PRESIDENT`S LETTER - Beaverdale Neighborhood Association
ACANTHUS MASONIC LODGE 1951 Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 BNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: SEAN BAGNIEWSKI SEANABAGNIEWSKI@OUTLOOK.COM VICE PRESIDENT: KIRSTEN BOSCH K_BOSCH@YAHOO.COM TREASURER: CECE IBSON IBSONLAW@YAHOO.COM SECRETARY: ERIK RENO ERIKRENO@HOTMAIL.COM DEBRA PRENTICE DEBRAPRENTICE@MSN.COM EUGENE BUCKMILLER AURTHUR710@YAHOO.COM KEVIN GEIKEN KGEIKEN@GMAIL.COM MARLYN FREESE CONRADFREESE@Q.COM MIKE MCCARTHY MIKEANDJEANMCC@MSN.COM SAM RENO SAMRENO@GMAIL.COM WILL MORRIS WILLIAMDEANMORRIS@GMAIL.COM BNA BOARD MEETINGS BNA BOARD MEETINGS ARE NORMALLY HELD THE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7 P.M. UPCOMING MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON FEB. 4, MAR. 3, APR. 7, AND MAY 5 AT CALVIN COMMUNITY. PLEASE REFER TO WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION. BOARD MINUTES ARE PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE UPON BOARD APPROVAL. BNA MISSION THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION IS NEIGHBORS WORKING TOGETHER TO PROMOTE THE SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE BEAVERDALE AREA BY BRINGING ABOUT CIVIC BETTERMENT AND SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE COMMON GOOD AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. THE BNA IS A 501(C)(3) TAX-EXEMPT, NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. YOUR MEMBERSHIP MAY BE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND COULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR A MATCHING GIFT FROM YOUR EMPLOYER. The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association 2016 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Hi Neighbors, First, we're proud to announce a major partnership between the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association and the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition on our previously separate summer concerts. We'll keep their name of the Beaverdale Bluegrass Festival, but will be joining forces with a much larger event at Tower Park. This will allow for more bands, more people, and far more parking. It will also allow us to serve food, beer, wine, and other refreshments so that it can be a truly day-long experience for all of Northwest Des Moines. It's set for July 23, 2016, and both of our boards can't wait to see you there. Stay tuned for dates for SCRUB Day, Grass Seats Cinema, and National Night Out as well. Several of the people who have planned our events in the past will be moving on to different roles in the future. The Beaverdale board, like many other neighborhood associations in the city, has a term limit of six years service for our board members. Beaverdale, unlike most other neighborhoods, often has board members who reach that full, six year milestone of service. Marlyn Freese has organized Beaverdale's share of the Shop Hop for many years and has been a steady, moderating influence for all of our meetings. Erik Reno has helped coordinate many of our events and, as secretary, has somehow been able to get our minutes out within an hour of the end of almost every meeting. Eugene Buckmiller has been a source of energy and enthusiasm for everyone on the board. The organizers for our Fall Festival parade float once casually mentioned the idea of having a rocking chair in the entry that year. A week later, Eugene called a board member to let them know that he'd assembled a five foot tall, purple rocking chair and that it was ready to be picked up. All are amazing personalities, will be sorely missed, and have already promised to continue volunteering in one way or another. Beaverdale is better because of all three of them. Finally, it's hard to think of a green, spring event with snow still blowing around outside. The 2016 Easter Egg Hunt is just around the corner, though. We'll be hosting it at Beaverdale Park again on Saturday, March 26th. Our Easter Egg Hunt coordinator for the past two years, Debra Prentice, will be coordinating this event along with all the others as our new Special Events Committee Chair. If you'd like to volunteer for any event, please be sure to let her know. She'll be picking up where the former chair, Tracy French, so skillfully left off. If there's ever anything your Beaverdale Neighborhood Association can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know at seanbagniewski@ or 515-556-9111. Sean Bagniewski, BNA President BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION THE SIDEWALK IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 30175, DES MOINES, IOWA 50310 EMAIL: BNA@BEAVERDALE.ORG WEB SITE: WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FIND US ON: Page 2 Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 FIRST-EVER BEAVERDALE HOLIDAY LIGHTS "SLOW ROLL" TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015 