Shire of Cocos
Shire of Cocos
$2.00 Cocos Snapshots Cocos (Keeling) Islands Gambaran Cocos The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls, situated 2768km NW of Perth and 3685km due West of Darwin, is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean. Contents Page Isi Kandungan Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis Umum - Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi 11 Cocos Snippets Keping-kepingan Cocos 12 Games Kemainan 13 Awesome shots of the canoe adventures by Rik Lion Dance Troupe from Christmas Island Cocos Moment Saat Cocos 14 Birthdays Ulang Tahun Community Events Acara Masyarakat 15 Cocos Snapshots 2 Gambaran Cocos 2 16 Advertisements Advertais Translation Fees apply Quarter Page Suku Kertas $10.00 Half Page Setengah Kertas $25.00 Full Page Penuh Kertas $50.00 You can subscribe to The Atoll electronically by contacting: Page 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) Rainfall Stats Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P: 08 9162 7707 F: 08 9162 7708 E: W: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter May Statistics (latest up to 12 May): 66.2.00 mm Latest 2016 Statistics: (latest up to 12 May) 12224.00 mm AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA LATEST WEATHER 27.latest.shtml When it comes to beating cancer, we all have what it takes to help. Each year, the Cancer Council helps thousands of Australian’s affected by cancer because they believe it’s a journey that no one should go through alone. The Cocos Islands Community Resource Centre would like to thank the following businesses who are generously donating food for our Australia's Biggest Morning which will be held on Thursday 26th May at 9.30am. Maxi’s By The Sea Sausage Rolls Tropica Restaurant Donuts Kafe Kita Sushi & Cakes Rasa Di Sayang Muffins Early Bird Artisan Bakery Fresh Coffee & Tea If you would like to come along and show your support, please contact our office today with your RSVP. We are asking those attending to donate $20.00 (or more!) to the Cancer Council. There will be some great door prizes, and we are looking forward to hosting this very worthy event. If you are unable to attend, but would like to still donate we are more than happy to accept your donations! Emergency Contact List AFP VHF 91626600 Ch20 IOTHS WI Clinic IOTHS HI Clinic 91626655 91627609 VHF Ch24 DFES HI DFES WI 91627788 91627777 VMRS 0406329056 VHF Ch20 Shire HI Shire WI 91626649 91626740 Watercorp 91626722 BUSINESS BUZZ & INFO SESSIONS Thumbs Up Thanks to everyone who came along to our Department of Fisheries Info Session and our Working with Children Screening Unit Business Buzz recently. Our next Info Session will be hosted by Annie Gray from Legal Aid who will provide information on creating a will. ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION LIST Would you like to receive State Government information relating to service delivery agreements, community bulletins, shipping updates, or any general information relating to Cocos Keeling Islands? The Cocos CRC has developed an email distribution list for those who are interested in receiving this information and it is free! Your email address remains hidden and you can unsubscribe from the list at any time. Simply email our office to be added to the list. Please note that this distribution list will not be used to promote business. Proudly supported by Feel free to email your thumbs up to: Page 2 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Proposed Disposition of Property “Home Island Small Business Centre” Part Lot 18, Sydney Highway, West Island In accordance with Section 3.58 (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA) (CKI), Council is required to give public notice of any disposition of property. This includes selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of, whether absolutely or not. Council resolved at its February 2016 ordinary meeting to enter into Lease Agreements for Shops 2, 3 & 4 of the Home Island Small Business Centre, Part Lot 18 Home Island. Address Lessee Market Valuation Shop 2, Part Lot 18, Home Island Osman Macrae $2,200 Shop 3, Part Lot 18, Home Island Dzuljaidi Bakkman $2,700 Shop 4, Part Lot 18, Home Island Ropie Arkrie $3,900 Council invites written submissions from residents regarding the proposed disposition with submissions closing on Monday, 6th of June 2016 marked confidential and addressed to the undersigned. Joanne Soderlund Deputy Chief Executive Officer Cadangan Pengaturan Harta Kepunyaan “Home Island Small Business Centre” Part Lot 18, Sydney Highway, Pulu Panjang Menurut dengan Section 3.58 (3) dan (4) di Akta Local Government 1995 (WA) (CKI), Council diperlukan untuk memberi notis umum terhadap segala pengaturan harta kepunyaan. Ini temasuk menjual, menyewa, atau selainnya mengatur, sama ada pasti atau tidak. Council mengutuskan dimitingan biasanya pada February 2016 untuk memasuk kedalam Persetujuan Sewaan untuk Kedai 2, 3 & 4 di Home Island Small Business Centre, Part Lot 18 Home Island. Address Lessee Market Valuation Shop 2, Part Lot 18, Home Island Osman Macrae $2,200 Shop 3, Part Lot 18, Home Island Dzuljaidi Bakkman $2,700 Shop 4, Part Lot 18, Home Island Ropie Arkrie $3,900 Council menjumput memasukkan surat dari penduduk berkenaan cadangan pengaturan ini dengan surat dimasukkan pada hari Senin, 6hb June 2016 ditandakan ‘confidential’ dan dialamatkan kepada orang tersebut dibawa. Joanne Soderlund Deputy Chief Executive Officer Page 3 Quote of the Day Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) If you would keep young: be cheerful, keep working, and love one another. ~ Fanny J. Crosby Thought for the Day FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS – RESIDENT FURTHER EDUCATION Hug your haters and kill them with your kindness ~ Rohan Chaubey CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Jokes of the Week Applications are being called for