Cocos (Keeling) Islands Contents Page Isi
$2.00 Cocos Snapshots Cocos (Keeling) Islands Gambaran Cocos The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls, situated 2768km NW of Perth and 3685km due West of Darwin, is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean. Contents Page Isi Kandungan Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis Umum 15 Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi 20 Cocos Snippets Keping-kepingan Cocos 21 Games Kemainan 23 Cocos Moment Saat Cocos 24 Birthdays Ulang Tahun Community Events Acara Masyarakat 25 Cocos Snapshots 2 Gambaran Cocos 2 26 Advertisements Advertais Translation Fees apply Quarter Page Suku Kertas $10.00 Half Page Setengah Kertas $25.00 Full Page Penuh Kertas $50.00 You can subscribe to The Atoll electronically by contacting: Page 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) Rainfall Stats Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P: 08 9162 7707 F: 08 9162 7708 E: W: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter February Statistics (latest up to 18 Feb): 266.00 mm Latest 2016 Statistics: (latest up to 18 Feb) 465.40mm 2014: 2081.80mm LATEST WEATHER 27.latest.shtml Emergency Contact List WEST ISLAND MARKET DAY Saturday 19th March 2016 10.00am - 1.00pm CRC Verandah - West Island AFP VHF 91626600 Ch20 IOTHS WI Clinic IOTHS HI Clinic 91626655 91627609 VHF Ch24 DFES HI DFES WI 91627788 91627777 VMRS 0406329056 VHF Ch20 Shire HI Shire WI 91626649 91626740 Watercorp 91626722 To book your FREE table please contact us on P: 9162 7707 or E: W: Thumbs Up To Please note: All food items must be prepared in an approved kitchen and be packed and stored appropriately. Please contact the Cocos Islands CRC or Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands for further information. Proudly supported by Feel free to email your thumbs up to: Page 2 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Proposed Disposition of Property “Big Barge Art Centre” Part Lot 100, Sydney Highway, West Island In accordance with Section 3.58 (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA) (CKI), Council is required to give public notice of any disposition of property. This includes selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of, whether absolutely or not. Council resolved at its December 2015 ordinary meeting to incorporate a further 1,000sqm to the Lease Agreement with Ms Emma Washer for Part Lot 100 West Island for a period of 10 years with a 10 year option. This amalgamated portion of land has been valued at $4,200/annum and the Lessee will be required to pay this amount as well as annual CPI increases and the assessed annual Council Rates set from year to year. Council invites written submissions from residents regarding the proposed disposition with submissions closing on Monday 22nd of February 2016 marked confidential and addressed to the undersigned. Joanne Soderlund Deputy Chief Executive Officer Proposed Disposition of Property “Sea Salt Area” Part Lot 103, Home Island In accordance with Section 3.58 (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA) (CKI), Council is required to give public notice of any disposition of property. This includes selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of, whether absolutely or not. Council resolved at its January 2012 ordinary meeting to enter into a Lease Agreement with Cocos Tropical Foods for part Lot 103 Home Island for a period of 5 years. This portion of land has been valued at $500/annum and the Lessee will be required to pay this amount as well as annual CPI increases and the assessed annual Council Rates set from year to year. Council invites written submissions from residents regarding the proposed disposition with submissions closing on Tuesday, 1st of March 2016 marked confidential and addressed to the undersigned. Joanne Soderlund Deputy Chief Executive Officer Sand bagging works along Sydney Highway. Page 3 Quote of the Day Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) “One may go a long way after one is tired.” ~ French Proverb Thought for the Day “A true friend sees the 1st tear, catches the 2nd, and stops the 3rd!” ~ Unknown Jokes of the Week Can’t Eat Soup Old man comes into a restaurant, sits at his usual table, and orders the usual — matzoh ball soup. The waiter sets it down in front of him, and stands back to watch him enjoy it. But the man just sits there. “Is there something wrong?” the waiter asks. “I can’t eat this soup,” the man replies. “Is it too hot?” the waiter asks. “No.” “Too cold?” “No.” “Too salty?” “No.” The waiter calls for the maitre d’, and for the chef, and each goes through the same routine: “Too hot?” “Too cold?” “No, no no.” HOME ISLAND MARKET DAY Sunday 28 February 2016 Starts at 4pm! Where: Under the Home Island Cyclone Shelter ******************************************** ALL STALL HOLDERS WELCOME ******************************************** Food – Toys - Crafts – Produce - Raffles – Bric a Brac – Displays Tables: $5.00 if set up by CIYC or BYO table Please register with us at the Shire Office, contact Zulaikha at the Shire Office on 08 9162 6649 for more information. Finally the chief, at his wits end, says, “Sir, I will taste the soup myself. Where is the spoon?” Says the old man: “A-ha!” Book, Book , Book! Chicken marches into the library, walks up to the library desk, and says: “Book, book, BOOK!” The librarian hands over a a couple of slim children’s paperbacks, and watches the chicken as it leaves the library, walks across the street, through a field, and disappears down the hill. Next day, the chicken is back. Walks right up to the librarian, drops the books on her desk, and says, “Book, Book, BOOK, BOOK!” The librarian hands over a few books and again watches the chicken drag them away. The next day, the chicken comes for a third time. Drops the books on the desk, and says, “Book, Book, Book, BOOK!!” This time, once the chicken is out the door, the librarian follows — across the street, through a field, and down the hill to a small pond. Blue