpture, though her practice has
expanded to include time based media,
especially time-laps animation that
documents her process or the
temporality of her large sculptures.
Her exhibitions may also include
drawing and photography. She studied
Sculpture at the Royal Collage of Art
and has a practice-based PhD in Fine
Art from Liverpool University, for
Professor Barbara Conway
His works have been commissioned
by Ina-GRM, IRCAM, BBC Radio 3,
Huddersfield Contemporary Music
Festival (HCMF), SpACE-Net, ZKM
(Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe)
and Sonic Arts Network (SAN), among
others. For his oeuvre he has been
awarded over 15 international prizes
including the Stockholm Electronic
Arts Award (Sweden), Grand Prize at
Musica Nova (Prague, Czech Republic),
and five prizes at the Bourges
International Electroacoustic Music
Competition (France).
Professor of Pharmaceutics
Following her first degree in Pharmacy
at Queen’s University, Belfast, she
registered as a pharmacist in 1990
and practised full-time in community
pharmacy until joining Aston
University in Birmingham in 1992 to
undertake a Ph.D. Her PhD research
project at Aston was in the
pharmaceutics and drug delivery field,
focusing on microencapsulation for
delivery of biopharmaceuticals.
Following completion of her PhD
studies in 1995, she was employed in
various posts at Aston University,
including lecturer and senior lecturer
and was Director of the M.Pharm.
programme prior to moving to the
University of Huddersfield in 2010 as
Professor of Pharmaceutics. During
this time, she also became a Fellow of
the Higher Education Academy and
supervised projects on the application
of e-learning technologies in
Pharmacy. She was also a Medici
Fellow, specialising in driving forward
innovation within the university sector
and hold several patents in the
pharmaceutical area. She has
supervised over 20 Ph.D. students and
on-going research programmes focus
on chrontherapeutic delivery and
delivery of antimicrobials, novel
excipients for drug delivery, the
mechanical properties of
pharmaceuticals and excipients and
the development of chewing gum
delivery systems.
She has a number of successful
collaborations with other universities,
NHS and pharmaceutical industry
leading to publications and
development of new products.
She has exhibited nationally and
internationally, most recently in the
exhibition Compulsive , Obsessive,
Repetitive (Summer 2011) at Towner
Contemporary in Eastbourne. Other
exhibitions include Second Lives –
Remixing the Ordinary, (2008 – 09)
the at the Museum of Art and Design
in New York and a solo exhibition at
the Nunnery Gallery London (2010).
She has had work commissioned
(2011) by the international architects
firm Gensler for the offices of Clifford
Chance in Washington DC. Future
exhibitions include a solo exhibition
at the Project 4 Gallery also in
Washington DC, USA (2012). Jill has
Professor Monty Adkins
Professor of Experimental
Electronic Music
Monty has created installations,
concert and audio-visual works,
and a number of collaborations
with contemporary performers.
Having read music at Pembroke
College (Cambridge, England, UK)
where he studied French mediaeval
and Italian Renaissance music, Adkins
then studied electronic music with
Jonty Harrison at the University of
Birmingham where he performed
across Europe with the Birmingham
ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre
(BEAST), and Simon Waters at the
recently had artwork and an essay
published in an Arts Council funded
book 100 Things Not Worth
Repeating: On Repetition (2011)
edited by Marianne Holm Hansen
and published by Lemon Melon.
Jill’s PhD is entitled The Process of
Repetition: Temporalities, Labour,
Appropriations and Authorship (2010)
and has initiated papers for conference
and publication including: The Process
of Repetition - Digital Representations
of Repetitive Labour Through Time
(2010) at the SoftBorders New Media
Art Conference and Festival in Sao
Paulo Brazil and The Process of
Repetition: Transgressing the
Boundaries of Fine Art, Craft and
Design (2010) at the 2nd International
Forum of Design as a Process at the
University of Averio, Portugal.
University of East Anglia (Norwich,
England, UK). He is currently Professor
of Experimental Electronic Music at
the University of Huddersfield
(England, UK).
Adkins is also active as a writer and
concert curator. He completed his
first book in 2011 on the relationship
between art and music (Shibusa –
Extracting Beauty) a second on the
music of Roberto Gerhard is due out
in 2013. Adkins also is Co-Artistic
Director of the Electric Spring Festival.
Held in Huddersfield, annually, this
festival focuses on live electronic
music and experimental performance.
Celebrating our
successful students
Fung Yee Wai
Jacob Hill
Winner: YCN Student Awards 2012/13
Winner: Duke of York Young Entrepreneur 2013,
Lazy Camper
"I feel quite fortunate
to have studied at the
University of Huddersfield
because of the
opportunities that were
offered to me.
Katerina Alba
Winner of Young Scientist Competition
PhD student Katerina Alba won the
2013 Institute of Food Science and
Technology North of England Young
Scientist Competition.
Katerina's presentation entitled;
‘The use of pectin extract from okra
pods as an emulsifier in acidic food
environments’ was judged to be
the best presentation in the
postgraduate category of the
"As a course, we were given
the opportunity to do two
different projects which
were major competition briefs; mine was for global design-led
paper specialists and manufacturers Fedrigoni. Moreover,
these projects were done as part of our course module too.
The University’s photography studio facilities provided me
with a specialist camera and professional studio lighting
which really helped enhance my final design. This, along with
valuable advice and feedback from tutors and photography
technicians resulted in me winning the YCN Student Award
for Fedrigoni.
The Duke of York Young
Entrepreneur Awards
were launched at the
University of Huddersfield
in 2013, when HRH
The Duke of York, KG,
presented awards to
ten select young
The winner of the University of Huddersfield award was
Enterprise Development degree student Jacob Hill for the
success of his business, The Lazy Camper.
"It was a real pleasure to receive one these awards. To be
recognised by the Royal Family and the University for my
enterprise is phenomenal. I'm looking forward to working
with the Duke of York’s office to build on the lazy camper
and other young businesses."
"I have always been capable of designing and meeting
deadlines but I was never able to see my true potential, my
course tutors helped me unearth my confidence as well as
opening some doors to help take my skills forward and to help
develop me as a designer."
Charlotte Laval
Winner: Freight Transport Association (FTA)
Everywoman Rising Star of the Year
identified her as 'resourceful,
pioneering and innovative'.
"I didn't think I would win, so I didn't
prepare anything to say - I couldn't
believe it when I did. I just stood up
and followed my heart, thanked the
sponsors of the awards, Wincanton,
and those that had nominated me
within the company."
Charlotte beat off tough competition
from three other women from the
industry to win the highly sought after
award. The awards' committee
"Being a student at the University of
Huddersfield opened up fantastic
opportunities for me. I chose to study
at Huddersfield because of the degree
they offered which was BSc(Hons)
European Logistics Management now
Transport and Logistics Management.
In my final year I won Best Final Year
Performance and Undergraduate
Logistics Dissertation of the Year
through the Chartered Institute of
Logistics and Transport.
“I was lucky to be sponsored to go to
Hong Kong and study for six months,
which was an amazing experience.
I found the lectures really interesting,
I even ran to classes they were that
good. If it wasn't for my industrial
placement at Wincanton in my third
year, I might not be where I am today."
The FTA Everywoman in Transport
and Logistics Awards is about
promoting and inspiring women and
creating role models for the industry.
Clubs and societies for you
to join or create
5th in the UK for student satisfaction
(National Student Survey, 2012)
International Food and Culture Festival
5th in the UK for student satisfaction
Ansu Babu
and Vijay Bhutada
(National Student Survey, 2012)
Presidents, Indian Student Society
“Indians know how to have fun and
celebrate. Our society has great
fun both on and off campus holding
cricket matches, celebrating Holi,
Diwali and also taking part in the
University’s international food
and culture festival.
“Everyone is welcome to join in
and discover what our wonderful
country has to offer. We are here
for you people!”
International Food and Culture Festival
Join in
Voted best university in the world for the
student experience (International Student
Barometer, 2011 summer wave)
It’s easy to make friends
Suet Yin Chew
Usifo Victor Edo
President, Lithuanian
Student Society
President, Malaysian
Student Society
President, Nigerian
Student Society
“Get along with the Malaysians here
and make new friends from other
parts of the world. We participate in
University’s events, with other societies
to promote our culture as well as to
exchange each others’ cultures. Join
us to make your first year interesting
and eventful in Huddersfield. We also
welcome students from other
countries to join us.”
“Our society welcomes students not
just from Nigeria but from anywhere
in the world. Each year we do
traditional and cultural events and
celebrations on and off campus and
welcome everyone to join in with the
spirit of Nigeria.”
Dat Vu
Desiree Ott
Simona Ionescu
President, Vietnamese
Student Society (VietSoc)
President, American
Student Society
President, Romanian
Student Society
“The Vietnamese society is very
active and we get involved in so
many events and activities at the
University. Wherever you are from
in the world we welcome you with
open arms to understand our
culture and food and would love
you to meet you and show you
some Vietnamese traditions.”
Karolina Vasilevska
"I would like to welcome each and
every one of you beautiful people to
join us and share your time and ideas
with one another. Feel free to get
involved in our various events and
activities we host throughout the
year and most importantly, have a
great time."
“Whether it’s Thanksgiving Day,
Independence Day or just a general
American get together, feel free to
join in and get involved with our
activities on campus.
“We would love you to learn a little
more about American cultures as
well as making present American
students feel at home.”
“Being a part of the Romanian society
makes us feel like home. There's
nothing better than getting some
advice from people who are in the
same situation like you. Moreover,
we take part in every festival on
campus which makes us proud of our
nationality. Our celebrations are with
everybody on campus to whom we
welcome and look forward to sharing
our culture and traditions with.”
Here are a selection of societies,
or you can start your own...
Latin American
& Hispanic
Cypriot and
& Kashmir
Hong Kong
Saudi Arabia
East African
Language &
Cultural Exchange
British Cultural
Sport at Huddersfield
Be apart of something special at Huddersfield!
New £22.5m Learning and Leisure Centre
Sports and a lot more!
Table Tennis
Ice Hockey
American Football
Ultimate Frisbee
Gym with ‘Artis’ range
Technogym Equipment
// Fitness studios
Plus more
Bring your own equipment
or we are happy to provide
it at Huddersfield.
Any questions?
The Learning and Leisure Centre
Right: Kitchen at
Ashenhurst Houses
Below: interior of
Storthes Hall Park
Storthes Hall Park
Huddersfield has some great
accommodation for students,
so you can be sure that you’ll
have a safe and friendly place
to live when you arrive here.
Storthes Hall Park
Ashenhurst Houses
// Ensuite rooms.
// All inclusive bills.
// Regular, dedicated shuttle bus
// Beautiful surroundings.
// Fastest free fibre optic broadband
in Huddersfield student
// Contents Insurance included.
// Entertainment venue.
// Mini supermarket.
// Launderette.
// 24-hour onsite presence, CCTV and
site security.
// Wheelchair access.
// Gym.
Shared houses of 6 to 8 students.
Choice of rooms.
All inclusive bills.
Contents insurance included.
Very popular with independent
Close to Queensgate campus.
Fastest free fibre optic broadband
in Huddersfield student
accommodation (standard houses).
Set in pleasant woodlands.
Onsite staff, CCTV and 24-hour site
support via the DIGS Hub.
Vending facilities.
Regular public bus service.
Radi Haloub and Deema Refai
PhD researchers
“Huddersfield is one of the best places for students with
families. Despite being a town, Huddersfield offers a wide
range of services, shops and entertainment for all members
of the families, and is situated in a lovely location in UK with
beautiful countryside surroundings. Huddersfield is also a
very safe place to live in, and offers easy and quick
transportation links to major cities as Leeds and Manchester.”
Information on family accommodation
Your Huddersfield
Huddersfield railway station
The Summer Food and Drink festival is among the annual highlights
Your home from home
The shopping experience offers independent and big name stores to choose from
Explore the beautiful landscapes of Huddersfield
The Festival of Light concludes a year of festivals
Why we love Huddersfield!
Pavlina Dobreva
Ujwal Nandankar
Chemistry with Forensic Science
Engineering Management MSc
“Huddersfield has an interesting
mixture of heritage and fancy
modern buildings, especially on
campus. It’s a great place to make
friends and enjoy a variety of activities
from shopping to sports.”
Wujia Min (Milka)
International Marketing
and Communications MSc
“The place is nice and very friendly.
The people you meet are kind and
always show a positive attitude.”
“There are lots of Asian shops as
well as temples and Gurudwara.
The people here are very friendly
and supportive.”
Payam Edraki
Khoob (Patrik)
and Analytical Science MSc
“It has a great landscape and is in
a lovely part of the UK. The people
are friendly, facilities are great.
For me Huddersfield is a
wonderful place.”
Raluca Georgescu
Web Technologies BSc(Hons)
“Huddersfield is lovely. The people
here are so friendly and polite.
Any time you need anything I find
them very helpful.”
Cindy Liesar
Spatial Design with
Professional Engagement MA
“I love Huddersfield. It’s completely
different from what I have
experienced. The town is filled with
friendly people wherever you go.”
Why we love Huddersfield!
Carlotta Toma
Syed Rizvi
Music Journalism BA(Hons)
Electronic and Electrical
Engineering BEng(Hons)
“I love Huddersfield because it's
friendly, welcoming, a good size and
it's a place to discover. Also, the music
scene is unbelievably great.”
“Huddersfield is a good size and very
friendly for students who want to
get some serious studying done.”
Marzhan Mizinbayeva
Samar Mansour
International Business BA(Hons)
PhD Socio-academic integration
“Huddersfield is an easy place to move
around. It’s a good size for studying
and making new friends.”
“Huddersfield has various
entertaining activities when you
feel like active and energetic.
You can also enjoy the breath-taking
views and charming nature when
you want it private and quiet.”
Yu Chieh Huang
Music BMus
“I fell in love with Huddersfield when I
arrived here. The people are so nice
and friendly.”
Thuynhoi Tran
Commercial Law LLM
“It’s a great study environment
and I especially like the people
in the place, they are so sociable
and gentle”
Huddersfield welcomes
the Tour de France
In July 2014 the world’s
greatest cycle race will be
coming through the hills of
Huddersfield as part of the
official route throughout the
world class region of Yorkshire.
Millions of people will be lining
the streets of Huddersfield to
welcome this prestigious event
which celebrated its 100th
race in 2013.
Some Facts
// The Tour de France is the world's
largest annual sporting event.
// It starts at the end of
June/beginning of July and lasts
3 weeks.
// The entire race covers
approximately 3,500 kms.
// Huddersfield welcomes the race
on the 6th of July 2014.
Images courtesy of
Our courses
For course details simply refer to the subject areas listed below for the
areas that interest you. The following pages will give you a taste of
each subject area, but for more detailed info on courses visit and select courses.
Learning Support
Teaching and
Early Years
International Study
Mechanical and Automotive
Study Abroad
and Finance
Art and Design
Journalism and Media
Fashion and Textiles
Business and Management
Hospitality and Events
Logistics, Transport
and Tourism
Music and Music
Combined Honours
Social Sciences
Youth and
Research degrees
Please note – All employment statistics
stated in this section of the brochure are
from the annual Destinations of Leavers
Survey 2010/11. These were the most
up-to-date statistics available when this
brochure was printed.
Get the most from your time at
the University of Huddersfield
and achieve the best degree
that you can
International Learning Support Programme
// Find the resources and people you
need for everything from computer
help to health checks.
// Use Unilearn, Turnitin and Summon
to search for information and data
for your assessments.
University League Tables
// Further improve your English
language skills to help you get the
best grades.
The medals that appear on the course
pages reflect the position of the subject
in the league table and/or the
employment prospects of graduates for
that subject. The league tables that have
been used are:
// Structure your assignments in the
best way to get the best results from
your hard work.
// Complete University Guide 2014 subject position and graduate
// The Guardian University League
Tables 2014 - subject position and
career after six months
// The Times Good University Guide
2013 - subject position and graduate
// Write your dissertation in the correct
format, with a good structure and
proper referencing.
// Revise for exams and learn
examination techniques so that you
are confident going into your exams.
“Hello, my name is Jo Thomas and I am
responsible for the University of
Huddersfield International Learning
Support Programme.
This programme is designed to help
international students to get the most
from their studies whilst in Huddersfield
and to achieve their full potential.
We will help you to settle into your
studies, understand what your lecturers
expect from you and help you to get
better grades.”
Jo Thomas
International Learning Support Manager
International Office
The International Learning Support
Programme is a free additional
programme for all non-EU
undergraduate and taught
postgraduate students who all receive
an additional class every week.
// Understand your career options,
whether it be a part-time job, work
placement or a graduate career.
// Stay informed of news and events
that are happening on and around
campus each week.
Throughout the year we will help you to:
// Complete your induction programme
and make sure that you are ready
to study.
// Settle into Huddersfield, make
friends with lots of other students
and join the student societies.
“By taking part in this programme
you will get the most from your studies
in Huddersfield and achieve your
full potential.
Good luck with your studies and I look
forward to meeting you in person.
International Study Centre
Degree preparation for international students
The International Study Centre (ISC)
offers English language and academic
preparation for international students
who do not currently meet the
University's direct entry requirements.
The centre is situated at the heart of
the Huddersfield town centre campus
where ISC students can enjoy the
same facilities and accommodation as
the other students at the University.
On successful completion of your
preparation programme you will
progress automatically onto your
chosen degree course without having
to apply again.
International Foundation
The International Foundation Year
(IFY) is a specially designed
programme that provides a direct
path to undergraduate degree study
at the University of Huddersfield. The
programme allows you to progress to
a variety of degrees at the University.
You can choose between three
Foundation routes:
// Business, Hospitality, Management,
Marketing, Law, Social Studies,
Transport & Logistics
// Creative Arts
// Engineering, Computing and
In each route you will develop English
language skills and study skills as well
as studying basic Mathematics and
other subject-specific modules that
are carefully designed to prepare you
for your degree. The course length is
three terms (nine months) and the
start dates are September 2014 or
January 2015.
Entry requirements (for specific entry
requirements for your country, please
// Good high school graduation grades
or equivalent.
// Equivalent of IELTS 4.5 (with a
minimum of 4.0 in writing) or
equivalent Pearson or TOEFL scores.
Please note you will be re-tested on
arrival at the ISC and your study plan
may be adjusted accordingly, which
may incur additional costs.
International Year One
The International Year One is an
advanced course of study equivalent
to the first year of an undergraduate
degree. The course has been carefully
designed for students who are overqualified for a Foundation Year but
under-qualified for direct entry to the
first year of an undergraduate degree.
