PRESIDENT`S LETTER - Beaverdale Neighborhood Association
Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 BNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: SEAN BAGNIEWSKI SEANABAGNIEWSKI@OUTLOOK.COM TREASURER: CECE IBSON IBSONLAW@YAHOO.COM SECRETARY: ERIK RENO ERIKRENO@HOTMAIL.COM EUGENE BUCKMILLER AURTHUR710@YAHOO.COM MIKE MCCARTHY MIKEANDJEANMCC@MSN.COM WILL MORRIS WILLIAMDEANMORRIS@GMAIL.COM MARLYN FREESE CONRADFREESE@Q.COM SAM RENO SAMRENO@GMAIL.COM PHIL JAMES PHIL.JAMES@GMAIL.COM KIRSTEN BOSCH K_BOSCH@YAHOO.COM DEBRA PRENTICE BDEBRAPRENTICE@MSN.COM BNA BOARD MEETINGS BNA BOARD MEETINGS ARE NORMALLY HELD THE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7 P.M. UPCOMING MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON AUG 18, SEP. 3, OCT. 1, AND NOV 5, AT CALVIN COMMUNITY. PLEASE REFER TO WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION. BOARD MINUTES ARE PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE UPON BOARD APPROVAL. BNA MISSION THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION IS NEIGHBORS WORKING TOGETHER TO PROMOTE THE SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE BEAVERDALE AREA BY BRINGING ABOUT CIVIC BETTERMENT AND SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE COMMON GOOD AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. THE BNA IS A 501(C)(3) TAX-EXEMPT, NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. YOUR MEMBERSHIP MAY BE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND COULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR A MATCHING GIFT FROM YOUR EMPLOYER. The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association 2015 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Hi Neighbors, Well, it’s officially the busy season in Beaverdale, although it always feels like the busy season in Beaverdale. In addition to all of the summer events, we’ve been busy getting orders together for new Beaverdale merchandise and getting funding together for a new Beaverdale website – both of which we’ve heard are long overdue. Let’s start with the events. Beaverdale was asked to organize the MEGA SCRUB neighborhood clean-up day for Northwest Des Moines. Volunteers showed up before 7:00 on a Saturday morning and we didn’t leave until well after 1:00 that afternoon. We haven’t heard about the final tonnage yet, but the hundreds of cars full of junk and the empty dumpsters showing up 20 minutes before the event was scheduled to finish mean it was likely the biggest SCRUB Beaverdale has ever hosted. Much of the credit goes to our own Sam Reno, who you may have seen buzzing around on the golf cart keeping the event running more smoothly than ever before. A big thank you is also in order to Nancy Dunbar and the rest of the Beautification Committee for organizing another amazing Beaverdale Garden Walk. The event was well-attended throughout the day and raised hundreds of dollars for the plantings we all enjoy around the neighborhood. This was my first time volunteering and I was proud to see people coming from all around the city (and even the suburbs) to see some of the best gardens in Iowa. The next Garden Walk will be in 2017, but stay tuned for a Beaverdale Home Tour in 2016 to mirror the Garden Walk in the off-years. Our Jazz in July on the 31st at Beaverdale Park is our most ambitious one yet. In addition to the Scott Davis Quartet, we’ve added local favorite, Christopher the Conquered, as an extra musical act. We’ve also arranged for arts and crafts booths, aerial acrobatics demonstrations, and food vendors. Thank you to event captain Kevin Geiken and organizers Kimberley Boggus and Tracy French for putting together a first rate event despite some pretty intense competition with another music festival that night. The Beaverdale board committed to doubling down our efforts on special events this year and Jazz in July will be an exclamation point on an unforgettable summer. Finally, we extend our appreciation to the Polk County Board of Supervisors and our Supervisor, Angela Connolly, in particular. She helped secure $5,000 to redesign the Beaverdale website. We hope to roll it out later this year or in early 2016. As you’ve probably seen by now, the website isn’t the only new look for our neighborhood. We’re also selling T-shirts and other official merchandise with both traditional and updated Beaverdale logos. You’ll soon be able to pick them up at Fall Festival and hopefully some of our local businesses as well. We promise not to wait another five years before the next order. If there’s ever anything your Beaverdale Neighborhood Association can do for you, don’t hesitate to let me know at or 515-556-9111. Sean Bagniewski, BNA President BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION THE SIDEWALK IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 30175, DES MOINES, IOWA 50310 EMAIL: BNA@BEAVERDALE.ORG WEB SITE: WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FIND US ON: Page 2 BEAVERDALE FARMERS MARKET photography curtesy of Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page SMART 911 SERVICE ENHANCED PUBLIC SAFETY BEAVERDALE FARMERS MARKET TUESDAYS, 4:30 - 7:30 PM @ BOESEN'S FIELD Visit the market on Tuesdays for fresh and local produce, baked goods, treats, flowers and crafts. Take a seat and listen to a great local musician while you enjoy a beverage or choose from a great selection of quick, delicious dinner menus. Here are some fast facts and reminders about the market: • WIC (nutrition vouchers for families and seniors) can be used at five vendors: Ali Family Gardens, Autumns Garden, Butcher Creek, Mao’s and Shutt’s Garden Center • BFM provides space for community organizations like the library, naturalists, senior services & Beaverdale neighborhood groups. • Parking is available at Boesen the Florist and behind the market space – watch for signs and the parking attendant. • Please look out for children, pets and pedestrians as you park or drive through the market. • Sign up to be a FarmFan online or text the weekly passcode found at the information tent. • Musicians play for tips only and tip jars are on the tables. Visit us on Facebook at or visit BFM website’s music & activities calendar and the current list of vendors at Join us Tuesdays from 4:30 – 7:30 PM to ‘Plant the Seed!’ Public safety officials in the Polk County E911 service area that includes the communities of Alleman, Altoona, Ankeny, Bondurant, Clive-Des Moines, Elkhart, Grimes, Johnston, Mitchellville, Norwalk, Pleasant Hill, Polk City, Runnells, Urbandale, West Des Moines, and Windsor Heights announced that they have taken a step forward in public safety with the addition of Smart911, a free service now available to all citizens. Smart911 is a national service that allows citizens to create a free Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-11 and first responders to have in the event of an emergency. If that citizen needs to dial 9-1-1, their Safety Profile will immediately display on the call taker’s screen, saving seconds and even minutes in response to the emergency. It has been credited with positively impacting emergency situations and saving lives across the U.S. Citizens can visit to sign up and create a free Safety Profile for their household. Smart911 is private and secure, and is only made available to 9-1-1 when an emergency call is made. 3 Page 4 Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 VISIT BEAVERDALE BUSINESSES DURING BETTER IN BEAVERDALE! Better in Beaverdale is a monthly neighborhood business showcase presented by the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition, held on the last Thursday night of every month. Visit participating businesses during Better in Beaverdale for one-night-only promotions, specials, and events. Find more information and a list of upcoming promotions at Upcoming schedule: August 27, September 24, October 29. GRASS SEATS CINEMA RAIN DATE – AUGUST 13TH @ ASHBY PARK Beaverdale’s Grass Seats Cinema showing of Pixar’s “Up” was supposed to be a record-breaker for attendance. More than 500 adults sent an RSVP for the event originally scheduled for Thursday, June 11th. Unfortunately, Mother Nature intervened with thunderstorms, so the event has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 13th at Ashby Park at 8:45 PM. Feel free to bring blankets, chairs, popcorn, drinks, and snacks to make yourself comfortable. Residents from all neighborhoods are welcome to attend. BNA WELCOMES DEBRA PRENTICE NEW BNA BOARD MEMBER Debra Prentice was recently appointed as the newest member of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association board of directors. She takes the place of former Vice President Karina Ward who is moving for a dream job as the Program Director of Economic Development for the Menomonee Valley Partners in Wisconsin. Debra has been married to her husband, Paul, for the last 21 years. 19 of those years have been spent in Beaverdale. Her son, Caleb, graduated from Roosevelt last year. Her other son, Harry, will start at Roosevelt in the fall. She has been an active volunteer for many years. She has held multiple positions with the Parent Teacher Association during the 11 years while her sons attended Perkins. She has served as vice president of membership at Merrill Middle School for the past three years. She also works with the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce during her day job. She has done an amazing job as coordinator of the Beaverdale Easter Egg Hunt for the past two years and is excited to serve in an official capacity on the BNA board. She promised to continue her work with the Easter Egg Hunt, so rest assured that future events will be just as successful. MOORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OPENING THIS AUGUST! When Moore Elementary School re-opens this month it will offer students the opportunity to attend not only the “newest” school in the city but also one that plans to be part of a growing number of International Baccalaureate schools at Des Moines Public Schools. Thanks to increased enrollment across the district, along with population trends in Beaverdale and other parts of northwest Des Moines, the school district is re-opening Moore to provide not only additional classrooms but also more educational options for Des Moines families. A $6.6 million renovation of Moore is just about finished. When the doors open the school will have been upgraded throughout, including the latest technology, energy and safety features in the district along with a new gymnasium. The school is beginning the process of becoming an International Baccalaureate World School. Moore would be the first elementary IB school in northwest Des Moines, and provide students and families access to the IB curriculum from elementary school through middle and high school by way of Meredith Middle School and Hoover High School. The principal at Moore is Beth Sloan, who has led nearby Hillis Elementary School since July 2005. Moore Elementary School is located just a couple of blocks west of Beaverdale at 3716 50th Street. To “learn more about Moore,” including how to register to attend, visit the school’s web site at 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association GARDEN WALK 2015 FULL OF INSPIRATION! We had a fine day for our 2015 Beaverdale