Light Disco Home Island Cyclone Shelter Wednesday 24th February 2016 6.30pm - 8.00pm Music by DJ Huz Great prizes to be given out during the night Free food and drinks provided On a rock on the edge of the pond is the biggest frog the librarian has ever seen. The chicken walks up to the frog, drops the book on the pond’s edge, and says, “Book, Book, Book!” Ferry departs West Island at 6.00pm and return trip departs Home Island at 8.00pm The frog hops over, uses the front leg to push through the pile, and says: “Read it, read it, read it…” Proudly supported by AFP, Shire of Cocos Islands & Cocos Co-op Page 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Australia Day 2016 was celebrated on Sunday 24th of January, congratulations to our community who joined together celebrating what is great about being Australian on our very own unspoilt island. We would like to thank everyone who attended the celebration and participated in the days activities and to all our volunteers who worked so hard to bring it all together. Special thanks to the following organisations and individuals for their on going support and assistance to the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands in making the day a success. The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development CKI Ports Cocos Islands Cooperative Acting Shire President Yakin Capstan, CR Johnny C-Ross, CR Aishah Young & CR Woren Dedian Huzaifah Balmut Trish Flores Dave Crawford Shire Staff We congratulate this years Cocos (Keeling) Islands Australia Day Award winners; Azrin Des & Aindil Minkom, both recipients have been nominated for their dedication in undertaking the role of Quran reading teachers as well as additional Islamic studies. They have displayed enthusiasm and their positive attitude makes them worthy winners for this year’s award. Congratulations to the Home Island cricket team who took home the the trophy once again. We were glad the weather cleared out for the event and look forward to hosting Australia Day in 2017. Page 5 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) COCOS KEELING ISLANDS SOLAR COMMUNITY PROGRAM 2016 Join us for the Cocos Keeling Islands Solar Community Challenge. Discover: • How your power bills can be $0 (for a little as an initial $700, one off cost) • Making the most of the Island’s .50c buy in tariff. • Top quality systems. • Commercial and residential options available. • Because of freight and travel costs, the more systems we install the cheaper yours will be! Register your interest with The Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands for a proposed information evening to be held on Home Island and West Island in early 2016. Or get in touch NOW on 08 9244 9200 to see how much you can SAVE.. For Personal Service please call: Craig 0422 607 469 or Barry 0488 552 239 Page 6 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Did You Know??? Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Position Vacant The first flower grown in space, a zinnia, bloomed on January 16th 2016. Marketing Manager Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association The Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association Inc is seeking applications from suitable qualified persons for the part time position of Marketing Manager at the Visitor Centre. To obtain an application package please contact the Tourism Association Manager Rhonda Bowman on 9162 6790 or email Cocos Malay Words Open - Buka Close - Tutup Lift - Angkat Drop - Jatohkan Remove - Pindahkan/Singkirkan Return - Kembalikan Lost - Hilang Found - Dapat Find - Cari Where - Dimana For specific enquiries relating to the position please contact Vice Chairperson Pamela Jones on 9162 6579 or email Applications close at 3.00pm on Friday 26th February 2016. Position Vacant Tourism Support Officer Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association The Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association Inc is seeking applications from suitable qualified persons for the position of a casual Tourism Support Officer at the Visitor Centre. To obtain an application package or for enquiries relating to the position please contact the Tourism Association Manager Rhonda Bowman on 9162 6790 or email Applications close at 3.00pmn on Friday 26th February 2016. Number: SC 03/2016 Date: 10 February 2016 Administration Officer Position # 109053 2 year fixed term (non-ongoing) Cocos (Keeling) Island (CKI), Indian Ocean Territories Territory Officer Level 3 ($45,604 - $62,775 per annum) The Indian Ocean Territories Administration (IOTA) is seeking a motivated, resourceful, professional and suitably qualified person to join our team as the Administration Officer, Cocos (Keeling) Island with the Indian Ocean Territories Health Service. The key responsibilities of the Administration Officer, Cocos (Keeling) Island, are to provide reception and administration services to client and staff of the CKI Health Clinic as well as providing a Receiver of Relevant Monies service to clients of the Health Clinic. You will have excellent interpersonal skills, be well organised and able to manage a number of tasks under pressure. You will be competent using Microsoft office programs, have the ability to communicate in Cocos Malay and English, and have experience with accounts and finances. Previous experience with, or post-secondary qualifications in Business, Finance or Financial Administration would be well regarded. For further information on this unique opportunity, please contact Alanna Watson, Nurse Manager CKI, on 08 9162 6655. For an application pack outlining how you can apply to join our team, please contact the IOT Human Resources Team on 08 9164 7901 or and quote position number #109053. Applications close at 3:00pm (Cocos (Keeling) Islands Time), Thursday 3rd March 2016 Page 7 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) THANKS TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS FOR THEIR DONATIONS Australia Post - Christmas Island Cocos Club Water Corporation Home Island