It is ideal for you if you:
// Are a (senior) high school graduate
with excellent grades and good
// Are a university student already in
your first year of a relevant
undergraduate degree in your home
// Have completed the first year of a
HND or Advanced Diploma in your
home country.
// Are a student returning to
education with relevant experience
in the workplace.
The International Year One will
provide you with the relevant
academic knowledge, study skills and
English language proficiency you need
to succeed as a second-year degree
student. Successful completion of the
programme guarantees you direct
entry to the second year of an
undergraduate degree in Business
Management, Marketing, Business
Studies or Engineering. The course
length is three terms (nine months)
and the start dates are September
2014 or January 2015.
Entry requirements (for specific entry
requirements for your country, please
// Good high school graduation
grades or equivalent.
// Equivalent of IELTS 5.0 (with a
minimum of 5.0 in writing) or
equivalent Pearson or TOEFL scores.
Please note you will be re-tested on
arrival at the ISC and your study
plan may be adjusted accordingly,
which may incur additional costs.
English Language
If you require additional language
training before you start your
International Foundation Year or
International Year One, you can first
join an intensive English Language
Preparation (ELP) course, delivered at
the International Study Centre.
The number of terms of ELP you will
need to complete before you start
your ISC academic course will be
dependant on your IELTS or equivalent
level. For the International Foundation
Year or International Year One, if you
have an IELTS level of 4.0 or equivalent,
you will need one term of English
language training starting in either
June or September.
Pre-Master’s Programme
The Pre-Master's is a two-term
programme that will provide you with
the necessary English language and
study skills to succeed on a Master's
programme in Business, Hospitality,
Logistics, Computing, Art & Design,
Education, Health or Social Sciences at
the University. A strong emphasis is
placed on the British postgraduate
educational system and the
requirement for independent study.
On successful completion of the PreMaster’s you will proceed directly to
your postgraduate studies.
The course length is two terms (six
months) and the entry dates are:
// January 2015 or April 2015 for
Master’s start in October 2015
Entry requirements (for specific entry
requirements for your country, please
// Academic: Education, Social
Sciences and Health route:
Recognised 3 year Higher Education
Institution award holders in an
appropriate subject area, or
recognised degree in a related field
All other routes: Recognised
higher/advanced diploma in a related
subject area, or recognised degree in a
related field, or an Honours degree in
any subject. For some Master’s degrees
work experience may be required.
// English Language equivalent of
IELTS 5.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in
writing) or equivalent Pearson or
TOEFL scores. Please note you will
be re-tested on arrival at the ISC
and your study plan may be
adjusted accordingly, which may
incur additional costs.
English for Pre-Masters
If you require additional English
language training before you start
your Pre-Masters, you can take the
English for Pre-Masters (EPM)
programme. If you have an IELTS of 4.5
(with 4.0 in writing) you can begin 1
term of EPM in either September or
January. If you have an IELTS of 4.0
(with 4.0 in writing) you can take 2
terms of EPM starting in either June or
Further information
To apply online or for course enquiries:
Tel: + 44 1273 339339
Tuition Fees GBP (2013/14)
English Language Preparation: £3,200
per term
International Foundation Year
// Business, Hospitality, Law,
Management, Marketing, Social
Studies, Transport, Logistics
// Engineering, Computing, Science,
Creative Arts
International Year One
// Business
// Engineering
// Business, Education, Health,
Social Sciences
£6,850 (2 terms)
// Computing, Art & Design £7,500
(2 terms)
Study Abroad in Huddersfield –
Historic Yorkshire in the heart
of the UK
Study abroad at the University of
Huddersfield for one or two semesters,
or a whole year. You will be involved in
an enjoyable and essential international
experience whilst earning credit
towards your degree. A study abroad
programme provides personal and
professional development and a range
of desirable skills and experiences that
enhance your career opportunities and
appeal to employers. In addition to
academic achievement you will gain
new cultural understandings whilst
developing a great network of contacts
and friends and having fun. Study
abroad in the UK allows easy access
to travel to cities in Europe as well!
Why Huddersfield?
Huddersfield is a centre for history
and culture in the UK.
// Huddersfield was at the heart of
the Industrial Revolution in the late
18th century.
// Our Chancellor is the internationally
acclaimed actor Sir Patrick Stewart
who is from Huddersfield.
// Annually we host the world famous
Huddersfield Contemporary Music
// The home of the Bronte’s sisters’,
Emily and Charlotte, is just half
an hour away.
// Castle Howard, the setting for
“Brideshead Revisited”, is within
50 miles.
// Stately Chatsworth, home to the
Duke of Devonshire, is also close by.
// The North Yorkshire coastline
is not far away and much loved
by international students.
// The last CEO of the multi-billion dollar
company 3M was a Huddersfield
graduate, Sir George Buckley.
What can you study?
You can study Liberal Arts topics
across a range of subject areas from
Behavioural and Social Sciences;
Music, Humanities and Media; and
Business. This might include subjects
such as English Studies, History, Music,
Politics, Psychology, Sociology,
Criminology, Business Enterprise
and Planning, Tourism, Managing
and Communicating Brands.
You can choose a range of credit
(20, 40 or 60) and time options
(one or two semesters, or a whole year)
and build up your own programme by
selecting modules that are suited to
you, developing a learning contract
and completing relevant assessments.
This flexibility provides a
comprehensive range within which you
can design a programme that meets
your specific requirements.
For any Study Abroad enquiries, please
contact International Officer, Lyndsey
Ashton, by email:
Kerry in Dublin, Ireland
Kerry DelTosta
State University of New York (SUNY)
For the past three years, I’ve been
employed by the YMCA Summer Camp
in Huguenot, NY and work with staff
from all over the world, including
England, Spain, Denmark, Scotland,
Ireland, China and South Africa. My job
and international friends are the
reasons I chose to study abroad and
experience another culture first hand.
An international advisor visited SUNY
New Paltz and talked about the study
abroad opportunity. . I chose to study in
the United Kingdom because I discovered
that more specific Psychology classes
were offered at the universities. My
professors and lectures at Huddersfield
University were of high quality. I was
frightened at first when I learned that my
overall grade for each class would consist
of only one or two papers. At SUNY New
Paltz, we have several exams, papers, and
homeworks which contribute to our
overall grades. To my relief, I found that
all of my professors were very eager to
help me settle into the campus culture,
make new friends, and succeed with class
work. Actually, my most memorable
moment at Huddersfield University was
my first day of classes. Upon entering
my Cognitive Behavioural Therapy class,
I found my professor Derrol Palmer
barefoot, energized, and ready to teach.
It was an interesting sight to see him
bouncing around and speaking to all
of the students. I loved his enthusiasm
and CBT workbooks. They helped me
learn a lot!
I really enjoyed living in Huddersfield.
I stayed in the Ashenhurst Student
Accomodation which I found quite
comfortable. I was able to have my
own room and share a kitchen with
other housemates. I loved that public
transportation was easy to understand
and that I was close enough to the
center of town that I could walk to
places if I wanted.
At the end of my Huddersfield study
program, I will have acquired 27 credits
towards my university graduation
requirements. I studied four courses
in Fall 2012 and am considering three
more for Fall 2013 – I enjoyed it so
much in Huddersfield I’m coming back
for a second Study Abroad period!
Gaining transfer credits was quite easy.
Before I left for Huddersfield, my
advisors signed off on a pre-approval
course form for what classes I could
take abroad as well as how they would
impact my graduation-requirements.
Upon my return to SUNY New Paltz,
my advisors and I acknowledged the
classes I had taken and my campus
registrar allocated my classes/credits
I have recommended studying abroad
in Huddersfield to my friends and other
students at SUNY New Paltz. I hope
they recognize the benefits of
experiencing various educational
institutions. The students, faculty,
and townspeople in Huddersfield are a
friendly bunch. I always felt welcomed
in my classes and appreciate all of the
positive culture Huddersfield University
brings to others.
Kerry in Huddersfield, UK
Accountancy and Finance
What’s it about?
In the cut and thrust world of industry
and commerce, having a good head
for figures means you’ll be a highly
sought after individual.
Often good finance skills are directly
responsible for ensuring organisations
are profitable and run like clockwork.
From large corporates to public sector
organisations and charities, in fact
anything where money is involved,
businesses need finance professionals.
Student’s view
Georgia Smith
Accountancy and Finance BA(Hons)
"The standard of teaching on my
course has been fantastic! It is inspiring
to be taught by industry professionals.
The passion that the lecturers have for
the industry has driven me to achieve
the best that I can. Their background
in the finance industry means they
truly understand what is required in
order to be successful.
Studying Accountancy and Finance at
Huddersfield will open up a whole
world of possibilities and stimulate
even the most analytical of minds.
For those who relish problem solving,
this has to be one of the most
absorbing and rewarding subject areas
with lots of scope for specialism
including: corporate finance, auditing,
governance, taxation and information
"The support and careers advice I
have received at Huddersfield has
proven invaluable so far. Help from
the tutors and careers department
have driven me to strive for a
successful career in finance."
All the support you need
Accountancy and Finance BA(Hons)
Accountancy BA(Hons)
Accountancy with Financial Services BA(Hons)
Accountancy with Law BA(Hons)
International Accountancy (Top-up) BA(Hons)
Accounting MSc
Accounting and Finance MA
Accounting and Finance (Distance Learning) MA
Banking and Finance MSc
Finance MSc
It’s our most environmentally friendly
building to date and features modern,
spacious classrooms as well as
excellent IT facilities including a
number of computer labs that you can
access anytime. The icing on the cake
is ‘The Street’. A wide, glazed corridor
that gently curves and provides soft
seating, tables, WiFi Internet access,
vending machines and a coffee shop.
Getting paid while learning about the
dynamics of the business environment
should make complete sense –
especially to a budding accountant!
Opportunities for a year’s paid
placement, available on our degree
courses, will certainly increase your
employability factor, provide some
invaluable real-life experience and
hopefully lead to bigger things.
Real-world experience
Be in demand
It helps knowing the movers and
shakers in any profession and at
Huddersfield, accountancy is no
exception. Our ‘Partners in
Accountancy’ scheme links students
with major accountancy firms such
as KPMG, PwC, Baker Tilly, BDO Stoy
Hayward, Grant Thornton, Wheawill
and Sudworth, Kirk Newsholme and
Revell Ward. These companies are
on hand to offer careers advice and
mentoring and provide a great insight
into the profession via direct contact
with students in seminars.
Accountancy and Finance at
Huddersfield has a 88.6% record of
graduates finding employment or
going on to further study within six
months of graduation during 2010/11.
Intellectually demanding subjects
such as accountancy, banking and
finance require an inspirational place
in which to study. Just as well then that
our Business School has a professional
home in a £17m building opened in
2010. This state-of-the-art facility
provides a progressive and social
place in which to learn and develop.
Our accountancy graduates have
gone on to work for companies such
as PwC, Lloyds Banking Group, GE
Capital, KPMG, The Department for
Work and Pensions, Jaguar Land Rover,
Bonmarché, DePuy International,
Stagecoach, Russell Smith Chartered
Associates and Bradford NHS Trust.
Roshan Shameer Hassen
graduated Accountancy and Finance
BA(Hons), now Operations & Projects,
International Finance with Law MSc
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after six months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: graduate prospects
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
or register for iHud
d, when you need it
information you nee
What’s it about?
Architecture is both the process and
product of planning, designing and
constructing form, space and
ambience that reflect functional,
technical, social, and aesthetic
considerations. It requires the creative
manipulation and coordination of
material, technology, light and
shadow to create imaginative spaces
in which communities can flourish
and thrive.
Student’s view
Dimitar Simitchiyski
Architecture International
Architecture also encompasses the
pragmatic aspects of realising
buildings and structures, which we’ll
help you develop. This includes: the
creative manipulation of materials
and forms using mathematical and
scientific principles, scheduling, cost
estimating and construction
“The best thing that the University
has given me is the love of the subject.
Before I came here, I wished that
Architecture would become my
profession, and instead it became
my love and obsession.”
You’ll also develop your understanding
of sustainability in building design as
well as an awareness of the wider
environmental issues at play.
Architectural Technology BSc(Hons)
Architecture/Architecture International BA(Hons)
Master of Architecture/Master of Architecture
International (RIBA Part 2)
Postgraduate Certificate of Professional Practice
and Management in Architecture (RIBA Part 3)
Sustainable Architecture MSc
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
30 place 20
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Our Architecture/Architecture
International BA(Hons) course is
validated by the Royal Institute of
British Architects (RIBA) and provides
exemption from the RIBA part 1
examinations. The Architectural
Technology BSc(Hons) is accredited by
the Chartered Institute of
Architectural Technologists.
All the support you need
you’ll find technical resources such
as architectural journals, architectural
components, technical literature,
information on building systems,
regulations and legislation as well
as useful stuff on urban design,
wayfinding and interiors.
Our technical equipment includes
digital laser measuring equipment,
sound meters, air quality meters and
a thermal imaging camera. Shared
workshop facilities are available
including a machine workshop for the
completion of 3D models along with
rapid prototyping, 3D laser scanner
and printers.
Real-world experience
We continually strive to develop and
strengthen our relationships and links
with industry, commerce and the
community both at home and
overseas. Our Architecture courses
have links with companies such as
AEDAS in Leeds, Cox Architects in
Australia, The Harris Partnership in
Manchester; A&DP Architect in
Huddersfield and Arups Associates in
Beijing, China.
As part of the Architecture
International BA(Hons) you’ll visit a
non-European country to develop a
comprehensive building design.
Previous locations have included
China, India, Malaysia, the Middle East
and Vietnam.
Be in demand
Architecture at Huddersfield has a
92.0% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
One thing to bear in mind is that if you
take the architecture route, to qualify
as an architect you'll need to
undertake a further two years study
plus periods in professional practice,
leading to a Master of Architecture
(RIBA Part 2) and a Post Graduate
Certificate in Professional Practice
and Management in Architecture
(RIBA Part 2). Alternatively you may
fancy a career in construction
management, interior and exhibition
design, arts management or
journalism, architectural technology,
project management or computer
Jee-Ying Tan
graduated Sustainable
Architecture MSc, is
now an Architectural
Assistant at CCDI
We have recently invested £2m into
the development of our Queen Street
studios which house workshops,
studios and a Design Centre where
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
or register for iHud
d, when you need it
information you nee
Art and Design
What’s it about?
Our art and design courses promote
individual and original creative
expression and aim to equip you with
the knowledge and transferable skills
enabling you to develop a unique
portfolio of work and forge a career in
your chosen subject area. In addition,
studio-based activity is supported by
historical and contextual studies and
business. We'll nurture your
conceptual approach and develop
your knowledge with live projects.
Student’s view
Matt Whitewood
Animation and Motion Graphics
“My time on the Multimedia course at
the University of Huddersfield has been
great. I’d say it’s arguably one of the
best digital courses in the country! I
find the tutors really easy to get along
with and I think that really helps with
getting involved on the course. I came
onto the course with only a web design
background and now I’ve developed a
whole range of skills. Not only different
skill sets like motion graphics or
interactive design but also a lot of the
theory side, especially in how I now
develop and think about my work.”
Animation BA(Hons)
Contemporary Art and Illustration BA(Hons)
Contemporary Art BA(Hons)
Graphic Design and Animation BA(Hons)
Graphic Design BA(Hons)
Illustration BA(Hons)
Interior Design BA(Hons)
Photography BA(Hons)
Product Design BA/BSc(Hons)
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
3D Digital Design MA
Fine Art MA
Our design courses will help you to
develop your intellectual, creative and
craft skills. We place strong emphasis
on individuals to bring out the best in
you and encourage creative
exploration. We’ll show you how to
channel your thinking and use your
ideas more effectively. We combine
creative and studio-based activity
with historical and business studies putting all creativity in context. And
learning about how to make your ideas
relevant to the needs of business.
And be able to develop proper
solutions to real life design challenges.
Our art courses will enable you to
become a contemporary practitioner
such as a practising artist, sculptor,
teacher, gallery manager or curator.
International Graphic Design Practice MA
All the support you need
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
Our iconic £15m Creative Arts
Building provides an inspirational
backdrop to your learning as well as
housing studio space and the full
range of technology to enable you to
bring your creations to life. The CAD
and IT team are on hand to support
you whether you’re an Apple or
Windows user and you’ll also have
full access to the Print Bureau.
Our Queen Street Studios have
recently undergone a makeover
costing almost £2m. There's a fully
equipped machine workshop for the
completion of 3D work together with
rapid prototyping, a 3D laser scanner
and state-of-the-art 3D printers.
Staff have been hand picked from a
wide variety of disciplines including
graphic design, illustration,
print/reprographics, audio and visual
production/animation, web design/
programming, networking and
systems development.
Real-world experience
We have one of the highest
proportions of sandwich course
students in the UK which is testament
to our strong links with the creative
industry and commerce. Our
placements provide a taste of realworld professional practise and we
continually seek to develop and
strengthen our relationships through
sponsored projects and competitions.
Our courses have links with the
following companies: Brilliant Media,
Creneau International NV Belgium,
Framestore, Poke London, Urban
Outfitters, Dyson, Land Rover, Lego in
Denmark, Jaguar Cars Ltd, Morgan
Stanley, Carey Jones Architects in
Leeds, Yorkshire TV/Pinewood Studios
in Leeds/London, Fitch London.
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
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Be in demand
Art and Design at Huddersfield has
an 94.5% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
It’s also worth noting that recent
graduates of design are now working
in the following areas:
// 3D CAD visualiser/modeller
// Events and promotion design
// Interior design
// Leisure design
// Interior architectural design
// Freelance design
// Children’s book illustration
// Freelance photography
// Studio photography
// Industrial design engineering
// Product development management
// Automotive exteriors and interiors
// Boat design
// Graphic design
// Advertising
Jay Fleming
graduated Virtual
Reality Design with
Animation BA(Hons)
and now working as
an FX TD for Double
Art and Design //
Fashion and Textiles
What’s it about?
Student’s view
If you’ve ambitions to become the
next Stella McCartney or Zandra
Rhodes, Fashion and Textiles is for you.
Not only will you be involved in
designing, developing and
manufacturing exciting products, on
some of our courses you learn the
business of fashion including
marketing products internationally.
Claire Lancaster
Fashion, Communication
and Promotion BA(Hons)
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so
far at the University of Huddersfield.
