5C 02/07 UNGEP r'1Ef"10F'IAL LlBPAPY 825 AUSTlr,. THE ABERNATf ~.T PLAIN'·IIE\\I TX 79072-7235 WEEKLY REVIEW ¥ OLUME 85, NUMBER 34 Ashlee Ford Senior Princess FRIDA Y, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006, ABERNATHY, TEXAS © 2006 Shay Stephenson Senior Princess Kat ie Wor d Senior P rin cess Bridgett Youngblood Senior Princess 50 CENTS FOURTEEN PAGES, TWO SECTIONS P a ula Sepeda Junior Duchess Kendall Dunn Sophomore Duchess H aley Havens Freshman Duchess Homecoming Queen crowned tonight during halftime Tonight's footba ll game is a cross coun try her freshman special night for the members year and was a regional qualioftihe homecoming court. Dur- fier in track for t he pole va ult ing the halftime ceremony the h er sophomore and junior court will be presented and the years. Ashlee is a member of queen will be crowned. the Abernathy First United The game against Amarillo Methodist Church . Ashlee was escorted at the River Road will kickoff at 7:30 pep rally earlier today by Tate p.m. at Antelope Stadium. Princesses on the court are Horsford. Shay Stephenson is the all members of the Senior Class at Abernathy High School. daughter of Monty a nd Donna Candidates for the queen are Stephenson . She will be escorted at t he footba ll by her as follows: Ashlee Ford is the daughter father Monty Stephenson. of Gregg and Kim Ford. She . Stephenson has been a varwill be escorted tonight by her sity cheerleader all foul' years father Gregg Ford. of high school. She was in the Ford has been involved in Science Club her freshman, Science Club and has been on sophomore and j unior years. the a ll -year honor roll her She participated in FFA and freshman, sophomore, andjun- UIL persuasive speaking her ior years . She has been a mem- freshman and sophomore years bel' ofFFA all four years, serv- and in UIL informative speaking as FFA secretary her sopho- ing her junior year. She has more year, treasurer her j un- participated in basketball and ioryearand is thecurrentFFA cross country during her high president. Ashlee has been a school years. Sh ay has been a member of the National Honor member of the student council Society for the past th ree years her junior and senior years and and has participated in UIL is currently the student couns pelling her freshman, sopho- cil DASH officer. 1110re undjunior years and UIL Shay was escorted at the number sense her junior year. pep rally by Dusty Moats. She was elected Homecoming Katie Word is the daughter Duchess her junior year . of Kyle and Kathy Word and Ashlee participated in tennis Terrie Arevalos. She will be her freshman year and is a escorted tonight by her father member of t he cross country, Kyle Word. ' Word has been a member of basketball and track teams. She was a regional qu alifier in the National Ho nor Society since her sophomore year and been All Year Honor Roll since her freshman year. She has been involved in StudentCouncil since her freshman year and is currently the president of the both the Student Council and the Senior Class. Katie has been a member of Science CI ub her freshman, sophomore and junior years and a membel' of Robotics her fresh man, sophomore and senior years. She participated in UIL ready writing and editorial writing her freshman, sophomore and junior years and UIL spelling her so phomore and junior years. She is also currently a member of the yearbook staff. Katie is actively involved in the Abernathy High School Band for all of her high school years. She achieved all-region band honors her freshman and sophomore years, was a membel' of the honor band her junior year and received State Solo and Ensemble honors her freshman, sophomore andjunior years. Katie is currently the Drum Major for the band. Katie was esco,f,tr-.d ilt the pep rally by John Lopez. Bridget Youngblood is the , daughter of Herb and Robin Youngblood. She will be escorted at t he game by her father Herb Youngblood. Bridget has been on the a ll - Sla de Teal (center ) and Fred Sytsma hand over the keys to Roger Cook, th e n ew owner of the 1979 John Deere 4440 tra ctor restored by the Aberna thy High School ag depar tment. Cook farms in Lorenzo, where he purchased the winning raffle ticket. Money raised in the fund raiser will be used to buy another tractor to restore. year honor roll her freshman, sophomore and j unior years and was inducted into the Nationa I Honor Society as a so phomore. She has been Who's Who Among American High Sch!Jol Students since her freshman year. She has also been a member Science Club a ll four years and participated in UIL ready writing and editorial writing her first three years, qualifying for regionals her freshman year. Bridget has participated in FFA and was a member of the FFA quiz team her sophomore year. She was a Homecoming Duch ess h er freshman and sophomore years a nd currently serves as a student counci l representative. She is also a member of the F irst Baptist Church youth group. Bridget has been a cheerleader for her fre shman, junior and senior years and wa s a NCA All-American Cheerleader nominee her junior and senior yea rs. She h as participated in cross country, basketball and tra ck t hroughol.l.t high school. As a sophomore, she w83 A1I-Distt'icl HOllorable Mention in basketba ll, and a regional quaJifierin track for the 100 meter dash. Her junior year, Bridget was named Second Team All-District BasketbalI , was a track regional qu alifier in the long jump, triple jump, 100 meter dash, and as a member of the 800 meter relay, and was a state track meet alternate in the long jump. She was named track MVP her freshman, sophomore