October Isssue - Adams Heritage
October Isssue - Adams Heritage
Woodcrest Retirement Community 1300 Mercer Ave. Decatur, IN 46733 V O L U M E 3 I S S U E 1 0 260-728-3989 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Go-Go Golf Carts: Time Again For The Callithumpian Parade INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Halloween Supersti- 2 tions Go-Go Golf Carts: Email ngraves@adamshospital.com for subscription 3 Time Again For The Callithumpian The Callithumpian parade is scheduled for Monday, October 28.We are taking volunteers to drive their golf carts and also riders for the golf carts to throw candy; candy will be provided. We will be dressing up again (this is optional) and we will be in the parade with Adams Health Network. I have coordinated with the hospital this year to transport the golf carts to the line-up location and transport back to Woodcrest! Signup sheets are on the bulletin board and I hope we may continue our success with this! Submitted by Natasha Graves Parade Local Note: Flu Shot 3 Information What’s Up At Woodcrest 3 My Son 3 A Message From the 4 Executive Director October Birthdays and Anniversary 4 Bible Corner 5 They’re Not Chil- 5 dren, But They Love The Zoo Senior Moments 6 Harvest Moon For the Anniversary 6 From the Editor 7 Activities Nook 7 Memories from September 8 LOCAL NOTE: Flu shots are scheduled for Wednesday, October 9 from 7-11a.m. in the private dining room off of the main dining room. Please remember your insurance cards. Trick-or-Treat Night Scheduled The time has arrived again and we are ready for round four of trick -or-treat night at Woodcrest. This year your families, and you, may trick-or-treat at Evergreen and Woodcrest. The date is Thursday, October 31, from 3 p.m.—6 p.m. If you would like to participate that evening, please provide your own candy, and remember to turn on your porch light. If you do not wish to participate, turn off your porch light. There will be hot cider served in Villa 35. Be sure to invite your family for this fun-filled evening! Submitted by Natasha Graves PAGE Halloween Superstitions 2 Superstitions have been a part of human life since time immemorial. It is a reflection of the human fear in some power that is beyond any mortal control or understanding. Halloween is traditionally the time when common superstitions, folklore, myths, and omens carry more weight to those who believe. Take a look at some of the popular Halloween superstitions given below. A burning a candle inside a jack-o-lantern on Halloween keeps evil spirits and demons at bay. If a candle suddenly goes out by itself on Halloween, as though by breath or wind, it is believed that a ghost has come to call. Always burn new candles on Halloween to ensure the best of luck. It is not a good idea to burn Halloween candles at any other time of the year. It may bring bad luck or strange things will happen to you, over which you have no control. Gazing into a flame of a candle on Halloween night will enable you to peer into the future. Girls who carry a lamp to a spring of water on this night can see their future husband in the reflection. It is believed that if a person lights a new orange-colored candle at midnight on Halloween and lets it burn until sunrise, he or she will be the recipient of good luck. It you hear footsteps trailing close behind you on Halloween night, do not turn around to see who it is, for it may be Death himself! To look Death in the eye, according to ancient folklore, is a sure way to hasten your own demise. To cast a headless shadow or no shadow at all is still believed by many folks in the United States and Europe to be an omen of death in the course of the next year. The old Celtic custom was to light great bonfires on Halloween, and, after these had burned out, to make a circle of the ashes of each fire. Within this circle, and near the circumference, each member of the various families that had helped to make a fire would place a pebble. If, on the next day, any stone was displaced or had been damaged, it was considered to be an indication that the one to whom the stone belonged would die within the 12 months. According to an old English folk belief, you will invite bad luck into your home if you allow a fire to burn out on Halloween. To remedy the situation, the fire must be rekindled by lighted sod brought from the home of a priest. If a bat flies around a house three times, it is considered to be a death omen. A person born on Halloween can both see and talk to spirits. Knocking on wood keeps bad luck away. If you see a spider on Halloween, it could be the spirit of a dead loved one who is watching you. Put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards on Halloween night to meet a witch. You should walk around your home three times backwards and counterclockwise before sunset on Halloween to ward off evil spirits. In Britain, people believed that the Devil was a nut-gatherer. At Halloween, nuts were used as magic charms. Submitted by Barbara Kohne Cook’s Corner: Three Little Witches PAGE 3 Three little witches In bright red britches Stirring a very strange brew Bat wings, frog legs Eyes of a newt? Yes in fact more than a few Those three little witches In bright red britches Were concocting a very strange potion Could it be miracle cure? Or maybe just a weird sun lotion Now those three little witches In bright red britches Their potion was ready To be tasted and tested Each took a drink, And one by one dropped down dead Now I bet that’s not the end you expected Submitted by Eileen Zeissig What’s Up At Woodcrest Have you heard about the herd? In the field behind Barbara Litterer’s villa were two does, each with a set of twin fawns, grazing placidly on the rainrestored grass. Soon they were joined by about 10 other deer, also wanting to share the fresh-cut grass. It was beautiful rustic scene– and there will be many