the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands Funding Contributions – Resident Further Education program. Class Test Four high school boys afflicted with spring fever skipped morning classes. After lunch they reported to the teacher that they had a flat tire. A copy of the Shires policy along with the application form can be obtained from the Shire office or alternatively downloaded from the Shire website Applications are to be received by 4:00pm Monday 13th June 2016. Submissions can be handed in at the Shire office, posted or emailed to: Much to their relief she smiled and said: “Well, you missed a test today so take seats apart from one another and take out a piece of paper” Still smiling, she waited for them to sit down. Then she said: “First Question: Which tire was flat?!” Twin pics A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named 'Amal.' The other goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan'. Years later; Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, ' 'But they are twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal.'' Enough to make you faint The man passed out in a dead faint as he came out of his front door onto the porch. Someone dialled 911. When the paramedics arrived, they helped him regain consciousness and asked if he knew what caused him to faint. "It was enough to make anybody faint," he said. Deputy Chief Executive Officer Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands PO Box 1094 COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS WA 6799 Further information can be obtained by contacting Joanne Soderlund (Mak Kimberley) during office hours on 9162 6649. SUMBANGAN DUIT BANTUAN – PELAJARAN LANJUT UNTUK PENDUDUK PANGGILAN UNTUK MEMOHON Surat pemohonan dipanggil untuk program Sumbangan Duit Bantuan Shire Pulu Cocos (Keeling) - Pelajaran Lanjut untuk Penduduk . Salinan policy Shire bersama form pemohonan boleh didapat dari opis Shire atau boleh di download dari webite Shire Surat pemohonan mesti diterima sebelom jam 4:00pm Senin 13hb June 2016. Surat mesti dimasukkan keopis Shire, dikirim atau di email kepada: Deputy Chief Executive Officer Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands PO Box 1094 COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS WA 6799 Keterangan selanjutnya boleh didapati dengan menghubungi Joanne Soderlund (Mak Kimberley) dimasa kerjaan dinomor 9162 6649. "My son asked me for the keys to the garage, and instead of driving the car out, he came out with the lawn mower." Page 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) INFO SESSION Would you like to know more about making a will? Wednesday 8th June - 5.00pm Why should you make one, what should go in one, what happens if you don't have one, and how do you do one? And what is the difference if you and your spouse own your house together as joint tenants or as tenants in common and how does that affect making a will? And what about superannuation and your will? Join Annie Gray from Legal Aid WA who will give a sit around the table talk about the topic of making wills. Please RSVP by no later than Wednesday 1st June 2016 Soft drinks and finger food will be supplied. Page 5 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Page 6 Did You Know??? An electric oven uses one kilowatthour of electricity in about 20 minutes, but one kilowatt-hour will power a TV for 3 hours, run a 100watt bulb for 12 hours, and keep an electric clock ticking for 3 months. Cocos Malay Words Eat - Makan Drink - Minum Fruits - Buah-buahan Vegetable - Sayur-sayuran Meat - Daging Seafood - Makan Laut Dessert - Bilasan Breakfast - Sarapan Pagi Lunch - Makan Tengah Hari Dinner - Makan Malam Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Ombudsman Visit and Complaint Clinics Are you having problems with: ...a Western Australian Government agency? ...a local government (shire)? …an Australian Government agency? If you can’t fix it with them, talk to us. We might be able to help and it’s FREE. From 24 to 28 May 2016, staff from the offices of the Western Australian Ombudsman and the Commonwealth Ombudsman will be visiting the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. You are invited to a free complaints clinic to speak directly with our staff on: Wed 25 May, 5:30 – 7:30pm Indian Ocean Group Training Home Island Thurs 26 May, 5:30 – 7:30pm CKI Community Resource Centre West Island For further information, call 1800 117 000 or email On behalf of the Christmas Island Lion Dance Troupe, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all Cocos (Keeling) Island community groups for hosting us and taking time out to attend the event, we couldn’t do it without your overwhelming supports and we hope you have enjoyed the traditional Chinese lion dance performances. A Special Thank You to both the Cocos (Keeling) and Christmas Island Local Government & Shires, School and Volunteer Organisations for dedicating all resources to support this project. Dari pihak Christmas Island Lion Dance Troupe, kami ingin mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada semua kumpulan masyarakat Pulu Cocos (Keeling) untuk menyokong persembahan dan mengambil masa untuk hadir dipersembahan kami, kami tidak bisa membuat ini semua tanpa sokongan semua yang tak terhingga dan kami harap semua menikmati persembahan tradisi tarian singa China. Terima kasih istimewa kepada kedua-dua Cocos (Keeling) dan Christmas Island Local Government & Shires, Sekolahan dan Persatuanpersatuan Voluntir yang telah menghaskan semua resource untuk menyokong projek ini. Page 7 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Please be aware of calls from scammers falsely claiming to be from the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) or Australian Tax Office (ATO). Scammers have recently been calling residents of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands telling them that there is a warrant out for their arrest. The scammers may spin a range of stories