Seniors Mike Keogh CKI Ports Alanna-Jayne Moore Ashleigh Saltmarsh Cocos Islands Visitor Centre Karen Willshaw Avril Whyte Pam Jones Indian Ocean Territories Telecom Pty Ltd Island Petroleum Services The Big Barge Art Centre Indian Ocean Territories Health Service Cocos Village Bungalows Cocos Dive Kafe Kita Maxi's by the Sea Australian Federal Police Saltmarsh Family Jason Family Cocos (K) Islands Community Resource Centre Cocos Islands Cooperative Society Wild Papaya—Christmas Island Rik Soderlund Page 8 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Green Living Tips Litter Awareness News from Geof’s Bird’s Nest As we look around our beautiful country we all too often see plastic bottles, cans, glass bottles, polystyrene containers and cups, plastic, paper and a whole lot of other rubbish littering our streets, our parks, alongside our highways, our neighbourhoods, our shopping areas, our ocean and many other places in our environment. No waste company can keep a town or city clean when residents litter and dump illegally randomly. If residents join in, in cleaning up their environment and then keep it clean, we win because we have a cleaner, safer and more hygienic city or town. Why put your litter in the bin? We have a male Narcissus Flycatcher making lots of loud “LOOK AT ME “ noises on the track just South of Trannies beach. These birds come from Japan and usually winter in the Philippines. We also had two females on Home Island in the first week of December. The only other Narcissus Flycatchers to be see in Australia was a pair on Barrow Island off Western Australia in 2009. Litter left on the ground is unsightly. Wind picks up litter left on the ground and blows it around. It blows it into other areas. It blows it into areas that people care about. It makes the environment around us look ugly and uncared for. It gets into our waterways and negatively affects the quality of our water and kills the fish. It also breeds illnesses, breeds rats, effects birds and other animals, and causes many other problems in our environment. Areas filled with litter look like they are unattended to. Very often this attracts criminals because unattended areas are easier targets. Victim Support and Child Witness Service The Victim Support Service provides counselling and support to victims of crime. We can also help with writing a Victim Impact Statement and provide information about police charges and the court case. Please phone Deborah Miller on 0407 421 482 or freecall 1800 818 988 for further information. A translating and interpreting service is available free of charge by telephoning 13 14 50. Serbis Bantuan Mangsa dan Saksi Anak² Serbis Bantuan Mangsa memberi konseling dan bantuan kepada korban kejahatan. Kami juga dapat membantu dengan menulis ‘Victim Impact Statement’ dan memberikan keterangan tentang dakwaan polis dan dalam kes pengadilan. Silahkan hubungi Deborah Miller dinomor 0407 421 482 atau freecall 1800 818 988 untuk keterangan selanjutnya. Serbis jurubahasa disediakan free dengan hubungi 13 14 50. Visiting Specialists: Dentist 16-27 February 2016 Speech Pathologist 16-20 February 2016 Occupational Therapist 23-27 February Litter put into bins can be collected more efficiently by the garbage collectors— whether municipal garbage collectors or those that empty the bins at parks, sports fields, shopping centre or anywhere else. Imagine it is your turn at home to wash the dishes. Your family doesn't put their crockery and cutlery in the sink, but they leave each item lying around the house. You would need to go around and collect each plate, dish, cup, knife, fork, glass before you can wash the dishes. It's still your job to wash the dishes, only it takes longer and is more effort because no one helps by putting all the dishes in the sink. So let's be respectful and assist by putting our litter in the bin. More tips in next edition... Page 9 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) 2 February 2016 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST The Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development has instructed JLL to readvertise the vacant shed for lease located in the Light Industrial Area by way of Expressions of Interest. JLL therefore invite interested parties who wish to secure a lease term for space of approximately 160m2 located in the Light Industrial Area on West Island. The shed is located beside the Water Corporation commercial offices, therefore consideration to the usage would need to be taken into consideration. Interested persons should respond by email only to the Property Manager Terry Eaton for expressions to be recorded, and to provide a brief summary of your business proposal. Expressions of interest close 29th February 2016 TUNJUK KEMINATAN Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development telah memerintahkan JLL untuk advertais lagi bangunan kosong untuk disewa yang berada di Light Industrial Area dengan secara Tunjuk Keminatan. Justeru itu JLL menjumput pihak-pihak yang ingin memastikan sewaan untuk ruangan kira-kira 160m2 yang berada di Light Industrial Area di Pulu Panjang. Bangunan ini berada disamping opis-opis Water Corporation, justeru itu pertimbangkan terhadap kegunaannya akan diambil dalam pertimbangan. Sesiapa yang berminat harus memberi balasan secara email sahaja kepada Property Manager Terry Eaton untuk keminatan direkod, dan untuk memberi ringkasan yang singkat berkenaan cadangan bisnis kamu. Tunjuk Keminatan ditutup pada 29hb February 2016 The Social Work Service is available to the community, family and individuals and can provide assistance, intervention and/or information on a range of issues including: Parenting Mediation Separation and Divorce Family and Domestic Violence Loss & Grief Financial Problems Advocacy to support individuals & Families Addiction Counseling Family Situations Centrelink {The Social Work Service can provide short-term or long-term counseling and family support services, assist to identify options, and provide information about government or community support services.