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A2 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER OPEN 7am-9pm • 7 days a week 1893 Premium Angus Master Trimmed Beef Bottom Round Roast 3 1893 Premium All Natural Pork $ 99 Bone-In Pork Loin Roast 1 $ 99 Lb. Lb. 1893 Premium Angus Master Trimmed Beef 1893 Premium All Natural Pork 24 Pk. 12 Oz. Cans Select Varieties Plus Dep Boneless Chuck $ Roast Bone-In Pork Shoulder Steak or Western Style Ribs Pepsi, Diet Pepsi or Mtn Dew 399 Lb. 1 $ 69 Lb. 2/$ Must Buy 2 Final Cost 12 BUY 2 Instant savings at register US #1 5 Lb. Bag 2 Lb. Bag Yellow Cooking Onions BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Powerhouse Red or Yukon Gold Potatoes 19-32 Oz. Select Varieties Ore-Ida Potatoes BUY 1 GET 1 FREE 3.7-5 Oz. Select Varieties 18-19 Oz. Select Varieties 15-24 Oz. Select Varieties Betty Crocker Specialty BUY 1 GET 1 Potatoes FREE Progresso Classic BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Soups Classico Pasta BUY 1 GET 1 Sauce FREE 8 Oz. Select Varieties 13 Oz. Select Varieties 12.5-14 Oz. Select Varieties Best Yet Shredded Cheese Quaker BUY 1 GET 1 Life Cereal FREE BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Tri Valley Dry Cleaning Featuring Full Service Boar’s Head Deli Dry Cleaning Drop-Off/Pick-Up Like us on Facebook Prices Effective: Saturday, October 31st through Friday, November 6th, 2015 Not responsible for typographical errors. Store has right to reserve quantities. BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Quaker Cap’n BUY 1 GET 1 Crunch FREE Cereal 2X SALE DOUBLE COUPONS Tuesday 5% Senior Discount Up to 99¢ % DELIVERY SERVICE TUESDAYS! PHONE, FAX, OR EMAIL US YOUR ORDER FOR SAME DAY DELIVERY PHONE: 315-429-8518 FAX: 315-429-9131 EMAIL: ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER STEEL OR FIBERGLAS EXTERIOR ENTRY DOOR UNITS BY THERMA-TRU will keep the cold out and spruce up your entryway – many styles to choose from. C.H. BURKDORF & SON, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 YAMAHA Generators, Pressure Washers, Water Pumps. At SNO-PRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518-993-3269. SELF INKING STAMP Great for Raffle Tickets. $20.00+ tax. Call Beth at Lee Newspapers Inc. 518-673-0101 HAVING PROBLEMS with your well or pump? Call The Water People - Provost Brothers! 518-868-2126 WANTED Contents Attics, Cellars, Barns, Outbuildings XMAS CASH. Also OLD Postcards. SHOWCASE ANTIQUES 315-823-1177. GREAT SELECTION of primitive items to include blue decorated stoneware jugs in various sizes, period blanket boxes-some in original red paint in various sizes, tools, unusual cast iron pieces and much more. THE GALLERY, 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452. 518-568-5121. IT WON’T BE LONG SANTA WILL BE ON HIS WAY! So don’t delay! Stop N Shop at Ester’s Budget Shop, 188 Canal Street, Fort Plain, NY (518)258-4286 ADVERTISERS: Get the best responses from your advertisements by including the age, condition, price and best calling hours. Also, we always recommend insertion for at least 2 issues for maximum benefits. DEADLINE for placing ads is THURSDAY NOON prior to edition date. Calll Pegg 518-6730111 October 31, 2015 • A3 WE PAY CASH! for all types of, Silver Gold & Diamond jewelry. ST. JOHNSVILLE 25 W. Main St. St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Biggest and Best Gold Is At An All-Time High William Doerrer & Son Jewelers 16 Canal Street, Fort Plain (518) 993-3388 NOW OPEN HE B ADS UP P AR BER SHO FULL SERVICE BARBER SHOP Rick Thomas Master Barber 12 Ann St., St. Johnsville 518-703-1515 • Haircuts • Hot Towel Shaves 518-568-5689 Wed, Thurs, Fri 8-4 Sat 8-1 m Fadess too tapers,, “From wee doo itt all” 2009 PONTIAC G-6, Grey, 30K, 4cyl, Auto, AC, CD, Alloys. Sale: $11,995. John C. Miller 518-762-7124. Inc. Attention: Saint Johnsville Taxpayers The Town Board wants to increase your taxes by * 34% * $ 99 Angus Bone In NY Strip Steaks 6 lb. $ 99 Smithfield Bacon 4 5 Marinated Pork Sirlions 5lb. Red Potatoes 2/$ $ 3 $ Red Seedless 3lb. Eastern Grapes Apples 99 5 1 99 lb. $ 99 23 oz. Smithfield Water Someone will be assigned to pick you up 3 $ 99 • Please Attend The Public Budget Hearing On * 518-568-51211 * lb. Angus Chuck Roast Crystal Geyser 24pk • If anyone does not have transportation to the meeting, please call: 1 $ 99 If you are concerned: Thursday,, Nov.. 12th 0 PM M att The e Town n Barn att 6:30 Subs In The Valley Boneless Chicken Breast • Hot Towel Facials • Edge Ups GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Prices Good Sat. 10/24 Fri. 10/30/15 $ Cambell’s 99 2 Cambell’s Tomato or Chunky Soups Chicken Noodle Soup 99 ¢ 2/$ 10.75 Oz. 18.8 Oz. 4 Deli Sliced Oven Gold Turkey Breast $799 lb. $ Deluxe Ham 1099 lb. A4 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Dealer for Power Products - Generators, Pressure Washers, Water Pumps Parts & Accessories for ALL Brands Snowmobiles ATVs • Motorcycles Good Selection of Used Motorcycles (we service all brands) # MOTORCYCLE STORAGE AVAILABLE # Elect DAVID STOWELL Town of Oppenheim Highway Superintendent November 3rd Tues, Thurs, Fri 9-5; Wed 9-6; Sat 9-1 Closed Sunday & Monday Rt. 5, Nelliston, NY • 518-993-3269 You Are Welcome At Corner of Washington & Lydius Streets Fort Plain, NY 518-993-9929 T& J Sunday at 11:00am Wednesday at 6:30pm OPEN SUNDAYS AS AS FRUITS / VEGETABLES & GREENHOUSES CELEBRATING 43 YEARS We carry McCadam Cheese, Hapanowicz Meats, Queensboro tub butter and Farm Fresh Milk! WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & EBT CARDS N OW I N LOCAL HONEY, 10 LB BAG ONIONS OLD MCMARLEY’S FRESH APPLE CIDER CONCORD GRAPES NEW YORK STATE APPLES MACOUN, EMPIRES, CORTLANDS, MCINTOSH, HONEY CRISP FALL MUMS, CORN STALKS, PIE PUMPKINS HOMEGROWN GARLIC BY THE STRING NEW YORK STATE MAPLE SYRUP & SHARP CHEESE ~ Hapanowicz ~ • Kielbasa • Mushroom Stew • Chili • Chicken Cacciatore • Chicken Soup • Greens & Beans • Potato & Cheese Pierogies 221 S. Caroline St., Herkimer • (315) 866-7272 Serving You 7 Days A Week All Year Round Open: 8am-6pm AS KEEP OLD MAN WINTER OFF YOUR PORCH! Use PALRUF Corrugated PVC – 26” x 8’ or 26” x 12’ clear panels. Easy to cut and easy to install. C. H. BURKDORF & SON, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 North Creek Auto Is a Dealer for Blizzard All Aluminum Trailers! Enclosed, Snowmobile, Car Haulers, Utility & Dump Trailers. 315-866-3698 MOTORCYCLE STORAGE available. At SNOPRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518-9933269. FOR SALE – 1999 Ford F-350 – 6 speed, dually, diesel, flat bed in very good condition. For more information call (518)332-3442 Grandview Baptist Church Pastor Dan West FABRAL roofing & siding panels with 30 year warranty against fading and chalking. Can be ordered cut to length and many colors to choose from. C.H. BURKDORF & SON, 35 Hough Street, St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 SA INTERESTED IN HAVING YOUR WEDDING IN A LOVELY CHURCH with lots of room? Check out ST. JOHN’S REFORMED CHURCH, 68 West Main St., St. Johnsville. For more information, please call Gene Wagner at 518-993-2753. Quality Dog Food..LOCAL! Pets have Allergies? Dry/Itchy shin? Try y GRAIN N FREE!! We have All Life Stages Diamond Naturals Dog Food, California Natural, Taste of the Wild, EVO, and more! L’Avian Parrot food, 17in MONSTER Beef Bones, treats, collars, leashes, Shampoos,, Sprays,, Wormer, etc… at D&D’s Pet Supplies, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518-993-1010. 6’ PICNIC TABLE, pressure treated, $20; 2 large dog houses, 1-Iglo, 1wood shingled; yard Little Tykes gym set, $15; queen & single bookcase headboards; queen bed-in-a-bag sets; crib bed-in-a-bag sets; 4 pc. luggage, black, pullalong, exc. cond., $20; pet kennel carriers; old Singer sewing machine w/cabinet, $20; old records. 315-894-1335 FOR SALE: Used lumber and roof trusses. Phone 518-365-8854 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE, Possible rent to buy. Excellent condition, 2- BR, 1- Bath, Gas heat, Central air, $295 lot rent. Fort Plain area near shopping. 518-993-5591 WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK everyone who came out to support our 1st annual fall outdoor power open house. Behind d every y projectt is a Truee Valuee 12 2 Willett Stt Fortt Plain n 993-3834 HOME GROWN APPLES, Jona Gold, Macintosh, Red+ Yellow Delicious, Northern Spy, Maple Syrup. 5770 hwy 10, Palatine Bridge. 5 KITTENS: FREE to good home. Weaned & litter trained. Take your pick. Kate Stewart 518320-0291 LOOKING FOR A TRADITIONAL CHURCH with inspirational music and friendly people? Visit us at ST. JOHN’S REFORMED CHURCH, 68 West Main Street, St. Johnsville which has that and much, much more! Worship service is on Sundays at 10:30 AM with coffee and fellowship following the service. For more information, please call Gene Wagner at 518-993-2753. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER LOCAL Sporting Goods AND Pet Store! Everything from crickets to crossbows! SELLING NYS Hunting and Fishing Licenses! mansden n The Sportsman’s Den and D&D’s Pet Supplies, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518-993-1010. LIVE E BAIT,, TACKLE, AR RCHERY,, AMMUNITION,, PET,, SPORTS, etc. TIN NOVELTY SIGNS for your garage, bar, den, $10.00 each or 3 or more $8.00 each. Stop in and check them out. At SNO-PRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518-993-3269. WANTED - CA$H PAID For old jewelry, old buttons, books. Dolls toys, even if broken, 1970s older. 1960s & older: Clothing. Old frames, Christmas, Halloween items. Interested in almost anything old. Shirley 315-894-9032 October 31, 2015 • A5 THANKSGIVING WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT! We are ready - we have turkey fryers and peanut oil in stock and on sale! Behind d every y projectt iss a Truee Valuee 12 2 Willett Stt Fortt Plain n 993-3834 2010 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER AWD, black, 57K, V-6, Auto, Heated Leather, Moonroof. Sale: $17,995. John C.. Millerr Inc.. 518-7627124.. www.johncmiller. com LOOKING FOR RURAL HOME TO RENT in the Mohawk Valley area that allows pets and some livestock. 518-210-2066 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LT. Red, 33K, 4cyl., Auto, AC, CD, Alloys. n C. Sale: $13,895. John Millerr Inc.. 518-762-7124, 20x30 TENT with four sides for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518-673-3812 2000 Dodge Stratus. High mileage. 4 Cyl, Auto, $18,000. 518-6734465 I N S U L AT I O N : A l l Types. New/ Existing Buildings. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Call Upstate Spray Foam Insulation 315822-5238 1995 SAFARI & TITAL RV. Green & gray, 36’ long, 17,500 lbs., 13,000 miles, 6 cyl. Asking $20,000. Towing pkg kit estimated at $2,000. Good condition inside & out. For appt. call 518495-7489 2012 HYUNDAI VELOSTER, Red, 26K, 4Cyl., Auto, AC, CD. n C. Sale $15,995. John Millerr Incc (518)762-7124. w w w . j o h n c 2015 HALLOWEEN DANCE REUNION at the Windfall Barn. Friday Oct. 30th, 7:30 to 11:30. Featuring Bluestone, come dance the night away. $8.00 admission BYOB. NEED A NEW CAR? Get 0% financing at Sampson Motor Car where everyone is approved! 261 East Main Street Amsterdam. 518848-7359 2007 CHRYSLER 300 Touring, white, 84k, V-6, auto, leather, alloys, SALE: $10,495. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 w w w . j o h n c Mrs. M. LLC LANDSCAPING & SNOWPLOWING RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SNOW PLOWING • Snow Plowing • Snow Removal • Snow Stacking • Snow Blowing • De-Icing (Salt or Sand) • Shoveling Now Accepting New Customers For The 2015 & 2016 Winter Season. Call Brian For A Free Estimate 518-673-5622 • 518-598-9116 Fully Insured Canajoharie, NY 13317 Deli Special for Fri., Oct. 30th Cooked Ham Mountain Brand Bologna Muenster Cheese 275 lb. 175 lb. $ 40 3 lb. $ $ While Supply Lasts Call To Order a Meat Platter at 669-4612 Pure & Natural Honey 1 lb. • 2 lb. • 3 lb. • 5 lb. Raw Honey: 1 lb. & 2 lb. Baking Items • Bulk Items Popcorn • Sugar • Flour Oats • Macaroni • Navy Beans More Items Arriving Homemade Canned Goods Jams • Jellies • Pickles Veggies • Stuffed Peppers Ketchup & More Laundry Soap • Dish Washer Soap Body Wash • Cereals • Coffee Water Drinks Can Soups & More Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri 8-5 Tues 8-6:30; Sat. 8-3; Closed Sun Credit Cards & EBT Cards Accepted 56 Willettt St.,, Fortt Plain,, NY Y “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” Helen Keller Residents of the Town of Palatine: This is YOUR community, and we need you to participate with us to bring about positive growth. This is such a historically rich area; we have a lot of potential in this community, and with sharing services and ideas with surounding communities, we can surely bring in tourism and small businesses. Help us to bring back unity and pride to our town. Yes, we want to hear your ideas and your opinions. Our “Team” will lead the Town of Palatine forward by working with our residents, and seeking grants and other sources of income. We want you to know the facts - the TRUTH about what has been happening and what can take place in the future. Call any one of us, and we will answer you. (There has been a lot of misinformation being given - find out the truth!) On Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015, you have the opportunity to make a choice to move forward. Vote for our “Team”, and you will see! Here We Go ~ Watch Us Grow! Michelle J. Whiteman Republican and Conservative Candidate for Town Supervisor (518) 421 - 2969 Richard Becker, Jr. Republican Incumbent Candidate For Town Council - 4 Year Term (518) 222 - 0294 Aaron Rorick Republican Candidate For Town Council - 4 Year Term (518) 706 - 0151 Sandra McCullough Write-In Candidate (Republican) For Town Council - Unexpired Term (518) 673 - 8581 A6 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER ENEA FAMILY FUNERAL HOMES Serving the Community for over 50 years KEVIN ENEA Owner Licensed Funeral Director JOHN P. LEWANDOWSKI St. Johnsville Resident Licensed Funeral Director PRE-NEED ARRANGEMENTS, CREMATIONS, CEMETERY MEMORIALS ~ Reasonable Prices ~ 9 Center Street, St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-2300 • 34% TAX INCREASE FOR SAINT JOHNSVILLE When the Saint Johnsville residents get their tax bills next year...they are going to be in for a BIG SURPRISE! The current town government has adopted a tentative budget for 2015-16 to increase the tax base by 34%. According to this current administration, of whom three of the seats are filled by members from the same family, the town is "Out of money!" "We don't have one penny right now," said Gordon Brownell, Councilman whose term ends on 12-3115. There will be a public hearing on the tentative budget on the second Thursday night in Nov., which will be Nov. 12th. "Without a public hearing on the tentative budget, the budget can not be officially adopted," said Wayne Handy, Town Supervisor. The public hearing will be held at the town barn in Saint Johnsville at 6:30 PM. Each property owner is urged to attend this very important meeting. "Each property owner will have an opportunity to voice their approval or disapproval of this budget, which will raise the tax base here," according to William Farber, Councilman. If this tentative budget passes without opposition from the town residents, each resident does not have anyone to blame but themselves for this really BIG tax increase. Without opposition this tax increase will pass and each resident will pay. Voice your opinion and whether the town board in Saint Johnsville has the right to spend the tax payer’s money anyway they wish. Anyone that wishes to attend this meeting and does not have transportation to get there, please call 518-568-5121. By calling this number, someone will be assigned to pick up each person that does not have a way to get there. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ATTEND THIS MEETING IF YOU WISH TO PREVENT YOUR TAXES FROM GOING UP BY 34%. Oct. 31, 2015 Hello Again, The question remains, should we always do what our doctor says we should do? Have you heard about the man who called his doctor with the following complaint “Doctor before I went to work this morning I had a serious pain in my belly, and then I noticed I had what looked like a gold screw in place of my belly button. When I press on the gold screw the pain gets worse, what should I do? The Doctor said go home and take a short handled screwdriver and remove the screw. Call me tomorrow and tell me what happened. The patient couldn’t wait for morning. He called the Doctor and the Doctor asked “Well did you remove the Golden screw like I said.” “Yes, Doc I did and that’s the main reason I called so early.” “Tell me,” the Doctor said. He answered, “When I finally removed the gold screw my buns fell off.” I understand that one of our local hospitals is talking about installing parking meters next to each bed and an ATM machine near the nurses station. If you are still in your room when the red flag on the meter pops up they will charge you time and a half. Sort of a parking meter fine. If your spouse is the patient creating the charges you will become an indentured slave at the rate of minimum wage. So to speak, you will owe your wife’s soul to the Company Store. Our governor has fully supported President Obama’s plan to pay certain hamburger slingers $15 per hour. When the 20 percent government mandated extras are added on it will cost the hamburger employers $18 per hour. This equates to a beginning hamburger slinger 40hour employee earning $720 per week. Now if certain emergencies arise when the manager has to ask an employee to work more than 40 hours, the overtime pay of time and a half the hourly rate comes to $27 per hour. The first 40 hours will cost the employer $720. If the employee works 8 hours overtime the employer will pay an additional $27 per hour. If the employer is entitled to be paid double time the employer will lose big money for every customer who works through the door. Mothers will be telling their children about the hamburger stand that she worked at but closed up years ago. On the other hand can you imagine any hamburger stand operator hiring and paying $700-$800 per week for one employee if they can buy a vending machine to do the job. When I was in college I worked at The Blue Bird Diner for 60 cents per hour. Most of us older guys know that based on flipping hamburgers our experience or knowledge is not broad enough to warrant $27 per hour so we suggest that the local burger man hire only young teenagers while they still know everything. Dear Sirs, Messrs. Obama and Cuomo: When and if you come up with ideas to expand or create new ways to expand a business you will be heralded as great. When you create a new additional high cost for a business I hate to think what you will be called. In the case of the $15 per hour minimum wage for fast food employees the only accomplishment you will eventually see is more welfare recipients, as most will be replaced by a machine or just tightening of the belt. Your plan does not create. It destroys. Yesterday, we visited the Yankee Candle shop near Deerfield, MA, with friends from Connecticut. The two ladies have been talking about Yankee Candles for a couple of years. I wasn’t even luke warm on the idea. What could they possibly have to attract anyone? A few candles, nick knacks and a bunch of what-haveyous. Certainly nothing could command the interest of a couple of men. What did we find? Candles: short, fat, tall, skinny, white, black, multicolored candles. Candles for every occasion. Candles to burn when you have nothing better to do. You-nameit candles by the thousands possibly millions. But here was the big surprise; the candle store was absolutely delightful and huge. Department after department packed with Christmas items, household decorations, glassware and crystal. Their fantastic inventory was displayed in professionally made cabinetry or shelves. The store must have easily carried an inventory worth several millions of dollars. The Yankee Candle Store parking lot could accommodate hundreds of cars and each parking area was set in a beautiful flower garden setting. One of their three gardeners said they had just finished planting 1,600 mums. I asked where do your customers come from? The answer was everywhere and by the thousands. Outside in a beautiful garden setting we found a delightful, quaint, large restaurant offering a large menu with daily specials. Why do people travel to the very successful business? Because Yankee Candle has something they want and the simple fact the candle shop is there. Why do people not visit — the Mohawk Valley? Because there is no drawing card — no Christmas, Teddy Bear, Yankee Candle, American Doll, etc. store to visit. You be the judge, a local daily newspaper had a bold front page heading “Sewer Plan gets OK” with the following sub head $10.2 million system passes by wide margin. On page 2 a two-column bold head “Clinton’s looks solid as GOP field fights. The lead paragraph by Julie Pace of the Associated Press under a Washington subhead, stated Hillary Rodham Clinton’s polished performance in the first Democratic debate did more than send a message to her primary rivals. It was a warning to the chaotic Republican field about her. Fred Lee & Family ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER AND PLYWOOD – fresh supply just in time for your outside projects – finish them now – winter is coming! C.H. BURKDORF & SON, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 KOVAL’s Major Appliance Repair knows customer satisfaction, affordable and prompt! Call (315)867-9333 WINTER STORAGE Available for cars or small pickups. Palatine area. 518-470-8113 LET US DESIGN THAT SPECIAL JEWELRY FOR YOU. We work in 14k, 18k, Platinum, and Sterling Silver. All precious and semi-precious stones available. We also do repairs. Very reasonable rates. THE GALLERY, 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452. 518-568-5121. WANTED!! Gently used hunting/fishing apparel/gear. All sizes/styles. Call or stop by. FISHING!! HUNTING! BAIT!! PET T FOOD! AMMO! Shop local! Reasonable rates. Also offer lessons, loaner bows, group rates, parties. The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518www.face993-1010. mansden ACCESS TRANSPORATION is looking for part time cleaner for large fleet of vehicles. Must have drivers license. 3 pm till done. Cleaning inside/out. Stop by the office at 16 River Street, Fort Plain for application. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! 