May 3, 2014 - Amazon Web Services
May 3, 2014 - Amazon Web Services
May 3, 2014 Volume 4 • Number 42 Fourth graders Phillip Wein and Iven Beam cut up strawberries for the Mini FlowerPot dessert. See more on page 26. Photo by Elizabeth A. Tomlin Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. ~ Ephesians 4:15 A2 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Mrs. M. LLC LANDSCAPING & SNOWPLOWING COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL “Family owned & operated for over 30 years” SCHEDULE YOUR SPRING CLEAN UP NOW Landscaping • Complete Custom Landscaping & Design • Lawn Mowing - Weekly & Bi-Weekly • Trimming • Shrub & Tree Pruning • Screened Top Soil • Retaining Walls • Stone Products (Crusher Run, Sand, Colored Stone) • Tree & Shrub Installation • Brush Hogging • Lawn Seeding ACCEPTING • Excavation • Planting NEW • Decorative Mulch (variety of colors) CUSTOMERS • Edging • Fall and Spring Clean ups FOR 2014 SEASON CHECK YOUR AD: ADVERTISERS should check their ads on the first week of insertion. Lee Publications, Inc. shall not be liable for typographical, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the first weeks insertion of the ad, and shall also not be liable for damages due to failure to publish an ad. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. Report any errors to 518-673-3011 ADVERTISERS Get the best response from your adver tisements by including the condition, age, price and best calling hours. Also we always recommend insertion for at least 2 times for maximum benefits. Our deadline is Thursday 12:00 Noon for the following Saturday’s paper. 518-673-3011 CALL BRIAN FOR FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Patty Mabie 518-598-9116 Free Estimates - Fully Insured 1100 Carlisle Road, Canajoharie, NY # GOLD#SILVER#COINS# # # PAYING CASH P Highest Prices Paid! L A T I N U M # R I N G S COINS GOLD SILVER JEWELRY DOUBLE EAGLE COINS J E W E L R Y # W A T C H E S “WE DO M-F 9-5 PAY MORE!” SAT. 9-3 36 N. MAIN, G’VILLE # # 725-8255 # STERLING#DIAMONDS# Consignments Wanted of Tools, Furniture, Antiques, Ammunition, and more!! Bring your items if you are thinking of selling, do not throw your Antiques and Collectibles away!! One man’s junk is another man’s treasure!! Turn them into CASH!!!! Also if you want to downsize or move from your home or farm we have buyers for your items including House, Garage, and Barn or Shop contents! We are always looking for items to sell! Give us a call, we have an Auction for your Items!! JR’S Auction 518-993-4668 Have you checked out your local Sporting Goods Store? We have everything you need! SPRING FISHING! SPRING HUNTING! BAIT! PET FOOD! AMMO! Shop local! The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518993-1010. www.face ts mansden CANAJOHARIE GARAGE SALE: Moving lots of items. 253 Moyer St., Canajoharie. May 10, 11, 9-5 FORT PLAIN GARAGE SALE: 1116 River Road, Fort Plain, May 9 & 10, 5 miles west from Fort Plain LITTLE FALLS MOVING SALE at 14 Summit Ave., Little Falls, NY. Friday & Saturday May 9th & 10th, 9am to 4pm both days. Household items, furniture, antiques, books, toys, garden items, equipment & much, much more. SAINT JOHNSVILLE GARAGE SALE: 75 West Main St., St. Johnsville, Thursday, May 8 through Saturday May 10, 9:00-4:00. Clothes, sneakers, books, toy and sport collectibles, dishes, VHS tapes and DVD’s, baseball cards, puzzles, porta crib, beanie babies, etc. Collection of 4 families SAINT JOHNSVILLE LAWN SALE: Dygert’s, 2 miles up Avrill St., St. Johnsville, 5/9 & 5/10, 9-5. Furniture, glassware, dishes, collectibles, ladies and men’s clothing XXL, infant girl items and clothes size 9-4T, baby boy clothes 0-3 months, fishing & hunting gear, tools, display case, miscellaneous FOR SALE: Power wheelchair, 3 years old, new batteries, works great. 518-835-8395 Primitive wash stand. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-568-5121 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A3 ST.. JOHNSVILLE 25 W. Main St. Prices Good Sat. 5/3 Fri. 5/9/14 St. Johnsville, NY 13452 BEST SUBS AROUND! 5 50 $ 518-568-5689 Foot Long Fridays!! Slush Puppies! BONE IN CENTER CUT ANGUS BONE IN Ribeye Steaks Pork Chops B I R T H D AY PA R T Y Packages!! Exclusive use of Archery range. Bows, arrows, plates, cups, napkins, tablecloth, ALL provided. Call or check us out on Fa c e b o o k . w w w. mansden The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518-993-1010. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. On Site Auction Saturday May 17th 10:00am in Palatine Bridge NY will include Antiques, over 15 antique clocks all have returned and are in working condition, early baseball cards and post cards, also lots of Furniture, Tools, Lawn and Garden Tools, Bikes, Table Saw, Shop Tools, and much more as we set up!!! Mark your calendar!!!! Auction by JR’S Auction 518-993-4668 Selling over Auction on Tuesday May 6th at JR”S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY are 2Brass Train Steam Whistles 1- is dated 1877, 1Edison Phonograph with horn and horn bracket, (beautiful piece all original) These items are very collectible and in great condition. Pictures are available at ID # 29324 for more details call 518-993-4668 Unusual Victorian sofa. The Gallery 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-568-5121 JR’S Auctions does On Site Farm, Business Liquidation, Machinery, Complete Estates, Complete House and Garage Contents Auctions, and more. Turn your Estate into a finished project!! Sell it over Auction or allow us to buy it outright!! We do the job from start to finish!! Give us a call for a free quote!! 518-993-4668 PHOTO CALENDARS Now Available right here at Lee Publications 6113 State Hwy. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY 518-673-3237 Choose up to 24 photos. Only $12 for digital photos and $15 if we scan them Will Buy Out your complete Estates, Antiques, Furniture, Barn Contents and more!! Or you can consign them to our Auctions and we will sell them and send you the check!! JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 518-993-4668 Selling the Auction Way gets you the biggest bang for your buck!! MAKE NOTE of our hours so you don’t miss out on our goodies! Bridge Street Bakery & Café located at 10 Bridge Street, St. Johnsville, NY has new hours! Mon-Tues 6-2pm, Wed-Fri 6-4pm, Sat 61pm and closed Sunday. 518-568-8023 $ 99 Lb. $ 79 Lb. BONELESS BONE IN 2 7 Chicken Breast Pork Loin End or $ 49 Lb. 2 Rib End Roast $ Lb. 59 2 BANQUET Brown N Serve Sausage 5/$ 5 ON THE VINE RUSSET POTATOES $ 49 Lb. 1 AVOCADOS 3 $ 99 2 LARGE CAULIFLOWER $ 99 2 Deluxe Roast Beef Honey Maple Ham Busch 6 Pack 16 OZ. $ 3 6.4 OZ. 5 LB. TOMATOES 2/$ 00 00 99 Ea. 999 $ 799 $ Lb. Lb. A4 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Why Buy Local? Support yourself Published weekly on Saturday by Lee Publications 6113 St. Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 Publisher, President Frederick W. Lee V.P., General Manager Bruce Button V.P., Production Mark W. Lee Circulation Manager... ....Tony Keba Classified Ad Manager.......Peggy Patrei Comptroller........Robert Moyer Managing Editor......Joan Kark-Wren Page Composition.......Deborah Countryman Production Coordinator........Jessica Mackay Shop Foreman...........Harry Delong Ad Sales John Snyder, Sales Manager 518-673-0129, Kristen Lee, Sales Associate 518-673-0100, Mary Skinner, Sales Associate 518-673-0130, Jed Suits, Sales Associate 518-673-0131, Reader ads 518-673-3011 or 800-218-5586 Bruce Button-Corporate Sales Manager 518-673-3011, Accounting/Billing-Alyce Moyer 518-673-0149, Commercial Printing-Beth Snyder 518-673-0101, Delivery concerns-Tony Keba 518-673-3011, Send all correspondence to: PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 Advertising e-mail: Editorial e-mail: Web site: 518-673-3011 Phone • 518-673-2381 Fax We cannot GUARANTEE the return of photographs. Publisher not responsible for typographical errors. Size, style of type and locations of advertisements are left to the discretion of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. We will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise or reject any and all advertising with or without cause being assigned which in his judgement is unwholesome or contrary to the interest of this publication. We assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisement, but if at fault, will reprint that portion of the ad in which the error appears. When you buy from an independent, locally owned business, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms -- continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community. Create more good jobs Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community, provide the most jobs to residents. Get better service Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers. Invest in community Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future. Put your taxes to good use Local businesses in town centers require comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services. The Original Valley Pennysaver is delivered to 100 percent of the homes in the following towns: Ames Brooksman Corners Buel Canajoharie Ephratah Fort Plain Freysbush Hallsville Hessville Lasselville Marshville Nelliston Oppenheim Palatine Bridge Randall Salt Springville Sprakers Sprout Brook St. Johnsville Starkville Find The Original Valley Pennysaver in strategic locations in: Amsterdam Charleston Cherry Valley Dolgeville E. Springfield Fonda Fultonville Gloversville Herkimer Ilion Johnstown Little Falls Mohawk Richfield Springs Salisbury Sammonsville Sharon Springs Springfield Center Stratford Tribes Hill Vails Mills ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER VERSETTA STONE provides all the beauty of traditional stone masonry with none of the hassles. It is timeless, reliable and beautiful and is backed by a 50 year limited warranty. Available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 Homemade Soft Pretzels, French Fries, Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies, Homemade Blueberry & Strawberry Cheese Cakes, and more every Tuesday evening at the food stand at JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS • 8x10 - $2 • 11x17 - $5 • 12x18 or 13x19 - $7 Come see Beth at Lee Publications 6113 State Rt. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 518-673-3237 May 3, 2014 • A5 WE PAY CASH! for all types of, Silver Gold & Diamond jewelry. Gold Is At An All-Time High William Doerrer & Son Jewelers 16 Canal Street, Fort Plain (518) 993-3388 INSULATE NOW to save energy! Insulating your home with fiberglass insulation is the way to go! Kraft faced and unfaced insulation is available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518568-7016 ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES: Fabricated for residential, commercial or agricultural construction. Call for a free quote. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 A6 • May 3, 2014 May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER and she claims her story is right out of the Bible.” Hello Again, The older I become the more I have learned that most of history accounts have been sugarcoated to create an impression favorable to the author’s belief, seldom the truth. I’m reminded of a story about a 9 year-old grandson. It seems that his grandmother — a good Bible believing lady — asked what her grandson was studying in Sunday School. “Mrs. Smith is teaching us about how God used Moses behind the Egyptian lines. She said when the Israelites came to the Red Sea, Moses, by his cell phone, ordered the engineers to build a floating-type bridge. When Moses and his Jewish friends crossed over, they saw the Egyptian army with their tanks coming after them. Moses, again by cell phone, called to send bombers to shell and blow up the bridge and saved his people.” “Sonny,” the grandmother asked, “are you telling the story about Moses exactly as your teacher said?” “No, not exactly,” he replied. “If I told you her version of the story, you would never believe it While our president and his party or staff members keep on saying the health program is reaching its goals, members of Fox News are painting a totally different and possibly a disastrous story. Fox claims many people have lost their health insurance and the so-called better plans cost more, offer fewer benefits, and demand a large amount of up-front payment before the insurance kicks in. So, what am I saying? I suggest you understand what you are doing before you drop your insurance trying to receive a so-called better plan, “Be careful.” You may be hearing a sugarcoated plan if you change. Let’s chat about something that will cause a few readers to blow their stacks. You may be one of them. Wow, do I dare go on? Mr. Obama is our president. Whether you are okay with this or not — he is the President of the United States — your United States — my United States. The country your children/grandchildren will live in. The same country you and I will live in and our offspring will inherit. By now you must be wondering what point is “Hello Again” going to make, or try to make. First let’s go back to the time before the second World War. England was one of the proudest and most powerful nations on the face of this earth. Adolph Hitler, the fanatical, powerful leader of Germany, the “Fuherer” as he liked to be called, was determined to have control over most of the industrialized nations of the world. He was winning every battle his huge military machine was engaged in. His giant armies surrounded and cut off the supply sources of Poland, France and many other countries, and then smashed them into surrender. His evil machine had made him into the most powerful man on earth - or so it seemed. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Then he decided to conquer Britain, which would have included England, Scotland, Wales and even the island country of Ireland. His plan was a genius plan. He realized he could not easily invade England with foot soldiers, tanks and huge land guns as it was separated from Europe by the treacherous English Channel. So what did he attempt to do? He surrounded England with U-boats, or submarines, and sank every ship that attempted to supply England, halting all commerce with the rest of world. Can you picture this situation? Then he started sending rockets and airplanes from Europe, bombing the city of London and the surrounding country nightly. He came very close to destroying Britain. What was in the mind of this evil German - was the American continent next? We know he invaded Russia. Thank God, while his plan was working, a man born and raised in the little hamlet of Sprout Brook, NY, just south of Fort Plain, came up with the idea that caused Hitler to fail. Henry Kaiser invented and then caused to be built Liberty Ships — ships which were built by the thousands, fabricated in parts, welded together and built in days instead of months. With huge fleets of Liberty Ships, America was able to weaken Hitler’s submarine stranglehold on England. The United States could and did supply England with the ability to hold Germany off until England, along with the United States and their allies, could attack Hitler’s armies in Africa, in Sicily, Italy - and several other countries eventually destroying Hitler’s war machine. This destroyed the fantastic war supply machine the Germans had set up. So what possible connection could all of this mean to you and me and the powerful, highly respected United States of America? May 3, 2014 • A7 No one is surrounding this country with a Hitler-sized military machine. No, we are doing something worse. We are allowing all of our job creating factories to move out of this country and we are borrowing billions of dollars with little or no viable way to pay off the loan. Sooner or later leaders of other countries will demand to have control over the United States and there will not be a genius such as Henry Kaiser, friends, or a country to come to our rescue. When will this come about? The foreign country leaders with their manufacturing control will reduce this country to a puppet state. By that time we will be hopelessly in debt due to our present spending and borrowing policy that our president and senators favor. Or is it that our elected officials do not care or cannot see. Where is our Henry Kaiser - a man with vision to look into our future and cause our leaders to wake up and see what is happening? It appears that our leaders cannot or won’t look into the future. They act like the prisoner who was about to be executed before a firing squad, while blindfolded. The officer in charge of the firing squad asked if he would like a cigarette. “No thanks,” he said, “I’m trying to quit.” Is it possible that we are placing our trust in a president and congressmen who should not be trusted? It has been told that a judge scolding a con man asked, “How could you swindle people who trusted you?” He answered, “Well, your honor it’s nearly impossible to swindle people who don’t trust you.” Have we placed our trust in the wrong people? Remember to wave when you see the Red Spyder motorcycle rumble by. Two hands are better than one. Say hi to your neighbor. Thank the Good Lord we still live in this wonderful, Free Country. Fred Lee and the Lee Family A8 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER P ickle Hi ll Gr e enh o u s e 70 9 P ickle Hi ll Rd. , For t Plai n , NY 5 1 8 - 9 9 3 -3 5 8 6 • Hanging Baskets $1250 & up • 4” Vegetable Pots • New Potatoes Snacks • Meat • Cheeses Open Dawn-Dusk Monday-Saturday See Us at Save-A-Lot Parking Lot on Saturdays PROVOST BROS. INC “The Water People Since 1912” • Celebrating Our 100th Year WELL DRILLING 4th Generation Family Owned & Operated New York State D.E.C. Certified FREE ESTIMATES 518-868-2126 GOULDS & STA-RITE Pumps - Service Sales & Service Rt. 20, Sloansville Antique and Furniture Consignment Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY Tuesday May 13th 5:00pm Antiques, Coll e c t i bl e s, F u r n i t u r e, Tools, Lawn and Garden and 100’s of other items will be consigned by Auction time, also don’t forget the homemade soft pretzels, cheesecakes, and all the good food from the food stand!! Call 518-9934668 if you have antiques and consignments you want to sell!! 518-993-4668 WHOLESALE PRICING, Customer Direct. Larch, the “naturally treated” lumber. Call for decking material information. You will love the material and the pricing! Factory direct, Frank Herringshaw 315-8684842, factory 315-4299050 web site MANY BOER GOATS, male and female, to choose from. Near Canajoharie, NY. 518-6732410. EQUIPMENT for SALE: Kubota tractor w/bucket and belly mower L3130, mint condition, $22,000; 773 skid steer, turbo, $15,000; Kubota 4 wheeler w/dump box, RTV 900 diesel, 4x4, $12,000; Bobcat excavator w/thumb #430, $25,000. 