and j u n ior years, and was named Basketball MVP and Female Athlete of the year her sophomore and junior years. Bridget was a Texas Female Christian Athlete of the Year top ten finalist and currently serves as the varsity basketball co-captain . She was escorted at the pep ral ly by Kelby Fortenberry. Junior Class duchess is Paula Sepeda, daughter of Angelita Sepeda. She will be escorted at the game by Robert Ogle. Sepeda has been involved in band, varsity cross country, basketball, track, softball and powerlifting, UIL current events, informative speaking, feature, headline, editorial and news writing, the Science Club, National Honor Society and Student Council. As a fresh man, she was involved in One Act Play, UIL ready writing, was a state band wind ensemble qualifier a nd was honOJ'able mention a ll star cast for One Act Play. As a sophomore, she was a regional powerlifting qualifier, honorable mention second base in softball, was a state marching band qualifier and was named female athlete of the year. She has also been on the all-year honor roll for both her freshman and sophomore years. She currently serves as drum captain and secretary for the band and as secretary for the Student Council. Paula was escorted at the pep rally by Josh Petersen. Sophomore Class duchess is Kendall Dunn, daughter of Robin and Cheryl Dunn. She will be escorted tonight by her father Robin Dunn . Dunn is an athletic student trainer. She is the sophomore representative for student council and is the sophomore class vice president. Kendall was escorted at the pep rally by Scott Youngb lood. Freshman Class duchess is Haley Haven s, daughter of Gordan and Jerri Ann Havens. She will be escorted tonight by her father Gordan Havens. Havens participates in cross country, basketball, track and tennis and is a member ofFF A. Haley wa s escorted a t the pep rally by Brayden Smith. Crown bearer for the court is Mi ss Alyse Rob e rt so n , daughter of Keith a nd Chri sty Robertson . A1yse is escorted by Parker Redwin e, son of Buster and Angie Redwine. The 2007 Senior Class is congratulated by Aberna thy Mayor Hoppy Toler (far right) on winning the h omecoming wood stack competition. This is t he fourth year in a row t he class h as won . The wopd ga thered by this class a nd all the other classes at the h igh school was used in the homecoming bonfire last n igh t. Library brings back Story Time The Abernathy Public Library announced the start of Story Time next Wednesday a fter taking t h e 's ummer months off. Jane Stuart from Lubbock will be their first guest reader . Stuart did Story Time at the Lubbock Library for 30 years and Abernathy librarian Sandi Cheshire is happy she will be coming to Abernathy. The Learning T ree will bring the preschool class at 10 a .m . and the Amazing Kids Group will start at 10:45 a.m. Please call Cheshire at 2984138 for any question s or to be a library volunteer. Scholarship deadline extended The deadline to apply for an Abernathy Ex-Students Association scholarship h as been extended to Sept. 15. Scholarships are available to Abernathy High S chool graduates who are either juniors or seniors in college or graduate students. Call Cindy Hunt at 3285318, after 5 p.m., for more information . T a t e Horsford (5) sc o res early fo r Abernathy's 6-0 lead in the first qu arter. He also scored on an 88-yard kickoff ret urn. The Antelopes c ouldn't c onve r t a n y e x tra poin ts a nd F riona slippe d by the Lopes, 13-12. (See r ela ted story, page 4. Photo b y Fast Act ion Phot o.) PAGE 2, ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 Obituraries Alice Selke Alice Selke, 82, died Thursday , Aug. 31, 2006, in Waco. Graveside services were Monday, Sept. 4 at 11 a .m. in the Abernathy Cem etery with Rev. Joel Perez officiating. Services were under the direction of Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy. Born and e ducated in Vernon, Alice moved to Abernathy in the early 1940s where she met a nd married Glennon Selke. Her two sons, Barry and Darrell, occupied most of Alice's life for the next severa l years. She was a longtime employ at Struve's H ardware and Dry Goods, as well as Happy's Shop, where she served her friends. Most longtime residents of Abernathy have purchased shoes or clothes from her. The Sclkes moved to Waco after Glennon s uffered a stroke and I·emain ed there until the time of her death. Although she did not reside in Abernathy, she never stopped considering it her home and never failed to brag about what a good town it was. Alice was proceeded in death by her parents; her husband, Glennon Aubrey Selke; two sisters, Catherine Peel and Maxine Eason and a brother, Don Liles. Mrs. Selke is survived by child ren Barry and Denise Selke ofTulsa, Oklahoma, and Darrell and Jeannie Selke of Waco; grandchildren Greg and Kathy Selke, Terry and Traci Stupp, Coby and Adrielle Selke, Corey and Amy Powell, Sara and Beau Waters, Allan and Emily Kavolich; greatgrand children Allie Powell, Jackson Selke Powell, Rachel Selke, Glennon Selke, Skyler Selke, Cooper Aubrey Powell and Claire Kavolich. Ozane Wood Aldridge Ozane Wood Aldridge, 86·, died Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006, in anAbilene nursing center. Services were 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30 in Lawn First Baptist Church with Rev. Price Ma thieson officiating. Burial was in Dewey Cemetery, directed by Fry-Bartlett Funeral Home in Tuscola. Mrs.AldridgewasbornJan. I, 1920, to George W. and Dorothy Thelma Foust Wood in Crews. She moved to Lawn in 1925, where she attended and graduated from school. OnJan. 