} The office is based on Christmas Island and the Social Worker can be contacted on 9164 7829 or 043 9215 346 or via Val Coleman, Snr Social Worker will visit Cocos Island Tuesday 23rd February – Saturday 27th February and is based in her office next to the Post Office. The number is 9162 7621. Please feel free to make an appointment. Pamphlets are also available in Malay. Page 10 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Parrotfish are one of the most colourful and interesting types of fish found on coral reefs around the world. Close relatives of the wrasse, there are about 80 identified species, ranging in size from 30 to 120 cm in length. The largest parrotfish is the Humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), also known as the Bumphead parrotfish, which can be seen in the waters surrounding Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Parrotfish are named after their teeth which are fused together to form a parrot-like beak with which they rasp algae from coral and other rocky substrates. The feeding activity of parrotfish is extremely important for coral reef systems. During feeding, teeth found in the back of their throat grind up coral and algae. After they digest the edible portions, they excrete the remainder as sand, helping to create the sandy bottoms often associated with coral reefs. Some scientists have calculated that up to 30% of the coral sand you see around coral reefs is in fact old parrotfish poo! A number of parrotfish species secrete a mucus cocoon around themselves at night time, almost like a sleeping bag, that protects them from parasites. The mucus cocoon may also act as an early warning system, allowing the parrotfish to escape when it detects predators such as moray eels disturbing the membrane. Under the proposed recreational fishing rules for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Humphead Parrotfish will have a bag limit of one per day and will be included in the mixed species demersal bag limit of 16 fish per day. All other species of Parrotfish are included in the mixed species demersal bag limit of 16 fish per day. Feel free to contact Kim Boothman, Community Education Officer for the IOTs, at any time on or Work: 9203 0345 / Mobile: 0418 915 281. Page 11 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) KAPTUA Kaptua adalah salahsatu jenis ikan yang paling berwarna-warni dan menarik diseluruh dunia. Sahabat dekat dengan ikan hiju, ada 80 jenis yang dikenalpasti, mulai dari ukuran 30 hingga 120cm panjangnya. Jenis kaptua paling besar ialah Dongol (Bolbometopon muricatum), juga dikenali sebagai kaptua ‘Bumphead’, yang boleh dilihat dilautan sekitar Pulu Christmas dan Cocos (Keeling). Kaptua dimanakan sebab gigi mereka tesambung sama-sama seperti gigi patok burung parrot untuk mengigit karang dan batubatuan. Aktiviti makan kaptua sangat penting untuk system batukarang. Dimasa mereka makan, gigi yang didapati dibelakang gorokan mereka menghaluskan karang dan lumut. Setelah melewati perot mereka dan disaring bahgian makanannya, mereka membuat pasir, membantu buat tanah berpasir yang biasa berkenaan dengan batu-karang. Ada scientists telah merekenkan yang hingga 30% pasir karang yang dilihat adalah najis dulu dari kaptua! Ada berberapa kaptua membuang ingus yang menjadi sarang yang menyelimutkan diri mereka dimasa malam, seperti ‘sleeping bag’, yang menjaga mereka dari parasites. Sarang ingus juga bertindak sebagai ’warning system’, yang mengizinkan kaptua untuk melarikan diri bila mengetahui ada binatang lain seperti lendong moray yang mengganggu sarangnya. Dibawa rencana undang-undang pemancingan rekreasi untuk Pulu Cocos (Keeling), Kaptua akan mempunyai limit bag satu dalam sehari dan akan temasuk dalam bag campuran dengan limitnya 16 sehari. Semua jenis kaptua temasuk dalam jenis-jenis bag limit ikan demersal terbatas 16 ikan sehari. Silahkan hubungi Kim Boothman, Community Education Officer untuk atau Kerjaan: 9203 0345 / Mobile: 0418 915 281. IOT, bila-bila masa sahaja di Page 12 Public Notices Notis‐notis Umum Why you must keep your vehicle registered These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always get individual legal advice for your situation. Every owner of a motor vehicle (eg car, motor bike, quad bike) or trailer must keep their vehicle registered. This is also called having a current licence for your vehicle. There are two very important reasons for doing this. The first is that it is a criminal offence to drive an unregistered (unlicensed) vehicle. If you do so, the penalty is a fine up to $500 plus an extra monetary penalty of an amount equivalent to the cost of 6 months’ registration for that vehicle. In addition, you must register the vehicle before you drive it again. Any other person who drives your unregistered vehicle also commits an offence. The second extremely important reason is because when you register your vehicle, you, and anyone else who is driving your vehicle, get insurance if you or they injure or kill someone when driving your vehicle. This type of insurance does not cover you for any property damage you cause to another vehicle or other property. You need to get another type of insurance for that. When you pay the registration (licence) fee for your vehicle, part of this registration fee is to insure you and anyone driving your vehicle for any claim against you or them for injuring or killing someone if you or they drive the vehicle negligently. Negligence is where you don’t take reasonable care and cause someone loss and injury. An example might be where you are driving, while looking down at your phone and texting, and because you are not looking at the road, you run over a person beside the road and cause them serious injury. You have been negligent in your driving because you were not taking reasonable care (and in this case you have also committed a criminal offence). A claim against you for injuring someone due to your negligent driving is called a “third party personal injury claim.” The person injured can make a