Photos curtesy of the DSMBC Back in December, lots of neighbors joined together for a slow wintry ride through the Beaverdale Neighborhood to sightsee and help conduct voting for the annual Beaverdale Holiday Lights Contest. The Des Moines Bicycle Collective had a great time partnering with Beaverdale residents and businesses. A $20 gift card to Le Jardin was awarded to the best-lit house in each of the 5 “contest voting zones” in our neighborhood. Members of The Des Moines Bicycle led the ride, full of festive bikes donning lights and tinsel. The ride ended at Cooney’s Tavern where riders (21 and over) enjoyed treats, beverages and raffle prizes. This was a free ride and a HUGE success (as you can see from the turnout!) Riders and attendees could also purchase a cool shirt to commemorate the evening, with proceeds going to The Des Moines Bicycle Collective. Check out a few of the posts from the Collective’s Facebook page (also posted below), and visit their website at to get moving! “First-ever Beaverdale Holiday Lights Slow Roll success. Great to see a couple hundred friends of all ages and ability coming out on a Tuesday night ride in December. Great times, everyone keep moving, keep grooving! Until the next time…” “Thanks for a FanTasTic night of Holiday Cheer on 2 wheeLs thru the lovely BeaverdaLe neighborhood!” 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page 3 Page 4 BEAVERDALE'S SHOP HOP A FUN-FILLED HOLIDAY EVENT At the eighth annual Beaverdale Holiday Shop Hop, Santa and his elf, Holly, magically appeared at Grounds for Celebration, sat down and instantly had children lined up and ready to share their Christmas wish lists. Each of more than 60 children who came to see Santa received a special gift bag - filled with candy and other surprises. After visiting with the children, Santa and Holly made their way to Beaverdale Books where they read Christmas stories to the children. The Beaverdale Shop Hop, held Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015, was a fun filled family themed event for all! Beaverdale Neighborhood Association (BNA) members, who stopped by Grounds for Celebration, were presented with a special Shop Beaverdale bag to use for their purchases that evening. Many thanks to the BNA membership as your yearly dues help support this and other neighborhood events sponsored by the BNA. The BNA would like to express its gratitude to Dogfish Graphics for printing event posters and flyers at no cost to the BNA. Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 AWESOME FOOD! BREAKFAST HOURS Saturday 7:30am to 12:00pm Sunday 7:30am to 1:00pm DINNER HOURS Tuesday-Saturday 5:00 to 10:00pm 1903 Beaver Avenue | Des Moines, Iowa 50310 | (515) 255-4411 Happy Valentine’s Weekend! Don’t miss it! Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year. Surprise your sweetheart at work on Friday and receive FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH! OFFER VALID FOR FREE STANDARD METRO DELIVERY SCHEDULED FOR 2/12/2016 ONLY. USE PROMO CODE FDE16. Boesen Makes the Moment Mean More. (515) 244-Rose | 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page BNA QUARTERLY MEETING FEBRUARY 9TH, 7:00 P.M. We will have Supervisor Angela Connolly, speak at our next quarterly meeting on February 9th, 7:00pm at the Northwest Community Center. We will also have representatives from the Des Moines Rehabbers Club and the Beaverdale Farmer's Market provide a brief overview of their community efforts and answer any questions. Light snacks will be provided by the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Public Affairs Committee. BOARD ELECTIONS FEBRUARY 9TH, 2016, 7PM Eugene Buckmiller, Marlyn Freese, and Erik Reno have all served their full six-year terms as Beaverdale Neighborhood Association board members. That means that we'll have at least three openings for Beaverdale residents to run for a spot on the board at our general meeting on February 9th at 7:00 PM at the Northwest Community Center. Email Sean Bagniewski at if you have any questions! BEAVERDALE FALL FESTIVAL NOW SEEKING NEW BOARD MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS! The Beaverdale Fall Festival Board is looking for new board members. The areas we have for people who want to help are: Organize the teen dance on Saturday evening; Organize the cleanup, which includes the parade route as well as the downtown area during the entire weekend; and someone with good design skills to put together the program for the weekend, work with the poster designer, and organize advertising for the Festival. If you are interested or have questions, more information will be provided by contacting Theresa Graziano at MEYLOR CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE, PC DR. NEAL MEYLOR FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE 2645 Beaver Ave Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Phone: (515) 255-7246 