more of that this fall as the deer are very plentiful now. It was a rather refreshing note to see some Woodcrest ladies in long skirts and their escorts in neckties at the last Wednesday night buffet. It is a rare sight these days. Did you all enjoy the pizza buffet? It was a different approach and very tasty. The salad bar made it a complete meal and I hope we will have more of them. I hope some of you saw the gorgeous rainbow that appeared after the rain on Sept. 12 It was just visible for a brief moment and I was just lucky enough to catch it. It was spectacular. How about that French toast casserole last month? It was a first ever. I surely hope it will not be the last. Submitted by Ellen Mann My Son Please don’t curse that boy down there. He is my son you see, He’s only just a boy, you know, He means the world to me. I did not raise my son, dear fan, For you to call him names, He may not be a super-star, Its just a high school game. So please don’t curse these boys down there, They do the best they can. They never tried to lose a game, They’re boys and you’re a man. This game belongs to them you see. You're really just a guest. They do not need a fan like you, They need the very best. If you have nothing nice to say, Please leave the boys alone, And, if you have no manners, Why don’t you stay at home? So please don’t curse those boys down there, Each one’s his parents’ son, And win or lose or tie, you see, To us they’re number one! Submitted by Catherine Laucks A Message from the Executive Director Beginning September 23, the renovations have begun in the Forest Café located on the nursing side. In the next several weeks, you will notice new paint, carpet, tables, and chairs. The new look will extend to the front entrance of the nursing center back to the fire doors. Please excuse our dust as we improve the look of Woodcrest nursing center. Bill Watson, Exec. Director Beginning November 1, if you would like to reserve the basement rooms, please see Natasha as we are requiring a room agreement be signed and a refundable deposit be made. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. If you have any questions, please see Natasha. As October approaches, you may see new marketing material. Every Saturday in October, Natasha and Cathy will be holding open house in Villa 35 and Apartment 503. Woodcrest will also be offering, a special between October 1-31 in which people signing any new contracts between those dates will receive their first months rent free. So, if you know of anyone interested in an apartment or villa, October will be a good time to visit and seriously consider making Woodcrest their new home. If any of you haven’t already heard, Natasha is recorded on WZBD radio as well. You can hear her speaking about the positives of living at Woodcrest. Bill Watson Woodcresters Take Part In Hobo Feast The attraction at the September meeting of the Adams County Coin Club was the Hobo Stew. As each member arrived, he or she contributed two cans of vegetables—one for the stew and one for the Food Bank. The meeting was held at the home of Pat Ginter in Decatur. In her driveway was a huge iron kettle in which club president Bonnie Gregg started the beef at about 2:30 p.m. Members added their cans of vegetables, constantly stirring the pot. This continued until about 6:30 when the meat and vegetables were fully blended, then all enjoyed a fine meal together. Of the 51 members attending, Lee and Pat Hoopingarner, Karl Kolter, and Janet McCrory were all from Woodcrest. Ellen Mann, with assistance From Pat Hoopingarner and Karl Kolter October Birthdays 6 Mary Winteregg 19 Sondra Dynes 11 Elizabeth Koons 28 Dolores Carpenter 11 Bonnie Wolf 31 Marilyn Sprunger 14 Arthur Beeler 19 Eloise Hamrick October Anniversaries 15 Louis and Loretta Rumschlag Happy Birthday And Happy Anniversary To All!!! Bible Corner By Chaplain John Follett PAGE 5 Vain Effort Or Calm Trust Psalm 127:1-2; Proverbs 3:5-6 “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it:...it is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He giveth His beloved sleep. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” The futility of attempting to accomplish things in our own strength and human effort, even the spiritual goals, was brought to my attention in a fresh way in bible study at Evergreen Court. In Acts 19, there is an account which new Christians, recently leaving witchcraft, brought their old books and burned them publically. The result was that great numbers of people came to the Lord as a result (see Acts 19:19). The thing that amazed me was that, just the night before, in the news I read of a pastor in Florida who was arrested for trying to burn hundreds of copies of the Koran. The results were quite different and, while some may say that the pastor’s rights of free expression were taken away, I am impressed with how we often try to make happen again something God did by copying what He did. In the Acts account, God was moving in mighty ways, while, in Florida, a man was trying, by human effort to get God to do it again the same way. In Acts, God brought a great awakening; in Florida, I believe the authorities may have prevented a riot. God’s desire for His followers is to share His word and testify of His activity in and around us, not to try and make things happen today by staging a re-enactment of a past event. So, as you go tell others what God is doing in your life today and what you are learning as your ready study and pray while trusting in the Lord with all of your heart. Leave results to God. In Christ, Chaplain John They’re Not Children, But They Love The Zoo A group of eight Woodcrest residents recently boarded the Woodcrest bus to visit the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, but the first decision of the trip was where to have lunch. It was decided to stop at McDonald’s, so they had Happy Meals