Garden Walk on Saturday, June 13th. Perfect temps in the 70's with clouds kept the sun from heating things up too much and wilting our flowers and gardeners. Our visitors enjoyed strolling through 7 beautiful gardens, each with a unique style. Some of the highlights included: wonderful decks for entertaining or relaxing, gurgling fountains and a soothing waterfall, inviting patios of stone and brick, cool sheds that housed everything from lawn mowers to TVs, miniature gardens just for fairies, wandering paths through hostas and herbs, a dry stream bed to channel water away, secluded backyard gardens, delightful front yard gardens, and of course, flowers of every color and description. Many of our visitors came away inspired to try an idea out in their own yard. Many thanks to our hardworking gardeners: Mary Lou Bradley, Betty Duff, E.J. Jorgensen, Ryan Kolder, Donisue Rupp, Molly Schott, and Jill Tobin; our Beaverdale businesses that sold tickets for us: Ace Hardware, Backcountry Outfitters, Beaverdale Books, Boesen the Florist, Grounds for Celebration; and of course the many visitors who bought them. Tickets sales help us in our efforts to continue to beautify Beaverdale. We will be searching for potential gardens for our next Garden Walk in 2017. Contact Nancy Dunbar at to be considered or to suggest a neighbor. Mary Lou Bradley's Birdbath E.J. Jorgensen's Garden Shed Betty Duff's Garden Flowers and Statuary Donisue Rupp's Deck Ryan Kolder's Garden Path Jill Tobin's Creative Containers Molly Schott's Beautiful Hostas Page 5 6 BES T T I A N R G B 1 E 0 L E CRET T SE P KE SEE THE NEW MENU ON FACEBOOK RS! YEA C Page DINNER HOURS Tuesday-Saturday 5:00 to 10:00pm BREAKFAST HOURS Saturday 7:30am to 12:00pm Sunday 7:30am to 1:00pm 1903 Beaver Avenue | Des Moines, Iowa 50310 | (515) 255-4411 Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 STREETSCAPE UPDATE YOU CAN STILL BUY BRICKS! Streetscape construction is in full swing. We ask everyone to take extra care when traveling in downtown Beaverdale, since traffic and pedestrian signaling devices are not yet fully functional. While the construction timeline remains fluid, more decorative improvements and plantings should be installed later this month, with the bulk of the project completed in time for this year's Fall Festival. Many have asked whether they can still purchase engraved bricks or site furnishings for placement in the Streetscape project. The answer is: "Yes, you can still order bricks." However, all orders received will be bundled into a group order and installed at a later date (perhaps sometime in 2016). A brick order form can be found on the following page. If you are interested in site furnishings, contact Mike Kamper at We'd like to thank everyone who has supported the Streetscape project. Literally hundreds of people and businesses have donated their time or money, purchased bricks or site furnishings, and helped to spread enthusiasm for the project. However, special thanks go to our large donors, fundraising team members, and design team members, without whom, this project would have never been possible. Donors: ($10,000 or more): Beaverdale Betterment Coalition Beaverdale Neighborhood Association City of Des Moines Carl & Marcene Grant Polk County Com. Development Grant Prairie Meadows Community Betterment Grant State of Iowa The Principal Financial Group Foundation Donors ($5,000 -$9,999): Mike & Sasha Kamper Neighborhood Investment Corporation Reinvestment Fund O'Donnell ACE Hardware James & Jeanne O'Halloran Steve & Penny Sikkink Vista Real Estate & Investment Corp. William T. & Edna M. Dahl Trust Donors ($1,000-$4,999): Acanthus Masonic Lodge #632 AIM Kitchen & Bath Rep. Marti Anderson & Bob Brammer Anonymous Beaverdale Business Anonymous Des Moines Family Beaverdale Fall Festival Committee BNA Beautification Committee Boesen the Florist Donna & Eugene Buckmiller Dave Busiek & Laura Sands Charlie Day, "Peace" Donors ($1,000-$4,999) cont'd.: John Duvick & Carol Hendrick Gordon & Barb McKenzie Bill & Lucy Miller Sheila Navis Jackson Ode & Cara Kennedy-Ode Maurice & Mary Jean Reimers John & Diana Ronk Loryssa Rippey Trish & Clancy Sullivan Jean Swanson 3008-3306 47th St. Neighbors 38th St. Block Party Neighbors Mike Timmons, Edward Jones Investments Bob & Carole Vipond Jake & Karina Ward William C. Knapp Charitable Foundation Fundraising Team: Sheila Navis, Chair Mike & Sasha Kamper Jay Kozel Mary Nelson Hollie & Cindy Smith Karina Ward Lexi Wornson Councilmen Chris Coleman & Bill Gray Design Team: Kevin Currie, Chair Bill Nolan Cork Smalley Brett Douglas, Genus Landscape Architects 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page 7 Page 8 Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 HOOVER HIGH SCHOOL SPIRIT CREW LEADERSHIP Gretchen Critelli, Hoover's Community School Coordinator is preparing to roll out a new district initiative, starting in all high schools this fall, which will provide a strong program to help freshman transition into their first year of high school. Sited as the most challenging year for students, this transition program will welcome freshmen and help them feel more comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, this transition program trains mentors from junior and senior classes to be Spirit Crew Leaders. As positive role models, Spirit Crew Leaders will be mentors and student leaders who guide freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school. The program has four components that contribute to its success: High School Orientation: Spirit Crew Leaders and freshmen start building the mentor relationship and freshmen receive information about how to be