info terrasse - Municipalité Terrasse
info terrasse - Municipalité Terrasse
INFO TERRASSE Fall/Winter 2014-2015 Info Terrasse A word from the Mayor Dear Citizens, Leaves turning red confirm that fall is here The summer season has been busy for members of the Council and the city administration. Several projects have materialized and we continue to work hard in order to achieve many more! Table of contents TERRASSE EN FÊTE WORD FROM THE MAYOR..…….....2-3 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL…….………... ...4 DIRECTORY…….……………………....5 PUBLIC SECURITY……………... 6-7 PUBLIC WORKS…...……………...…8-9 RECREATION & CULTURE……10 à 12 ENVIRONMENT…….…...…………....13 On August 23rd, the Municipality held its annual family day “Terrasse en fête”. It was under clear skies and a radiant sun that this unforgettable day unrolled. The citizens appreciated this year’s novelties, a car show during the day, a magic show for evening entertainment and many workshops such as; initiation to gymnastics, scouting, archery, animal life and many more. I would also like to thank the organisational committee as well as the numerous volunteers who took part in this event. Their great work made this a very memorable day! HALLOWEEN……………………….....14 HOLIDAY SEASON….………………..15 COMMUNITY CENTER The Municipal Council has begun to refresh the interior of the Community Centre and intends on doing even more. We are looking to revamp and enlarge the kitchen and bathrooms. Thus, we are currently awaiting a response further to a grant request we have submitted therefore, we hope for a quick and positive response! Info Terrasse-Vaudreuil Info Terrasse FIRE STATION You have probably noticed by now, that the construction of the new fire station is also going along well. At this pace, we are confident that the work should be completed in November. Watch our website for the official opening date. TRAFFIC LIGHTS After all, it seems like the lights at the railroad crossing will be working soon. We have asked the “ministère des Transports” to be present when they will be running tests upon their activation. We would like to insure these lights cause less issues possible. EXCISE TAX We have recently received good news concerning the Excise Tax. We will be receiving a grant of $867,775 over a five (5) year period, allowing us to continue improving our municipal infrastructure. THE RELIP The Municipal Council has decided to withdraw from the RELIP. Further to several discussions, the initial amount forecasted for the construction of the indoor pool, was no longer the same and the Council worried about the elevated cost this could bring the Terrasse-Vaudreuil citizens. Therefore, we are now in the process of withdrawing. LEISURE I encourage you to visit our website frequently. In due time, you will find the full details of our Children’s Holiday Celebration “Fête de Noël des enfants’’ and our Winter Carnival “Terrasse sur glace”. In closing, I urge you to read page 11 of this publication regarding the new Sport Financial Aid Policy that has been established by the Council. Enjoy your reading! To receive an English version of the Info Terrasse or other documents from the Municipality, contact us at 514 453-8120, Ext. 221 and register on our English mailing list. 3 3 COUNCIL MEETINGS Regular Council meetings are held at the Community Center at 7:30 p.m. All citizens are invited to attend. Doors will open at 7 p.m. where coffee and a copy of the Agenda will be available. Council meeting schedule YOUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Michel Bourdeau, Mayor Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Roger D’Antonio, Councillor, Seat 1 Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Julien Leclerc, Councillor, Seat 2 Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Jean-Pierre Brazeau, Councillor, Seat 3 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 David Beauregard-Paquin, Councillor, Seat 4 Watch for the date of the Special Budget meeting Guy Jodoin, Councillor, Seat 5 that will be held in December. Yves de Repentigny, Councillor, Seat 6 OUR WEBSITE : EVERYTHING YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR! Our Website has been online for two years now. It is filled with information that can answer most of your questions. Some of you might even have had the chance to notice that it is rich in content as well as user friendly. You may also find pertinent information such as the library’s schedule and novelty books. Other important information can be found such as details related to taxation and permits along with copies of the Council meetings minutes and much more. Upon your visit, do not forget to register to our ‘’Infolettre’’ situated in the bottom of the page. This will allow you to receive by e-mail any important information pertaining to your health and safety. 