7, 1937, she married James Dougl as "J .D. " Aldridge in Lovington, N.M. 'The couple lived in Lawn aU their married life except fo r a ten-year period spent in Winters. She was a homemaker and a member of Lebanon Primitive Baptist Church in La wn . Preceding h er in death were her parents; her husband in 1985; a granddaughter, Shannon Hendrix DeFrees in 1995; a nd a s ister , Lavonda Herrington. Survi vors include one da ugh ter , Billie D. "Bitsy" Hendrix of Tuscola; two sons, ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006, PAGE 3 Boosters plan activities for homecoming Larry Aldridge and wife Karen "Bitsy" of Abernathy and Denny Aldridge and wife Mary of Corinth; seven grandchildren, Eric Hendrix and wife Lea of Atlanta, Georgia; Mark Hendrix and wife Judy ofJacksanville, Florida (Ovalo); Angela Aldridge Robertson and husband Stan of Lubbock; Alyson Aldridge Actkinson and husband Greg of Farwell; D.D. Aldridge Miller and husband Mark of Forney; Lanc e Aldridge and wife Blaise of New York City; and Kerry Aldridge of Fort Worth; greatgrandchildren; Kalyn. Erica and Kevin Hendrix, Mark II, Kaycee and Jordan Hendrix, Landry, Ainsley and, Piper Actkinson , Trael and Sawyer Robertson, Mal1o ~y and Cameron Miller; anI! many nieces, nephews and cousins. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association, 149 N. Willis, Suite 10, Abilene Texas 79603 or the Alzheimer'sAssociation, North Central Texas Chapter, 302 N. Willis , Suite 9, Abilene, Texas 79603, LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS - 911 Avenue H t5l 2 bedroom, un furni shed, includes range, refrigerator, dish washer, waler and sewer paid. Laundry facility , clean and neat! Rental Assistance Available for Qualified Applicants _ Call 298-4141 Open to EliQible b~~'ii~PJ~:~~ Hours: Monday-Friday, 4 o.m.-7 o.m. Applicants The Abernathy Booster Club met Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Bettie Hardin Auditorium. The honfire was set for yesterday at 9 p.m. north of the football field. A homecoming dance will be tonight at city hall after the football game for high school students only. Cost is $5 per student. The dance will end at 12:30. Order forms for footballjerseys and cheerleader suits will be distributed today in the elementary Friday folders. Window signs are $10 each and tshirt orders will be taken at the football game tonight. Booster Club is looking for a small cargo trailer to haul the tunnel to out-of-town football Depot Dispatch games. The club will try again to paint the street between the field house and football field Sunday at 2 p.m. Jfyou would like to be in the spirit line before the football game, meet at 7:10 by the field entrance. Everyone is encouraged to join. The next meeting will be Monday at 7 p.m. in the Bettie Ha rdin Auditorium. ~~~~~~~~~ Birth Announcement Menu for lunch Wednesday at the Senior Citizens Center Sept. 13 is spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, coffee, tea, dessert. Monday night will be game night and a pot luck supper from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Louis Schaap lead the prayer this week. Reported ill is Freddie Apperson . Exercise classes are each Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a .m. to 10 a.m. The center has some medical equipment. Please check with us before purchasing. Contributions will be accepted. City to receive equity return The City of Abernathy has received notification from Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool that it will receive a return of equity in the amount of$2,670 based on the city's successful loss prevention efforts and length of membership. TML-IRP, a self-insurance fund, provides liability, property and workers' compensation coverages to Texas local governments. During its 36-year existence, TML-IRP has a history of returning portions of members' equity to.mempers ~hen financial results are be·tter than expected . The liability equity return is due to be delivered in November. Ab ernathy Chamber of Commerce will have its montllly meeting Wednesday at noon at the city hall. Triple P will cater the meal. Members of the String-a-Longs reunited and performed in Clovis last night. In the band are (front) Keith McCormack, Abernathy ex-student Jimmy Torres, Richard Stephens, Aubrey de Cordova and (back) Don Allen. Music group reunites, Abernathy ex-student founding member and tee off at 1 p.m. Entry fee is $75 per person or $300 per team offour. Entry fee includes I unch and beverages, green fee, golf cart for two players, range balls a nd awards dinner. Golfers will receive golf caps, towels and golf balls. Prizes will include ca sh prizes for first, second and third place teams. Also, prizes will be awarded for Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive. For tournament sponsorship information or entry forms, contact Liz Castro and Linda Rautis at (806) 687-0940 or 1-888-418-6564. Entry forms are also availab le at www.spag.org. a. YOUR lOCHl InSUR,fI\nCE IHGEnT .cMA : \ _ • p.o. BOX219 ABERNATHY. TEXAS 79311 e-mall: caryOcmalns.com ___ ~- "'!" ~ "'I School. Jimmy 'I'orres, Abernathy High School Class of 1959 gradua te, wrote "Wheels" along with Richard Stephens. Jimmy is the brother of Ruth Naron and Jay Torres, both of Abernathy . Jimmy played lead guitar for the group. Abernathy, Texas I - =-- -_..,.: • The String-a-Longs reunited last night at the Civic Center in Covis, N.M. Their mons ter hits "Wheels" and "Sugar Shack" sold 14.5 million records and 17 million, respectively. The String-a-Longs started playing together while at Plainview High Plains Grain Co., Inc. CARY MORMINO 13 ASSOCIATES "Insu rance ProjtSllono/s" OFFICE 606-298-2529 WATS 800·687-2120 FAX 806-298·2536 "'\iii"iS"iJ'18\}""'il'id'''i~'ii.i'"iJtJ; ..... ,_r ...... .