2005 DODGE Magnum R/T AWD, blue, 97k, Hemi V-8, auto, leather, rear DVD, loaded!! n C. SALE: $9,995. John Miller,, Inc.. 518-762-7124 w w w . j o h n c G U I TA R S - A c o u s t i c , Electrical. Best Prices! Open by appointment. Imagineering Drum + Guitar shop. 601 Dise Rd., Little Falls. Call 315823-1603 or 315-8677119. HALLOWEEN IS NEAR SO don’t forget Ester’s has all kinds of goodies for you! Stop N Shop at Ester’s Budget Shop, 188 Canal Street, Fort Plain, NY (518)258-4286 ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE ANTIQUES, FARM MACHINERY, TRACTORS, OR ANY OTHER HIGH VAULE ITEMS LET US SELL THEM FOR YOU! OVER AUCTION OR ON CONSIGNMENT!! CALL JR 518-993-4668 FISHING G FISHING G FISHING!!! Livee Bait,, Rods, Reels,, Tackle,, Nets,, etc. The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518E BAIT, 993-1010. LIVE TACKLE,, ARCHERY Y, AMMUNITION,, PET, SPORTS,, etc. FRAN’S DOLL REPAIR & R E S TO R AT I O N : Also buying & selling antique/vintage dolls. Call Fran 315-797-4859 NEED YOUR APPLIANCE REPAIRED? Koval’s has over 30 years experience and is affordable! Call (315)867-9333 RECORDS WANTED: We’ll buy your old records from 1930- 1970. 45’s, 78’s, Albums, RockN-Roll, Blues, R&B, Country, etc. Call Pete 518-673-2384. BLINDS,, TREE E STANDS, Traill Cams,, Scents, Lure,, and d MORE! Stop by or call The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Fort Plain 518-993-1010. LIVE E BAIT,, TACKLE, ARCHERY,, AMMUNITION,, PET,, SPORTS, etc.. Likee Uss on n FACEBOOK. October 31, 2015 • A7 NELLISTON, (1) bedroom 2nd floor. Utilities & tv / internet, parking. No smoking / pets. Single person ideal. $650. Deposit & references. 518-993-5133, 518-8428462 LET US HELP you get rid of your unwanted stuff. Place a reader ad today. Only $4.00 for the 1st 14 words. Call 518673-3011 BUYING antique Halloween Postcards 1930 and back, $10.00 each, good condition. SHOWCASE ANTIQUES 315-823-1177. SNOWMOBILE + ATV Parts, clothing and helmets. Now on special cold wave snowmobile jackets, $95.00. Leather snowmobile gloves, $29.99. Reg. $74.95. At SNO-PRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518993-3269. VICTORIAN WALNUT MARBLE TOP TABLES, plant stands, sofas, chairs, desks, lamps and accessories and more. Large selection of R.S.Prussia Red Mark just in. THE GALLERY, 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452. 518-568-5121. WANTED: Standing Trees. Softwood: Hemlock, Red Pine, White Pine & Spruce & also Hardhood: Maple Birch & Cherry, Ash, etc. Need 75 trees or more. 14” diameter & larger at the base of the tree. 315429-8010 leave message. DRAFTY WINDOWS COST MONEY – Viewpoint vinyl replacement windows are durable, low maintenance and ENERGY STAR APPROVED with lifetime warranty against glass breakage. C.H. BURKDORF & SON, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS. BUY LOCAL or BYE, BYE LOCAL! “I am proud to support Michele Whiteman for Town Supervisor in Palatine. As a lifetime resident of Palatine, Michele has been a strong advocate and tireless worker in her community serving her fellow residents in leadership positions on numerous community organizations. Her nineteen years of dedicated public service as Town Clerk, Town Board member, and Deputy Supervisor make her highly qualified to become the next Town Supervisor. It is therefore a pleasure and honor to endorse my fellow Republican Michele Whiteman for Palatine Town Supervisor.” - Congressman Chris Gibson RUBBER STAMPS self inking. All sizes. Call Beth at Lee Publications. 518-673-0101 KOVAL’S APPLIANCE repair is affordable and fast. Call anytime (315) 867-9333. Town 20x30 TENT with four sides for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518-673-3812 e n i t a l of Pa VOTERS Write-In Candidate Sandra McCullough For Councilman Last t Row w - Last t Box A8 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER WANTED JUNK CARS, TRUCKS & VANS PAYING $100 & UP. 7 Days a Week 315-335-3302 ITS TIME! SKI-DOO + YAMAHA snowmobile parts + service. At SNOPRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518-9933269. MOTORCYCLE leather chaps on sale, $89.95. 25% off all leather jackets. At SNO-PRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518-993-3269. FOR SALE Wel McLain Gold Oil Hot Water Boiler oil furnace in good condition, with a Weil Hot Water Heater $550.00 518-993-4668. Open n Housee forr 2015 2000 CHRYSLER SEBRING. 106,000. 6 Cyl, Auto, Tan. $2300. 518673-4465 Unique New Gift Items Quackenbush’ss Treess & Wreaths 480 Co Hwy 119, St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-2800 8 FOOT TABLES & folding chairs for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518673-3812 November 7 & 8 • 9:00-5:00 pm Refreshments/Door Prizes (Bring a Friend) 20% off all gift shop items m orr facebook BOTTLE E DRIVE:: Veteran’ss Day,, Wednesday, November 11th, 8:00 am to 12 Noon at St. Johnsville Youth Center, Main Street. Call for pickup on Nov. 11th between 8-12, 518-568-7441 or 518376-7757 Town of Oppenheim Town of e Palatin On Tuesday, November 3rd Vote Town of Palatin e Niel Yerdon Your Republican Candidate for a transparent, fiscally responsible local government allowing the people’s voice to be heard. DEAN OVERHEAD DOORS Professional Sales, Repairs & Installation of: • Overhead Garage Doors & Openers • Residential, Commercial, Agricultural • Specializing in Wood, Composite or Steel & Vinyl Carriage House Styles *Quality Workmanship Guaranteed* Free Estimates ~ Fully Insured Christopher R. Dean 518-332-0949 • SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE Premium Blaschak Coal !!! Fall Coal Sale !!! On All Coal Bought Before November 1st, 2015 309/ton Bulk Coal $259/ton Bagged Price $ We Stock Rice • Pea Nut & Stove 95 Willett Street Fort Plain, NY 13339 Phone 518-993-2543 WANTED Antique CHRISTMAS Ornaments, Elves, Lights, Santa’s, Aluminum Trees, Postcards, Stockings. SHOWCASE ANTIQUES 315-823-1177. Vote on November 3rd Robert Battisti Highway Superintendent 17 years of local highway department employment and a lifetime of farming Experience Matters! OST BROS. INC V O . PR Since 1912 • Expert Well & Pump • Sales & Service • 4th Generation • Gould & Sta-Rite Pump Dealer • Year Round Service Our 103rd Year N.Y.S. DEC CERTIFIED VISA/MasterCard 518-868-2126 • SLOANSVILLE, NEW YORK CHRISTMAS AUCTION – Sun. Nov. 15th at Kings, Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY (315) 822-5221 WE HAVE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF ITEMS THAT WILL BE SOLD OVER AUCTION ON TUESDAY NIGHT AT JR’S AUCTION 56 WILLETT STREET FORT PLAIN NY STARTING AT 5:00PM THIS WILL BE ONE GREAT AUCTION WITH A LARGE VARIETY OF FURNITURE, TOOLS, HARDWARE, PLUMBING, ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES AND MUCH MORE!!! DON’T MISS THIS ONE!!! 518-9934668 LEEBOY L8500T blacktop paver, powered by diesel engine, equipped with hydrostatic drive. 8’-15’ low deck. LP heated screed, $12,500. 518993-4227 FOR SALE: 1998 Dodge Neon $500 315-9562494 WANTED FOR RENT, Large 1BR or 2BR APT in Canajoharie or Palatine Bridge. Call Keith @ 518-775-3325 All American Hot Dog Push Cart for sale $2200. Contact Shawn at 993-3834 for more information. 2003 CAVALIER LS Automatic, sunroof, alloy wheels. 185,000 miles. Runs Excellent. Body Fair. $1,200 OBO. 518332-0395 TRUCK ACCESSORIES, berliners, tonneau covers, step tubes + more at SNO-PRO Performance Rt5, Nelliston, NY., 518993-3269. FOR SALE: 1948 Ford 8N tractor with plow and attachments, $3,000/OBO. Call 607264-3680 13 MONTH PHOTO CALENDAR only $12.00. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-6730101 email bsnyder We want to hear from you! Send your comments & suggestions to the Original Valley Pennysaver PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 OR email HAVING G A PARTY? Did you know the Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department rents the kitchen and banquet room. For your convenience we now have an elevator. 518673-3812 2011 MAZDA 3i-Sport. Grey, ONLY 11,000 miles, 4cyl., Auto, AC, CD, Alloys. Sale: $11,995. John n C.. Millerr Inc.. (518) 762-7124.. www.johnc LOOKING for it? Selling it? Looking for work? Looking to hire… give us a call at 518-6733237 to place your reader ad today. BOAT FOR SALE, 24’ pontoon with 50HP motor, bimini top, trailer, extras. Asking $3,500. 315-429-3277 DOES YOUR APPLIANCE NEED REPAIR? Need prompt service that’s affordable? Call KOVAL’s Major Appliance Repair. (315)8679333 A10 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Good Housekeeping Black Magic Cake This celestial cake — its richness comes from Milky Way bars! — needs only powdered sugar on top. 1 cup butter or margarine, cut up 3/4 cup chocolate syrup 8 chocolate-covered caramel-and-nougat bars (2.05 ounces each), cut up 2 cups sugar 1 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 large eggs, lightly beaten MEYERS LANDSCAPING & CONTRACTING INC. FULLY INSURED 518-673-2034 24 HOUR SERVICE SNOW PLOWING COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL Now Accepting New Customers For the 2015/2016 Season • Snow Plowing • Snow Blowing • Snow Removal • Shoveling • De-Icing (salt or sand) LOOKING FOR SNOW PLOW OPERATORS POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda Powdered sugar, for dusting 1. Heat oven to 325 F. Grease 12-cup Bundt pan. In 4-quart microwave-safe bowl, combine butter, syrup and nougat bars. Heat 5 to 5 1/2 minutes on Medium (50 percent power), whisking once. Whisk until smooth. 2. Whisk in sugar, then buttermilk, vanilla and eggs. Stir in flour, cocoa, salt and baking soda. 3. Pour batter into pan. Bake 1 hour, 30 to SWAREY 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out almost clean. Cool in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Loosen cake from pan; invert onto rack to cool. Dust with powdered sugar. Makes 20 servings. • Each serving: About 375 calories, 16 g total fat (9 g saturated), 5 g protein, 57 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 71 mg cholesterol, 295 mg sodium. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at (c) 2015 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved Bros. ROOFING Family Owned Shingles • Metal • Rubber • Roof Repairs #1 Roofer 12 Years Experience FREE ESTIMATES CALL NOW!!! Call Today for a FREE No Obligation Evaluation! Aaron Swarey 315-868-8207 Fort Plain, NY ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • A11 A12 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Esther’s Budget Shop Spring has Sprung, Fall has Come, and snow flakes are on the way! Ester extended her sale, so stop in and save! Beat Santa to all the savings Halloween celebrations across the globe Candy, time spent with friends and colorful costumes make Halloween a day to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Halloween also can Toys • Jewelry • Collectibles • Christmas Decorations and one of a kind items Great Presents Super Savings - Just For You! be a lucrative time of year, as the National Retail Federation notes that Halloween spending equals roughly $6.9 billion each year. But as popular as Halloween seems, many countries do not celebrate the holiday. Halloween observanc- es are limited mainly to North America and areas of Great Britain. Thanks to North American influence and trade, some elements of Halloween have spread to other areas, including South America, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Halloween A14 Tuesday-Saturdayy 10am-5pm (518)) 258-4286 188 8 Canall St.,, Fortt Plain,, NY Got PROPANE? Call To Compare Prices! Free Hook-up • NO Hidden Fees Lock-In Pricing • Senior Discount • Cash Discount • • Budget & Prepay Plans • HEAP • • Multiple Product Discount • • Service Contracts • 24 Hour Sales & Service • Locally Owned Company Delivering... Competitors Delivery Fee Hazmat Fee Hook-up Fee Yearly Rental Fee Fuel Recovery