4 DIRECTORY CITY HALL 74, 7th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil (Québec) J7V 3M9 Phone: 514 453-8120 Fax: 514 453-1180 E-mail: 9-1-1 Vaudreuil-Soulanges Health guide: vaudreuil-soulanges/services/ TRANSPORTS-QUÉBEC 5-1-1 MUNICIPAL SERVICES broken water main, road obstacles, public works, etc. 3-1-1 CN RAILWAY POLICE 1 800 465-9239 Website: REGULAR SCHEDULE Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. CLOSED 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. STATUTORY HOLIDAYS Thanksgiving Monday, October 13, 2014 CP RAILWAY POLICE 1 800 716-9132 HYDRO-QUÉBEC 1 800 790-2424 BELL CANADA 514 310-BELL (2355) INFO-SANTÉ 8-1-1 POISON CONTROL CENTER 1 800 463-5060 HÔPITAL DU SUROÎT DIRECTORY ÉCOLE JOSÉ-MARIA 514 453-8201 CLUB DE L’ÂGE D’OR TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL 514 453-9075 REPAS PARTAGÉS TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL/ PINCOURT (SENIOR CITIZENS) 514 453-8406 TRANSPORT SOLEIL 450 424-0744 (VALLEYFIELD HOSPITAL) 450 371-9920 Holiday period Closed from December 22, 2014 till January 2, 2015 inclusively LAKESHORE GENERAL HOSPITAL 514 630-2225 CLSC - VAUDREUIL-DORION 450 455-6171 CLINIQUE D'URGENCE PINCOURT 514 453-0884 AMT COMMUTER TRAINS 514 288-TRAM (8726) CIT LA PRESQU’ÎLE 450 424-2485 OMH DE TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL 514 602-2333 SCHOOL BOARDS: MEDICENTRE ILE-PERROT 514 453-1100 COMMISSION SCOLAIRE DES TROIS-LACS 514 477-7000 Ext. 1830 POLYCLINIQUE MÉDICALE VAUDREUIL 450 455-9301 COMITÉ DE GESTION DE LA TAXE SCOLAIRE DE L’ÎLE DE MONTRÉAL 514 384-5034 5 PUBLIC SECURITY COMPLAINTS AND IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS All complaints should be submitted in person and in writing directly at city hall. Your complaint must include the following information: Full name Address Phone number Specific details of the problem Specific location of the problem Event dates, if known PUBLIC-RAIL SAFETY GUIDE Every year in Canada, approximately 300 collisions and trespassing incidents occur at highway/railway crossings and along railway tracks resulting in the death or serious injury of nearly 130 people. Virtually, all of these incidents could be avoided. Statistics show Operation Lifesaver education works! We encourage you to visit their website This is an educational tool for the public which is extremely interesting. Their other website,, is an interactive rail-safety site directed at children and includes stories, games, audio and visual clips, posters and safety tips. Anonymous complaints will not be considered. Please note that a new form for improvement suggestions is now available at City Hall. Your comments are always welcomed. Under no circumstances will it be tolerated, for citizens to call or go directly to the home of our municipal employees. For any emergency, we kindly ask you to refer yourself to page 4 of this newsletter. DOUBLE UP ON SAFETY AT THE RAILWAY CROSSING Whether on foot or in a vehicle, the only place you should ever cross railway tracks is at an authorized and properly marked crossing. When you approach or cross a railway track, look and listen for other trains approaching from either direction. Never drive around the gates. If the gate is down, or in the process of being raised or lowered, do not cross the tracks. Dysfunctional gates: When the gates at the Terrasse-Vaudreuil railway crossing (3rd Avenue) are dysfunctional, please contact the Railway Police at 1 800 551-2553 and go thru the Ile-Perrot North entrance. Stationary train for more than 10 minutes: When the train remains at a standstill for more than 10 minutes, you must inform the municipality at 514 453-8120, ext. 221. You may also e-mail us the full details at including your full name, phone number and address, the date and time of the event, how long the train was stopped and which railway was blocked. 6 PUBLIC SECURITY FIRE & PREVENTION FOR YOUR SAFETY To ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones, we consider it important that you pay special attention to the following recommendations: Have one smoke detector on each floor level Check if your smoke detectors are working properly (verify efficiency of your detectors and replace batteries when you change your clocks twice a year as daylight savings time begins and ends); Smoke detectors must be changed every 10 years; Do not keep flammable products indoors (gas, paint, etc.); Do not keep propane gas indoors or in a garage that is attached to your home; Do not block access to your electrical box; Provide easy access to home exits; Annual chimney sweeping is mandatory. ACCESSIBLE EXITS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE During a fire, you may have less than