successful in high school. Academic Follow Ups: Spirit Crew Leaders support freshman academic success and character development through structured classroom visits. Social Follow Ups: Spirit Crew Leaders and freshmen connect outside the classroom at school sponsored social events to increase student engagement and promote positive school climate. Leader Initiated Contacts: Spirit Crew Leaders connect with freshmen on a more individual basis. Spirit Crew's goal is to provide Hoover with a structure in which students make real connections with each other, thereby increasing school safety and reducing incidence of bullying. Spirit Crew should also increase attendance, decrease discipline referrals and improve academic performance at school. Through this program, freshmen will learn that people at school care about them and their success, and leaders will experience increased self esteem as well as overall character development. DES MOINES PUBLIC SCHOOLS UPDATE HIGHLIGHTS FROM A BANNER YEAR... The vision for Des Moines Public Schools is to become the national model for urban education. Based on recent trends at the school district, as well as many national honors, that vision is becoming clear for DMPS. The following are highlights of just some of the accomplishments made and recognitions earned by the district over the past school year: Class of 2014 Sets New High Mark for Graduation Rate: The latest graduation data from the Iowa Department of Education showed new high marks at DMPS. The Class of 2014 at DMPS had a district-wide graduation rate of 81.68%, an increase of 2.52% over the previous year and the highest since Iowa began using its current graduation rate formula in 2009. The graduation rate at the district's five comprehensive high schools alone was 86.58%. Overall, the district's graduation rate has increased nine percent in just six years! High Schools Move Up Iowa AP Index: For the third year in a row, all five comprehensive high schools at DMPS are listed among the state's top 50 high schools on the Iowa Advanced Placement Index. In fact, all five high schools are in the top half of the index which is prepared and released by the University of Iowa - with each school matching or moving up from last year's ranking. National Journal: DMPS a Model of Urban Education: The National Journal, a DC-based magazine covering policy and politics, reported on "Why Des Moines Can Be A Model for Urban Schools," and how DMPS is showing that greater diversity and poverty don't have to be barriers to increased student achievement or higher graduation rates. District Becomes an Energy Star Dynasty: For the fourth year in a row, Des Moines Public Schools was a recipient of the Energy Star Partner of the Year award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Energy efficiency efforts at DMPS have saved millions of dollars in recent years, money that is then spent to meet educational needs. 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page REBUILDING TOGETHER THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS! Thanks to all 2015 Rebuilding Together volunteers and donors! On May 2nd, the BNA sponsored home repairs for Paula McArthur and Ruben Luna, a local neighborhood couple who had fallen on hard times. Volunteers repaired two decks and some leaky roof areas, replaced bathroom tiles, and performed yard work at the couple's house. All of this work was completed in just one day, as part of Rebuilding Together's annual Rebuilding Day event. The homeowners were very grateful for the help. The BNA would like to thank those neighborhood businesses and residents who helped sponsor or volunteer for Rebuilding Day. Thanks again to all who participated and made the day a success! Rebuilding Together Sponsors: Green Family Flooring,, 515-255-2600 Jeffrianne Young Cindy & Hollie Smith Professional Volunteers: Koester Construction,, 515-986-5500 Architectural Renovation Team, Joe Raymond, 515-418-2588 Denham/Muir Remodeling & More, 515-321-6393, Iowa Home Restoration Repair LLC, 515-868-8303 General Volunteers: Stacey Christensen & Todd Vander Schoor, Dave from Bob's Painting & Home Repair, Chris & Wendi Denham, Jennie Erwin, Marlyn Freese, Jeni Green, CeCe Ibson, Wendell Eck, Mike & Sasha Kamper (Crew-Coordinator), Brandon Kaufman, Paul Koester, Gene Maire, Will & Cliff Morris, Amanda Nagle, Chris Neal, Sherry Nelson, Joe Raymond, Liz Ackley & Darlene Ackley-Raymond, Sam Reno, Patrick Schiel, Brent Sharon, Colton Taylor, Bob & Carole Vipond, Karina & Jake Ward (House Captain) "Floors for your family from ours!" Monday–Friday 10-5 1901 Beaver Ave. 515–255–2600 Saturday 9-2 Owners: Bob and Jeni Green 9 Page 10 Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ADAM'S AQUATICS NO GOLDFISH HERE! Adam’s specializes in carrying everything but the average fish. Opened in 1992, the specialty store sells aquariums, stands, custom aquariums and stands, all tank accessories, and dry or frozen foods for fish and corals. Last July, Adam’s expanded to carry dog and cat food, toys, treats and fresh baked dog and cat cookies. They also carry Orijen, Acana, Halo, Sojos, Canidae, Blue Buffalo and Taste of the Wild brands of dog and cat food. Special orders are always welcome for food and supplies, and dogs are always welcome to stop in with their people. The store has a vast selection of saltwater and freshwater fish, live rock, corals and live freshwater plants. Noticeably absent from the inventory are garden-variety gold fish. That’s for a reason. Adam’s Aquatics caters to those people who have a fetish for cool fish and aquariums. It’s part of a growing trend, so you won't find common goldfish or feeder