Fee (some exclusions apply) • P R O PA N E • H E AT I N G O I L •DIESEL •KEROSENE •GASOLINE ENERGY PRODUCTS 132 East Main St., Frankfort, NY 315-894-4328 (HEAT) • 315-732-4328 (HEAT) 53 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-568-5228 Costumes and trick-or-treating are not part of every country’s Halloween celebrations. Election Day Pancake SUPPER Tuesday,, Novemberr 3,, 2015 Salem United Methodist Church 1254 Stone Arabia Road, Fort Plain 5-7pm Pancakes, REAL Maple Syrup, Applesauce, Eggs, Sausage, Sausage Gravy Adults: $7, Children 10 & Under $5, Under 5 Free A Community Bank That Cares About Its Community Monday-Wednesday: Lobby 9am-4pm, Drive Thru 8:30am-4pm Thursday: Lobby 9am-5pm, Drive Thru 8:30am-5pm Friday: Lobby 9am-6pm, Drive Thru 8:30am-6pm Saturday: Lobby & Drive Thru 9am-12pm Yesterday’s Values, Today’s Technology • 211 Erie Blvd., Canajoharie (518) 673-4400 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • A13 An Open Letter to the Voters and Taxpayers in the Town of Palatine For the last year and a half (and more) we have tried to demonstrate the folly of building a new town office in Stone Arabia, to the Town Council of Palatine. Our attempts however, to engage the Council at every step of the way has been met with antagonism, out-right bullying, and total negativity. What started out as an opposition to the building has morphed into, “If you insist on doing it, then at least do it right!” The Town Hall proposal has made this election a single issue one, with that single issue defining who and what the sitting Council is. The Council has positioned themselves as knowing “what is best for you, the residents of the Town of Palatine.” In other words, in their eyes there is no need for a public hearing or a referendum, which of course, there has been none for the 11 years since the original motion was made to consider a new building. What really is at stake here is the leadership that Palatine will have for the future. In that light, consider the following questions before election day. 1) Why has every council, including this one, for 11 years denied the public a voice in the siting and building of a new town office building? 2) They say they will listen, but why no hearings? 3) Why did they need to create new laws to accomodate their plans? 4) How do they justify a new building that has offices for the clerk and the assessor that are smaller than they now occupy? 5) Why, even with legal advice, are they unable to get the necessary procedures correct enough to avoid court? 6) Why do they continue with their legal advisor? 7) How can they claim to be fiduciaries of the Town’s assets by spending $500,000 on a structure that is not needed and probably will not be complete for several years? 8) Why are they using blown-in cellulose insulation, in the proposed building, requiring specialized people and equipment to install? 9) Why was there no site plan from the architect until months after the building drawings were submitted? 10) Why has there been no budget created for the completion of this project? 11) Where will the money come from to do a reval, once that decision is made? 12) When will the highway department get another building to store the myriad of equipment that is being accumulated by the Town? 13) How does the eventual salt shed get built? 14) As fiduciaries, how does the Council defend the “huge” reductions in assessments some businesses are getting? 15) How many times has the sheriff been called to monitor meetings? Why? 16) How many letters from the Town attorney to taxpayers with threatening messages? 17) How many other deals have been made by rogue members of the Council behind their comrades backs, resulting in Town money being spent? 18) Why, until the current supervisor, no concerted effort to address the declared deficiencies of the current building? 19) How does the Town justify 6 snow-plow trucks, more than any other town in the county? 20) How does the Town justify a new plow truck every two years? 21) Do the answers to these questions constitued true leadership abilities? If not then the election process is clear. The current members and others that are running with them have had their chance to prove their mettle. It is time for change. It is time for the slate of candidates running as members of the Responsible Government Party. This includes: Sara Niccoli running for Town Supervisor, Chris Novak, running for Councilman, Hank Vandenburgh running for Councilman, and Niel Yerdon, running to fill the unexpired term for Councilman. These candidates have lived in Palatine for varying lenghts of time. This means they have lived and/or worked in other areas, yet chose to live in the Town of Palatine. They brought with them the knowledge and experience of other areas. They understand the economic and social challenges of our area, county and town. They are commited, with passion, to sincerely try to improve our quality of life by providing responsible leadership for the assets of our town. This includes putting people first and fiscal responsibility Please Vote! ~ Earl Spencer A14 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER FOR RENT 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Off Street Parking, Backyard, Garage. $ 800 plus utilities. Willett St., Fort Plain (518) 673-5895 MAIL L L A C OR FOR SALE Columbia Par Car Golf Cart Rebuilt Engine, Gas, Runs Good $1,500 Reduced To $1,295 Call 518-993-2111 CLIP & SEND PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 • Ph: 518-673-0111 OR 800-218-5586 $4.00/ 14 words $.10 each additional /Week Halloween from A12 Asia. But Halloween celebrations outside of North America may not be recognizable to those accustomed to celebrations stateside. In Scotland and Ireland, traditional customs of Halloween include dressing up in costume or “guising.” Parties may be held, and some people have bonfires or set off firework displays. Filipinos meanwhile return to their hometowns and purchase flowers and candles in preparation for All Saints Day, which takes place the day after Halloween. In China, the Halloween festival is known as Teng Chieh. Food and water are placed in front of photographs of family members who have passed away while bonfires and lanterns are lit in order to light paths for the spirits as they travel the planet on Halloween night. In Latin America and Mexico, Halloween is known as “El Dia de los Muertos.” Translated as “the day of the dead,” Dia de los Muertos is a three-day celebration that begins on the evening of Oct. 31 and culminates on Nov. 2. It is more a celebration of departed friends and family members than a chance to get hordes of candy. In France, Halloween was relatively unheard of until the mid-1990s. It was considered an American holiday and not celebrated. However, the draw of parties and costumed festivities led some French to embrace certain components of Halloween. Wells Nursing Home Now Hiring Deadline Thursday Noon - Fill Out This Form OR Call Us To Place Your Reader Ad Full Time RN: 2:30 pm - 11:00 pm • READER AD FORM • 2:30 pm - 11:00 pm & 11:00 pm - 7:00 am Today’s Date________ COPY: ____ # of Weeks to Run Every other weekend required and rotate holidays. Benefits included. LPN’s: Part Time or Per Diem Part time every other weekend required & rotating holidays. Per Diem one weekend per schedule. ______Starting Issue Date (Saturday Date) CNA’s: Full Time/Part Time/Per Diem 2:30 pm - 10:30 pm 10:30 pm - 6:30 am (First 14 words $4.00, each additional word add 10¢ each) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ If Interested Apply at: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 201 West Madison Ave., Johnstown, NY 12095 Or On-line at ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 14 words - $4.00 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 24 words - $5.00 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ (TELEPHONE NUMBERS = ONE WORD) 34 words - $6.00 Name (Print): ____________________________________________________________________ Farm/Company Name: ____________________________________________________________ Street: __________________________________________ County:________________________ City: ______________________________________ State:______________ Zip: ____________ Phone #: ____________________ Fax #:__________________ Cell #: ____________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________ Payment Method: 6 Check/Money Order 6 American Express 6 Discover 6 Visa 6 MC Card #: ______________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________ MM/YY Name on Credit Card (print): ______________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Today’s Date: ____________________ Amount Paid: __________________________________ Ph: 518-673-0111 or 800-218-5586 • Fax: 518-673-2381 • Email: Mail: The Original Valley Pennysaver, PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 WELLS NURSING HOME A16 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Antiques & auctions... Going, going...yours! WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY HOSKING SALES Weekly Sales Every Monday 11:30 with Misc. & Small animals, 1:00 Dairy, followed by feeders, sheep, lamb, goats, pigs. Calves start at 5PM followed by cull beef. Call for more info and note all times are approximate. Our volume is increasing weekly – join your neighbors & send your livestock our way! ***ATTENTION ORGANIC PRODUCERS - WE ARE NOW A CERTIFIED ORGANIC MARKETING AGENCY.*** IN AN EFFORT TO ASSIST ALL ORGANIC PRODUCERS WE ARE NOW CERTIFIED THRU NOFA, NY. ALL ORGANIC PAPERWORK MUST ACCOMPANY THE CATTLE AND PRODUCE WHEN THEY ARRIVE AT THE SALE BARN. THE 4TH MONDAY OF EACH MONTH WILL BE OUR ORGANIC DAY ALONG WITH OUR NORMAL MONDAY SALE. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US. OUR FACILITY IS AVAILABLE TO ACCOMMODATE ORGANIC DISPERSALS AS SCHEDULED. Monday, Oct. 19th Sold 275 Head. Cull ave. $ .67 Top cow $.96, Bulls & Steers $1.00 - $1.16, bull calves top $3.50, heifer calf top $2.20, Dairy Feeders $.30 -$1.30,feeder bulls $.86 - $1.30, Goats up to $167.50, Lambs 53#-100# $1.25 - $1.90. Monday, Nov. 2nd – Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Fat Cow & Feeder Sale Monday, Nov. 9th – Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Heifer Sale Saturday, Dec. 5th – Holiday All-Breed Registered Dairy Sale. Due to the overflow from the Premier Sale we are doing another All-Breed Sale. We will sell 100 Head of all breed cattle. Please call asap with any consignments the sale fills up fast. Sales to watch for: Sat. May 7, 2016 – Reserved for a Registered Brown Swiss Dairy – Retirement Sale LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW – GIVE US A CALL. **Trucking Assistance – Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Watch website for any last minute updates. Directions: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments HELP WANTED Vinyl Siding Installer and Roofer Wanted. Minimum of 5 years experience. Must have driver’s license and reliable transportation. Starting rate depends on experience. Contact Donna 518-993-8005 between 9am and 5pm Inside Advertising Sales Consultant Wanted Please apply now for our sales opportunity. Corporate Account Managers Are you a high energy self-starter who is motivated to succeed? Are you interested in partnering with businesses nationwide to provide cost effective and timely solutions for their marketing and advertising needs? Are you interested in joining a company with a world-class reputation and competitive compensation? Then Lee Publications is the place for you. Marketing experience or interest preferred, but not mandatory. Solid Waste Recycling Equipment and Industry knowledge a plus. Competitive compensation: base salary with unlimited commission and an established customer base. Diverse industries served and numerous products to offer. Solid account file with unlimited potential prospects. Training Program, 401(k) and a friendly work environment. Please send your resume by email to bbutton@leepub or Sales Professional needed for our advertising team! Successful candidates will be highly motivated, articulate and possess sophisticated prospecting skills. Must be able to develop leads, reach decision-makers, and deliver clientspecific print advertising solutions. Must have valid NYS driver’s license. Tom & Brenda Hosking & Family 6096 St. Hwy. 8, New Berlin, NY 13411 607-847-6274 or 607-847-8800 cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771 Hosking g Sales s is s looking g forr Barn n help p forr ourr Monday y Sales. Experience e working g with h livestock k a MUST.. Iff interested please e calll the e numbers s above. SOLD! JR’s s Auction 56 Willett St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 • ( 518)) 993-4668 AUCTION!! The Auction Way! AUCTION !! Antiques!! Tools!! Furniture!! Consignments!! Tuesday October 27th 5:00pm Already Consigned is a Cargo Lake Camp Cleanout, including, Furniture, Pots, Pans and much more!!!! If you have items you want to sell now is the time! WE HAVE LOTS OF ITEMS THAT WILL BE SOLD OVER AUCTION!!!!Don’t Miss This one!! Always Receiving Consignments!! Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays!! Small Animal Tool And Farm Machinery Consignment Auction!! Saturday, October 31st • 10:00am at JR’s Auction at our new Location Solid producers seeking a fast-paced, friendly work environment, and competitive salary plus commission should email resume and cover letter to 7403 State hwy Rt 5 St. Johsville NY (former Springer Tractor Building) ATTENTION ALREADY CONSIGNED ARE 3 STORAGE TRAILERS; LARGE LOAD OF INSULATION; LUMBER, FARM MACHINERY, 5TH WHEEL 30’ CAMPER, 7 YEAR OLD PAINT GELDING BROKE, RABBITS, CHICKENS, ALSO WILL HAVE HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS!! Lee Newspapers, Inc. Palatine Bridge, NY ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE ANTIQUES, FARM MACHINERY, TRACTORS, OR ANY OTHER HIGH VAULE ITEMS LET US SELL THEM FOR YOU! OVER AUCTION OR ON CONSIGNMENT!! CALL JR 518-993-4668 Will be acceping consignments for; Animals, Small Animals, Sheep, Goats, Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits, Calves, also outside will be selling Lawn and Garden, Equipment, Mowers, Snowblowers, Hand Tools, Shop Tools, Equipment, and other consignments!! Bring it on!! We will sell it for you!! Call 518-993-4668 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • A17 Antiques & auctions... Going, going...yours! JOHN DEERE C- BACKHOE, SN759744-710C. Powered by Diesel engine, equipped w/FROPS- STD Hoe. GP Front bucket N-Ream, Digging bucket, 2-WD. $15,000. 518-993-4227 CENTRAL BOILER EClassic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Cleaner and Greener. 97% Efficient. EPA Qualified. Call North Creek Heat 315-866-3698 FIBERGLASS INSULATION saves energy and keeps your home warm. Kraft faced and unfaced available at C.H. BURKDORF & SON, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 USED TIRE SALE: Huge Inventory, mounting & balancing FREE. No appointment necessary! Save money call Auto World, 534 North Perry Street, Johnstown 12095 518-762-7555 TRU-TEMPER 26” Reinforced Poly Leaf Rake with 60” handle and a lifetime warranty just n True $7.99 Fortt Plain Valuee and d Justt Ask Rentall 12 2 Willettt Stt Fort Plain n 993-3834 STOP IN AND CHECK OUT our large selection of childrens, womens and mens Muck Boots. Behind d every y projectt is a Truee Valuee 12 2 Willett Stt Fortt Plain n NY Y 9933834 WANTED TO BUY OLD CAMPERS, large or small, in good or bad condition, give us a call at 518-993-4668 DOES YOUR APPLIANCE NEED REPAIR? Call Koval’s. Ed has over 30 years experience! (315) 867-9333 BEAUTIFUL SIGNED Steuben stemwareMUST SEE! Rare Limoges punch bowl with original base, Cloisonné floor lamp, Champlevés Vases, and more. Check out our new location at Showcase Antiques, Canal Place, Little Falls. THE GALLERY, 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452. 518-568-5121. WACKER ROLLER- 1998 Model RD25, $8,500. 518-993-4227 KOVAL’s Major Appliance Repair has over 30 years experience and is affordable. Call (315)8679333 ROUGH CUT LUMBER – all sizes. Credit cards accepted. Stop in, call or email. Buryford Farms, 50 Cavalli St, Dolgeville, NY. (315)429-9040 0r (315)868-4842. NEED BUSINESS CARDS? Full Color Glossy Heavy Stock 250 ($45.00) 500 ($60.00) 1,000 ($75.00) Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or FREE SHIPPING HELP!! RAGTIME still has too much to move. Come in and help move something or some things out. Will give you an extra 10% Off the already up to 60% Off. 39 Main Street, Fort Plain. Thursday through Saturday, 11ish to 5pm. NEW!!! Black & Decker 20V Lithium Ion Cordless Sweeper/Blower, lightweight, comfortable to use, features built in scraper, $89.99use your True Value Rewards card and get it for n True $59.99! Fortt Plain Valuee and d Justt Ask Rentall 12 2 Willettt Stt Fort Plain n 993-3834 183 3 Main n Street,, Sharon Springs,, NY Y 13459: Legal live-in storefront with 1 to 2 bedrooms in Sharon Springs, NY.Very sunny, 1,000 s/f storefront with large front porch. 2 entrance doors will allow you to have a separate shop or to sublet part of the space to an independent shopkeeper to help with the rent. New kitchen appliances and shower. Beautiful setting. $775/ month includes heat and hot water. Tenant pays electric. Available June 1st or sooner. References and verifiable long-term employment a must. Best contact m or call 518-312-3800 and leave a message. JUST ARRIVED: CA1830 Cherry & Tiger Maple Butler’s Desk, Early 19th Century Spinning Wheel, 19th Century Mt. Lebanon Shaker Rush Seat Chair, great selection of china, crystal, bar memorabilia, unusual estate jewelry, antiques and gifts for every occasion. THE GALLERY, 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452, 518-568-5121. KING’S Sat., October 31st Consignment Auction ~ 6:33pm Saturday Night Auctions also include Construction Materials Thurs., November 5th Food Auction ~ 6:33pm Sat., November 7th Consignment Auction ~ 6:33pm Sun., November 8th Breeder Sale ~ 11:33m (315) 822-5221 WE ACCEPT CASH - CREDIT CARDS - DEBIT CARDS Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY • 2 AUCTIONS IN ONE DAY!!! SCHOHARIE COUNTY SURPLUS EQUIPT. AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 7th • 9:00am Schoharie County DPW, 339 Main St., Schoharie, NY Vehicles and Equipment from Schoharie County + surrounding towns and counties Early list includes: Case 1840 skid steer- 3500hrs; Challenger MT295B 4wd tractor w/ ldr-695hrs; RamMax dsl trench compactor; ‘07 Caravan; ‘06 Focus; ‘05 Suburban 2500 4x4; ‘04 Impala; ‘03 Cavalier; ‘01 F350 Crew Cab 4x4; ‘01 Durango; ‘00 Chevrolet Lumina; Dump Body off 1 ton; Complete backhoe of Ford 555B; Toro 72in diesel front cut mower; Nice Dixie Chopper Zero Turn Mower; Yellow Farmall Cub Low Boy w/ belly mower; 16ft double rest room trailer; 10ft WAC pull type rotary cutter; (2) large shop air compressors; Plate tamper; (2) 12V hyd power systems; 175A Mig Welder; Foldable road signs; several new drums of oil; tires; parts bins; log chain; parts bins; tires; (2) used loader buckets; (2) sets skid steer pallet forks; skid steer grapple; ratchet straps; log chains; 50 pcs small items plus more by auction time. Any towns, counties, schools or government entities may consign. Plus many smaller items like we have every year !!! Pictures on our website at SEEBOLD FARM AUCTION Same Day (Saturday, Nov. 7th) • 12:30pm Rt 30 1 mile north of Schoharie NY (one mile from County Auction) 200 plus lots of Parts, Implements, Construction Eq. (10) Storage Trailers and much more. Partial listing includes: Michigan 175 wheel loader; ‘98 E150 conversion van; I ton roller; Ford 8N; (10) Cub Cadets; Early JD 110; JD 246 broom; Lane #1 sawmill; Hytrol commercial roller conveyor system; Western snowplow; Hot Driveway sealer unit; 200+ 2x4 flourescent lites; Concrete buckets; air compressors; fuel tanks; water pumps; pull behind roller; snowblowers; wood oil furnace; Many Wisconson, Briggs, Kohler engines; gas pumps; pressure washers; Huge amount of new electric boxes, conduit etc; tire chains; jack hammers; welders; lots of tools; Ladders of all kinds; SS commercial sinks and hoods; CMI 2 ton gantry crane system; bush hog; generators; lots of various chain & cable of all kinds; shop shelving; trailerload of gondola store shelving; propane tanks; power trowel; pipe racks; pipe; commercial paint sprayer; pole trailer; telephone poles & hardware; Road const safety cones. Barriers, all kinds of signs, safety lights; water pumps; scaffolding; carburetors; magnetos; concrete forms; culvert pipe; blocks; paving stone; soda machine; original Pac-Man and Dr. Do arcade games!!!; some antique furniture; bikes; SS & galvanized chimney pipe; plus much much more. We will post pictures daily on our website. Terms: Cash or check. All items to be removed within one week. All items sold as is where is. Ten percent BP. Inspection Nov 6th 10-2 MACFADDEN N & SONS,, INC. Sharon Springs, NY (518) 284-2090 or A18 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER THE WEATHER IS CHANGING BUT NOT ESTER’S! Still a family friendly atmosphere. We’re still the best little shop around. Shop in and be surprised. Ester’s Budget Shop, 188 Canal Street, Fort Plain, NY (518)258-4286 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Lets Attend Church This Sunday”. You and your family are welcome at Grandview Baptist Church, corner of Lydius & Washington St., Ft. Plain, NY. Sunday School 10am. Morning Worship 11am. WE HAVE! Timberwolf log splitters. Call for pricing + models available. North Creek Auto 315-866-3698 2000 PONTIAC GR Am. 130,000. V6, Auto, Red. $2000. 518-4955907 MAKE our phone ring so we can return the favor!! Place your reader ad today. Only $4.00 for the first 14 words. 518-673-3237 2013 FORD FOCUS SE, Grey, 14K, 4cyl., Auto, Balance of Factory Warranty. Sale: $14,995. John C.. Millerr Inc.. 518-7627124,, www.johnc SOMETHING OLD SOMETHING NEW, Ester’s has it for you! Start your Christmas shopping early! Ester’s Budget Shop, 188 Canal Street, Fort Plain, NY (518)258-4286 VETERAN’S DAY Bottle Drive, Wed., Nov. 11th, 8am-Noon at St. Johnsville Youth Center. Call for pickup between 8-12 on Nov. 11th, 518568-7441 or 518-3767757 Call in your Reader Ad TODAY... 518-673-0111 Pick it up... Give us a call... For as little as $4.00 per week!!! Looking for it? Selling it? Looking for work? Looking to hire? WE CAN GET IT DONE! MAKE OUR PHONE RING SO WE CAN RETURN THE FAVOR!!! Call the Original Valley Pennysaver to place your Reader Ad 518-673-0111 FOR SALE – sawdust & shavings. Buryford Farms, 50 Cavalli St., Dolgeville, NY. (315) 429-9040 or (315) 8684842 LAND BARGAINS: Little Falls area, 17.7 acres, mostly fields, stream in rear, $29,000. Helderberg Realty 518-8616541, 518-256-6344 2011 NISSAN SENTRA SR, Black, 49K, 4Cyl., Auto, AC, CD. Sale n C.. Miller $10,995. John Incc (518)762-7124. w w w . j o h n FIREWOOD FOR SALE by the bundle is $5.00 by the skid is $65.00 and by the face cord is $65.00 and if you buy 3 face cord or more is $60.00 per face cord, call JR 518-993-4668 delivery is available. ANIMAL AND TOOL Consignment Auction Saturday October 31st 10:00am JR’S Auction at our new location!!!! 