about why an arrest warrant has been issued, including that you have failed to pay taxes. The caller may leave a message on your answering machine demanding that you call them back. The caller has no connection with the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, Australian Taxation Office or any other state or commonwealth department. Scammers typically ask for money to be sent via wire transfer as it’s nearly impossible to recover money sent this way. They may also ask for people’s financial and other personal details to access their money and use this information to commit other scams. If you receive a phone call from someone saying you have an arrest warrant and asking you to pay a fee, hang up and do not respond. If in doubt, don’t use the contact details provided - look up the government department or organisation yourself in the phone book or online and phone or email them. If you have any doubts about the identity of any caller who claims to represent a government department, contact the body directly. Don’t rely on numbers, email addresses or websites provided by the caller – find them through an independent source such as a phone book or online search. If you have any concerns about calls of this nature, please contact your local AFP team who will be able to provide advice. You can report scams to the ACCC via the SCAMwatch report a scam page or by calling 1300 795 995. More information can be found at: Perlu diketahui yang banyak menerima telipon dari penipu yang mengaku palsu dari Commonwealth Direktur Umum penuntutan (CDPP) atau Opis Tax Australia (ATO). Penipu baru baru saja menelepon penduduk di Pulu Cocos mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa ada surat perintah penangkapan keluar untuk mereka. Penipu bisa putar putari cerita tentang mengapa sebuah surat perintah penangkapan telah dikeluarkan, termasuk bahwa Anda telah gagal untuk membayar tax. Pemanggil dapat meninggalkan pesan pada mesin penjawab Anda akan suruh anda telipon kan mereka balek. Pemanggil tidak kenak mengenak dengan Commonwealth Direktur Umum penuntutan, Australian Taxation Office, atau bagian bagian sekitar Australia atau Commonwealth. Penipu biasanya meminta uang untuk dikirim melalui wire transfer kerena susah untuk dapat kembali uang yang dikirim dengan cara ini. Mereka juga mintak orang punya keuangan dan detail pribadi untok memerlukan untok dapatkan uang Anda dan menggunakan informasi ini untuk melakukan penipuan lain. Jika Anda menerima panggilan telepon dari seseorang mengatakan Anda memiliki penangkapan dan meminta Anda untuk membayar, terus tarok telipon dan janagan jawab.api. Jika Anda berada dalam keraguan, Jangan menggunakan kontak kontak yang diberikan - cari departemen pemerintah atau organisasi di buku telepon atau online dan telepon atau email mereka. Jika Anda memiliki keraguan tentang identitas pemanggil manapun yang katakan mereka untuk mewakili departemen pemerintah, hubungi department itu langsung. Jangan gunakan nomor telipon, email address atau websites yang di kasi dari orang telipon Anda – cari mereka melalui cara sendiri seperti telipon book atau di internet. Kalok Anda mempunyai kekuateran tentang panggilan ini, silahkan hubungi AFP (Polis) yang akan mampu memberikan kenasihatan. Anda dapat melaporkan penipuan ke ACCC melalui SCAMwatch laporan halaman scam atau dengan menelepon 1300 795 995. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di: Page 8 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Green Living Tips Saving Water in the Garden Here's some tips for reducing your garden watering footprint— and to save some money on water rates at the same time. Plant selection Consider not only your area's current rainfall, but what's projected for the future. Sprinklers Look to buy a sprinkler that throws water closer to the ground in large drops. Drip irrigation Drip irrigation consists of a series of pipes with drippers hanging off them that deliver water directly to where it's needed. Irrigation timers If you use an irrigation timer, set it to run half the normal time, but run it a second cycle a minimum of half an hour later. This will dramatically reduce runoff. Watering time The best time of the day to water is either just on sunrise or just on sunset, as this minimizes water evaporation. Mulch, mulch, mulch Mulching is adding layers of plant material such peastraw or bark to keep the sun off the soil and therefore retain water. Mulching is one of the most effective ways to reduce water needed in a garden - up to 50%. Aerate your lawn and garden An aerator pulls out small plugs of soil allowing air and water to penetrate deeper. Deeper moisture means deeper root systems; which makes plants more resistant to dry spells and requiring less water. Make trees a watering priority Grass may die, but it grows back quickly, whereas a tree may take decades to grow. Trees also provide protection from the harsh sun for other plants and can reduce ground temperatures in a garden substantially. If you have to choose between watering your lawn and watering your trees; prioritize the latter. Consider a rainwater tank Given the amount of water gardens require; consider adding a rainwater catchment system to your property - it can help act as added insurance for a reasonable supply of water during the dry months or when your local authorities introduce restrictions. More tips in next edition... Page 9 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) The Yellowedge coronation trout (Variola louti) has many common names, but is known as a ‘lunar-tail’ on the IOTs due to its distinct lunar shaped tail and yellow markings. It has a bright red and orange colour pattern with yellow spots all over its body. Lunar-tails are a demersal fish (bottom-dwelling), and can be found on inshore coral reefs and deeper offshore reefs up to 240m deep. They eat crabs, prawns and other smaller fish. Although lunar-tails have a very widespread distribution and are locally abundant in many parts of its range, species numbers are thought to have declined sharply over a 20 year period. They are heavily targeted by fishers at Cocos (Keeling) Islands and there is growing pressure on this species at Christmas Island. Lunar-tails are very vulnerable to fishing when they aggregate for spawning. Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) trout, are included in this bag limit and have an individual species bag limit of 4 fish per day. This means that a person may not take more than 4 coronation trout per day and not more than 16 demersal fish in total per day. Feel free to contact Kim Boothman, Community Education Officer for the IOTs, at any time on or Work: 9203 0345 / Mobile: 0418 915 281. Under the proposed recreational fishing rules for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, all demersal species (e.g. trevallies, cod, parrotfish, snappers, emperors and sepat) will have a mixed species bag limit of 16 fish per day. All coronation trout species in the genus Variola, including the yellowedge coronation Page 10 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Gelek Coronation (Berekor) Gelek Coronation (Berekor) mempunyai berberapa nama, tetapi dikenali sebagai ‘lunar-tail’ di IOTs oleh kerana buntutnya yang bundar yang nyata dan pinggirannya yang kuning. Ia berwarna pattern yang merah dan orin yang terang dengan titik-titik kuning diseluruh badannya. ‘Lunar-tails’ adalah ikan demersal (hidup-dibawa), dan boleh didapat dibatu-batu karang dibahgian dalam lagoon dan teritisan lautan luar yang hingga 240m dalamnya. Mereka makan kepiting, anak udang dan ikan-ikan kecil yang lain. Walaupun ’lunar-tails’ mempunyai penyebaran yang luas dan ditempatan juga banyak, jumlah jenis-jenis ini telah dipikirkan telah berkurangan dengan laju dimasa 20 tahun. Mereka sangat laku dimancing oleh pemancing di Pulu Cocos (Keeling) dan jenis ini mempunyai tekanan yang menambah di Pulu Christmas. Lunar-tails sangat mudah terancam terhadap pemancingan bila mereka sedang betelor. ikan tercampur dalam sehari. Semua jenis coronation dalam genus Variola, termasuk gelek coronation (berekor) termasuk dalam bag limit ini dan mempuyai bag limit tersendiri hanya 4 ikan dalam sehari. Ini bermaksud yang seorang tidak boleh mengambil lebih daripada 4 gelek coronation dalam sehari dan tidak boleh melebihi 16 ikan-ikan demersal dalam sehari. Silahkan hubungi Kim Boothman, Community Education Officer untuk IOT, bila-bila masa saja di atau Kerjaan: 9203 0345 / Mobile: 0418 915 281. Menurut undang-undang pemancingan rekreasi yang dicadangkan untuk Pulu Cocos (Keeling), semua ikan jenis ‘demersal’ (contohnya ikan sambar, gelek, kakaptua, kakap kuning, kakap dan sepat) akan mempunyai bag limit hanya 16 Page 11 Public Notices Notis‐notis Umum Criminal offences concerning careless driving, dangerous driving and reckless driving - I These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always obtain individual legal advice for your situation. There are a number of criminal offences associated with bad driving. We will discuss careless driving, dangerous driving, what are “aggravated circumstances” and the applicable penalties in this article. We will discuss dangerous driving causing bodily harm in the second article, and dangerous driving causing death or grievous bodily harm and reckless driving in the third article. You should read all 3 articles to understand the offences. Committing these particular driving offences in “aggravated circumstances” The Road Traffic Act 1974 (RTA) provides that some driving offences, including the ones to be discussed in these articles, can occur in “aggravated” circumstances. An aggravated circumstance makes the offence worse and usually, the penalties available to the Court higher. The aggravated circumstances are: You were driving the vehicle without the consent of the owner or person in charge of the vehicle (eg you were driving a vehicle you had stolen) You were driving at 45 kms/hour or more than the speed limit on the road, or the speed limit applicable to the type of vehicle you were driving You were driving the vehicle to escape a pursuit by a Police officer (even if the pursuit had finished whilst you were driving)(and note that “Police officer” on Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands is defined to include Australian Federal Police members or special members) Careless driving is driving a motor vehicle without enough care and attention. This is the least serious of the bad driving offences. You drive carelessly if you drive without the normal care and attention that a reasonable and sensible driver would. The penalty for an offence of careless driving is a fine up to $600 and 3 demerit points. If you have a provisional licence (P plates), it is cancelled and you are disqualified from getting a licence for 3 months. Dangerous driving is driving a motor vehicle in a way (including by speeding) that is dangerous to the public or to any person, in all the circumstances of the case. You do not have to intend to drive dangerously to commit the offence of driving dangerously. The test is objectively whether you are driving dangerously. You can commit the offence of driving dangerously with only a momentary lapse of your concentration. There must be a real potential or actual danger to the public or any person. An example might be accidentally mounting the footpath in a suburb in your vehicle even though it is late at night. If there is someone on the footpath that can be a real actual danger. If there is not, there is still a real potential of danger because someone might come onto the footpath at any time. The penalty for a first offence of dangerous driving is a fine up to $3,000. The penalty for a subsequent offence of dangerous driving is a fine up to $6,000 and imprisonment for up to 9 months. Also, for a subsequent offence, your motor driver’s licence (MDL) must be disqualified for at least 12 months. If you drive dangerously whilst trying to escape pursuit from a Police officer (one of the aggravating circumstances talked about above), the penalty is a fine up to $36,000 and imprisonment for up to 3 years and your MDL must be disqualified for at least 2 years. There are also other offences called dangerous driving causing bodily harm and dangerous driving causing death or grievous bodily harm. We will discuss the offences of dangerous driving causing bodily harm and dangerous driving causing death or grievous bodily harm in the next articles, as well as the offence of reckless driving. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 12 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) Kesalahan jenayah berkenaan memandu cuai, memandu berbahaya dan memandu sercara ceroboh - I Ini adalah majalah-majalah pendek tentang perkara-perkara legal yang boleh menarik keminatan kamu. Ia bukannya nasihat legal. Kamu selalu mesti mendapatkan nasihat legal tersendiri untuk keadaan kamu. Ada berberapa kesalahan jenayah yang berkenaan dengan memandu (driving) secara jelek. Bila kita berbincangkan memandu ceroboh, memandu bahaya, apa yang “keadaan menyulitkan” dan hukuman-hukuman berkenaan dalam majalah ini. Kita akan berbincangkan memandu berbahaya yang menyebabkan kecederaan badan dalam majalah yang kedua, dan memandu berbahaya yang menyebabkan kematian atau kecederaan badan dan memandu ceroboh dalam majalah ketiga. Kamu mesti membaca semua 3 majalah-majalah ini untuk memahami jenajah-jenayah ini. Melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan memandu ini dalam “keadaan menyulitkan” Akta Road Traffic 1974 (RTA) memberikan yang berberapa kesalahan memandu, termasuk yang dibincangkan dalam majalah ini, boleh terjadi dalam keadaan “menyulitkan”. Keadaan yang menyulitkan membuat kesalahan ini lebih teruk dan biasanya, hukumannya didapati di Court yang lebih tinggi. Keadaan menyulitkan adalah: Kamu memandu kereta tanpa izin orang yang punya atau orang yang menanggung kereta itu (contohnya kamu memandu kereta yang kamu curi) Kamu memandu 45 kms/jam atau lebih speed limit dijalan, atau speed limit yang berkenaan dengan jenis kereta yang kamu memandu Kamu memandu kereta untuk melarikan diri dari opisa Police (walaupun kejaran suda selesai dimasa kamu memandu) (dan perhatian yang “opisa Police” di Pulu Christmas dan Cocos (Keeling) ditegaskan termasuk dalam memba atau memba istimewa Australian Federal Police. Memandu cuai ialah memandu kereta tanpa peduli dan perhatian secukupnya. Ini adalah kesalahan dengan serious yang berkurangan daripada yang lain. Kamu memandu cuai jika kamu memandu tanpa peduli dan perhatian yang cukup sepertimana pemandu lain. Hukuman kesalahan ini ialah denda hingga $600 dan 3 demerit points. Jika kamu masih P plates, ia akan dibatalkan dan kamu di disqualify daripada mendapat lesen hingga 3 bulan. Memandu berbahaya ialah memandu kereta secara (termasuk speeding) yang merbahaya untuk umum atau sesiapapun, dalam segala keadaan kes. Kamu tidak seharusnya mempunyai keniatan untuk memandu berbahaya untuk bertindak dalam kesalahan memandu berbahaya ini. Unjian ialah objektif bila kamu memandu berbahaya. Kamu boleh melakukan kesalahan memandu berbahaya dengan hanya sekelip masa terlupa atau hilang konsentrasi saja. Mesti ada kemungkinan betol atau berbahaya yang jelas kepada umum atau seseorang. Contohnya mungkin kecelakaan naik atas komeng lalu lintas orang berjalan dalam satu suburb dalam kereta kamu walaupun larut malam. Jika ada sesiapa yang dijalanan lalu lintas itu boleh menjadi berbahaya yang jelas. Jika tidak ada ianya masih lagi berbahaya yang berkemungkinan sebab mungkin ada seorang yang masuk kejalan lalu lintas itu bila-bila masa sahaja. Hukuman untuk kesalahan pertama bersebabkan memandu berbahaya ialah denda sehingga $3,000. Hukuman untuk kejadian yang sama bersebabkan memandu berbahaya ialah denda sehingga $6,000 dan dipenjara hingga 9 bulan. Juga, untuk kejadian yang sama selepasnya, lesen driving (MDL) kamu dibatalkan untuk sekurang-kurangnya 12 bulan. Kalau kamu memandu berbahaya dimasa mencoba lari daripada buruan opisa Police (dalam cara keadaan menyulitkan yang dibincangkan tadi), hukumannya adalah denda sehingga $36,000 dan dipenjara sehinnga 3 tahun dan MDL kamu dibatalkan untuk sekurang-kurannya 2 tahun. Ada juga kesalahan-kesalahan lain yang dipanggil memandu berbahaya menyebabkan kecederaan badan dan memandu berbahaya menyebabkan kecederaan badan yang teruk. Kita akan berbincangkan kesalahan jenis ini dalam majalah kita yang seterusnya, dan juga kesalah memandu secara ceroboh. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 13 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) Wise Up To Scams 16 – 20 May is National Fraud Week. Let’s face it, anyone can be the target of a scam. I’ve received quite a few scam emails myself over the years and even though I hear about them here at Consumer Protection regularly and know what to look for, I have to admit the scammers are getting much better at their craft. Some look and sound almost like the real thing. Here are some of the scams we hear the most about – but remember they change constantly: Scam #1 Quick! You need to act NOW or risk going to jail/ lose an opportunity to make big money/ a loved one will suffer! Scammers often try to create a sense of urgency. They try and pressure you into making a quick decision – a decision you probably wouldn’t make if you had the time to think things through properly. They do this by creating short deadlines, fake emergencies or by threatening legal action. Don’t let anyone pressure you into making a snap decision – think things through - and if you’re still not sure call 1300 30 40 54. We’re here to help. Scam #2 Send me money. We’re friends right? If you really cared about me you would. If someone asks you for money and you have any doubts (especially if you only ‘know’ them through the internet and have never met them face to face), discuss it with someone you trust who you can rely on for an unbiased opinion. If in doubt get a second opinion. Scam #3 Want to make easy money with huge returns and no risks? Trust me, I’m incredibly successful and willing to share all my tips with a total stranger like you – and only you. Don’t respond to emails and phone calls from strangers offering predictions about shares, offering investment tips, or investment advice. Talk to a financial advisor licensed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission before agreeing to anything, this might save you a lot of money. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Scam #4 Feeling a bit lonely and looking for love? So am I! I just need a little cash – on a regular basis. Know who you’re dealing with. Don’t send money to someone you’ve never met in person. If someone approaches you on social media and you don’t know them, it may be a scam. Dating online has its risks, hard as it might be, don’t give money to strangers you’ve never met. Scam #5 I need remote access to your computer to fix that computer problem. What, you didn’t know you had a problem? Don’t worry, you’ll have one soon enough. If you receive a call claiming to be from Microsoft, Telstra or anyone else telling you your computer has a problem, it is likely to be a scam. Never give remote access to cold callers offering help with your computer. Scam #6 Trust me. I work for the Government and I’ve found your lost money. Now all I need are all your personal details - you know, the kind I should already have on file. Government agencies will generally write to you if you are entitled to money. If somebody calls you claiming to be from the Government, don’t trust them. Always get enough information and find independent contact details to check yourself. Government agencies don’t cold call – but scammers do. Scam #7 A bank, Telstra or local/overseas government agency wants to provide a refund or provide some other assistance. They know your email address but – oh no - they don’t have any further details and need you to fill in the blanks online. Don’t be surprised if you give away more than you realise. Check the email address. An organisation’s email address should match their website, so matches Government agencies around the world should have email addresses which include .gov, for example As a general rule, what comes after the ‘@’ is most important. Scammers will try to make emails look official, for example FBI‑ Businesses and professionals don’t commonly use free email accounts such as, or Fake scam emails supposedly from banks, utility providers or email providers are very common – do your research to ensure you don’t get caught. Scam #8 You’ve won a competition without actually entering it? Talk about lucky! (for the scammer that is … not you) If you haven’t entered you haven’t won. In fact it’s likely that there is no competition, so if you receive a notification of winnings through social media, even from friends or family, check with them first, as their account may have been hacked. Some things in life are uncertain – but not this - if you don’t enter, you don’t win. It’s important to keep up to date. If you have any questions or comments about scams (or any other consumer issue) please give Consumer Protection a call on 1300 30 40 54, or email me at or visit We’re also on Facebook with a focus on things of interest to the IOT. Visit and ‘Like’ the page to get the latest consumer updates. (Sorry, I can’t accept ‘Friend’ requests as it’s a government business page). Page 14 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) Pandai-pandailah Dengan Penipuan 16 – 20 May adalah National Fraud Week. Mari mengadap kenyataan, sesiapa saja boleh menjadi target dalam tipuan. Saya sudah menerima berberapa email tipuan dalam berberapa tahun dan walaupun saya dengar tentangnya di Consumer Protection lebih gencar dan tahu untuk membezakannya, I rasa tukang menipu ini lebih pandai dalam bidang mereka. Ada yang kelihatan dan dengarnya seperti yang aslih. Seterusnya adalah tipuan-tipuan yang kita gencar dengar - tapi ingat yang mereka sering bertukar: Tipuan #1 Cepat! Kamu perlu bertindak SEKARANG atau risikonya dipenjara/kehilangan peluang untuk membuat keuntungan uwang yang banyak/seorang yang dicintai akan menderita! Tukang tipu sering membuat keadaan untuk bertindak dengan segera. Mereka coba dan mendesak kamu untuk membuat keputusan yang cepat - keputusan yang kamu mungkin tidak akan buat jika kamu ada masa untuk memikirkannya baik-baik. Mereka membuat ini dengan tanggal-mati yang pendek, emerjensi palsu atau tindakkan mengancam mengikut hukum. Jangan biarkan orang memaksa kamu untuk membuat keputusan yang cepat - fikirkan sebaik mungkin - dan jika kamu masih kurang pasti talipun 1300 30 40 54. Kami disini untuk membantu. Tipuan #2 Kirimkan saya duit. Kita teman, betol? Kalau kamu sangat hargai saya kamu buat. Kalau seorang meminta duit dan kamu mempunyai kekuatiran (lagi-lagi kalau kamu hanya ‘kenal’ mereka melalui internet dan tidak pernah jumpah mereka muka ke muka), bincangkan dengan seorang yang kamu percaya yang boleh berikan kamu pandangan yang tidak berat sebelah. Kalau kuatir dapatkan pendapatan lain. Tipuan #3 Maukah membuat keuntungan duit yang mudah dengan balasan yang besar dan tidak ada risiko? Percayalah saya, saya sangat berhasil dan sanggup untuk share semua nasihat dengan orang asing seperti kamu - dan hanya kamu. Jangan balas email dan talipun daripada orang asing yang menawar ramalan tentang shares, menawar nasihat investment. Bicara kepada penasihat keuwangan yang dilesenkan oleh Australian Securities and Investments Commission sebelom bersetuju terhadap apapun, ini mungkin boleh dapat menyimpankan duit kamu. Kalau kedengarannya terlalu bagus sebagai kenyataan, ia mungkin sedemikian. Tipuan #4 Sedang merasa sendirian dan mencari cinta? Saya pun sama! Saya hanya memerlukan sedikit uwang - yang gencar. Ketahui