fish here. Having an aquarium is fashionable to some and a hobby to others– it’s like having a piece of the ocean in your home or office. These set-ups can get very complex, some tanks can run up to $20,000 or even $50,000. For this reason, Adam’s has a full time maintenance business involving the delivery, set-up, and cleaning of aquariums in Des Moines and the surrounding areas. They will come to your home or business, measure your space, and help find the best location to place a new aquarium. Custom glass or acrylic aquariums, stands and canopies are also available. Aquarium enthusiasts understand the time commitment and skills required to maintain tanks. Make sure you have all the proper equipment to take care of the fish and aquarium when you buy them. If you would like an aquarium in your home or business but do not feel you have the time to take care of it, Adam’s can get it set up with an automatic feeder and scheduled for cleanings on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. If you're looking for that special fish you've always wanted, Adam’s can find it for you. Looking for a coral to go in your reef, give us a call. Or, just stop in to say hi and check out all of the beautiful freshwater and saltwater fish and corals! ADAM’S AQUATICS HOURS: MTWF 11-8 | TH 11-6 | SAT 10-5 | SUN 12-5 4212 Douglas Ave. Ste. C, Des Moines, Iowa 50310 515-279-9957 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT CINDY SMITH BEAVERDALE NEIGHBOR Congratulations to Cindy Smith, the BNA's outstanding volunteer, who was honored at the Alice Rodine/Bob Mickle Award Ceremony and Dinner earlier this year. Cindy served as a BNA Board Member for six years, where she took up membership as her focus issue. The BNA's membership rose 25% during the year that Cindy first became involved, and while she no longer serves on the BNA Board, Cindy still volunteers her time to co-ordinate membership for our organization. Cindy and her husband, Hollie, also fundraised for the Beaver Avenue Streetscape project, volunteering early during the project's design phase and seeing it through to construction. Lastly, Cindy and Hollie have helped every year with Fall Festival trash collection during the parade--even offering to store cardboard trash bins in their garage attic. (Now that's dedication!) Thank you, Cindy and Hollie, for all you do in Beaverdale! Photo below, left to right: Mike Kamper, Cindy Smith, Councilman Chris Coleman, Hollie Smith, BNA President Sean Bagniewski, State Rep. Marti Anderson, and Sasha Kamper all help Cindy and Hollie celebrate at the awards ceremony. Broadlawns Eye Clinic Hours of Operation: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. For an appointment please call 515.282.2362 Broadlawns Family Optical Hours of Operation: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. No appointment needed. 515.282.3362 Page 11 BETTY VOLM (1929 - 2015) BEAVERDALE NEIGHBOR A tulip tree was planted in Betty's memory in the Beaverdale median near Medicap Pharmacy on Saturday, May 30. Many of her neighbors on Adams St. and members of the BNA Beautification Committee contributed to the purchase of the tree and helped plant it. This was an especially appropriate tribute to Betty, as she was a long time member of the Beautification Committee and instrumental in establishing many of the plantings around the neighborhood. Many longtime Beaverdale residents will also remember Betty as one of our early BNA Presidents (1996-98), as well as our only female BNA president. Betty also served on the Neighborhood Advisory Board, Friendship Force of Des Moines, was a Polk County Master Gardener, and earned her pilots license in 1974. She will be remembered as an avid gardener, animal lover, and world traveler. Betty is survived by 6 children, 4 step-children, and many grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Page 12 CALENDAR LOCAL AUTHOR FAIR Saturday, Aug. 8, 1:00 p.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | SHADOWS AND SCULPTURES Wednesday, Aug. 12, 3:00 p.m. Create a sculpture out of aluminum foil and then illustrate its shadow. This program is for kids going into grades 3-8 and requires preregistration. 50 YEARS AT 5000 FRANKLIN Saturday, Aug. 29, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Please join us for the library's 50th Birthday Party and Open House from 2:00-4:00 PM. Our celebration will include music by the Dixieland band, The Pelicans, birthday cake, appearances by Pete the Cat and Llama Llama, and special activities for children. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | 283-4152 | MEET THE POETS MEET THE POET Sunday, Aug. 30, 2:00 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, 6:30 p.m. Dennis Maulsby, Lauren Gilmore, “Near Death/Near Life” and “Outdancing the Universe” Marilyn Baszczynski, “Gyuri” Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | 279-5400 | MEET THE AUTHOR Saturday, Aug. 15, 1:00 p.m. Coach Ryan Sloth, “Hank the Bully” Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | EMERALD ASH BORER FORUM Monday, Aug. 17, 6:30 p.m. Municipal Arborist David Jahn will provide an educational session concerning the emerald ash borer and its effects on our ash tree population. Among the topics he’ll discuss are identifying ash trees, detecting evidence of ash borer infestation, determining the best option: treatment or removal, and choosing suitable replacement species. SERMON SERIES – “THE FAMILY YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED” Begins Sun., Sep. 13, 10:00 a.m. With Pastor Spencer Keroff First Church of the Open Bible 2200 Beaver Ave. (Beaver & Franklin) 274-9296 | FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY WITH DAVE RAMSEY Begins Sunday, Sep. 13 from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10 Week series. Everything you wish you knew about financial freedom. $99 per person or family to cover cost of materials. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. First Church of the Open Bible 283-4152 | 2200 Beaver Ave. (Beaver & Franklin) 274-9296 | BNA QUARTERLY MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BACK-TO-SCHOOL CRAFTS Tuesday, Aug. 18, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Sep. 16, 4:00 p.m. Join us for the BNA's quarterly Come and decorate a notebook meeting. Our guest speaker will be Jamie Fitzgerald, Polk County Auditor, and we'll also hear from the Better Business Bureau and Iowa Home Restoration & Repair, LLC, in addition to regular board agenda topics such as the treasurer's report and recent events. Light snacks will be provided. Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave. 279-2767 | using scrapbook paper and ribbon. This program is for kids in grades 3-8 and requires preregistration. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | WESTMINSTER FINE ARTS SERIES PRESENTS: TINA HAASE FINDLAY AND THE MAX WELLMAN TRIO Sunday, Sep. 20, 3:00 p.m. Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 Join us as Westminster Fine Arts starts off its 2015-2016 season with a knock duo of Des Moines talent. This is a free event with free childcare available. Contact jcook@ for details. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 4114 Allison Ave. 274-1534 | THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY MIGRATION Tuesday, Sep. 22, 6:30 p.m. Joel Van Roekel, Supervisor of Environmental Education at Des Moines Parks and Recreation, will examine the life of the Monarch butterfly, explaining how it survives in this increasingly hostile world. He will discuss some efforts that are being made to help the Monarch, including things that you can do to help out the Monarch, as well as other pollinators. Circumstances permitting, he will bring some live Monarchs on site that will be tagged and released to continue their incredible journey. THE BELIN QUARTET Tuesday, Oct. 6, 6:30 p.m. The Belin Quartet, consists of two violinists, one violist, and one cellist and is well known in the greater Des Moines community for its free noontime concerts during the summer. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | SPOOKY CRAFTS Wednesday, Oct. 14, 4:00 p.m. Get ready for Halloween with some very spooky crafts and treats. This program is for kids in grades 3-8 and requires preregistration. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | MEET THE AUTHOR Saturday, Oct. 15, 2:00 p.m. Andrea Rogers, “Cage of the Dove” Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. WESTMINSTER FINE ARTS PRESENTS: REZOUND283-4152 | HANDBELL GROUP Saturday, Oct. 17, 7:00 p.m. MEREDITH ANDREWS IN This knockout choir plays an entire CONCERT range of amazing music. This is Thursday, Sep. 24, 7:00 pm a free event with free childcare A Night of Gospel Centered available. Contact jcook@westpres. Worship. Tickets are $15 in org for details. advance. Proceeds to benefit Westminster Presbyterian Church, Freedom for Youth Ministries. 4114 Allison Ave. First Church of the Open Bible 2200 Beaver Ave. (Beaver & Franklin) 274-1534 | 274-9296 | MEET THE AUTHOR Sunday, Oct. 18, 2:00 p.m. MR. BABER’S NEIGHBORS Christopher Kelly, “Italy Invades” PERFORMS FOR ANCHOR Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. COFFEE HOUSE 279-5400 | Saturday, Oct. 3, 7:00 p.m. The Boys from the “Baberhood” return for their fourth appearance at the Anchor Coffee House. They have been bringing the sounds of both traditional American folk music along with their own brand of original music to Iowa and the Midwest for more than a decade. Purchase tickets at or at Uptown Music in Beaverdale. Westminster Presbyterian Church Anchor Coffee House 4114 Allison Ave. 274-1534 | FIRST FAMILY FUN NIGHT Friday, Oct. 23, 6:00 – 8:00 pm Trunk & Treat, balloon artists, face painting, light snacks, misc. games & a TON of fun! FREE! First Church of the Open Bible 2200 Beaver Ave. (Beaver & Franklin) 274-9296 | 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association WE’D LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES FOR THEIR MEMBERSHIP AND FOR SUPPORTING THE BNA! Acanthus Lodge #632 Adam's Aquatics, Inc. AIM Construction Co., Inc. Back Country Outfitters Beaver Avenue Chiropractic Center Beaver Avenue Cleaners Beaverdale Confection Co. Beaverdale Living Magazine Beaverdale VFW Post #9127 Bell Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning Blink Events Boesen the Florist Calvin Community Century 21 Signature Real Estate - Amanda Nagle Chef's Kitchen Davis Insurance Edward Jones - Jim Talley First Church of the Open Bible Foot & Ankle Institute of Iowa Grace Lutheran Church Green Family Flooring Guys & Dolls Hair Care Holtorf Photography Home Base DM LLC Home Pest Care Hy-Vee Food Store #1136 Iowa Realty - Mike Knapp Iowa Realty - Jan Stehl Koester Construction Co, Inc. Le Jardin Lisa Acheson Yoga Medicap Pharmacy Mercy Beaverdale Family Practice Laugh with everyone's favorite first grader as she navigates the first day of school and all of the trouble that comes with it. Come and enjoy the performance and register to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | MEET THE AUTHOR Saturday, Oct. 31, 1:00 p.m. Laura Kimball, “Momster” Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | WESTMINSTER FINE ARTS SERIES PRESENTS: HOOT AND HOWL WITH HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Saturday, Oct. 31, 6:00 p.m. We start of the night with a fun Halloween Carnival! The night continues as we produce music and some silly skits based on the beloved Wizard of Oz. This is a free event with free childcare available. Contact jcook@ for details. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 4114 Allison Ave. 274-1534 | PAT DONOHUE PERFORMS FOR ANCHOR COFFEE HOUSE Saturday, Nov. 7, 7:00 p.m. As the guitarist for the Guys All-Star Shoe Band of Minnesota Public Radio’s “A Prairie Home Companion.” Purchase tickets at or at Uptown Music in Beaverdale. Westminster Presbyterian Church Anchor Coffee House 4114 Allison Ave. 274-1534 | 13 Would you like to have your business featured in one of our upcoming "Business Spotlights?" Contact Kate McGovern, Sidewalk Editor, for details Meylor Chiropractic & Acupuncture, PC Midwest Financial Mote CPA Mount Olive Lutheran Church & School Next Step Adventure Oakwood Builders Group Ocean Breeze Massage O'Donnell Ace Hardware PAT Brokerage Peterson Painting Polk County Board of Supervisors RE/MAX Real Estate Concepts - Amanda Knight Sag Consulting LLC Snavely Family Dentistry Snookies Malt Shop State Farm Insurance Tim Ford Agency Trine Marketing Services United Community Services Westminster Presbyterian Church Westside Appliance Parts and Service CELEBRATING NINE YEARS! ...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 SNEAK PREVIEW – JUNIE B. JONES, THE MUSICAL Saturday, Oct. 24, 10:30 a.m. Page Mon - Fri 10-8 Saturday 10-5 Sunday noon-4 Convenience, community, customer service 2629 Beaver Avenue, Suite One ~ 515.279.5400 Tax ~ Accounting ~ Payroll MoteCPA 2011 Beaver Avenue Des Moines, IA 50310 515-271-8183 Serving Beaverdale for 16 years Page 14 BNA MEMBERSHIP DUES INCREASE SEPTEMBER 2015 For many of our residents, paid membership in the BNA is a no-brainer. We've been fortunate to have many new individuals and families moving to the neighborhood, though, and a frequent question is, "so what does my membership fee pay for?" None of the BNA board members or volunteers are paid. Membership fees are used exclusively for neighborhood activities. This includes events like the Easter Egg Hunt, Grass Seats Cinema, Jazz in July, National Night Out, the Shop Hop, and the Holiday Lights Contest. In addition to the assistance received from our dedicated business advertisers, membership fees are also used to pay for printing the Sidewalk. After much debate, the BNA has decided to increase membership dues to keep pace with our surrounding neighborhood associations and to keep up with demands for programming. The new rates will be $20 for individuals, $40 for families, and $60 for businesses, and will take effect September 1st, 2015. A major point in making this decision was the neighborhood's desire for enhancing BNA events. Even with these increases, Beaverdale dues will still be less than many others, including the Sherman Hill and Waterbury neighborhood associations. In addition, the increase will put Beaverdale in line with both the Meredith and Lower Beaver neighborhood associations that we share borders with. As always, your membership is voluntary and very much appreciated. Summer Issue Vol. 10, Issue 3 MAKE YOUR MARK IN THE SIDEWALK The Sidewalk is the quarterly magazine published by the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association. Each issue is direct mailed to over 4200 homes and businesses in Beaverdale and is the only publication that reaches the entire neighborhood. If you’re interested in advertising your business or are willing to volunteer your time/talent to provide articles or photos, please contact Kate McGovern at 515-577-2084 or BNA Member Benefits •Free Ad Design ($35 ea. for Non-members) •Free Copy Changes ($10 ea. for Non-members) •Up to 10% Discount on Advertising •FREE Business Spotlight (As space permits) •Not a Member Yet? Sign up today! 2015 - 2016 Ad Submission Deadlines • November 6, 2015 Issue | Ads due Oct 2, 2015 • Feb. 8, 2016 Issue | Ads due Jan 4, 2016 • May 6, 2016 Issue | Ads due April 4, 2016 • Aug 5, 2016 Issue | Ads due July 1, 2016 Ad Submission Requirements • Accepted file formats are: PSD, Ai, EPS, JPG, TIFF, PDF. • Artwork must be Black & White, with or without spot color • Ads including the spot color for that issue must be labeled • Any modifications made to the ad after it is received will incur a $10 alteration fee (non-members only). FAMILY MEDICINE BEAVERDALE 1750 48th St., Ste. 1 • (515) 271-6333 HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to Noon PROVIDERS Robert Callahan, M.D. Jeanne M. Giddings, D.O. Sudeep K. Gupta, D.O. Thomas Peacock, M.D. Betsy Dettman, ARNP Mary Klemesrud, PA-C Krista Webb, PA-C Welcoming New patients! NEW 2015 Advertising Rates & Sizes Premium Ads Price Dimensions Inside Front Cover, Full Page Inside Back Cover, Full Page Center Spread, Full Pages $1000 $900 $1400 7.500w x 10.00h 7.500w x 10.00h 16.00w x 10.00h Full Page Content Sponsor* $600 See standard sizes Contributed content must follow BNA Board specified guidelines. Content of article, ad and any photos not to exceed a full page. Standard Ads PriceDimensions 1/1 Full Page 1/2 Page Horizontal 1/2 Page Vertical 1/4 Page Horizontal 1/4 Page Vertical 1/8 Page Horizontal $800 $450 $450 $225 $225 $115 7.500w x 9.500h 7.500w x 4.687h 3.687w x 9.500h 7.500w x 2.281h 3.687w x 4.687h 3.687w x 2.281h 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association GIVE BACK TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD JOIN A BNA COMMITTEE! If you are looking for a chance to volunteer or get involved, look no further! The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is responsible for many of the things