Specializing in care for Pregnancy • Pediatrics • Adults Monday - Thursday 9am-1pm & 3pm-6pm BEAVERDALE TOUR OF HOMES SATURDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2016 Mark your calendars for Beaverdale's first ever BNAsponsored Tour of Homes event. On Saturday, June 11th, from 9am-3pm, several Beaverdale families will open their homes to the public for viewing. Guests can enjoy studying the unique architectural features and decor of a variety of houses, ranging from some classic Beaverdale bricks, to a mid-century modern ranch, to a 2-story craftsman-style home with a turret. Many of the homeowners have undertaken major renovations or home expansion projects; so, this tour will be a great opportunity to find remodeling ideas. Advanced tickets will be available for purchase at multiple Beaverdale businesses. Look for more details in the next edition of the Sidewalk, and elsewhere around Beaverdale, as the event approaches. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or would like to volunteer for the event, contact Will Morris at 5 Page 6 Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 FINAL DEADLINE APPROACHES FOR STREETSCAPE BRICKS ORDER YOURS BY MAR. 1ST, BEFORE THEY'RE GONE! Phase I of the Beaver Avenue Streetscape Project is nearly complete. Among the handful of punch list items left to finish this year is the final installation of engraved bricks into the Streetscape sidewalks. If you have contemplated buying a brick, now is your final chance to act. Bricks ordered by March 1, 2016 will be installed into the Streetscape later this year. To purchase your Streetscape bricks, please send payment and a completed order form to: BBC, P.O. Box 13395, Des Moines, IA 50310. Be sure to write "Streetscape" in the check memo line. For questions, contact Sasha Kamper at IN ATED • LOC RDALE! E BEAV IS JOB • NO MALL! S TOO CUSTOMER APPRECIATION COUPON Thank you for your support while we remodeled our store to improve your shopping experience. 5 $ 00 OFF YOUR PURCHASE OF $ LING REMODELETE! IS COMP 40 00 OR MORE EXPIRES 3/31/16 PLU 9184 Present this ad at the time of your estimate and receive $50 OFF any job in February or March 2016, minimum 5 hours required. R • YOU S I T TRUS ATED I C E APPR ECTED P S E &R • 100% GUARA NTEE • FREE ESTIMA TE • ANY H OUSEH S O LD REPA • FULLY IRS INSURE D LBC-DSM .CO 515-279-5 M 310 3623 DOUGLAS AVE., DES MOINES, IA 50310 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page 7 Page 8 Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 GET A HEAD START ON YOUR SPRING GARDEN BEAVERDALE SIGN ORDER FORM ORDER YOUR SIGNS NOW! If you've been thinking about purchasing one of these fabulous garden signs, the time to buy is NOW! You can purchase in-stock signs and/or place a special order by completing the order form (below) and dropping it off at Beaverdale Books. All special order signs must be pre-paid (check payable to BNA). *ALL SIGN PROCEEDS GO TO THE BNA* Thanks to Alice Meyer and staff at Beaverdale Books for their assistance in selling signs on behalf the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association! Welcome to Beaverdale, 12" x 18" sign............................. $50 Standard Yard Signs, 12" x 6" sign 37" pole......................................................................$30 54" pole......................................................................$35 Wording varies: Beaverdale, Beaverdale Neighbor, Beaverdale Brick, Beaverdale Garden, Beaverdale Home, and Beaverdale Native. Special Order Yard Signs, 12" x 6" sign 37"pole.......................................................................$35 54" pole......................................................................$40 Wording and style varies, such as: Beaverdale Cyclones (red letters with yellow background), Beaverdale Lane, Beaverdale Beanery, etc. BEAVERDALE SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT BEAVERDALE BOOKS 2629 BEAVER AVE., STE 1 • 515-279-5400 HOURS: M-F 10AM - 8PM; SAT 10AM-5PM; SUN NOON-4PM *ALL SIGN PROCEEDS GO TO THE BNA* DATE: ___________________________________ NAME: _ _________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________ PHONE: _ ________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________ SIGN OPTIONS LARGE SIGN 12" x 18" Welcome to Beaverdale ($50 ea.) SIZE --- QTYTOTAL _____ _____ STANDARD SIGN 12" x 6" SIZE QTYTOTAL Beaverdale 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Garden 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Native 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Brick 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Home 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Neighbor 37" 54" _____ _____ SPECIAL ORDERS 12" x 6" SIZE QTYTOTAL Beaverdale Christmas 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale _________________ 37" 54" _____ _____ __________________________ 37" 54” _____ _____ Other Wording: _____________ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ‘BNA’ SUBMIT YOUR ORDER AT BEAVERDALE BOOKS. [ ] Check [ ] Cash TOTAL AMOUNT$___________ Date Paid: _______________ Thank you for supporting the BNA! 