518-993-4227 ROOF LEAKING? We carry GAF/ELK 30yr warranty premium roofing architectural laminated shingles. 6 colors in stock but 14 colors are available. Call for prices. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 FREE: 5 unit bow window, 114” wide x 57-¼” high, wood, insulated thermo glass (no seal leakage), flankers open, will be available this summer when replaced w/upgraded bow. Can be seen by appointment. 518-868-9358 FIDDLE HEADS on the menu. Call for availability. The Table at Fort Plain. 518-993-8065 VIEW POINT VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS are durable, low maintenance and ENERGY STAR APPROVED with lifetime warranty against glass breakage. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 RAGTIME and God said let their be light. And RAGTIME has lights. Two floors, 3,000 sq. ft. of Antiques, collectibles, dressers, cupboard, etc. 39 Main street, Fort Plain. Thursday and Friday One-ish, Saturday 11ish till 5:00pm. Gone-with-the-wind lamp with solid bronze base. Original condition with original globe. Never electrified. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-5685121 Need to get a project done? Need a special tool for the job? Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental just may have what you are looking for in our rental department. Buy what you want, rent what you need. 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 Miracle Gro 1 cu. ft. Potting Mix is just $5.99, then mail in a $4 rebate and make it just $1.99. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 (2) 18.4x42 rear tractor radials, 30% tread, good shape. $240 each. 518857-9404 MAKING A SIGN or Outdoor Wood Decorations? Use MDO Sign Board, 1/2”x4x8 or 3/4”x4x8 sheets available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 PREFINISHED HARDWOOD FLOORING in 2¼”, 3”, 4” & 5” widths, many colors available with Lifetime Finish Warranty. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 CENTRAL BOILER EClassic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Cleaner and Greener. 97% Efficient. EPA Qualified. Call North Creek Heat 315-866-3698 We fill propane tanks, up to 100lb. We also have propane tank exchange. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 9933834 COMMON PINE: Excellent for trim boards; Also 1”x6” tongue & groove and 1”x12” rough cut. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-568-7016 Getting that garden ready? 3’x50’ landscape fabric for just $4.99. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 9933834 1983 PACE ARROW motor home, very clean inside, $4,000; 1967 Airstream, 25’, $4,000/obo. 315-3606259 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A9 A10 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER 1525 State Route 29 Galway, NY 518-522-5780 OPENING G MAY Y 2,, 2014 USDA Inspected & Approved BEEF - PORK - VEAL & LAMB 5A Processed POULTRY Locally Raised - Farm Fresh ARCHERY SHOOTS!! ADULT: Friday May 30th • 6:30 pm We had so much the first time with “DArchery”, we are doing it again! Lets see how good you are at the dart game Cricket, but with an arrow! YOUTH (ages 4-15): Saturday, May 31st • 12 Noon. The kids will be shooting at 3D Animals. Please pre-register. Adult - $10, cash prizes awarded. Youth - $5, prizes and certificates. The Sportsman’s Den 36 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 • 518-993-1010 Proprietor: Tanya Towne PITTSBURGH PAINT: New Displays of Voice of Color! Many new colors available! Still the same great quality paint! Available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville, 518-5687016 ’99 FORD Taurus, completely gone through by mechanic, no lights on in the dash, clean title, first $1,200; Stone washed wood stove, $200. 315360-6259 2009 CHEVY Cobalt LS, dark blue, 69k, 4cyl., 5 speed, AC, CD, great on gas!! SALE: $7,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 5 1 8 - 7 6 2 - 7 1 2 4 OH OH, ICE BROKE A WINDOW? We carry & cut single strength glass and window glazing. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 BALEAGE: 1st cut, individually wrapped, $25.00 per bale. 518-673-2948, 518-993-4613 We now have a True Value Discover credit card! Stop in for details or to fill out an application! Fort Plain True Value 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 MASSEY FERGUSON 65 tractor/ backhoe with front end loader and extra rims, $4,000 or best offer. Dan 518-7060249 We now carry 36lb Milorganite Lawn Fertilizer $6.99 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 FORT JOHNSON: 2+ Bedroom house wall-towall, appliances, rent with option to own, $750+. 518-887-5520, 518-301-5739 Need an estate settled? Call the professionals. Our time is your time. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-568-5121 BORDER COLLIE AUSTRALIAN Shepherd X puppies, first round of shots and wormed. Parents on premises, $150. 518-993-4619. Time to spruce up that patio? We have what you need from solar lights, to planters, patio chairs and patio tables, stop in and take a peek! Behind every project is a True Value 12 Willett St Fort Plain NY 993-3834 IN STORE SPECIAL: Hunters Special 50lb super chunks $16.99 each. Only at Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 NEW LOOKS SALON in Canajoharie is seeking Cosmetologists, full or part time, for booth rental. Contact 518-9939917 or 518-673-3311 NOTE: Country Treasures from St. Johnsville is still buying complete estates or just one piece, our new phone number is 518-332-5157 Tim LET US HELP you get rid of your unwanted stuff. Place a reader ad today. Only $4.00 for the 1st 14 words. Call 518-673-3011 We repair screens and windows, including double pane. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 Let us do your Estate Auction for you. Over 30yrs experience! The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518568-5121. NEW! Rustoleum NeverWet Multi-purpose Spray Kit. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 2010 MERCURY Milan, silver, 35k, 4cyl., auto, moonroof, full power. SALE: $14,995. John C. Miller Inc. 518-762-7124, 2007 CHEVY Impala LT, red, 78k, V-6, auto, full power, SALE: $10,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 5 1 8 - 7 6 2 - 7 1 2 4 Need a new car? Get 0% financing at Sampson Motor Car where everyone is approved! 261 East Main Street Amsterdam. 518-848-7359 MILLCREEK Greenhouse is now open! 6 miles north of Palatine Bridge, 2 miles south of Ephratah, on Route 10 2 day on site Farm and Construction Equipment Auction Saturday May 31st and Saturday June 7th Starkville NY, House and Garage Contents, Barn Contents, Farm Equipment, Construction Equipment, Shop Tools, Lumber, 8 Chain Saws, Ladders, and 100’s of other items will be found!! Auction conducted by JR’S Auction 518993-4668 PICK 5 for meats, frozen seafood and grocery items, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER DID YOU SPEND TOO MUCH ON ELECTRICITY FOR HEAT THIS LAST WINTER? Insulating your home with fiberglass insulation is the way to go! Kraft faced and unfaced insulation is available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville, 518568-7016 Locally Hatched Broilers, Layers, Turkeys RESTORE & PRESERVE the natural look of your deck with Wolman Restoration System available in Clear or UV resistant Cedar and Redwood Toners, guaranteed to bead water for two years. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville, 518-5687016 518-568-5322 We want to hear from you! Send your comments & suggestions to the Original Valley Pennysaver PO Box 121, Palatine bridge, NY 13428 OR email FABRAL roofing & siding panels with 30 year warranty against fading and chalking. Can be ordered cut to length and many colors to choose from. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-568-7016 Just Arrived! Sienna Collection Folding Lounge Chairs in lime green, red or turquoise $29.99/ea. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 We have 20lb Nyjer Thistle Seed for just $17.99 or 40lb Black Oil Sunflower Seed for $19.99. Behind every project is a True Value, 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 2006 CADILLAC DTS, silver, 69k, V-8, auto, heated leather, loaded American Luxury!! SALE: $12,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 May 3, 2014 • A11 Write or call for prices & availability NEPPA Hatchery Jill & Ken Gies 660 Fordsbush Road Ft. Plain, NY 13339 Buying antique furniture, porcelains, jewelry, art, musical instruments, sterling silver, 14k, 18k, 24k gold. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-5685121 COMPLETE PAINTING & Repair. Interior/exterior, free estimates. Insured. 10% discount for exteriors. 518-8941959. ONE BLACK/WHITE breeding male bunny, $10, jewelry over 100 pieces, take all for $90. 951-351-0278. Archery Shoots! See ad in this paper for details, call us, or check us out on Facebook! Tree Stands, Blinds, Bows, Crossbows, Arrows, Broadheads, Scents, Lures, and more! The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518-993-1010. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. TOO MUCH WATER? We can supply you with Perf. & solid drainage pipe 4”x100’, 4”x250’, and 6”x100’. Also smoothwall pipe in 4”x10’ lengths. Fittings for both available. Also Schedule 40 in 2”, 3” & 4”x10’ pipe & fittings. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough Street, St. Johnsville, 518-5687016. FOR SALE: Wine & Beer Brewing Supplies Seeking New Owner. Many new bottles. $200. 518-366-6876 CA$H FOR CAN$ Amsterdam Bottle Return Shop Fri. - Mon. 9-6 175 West Main St. 518-586-4202 Bring Ad for An Extra $1.00 ENEA FAMILYY FUNERALL HOME Formerly the Smith-Woody Funeral Home Stilll Servingg thee Communityy at Ourr Originall Location,, Ourr Onlyy Location 9 Centerr Street,, St.. Johnsvvillee New w York,, 13452 HARRY Y AND D KEVIN N ENEA Ownerss and d Funerall Directors PRE-NEED D ARRANGEMENTS, CREMATIONS, VETERAN’SS SERVICES,, MONUMENTSS & HEADSTONES 518-568-2300 A12 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER ® YOUR COMPLETE STOCK SERVICE WE HANDLE COWS & HORSES Dead*Disabled*Down PLEASE CALL PROMPTLY (518) 993-2171 Fort Plain 1-800-811-0054 7-DAY SERVICE Does your mom like to garden? We have a great gift for her! A 3 cu. ft. Garden Cart, $24.99. Holds up to 200lbs, and has side clips for gardening tools! Behind every project is a True Value. 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 RECORDS WANTED: We’ll buy your old records from 19301970. 45’s, 78’s, Albums, Rock-N-Roll, Blues, R&B, Country, etc. Call Pete 518-6732384. T& J OPEN SUNDAYS AS AS FRUITS / VEGETABLES & GREENHOUSES CELEBRATING 41 YEARS We carry McCadam Cheese, Hapanowicz Meats, Queensboro tub butter and Farm Fresh Milk! WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & EBT CARDS Y S TATE SHARP CHEESE • NY • CROGHAN BOLOGNA NOW IN: IMPORTED STUGARTTER ONION SETS & RED ONION SETS COMING THIS WEEK: HANGING BASKETS VEGETABLE & B EDDING PLANTS NOW IN: CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES ~ Hapanowicz ~ • Kielbasa • Mushroom Stew • Chicken Cacciatore • Chicken Soup • Chili • Greens & Beans • Potato & Cheese Pierogies 221 S. Caroline St., Herkimer • (315) 866-7272 Serving You 7 Days A Week All Year Round Open: 8am-6pm AS SA WANTED: Good quality used furniture and antiques, and Fentow glass & pottery. Call 518332-5157 2009 PONTIAC G-6 Sedan, silver, 54k, 4cyl., auto, full power. SALE: $11,995. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 CULVERT PIPE: 8”, 10”, 12”, 15”, 18”, & 24” x20’ available at C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518568-7016 FROZEN Blueberries and Strawberries in bulk. Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 Watch for Opening of The Gallery Annex on East Main Street, St. Johnsville! 518-5685121 CHECK OUT OUR produce at really low prices, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 WE HAVE! Timberwolf log splitters. Call for pricing + models available. North Creek Auto 315866-3698 WANTED: FORT PLAIN school district rental. References, no pets. Call or text 518-763-2283 with details. RUBBER STAMPS self inking. All sizes. Call Beth at Lee Publications. 518-673-0101 C R O S S B OW S A R E LEGAL!! And we have them in STOCK! Come on in and try one out, Layaway available! The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518993-1010. Indoor Archery Range: $5 per hour, 6th visit FREE. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Lets Attend Church This Sunday”. You and your family are welcome at Grandview Baptist Church, corner of Lydius & Washington St., Ft. Plain, NY. Sunday School 10am. Morning Worship 11am. We have a large selection of potting soils, and mixes to suit your needs. We also have peat moss, manure, play sand and mulch in stock! Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 TIMBERTECH Engineered Composite decking gives you a no rotting, no warping, no splitting and no sweat deck. Many colors available. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 FOR SALE: 2003 KX65 dirt bike, needs nothing, race ready w/xtras, $1,000; Also 1999 Dodge Stratus, needs struts & tires, runs good, $1,200/obo. 518-2242227 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A13 MEYERS LANDSCAPING & CONTRACTING INC. FULLY INSURED Contracting: • CONCRETE • SLABS • PATIOS • STAMPED CONCRETE • COLORED CONCRETE • FOUNDATIONS • SIDEWALKS • REPAIRS • PAVER BRICKS Roofs: NEW or REPAIR • SHINGLE • RUBBER • TIN Retaining Walls: • CONCRETE • BLOCKS • WALL STONE • FIELD STONE • RAILROAD TIES It’s time for our recreation auction! May 10th, 3:30pm at King’s Auctions on Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY 315822-5221 NEED CASH: Clean-out those attics and basements & barns, just a phone call away 518332-5157 = Tim HOG CASINGS by the hank $26.95, Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 We do Estate Sales. The Gallery, 2 W. Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518568-5121. HAVING A PARTY? Did you know the Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department rents the kitchen and banquet room. For your convenience we now have an elevator. 518673-3812 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS. BUY LOCAL or BYE, BYE LOCAL! 518-673-2034 Wood: • ADDITIONS • DECKS • SHEDS • RENOVATIONS • GARAGES • STEPS Blacktop: NEW or REPAIRS • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • SEAL COAT • LINE STRIPING Excavation: • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • DRAINAGE • TILE • WELLS & WATERLINES • NEW INSTALLATIONS • REPAIRS LIKE us on Facebook! por tsmansDen New Bows are Lifetime Warranty, Made in USA. We also have Youth bows, Used bows, Crossbows, and Full Service Archery Shop, at The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Fort Plain 518993-1010. Reasonable rates, plenty of space... Lessons, loaner bows, group rates, parties. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. Sell your Antiques the Auction way and get more money for them!! Springtime (now) is the best time to sell to get the biggest bang for your buck!! We specialize in Country Antiques and Primitives!! High Dollar Items or rustic primitive barn board items!! JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 518-9934668 we have Auctions twice a week!!!! Don’t Miss Out!!! 24 HOUR SERVICE Landscaping: • SCREENED TOP SOIL • STONE • CRUSHER RUN • SEEDING FERTILIZATION • BRUSH HOGGING • COLORED MULCH • NEW LAWNS & REPAIRS • TREE & STUMP REMOVAL (55’ bucket truck) • FENCING (wood, metal, vinyl) ROUGH WINTER DRIVEWAY REPAIRS SPECIAL SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Schedule NOW for Lawnmowing & Spring Clean-Up Call Today For An Estimate Adirondack Grill Doctor “We e Come e to o You” Now is a good time to get your grill serviced. Specializingg In Replacement Parts Cleanings • Inspections Service • Appliance Parts Accessories WEBER & DUNCANE DEALER Call us at 518-725-7307 A14 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER FINE ASPHALT MILLINGS Delivered or Picked Up Driveways - Parking Lots Installed 1-800-941-7452 or 518-673-3617 DAMIN FARM Home Raised BEEF POTATOES SAUERKRAUT Is Ready Frozen STRAWBERRIES & SWEETCORN SNAP Benefit Cards Accepted 2 Miles West of St. Johnsville 518-568-2643 APRIL SHOWERS ARE HERE! PLASTMO GUTTERS are durable and easy to install for the DIY. Available in white or brown. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville, 518-5687016. Burpee flower and vegetable seeds are 2 packs for $2.25, and Bentley flower and vegetable seeds are 3 packs for $1. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 AT T E N T I O N : B r i d g e Street Bakery & Café located at 10 Bridge Street, St. Johnsville, NY has new hours! MonTues 6-2pm, Wed-Fri 64pm, Sat 6-1pm and closed Sunday. 518-5688023 LOOKING FOR IT? Selling it? 2005 CHEVY Colorado ext. cab, 4x4, dark green, 95k, 5cyl., auto, AC, Z-71 pkg., alloys, full power. SALE: $12,495. John C. Miller, Inc. 5 1 8 - 7 6 2 - 7 1 2 4 INSULATION: All Types. New/ Existing Buildings. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Call Upstate Spray Foam Insulation 315-822-5238. Looking for work? Looking to hire… Give us a call at 518-673-3237 to place your reader ad today. Valley Choralaires prepares for 2014 season The Valley Choralaires celebrated their 40th year of performances in 2013, and are ready to start their 41st year with the 2014 spring concert. The concert entitled “A Rainbow of Dreams” has been rescheduled to be held on Sunday, May 4, at 3 p.m. in the United Methodist Church, 50 East Main St., Canajoharie. The concert will be a collection of songs familiar to many, such as “Dream” by Johnny Mercer, “Dream a little Dream of Me” by Gus Kahn, and “I Fall to Pieces” by Patsy Kline. Soloists will be Karen Crouse, Judy Ferguson, Jeannette Kling and Linda Klump. Anne Cooper will accompany the group on her flute on some selections. The Valley Choralaires are directed by Allison Wallace and accompanied on the piano by Janet Shuster. Everyone is welcome to attend this free concert and to enjoy the complimentary refreshments. A free will offering will be gratefully accepted from those who wish to donate. There will be four soloists in theValley Chorlaires Spring concert. From the left are Jeannette Kling, (alto II), Judy Ferguson and Linda Klump (soprano I). Karen Crouse was unavailable for the photo. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A15 Mother’s Day Sale 10% Discount On All In-Stock & Custom Built Sheds Call or Come Visit us Today! Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you!! Open Mon-Fri 6am to 5pm, Saturdays 8am - Noon RENT TO OWN - NO CREDIT CHECK! 0% DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! Custom Built Storage Sheds at a price you can afford!!! Delivery included up to 30 miles from shop Serving The Entire East Coast 518-673-1073 1130 Clinton Rd., Fort Plain, NY 13339 Email us at WOOD PELLETS: Taking Spring orders for New England Wood Pellets. Buy now and save! C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE at www. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518568-7016 LARSON Storm Doors. 32” & 36” x80” white in stock at $137.85. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 20x30 TENT with four sides for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518-6733812 BUSY STOREFRONT for rent, downtown C a n a j o h a r i e , $350/month. Call 857523-8417 for info WILL DO: Light painting, interior & exterior, also light carpentry. 607-2870380 Antique and Consignment Auction Tuesday May 6th 5:00pm at JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY Antiques, Furniture, Tools, Household and 100’s of other items will be found!! If you have Antiques just bring them on down and we will turn them into cash for you!! 518-9934668 ARCHERY Lessons by apt. Call for registration or questions. All ages, all stages. Don’t forget us for BIRTHDAY Parties! Stop by or call The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Fort Plain 518993-1010. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. Have a tick problem? We can help! Stop in and check out our new selection of controls, and get the expert advice you want! Behind every project is a True Value! 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 Canajoharie Youth Football Signups ONLY 3 REGISTRATION DATES with cost of $50 TUESDAY - May 13, 2014 from 5:00pm until 7:00pm at East Hill Elementary lobby THURSDAY - May 15, 2014 from 4:30pm until 6:30pm at East Hill Elementary lobby SATURDAY - May 17, 2014 from 10:00am until 12:00pm at East Hill Elementary lobby ANY Y REGISTRATIONSS AFTER R THESE E DATESS WILL BE E AN N ADDITIONAL L $25.00 0 FEE E DUE E TO E AND D EQUIPMENT T PURPOSES. INSURANCE Pleasee calll Shannon n Hyney y with h any y questions (518)) 928-0559 Forr Athletes enteringg gradess 3rd d through h 6th h Fortt Plain n & Canajoharie A16 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Don’t worry if you make a mistake! You can print another at! See Page 22 for the Answers to All of These Puzzles ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Antique and Furniture Auction Thursday May 8th 6:00pm at JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY Antiques, Furniture, Household and more!! Bring your Consignments and Items!! 2005 DODGE Magnum R/T AWD, blue, 97k, Hemi V-8, auto, leather, rear DVD, loaded!! SALE: $11,495. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 FOR RENT IN ST. JOHNSVILLE: 2BR apt. wall-to-wall & appliances included, $525+. 1 BR Studio, appliances, $325+. 518-887-5520, 518-301-5739 JOHN DEERE ABA transport disc, 13’ with cylinder, good condition, $1,200. 518-842-0420 Antiques wanted for our Auctions every Tuesday Night at 5:00pm will also be starting with outdoor items now that spring has arrived!!!! Bring your items!! 518-993-4668 JR’S Auctions 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 XL Custom Vance & Hines Pipes, Vance & Hines Fuel Pak, Stage 1 EFI Kit, Black, 8,500 Miles, $6,200. Excellent Condition! 518-378-3279 ’01 YAMAHA 200cc blaster, runs looks good, $650/obo; Agway riding mower $200/obo. 315866-9131 Barbecue season is upon us! We have grills, and replacement parts in stock! Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 FIREWOOD: All hardward GUARANTEED full cord. 4x4x8 Cut/ split/ delivered. $180.00. 518762-9705 Certified appraisals for antiques and art. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518568-5121 May 3, 2014 • A17 Sunnycrest Orchards Pansies Are In! Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets & Seeds Soils, Mulches Lots of Fruit Trees & Berry Bushes 7869 State Route 10 Sharon Springs, NY 518-284-2256 Open 9-5 Daily A18 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER CUSTOM WOODCRAFTERS AND STOVES LLC Major Credit Cards Financing Available Route 30 - Mayfield - Phone 661-5914 Hampton STOVES & FIREPLACES • Wood, Gas & Pellet • Fireplaces & Inserts • Chimney Repairs and Liners • Tools and Accessories • Chimney Cleaning & Installations • Glass Doors Serving You For Over 28 Years VENDORS NEEDED May 17 TH Fort Plain Sidewalk Sale Day Sponsored by Linda’s Consignment Shop For More Information or Application Stop in or Call 27 Main St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 (518) 844-3051 www.facebook/Pages/ CHARLES D. STAHL SPLIT T HARDWOOD “SPECIAL TRUCKLOAD SALE” Seasoned Approx. 5 Face Cords Delivered - $375.00 SEASONED SPLIT MIXED HARDWOOD $225 Full Cord, Picked Up OUTSIDE FURNACE TRUCKLOAD SPECIAL - approx. 12 Face Cord Chunked Mixed Hardwood $700 Delivered (may include extra delivery charges) HEAP ACCEPTED 697 Snells Bush Rd., Little Falls, NY 13365 315-823-1982 2009 CHEVY Aveo LT, red, 53k, 4cyl., auto, AC, CD, SALE: $9,495. John C. Miller, Inc., 5 1 8 - 7 6 2 - 7 1 2 4 MUSICAL EQUIPMENT: Drums, guitars, amps, accessories. 601 Dise Rd., Little Falls, NY 315823-1603 Wanted: Hand Crank Meat Slicer any model or brand, give me a call 518-993-4668 Just consigned is another museum certified Indian Arrow Head and Artifacts Collection, This collection includes some rare Indian Burial Pots, Pottery, Arrow Heads, Ax Heads, Cannon Balls, Pipes, and more, this is a collection that is quite extensive and has some rare items!! These items will be sold on Tuesday evening May 6th starting at 5:00pm at JR’S Auction 56 Willett Street Fort Plain NY 518-993-4668 Go to for pictures ID # 29324 or call 518-993-4668 FENCING • Wood Fence, Post & Rail • PVC Vinyl • Aluminum Ornamental • Chain Link & All Vinyl • Retaining Wall & Decks • Outdoor Furniture Dog have Allergies? Dry/Itchy shin? Try GRAIN FREE!! We have All Life Stages Diamond Naturals Dog Food, California Natural Herring and Sweet Potato, Taste of the Wild, EVO, Country Value Pet Foods, and more! L’Avian Parrot food, 17in MONSTER Beef Bones, treats, collars, leashes, Shampoos, Sprays, Wormer, etc… at The Sportsman’s Den, 36 Canal St, Ft Plain, 518993-1010. LIVE BAIT, TACKLE, ARCHERY, AMMUNITION, PET, SPORTS, etc. NEED BUSINESS CARDS? Full Color Glossy Heavy Stock 250 ($45.00) 500 ($60.00) 1,000 ($75.00) Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or FREE SHIPPING What is Extra Help with Medicare Anyone who has Medicare can get Medicare prescription drug coverage. Some people with limited resources and income also may be able to get Extra Help to pay for the costs-monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments related to a Medicare prescription drug plan. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth about $4,000 per year. Many people qualify for these big savings and don’t even know it. Your resources must be limited to $13,300 for an individual or $26,580 for a married couple living together. Resources include such things as bank accounts, stocks, and bonds. They do not count your home, car, or any life insurance policy. Your annual monthly income must be limited to $1,436 for an individual and 1,938 for a married couple living together. Even if your monthly income is higher, you still may be able to get some help. You can apply online at www.socialsecurity. gov/ extrahelp Call Office for the Aging and you can get assistance with the application For more information, please contact NY Connects or Office for the Aging at 315-867-1415 or visit our website at:; then Departments, then NY Connects. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER On Site Business Liquidation Auction, Sherman Boat Repair Shop, Saturday May 24th 10:00am, Flint Ave Little Falls, NY 21’ Enclosed Trailer, 45’ Enclosed Trailer, Pontoon Boat, Out and Inboards Boats, Boat Trailers, Boat Motors, Riding Lawn Mowers!! Auction Conducted by JR’S Auction 518-993-4668 go to ID # 29324 for picture and details!! FACTORY DIRECT Pricing on pre-finished and un-finished knotty pine and tamarack tongue and groove paneling. Buryford Farms, Dolgeville, NY. Call direct to General Manager Frank Herringshaw 315-8684842 or plant #315-4299040 Need a new mower? We have just what you are looking for! Poulan, Poulan Pro, Husqvarna, Snapper and Masport! Stop in and take a look! Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 9933834 ROXUL INSULATION: The better insulation for an energy efficient, quiet & safe home. Fire resistant, water repellent and made from stone. For more information, call C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville. 518-568-7016 May 3, 2014 • A19 TRAP SHOOTING Ephratah Rod & Gun Club Deli Special Fri., May 9th Cooked Ham $199 L b. Route 67, Ephratah Lacey Swiss 499 L b. $ Pure & Natural Honey 1 lb. • 2 lb. • 3 lb. • 5 lb. Raw Honey: 1 lb. & 2 lb. Baking Items Bulk Items • Popcorn Sugar • Flour • Oats Macaroni • Navy Beans More Items Arriving OPEN FOR THE SEASON MAY 4 Hours are from 9am to 12 Noon TH Cost to shoot - $3.50 per round of 25 Bring this ad to the Club on May 4th and get your first round of 25 for only $1.00 LOST and FOUND LOST CAT: REWARD: Small brown tiger, female, last seen 3/24/14 Route 10, south of Canajoharie. Name: Addie. 518-673-1024 NOW IS THE TIME to build a new deck! Check out our pressure treated lumber, fasteners and protective finishes. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 Homemade Canned Goods Jams • Jellies • Pickles Veggies • Stuffed Peppers Ketchup & More Laundry Soap Dish Washer Soap • Body Wash Cereals • Coffee • Water Drinks Can Soups & More Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri 8-5 Tues 8-6:30 Sat. 8-3; Closed Sun Credit Cards & EBT Cards Accepted 56 Willettt St.,, Fortt Plain,, NY Y A20 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Ayres Animal Shelter 133 Hilltop Rd., Sprakers • 518-673-5670 Hours: Tues-Sat 12-5 • Open Wed. Nites till 7PM • COMET - 1 1/2 year old brindle and white male Pit bull mix. Found on Division St., Fort Plain in August 2013. Love bug with a fabulous “Pittie” smile. OK with some dogs. Great with kids. Housebroken. OLIVER - 8 - 10 year old male Pit Bull, 56 lbs. Knows many commands and is housebroken. Good on leash. Friendly, fun-loving personality. ERIN - Good-looking 3 - 4 year old female Pit Bull. People friendly sweetheart. Loves her toys. Fine with kids. Should be your only pet. RAMSEY - Lovable 5 year old brindle and white male Pit Bull, 57 lbs. Found on Hilltop Road, Sprakers in March 2010. Very handsome and extremely loving. Should be your only pet in adult home. Housebroken. Lively and playful. REX - 2 - 3 year old male Lab/Pit Bull mix, 63 lbs. Found on Lang Drive, Glen in July 2013. A big smiley guy. Knows "sit". OK with some dogs. Fine with kids. RYDER - 3 - 4 year old male St. Bernard/Pit Bull mix, 73 lbs. Found on East Fulton St. Ext., Johnstown in March 2013. Extremely friendly and huggable. OK with kids. PAWLEE - Male Coonhound, 8+ years old, 59 lbs. Found on State Highway 80, Fort Plain on March 30th. He's a great looking dog, and friendly, too. ECHO - 3- 4 year old female Pit Bull mix, 45 lbs. Found on route 5, St. Johnsville in September 2011. Friendly, high-energy and strong. Good with some dogs, not cats. OK with older kids. NEEDED: DRY DOG FOOD ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A21 Ayres Animal Shelter 133 Hilltop Rd., Sprakers • 518-673-5670 Hours: Tues-Sat 12-5 • Open Wed. Nites till 7PM • RASCAL - 2 year old tiger and white male. Found in a barn in Charleston in August 2012. Very playful and fun to watch. Fine with other cats. ROWDY - 2 year old male tiger (with white) Found in a barn in Charleston in August 2012. Very playful and fun to watch. Fine with other cats. PEPPER - 8 to 9 year old female tiger. Came to the shelter on March 29th. DAPHNE - Beautiful female tiger, She's a beautiful cat who likes lots of lov- about 2 years old. Came to the shelter ing! She's good with kids and is a lap cat. March 26th. Very, very sweet cat. PIPPA - 2 year old longhaired female Calico. Found in a box on a lawn on Hilltop Road, Sprakers in June 2013. Very lovely. PATTY - Pretty 2 year old orange tiger female. Found in a closed box in a field in July 2011. FIV positive. Fine as an only cat or living with another FIV positive cat. PAUL - 4 year old orange tiger male. Found on Lookout Road, Sprakers in August 2011. Super friendly and likes SPRING KITTEN - One of two adorable dogs! FIV positive. Fine as an only cat 10 week old black male kittens. They came to the shelter on April 4th. or living with another FIV positive cat. “Quality of Life” A22 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Answers to this week’s puzzles MOLDEX DISINFECTANT SPRAY, kills and inhibits the growth of mold, mildew and their odors. Available in 32oz. or 1gal. containers. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 ATV TRAILERS by Bosski Industries first automatic “Dump Assist” trailers GVWR 800lbs.+ 1600lbs. models available. Come check them out at North Creek Auto 315-866-3698 FOR SALE: 30’ Prowler RV w/large tipout, EC, used 21 days, fully furnished, new $500 cover, $12,000/obo. For viewing appointment, 518-867-5032. St. Johnsville. Having trouble picking a paint color? Stop in and check out our NEW Beauty By Design color center! Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 USED TIRE SALE: Huge Inventory, mounting & balancing FREE. No appointment necessary! Save money call Auto World, 534 North Perry Street, Johnstown 12095 518-762-7555 2 0 0 4 C H E V Y Avalanche, maroon, 99k, V-8, auto, AC, CD, alloys, trailer tow, SALE: $12,495. John C. Miller, Inc. 518-762-7124 NEW!!! 2.5 gallon and 5 gallon chlorine and 7% and 35% peroxide. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 9933834 JR’S Auction if you want a list and pictures of our upcoming Auctions go to ID 29324 or call us at JR’S Auction at 518-993-4668 The Family of RONALD SEELEY would like to thank everyone for food and cards at the time of his passing! MAKE our phone ring so we can return the favor!! Place your reader ad today. Only $4 for the first 14 words. 