Both the staff and students are
welcoming. The staff have first hand
experience of the subject they are
teaching you, having previously worked
in the industry and so passing on their
knowledge through interesting case
studies. There have been plenty of
opportunities to enhance the course
through trips to both London and Paris,
which were fantastic. Furthermore,
there has been ample time to get
involved with extra student events,
such as fashion shows. Huddersfield
also has a vibrant student nightlife.”
If experimentation and innovation is
your bag our courses will nurture your
conceptual approach and develop
your knowledge with live projects.
They’ll also help you to understand the
role of the designer and equip you
with the right skills to enter the
industry successfully. It has to be the
perfect fit.
All the support you need
Our courses are centred around the
fashion and textile workshops. These
facilities are based in two locations,
the Technology Building and the
brand new £15m Creative Arts
Costume with Textiles BA(Hons)
International Design Marketing
and Communication MA
Fashion and Textile Buying Management BA(Hons)
International Fashion Design MA
Fashion Communication and Promotion BA(Hons)
International Fashion Management MA
Fashion Design with Marketing
and Production BA(Hons)
Textiles with Surface Design BA/BSc(Hons)
Textile Art and Craft BA/BSc(Hons)
Textile Design BA/BSc(Hons)
There’s no substitute for real life,
hands-on experience. That’s why
we’ve developed solid relationships
with the fashion industry and
commerce to provide students with
the opportunity to work with
inspirational, creative organisations
who lead the creative economy both
in the UK and overseas.
As testament to this we have one of
the highest proportions of sandwich
course students in the UK. Our
placements provide a taste of what it’s
really like in professional practise and
we continually seek to strengthen our
relationships through sponsored
projects and competitions.
Our fashion and textile courses have
links with the following companies:
Anna Sui, New York; Burberry, London;
Topshop/Topman, London; Vivienne
Westwood, London; the BBC; Opera
North; Hallmark Cards, Bradford and
John Smedley in the UK.
Be in demand
Fashion and Textiles at Huddersfield
has a 94.2% record of graduates
finding employment or going on to
further study within six months of
graduation during 2010/11.
It’s also worth noting that recent
graduates of Fashion and Textiles are
now working in the following areas:
// Fashion buying
// Freelance design/artist/trend/colour
// Visual merchandising
// Fashion media and PR
// Marketing
// Fashion journalism
// Brand management
// Design
// Merchandising
// Styling
// Management
// Costume design/cutting
// Wardrobe assistant
// Stylist in theatre, TV, film,
dance and opera
// Teacher/lecturer
Kirath Ghundoo
graduated Textiles
MA, now Designer
for own company.
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Real-world experience
Textiles MA
Fashion Design with Textiles BA(Hons)
These are lively and innovative areas
and house a number of specialist
design and technology driven facilities
including computerised ARM looms,
Sheima Seiki knitting machines,
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
embroidery, laser cutting, ink-jet
printing and pattern cutting
A highly skilled and experienced team
of technical staff support the wide
range of resources in the specialism
areas of knitting, weaving, printing
and dyeing, embroidery, costume and
fashion design, pattern cutting and
ut these courses go
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our Coursefinder at
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information you nee
Business //
Business and Management
Sasirekha Palaniswamy
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
“The induction we had before the start of
the course was extremely helpful. In this
session they clearly explained things such
as using the library and computer labs and
also about writing assignments. The
services and support provided by the
University was overwhelming.
“The MBA has developed my leadership and
management skills tremendously. I have
also built on my communication and team
working abilities. As an international
student I have increased my cross-cultural
awareness, presentation skills and
organisational and operational skills.”
Business and Human Resource
Management BA(Hons)
Business and Journalism BA(Hons)
Business and Operations Management BA(Hons)
Business and Psychology BA(Hons)
Business MSc
Business Project Management MSc
International Business Management MSc
International Business with Financial Services MSc
International Human Resource Management MA
Business Administration and Management
(Top-up) BA(Hons)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Business Information Management BA(Hons)
Business Management BA(Hons)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
with Creative Industries
Business Management with Finance BA(Hons)
Business Management and Leadership BA(Hons)
Business Studies with Environmental
Management BA(Hons)
Business Studies with Financial Services BA(Hons)
Business with Financial Services (Top-up) BA(Hons)
Enterprise Development BA(Hons)
Entrepreneurship and Business BA(Hons)
European Business (Top-up) BA(Hons)
Global Business and Logistics
Management (Top-up) BA(Hons)
Global Business Management BA(Hons)
Human Resource Management (Top-up) BA(Hons)
International Business BA(Hons)
International Business (Top-up) BA(Hons)
// Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM)
The Business School was newly
opened in 2010 at cost of £17m and is
a state-of-the art modern,
professional environment in which to
learn and develop.
// Strategic Planning Society (SPS)
You’ll understand organisational
behaviour and structure through
critical thinking, analysis and
evaluative techniques. You will also
learn creative problem-solving
approaches and sound logical
decision-making skills, helping you
gain effective and persuasive written
and oral communication skills.
Important stuff if you’re going to take
a management role or become a
captain of industry.
Management MSc
Business Studies BA(Hons)
All the support you need
The world of business and commerce
is fast paced and highly competitive so
you’ll need to have your wits about
you. Good job then that our courses
will equip you with the knowledge and
skills modern business requires and
that all important employability factor.
Our business and management
courses will enable you to develop a
sound, high level understanding of
business strategies and functions, but
also a solid understanding of the
dynamics of the broader business
environment that firms operate in.
However, we don’t decide entirely
what you study: our courses are
flexible enough to allow you to shape
the focus of your degree to suit your
own career interests and ambitions.
Student’s view
What’s it about?
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
with Hospitality Management
Risk, Disaster and Environmental Management MSc
Business Economics MSc
Financial Economics MSc
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Legal Practice
You will also learn how to organise,
have a positive attitude, think
creatively and work as a team member.
You get a working knowledge of legal,
ethical, financial, social and
economical factors and how they
apply to business. Most importantly
you will learn how to address the
problems met on a regular basis by
decision makers within business.
Once you have these abilities they’re
infinitely transferable from the largest
multinationals to smaller private
sector organisations ensuring you’ll
always be in demand.
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
A WOW room offers students a unique
teaching facility in which top quality
video conferencing technology
enables communication with students
and academics around the world.
The Learning Development Group
(LDG) offer a dedicated service helping
our students to improve their
academic skills in areas such as
referencing, presentations skills,
time-management, academic reading,
referencing or academic writing.
All teaching rooms are high quality
and well equipped and the school
has a number of computer labs for
teaching or for student’s individual
or group use.
Real-world experience
The opportunity on our degree
courses for a year on paid work
placement with roles within a range of
national and even international
companies gives you an insight into
the dynamics of the business
environment and improves your
employability potential through reallife experience.
Our students can take advantage
of support and hot-desk facilities in
the Centre for Young Entrepreneurs
within the University's 3M Buckley
Innovation Centre.
The Business School works with the
top professional organisations in
many areas such as:
// Association of Project Management
We also have links with a number of
professional bodies in the financial
services sector and insurance industry.
A Business School Advisory Board
provides strong links with industry
and the professions and provides
input into the academic and strategic
direction of the Business School.
The Board comprises leading experts
holding senior positions within
business, the public or voluntary
sectors, and the professions.
Our academic staff also have an excellent
reputation in consultancy, research and
other commercial activities. We have
particular expertise in Knowledge
Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and
European Union funded projects.
Be in demand
Business at Huddersfield has a 91.3%
record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Recent business graduates have
joined firms such as Rolls Royce Power,
Cummins Turbo Technology,
VentureAxis, Apple, HBOS, Christofle,
Accenture, DHL, Diageo, Vodafone,
Nestle UK, Pepsico International, Toys
R Us and Sales Republic. A number of
our graduates have also taken the
skills they have obtained on their
courses and used these to set up their
own businesses.
Paul Grimwood
graduated Business
Studies BA(Hons) now
CEO and Chairman
of Nestlé USA.
// Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
// Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD)
// Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
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d, when you need it
information you nee
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after six months
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: graduate prospects
Business //
Hospitality and Events Management
What’s it about?
The hospitality industry is one of the
fastest growing in the world and the
rewards for talented individuals are
high. You’ll develop a range of skills
including organisational and
communication skills, which can
be transferred to a whole range of
roles enabling you to engage with
private and corporate clients at the
highest level.
Student’s view
Event management requires
meticulous planning, decision-making
and logistics to ensure successful
events. It involves studying the
intricacies of the brand, identifying
the target audience, devising the
event concept, planning the logistics
and coordinating the technical
aspects before actually executing
the final event.
Lauren Tedder
Events Management BA(Hons)
“In my placement year I worked for Audi
and went to Munich for three weeks
and managed the delegate training for
the A3 while I was there. It was great in
terms of confidence building as well as
learning how to deal with a brand and
how they operate on a day to day basis.
All the support you need
“I feel ready to go out into the industry
and the experience and support I
received throughout the course means
I can actually go out and make the
most of a career in events.”
Hospitality Management (Top-up) BA(Hons)
Hospitality Business Management BA(Hons)
Hospitality Business Management
with a Modern Language BA(Hons)
Events Management BA(Hons)
The Business School was newly
opened in 2010 at cost of £17m
and is a state-of-the art modern,
professional environment in which
to learn and develop.
International Hospitality Management MSc
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
A WOW room offers students a unique
teaching facility in which top quality
video conferencing technology
enables communication with students
and academics around the world.
The Learning Development Group
(LDG) offer a dedicated service helping
our students to improve their
academic skills in areas such as
referencing, presentations skills,
time-management, academic reading,
referencing or academic writing.
25 place 25 place
All teaching rooms are high quality
and well equipped and the school
has a number of computer labs for
teaching or for student’s individual
or group use.
Real world experience
An essential part of any course is
learning the theory, and at
Huddersfield we help you to stand out
from the crowd by ensuring you also
gain hands on practical experience.
We have a large number of
commercial and professional contacts
which contributes to your learning and
keeps you up to date with the needs of
the hospitality and events industries.
Degree students on the Events
Management course get the
opportunity to help to run a range of
events, both on a voluntary basis and
as part of the placement year. Our
students have contributed to events
such as the Huddersfield Festival of
Light, the Contemporary Music
Festival and the Cancer Research
Race for Life.
Hospitality students take part in
business development projects which
encourage student teams to develop
profitable hospitality-focused
ventures both on and off campus.
Hospitality and Events Management
at Huddersfield has a 97.6% record of
graduates finding employment or
going on to further study within six
months of graduation during 2010/11.
Our courses offer a wide range of
career opportunities both in the UK
and overseas in a variety of industries.
Graduates frequently go on to
successful careers in areas such as
hotel, restaurant and leisure
management as well as operational
and corporate business roles.
Recent graduates are now working
in companies such as Red Carnation,
Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces, De
Vere Collection, Park Plaza, Marriott,
Ritz Carlton, Fortnum and Mason,
Universal World Events, Radisson,
Malmaison, Gleneagles, Mitchells
and Four Seasons.
Steven Kizis
graduated International Hotel and
Catering Management BA(Hons), now
General Manager, Columbia Hotels
and Resorts Ltd
The supervised work placement is
an integral part of the degree courses
and allows you the opportunity to
work within hospitality and events
organisations across the world. We
frequently have placement
opportunities in Australia, New
Zealand, Canada and America as
well as the UK.
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
or register for iHud
d, when you need it
information you nee
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Be in demand
Business //
Logistics, Transport and Tourism
What’s it about?
Transport and logistics is all about
the management of the flow of people
or goods and services between the
point of origin and the point of
consumption in order to meet the
requirements of customers.
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
really looks at the bigger picture:
how do goods make their way from
being raw materials to our shelves...
and increasingly important how can
products, that we don’t need any more,
be used more sustainably in future.
Student’s view
Hemant Oberoi
Travel & Tourism Management
Tourism is all about the ‘experience’
received by the client, both during the
journey and once the final destination
is reached. A happy holidaymaker is
one that will return, so a hassle free
experience is essential in building
brand loyalty.
“Studying travel and tourism is all about
getting to know more about the world
and in the classroom I’m mixing with
students from all around the globe
and hopefully making friends for life.
“It’s awesome to study in the U.K and
Huddersfield is in Yorkshire, which is
one of the most beautiful parts of
England. Students have everything
they need here; pubs, bars, night
clubs, cinema, sports stadium and the
campus feels like a home from home.”
Air Transport and Logistics
Management BSc(Hons)
Logistics and Supply Chain
Management BSc(Hons)
Supply Chain Management with
Logistics (Top-up) BSc(Hons)
Transport and Logistics Management BSc(Hons)
Travel and Tourism Management BA(Hons)
Supply Chain Management BSc(Hons)
All the support you need
We'll provide professional, sociable
and inspirational surroundings for
you to study in our professional
and modern £17m Business School
building. You'll have excellent teaching
and social space as well as access to
our Learning Development Group
service which offers advice and
practical support on everything from
referencing and exam preparation to
delivering presentations.
Global Logistics and Supply Chain
Management MSc
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
15 place
3rd Top 5th
25 place 25 place
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Real-world experience
An essential part of any degree is
learning the theory, but here at
Huddersfield we help you to stand out
from the crowd by ensuring you also
gain hands-on practical experience.
The opportunity for a year on paid
work placement with roles within a
range of national and international
companies gives you an insight into
the dynamics of the business
environment and improves your
employability potential through your
real-life experience.
We have established a large number
of industry contacts, such as DHL,
British Airways and TDG, who provides
us with some great guest lecturers,
enables site visits and most
importantly provides work placements
and graduate employment
opportunities. We work closely
with professional bodies such as the
Chartered Institute of Logistics and
Transport (CILT).
Field trips and guest speakers from
the travel and tourism industry
support your understanding of this
fascinating industry.
Be in demand
Logistics, Transport and Tourism at
Huddersfield has a 95.5% record of
graduates finding employment or
going on to further study within six
months of graduation during 2010/11.
These courses will ensure you’re
equipped with the knowledge and
skills required for an exciting and
challenging career in logistics,
transport or tourism.
Recent graduates are now working
at Airbus UK, DHL, Hoyer, Clipper,
Hermes, First Trans Pennine, European
Cargo Systems, Kuehne & Nagel,
Marriot Hotels, UPS and Thomas Cook.
Laurence Kerans
graduated European
Logistics Management
BSc(Hons) now
Solutions Developer,
Barloworld Handling
Travel and Tourism degree students
have the opportunity to gain work
experience by undertaking
placements around the world in
companies such as Ritz Carlton Hotel
in Barcelona or the Greenwich
Country Club in Connecticut.
As well as the usual range of lecture
theatres, seminar rooms, computer
labs and library, you’ll have unique
access to specialist software packages
which are used by industry to plan,
analyse, simulate and model their
operations in order to bring about
improvements to cost and levels
of customer service.
ut these courses go
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our Coursefinder at
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d, when you need it
information you nee
Business //
Student’s view
Muhammad Arshad
Marketing MSc
“I would recommend studying abroad,
it gives you a different perspective of
studying but it also improves your
personality and attitudes, I feel like I
have developed further since
studying at Huddersfield.”
Advertising and Marketing
Communications BA(Hons)
Global Marketing (Top-up) BA(Hons)
Marketing BA(Hons)
Marketing with Public Relations BA(Hons)
Sports Promotion and Marketing BA(Hons)
All the support you need
From Apple to Nike, some of the
world’s most iconic brands have been
elevated to cult status by creative and
visionary marketers. Marketing’s
effects on brands are undisputed and
can provide new and exciting solutions
to the issues many businesses face. It’s
one of the more creative, enjoyable
and fun areas of business, so those of
you with creative tendencies can
channel your talents to the benefit of
business - even if you can’t draw.
Marketing and creative people thrive
in inspirational surroundings and
where better to study than in our
professional £17m Business School
building, which was opened in 2010.
Marketing professionals are optimistic
– they dream, create and say ‘this
could work’. They become the
champions of products or services and
help to shape them based on a good
understanding of customers’ needs.
Most companies employ marketing
professionals so it’s easy to choose a
career that reflects your interest,
values and personal style. We have a
great track record and tradition of
delivering marketing courses here at
Huddersfield. We were the first
university to teach a dedicated
marketing degree in UK.
“The course goes beyond reading the
textbook within lectures; the study
time gives you a chance to implement
what you have learnt in all manner
of different activities and exercises
that really takes your learning to a
deeper level.
What’s it about?
International Marketing MSc
Marketing MSc
Marketing by Dissertation MSc
It’s a progressive, thought provoking
environment and the greenest
building on campus – a state-of-theart home in which to nurture your big
ideas! With its spacious classrooms,
impressive IT facilities and feature
glazed corridor with soft seating, wifi
and coffee shop you’ll soon be
indulging in a spot of behavioural
analysis with friends whilst market
researching coffee and biscuits.
Real-world experience
It’s worth noting that the Business
School works closely with the
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
and we hold a number of joint events,
including workshops and guest
lectures throughout the year.
Our degree students can also
gain additional CIM professional
qualifications alongside their degrees
through the Multi Award Pathway
(MAP). We also have strong links with
the Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM)
and many of our students participate
in the IDM National Student
Competition. Plus you’re eligible to
take the IDM Certificate at the end
of the final year.
Our job is to help you maximise your
employability, and opportunities exist
for a year’s paid work placement
within a range of national and
international companies. It’s your
chance to sample real life work
experience and will provide you with a
solid insight into the dynamics of the
business environment not to mention
improve your chances of employment
once you graduate.
Be in demand
Marketing at Huddersfield has a
88.7% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Recent graduates have joined firms
such as Everton FC, the Body Shop,
Ventura, the Arena Group, Litmus
PR, Sony Ericsson, HSBC and
Silverstone Circuit.
James Bower
graduated Marketing
BA(Hons), now Partner
Manager for McLaren
Marketing Communications MSc
Marketing Management MSc
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
or register for iHud
d, when you need it
information you nee
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
Combined Honours
Student’s view
Lydia Sykes
Combined Honours BA(Hons)
What’s it about
If you’re looking for a course which
offers you the flexibility to combine
your academic achievements and
interests with your plans for your
future career, then the Combined
Honours course may be the perfect
degree for you. As a high achiever in a
number of subjects, you’ll benefit from
the opportunity to be able to tailor
your degree to match your
requirements. Furthermore, the
challenging nature of the course will
enable you to demonstrate your
abilities and breadth of knowledge as
well as focus on your individual career
“Combined Honours at Huddersfield
is ideal preparation as I plan on
going into a career in translating
after University. I've been able to
mix studying a subject that I love languages - with a more vocational
subject - business. It also means that
I'm meeting and working with lots of
different people.”