three minutes to get out of your house. Imagine the precious seconds you could lose if your exits are filled with snow or obstructed by something! After each snowfall, you should shovel the snow away from any exits, balconies or terraces. Clear the outside of your exits of any bulky objects such as shovels, snow blower, patio furniture etc. Inside your home, make sure the circulation areas, such as corridors and stairs, are always free of any objects especially toys, shoes or schoolbags. This advice is provided by “La Sécurité publique du Québec” THE CHIMNEY-SWEEPING: ON YOUR TO-DO LIST EVERY YEAR! FIRE PREVENTION Concerned about our citizens’ safety, the TerrasseVaudreuil Fire Department does annual prevention visits of homes and businesses in the municipality. The inspections are conducted in order to ensure compliance with regulations. The main objective is to prevent incidents that could lead to materials loss, or worst, loss of life. Note that the Ile-Perrot Fire Department works in collaboration with our Fire Department. Did you know that you have to proceed to the chimney-sweeping of a fireplace at least once a year? This task must be performed by a specialist accredited by the APC (Association des Professionnels du Chauffage). The chimney-sweeping turns out to be necessary because an accumulation of creosote (deposits formed by the smoke rising in the fireplace) can ignite and cause a major fire. OUTDOOR FIRES Safety measures: Except for fireplaces, grills and barbecues, outdoor fires are strictly forbidden in Terrasse-Vaudreuil. HOME ADDRESS During an emergency, it takes valuable time for emergency personnel to find the exact location of a call. Visible house numbers can mean the difference between life and death when someone is not breathing, trapped by a fire, or in need of police assistance. Taking a few minutes to insure that your address numbers are properly displayed and easily visible from the street, day and night, could save you or your family’s life! Use dry wood in your stove or fireplace. This produces less creosote. Verify regularly the pipes of your wood stove connected to the chimney. A three millimeters creosote accumulation is enough to cause a fire. Ashes can remain active up to 72 hours. If you wish to clean your fireplace earlier than that, make sure to put the ashes in a metal bucket with a lid to prevent sparks. Then, store the bucket outside (ashes produce carbon monoxide). Be sure that the bucket is placed at a reasonable distance from the walls of your house, shed or garage. 7 PUBLIC WORKS COLLECTION / DISPOSAL HOUSEHOLD AND BULKY GARBAGE FALL LEAF COLLECTION EVERY MONDAY 2014 SCHEDULE Garbage must be placed by the road before 7 a.m. Monday mornings SELECTIVE COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES EVERY FRIDAY Bins must be placed by the road before 7 a.m. Friday mornings. To enable automated collection, prevent breakage and not interfere with snow removal: Place the bin on your private property at a maximum of one metre from the curb; Position the wheels towards your home Make sure the bin is clear of any object, including another bin and/or a large object, within a radius of 60 cm; Make sure the container lid is closed and free of all materials. Please do not put your bins out too early to avoid attracting animals and in order to maintain the esthetic appeal of our environment. BROKEN RECYCLING BINS If your recycling bin is broken, please inform the administration at 514 453-8120, ext. 221. A new bin costs $75. BRANCH COLLECTION This month, the municipality will offer one last branch collection, which will be held on: Monday, October 6th It is very important that you pile your branches on your property, along the street, arranged in an orderly way, the cut end towards the road, before 7 a.m. on collection day. The maximum volume is 4' wide by 4' high by 8' long (maximum diameter of 4"). NO ROOTS PLEASE. Branches must not be piled by the roadside more than three (3) days prior to collection day. 8 This year, collection of fall leafs will be held on Fridays: October 31st November 14h November 28th Only biodegradable paper bags are accepted for the collection of fall leafs Close the bags and keep them protected from bad weather. Bags must be placed at the curb before 7 a.m.. Paper bags are available at most grocery and hardware stores. Tips and tricks Use your leaves as garden mulch This technique protects your trees, shrubs, flowerbeds and vegetable gardens against the cold. Compost your leaves on your lawn By decomposing gradually on the surface of your lawn, leaves will add extra minerals to those provided by grass clippings, compost or natural fertilizers. Store your leaves for use in your homemade compost next spring Leaves provide a source of carbon that can be integrated in your homemade compost’s « green materials », at a time of year when carbon-rich materials are scarce. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE In April 2013 was the official opening of the Écocentre Vaudreuil-Soulanges, located at 2800, Henry-Ford Street in Vaudreuil-Dorion. The Ecocenter is the place to dispose of your household hazardous waste such as your disinfecting products, your construction or excavation material, your old tires, your electronics, etc. For the complete list of accepted materials, dial 450 4555434 or visit their website: PUBLIC WORKS TEMPORARY CAR SHELTERS Temporary car shelters may be set up between October 15 and April 15 of the following year. It is mandatory that such shelters be made of industrialfabricated metal tubes, be of uniform color, and free of stains and perforations. The distance between the shelter and the traffic lane must be no less than 3 meters, and a one-meter right-of -way on the side is mandatory. A maximum number of 2 temporary single car shelters, OR one double temporary car shelter, is authorized per housing unit. WINTER PARKING HOUSE PETS AS A MATTER OF DECENCY AND TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT REGULATIONS, we ask that all dog and cat owners refrain from allowing their pet to roam freely. We wish to remind you that license tags are mandatory for dogs. The cost of the license is $15 for two (2) years. License tags are available at City Hall. ANIMAL CONTROL The municipality ensures people and pet safety on its territory by means of the animal control. The Centre Canin du Suroît has the authority to intervene on behalf of the Municipality either by picking up or capturing a lost, injured or dead pet, taking it to the vet, providing it with shelter or putting it up for adoption if it remains unclaimed after 5 days. All costs incurred are transferred to the owner. Please be advised that parking is prohibited on municipal streets between midnight and 7 a.m. from November 15 till April 1 inclusively. Parking is also prohibited during emergency snow removal operations. To report a lost, captured, injured or dead domestic animal: 450 510-1508 SNOW REMOVAL URBAN PLANNING AND PERMITS Be advised that the Municipality will no longer tolerate that snow from private entrances be deposited on the sidewalks, the borders or in the street, near fire hydrants or on any land belonging to the Municipality. URBAN PLANNING AND INSPECTION This practice goes against Municipal bylaws and may be punished by fine. Should it be impossible for you to keep the snow from your parking on your land, it is your responsibility to dispose of it otherwise. If you use a contractor for your snow removal, it is of your responsibility to inform them of this bylaw. STREET LIGHTS MAINTENANCE We ask that residents contact the administration to report malfunctioning lights by indicating the number and precise location of the pole. You can also do it directly on our website: www.terrasse Lights are usually repaired within fifteen (15) days following the service call. AVOID ANY PROBLEM! PRIOR TO UNDERTAKING ANY WORK, with the exception of regular maintenance and repairs, including the construction of additions for commercial or business purposes, it is important to consult the Building Inspector to ensure that the proposed work meets all urban planning bylaws. The Building Inspector is there to help you. Don't hesitate to call her when planning your project. She will inform you if the proposed project requires a permit. Mrs. Lily Ducharme, Building Inspector, will meet with you BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Contact us by phone at 514 453-8120, ext. 221 or via e-mail at REMEMBER TO PLAN AHEAD !!! 9 RECREATION AND CULTURE RESIDENT CARD ACTIVITIES Residents of Terrasse-Vaudreuil must obtain or renew yearly, their resident card at a cost of $5. To obtain a card, you will need a color picture (driver’s licence size). We may do a photocopy of your picture for the cost of $1 per copy. LET’S MOVE IN THE COMMUNITY CENTER! This card allows you to access the activities and services, such as: Public library (free) Recreational swimming (free) Tennis ($) Boat ramp ($) Day camp ($) In the upcoming weeks, our library will undergo several changes. In addition to a new look, new activities will be offered in the library. Visit us and learn about our new novelties such as our Halloween Special on October 31st from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m., our green bin for the collection of books, our story time, our librarian for a day, our Children's corner, our Seasonal section and our Loyalty program . Check the website of the Municipality for complete details. In addition, a Used Book Sale will be held at the Community Center on