- ~ ,_.I --.. . -- . 1_. = _ """'.4. .....L, IiF'W_....-...t . . . ... _.~ -. -. ~ i -,; ..!!L ~e'~"" r • ~ .,.. '""'iii ..... .-. .~. I~ I - '*!' _ _ ~ '·· - 298-2521 - 763-4868 - ,. n For All Your Farming Needs PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF ABERNATHY TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Thc City of Abernathy is giving nolice of the city' s intent to submit a Community Development Fund application for a grant from the Texas Communit y Development Block Grant Program. The grant application request Is $250,000 for watcr system improvements in eastern Abernathy. The application will be available for reviewal City Hall during regular business hours beginning September 25, 2006. Birthdays Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Monika Salinas Susie Ellis Gwyn Pope Mallorie Gereau Amando Beto Champion Sept. 10 George Johnson BENZENE ALERT lo~ 000 has betn ~osOO with AcRe II~ '-IIe ...... !A.IQ.J or IIr-Iod,.pSMtJc 8JDdrome fIIDIII, pleillie ca1l us lQd.y wU r~..t 1·866. 3119-34·16 ID dJlCUlI8 yoor Icgallishta. . If you or a Sept. 11 Kelli Johnson Coleen Cecil Sept. 13 Jane Phillips, Agent 5740 82nd Street Lubbock. TX 79424 Bus: 806-798-1395 jane.phillips.cjik@statefarm.com Sept.U.Sept. US Breakfast Menu MONDAY: cereal, toast, juice, milk TUESDAY: waffles, syrup, juice, milk WEDNESDAY: sausage, bi8cuit, juice, milk THURSDAY: cereal, roll, juice, milk FRIDAY: cheese toast, TUESDAY: steak fingers, mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, rolls, fruit, milk WEDNESDAY: spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, green beans, garlic bread, fruit, milk THURSDAY: chicken fajita, lettuce, tomato, refried beans, cheese, tortilla, fruit, milk .' FRIDAY:"i3BQ on a bun, pickle, onion, baked fries , cookie, milk Have your medicare supplement rates increased too much? Sept. 9 State Farm® form Saving Lives Through Early Detection and Awareness of Breast Cancer. She lost her mother to breast cancer after a long battle with the disease. Her goal as Mrs. Texas is to educate as many women as she can about the importance ofearly detection. Bootz has partnered with the Lois Caldwell Breast Cancer Foundation as well as the American Cancer Society to promote the cause. Contestants will compete in personal interview, fitness wear and evening gown. There is no talent or swimsuit competition. Married women living in Hale County and interested in applying should write to Mrs. Texas, International Pageant, 14427 Brookhollow, Suite 197, San Antonio 78232, or call or email for more information at 210-403-0589. AISD Menu MONDAY: pizza, salad, corn, ice cream, milk Sept. 8 ® Applications are now being .accepted for the title of 2007 Mrs. Hale County. Mrs. Hale County will have the honor of representing her county at the Mrs. Texas Pageant to be held at the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Antonio May 4-6. The woman chosen as Mrs. Hale County will become an ambassador from the county and receive an official title and sash. The woman chosen as Mrs. Texas will receive a prize package valued at over $11,OOOand the opportunity to represent Texas at the 2007 Mrs. International Pageant. The American Heart Association and The United Way are the official charities of the Mrs. Texas Pageant. The reigning 2006 Mrs. Texas is Suzy Bootz ofCanyon Lake. As Mrs. Texas, Bootz speaks on her plat- \ ~uice, m~~ch Me~u Chester Cooper INSURANCE Paternal grandparents are Buster Chambers of Abernathy -and the late Terri Chambers. Maternal gra.ndparents are Steve and Angelia Skipper of Lubbock Great-grandparents are Joe and Amber Chambers of Abemati)y and Billy and Edna Skipper of Abemathy. County looks for women to compete in pageant Chamber meets Wednesday Golf tournament benefits senior services, programs The Fifth Annual SPAG Area Agency on Aging Golf Tournament will be held Friday, Sept. 15 at Meadowbrook Golf Course, Mackenzie Park in Lubbock. Net proceeds from the four-person scramble will provide funds for senior services and programs in the designated 15-county re&ion. The tournament will begin with registration at 11:30 a.m. Chip Ryan Chambers was hom Wednesday, July 5, 2006, at 11:58 a.m. at Covenant Lakeside to Ezra and Jenci Chambers. He weighed 61b. 10 oz. and was 19 inches long. He is welcomed home by big brother Chance, 8; and big sisters Chanie, 3; and Cherlee, 2. '- @ - Dakota Neis Judy Luce THE FOX LAW FIRM, P.e. Sept. 14 1-866-FOX-FIRM 1'''''~'W.FOXftUl_CfJl'' Anna Younger Sept. 15 Hayden Jenkins Johnny Villanueva Mr. and Mrs. Billy Skipper Now ... and then Skippers mark 60 years of marriage Mr. and Mrs. Billy Skipper celebrated their 60th weddi ng anniversary at the Senior Citizen's Center Sept. 3. Edna Camp and Billy Skipper were married Sept. 1, 1946, Des Moines, N.M. The celebration is hosted by their children Mike and Jan Skipper of Wilmington, Delaware; Steve and Angela Skipper of Lubbock; Travis and Yvette Knight of Anson; and Mark a nd Karen Skipper of Austin. . HOME SCHOOLING? .. ,,,: . ,'"~ 4i/TA IIsIoIIJook. .~.IkiIIIIIaf~ • 'lDe-8avIac ru.m MIteriala , ' .', .. OdeMa-~ber 12- San ~ ~ 8.pt.ernb.T 19 If they have, compare the following ""AIlI*~ • .... r..:baw OD DYD approximate PLAN F rates offered in Hale and Lubbock, Tex., Counties for those 75 years of age, non tobacco, and qualifying, by a major highly rated company: * RANCH AUCTION * FEMALE $130 MALE $150 Based upon Issued age-does not increase because of age, FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: ELBERT HARP INSURANCE (806) 298-4093 or CELL (806) 787-4499 • CompIeteK~12 Procramo s.. Aa.1vDio-~mbeT 20 So Aa.tonio -Seplember 21 HISTORIC 11'+1- ACRE • t L AUTRY RAICII, FIIIhU • IEPTEllIER 22 ·. 