and a picnic on the vehicle, which everyone enjoyed. Arriving at the zoo, they paid admission and obtained wheelchairs and tokens for $1 a piece. The African journey was the first adventure. The Sky Safari ride cost two tokens and the aerial views included zebras and wildebeests in a field, then vultures, storks, monkeys, ostriches, and many more creatures. Next stop was the rain forest and an Indonesian forest, both very interesting, with big varieties of plants, bushes, grasses, etc. In this section were tigers, squirrel monkeys, a Eurasian eagle, turkey vultures, and even a giraffe that could be fed lettuce for one token. A giraffe has a tongue that is 18 inches long. (Please see Mary Thieme feeding the giraffe on page eight). There was also a small penguin, which was fun to watch as caretakers assisted him. We also saw some American alligators. There was an Indian family farm where the group witnessed honeybees, pigs, sheep, rabbits, calves, chickens, and a black cow named Elly. Unfortunately, time ran out and the Woodcresters did not get to see the Australian exhibit. The whole trip was very enjoyable. Submitted by Catherine Laucks Senior Moments Submitted by Eileen Zeissig Harvest Moon for the Anniversary Shine on, shine on Harvest Moon up in the sky I ain’t had no lovin’ since January, February, June, or July Snow time ain’t no time to sit outdoors and spoon. So shine on, shine on Harvest moon for me and my gal. Happy anniversary to Louis and Loretta Rumschlag on October 15. PAGE 6 From the Editor PAGE 7 It is Halloween time again! Woodcrest is all dressed— inside and out—for a colorful holiday. The fall flower arrangements on the dining tables were created by volunteers Rita Gerber and Barbara Litterer and those crisp colors add to the festive Halloween season. Pumpkins are on display in many, assorted ways, which add color to our campus. The McBarnes’ yard has ghosts flying in the wind, plus an arrangement of pumpkins which enlivens their yard. Inside, Sondra Dynes has a complete Halloween story in her doorway art– and it is a sight you should go by and see. So get ready for trick-or-treaters when the real ghosts and goblins come to your door– and then join in the fun at the Halloween Party that Natasha has planned. It has been heartening to see the food bank bin well-filled recently. The need is great now that children are back in school, colder weather is on the way, and Woodcrest is fulfilling its commitment to donate one non-perishable food item or paper product each week to help those in need. We owe volunteer Norm Koons our thanks for delivering our donations— and let’s give him a little more work by keeping those bins full for those less fortunate than we. About a dozen geese also observed the Labor Day holiday by strutting casually on the grass around the hospital pond, enjoying the sunshine. There was one lonely goose gliding idly by in the water, obviously preferring that environment. The very next day, a small flock of ducks was seen enjoying the Woodcrest pond. They finally skittered across the water into flight to their next destination. A truly lovely sight. A few days later, 10 of the geese gave me a personal look as they strutted past my bedroom window while feeding on the grass. They were close enough to count them this time. Ellen Mann Activities Nook I would like to thank everyone for a very fun-filled September. Last month we visited Muncie Mall, the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, and Country Heritage Winery in La Otto, Indiana, and had lunch at St. James restaurant in Avilla, Indiana. Please note I will be out of the office beginning Monday, October 7, through October 11. Please help yourself to games and cards in the library. I will return from the vineyards of Sonoma County, California on Monday, October 14; pictures to follow. On Tuesday, October 1, we will leave at 12:30 p.m. for Kroger shopping. On Wednesday, October 2, the post office will be here from 9:30 to 10 a.m. in the lobby conference room. In addition, we will celebrate birthdays and anniversaries at 11 a.m. in the dining, room followed by bingo in the basement at 12:30 p.m. On Thursday, October 3, Kenwood Hearing will be here with walk-in hours of 2-4 p.m. in the lobby conference room. On Tuesday, October 15, we will leave for Kroger shopping at 3 p.m. On Friday, October 18, we will leave at 5 p.m. for Friday Night Out at Marko’s On 2nd. On Monday, October 21, we will leave at 10 a.m. for a tour and lunch at Sweetwater. Sweetwater is a business dealing in musical instruments and Pro Audio. The headquarters is located in Fort Wayne and is really something to see. The tour is about an hour long and we will have lunch at the on-site diner following the tour. On Friday, October 25, we will leave at 12:30 p.m. for Wal-Mart Shopping. In addition, we will be having a Halloween Party that afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the basement. Please plan to attend! On Tuesday, October 29, we will leave at 12:30 p.m. for Kroger Shopping. Please pay close attention to your weekly activity sheets as I am not able to fit all of the activities into the newsletter, and, as most of you know, I think of things at the last minute! Submitted by Natasha Graves The Zoo attendees pictured left to right: Jo Holle, Mary Thieme, Elly Bridge, Catherine Laucks, Janet McCrory, Natasha Graves, Eileen Zeissig, and Ginny Eaton. Sondra Dynes’ entry way. Mary Thieme feeding the giraffe. Liz K., Pat H., Lee H., Barb K., Elly B., Catherine L., and Ginny E. Not pictured is Norm K.; he was inside visiting World of Woodcrest Staff: Natasha Graves, Event Coordinator, Makeup Editor, & Photographer. Email me for a subscription @ ngraves@adamshospital.com Ellen Mann, Editor Reporters: Eileen Zeissig Mel and Theresa McBarnes home. Catherine Laucks Barbara Kohne
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