October 11th from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. and funds will go towards upgrading the library. See you there! Library’s regular hours Tuesday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to noon This fall, a variety of activities will be held in the Community Center. So, in order to avoid fall and winter blues, hurry up and join them! Badminton Information : Sundays, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Mrs. Nathalie Perreault 514 425-4936 Zumba classes Information : Wednesdays, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Mrs. Jiana Saad 438 391-5400 Friendly training camp Sundays, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Information : : Golden Age Information : Mondays and Thursdays (evening) Mrs. Aline Bourdeau-Rozon 514 453-4031 Les Repas Partagés Information : Monthly (Lunch for Senior Citizens) Mr. André Dupuis 514 453-8406 Tickets available at city hall Schedule for “Les Repas Partagés” Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Please be advised that these activities are not organised by the Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil. 10 RECREATION AND CULTURE SPORTS FINANCIAL AID POLICY COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL The Community Center, which may contain up to 287 people, is available for private or public rental, by the hours or by the day. The hall includes a coat check area and a kitchen with an industrial oven and refrigerator. For further information, please contact City Hall at 514 453-8120, ext. 221. Rental to associations, groups or companies for private activities (corporate or family) or non-profit organizations not registered in the Terrasse-Vaudreuil registered community organizations or a non-resident. $ 350 Rental to associations, groups or companies for private activities (corporate or family) or non-profit organizations not registered in the community organizations registry to a resident of Terrasse-Vaudreuil, on presentation of the resident card. $ 175 Rental for the funeral of a Terrasse-Vaudreuil resident. $ 150 Rental by the hour for courses or classes recognized and approved by a resolution of the Municipal Council. $ 20/h Rental to a resident of Terrasse-Vaudreuil for up to 4 consecutive hours. $ 20/h Rental to a non-resident of Terrasse-Vaudreuil for up to 4 consecutive hours. $ 50/h Any rental of the Community Center requires a refundable deposit to make sure that the hall is left clean and undamaged. $ 75 Any rental of the community Center requires a refundable deposit to make sure that the key is properly returned to the city hall, as mention in the contract. $ 20 SPORTS FINANCIAL AID POLICY The Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil offers its citizens the opportunity to request yearly, the reimbursement of registration fees of various sports activities. ELIGIBILITY 1. Only children under 18 years of age, having at least one parent residing in Terrasse-Vaudreuil are eligible for reimbursement. 2. Only one request per fiscal year, per child, can be submitted. 3. The refund is 50% of the amount paid, up to a maximum reimbursement of $50 per child, per year. 4. The refund is only granted if the sport is listed below as being eligible for the Sport Financial Aid Policy. 5. In order to obtain a reimbursement, the parent must bring proof of registration and residency, to city hall. SOCCER AMICAL TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL The Municipality of Terrasse-Vaudreuil already offers an annual contribution directly to Soccer Amical TerrasseVaudreuil. Thus, the Sports Financial Aid Policy cannot be applied within this specific activity. However, the parent of a child enrolled in Soccer Amical Terrasse-Vaudreuil can apply, within the same fiscal year, for a refund of registration fees for another sport listed below as being eligible for the Sports Financial Aid Policy. HOCKEY MINEUR ÎLE-PERROT Upon presentation of a receipt from the Association de hockey mineur Île-Perrot (AHMIP) and proof of residency, the parent will receive a reimbursement of $100 per fiscal year but cannot request a refund for any other sport for the same child. REFUND TERMS Once the claim is deemed eligible, the Municipality will issue a check that will be forwarded to the parent by mail. The time needed to process a request may vary. LIST OF ELIGIBLE SPORTS Hockey - Ringuette - Baseball - Softball - Soccer - Football Figure Skating - Speed Skating -Swimming - Diving - Martial arts - Kin -Gymnastics - Basketball - Tennis 11 RECREATION AND CULTURE FRIENDLY FIT CAMP SOCCER AMICAL TERRASSE-VAUDREUIL Starting October 12, a Fit Camp will be held on Sundays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Community Center. You are cordially invited to join the