that make Beaverdale one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Des Moines. BNA volunteers organize neighborhood events, including: the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Jazz in July, and the Holiday Lights, just to name a few! We also serve as the collective voice of the neighborhood on issues of community concern, and organize forums for neighbors to learn and discuss those concerns. The BNA also leads initiatives to keep Beaverdale's environment beautiful, and we work with the city to help provide our neighbors with resources for environmental stewardship. Beautification – The Beautification Committee is responsible for coordinating annual flower plantings and assisting in the planting of memorial trees throughout the neighborhood. The Committee also directs neighborhood clean-up efforts with the city and helps ensure that neighborhood parks are regularly maintained. Contact Nancy Dunbar at 255-2671 or for more information. Public Affairs – The Public Affairs Committee is responsible for hosting quarterly and annual neighborhood meetings. The Committee leads neighborhood improvement efforts and hosts forums for candidates for public office. The Committee also helps with Neighborhood Watch activities and researches funding opportunities for the neighborhood. For more information, contact Will Morris at 321-5424 or or Sasha Kamper at or 279-0410. Special Events – The Special Events Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating all events for the neighborhood association. This includes the Easter Egg Hunt, the Holiday Shop Hop, and the Holiday Lights Contest. The Committee also helps with Jazz in July and National Night Out. For more information, e-mail Tracy French at Page BNA MEMBERSHIP Please review the address mailing label for your membership status. If current membership has expired or if you are not a member, please complete and mail in this form with payment. We also offer an on-line registration with payment via PayPal for all memberships. To access, PayPal go to For membership questions, please contact Cindy Smith at 279-4600 or New Member R enewal NAME STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP HOME PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS Personal information is maintained as confidential for Beaverdale neighborhood organizations. Information will NOT be shared with any outside third parties. All mass email communications are sent utilizing ‘undisclosed recipients’. Membership levels (per household): * New membership rates will take effect $ 15.00 INDIVIDUAL in September 2015. $ 25.00 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $ 50.00PATRON: Member wishing to donate extra for BNA $ 50.00 BUSINESS: Vital partners for the community. $ _______PREMIER: Donate contribution in other amount. Note: The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your membership may be tax deductible and could be eligible for a matching gift from your employer. Please indicate areas of interest: BNA COMMITTEES: Beautification Public Affairs Special Events BBC (BEAVERDALE BETTERMENT COALITION): Revitalization Beaverdale LIVE! Event FALL FESTIVAL: Annual September Fall Festival GENERAL: Interested in serving on BNA Board Other Skills/Interests: __________________________________ Please send your check payable to: Beaverdale Neighborhood Association PO Box 30175 Des Moines, IA 50310 15 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DES MOINES, IA PERMIT NO. 5671 P.O. Box 30175 Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Please notify Cindy Smith at 279-4600 or if your address is incorrect or you’d like to be removed from our mailing list. Please include your name and address in your message. BEAVERDALE FALL FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 18TH & 19TH The Beaverdale Fall Festival will be here before you know it. On Sept. 18th and 19th, join us for a weekend filled with many new and fun events. We say goodbye to fireworks and hello to a car rally to be held at the south end of the downtown area in the parking lot in front of the Better Business Bureau on Friday night. We will have the return of Wildwood Ranch and their horses for rides on Saturday. There also will be games for the younger folks at the south end during the Festival. The open mic returns, and we will have the wonderful vendors, music and carnival rides for all to enjoy. So make it a date to join us from 5 - 11pm on Friday the 18th, and early Saturday morning to get good seats for the Best Parade anywhere! The Festival ends at 11pm Saturday. GRASS SEATS CINEMA NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Beaverdale’s Grass Seats Cinema showing of Pixar’s “Up” was supposed to be a record-breaker for attendance. More than 500 adults sent an RSVP for the event originally scheduled for June 11th. Unfortunately, Mother Nature intervened with thunderstorms, so the event has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 13th at Ashby Park at 8:45 PM. Feel free to bring blankets, chairs, popcorn, drinks, and snacks to make yourself comfortable. Residents from all neighborhoods are welcome to attend. Just in case this reaches you before the 4th, we wanted to remind everyone that National Night Out will be held on August 4th in front of Snookies. The Isiserettes will perform and we’ll also have visits from fairytale princesses and the Des Moines Police Department. Kids can enjoy a bounce house, performing clowns, Snookies Ice Cream and more! Also, a huge thanks goes out to Price Chopper for sponsoring the hot dogs! RESCHEDULED FOR AUG. 13TH! TUESDAY, AUGUST 4TH
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