7403 State Hwy Rt 5 St Johnsville NY (former Springer Tractor Building) Will be accepting consignments for; Animals, Small Animals, Sheep, Goats, Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits, Calves, also outside will be selling Lawn and Garden, Equipment, Mowers, Snowblowers, Hand Tools, Shop Tools, Equipment, and other consignments!! Bring it on!! We will sell it for you!! Call 518-993-4668 LET US GET TOP DOLLAR FOR YOU...We offer estate sales, both auction and house sales. Over 30 years experience. We do appraisals, furniture, jewelry, and art...both written and verbal. Very reasonable rates. THE GALLERY, 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, NY 13452. 518-568-5121. FREE Kittens 315-2192939. FISHING G FISHING G FISHING!! Live Bait, Rods, Reels, Tackle, Nets, etc. The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518E BAIT, 993-1010. LIVE TACKLE,, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION,, PET, SPORTS,, etc. CHECK K YOUR R AD. ADVERTISERSS should check their ads on the first week of insertion. Lee Publications, Inc. shall not be liable for typographical, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the first weeks insertion of the ad, and shall also not be liable for damages due to failure to publish an ad. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. Reportt any y errorss to o 518673-0111 2005 DODGE Magnum R/T AWD, blue, 97k, Hemi V-8, auto, leather, rear DVD, loaded!! n C. SALE: $9,995. John Miller,, Inc.. 518-762-7124 w w w . j o h n c Photo Calendars Start at any month you wish Bring in your photos to scan, e-mail, or bring on disk. 12 Only $ 00 + tax Call Beth at Lee Publications: 518-673-0101 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • A19 Dining, entertainment & celebrations... 51 Hancock Street • Fort Plain, New York YOUR WINE SUPERSTORE! OVER 12,000 BOTTLES IN STOCK Your Wine & Liquor Headquarters CASE DISCOUNTS ON WINE Mix & Match Sizes & Types 518-993-2624 Rt. 80 Bowl VanHornesville Dine In Or Take Out 993-5306 Open 11am Mon-Sat Noon on Sun HALLOWEEN DANCE Thursday, Oct. 29th October 31 st Chicken-N-Biscuits w/Veg Cheeseburger Wrap w/FF 9 PM - 1 AM Friday, Oct. 30th Spike & The Boys Prizes for Best Costumes! Fresh Haddock Dinner Baked or Fried, w/Potato & Veg Mac & Cheese w/Veg Manhattan Clam Chowder 315-858-2149 Saturday, Oct. 31st Prime Rib w/Potato & Veg 3-7 PM Fried Scallops w/Potato & Veg FORT PLAIN FIRE DEPARTMENT Sunday, Nov. 1st HALLOWEEN PARADE st Country Style Scrambled Eggs w/HF Breakfast Only Closed at 12:30pm Monday, Nov. 2nd ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKES 3-7 PM BBQ Baked Chicken w/Potatoes & Veg & Baked Beans Seafood Salad Wrap w/FF Tuesday, Nov. 3 Saturday, October 31 5:00 P.M. rd Roast Pork w/Rice & Black Beans Sm. Turkey Sub w/FF LINE LINE UP UP IN IN LEGION LEGION STREEt STREEt PARKING PARKING LOT LOT Wednesday, Nov. 4 th Parade will end at the Fire House with goodies available to all participants ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI 3-7 PM Fishwich w/FF Spaghetti w/Meatballs, Hot Sausage and/or Toss Salad Thursday, Nov. 5 TRICK TRICK OR OR TREAT TREAT WILL WILL BEGIN BEGIN AT AT 6:30PM 6:30PM && END END AT AT 8:00PM 8:00PM th Daylight Daylight Savings Savings Time Time begins begins Sunday Sunday -Make Make sure sure to to check check your your fire fire alarms alarms Chicken-N-Biscuits w/Veg Cheeseburger Club w/FF 119 ANNUAL ELECTION DAY CHICKEN & BISCUIT LUNCHEON TH Homemade Soups & Desserts Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7 AM-7 PM Sun. 7 AM-12:30 PM Tuesday, Nov. 3rd ~ 11am to 2pm 12 Hancock St., Fort Plain Chicken & Gravy, Biscuits, Mashed Potatoes, Applesauce, Squash, Cranberry Sauce, French Kraut, Pickles, Rice Imperial, Beverages FREE WI-FI St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 32 West Main St., St. Johnsville (next to NBT Bank) 568-3007 **Eat in or Take Out** Erie e Station n Presents s It’s Annuall Halloween n Party Donation: $10 • Kids 5 and Under Free Octoberr 30th,, 2015 Time:: 10p p - 2a HALLOWEEN PARTY Sat. October 31 st Starting 7pm Music By: “Cleen Street” We Will Be Serving Food Sat., Nov. 14 “Hair of the Dog” th Now Booking Holiday Parties Costume Contest Prizes Given Out To The: Mostt Original,, Scariest,, Bestt Theme e Group,, And d So o Much h More! k Specials s Alll Nightt Long g And d Some e Goulish h Treats! Drink e Entertainmentt Willl Be e In n The e House Pure COMING SOON: ~ SUNDAY~ $10.00 Lunch & Dinner Buffet!!! GAME ON!!! Wednesay Senior Nite! Boneless Wings $5.00 Buy 1 Entree, get second 1/2 off - Prices Reduced Buckets Of Beer Specials Thursday - Ladies Nite & So Much More! Now Catering to the Older Mature Crowd Jim’s Irish Harbour 20 Little Mohawk St., Canajoharie, NY 518-673-2474 7 Canal l St Fort t Plain 518-993-4127 Fall Hours: Sunday y - Noon n to o 9p Monday y - 2p p To o Close Wednesday y - 4p p To o Close Thursday y Thru u Saturday Noon n - 2a ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • B1 There are smiles by Terry Berkson I got a call from our old friend Shirley Horigan the other day. She thought we might still have a copy of a photo of her and her late husband George that she treasured but somehow misplaced. I told her I’d do my best to find it but after looking through several boxes and photo albums I didn’t come up with the picture she had in mind. So, instead, my wife and I found a nice photo of Shirley and George smiling with a party hostess standing between them and cut out the middle figure in order to put them together. I must say we did it rather skillfully because you had to look twice to see that the photo had been altered. Shirley was due back in town to attend a class reunion. I planned to first have the “scissored” picture photocopied, which would make it look even more convincing, and then deliver it to her at the gathering. Of course it wasn’t the shot Smiles B4 Regularr Hours:: Tues-Sat 10:30-6pm 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, New York 13452 “Specializing in the Unusual” Pre-Holiday (518) 568-5121 • (518) 568-0026 Check k Outt Ourr 2nd d Location n at Showcase e Antiquess Malll 375 5 Canall Place,, Little e Falls,, NY Y 13365 Sterling Silver CZ Wedding Set We’re making room for the Holidays. SOME ITEMS MUST GO! CA 1920 Period Tiger Maple Drop Leaf Table The “scissored” photo of Shirley and George. Photo courtesy of Terry Berkson Real Estate Agent Patricia Edick 518-673-2820 Licensed Real Estate Broker Laurie Weingart 518-673-28200 Real Estate Agent Barbara Krutz 518-673-2820 Will Moses Serigraph FREE ay w Laya lable i a Av Sterling Silver Marcasite Peridot & Crystal Necklace Solid Bronze Signed Horse Solid Brass Civil War Woking Signal Cannon Real Estate Agent Assoc. Real Estate Broker Real Estate Agent Real Estate Agent Real Estate Agent Real Estate Agent Shane Buddles Jamie Lawrence Milt Krutz Gary “Dart” Jones Joseph DiVisconti II Robert Buck Farm Specialist 518-694-2176 518-568-3113 518-673-2820 518-860-4480 518-698-3004 518-937-0564 Calll the e Pros 59 W. Main St., Canajoharie 518-673-2820 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - FARMS - INVESTMENTS - ACREAGE CALL THE PROS AT KRUTZ PROPERTIES LLC - Your Hometown Realtors - Krutz Properties is #1 per Capital District MLS for units sold in Montgomery County! 825: 815: “A MUST SEE BACK ON MARKET!!! HOME” SPRAKERS: Land PALATINE BRIDGE: a with creek out back. 1972 single-wide Land goes up with addition - COMPLETELY RENOVATbehind the next 3 ED!!! Blocked skirthouses, drilled well, ing - sits on a 1.24 a little sulphur, 3landscaped acres 1000 gallon septics VERY PRIVATE!!! one near electrical Two car detached 006: FORT PLAIN: This home has had a major remodel, new roof and garage with workpole, one corner of the whole first floor has been gutted and remodeled with a new kitchen shop. Carriage shed, one out near pile of wood, shed, electric in place. 2 and bathroom. The home has new cedar siding, a new furnace, hot house kitchen - step Alaskian Slabs 30’ x 30’, 27’ x 47’ (10” area between slabs that 004: NELLISTON: Don’t miss out on this home!!! The house has water and electrical panel box and new wiring on the first floor. The down dining room second floor has been repainted and repairs made. The property has a was a breezeway, some woods in back area. Driveway: black top been well maintained and is in very good condition. The roof is 9 large living room. driveway shared at top - NOT IN THE DEED. Gravel driveway is Entrance room with large closet - vinyl siding, new roof, VILLAGE years old, new furnace and hot water tank, 200 amp service. There is small stream and an open field and woods behind the house. On top of the hill are the fields (they have been inactive). You have road WATER and a dug well. Septic. LISTED BELOW MARKET owned by Town of Root, GREAT PROPERTY - ADD HOME!!! an enclosed fenced-in private yard for kids and pets. The inside of the VALUE!!! Asking $72,900 frontage on Keesler Corners Rd. and Robbins Lane. Asking $135,000 Asking $34,900 home is nicely decorated. . It is move in ready!!! Asking $60,000 962: SUMMIT: The possibilities are endless with this property. 957: SHARON SPRINGS: A great family home located only minutes from State Route 20 or State Hwy 10. An easy commute to Thirty six acres of prime land overlooking scenic Summit Lake with the Capital District for work. Only 20 minutes from Cooperstown, 550’ of Lake Frontage and 1300’ feet of road frontage. Large building with a new septic system is already in place to help you get 875: ST. JOHNSVILLE: “CHEAPER THAN RENTING” 2-story, 4 one hour to the Adirondacks, Utica or head south to the Catskill bedroom and 1 and 1/2 bath home. Eat-in kit, LR, DR and foyer. Mountains. Well maintained Raised Ranch tucked neatly on a pri- started. Whether it’s building your Dream Home overlooking the lake or starting an auction house, farmers market, camp site, RV 963: JEFFERSON: A house full of Granite!!! A wonderful family vate 4 acres. Move in ready, bring the family and the pets and Large front porch. You get a lot of house for the money. Nice park, hunting, hiking, snowmobiling, etc. Let your mind wander home with 6 acres and another 43 acres available. start enjoying Country Living. Upstate New York Country back yard, many updates and nice size rooms make it worth lookand come take a look. Asking $370,000 Asking $199,000 Properties. Asking $220,000 ing at. Asking $29,900 B2 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Lesser-known information about Halloween Halloween is a day of costumes, hijinks and an often unhealthy helping of sugary sweets. Many celebrants know that Halloween evolved from ancient Celtic festivals, such as Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the dawn of winter. Celts were no longer spending long days in the pastures, and so they gathered in their homes to tell stories and wait out the winter. When Christianity spread, Halloween became intertwined with a feast day dedicated to the saints and deceased loved ones. “All Hallows Even,” eventually got shortened to “Hallowe’en,” and then Halloween. Though certain parts of Halloween history are well-known, there are many