group. The soccer season is officially over. Special thanks to the parents who volunteered helping us throughout the summer, to our trainers, our referees and ESPECIALLY to the kids for their implication. Join others just like you, who want to get into shape without the professional trainers, without the membership fees and without the pressure. You work out at your pace according to your endurance and general health… and it’s fun. We would also like to thank our sponsors who allow us to offer soccer to the kids for a reasonable price. TerrasseVaudreuil’s municipal council, Polymos, Pharmaprix Pincourt, Maxi and the Gaufrabec. Cannot wait to see you all next year! The sessions are free and all are welcome. For further information, send an email to: Josée Cherrier and her team of volunteers wishes you all a very nice school year! CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING BADMINTON Terrasse-Vaudreuil’s Badminton Club resume their activities every Sunday from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. in the Community Center. There is a maximum of 12 players at a time so it would be best for you to reserve your place. An adult must accompany children under 13 years of age. For more information, you may follow us on Facebook or contact; Nathalie Perreault 514 425-4936 Join over 1300 ski fanatics travelling more than 30 km of marked out trails! As a Terrasse-Vaudreuil resident, you will benefit of a $5 refund upon registering. To learn more, contact Mr. Pierre Levac, President of the “Skieurs de l’Île” at 514 453-8592. You may also get information by sending an e-mail to Divertissez-vous en famille sous le même toit! 3093, boulevard de la Gare Vaudreuil-Dorion Qc J7V 9R2 450 218-2821 12 ENVIRONMENT RECYCLING PROGRAM Polymos is proud of the creation of its EPS recycling program organized in collaboration with the City of TerrasseVaudreuil. Polymos' recycling program allows the population to recycle EPS (frequently used as packaging protection for fragile goods) in an eco-friendly way. Prior to Polymos' program, it wasn't possible to include EPS in the recycling collection (blue container) despite the fact it has always been 100% recyclable. Collected EPS products will be recycled by Polymos and re-used in the manufacturing process. Collection containers are situated along the exterior wall between the Library and Community Centre. The containers are blue recycling bins specially identified for EPS collection and they are accessible at all times. EMERALD ASH BORER The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a destructive insect pest of ash trees. Native to eastern Asia, this pest was first discovered in Canada and the U.S. in 2002. The adult measures 8.5 to 14mm The EAB attacks and kills species of ash. In fact, the EAB has killed millions of ash trees to urban and forested areas in both countries and poses a major economic and environmental threat. The rate of dispersal of EAB by natural flight is considered as being average. On the other hand, the spread of the pest by human activity via movement of products of wood is significantly high. In order to prevent the spreading of EAB, a federal ministerial regulation orders prohibiting movement of potentially infested ash commodities out of those regions. In regards with what can be collected: Accepted: White, clean packaging-source EPS with no food residue, paper, glue, tape, staples, etc... Refused: All other materials that are not accepted to be recycled including: EPS used as food containers, coffee cups, plates, fast food packaging, any styrofoam® product (extruded polystyrene), typically blue or pink like fish or meat packaging trays used in groceries. EPS is a highly environmentally friendly component. It is made of 95% air and is harmless to our air, soil as well as to ground water. EPS contains no CFCs and HCFCs and never did. It is important to differentiate the EPS (expanded polystyrene – typically white in color) of the XPS (extruded polystyrene, better known as Styrofoam®, which is typically pink or blue). Since April 2014, the zones aimed by this regulation will broaden to included not only infested areas but potentially infested areas also. Tree decay Unfortunately, Terrasse-Vaudreuil figures on that list. In order to protect our trees, firewood should be bought, burnt and kept locally.. Do not move infested material out of this area. Both are made with polystyrene but are produced through different processes making them different in terms of their physical properties. For information: EAB Larva 11 D’-shaped exit holes ‘S’-shaped galleries 13 HALLOWEEN SAFETY TIPS Halloween is a time of great excitement for children but the thrills can make them forget some of the safety rules they have learned. It is important to keep your