dengan siapa yang kamu sedang berurusan. Jangan kirim duit kepada seorang yang kamu belom pernah ketemu. Jika ada orang yang berhubungan dengan kamu melalui social media dan kamu tak kenal mereka, ia mungkin tipuan. Berkenalan online mempunyai risiko, payah semungkinnya, jangan berikan duit kepada orang asing yang kamu tidak pernah ketemu. Tipuan #5 Saya perlu akses komputa kamu secara remote untuk membetolkan masalah komputa kamu. Apa, kamu tidak tau yang kamu ada masalah? Jangan kuatir, kamu akan ada satu. Kalau kamu menerima talipun yang klaim daripada Microsoft, Telstra atau orang lain yang komputa kamu ada masalah, ia sangat kemungkinan tipuan. Jangan pernah berikan akses remote kepada orang yang talipun kaget-kagetan menawar untuk bantu dengan komputa kamu. Tipuan #6 Percayalah saya. Saya bekerja untuk Kerajaan dan saya dapat duit kamu yang hilang. Sekarang saya hanya perlukan keterangan peribadi kamu - kamu tahu, jenis keterangan yang kamu sudah ada di file. Agensi Kerajaan biasanya menulis surat jika kamu ada duit yang kamu berhak menerima. Kalau ada orang yang talipun mengatakan dia dari Kerjaan, jangan percaya. Selalu dapatkan keterangan yang cukup dan cari keterangan hubung untuk pastikan sendiri. Ajensi Kerajaan tidak menelipun kaget-kaget - tapi penipu suka berbuat demikian. Tipuan #7 Sebuah bank, Telstra atau ajensi kerajaan local/luar negeri meminta kamu memberikan gantirugi atau memberikan bantuan lain. Mereka tau email address kamu - mereka tidak ada keterangan lain dan kamu hanya perlu untuk fill kekosongan ini online - Jangan hairan jika kamu memberi lebih daripada apa yang sadar. Periksa email address. Sebuah email organisasi mesti tepat dengan website mereka, jadi tepat dengan Ajensi Kerajaan sekeliling dunia mesti mempunyai address yang mengandungi .gov, contohnya Biasanya, apa yang tertulis selepas ‘@’ adalah paling penting. Tukang penipu akan coba untuk membuat email nampak resmi, contohnya FBI‑ Bisnis-bisnis dan professional lain tidak biasanya menggunakan akaun email free biasa seperti, atau Email penipuan yang tidak aslih yang katanya dari bank, pemberi serbis atau pemberi email paling sering dilihat - buat penyelidikkan sendiri untuk memastikan yang kamu tidak terperangkap. Scam #8 Kamu menang pertandingan tanpa memasuki apapa? Sangat bernasib baik! (iaitu untuk tukang penipu...bukan kamu) Kalau tidak memasuki petandingan tidak mungkin menang. Sebetolnya paling-paling tidak ada petandingan apapa, jadi kalau kamu terima surat pemenang melalui social media, ataupun kawan atau keluarga, pastikan dengan mereka dahulu, sebab ada kemungkinan yang akaun mereka di hack. Ada perkara-perkara dalam kehidupan yang tidak pasti - tetapi bukan ini - kalau kamu tidak masuk apapa, kamu tidak menang. Pentingnya untuk senantiasa dapat keterangan. Kalau kamu ada pertanyaan atau komen tentang penipuan (atau perkara-perkara pengguna selainnya) silahkan hubungi Consumer Protection di 1300 30 40 54, atau email saya di atau lawati Kita juga ada di Facebook dengan fokus terhadap perkara-perkara di IOT. Lawati dan ‘Like’ halaman ini untuk mendapati berita terkini. (Maaf, saya tidak boleh terima pemintaan ‘Friend’ olehkerana ini adalah halaman bisnis kerajaan) Page 15 Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi Healthy Living Tips Exercises for Lower Back Pain The lower back pain that is also called the chronic back pain is a very common problem of adults and aged people worldwide, the causes of these pains are different for different people and various treatments are also available for them. 2016 AFL Broadcast Guide Cocos Keeling Islands Time ROUND 8 Friday, May 13th Adelaide Crows v Geelong Cats 4.00pm 7Mate (live) Many times the medical treatments are suggested for such pains but I must tell you that there are many exercises that can give you even better results than the medicines. Let’s discuss some of the most common exercises that are suggested for the lower back pain. The Saturday, May 14th Hawthorn v Fremantle 10.30pm 7 (live) Richmond v Sydney Swans 3.30pm 7Mate (live) 1.30pm 7 (30mins time delay) Sunday, May 15th West Coast Eagles v St Kilda most common cause of lower back pain that is noticed in lots of people is the muscle strain or some injury, the best treatment for the back pain that is caused due to this reason is rest. Don’t keep a posture for a long time and try to take as much rest as you can. Because resting will give comfort to your muscles and this relaxation will also decrease their inflammation that is actually causing this pain. People should try to stay active in their daily routine because their slow pace is causing back pain. ROUND 9 The Friday, May 20th Hawthorn v Sydney Swans 4.00pm 7Mate (live) complete exercises to lower the back pain are pretty simple and easy to do at home; if you are not aware of them then you can over the internet. Deep Saturday, May 21th Port Adelaide v West Coast Eagles 1.00am 7Mate (live) Fremantle v Richmond 4.00pm 7Mate (live) 11.30pm 7Mate (live) Sunday, May 22nd GWS Giants v Western Bulldogs breathing has been found to be very affective for the body muscles, for the back pain, lay down on the floor and raise your hips as much as you can. While the hips are in the air practice the deep breathing and stay in this form as much as you can. Stretching is also useful for your lower back pain, to stretch up the muscles of your lower back lie down straight on the ground and relax for some time. Now raise both your legs towards the sky and raise them as much as you can. This is a good stretching practice for the lower back muscles which will effectively relax them. So these were some of my suggestions regarding the lower back pain, I know the pain really becomes too severe but these simple things will help you to get yourself out of that situation without the aid of medicines. More tips in next edition... Page 16 Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi Page 17 Cocos Snippets Keping‐kepingan Cocos