518673-3237 Flowers make great gifts! Check out our 10” Hanging Baskets! Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St 9933834 CLASSIC BOAT Building, Repairs, Restoration, Home Repairs, Carp e n t r y, O u t b o a r d Repairs. Pamcraft Boats 518-368-2139 CUFFE COMPUTERS offers affordable repairs and upgrades as well as custom built systems. 518-993-4833. 3 cu. ft. Mulch: Red, black of brown 3 for $10. Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 NOW CARRYING Adirondack Bill’s Pickles. Peruzzi’s Meat Market, 69 Church Street, Canajoharie. 518-673-3382 Annual Stihl Open House Saturday May 17, 2014, 8am-2pm. Behind every project is a True Value! 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 Early Large Chippendale mirror. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-5685121. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A23 We Create Beautiful Wedding Memories. Bridal Serving all Brides and budgets. Felthousen’s Floristt & Greenhouse Call 518-374-4414 for a Free Consultation Schenectady - Cohoes - Troy gÜâ VÉÄÉÜá creative styling 4755 St. Hwy. 30, Amsterdam • 518-842-2016 Manicures, Pedicures Airbrush Makeup All Your Special Occasion Wedding Needs Tue.-Fri. 8-7; Tue.-Fri. walk-ins 9-6; Sat. 8-4 Cozy & Intimate Atmosphere combined with great food Got a great wedding theme? Tips for carrying it throughout your big day What does the concept of a wedding theme furniture that complement your theme. If the mean to you? Do you think it’s just about the venue you’ve booked doesn’t have items that are colors you choose for your bouquet and brides- just right, look into renting them. Renting wedmaid gowns? Or do you think of it as something ding items provides brides access to a wider grander “ your personalized stamp that should range of items that can fulfill virtually any shine through every aspect of your big day? theme, giving you greater flexibility and choice. “Even the most romantic, unique theme can Plus, renting can save you money. fail to live up to its potential if you only incorpoSource: rate it into one or two aspects of your wedding,” says Robin Brockelsby, founder of Creative Coverings, one of the largest nationwide linen rental and sales companies. “Truly successful themes grace everything your guests do, see and touch throughout your wedding and reception.” If you choose a trending color, consider renting accessories such as linens, chair covers and decorations. Rental stores keep track of what‚ “trendy, too, and are more likely to have items in the season”‚ hottest colors. Often, it’s easier to rent what you need than to hunt through multiple stores trying to purchase items. Visit to find a rental Whatever theme you choose, all elements of your wedding store that carries everything you need should harmoniously work together to proclaim your theme. A to create a themed wedding. great theme can turn any wedding into a memorable experience Choose linens, tableware and that guests will talk about for years to come. A24 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Got PROPANE? Call To Compare Prices! Free Hook-up • NO Hidden Fees Lock-In Pricing • Senior Discount • Cash Discount • • Budget & Prepay Plans • HEAP • • Multiple Product Discount • • Service Contracts • 24 Hour Sales & Service • Locally Owned Company Delivering... Competitors Delivery Fee Hazmat Fee Hook-up Fee Yearly Rental Fee Fuel Recovery Fee (some exclusions apply) •PROPANE •HEATING OIL •DIESEL •KEROSENE •GASOLINE ENERGY PRODUCTS 132 East Main St., Frankfort, NY 315-894-4328 (HEAT) • 315-732-4328 (HEAT) 53 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-568-5228 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A25 2991 State Highway 5S, Fultonville, NY 518-853-4500 • A26 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Two thumbs up to Kids Cooking Club at Canajoharie East Hill by Elizabeth A. Tomlin Kids love to cook, which is one reason why the Kids Cooking Club with Jodie Fitz was such a big hit at Canajoharie’s East Hill Elementary School. “I created the Price Chopper Kids Cooking Club almost seven years ago and have been in communities cooking with kids for the last five years and loving every minute of it!” Fitz declares. And it seems she’s not the only one loving it. According to teacher Holly James, “My class is a group of first graders and they LOVED it! My students kept saying how delicious their treat was and that they were good cooks!” Fitz that the more kids are involved in the cooking and creating process the more they are willing to expand the kinds of food they will eat. “I have experienced first hand the power of a recipe and how it can help us all eat healthy foods we won’t eat alone,” Fitz reports. Fourth grade teacher Diane Gutowski agrees. “If we encourage healthy eating at a younger age, the kids will be more inclined to eat healthier into adulthood.” Gutowski says her class loved eating the healthy dessert they made. “The dessert the kids ate, looked and tasted great. That is the key to them trying ‘healthy’ food in the future. As a matter of fact, they wanted to know what healthy snack they’ll be making next time.” The “healthy dessert” the children made was ‘Mini Flower Pots’. Fitz says it’s “a dessert Fourth graders show off their Mini FlowerPot desserts during the Kids Cooking Club demonstration at Canajoharie’s East Hill Elementary School. Photos by Elizabeth A. Tomlin swap recipe.” Ryan Beam is a third grader in Mrs. Towse’s class. Ryan says he loved the Kids Cooking Club and gives them “two thumbs up!” According to Ryan’s mom, Caresse KarlauBeam, Ryan and his brothers are hoping to have Fitz back at the school again next year with another recipe. “Cooking is a life long skill and kids getting excited about recipes is a great thing on many levels,” says Fitz. Jodie Fitz displays a Mini FlowerPot healthy dessert at Canajoharie’s East Hill Elementary School. Canajoharie’s East Hill Elementary School teacher Holly James’ 1st graders loved the healthy dessert they made in Jody Fitz’s Kids Cooking Club demonstration. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A27 APM Abare’s Property Management STEEL ROOFING SALE Truck load after truck load of wood pellets! Avoid the shortage • Buy Early “Life’s A Garden So Dig It” Tree, Shrub & Lawn Maintenance Invasive Plant Removal Building Improvements Snow Removal Commercial, Residential & Non-Profit 525 E. Mill St., Little Falls (315) 823-1709 40 McKinley Rd., Dolgeville HARDWARE STORE (315) 429-9962 Full line of Building Materials - Customer Steel Orders including Garages, Pole Barns, House Packages. Complete line of Treated Lumber for your deck projects. 1 $ 49 on Seconds Steel Roofing. Many Color In Stock. Lin/Ft 518-521-6150 2 for Custom Size Edge $ 10 Weather Standard Color 25 Lin/Ft Year Warranty Whatchamacallits Caltrops may be tiny, but they are known to cause some major damage! This simple, effective defense tool has been used since ancient times in various parts of the world to slow the advance of enemy troops. The caltrop comprises four sharp spikes arranged in a configuration that guarantees one spike will always be pointing upward. The silent, motionless weapons were scattered on the ground in strategic locations, where they posed a physical threat to approaching foes on both foot and mount. In more modern times, caltrops are effective at puncturing the tires of advancing vehicles. ~~~ Have your own Whatchamacallit? Send picture and description to or call Kelly at 518-673-0145. Visit our Facebook page each week to see if you can figure out what the upcoming Whatchamacallit is. A28 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Employment WANTED HELP WANTED: West Main St., Amsterdam Bottle Return Shop 518586-4202 Experienced FLO-BOY & DUMP TRAILER DRIVER Must Have Clean CDL License 518-842-9584 HERDSMAN WANTED For High Producing 100 Cow Dairy Must have recent checkable references. Team player. Call 518-673-3275 Leave Name & Phone Number between 7AM-7PM to set up an interview. BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER Canajoharie Central School Canajoharie, NY Candidates must have an associate's degree or 4 years experience in general building construction or maintenance work. Full-time position with benefits. Email resume to NEED WOOD? WE HAVE IT! Common, select, or clear pine, hardwood, mouldings, spruce, Douglas fir, pressure treated and plywood. Just what you need for your spring projects! C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 Looking for a gift for Mom? We have those too! From bird baths, and feeders, to cookbooks, and cookware, or even a gift card. Stop in to see what you can find. Behind every project is a True Value 12 Willett St Fort Plain 993-3834 DID WINTER DO A JOB ON YOUR ROOF? We have aluminum or black fibered roof coating. C.H. Burkdorf & Son, 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7016 8 FOOT TABLES & folding chairs for rent. Canajoharie Volunteer Fire Department 518673-3812 Solid cherry drop leaf dining table. The Gallery, 2 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 518-5685121 FOR SALE: 1948 Ford 8N tractor with plow and a t t a c h m e n t s , $3,000/OBO. Call 607264-3680 WANTED: Used Bobcat skid steer, diesel, reasonably priced; Also used skid steer bucket. 315-292-2098 Having problems with your well or pump? Call The Water People Provost Brothers! 518868-2126 ANTIQUES WANTED: Paintings, furniture, jewelry, glassware, silver, antique collections, toys, coins, pottery. 518-4244626, 518-399-7624. RECREATION AUCTION: May 10th, 3:30 pm at King’s Auctions on Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY 315-822-5221 FOR SALE: 1 Ford; 1 Cub; 1 Ariens. Riders, as is, $600/obo. 518-5687480 (3) 1 bed apartments for rent downtown Canajoharie, $425-$700. Call 857-523-8417 for info. Miss Springfest Youth Pageant Applications are now being accepted for the 2014 Miss Springfest Youth Pageant scheduled for Thursday, May 8 at 6 p.m. in the Oppenheim-Ephratah St. Johnsville High School auditorium. Several titles will be awarded for various age divisions: • Miss Springfest single young women ages 18-24 • Teen Miss Springfest - girls ages 14-17 • Junior Miss Springfest - girls ages 10-13 • Little Miss Springfest - girls ages 6-9 • Springfest Sweetheart - girls ages 3-5 • Little Mister Springfest - boys ages 3-7 Contestants will be judged on personality, stage presence and appearance while modeling a dressy or formal outfit and being interviewed on stage. Proceeds from the pageant will benefit the Miss Mohawk Valley Scholarship Program. Pre-registration is required by May 5 and applications are available online at or at For more information call 315-717-6288. The Miss Springfest Youth Pageant is sponsored by the St. Johnsville Chamber of Commerce. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A29 DINING &entertainment Psychic Fair Sunday, May 18th • 10-7 Beardslee Castle Rt. 80 Bowl VanHornesville LAST SMORGASBORD OF THE SEASON Sat., May 10th 5-9 PM 500 $ Admission Little Falls For More Info • 315-687-7695 Roast Beef • Ham Pot Luck $12 Adult • $6 Children Thank You All 315-858-2149 CHEESE PIZZA & 12 WINGS $15.99 Also Available: WINGS, COOKIES, WRAPS, PARFAITS, SALADS, ETC. PLUS TAX & TOPPINGS Chicken & Biscuits Dinner To benefit the Ephratah Rod & Gun Club 372 St. Hwy. 67 - Ephratah Thursday, May 15, 2014 Serving 5 PM DONATION: AGES 12 & UP: $9 CHILDREN 6-11: $4.50 Dinner Includes: chicken & biscuits, mashed potatoes, dressing, vegetable, dessert, coffee, tea N OW S ELLING E THANOL F REE P REMIUM G AS 95 Main Street Fort Plain Call ahead for orders 518-993-3337 A30 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER DINING &entertainment BUS TRIP TO BOSTON Hungry Bearr Cafe JUNE 1-3, 2014 $300 Per Person (518) 568-2700 Tues., May 6 th - Chicken & Biscuits, Dressing & Mashed - Mushroom Swiss Burger, FF & Salad Wed., May 7th Includes: R/T Deluxe Coach Transportation Three Days/Two Nights Accommodations Breakfast Everyday • Whale Watch Charter Ticket to New England Aquarium Phone: 518-727-6024 or 518-568-7328 518-332-1556 or 518-568-3464 Sponsored By: St. Johnsville American Legion - Meatloaf, Mashed or FF & Veg - Crispy Chicken Wrap w/FF - Ham & Scalloped Potatoes w/Applesauce - Butterfly Shrimp, FF & Salad Fri., May 9th After 4:00 PM - 2 French Toast, Meat & HF - Broccoli & Cheddar Omelette w/Homefries Sun., May 11th Happy Mother’s Day All Mom’s Come in For Breakfast & Enter to Win a $50 Gift Card to the Turning Stone Casino -Western Omelette w/HF HOMEMADE SOUPS AND PIES DAILY Now Accepting Credit Cards 7304 State Hwy. 5, St. Johnsville, NY HOURS: Closed Monday, Open Tues-Thurs 6am-2pm; Fri 6am-7pm, Sat & Sun 7-11:30am ~ Specials ~ Sunday ~ Closed ~ Monday Tuesday - Fresh Haddock, FF or Mashed & Salad - Fresh Haddock on a Roll Sat., May 10rd 80 Erie Blvd., Canajoharie, NY 13317 518-673-0195 • Bacon, Swiss Mushroom Omelette w/Homefries, Bagel or English Muffin & Drink LUNCH • Ham & Scalloped Potatoes w/Bread & Drink Thurs., May 8th Roast Turkey, Dressing, Mashed & Salad Grandma’s Kitchen SUNDAY MAY 4th • 1PM Johnstown Church of the Nazarene 3316 St. Hwy. 29W, Johnstown, NY FREE REFRESHMENTS & SNACKS • Short Stack Pancakes w/Sausage & Drink LUNCH • Cheeseburger or Hamburger Deluxe or 2 Hot Dogs with Meat Sauce w/Side & Drink Wednesday • Ham & Cheese Scrambler w/Homefries, Toast & Drink LUNCH • Hot Roast Beef Sandwich w/French Fries & Drink Thursday Clip-N-Save It’s Cruise-In Time with Big Al! May 17 • 11AM-3PM May 29 ~ 5-8PM • June 19 ~ 5-8PM July 10 ~ 5-8PM • July 24 ~ 5-8PM Aug 21 ~ 5-8PM • Sept. 4 ~ 5-8PM Sept. 14 ~ Fall Festival ~ 11am-3PM Bring Sports Car, Classic Car, Bike on Down & Show It Off! Drinks, Food, Music and Prizes Given Out! 7 Canal Street, Fort Plain • 518-993-5679 Clip-N-Save • Breakfast Burrito w/Homefries & Drink LUNCH • Chicken & Biscuits & Drink Friday • 2 French Toast w/Choice of Meat & Drink LUNCH • Fried Fish Plate or Sandwich w/Homemade Macaroni & Cheese & Drink Saturday • Sausage Gravy & Biscuits with Homefries & Drink • Homemade Corned Beef Hash LUNCH • Spanish Rice w/Tossed Salad & Drink ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A31 DINING &entertainment Dine In Or Take Out 993-5306 Mon., May 5th N ALLL YOU U CAN N EAT PANCAKESS 3-77 PM N Sloppyy Joess w/Fries N Hott Turkeyy Sandwich w/Potatoo & Veg Free Wine & Cheese Tasting Fri. May 9th • 5:30-8:30pm “We have gift ideas for Mother’s Day” “Premium wine & liquor service” Tues., May 6th N Ribss w/Potato,, Vegg & Bakedd Beans N Eggg Saladd Coldd Platee w/22 Sides Drive-Thru Take Out Only Wed., May 7th N ALLL YOU U CAN N EAT SPAGHETTI 3-77 PM N Grilledd Chickenn BLT w/Fries N Spaghettii w/Meatballs,, Hott Sausagee and/orr Tosss Salad Thurs., May 8th N Chicken-N-Biscuitss w/Veg N Stuffedd Popperr Burgerr w/Fries Fri., May 9th N Freshh Haddockk Dinner (bakedd orr fried),, w/Potatoo & Veg N Mac-N-Cheesee w/Veg N Manhattann Clam m Chowder Sat., May 10th N Friedd Clamss w/Potatoo & Veg N Primee Ribb w/Potatoo & Vegg 3-77 PM Sun., May 11th N Stuffedd Wafflee w/Strawberries Breakfastt Onlyy - Closedd att 12:300 pm Happyy Mother’ss Day Homemade Soups & Desserts Hours:: Mon.-Sat.. 7 AM-77 PM Sun.. 7 AM-12:300 PM 122 Hancockk St.,, Fortt Plain FREE WI-FI Saturday, May 17th Haslett Park • Fort Plain 1-5pm Half Chicken $6.00 • Take Out Only • Sponsored by: Fort Plain Community Activity Council Proceeds to buy Safety Equipment for 4th on the 3rd Celebration A32 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY HOSKING SALES Weekly Sales Every Monday 11:30 (note starting time) with Misc. & Small animals, 1:00 Dairy, followed by feeders, sheep, lamb, goats, pigs. Call for more info and sale times. Our Volume is increasing weekly - join your neighbors & send your livestock our way! Calves start at 5PM followed by cull beef. Monday, April 28th sale - cull ave. $.81, Top cow $1.08, Bulls/Steers $.95 - $1.17, bull calves top $3.78, heifer calf top $4.03, Dairy feeders $.68 - $.96, Grade Jersey dairy milking age Grade cow top $1075. Saturday, May 3rd - Sale on Farm - Schenevus, NY. 10:30AM. Dan & Mae's Dairy Complete Cattle & Machinery Dispersal. Monday, May 5th - Monthly Fat Cow & Feeder Sale. Monday, May 12th - Monthly Heifer Sale. Monday, May 19th – Monthly Sheep, Lamb,Goat & Pig Sale Monday, May 26th – Memorial Monday we will be open. – COME JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PLANT, TREE, SHRUB, FLOWER AUCTION!! Watch future ads for times and more details. LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW GIVE US A CALL. **Trucking Assistance - Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Watch website for any last minute updates. Directions: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments. Tom & Brenda Hosking 6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411 SELL IT! 607-699-3637 or 607-847-8800 cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771 & Antiques & Auctions KING’S Sat., May 10th Recreation Auction ~ 3:30pm Then Sat., May 10th Consignment Auction Follows Sun., May 11th Breeder Sale ~ 11:33am Burrows Rd., West Winfield, NY • (315) 822-5221 WE ACCEPT CASH - CREDIT CARDS - DEBIT CARDS JR’s s Auction 56 Willett St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 ( 518) ) 993-4668 The Auction Way! Antiquee and d Consignmentt Auction n • Tuesdayy Mayy 6th h • 5:00pm m Another large Collection of Museum Certified Arrow Heads & Indian Artifacts, Indian Pottery, Burial pots, 2-Brass Antique Train Steam Whistles one is from Dayton Brass Co. 1877 and one is from Boston MA.!! Will also have Furniture, Antiques, Household, and other Consignments!! Our Auctions last around 4 hours we have lots of items and surprises!! So come early and stay late!! Be sure not to miss this Auction if you are an Arrow Head, Indian Artifacts, Antiques Steam Whistles, and Tool Collector!! Go to for pictures ID # 29324 or call 518-993-4668 Antique Consignments Wanted!! Antiques,, Furnituree and d Consignmentt Auction n • Thursdayy Mayy 8th h • 6:00pm Antiques, Furniture, Tools, Collectables, Flowers, Baked Goods, Box Lots & more!! Bring your items we will turn them into CASH for you!! Antiques & Consignments Wanted for our Auctions!! On Site Public Auction Saturday May 17th 10:00am 223 West Grand Street Palatine Bridge NY Furniture, Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Set, Chairs, Desks, Wardrobes, Antiques and much more!! See additional ad for more details!!! Or ID 29324 for pictures!!!!! On n Site e Businesss Liquation n Auction n Sherman n Boatt Repairr Shop Saturday y May y 24th h 10:00am m • Flintt Ave e Little e Falls,, NY Y 21' Enclosed Trailer, 45' Enclosed Trailer, Pontoon Boat, Out and Inboards Boats, Boat Trailers, Boat Motors, Riding Lawn Mowers, and piles of scrap!! See ID 29324 for list and pictures!! 