Combined Honours BA(Hons)
Please see for full details of courses and their
entry requirements. UoH – University of Huddersfield.
Subjects available:
// Popular Music
• Journalism and Modern Languages
You can combine your interests by
selecting from the following subjects,
each of which offers a variety of
modules to choose from:
// Professional English
• Modern Languages with
International Business
// Criminology
// Drama
// English Language
// English Literature
// English Language and Literature
// Film Studies
// Heritage
// History
// International Business
// Journalism and Media
// Modern Languages
// Sociology
The way the degree works
• History with Heritage
You may follow a joint course and
study two subjects with equal weight.
A major/minor route similarly involves
two subjects, but you will spend more
time on one than the other.
Alternatively, you may take a broader
route and study three or more
subjects. Whichever route you
choose, your workload will be the
same as it would be if you took a single
honours degree.
• Journalism and Politics
Some examples of how to
combine your interests:
So why not get in touch with us to
discuss your specific requirement. We
want this to be a flexible degree which
meets your aspirations so choose your
subjects and talk about your choices
with us.
// Music
• International Business with
Professional English
// Music Technology
• English Literature and Sociology
// Politics
• Criminology with Politics
• Sociology, Politics and Modern
• International Business, Modern
Languages, Professional English
We have research centres in British
and Irish Studies, Oral History,
Stylistics, New Music, Applied
Criminology, Social Sciences, Music,
Gender and Identity, and many more.
These run regular programmes of
events that are open to all. And the
University Business School offers
modules with an international focus
which you can combine with
Professional English, enabling you to
further enhance your employability.
If you wish to include languages in your
degree, our well-resourced Modern
Languages Centre offers a range to
choose from, including Chinese, French,
German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.
• Music, English Literature, History
Please note that you must indicate
your choice of two or more subjects at
application stage and offers of a place
will be made based on this selection.
If journalism, media or film are your
interests, we have practical modules
taught on TV and radio facilities
second to none in the University
sector, or you can explore the law,
history and cultural contexts of the
subject. Our Drama courses, focusing
on contemporary physical theatre, are
housed in a stunningly renovated
Victorian church, with performance
areas and technical facilities
described by University Chancellor
Professor Sir Patrick Stewart as some
of the best he’s seen.
Come and study at a university that
sits within a rich cultural landscape.
Yorkshire is a county full of historical
and political significance, ranging
from the medieval, through the
Industrial Revolution, to modern times
of industrial unrest. Business
development in Huddersfield is
interlinked with the development of
the textile industry with many
entrepreneurial multi-generational
family businesses of various types still
existing today, the oldest of which
started in 1540.
Study in an area where Bronte country
is at your doorstep, where Poet
Laureate Ted Hughes was born and
wrote and where Sylvia Plath is buried.
Nottinghamshire, where DH Lawrence
spent his formative years, is only a short
journey away. Stratford-upon-Avon,
birthplace of William Shakespeare, is
also just a day-trip away.
ut these courses go
To find out more abo
our Coursefinder at
or register for iHud
d, when you need it
information you nee
Real world experience
The Combined Honours course offers
the opportunity to gain real-world
experience through our work
placement modules. Our students
have worked at some pretty amazing
places, including the Royal Armouries
Museum, DIG York Archaeological
Trust, Oxfam, the Huddersfield
Contemporary Music Festival, BBC
Television and Radio, and ITV. Some
find placements with theatre
companies Slung Low, Invisible Thread
or IOU, who regularly visit and work
with our students. Business
placements include working with
Thornton and Ross, Yorkshire Water
and Manchester Airport PLC.
Criminology, Sociology or Politics
specialists find placements in the
criminal justice system or in charities
such as Age Concern. In addition there
are placements with a marketing and
finance focus.
All the support you’ll need
Our teaching and library facilities are
modern and regularly updated with
the resources you’ll need. You’ll be
taught in lecture and seminar rooms
which contain cutting-edge
technology resources and our wellstocked library is only two minutes’
walk from our teaching facilities.
Whether your study takes you to the
Journalism Building, the Creative Arts
Building, Milton Building for Drama,
our new Business School, or the
Modern Languages Centre, the
continuing investment on campus
means that you’ll be taught in
bright modern buildings with state of
the art equipment and technology.
You will also have access to the
university-wide support systems
and VLE technologies as well as our
award-winning Computing and
Library Services.
What’s it about?
Our 12 month, full-time Master’s
courses will improve your technical
management skills and extend your
project skills as well as challenge your
approach to complex situations. By
providing practical project experience,
team-working environments and
specialist knowledge of your chosen
discipline we will help develop your
ability to work collaboratively and
avoid systemic failures.
Student’s view
Jennifer Biney
Network Technology
and Management MSc
This will all be of benefit to furthering
your IT career in industry and commerce,
or even in academic research.
“I first heard about the University through
a colleague at work who was studying a
Master's in the School of Computing and
Engineering and then met a team from
the University's International Office in
Ghana. The University was very receptive
and gave me all the assistance I needed.
My course equips graduates with the
skills and knowledge to enable them to
take up high level responsibilities in
organisations and put them in a better
position to compete for leading-edge IT
Applied Computing (Top-up) BSc(Hons)
Computer Games Design BA(Hons)
Computer Games Programming BSc(Hons)
Computer Games Technology (Design)
(Top-up) BA(Hons)
Computer Games Technology (Programming)
(Top-up) BSc(Hons)
Computing BSc(Hons)
Computing MEng
Computing Science BSc(Hons)
Computing Science MEng
Computing in Business BA(Hons)
Information and Communication Technology
(Top-up) BSc(Hons)
Software Engineering BSc(Hons)
Software Engineering MEng
In addition, all our postgraduate
courses include the option to start
your studies in September or January.
All the support you need
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Information Systems Management MSc
Network Technology and Management MSc
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
You will be able to make use of our
excellent facilities across all activities
including computer labs that are the
envy of industry. You’ll have access to
state-of-the-art equipment and
industry standard software in a
friendly and supportive community.
// High quality PC, Mac and Linux
// A dedicated computer networking,
mobile and forensic computing
Information and Communication
Technology BSc(Hons)
For undergraduates, our computing
courses focus on programming and
encompass the design, development
and support of computer software;
whilst our information technology
courses address the design,
implementation and maintenance of
information technologies to meet the
needs of individuals and business.
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: graduate prospects
// Up-to-date mobile, wireless and
fixed computing facilities, including
a compositing suite.
// Studio environments where you will
work in teams to design, develop
and implement creative ICT and
computing solutions to industry
standards. This includes Canalside
Studios, our commercial games
development facility founded
in 2006.
Real-world experience
All of our full-time undergraduate
courses include an optional year in
industry and our dedicated placement
unit will assist you in finding a suitable
12-month paid work placement. This
will provide you with the opportunity
to gain valuable employment
All our postgraduate courses include
opportunities for in-company or
research placements as part of the
Master's programme. These
experiences enhance your
employment prospects.
As part of studying a computing
related degree, we pay for all our
students to be members of the
Chartered Institute for IT (BCS) and by
doing this have one of the largest
student memberships in the UK.
Our expertise
Our vibrant and rapidly growing
research community is a major force in
both creative and technical innovation
and development. In the most recent
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
75% of Computer Science and
Informatics research achieved the
highest grades of world leading or
ut these courses go
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internationally excellent in terms of
originality, significance and rigour.
Informatics is a broad area covering
the science, engineering and social
consequences of representing and
processing information and our areas
of research reflect this diversity. The
main areas of research are artificial
intelligence, software engineering,
and database representation and
Be in demand
Computing at Huddersfield has a
91.5% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Recent graduates from our courses
have secured employment and
promotion with companies such as
Microsoft, HBOS, KPMG, Jagex, EE,
Rebellion, Rockstar, SAP, Siemens,
Sony, TCS, Wipro, Hewlett Packard and
the Civil Service.
Zeeshan M Syed
graduated Computing
BSc(Hons), now Senior
SAP Lead Consultant
for Alfanar, a
construction and
manufacturing business
What’s it about?
You could say drama runs in our
blood and is one of the reasons why
we have one of the best resourced
departments in Europe. Our flexible
courses focus on contemporary
theatre and performance work of the
early 21st Century.
Student’s view
Natalie Gavin
Drama BA(Hons)
“If you have the chance to do a course here
– take it. You will never look back. I haven’t
and this degree is very important to me.
It doesn’t just further your education, but
opens your eyes in the way you view the
world, and lifts your confidence, and helps
you find yourself. There are beautiful
studios, and the facilities allow you to
create fantastic work.”
Natalie has previously appeared in TV’s
Shameless and The Chase, docu-drama
The Arbor which has won numerous film
awards across the globe, and taken a
lead role in Kay Mellor's 2013 BBC drama
The Syndicate.
Through staff-directed performances,
the development of your own work,
and our other practical and theorybased modules, you will look at how
drama is created and received,
exploring, understanding and using
the practice and theory to write about
your own work and develop insight
into that of others.
The Centre for Psychophysical
Performance Research brings
together researchers and practitioners
to promote research into aspects of
performance training and practice,
which recognise the inter-relation of
mental and physical capacities in the
All the support you need
Drama BA(Hons)
Drama and English BA(Hons)
Technical Theatre BA(Hons)
Please see for full details of courses and their
entry requirements.
25 place
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Our facilities in Huddersfield are
centred around a large, architecturally
spectacular, converted Victorian
church. The building contains three
performance studios, seminar and
rehearsal rooms and a dedicated
workshop for set and prop building
and design.
These state-of-the-art facilities are
supported by experienced technical
staff, with in-depth knowledge of 3D
design, video, sound editing,
computerised lighting and sound
equipment. Studio One is a
professional touring venue, hosting
work by contemporary performance
and theatre companies.
Real-world experience
We have close links with
Huddersfield’s Lawrence Batley
Theatre, and regularly rehearse or
perform there.
Award-winning contemporary theatre
company Slung Low has close links
with Drama, developing productions
with our first year students.
Invisible Thread Puppetry Company
make and preview their work in our
studios and internationally renowned
IOU Theatre offer placements to, and
employ, many of our students.
Theatre company Dark Horse offers
placements to our students and
our very own University Chancellor
Professor Sir Patrick Stewart is
Professor in Performing Arts and
conducts workshops and
masterclasses with our students.
Recent graduates have gone on to
work with professional companies
such as IOU Productions, Slung Low,
Point Blank Theatre, Chol Theatre, The
Sheffield Crucible and Proper Job
Theatre as writers, directors and
performers. Others have continued on
to postgraduate study, teacher
training or community work.
graduated PhD,
now working with
Nicolas Nunez at the
Taller de
Investigación Teatral based at
National Autonomous University
of Mexico, Mexico City
Be in demand
Drama at Huddersfield has a 97.0%
record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
As a drama student, you will learn
traditional academic skills, experience
group working and develop problem
solving as well as interpersonal
communication skills alongside the
professional practice skills of
performance, directing and writing.
This will provide you with the
‘employability’ factor for a number
career options.
ut these courses go
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Education, Teaching
and Early Years
Student’s view
Gayle Smith
Religion and Education BA(Hons)
“The teaching staff that I have met
since being at the University have all
been fantastic. A great relationship
with your tutors makes the hectic
University schedule that much easier.
I would definitely recommend the
University of Huddersfield as a place
to study. There is such a friendly
atmosphere on campus that makes
it easy for anyone to settle in and
the facilities are fantastic.”
What’s it about?
Professional links
There are many rewarding
opportunities in early years, education
and teaching. Whether you want to
guide children through early years and
primary school, inspire a group of
eleven year olds just starting out on
their secondary school journey, or
share your professional skills with
older students in adult education or
the lifelong learning sector, we’ll help
you learn how to get your message
across and ensure you're at the
forefront of the latest thinking in your
area of expertise.
We have strong relationships with
early years and educational
organisations throughout the region.
All the support you need
Childhood Studies BA(Hons)
Primary Education (Early Years and Key Stage 1)
Early Years BA(Hons)
Early Childhood Studies MA
Education MA
Education and Youth Work Studies MA
Education, Doctor of, EdD
Guidance, Professional Studies PgDip
Teacher Training (Lifelong Learning)
CertEd Pre-service
International Education MA
Religion and Education BA(Hons)
Leadership in Education and Public Services MA
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages BA(Hons)
Learning and Development Management MA
Education, Human Resource Development and Training
BA(Hons) Top-up
PhD by research
Teacher Training (Primary, Secondary
and Lifelong Learning)
Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages MA
Technology Enhanced Learning MSc
Our well-equipped, contemporary
teaching rooms and computer labs
contain the latest AV equipment such
as electronic whiteboards and all have
Internet access. Computers in our
teaching rooms are available outside
timetabled hours as are WiFi
You’ll receive training from the
academic librarian on information and
research skills and electronic methods
of accessing library facilities as well as
training in the use of our virtual
learning environment.
There are mock classrooms with
facilities just like you’d find in a school
or early years education setting which
is great for providing ‘hands on’
learning in a real-world environment.
Our primary, secondary and Lifelong
Learning courses are Ofsted inspected
and with Primary and Secondary you
gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Our Guidance course is recognised as
a professional qualification by the
Institute of Careers Guidance (ICG).
Real-world experience
Research is integral to our excellent
reputation for developing
professionals for the education sector
whilst addressing the needs of
employers and the community. Our
curricula are informed by the latest
developments in the field. This is
complemented by our research
students, many of whom are
professional practitioners whose
research feeds directly into our work,
contributing towards a lively and
practice-focused intellectual
community. We currently have
projects ongoing that include:
// A longitudinal study of the
experiences of young people not in
education, employment or training
(NEET): a research project funded
by The Leverhulme Trust.
// ASSOCiate Online – achieving
online communities to support the
development of subject specialist
// Consortium for Post-Compulsory
Education and Training (PCET) –
various research and evaluation
projects and a research journal.
// HudCETT – Centre for Excellence in
Teacher Training.
Be in demand
Early Years, Education and Teaching at
Huddersfield has a 95.3% record of
graduates finding employment or
going on to further study within six
months of graduation during 2010/11.
Many of our recent graduates are
working in the following areas:
// Primary or secondary school
// Social work
// Teaching/training in the Lifelong
Learning sector
// Early Years settings
// Local Authorities and Connexions
Lan Lin (Carol)
graduated TESOL MA,
now teaching English
in China.
Vocational Education and Training MA
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
2nd 6th Top
place place 30
Top Top 4th
10 35 place
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
ut these courses go
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38239_Uni_of_Hud_Prospectus 05/09/2013 09:43 Page 96
Engineering //
What’s it about?
Engineering affects everyone,
everywhere in the world, and yet
according to the Institution of
Engineering and Technology (IET), there
is a global shortage of professionally
educated engineers. Employers need
individuals with the ability to lead
innovation along with the vision and
operational ability to strategically plan,
develop and manage technology.
Student’s view
This is where we come in – our one
year full-time Master's courses will
provide you with an advanced
knowledge of electronic and electrical
engineering in your chosen specialism.
They cover key areas relevant to UK,
European and overseas industries.
Mukundan Devakiantherjanad
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc
“I’d recommend this course because
of the support of the lecturers, the
facilities, the method of assessment
and the design of the course. All the
lecturers are very supportive and
their industrial experience helps
us to learn what the industry needs
which will help us to achieve a
successful career. I want to become
an embedded software engineer
and the knowledge that I’ll gain
through this course will help me
to reach my career goal.”
Many employers require engineers with
professional qualifications so all our
Master’s and undergraduate courses are
accredited by the IET and contribute
towards satisfying the requirements for
Chartered Engineer status.
In addition, all our postgraduate
courses include the option to start
your studies in September or January.
All the support you need
Computer Systems Engineering BEng(Hons)
Electronic Engineering BEng(Hons)/MEng
Electronic Engineering and Computer
Systems BEng(Hons)
Electronic and Communication
Engineering BEng(Hons)
Electronic and Communication
Engineering (Top-up) BEng(Hons)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng(Hons)/MEng
Engineering Foundation Year
Electronic Engineering (Top-up) BEng(Hons)
We have excellent laboratory facilities
including an impressive range of
professionally equipped electronic
project, communication, embedded
systems and computer workstation
laboratories with industry standard
software and equipment, including:
Electronic and Communication Engineering MSc
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc
Engineering Control Systems and
Instrumentation MSc
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
// High-performance computing
(HPC) computer clusters and grid
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
// Advanced Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) and micro-controller
development systems.
// Solids-liquid-gas flow loop with a
range of auxiliary test equipment.
// Oil-water flow loop and
tomographic instrumentation.
You’ll also have access to computing
laboratories equipped with PCs
running industry standard software
for areas such as measurement and
control, computer aided engineering
and power system analysis.
New and growing research areas are
micro power generation and storage
of energy generated from wind/solar
power and HPC computer systems
applications in Engineering.
Be in demand
Real-world experience
Electronic Engineering at Huddersfield
has a 100.0% record of graduates
finding employment or going on to
further study within six months of
graduation during 2010/11.
All our undergraduate courses include
an optional year in industry and our
award winning placement unit will
assist you in finding a suitable 12
month work placement. We’re in
direct contact with over 60 companies
worldwide and recent placements
include Airbus, Panasonic, Intel, Bosch,
Red Bull Racing and British Energy to
name a few.
Our courses provide well qualified design,
development and production graduates
for expanding international industries in
the areas of electronics, computers,
embedded systems and process controls.
These can be in industries as diverse as
home entertainment, communications,
manufacturing, aerospace, automotive
and medical systems or petrochemical
and oil refineries.
Our expertise
Our graduate engineers can expect to
rise quickly to management positions
and recent graduates have gained
employment with organisations such
as Hitachi, o2, BP and nPower.
Our vibrant and rapidly growing
research community is a major force in
the areas of technical innovation and
Major research activities in this
subject area are associated with the
Systems Engineering Group, which has
a great reputation for interdisciplinary
research in collaboration with major
industrial organisations and academic
partners worldwide. The Group has
worked on a variety of projects,
including multiphase flow
measurement, telecommunication,
non-destructive testing and
evaluation, structure health
monitoring, digital signal processing,
sensors, electronics, embedded
systems and their applications.
ut these courses go
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Ajaib Hussain
graduated Electronic
and Electronic
BSc(Hons), now UK
Engineering Manager
for Rakon Limited.
Engineering //
Mechanical and Automotive
What’s it about?