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association BEAVERDALE MERCHANDISE NEW! GET YOURS TODAY! The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is excited to announce that we have new Beaverdale apparel and merchandise available for purchase! Show your Beaverdale pride and support the BNA by donning one of these cool new designs. Contact Kirsten Bosch at if you would like to make a purchase. Cash and checks are accepted. ADULT SHIRTS (BLUE, OLIVE, GREEN) - $15 KIDS SHIRTS (RED) - $10 KOOZIES - $3 OR 2 FOR $5 STICKERS - $1 REEN KELLY G RED BLACK & WHITE Page OLIVE ROYAL BLUE KELLY GREEN RED see more from residents and their families at call 515.633.2512 for a tour today 9 Page 10 NEW LOCATION FOR 2016 BEAVERDALE FARMER'S MARKET TUESDAYS, JUNE 7TH THROUGH SEPTEMBER 13TH The Beaverdale Farmers Market announces its 2016 season, Tuesdays from June 7th through September 13th at a new location. The market will move from its site the past two years (3422 Beaver Avenue) to the new location at 4100-4200 Urbandale Avenue. Market hours are from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and we’ll continue the tradition of live music and great vendors! Urbandale Avenue will be closed from 3-8 p.m. on market days, from Beaver Avenue to 42nd Street. However, through traffic can use 44th Street; signs will be posted to direct drivers and pedestrians. As always, we welcome your comments and ideas. Check us out Facebook at or email us at Vendor applications, rules and maps are also online at BFM board members will attend upcoming BNA meetings to answer questions. We look forward to a dynamic year, bringing local food, goods and music to the neighborhood. Join us as we ‘‘Plant the Seed!” in 2016 in Beaverdale. Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 BEAVERDALE AREA SCHOOLS HAVE BUSY FIRST SEMESTER STEM PROGRAMS CREATE EXCITING EXPERIENCES Schools are key hubs of any thriving neighborhood and Beaverdale’s had some special highlights during the first semester of the 2015-16 year. In late October Hoover High School was awarded another grant by the State of Iowa in recognition and support of the innovative work that continues in the school’s STEM Academy. In the arts the Huskie drama department staged a first-rate production of the musical “13” in November. December marked the beginning of what promises to be another outstanding season on the hardwood for the Hoover boys’ basketball team as they try to earn a return trip to Wells Fargo Arena for the state tournament in March. The team entered the holiday break undefeated in conference play. Next door at Meredith Middle School students were wowed in October when a pioneer in autonomous automobile research from the University of Iowa brought a semi-autonomous vehicle all the way from Iowa City for a test drive and demonstration. Wikipedia describes an autonomous car (driverless car, selfdriving car, robotic car) as a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Autonomous vehicles feel their surroundings with such techniques as radar, lidar, GPS, Odometry, and computer vision. Dr. Daniel McGehee, Director of the Human Factors & Vehicle Safety Research Division at the University of Iowa Public Policy Center, piloted a prototype Volvo XC 90 SUV to Des Moines as part of a campaign to educate the driving public about semi-autonomous vehicles. They’re coming soon to an auto dealer near you but, according to Dr. McGehee, one had never before visited an American school until he came to Meredith on October 21st. In December nearly 1,000 students from Moore Elementary, Meredith and Hoover tested their computer coding abilities during the Global Hour of Code event. Students learned the basics of coding using the website. Collectively, students coded for just over 20,000 minutes and wrote nearly 44,000 lines of code! The week long experience also exposed students to coding careers through guest speakers and other classroom experiences. Finally, when students returned to school after winter break to complete the first semester a high-profile politician dropped in to stress the importance of getting involved in the fastapproaching and first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders engaged in an energetic Q&A with students at Hoover on January 11th and urged those eligible (anyone who will be 18 by Election Day in November) to participate on Caucus Day, February 1st. 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page 11 BEAVERDALE BENEFITTED FROM NEIGHBORHOOD FINANCE CORP. LOANS One year after Beaverdale's access to the Neighborhood Finance Corp. ("NFC") loan program has closed, we can tally the lending figures to measure the initiative's success.