2 Day On Site Farm Auction and Construction Tools 223 West Grand Street Palatine Bridge NY Equipment, Tools, Shop Tools, Lumber, Antiques, and much more!! Saturday May 31st and Saturday June 7th Mac Hyney Elwood Rd Fort Plain NY (Starkville) Watch ID # 29324 for pictures and details Tuesday May 13th • 5:00pm Saturday May 17th • 10:00am Thursday Evening May 22nd • 5:00pm Saturday May 31st • 10:00am Saturday June 7th • 10:00am Antiques, Furniture, Tools, Collectables and more!! Large collection of Arrow Heads!! On Site in Palatine Bridge NY Antiques, Furniture, and much more!! On Site On Site Business Liquidation Auction, Boat Repair Shop!! Trailers Boats & more! 2 Day On Site Farm Auction, Mac Hyney, Farm & Construction Equipment, Antiques Second Day On Site at Mac Hyney, Household, Shop Equipment, Tools, and much more!! Iff you u bringg yourr itemss wee willl turn n them m into o CASH H forr you!!! Antiquess & Consignmentss Wanted d forr ourr everyy Tuesdayy nightt Auction!! ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A33 KELLEHER’S ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10 , 2014 @ 10AM TH 1752 STATE ROUTE 12D, BOONVILLE, NY 13309 OUR SALE BARN IS LOCATED APPROX. 22 MILES SOUTH OF LOWVILLE & 2 MILES NORTH OF BOONVILLE CONSIGNMENTS STILL BEING ACCEPTED CALL 315-823-0089 OR 315-868-6561 Consignments: 3950 JD Forage Harvester w/Hay and Corn Head; New 6ft Brillion Seeder, 3pt Hitch; Gehl Power Bot Black Top Paver (531cc Motor) does 8-12 Ft per Pass; Farmall F-20 Tractor; JD PTO Generator on Cart; EZ Trail Hay Wagon w/Flair Side 9x18 Corey 8 Ton Gear, Used One Year; International Cyclone 400 Corn Planter; Lincoln Welder; 3 Large Barn Fans for Tunnel Ventilation, JD 336 Hay Baler w/Pan; Gehl 970 3 Beater Wagon w/Roof and Tandom Gear; 940 Gehl 3 Beater Wagon w/Roof and 10 Ton Gear; Bell Saw Board Edger; Rowboats; JD 350C Bulldozer w/Power Reverser and 6 Way Blade, Open Rops, Diesel, Undercarraige 60%; White 2-85 4x4 w/Cab; Case IH 685 w/Power Reverser w/Int 2250 Loader; Bobcat Skidsteer w/Gas Motor (Older); MF Square Baler W/Hay Chute; NH Model 68 w/Hay Chute; JD 30' Field Cultivator; JD 230 Disc w/Hydraulic Wings; JD 1360 Disc Bine, 540 RPM; Farmall C w/Belly Sickle Bar Mower; 18.4-34 Clamp On Duals; 9N w/6' Brush Hog Finish Mower; Steel Table w/Vice; 3 File Cabinets; Lincoln Arc Welder; Kennedy 4' Roll Around Tool Cabinet; Pneumatic 1" Air Impact Wrench (New); 8 Sheets of 4x10 Sheet Metal (New); Ford 3pt 3 Bottom Plow; Quick Tatch Bale Spear (New); NH 638 Round Baler, Used 2 Years; Kverneland MDL 7335 Wrapper, Used 2 Years; 6' Hay Knife, 3pt Hitch, Used 2 Years; 3pt Hitch Sickle Bar Mower; JD Hay Rake; Wooden Hay Wagon; JD 620 Transport Disc. Note: This is only a partial listing. Please check ID #30653 for updates. Please no junk or tires of no value. Sales management reserves the right to reject some items. Management not responsible for items listed that do not show. Everything sells “as is, where is”. No warranty expressed or implied. Loader available on site. Trucking available. Terms: Cash or good check day of sale. Absolutely no credit. Nothing removed until paid in full. Selling by numbers w/positive ID. Lunch and comfort facilities available on site. KELLEHER AUCTION SERVICE 315-823-0089 - JOHN 315-868-6561 CELL A34 • May 3, 2014 & ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Antiques & Auctions I was always fascinated, even as a child, by antiques and ancient times. I always felt I should have been born in the 17th or Tues 18th century. They really had a big stone castle with authentic furniture. Source: SELL IT! JR’s s Auction 56 Willett St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 ( 518)) 993-4668 The Auction Way! On Site Public Auction Saturday, May 17th 10:00am 223 West Grand Street Palatine Bridge NY Furniture, Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Suites, Desks, Antiques, Post Cards, Early Baseball Cards & Much More!! Go to ID # 29324 for pictures and a list of our other auctions On Site Auction conducted by JR'S Auction 518-993-4668 Estate Auction Estate of Beverly Peeler 16 Clinton Ave., Fort Plain, NY Sat., May 17, 2014 • 9 AM SELLING: Household Items including gas stove, refrigerator, glasses, dishes, washer, dryer, tables & chairs, hutches, dining table and chairs, corner china closet, bedroom sets, single beds, rocking chairs, mirrors, piano, old lamps, antique furniture, Avon, many clothes including shoes and minks, dolls, jewelry, pictures, wicker, old tables, yard tools, old bikes, stained glass, coal shovels, crocks and much much more. Terms: Cash or good check Refreshments Available See pictures at #35160 Armitstead d Auctions 518-993-2290 0 • 518-596-92411 cell ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A35 Mohawk Valley Produce Auction 5th Annual Spring Consignment Auction Friday Evening, May 9th - 4:00 PM & Saturday, May 10th - 9:00 AM 840 Fords Bush Rd., Fort Plain, NY 13339 • 518-568-3579 Friday Evening Auction: Flowers, Shrubs, Crafts, Small Animals, Feed, etc. Saturday All Day Auction: Horses, Farm Machinery, Flowers, Shrubs, Quilts, Crafts, Building Material, Lawn & Garden, Antiques and Misc. 9:00 AM: Flowers and Shrubs 10:00 AM: Farm Machinery 9:30 AM: Antiques and Misc. 1:00 PM: Horses 12:00 10:30 10:30 12:00 Noon: Quilts AM: Building Material AM: Tools & Furniture Noon: Tack Quilts: Nice hand crafted quilts already consigned. Flowers and Shrubs: 1 semi load of shrubs and trees from Sanders Nursery. Lots of top quality flowers from local growers. Furniture: Hand crafted hickory furniture and other misc. Building Material: 10,000 ft. barn siding; other misc. lumber and supplies; Delta Rockwell 14” table saw w/electric motor; 14” Craftsman bench top drill press. Sheds: 8x12 Adirondack - Red, White Trim; 8x12 Cottage - Gray, White Trim; 12x16 Cabin - Brown; 8x12 Cottage - White, Gray Trim Farm Equipment: NH 316 baler w/Vanguard, nice cond.; NI 2 row corn picker; Mud Creek basket harrow; NH 55 rake; Lower Valley 4’ basket harrow; Mud Creek fore cart; Farmco headlock feeder wagon; Conestoga manure pump 10’ high-pressure, 1300 gal.; Conestoga spreader w/engine; J-S torsion axle cart w/brakes; 3 seat spring wagon, new; breaking cart; 3hp air compressor; Hydro 84 International front end loader w/quick attach. White Horse 725 2-bottom reset plow w/14” Keystone bottoms; White Horse 607 forecart w/torsion axle; White Horse 715 single bottom leaf spring reset plow w/ #4 Keystone bottom; NH 782 chopper, hay & corn head, electric controls; 8’ wood trailer. Horses: Must have current Coggins test or pay $50 vet fee, who will be on site from 8am to 10am Saturday. A $20 non-refundable consignment fee will be charged for all horses. 1 load driving horses from Kauffman Bros. 1 load driving horses from Martin Boys 1 load draft horses • Approx. 15 head local horses and ponies NOTE: Lots of homemade food, baked goods on Friday evening & Saturday. Breakfast Saturday morning. TERMS: By the Mohawk Valley Produce Auction Benuel Fisher 518-568-2257 • Mervin Byler 315-858-0959 Horses: Christ King 518-568-9910 A36 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER VxÄxuÜtà|Çz ECC lxtÜá Éy gÜtw|à|ÉÇ Saltsman’s Hotel Junction of Routes 67 & 10 in Ephratah, NY (Fri., Sat., & Sun.) Reserve your Mother's Day table now! 518-993-4412 for reservations, banquet info and take-outs Saltsman's four course dinners include fresh baked bread, coleslaw, corn fritters with maple syrup, choice of a first course, plus creamed potatoes, baked onion casserole & vegetable of the day. 70 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY • 993-8065 • Follow us on Facebook Now Taking Reservations for MOTHER’S DAY LUNCH Serving Noon to 4pm for this Special Event. Including:: Champagnee Cocktail,, Salad, Dessertt andd Choicee of... Roasted Lamb Chops with Dijon Crust Slow Roasted Filet of Beef Duck Breast with Pomegranate Molasses Glaze Pan Roasted Halibut $36 per Person SPACE WILL FILL QUICKLY ~ RESERVE EARLY Open for Dinner 5pm Wed - Sat. • Lunch Served 11:30 - 2pm Wed. - Fri. Mother’s Day Gifts & Dining Ripepi’s Restaurant Italian-American Cuisine 7850 St. Hwy. 5 St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-7656 Closed Mon. & Tues. Your Hosts: The Ripepi Family Treat Mom to a Great Dinner on Mother’s Day! Featuring: Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Roast Turkey Prime Rib Stuffed Haddock Homemade Desserts Plus Many Other Specials Serving Dinner 1-8PM Reservations Appreciated But Not Necessary Sorry, No Pizza on Mother’s Day ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A37 22 Church Street, Canajoharie 518-673-4322 ~ Mother’s Day ~ COUPON FREE Gift w/Purchase of $25 or More ($18.99 Value) Expires 5/11/14 20% Off In Stock Leggings • Ladies Dresses • Scarves We Have Mother’s Day Balloons 15% OFF Everything in the Store Extended Hours on Sat., May 10th • 10AM - 3PM Create Your Own... Friday, May 2 - Saturday, May 10 Beads That Tell Your Story. BUYING GOLD & SILVER Jewelry & Coins William Doerrer & Son Jewelers 16 Canal Street, Fort Plain • (518) 993-3388 Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10-5; Saturday 10-1 A38 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Erie Station Celebrates Mothers every day but especially on Mother’s Day! Take Mom out and let her enjoy a special (3 course) dinner, movie and cocktail and dessert for $18.95. Special Gift to each mom who walks in the door! Make Your Reservations at 518-993-5679 7 Canal Street, Fort Plain 518-993-5679 Fort Plain True Value and Just Ask Rental Mother Mother’s Day Gifts & Dining 12 Willett St., Ft. Plain, NY 13339 518-993-3834 Hrs: M-F - 7:30 am-6 pm; Sat - 7:30 am-4 pm; Sun - 9 am-1 pm ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A39 HOMETOWN DIRECTORY AUTOMOTIVE FUCCILLO AUTOPLEX BED & BREAKFAST HAIR SALON 6500 State Highway 5 PO Box 38 Nellison, NY 13410 of Nelliston Toll Free: (877) 382-2455 Kimberly Consalvo Phone: (518) 993-5555 Sales/Lease Consultant Fax: (518) 993-9906 518-284-6027 HEATING HOME IMPROVEMENT INSULATION Spray Foam Insulation $ave on Your Heating and Cooling Bills & $ave Energy Call 518-284-2040 Contractor’s Millwork, Inc. Est. 1986 Owners/Operators: Alden and Steven Witham Sharon Springs, NY INSURANCE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Hawkeyee Realty,, LLC 50 West Grand St., Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 (518)) 673-8135 5 • Nicole e Hubal, d Licensed Salesperson TRANSMISSION Barrett’s Transmissions General Repair “Over 30 Years Experience” Garry-Jason Barrett Owners 148 Ripple Road Cherry Valley, NY 13320 Phone & Fax: 518-993-2002 Businesses To Advertise in the Hometown Directory Call Beth Snyder 518-673-0101 A40 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Calendar of Events ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER NOTE: Calendar entries must arrive at the Original Valley Pennysaver’s office by the TUESDAY prior to our publication date for them to be included in the calendar of events. Send events to Lee Publications c/o The Original Valley Pennysaver, 6113 State Highway 5, P.O. Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 or Kathleen Lee at MAY 1-31 Arkell Center News and Events for May Arkell Center, Canajoharie, NY. WE WILL BE CLOSED Monday, May 26 for Memorial Day! Arkell Center Programs to ALL AREA Seniors during May are as follows: Mondays - Fridays: 12 noon meals are provided by OFA - Meals of Montgomery Program. Make reservations by noon day before, call 673-2000 or 843-2300. Suggested donation $3, 60 years or older. Mondays-Fridays: 10-12 noon. Arkell’s Indoor Walking Program will continue. Seniors invited. Mon, Wed & Fri: 1010:30 pm. Arkell Center Senior Exercise Program is in the basement. Stop for coffee after. Wednesday: 2:30-3:30 pm. Gentle Yoga with instructor Patty Pietrowicz. Defensive Driving: sponsored by the Shults Agency. Filling up fast. Dates are Tues., Aug. 12 & Sat., Oct. 4, all are from 9-3 pm. Reserve Church Directory Call 518-673-3011 To Place Church Listings or Fax Listings to 518-673-2381 Cherry Valley Assembly of God 37 Alden St., Cherry Valley, 607-264-3306 Christian Church of Charleston Four Corners 1380 E. Lykers Rd., Sprakers 518-922-9088 Pastor Brett Popp Church of Christ Uniting PO Box 896 Richfield Springs, NY 13439 Rev. Mark Ioset 315-858-1553 now at 673-4408. May 8 & 29: 1-4 pm. Second Time Around Band will practice. SPECIAL EVENTS May 6: 7 pm. Valley Choraliers performing a special Spring Concert. Open to the area Seniors. May 8: 9 am. Montgomery Co OFA Outreach with HIICAP & Legal Svs. Coord, Meeghan Lyons & Wrap & Heap Coord. Kelly Casler. May 8: 10:30 am. Annual “Decision Making Day” with Elder Care Attorney, Del Salmon. This program is sponsored by the Montgomery Cty. OFA and is provided free of charge to all area senior citizens. Topics will include updated information regarding durable power of attorney, health Ames - Sprout Brook UMC 613 Latimer Hill Rd. Ames, NY 13317 518-673-2265 Pastor Jeff Rauhauser Sunday Service 9:30am Church of the Nazarene 3316 State Route 29 W Johnstown, NY 12095 Offices: 518-762-2982 Cell: 857-523-8417 Pastor David Carpenter, Jr. Sundays 9:30am Sunday School (adult & children) 10am, Worship 11am, Sunday Eve. Prayer 6:30pm, Thurs. Eve. of Encouragement 6:30pm Service: Sunday 9:15am Church School: Sunday 10:30am Sunday Morning Service 11:00am Sunday School for All Ages 10:00am Cornerstone Baptist Church Currytown Reformed Church Dolgeville Christian Fellowship Dolgeville United Methodist Church 3 Elm St., Dolgeville, NY 13329 315-429-9142 21 N. Helmer Ave., Dolgeville Rev. Jack Ford 315-429-7381 7274 St. Hwy. 10, Ames 518-673-3405 Sunday School 10am, Adults & Children Morning Worship 11am, Youth Ministry 5:45pm, Evening Worship 6pm, Wed. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 7pm, Awana Club 6:15-8:15pm Emmanuel Episcopal Church 588-594 Albany St., Little Falls, NY 315-823-1323 Sunday Mass 10am Coffee Hour following Sunday Mass Sunday School & Youth Group Tuesday 10am Mass & Bible Study Friday 10am-2pm Thrift Shop 829 St. Hwy. 162, Sprakers 518-922-8422 Rev. Donald Hoaglander Visiting Pastor Jane Hubschmitt Worship Sunday 10:30am Midweek Fellowship Tuesday 7pm Ephratah Reformed Church Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd 26 Moyer St., Canajoharie 518-673-3440 Sunday School 9:15am Worship Service 10:00am 140 Co. Hwy. 140, Ephratah, NY To live and share Jesus Christ both locally and globally. Everyday.Everywhere.Everyone. Pastor Jeff Hindrliter Sunday School for all ages 10am September-June Sunday Morning Worship 11am Prayer & Praise Thursdays 7pm Faith, Hope and Love First Baptist Church Christian Fellowship 18 W. Grand St., Palatine Bridge 518-673-5128 Rev. David W. Bowley Springfield Center, NY Rev. - Gary Tyler Sundays 11:30am, For other service times please call Fort Plain United Methodist Church Dr. Marvin Isum, Pastor 518-705-2201 Sunday School 10:00am Morning Worship 11:00am Sunday night Worship 6:00pm Wed. night Bible Study 7:00pm Free meal & music every 2nd Sat. of the month 4-7pm Freysbush United Methodist Church Holy Communion Sundays at 9:30am Fellowship Time to Follow Call for Holy Day services The Rev. Virginia L Ogden, Rector Pastor, Rev. Mark Fowler Worship 11:00am Sunday School @ 9:30am beginning September 18th Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 12:30pm Everlasting Joy Believers Fellowship 66 Hancock St., (Rte. 5S) Fort Plain, NY 13339 315-858-2112 Pastor Carolee Coye Sunday Service 10am Fonda Fultonville United Methodist Church Fordsbush Bible Church 11 Montgomery St., Fultonville Pastor Nancy Pullen • 853-3311 Sunday Morning Worship 9:15-10:15, Sunday School 9:15-10:30, Coffee Fellowship Following Service Our Mission-To Actively Follow Christ and To Inspire Others To Accompany Us. Fultonville Reformed Church 131 Clark Rd., Fort Plain 518-568-7606 Pastor Joe Miller Sunday School 10am, Morning Service 11am, Eve. Service 6pm, Wed. Service 6:45pm, Thurs. Visitation 6pm Home of Victory Christian Academy Glen Reformed Church Church Office 518-993-3863 Parsonage 518-993-3645 Freysbush Rd., Fort Plain 518-993-3645 Rev. Alan Griffith, Officiating Corner of 5S & 30 Pastor Jane Hubschmitt Office Hrs Tues & Thurs. 