Qualified engineers now rank among
the highest paid professionals, yet
they continue to be in short supply.
There is a global demand for
professionally educated people
with the ability to lead technological
innovation along with the vision and
operational capabilities to plan,
develop and manage technology.
Our one year full-time MSc courses
will provide you with an advanced
knowledge of engineering and
technology in your chosen discipline.
They cover key subject areas relevant
to UK, European and overseas industries.
Student’s view
Rui Shi
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)
Rui Shi studied Engineering at the
University of Shanghai for Science and
Technology Sino British College (USST/SBC)
campus in Shanghai, a joint venture with
the University, then joined the second
year of Mechanical Engineering.
Most of our Master’s courses are
accredited by the Institute of
Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) as
providing the further learning required
to extend an accredited BEng degree
to fully satisfy the academic
requirements for Chartered Engineer
status (CEng).
Rui is also President of the University’s
Chinese Society, the largest and most
active student society on campus.
He said, “The fact that Huddersfield is
rising quickly in the rankings, and its
growing reputation, will encourage many
more Chinese students to come to the
University of Huddersfield.”
Automotive and Motorsport Engineering
Energy Engineering BEng(Hons)/MEng
Engineering Foundation Year
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)/MEng
Mechanical Engineering (Top-up) BEng(Hons)
Our MEng courses fully meet the
academic requirements for corporate
membership of the IMechE and for
registration as a Chartered Engineer.
Our BEng courses are accredited by the
IMechE to contribute to part of the
academic requirements for Chartered
Engineer status (CEng). For registration
as a Chartered Engineer additional
further learning will be required.
Automotive Engineering MSc
Engineering Management MSc
Mechanical Engineering MSc
Mechanical Engineering Design MSc
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
In addition, all our postgraduate
courses include the option to start
your studies in September or January.
All the support you need
You’ll have access to an excellent
range of industry standard equipment
3rd Top
place 35
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
in our comprehensive engineering and
technology teaching and research
facilities, including:
// An open plan design studio
equipped with design and analysis
of Railway Research (IRR) which is
based in a brand new, purpose built
laboratory and office suite and
undertakes research which supports
the sustainable mobility agenda.
Be in demand
// An advanced automotive laboratory
with vehicle and engine test facilities
including a 4-post ride simulator,
wind tunnel and thermal imaging
Mechanical Engineering at
Huddersfield has a 98.6% record of
graduates finding employment or
going on to further study within six
months of graduation during 2010/11.
// Flow diagnostics set-up for pump
testing, valve testing, fluid
instruments testing and energy
systems testing.
Our graduates go on to enjoy a wide
spectrum of careers, in the widest
range of industries: power generation,
medical, automotive, tools,
manufacturing, aviation, marine,
mining, agriculture, sport and
chemical. Others have become
research scientists or control
engineers, or have gone on to careers
in operations management or the
foods and consumer products sectors.
// Well equipped computing
Real-world experience
Your career success is our priority and
that’s why all our undergraduate
engineering courses offer an optional
one year work placement and some incompany research projects are
available on our Master's courses. Our
network of professional links spans
companies worldwide and includes
employers such as BNFL, Toyota,
Vauxhall, DePuy and Cummins Turbo
Recent graduates of our automotive
and mechanical courses are now
working in prestigious companies
such as Airedale International, Bentley,
Jaguar Land Rover, Kodak, Rolls-Royce
and Ford.
Professional links
Michael Lam
Our academic staff are innovative
practitioners with both industrial and
research experience, and many are
Chartered Engineers. They have
international reputations in specialist
fields such as precision technologies,
advanced manufacturing, bio-fuels,
automotive, diagnostic and systems
engineering, and work in close
consultation with industry. The
University is also home to the Institute
graduated Engineering Design and its
Management MSc, now Vice President
of Engineering, Asia Pacific for Gerber
Scientific (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
ut these courses go
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What’s it about?
The great thing about this subject
area is the variety and flexibility of
the courses. Study English Language
or Literature on their own, or together,
or in combination with a modern
language or creative writing and you’ll
be taught by staff whose research and
professional expertise is of the highest
quality. Our courses are consistently
praised by external examiners as
a result.
Student’s view
Beatrice Owiti
English (Linguistics) PhD
“The facilities are wonderful, especially
'Summon' in the excellent library. With
this there is no need to travel to other
libraries - everything is there at the click
of a mouse. I spend a lot of time in quiet
rooms in The Researcher Hub, where
there are plenty of computers and
places for thinking.”
English Language and Literature BA(Hons)
English Language BA(Hons)
English Language with Creative Writing BA(Hons)
English Language with a Modern
Language BA(Hons)
English Literature BA(Hons)
English Literature with Creative Writing BA(Hons)
English Literature with a Modern
Language BA(Hons)
Whichever path you choose to take,
your study will be practical – that
means studying real language in real
life or exploring the relationship
between literature and its wider social
context, and alongside other art forms
such as film, painting and music, or
looking at aspects of language such as
conversation analysis, or the language
of humour.
All our undergraduate English courses
also offer you the opportunity of a
work placement in your second year
and the chance to study abroad for
part of your degree.
Literary Studies MA
MA by Research
Modern English Language MA
PhD by Research
Professional Doctorate in Applied Linguistics
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
Our postgraduate community is
vibrant, with internationally
recognised research strengths in
stylistics, pragmatics, literature,
critical theory and other contemporay
areas of study.
All the support you need
Our teaching and library facilities are
modern and regularly updated with
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: graduate prospects
the resources you’ll need. You are
taught in lecture and seminar rooms
which include two ‘wow’ rooms –
technology-enhanced teaching
spaces featuring state-of-the-art
The library is just two minutes’ walk
from our teaching facilities and our
IT facilities have 24-hour access.
There are also subject specialists on
hand to help you find and use source
materials and develop your
information retrieval skills.
You’ll have access to databases
which include Oxford Reference
Online, Early English Books Online,
the British Periodicals Collection and
the Literary Encyclopedia, as well as a
range of linguistic corpora (databases
for studying language), including the
one-hundred-million-word British
National Corpus (BNC). We also have
specialist software for the analysis of
language, including WordSmith Tools
and Wmatrix.
Real-world experience
The second-year Work-Related Project
module is a unique feature of our
English courses. You have the chance to
gain graduate-level experience for six
weeks in a variety of environments.
Some of our students have already
gained real world experience working
on the annual Huddersfield Literature
Festival and for Comma Press, or
embarking on the journey towards a
career in teaching as they gain
classroom experience.
You could also consider studying
abroad as part of the ERASMUS
programme. You can spend a term at
one of our partner universities in Europe
where you join in classes – all taught in
English – and receive credits towards
your degree at the same time. We’d also
encourage you to take some credits
studying another language to enhance
your experience. We have partnerships
with the universities of Athens, Bern,
Ghent, Granada, Hanover and Porto.
Be in demand
Studying English will provide you with
a range of transferable skills and the
all-important employability factor.
It is a well-respected subject area
which teaches research and analytical
skills with the ability to communicate
orally and in writing and employers
appreciate that.
Megan Beech
English Literature with Creative Writing
BA(Hons), Literary Studies MA, now
Research Copywriter, University of
ut these courses go
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Student’s view
Karen Lam
Exercise, Physical Activity
and Health BSc(Hons)
What’s it about?
Health is a vast subject with a wide
variety of specialist areas, it’s not just
about making people better. There’s
also an infinite supply of subject
matter so you’re going to be busy.
"I would like to become a successful
personal trainer or fitness specialist
and after researching what courses
are available I decided Exercise,
Physical Activity and Health
BSc(Hons) at the University of
Huddersfield was my best option.
I find the course to be really
interesting, it challenges me but the
lecturers are all very supportive and
provide excellent feedback. It’s great
to be taught by people from all walks
of life with fabulous life experiences,
which they are willing to share. I love
the modern campus, there are plenty
of opportunities to socialise with
friends. I have thoroughly enjoyed
becoming involved within the Faith
Centre and volunteering within the
University’s sports teams."
The courses are extremely rewarding
and structured in a way that will help
you bridge the gap between the world
of academia and the demands of real
life working environments.
Our Health courses aim to increase
the depth and breadth of your
knowledge and practice, enabling you
to function at the leading edge of
practice development and research.
You will broaden your understanding
and knowledge of global healthcare
issues by studying with health
professionals, as well as students from
elsewhere in the world.
All the support you need
Exercise, Physical Activity and Health BSc(Hons)
Health and Community Development BSc(Hons)
Nursing Studies (Post Registration) BSc(Hons)
A variety of our courses offer access to
state-of-the-art simulation
equipment and purpose built
environments. Our skill laboratories
include specialised diagnosis and
treatment facilities, which are
designed to replicate healthcare
Health Studies MSc
Health Studies (Advanced Diabetes Care) MSc
Health Studies (Advancing Midwifery Practice) MSc
Health Studies (Health Professional Education: Teaching) MSc
Perioperative Studies (Top-up) BSc(Hons) (Online learning)
Health Studies (Healthy Lifestyles) MSc
Health Professions, Foundation Year *
Midwifery Studies BSc(Hons) *
Nursing (Adult) BSc(Hons) *
Nursing (Child) BSc(Hons) *
Nursing (Learning Disability) BSc(Hons) *
Nursing (Mental Health) BSc(Hons) *
Occupational Therapy BSc(Hons) *
Operating Department Practice BSc(Hons)*
Physiotherapy BSc(Hons) *
Podiatry BSc(Hons) *
Health Studies (Long-term Conditions) MSc
Professional links
For certain courses, practical
experience is essential, as nothing
can really replicate the pace and
decision-making of the real world. We
work with many health and social care
providers as well as charities, schools,
local councils and community groups
to offer valuable placement
opportunities on some of our courses.
You can also further develop your
career and skills in specialist areas of
clinical practice. Some graduates have
returned to the University to develop
their roles further as community
managers, practice teachers and
university lecturers.
We also have a number of
collaborative relationships with
partners from health, education and
social care at local, national and
international levels.
Be in demand
Health at Huddersfield has a 97.8%
record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
* Please note, there is no progression from the International Foundation
Year onto health professional courses. This course can only be studied by
EU applicants.
Sports Science
30 place
25 place
The Guardian: subject
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
A range of research projects are being
undertaken in health and social care
at the University at local, national and
international level, and many of our
academics have published widely in
this area.
A career in health can be varied and
interesting to say the least. There’s a
wide choice of specialism and
opportunities to work in health
services, private hospitals, charities
and other ‘not for profit’ organisations.
There are also job opportunities in the
wider field of public health and
wellbeing where you might be working
in the leisure industry, schools, for a
community group or the local council.
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
Some courses include access to an
extensive movement analysis clinic, as
well as specialist facilities designed for
health and fitness assessments.
Most of our staff are practitioners as
well as lecturers, so you will be taught
by people who really understand what
it’s like to do the job. They keep up-todate with developments in their field
and can demonstrate the latest
techniques and procedures.
ut these courses go
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What’s it about?
The great thing about this subject
area is the variety and flexibility of
the courses. You’ll be taught by staff
whose research and professional
expertise is of the highest quality.
Our courses are consistently praised
by external examiners and in 2012
our History students gave the subject
100% satisfaction in all areas, coming
joint second in university History
courses across the UK.
Student’s view
Simona Tiskute
History MA
“The course includes the usual seminars
and group discussions but it also offers
a great module called Thematic Reading
which is a great opportunity to discuss a
particular subject you’re passionate
about on a one-to-one basis with your
personal tutor. I’ve got some great
examples of tutors who’ve really inspired
me to do my best in my studies – their
enthusiasm for their work is really
amazing. I’d recommend my course as
it will surely improve the transferable
skills that employers look for.”
History BA(Hons)
History and Politics BA(Hons)
English and History BA(Hons)
History with a Modern Language BA(Hons)
Film Studies and History BA(Hons)
Whichever path you choose to take,
your study will be practical – focussing
on topics ranging from the AngloSaxons to the Punks, and from Britain
through modern Europe to India and
the USA. Our teaching methods are
innovative, encouraging you to be
creative in your thinking and analysis.
You might be assessed on the
exhibition you produce for a local
museum; the podcast you create
or the pitch you make for a TV
documentary. All our undergraduate
History courses also offer you the
opportunity of a work placement in
your second year.
History MA
MA by Research
PhD by Research
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Our postgraduate community is lively
and diverse, studying with staff 90%
of whose work is internationally
recognised. Our established
specialisms include gender, labour and
medical history, with contemporary
interests in identities, battlefield
archaelogy, oral and visual history.
All the support you need
Our teaching and library facilities are
modern and regularly updated with
the resources you’ll need. You are
taught in lecture and seminar rooms
which include two ‘wow’ rooms –
technology-enhanced teaching
spaces featuring state-of-the-art
facilities. The library is just two
minutes’ walk from our teaching
facilities and our IT facilities have 24hour access. There are also subject
specialists on hand to help you find
and use source materials and develop
your information retrieval skills.
Real-world experience
The second-year Work Placement
module is a unique feature of our
History courses. You have the chance
to gain graduate-level experience for
six weeks in a variety of environments.
Some of our students have already
gained real world experience working
at the Royal Armouries Museum,
The British Museum, Yorkshire Farming
Museum, West Yorkshire Archives
and as teaching assistants in schools
or colleges.
In your third year, you’ll have the
opportunity to work on an extended
exhibition project with an outside client.
Our students have worked at the
National Coal Mining Museum and the
Thackray Medical Museum, and have
created a website to celebrate the
bicentenary of the Luddite Uprising,
leading the British Library to add this
to their web archive.
Our students have also had the
opportunity to learn about heritage
management and interpretation
working in a unique collaboration with
the National Trust and English Heritage
at Fountains Abbey.
You could also consider studying
abroad as part of the ERASMUS
programme. You can spend a term at
our partner university in Porto, Portugal
where you join in classes – all taught in
English – and receive credits towards
your degree at the same time. We’d also
encourage you to take some credits
studying another language to enhance
your experience.
Be in demand
Studying History will provide you with
a range of transferable skills and the
all-important employability factor.
It is a well-respected subject area
which teaches research and analytical
skills with the ability to communicate
orally and in writing and employers
appreciate that.
Rebecca Jones
History BA(Hons), now Assistant
Human Resource Business Partner,
Identity and Passport Office
ut these courses go
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our Coursefinder at
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Journalism and Media
What’s it about?
If you like being in the thick of things
and keeping up-to-date on current
affairs, Journalism is for you. It’s
exciting stuff and our courses strike
a balance between practical and
academic work, providing you with the
skills for a career as a modern journalist.
You’ll still need a note pad though.
Student’s view
Flexibility is key as the industry needs
journalists capable of producing
documentaries for TV and radio, as well
as writing and designing pages for
magazines, newspapers and the web.
Our courses recognise this and provide
training using industry-standard
technology and tuition on understanding
how journalism works – the law, its
history and its cultural contexts.
Anthony Bowyer
Sports Journalism BA(Hons)
“The course is just superb – a perfect
balance of academic studies,
practical projects and independent
learning – just like in the real world.
It teaches you to balance your time
and sometimes our seminars are just
like sports desks with current news
fired across the room.”
Broadcast Journalism BA(Hons)
Journalism BA(Hons)
Media and Popular Culture BA(Hons)
Music Journalism BA(Hons)
Sports Journalism BA(Hons)
Film Studies and Drama BA(Hons)
Film Studies and English Literature BA(Hons)
Film Studies and History BA(Hons)
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
History MA
MA by Research
PhD by Research
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
Our growing graduate research
community covers areas in sports
history, film and media studies, with
Work placements will help prepare you
and ensure you have the employability
factor. That’s real-world, sleeves rolled
up, on the job training and we have
strong industry links to call upon with
organisations such as the BBC, ITV and
local radio and print media to enable
this. And our Broadcast Journalism
course has now been accredited by
the Broadcast Journalism Training
specialisms in the intelligence
community, gender and film, media
policy, ethnicity, and the oral history
of sport.
All the support you need
We have impressive, purpose-built
journalism and media facilities,
packed with the very latest industrystandard equipment used in current
print journalism, radio, television and
on the web.
This includes a professional TV studio,
with the latest Panasonic tape less
cameras; Avid video-editing suites;
state-of-the-art radio studios; live
news feeds from Sky, BBC and IRN;
and the latest in industry-standard
software. Our staff have extensive
industrial experience and offer
excellent technical support so you’ll
be in good hands.
Real-world experience
In your final year you will have the
opportunity to work with external
organisations. Past students have
worked at the BBC, ITV, commercial
radio stations, the Press Association,
media and PR departments and
leading recording companies. They've
also produced media packages for
companies such as Unilever, Fabergé
and the Forget-me-not Trust.
The winning team in our annual TV
quiz show competition, judged by top
BBC executives, gets the opportunity
to work on programmes such as
Dragon's Den. BBC Radio also takes
our students on four-week
placements at their studios in
ut these courses go
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We also work closely with our
technology partners Panasonic,
Avid Technology and Oxford Sound
and Media to ensure our facilities
meet the latest industry standard.
Be in demand
Journalism at Huddersfield has a
95.8% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Our journalism students are flexible
and multiskilled. They have to be to
cope with the constantly changing
world of journalism. They can not only
seek out a story and write it up but are
also able to shoot and edit digital
video and audio, which they can
upload to the web. This selfsufficiency means they are well placed
for freelance work should they choose
that option.
Our graduates have found
employment in the following areas:
feature writer for the Regional
Magazine Company; PR work with the
Red Cross in Brisbane, Australia;
media executive with the Rugby
Football League in Leeds; new media
journalist at Queens Park Rangers
Football Club; BBC and ITV
newsreaders; BBC Sport presenter;
and ITV video journalist.
Ben Hall
graduated Public Relations BA(Hons),
now Web Producer at Brand Republic
(part of the Haymarket Media Group)
What’s it about?
Becoming a solicitor is both diverse
and full of opportunity. Plus your Gran
will think it’s great. As a lawyer you
could find yourself working on
commercial contracts for
multinationals, advising celebrities,
buying and selling property or in court
representing people accused of crimes.
Corporate lawyers can specialise in tax
law, mergers and acquisitions, finance
or other corporate areas.
Student’s view
Naomi Smith
Master of Law and Practice
Legal firms like problem-solvers and
innovators. That’s why our courses are
designed to help you to meet new
challenges head on, master new
technology and navigate an everevolving and complex legal system.
“The teaching is excellent and the
environment that you learn is fantastic
in terms of the facilities available and
the atmosphere.