11 A.M, 17JO CR ZI4 • noaA.1DAI .. f.m., HorIt Ranch, ~ RtIrMI Of ~ In the HMrtaf ..... COWIIr)r. USA- _ _ _ by SInging c:owtIoy GHe AIIIIV'a ' ...... DIfIrId lIIIlrIda ."d as a Sept. 16 Anna Sims THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW (US PS 001-340) (lSSN 0895-4291) The only newspaper in the WORLD that cares about Abernathyl SCOTT & JUDY LUCE Publishers e-mail: llwr@odsy.net Published weekl y on Frid ay of each week , except first Friday after Chri st mas and one Friday during summer months, at the Abernathy Weekly Rev iew office at 916 Avenue D. Mailing address: P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy, Texas 79311 -0160. MOVING? Send yo ur mailing label and corrections to Abernath y Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer 160, Abernalhy, Texas 793 11 -0 160 or e-mail: awr@odsy.net. SUBSCR1PTION RATES One-year Abernathy, all addresses - $21.00 All other one-year subscriptions - $25.00 Established in November of 1921. Periodical postage paid at United States Post Office, 801 Avenue D, Abernathy, Texas 79311-9998. Noti ce to the Public: Any erroneous reflection upon the characler. reputati»n or standing of any firm. individual or corporation will be gladly corrected upon being called to the attention of th e publisher. ADVERTISJNG DEADLINE 4 PM TUESDAY POSTMASTER : Send address changes to the Abemathy Weekly Review. P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy. Texas 793/10160. 8~ WTPA, TPA, PPA Award Winner Anniversaries Computer and Intern.et Training Semina~ Sept. 10 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Cooper EMS Memorials For Ray Sparkman From Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Myatt NonCE: Whilcnotadvtniscnan:~putab}c. weClJ1DO(pnulccproWcts ... ltlViccsadvr::rWcd. WcUIICradenilOUlecaUtiClaud vmeoiodoubl.COIIt.:t IbeTexuAtrAneyGecenl at 1·8X).621-0508«1be MedcnJ~CmxniulOB" 1-817.PT'C.HELP. ~FI'C wdJsite is www.ftc.p/bi.r.q) Extend your advertlslI1g reach w llh TexSCAN yOIll Statewide ClaSSIfied Ad Netwol k gflm~ HomecomIng Abernathy va. AmarllloRIver Road, 7:30 p .m. Homecoming court prcacntation, hall· time 10 800lilter Club painting party, 2 p.m. 11 I Senior citizen game night, 5 p.m. Exercise class Booster Club, 7 at scnior cItizens, p.m., HardIn Aud. City Connel.I, 7 p.m. 8 a.m. Lions Club, boon Sehool board, 7:30 www.security-bank.com T!.~ Ltbrary Story Senior Citizens, noon Chamber at Commerce, noon Ladies' goll scramble, 6:30 14 Exercise class at scnlor citizens, 8o.m. Men's.olf scramble, 6:30 p.m. 15 Deadline for exstudent Icholaxship Abernathy VR. Post, 7:30, here Cr08H Country at Slaton Run at the Canyon 317 Main St. Abernathy, TX 79311 298-2551 Member FDIC I-HJO-l (iO-OliOt; I ,'I , I I ~ Amarillo-SepleJl1ber: 11 Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:00 p.m. Abernathy Community Center in City Hall The training seminar includes: • The basics of computer troubleshooting • Safely connecting to the Internet • Safe e-mail practices • Identity fraud risks and preuention • Protect your family from on-line predators • What to do when your computer runs slow • How to preuent costly uirus and spy-ware infections • IneHpenslue backup solutions that work • Easy computer maintenance • FREE Security Software • FREE Open Office software • Coupons for discounted computer seruices Brought to you by: - -. binary rescueW: www.binaryrescue.com Call 787-5846 or 747-9912 to sign up today! $40.00 registration fee required to attend seminar PAG~ 4, ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006, PAGE 5 Abernathy Antelopes': THE ABERNATHY WEEKl YREVIEW FOOTBAll CONTEST F~stplace S W/flS$20· eCOndPlac ' Thirdp" B, $15; lace, $10 JAKE TRUELOVE 6'6" 220 Tight end, Defensive end Senior JOHN LOPEZ 5'6" 132 Wide receiver, Center Senior REESE MYATI' 6'6" 220 Offensive, defensive tackle Senior KELBY FORTENBERRY 6'1" 183 Guard, Defensive tackle Senior TATE HORSFORD 6'0" 173 Runningback, Safety Senior Cheiftains rally for 13-12 win over Lopes; River Road comes in on 12-0 loss By Scott Luce Stripped Bud ripped . That's what happened to the Abernathy Antelopes last Friday in Friona, The Lopes were stripped of their top running back - Tate Horsford - for a month. They were ripped for a 1point loss, 13-12, in the season opener. Coach Tony Truelove said Horsford suffered a knee injury that could put him out about a month, Horsford and company did their job, keeping the Lopes on top until the closing minutes of the fourth quarter. A 24-yard TD pass with 3:29 remaining was enough to push the Chieftains past Abernathy. Fri~na was chasing Abernathy after Horsford's 19-yard run at 7:58 in the first. The PAT kick failed. FHS struck early (11:48) in the second on a 12-yard TD run that included a good PAT kick. Early was a key word with Horsford returning the ensuing kickoff 88 yards for a TD. The run PAT failed but AHS had a 12-7 lead with 11:36 left in the first half. In retrospect, Truelove said he'll take the heat for not attempting a field goal just before intermission, "That's what I told the kids that I don't mind taking the heat," he said. With Abernathy scoring done, the Lope defense ha d to step up and nearly pulled it off. "Defensively, they played very, very well. That was the bright spot of the night. Kelby (Fortenberry) and Reese (Myatt) did really good on defense. Leonard Trevino had three interception,s (returned for 67 yards). Tate ran hard; he fmished the game. "We didn't have all our guys. Ourconditioningwasn'tthere. The linemen got very tired. We played well but not very smart. "We got off to a good start. We helped them on a drive with penalties and not being able to convert extra points hurt us ," Truelove said. Horsford had 89 yards on 18 carries. Quarterback Justin Wesley had 27 yards on three runs and hit 4-15 passing for 45 yards. Jake Voigt completed 3-5 for 7 yards. Markus Miller's 2 receptions gained 37 ya rds. Five other players caught one pass each for a net 15 yards. Abernathy Friona 6 First DOWDS 11 26-67 Rushing 37-92 109 Passing 16 119 Total Yards 221 7-21-0 Passes ComlAtIlntlO-19-3 0-0 Fumbles/Lost 2-0 4-28.5 PuntslAvg. 