additional interesting facts about this beloved holiday that are less widely known. The following are some lesser known Halloween tidbits, courtesy of the websites, The Thought & Expression Company and Random History, as well as “The Halloween Handbook” (Citadel Press) by Ed Morrow. • The first jack-olanterns were made from turnips and beets. Pumpkins were used after Halloween was brought to North America. • The word “witch” is thought to come from the Olde English word “wicce,” meaning “wise woman.” Witches once were held in high regard. • Pumpkins actually are a fruit, a type of squash that is a member of the gourd family. Its cousins include cucumbers, melons, and other squashes. • Trick-or-treating may have originated with a European custom called “souling.” On All Soul’s Day, early Christians would go door-to-door begging for “soul cakes,” which were square pieces of bread with currants. The more cakes a person received, the more prayers he or she would promise to the dead relatives of the cake donors. • Witches may have rubbed a sacred ointment made with a hallucinogenic herb onto their skin. This gave them a feeling of flying, and if they had been fasting, they felt even giddier. Many witches rode on horseback, but those who were poor traveled on foot and carried a broom to launch themselves over streams. • One-quarter of all the candy sold each year is purchased around Halloween. Halloween candy sales in the United States average about $2 billion annually. • Some people still celebrate the ancient Celtic customs of Samhain. Many followers of various pagan religions, such as the Druids and Wiccans, observe this day as a religious festival and a memorial day for their deceased friends. It also is a night to practice various forms of divination. • The owl is a popular Halloween symbol. In Medieval Europe, owls were thought to be witches. • The first-known mention of trick-or-treating was found in print in 1927 in Blackie, Alberta, Canada. • Ireland is believed by many to be the birthplace of Halloween. • Both Salem, MA, and Anoka, MN, are the selfproclaimed Halloween capitals of the world. • Pumpkins are now carved and displayed as Halloween decorations. Orange is a color of strength and symbolic of the harvest. The largest pumpkin ever grown was more than 1,600 pounds. It was grown by Joe Jutras of North Scituate, RI. Halloween is a mysterious time, born of various festivals, rituals and symbolism. Over several centuries, the celebration has evolved into a holiday enjoyed by millions, each in their own different ways. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • B3 Boo Bugs Store, Office or Restaurant reasons. First it can produce a squeaking sound similar to a mouse. It also Boo Bugs B4 FOR RENT at 29 Church St. Canajoharie Large 16’x70’ But Can Reduce Size if Needed Will Do Some Building to Suit $395 518-673-5938 - No Answer in 3 hrs 518-365-2976 OPEN HOUSE st Sun., November 1 • 1-3PM 44 Reid St., Fort Plain Owner is motivated to sell this 13 room, 4 bedroom home with NEW fully handicapped accessible 1 bedroom apartment. So many new or updated features, it’s a must see! Death’s head moth by Tom Turpin, Professor of Entomology, Purdue University I walked into one of those big box stores the other day and the three or four aisles filled with Halloween decorations caught my eye. In one of the aisles was a large sign that read “Boo Bugs.” When I checked it out there were all kinds of evil-looking black spiders with red eyes and lots of fake spider webbing. Prominently displayed were some butterfly-wing costumes complete with a pair of antennae. There were also several types of plastic beetles in various sizes, some of which were nearly a foot in length. So the “Boo Bug” section had lots of spiders, which aren’t insects, and some pretty butterfly costumes that didn’t seem much like Halloween to me. Beetles, though, might come a bit closer to being creatures worthy of inclusion in Halloween decorations. For starters, some beetles live rather ghoulish lives. There are burying beetles that bury the bodies of small animals such as mice and moles. The beetles and their offspring feed on the decaying carcass of the little mammals. Some beetles are known as dung beetles because they fashion balls of mammal dung to bury as food for their offspring. The Asian lady beetle is sometimes called the Halloween beetle because it shows up about that time of year, trying to find a way into our homes as a place to spend the winter. There is a species of beetle that I’ve often thought qualified to be associated with Halloween celebrations just because of its name. That insect has the common name of deathwatch beetle and the scientific name of Xestobium rufovillosum. This little beetle with the long name is less than one-half inch in length. It is a wood-boring beetle. The larvae of these beetles consume dry wood and in the process construct tunnels within the wood. Adult deathwatch beetles produce a sound by tapping their heads against the wood on top of the tunnels. Biologically, that is how the insects attract mates. The sound is not very loud, and people normally only hear it under very quiet conditions such as during the quiet of the night or at a bedside vigil for a dying person. Hearing the sound during a “death watch” gave the beetle its common name and contributed to speculation as to whether the sound was a predictor of the pending death. This rather macabre association of the beetle and human death has not escaped note within popular culture over the years. John Keats made note of it. So did Henry David Thoreau. Edgar Allan Poe used it in his short story “The Tell-Tale Heart” where the sound of the deathwatch beetle was mistaken for the beating of a dead man’s heart. Thomas Hood also makes reference to the deathwatch beetle in his “The Haunted House” with the line “The Death Watch tick’d behind the panel’d oak.” Hood mentioned insects, spiders and centipedes in “The Haunted House.” The insects included earwigs, maggots, crickets and a moth. The moth that Hood cited certainly should be included in any discussion of insects appropriately named for inclusion in creatures associated with Halloween. It is called the death’s head moth. This moth gets the name “death’s head” because of what resembles the marking of a human skull on its thorax. The death’s head moth is one of the sphinx moths that are also called hawk moths or hummingbird moths. In addition to the marking of the death’s head sphinx, it is an unusual moth for two other CANAJOHARIE APARTMENTS 52 Maple Ave. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Beautiful - Modern AC, Dishwasher, Range, Refrigerator Superior Service Rent $ 755 Month Includes Heat & Hot Water Call 518-673-8500 Your Hostess: Brenda Hill Richard Euler Real Estate Licensed Real Estate Broker 48 Church Street, Canajoharie, NY 13317 518-673-3677 MOHAWK Towne & Country Realty Sue Leavitt, Licensed Real Estate Broker Corner Rte. 5 & McKinley Rd., Palatine Bridge, NY • 518-673-5482 Your Own Waterfront Lot Something unusual…Small lot on Caroga Creek located on Wagner’s Hollow Rd. 371’ frontage x 60’ deep. Suitable for Fishin’ & a Picnic, or Camper. third is open, rest is wooded. Asking $2,500. NEW LISTING Lots of Possibilities Here Remodeled Ft. Plain “1810 Old Mill” Building has Huge 3 BR, 3 Bath Apartment- w/ fireplace, Ground floor Commercial Kitchen, Dining, Gathering Room & rest rooms; Full walk out basement; insulated attic ..Can be Multi use. Owners are VERY OPEN TO OFFERS? Only $37,500 3+ Acres T/O Minden, A Professional, or Working Reduced to Couple will appreciate what $9,900. little time it takes to maintain privacy & this Village Cottage .Modern views, Kitchen, an ole' -fashioned Cherry Bath,, “studio” Bedroom, Valley Living Room. Thermo winSchools; dows, hardwood floors, a level land affordable taxes property is undeveloped, good roof & a nice Big with electric at the road; & 200 ft. road frontage on Rte Yard. Or maybe an Investment property? 163. Offers? 2 Family Money Maker $42,500 Gloversville, Good income, fully rented remodeled & repaired Kitchen, Living room, Bedroom & Bath each apartment; or can livein Ft. Plain Mfg. home $22,500 one & let the rental help 2 Bedroom Mfg Home on corner lot “off the beaten path”; pay your mortgage. eat-in Kitchen, Living room, Laundry area, full Bath, Either way – a darn Good Roof, Village water & sewer, small shed, front Patio & car port: Home is well cared for. Low taxes. good investment. Amanda Haig, Sales Assoc. Jolene Memrick, Sales Assoc. Art Meka, Sales Assoc. Carol Meka, Assoc. Broker 518-673-3235 518-673-5482 518-673-5401 518-673-5401 Visit Us: B4 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Smiles from B1 she wanted but when she saw it she liked the photo and had to give it a second look to realize it had been altered. During our conversation I asked her if she had ever read a story I had written called “A Night At Harry’s.” There was a scene in it that involved her George. She hadn’t read it and asked, “What’s it about?” I began with, “You weren’t married at the time.” It was a Saturday night and Harry’s nightclub was mobbed. I had to push my way into the place and past the crowded bar. Couples were out on the floor dancing to the Contour’s “Do You Love Me.” I made my way to a rounded leather-lined booth where George was sitting oddly alone with his elbows resting on the table and his head in his hands. He looked depressed. “What’s the matter, George?” I asked above the loud music. He shook his cradled head. “I had her in the palm of my hand,” he groaned. “I was making all the right moves. She was hanging on every word I said. I lit her cigarette like a pro. But when I went to blow out the match my upper plate flew out on the table. She screamed and stood up on her seat!” It seems George had somehow broken his upper dentures and was keeping the two halves loosely in place with the back of his tongue which made him talk like Humphrey Bogart. “So where is she now?” I asked. “Dancing with that guy,” he said nodding towards a couple out on the floor. Shirley laughed and began to tell me her story about George. “You remember we owned two houses in town. When we were getting along we lived in the same house but when things weren’t so good we lived separately.” She went on to say that during one of the times they were living apart she bought a little dog she named Moe to keep her company. At the time she was on speaking terms with George and asked him to take the little pooch to his house while she went on an overnight trip to visit family. Arriving home, good natured George set the dog up in a blanket-lined cardboard box and retired for the night. When he awoke in the morning he reached for his then in tact upper plate but the teeth weren’t in the water glass on the night table where he had placed them. A brief search led to the dog in the blanket-lined box and the dentures that had been chewed on like a bone. Moe didn’t look at all guilty but George was miffed and picked the dog up as he headed for his car and Shirley’s house. She had just arrived home and when she came to the door her husband angrily thrust the little dog into her arms. “What’s the matter?” she wanted to know. “He chewed up my teeth!” George yelled before stepping back and letting the storm door slam. Then he abruptly turned and headed for his car. Frank Dibble a nosey friend and nearby neighbor phoned Shirley to learn what the commotion was all about. Later in the day