“The fact that the tutors have already
practiced law is a plus as they can
relate to the issues that you have and
they can put the learning into more
practical terms which means that they
are easier to understand. They are very
supportive and have an open door
policy which helps when you need
them urgently.”
ILEX Legal Executive Pathway LLB(Hons)
Law and Business BA(Hons)
Law (Top-up) LLB(Hons)
LLB(Hons) Distance Learning
Master of Law and Practice (MLP),
incorporating LLB(Hons)
You will need to follow a professional
route to become a fully qualified
solicitor or barrister and our LLB(Hons)
and Master of Law and Practice
courses will put you on the path to
becoming a high flying legal eagle.
Commercial Law LLM
Commercial Law (Distance Learning) LLM
Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) (flexible and distance learning)
International Law LLM
International Law (Distance Learning) LLM
Legal Practice Course (LPC) PgDip
Master of Law (Distance Learning) LLM
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after six months
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: graduate prospects
Real-world experience
Our innovative Partners in Law scheme
provides students with networking,
mentoring and training opportunities
via internationally renowned legal
Firms involved in the partnership
include DLA Piper, Walker Morris,
Hammonds, Chadwick Lawrence,
Eversheds, Armitage Sykes, Ramsden’s
Solicitors, Eaton Smith, Pinsent
Masons and Kirklees Council Legal
All the support you need
Master of Law LLM
Another great feature of the new
Business School building is ‘The Street’.
A wide, gently curving, glazed corridor
that provides soft seating and tables,
WiFi, vending machines and a coffee
shop. What better place to relax with
friends over a coffee and a cake after a
hard day’s litigation.
Be in demand
Law at Huddersfield has a 95.1%
record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
In the last few years, the legal
profession has experienced steady
growth – there are job opportunities in
a broad range of legal positions and
our graduates are well placed to take
advantage of these.
Recent graduates have joined firms as
diverse as ASDA, DWF Law Firm, Enact,
FMG, Greenhead Solicitors, Harley
Davidson, Lyons Solicitors, Mamas
and Papas, Pannone LLP, RBS and Sky
Broadcasting to name but a few.
Amy Clowrey
graduated Master of Law and Practice
(MLP)/LLB(Hons), now Paralegal,
Benjamin Roberts Solicitors
Lawyers like facts so here’s an
interesting one; in 2010 we invested
over £17m in a new, state-of-the-art
Business School building.
It’s an inspirational place in
which to study and combines
an environmentally friendly
infrastructure with the latest IT
facilities and computer labs,
accessible at any time. Plus there’s
even a mock court room where you
can hone your debating skills and take
part in mock legal hearings - all good
preparation for your future career.
ut these courses go
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What’s it about?
The digital media sector is booming
and is a significant contributor to the
UK economy. That’s great news for
designers and developers of digital
user experiences. However, as
technology and film become more
integrated, this fast-moving world
requires a new generation of multiskilled professionals.
Student’s view
Sara Haley
Interactive Multimedia BA(Hons)
Our courses offer great flexibility
meaning that you can develop as a
designer and/or a technical developer
and gain not only the creative skills
required, but also the practical
knowledge to ensure your
employability in the creative sector.
“I'm currently working in Phoenix, Arizona,
working for eMarketing, where I am
involved with on online promotions and
sweepstakes. I can honestly say that this
place is amazing - they even have a
slushy machine! I've learnt so much from
working here, and have been given the
opportunity to build my portfolio with
huge brand names you can only dream of
working with when getting your degree.
“Thanks to the University of
Huddersfield and its lecturers I was
given a great learning experience which
has helped me get to where I am today!”
Interactive Multimedia BA(Hons)
Web Technologies BSc(Hons)
Our creatively focused courses offer a
combination of media with user
interactivity in a variety of contexts,
including digital interfaces, web
design, films, animations and mobile
content. Our technically focused
courses cover the latest technologies
so you gain experience in developing
complex and robust applications for
the growing range of web-enabled
devices, such as smartphones and
tablet computers.
Digital Media MA
Digital Media with Professional Engagement MA
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
All the support you need
database-driven websites,
streaming media and new emerging
technologies such as Augmented
Reality (AR).
// Motion capture and green screen
// The high-tech exploratory Live:Lab
for experimenting in interaction
// High quality PC and Apple Mac
// Up to date mobile, wireless and
fixed computing facilities.
Real-world experience
We’ve forged strong links with
inspirational, creative companies who
are at the heart of the world’s digital
economy and offer one of the highest
proportions of sandwich courses in
the UK with further in-company
project opportunities for some
Master's students. You will learn from
practising multimedia designers, web
developers and digital media artists
who work closely with industry and are
consultants in their own right. This
enables us to offer a wealth of
knowledge from programming to
design within this highly charged and
creative environment.
You will gain hands-on skills and
knowledge in state-of-the-art
teaching and research facilities with
purpose built studios/laboratories and
access to an excellent range of
multimedia equipment, including:
Be in demand
Multimedia at Huddersfield has a
91.0% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Our graduates have achieved success
with careers in areas such as
animation, development, interactive
design, web/games development
and programming, 3D visualisation,
special effects and television as well
as project management.
Our graduates are now working for
companies such as Igniso Ltd, IG
Media Group, Brand Addition, And
Digital, BBC, Amazon, Sky, Microsoft,
Great Fridays, Npower, Hitachi Capital
and HSBC.
Graduates also have the opportunity
to open their own companies with
professional help and advice from the
University’s Business Mine.
James Mulvany
graduated Interactive Multimedia
BA(Hons), now Director, Igniso Limited
// Mobile computing laboratory.
// Purpose-built design studios.
// Servers capable of hosting
ut these courses go
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Music and Music Technology
What’s it about?
Whether your musical interests are
practical or academic, ‘classical’ or
'popular', ‘low-tech’ or ‘high-tech’,
there is a course at Huddersfield that
will suit you. Our music and music
technology courses cover everything
from creative to technical, classical to
pop, composing for moving images
and everything in between. This is a
constantly evolving subject area and
developments in new technology give
birth to new sounds and new kinds of
music every day. As a result there’s a
need not just for talented composers,
performers, music scholars and sound
designers, but also for engineers
with the creative flair and technicians.
These are the people behind the
scenes with the skills to create original
music and operate modern recording
equipment – the producers.
Student’s view
Alba Bru
Music MMus
"The spacious Creative Arts Building,
with its many practice rooms and
recording studios - which are open
till midnight - means that I've been
playing musical styles that I haven't
tried out before."
Music Technology and Audio Systems BSc(Hons)
Popular Music Production BA(Hons)
Popular Music Production BSc(Hons)
Creative Music Technology BMus(Hons)
Music Technology BA(Hons)
Music and Sound for Image BA(Hons)
Music Technology and Popular Music BA(Hons)
Our music technology facilities are
amongst the largest and most
extensive in Europe and we’re proud
to be at the forefront of so much
musical experimentation and
expression. Our academic community
combines industry professionals with
staff who have achieved national and
international recognition for work in
their specialist areas, and a team of
over 50 part-time staff from major
orchestras and bands deliver our
exciting programme of instrumental
and vocal lessons. You’ll relish being at
the centre of this thriving musical
Music BMus(Hons)
All the support you need
Music with Drama BA(Hons)
Music with English BA(Hons)
Our Music Technology courses use a
purpose built complex designed and
Music with a Modern Language BA(Hons)
Music MMus
Music Performance PgDip
Please see for full details of courses and
their entry requirements.
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
built to professional standards at a
cost of £2.5m. It offers five ProTools
HD recording studios, four production
studios, a Foley studio, a radio studio,
a live sound room with 7kW PA and
Digidesign Venue desk and two 24
seat Mac-based audio workstation
rooms. The £15m Creative Arts
Building houses a recital hall with
organ and Steinway grand piano, plus
recording studios and live spaces. Our
main performance space is St Paul’s
Hall, with its concert organ.
Real-world experience
Our undergraduate music courses
provide the opportunity to take short
term placements or a placement year
to enhance your work-based skills
in a number of areas, ranging from
teaching to arts administration or
working in a studio or music venue.
As a composer, your work could be
performed by visiting ensembles and,
as a performer, there are any number
of opportunities to take part in
public concerts.
All our courses at Huddersfield include
an optional 12-month work
placement. Examples of companies
with whom our students have recently
been placed include Universal Music,
Capital Records (EMI), Lawrence Batley
Theatre, Wise Buddah, Digidesign,
IRCAM, Blueprint Studios and Radio
Forth. You can also opt to spend a year
studying abroad as part of the
Erasmus scheme.
Be in demand
graduates finding employment or
going on to further study within six
months of graduation during 2010/11.
The skills and knowledge that you gain
with us will equip you for a vast range
of career opportunities. In fact they
come in handy in any situation that
requires good communication and the
ability to get on with other people –
qualities which employers really value!
Graduate opportunities are vast and
include performance, production,
broadcast, education and interactive
media industries as well as equipment
design and development. These
industries provide a variety of career
options including performer, producer,
session musician, film composer and
arranger and video/TV post
production to name a few.
Graduates from our music and music
technology courses have gone on to
employment with organisations such
as the BBC, ITV, the Music Factory,
EMAP, British Grove Studios, Calrec
Audio, Solid State Logic (SSL), Opera
North and Abbey Road Studios. Many
of our music students have gone on to
do a PGCE degree and become
Mark Hudson
graduated Popular
Music Production
BA(Hons), now
a Broadcaster/
with Radio Hartlepool
Music and Music Technology at
Huddersfield has a 93.1% record of
ut these courses go
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Science //
Student’s view
Claire Bartle
Biochemistry BSc(Hons)
“Overall my course has involved
a large number of labs and
assignments that have given me
many skills which will prove very
useful when I am applying for jobs
in the future. I would definitely
recommend the University of
Huddersfield. It has a lot to offer and
the staff at the University are great.”
Biochemistry BSc(Hons)
Biology (Molecular and Cellular) BSc(Hons)
Food, Nutrition and Health BSc(Hons)
Medical Biochemistry BSc(Hons)
Medical Biology BSc(Hons)
Medical Genetics BSc(Hons)
Nutrition and Public Health BSc(Hons)
Analytical Bioscience MSc
Nutrition and Food Sciences MSc
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
What’s it about?
Real-world experience
There’s never been a better time to
enter the field of biology and nutrition,
it impacts on almost every facet of our
daily lives from the food you eat to the
bacteria which can make you unwell.
Our courses cover subject areas such
as cell biology, biochemistry, food
science, genetics, nutrition and public
health, and how these subjects
influence our lives and society in
One of our strengths is our strong links
with industry and research institutes
throughout the UK that influence our
course content and focus on
opportunities for our graduates. All of
our courses have the option of a year’s
placement working in industry or in
research institutes in the third year of
your degree. This enhances your skills
and provides you with the all
important employability factor when
applying for jobs.
Biological science courses seek
molecular and cellular explanations
for life processes that help us with
medical diagnosis and treatments or
cures for diseases. Our food, nutrition
and health courses seek to understand
the mechanisms and links between
diet, lifestyle and health by the study
of nutrition, biochemistry, hygiene,
physiology and health promotion.
All the support you need
Courses are taught by our friendly,
approachable staff in modern, cutting
edge facilities in the centre of a
thriving campus. Students work in
state-of-the-art biological and food
science laboratories. These include
biochemistry, microbiology,
mammalian cell culture and food
science labs with the latest equipment
used in industry and research for
‘hands on’ experience in classes.
Our courses also have professional
involvement via lectures from external
professionals (eg hospital and food
industry practitioners) and students
visit industrial and research institutes
during their time with us.
Be in demand
Many graduates also proceed into
teaching careers in schools and
colleges or go on to further study on
Master’s and PhD programmes.
Shabana Bi
graduated Medical
Genetics BSc(Hons), now
MLA (Medical Laboratory
Assistant) for the NHS
Dudley Group of
Biology at Huddersfield has a 69.2%
record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Our biological science graduates have
progressed into careers in medical
research, the biotechnology industry,
the NHS, the pharmaceutical industry,
forensic science service, scientific
patents, scientific marketing and
medical degrees.
Cell Biology
20 place
ut these courses go
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our Coursefinder at
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Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Graduates from our nutrition and
health degrees are now working in the
food industry as food technologists,
nutritionists, food production
specialists, analytical scientists and
food marketers. Many also work in the
health sector in health promotion and
Science //
Amy Rowland
Chemistry BSc(Hons)
“The facilities are great, the teaching
laboratories are modern and well
equipped. It is a great place to study.
Chemistry is a broad and interesting
subject which is continually
progressing. It is exciting,
challenging and very rewarding.”
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry BSc(Hons)
Chemistry with Industrial Experience MChem
Chemistry BSc(Hons)
Chemistry with Chemical Engineering BSc(Hons)
Chemistry with Forensic Science BSc(Hons)
Forensic and Analytical Science MSci
Forensic and Analytical Science BSc(Hons)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry BSc(Hons)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry MSci
Be in demand
The Chemistry MChem with Industrial
Experience is accredited by the Royal
Society of Chemistry and graduates
meet the academic requirements for
Chartered Chemist (CChem) status.
Chemistry at Huddersfield has a 97.6%
record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
The Chemistry BSc(Hons) courses are
recognised by the Royal Society of
Chemistry and graduates meet the
academic requirements for Associate
Member of the Royal Society of
Chemistry (AMRSC).
Our chemistry graduates have gone on
to pursue careers as diverse as R&D
chemists, laboratory analysts,
technical sales and marketing agents
in the chemistry and pharmaceutical
Both the MSci and BSc(Hons) Forensic
and Analytical Science courses are
accredited by the Forensic Science
Society. In addition, they are
recognised by the Royal Society of
Chemistry and graduates meet the
academic requirements for Associate
Member of the Royal Society of
Chemistry (AMRSC).
Forensic science is highly competitive
and some of our graduates have
worked as fingerprint examiners, drug
analysts and toxicologists, or have
joined the police force. Others have
obtained analytical science jobs in
industry, hospitals and environmental
All the support you need
Our Science building has a suite of
chemistry laboratories together with
analytical labs so it’s all very hands on.
In addition, depending on the options
you select, specialist labs for chemical
engineering, biology and forensic
science are available.
There’s also a crime scene room with
integral CCTV used by the forensic
science courses. In the final year, you
can do your project in one of the
research labs and have access to the
latest techniques and gadgetry. In
addition, there are computing labs
and a Resource Centre which contains
facilities for printing and copying, a
quiet study area and access to a wide
variety of books and journals.
Analytical Chemistry MSc
Pharmaceutical and Analytical Science MSc
Our courses offer the chance of a
year’s paid work placement in the UK
or abroad. That’s real-world
experience and increases your
employability significantly.
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
Dr Matthew
graduated Chemistry
with Chemical
Engineering BSc(Hons),
now Industry Coordinator, The Institute
of Materials, Minerals &
Forensic Science
30 place 35
The Guardian: subject
The Guardian: career after 6 months
Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects
The Times: subject
The Times: graduate prospects
Real-world experience
A Chemistry degree can lead to all
sorts of jobs, some of which you may
not have considered – such as
forensics and toxicology. Exciting stuff.
The great thing is our courses
emphasise the practical aspects – real
world applications which will help to
shape your career ambitions.
In addition to the core areas of
Chemistry, there’s the opportunity to
take specialist modules in the second
and final years in Chemical
Engineering, Biology, Forensic Science
or Medicinal Chemistry.
Student’s view
What’s it about?
20 place
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Science //
What’s it about?
Many people think pharmacy is about
dispensing prescribed medicines.
However, this is a vast area covering
everything from aspects of chemistry
to human biology and the study of
how drugs affect the body and are
used to combat disease
You’ll also study the basis of disease
and the use of drugs to treat disease
(therapeutics). Most importantly you
will learn how to undertake the role of
the pharmacist and ensure that
patients make the most of their
Student’s view
Mark France
Pharmacy MPharm
“Pharmacy is a hard course and
sometimes intense, however it
is also very rewarding. The staff
at Huddersfield are friendly and
approachable and very supportive.
I would rate the facilities as excellent
and would recommend Huddersfield
as an extremely friendly university
with facilities and teaching that
are outstanding.”
Pharmacy MPharm
The MPharm (Pharmacy) degree is the
only degree in the UK that can be used
to register and practise as a
All the support you need
Pharmaceutical and Analytical Science MSc
Our shiny new facilities for teaching
pharmacy are of the highest quality. In
addition to general all purpose
chemistry and biology labs, we have a
formulation lab where medicines are
made and a specialist pharmacology
and physiology lab where you will
understand how your own body works
as well as the effect of drugs on
various tissues.
Our dispensary is your introduction to
the real world where you will come
dressed for work as a pharmacist and
learn how to deal with prescriptions
and patients. We also have a
specialised aseptic (clean room) lab
where you will learn the techniques of
preparing intravenous feeds and
Real-world experience
In common with all pharmacy degrees
in the UK our MPharm requires
external accreditation by the General
Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).
Be in demand
Pharmacy graduates in 2012 all
secured a pre-registration position
and the 2013 cohort are on track
to also achieve 100% employment.
Career prospects for Pharmacy
MPharm graduates are excellent,
however, all students are required
to undertake a pre-registration year
prior to registering as a pharmacist.
Other career opportunities in the
pharmaceutical industry include
research, development, management,
production and process control.
The MPharm at Huddersfield was
fully accredited by the General
Pharmaceutical Council in 2012.
The quality of our placements
and student body were praised by
the GPhC.
We have worked hard to secure the
support of many pharmacists locally
and are able to offer placements in all
four years of your course. In the first
and fourth year this will be community
and hospital based pharmacy and in
the second and third years you will
also attend placements with other
healthcare professionals including
nurses and out of hours services.
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
The Guardian: subject
Complete University Guide: subject
The Times: subject
ut these courses go
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our Coursefinder at
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What’s it about?
Science //
A postgraduate degree in physics can
open up a lot of career opportunities,
from the traditional routes such as
aerospace, engineering,
manufacturing and the oil and gas
industries to the more unexpected
areas such as banking and finance,
where the physicists’ problem-solving
skills are in great demand.
So if you want to give yourself a wide
range of career options, why not think
about our Accelerator Science MSc?
You’ll cover all the fundamental
techniques and tools of accelerator
science using the software
programmes widely used in the
Accelerator Science MSc
Please see for full details of courses and their
entry requirements.