10-75 Penalties 5-28,6 9-67 3 4 T Aber 0 0 12 Friona 0 7 0 6 13 Abernathy VB. Amarillo River Road Amarillo River Road should be in for a shed game if... Abernathy takes last week's loss to heart and . .. RR's history remains comparable, The Wildcats lost, 12-0, to Panha ndle last week, They were 2-7 overall and 1-3 in district last year in Bryan Welps first year ashead coach. Welps has 17 seniors and all-district running back and defensive lineman Andrew Allen (.5-11 , 200) to build around. They will be an unknown for Truelove who said he has not seen them except for limited film . Heis more concerned with the internal workings of the Lopes. "We have got to flx our mistakes. We had mental busts with the offensive line. Our quarterbacks were not reading. Our receivers did not run the right routes or they didn't finish the routes," he said. "The defensive line played well from end to end, The linebackers and secondary need a lot of work. "AnytimH their number two quarterback comes in and beats you , you have problems. "(The loss) crushed them. That h urteverybody's feelings ••••••••••••••••••••••• to be that good and play really ~'::. bad. ,~ "We were prepared for them. They executed better ' . than we did. After the game • they acted like it was their Super Bowl. They gave us their best effort." Panhandle took advantage oftwoRRmistakes deep in the Wildcats' territory to win a game played in the rain with a two-hour rain delay, Truelove said. With Horsford out, he will make Borne critical adjustments. "We need a lot of misdirection. We have to be diversified ~.~, with the offense and spread the ball around to some differ- •.<' eniJ:~t;'~orter and Keith Dunn have been filling in at tailback this week. Justin Wesley will get the start at QB. Rabies VaccinaUon Clinic & Dog Dip ' -n ~ Saturday, Sept. 9 2:00-4:00 PM Abernathy Fire Hall Sponsored by: Hill Veterinary Service & Abernathy FFA in the third. The Lope JV scored three times before Friona scored with a minute left before halftime on a 12-yard run. Jarrett Lester squeezed in a 20-yard TD pass from Youngblood with :11 left before the break. The Chieftain JV put up their last points on a 3-yard run in the third. Friona 0 Aber 13 2 6 8 6 14 6 T 12 33 Lope 9th VB. Friona 9th The Antelope 9th grade had over 300 yards of total offense and a 30-8 lead at halftime. "We executed well in the first half. Both defense and offense looked sharp," Abernathy coach Jimmy Burns said. Coach Bill Black said, "We blocked well. The running game and passing game were excellent. Weare proud ofthese kids for their efforts." Ryan Pierce hit Jacob Wilson with a 35-yard TD pass at 8:30 in the first. The 2-point PAT pass from Pierce to Bryce Teal was good. In the second period Jake Reid shot in from 13 yards to start 30 points of unanswered scoring in the final three quarters. Pierce hit Teal for another PAT connection. Pierce and Teal continued their passing clinic with a 12- WEEK #3 (Sept. IS games) 1. Circle Ihe leam you Ihink will win. 2. Pick a lolal score for the tie-breaker game. 3. Seleel a Secrel Sponsor. Abernathy vs. Post ChlldresB VB. Iowa Park Floydada VB. Stratford LittlefIeld vs. Idalou Lockney VB. Seagraves Shallowater vs. Muleshoe Denver City vs. Levelland Slaton vs. Portales Tahoka vs. O'Donnell New Deal vs. BovIna yard TD later in the second. : -- , Wilson caught the 2-pointPAT conversion. Steven Barbee knocked the final two Lope 9th TD's on runE of 35 yards in the second and ,32 in the third, The first 2· point PAT failed but Pierce hit Teal for the final conversion a nd points of the game. Hale Center vs. SprInglake-Earth TIE BREAKER Texaa Tech VB. TCU (Sept. 16) Totalacore _ _ _ _ _ __ SECRETSPONSOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Your Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Telephone# _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _= - - - Clip out & bring to the Abernathy Wetk'y Revitw by 4 p.m. Thursday 2 Friona Aber o 22 3 0 8 4 0 0 T 8 38 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Lopes play Amarillo River Road tonight. The host Post Sept. 15. hI..,Ni_ ~,!icIn"',".U'" PIIcne:!IOII 2tl-1iISI Colt l11li1 ne·M11 FUllJPifzte._ dCniYen.o.Orlllnoe.com There were 18 entries for Week #1. Four Players only missed two but all went over the total of 38 points in the TTU/SMU game. After the drawing: First: Tate Horsford Second: Dillon Moats Third: Vicente P. Vecchio Secret Sponsor was Hurst Farm Supply 121" 1iMS97, Abernallll', TUI<l79J11 Sux 218. Abt<11illly.,lun 11131 I OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES 1. Using a pen or peocil, circle the team you pick to win ach game. Then write the total score for the game designated as the tie·breaker. . ~ . For Your 4·H & FFA Show Feed Needs We Now Oller 11 Full Lille (~r S 1I1l(; /0 Feeds. ;\ ho.