child's safety in mind when planning costumes, decorations, treats and activities on the special day itself. Lit jack-o-lanterns, flimsy or complicated costumes, street traffic and unsafe treats are just some of the risks. With some simple precautions, you can make sure that Halloween is a safe and happy experience for the whole family. Here are our safety tips. HALLOWEEN SPAGHETTI SUPPER FUND RAISER FOR JOSÉ-MARIA SCHOOL Saturday November 1st from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Community Center will be held a spaghetti supper fundraiser under the under the Halloween theme. Funds will go towards the José-Maria School. People who come disguised can participate to the draw! Tickets are on sale via students of the school, upon drop off or pick-up of the children. If places are still available, there will be tickets at the door. COST 0 to 3 y/o: free 4 to 9 y/o: $10 10 y/o and over: $15 BUY YOUR TICKETS QUICKLY! 14 TRICK OR TREATING Go trick or treating with your children each year until they are old enough to go with a friend. Children who are alone are vulnerable to injury and bullying by older children or may encounter a predator. When they are old enough, make sure they go with a friend or in a group, and know the routes they will be taking. You can also follow along at a distance to keep an eye on them. Tell your children to walk, not run from house to house and to stay on the sidewalk or at the side of the road facing traffic. They should only cross the road at the corner and look both ways before crossing. If you are driving on Halloween, be aware of children, drive slowly and enter and exit driveways and alleyways with caution. Give each child a flashlight to carry, to make them more visible to motorists and others. Tell your children to stay in well-lit areas and only visit homes that have their outside lights turned on. Make sure they know never to go inside homes or cars. Take a backpack along, to empty goodies into if the loot bag becomes too heavy. Tell your children not to eat any goodies until you have looked them over. Throw out any treats that are not commercially wrapped, have loose or torn wrappers or have holes in the wrappers. If you suspect tampering with any of the treats, notify the police. Serve dinner before your children go out, so that they will be less tempted to eat goodies along the way. Be cautious about giving children any treats that could be potential choking hazards. Some treats such as chewy candies, peanuts and hard candies could be a choking hazard. Check toys or novelty items for small parts. If they do have small parts, do not let children under three years of age play with them. You might want to consider an alternative to sugar-based treats, like sugarless gum. Stickers or multi-coloured pencils can be a nice replacement for traditional treats. Ask your children for suggestions. For diabetic children, monitor the treats so that they fit into their specialized meal plan. Leftover treats can be traded with other children or given away. Treats may also cause severe side effects (adverse reactions) in children who have allergies or sensitivities. HOLIDAY SEASON FOOD DRIVE CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY PARTY This year, the Food Drive will take place on Saturday, December 6th, between 9 a.m. and noon. Once again this year, La Fête des Enfants is back! So write it down on your calendar because December 7th is not a date you want to miss. Inside and around the Community Center, La Fête des Enfants promises to be a fun day that all kids will enjoy! Terrasse-Vaudreuil firemen, help by volunteers, will walk the streets of the Municipality to collect your nonperishable items and donation. These will be used to prepare the Holiday baskets for families in need. If you cannot be home for the Food Drive, you can leave your non-perishable items and donations at City Hall or the library. If you wish to volunteer, contact us at 514 453-8120, ext. 221. More details will be available soon. Be sure to look for the invitation on the sign at the entrance of the municipality or visit our website : TERRASSE SUR GLACE! Winterfest Terrasse…sur glace! Donat-Bouthillier Park — skating rink st Saturday January 31 , 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Program : Ice skating, music, inflatable games, snacks and much more! Bring your skates and hockey sticks! I 11 15 Louise Pinet Courtier immobilier, Certifié QSC 450 455-3321 51, 11e ave, Terrasse-Vaudreuil Cuisine • Salle de bain Kitchen • Bathroom Ni Wang 102b, 5e Boulevard Terrasse-Vaudreuil Massothérapie Acupression Chinoise 220, 3e Boulevard Terrasse-Vaudreuil Qc J7V 5R3 514 902-0227 REÇU D’ASSURANCE 514 • 453 • 2017 RBQ: 2141-9288-67
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