Dibble met George on the steps of the post office downtown. “Hey George,” he said. “I saw Shirley’s new dog!” “So,” George said begrudgingly. “He’s got a smile just like yours!” George threw up his hands and headed for his mail box. “That’s a great story,” I told Shirley. “Did he ever get new teeth?” “Yeah,” she said. “His smile looked even better than Moe’s, so we moved back in together.” are appropriate insects to be included in any listing of “boo bugs” for Halloween. I bet Edgar Allan Poe would have agreed! Boo Bugs from B3 invades honey bee hives and drinks honey. Both behaviors are uncommon for moths. Edgar Allan Poe featured a death’s head moth in his story “The Sphinx.” In the story the moth is perceived to be a giant monster. It is later shown to be what it really is: “The Death’s headed Sphinx has occasioned much terror among the vulgar, at times, by the melancholy kind of cry which it utters, and the insignia of death which it wears upon its corslet.” I think that both the deathwatch beetle and the death’s head moth Deathwatch beetle ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • B5 MAPLE RIDGE BULK FOODS A Macs, Cortlands, Galas, Crispins, P Northern Spys, Empires, Macouns, Jonagold P Red & Yellow Delicious L 50¢ lb. • $6.50 1/2 bu. • $11.50 bu E AVAILABLE NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST S American Cheese Provolone Cheese Mozzarella Cheese 4yr Old Sharp Cheese $3.89 lb. $3.84 lb. $3.95 lb. $9.99 lb. Virginia Ham Roast Beef Cooked Ham Hard Salami $4.40 lb. $5.99 lb. $3.50 lb. $5.35 lb. Poly Folding Chairs • Peanut Butter & Butterscotch Chips Garlic $6.25/lb. or 75¢ ea. • Potatoes - $14.50/bag, 10 lb. Potatoes $4.00 Baked Goods & Donuts - By Order ONLY • Mums - small $1.75 Mon-Sat 8am-5pm • Closed Sun • 315 - 219 -1238 629 Mang Rd, Little Falls, NY 13365 Located off Rt. 29 in Salisbury Center. Take North Rd. to Mang Rd. BELLINGER'S APPLE ORCHARD WE NOW HAVE CIDER Pavlus Orchards Open: 10 AM - 6 PM 7 Days A Week Apples ~ ready picked or pick your own Red Potatoes • Sweet Cider • Pumpkins McCadam Cheese • Honey Maple Syrup • Fudge Pick Your Own Apples & Ready Picked Apples Pick Your Own Pumpkins Homemade Cider Donuts, Cheese, Honey, Maple Syrup, and other local NYS Products! (518) 993-2643 1 mile North of Rt. 5 270 Hickory Hill Rd., Fort Plain Get Lost In Our Corn Maze! OPEN DAILY 10AM-6PM 685 Argersinger Rd., Fultonville 518-922-8558 • Whatchamacallits This week’s Whatchamacallit is a Screw Box and Tap set, used in conjunction to make wooden screws. Back on Nov. 2, 1858, the U.S. Patent Office granted William 0rville Hickok of Harrisburg, PA two patents —one for the Screw Box and one for the Tap. The 43-year old Hickok wrote in his application for patent consideration “I have invented a new and useful improvement in dies for cutting screws on wood”. Fourteen years earlier — in 1844, William Orville Hickok established the Eagle Works and became a manufacturer of bookbinders’ specialties. His brilliant inventions would soon revolutionize the paper ruling industry. Today, the WO Hickok Manufacturing Company is still in Harrisburg, it’s a diversified company with many areas of machine manufacturing — Corner Cutter Manufacturing, Special Machine Parts manufacturing, Engineering-Drafting services, Welding services and Machine Shop services. If the name W.O. Hickok sounds familiar, Hickok’s grandson was the famous college football player at Yale, of the same name. Knicknamed “Wild Bill”, he is now in the College Football Hall of Fame. Do you have your own Whatchamacallit? Send a photo and short description to or call Branden at 518-673-0145 B6 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER ANSWERS “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” — John F. Kennedy President Kennedy and Vice President Johnson, Aug. 1961 Photo by Abbie Rowe, National Park Service ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER October 31, 2015 • B7 Calendar of events ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER NOTE: Calendar entries must arrive at the Original Valley Pennysaver office by Wednesday, October 28th for them to be included in the calendar of events for our Saturday, November 7th issue. Send events to Lee Publications c/o The Original Valley Pennysaver, 6113 State Highway 5, P.O. Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 or e-mail: SEP 16 - NOV 4 Learn To Meditate: Find your peace, improve your health, reduce your stress Canajoharie Library & Arkell Museum. Free 8 week series. For more information call 518-428-4692 or e-mail melaniep@meditateupstate.c om. OCT 1-31 Arkell Center Events for October Arkell Center, Canajoharie, NY. Arkell Center Programs for all area seniors during October are as follows: Monday-Friday: 11:45 am. OFA Meals of Montgomery Program serves hot meals, suggested $3 donation for 60 and older. Call 673-2000 for reservations. Mondays-Fridays: 10-12 noon. Arkell’s Indoor Walking Program will continue. Seniors invited. Mon, Wed & Fri: 10-10:30 am. Senior Exercise Program is in the basement. Open to all area Seniors. Coffee served after. Wednesdays: 2:30-3:30 pm. Gentle Yoga with instructor Patty Pietrowicz in the basement. Open to all Area Seniors. SPECIAL EVENTS Oct. 21 & 28: 12:30-4 pm. Senior Citizens Pinochle Card Party, donation $2, prizes & refreshments. If you would like to sub, call Terry673-5635. Oct. 23: 11:30. Meals of Montgomery will be serving Turkey w/Gravy, Mash Potatoes, Carrots & Dinner Roll and Apple Delight Cookie. Call to reserve 673-2000. Oct. 23: 12:30 pm. Gary Van Slyke will be playing Harvest & Halloween music directly following the Meals of Montgomery luncheon. Please plan on attending a very entertaining program. Oct. 27: 11:15 am -12:15 pm. Blood Pressure Clinic. Home Health Care Partner’s Corp. (Co-Sponsored by St. Mary’s & Nathan Littauer Hospital). Home Health Care Partners Corp. also provides health and wellness information. Oct. 29: 7 pm. Sues Crew Line Dancers will be performing at Arkell Center. Bring a friend and join us for a fun night. Oct. 30: at around 10 am, the CCS Kindergarten class- es will visit Arkell Hall & Arkell Center in costume to share some songs & poems with us for Halloween. Also, some of our friends from Liberty will also be joining us, too. Oct. 30: 1:30 pm. Directly following the Senior Citizens Meeting Joann Resch will have a Water Color Painting Session. Come and join us. MEETINGS Oct. 30: 1 pm. Canajoharie Senior Citizens Club Meeting. Oct. 27: 10-11 am. Alzheimers Caregiver Meeting. Please join us. Oct. 22 & 29: 10:15-11 am. The Diet Club meets in the Gallery at Arkell Center. The goal is to be accountable while losing or maintaining your weight. Details- call Grace 673-2112. 50/50 raffle & museum tours available. Tickets available at The Fort Plain Coop, Ft. Plain, NY, Mohawk Valley Regional Center, Canajoharie, NY, tickets also available at the door. $10 adults, $5 for children 6-12. OCT 27 Literacy New York Party Representatives from the literacy program in Fulton, Montgomery and Schoharie counties will give an overview of services available to members of the community. 6 to 7 p.m. Fort Plain Free Library, 19 Willett Street, Fort Plain. Please call (518) 993-4646 for more information. ately following breakfast. RSVP to Laura Carson at 607-264-9332 ext. 501. NOV 21 Stamp Show and Sale United Methodist Church, 39 Center St., Fort Plain, NY. 10 am - 4 pm. For more information call 518-9934737. NOV 30 - DEC 5 Kuyahoora Eastern Star Bus Trip to a ‘Christmas in the Rocky Mountains Including stops at Dollywood, dinner shows and moonshine tasting. For more information call Gail at 315891-3874. DEC 6 St. Nicholas Day Fort Klock Historic Restoration, St. Johnsville, NY. 12 3:30 pm. All children will receive a homemade wooden ornament from St. Nicholas. Tryon Co. Milita will drill, storyteller, roaring fires, pine bough decorations and a tree. Call 518-568-7779 or Visit for more information. NOV 7 & DEC 5 OCT 24 Acoustic Coffee House Fultonville United Methodist Church. 6:30 pm. Any questions call 518-986-2758. 4th Annual Soup Tasting Fort Rensselaer Club (Van Alstyne Homestead) 42 Moyer St., Canajoharie, NY. 1-4 pm. Delicious soups, live music, harvest specialties, Second Annual Veterans Day Breakfast Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School District Cafeteria. Short program in the school auditorium immedi- (PICK UP AVAILABLE) WE PAY YOU $$$ NOV 10 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL!! CALL 315-794-5498 2007 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER AWD Red, ONLY 47,000 Miles!! V-6, Auto, A/C, CD, Leather, Moonroof, All Wheel Drive SALE 10,650 $ John C. Miller, Inc. 509 9 NORTH H PERRY Y ST.,, JOHNSTOWN N • 518-762-7124 MUST GO!!! View Our Entire Inventory Online At: 3555 State Highway 5, Fonda, NY 12068 (518) 853-2143 • BUY HERE Winter Is Coming! Be Prepared With Our Large Stock Of 4x4’s PAY HERE Powertrain Plus Warranty On ALL Vehicles 2010 Dodge Ram 3500 Heavy Duty Stop In Today 2007 Cadillac Escalade Beautiful, Must See! 2004 Ford Explorer Sport Trac XLT Great Condition, Automatic, Towing Package Financing Guaranteed Because WE ARE THE BANK B8 • October 31, 2015 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER 518.993.8140 We’re Here for YOU!!! 518.613.4127 88 East Main St. Nelliston, NY Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Saturday 10am-4pm Call for Secure Instant Credit Application 888-804-0962 Financing Available for All Credit Levels Come To Jumbo Lot the LOT OF OPPORTUNITY AWD 4 Door 4WD R CT FO PERFE ER WINT Sport Package Beautiful Car ed Fully Load Stock Photo 2007 Subaru Legacy GT Limited 89k Miles $9,995 NADA $11,250 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer ES $8,995 3 Row Seating Excellent Condition 2006 Jeep Liberty Sport 86k Miles AW 3rd Row, Leather $8,870 D, 2010 Hyundai Sonata 73k Miles $8,995 AWD For Winter at re G 2006 Volvo S40 T-5 AWD 98k Miles $8,888 NADA Value $9,325 4 Door SUV Stock Photo 2008 Chevy Malibu LT 86k Miles $8,995 GREAT SUV 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan SE 96k Miles $8,995 GREAT BUY! 2007 Ford Freestyle 86k Miles $8,995 35+ MPG 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander XLS 94k Miles $9,750 NADA Value $10,250 ALL POWER Stock Photo Stock Photo Stock Photo Stock Photo 2008 Honda Civic EXL 2008 Saturn Astra XR 5Dr Hatchback 2008 Chevy Impala LS 89k Miles Don’tt Gett frustratedd withh the otherr dealerss falsee promises, hiddenn fees,, smokee & mirrors andd no’s! $8,995 43k Miles $7,490 NADA $7,962 89k Miles $8,999 NADA $9,450 3rd Row 2009 Jeep Patriot Sport 64k Miles $9,995 NADA $10,275 2008 Jeep Patriot Sport AWD 81k Miles $7,970 NADA $8,450 HERE you get the OPPORTUNITY to work with Stock Photo 2007 Chrysler Pacifica 96k Miles $6,985 NADA $7,225 the friendliest staff in the area. HERE you get the OPPORTUNITY to purchase a quality vehicle with less than perfect credit or no credit history. There’s Lots of Opportunity at we never say no!! If You’ve Had A Repossession Service Contracts the LOT OF OPPORTUNITY We Can Still Get You A Bank Loan! Available on ALL Vehicles All Vehicles Priced to Sell Below NADA... (National Automobile Dealers Association) REGISTERED FULL SERVICE REPAIR SHOP *Tax & DMV not included. Dealership not responsible for advertised misprints. Carol Harper, Owner/Proprietor (518) 993-8140 or (518) 613-4127 QUALITY, DEPENDABILITY AND SAFETY IS OUR MISSION!
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