- P /I ri lla-Hcollol1lY A1 i11.\ -/I 0 II or-II i I' J'(} Come In & See Us! We Support Our Local Youth! Call Lowe sSupermaltet at 298·2627 to place your order 1 •• • ": Lope JV, 9th allow Friona counterpa,r .t s only three sc'o res'i The Abernathy junior varsity and ninth grade teams opened the year with solid victories over Friona Aug. 31. The Lope JV won 33-12 and the 9th grade had a 38-8 victory. "We played really well offensively and defensively," JV coach Bob Backus said. "Our kids played hard all night and we are very pleased to start the year with a win. "The offensive line did a great job blocking. The running backs ran hard. Scott (Youngblood) threw the ban well and the receivers did a great job of catching the ball. "Defensive1y, we saw some good things out of everyone. It was defmitely a team victory." Peyton Rogers scored on a 25-yard run in the first quarter and a 58-yard run in the second. Ethan Hunt scored on Youngblood passes of 52 yards in the first frame and 19 yards Choose the name of one of these page sponsors and write it in the designated space. One sponsor each week will be randomly drawn as the Secret Sponsor for the contest. Plains Grain [0.298- 521 2. Choose one sponsor's name from among the businesses listed and write it in the designated blank. Each week, the Abernathy Weekly Review wiU draw the name of a sponsor to determine the Secret Sponsor. 3. Mail or bring your entries to the Abernathy Weekly Review office at 916 Ave. 0, P.O. Box 160, Abernathy, TX 79311·0160. Mailed·in entries must be postmarked by Wednesday to be eligible and entries brought in to the newspaper office must be racalved by 4 p.m. ThursdlY preceding the games listed on the ballot. Acceptable football contest entries are those that are actually clipped from the Abernathy Weelrly Review. Copies of eotry ballots will be accepted. 4. Each week's winner will be determined by the number of winning teems correctly picked. Only one winning entry per person will be honored. II more than NAMES OF CONTEST WINNERS WILL BE INCLUDED ON THIS PAGE EACH WEEK. ona parson picks the largest number of winners. the person who picks closest to the total score without guessing higher than the total score on the tie· breaker will be the winner. Atie at that point will be determined by a drawing. 5. Winners will receive $20 for first place, $15 for second and $10 for third from the Abernathy Weekly Review. II the winner has also chosen the correct Secret Sponsor, hel she will be awarded an additional $10. 6. Winners will be announced ONL Y through the Abernathy lootball advertisement in this newspaper. Do not call the Abernathy Weekly Review to inquire about the outcome. Winners' names will not be given out over the telephone. 7. To receive your prize money, the winner should personally come by the Abernathy Waelrly Revisw. Do not send someone to collec:t your prize money for you. 8. Employees and immediate families of the Abernathy Weekly Review are not eligible to win. The newspaper reserves the right to disqualify, for cause, any or all entries and maintains the right to cancel the contest at any time without prior notice or announcement. Judges' decisions are final. PAGE 6, ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 Abernathy Weekly Review Classified Ads II Thank you IIII Help Wanted IIII The families of George Hernandez with to express our gratitude for all of your help and thoughtfulness during our time of need . We were touched by so many acts of kindness through gifts of food , flowers , cards, visits, and most importantly - prayers. May God bless each of you. All our love, The Hernandez families Lupe, Gracie, and Andy Thoma s and Ruth Manuel and Anselmo We would like to thank our many friends for helping make our 60th a nniversary celebration a great success. Edna and Billy Skipper Need someone to stay with e lderly woman during the day, hours are flexible, and do light housework, cooking and companionship. Call 298-2142 and leave message. (8-ltb) Public library needs a parttime assistant, apply at 811 Ave. D. (1-2tb-8) Help wanted, housekeeper, one to two days a week, dependable, with references. Call 298-2996. (l -ltb) For Sale IIII Wanted: Responsible party to take on small monthly payments on High Definition Big Soreen TV. 1-800-398-3970. FULL/DOUBLE mattress AND foundation, in plastic, warranty. $135. 806-549- For Sale IIII TEXAS TECH RED LEATHERSofa,loveseat. New in crate, $1279. 806-549-3110. BEDROOM SET, 5 pieces, new in box, Must sell, $399. 806-549-3110. L!I__~~~~~~~~II For Rent 3110. NEW Twin mattress sets. $99. 806-549-3110. 2 PC QUEEN pillowtop mattress set New in plastic, $145. 806-549-3110. For rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath double-wide trailer, carport, new carpet, paint, clean, $650 permo., $500 deposit. Call 2985140. (l1-ltb) 298-2033 Deadline: Tuesdays at 4 p.m. For Sale I IAutos For Sale I NOLUN 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Brick home for rent. $250 per month plus deposit. No Pets . 2982389. (1-2tb-8) I Schoo I' Serv.·ces &':.'=======;;;;;;J We can fill your print order right here in Abernathy. Shower cards printed on post cards . Call early for wide selection of colors. Other print jobsandfU.fserviceavailable. Also, rubber stamps made to order and notary services available. Call Abernathy Weekly Review, 298-2033 . (rts) ® Paul Jones Pollard Friendly Ford New & Used 773-8502 Call today to subscribe to the Abernathy Weekly 3 PC KING mattress & foun- Review dation. Brand new, warranty. $249.806-549-3110. 