claim against you for all of the loss and damage they have suffered because of your mistake when you were driving. A claim can even reach hundreds of thousands of dollars if the person is badly injured. For example, they may have a permanent disability and/or lose their job because they can no longer work, or have to take lower paid work because of their injuries. When your vehicle is registered and you are therefore insured, and have not done anything that cancels your insurance (see below) the Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA) will pay for all the loss and damage (called “damages”) if you have injured a person through your negligent driving. So you do not have to pay. If you have not registered your vehicle, and injure someone through your negligent driving and cause them loss and damage, ICWA may have to pay the person injured for their loss and damage. However, ICWA can then force you to repay ICWA. Or you may have to pay the person directly. This can cost you up to several hundred thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the injury and loss and damage caused. When you buy a vehicle, or are given one as a gift, you must make sure that it is registered before driving or riding it. You should get the registration papers. Even if you just drive or borrow someone else’s vehicle, you should always make sure that it is registered before driving it. It is also very important to know that there are some ways in which you can void or cancel your vehicle’s third party personal injury insurance (which means it no longer covers you). This happens if you breach (break) important terms of the insurance. Some ways in which you can breach the terms are if you: are driving above the legal blood alcohol level use the vehicle for something other than you claim when you register it do not report an accident that injures or kills someone to ICWA are unlicensed to drive drive your vehicle when it is damaged or unsafe. If you are involved in an accident in a vehicle which causes someone injury or death, you must write to ICWA straight away (whether your vehicle is registered or unregistered) and advise it of: there has been an accident the date, time and place of the accident the registration/licence plate details of all vehicles involved the names and addresses of all people involved the names and addresses of any witnesses what happened. Another important thing to know is that if you drive someone else’s vehicle without their permission and cause injury to someone, you are not covered by the third party personal injury insurance attached to the vehicle. Again, you may end up being liable for thousands of dollars. You have also committed an offence of stealing. In summary, always only drive a registered vehicle, never use a vehicle without the owner’s permission and never breach the terms of third party personal injuries insurance. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 13 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) Kenapa kamu mesti tetap rejista kereta/motosekel kamu Ini adalah artikel-artikel pendek tentang perkara-perkara legal yang mungkin kamu berminat. Ia bukannya nasihat undang-undang. Kamu harus selalu mendapati nasihat undang-undang untuk keadaan kamu. Semua pemilik kereta (contohnya kereta, motosekel, moto roda empat) atau trailer mesti rejista semua kereta-kereta mereka. Ini juga dipanggil lesen untuk kereta-kereta kamu. Ada dua sebab yang penting untuk berbuat demikian. Pertama, kalau membawa kereta tanpa direjista adalah kesalahan kriminal. Kalau kamu buat sedemikian, dendanya hingga melebihi $500 dengan tambahan denda yang berjumlah sama dengan ongkos rejistresen 6 bulan untuk kereta itu. Dengan tambahnya, kamu mesti rejista kereta itu sebelom kamu membawaknya lagi. Orang lain yang membawak kereta kamu yang tidak direjistaini juga membuat pelanggaran. Kedua ada sebab yang sangat penting olehkerana bila kamu rejista kereta kamu, kamu, dang sesiapa yang membawak kereja kamu, mendapat insurance jika kamu atau mereka celakakan atau membunuh seseorang bila sedang memandu kereta kamu. Jenis insurance ini tidak melindung kamu untuk segala kerusakkan yang kamu menyebabkan terhadap kereta atau harta orang lain. Kamu perlu insurance lain untuk itu. Bila kamu membayar rejistresen (lesen) untuk kereta, sebahgian ongkos ini untuk melindungi kamu dan sesiapa yang membawa kereta kamu untuk tuntutan terhadap kamu atau mereka untuk melukai atau membunuh seseorang jika kamu atau mereka membawa kereta kamu secara ceroboh. Satu contoh ialah bila kamu memandu kereta, lagi tunduk untuk memandang talipun kamu dan texting, dan sebab itu kamu tidak memandang jalan, kamu terlanggar orang ditepi jalan dan menyebabkan kecederaan berat. Kamu telah ceroboh dalam membawak kereta kerana kamu tidak membawak kereta sewajarnya (dan dalam kes ini kamu telah melakukan kesalahan kriminal). Tuntutan terhadap kamu kerana mencelakakan orang bersebabkan kecerobohan kamu dipanggil “third party personal injury claim.” Orang yang cedera boleh membuat tuntutan terhadap kamu untuk semua kerugian dan kerusakkan yang mereka mengalami olehkerana kesalahan kamu bila kamu membawak kereta. Tuntutan boleh hingga ratusan ribu dollar jika orang itu terluka parah. Contohnya, mereka mungkin ada kecacatan seumur hidup dan/atau kehilangan kerjaan sebab mereka tidak boleh lagi kerja, atau harus mengambil kerjaan yang gajinya sedikit kerana kecederaan mereka. Bila kereta kamu direjita dan kerana itu kamu ada insurance, dan belom berbuat apapa yang membatalkan insurance kamu (lihat dibawa) Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA) akan membayar semua kerugian dan kerusakkan (dipanggil “damages”) jika kamu mencelakakan seseorang bersebabkan kamu membawa kereta secara ceroboh. Kalau kamu tidak rejista kereta kamu, dan mencelakakan seseorang kerana kecerobohan kamu membawak kereta dan menyebabkan kerugian dan kerusakkan, ICWA berkemungkinan boleh membayarkan orang itu untuk kerugian dan kerusakkan mereka. Tetapi, ICWA boleh memaksa kamu untuk mengganti rugi ICWA. Atau