Cocos Island Meteorological Office (Western Australia) COCOS ISLANDS WEATHER FACT Our highest maximum temperature on record of 32.8 °C was reached on 7th April, 2015. Page 18 Cocos Snippets (cont’d) Keping‐kepingan Cocos (seterusnya) Cocos Island Meteorological Office (Western Australia) Page 19 Crossword Sudoku Station How do I do it? The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and group of squares enclosed by the bold lines must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. The rules for different size and shape puzzles are pretty much identical. The different size puzzles simply require a different set of numbers. ACROSS 1. Gist 5. Awkward 10. Jokes 14. Monster 15. Player 16. Dwarf buffalo 17. Nutritious 19. Not short 20. Loving murmur 21. Sweater eaters 22. A type of dance 23. Socks and stockings 25. Adhesive 27. Half of a pair 28. Common man 31. Throng 34. Gloomy, in poetry 35. Nigerian tribesman 36. Sister and wife of Zeus 37. Rise rapidly 38. Stair 39. Append 40. Not these 41. Pizazz 42. Arduous 44. G 45. Microwaves 46. Topmost planking of a boat 50. Lawn cover 52. Twice 54. Female sib 55. Parental sister 56. Spectacles 58. A single time 59. Adjust again 60. Wise one 61. Lascivious look 62. Pretentious 63. Visual organs DOWN 1. Hunt illegally 2. Snow house 3. Threesomes 4. Skirt's edge 5. Overlook 6. Dapper 7. Nursemaid 8. Persist 9. Attempt 10. A group of star systems 11. Namelessness 12. Chime 13. Palm starch 18. Make improvements 22. Unit of pressure 24. Hawkeye State 26. Legumes 28. Delete 29. Cain's brother 30. No 31. Gossip 32. Start over 33. Regulation 34. Predictor of disaster 37. Sneaker or pump 38. Goulash 40. Sounds of disapproval 41. Ringworm cassia 43. Sheen 44. Not innocent 46. Measuring instruments 47. Test, as ore 48. Feudal lord 49. S S S S 50. Jail (British) 51. Graphic symbol 53. A feat 56. Historic period 57. South southeast Brainteaser Central! How will you build a house that has all of its four walls facing towards North? If you build a house on the South Pole, all of its walls will face towards North. Brainteaser Answer Page 20 Sudoku Solutions Crossword Solutions A COCOS MOMENT The Lion Dance Troupe visited CIDHS for a very entertaining performance. Do you have a Cocos Moment you would like to share? Email your favourite photo to or drop into the Community Resource Centre. Birthdays & Anniversaries Wish to send love ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries? Drop in at the Cocos Islands Community Resource Centre or email Page 21 Community Events Acara Masyarakat Upcoming 2016 Community Events Event Name Event Date Event Host Kids Blue Light Disco 13/05/2015 Cocos Club Indoor Sports Competition 15/05/2016 Cocos Club Karaoke Night 20/05/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 25/05/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea 26/05/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cocos Lagoon Swim—Registration Opens 01/06/2016 Cocos Islands Tourism Association Cocos Lagoon Swim—Food Night 03/06/2016 Cocos Club Info Session - Legal Aid and Making a Will 08/06/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cocos Mid Year Ball (Casino Royal) 10/06/2016 Cocos Club West Island Market Day 18/06/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cocos Lagoon Swim—Registration Closes 24/06/2016 Cocos Islands Tourism Association Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 29/06/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Kids Movie Night 24/07/2016 Cocos Club Cocos Golf Open 24/07/2016 Cocos Islands Golf Club Council Meeting - West Island (Admin Conference Room) 27/07/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Barefoot Ball 19/08/2016 Yacht Club Cocos Club Members BBQ 23/08/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 31/08/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council West Island Market Day 17/09/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Club Champions—Round 1 18/09/2016 Cocos Island Golf Club West Fest 24/09/2016 Cocos Club Club Champions—Round 2 25/09/2016 Cocos Islands Golf Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 28/09/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Calcutta 02/11/2016 Cocos Club Melbourne Cup 03/11/2016 Cocos Club Cocos Lagoon Swim Compulsory Safety Briefing 18/11/2016 Cocos Club Cocos Lagoon Swim—Home Island Jetty 19/11/2016 Cocos Islands Tourism Association Council Meeting - West Island (Admin Conference Room) 23/11/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council The above events with further details are all advertised on the Cocos Islands CRC website. If you have a community event you would like to advertise, please contact our office with your details. This is a FREE service for our Community. Phone: 9162 7707 Email: Website: Page 22 Thursday 26th May 2016 The next edition of The Atoll will be produced on: Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan dikeluarkan pada: 1:00pm Tuesday 24th May 2016 All items/materials must be received by: Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom: Cocos Snapshots 2... Gambaran Cocos 2... Job well done boys! Sydney Highway sandbagging now completed. Have Your Say Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be: ll: he Ato ct for T o m k Conta in Isa M d e m m Moha u Email: cos.w ns@co o ti a ic un one: comm Teleph 2 6649 6 1 9 (08) Accurate and/or factual Not defamatory or inflammatory Identified by author Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available. The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication. Materials should preferably be electronically forwarded to: To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 1pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. Disclaimer The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce The Atoll. The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions. Page 23
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