* NFC closed 393 loans for 322 borrowers in Beaverdale, totaling $20.6 million, as a result of our neighborhood's eligibility for NFC lending during 2013 and 2014. This loan total included nearly $2.3 million in forgivable loan dollars and over $7.5 million of renovation funds. Clearly this was an effective tool that jump started residential investment into our community. The BNA wishes to thank the staff at NFC, the City of Des Moines, and Polk County for opening up the NFC lending program to our neighborhood. While there were some learning curves along the way, together we worked through them, and Beaverdale is extremely grateful for the important financial support that you gave to our community. Thanks also to those BNA members who volunteered to update the BNA's strategic plan (a necessary step for Beaverdale to become eligible for the NFC program), and to those who helped promote the program's use, once our neighborhood's eligibility window opened. Your collective efforts to improve Beaverdale's housing stock have paid off, and our residents should enjoy their home improvements for years to come! *NFC has recently updated its lending territories. Beaverdale residents living east of 30th Street, and those living between Franklin and Urbandale Avenues, east of Beaver, are once again eligible for NFC loans. These residents may still utilize the forgivable funds, up to $10,000 per property, every ten years. Please check the NFC web site for the most current lending areas at own your share. share your story. An exciting new opportunity in senior living—the cooperative lifestyle. DON’T DELAY – A FEW BEAUTIFUL HOMES REMAIN! OPENING SUMMER 2016 Construction is nearing completion - Now is the best time to purchase your new home. Make this your last year for home maintenance and free yourself from the work and worry of home ownership. Simplify and enjoy life at Vintage Park Cooperative. NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 29TH, $1,000 OFF UPGRADES. Stop by our information center or contact Julie for an appointment! INFORMATION CENTER • 3615 Beaver Avenue • Des Moines • 515.279.1000 Visit our website to hear current member stories and see our virtual tour! own your share. share your story. Page 12 CALENDAR zzBNA QUARTERLY MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7:00 p.m. Join us for the BNA's quarterly We will have Supervisor Angela Connolly, speak at our next quarterly meeting on February 9th, 7:00pm at the Northwest Community Center. We will also have a representatives from the Des Moines Rehabbers Club and Beaverdale Farmers Market provide a brief overview of their community efforts and answer any questions. Light snacks will be provided by the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Public Affairs Committee. Northwest Community Center 5110 Franklin Ave. 279-2767 | SLOW COOKER MEALS Tue, Feb. 16, 6:30 p.m. Learn slow cooker safety, how to adapt regular recipes to a slow cooker, and how to choose healthy recipes. The program is presented by ISU Extension Specialist Mary Krisco. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | SARAH, PLAIN AND TALL SNEAK PREVIEW Sat, Feb. 27, 10:30 a.m. See a sneak preview of the Des Moines Community Playhouse production of Sarah, Plain and Tall. Based on Patricia MacLachlan's Newbery Award winning book, this is the story of a family's ups and downs in early 1900s Kansas. Come and enjoy the performance and register to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | FREE ADVICE FOR YOUR DEVICE Tue, Feb. 16, 12:30 p.m. Get the lowdown on your library's downloadables! Bring your mobile device (smartphone, tablet or e-reader) to one of our classes and get some advice and help installing the library's apps for e-books, downloadable audiobooks and e-magazines. Classes and apps are all free. Your gadget must have basic setup done (out of the box, set up, passwords entered, charged and know the basics) as a prerequisite to this class. You will need your library card and PIN, and you may need the password for your App Store on your device. Pre-register as class size is limited so we can give one-on-one attention. FRANKLIN CRAFTY READERS SPECIAL: CURIOUS GEORGE VISITS THE LIBRARY Tue, Mar. 8, 4:00 p.m. Come meet Curious George and share a story with him. After the story, children will have a chance to take a picture with Curious George. For ages three to eight. Meeting Room. Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 MEN'S WILD GAME FEED Saturday, Mar. 19, 6:00 p.m. Men, come enjoy a meal of many different kinds of wild game! The program for the evening also includes prizes and a great speaker! Just a night out with the guys, and a great father/son event! There is no cost to attend, but donations will be accepted at the door. More more info, contact Danny Lightner at 2552122 or First Federated Church, 4801 Franklin Ave. 255-2122 | RIVERVIEW PARK, IOWA'S CONEY ISLAND Tue, Mar. 22, 6:30 p.m. Do you remember the Wild Mouse and the Himalaya? Stroll through Riverview Park as Bill Kooker shares pictures and video clips. Bill's grandfather was one of the original owners and members of his family were involved with the park for almost fifty years. Mon, Mar. 14, 3:00 p.m. Start off your spring break with some wild animals! A special guest from the Blank Park Zoo (and several animal friends) will be joining us for this memorable program. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | 283-4152 | Wed, Apr. 20, 4:00 p.m. Kids will get to look at bubbles up close and draw colorful pictures of what they see. Also, we will be making homemade ice cream in a bag. This program is for kids in grades three to eight and requires preregistration. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | REMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST Tue, May 3, 6:30 p.m. Dr. Stephen Gaies, director of UNI's Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education, will speak on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | 283-4152 | GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Friday, Mar. 25, 7:00 p.m. Join us for a time of remembrance and worship as we celebrate and reflect on "Good Friday"! All are welcome! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. First Federated Church, 283-4152 | 4801 Franklin Ave. 255-2122 | WILD ANIMAL SHOW AND TELL WITH THE BLANK PARK ZOO ARTSY KIDS: BUBBLES AND ICE CREAM MOVE OVER, SISTER! BRINGING SISTER ACT TO THE STAGE Tue, Apr. 5, 6:30 p.m. Des Moines Playhouse Executive Director John Viars will discuss turning film favorite Sister Act into a stage staple. Also on hand will be members of the cast presenting song selections from the production. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | SIDEWAYS STORIES FROM WAYSIDE SCHOOL SNEAK PREVIEW Sat. May 7, 10:30 a.m. See a sneak preview of the Des Moines Community Playhouse production of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. Join the students from Wayside School as they try to learn in the wackiest school that's ever been built. Come and enjoy the performance and register to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page BNA 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENT – YOUR DUES AT WORK Income $32,474.43 % Expenses $42,612.52 % Membership $12,683.29 39.1% Communications $9,224.25 28.4% Polk County CBG Grant $4,999.00 15.4% Sale of Merchandise $2,861.00 8.8% Beautification $1,164.00 3.6% Event Donations $974.91 3.0% Other $387.98 1.2% Trees $180.00 0.5% YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES HELP KEEP BEAVERDALE ONE OF DES MOINES' MOST DESIREABLE NEIGHBORHOODS TO LIVE IN! $15,093.89 $8,600.00 $5,017.60 $3,741.91 $2,570.32 $1,868.16 $1,707.00 $1,200.00 $675.00 $664.98 $574.39 $566.96 $332.31 "Floors for your family from ours!" Monday–Friday 10-5 1901 Beaver Ave. 515–255–2600 Saturday 9-2 Owners: Bob and Jeni Green Communications Website Events Cost of Merchandise Community Involvement Other Insurance 2014 Wreaths for BBC Monument Repair Tour of Homes Public Affairs Membership Beautification 35.4% 20.2% 11.8% 8.8% 6.0% 4.4% 4.0% 2.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.3% 1.3% 0.8% 13 Page 14 Winter Issue Vol. 11, Issue 1 MAKE YOUR MARK IN THE SIDEWALK The Sidewalk is the quarterly magazine published by the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association. Each issue is direct mailed to over 4200 homes and businesses in Beaverdale and is the only publication that reaches the entire neighborhood. If you’re interested in advertising your business or are willing to volunteer your time/talent to provide articles or photos, please contact Kate McGovern at 515-577-2084 or BNA Member Benefits •Free Ad Design ($35 ea. for Non-members) •Free Copy Changes ($10 ea. for Non-members) •Up to 10% Discount on Advertising •FREE Business Spotlight (As space permits) •Not a Member Yet? Sign up today! 2016 Ad Submission Deadlines • May 6, 2016 Issue | Ads due April 4, 2016 • Aug 5, 2016 Issue | Ads due July 1, 2016 • Nov 4, 2016 Issue | Ads due Oct 7, 2016 • Feb 3, 2017 Issue | Ads due Jan 2, 2017 Ad Submission Requirements • Accepted file formats are: PSD, Ai, EPS, JPG, TIFF, PDF. • Artwork must be Black & White, with or without spot color • Ads including the spot color for that issue must be labeled • Any modifications made to the ad after it is received will incur a $10 alteration fee (non-members only). NEW 2016 Advertising Rates & Sizes Premium Ads Price Dimensions Inside Front Cover, Full Page Inside Back Cover, Full Page Center Spread, Full Pages $1000 $900 $1400 7.500w x 10.00h 7.500w x 10.00h 16.00w x 10.00h Full Page Content Sponsor* $600 See standard sizes Contributed content must follow BNA Board specified guidelines. Content of article, ad and any photos not to exceed a full page. Standard Ads PriceDimensions 1/1 Full Page 1/2 