kamu mesti bayar orang itu secara langsung. Ini boleh memasuki berberapa ratusan ribu dollar, tegantung kepada teruknya kecederaan, kerugian dan kerusakkan yang telah disebabkan. Bila kamu membeli kereta, atau dikasi sebagai hadiah, kamu mesti pastikan kereta/motosekel itu direjista sebelom dibawak. Kamu mesti mengambil kertas salinan rejistresen. Walaupun kamu hanya membawak atau meminjam kereta orang lain, kamu selalu mesti pastikan yang direjista sebelom membawaknya. Ini juga penting untuk diketahui yang ada berberapa cara yang kamu boleh membatalkan insurance kecederaan peribadi “third party” (yang bermakna ianya tidak akan dilindungkan). Ini terjadi bila kamu melanggar atau membatalkan syarat-syarat penting dalam insurance itu. Cara-cara yang kamu boleh membatalkan syarat-syarat kamu ialah kalau kamu: membawak kereta dengan arak dalam darah yang melebihi batas menggunakan kereta untuk sesuatu selain daripada apa yang kamu tuntut bila kamu rejistanya tidak melaporkan kepada ICWA tentang kecelakaan yang mencederakan atau membunuh seseorang tidak mempunyai lesen untuk membawak kereta membawak kereta kamu bila rusak atau membahayakan. Kalau kamu terlibat dalam kemalangan dalam kereta yang menyebabkan kecelakaan atau kematian seseorang, kamu mesti menulis kepada ICWA dengan segera (tidak kira kereta kamu direjista ataupun tidak) dan memberitahu: yang telah ada kecelakaan tarikh, masa dan tempat kecelakaan itu keterangan rejistresen/plate lesen semua kereta yang terlibat nama dan alamat semua orang-orang yang terlibat nama-nama dan alamat semua saksi apa yang berlaku. Sesuatu penting untuk diketahui juga ialah kalau kamu membawak kereta orang lain tanpa izin mereka dan menyebabkan kecelakaan kepada seseorang, kamu tidak dilindungi oleh insurance kecederaan peribadi “third party” yang berkaitan dengan kereta itu. Sekali lagi, kamu berkemungkinan bertanggungjawab terhadap beribuan dollar. Kamu juga telah melakukan pelanggaran mencuri. Ringkasnya, selalu bawak kereta yang direjista, jangan sekali-sekali membawak kereta orang lain tanpa izin mereka dan jangan sekali-sekali melanggar syarat-syarat insurance kecederaan peribadi “third party”. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 14 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) Restraining orders law II – Misconduct restraining orders and breaching restraining orders These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always obtain individual legal advice for your situation. The first article was about violence restraining orders and police orders and this article will be about misconduct restraining orders and breaching (breaking) any type of restraining order. Misconduct restraining orders Misconduct restraining orders are orders of the Magistrates Court or Children’s Court to stop intimidating or offensive behaviour towards you (eg swearing at you, shouting at you, calling you ugly names, dropping rubbish in your yard) or damage to your property. However, you need to know that if someone behaves like this towards you and you are, or have been, in a family and domestic relationship with them (eg present or former spouse or de facto spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, child or other family member, flatmate) then you cannot apply for a misconduct restraining order against them – you must apply for a violence restraining order. A misconduct restraining order, like a violence restraining order, will usually stop a person from communicating with you in any way (eg speaking to you in the street, telephoning you, sending you letters, emails or text messages, contacting you through social media), or coming near you, or coming near where you live or work. Misconduct restraining orders are most often obtained against neighbours, work colleagues, acquaintances, or former friends. Sometimes they are obtained against another child or children if there has been offensive or intimidating behaviour towards your child, but the behaviour is not serious enough for your child to have a violence restraining order. But note that a misconduct restraining order cannot be made against a child under 10 years of age. You can apply for a misconduct restraining order through the Magistrates Court (or the Children’s Court if the person you want one against is a young person under 18 years of age and or you are under 18 years of age). The application will be listed in the Court usually a few of weeks from the time of filing your application. On Christmas or Cocos Islands, it will be listed on the next occasion that the Magistrate is coming and the Court is sitting. Unlike a violence restraining order application, you are not given the opportunity to ask the Court for an interim order first. This is because the behaviour about which you are complaining is not usually as serious and dangerous as behaviour that would give you a violence restraining order. The person you are applying against (called the “respondent”) will be given a summons to come to Court on the date that the Court has listed the matter. If the respondent comes to Court on that date and objects to an order being made, the matter will make its way to a trial (a hearing), usually at the next Court sitting date. This is where the Magistrate, after hearing all the evidence, decides whether you should be given a misconduct restraining order. If the respondent decides not to come to Court even though he/she has been given a summons, you can give your evidence and ask the Court for an order in the absence of the respondent. A misconduct restraining order against an adult is usually for 1 year, or it can be for less. A misconduct restraining order against a child cannot be for longer than 6 months. If you think that you need a misconduct restraining order against someone, seek legal advice. Healthy Living Tips The hardest part of an exercise routine is getting started. Once you've established a regular pattern of exercise, you'll find yourself following it. First of all, exercise will only become a habit if it's fun! Pick something you will enjoy doing. If