The International Institute
for Accelerator Applications
The Huddersfield International
Institute for Accelerator Applications
(IIAA) brings together research in
accelerator science and engineering,
from low energy devices in its own
laboratories eg electronic beam ion
source (EBIS) and medium energy ion
scattering (MEIS), to the highest
energy machines at sites around the
world, including the Large Hadron
Collider in Geneva and the European
Spallation Source in Lund. Research
staff link with others across the school
and the University on a wide range of
projects including FFAGs (Fixed-Field
Alternating Gradients), proton
therapy, and ADSRs (Accelerator
Driven Subcritical Reactors)
Researchers also work at national and
international centres (CERN, TRIUMF,
ESS, ILL, ESRF, ISIS) and play a strong
role in The Thorium Energy
Association (ThorEA) organisation to
encourage the construction of
Thorium-fuelled ADSRs. For more
information visit
The Institute has a working
partnership with Siemens plc. and the
Head of Healthcare Technology and
Concepts at Siemens, Oliver Heid
visited the IIAA in September 2011.
You’ll also undertake a practical
course of short laboratory
experiments to give you hands-on
experience of what goes on in an
accelerator system, including learning
about magnets, RF power
transmission, beam deflection and
focusing, and electronic signal
The final element of your
postgraduate study will be an
individual research project which
you’ll write up as a dissertation. You
can choose from a wide range of
potential projects and you’ll also have
the opportunity to carry out your
research with an industrial company
or other organisation, which may
involve a placement between June and
All the support you need
The six modules of the MSc are taught
using problem-based learning
achieved through undertaking short
computer-based projects with fully
supported hardware, software,
documentation and local expertise.
Classes of no more than 12 students
ensure that everyone gets individual
attention. Problems are completed
every week so progress is checked and
monitored on a regular basis and our
modern laboratory apparatus means
you’ll be using the latest equipment.
You’ll do your dissertation with
supervision from one of our academic
staff. Although you’ll chose your
subject early in on the year, the bulk of
your research will be carried out later
in the course, giving you the chance to
make the most of what you’ve already
Professional links
We are heavily involved in
collaborative research with many
other international accelerator
experts and research groups and as
one of our MSc students, you’ll benefit
from this activity through a
programme of visits and seminars.
Successful dissertations may well form
the basis for a publication in a
scientific journal and you’ll also have
the chance to present a poster on your
dissertation subject at the University’s
annual research fair and present your
work to the research group in a
Be in demand
There are over 17,000 particle
accelerators in the world and that
number is growing all the time. As well
as probing the fundamentals of
nuclear and particle physics, the
accelerators have many other uses,
including generating neutrons for
studying the structure of many types
of condensed matter, making photons
for X ray diffraction, and producing
short-lived isotopes for imaging.
However, developments are being
held back because of a lack of
qualified staff. All over the world,
the expertise to operate, design and
build accelerators is in short supply.
This course gives you a thorough
training in the concepts and
techniques of accelerator science,
equipping you for a successful future
career in working with accelerators, in
an organisation which builds
accelerators or their components, or
researching the future development
and uses of these vital machines.
Our expertise
Our academic staff are all members of
the International Institute of
Accelerator Applications (IIAA), with
extensive teaching experience as well
as expertise in many areas of
accelerator physics research.
The IIAA is a new initiative aimed at
creating a centre of excellence and
activity for research into accelerators
and their applications. It hosts several
small accelerators itself and the team
also work on larger machines at other
institutes including EMMA at
Daresbury, the ESS at Lund, and
machines at CERN, RAL and elsewhere.
For further details, visit
ut these courses go
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our Coursefinder at
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What’s it about?
Student’s view
Our social science courses are both
exciting and demanding and include
behavioural sciences, counselling,
criminology, politics, psychology,
sociology and social work. These
courses offer endless possibilities
and provide access to many
fascinating scenarios, learning
environments and leading edge
technologies. This includes techniques
such as eye movement tracking and
facial expression reading.
Isioma Okafor
Health and Social Care MSc
“I would definitely recommend the University
of Huddersfield. I chose to study Health and
Social Care MSc due to my desire to improve
the health and social care sector in Nigeria,
and felt the course would enable me to
acquire the necessary knowledge and skills
to achieve my ambition. The standard of
education provided, in terms of teaching
and assessment has been great and a true
test of my knowledge. The tutors are all
professionals who are wonderful,
welcoming and motivating. They provide
very prompt and helpful feedback. The
Nigeria Student Society has also helped to
make me feel at home and made living and
studying in Huddersfield easier and fun.”
Behavioural Sciences BSc(Hons)
Counselling Studies BSc(Hons)
Criminology BSc(Hons)
International Politics BA(Hons)
Politics BSc(Hons)
Politics and Criminology BSc(Hons)
Politics with Contemporary History BSc(Hons)
Politics with Sociology BSc(Hons)
Psychology BSc(Hons)
Psychology with Counselling BSc(Hons)
Psychology with Criminology BSc(Hons)
Social Work BSc(Hons)*
Sociology BSc(Hons)
Sociology and Criminology BSc(Hons)
Sociology and Psychology BSc(Hons)
Social Work
Our proactive approach to curriculum
design and delivery, combined with
expert knowledge and specialist
research, allows us to deliver high
quality courses to ensure you become
a highly employable individual ready
for the world of work.
All the support you need
Advanced Safeguarding MSc
Investigative Psychology MSc (Block study)
Psychology PgDip
Psychology and Investigation MSc (Block study)
Social Work MSc *
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
* Please be aware that this course is based upon UK legislation
and policy. Please note, there is no progression from the
International Foundation Year onto professional courses.
This course can only be studied by EU applicants.
Our lab based teaching and learning is
not only stimulating and lively, it’s also
crucial in helping you to develop your
practical skills and will provide you
with the all important ‘employability’
Health and Social Care MSc
35 place
We have purpose built labs which
include areas such as biopsychology,
cognitive psychology, counselling
psychology and eye tracking.
Our specialised research facilities are
vast and use the latest technology
that will challenge even the most
forward thinking minds.
Staff are on hand to help you explore
and recreate some of the most famous
theories and studies this field has to
offer. You’ll also have the chance to
design and take part in your own
A considerable amount of research is
being undertaken in this subject area
at local, national and international
levels and many of our academics
have published in this area.
Real-world experience
Some of our degrees offer work
placement opportunities designed to
enhance your academic and personal
development. You’ll learn how to
perform a wide variety of tasks as your
confidence grows, enabling you to
compete more effectively in the job
market. Placement providers have
included the civil service, local
government, youth offending teams,
prisons, police, courts and voluntary
agencies. We also have long-standing
partnerships with social work agencies
and other organisations.
Our Psychology based degrees are
accredited by the British Psychological
Society and provide eligibility for the
Graduate Basis for Chartered
Membership (GBC). This means that
they are accredited as meeting the
standards required to be eligible
provided the minimum standard of
qualification of second class Honours
is achieved. This is the first step
towards becoming a Chartered
Be in demand
Social Sciences at Huddersfield has a
95.6% record of graduates finding
employment or going on to further
study within six months of graduation
during 2010/11.
Recent graduates are now working in a
wide range of careers including
personnel, central and local government,
the civil service, public service, pressure
groups, political parties, probation, the
prison service, research, journalism,
media, PR, education, health and social
work. In fact you’d be surprised at how
many careers require an understanding
of the social sciences.
Many graduates have also gone
on to complete further training to
become professional psychologists,
or psychotherapists, counsellors
and teachers. Others have taken up
professional roles within the police,
probation services, community safety,
youth work and prisons.
Rebecca Golden
graduated Psychology BSc(Hons),
now Probation Intelligence Officer,
West Yorkshire Probation Trust
(currently seconded to West Yorkshire
Police, Drugs and Offender
Management Unit (DOMU)
35 place
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information you nee
The Guardian: subject The Guardian: career after 6 months Complete University Guide: subject
Complete University Guide: graduate prospects The Times: subject The Times: graduate prospects
Youth and Community
What’s it about?
Youth and community work is an
exciting yet demanding career
encouraging young people to develop
as individuals and as members of
groups through informal educational
activities. It’s also about young people
in their communities and wider society.
Our courses are routes to Joint
Negotiating Committee (JNC)
recognised qualifications for people
who already have a degree.
Student’s view
Kingsley Allen
Youth and Community Work
These courses provide you with the
relevant knowledge base and
appropriate theory-based skills
founded on strong underlying
principles and values.
“It’s an amazing place to live and
study. Take my word for it! The
teaching staff are excellent and
the facilities for my course are
very good.”
All the support you need
Youth and Community Work BA(Hons)
Our facilities include well-equipped
and up-to date teaching rooms with
AV equipment (including electronic
whiteboards) and Internet access as
well as computer laboratories. We
have an open access computer room
and computers in the teaching rooms
are available to students outside
timetabled hours and wireless Internet
connections are available.
Youth and Community Work,
Professional Studies PgDip/MA
You’ll receive training from the
academic librarian on information and
research skills and electronic methods
of accessing library facilities, as well as
training on the use of our virtual
learning environment.
Be in demand
Professional links
One of the advantages of the course is
that it leads to a vocational
qualification as well as an Honours
degree which means you’ll be able to
seek employment in a wide range of
statutory and voluntary agencies and
This course is a recognised
professional qualification to work in
the youth and community sector and
is endorsed by the National Youth
Staff and students work closely with
organisations such as local authority
youth clubs, young offenders teams,
youth and community centres,
housing associations and children’s
centres which they visit on placements.
// Centre-based youth and
community work
// Detached youth work
// Neighbourhood community work
The course was developed with the
involvement of professionals who
continue to support and help develop
the course through collaboration,
supporting student placements and
giving guest lectures. Our staff have a
wealth of experience, are actively
involved in research and nurture an
environment of knowledge sharing.
// Project work
// Charity work
// Single gender work
// Health education
// Youth Offending teams
Gemma Williams
Graduated Diploma in Professional
Studies (Youth and Community Work),
now Senior Youth Worker, the Youth
ut these courses go
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information you nee
Graduates find employment in a range
of fields including:
Real-world experience
Please see for full details of courses
and their entry requirements.
Youth and Community at Huddersfield
has a 100% record of graduates
finding employment or going on to
further study within six months of
graduation during 2010/11.
Research degrees
A high quality research
environment leads to high
quality research output with
real impact-we are proud that
many aspects of our research
have been judged to be of a high
international standard.
We’ve created a collaborative research
community with over 1,000
postgraduate research students from
over 60 countries. Our academic staff
have strong backgrounds in their
specialist fields and a real focus on
impact, innovation and development.
As a postgraduate student at
Huddersfield your passion for going
further and being the very best that you
can be will be shared and nurtured.
We are passionate about research and
our high quality facilities provide the
excellent stimulating learning
environment you need to succeed.
Dr Laura Waters
Course Leader for Pharmaceutical Sciences
Huddersfield lecturer Dr Laura Waters was awarded the Charles Darwin Award
by the British Science Association in 2011.
This annual award honours the achievements of a scientist who has shown
outstanding skills in communicating science to a non-specialist audience,
in the field of biology and medicine.
Research environment
// Quiet study space.
The Researcher Hub is a space
where you can meet other researchers
from different disciplines to share
experiences, generate new ideas
and to relax.
// IT and training facilities.
This exciting new space at the heart
of the University’s Queensgate
Campus promotes the understanding
and enjoyment of research and
includes sophisticated state-of-theart facilities including:
// Viva rooms.
// Large lecture theatre.
// Reading rooms.
// Sabbatical and visiting academic
// Innovation space.
// Meeting rooms.
We also host a wide range of events
including, lectures, seminars, social
gatherings and exhibitions.
She completed her first degree in 2000 in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
and at that point already knew that she wanted to be a lecturer and
research scientist.
Within three years of this she had secured a lectureship at the University
of Huddersfield and completed her PhD.
Initially when Dr Waters joined Huddersfield she was within the Division
of Chemistry but then moved across to the newly established Division of
Pharmacy. Since then she has been promoted to Senior Lecturer and Course
Leader for the MSci/BSc Pharmaceutical Science degrees.
From a research perspective, she has supervised numerous research students
including three PhD students as principal supervisor and several others as
secondary supervisor. She regularly applies for research funding both
nationally and internationally. Dr Waters attends and presents her research
at conferences every year and publishes her work in peer reviewed journals.
Research Conference
Organised by the research students
with help from staff, this popular
event covers issues relating to
support in your research studies,
your viva voce exam, how to make an
impact when publishing your work
and presenting to the media. In
addition, there are numerous guest
speakers that attend the themed
Research Festival
Welcoming academic researchers and
members of the public and practice,
the festival celebrates the diverse
ways in which it conducts research by:
// Demonstrating the impact of
international research to both an
internal and external audience.
// Developing, supporting and
promoting the University research
// Advancing multidisciplinary work.
English language support
All international research students
can benefit from English language
training to ensure they can reach their
full academic potential. Depending on
your needs we can support you in a
variety of forms including one-to-one
advisory sessions, small group
workshops and short courses.
Funds and prizes
The University awards a number
of prizes each year to recognise
excellent research of outstanding
quality and impact:
Follow us:
// Intellectual Climate Fund
// Vice-Chancellor's Prize for an
Outstanding Doctoral Thesis –
Includes a congratulatory letter
from the Vice-Chancellor and Pro
Vice-Chancellor and a cash award
of £100.
// Modern Languages Fund
// Vice-Chancellor's Prize of
Postgraduate Research Student
of the Year - The winner receives a
cheque for £500 and a certificate.
How to apply
// Researcher Development Funds The Researcher Development Fund
has been set up for research
students to assist in maximising
research potential in the areas of
research outputs, impact and
environment at the University.
// Master’s by Research
You can apply for funding under the
following categories:
// Doctor of Applied Linguistics
// Conference Presentation Fund
// Doctor of Public
// Exceptional Output Fund
// Public Engagement Fund
// Research Impact Fund
// Research Networking
We have a number of research
degrees that you can apply for
// Master of Enterprise
// Master of Philosophy
// Doctor of Philosophy
Professional Doctorates offered:
// Doctor of Business Administration
// Doctor of Education
The best way to find out whether
there is anyone in the University
to supervise your area of research is to
and then search the staff profiles
using keywords relevant to your
research area.
Then, you will need to complete an
enquiry form and include research
proposal, further information is
Following your initial enquiry we
will consider your proposal and if
we are interested in considering you
as an applicant will invite you to
submit the following:
// Evidence of academic
// Evidence of English language
proficiency for applicants whose
first language is not English.
// Copy of your passport or equivalent
identification, dependent upon your
Tatyana teaches individual and group
classes on support with written and
oral English. A variety of courses and
workshops help students at various
stages of their research including:
// Academic Writing Style
// References from at least two
referees that must be on letter
headed paper and signed.
// Sentence Structure
Taimoor studied in the field of Computational Fluid
Dynamics and his work was called upon to help test
the safety of the soon to be record breaking Jet
Reaction Bike.
For further information on research
degrees at the University please visit
our web site:
// Writing Introductions
“Jet Reaction wanted to know if they would be able
to attain that speed and if there are any safety risks
involved. At such speeds, will the bike be stable enough?”
Postgraduate Research
Dr Tatyana Karpenko-Seecombe
Engineering and
per year
All other
research areas
per year
Taimoor Asim
Graduated Automotive Engineering PhD in 2013
The excellent report verified the design and allowed
Jet Reaction to continue to the next phase of
manufacturing the bike.
// Presentation Skills
// Academic Vocabulary
// Writing Literature Reviews
// Writing Abstracts
English Language Lecturer in Research and Enterprise
Be part of Huddersfield
We hope you’ve been inspired to enhance your career
with a qualification from this innovative UK University,
and are keen to apply. Our doors are always open to
tomorrow’s professionals – we’d be delighted to
receive your application.
Be where you want to be with Huddersfield.
How to apply
For postgraduate research degrees,
please apply online at
and select ‘Research’ from the left
hand menu. (NB please read the
information about ‘ATAS’).
For undergraduate degrees and
postgraduate taught degrees you can
apply in one of three ways:
// Complete the electronic application
form on our website (uploading
your academic documents when
you do so).
// Download and complete a hard
copy application form from our
// Through UCAS (undergraduate
courses only).
For more information, please go to:
Whichever way you choose to apply,
you must provide copies of all your
transcripts and mark sheets in English.
We visit many countries throughout
the year, so please come to meet us if
you can. You can find this information
online at:
international/ and select
"Where are you from".
We also have official representatives
in most regions who can advise and
support you through the application
process. Please visit:
"Where are you from" and then choose
your country. You will then see if we
have any representatives
in your country. If not, you can still
apply direct.
The diagram opposite details our
application process so that you can
understand it.
We prefer to receive online
applications, but whichever way you
apply you must send us copies of your
English language and academic
transcripts, otherwise your application
may be delayed. Also, you must
include your current e-mail address so
that we can keep you informed of the
progress of your application.
Prospective students of Art, Design
and Architecture must submit a
portfolio to demonstrate their artistic
ability. Prospective students of Music
must also provide a portfolio to
demonstrate their performance or
musicology ability.
Full details can be found at:
and select "How to apply"
Applicant Portal
We will confirm by e-mail when we
have received your application and
send you account details for our
Applicant Portal. Here you can track
your application’s progress and gain
access to other useful facilities and
You will need to quickly accept our
offer of a place so that we can reserve
a place for you on the course before it
fills up. Please read any conditions of
your offer carefully and let us know
when you have met them, because
without them we cannot proceed any
further. For example, you may need to
send us copies of your results or pay a
tuition fee deposit.
Once you have met the conditions of
your offer, we will then send you a
Confirmation of Acceptance for
Studies (CAS) which you will need in
order to apply for a student visa to
travel to the UK under our
recommendation (NB please read the
information about ‘ATAS’).
Getting your visa is easy
We want to reassure you that getting
a visa for study in the UK is very
straightforward and that post study
work is still available.
Apply either:
• On-line
• On paper
• Via UCAS
We have two in-country offices where you can get free advice and help with your application.
Nigeria Office
Hello, my name is Kumesine Wilson Azubuike (Wilson).
Application received
I'm the Official Representative of the University in Nigeria
and also a Huddersfield graduate in 2009.
offer made
offer made
Accept your
your offer
I can give you free advice and help with your application,
please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kumesine Wilson Azubuike
Regional Representative
University of Huddersfield Regional Office
(Study Group) First Business Alliance Suites
Plot 5 Yesuf Abiodun Street Off Ligali Ayorinde Street
Opp City of David Church Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos
Send evidence
that you
have met the
conditions of
your offer
We will sponsor your
visa application
Tel: +234 (0)8132263443 (Mobile)
Tel: +234 (0)18417373 (Office)
China Office
Hello, my name is Peter Jia Chen.