Page Horizontal 1/2 Page Vertical 1/4 Page Horizontal 1/4 Page Vertical 1/8 Page Horizontal $800 $450 $450 $225 $225 $115 7.500w x 9.500h 7.500w x 4.687h 3.687w x 9.500h 7.500w x 2.281h 3.687w x 4.687h 3.687w x 2.281h 2016 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association GIVE BACK TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD JOIN A BNA COMMITTEE! If you are looking for a chance to volunteer or get involved, look no further! The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is responsible for many of the things that make Beaverdale one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Des Moines. BNA volunteers organize neighborhood events, including: the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Jazz in July, and the Holiday Lights, just to name a few! We also serve as the collective voice of the neighborhood on issues of community concern, and organize forums for neighbors to learn and discuss those concerns. The BNA also leads initiatives to keep Beaverdale's environment beautiful, and we work with the city to help provide our neighbors with resources for environmental stewardship. Beautification – The Beautification Committee is responsible for coordinating annual flower plantings and assisting in the planting of memorial trees throughout the neighborhood. The Committee also directs neighborhood clean-up efforts with the city and helps ensure that neighborhood parks are regularly maintained. Contact Nancy Dunbar at 255-2671 or for more information. Public Affairs – The Public Affairs Committee is responsible for hosting quarterly and annual neighborhood meetings. The Committee leads neighborhood improvement efforts and hosts forums for candidates for public office. The Committee also helps with Neighborhood Watch activities and researches funding opportunities for the neighborhood. For more information, contact Will Morris at 321-5424 or or Sasha Kamper at or 279-0410. Special Events – The Special Events Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating all events for the neighborhood association. This includes the Easter Egg Hunt, the Holiday Shop Hop, and the Holiday Lights Contest. The Committee also helps with the Blue Grass Festival and National Night Out. For more information, e-mail Debra Prentice at Page BNA MEMBERSHIP Please review the address mailing label for your membership status. If current membership has expired or if you are not a member, please complete and mail in this form with payment. We also offer an on-line registration with payment via PayPal for all memberships. To access, PayPal go to For membership questions, please contact Cindy Smith at New Member Renewal NAME STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP HOME PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS Personal information is maintained as confidential for Beaverdale neighborhood organizations. Information will NOT be shared with any outside third parties. All mass email communications are sent utilizing ‘undisclosed recipients’. Membership levels (per household): $ 20.00 INDIVIDUAL $ 40.00 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $ 60.00 BUSINESS: Vital partners for the community. $ _______PREMIER: Donate contribution in other amount. Note: The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your membership may be tax deductible and could be eligible for a matching gift from your employer. Please indicate areas of interest: BNA COMMITTEES: Beautification Public Affairs Special Events BBC (BEAVERDALE BETTERMENT COALITION): Revitalization Beaverdale LIVE! Event FALL FESTIVAL: Annual September Fall Festival GENERAL: Interested in serving on BNA Board Other Skills/Interests: __________________________________ Please send your check payable to: Beaverdale Neighborhood Association PO Box 30175 Des Moines, IA 50310 15 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DES MOINES, IA PERMIT NO. 5671 P.O. Box 30175 Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Please notify Cindy Smith at if your address is incorrect or you’d like to be removed from our mailing list. Please include your name and address in your message. BEAVERDALE'S ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT @ BEAVERDALE PARK JOIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD SATURDAY, MARCH 26TH @ 10 A.M. Beaverdale families with children up to age 10 are invited to the Annual BNA Easter Egg Hunt. Children are grouped by age for a lively hunt for candy and prizes. Arrive before 10 a.m. to allow for parking and finding your starting line grouped by age. Be sure to bring your camera and we ask no pets please. If you wish to volunteer or to make a monetary contribution for prizes and candy or for more information, please contact Debra Prentice at Date: Saturday, March 26th Time: 10 a.m. start Location: Beaverdale Park (Adams & 34th Street)
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