you like being with a group of people, try a team sport like basketball or soccer. You don't have to be a super athlete. Anyone can exercise. Social activities like dancing and mall-walking are also good. If you're more of a loner, try bicycling or swimming. Don't kid yourself. Be honest about what you realistically think you can do. If you have always hated to climb stairs, step aerobics probably isn't for you. Maybe a walk around the neighbourhood would be more pleasant. Many people today are walking toward fitness. Consider your current state of physical fitness. If you haven't exercised in years, you'll definitely want to start with some modest activities. As you get adjusted, you can increase your activity. Consider your schedule. Are you a morning person? Then plan to exercise in the morning. If you're addicted to your snooze button, plan to exercise in the evening. Start with just a small block of time, maybe fifteen minutes. As you get into your routine, you probably won't mind increasing to twenty, and then thirty, minutes. In order to be effective, you'll need to repeat your exercise routine 3 or 4 times per week. Finally, take it easy. Make sure that you exercise intelligently and cautiously. Exercise should improve your health, not risk it. Breaching (breaking) any type of restraining order If the other party (called the “person bound”) breaches a restraining order, this is a criminal offence. You can ask the Police to charge him or her with breaking the restraining order. The penalty for breaching a violence restraining order, or a police order, can be a fine of up to $6,000 and/or up to 2 years imprisonment. The penalty for breaking a misconduct restraining order is a fine up to $1,000. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA More tips in next edition... Page 15 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) Undang-undang Perintah Pertahanan (Restraining orders) II – Perintah Pertahanan Kelakuan Buruk dan Pelanggaran Perintah Pertahanan Ini adalah artikel-artikel pendek tentang perkara-perkara menurut undang-undang yang mungkin ada yang berminat. Ia bukan nasihat undangundang. Kamu harus selalu mendapatkan nasihat undang-undang tersendiri untuk keadaan kamu. Artikel yang pertama berkenaan perintah pertahanan keganasan dan perintahan polis dan artikel ini akan berkenaan perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk dan pelanggaran (membatalkan) jenis-jenis perintah pertahanan. Perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk Perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk adalah perintah daripada Magistrates Court atau Children’s Court untuk memberhentikan tingkah laku yang menakutkan atau menyinggung kamu atau kelakuan yang menyakitkan (contohnya memaki terhadap kamu, menjerit terhadap kamu, memanggil kamu nama-nama yang buruk, meninggalkan sampah dalam tempat kamu) atau merusakkan harta kamu. Walaubagaimanapun, kamu perlu tahu yang kalau ada orang bersikap sedemikian terhadap kamu dan kamu sudah, atau pernah, dalam keluarga dan perhubungan rumahtangga dengan mereka (contohnya pasangan sekarang atau dahulu, tunangan, anak atau orang daripada keluarga, tempat tempat tinggal) jadi kamu tidak boleh memohon untuk perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk terhadap mereka - kamu mesti memohon untuk perintah pertahanan keganasan. Sebuah perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk, seperti perintah pertahanan keganasan, akan biasa berhentikan seseorang untuk berkomunikasi dengan kamu secara apapun (contohnya bicara dengan kamu dijalanan, menelefon kamu, mengirim kamu surat, email atau pesanan, menghubungi kamu melalau social media), atau datang mendekati kamu, atau datang ditempat tinggal atau tempat kerja kamu. Perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk biasa dimintak terhadap jiran-jiran, teman kerja, orang kenalan, atau teman dahulu. Kadang-kadang ia didapati terhadap anak-anak lain atau anak-anak yang telah bersikap menyakitkan atau menakutkan anak kamu, tetapi sikap ini belom serious untuk anak kamu mengadakan perintah pertahanan keganasan. Tetapi ingat yang perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk tidak boleh dibuat terhadap anak-anak dibawah umur 10 tahun. Kamu boleh memohon untuk perintah perintahan kelakuan buruk melalui Magistrates Court (atau Children’s Court kalau seseorang itu memerlukan untuk seorang muda dibawa umur 18 tahun dan/atau kamu masih dibawa 18 tahun). Pemohonan akan didaftarkan dalam mahkamah biasanya berberapa minggu daripada masa yang dilaporkan. Di Pulu Christmas atau Cocos, ia akan didaftarkan untuk pelawatan bilamasa Magistrate datang dan Mahkamah diadakan. Berlainan dengan perintah pertahanan keganasan, kamu tidak diberi peluang untuk memintak kepada Mahkamah untuk pemerintahan pertahanan yang sementara dahulu. Ini bersebabkan kelakuan yang kamu melaporkan biasanya bukan serious dan merbahayakan olehkerana kelakuan itu akan memberikan kamu dengan perintah pertahanan keganasan. Orang yang kamu melaporkan ( dinamakan “respondent”) akan diberi ‘summons’ untuk hadir di Mahkamah pada hari yang Mahkamah telah menetapkan untuk perkara ini. Kalau ‘respondent’ datang di Mahkamah pada tarikh tersebut dan memlawan perintahan yang dibuat, perkara ini akan diteruskan ke ‘trial’ , biasanya dihari lain yang ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah. Ini bilamasa Magistrate, setelah mendengarkan semua bukti, memutuskan antara kamu mesti diberikan perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk atau tidak. Kalau ‘respondent’ tidak datang ke Mahkamah walaupun telah diberikan ’summons’, kamu boleh memberikan bukti kamu dan memintak Mahkamah untuk perintah pertahanan ini tanpa ada ‘respondent’ itu. Sebuah perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk terhadap orang dewasa biasanya satu tahun, atau kurang daripada itu. Perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk terhadap anak-anak tidak boleh lebih daripada 6 bulan. Kalau kamu rasa kamu memerlukan perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk terhadap seseorang, cari nasihat undang-undang. Pelanggaran (membatalkan) perintah pertahanan Kalau pihak sebelah (dipanggil “person bound”) melanggar perintah pertahanan, ini adalah kesalahan jenayah. Kamu boleh memintak Police untuk mendakwa dia sebab melanggar perintah pertahananya. Denda pelanggaran perintah pertahanan, atau perintahan police, boleh memasuki dengan $6,000 dan/atau dipenjara 2 tahun. Dendaan untuk melanggar perintah pertahanan kelakuan buruk adalah denda $1,000. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 16 Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi Page 17 Cocos Snippets Keping‐kepingan Cocos Page 18 Crossword Sudoku Station How do I do it? The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and group of squares enclosed by the bold lines must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. The rules for different size and shape puzzles are pretty much identical. The different size puzzles simply require a different set of numbers. ACROSS 1. Dogs of a dwarf breed 5. Ancient Greek marketplace 10. Small island 14. Rectum 15. Acted presumptuously 16. Principal 17. Temporarily incapable of speaking 19. Implored 20. "___ the season to be jolly" 21. Serf 22. Accomplishments 23. Responses 25. Crucifixes 27. Utilize 28. Wizard 31. Explosion 34. Breasts (slang) 35. Lyric poem 36. Klutz's cry 37. Inner surface of hands 38. Fizzy drink 39. Since 40. Plateaux 41. The quality of being funny 42. Refinisher 44. Prohibit 45. A monotonous hum 46. Biggest 50. Prickle 52. Makes changes to 54. "Eureka!" 55. Fit 56. Painkiller 58. Murres 59. Inscribed pillar 60. Lady's escort 61. Religious offshoot 62. Type of poplar tree 63. 1 1 1 1 DOWN 1. Noodles 2. Remove the pins from 3. Estimate 4. South southeast 5. Hold 6. Vexes 7. Chocolate cookie 8. Lavatories 9. Commercials 10. Hinder 11. Showroom 12. Misled 13. Terminates 18. Thorax 22. Physicians 24. Wimp 26. Spheres 28. Pertaining to the Sun 29. Cocoyam 30. Back 31. Wild hog 32. Balcony section 33. Pontifical 34. Cellars 37. South American country 38. Vocalized musically 40. Eve's opposite 41. Abrasive 43. Menace 44. Stuffing 46. Fine thread 47. Consumed 48. Gleam 49. Sensitivities 50. As a result 51. Rabbit 53. Very intense 56. An Old Testament king 57. Conceit Brainteaser Central! All of the numbers, when read upside down, are the numbers 86 – 91. The ‘?’ is 78. Brainteaser Answer Page 19 Sudoku Solutions Crossword Solutions A COCOS MOMENT Photo: Alana-Jayne Moore Do you have a Cocos Moment you would like to share? Email your favourite photo to or drop into the Community Resource Centre. Birthdays & Anniversaries Wish to send love ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries? Drop in at the Cocos Islands Community Resource Centre or email Page 20 Community Events Acara Masyarakat Upcoming 2016 Community Events Event Name Event Date Event Host Pink Stumps Day (Direction Island) 20/02/2016 Community Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 24/02/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Cocos Club BGM 24/02/2016 Cocos Club Kids Blue Light Disco 24/02/2016 AFP Worlds Greatest Shave 16/03/2016 Cocos Club West Island Market Day 19/03/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Council Meeting - West Island (Admin Conference Room) 30/03/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Kids Movie Night 08/04/2016 Cocos Club Anzac Day/Two Up and Lunch 25/04/2016 Cocos Club/North Park Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 27/04/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Mothers Day - Cocktails 08/05/2016 Cocos Club Kids Blue Light Disco 11/05/2015 AFP Indoor Sports Competition 15/05/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 25/05/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Australia Biggest Morning Tea 26/05/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cocos Ball 10/06/2016 Cocos Club West Island Market Day 18/06/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 29/06/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Kids Movie Night 24/07/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - West Island (Admin Conference Room) 27/07/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Kids Blue Light Disco 10/08/2016 AFP Cocos Club Members BBQ 23/08/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 31/08/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council West Island Market Day 17/09/2016 Cocos Islands CRC West Fest 24/09/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 28/09/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council The above events with further details are all advertised on the Cocos Islands CRC website. If you have a community event you would like to advertise, please contact our office with your details. This is a FREE service for our Community. Phone: 9162 7707 Email: Website: Page 21 Thursday 3rd Mar 2016 The next edition of The Atoll will be produced on: Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan dikeluarkan pada: 1:00pm Tuesday 1st Mar 2016 All items/materials must be received by: Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom: Cocos Snapshots 2... Gambaran Cocos 2... Shire’s Industrial Sheds on HI nearing completion Sandbagging works on Sydney Highway Have Your Say Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be: ll: he Ato ct for T o m k Conta in Isa M d e m m Moha u Email: cos.w ns@co o ti a ic un one: comm Teleph 2 6649 6 1 9 (08) Accurate and/or factual Not defamatory or inflammatory Identified by author Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available. The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication. Materials should preferably be electronically forwarded to: To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 1pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. Disclaimer The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce The Atoll. The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions. Page 22
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