298-2033 For Rent: Duplex, Call 806470-4801. (30-ltb) 113 acres south of Abernathy. Includes 2,000 sq. ft. manufactured home 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. $128,000 Lots, Deer Court, Abernathy's newest housing development, $12,500 and $15,500. Connie Watson REALTOR (806) 786-7192 otnoO: (806) 794-4554 Fax: (006) 794-5855 IW~~~I Linda Cleilic • Aa.ocl.toe n2700al(orAVGnUe'Lubbock,TeK8s79424 e.Mon='~Ic~~:c~:~rtt.(X)ft1 ·jmJ",.."fHlllIyOw".,'. ,NJ O"..,.,..,. @ WE WELCOME GOD'S MOST COLORFUL SEASON OF AUTUMN When summer fun begins to pall And cooler winds pervade the night The temperatures will stan to fall ' And frost will paint a brilltant sight, In which the leaves tum red and gold; A truly colorful display That signifies a year grown old, Against a sky of cloudy gray. It's harvest time from tree and field, For food on which. we all rely; By reaping what the earth will yield, Before the snow begins to fly. Our House of Worship makes It clear: God shows His love in many ways, From indications that appear With autumn's beauty all ablaze. - Gloria Nowak ~8~T<'5~.GER , ABR, CRS. GRI 9 Mil li on Dollar P,oducer (H06) 793-0677 BUS. (H06) 43fl-7712 CELL (H06) 763-1I66 RESlDEN CE dcnger@cu ldwcllbank er.com 'i·%lWa-~1 RI CKCA~UP) REALTORS' INC FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD East Service Rd., 1-27 & 14th Street 298-2060 Bible Study 9:45 AM Worship II :00 AM Prayer 5:00 PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wed. Miss ionettes 6:00 PM Wed nesday Evening 7 PM Judy Wooten, pastor FIRST UNITED METHODIST 704 Avenue D 298-2581 Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:50 AM Evening 6:00 PM Wed. Choir Practice 6:00 PM Sun. & Wed. Youth 5:30 PM - junior high 7:00 PM - senior high Jerry Don Cheshire, pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 411 7th Street 298-2587 Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:40 AM Bible Study 5:00 PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM John Lowrie, pastor NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 420 16th Street 298-2497 Sunday School 9:45 AM Worship II :00 AM Evening Training 5:00 PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM FIRST BAPTIST NEW DEAL Sunday Worship, 11 :00 AM Kyle Brock , pastor CENTER COMMUNITY CHURCH 5 miles east on PM 597 then 2 miles south on PM 2902 Sunday School 10:00 AM . Worship 11:00 AM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM at Marvin Looney 's 746-6641 CHURCH OF CHRIST 9 16 Avenue E 298-271 8 Bible Study 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Evening 5:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:30 PM Steve Gauntt BETHEL BAI'TIST CHURCH 101 E. 1st Street 298-2118 Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Worship II :00 AM Evening Serv ice (B.T.U.) 6:00 PM Monday Mission, Matrons & Brotherhood Meeting 7:00 PM Wednesday Praise Service, Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM Rev . W.R. Bolton Jr., pastor IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVA CREACION 4 12 14th Street 777-4542 Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Service 11 :00 AM Sunday Evening 5:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM Guadalupe Salinas, pastor ST. ISIDORE CHURCH South Avenue D 298-4278 Sunday 9:00 AM Rev. Rene Perez OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES CATHOLIC CHURCH New Deal Sunday Mass 10:15 AM Father Mike Melcher FIRST BAPTIST MISSION 1112 Jerome Street 298-4733 Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Worship 11:00 AM Evening Service (BT.U.) 6:00 PM Wed. Praise Service & Bible Study 7:00 PM Gilbert Gonzales, pastor 4924 SOUTH Lc)or 289 Ll BBOCK, TX 7941'1 wwwd oJl cnge r.com B' The 200 $1.37 on $1 Abernathy day night madethen and David The vote ' favor witt Stone,Cha, Hill all vot Bill DtiBos' the meetin The bud school yeal $1.37rate .. $1.50 on $ 1 Bids for football ste cepted. Be renovation around the cap accessi and visitor . nation con restroom b bids sub mil were all c board to be Building and restro( field was mouslywitl motion and Ne~ Costm By! Abernat feelsomewl the A.l;lerm took some p day to keep insurance I The CoUl during dis( new fire trl parking lot ; onstration KellyVandy some speci Rail FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 511 Avenue E 298-2832 Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Worship 10:45 AM Evening Celebration 6:00 PM Mid-Week Service 7:00 PM Arlen Ankle, pastor effo~ Despite , the Abernat Departmenl their horse. Sept. 2 atSt Church. A total of pated in t which benel lar Dystropl Results 0 METHODIST CHURCH NEW DEAL Sunday School \0:00 AM Sunday Service 9:00 AM Rev. Dan Poole COUNTY LINE BAPTIST 757-2134 Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Syl Moore, interim pastor IGLESIA DEL NAZARENO Avenue A & 5th Street Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM MONTE DE LOS OLIVAS 110 East 4th Street 298-2140 Sunday Services \0:00 AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Thursday 7:00 PM Basilio Mojica, pastor 601 5th. Nicely remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with oversized 1 car garage. 2 living areas or formal dining. Open familylkitchen combination with skylight. Great space and storage. New roof. Large corner lot. $89,000. Lowe's Pay-N-Save Cary Mormino & Associates Abernathy Weekly Review Bit fo( 1405 Ave H - Nice 3bedroom 1 bath home recently updated with paint, carpet & vtnyl. Features Include a large living room and isolated master with separate sitting area. $50,000 NanRHey 239-7256 Coldwell Banker
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