Apply for your visa
Book your accommodation
Make your travel plans
I'm the Official Representative of the University in China and also a Huddersfield
graduate in 2008.
It's my great honour to send you a warm welcome as you are now beginning a
new chapter in your life and these will be very exciting times for you.
If you are adventurous, intellectually curious, and eager to spread your wings in
this part of the world, Huddersfield would be a good place to make your dreams
come true.
China Office, University of Huddersfield
A618, Second Group, Beijng Inn, Beijing 100010
Tel: +86 (10) 6517 6011
Fax: +86(10)65177497 or
EU tuition fees, loans
and grants
The facts about UK
student visas:
// The student visa regulations mean
you will only be allowed to study
with a Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS)
in the UK.
// The University of Huddersfield is
already an approved Highly Trusted
Sponsor (HTS) and last year over
99% of our applicants were
successful in securing student visas.
// We can offer our Pre-Sessional
Programme if you don't meet our
English language requirements.
// As a student of the University of
Huddersfield you will have full
working rights of up to 20 hours
per week during term time, and
full-time work during the holidays.
See our top-rated JobShop, which
usually has many current jobs
on offer.
// You can still undertake an
internship as part of an
undergraduate course. The new
rules for working in the UK after
graduation give our graduates
unlimited access to Tier 2 visas
when they find a job in the UK,
which also means that you can stay
longer than under the previous Post
Study Work (PSW) scheme.
// Non-EU graduates can apply to
remain in the UK to establish a
business under the "Graduate
Entrepreneur" visa. You will be told
about this in your final year of study.
// Non-EU PhD/Doctorate graduates
can apply to remain in the UK for 12
months in order to find work, set up
as an entrepreneur or to gain
practical work experience in their
field. You will be told about this in
your final year of study.
Full details on applying for a Tier 4
student visa can be found here:
select "How to apply", then
"Applying for a Visa".
Our agents
Postgraduate students may have to
obtain ‘ATAS clearance’ before
applying for a student visa, for certain
taught Master’s, Master’s by research
or PhD degrees. This will be made a
condition of your offer with full details
in your offer letter and on the
following ATAS pages:
The University of Huddersfield works
closely with a number of trusted
agencies that form a network of our
official representatives around the
world where you can get further
advice on the University, courses,
facilities and general application
queries. Please visit:
select "Where are you from"
and then choose your country.
At the time of publication this applied
to the following courses:
// Automotive Engineering MSc
// Engineering Control Systems and
Instrumentation MSc
// Mechanical Engineering MSc
// Mechanical Engineering Design
You can then think about booking
your accommodation. Please see the
following web page:
and select "Accommodation".
You will then be able to look at the
following choices:
// Storthes Hall Park Student Village
// Ashenhurst Student Houses
// Family accommodation
We strongly recommend that you
arrange your accommodation before
travelling to the UK.
iHud and Applicant Portal
Fax: +44 1484 450408
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) Programmes
All undergraduate programmes
Postgraduate (Master’s) Taught Programmes
MA, MSc, MArch, MMus and LLM
Did you know that as a University of
Huddersfield enquirer and applicant
you can experience exclusive
treatment through iHud?
iHud is a regularly updated,
communications system available to
all international students featuring all
the latest news about life at the
University. For those who have applied
to the University, iHud works with the
Applicant Portal to provide online
information relevant to your
application with us.
You decide what information you want
– whether it's on courses,
accommodation, scholarships, sports
facilities or how to apply for a visa – it's
up to you.
Join iHud today and get the benefits!
Once you have made your travel plans,
please let us know as soon as possible
so that we can arrange your collection
from Manchester International Airport.
As a member of the European Union (EU) you are classified as a 'home' student and therefore pay tuition fees at the 'home'
rate. See
For MBA and other postgraduate programmes please contact the Student Finance Office:
Financial help with
undergraduate tuition fees
for EU Nationals
You will not have to find any money to
pay your tuition fees before or while
you are studying. You will only repay
money after your course is completed
and when you are earning above a
certain amount prescribed by your
country (in the UK this is currently
Loans are available to cover the cost
of tuition fees.
To find out what you might be entitled
to, contact the Student Finance
Low living costs!
Living costs in Huddersfield are
relatively low. Undergraduate students
will need approximately £4,200 for
nine months of study and
postgraduate students will need
approximately £5,500 for 12 months.
Remember, register for iHud to get
information you need, when you need
International tuition fees
and scholarships
available for
each year of your
You are automatically considered, so
you don’t need to apply.
New students: 50% deposit, then
balance to be paid upon enrolment.
Applies to self-funded students only,
studying from year one entry at
undergraduate level and all
postgraduate taught programmes (not
including top-ups).
Continuing students: 50% on reenrolment, then one final payment.
discount in
year 1 fees if
you pay
Applies to self-funded students only
studying degree-level, taught
Money must be in the University’s
bank account in cleared funds by the
dates below to get the discount (ie not
just having sent a cheque, made a card
payment or bankers draft on that day):
// For September starts it is 31 July.
// For January starts it is 30 November.
tuition fees for
the length of
your course!
Low living costs!
Bachelor’s students will need
approximately £4,200 for nine
months of study and Master’s
students will need approximately
£5,500 for 12 months.
We have an extensive scholarship
programme to help well-qualified
international students to study at
Huddersfield. Our aim is to provide as
much financial assistance as possible,
so if you win a scholarship it will apply
to all years of your course. You do not
need to apply. All self-funding
international applicants with overseas
fee status applying for year one entry
to three/four year undergraduate and
postgraduate taught programmes will
be automatically considered for these
scholarships and you will be told of the
outcome in your offer letter and
through our Applicant Portal.
Scholarships are awarded based on
academic achievements and the
standard of English language that an
applicant will reach, so it is important
to submit all of your transcripts with
your application. These scholarships
are available for all start dates in the
year and will last for the full duration
(ie each year) of your course (excluding
any placement year in industry).
Applicants must be international,
full fee-paying students coming to
study on-campus in the UK (applicants
with refugee or asylum-seeker status
will not qualify, nor will students
with leave to remain in the UK or those
who are in the UK as dependants).
The Pre-Sessional Programmes,
undergraduate advanced entry, topups, International Foundation Year,
International Year One, Pre-Master’s
Programme, any off-campus courses,
any placement years in industry and
postgraduate research programmes
are excluded from the scholarship
scheme. Please note you should not be
in receipt of any sponsorship from
other sources, including official
funding from Governments, Ministries,
other scholarship programmes (ie
Chevening or Commonwealth Shared
Scholarships), or commercial
Progression Scholarships
These are for all international
students who are progressing from
undergraduate (Bachelor’s) to
postgraduate (Master’s) taught
programmes at the University. You
must have achieved a 2:1 (Upper
Second) at the University of
Huddersfield and be applying for
postgraduate admission within two
years of graduation to be considered
eligible for one of these awards.
International students progressing
from off-campus programmes are
also eligible for scholarships under
this scheme and no separate
application is required.
Details of all scholarships can be
found here:
and select "Scholarships".
What you pay in year 1 is what you pay
in subsequent years, with no annual
increase, as long as you do not take a
break from the course.
Tuition fees
Pre-Sessional English Programmes
See page 138
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) Programmes
Computing, Engineering, Science
£13,000 (scholarships available)
Accountancy, Architecture, Business, Design, Education, Health, History, Hospitality,
£12,000 (scholarships available)
Law, Music, Politics, PR and Media, Theatre, Transport & Logistics
Work Placement Year
Postgraduate (Master’s) Taught Programmes
Computing, Engineering and Science
£13,500 (scholarships available)
Accountancy, Architecture, Business, Design, Education, Health, History, Hospitality,
£12,500 (scholarships available)
Law, Music, Politics, PR and Media, Theatre, Transport & Logistics
£15,500 (scholarships available)
Entry requirements
When you apply for a place, your
application will be examined by one of
our Admissions Tutors who will assess
your academic qualifications and
advise if an offer can be made to you.
This will be confirmed to you by e-mail
and on your applicant portal. Details
of the portal will be confirmed to you
once you submit your application.
English language skills
For students whose first language is
not English, the University requires
you to have a recognised qualification
in English Language before you can
begin the course.
If you do not meet these
requirements, then please
do not worry!
We appreciate that when you submit
your application you may not have
taken an English Language test, or
if you have, it may not be to the level
we require. The University therefore
offers a wide range of Pre-Sessional
English Programmes which will
prepare you for your degree studies,
and enable you to meet the English
Language requirements for your
chosen degree course.
If you submit an English Language
qualification with your application
form, then you will automatically be
offered a place on the Pre-Sessional
Programme when we issue your
degree offer. If you hold a degree
offer conditional on English, then
please inform us once you have
taken a suitable English Language
test and we will be happy to issue
you a Pre-Sessional Offer as and
when required.
Details of the Pre-Sessional
Programmes we offer can be found
in the tables below:
Undergraduate entry
We accept a very wide range of
international qualifications. To find
out if your certificate meets our
entrance requirements, please visit:
and select "Where are you from".
Some specific examples are:
High School Graduation Diploma with
a minimum of 70% in five subjects at
Grade 12. OAC with six OACs; three at
grade B and three at grade C
Start date for September 2014
Start date for January 2015
Fees (GBP)
4 Weeks
4 August 2014
10 November 2014
6 Weeks
21 July 2014
27 October 2014
University/College Entrance
Examination (Gaokao)
Baccalauréat with overall score of 12
8 Weeks
7 July 2014
13 October 2014
1 Term
9 June 2014
15 September 2014
Abitur with an overall average score of
at least 2.5
2 Terms
17 March 2014
23 June 2014
Please note that there is no requirement to take an external English Language examination at the end of one of our
Pre-Sessional Programmes.
Hong Kong
Two A-level passes at E or above and
three HKCEE at D or above
Please visit the website at
for guidance on which course would
be suitable for you based on your
current level of English. Alternatively
please contact the International Office
at who
will be happy to assist you.
Acceptable English
Language Qualifications
The qualifications the University
normally require are:
// 6.0 in the International English
Language Testing System (IELTS)
// 87 in TOEFL IBT
// Pearson Test of English (PTE) with
a minimum of 55 in all components
We also accept the following
qualifications, however please refer
to our website for confirmation of the
levels we require:
// Cambridge First Certificate in
English (FCE)
Standard XII award (ie HSSC) awarded
by CBSE, CISCE or Metro state boards
// International GCSE English
as a First Language
// International GCSE English
as a Second Language
Please note that some courses require
a higher level of English, therefore
please see the specific course details
in the prospectus for guidance.
Higher Technician Diploma
Saudi Arabia
International Foundation Year.
Alternatively, the International Year
One is equivalent to the first year of an
undergraduate degree course and
successful completion guarantees you
direct entry to the second year of
Business, Marketing and Engineering
degrees. More information on both of
these programmes is available on
page 68.
Prospective students of Art, Design
and Architecture must submit a
portfolio to demonstrate their artistic
ability. Prospective students of Music
must also provide a portfolio to
demonstrate their performance or
musicology ability.
Full details can be found at:
and select "How to apply".
Selected applicants to Human and
Health Sciences may be subject to
additional safety checks.
Postgraduate entry
Postgraduate applicants need to have
the equivalent of a UK Bachelor’s
degree. For example:
Associate Degree, College of
Technology Diploma
Bachelor's degree with 2.3 from 4 or
5.5 from 9
Associate Degree/Diploma in
Vocational Education
Four year Bachelor’s degree
High School Diploma with a minimum
GPA of 3.0 plus Advanced Placement
Examinations or SAT or ACT
If you do not yet meet these
requirements, you can apply for our
Good Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's degree with a minimum of
Bachelor’s degree from a recognised
University Bachelor’s degree with
good grades
Good Bachelor’s degree with at
least a 2:2
Master’s degree from a recognised
Saudi Arabia
Bachelor’s degree with good grades
Good Bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree with 2.7 GPA
Good Bachelor’s degree
If your qualification is not listed above
please visit our website:
and select "Where are you from?"
If you do not meet our direct entry
requirements, you could study our
Pre-Master’s programme and directly
proceed to one of our Master’s in Art
and Design, Business, Computing,
Education, Social Sciences and Health.
Please turn to page 69 for more
Applicants to the MBA require two
years of relevant work or managerial
Important information
Equal opportunities
The University of Huddersfield is an
equal opportunities institution.
We aim to create conditions where
staff and students are treated solely
on the basis of their merits, abilities
and potential, regardless of gender,
age, race, caste, class, colour,
nationality, ethnic or national origins,
marital status, disability, sexual
orientation, family responsibility,
trade union activity, political or
religious belief.
Please visit our website to see our
Equal Opportunities Policy and Code
of Practice:
Prospectus information
This prospectus was prepared in
August 2013 for courses starting in
September 2014. Any subsequent
changes to information will be
published in the course information
listings on our website:
The University will use all reasonable
endeavours to deliver courses in
accordance with the description in this
brochure. However, the University
does not guarantee or represent that
any of the courses or facilities detailed
in the brochure are or will be available.
The University is accountable for the
public funding it receives and
accordingly has to regularly review its
course provision within the context of
delivering a wide range of courses to a
large number of students.
From time to time such reviews may
result in the variation of course
content, methods of delivery, course
mergers, the introduction of new
courses and the discontinuance of
The University reserves the right to
make these and similar changes where
it reasonably considers that they are
necessary in the context of its wider
purpose. If a course is discontinued the
University will use its reasonable
endeavours to provide a suitable
alternative course. The University
accepts no liability for the nonavailability of teaching, examinations,
services or facilities when this is beyond
the University’s reasonable control.
Data protection
The University holds personal data on
all applicants and enrolled students.
All such data is kept and processed in
accordance with the provisions of the
Data Protection Act 1998. A copy of
the Act, in addition to the University’s
‘fair processing notice’, are available
on the University website:
Students’ Union membership
Under the 1994 Education Act,
students at all UK universities have the
right to join, or not to join, the
Students’ Union. There is no
membership fee. If you choose not to
join you have the right not to be
disadvantaged; however you are not
entitled to vote, take part in elections,
or hold any office.
Keep in touch
The following arrangements apply in
order that non-Union members are
not disadvantaged:
The University’s Alumni
Society – how you benefit
after you graduate.
// Non-members are welcome to take
part in the activities of Affiliated
Clubs and Societies on payment of
the appropriate subscription.
However, they may not vote or hold
office in the society or club. Union
members may be offered a
discounted subscription.
// Non-members are free to use Union
facilities on the same basis as
// Welfare, catering and shops are
available to non-members as well
as members. Union members may
be offered a discounted price.
Your relationship with the University
of Huddersfield does not end at
graduation; you progress from
being a student to being a graduate
or "alumnus".
As an alumnus you are now a member
of the University of Huddersfield
global alumni network covering more
than 130 countries. You can continue
to access support for your career and
business, as well as keep in touch with
fellow alumni and the University, via
the Alumni Office.
Just search for "University of
Huddersfield Alumni Society" on
LinkedIn and Facebook, or follow
@HudAlumni on Twitter.
// Access to professional
networking events.
As a Huddersfield alumnus
you can also benefit from:
// Discounts on continuing study.
// Free careers advice for up to three
years after graduation.
// Discounted life membership of the
Students’ Union.
// Personal branding and social media
training for up to three years after
Visit for more
// Complimentary tickets to
prestigious events on campus.
// Free access to the Library.
// On-going access to graduate-level
jobs via the University’s Job Shop.
// Help to start up your own business
for up to five years after graduation.
Our agreement with you
If you accept an offer of a place at the
University we will have a binding
agreement with you. A person who is
not party to this agreement shall not
have any rights under or in connection
with it. Only you and the University
shall have any right to enforce or rely
on the Agreement.
Your admission at the University is
subject to the requirement to abide by
its rules, regulations, policies and
procedures. You will be responsible for
making yourself aware of these
An up to date electronic version of all
applicable rules, regulations, policies
and procedures can be found on our
website. These incorporate any
changes made from time to time and
all students become subject to such
changes as soon as they are published.
You are advised to check the
regulations annually for any changes –
the relevant web address is shown on
the reverse of student ID cards.
Contacts and how to find us
How to get to Huddersfield
Whether travelling by air, rail or road,
the University of Huddersfield is easily
The closest major airport to the
University is Manchester International
Airport, which connects with most
international cities, and where we
operate our ‘meet and greet’ service.
You can fly directly to Manchester
from many countries, or make a short
connection from London Heathrow
(British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Virgin
Atlantic, etc), Frankfurt (Germany,
Lufthansa), Paris (France, Air France),
Amsterdam (Netherlands, KLM) and
Zurich (Switzerland, Swiss Air), which
are all within about one hour of
Manchester by air. Emirates also fly to
Manchester via Dubai and Etihad via
Abu Dhabi.
Leeds Bradford Airport also has an
increasing number of direct
international flights including Pakistan.
European students may fly into
Liverpool John Lennon Airport or East
Midlands Airport (Derby).
Manchester Airport
Studying at Huddersfield also allows
easy access to Europe. Through a
Shengen visa your chance to visit
Europe can be fulfilled!
Rail services operate from many cities.
Flights from Manchester Airport vary
from 1½ hours – 4 hours and visit
cities such as:
// Amsterdam, Netherlands
// Athens, Greece
// Barcelona, Spain
// Berlin, Germany
// Budapest, Hungary
// Lisbon, Portugal
// Paris, France
// Prague, Czech Republic
// Rome, Italy
Approximate travelling times (from
the airports) to Huddersfield are:
and many of these cities can be visited
as part of a weekend break.
Manchester: 1 hour
Alternatively, before setting off for
home at the end of your studies, why
not travel around Europe by rail using
a Eurorail (Eurail) - see for details.
Leeds Bradford Airport
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
East Midlands Airport (Derby)
Leeds: 1½ hours
Liverpool: 2 hours (via Manchester or
OVER 120
Derby: 3 hours (via Leeds)
Gateway to Europe
Tel: +44 (0)1484 472383
Fax: +44 (0)1484 450408
Don’t forget to tell us when you will be
arriving and we will have a taxi ready
to collect you at Manchester
International Airport and take you to
your accommodation.
International Office
University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom
University of Huddersfield:
The facts
8 National Students Survey, 2012
International Office
University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1484 472383
Fax: +44 (0)1484 450408