10am-4pm ALL WELCOME, Worship Service 11am Worship 9am, Sunday School 10am ALL ARE WELCOME coffee hour to follow service State Hwy 161 in the Hamlet of Glen 4 miles South of Fultonville Sunday School 10AM Family Worship 10:30AM Sunday Worship at 9. Sunday School immediately following Children’s Message 39 Center St., Fort Plain Rev. Alan Griffith ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A41 Calendar of Events care proxy, living wills, possible changes in NY Medicaid Laws, transferring of assets and related concerns. A question & answer period will follow. May 9: 6 pm. Marshville Evangelical Church is sponsoring a Mother Daughter Dinner catered by the Winners Circle. Menu: Baked chicken, meatballs w/baked pasta & mozzarella, Au Gratin Potatoes, Tossed Salad w/dressing, Vegetable, Rolls, Dessert, Coffee & Tea. Cost $15 adult, under 12 free. Reservations due May 4, Call Eli- nor 518-673-2394. Wild Acres Irish Dancers will perform. May 13: 6:30 pm. Canajoharie/Palatine Chamber of Commerce meets. Open to the public. May 15: 1 pm. Ft. Plain Elementary Chorus with Mrs. Sincavage will be here to perform for our seniors. All Are welcome. May 16: 1:30 pm. Senator Cecelia Tkaczyk will join our Seniors to demonstrate Wool Spinning and then stay for a meet & greet. Please come and join us. May 7, 14, 21 & 28: 12:30 to 4 pm. Senior Citizens Public Pinochle Card Party, donation $2, prizes & refreshments. If you would like to sub call Terry at 6735635. May 22: 12 noon. OFA Meals Program is having a Memorial Day Luncheon: Manicotti w/Alfredo Sauce, Spinach, Yellow Beans, Italian Bread, Red/White & Blue Shortcake. Peter Capobianco back performing Frank Sinatra etc. Come and join us. Call 673-2000. May 27: 11:15 am 12:15 pm. Blood Pressure Clinic. Home Health Care Partner’s Corp. (cosponsored by St. Mary’s & Nathan Littauer Hospital). Home Health Care Partners Corp. also provides health and well- Church Directory Call 518-673-3011 To Place Church Listings or Fax Listings to 518-673-2381 Grace Episcopal Church Grandview Baptist Church 32 Montgomery St., Cherry Valley 315-858-4016 15 Washington St., Fort Plain 518-993-9929 Pastor Dan West Fr. Kyle Grennen, Rector Sunday School 10am Morning Service 11am Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 6:30pm Sunday School 11:00am Holy Communion/sermon 11:00am Joy Fellowship 296 Co. Hwy. 119 St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-3217 William Hayes Pastor Joyce Loughran Assistant Pastor Lassellseville United Methodist Church State Hwy. 29 Pastor Robert A. Lindsay Guiding Light Fellowship Rose of Sharon Church of God 122 Moyer St. Canajoharie, NY 518-284-3307 Pastor Fred Jones Tuesday 7pm Lighthouse Baptist Church 1524 St. Rt. 29A, PO Box 114 Stratford, NY 13470-0114 315-429-8854 Pastor Martin Smith Sunday School 9am, Morning Worship 9:30am Wednesday Evening Worship 6:30pm Worship: Sunday 9:30am Sunday School to start soon Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am; Wed. Eve. Prayer Meeting 6:00pm; 2nd & 4th Sunday Dinner following Morning Service with Afternoon Service following dinner “Old-Fashioned Bible Preaching” National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine and Indian Museum New Hope Christian Fellowship Oppenheim United Methodist Church Sunday School 9:30AM Worship Service 10:30AM 3636 St. Hwy. 5, PO Box 627 Fonda, NY 12068-0627 518-853-3646 Weekly Masses: Sat. 4:30pm, Sun. 10:30am Paines Hollow United Methodist Church Intersection of 167 & 168, Paines Hollow Pastor Peg Donaghy 518-568-7604 Sunday Worship 9:30AM Fellowship Hour to Follow Reformed Church of Sprakers 112 Sprakers Hill Rd Mark Tiffany, Preaching Elder Worship ~ 10AM 32 Spencer St., Dolgeville, NY 13329 Pastor Pat Andreoli 315-429-3630 Randall Christian Church NY Rte. 5S Sunday Service 10am Pastors Winston Hallett & Carl Hawver Richfield Springs Bible Church 19 Church St Richfield Springs, NY 13439 Rev. David Tosi 315-858-0564 Sunday School (all ages) 10am Worship Service 11am & 7pm Wednesday - Prayer & Praise Call for info on various Youth Ministries ness information. Upcoming Event June 17: Meet at 9 am in Dutchtown Plaza and go to The Elvis lunch and show at Glen Falls House at Round Top by the Catskills. $43 for Canjo Sr. Citizen Club Members and $48 for non members. Contact Dorothy at 673-5588. MEETINGS May 13: 6 pm. Canajoharie Chamber of Commerce will meet. Open to the public. May 16 & 30: 1 pm. Canajoharie Senior Citizens Meeting. May 27: 10-11 am. Alzheimers/Dementia Caregivers Support Group meeting at Arkell Center. This is sponsered by the Alzheimers Assoc. of NE. New York Grace Christian Church 20 Center St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Rev. Harry J. Teuchert 315-866-8626 Sunday School 9:30am Worship 11:00am Holy Family Parish Little Falls, NY 315-823-3410 Saturday 4pm Sunday 10:30am Marshville Evangelical Church Route 10 South Rev. David Bowley Worship Sunday 9am Our Lady of Hope R.C. Church Route 29 Rev. Jack Ford 315-429-7381 115 Reid St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 Parish Office 518-993-3822 Worship 9:30 Sundays, Totally Awesome God-TAG time 6:30pm Wednesdays beginning in Oct., Sunday School 9:00am beginning September 18th Mass Schedule: Saturday, 4pm; Sunday, 8:30am & 11am; Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am. Confessions: Sat. 3 & by appointment Please call parish office for Holy Day schedule Reformed Church of Canajoharie Reformed Church of Fort Plain 15-19 Front St., Canajoharie 518-673-2816 Rev. Miriam Barnes 165 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 518-993-4302 • Rev. Nancy E. Ryan Pastor: Father Dennis Murphy Worship 10am, Nursery Provided, Christian Education for children & adults 9am Sunday Worship 10:30am, AA meetings on Tues. 7pm, Home of Manna House Meals, A Community Meal Program-Sat. Noon-1:30pm River of Jubilee Church Rose of Sharon Church of God 5057 State Highway 5 S Sprakers, NY 12166 Pastor: Gail Adamoschek Pastor: Steve Adamoschek 518-322-1427 / 518-224-4455 Sunday Service 10:00am Children’s Church Available Other Learning Opportunities Available Visit us on Facebook 5 miles east of Sharon Springs on Rt. 20 ~ 518-284-3307 Rev. Fred Jones Sunday Service morning 11am; evening 7pm; Wed. Spring Meadows 6pm Bible Study; Tues. 122 Moyer St. Bible Study 7pm The Rose of Sharon where sin is called sin and we act on it and the full Bible is preached A42 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Calendar of Events MAY 2-3 Super Spring Rummage Sale Fort Plain United Methodist Church, 39 Center St., Fort Plain, NY. 9 am - 3 pm on May 2 and 9 am - 11:30 am on May 3. $2 bag sale. MAY 3 Chicken BBQ Stratford Methodist Church, 29A, Stratford, NY. 3:30 until ? $9 adult, $4 children. Call 315429-9820 for details. Craft Fair East Herkimer Fire Station, 193 Main Rd., East Herkimer, NY. 10 am - 4 pm. Free admission. MAY 3 (RAIN DATE MAY 4) 1st Annual Open House Cambridge Saddle Club 5 Fish Hatchery Rd., Cambridge, NY. A variety of demonstrations, membership sign up booth, food & tack vendors. Contact Linda Laveway, 518-466-6635 or e-mail cambridgesaddleclub@ On Internet at www.cambridgesaddle MAY 4 Valley Choralaires Spring Concert, A Rainbow of Dreams United Methodist Church, 50 E. Main St., Canajoharie, NY. 3 pm. MAY 9 19th Birthday Party Bash BBQ Dinner Dance Dolgeville Rod & Gun Club. 6 pm dinner, 7-10 pm DJ. $15/person, $25/couple. Sponsored by the Violet Festival Committee. MAY 10 Free Clothing Giveaway Valley Alliance Church, State Highway 5 east of Nelliston, NY. 9-11 am. Doors open at 8:45 am. Refreshments provided. Herkimer Now Fundraiser Herkimer Polish Community Home, S. Washington St., Herkimer, NY. 11 am - 2 pm. To make a donation or volunteer Church Directory Call 518-673-3011 To Place Church Listings or Fax Listings to 518-673-2381 Seeker’s Fellowship 14 Park Place St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-7700 Pastor Mike Yezierski Sunday Worship 6pm, Tues. Prayer 7pm, Bible Study 7pm (Wed., Thurs. & Fri.) We teach the fullness of God’s Word, a life of holiness for the believer, and salvation for all who trust in Christ’s sacrifice. St. Johnsville Methodist Church St. John’s & St. Mark’s Lutheran Church 143 Church St., Canajoharie 518-673-2224 Pastor Zach Labagh Sunday Worship 11am, Christian Ed. 9:45am St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church 7 East Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Rev. Harry J. Teuchert 31 North Helmer Ave., Dolgeville 315-429-8338 Father Quy N. Vo 518-568-7983 • 315-866-8626 Worship Sunday 3pm Sunday Mass is 10:30am, Daily Mass Mon. & Wed. 8am St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 36 Lydius St., Fort Plain, NY 13339 518-993-2040 St. John’s Lutheran Church 774 St. Hwy. 163, Freysbush, NY 518-421-1027 Sunday Worship 9:00am, Sunday School 10:00am, You are invited... Ladies Aid W.E.L.C.A. Meets 1st Sat. of every month. For Fellowship in Christ’s Service. Handicapped Accessible please contact committee member, Kathy Penree, or 315-866-0376. MAY 12, AUG 12 & OCT 4 Defensive Driving Course Arkell Center, Canajoharie, NY. 9 am - 3 pm. $20/person. Bring a bag lunch, or weekday classes call to sign up for the Meals of Montgomery luncheon. Call 518-6732000 1 day prior to class. Individuals will qualify for a NY State point & insurance reduction certificate. No testing required. Contact Joan Cimino, 518-673-4408. MAY 16-17 Rummage Sale Fort Plain Senior Center, 204 Canal St., Fort Plain, Sallsbury Center United Methodist Church 2545 St Rt 29, PO Box 104 Salisbury Center, NY 13454 315-429-9085 Rev. Lynn R. Lockwood St. John’s Reformed Church 68 W. Main St., St. Johnsville 518-568-7396 Faithfully Following Jesus Christ Sunday Worship 10:30am St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 32 W. Main St., St. Johnsville, NY (next to NBT Bank) Fr. Kyle Grennen, Priest-in-Charge 518-568-3007 Church 518-568-2405 Parsonage Rev. David Johnson 7690 Rt. 80, Springfield Center 315-858-4016 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Sunday Eucharist, 9:30am Coffee - Fellowship follows service Holy Days - as announced Sunday Worship 10:30am, Tues. Bible Bungee-Jumping 7pm, “Bible Study” that actually makes sense! A Vibrant, Welcoming Community of Faith & Vision St. Paul’s Universalist Church St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Community Stratford United Methodist Church 565 Albany St., Little Falls Route 29A 315-429-9085 315-823-2284 1 Church St., Cherry Valley 607-264-3779 Sunday School 9:45-10:45am Church Service 11am Service Sunday 10am Coffee hour following service. Our Church is a home to inquisitive, spiritual free thinkers with diverse religious beliefs. All are welcome. Masses Sunday 8:30am & 11am Rev. Lynn R. Lockwood The Christian Church of Rural Grove The Holy Spirit Polish National Catholic Church The House of Zion, Inc. The Time for Truth Ministries 170 Rural Grove Rd., Sprakers, NY 12166 518-922-7831 Pastor Joshua Fetterhoff Sunday School (all ages) 9:45am, Morning Service 11am, Eve. Service 6pm, Wed.-Family Night 7pm, “Where Bible Teaching is Fundamental” Trinity Lutheran Church 5430 St. Hwy. 10, Palatine Bridge 518-673-2224 Rev. Zach Labagh Sunday Worship 9am, Sunday School 10am, (No services in July, meet at St. John’s St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Canajoharie). Communion on the first & third Sundays 618 E. Gansvoort St. Little Falls, NY 315-823-0793 Father Rafal Dadello Mass at 11am on Sunday United Methodist Church of Canajoharie 50 E. Main St. 518-673-2717 Jesus says - “Come Unto Me” Join usSpecial Music Ministry, Beautiful Surroundings, Friendly People Sunday Service 10:30am - Email: Communion Last Sunday of the Month 580 Dillenbeck Road, Palatine Bridge 518-577-3069 Pastors Richard & Denise Allen Saturday Morning Worship Service 11:30am Listen to UMT on live radio 97.5FM the 1st Sunday of every month 3pm-4pm Valley Alliance Church 85 E. Main St., Nelliston 518-993-3458 Pastor Dave Prahst Sunday School (all ages) 9:15am, Sunday Worship 10:30am, Wed. Praise & Prayer 7pm, Fri. Youth Group 7pm (7-12th grade) Worship 9am PO Box 351 Amsterdam, NY 12010 Phone 518-843-2121 Cell 518-774-8558 Victorious Life Church RMI Fellowship 104 Main St. & 431 St. Hwy. 80 Fort Plain, NY 518-993-3102 Sunday School 9am, Morning Worship 10:30am, Youth Group 5pm, Evening Worship 7-8pm ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Calendar of Events NY. 9 am - 3 pm. Donations of items for the sale would be appreciated. Call 518-993-3432. MAY 17-18 MVC Pops’ Concert • May 17 - 7 pm - FultonMontgomery Community College theater arts complex on Route 67 between Amsterdam and Johnstown. • May 18 - 3 pm -Amsterdam High School, off Miami Ave., north of Amsterdam. Tickets are $12 for general admission; $9 for senior citizens and students. Children 12 and under are admitted at no cost when accompanied by an adult. MAY 26 Memorial Day Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. 10 am - 4 pm. Tryon Co. Militia will drill and shoot their muskets. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-568-7779. On Internet at JUN 7 Vendor Fair/ Flea Market Gloversville Middle School. 9 am - 3 pm. For more information contact Cheryl Wagner at 518461-2306 or Jamie Ross at 518-705-8699. JUN 7-8 Blacksmith “Hammer In” Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. 10 am - 4 pm. All blacksmiths are invited to attend and demonstrate. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-5687779. On Internet at JUL 4 Independence Day Celebration & Strawberry Festival Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. Noon - 4 pm. Declaration of Independence reading at 1 pm followed by Tryon Co. Militia patriotic musket salute. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-568-7779. On May 3, 2014 • A43 Internet at fortklock JUL 12-13 Canal Days 2014 Schoharie Crossing State Historic Site, Fort Hunter, NY. 11 am - 4 pm. 15 x 15 spaces for a $30 fee. Contact Janice F o n t a n e l l a a t Janice.Fontanella@parks or 518 829-7516 for a vendor policy and application. JUL 25 Stone Soup Musical Concert Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. 7 pm. Bring lawn chairs for your comfort. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-5687779. On Internet at AUG 2 Klock Family Reunion Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. All Klock - Small fee for registration and luncheon. Register by calling 518-5687779 to ensure adequate food is prepared. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-5687779. On Internet at AUG 5-7 Young Pioneer Program Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. For children ages 9 through 13. Only 20 students accepted. Register early. Small fee. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-568-7779. On Internet at fortklockrestora AUG 11 Raquette Lake Boat Trip & Luncheon Fort Plain Senior Center, 204 Canal St., Fort Plain, NY. Departs from the Senior Center at 7 am. $30/person. Call 518993-3432. SEP 6-7 Giant Craft Fair Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. 10 am - 5 pm, Sunday 10 am - 4 pm. Free admission & parking. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-568-7779. On Internet at fortklock DEC 7 St. Nicholas Day Fort Klock, St. Johnsville, NY. 12-3:30 pm. Contact Fort Klock Historic Restoration, 518-568-7779. On Internet at fortklockrestora A44 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER Did You Know??? The Earth is made up of three layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. These main layers are broken down into sub-layers. Measuring up to 16 inches and weighing up to 6.5 pounds, the Goliath Frog is the largest frog in the world. They can be found in the nations of Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon and are especially common near waterfalls. The largest frog in the United States and Canada is the bullfrog. When its legs are fully extended, it can reach up to 8 inches long. Look below for answers to this week’s puzzles! ANSWER KEY How did you score? ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER REAL ESTATE 2 SPACES FOR RENT - 29 CHURCH STREET Canajoharie Office • Store • Restaurant Large 16’x70’ but can reduce size if needed. Will do some building to suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$395 Modern Office - Formally Lawyers. New Laminate Floors & Ceilings. 2 rooms 16x18 & 16x12 $350 518-673-5938 - No Answer in 3 hrs 518-365-2976 CANAJOHARIE APARTMENTS 52 Maple Ave. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Beautiful - Modern AC, Dishwasher, Range, Refrigerator Superior Service Rent 765 $ Month Includes Heat & Hot Water Call 518-673-8500 May 3, 2014 • A45 “Spring” into these Excellent Values New w Listing: Town of Minden - Fort Plain School District - 2 bedroom Salt Box on 6.80 acres of land that is half open and half wooded - full season stream - home just refurbished - spacious 13.8x23.5’ living-dining room, 1.5 baths - laundry area - enclosed porch - shed - private setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,900 H-391 Owner will consider any reasonable offers. Town n off Root - Canajoharie School District - 3 bedroom - 2 bath manufactured home on 2.04 acres with deck - nice set back off a quiet country road - home in very nice condition - mostly open with some woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .being offered at $64,900 H-378 Town n off Minden - Fort Plain School District - 3 bedroom enhanced manufactured home on 2 acres - pond - 12x30’ horse barn w/feed room - split rail fencing with electric - garden with shed - 2 stall garage w/ storage 16’x23’ family room, lovely views - home in excellent condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$129,9000 H-390 Town n off Roott - Canajoharie School District - 3 bedroom - new hickory cabinets and floor in kitchen-dining room - hardwood floors in living room - enclosed porch - deck overlooks the nicely landscaped back yard - 2 stall garage with overhead storage and work area - split rail fencing lining the black top driveway - approx half acre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000 H-389 Calll forr detailss on n thesee greatt homes.. Checkk outt ourr Websitee - Thesee aree alll greatt values! Lic. Branch Office 518-673-8194 Lynn Russell, Assoc. Broker 588 St. Hwy. 162 Sprakers, NY 12166 A46 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL!! 2004 LINCOLN LS Maroon, ONLY 75,000 Miles!! V-6, Auto, AC, CD, Leather, Alloys, Sporty!! SALE:: $7,495 5 John n C.. Miller,, Inc. 509 9 NORTH H PERRY Y ST.,, JOHNSTOWN N • 518-762-7124 Quality es obil Autom View Our Entire Inventory Online At: “We ” Care About Your Repair Car • Truck • Motorcycle INSPECTIONS! Call 518-993-2496 518-332-4254 Mon•Wed•Fri 8am-6pm Closed Tues & Thurs Automotive and Car Care CREDIT ON CARS We’re Not the Bank - We’re Your Neighbors Everyone’s Approved! • No Credit Check | 0% Financing ‘99 NISSAN SENTRA 995 Down $ 123 State Route 168 Fort Plain, NY 13339 Sat & Sun by Appt. The Tire Shop A Multi Line Dealer NEW & USED TIRES • TIRE REPAIR AUTO ACCESSORIES ON THE FARM TIRE SERVICE CUSTOM WHEELS OIL CHANGES 155 Erie Blvd., Canajoharie, NY OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 8-5 673-5399 Best Quality Best Service • Best Price Pa In y Off NO Month T Ye s ars ! 50 a week $ 166 E. State St., Johnstown • 762-3626 Rising gas prices don’t have to cost you Spring is here and so are rising gas prices. Not to worry, says the Car Care Council. A few simple and inexpensive vehicle maintenance steps can stretch your dollar at the pump and go a long way toward protecting the environment. • Tune-Up: Keep your car properly tuned to improve gas mileage by an average of 4 percent. • Tire Pressure: Keep tires properly inflated and improve gas mileage by up to 3.3 percent. • Motor Oil: Improve gas mileage by 1 to 2 percent by using the grade of motor oil recommended by the manufacturer. • Air Filters: Replacing clogged air filters on older vehicles can improve fuel economy and will improve performance and acceleration on all vehicles. • Gas Cap: Damaged, loose or missing gas caps allow gas to vaporize into the air. • Fix It: Addressing a serious maintenance problem, like a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve mileage by as much as 40 percent, according to www. Source: www. ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • A47 NOW OPEN Brake Special 518.568.CARS 518.568.2277 PADS or SHOES FRONT or BACK 59 $ 99 Limited Lifetime Warranty on Pads & Shoes • Includes Labor SUVs • Minivans • Pickups - Add $8 Expires 6/15/14 Hours: Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 8am-12pm • Closed Sunday 58 East Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 NOW OPEN 518.568.CARS 518.568.2277 MUFFLER & EXHAUST REPAIR 2500 OFF ANY REPAIR Over $ 125 $ 00 Expires 6/15/14 Oil Change Special $ 2195 5 qts. Conventional Oil & Filter $ 95 55 5 qts. Synthetic Oil & Filter Expires 6/15/14 Hours: Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm • Sat. 8am-12pm • Closed Sunday 58 East Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 A48 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER BILL LAKE MODULARS Factory Direct To You 518-762-3325 Tours and Display Models at Bill Lake Plant Let Us Help Design Your New Home Design Center For All Your Upgrade Needs RED CARPET HOUSING • Johnstown, NY 12095 59 W. Main St., Canajoharie, NY 13317 Office: 518-673-2820 Cell: 518-330-8608 • Fax: 518-673-3514 Email: May 3, 2014 Laurie L Weingart Licensed Broker RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARMS • INVESTMENTS ACREAGE See Our Ad On Page 5 B2 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • B3 Tips for newcomers to the game of golf VP2014 Few hobbies can be as enjoyable one moment and as frustrating the next as golf. Golfers know a great putt can be quickly followed by a bad tee shot, and maintaining their composure through the highs and lows of the game is a key to success on the links. Maintaining that composure isn't always easy, even for the professionals. It's even more difficult for beginners, who quickly learn the game of golf involves more than just spending sunny weekend afternoons on pristine golf courses. In fact, golf can be quite demanding, and beginners would be wise to heed a few tips before hitting the course. * Don't commit to an expensive set of clubs right off the bat. Golf clubs can be very expensive, so beginners should buy an affordable sec- ondhand set of clubs so they can get the hang of what they like before spending a lot of money. Visit a pro shop and explain that you are just a beginner. The shop will likely make some valuable suggestions and might even let you try out a pair of clubs. In addition, many driving ranges allow customers to rent clubs, and this can be a great and inexpensive way to find the right clubs for you. * Take lessons. Even the very best at selfteaching might find it extremely difficult to become a self-taught golfer. When first trying your hand at golf, take some lessons and don't expect to be playing 18 holes any time soon. Before hitting the course, where you might be discouraged and you might frustrate those golfing behind you, learn the fundamentals by taking a few lessons at the driving range. Learn from a professional, who won't offer you any hidden secrets to golfing glory (there aren't any) but will offer sound advice on the game's fundamentals. * Take the game home with you. Beginners can even take advantage of golf's vast popularity by taking the game home with them. This doesn't mean building a putting green in your backyard. Rather, purchase some instructional DVDs to learn the game during your down time throughout the week. Many golfers don't have time to hit the links during the week, but they do have time to watch some DVDs when they get home from work. Such instructional DVDs can help you master your grip and stance, which you can then take with you to the course over the weekend. * Have fun. Golf is a fun game; it just takes time to hone your skills. But even if you aren't ready for the professional tour after your first few rounds, you can still have fun. Don't let some beginner's frustration, which every golfer experiences, ruin the fun of the game. Take note of your surroundings when you hit the links, and appreciate the time you're spending with your group. If the game becomes more a source of frustration than fun, then take a break and put in some more work away from the course, be it at the driving range or studying at home. Storage tips offer pet owners good food for thought (MS) — Put your hand up if you routinely check expiration dates on the food you buy. For many of us, that is just common sense. So, too, is properly storing food once we get it home. If you’re a pet owner, though, can you say the same for the food you buy for your dog or cat? Correct storage of pet food is extremely important to keep it fresh and to ensure the well-being of your pet. Here’s how: • Start by choosing a high quality pet food for your dog or cat. • Store kibble in a cool, dry location. Avoid areas like basements or open containers where condensation or temperature changes can encourage mold growth. Canned food should be covered and can be kept in the refrigerator for three to five days. It also can be frozen, but move it into ice cube trays or another freezable container first. • Avoid storing pet food in reusable plastic containers, unless the food is left in the bag. Plastic containers may not be airtight and the material itself can absorb fat and oils, increasing the risk of food becoming rancid. • Refrigerate or discard any uneaten canned food immediately. • Store pet food away from young children and from pets themselves. Don’t allow pets near an open or empty bag of food, which can be a safety concern. • Check best before dates on pet food, which are sometimes found on the back of the bag or on the bottom of the can. B4 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER How to approach saving for college Parents typically have a lot on their plates. In addition to juggling life’s daily events, parents also must keep their eyes on the future, which typically involves planning for retirement and saving money for their kids’ college educations. Though both rank high on many parents’ priority lists, parents should approach college savings much differently than they do retirement savings. • Prioritize retirement savings over saving for college. Some parents might feel a degree of guilt if they deposit more money into their retirement accounts each month than they do into their kids’ college funds. But such a strategy is nothing to feel guilty about. College students who take out loans have a lifetime ahead of them to repay those loans, while their parents have far less time to grow their retirement savings. No parent wants their child to be saddled with debt after they earn their degree, but that does not mean parents should sacrifice security in their golden years just so their child can have minimal or no debt when they graduate from college. Studies show that the average college graduate still earns roughly a million dollars more over his or her lifetime than someone with just a high school diploma, so a college diploma still offers financial incentives that can soften the blow of repaying college loans. • Look into college savings plans. Simply socking money away in a savings account is no longer enough to finance a col- lege education. That’s because interest rates on standard savings accounts are very low, and as The College Board® notes, the college tuition rate of increase is substantially higher than the general inflation rate. In addition, according to The College Board, the average 2013-14 tuition increase was 3.8 percent at private colleges and 2.9 percent at public universities.Both of those figures are higher than the average increase in personal incomes, meaning parents are earning less while tuition costs are rising. So parents who want to finance all or some of their kids’ college tuitions need to be more creative. College education savings plans are an option, and many, including a Coverdell Education Sav- ings Account and the popular 529 Savings Plan, allow earnings in the account to grow taxfree. Even withdrawals from college savings plans are typically taxfree so long as those withdrawals are used to finance educational expenses. (Note: Rules vary depending on the type of account, so parents should not assume all withdrawals are tax-free.) But college savings plans can also have an impact on a student’s financial aid eligibility, as these investments are often treated as parental assets (retirement account assets are typically not considered parental assets when determining a student’s eligibility for financial aid). So parents should explore all of the ins and outs of the various college savings plans Compact plants for smaller gardens National Garden Bureau is often asked to identify trends we see as it relates to the world of gardening and plant breeding. One that has been obvious the past few years is the proliferation of more compact plants that are perfect for today’s smaller gardens. Compact plants have many benefits for the home gardener, not the least of which is less maintenance. Plant breeders recognize that smaller is often better so in specific classes, they have taken great varieties and are now breeding or selecting for reduced size. Take the Limelight hyrdrangea for example. Limelight is a robust grower that at maturity, is 7-8 feet tall. Little Lime® however, is only 3-5 feet tall but offers the same green to pink flower coloration, perfect in a less spacious garden when the homeowner wants a hydrangea, but not one they have to prune in order to keep it the correct size for the space. A little trick to easily finding a plant that is more compact is to look for the words little, dwarf, baby, patio, kneehigh or tiny in the variety name. Then read the tags or description to get the actual size of the mature plant. Hint: if a plant tag or description says it’s perfect for cut flowers, then expect it to be the opposite of compact because long stems are needs for most cut flowers. Interested in growing vegetables but have a small space? There are many compact varieties specifically bred for containers or small spaces that are great choices. Topsy Tom tomato produces delicious cherry tomatoes over a long period of time, as does Sweet ‘n Neat and AAS Winner Lizzano. Another AAS Winner, Patio Baby eggplant, is the most compact eggplant you can grow, and puts out a huge number of small fruit, perfect for grilling. Many peppers do well in containers, but one of the most compact and prolific is Sweet Heat, which has just a mildly spicy flavor. If you’re looking for green beans, AAS Winner Mascotte is perfect for containers or in-ground gardens as it produces long, thin tender beans on plants less than 2 feet tall. If your small garden has some shade, consider leafy greens (lettuce, kale etc.) that can still do well with partial shade, as can most herbs, many of which are compact growers. In perennials, some varieties are bred to be shorter so they are “less floppy”. 1989 AAS Win- Baby Boomer tomato ner Coreopsis Early Sunrise is a great example of compactness that has the bonus of being a firstyear flowering perennial. When buying annuals, if there is a need for a low-growing edging plant, consider the compact Ornamental Pepper NuMex Easter, a recent AAS Winner that only reaches a height of about 8-10 inches. Or try the low-growing Snappy snapdragons for a more compact version of a classic garden flower. Angelonia is another plant that typically grows up to 3 feet tall but a new series, Serenita™, is a more compact version growing to only 24” tall; the pink Serenita™ is a recent AAS Winner. In a small garden, you do have more options than just going with compact plants; take advantage of plants that go up, or down. Try some climbers like Thunbergia (Black Eyed Susan vine), or the classy Dichondra Silver Falls, which hangs straight down. A compact vine cucumber like Patio Snacker or AAS Regional Winner Pick-A-Bushel will climb up to the top of a modest sized trellis but won’t run rampant through your garden. As we often do, we’ve created a Pinterest board for compact plants so take a look there to get additional ideas for your small space garden. available to them before opening any accounts. • Encourage students to save for their own expenses. Many high school students are not in a position to work a lot or even at all during a school year. And working too much may ultimately affect students’ performance in the classroom. But parents can allow kids to work during summer vacations, and encourage youngsters to save a substantial amount of their earnings from summer jobs. This can teach kids valuable lessons about money management, and money kids save from summer jobs can be used to pay for additional expenses that do not fall under the umbrella of college tuition, including books, food or even housing. Saving for their children’s college education is a priority for many parents, and there are various ways parents can do just that without sacrificing their retirements. NEW TAX For the Canajoharie School District to fund the Canajoharie VILLAGE library. This “TAX” will never go away, and you know it will constantly increase. Just like your school and county taxes. *Very few people have had a meaningful pay raise in several years, if any at all. *Many senior citizens are choosing between eating or taking their medication. *Count the for sale and property auction signs in the district. They’re everywhere. When people are being TAXED OUT OF THEIR HOMES already, how can the library in good conscience even think of creating a new mandatory tax? ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO GET OUT AND VOTE - D. Walrath ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • B5 YOU CHOOSE!!! BUY ONE OR BUY THEM ALL! 6 Homes all built in 1960. All are 2 bedrooms. No two are alike. They all have their own unique features. Some have fireplaces. Some have new windows or roofs. Richard Euler Real Estate Licensed Real Estate Broker 48 Church Street, Canajoharie, NY 13317 518-673-3677 Calll the e Pros Licensed Real Estate Broker Laurie Weingart 518-673-2820 Real Estate Agent Patricia Edick 518-673-2820 Increasing your resale value is easy when you save smartly (BPT) — Investing in home improvements is a smart idea when you’re thinking of putting your home on the market. So where is the best place to spend your money? While it may be tempting to make cosmetic home improvements including decorating touches or fresh coats of paint, upgrading vital home systems such as heating and cooling can really pay off. In fact, making smart improvements can help you save money on your utility bills now, while increasing your home’s value to potential buyers later on down the road. Heating and cooling is one of a home’s biggest costs, accounting for more than half the average home’s utility costs, according to, which means it makes good sense to make efficiency improvements that positively impact your budget every month. And for the long Real Estate Agent Barbara Krutz 518-673-2820 term, potential buyers want assurance that basic home systems, including heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical, are in working order before they buy, reports. • Heating and cooling: On average, you should consider replacing your heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system every 10 years in order to take advantage of the latest energy-saving technologies and cost efficiencies. Replacing your old system with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of up to 20.00 can save you up to 60 percent on your annual cooling costs. • Home automation: You can also stay ahead of the real estate curve and provide additional value for your home through the use of advanced home automation technology. For instance, Nexia Home Intelligence enables you to remotely manage multi- Real Estate Agent Assoc. Real Estate Broker Real Estate Agent Shane Buddles Jamie Lawrence Milt Krutz Farm Specialist 518-694-2176 518-673-2820 518-937-0564 ple features and functions of your home including heating and cooling, as well as door looks, indoor and outdoor live video surveillance and storage, lights and shades, via any Web-enabled computer, smartphone or tablet. • A programmable control: Another way to reduce energy consumption is to install a programmable HVAC control, which can save up to 15 percent compared to traditional non-programmable thermostats. • Home inspection, repair and advice: As you look ahead to warmer weather for making home improvements, remember that now is an ideal time to purchase a new home comfort system. A qualified HVAC dealer can perform an inspection, advise you on preventative maintenance and make recommendations on heating and cooling systems that best fit your home’s needs. Real Estate Agent Gary “Dart” Jones 518-568-3113 Real Estate Agent Robert Buck 518-698-3004 59 W. Main St., Canajoharie 518-673-2820 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - FARMS - INVESTMENTS - ACREAGE 957: NEW LISTING: V/O Ames offers a 2-story, 5 bdrm home w/ a large backyard - perfect for entertaining. Eat-in kitchen, FDR, Large living room. Enclosed front porch, patio and 2-stall det. Garage. . . . . . . . $85,000 956: NEW LISTING: 1872 Italianate w/ original wood work includes Cherry & Maple floors. Large dining & living room, parlor, pantry & heated mud room. 93 acres - 50 acres tillable & 43 acres of timber. Located in Oppenheim. . . . . . Asking $225,000 953: FARM: T/O Minden offers 134 acre farm. 120 acres tillable. Barn w/ 36 stanchions. Garage w/ attached equipment storage. 4 bdrm farmhouse w/ many updates - new roof, & windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$350,000 521: CANAJOHARIE: Well known country store/restaurant. Approx. seating capacity 40. Restaurant includes, grills, deli station, pizza oven, stainless steel table and more. Second floor 2 bedroom apartment. Well to property located on separate parcel & rented. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asking $99,900 525: MINDEN: Nice location, 10 acres with 500 ft of road frontage. Ideal for a new home or your private get-a-away. Originally 2 parcels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asking $24,900 535: NEW PRICE: PALATINE Beautiful Cape Cod home on 11.5 acres. Open kit, LR & DR. Formal living room, 3 bdrms & 2.5 baths. 4 stall det. garage, deck, above-ground pool & fenced yard. View & privacy. . . . . Asking $199,500 703: T/O EPHRATAH: Perfect home for the winter enthusiast - right by snowmobile trails & state land! Remodeled single wide. 4.7 acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asking $75,000 153: EPHRATAH: 2-story, 4 bedroom home sits on 1.4 acres. Home is charming and well maintained. Features country kit, sliding glass door, ceramic tile, & wood floors. Johnstown Scl. . . . . Asking $99,400 600: SPRAKERS: Quiet country location is surrounded by private farmland. Working kitchen, dining area & 2 bedrooms. This home has been updated & renovated to make the ultimate use of space. Asking $79,900 646: CANAJOHARIE: Well cared for home w/hardwood floors, front porch and a relaxing back deck. Beautiful kit, hardwood floors & FDR. Tastefully painted and a nice atmosphere. . . . . . . Asking $89,000 B6 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 8th, 9th & 10th S p r e l i n l i g v f s e n s t h o 2 j 0 . 14 BAKE SALE @ NBT BANK t S Thursday 12:00 - 4:00pm YOUTH H PAGEANTT THURSS 6PM in the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Special Mother’s Day Sale! “Specializing in the Unusual” Shop Early for the Best Selection or to order a Specialized Item. SPRING is Custom Made Jewelry & Designs Available FINALLY Fine Jewelry, Art, Antiques & Gifts We Buy Estates & Antiques Regularr Hours: Tues-Sat 10:30-6pm Appraisals Available 2 West Main Street, Saint Johnsville, New York 13452 (518) 568-5121 • (518) 568-0026 FREE Layaway Available HERE BLOW-UP PLAYGROUNDS & GAMES FOR ALL AGES - THURS, FRI & SAT ACROSS ROM THE AMERICAN LEGION Welcome To T he H ungry Be a r Café S t a t e R o u t e 5 • S t . J o h n s v i l l e, N ew Yo r k TAKE OUTS AVAILABLE 518-568-2700 (Breakfast is served 6 am-11 am only) Open Tuesday-Thursday 6 am -2 pm; Friday 6 am - 7 pm; Saturday 7 am - 11:30 am Sunday 7 am - 11:30 am - Breakfast Only; CLOSED MONDAY Homemade Salads • Soups • Pies • Daily Specials • Friday Fish Fry W e Thankk Youu forr yourr businesss andd hopee too seee youu againn soon.. Rosee andd Scottt Hongo \wxtÄ HAIR FASHIONS Barber & Beauty Shop 518-568-2088 Barbara Stagliano Proprietor Tuesday - Friday Saturday Sunday & Monday 8 East Main Street St. Johnsville, NY 9am-5pm 9am-12pm Closed St. Johnsville Chamber of Commerce is hosting 2 Grand Openings: May 10th • 11AM - Amy’s Bottle & Can Return Center, 5 Mechanic Street, St. Johnsville, NY 13452 May 10th • Noon - Small Town Pizzeria, 3 W. Main Street, St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Come and support these new businesses and attend our ribbon cutting ceremonies n Pizzeri o w T l l a a Sm Grand Opening Sat. May 10th Lunch Specials Fri. May 9th & Sat. May 10th 11-3pm Slice & Can - $2.00 + tax 2 Slices & Can - $3.45 + tax Tenders & Small Fry - $5.00 + tax More Pizza & Wing Specials 3pm - Closing Stop In & See! Pizza • Subs • Philly Sandwiches Calzones • Fried Foods • Dinners & More! Great Food & Great Service Sun.-Mon. 11-8pm • Tues. 11-9pm Closed Wed. • Thurs.-Sat. 11-9pm 518-568-5522 3 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Check our Facebook page for specials We Accept Major Credit Cards ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • B7 May 8th, 9th & 10th S p r e l i n l i g v f s e n s t h o 201 j CHICKEN N BBQ Q AMERICAN N LEGION . t 4 S Friday 4:30-7:00 Celebrate Springfest By Supporting Local Businesses Correct Your Drainage Problems With... Call Anytime - Day or Night ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. DRAINAGE PIPE WAYNE’S BURNER SERVICE Vincent A. Enea Funeral Service LLC SMOOTHWALL Perforated & Solid Solid & Perforated 4”x10’ 4”x100’ • 4”x250’ Also Available: 6”x100’ 8”, 10”, 12”, 15”, • 24” Diam. x 20’ Culvert Pipe ARC 18 Chambers & End Caps • Call For Prices C.H. BURKDORF & SON “Quality Building Materials” 35 Hough St., St. Johnsville • 518-568-7016 • Michael - Manager/Funeral Director or Vincent - Owner/Funeral Director • Heating • Cooling • Water Tanks • Oil Tanks • Sales • Service • Installation (518) 568-7040 or (315) 866-1500 Fax: 518-568-7041 518-568-2199 84 N. Division St. St. Johnsville, NY 13452 24 HOUR SERVICE 20 Bridge St., St. Johnsville, New York 13452 VILLAGE WIDE GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE Dine In Take e Out MAY 8TH - 10TH 8AM - 6PM 22 Bridge Street, St. Johnsville Furniture, Collectables, Tools, Garden Tools, Slot Machine, Ladders, Craft Items, Lawn Furniture and Swing, Adult & Kids Clothes, Also Selling Items from a Home out of Frankfort. Expect Surprises, This will be a very large sale, plan to stop by! Beer Wine 518-568-7111 Pizza & Wing Specials Daily, Fish Fry, Over Stuffed Calzones Homemade Pasta’s hours: closed mon. & tues. Wed., thurs., Fri. 11-9 sat. 12-10; sun. 12-8 W. DAVIS AGENCY INSURANCE HOME - AUTO - BUSINESS LIFE & HEALTH 1 East Main Street BUZZ DAVIS BOX 236 ST. JOHNSVILLE, NY 13452 518 - 568 - 2576 JAIL - N - BAIL FRIDAY 9AM @ POLICE DEPARTMENT Cans - N - Clams # Sandwich & Beer Specials # (518)) 568-7177 17 West Main St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 We have service parts for all of the above New Hours: Mon. • Tues. • Thurs. 10 - 5:30 Fri. 10 - 5 • Sat. 10 - Noon • Closed Wed. & Sun. AMY’S SALES & SERVICE, LLC 7699 STATE HWY 5, ST. JOHNSVILLE, NY 13452 (518) 568-7013 B8 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 8th, 9th & 10th S p r e l i n l i g v f s e n s t h o 201 j . 4 Parade Saturday @ 1:00 St Bridge Street Bakery & Cafe Margaret Reaney Memorial Library “Building a community of readers one book at a time” COME VISIT THE MUSEUM BEFORE THE SPRINGFEST PARADE! “Everything Baked with Love” Tours available 9:30 AM - Noon Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5 PM 9:30 AM - 5 PM Closed 9:30 AM - 5 PM 9:30 AM - 12 Noon Closed Web: Email: (518) 568-7822 19 Kingsbury Ave., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Come join us for breakfast and a treat before the parade and look for us on Main Street for fresh handmade pierogies and fresh cut fries with assorted toppings. Cakes • Breads • Pastries • Donuts Italian Goodies • Homemade Pasta Daily Specials & More! Hunting • Fishing and Outdoor Supplies 7798 State Hwy 5 West St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Mon & Tues 6-2pm • Wed, Thurs, Fri 6-4pm Sat 6-1pm • Closed Sun Phone & Fax 518-568-8022 10 Bridge St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 518-568-8023 26TH ANNUAL TOW PATH RUN - SATURDAY 5:50 AT THE MARINA - REGISTER AT 4:30 PARKSIDE Drive-In Rt. 5, St. Johnsville • TAKE OUTS • 518-568-2802 Open 7 Days a Week 36th Season MEXICAN TUESDAY’S Starting May 13th Sun. May 4th Authentic Mexican Recipes including Tacos, Burritos, Chimichangas, Nachos, Homemade Salsa & More! Adirondack Pkg. Supply St. Johnsville Welding Specializing in plastic bags - Custom sizes and colors with or without print. WELDING FABRICATION - all types of welding, from structural Chris & Shelley Arduini CUSTOM JOB SHOP - Shearing, press brake bending, & CNC 17 Hough St., Saint Johnsville, NY 13452 May 21st - 1st Car Cruise-In 5-8PM Salads • Wraps Panini’s Homemade Ice Cream Soups & Chili’s Check Out Our Facebook Page for Complete Mexican Menu and Car Cruise-In Schedule PIE E SALE 9 Phone/Fax 518-568-3097 AM Robert Sitterly Owner S ITTERLY’S QUALITY AUTO SALES, INC. 7826 State Hwy 5 • St. Johnsville, NY 13452 24 Hour Towing 1-877-816-0627 Phone: 518-568-2416 Bob’s Cell 518-470-7396 Fax: 518-568-5750 See e ourr inventory y on n ourr website steel to stainless steel tig & mig, aluminum tig & mig, etc. If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you. cutting capabilities, including intricate design work. GENERAL MACHINE SHOP - lathe & milling work. Wayne Handy (518) 568-5459 10 W. Main St., PO Box 114, St. Johnsville, NY FOLLOWING G THE E PARADE UNTIL SOLD OUT ST. JOHN’S REFORMED CHURCH Denise Sitterly Office Manager est. 1976 CONCERT BY: ELMWOOD DRIVE 14 4 PARK K PLACE E - HOUSE E OF F BREAD Amy’s Bottle and Can Return Center We accept all New York deposits! Don’t throw NO LIMITS! them in the trash, Bring them in for cash! We count and sort, so your time is short • Clean & Friendly Service Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm • Closed Sunday (518) 775-0856 5 Mechanic St., St. Johnsville, NY 13452 Simple Choices (The Old Whitey’s Variety of Lasselsville) SAT., MAY 24TH Vendors wanted for a fee of $10 per booth. Both new & used. Saturday only from 9AM til 3PM Contact Debbie at 518-568-2100 Party & Canned Goods Supplies/Hardware/Giftware Sandwich/Lotto/Fishing, Tackle and Bait Open Tues.-Sat. 8am-6pm • Sun 9am-5pm (518) 568-2100 5769 St Hwy 29, Lassellsville, NY ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • B9 B10 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER May 3, 2014 • B11 Shop AMSTERDAM & 4708 St. Hwy. 30, Amsterdam 518-842-3500 Since 1919 Support Local Businesses Huge Selection of Hanging Baskets and Flowers We Install the Best & Fix the Rest 4748 St. Hwy 30 N, Amsterdam, NY 12010 Office 518-843-2905 Fax 518-843-2906 Stop in for our Mother’s Day Specials Josh Mormile ~ Hearth Consultant 4748 St. Hwy. 30, Amsterdam, NY 12010 Phone: 518-843-2905 • Cell 518-848-7077 Mohawk Valley Real Estate LLC 4720 State Hwy 30, Amsterdam, NY 12010 518-843-4343 27 Church St., Canajoharie, NY 13317 518-673-2066 NEW LISTING! PERRY LANE FONDA You’re going to love this kitchen! Contemporary home with over 3200 sq. ft. plus second two bedroom home included. Has 1.9 acres. SHORT SALE! Only $273,000 MEAD RD. TOWN OF FLORIDA FARM Beautifully maintained property features two large homes in great condition and three spacious barns currently completely rented for commercial storage. Only $675,000 BLOOD STREET AMSTERDAM Let the rent help pay the mortgage! Spacious two-family home is great for owner to live on one side and rent the other. Only $73,900 NEW LISTING! PERTH FITNESS RD. PERTH Immaculate manufactured 3 BR home in Broadalbin school district with 2.1 acres Only 125,000 Ross Noel Everett 518-248-0589 Claudia Crawford 518-866-1317 Peggy Geniti 518-774-7653 Josh Paden 518-365-7603 Jay Brundage 518-866-1218 • Valeri Everson 518-774-7881 Lenora Fiorenza 518-673-2066 NEW NEW LISTING! GUY PARK AVE. LISTING! AMSTERDAM EAKER RD. Great income proTOWN OF ducing 4 unit multiPALATINE family home is fully rented and has good Cute little 3 BR home on 1.3 acres. Great tenant history. country location. Only $82,500 Only $91,000 WEST SHORE RD DELANSON DYGERT RD. CANAJOHARIE LEPPER RD. FT. JOHNSON Recently remodeled and updated this two bedroom home offers a short commute to Albany and Cobleskill. Great hobby farm features 4 bedroom Cape Cod style home, spacious barn and 17+ acres. Only $99,500 Only $175,000 Looking for a stylish home with a comfortable feel? This is the one for you! Too many features to list in one ad. Broadalbin school district. WILLARD ST., AMSTERDAM This fully rented 2 family home can be purchased at a very reasonable price. Plus rent the garage and off street parking. Only $51,500 Only $399,000 THINKING OF BUILDING A NEW HOME THIS SPRING? Check out these building locations! HUGHES RD. TOWN OF GLEN Very nice 5 acre building lot in the town of Glen. Mostly open with some woods. Panoramic views of the valley. Only $28,900 ST HWY 5 GLENVILLE BUILDING LOT. Great location for a home or a business. Already has a drilled well. Only $39,500 MIDLINE RD. PERTH Prime building or development location! Has 20 + acres. Only $500,000 B12 • May 3, 2014 ORIGINAL VALLEY PENNYSAVER EVERYONE APPROVED SPECIALS ON FACEBOOK 2009 MITSUBISHI LANCER 2004 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 Xtra Clean, Must See $ 4x4, Like New $ DE Model, Spoiler 14321 mo. 16488 mo. $ 26262 mo. DVD, Leather, Loaded, All The Goodies! $ 98 mo. 316 229 P Co- 2013 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING All Weather Pkg. LIKE NEW, Must See 07 mo. $ EE ME IN R F ETI RA n o i s Y T F LI ER ANT nsmis No W R O Tra with ER! , P AR r to 4x4 y EV o W a M & 2010 GMC CANYON SLE 2012 SUBARU IMPREZA 2013 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 2.5L ONLY 6,513 Miles! $ 25933 mo. 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4 5 Spd, 18,000 Miles 2011 BMW 328 I 35988 mo. $ WE ARE NOW AN AUTHORIZED ROUGH COUNTRY DEALER!!! xDrive, Must See! $ 30474 mo. $2,000 Down Cash or Trade In. 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